Pages tagged paperless:

8 Ways to Create Paperless Business Cards

ocho maneras de creartarjetas de visita sin papel
8 Ways to Create Paperless Business Cards
What’s that, you’re still printing your business card on paper? That is so last year. These days, business cards are going all virtual and that’s a good thing. Not only are paperless business cards good for the environment, and easier to carry, they’re also unlimited — you’ll never run out when you’re networking at an event or conference. But there are a bunch of different ways to construct a virtual business card, which is right for you? Below are eight ways to build a virtual business card that you can use to send your information to contacts the next time you’re at a networking event. Please share any other services you use in the comments.
Paperless Post
Custom Online Stationery
The Complete Guide to Going Paperless - Paper - Lifehacker
You already pay your bills online and get electronic statements, but there are even more ways you can stop killing innocent trees and wasting time and money dealing with paper. It's time we went paperless.
5 Simple Tools for a Paperless Office
The Step-by-Step Guide to Digitizing Your Life
Your increasingly digital lifestyle has left your analog media collecting dust. Save it from obsolescence and digitize your life. This guide covers many different kinds of media, so feel free to skip to the section(s) that interest you the most: | 1. Paper | 2. Images | 3. Audio | 4. Video | 5. Storage and Organization |