Pages tagged patents:

Apple vs. Palm: the in-depth analysis - Engadget

Apple vs palm
Apple vs. Palm: the in-depth analysis - Engadget
Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal « What I Couldn't Say…
The former CEO of Sun Microsystems writes about S/W patent trolling. This blog, entitled "What I couldn't say..." has appeared since the Sun/Oracle merger and is shaping up to be quite interesting
Newswise Business News | Economists Say Copyright and Patent Laws Are Killing Innovation; Hurting Economy
Patent and copyright law are stifling innovation and threatening the global economy according to two economists at Washington University in St. Louis in a new book, Against Intellectual Monopoly. Professors Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine call for abolishing the current patent and copyright system in order to unleash innovations necessary to reverse the current recession and rescue the economy. The professors discuss their stand against intellectual property protections in a video and news release linked here.
According to two economists at Washington University in St. Louis in a new book, Against Intellectual Monopoly. But that's the opposite of what they were designed for...
Patent Absurdity — How software patents broke the system
Why Our Civilization's Video Art and Culture is Threatened by the MPEG-LA
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It's not just a matter of just "picking Theora" to export a video to Youtube and be clear of any litigation. MPEG-LA's trick runs way deeper! The [street-smart] people at MPEG-LA have made sure that from the moment we use a camera or camcorder to shoot an mpeg2 (e.g. HDV cams) or h.264 video (e.g. digicams, HD dSLRs, AVCHD cams), we owe them royalties, even if the final video distributed was not encoded using their codecs! Let me show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
We've all heard how the h.264 is rolled over on patents and royalties. Even with these facts, I kept supporting the best-performing "delivery" codec in the market, which is h.264. "Let the best win", I kept thinking. But it wasn't until very recently when I was made aware that the problem is way deeper. No, my friends. It's not just a matter of just "picking Theora" to export a video to Youtube and be clear of any litigation. MPEG-LA's trick runs way deeper! The [street-smart] people at MPEG-LA have made sure that from the moment we use a camera or camcorder to shoot an mpeg2 (e.g. HDV cams) or h.264 video (e.g. digicams, HD dSLRs, AVCHD cams), we owe them royalties, even if the final video distributed was not encoded using their codecs! Let me show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
This is an alarming notice about the licensing fine print of "open" video codec for h.264. It's open, but only under certain circumstances. Use it commercially? Pay money.
This is F*CKING UN-BE-LIEV-ABLE!! How the MPEG-LA has a foot in the door to ALL our self-filmed documents...
"We've all heard how the h.264 is rolled over on patents and royalties. Even with these facts, I kept supporting the best-performing "delivery" codec in the market, which is h.264. "Let the best win", I kept thinking. But it wasn't until very recently when I was made aware that the problem is way deeper. No, my friends. It's not just a matter of just "picking Theora" to export a video to Youtube and be clear of any litigation. MPEG-LA's trick runs way deeper!..."