Pages tagged php:

携帯サイトを作る際に読んでおきたいサイトや本いろいろ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Create a Custom WordPress Plugin From Scratch - NETTUTS

Como criar um plugin que mostra pordutos do OS Commerce no Wordpress
Wordpress Theme Generatorとは違うのか・・
Tracking Clicks, Building a Clickmap with PHP and jQuery
A plugin form of this script would be great.
Dynamically Generating PDF Files with PHP and Haru
Haru and Zend intro
Building the Back-End of a Photo Site - NETTUTS
NETTUTS Tutorial on building a back-end photo site
How to Create an RSS-Enabled, Micro-Blog with Twitter | Think Vitamin
Have you ever wanted to create a simple multi-person blog, but didn’t want to bother setting up an entire WordPress installation? If so then we’ve got just the answer. By combining Twitter Search, Atom feeds, hash-tags and PHP, you can create an RSS-enabled, micro-blog using Twitter and be up and running in less than 10 minutes.
How To Choose The Right CMS | Webdesigner Depot
Lista com 5 novos CMS
How To Choose The Right CMS:
Allowing an IT Guy to Pick the CMS
10 Steps To Protect The Admin Area In WordPress | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public...
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public access to the settings area with a log-in page. This is the cornerstone of its protection. Let’s dig deeper!
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public access to the settings area with a log-in page. This article focuses on defending the administration area of WordPress, meaning all those pages in the wp-admin folder (or that are displayed after a user a verified.
By Sergej Müller and Alex Frison The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system
The administration area of a Web application is a favorite target of hackers and thus particularly well protected. The same goes for WordPress: when creating a blog, the system creates an administrative user with a perfectly secure password and blocks public access to the settings area with a log-in page. This is the cornerstone of its protection. Let’s dig deeper! This article focuses on defending the administration area of WordPress, meaning all those pages in the wp-admin folder (or that are displayed after a user a verified. We highlighted the phrase “after a user is verified” deliberately: it should be explicitly understood that only a simple query stands in the way of an evil hacker and the powerful admin area of your whole blog. The latter is only as strong as the passwords that are generated.
Everything You Need to Get Started With CodeIgniter - NETTUTS
some framework for php, not that I agree with frameworks...
Building a jQuery-Powered Tag-Cloud - NETTUTS
How to Build a Login System for a Simple Website - NETTUTS
login tutorial
User Accounts
A Better Pagination / Portfolio / Christoph Pojer
Mastering WordPress Shortcodes | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Are You Making These 10 PHP Mistakes? - NETTUTS
Creating a “Filterable” Portfolio with jQuery - NETTUTS
If you have worked in your field for a while, there is a pretty good chance that you have a rather extensive portfolio. To make it a little easier to navigate, you will probably be tempted to break them into different categories. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make "filtering by category" a little more interesting with just a little bit of jQuery
How to Paginate Data with PHP - NETTUTS
How to Paginate Data with PHP
An explanation of how to paginate data using PHP -- code is included.
Open Web Messenger
Open Web Messenger -
The Big PHP IDE Test: Why Use One And Which To Choose | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
In this post, we’ll take a close look at the most popular PHP IDEs, exploring their functions, comparing them in a table and drawing some conclusions. Hopefully, you’ll get an idea of what each PHP IDE has to offer and which one best fits your needs.
"Both PDT and NetBeans are good. If you need a lot of plug-ins, Eclipse is the better choice. If editing tools and code completion are more important to you, then pick NetBeans. NetBeans is a bit more responsive, too."
In this post, we’ll take a close look at the most popular PHP IDEs, exploring their functions, comparing them in a table and drawing some conclusions.
Ask SM [PHP]: Form Validation, Converting MySQL to XML | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Ask SM sobre PHP: Validacion de formularios, MySQLtoXML y mas ... form validation & converting mysql to xml
Video: An Introduction to CSScaffold | Anthony Short | Web Design & Development
I'm working on my own spin on CSS frameworks, except that mine is a little bit different. It requires PHP to make CSS better, rather then relying on the bad system that we have to work with.
Interesting Resources to learn Object Oriented Design
Most people are not aware of the fact that Perl has support for object-oriented programming. If you've used another object-oriented programming language such as Java or C++ or been exposed to object-orientation, t
This is a small list with some basic references about Object Oriented Design process and it includes an UML guide, some articles about how to write OO javascript, PHP and Perl code. I also included some video tutorials about an useful introduction to OO PHP. If you have some interest link to suggest about this topic, please leave a comment, thanks!
WordPressをちょちょいと使いやすくする15のスニペット | コリス
Build seven good object-oriented habits in PHP
With PHP's object-oriented (OO) language features, if you aren't already creating your applications with OO principles in mind, these seven habits will help you get started in the transition between procedural programming and OO programming.
Towards RESTful PHP - 5 Basic Tips | Kris Jordan
About PHP- Once read
Très bon
6 Interesting online presentations for web developers
The list includes a short introduction to Ajax, how to write modular CSS code, PHP Object Model fundamentals and an overview about the most popular JavaScript libraries.
PHP Payment Library for Paypal, and 2Checkout (2CO) | Md Emran Hasan (phpfour)
PHP Payment Library for Paypal, and 2Checkout (2CO)
Chevereto, Free image hosting script
Awesome, free, opensource image hosting script
Script de una web en PHP de gestió d'imatges rollo imageshuck
Creare un sito di image hosting
Outstandig free image hosting script Excellent logiciel Oouvert pour l'hébergement de fichiers images dans le nuage.
Top 10 Professional Sample Code Websites For Programmers |
Most programmers are not just desktop programmers, web programmers or scripting gurus - they are often all of the above. Over time, most software developers find that it’s much easier to re-use code components than it is to recreate the wheel every time you write an application. Over time, these developers typically archive a library of these reusable modules in order to save time the next time they need to do the same task.
Create a REST API with PHP « Gen X Design | Ian Selby
One of the latest (sort of) crazes sweeping the net is APIs, more specifically those that leverage REST. It’s really no surprise either, as consuming REST APIs is so incredibly easy… in any language. It’s also incredibly easy to create them as you essentially use nothing more than an HTTP spec that has existed for ages. One of the few things that I give Rails credit for is its well thought-out REST support, both for providing and consuming these APIs (as its been explained by all the Rails fanboys I work with).
20 Useful PHP Components & Tutorials for Everyday Project | Noupe — Web applications have made huge leaps and bounds in improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed Ajax technology. When you combine some neat functionality courtesy of PHP with the cleverness of javascript you can produce some pretty cool results. In an effort to help you take it up a notch, we’d like to share some methods ...More… (Programming)
Web applications have made huge leaps and bounds in improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed Ajax technology. When you combine some neat functionality courtesy of PHP with the cleverness of javascript you can produce some pretty cool results. In an effort to help you take it up a notch, we’d like to share some methods for helping your site anticipate a user’s next move. The list below is made up of the best 20 FREE PHP Components and Tutorials that you will likely need in many of your projects, they are all of the highest quality and more or less easy to configure. Give them a try.
How to Validate Forms in both sides using PHP and jQuery | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
Category Hacks for WordPress Theme Designers | Vandelay Website Design
Hacks de Categorias para WordPress.
In this post we’ll take a look at a number of things you can do with WordPress coding that involve categories in one way or another.
imagin - Flash Photo Gallery
ساختن گالری عکس آنلاین به شکل اسلایدشو
Imagin is a FREE flash photo gallery for your website. You can organize photos and movies, and view them as slideshow. It's easy to update the gallery with new images, just upload your photos through ftp.
PHPで携帯サイト - phpspot
PCサイトを作っていると、その性質の違いに驚くはず。 画面表示用のコーディングを行う際に押さえておきたい部分を紹介します!
jQuery - PHP & Ajax with the Twitter API | Steve Reynolds Blog
Playing with the twitter api is awesome!
%D リクエストを処理するのにかかった時間、マイクロ秒単位
Adam Gotterer - How we cache at CollegeHumor
CollegeHumor memcache use
Using Zend_Tool to start up your ZF Project
start up your ZF Project
Visión, Simple PHP/JS/CSS Photo Viewer
PHP/JS/CSS Photo Viewer
Visión, Simple PHP/JS/CSS Photo Viewer -
Create an Options Page For Your WordPress Theme - In the Woods
In this article we will be incorporating an options panel for the ‘WordPress Classic’ theme. The methods you learn will allow you to very easily integrate it into an existing theme you’re working on.
Beautiful Forms - Design, Style, & make it work with PHP & Ajax | Noupe
Noupe is a design weblog created to inspire creativity by sharing innovative resources and websites to bloggers, freelancers and web designers.
Forms needs a solid visual structure, a profound hierarchy of form elements (Fields and Labels), powerful techniques and Functionality (AJAX) to make the form look and work creatively. There is a great bunch of creative, outstanding and individually designed from scratch forms.
10 Ways to Automatically & Manually Backup MySQL Database | Noupe
Using PayPal’s Instant Payment Notification with PHP - NETTUTS
10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience | Noupe
Today i wanted to share with you 10 AJAX-based & PHP webmail client that delivers the look and feel, usability and performance of a desktop application. Some of the webmail clients listed below are open source code that can be easily modified to better suit user's needs, while others are not.
Employees need to access their email from wherever they happen to be – on the road, at customer sites, remote offices, and at home. WebMail clients allows receiving and sending email messages using POP3 and SMTP protocols through both local and remote mail servers. Providing secure filtering of unsafe content while viewing HTML-formatted email messages. WebMail clients can operate under different popular web platforms (PHP, ASP.NET, ruby on rails, java). Today i wanted to share with you 10 AJAX-based & PHP webmail client that delivers the look and feel, usability and performance of a desktop application. Some of the webmail clients listed below are open source code that can be easily modified to better suit user’s needs, while others are not. So You must check their license to know the rules.
10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience
20 Great PHP Libraries You Need to Know | KomunitasWeb
"You’re in the middle of a project, and need to get everything done as soon as possible. To keep the deadline and still have a life, you would better to collect this awesome library on your fingertip. By knowing this library capability, then you’ll know when to use any of them."
10 Challenging but Awesome Flash Techniques - Nettuts+
tecnicas para usar flash con bases de datos, galerias de imagenes, sonidos...... : the ultimate ajax file manager.
AjaXplorer is an easy-to-install file explorer for remotely managing files on a web server. Its “rich client” layout and actions make it accessible to any end-user for a variety of purposes: file management/sharing, photo gallery, code browsing, etc. Only PHP (4 or 5) is necessary, no database needed.
AjaXplorer is a free ajax file manager
How to Add Variables to Your CSS Files - Nettuts+
This totally rocks. I have to start doing this.
Let's try something different on nettuts+ today. Any designer who has worked with large CSS files will agree that its major weakness is its inability to use variables. In this article, we will learn how to implement variables by using PHP and Apache's URL rewrite mod.
Using Variables in your CSS increases the power you can unleash in your CSS - learn how to do it here
101 PHP Tutorials for PHP Programmer Wannabe | KomunitasWeb
KomunitasWeb is php, css, html, javascript, linux server, apache tutorial site
sve o php i sve skripte mocne...
Creating a File Hosting Site with CodeIgniter - NETTUTS
Creating a File Hosting Site with CodeIgniter - NETTUTS
MVC Baby!
Quality Assurance Tools for PHP - Sebastian Bergmann
ecoder | home
ZF Snippets | Latest Snippets
All kinds of small code developements.
13 Great WordPress Speed Tips & Tricks for MAX Performance | Noupe
Performance is a key factor for any successful website. And since WordPress is becoming more popular than ever, it will only be at its best when raised in the
13 Great WordPress Speed Tips & Tricks for MAX Performance
10 Advanced PHP Tips Revisited | How-To | Smashing Magazine
A Better Login System - Nettuts+
Beautiful Forms - Design, Style, & make it work with PHP & Ajax | Noupe
Beautiful Forms - Design, Style, & make it work with PHP & Ajax | Noupe
10 Best Libraries for generating PDF Files | AjaxLine
Fantastic AJAX Newsletter Module - NETTUTS
Related Freebies
Newsletter management for any site
From the article: This free app should be great for any newsletter management needs. Copy this one file onto your site, and you're ready to send and archive all newsletters, manage e-mail addresses and categories, and configure a template for your e-mails. If needed, the source code is well documented!
16 Very Useful Smarty Scripting Tips and Techniques to Make Templates Smarter
Online resources for Zend Framework ~ Robert Basic
Zend Framework online resources list - blogs, Twitter, books, forums...
Besides the official documentation and the Quickstart, there are many useful resources for Zend Framework, like blogs and Twitter..
20 Useful PHP + jQuery Components & Tuts for Everyday Project | Noupe
20 Useful PHP + jQuery Components & Tutorials
A fancy search suggestion
nicely designed autosuggest results drop down!
Diving into PHP - NETTUTS
As some of you might know, I've been running a weekly video series on the ThemeForest Blog that teaches new developers exactly how to work with PHP. Once or twice a week, I release a new "episode" that builds upon the previous days. To expand our viewership, I've decided to release "Day 13" here. Be sure to subscribe to In the Woods to stay up to date on each new release. Why do it this way? Because people don't always have the time to watch sixty minute videos. By posting short ten minute episodes, beginners can easily digest each lesson, rather than become overwhelmed with more information than their minds are able to consume. If you're new to PHP, and are not familiar with this series, I hope you'll subscribe and become a new viewer. PG Author: Jeffrey Way Hi, I'm Jeff. I'm the editor of Nettuts+, and the Site Manager of Theme Forest. I spend too much time in front of the computer and find myself telling my fiance', "We'll go in 5 minutes!" far too often. I just can't go out to di
Getting Started with Magento Ecommerce! - Nettuts+
XAMPP Lite contains Apache, MySQL 5.1, PHP 5.2, phpMyAdmin 3.1 and much more. It is an extra small editi
Dynamic Drag’n Drop With jQuery And PHP
How to Build a Super Duper News Scroller - Nettuts+
News scroller
Create a Progress Bar With Javascript - Nettuts+
Daring Fireball: How to Block the DiggBar
How to PLC ladder
"Digg sends a tremendous amount of traffic to sites that make it to the top of their front page, but it’s the worst kind of traffic: mindless, borderline illiterates. Good riddance, really."
InfoQ: Facebook: Science and the Social Graph
facebook structure
How to Create a Lifestream of Your Online Activities
Online PHP Editor -
online php editor
Edit your PHP project from anywhere
Essential PHP Techniques for Web Designer and Developers | Desizn Tech
just information let start
jCart - Free Ajax/PHP shopping cart
jCart is a free Ajax shopping cart that’s easy to install and customize. Based on jQuery and PHP, jCart handles visitor input without reloading the page and is fully functional even without javascript.
Based on jQuery and PHP, jCart handles visitor input without reloading the page and is fully functional even without javascript.
70+ Practical Cheat Sheats For Web Designers And Developers
Great cheat sheets for some of the key areas in dreamweaver, css, javascript, mysql, python... etc
10 Exceptional WordPress Hacks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Christoph Dorn - All around the PHP Toolchain » Blog Archive » Integrating FirePHP for Ajax Development
Integrating FirePHP for Ajax Development
Tutorial für den Einsatz von FirePHP (Extension für Firebug)
There are many integrated development environments and tools available to aid in building Web 2.0 AJAX applications with PHP, but nothing comes close to the ease of use and tight Firebug integration that FirePHP provides.
CMSとしてのWordPressでサイト構築をするときに便利な13のプラグイン | 5509
6 excellent charting libraries for php : CodeDiesel
Open source Charting tools using PHP. Useful for displaying data in charts.
» Run PHP on the Google App Engine - PHP, Web and IT stuff
18 Seriously Helpful Cheat Sheets for Easier Coding | Web Design Ledger
28 Useful(Really) Web based Tools to speed up your web development -
list of web based utilities you can use it and speed up your own web development.
Particletree » PHP Quick Profiler
PHP Quick Profiler
In our company, code reviews play an integral part in the development process for making quality software. We opt for a mentor style approach with Wufoo, where a developer works on a segment for a period of time and then passes it up to a more experienced developer for review. We really like this approach because it means more developers become familiar with the foundation of different code level services. More importantly, they act as an additional safeguard against security holes, memory leaks, poor queries and heavy file structures. Unfortunately, these reviews are also very time consuming and in a small team can sometimes be an inconvenience to the reviewer — another developer with their own todo list to accomplish.
PHP Form Performance
NGINX + PHP-FPM + APC = Awesome
Nginx + php.
A Crash-Course in WordPress Plugin Development - Nettuts+
Despite an extensive codex, many WordPress users remain unfamiliar with how to create their own custom plugins. In today's screencast, we'll start from scratch and build our first usable plugin. For this example, we'll write a simple "tuts formatting" function that allows a blog editor to more easily format articles.
Despite an extensive codex, many WordPress users remain unfamiliar with how to create their own custom plugins. In today's screencast, we'll start from scratch
15 Interesting online presentations for web developers
Various Web Development
Using XAMPP for Local WordPress Theme Development
Bookmark this one, it's an excellent step by step guide to installing xampp for when you start working with Wordpress :-)
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install and configure XAMPP for the desktop. Once that’s out of the way, we’ll install WordPress so that you can have your very own professional, light-weight PHP and WordPress development environment.
install and configure XAMPP for the desktop. Once that’s out of the way, we’ll install WordPress so that you can have your very own professional, light-weight PHP and WordPress development environment
Nice tutorial for win & mac installation
IP Address Location XML API :: IP Location Tools
10 Dirty Little Web Development Tricks
PHP, Web and IT stuff » Blog Archive » How to check if an email address exists without sending an email?
In the Woods - HTML, CSS, PHP and jQuery Killer Tutorials
In the Woods - HTML, CSS, PHP and jQuery Killer Tutorials
15 Wonderfully Creative Uses for PHP - Nettuts+
How to Setup a Dedicated Web Server for Free - NETTUTS
All great websites have a great server behind them. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to set up a dedicated web server (with Apache, MySQL, and PHP) using that old computer you have lying around the house and some free software.
16 Different Clones You Can Build with Drupal
The dotMobi WordPress Mobile Pack | mobiForge
The dotMobi WordPress Mobile Pack is a complete toolkit from dotMobi to help mobilize your WordPress site and blog. It includes a mobile switcher to select themes based on the type of user that is visiting the site, a selection of mobile themes, extra widgets, device adaptation and a mobile administration panel to allow users to edit the site or write new posts when out and about.
wordpress bloss fit für mobilde devices machen
Crucial Concepts Behind Advanced Regular Expressions | How-To | Smashing Magazine
PHP and the Cloud - techPortal
Cloud computing refers to the utilization of shared, elastic resources and processing power accessed via the Internet. In some ways, it hails the reversion to the golden age of time-sharing but with significant improvements to the distribution philosophies underlying the delivery infrastructure. So, analogously, we now have the shared wonders of Hyde Park, where everyone and anyone can chill on the bench, throw some Frisbee, instead of having to financially pool money to buy a private park to shoot rabbits. What is a cloud? Developers today can avoid scalability and availability worries in case their site turns into the next big thing by developing upon the cloud. Traditionally, a typical web application stack will look like that on the left below: image1 Cloud-based development involves in some sense, the outsourcing, of various parts of the application out of the server and into the cloud. So instead of storing images, videos and other objects in the file system, they are store
Animated Ajax Record Deletion Using jQuery
Animated Record Deletion using jQuery
cancellazione record visuale tramite jquery...bello
How to implement a Post-to-Wall Facebook-like using PHP and jQuery
When a user submits a new message, it appends to top of the ul list with a nice jQuery fade-in effect.
20+ librerías PHP para usar cada día | aNieto2K
Bibliotecas php para funções.
Scripts php!
Listado con librerías PHP para tareas muy comunes en programación web
Custom Fields Hacks For WordPress | How-To | Smashing Magazine
In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 10 useful things that you can do with custom fields in WordPress. Among them are setting expiration time for posts, defining how blog posts are displayed on the front page, displaying your mood or music, embedding custom CSS styles, disabling search engine indexing for individual posts, inserting a “Digg this” button only when you need it and, of course, displaying thumbnails next to your posts
Custom Fields Hacks For WordPress
Custom fields
Building a Tag-Cloud Using the Google Web Toolkit - Nettuts+
A while back, I read a tutorial by Dan Wellman, which described the steps required to produce a neat Tag-Cloud. Dan's example largely relied on the jQuery framework to request data and construct the user interface elements. I decided to write his tutorial all over again with the two exceptions of using GWT instead of jQuery, and a different method of choosing font size variations. In case you don't know what Tag-Clouds are and what purpose they serve, briefly, a Tag-Cloud is a form of visualizing the difference in importance or activeness of some predefined categories based on how large they appear in the cloud. Tag Cloud We are going to use the latest version of GWT (currently 1.5) and work with MySQL and PHP as our back-end to request the JSON data. Similar to Dan's tutorial, I too, assume that you already are familiar with inserting into a database. The PHP code in this article will merely cover how to query data from the database and send back the result in JSON format. You shoul
20+ Tutorials and Resources for Working with Custom Fields in WordPress | Vandelay Design Blog
Wordpress Function/Tag Lookup Tool
Find WordPress Functions Documentation — Fast | WPLookup
»Find WordPress Functions Documentation — Fast«: eine webbasierte Suchfunktion für das WordPress-API. Sehr nützlich.
WPLookup is just a simple WordPress theme/plugin development tool for finding the documentation you want quickly.
Find WordPress Functions Documentation — Fast
How to Implement Email Verification for New Members - Nettuts+
Have you ever created an account with a website, and were required to check your email and click through a verification link sent by the company in order to activate it? Doing so highly reduces the number of spam accounts. In this lesson, we'll learn how to do this very thing!
Madarco DevBlog » Blog Archive » Build a Facebook application with Zend Framework
Zend Framework
Serious Form Security
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
How to Build a Login System for a Simple Website - NETTUTS
In today's video tutorial, we'll be building a login system with PHP and MYSQL. Many, many features will be covered; including MySqli, Prepared Statements,
13 Most Useful Free Scripts That You Should Know - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Twitter Emulation Using MooTools 1.2 and PHP - NETTUTS
Twitter Emulation Using MooTools 1.2 and PHP - Nettuts+
Crear twitter con mootools y php
Create a Slick Flickr Gallery with SimplePie - NETTUTS
10 Intelligent Ways of using [FORM] Elements | Noupe
Ajax Fancy Captcha is a jQuery plugin that helps you protect your web pages from boys and spammers in a new, intuitive way of completing “verify humanity” tasks. In order to do that users are asked to drag and drop specified item into a circle.
How to: Get the first image from the post and display it
<?php echo catch_that_image() ?>
Most WordPress users are using custom fields to display thumbs on their blog homepage. It is a good idea, but do you know that with a simple php function, you can grab the first image from the post, and display it. Just read on.
40+ Invaluable PHP Tutorials and Resources - Nettuts+
In the Woods - HTML, CSS, PHP and jQuery Killer Tutorials
Many more - see the URL
Amazon Web Services Developer Community : Introduction to AWS for PHP Developers
php amazon aws tutorial s3
While Amazon Web Services (AWS) may seem like an unusual service for an online retailer, AWS is actually a natural progression for a company as seasoned at providing rock-solid internet applications as Amazon. Over the years, Amazon has cultivated a tremendous amount of knowledge around what it takes to build and maintain a successful, highly scalable web application. Fortunately for the rest of us, they've made this knowledge available to all developers via AWS.
So Amazon will be in the web services business for the foreseeable future. Now that we've established that learning more about AWS is not a risky investment of time, let's focus on Amazon's Infrastructure Services -- EC2, Amazon S3, SQS, SDB and EBS -- that make up the core of what some within AWS refer to as "undifferentiated heavy lifting." All of these services are available via both REST and SOAP interfaces. (We'll touch on both in this article, but we'll concentrate on the REST and REST-like Query approaches. ) A growing number of language specific toolkits are available for these services, so you can feel comfortable basing an architecture on AWS given its language-agnostic foundation. The knowledge that you can ramp up 200 servers in five minutes if you need them may be a liberating experience for you -- in the days before AWS, system architects had to worry about handling rapid scale with "hot spares" and other expensive on-hand capacity that often sat idle until the day...
Zimplit - Easiest Content Management System
Zimplit - Easiest Content Management System -
My Tiny TodoList | A simple open source todolist written in PHP and jQuery
A simple open source todolist written in PHP and jQuery
My Tiny TodoList is a totally free, simple open source todolist written in PHP and jQuery released from Max Pozdeev and based on my original MyToDoList application
siwapp - Free online invoice system
Functions overview - PHP.JS
Use PHP functions in JavaScript
php functions converted to js
Twitster » Twitter Groups for Your Website
What is twitster? Put simply, Twitster is a PHP application that lets you display tweets on your own web site from everyone you follow in Twitter. What's more, Twitster can filter those tweets by a hash tag (#example) giving you the ability to create a Twitter-based group or community on your own site. Publish your Twitter community on your own web site. Gather and publish tweets from the people and the topics you care about. Powering your site's community with Twitter means little to no work for member participation. (Just tweet!)
"Twitster is a PHP application that lets you display tweets on your own web site from everyone you follow in Twitter."
Twitter Groups for Your Website
Put simply, Twitster is a PHP application that lets you display tweets on your own web site from everyone you follow in Twitter. What's more, Twitster can filter those tweets by a hash tag (#example) giving you the ability to create a Twitter-based group or community on your own site.
5 Quality Sites to Increase Your Knowledge of PHP | Dev Tips | Become a Better Developer, One Tip at a Time.
APE (Ajax Push Engine) :: Real time data streaming
Comet & Reverse AJAX push
Welcome - Perch - A Really Little Content Management System (CMS)
ur own server and there are no ongoing monthly costs.
APE (Ajax Push Engine) :: Real time data streaming
APE is a Server for pushing real-time data to Rich Internet Applications, no pull! Data is sent, live, to thousands of clients, in a JavaScript socket fashion. It allows you to write real-time web applications without using any client plugins (Java, Flash...).
10 Essential SQL Tips for Developers - Nettuts+
In the Woods - 9 Useful Snippets for Your WordPress Functions
In the Woods - New WP Video Series, and Free Rockstar Book!
Nice basic screencast tutorial series for designing a wordpress theme from scratch.
simple easy local wordpress install.
Serial WP Day 1 - 14 - 14
Sending Nice HTML Email with PHP
Write your own PHP MVC Framework (Part 1) | anant garg
need the picture to be clear......PHP frame work
16 PHP Frameworks To Consider For Your Next Project
Artigo falando sobre frameworks em PHP (em inglês).
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
A List Apart: Articles: Indexing the Web—It’s Not Just Google’s Business
a basic one about optimizing database query execution time
Indexing the Web
10 Useful WordPress Loop Hacks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
The loop is a very important aspect of WordPress blogs. In fact, the loop is what allows you to get posts from your WordPress database and print them on the screen. A set of useful and user-friendly functions, the loop is incredibly powerful. With it, you can get a single post, a list of posts ordered by date, title or category, a list of posts written by a specific author and much more.
16 great .htaccess Tricks and Hacks « PHP Twitter
htaccess tips
Address for the
The .htaccess files (Hypertext Access file) is a very powerful configuration tool on Apache web server. The Apache web server has a number of configuration options that are available to the server administrator. The .htaccess is a simple ASCII text file placed in your website root directory. You can create and edit an .htaccess file using a text editor like notepad. Here in this post I have come up with useful 16 tips and hacks to configure your web server. As a configuration file .htaccess if a very powerful and a slight syntax error can result in a severe malfunction of your server. So to avoid that always try to keep a backup copies of all your files from the server before working with the .htaccess file.
Secure Your Forms With Form Keys - Nettuts+
this bookmark brought from the home.
Security is a hot topic. Ensuring that your websites are secure is extremely important for any web application. In fact, I spend 70% of my time securing my | Photo Gallery Software for the Web
this bookmark brought from the home.
22 Mixed Quality Wordpress Hacks | Tutorials | instantShift
One of the greatest things about blogging is the immediate feedback a blogger can get from his or her readers. Still it’s often possible that your readers don’t give you a wink about their likes and dislikes. Unfortunately, there is no way for you to find out about visitors thinking towards your blog or its design. It’s always essential to play safe and give others what they like. Out of many solutions the inspirational one is only promising and optimistic way to achieve desired changes. This article focuses on organized collection of some of the Most Wanted WordPress Hacks which will definitely make your blogging life easier.
How To Create Your Own Stats Program (JavaScript, AJAX, PHP) | Noupe
When creating a website, one main goal is to attract visitors. Traffic generation is a necessity for monetary purposes, showing off your work, or just
How to Syndicate Content Without Utilizing a News Feed - Nettuts+
Many websites offer syndication formats such as RSS, JSON, or XML based services to allow for easy content delivery. How do you syndicate content from a website that doesn’t offer a news feed? This is what I set out to solve.
php経由で他ドメインのページをロード タイトルを見てページをパースし前回のアクセスと比較して更新箇所を抽出するのかと驚いたら、単なる丸ごとロードだった jquery
Top 12 Free Content Management Systems (CMS) | Spyre Studios
Building websites by hand with all html/css pages was fine a couple years ago, but these days there are a ton of awesome Content Management System options out there that make our jobs as developers and website publishers SO much easier!
43 Must Read PHP Articles and Resources | Hi, I'm Grace Smith
40+ Essential Front End Web Developer Cheat Sheets | tripwire magazine
Build Your Own Captcha and Contact Form - Nettuts+
Very useful
form and captcha
Face detection in pure PHP (without OpenCV) - Maurice Bloggue
Face detection in pure PHP (without OpenCV)
Everything You Need to Get Started With CodeIgniter - Nettuts+
CodeIgniter is a web application framework for PHP. It enables developers to build web applications faster, and it offers many helpful code libraries and
CodeIgniter is a web application framework for PHP. It enables developers to build web applications faster, and it offers many helpful code libraries and helpers which speed up tedious tasks in PHP.
Super simple way to work with Twitter API (PHP + CSS)
PHP - jak korzystać z API Twittera
22 Open Source PHP Frameworks To Shorten Your Development Time
PHP is definitely one of the best web programming language. Here, we will look into 22 open source PHP Frameworks that will shorten our development time.
Creating an Advanced Password Recovery Utility - Nettuts+
WordPress Configuration Tricks
6/29/09 Many WordPress users know the wp-config.php file as the key to the WordPress database. It is where you set the database name, username, password, and location.
ol config options for the WP newbie like me.
But what many users don’t know is that the wp-config.php file may be used to specify a wide variety of configurational settings, enabling you to improve the functionality, performance, and security of your WordPress-powered site. In this article, I share as many of these configurational tricks as I have been able to collect over the years. This guide covers everything in the WordPress Codex, as well some additional tricks that you probably haven’t seen before. If you know of any other WordPress configuration tricks, share them in the comments and I will add them to the post.
Many WordPress users know the wp-config.php file as the key to the WordPress database. It is where you set the database name, username, password, and location.
The “Light” CMS Trend | CSS-Tricks
20+ WordPress Recipes (Codes)
More and more clients are using WordPress as their CMS. As a designer or developer, you should really get into WordPress coding. To get started, you can read my WordPress theme guide and hacks. Now, I would like to recommend a resourceful WordPress site to you called WpRecipes. This post contains over 20 recipes that I hand picked from WpRecipes. If you have any good WordPress code or hacks that you want to share, feel free to send them over and I will post it.
Jeroen Keppens: Create a modular application with Zend Framework
Add libraries
20 Promising Open Source PHP Content Management Systems(CMS)
20 Interessantissimi CMS sviluppati in PHP
Meget kort anmeldelse af 20 open scource CMSystemer
Turn-By-Turn Directions with the Google Maps API - Nettuts+
In this tutorial, we will go through the process of creating a small widget that allows users to retrieve turn-by-turn directions to a specified location. We'll be using the Google Maps API, via JavaScript, to provide this rather advanced functionality.
Need this!
10 awesome things to do with cURL
How to implement a launching soon page with PHP and jQuery
Tutorial para implementar un sitio dinámico de "Próximamente" con php y jquery
Easy E-Commerce With Magento - Nettuts+
PHP fonctions, bibliothèque de fonctions PHP
Un site qui propose une bibliothèque collaborative de fonctions PHP. Si vous trifouillez dans du code PHP sans trop savoir comment on fait un nuage de tags ou comment on raccourcit une URL, ce site est pour vous. A la façon d’un site collaboratif, PHP Fonctions permet de rechercher, filtrer par popularité ou par nouveauté, ce qui accessoirement peut se révéler un bon baromètre des tendances du développement et des fonctions les plus courantes sur les sites actuels.
Hivelogic - Deploying ExpressionEngine from GitHub with Capistrano
Very clear, step-by-step guide to managing and ExpressionEngine site with git and Capistrano. I might try this some time, as it would make messing about with templates and so on much easier and - more importantly - undoable.
git ls-remote master
PHP Security: Fortifying Your Website- Power Tips, Tools & How to’s | Noupe
150 Worth Knowing Web Developer Tools and Techniques | tripwire magazine
loads of goodies here
10 Super PHP codes to handle HTML (for Web Developers) | TutorialFeed
Today I would like to share some interesting PHP codes to handle HTML dynamically. These codes are free to use under GNU General Public License. I hope this post would help Web Developers. Here's the following:
Automatic generation of HTML for table. - Colspan, rowspan, table style, column style, cell style, and data style may all be defined. - OO interface - Simple but effective
Backup2Mail — Send MySQL database backup to your mailbox
Backup2Mail is mini PHP application that creates regular backups of your MySQL database and sends it to configurable e-mail address. The whole process is scheduled with a help of Cron, a Unix program that runs programs at scheduled times.
Send MySQL database backup to your mailbox
Authenticating Users With Facebook Connect and Google Friend Connect - Nettuts+
Most social networks have API tools that allow almost any website to authenticate users through their system. In today's tutorial, we will learn how to use
Authenticating Users With Facebook Connect and Google Friend Connect - Nettuts+
26 Worth Knowing PHP Tools & Resources For Web Developers | Tools |
Web development is not that much difficult now a days. The important is how you do it and how much time you take to complete the task. Web developers do not
Easy PHP Websites
Learn jQuery in 17 Easy Examples
15 very useful PHP code snippets for PHP developers
pedacoes de codigos uteis em php
Easy Development With CodeIgniter - Nettuts+
Easy Development With CodeIgniter
RSS to PDF Newspaper |
RSS to PDF Newspaper
rss -pdf newspaper style
Create printable PDFs from content found on the web
Generer pdf-filer i avis layout ud fra rss. Velegnet til print.
convertion RSS en PDF
CMS.txt | What it is
php cms in 6k
CMS.txt is a free, open-source, 6kb content management system which allows you to easily manage web pages.
txt2re: headache relief for programmers :: regular expression generator
"headache relief for programmers :: regular expression generator"
wow i've needed this so much
How to Debug PHP Using Firefox with FirePHP
Typically, there are two main ways of debugging server-side code: you can utilize an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with a built-in debugger or log and perform your debugging processes in a web browser.
recent snippets - code snippets wiki /
This is a community-maintained collection of reusable code snippets. Contribute something without logging in, or improve existing contributions. All code is dedicated to the public domain unless otherwise specified.
Kohana: The Swift PHP Framework - Nettuts+
tutorial dedicado a kohana
Interested in Kohana. Seems like it is progressing more aggressively than CodeIgniter.
12 Essential Security Tips and Hacks for WordPress
Twitter API: How to create a stream of messages Monitter-like with PHP and jQuery
This tutorial illustrates a very simple way to work with the Twitter API in order to implement a search in the Twitter public timeline and display search results with an animated stream of messages (tweets) similar to Monitter. In this example I used PHP, jQuery and a very useful Twitter Search API for PHP based on the work of David Billingham and actually developed by Ryan Faerman. This implementation is very simple to customize and integrate on your project.
Creare un flusso di tweets stile monitter
This tutorial illustrates a very simple way to work with the Twitter API in order to implement a search in the Twitter public timeline and display search results with an animated stream of messages (tweets) similar to Monitter.
How To Create An API? (10 Tutorials)
API design tutorial
Free Web Resources Everyday - WebResourcesDepot
10 Interesting lightweight jQuery plugins for web developers
A PHP class to generate PDF files from HTML with Unicode/UTF-8
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A PHP class to generate PDF files from HTML with Unicode
mPDF is a PHP class which generates PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML. It is based on FPDF, HTML2FPDF, and UFPDF, with a number of enhancements.
How to Use PHP Namespaces, Part 1: The Basics
Namespaces are one of the most significant changes in PHP 5.3. They will be familiar to C# and Java developers, and they are likely to change the structure of PHP applications for the better. Why Do We Need Namespaces? As the size of your PHP code library increases, there is increased risk of accidentally re-defining a function or class name that has been declared before. The problem is exacerbated when you attempt to add third-party components or plugins; what if two or more code sets implement a ‘Database’ or ‘User’ class? Until now, the only solution has been long class/function names. For example, WordPress prefixes every name with ‘WP_’. The Zend Framework uses a highly descriptive naming convention that results in long-winded class names such as Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Text_CaseInsensitive. Name collision problems can be solved with namespaces. PHP constants, classes, and functions can be grouped into namespaced libraries.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Online File Storage with PHP - Nettuts+
In this tutorial, I will show you how easy it is to create an online file storage system with PHP. You will learn how to upload files with PHP and list them by
Great File Storage with PHP Tutorial
Create a Twitter-Like “Load More” Widget - Nettuts+
5 Fun and Practical Htaccess Solutions - Nettuts+
Fun and Practical Htaccess Solution
Htaccess files are plain-text configuration files used by the Apache HTTP web server. They allow users to set directory level options without requiring access to the httpd.conf file. As such it is required that your server uses Apache, and a web host that allows htaccess files (the most popular hosts do). I assume a basic working knowledge of htaccess, but if you need to freshen up check out this article by Joseph Pecoraro
6 Promising And Open Source Social Networking Softwares To Create Your Own
6 Promising And Open Source Social Networking Softwares To Create Your Own -
Resource for integrationg of website
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
TwitterAlikeExample - redis - Google Code
Case study on Redis
Best PHP Frameworks and CMS | AjaxLine
Best PHP Frameworks and CMS
(smt) simple mouse tracking // home
mouse tracking tool
Sistema basado en Javascript para guardar el rastro del ratón del usuario al pasear por tus páginas.
More on PHP performance « PHP 10.0 Blog
web-optimizator - Google Code
This application is aimed to automate all clientside improvements for website that should significantly increase load speed of its pages.
Organize Your Next PHP Project the Right Way - Nettuts+
When starting out with PHP, it can be daunting figuring out how best to organize a project. If you've ever been confused with where to put your images, external libraries, or keeping your logic separate from your layout, then check out these tips; they'll get you heading in the right direction.
45+ Excellent Code Snippet Resources and Repositories | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Excellent repositories
3 Ways to Speed up Your Site with PHP - Nettuts+
10 Handy WordPress Comments Hacks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Comments sections are neglected on many blogs. That is definitely a bad thing, because comments represent interaction between you and your readers. In this article,
Load Data while Scrolling Page Down with jQuery and PHP
Load Data while Scrolling Page Down with jQuery and PHP
Like scroll in google reader
How to Create A Simple Web-based Chat Application - Nettuts+
Discussing PHP Frameworks: What, When, Why and Which? | Noupe
"Within the past few years as PHP has evolved as the scripting language of choice by most developers, [...]" - aha. Und die Top Five der PHP-Frameworks sind: The Zend Framework (built for coporate-level development); CakePHP (Ruby on Rails for PHP); Symfony (main objective is to create enterprise-level applications ... like Askeet and Yahoo! Bookmarks - wtf?); CodeIgniter (ease-of-use, performance, speed, small footprint, shared hosting); Seagull (used for building web, command lind and GUI apps, extremely easy to use) - auch wenn der Artikel irgendwie quark ist, so scheinen CodeIgniter und Seagull vielleicht fast einen Blick wert.
10 Tips to Improve Your WordPress Theme |
15 PHP regular expressions for web developers
vielleicht zur ergänzung fürs swr3 infoportal? nur so ein gedanke... ausprobiert hab ichs auch noch nicht
Una espacie de delicious de uso casero. Muy interesante para etiquetar la noticias de los periódicos ó cosas por el estilo
Free PHP knowledge base script
Professional knowledge base script that allows you to create your own documentation.
68k php knowledge base software
Datenbank zum Ablegen von Wissen, ähnlich zu Wikis
CodeIgniter From Scratch: Day 1 - Nettuts+
10 Useful code snippets for web developers
10 Useful code snippets for web developers
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: ゼロからはじめる携帯サイト構築。
# 結局はキャリア感の差異を知り吸収する事がすべて ・キャリア毎やマークアップによるIME制御の違い ・メーラー起動時の引数の付け方の違い ・au ではプログレッシブjpgが表示できない ・auの WML拡張は Content-type が text/html じゃないと使えない? #これ無しではやってられないぐらい頼りきったツール達 ・FireMobileSimulatorLive ・HTTP Headers ・QRコード出力 #ナイスなライブラリ達 ・Net_UserAgent_Mobile ・Net_IPv4 ・絵文字ライブラリ ・位置情報ライブラリ #素晴らしい書籍 ・PHP×携帯サイト 実践アプリケーション集 ・PHP×携帯サイト デベロッパーズバイブル
これ無しではやってられないぐらい頼りきったツール達 FireMobileSimulator 便利過ぎる タブ事にシミュレーターのon/offを切り替えられる様になって言う事無し 7/30追記: タブ事にシミュレーターのon/offを切り替えられると書いていますが、この機能が実装されているのは現在のところベータ版のみです。詳しくは開発者の堀川さんのブログタブごとに端末選択可能なFireMobileSimulatorベータ版公開と人柱募集でご確認ください。 Live HTTP Headers 定番のHTTP ヘッダー表示ツール デバッグ時に活躍 QRコード出力 実機テスト時に大活躍 QRコード関連はライブラリも揃っているので、自前でQRコードを生成して使って居ますが、Google Chart API のQRコード生成をはじめとしたWEBサービスを使えば十分だと思います。 Firefoxのアドオンにもあります
Beginners Guide to Using AJAX with jQuery
AJAX offers users a seamless way to work with your interface, no waiting for whole pages to load. jQuery has a set of tools to make it super simple to implement. We will walk you through how to use jQuery to connect to PHP so you can step up your user interface.
AJAX offers users a seamless way to work with your interface, no waiting for whole pages to load.&#160; jQuery has a set of tools to make it super simple to implement. We will walk you through how to use jQuery to connect to PHP so you can step up yo
In the Woods - Working with Sessions and Cookies in PHP and MYSQL
Using htaccess Files for Pretty URLS - Nettuts+
Benefits of Formatted URLs While some claim pretty URLs help in search engine rankings, the debate here is fierce, we can all agree that pretty URLs make things easier for our users and adds a level of professionalism and polish to any web application. I could go over all the theoretical reasons for this, but I like real-world examples better. Like it or hate it we all must admit that Twitter is a wildly popular web application and part of the reason for that is most certainly how it formats URLs. I can tell anyone in the know that my Twitter username is noahhendrix, and they know my profile can easily be found at This seemingly simple concept has vast effects in the popularity of your application.
Continuing our review of htaccess files, today we'll examine how to use mod_rewrite to create pretty URLs.Benefits of Formatted URLs While some
In the Woods - Regular Expressions for Dummies
List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
free programming books
List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
GetSimple CMS | GetSimple CMS
GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't
GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't.
GetSimple is an open source CMS that utilizes the speed and convenience of XML, a best-in-class UI and the easiest learning curve of any simple Content Manageme
The Simplest Content Management System EVER. GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't REQUIREMENTS * Unix/Linux host with PHP 5.1.3+ * No MySQL Database * 6 minutes to spare FEATURE LIST * XML based data storage * Best-in-Class User Interface * 'Undo' protection & backups * Easy to theme * Great documentation
30 More Helpful Video Tutorials For Web Developers - Nettuts+
Liste mit Video-Tutorials für PHP, mySQL, jQuery und vieles mehr
You can find a good tutorial on just about any subject of web development, but great video tutorials are much less common. Here are a few great tutorials that
Video Tutorials For Web Developers
ng to do some advanced processing on RSS feeds, Yahoo! Pipes has some modules that can do almost anything you can think of to alter or
* o and build a [...] o
JoobsBox is the most flexible framework for job boards, allowing community expand it to unlimited needs.
Plateforme web open source d'offres d'emploi développée en PHP avec le framework Zend.
jQuery plugins that a programmer need everybody | PHP tutorials and Scripts Collection
19 Essential WordPress Plugins That Every Professional Website Should Use | CHROMATIC
Whether you own a professional WordPress website or build them for other people, here is the definitive list of must-have, free WordPress plugins for professional WordPress websites.
10 Drupal Modules You May Not Know About
10 Drupal Modules You May Not Know About
8 Regular Expressions You Should Know - Nettuts+
Regular expressions are a language of their own. When you learn a new programming language, they're this little sub-language that makes no sense at first glance. Many times you have to read another tutorial, article, or book just to understand the "simple" pattern described. Today, we'll review eight regular expressions that you should know for your next coding project.
40+ Awesome Tutorials and Techniques For WordPress Theme Developers | tripwire magazine
Wordpress is getting more and more popular and that tons of blogs are powered by it. The community around Wordpress is excellent providing free themes and plugings in nearly any form ans shape to meet your specific needs. Further on you can achieve amazing things if you know a few Wordpress hacks and have learned some basic programming skills in PHP and SQL. Many programmers have put together solutions that address need on a blog that are not offered out of the box in Wordpress and you can easily use these in your own templates. This articles provides a list of some of the most essential wordpress hacks available. The WordPress Codex is by far the best place to learn about WordPress and its tweaks. The Wordpress documentation / Codex is simply excellent taking into account that Wordpress is a free software product. If you want to create your own templates or if you’re planning to alter an existing you should get familiar with Codex ASAP. Lets get started with the Wordpress tutorials
Top 10 Wordpress Codes Every Designer Should Know | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Hello there! Here I collected a very great collection of 10 Wordpress codes that I consider the most commonly used by any Wordpress developer. The content was reformatted for quick reference from the Template Tag section of the Codex, a relative encyclopedia to WordPress themeing, and great reference for your WordPress questions.
10 Useful resources for web designers and developers
simple shopping cart
10 Useful resources for web designers and developers
Really Useful Classes And Libraries For PHP Developers | W3Avenue
led on Microsoft
30 Essential Web Developer Cheat Sheets
30 Essential Web Developer Cheat Sheets
The list of skills a given web developer must possess is growing everyday. With the massive growth of web technologies, comes the demand for developers with a wide skill set. A useful tool in any developers tool box can be the well known 'cheat sheet'. Today, we will have a look at 30 essential web developer cheat sheets, ranging from MySQL to Photoshop.
30 PHP Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
Ultimate list of 17 really useful WordPress plugins
resources for web blogs etc
21 Really Useful & Handy PHP Code Snippets
generating random passwords, encoding email adds, etc.
10 Useful WordPress Hook Hacks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Hooks are very useful in WordPress. They allow you to hook a custom function to an existing function, which allows you to modify WordPress' functionality
Hooks are very useful in WordPress. They allow you to “hook” a custom function to an existing function, which allows you to modify WordPress’ functionality without editing core files. In this article, we have compiled 10 extremely useful ready-to-use WordPress hooks, along with examples and coding explanations.
from Twitter
Howto sur les hooks de wordpress
Lessn //
url shortner
I recently purchased (ooh, dynamically generated SVG). Because the domain itself is so short (compared to the verbose and in light of the current volatility exhibited by third-party url shorteners, I thought I would try my hand at rolling my own shortener. A few people have inquired about it so here we are.
Lessn is an extremely simple, personal url shortener written in PHP with MySQL and mod_rewrite.
Free and simple URL shortener software.
Top 10 WordPress hacks from June ‘09
Make your WordPress theme translatable List all hooked WordPress functions Disable WordPress automatic formatting on posts using a shortcode How to detect the visitor browser within WordPress Creating user-defined RSS feeds in WordPress Display your tags in a dropdown menu Retrieving custom fields outside the loop Create custom “Read more” links on your WordPress blog Get tags specific to a particular category on your WordPress blog Get rid of auto media enclosures on your WordPress blog
Carsonified » How to Get Started with the Twitter API
How to Get Started with the Twitter API
Thanks to some very nice open source libraries for quite a few programming languages, interacting with the Twitter API has become exceedingly simple. In this article we’ll be looking at different ways to pull in data from Twitter.
Creating A Slick Ajaxed Add-To-Basket With jQuery And PHP
It is a clear fact that Ajaxed interfaces, if not overused, eases using websites so much. For an e-commerce website, this can mean a better shopping experience for customers where they can concentrate more on the products which may result in better sales. This is a detailed tutorial which shows creating an unobtrusive Ajaxed shopping cart using jQuery & PHP and can guide you to Ajaxify any e-commerce software you may already be using or coding. The main functions of the cart will be adding/removing items to the basket without the need of refreshing the page & displaying the actions with effects.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Flex for PHP developers : Mihai CORLAN
Getting Started with PHP Regular Expressions
Getting Started with PHP Regular Expressions
Carsonified » How to Create Totally Secure Cookies
How to Create Totally Secure Cookies
Securing cookies and sessions is vital to keeping an application secure. Many tutorials have been written on the subject, but as the internet (and browsers loading it) evolve so do the methods you can use to keep your application secure. In this article we’re going to break down the various components of a cookie and what they mean for security. This will include limiting the cookie to certain domains and paths on those domains, choosing what information to store, and protecting the cookie from cross site scripting exploits. In a second article we will go into more depth in how to protect everyone’s favorite cookie, the session ID.
Supercharge Your CSS with PHP Under the Hood - Nettuts+
Not sure is a good approach but is a nice concept
Cascading Style Sheets is a presentational style sheet language. In that sense, it does not have a lot of the functionality that many developers want to satisfy their programmer instincts. Today, we're going to go over how to supercharge your CSS by putting some PHP under the hood.
Really Useful Tools For PHP Developers | W3Avenue
Whether you are a PHP novice or an experienced developer; tools that you use have direct impact on your productivity. W3Avenue has compiled a list of really useful extensions & tools for PHP developers that will help you speed up development and significantly improve overall quality of your code.
Display Thumbnails For Related Posts in Wordpress | Build Internet!
Brilliant tip Zach! I had actually just implemented something very similar on my soon-to-be-launched redesign when I came across this post. I also added a bit of jQuery so that I could have a conventional list of related posts with one image showing next to the list, and then on mouseover the image changes depending on the link being hovered.
Yet Another Related Post
Articles similaires sous forme d'image
Single-file PHP MySQL database administration tool
Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured MySQL management tool written in PHP. Conversely to phpMyAdmin, it consist of a single file ready to deploy to the target server.
an alternative to phpMyAdmin
Graham Dumpleton: Load spikes and excessive memory usage in mod_python.
A common complaint about mod_python is that it uses too much memory and can cause huge spikes in processor load. Fact is that this isn't really caused by mod_python itself, but indirectly by virtue of how, or more so how not, Apache has been configured for the type of web application that is being run.
Some have realised that mod_wsgi daemon mode seems to offer a more predictable memory usage profile and performance curve and as a result fervently recommend it, but at the same time they still don't seem to understand what the problems with embedded mode, as outlined above actually were. So, hopefully the explanation above will help in clearing up why, not just in the case of mod_wsgi daemon mode vs mod_wsgi embedded mode, but also for the much maligned mod_python.
out of date, hence the mod_python, but the apache conf still applies
Make your pages load faster by combining and compressing javascript and css files | rakaz
Make your pages load faster by combining and compressing javascript and css files | rakaz
Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own.
Opensource dashboard like igoogle integrating lotus notes
Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own. Picok is written in PHP 5, uses the Yahoo User Interface Library and Zend Framework Components and supports MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Lotus Notes and is ready to be integrated into your corporate intranet, website or community platform as well.
Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own. Picok is written in PHP 5, uses the Yahoo User Interface Library and Zend Framework Components and supports MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Lotus Notes and is ready to be integrated into your corporate intranet, website or community platform as well.
Personal Information Cockpit
"Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own."
Carsonified » How to Create Bulletproof Sessions
»In the first part of this series we went over how a cookie works and what can be done to secure them. In this section we’re going to go over ways to add additional security to the session beyond the cookie itself.«
I've been looking for a good way to do sessions. I only skimmed so needs further reading.
Carsonified &gt;&gt; How to Create Bulletproof Sessions [from]
Using PHP/MySQL with Google Maps - Google Maps API - Google Code
Code Snippets
Various snippets of code (html, css, php, jquery, etc). Definitely worth keeping handy.
Big collection of Regular Expressions Toolbox "regex" |
Pubwich — Open-source online data aggregation PHP application
Good way to do the homepage mashup
About - jCore - the Webmaster's Multisite CMS
jCore is a Multi Site web Content Management System build especially for webmasters (using the well known LAMP environment) who have to maintain multiple websites for their clients and they would like to keep the source codes up to date and easily fix bugs for all clients at once.
Old WordPress Versions Under Attack « Lorelle on WordPress
UPGRADE! sorry. didn't mean to yell. But cleaning your corrupted install sucks a nut.
Wordpress under attack?
WordPress › Blog » How to Keep WordPress Secure
Good reminder of why it's important to keep your Wordpress blog updated and patched
RT @wordpress: How to Keep WordPress Secure: [from]
There is another serious WordPress hack making the rounds. If you run WordPress, make sure you upgrade ASAP
Build Your Own Server |
Illustrated instructions for setting up a LAMP server using ubuntu.
21 very useful htaccess tips & tricks. htaccess tips tricks -
21 very useful htaccess tips & tricks. htaccess tips tricks. Custom Directory Index Files, Custom Error Pages, access at files & directory, 301 Redirect, Modifying the Environment Variable, Caching Scheme, Compress GZIP, Redirect https
PHPの開発効率を上げる10個の関数 - PHP,MySQL,Flexな日々+イラストとか
16 Javascript Tutorials Inspired By Social Networking Sites | Dev Words
using jquery like popular social netwroking sites
Ekin Ertaç
wordpress tag チートシート
Complete Wordpress Cheat Sheet
La liste de toutes les commandes wordpress pour réaliser son propre thème (lien direct: )
Free Complete Wordpress Cheat Sheet
Symfony YAML - A PHP library that speaks YAML
Symfony Components - Standalone libraries for PHP
The Symfony Components are standalone and reusable PHP classes. With no pre-requisite, except for PHP, you can install them today, and start using them right away!
Damn Small PHP Frameworks. Because size does matter. | Jeez Tech
Nice round up of lightweight frameworks for PHP
A Deeper Look at mod_rewrite for Apache - Nettuts+
Getting Clean With PHP - Nettuts+
Carsonified » How to Debug in PHP
Great look at Debugging PHP - Useful for anyone really
10 useful Wordpress theme hacks | Designer Daily
Some may require advanced features of WordPress
プログラミングができなくても作れるTwitter botの作り方 - Welcome
Stribe is a plug and play service to instantly create a social network on any website
Bestwebframeworks » Find and compare PHP, Ruby, JS and CSS Frameworks
web framework comparisons
comparaison de frameworks php, ruby, js, css
10 code snippets to interact with Twitter
Trocets de codi per fer cosetes amb twitter :P
Often called a revolution, Twitter is a very easy and cool way to communicate and promote your blog or service. In this article, I have compiled 10 very useful code snippets to interact with Twitter in your web dev projects.
An AJAX Based Shopping Cart with PHP, CSS & jQuery – Tutorialzine
An AJAX Based Shopping Cart with PHP, CSS & jQuery
An AJAX Based Shopping Cart with PHP, CSS & jQuery – Tutorialzine -
My Aha! moments in Drupal theming | Lullabot
Nice summary of tricky, "if you don't get it, you don't get it" Drupal customization options
Stacey, Simplified portfolios
"Stacey is an easier way to create a portfolio site. No database setup or installation files, simply drop the application on a server and it runs. Your content is managed by creating folders and editing text files. No login screens, no ‘cms’."
for indexhibit
Stacey is an easier way to create a portfolio site.
How to Code a Signup Form with Email Confirmation - Nettuts+
Form di registrazione al sito
37 Tested PHP, Perl, and JavaScript Regular Expressions
10+ extremely useful PHP classes
One of the numerous good points of the PHP programming language is its extensibility. In this article, I’m going to show you 10+ extremely useful PHP classes that will definitely make your developer life easier.
Drag & Drop with PHP & jQuery |
Drag & Drop with PHP & jQuery | -
The ability to drag and drop content on a page and have it save the order can make for a great user interface and is actually relatively easy to execute with a few lines of jQuery. You’ll need to include the jQuery user interface library which you can find here: Jquery Google API. All the files needed to get this up and running are in the download at the bottom of this post. In this tutorial we’re going to be looking at 2 main PHP pages. the index.php page which contains the contents and functionality to perform the drag and drop and the updateList.php file which is a simple piece of code to update the listOrder column in the database using PHP and MySQL. Additionally you will need to add your database details to the connect.php file in the download package.
The ability to drag and drop content on a page and have it save the order can make for a great user interface and is actually relatively easy to execute with a few lines of jQuery. You’ll need to include the jQuery user interface library which you can find here: Jquery Google API. All the files needed to get this up and running are in the download at the bottom of this post.
The ability to drag and drop content on a page and have it save the order can make for a great user interface and is actually relatively easy to execute with a
Exemplo de implementação de Drag and Drop com PHP e Jquery
The Ultimate Programming Cheat Sheet List For Web Designers And Developers | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
A Fancy AJAX Contact Form – Tutorialzine
A Fancy AJAX Contact Form
Top 7 Easy and Free Web Hosting Services
Top 7 Easy and Free Web Hosting Services
A great article with lots of free hosting resources
Please refer to each service provider’s website for the full list of features as they will be too long to list down here.
Simple PHP Contact Form
Simple PHP Contact Form -
This is a very simple PHP contact form for your website. Visitors can simply send emails using this contact form to an email address. Different recipient email address’s can be added to the subject dropdown with different subject names so they can be directed to the right department. The form features a CAPTCHA security image to protect your email address’s from spam.
formaldehyde - Project Hosting on Google Code
sounds super useful, wish there was something like this for flash.
PHP debug info for the client side
Include-olsz egy php fájl a forrásodban, plusz egy plugint felresz, és máris van egy php debuggered a böngésződben a Firebug-ba beépülve.
Output PHP debug info to client side.
awesome looking in-browser PHP debugger - nearly as nice as the werkzeug ine is for Python. "I develop PHP async interactions via ActionScript and LoadVars, Ajax, or Remote Scripting before, since year 2000 but for some reason I have never thought about a portable, scalable, simple, and complete debugger file as Formaldehyde is. I hope you'll appreciate its simplicity, its basic and useful features, and I am waiting for your feedback in WebReflection"
Simple Techniques to Lock Down your Website - Nettuts+
One crucial part of PHP development practice is always keeping in mind that security is not something you can simply buy off the shelf at your local convenient
Google Code Samples
PHP URL shortener script that can shorten over 4 billion URLs
A super duper fast shortener that can shorten over 42 billion unique URLs in 6 or less characters (it can do more than 12,000,000 in only 4!)
Looks like a good self hosted URL shortener based in PHP and mySQL.
phph url shortener script permettant de faire ses shortener sur son propre nom de domaine! Outil très intéressant
Amazon Web Services Blog: Don't Forget: You Can Use Amazon SimpleDB For Free!
Twitto: A web framework in a tweet
Twitto is the fastest PHP web framework, and the first to use the newest features of PHP 5.3
A web framework in a tweet.
Drupal Sucks
a hot discussion about Drupal
Are you choosing a Content Management System for your next site? Allow me to throw in my two cents against Drupal. In theory, Drupal is a CMS that lets you control your site out of the box. In practice, it’s a nightmare to configure and maintain.
Artigo de Mariya Lysenkova sobre os pontos fracos do Drupal como gerenciador de conteúdos.
10+ WordPress plugins for developers
Home - csscaffold - GitHub
Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
Twig, a secure template language for #php from the creator of symfony
Templating Engines in PHP - Fabien Potencier
The blog of Fabien Potencier about web technology and the symfony framework
Krótka recenzja najpopularniejszych silników do generowania szablonow HTMLowych
So, you think PHP is a templating engine? So did I... for a very long time. But recently, I changed my mind. Even if PHP can be used as a templating engine, the syntax is just plain ugly as a template language.
Scriptlets - Quick web scripts
to get a URL that will run this code.
A really neat Google App that lets you enter a code snippet in js, PHP or Python, and then run it if you so desire with GET and POST vars; if that's not enough, you can also fire off an HTTP POST to a third party server. So what? So if you ever have a code fragment you need to host and want to be able to call with a variable or two, this service is ideal :-) The perfect accompaniment to a Yahoo Pipe:-)
xCSS - OO CSS Framework
xCSS, un nuevo framework CSS orientado a objetos.
First CSS framework that allows you to work object-oriented and keeps your workflow as “DRY” as possible
xCSS extends CSS and gives you the ability to cut down the development time by having a better overview, using variables, re-using your models and many other features.
Why a CSS framework? xCSS bases on CSS and empowers a straightforward and object-oriented workflow when developing complex style cascades. Using xCSS means a dramatic cut down to your development time by: having a intuitive overview of the overall CSS structure, using variables, re-using existing style cascades and many other handy features. But, most frameworks are bulky and inflexible, aren't they? Not xCSS! It's lightweight and seamlessly integrates into any existing workflow. Aside from that the CSS overhead is getting reduced while your (X)HTML attributes remain semantic.
PageLime - The Flat File Hosted CMS for Designers, Developers, and Web Agencies
remote Content Management System that allows you to update the content, images, and documents on your web site without installing any software.
gerenciador de conteúdo OnLine
Flippin Sweet.
cms per css!!!
13 Excellent Open Source Tools for Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
25 New & Useful PHP Techniques & Tutorials
Looks very good
Building a jQuery/PHP Powered Chat Room | CSS-Tricks
Building a jQuery/PHP Powered Chat Room
Function Web Design & Development Blog - » Revisited: Creating Custom Write Panels in WordPress
My next web design will have a place for Blogs!
A wonderful way to add many types of custom information to your WordPress blog.
40+ CodeIgniter Framework Tutorials for Kick-Ass PHP Application | 2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
List of all WP action hooks and filters || Adam Brown, BYU Political Science
Wordpress Security - How to Secure Your WordPress Blog
Making A Cool Login System With PHP, MySQL & jQuery – Tutorialzine
check later
login system
Today we are making a cool & simple login / registration system. It will give you the ability to easily create a member-only area on your site and provide an easy registration process. It is going to be PHP driven and store all the registrations into a MySQL database. To add the needed flair, we are using the amazing sliding jQuery panel, developed by Web-kreation.
Top 10 Most Common Coding Mistakes in WordPress Plugins « planetOzh
Facebookが大規模スケーラビリティへの挑戦で学んだこと(前編)~800億枚の写真データとPHPのスケーラビリティ問題 - Publickey
75 Creative And Unique Business Card Designs For Your Inspiration
hartas transparentes
How to Create an Image Gallery Powered by Picasa - Nettuts+
jQuery, PHP, Picasaで作るイメージギャラリーチュートリアル。なお、CSSフレームワークに960 Grid Systemが使用されている。
Create an Image Gallery Powered by Picasa
Picasa ウェブ アルバムに登録された画像を使ってイメージギャラリーを作るチュートリアル記事です。PHPとjQueryを使っています。
Come manipolare una galleria di immagini generata da Picasa
Creating Custom CCK Fields | Lullabot
20 Promising Open Source PHP Content Management Systems(CMS) | Listelog
Revisión de algunos CMS interesantes y útiles
CMS overview
Thoughts on the switch to Drupal - O'Reilly Radar
kommentar von o'reilly "Giving modifications back to the Drupal community is the next breakthrough announcement that I'll be looking for."
Yesterday, the new media team at the White House announced via the Associated Press that is now running on Drupal, the open source content management system. That Drupal implementation is in turn running on a Red Hat Linux system with Apache, MySQL and the rest of the LAMP stack. Apache Solr is the new White House search engine.
Making a Google Wave History Slider – Tutorialzine
Using PHP and jQuery we are going to create a Google Wave-like history slider. Using it, we will enable our visitors to go back and forth in time to view the changes that take place on a comment thread.
e’ve all seen the videos (and some even got access to a developer’s preview) of Google’s latest product – Wave. Although not “ground-braking” and “revolutionary” as we’ve imagined (wonder why “over-hyped” comes to mind) it still features some great UI that will surely inspire at least a few developers to implement some of it in their works. I, being one of those inspired people, am going to show you how to create a Google Wave-like history slider. Using it, we will enable our visitors to go back and forth in time to view the changes that take place on a comment thread. So take a look at the demo (maybe even keep it open in a separate tab), download the example files and keep on reading.
Google Wave like UI with history slider
UserCake - Opensource PHP user management system
This looks great. Object Oriented PHP 5, MySQL, easy to set up and customize. This should be a good solution for a quick project that needs user login functionality.
Feeds 101 - Nettuts+
by @Nettuts
como crear un feed con php
Really good description of RSS
Feeds. RSS. Atom. Syndication. Subscribers. These are some of the keywords floating around the web and have gained notorious prominence over the years. In this guide, we'll take a look at a number of things including what feeds are, why you need to have a feed for your site, how to set up one and then publish it.
De Web Times - Sharing Useful Resources. » Blog Archive » 25 Incredibly Useful WordPress Cheat Sheets & Checklists
Websites To Search And Find Code Snippets
In a race against time, we are always looking to save as much as possible; this is especially applicable to the Website development. A website needs to be developed as fast as possible without compensating on any of features that make it unique and stand out. This is where code snippets show their power. Code Snippet is a small region of re-usable code that are developed in specific modules in order to facilitate smooth integration in to programming. Here, we will show you where can you get the snippet to satiate your needs. Show some love by bookmarking it
snippets = trozos de codigo
CSS techniques web developer should use | ExtraTuts
CSS techniques web developer should use
Make an iPhone App Using the Envato API - Nettuts+
WordPress Visual Cheat Sheet –
WordPress Visual Cheat Sheet is the new document, of the Visual Cheat Sheet family, that contains a practical reference guide to WordPress 2.8. This cheat sheet (5 pages) contains the full reference guide to WP Template Tags with detailed descriptions and sample code. The simple visual style I used to design this sheet allows you to find at a glance everything you are looking for.
"WordPress Visual Cheat Sheet"
12 Lesser Known But Useful WordPress Hacks
Wordpress Website Design Process for IT-IS Ltd
Compress PHP, CSS, JavaScript(JS) & Optimize website performance.
We are using Wordpress as CMS for this blog, hence we decided to install WP-Super cache plugin for Wordpress to improve the performance. This plugin will create static HTML files from your blogs post and other pages and save them on web server. These HTMLs are served to client whenever consecutive requests are made. Hence this greatly improve the performance as it reduce PHP parsing and database connections. Bandwidth control is an important task to be followed when your traffic is increasing. With limited monthly bandwidth hosting, your site may run out of bandwidth and thus result in increase in down time. Hence it is very much advisable to compress your websites response with GZip and then serve it to client. Compressing output can significantly improve your websites performance by reducing the size sometimes upto 80%
Ten Tips for Becoming a Better WordPress Developer | Web Design Ledger
Killer article
I am going to cover a little bit from across the board as to what we can do to become WordPress developers. Some items take only a minute or two to complete while others might take a bit more initial effort. I promise though that through it all, we’ll get our development skills to a much higher level. The list does not go in order of importance, but I would say that all 10 of the tips could each be #1.
Wordpress Custom Fields and Hacks for Bloggers
Dicas boas!!
CodeIgniter and jQuery Real Live Search with Pagination | AEXT.NET
A great tutorial using CodeIgniter and jQuery to recreate the live search feature on MT's knowledgebase.
Programming, Designing and Blogging
: Collection of php classes and functions sto
PHP programming tips and tricks | Marius Stanciu Sergiu's weblog
[vía @basilio] # Learn the difference between good and bad code. read more # Stick to coding standards, it will make it easier for you to understand other people’s code and other people will be able to understand yours. read more
PHP programming tips and tricks
Big Spaceship | Labs Blog - A Dash of Rosemary on Your CSS
Scalable CSS wrapper from Big Spaceship.
visto en el twitter de smashing magazine
How to Create a Photo Gallery using the Flickr API - Nettuts+
How to Create a Photo Gallery using the Flickr API
Flickr is, without doubt, the biggest and best photography website on the internet. There are lots of widgets, badges and plugins which allow you to display your latest Flickr photos on your website, but we'll take it a step further by tapping straight into Flickr and integrating your photostream into your website, giving you a photo gallery that is a breeze to update.
WordPress Debug Theme - Yoast - Tweaking Websites
A dead sexy theme to help you debug your WordPress install.
Symfony deployment Cheat Sheet
A cheat sheet about the elements to customize before sending your application to production
Check if your symfony application is ready for deployment
Things to do before going live.
Sanitize and Validate Data with PHP Filters - NETTUTS
Data validation is an integral part of working with forms. Not only can invalid submitted data lead to security problems, but it can also break your webpage. Today, we'll take a look at how to remove illegal characters and validate data by using the "filter_var" function.
Data validation is an integral part of working with forms. Not only can invalid submitted data lead to security problems, but it can also break your webpage.
using filter_var to santise and validate input
データベースの基礎を理解しよう! プログラミング未経験から始めるPHP入門:CodeZine
Drupal or Django? A Guide for Decision Makers — scot hacker’s foobar blog
This document aims to lay out the pros and cons of two popular web publishing platforms: The PHP-based Drupal content management system (CMS) and the Python-based Django framework. It’s impossible to discuss systems like these in a non-technical way. However, I’ve tried to lay out the main points in straightforward language, with an eye toward helping supervisors make an informed choice.
Drupal represents a middle ground between framework and CMS that we’ve chosen not to take. Drupal is far more capable than a CMS like WordPress, but also much less flexible than a pure framework. But more importantly, the facts that Drupal isn’t object-oriented, isn’t MVC/MTV, doesn’t have an ORM, and is generally less flexible than a pure framework, not to mention our preference for working in Python over PHP, all contribute to our decision not to use it. In the end, a good developer can do good work with just about any system, while a bad developer can make mincemeat of even the best system. It’s not all about the platform. But modern tools and best practices in platform design go a long way toward ending up with a cleaner, faster, better-designed architecture that precisely matches the needs of your organizations, with no assumptions or historical baggage to work around.
someone asked me this very question the other day. another reference to hand out on such occasions to support my advice.
How to Create an Author Info Section in Wordpress
Using a mix of Wordpress template tags, find out how to add an info section to the bottom of your posts, showing the author's name, gravatar and bio
PHPを使って3分で作る3キャリア対応ケータイサイト |
7 Open Source And Free URL Shortener Scripts To Create Your Own
CodeRun - Online IDE
XPath - Blog - Open Source -
34 cheat sheets for web designers and developers | Web and designers | Complete resource platform for web designers and developers
20+ Brand New and Incredibly Useful WordPress Plugins - Nettuts+
With more than 7000+ plugins, WordPress is the most extendable Content Management System available; in fact,
jQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL Projects.
Top 20+ MySQL Best Practices - Nettuts+
5. Index and Use Same Column Types for Joins
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
20 Best practices
You Don’t Know Anything About Regular Expressions: A Complete Guide - Nettuts+
Regular expressions can be scary...really scary. Fortunately, once you memorize what each symbol represents, the fear quickly subsides. If you fit the title
Using APIs With PHP? Here Are Your Classes | Jeez Tech
Creating a Web App from Scratch – Part 1 of 8: Basic Idea and Design | CSS-Tricks
Input Validation: Using filter_var() Over Regular Expressions ~ Mattias Geniar
Data validation
FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW - Encode characters with ASCII value below 32
6 Free Sites To Learn About Programming in PHP
Top 20+ MySQL Best Practices - Nettuts+
Database operations often tend to be the main bottleneck for most web applications today. It's not only the DBA's (database administrators) that have to worry about these performance issues. We as programmers need to do our part by structuring tables properly, writing optimized queries and better code. Here are some MySQL optimization techniques for programmers.
» Scalable Web Applications Programming the new world: Programming your life and the net, one day at a time
Detect Mobile Browser - Open source mobile phone detection
HTTP Headers for Dummies - Nettuts+
a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions.
Mollify is a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions. User interface is simple and intuitive, and it comes with following languages: Deutsch, English, Français, Português, Suomi. Mollify is 100% free to use, also sources are available with EPL 1.0 license.
Cooler kostenloser online Filemanager
Top 15+ Best Practices for Writing Super Readable Code - Nettuts+
Code readability is a universal subject in the world of computer programming. It's one of the first things we learn as developers. Readable and maintainable
Top 15+ Best Practices for Writing Super Readable Code - Nettuts+
a terrific little tool for arranging your to-do lists by project and easily cross-referencing them by context. You can check all your tasks, figure out your Next Action, set reminders, and see due dates all in a few clicks. Nexty comes with pretty much all the bells and whistles you'd expect to see in a GTD webapp
"Nexty is an easy to use To Do list manager created using GTD principles. Why choose Nexty? * Easy to Use * FREE! * Open Source"
22 Latest Exceptional WordPress Hacks | Tutorials | instantShift
One of the greatest things about blogging is the immediate feedback a blogger can get from his or her readers. Still it’s often possible that your readers don’t give you a wink about their likes and dislikes. Unfortunately, there is no way for you to find out about visitors thinking towards your blog or its design. It’s always essential to play safe and give others what they like. Out of many solutions the inspirational one is only promising and optimistic way to achieve desired changes. This article focuses on organized collection of some of the Most Wanted WordPress Hacks which will definitely make your blogging life easier.
Mollify is a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions.
Mollify is a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions. User interface is simple and intuitive, and it comes with following languages: Deutsch, English, Français, Português, Suomi. Mollify is 100% free to use, also sources are available with EPL 1.0 license.
Getting started with phpUnderControl - techPortal
PHPでのプロファイリングというとXdebugでファイルを吐き出してWinCacheGrindやKCacheGrindで読み込む(ファイルを吐き出したファイルをGETして、ソフトに読み込ませる)が定番ですが、XHProf を使えば、ブラウザ上で、プロファイリングが出来るみたいです。
XHProf Documentation (Draft) PHPプログラムを解析して何処が重いか?がブラウザ上で簡単に分かる「XHProf」。 通常、PHPでのプロファイリングというと、Xdebugでファイルを吐き出して、WinCacheGrindやKCacheGrindで読み込むというのが定番です。 ですが、この方法だと、ファイルを吐き出したファイルをGETして、ソフトに読み込ませる、というちょっと面倒な手順が必要でした。 XHProf を使えば、ブラウザ上で、プロファイリングが出来るみたいです。 XHProfの特徴 まず、セグメントごとの実行時間やメモリ利用の状況なんかがブラウザで見れます。 プログラムの構造を把握するのにも使えます。
Advanced Power Tips for WordPress Template Developers: Reloaded - Smashing Magazine
Some really good tips here - worth noting when using WordPress as a CMS.
A List Apart: Articles: Letting Go of John Hancock
L’ultimo numero di A List Apart ospita un articolo di Biorn Enki dedicato all’uso di contratti elettronici nell’ambito di una web agency. La seconda parte dell’articolo è tecnica e mostra come creare un modulo da far compilare al cliente usando Adobe Acrobat e un pizzico di PHP. L’aspetto interessante è però anche quello della prima sezione, quello che concerne il lato legale e pratico della questione. Primo punto: quanto conta davvero, in termini di competitività rispetto alla concorrenza, consentire al cliente una forma di relazione così veloce e semplice come quella rappresentata dalla stipula di un contratto via web? L’autore, per esempio, sostiene che è uno dei tanti modi per stare un passo avanti ai concorrenti in tempi di competizione sempre più serrata. Secondo punto, quello legale: emerge che nella legislazione americana anche il semplice cliccare su un pulsante o link di accettazione rende vincolante il contratto. Non c’è pertanto la necessità della tradizionale firma.
20 Excellent Facebook Scripts and Resources - Noupe
ajax สคริปทั้งหลายที่ facebook ใช้ เผื่อใช้น่อ
How to Build a Shopping Cart using CodeIgniter and jQuery - Nettuts+
CodeIgniter is an open source PHP web application framework with a lot of features. Recently, thanks to the latest update, a new feature was added to this
11 interesting PHP Template Engines
Tools of the Trade: Web Development Frameworks that the Pros Use | Nettuts+
frameworks the pros use.
resource for web developers
Top 20+ MySQL Best Practices | TuVinhSoft .,JSC
Top WordPress hacks of 2009
Wordpress Hacks
Top WordPress hacks of 2009
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, and is also the core of the bbPress and GlotPress sister-projects.
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, abd it includes a variety of the foundations you need to build robust, scalable web applications. It’s all licensed under a generous GPL2 license, so you can use it in your own free or commercial projects.
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, and is also the core of the bbPress and GlotPress sister-projects. It includes a variety of the foundations you need to build robust, scalable web applications including (amongst other things): * Logging, * User Roles and Capabilities (Permission systems), * Database connections (across multiple servers and multiple datacenters), * HTTP Transactions, * XML-RPC Server and Client, * Object caching, * Formatting, * XSS and SQL injection protection, including a variety of powerful escaping functions, * Taxonomies and * Options management
Internationalization in PHP 5.3
Check out 18 Wonderful Underground CMS's Lurking in the Shadow of WP
Choosing an appropriate content management system, or CMS, is usually an important decision that needs to be made when launching a new website or blog. A popular choice these days seems to be the blogging platform known as WordPress, and for good reasons. WordPress is a wonderful CMS that can suit many bloggers and end users quite well. However, in the shadow of WordPress's success, lurk some very wonderful CMS that do not get all the attention they deserve. Today, we will have a look at 18 unappreciated CMS's in the WordPress shadow.
13 Useful Code Snippets for WordPress Development | Web Design Ledger
trechos de código, inclusive para encaminhar seu rss para o feedburner
120 Tips, Tricks, and Tuts from 2009 Worth your Time | Nettuts+
Using the Twitter API | Ashley Ford -
Usar el api de twitter con php
Twitters da minha timeline
Here's a simple introduction on using the Twitter API. The API offers many different ways to connect to your details including xml, json, atom, and rss. Im
Mas ejemplos sobre el uso de Twitter
jQuery and Ajax Best Demos Part-3
Part 3
PHP/SWF Charts > Introduction
PHP/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful PHP tool to create attractive web charts and graphs from dynamic data. Use PHP scripts to generate or gather the data from databases, then pass it to this tool to generate Flash (swf) charts and graphs. Any other scripting language (ASP, CFML, Perl, etc.) can be used with XML/SWF Charts (the XML version of the same tool.) PHP/SWF Charts makes the best of both the PHP and SWF worlds. PHP scripts provide integration, and Flash provides the best graphic quality.
Build a Calendar Using PHP, XHTML, and CSS
Build a Calendar Using PHP, XHTML, and CSS
ついに無制限に解放されたGoogle App Engine/Java。RoRやPHP、もちろんJavaも試そう - Blog on Publickey
せっかくなのでJavaを使ってみたい、という人には、@ITの記事をご紹介。Google App Engine/Javaの開発のためのJDKをGoogle App Engineにインストールし、手元のPCにはEclipseとプラグインのインストールから解説してくれます。後半ではBigtableデータの操作方法も。
13 Simple CMS Options –
While there are a lot of powerful and feature-rich content management systems available to choose from, designers often have the need to work on small sites for clients that may only have use for a fraction of the features offered by the CMS. In theses cases the ideal solution is to use a simple CMS that may offer limited features, but will be easier for clients to use.
13 cms simple d'utilisations
Advanced Event Timeline With PHP, CSS & jQuery – Tutorialzine
PHP(というかWordPress)高速化のためにAPC(Alternatice PHP Cache)入れた - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
WordPressをさらに高速化するために青い人の提案でAPCを入れることに。導入して正解。Load Averageもぐっと下がっていい感じ。 なお、APCはPHPの中間コードやらキャッシュやらを最適化して高速化してくれるモジュールです。以下、簡単に導入メモ。
Automated Testing Using Zend Framework, Part 1 | A.J. Brown's Blog
10 PHP functions you (probably) never use
**PHP** MD5 - pack()
When scripting in PHP, we often restrict ourselves to a limited number of API functions: the common ones, like print(), header(), define(), isset(), htmlspecialchars(), etc. If some needed functionality doesn’t exist, we often write it making use of these basic components which we have in mind. The PHP API actually offers a lot of functionality, some useless and some useful; often seldom used. I have been looking through the available functions and was interested to find some really cool functions that I should have known about. Here, I share my findings.
SQL for Beginners - Nettuts+
Web Security: Are You Part Of The Problem? - Smashing Magazine
Website security is an interesting topic and should be high on the radar of anyone who has a Web presence under their control. Ineffective Web security leads to all
Create Custom Option Panels with Wordpress 2.9 | Build Internet!
PHProxy | Get PHProxy at
PHProxy is a web HTTP proxy programmed in PHP meant to bypass firewalls and access otherwise inaccessible resources (i.e. blocked websites). If the server this script is run on can access a resource, so can you!
php based web proxy to get round firewalls blocking sites
proxy server web download http
Very funky looking PHP web application to get around browsing restrictions. Like it, should really put this on dmesg.
The xmoovStream Server (formerly known as xmoov-php) is a centralized http streaming server written in PHP. It sits between your files and the world giving you control over many aspects of how your content is accessed. You can manage different kinds of content from different urls under a single installation.
Esquema em PHP para servidor de streaming.
Build a Login and Registration System with XML - NETTUTS
Build a Login and Registration System with XML - NETTUTS
Building an entire membership system can be a tedious, and time-consuming task. Tim Cooper is going to show us how to build the ENTIRE thing in roughly thirty minutes. Rather than using MYSQL as our database, Tim will instead demonstrate an alternate approach: using an XML file. We'll be reviewing PHP, .htaccess files, sessions, and more!
無料で使えるPHPホスティングサービス5選 | CREAMU
無料のサーバを探している。 そんなときにおすすめなのが、『5 Awesome free PHP web hosting services』。無料で使えるPHPホスティングサービス5選だ。
そんなときにおすすめなのが、『5 Awesome free PHP web hosting services』。無料で使えるPHPホスティングサービス5選だ。 以下にご紹介。 » 000WebHost  容量500MB。広告なし »  容量5GB。広告なし » 110MB Hosting  容量5GB。広告なし » Sitesfree  容量500MB。広告なし »  容量5GB。広告なし
Thomas Landauer: Preventing Spam in Form Submissions without Using a CAPTCHA
A smart method to prevent spam in form submissions without using a CAPTCHA
CSScharts - bar charts created with pure CSS
CSScharts - bar charts created with pure CSS -
bar chart pure css
PHP Design - Biggest Database Oversights - Justin Carmony's Blog
One in particular now has grown out of hand so bad that we've decided to start from scratch for a whole new version. Why? Lets say you have 3000+ php files, and your boss says "Hrm, we're seeing some problems with performance. Can you display at the bottom of each page the # of queries you use on that page?" If you coded your entire project like the example above, you would be totally screwed. You would have to find each and every mysql_query() and add some counter at the end. It would be a managing Nightmare. So how cold you solve this problem?
The Diem Project | Diem Content Management Framework for Symfony
AJAX-enabled Sticky Notes With PHP & jQuery – Tutorialzine
Today we are making an AJAX-enabled Sticky Note management system. It will give visitors the ability to create notes with a live preview, and move them around on the screen. Every movement is going to be sent to the back-end via AJAX and saved in the database.
MyClientBase | Free and Open Source Web Based Invoice Management
web-based, free & open source invoice management application which is built with PHP (using the CodeIgniter framework) & MySQL. It enables anyone to create invoices, view payments, get reports & more..
55+ Most Wanted WordPress Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
Más de 55 trucos sobre Wordpress
9 Tips For Working with MySQL Databases » DevSnippets
CSS hacks & browser version detection – a new approach | Reinhold Weber
browser detection with php
A more elaborate way of dealing with css browser inconsistencies using a little PHP magic.
dtcss - Google Code
good for dynamic css, can conditionally point to different php scripts. reduces editing time for multiple selectors.  good for maintaining!
DtCSS is a PHP script that preprocesses your CSS file. It speeds up CSS coding by extending the features to CSS. Such as nested selectors, color mixing and more. DtCSS reads the CSS file with special syntax written for DtCSS, and outputs the standard CSS. It also comes with a smart caching system.
Seems like an interesting idea. Wonder if it could be incorporated into EE...
[PHP]知っていると便利な、カテゴリ別のPHPのライブラリ集 | コリス
9 Widely-Used And Free Forum Softwares
Forum araçları
foruns e mais foruns
PHP SimpleForm Script » Matt Varone » Creative Designer
Multiple Web Tutorials
t’s a nicer version of the previous one, re-written from the ground up and with a couple of new features. SimpleForm is basically meant to be an easy solution to handle one or many forms with little effort. It’s mainly foc
PHP hide_email()
A PHP function to protect the E-mail address you publish on your website against bots or spiders
permite ocultar las direcciones de correo en un página, util para evitar el spam
A PHP function to protect the E-mail address you publish on your website against bots or spiders that index or harvest E-mail addresses for sending you spam. It uses a substitution cipher with a different key for every page load. Look at the generated XHTML in the example while pressing the browsers "reload" button to see this in effect.
5 useful PHP functions for MySQL data fetching -
Muy, interesante, recomendaciones para recuperar información de mysql
iPhone CSS—tips for building iPhone websites — CSS Wizardry—CSS, Web Standards, Typography, and Grids by Harry Roberts
13 Useful WordPress SQL Queries You Wish You Knew Earlier | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
WordPress is driven by a MySQL database. This is something active WordPress users would know. However, if you only just read about it here from us, here’s what you should know. MySQL is a free relational database management system
かなり使えるPHPの正規表現まとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Facebook Developers | HipHop for PHP: Move Fast
With HipHop we've reduced the CPU usage on our Web servers on average by about fifty percent, depending on the page. Less CPU means fewer servers, which means less overhead. This project has had a tremendous impact on Facebook. We feel the Web at large can benefit from HipHop, so we are releasing it as open source this evening in hope that it brings a new focus toward scaling large complex websites with PHP. While HipHop has shown us incredible results, it's certainly not complete and you should be comfortable with beta software before trying it out.
HipHop for PHP. With HipHop we've reduced the CPU usage on our Web servers on average by about fifty percent, depending on the page. Less CPU means fewer servers, which means less overhead.
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
PHP基礎文法最速マスター | Shin x blog
Lifestream - lvtrii
"xstriim" is currently an alpha lifestreaming class, which intends to make it easy for people with virtually no PHP knowledge to set up their own lifestream on their website
Un script de lifestream à tester !
javascript lifestreaming class library
LinuxParty | - Programar y depurar en un IDE para PHP, plugin phpeclipse, xdebug y Remote debug
Sitio Web de linux_party
Programar y depurar en un IDE para PHP, plugin phpeclipse, xdebug y Remote debug
セキュアな PHP アプリケーションを作成するための 7 つの習慣
IBMによる PHP セキュリティ講座。 ↓厳しいつっこみあり。 ↓参考に そういえば、PHP のソースコードが流出する問題は解決したのかなぁ。
30 AJAX Tutorials For Smart Web Developers | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Aaron Rosenfeld » phpWatch Release Announcement
phpWatch is a general purpose service monitor that is able to send notifications of outages via e-mail or text-message (SMS). The purpose of this system is two-fold: it allows administrators to easily check the status of many different services running on any number of servers and also allows developers to interface with the query and notification APIs.
phpWatch is a general purpose service monitor that is able to send notifications of outages via e-mail or text-message (SMS)
Build a Web 2.0 Document Search Site - Nettuts+
Tutorial q ensina a criar um site de procura basedo nas extensões dos arquivos.
Build a Web 2.0 Document Search Site | Nettuts+ -
In this article, we will create a document searching site with jQuery. This site will be used to search documents by specifying an extension (file type). The data is then filtered and sent to Google. We'll learn many jQuery tips and skills through the process. A gray box plugin called "ColorBox", and a toolTip plugin called "SimpleTip" will also be introduced in this article. Let's get started.
Rechercher un type de document grâce à google.
In this article, we will create a document searching site with jQuery. This site will be used to search documents by specifying an extension (file type). The
Ask SM: PHP/MySQL Security | How-To | Smashing Magazine
#65 Advanced Uses for Custom Fields in WordPress
PHP Secure Login Tips And Tricks - Hungred Dot Com
when it comes to login pages where our most sensitive data are being held. Hence, there is a need to better understand how well your login page has been implemented to be considered as really secure. In this article, you will get a list of PHP secure login tips and tricks that will definitely help you decide on your secure rating of your login page.
Debug PHP with Firebug and FirePHP
Techniques for Mastering cURL | Nettuts+
cURL is a tool for transferring files and data with URL syntax, supporting many protocols including HTTP, FTP, TELNET and more
Building a URL Shortener - Web Design, Development and Consulting Services
Read the comments!!!!
Jonathan Snook on how to roll your own URL shortener
Apostrophe Now!
Apostrophe is a content management system - an open source plugin for the Symfony framework - designed for maximum flexibility with a minimal learning curve. The interface is ergonomic, all content-editing is performed in-context. Manage levels of user permission. Organize and integrate photos and videos in the media library. Create complex page hierarchies quickly.
Apostrophe is a content management system designed for maximum flexibility with a minimal learning curve. The interface is ergonomic, all content-editing is performed in-context. Manage levels of user permission. Organize and integrate photos and videos in the media library. Create complex page hierarchies quickly.
sistema CMS para symfony
How to Set Up a Local PHP/MySQL Development Sandbox for Windows and OS X | Build Internet!
Nice post on how to install a local server for testing purposes.
10+ useful online code editors
As a developer, your main tool is obviously those that will allow you to turn your ideas into code: A text editor. As time go by, more online text editors are created that can help you code from any computer with internet access. In this article, let's have a look at 10+ useful online code editors.
PHP: Remote Kill Switch - Make Sure You Get Paid » Ready Fire Aim
Web Developers: Have you ever gotten to the end of a project, and had a client withhold the last of your fee to exact additional changes or features that were not in the original plan? Perhaps a client that decided your work “wasn’t what we expected” and tried to withhold payment? Well worry no more. Put the power back in your hands with a Remote Kill Switch. The idea is this: you build into their website a small function that checks with a server you control to make sure the client’s account is in good standing. If it is, the site loads as normal. If not, their site doesn’t load, and they get a message asking for payment.
» Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages - PHP, Web and IT stuff
» Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages - PHP, Web and IT stuff
Google analytics about Facebook Fan Pages
We launched our Facebook fan page earlier this month and as with all Facebook pages only Facebook Insights program is available to page administrators.
tlvx: the tumblelog of luke crawford - The technical story of Muxtape
That minimalist approach encompasses more that just aesthetics. It also informs our technical decisions, architecture, and the tools we use.
A good story about PHP and Ruby. I think a lot of developers get stuck up in their religious code circles that they forget that what they're really doing is mundane and completely stupid. Bottom line, be a lazy programmer.
Krumo: Version 2.0 of print_r(); and var_dump();
Worth taking for a spin
To put it simply, Krumo is a replacement for print_r(); and var_dump();. By definition Krumo is a debugging tool (initially for PHP4/PHP5, now for PHP5 only), which displays structured information about any PHP variable.
10 Apps for Developers on a Shoestring - NETTUTS
There are many many different areas web developers need to cover. First you need to find the perfect text editor, set up a local environment, find a database management tool and then find a great FTP application. And for many of us out there freelancing, we have less of a budget to work with. So here's 10 cheap or free web development tools for Windows and OS X.
10 Fresh tools and resources for web developers
Wavemaker is the most interesting of these, but any could come in handy.
In this post I want to suggest you some interesting tools and resources for web developers. This list includes a CSS framework to design sitemaps using HTML lists, some interesting JavaScript frameworks, some interesting jQuery plug-in, a PHP face detection script, a tutorial to work with the Twitter API and a tutorial about how to retrieve your Gmail emails using PHP
chive - MySQL database management tool
Ajax Availability Calendar - an Availability Calendar to show your day-to-day availability
The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.).
The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.). Free to use on your website or application and is currently being used (v.2) by hundreds, if not thousands, of websites around the world.
Availability calendar for hotels, apartments, holiday homes The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.). Free to use on your website or application and is currently being used (v.2) by hundreds, if not thousands, of websites around the world.
Plupload - A tool for uploading files using Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 or Browserplus
HTML5 uploader with fallbacks.
PHP Tutorials Examples Introduction to PHP and MySQL
Getting Started with CodeIgniter and How to Create All Those Great Apps | DevSnippets
CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. If you're a developer who lives in the real world of shared hosting accounts and clients with deadlines, and if you're tired of ponderously large and thoroughly undocumented frameworks
Choosing a good PHP frameworks can help you develop complex Rich Internet Applications quickly, with a best practices oriented approach, and saving a lot of
Free CakePHP E-Book - Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips |
Free CakePHP E-Book - Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips [from]
Livro de dicas sobre CakePHP
Entering The Wonderful World of Geo Location - Smashing Magazine
RT @TrendTracker: Entering The Wonderful World of Geo Location - RT @smashingmag
Giving the user content that is relevant to the physical space they are in at the moment makes a lot of sense.
携帯電話向けWebアプリのセッション管理はどうなっているか - ockeghem(徳丸浩)の日記
Extend the Firebug Console with these 15 Extensions - Speckyboy Design Magazine
GroundOS - Open Source Cloud Web Application Server
404 Blog Not Found:「PHP使いはもう正規表現をblogに書くな」と言わせないでくれ
regular expression for mail address
Links Web
Scripts e tutoriais para desenvolvedores web.
Muitos tutoriais Interessantes, até uma galeria muito boa em Jquery
“Who Is Online” Widget With PHP, MySQL & jQuery – Tutorialzine
Wow this is really neat
It will display the number of visitors, currently viewing your site, and thanks to Hostip’s free IP to location API, it will even be able to detect the country your visitors are from and display it in a slide out panel.
“Who Is Online” Widget With PHP, MySQL & jQuery – Tutorialzine
WordPress functions.php Template with 15 Essential Custom Functions | Digging into WordPress
default 55-word limit, this function enables you to specify any length for your excerpts.
As we explain in the book, enabling threaded comments requires adding a snippet of code into your <head> area just before the wp_head tag. After a little experimenting, I discovered that you can include this snippet from the functions.php file:
40 Useful Print-Ready Cheat Sheet For Web Developers | Back to Essentials
opers to help them co
High Scalability - High Scalability - Digg: 4000% Performance Increase by Sorting in PHP Rather than MySQL
# # Scaling practices turn a relational database into a non-relational database. To scale at Digg they followed a set of practices very similar to those used at eBay. No joins, no foreign key constraints (to scale writes), primary key look-ups only, limited range queries, and joins were done in memory. When implementing the comment feature a 4,000 percent increase in performance was created by sorting in PHP instead of MySQL. All this effort required to make a relational database scale basically meant you were using a non-relational database anyway. So why not just use a non-relational database from the start?
As Digg started out with a MySQL oriented architecture and has recently been moving full speed to Cassandra, his observations on some of their lessons learned and the motivation for the move are especially valuable. Here are some of the key takeaways you find useful:
RT @Sebdz: RT: @programmateur: Digg: 4000 % performance increase by sorting in PHP rather than MySQL (via @mrboo) -
♻ @n1k0: "Scaling practices turn a relational database into a non-relational database" (via @nsilberman)
Typically for relatively static data sets, relatively low query volumes, and relatively high latency requirements.
10 Promising Opensource PHP E-Commerce Application | INSIC 2.0 Web Development & Design Blog
Essential Practices for Styling Your CSS | Design Reviver
Essential Practices for Styling Your CSS | Design Reviver -
Mapping The IP Address to Latitude and Longitude In Google Maps |
Mapping The IP Address to Latitude and Longitude In Google Maps | Subesh Pokhrel's Blog - Magento Development Tips,PHP,Google Maps -$ip&position=true
How To Create Your Own Community Website For Free @ SmashingApps
BoonEx Community Software Experts provides free, open-source and downloadable community-building software for websites. BoonEx delivers quality software, which enables you to build any kind of website: COMMUNITY, DATING, or SOCIAL NETWORKING. BoonEx has been working on software development for more than 5 years and endeavors to develop high quality software implementing the latest internet technologies.
How To Create Your Own Community Website For Free (open-source software) [from]
How To Create Your Own Community Website For Free @ SmashingApps
10+ regular expressions for efficient web development
Useful regular expressions for web validation.
CodeIgniter Library: 77 Free Scripts, Addons, Tutorials and Videos | Cincinnati SEO Blog
9lessons: Submit a Form without Refreshing page with jQuery and Ajax.
javascript post function
good tutorial
Submit a Form without Refreshing page with jQuery and Ajax. Bagus!
Authenticating Twitter API calls with PHP & jQuery | Steve Reynolds Blog
In my previous post on this subject I spoke about making a simple call to the Twitter Search API to return some results every 30 seconds using jQuery and ajax.
Authenticating Twitter API calls with PHP & jQuery
Ejemplo de autenticacion de Twitter con PHP
35 Really Useful PHP Tutorials And Development Techniques | Smashing Buzz
PHP is the most popular and widely accepted server side scripting language among developers due to its easy to learn nature, free of cost and its large ever increasing helpful community, we usually seen in wordpress blog platforms, wordpress blogs totally build in PHP language. Today we presenting first time PHP tutorials roundup which are fully contained helping techniques and tips of most useful language PHP, It is the widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's tools, every web developer know PHP most suited language for web development and can be embedded directly into the HTML, you can idea when ever you write code about that syntax is very similar to Perl and C language.
35 Really Useful PHP Tutorials And Development Techniques
PHP Template Inheritance
AJAX-ed Todo List With PHP, MySQL & jQuery – Tutorialzine
In this tutorial we are making a simple AJAX-ed Todo List App, with PHP, MySQL and jQuery. In the process we are going to demonstrate PHP’s OOP capabilities, play with jQuery UI and implement some nice AJAX functionality. For a better understanding of the steps of this tutorial, you an go ahead and download the demo archive available from the button above.
Become an ExpressionEngine Superstar in 5 Days: Part 2 - Nettuts+
Tutorial series on getting started with ExpressionEngine.
The Flash Blog » AMFPHP Security Basics
security regarding amfphp
30 Most useful WordPress Plugins - May 2009 | AjaxLine
13 useful graphing solutions for web developers
Understanding Filter Hooks In Wordpress - Raymond Selda
I’m really getting hooked (no pun intended) with theme development in Wordpress. Last week I wrote about using action hooks and today we are going to take a look at how filter hooks can help us in building a more flexible Wordpress theme.
This tutorial was inspired by Ian Stewart’s Thematic. When I started to research on theme frameworks, I looked at Thematic’s source and I was really overwhelmed at the code. I had no idea where to start and there were more files inside than the usual Wordpress theme files that you would normally see. So I decided to just do it and start coding hoping that I would learn them as I go along.
Definitive PHP security checklist | sk89q
Automatically Generate a Photo Gallery from a Directory of Images: Updated
php phtoto gallery
Automatically Generate a Photo Gallery from a Directory of Images: Updated
I've decided to take his tutorial a step further by showing you how to generate thumbnails for the gallery using PHP. I've also implemented a MooTools lightbox: Smoothbox. The following code will show you how to create a beautiful photo gallery by simply dumping your photos in a directory.
Getting Started with OOP & PHP5 | Carsonified
$row = mysql_fetch_array($results); $this->user_id = $user_id; $this->first_name = $row['first_name'];
RT @FrikiFeeds: Getting Started with OOP - PHP5 - Carsonified ->
iPad Detection Using JavaScript or PHP
ipad detection
PHP: What You Need To Know To Play With The Web - Smashing Magazine
Artisan System - A PHP5 Object Oriented Framework
how phrases work in search indexes
ケータイのユーザーIDを取得する方法まとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Easy CSS Compression with PHP and mod_rewrite - Roger Stringer
Say NO to fat CSS and js files with this #php script and mod_rewrite
How to Create an Object-Oriented Blog Using PHP - NETTUTS
Pulse CMS - Home
Pulse CMS is a simple content management system for small websites.
cms free ใสกิ้ง ใช้ง่าย #marui
ฟรี CMS เบาหวิวสำหรับเว็บ Static ใช้ง่าย ทำง่ายมาก ไม่ต้องแตะฐานข้อมูล!
ValidForm Builder - Easy and safe XHTML 1.0 strict forms with validation!
Advanced Regular Expression Tips and Techniques | Nettuts+
Regular Expressions are the Swiss Army knife for searching through information for certain patterns. They have a wide arsenal of tools, some of which often go undiscovered or underutilized. Today I will show you some advanced tips for working with regular expressions.
Top WordPress hacks of early 2010
disable themes section of admin and select theme programmatically
ver com atenção
9 Useful PHP Functions and Features You Need to Know | Nettuts+
Great read on necessary PHP Functions
Recopilación de Chuletas para desarrolladores
Cheat Sheets
php, .net, marcado y javascript
Apuntes para tener a mano cuando se esta desarrollando
Colección de APIs de lenguajes de programación.
github.comでphp-users.jpを管理するまでの作業ログ | IDEA*IDEA
Introduction to JSON and PHP
muy bien explicado
Joomla And WordPress: A Matter Of Mental Models - Smashing Magazine
Really nice article on the models behind Wordpress and Joomla.
WordPress’ extensions model is based on the execution of a set of functions attached to the system flow by mean of “hooks.”
Compares and contrasts templates and other aspects of these two systems. Might be useful if I ever need to get up to speed on Joomla! quickly.
10 Essential PHP Code Snippets You Might be Looking For | DevSnippets
7 coisas simples em PHP que alguns ainda complicam « garotosopa
É comum ver scripts com dezenas de linhas de código pra fazer algo extremamente simples. Fica aqui meu apelo desesperado com algumas dicas rápidas.
Particletree » Beautiful Code Roundup
While reading through lots of code can give you an appreciation of what well-written code looks and feels like, the ability to create it is a skill that is developed from experience and frustration. Luckily, there are a number of excellent articles and books out there to help the aspiring code perfectionist. The following resources are ones that have helped me personally strive to write code worth looking at
How to Create Your first WordPress Theme: Part 1 | Graphic and Web Design Blog
Zend_Acl part 3: creating and storing dynamic ACLs | CodeUtopia
In this third post of the series, I’ll talk about using dynamic ACLs: How to store an ACL in a database, and construct it from there when needed. This post builds on the things introduced in part 1 and part 2.
Diving into the Twitter API | Nettuts+
Nice tutorial on using the Twitter API
How to Create a PHP Website Template from Scratch | Graphic and Web Design Blog
121. IPアドレスから所在地探し:ITpro
IP アドレスから地域を割り出す
Handy tips to help you out | Think Vitamin
Zajimave tipy pro webvyvoj - jquery, printstyle, geo vyhledavani...
Making a Donation Center With PHP, MySQL and PayPal’s APIs – Tutorialzine
PayPal provides numerous APIs and integration options for third-party developers. One of these is the Donation button, which you can generate straight from PayPal’s site and include directly into your pages. Conversion rate for these buttons is typically minimal, but the right incentive can make a big difference. The idea is to have a dedicated Donation Center. This is a place, where you get to see what a difference your donation would make, and a list of people who have already donated. After choosing the amount you wish to donate and clicking the button, you are redirected to to complete the transaction. After this is done, you are redirected back to the donation center where you can fill a form and get included in the official Donor List.
Скрипт интернет-магазина Simpla CMS
4 Most Important PHP Security Measures | PHP | Server-Side Magazine
As recently as a month ago I was a victim of a state of mind I call Analytics Dismissal Disorder. This mindset is common after hearing about the importance of analytics, installing the tracking code and then getting overwhelmed by all of the graphs and scary numbers. When I suffered from analytics dismissal disorder (which my doctors called A.D.D. for short), I knew Google Analytics was important but avoided the extra effort necessary to learn how to get the most out of the software. This post explains what I needed to learn to get over this.
$clean_message = strip_tags($_POST['txtComment']);
Create a Zip File Using PHP
Lekker zippen met PHP
(PC)² - Consultoria em Software Livre - FAQ CEP Livre
Free Geolocation API tool : CodeDiesel
Using PHP and cURL, pinging for the details of an IP address to nail down the city, country, zip, latitude, longitude etc, of a visitor
Hierarquia de arquivos em Themes de Wordpress |
Para criar um bom theme para Wordpress, você precisa conhecer bem a estrutura de arquivos que são utilizados no construir estes themes. São usados vários arquivos que setorizam as várias funcionalidades do blog ou site.
.htaccess What, Why, When and How | KomunitasWeb
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml
.htaccess is a file with a power to override certain configurations in the Apache httpd.conf file. If you’re using shared hosting, then you don’t have access to Apache main configuration. So most of shared hosting will provide you with .htaccess file.
RT @cameronolivier: The What, Why, When & How of .htaccess [from] :: Clojure 1, PHP 0
Annotated link
Building your own blog in clojure.
PHPコーディングに関する最適化TIPS 2009:phpspot開発日誌
PHPコーディングに関する最適化TIPS 2009
PHP を使う人は心に留めておきたいですね。
PHPスクリプトの遅い部分を簡単に見つける方法 : アシアルブログ
Comparing E-mail Address Validating Regular Expressions
It would be interesting to expore how evolutionary computation would perform in this domain.
Finding the best regular expression for validating e-mail addresses
Email Regexps
James Watts and Francisco Jose Martin Moreno are the first to develop one which passes all of the tests. /^([\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+@((((([a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]{1})|[a-z])\.)+[a-z]{2,6})|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\:\d{1,5})?)$/i
Regular expressions for testing email addresses. Oh my!
25+ Extremely Useful Tricks for the WordPress Functions File
Some of the most incredible, most wanted, and extremely useful tricks for the WordPress functions.php file. Speed up your development now.
Very useful snippets
functions.php の編集 Tips
Fresh Sliding Thumbnails Gallery with jQuery and PHP | Codrops
Good Selection
10 PHP code snippets for working with strings
9 Magic Methods for PHP | Carsonified
construct, destruct, get, call, etc.
RT @draenews: Del 9 Magic Methods for PHP | Carsonified:
TomatoCart- New Generation Ecommerce
TomatoCart- New Generation Ecommerce
MySQL Format Date | date_format Tool
String | Create a multi-language website or app | myGengo
If you’re building a multi-language website or app, you probably use language files. When you change content in one language file, you need to remember to update the other language files. Even with source control, this can get messy pretty quickly if you have many languages, many translators or a large site. We encountered these problems ourselves and needed a tool to keep things organized - so we built String.
String manages your language files - from PHP to PO to Rails to iPhone apps. Import and export easily.
Introducing WordPress 3 Custom Taxonomies | Nettuts+
$os_list = get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'operating_system', '<strong>Operating System(s):</strong> ', ', ', '' );
Good overview - includes syntax registering taxonomies
Tutorial de wordpress 3 taxonomies
$term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) );
WordPress version 3 does not allow you to create custom taxonomies from the administration screen. To initially define your custom taxonomies without a plugin, you’ll need to add a little bit of code to your theme’s functions.php file. This isn’t too difficult — just follow my lead. To add custom taxonomies, we need to edit the “functions.php” file found inside your theme directory. For instance, I’m using the default “twentyten” theme that comes with WordPress 3.0, and my WordPress installation is in a directory named “wp.” My functions.php file is then at: [website_root]/wp/wp-content/themes/twentyten/functions.php.
jQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL Projects.
tons of good ajax techniques...
How to do jQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL Projects. Topics focus on Programming, Jquery, Ajax, PHP, Demos, Web Design, Javascript and MySQL
A Collection of jQuery and Ajax Tutorials with live demos, tutorials posted on 9lessons blog.
How I Build PHP Applications | Eric Harrison
How to Authenticate Users With Facebook Connect | Nettuts+
Exploring the software behind Facebook, the world’s largest site | Royal Pingdom
536Share Exploring the software behind Facebook, the world’s largest site Posted in Main on June 18th, 2010 by Pingdom FacebookAt the scale that Facebook operates, a lot of traditional approaches to serving web content break down or simply aren’t practical. The challenge for Facebook’s engineers has been to keep the site up and running smoothly in spite of handling close to half a billion active users. This article takes a look at some of the software and techniques they use to accomplish that.
Software Behind Facebook
JpGraph - Most powerful PHP-driven charts
Most powerful PHP-driven charts
The Essential Magento eCommerce Toolkit | Web.AppStorm
eCommerce / Online shop
MojoMotor : The Publishing Engine that Does Less
Teclyn diweddaraf Ellis Lab
"MojoMotor is a simple publishing engine that lets you keep your site fresh. Currently in private beta, it will be available shortly." From the makers of ExpressionEngine.
The Publishing Engine that Does Less
3 Practical WordPress Code Snippets You Probably Must Know –
3 porciones de codigo PHP utiles para wordpress
Twitter and Tweetmeme total retweets URL shortener with Bitly Facebook Like
Customize your WordPress Backend for Personal Branding | Graphic and Web Design Blog
ow to create a custom WordPress login, and explain how to fit it to y
WebサイトをiPhoneで見やすくする5つの方法 | Webクリエイターボックス
The Best Web Development Frameworks
RT @deliciouspb: The Best Web Development Frameworks
The Best Web Development Frameworks
Web Development Framework is a software framework that is designed to support the development of a Websites, Web applications and Web services. Many frameworks
framework collection for php css etc
10 Useful WordPress Security Tweaks - Smashing Magazine
10 Useful WordPress Security Tweaks - Smashing Magazine
Several tips for using .htaccess and plugins to deny malicious scripts, dir browsing, etc.
Security has always been a hot topic. Offline, people buy wired homes, car alarms and gadgets to bring their security to the max. Online, security is important, too, especially for people who make a living from websites and blogs. In this article, we’ll show you some useful tweaks to protect your WordPress-powered blog.
WEBプログラマー必見!WEB脆弱性基礎知識最速マスター - 燈明日記
以下の一覧にまとめ。。。 * インジェクション * クロスサイト・スクリプティング * セッション・ハイジャック * アクセス制御や認可制御の欠落 * ディレクトリ・トラバーサル (Directory Traversal) * CSRF(クロスサイト・リクエスト・フォージェリ)
Why you Should be using PHP’s PDO for Database Access | Nettuts+
Many PHP programmers learned how to access databases by using either the mysql or mysqli extensions. Since PHP 5.1, there’s been a better way. PHP Data Objects (PDO) provide methods for prepared statements and working with objects that will make you far more productive!
This is an eazy to learn tutorial for PDO.
Many PHP programmers learned how to access databases by using either the mysql or mysqli extensions. Since PHP 5.1, there's been a better way. PHP Data Objects
ripe for SQL Injection!
初心者さんのためのWebサイト制作に役立つリンク集 | Webクリエイターボックス
Webサイトを作る流れ まずはWebサイトを作る目的を考える 誰のため?何のため?Webサイトを作り始める前に。 サイトマップと呼ばれる構成図を作成 Webサイトの構成図を簡単に作れる便利ツール ワイヤーフレーム(Webサイトのレイアウト)を作成 Webサイトの骨組み: ワイヤーフレームを素早く・手軽に・美しく制作する Photoshopなどでサイトのデザイン ここでやっとコーディング! 今回はこの5番目にあたるコーディングに関するチュートリアルサイトを中心に紹介します。基本は大事です。基本は。ちなみに私がWebの勉強を始めた時に毎日のように見ていたおすすめサイトは、海外では誰もが知っている(はず)の「W3 Schools」です。HTML、CSS、JavaScript、PHPなどなどかなりわかりやすくまとめられています
日本語版 WordPress チートシート | Webクリエイターボックス
サイトを公開する際に最低限抑えておきたい Apache の設定 | バシャログ。
httpd.conf view source print? 01 # 持続的接続を有効化 02 KeepAlive On 03 # IE は除外 04 SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \ 05 nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \ 06 downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0 07 # HTTP ヘッダの表示を抑制 08 ServerTokens Prod 09 # エラーページの表示を抑制 10 ServerSignature Off 11 # TRACE メソッドを無効化 12 TraceEnable Off php.ini view source print? 1 ; HTTP ヘッダの表示を抑制 2 expose_php = Off
Una chat web
i need to have a conversation with a couple people. there's email, but i get pretty sick of the copied text that quickly gets out of control, the unnecessary repetition of everyone's signuatures... overlapping responses. and, i get so much crap in my inbox as-is--it can be cumbersome to try and isolate relevant emails and then the important parts of them. i don't like instant messaging. there are so many clients out there, and, sure there are tools to help them come together, but there are some people that will never use im (i don't blame them, i just haven't had the choice.) twitter is right out. then, there's one of my favorites: irc. but, let's face it: it's mostly for nerds. google wave may be an option... someday. even so, in my experience with the beta so far i'd have to argue that multi-threaded chats are actually less productive. so, i needed something different. a slightly different approach sixty-nine, dudes! your future us's use anologue! anologue is like comments,
ith anologue you can quickly and easily engage in an anonymous (or not) linear dialogue with any number of people (within reason). no accounts. no installations. no way?! yes, way! your "chat room" is created by the time this link loads. invite whoever you want by giving them your unique link, and chat away.
anologue is like comments, meets im, meets irc, meets your favorite paste app, meets instant coffee. actually, instant coffee sucks. with anologue you can quickly and easily engage in an anonymous (or not) linear dialogue with any number of people (within reason). no accounts. no installations. no way?! yes, way! your "chat room" is created by the time this link loads. invite whoever you want by giving them your unique link, and chat away. let's make this better, together perhaps best of all: this is open source. built with php 5.3.1, using the most non-heinous, totally rad lithium framework, couchdb, jquery, a few other scripts as well as some classy, original and established iconography for ui; all coming together for the conversational goodness you're about to experience. contribute to the core or download the source and setup your own. this one's for you, internets.
i need to have a conversation with a couple people.
PlanCake - Open Source and Free Tasks Manager and Todo Lists
Plancake is a smart online task and list manager software.
open Source and Free Tasks Manager and Todo List
eCart - Powerful open source eCommerce platform
eCart - Powerful open source eCommerce platform -
ecard is a powerfull ecommerce platfom and a top rated magento alternative
eCart - Powerful open source eCommerce platform
Tiene buena pinta
eCart - Powerful open source eCommerce platform -
Object-Oriented PHP for Beginners | Nettuts+
Thematic WordPress Theme Toolbox: 10 extremely useful hooks
To help you getting started with Thematic child theme development, I have compiled 10 useful WordPress hooks in this article.
A Beginner’s Guide to Design Patterns | Nettuts+
This is more for programmers than Designers lol - (unless you do both)
InfoQ: 又拍网架构中的分库设计
又拍网和大多数Web2.0站点一样,构建于大量开源软件之上,包括MySQL、PHP、nginx、Python、memcached、redis、Solr、Hadoop和RabbitMQ等等。又拍网的服务器端开发语言主要是PHP和Python,其中PHP用于编写Web逻辑(通过HTTP和用户直接打交道), 而Python则主要用于开发内部服务和后台任务。在客户端则使用了大量的Javascript, 这里要感谢一下MooTools这个JS框架,它使得我们很享受前端开发过程。 另外,我们把图片处理过程从PHP进程里独立出来变成一个服务。这个服务基于nginx,但是是作为nginx的一个模块而开放REST API。
B上我们都建立了shard_001和shard_002两个逻辑数据库, Node-A上的shard_001和Node-B上的shard_001组成一个Shard,而同一时间只有一个逻辑数据库处于Active状态
How to create a built-in contact form for your WordPress theme
How to create a built-in contact form for your WordPress theme
สอนทำแบบฟอร์มใส่ใน wp เองเลย
Many WordPress plugins can add a contact form to your blog, but a plugin is not necessary. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how you can create a built-in contact form for your WordPress theme.
InfoQ: 又拍网架构中的分库设计
又拍网和大多数Web2.0站点一样,构建于大量开源软件之上,包括MySQL、PHP、nginx、Python、memcached、redis、Solr、Hadoop和RabbitMQ等等。又拍网的服务器端开发语言主要是PHP和Python,其中PHP用于编写Web逻辑(通过HTTP和用户直接打交道), 而Python则主要用于开发内部服务和后台任务。在客户端则使用了大量的Javascript, 这里要感谢一下MooTools这个JS框架,它使得我们很享受前端开发过程。 另外,我们把图片处理过程从PHP进程里独立出来变成一个服务。这个服务基于nginx,但是是作为nginx的一个模块而开放REST API。
B上我们都建立了shard_001和shard_002两个逻辑数据库, Node-A上的shard_001和Node-B上的shard_001组成一个Shard,而同一时间只有一个逻辑数据库处于Active状态
Falling foul of special characters « simon r jones
These days its pretty standard to require support for multiple languages and special characters on your website. But it’s still terribly easy to trip up and make mistakes, usually indicated by weird characters popping up across your web content. Here’s a few tips on how to sort out your character encoding.
Falling foul of special characters « simon r jones
These days its pretty standard to require support for multiple languages and special characters on your website. But it’s still terribly easy to trip up and make mistakes, usually indicated by weird characters popping up across your web content. Here’s a few tips on how to sort out your character encoding.
HTML Parsing and Screen Scraping with the Simple HTML DOM Library | Nettuts+
If you need to parse HTML, regular expressions aren’t the way to go. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use an open source, easily learned parser, to read, modify, and spit back out HTML from external sources. Using nettuts as an example, you’ll learn how to get a list of all the articles published on the site and display them.
10 life-saving PHP snippets
couple good functions in here. Add to php library.
phpvirtualbox - Project Hosting on Google Code
web-interface für virtualbox
A virtualbox web admin interface written in PHP
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP.
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP. As a modern web interface, it allows you to access and control remote VirtualBox instances. Much of its verbage and some of its code is based on the (inactive) vboxweb project. phpVirtualBox was created for people (like me) who prefer not to have to log in to their headless VirtualBox host to administer their virtual machines.
How to use, style and implement Wordpress shortcodes | TutToaster
WordPress shortcode API is a powerful function which was introduced from version 2.5, it’s just a simple set of functions for creating macro codes in post content. If you’ve developed a Vbulletin forum before, you would have been familiar with the shortcode (something called BBCode) but the WordPress users maybe not. In this article, I would like to show you how to create and use shortcodes, in addition, I will show you some creative examples of using shortcode in WordPress blog.
WordPress shortcode API is a powerful function which was introduced from version 2.5, it’s just a simple set of functions for creating macro codes in post content.
phpvirtualbox - Project Hosting on Google Code
virtualbox berbasis php
web-interface für virtualbox
A virtualbox web admin interface written in PHP
WordPress 3 and What You Can Do! | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
’s the way to show the description on each menus? Very good question. What’s the use of menu description as seen on menu management picture if we couldn’t d
WordPress 3 and What You Can Do!
Wordpress 3.0 Features and Guide | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE -
come togliere a get_the_term_list il link della categoria ;)
How to Display Facebook Fan Count in Text | How-To
api fancount
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
WordPress 3 and What You Can Do! | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
A deeper look at new features of Wordpress 3 and see what we can do.
Overzicht met Wordpress3.0 mogelijkheden
’s the way to show the description on each menus? Very good question. What’s the use of menu description as seen on menu management picture if we couldn’t d
WordPress 3 and What You Can Do!
Wordpress 3.0 Features and Guide | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE -
How to Display Facebook Fan Count in Text | How-To
api fancount
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
WordPress 3 and What You Can Do! | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
A deeper look at new features of Wordpress 3 and see what we can do.
Overzicht met Wordpress3.0 mogelijkheden
The Web Book
Want to build Web sites with HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and MySQL? The Web Book contains all the information you need to create a Web site from scratch. It covers everything from registering a domain name and renting some hosting space, to creating your first HTML page, to building full online database applications with PHP and MySQL. It also tells you how to market and promote your site, and how to make money from it.
10 Compelling Reasons to Use Zend Framework | Nettuts+
A list of things Zend Framework can do and what benefits they give to a project.
Link given to me by Mark Tinsley
Introduction to MySQL Triggers | Nettuts+