Pages tagged p_atd:

emilyray: Fic: Not Exactly What You Planned

Spencer remembered it like this: they were ten, and they were playing with an old half-deflated soccer ball, and Spencer threw it to Ryan, and Ryan didn’t catch it because Ryan couldn’t catch and also because Spencer threw it further than he meant to, and the ball went into the road. Ryan ran after it. Spencer saw the car and ran after Ryan. He didn’t remember anything after that. He didn’t know if Ryan remembered it differently.
Spencer remembered it like this: they were ten, and they were playing with an old half-deflated soccer ball, and Spencer threw it to Ryan, and Ryan didn’t catch it because Ryan couldn’t catch and also because Spencer threw it further than he meant to, and the ball went into the road.
Where Spencer died when he was little and Ryan is the only one who can see him, that is until Brendon shows up. 4,800 Words
Spencer's dead. He's haunting Ryan. Enter Brendon.
What if Spencer was dead and then there was a very complicated threesome involving his ghost?
A while ago I was talking about what if Spencer was dead and then there was a very complicated threesome involving his ghost? This is the only time of year I can get away with actually writing that, so here you go: it's a ghostfic!
Spencer is a ghost
Threesome involving Spencer's ghost.
Spencer died when he was ten, and he's stayed with Ryan ever since, but he knows Ryan needs somebody else in his life (and maybe so does Spencer).
Brendon gaped at him and the stranger looked back with several different expressions chasing each other over his face - surprise, amusement, confusion, slow shock - and just as Brendon finally managed to demand, “Who the hell are you?” the stranger blurted, “You can see me?”
What if Spencer was dead and there was a very complicated threesome involving his ghost? Totally not as creepy and/or depressing as it sounds.
Have some whiskey, honey - Patd fic -- An Echo in So Much Space -- NC-17 -- Brendon/Spencer
Brendon doesn't mean to do it. Spencer means to say no.
brendon needs a safe place and spencer pines and then brendon gives spencer a tiny dog
11,097 words. Brendon is afraid to be gay, and takes Spencer up on his offer to 'come to him' next time he needs someone, though Spencer didn't exactly mean it that way. Ugh. The boys are SO cute, and so stupid. I heart this story, and Ryan's character, especially. Bonus: Zack.
Summary: Brendon doesn't mean to do it. Spencer means to say no. |__| [most realistic dialog ever, good writing, pining, furniture selling, hot smut and dogs. good times.]
"I think you're missing the point of tic-tac-toe." "Tic-tac-toe has a point?" "Yes. To win." "Oh. I thought it was just what we did when you wanted to talk to me but were too embarrassed to look me in the eye."
Brendon doesn't mean to do it but he just has to. In the end is Princess Wingnut.
In which Brendon comes to terms with his homosexuality.
11,000 words; It's hot in the club and Spencer's bored, annoyed at the way Ryan and Keltie are so fucking in love and Jon's texting Cassie and smiling to himself and everywhere Spencer looks there are couples holding each other and kissing and being happy and he's really, really not in the mood.
The resolution isn't quite as satisfyingly done as the rest of the fic, but this is awesome. Ryan in particular, but Brendon too.
marksykins: PatD FIC: Reinvent Love ('Cause I Can't Get Enough of Yours, Babe), Ryan/Brendon, PG-13, 7150 words
This is what happens when Brendon tells Spanish magazines what music he'd use to seduce someone else.
It's way too early for this.
Ryan laughs. "No, all of the puppies of the world are safe as far as I know. I just... have you noticed increased instances of Barry White on the bus?" / "Barry White is dead, Ryan." Spencer kicks the bus door shut and programs the lock. "Are you being haunted by his ghost? I mean, I know you're crazy, but I'm pretty sure seeing dead people reaches a whole new level of insanity I'm not prepared to deal with."
QUOTE: Breakfast turns into forty-five minutes of Brendon Urie and his Barry White Megamix, all sung to Ryan complete with dramatic hand gestures, while Ryan silently talks himself out of rewriting all of their arrangements for keys too low for Jon and him to reach, just to hear Brendon in that octave always. (7,150 words)
Which album would you use to seduce a person of the opposite sex? "I guess this sounds typical, but clearly Barry White. He's the master of seduction." And which one would you use to seduce someone of the same sex? "The same (laughs)."
recommended. I love how they're such a group of friends. and how ryan is self-aware enough to know how obvious he is.
One-shot. Brendon has a Barry White plan. This is funny and and kind of adorkable and genuine feeling; Ryan's voice, in particular, was really believable. And I loved Jon and Spencer confronting Ryan. (PG-13)
Which album would you use to seduce a person of the opposite sex? "I guess this sounds typical, but clearly Barry White. He's the master of seduction."
overanalyzing the manifestations of the unconscious - fic: If You're Not There To Sing Along
Ryan has a one-man folk duo. It used to be a two-man folk duo, which is, after all, the traditionally accepted paradigm for a folk duo, but his other ("Better," Brendon always said. "Better half!") half took a trip home for the holidays, slipped in some unfortunately spiked eggnog, and fell right into a shotgun wedding.
It's not that Jon isn't hot. It's that Spencer absolutely, positively cannot fuck up Ryan's band.
The one where Ryan's a one-man folk duo.
Ryan has a one-man folk duo.
It's not that Jon isn't hot. It's that Spencer absolutely, positively cannot fuck up Ryan's band
It's called, uh," Jon says, blinking down at his guitar and placing his fingers on it very deliberately. "'I Wasn't That Into Folk Music But I Thought You Were Cute Since The First Time You Walked Into My Starbucks So I Joined The Band Anyway And Now I Like It But You Should Still Go Out With Me'," Jon says. "Working title." "I usually call it 'Spencer'," Ryan says, shrugging. "But sure."
Jon and Ryan's folk-rock duo.
witheveryspark: All I Want for Christmas Is You [1/2]
Brendon and Spencer are college students in Chicago working as elves at Santa's Christmas Wonderland in the mall. At first, Spencer is jealous because Brendon is great with the screaming and crying kids who come to see Santa. He's also just a tiny bit irritated by Brendon's boundless energy and enthusiasm. Then he finds himself developing a crush and pining away for Brendon -- only to be confused by Brendon's sudden affection for Ryan, Spencer's best friend/roommate and Brendon's classmate in a music performance class at school. Ryan works at a bookstore in the mall, Jon works at Starbucks, and there are lots of faily boys having cliched misunderstandings.
n notices Brendon open his mouth to ask another question, and Jon replies, "Photography major." "Do you like, do shows at galleries and stuff? Do you take pictures for people at another job?" Brendon asks, getting on his tiptoes and leaning against the bar. Jon laughs. "Sometimes? I showed at a gallery once." He shrugs. "I'm still looking for a job, so. This is kind of holding me over for a while." He glances at Spencer, narrowing his eyes as though to say, Your elf buddy asks a lot of questions. "That's cool," Brendon says.
Brendon and Spencer are college students in Chicago working as elves at Santa's Christmas Wonderland in the mall.
rendon and Spencer are college students in Chicago working as elves at Santa's Christmas Wonderland in the mall. At first, Spencer is jealous because Brendon is great with the screaming and crying kids who come to see Santa. He's also just a tiny bit irritated by Brendon's boundless energy and enthusiasm. Then he finds himself developing a crush and pining away for Brendon -- only to be confused by Brendon's sudden affection for Ryan, Spencer's best friend/roommate and Brendon's classmate in a music performance class at school. Ryan works at a bookstore in the mall, Jon works at Starbucks, and there are lots of faily boys having cliched misunderstandings.
Brendon and Spencer are college students in Chicago working as elves at Santa's Christmas Wonderland in the mall. At first, Spencer is jealous because Brendon is great with the screaming and crying kids who come to see Santa. He's also just a tiny bit irritated by Brendon's boundless energy and enthusiasm.
boweryd: Live Our Misbehavior, Spencer/Brendon, NC-17
The thing is, and Spencer will fucking swear to this should anyone ever ask, the first time it happened it was a total accident. It wasn’t his fault for coming any more than it was Brendon’s fault for having that fucking mouth, but the fact remained that one day, about two weeks ago, Brendon had been a fucking tease and Spencer had maybe, accidentally, come all over his face. Things had gotten a little weird after that. He just couldn’t stop thinking about it. Like a compulsion or something. Hello, Brendon, how are you today? I’d like to come on your face. Hey, Brendon, can you pass the ketchup? Can I come on your face? Brendon, you can’t pull off facial hair, you need to shave. And when you’re done, I’m going to come on your face. It was getting a little distracting.
“Do you think I’m a slut,” Brendon says, “Because you’ve been acting kind of really weird since you came on my face.”
Brendon’s eyes are huge and glassy, all pupil, his mouth bitten red, and he’s panting a little, hot and open, the muscles in his neck and shoulders strained from where he’s reaching down to wrap around Spencer. “Brendon. . .” “Ask for it.” Brendon’s never, ever been this way, never asked anything of Spencer, never been this wild-eyed and rough, and Spencer has to close eyes against it for a second, take a breath. “Let me,” he says, stuttered and slurred at the same time. “Please, let me do it, let me come on your face.” The last part comes out kind of embarrassingly high and he keeps his eyes squeezed shut, but then Brendon’s hands are on his hips, tugging up and over, getting Spencer on his knees above Brendon’s chest. The bunk is way, way too low for this and he has to bend over almost in half, but he ignores the twinge in his back as soon as Brendon’s lips wrap around his cock and shit.
“Do you think I’m a slut,” Brendon says, “Because you’ve been acting kind of really weird since you came on my face.” -- FACIALS AHOY! ...heh.
ignipes: PatD Fic: It's All Fun and Games Until Somebody Gets Buried Alive (Ryan/Spencer, PG-13)
"I'll turn into Batman," Spencer says. "You can turn into Robin." "Okay," Ryan says agreeably. Wearing ridiculous outfits and living in a secret lair full of gadgets and fighting crime alongside Spencer doesn't sound like such a bad life, even though Ryan's pretty sure they would suck at fighting crime. Well, he would suck, because he's about as intimidating as a limp noodle, but Spencer would probably kick ass as a masked vigilante. There are unfortunate victims all across the country who have learned the hard way what befalls those who try to steal caffeinated beverages and coveted salty snack foods from the Panic bus. But still. It would be cool. As long as Spencer was there with him.
In which Ryan and Spencer are idiots, their friends are devious, everybody has bad ideas and nobody turns into Batman. **"Why don't I have a pool boy?" Spencer never bothers with hello. "I should have a pool boy to make sure there are no dead birds in my pool when I get home." "I'm coming over, but I'm not going to be your pool boy," Ryan says. "I hope you have food." And Spencer says, "I have a chlorinated dead bird. How hungry are you?"
In which Ryan and Spencer are idiots, their friends are devious, everybody has bad ideas and nobody turns into Batman.
cest_what: Fic: I, Robot (Machines Just Wanna Have Fun), Ryan/Brendon
Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated.
Bandom (Panic at the Disco) | Ryan/Brendon | 2,400 words | PG Summary: Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated. Warning: Real Person Fiction Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I don't know any of the members of Panic at the Disco, and don't in the least imagine that this is what goes on in their bus. No offence is meant. A/N: Not beta'd. Typo spotting earns you grateful smiles.
Not-a-robot-Robot!Ryan "You sang me back home," Ryan said quietly. Then he frowned. "No, wait, that sounded really lame." "You're writing lyrics right now, aren't you?" Brendon asked, the laugh spilling into his voice. "Like, while we were kissing, you were totally putting half your attention into working out synonyms."
Standalone. Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated.
"Oh my god," Spencer said, "Ryan is not actually a robot, Brendon." || Ryan get whammied by a fan, and starts acting strangely. Cracky and hilarious at the beginning, but actually kinda creepy, until it all ends in adorable.
In which the band wake up one day and find that Ryan turned into a robot. Only he didn't (and Jon also managed to break him. But not on purpose).
2,400 words. Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated. -- this is adooooorable. i am confused but very happy.
Brendon giggled, breathless. "He's a broken robot," he said. "Oh, wow, this is messed up."
emilyray: Fic: Chicago Bromance Stockholm Syndrome
Chicago Bromance Stockholm Syndrom: a cautionary tale. Or: Five Dudes Jon Walker Has Been Kind Of Gay With.
Five dudes Jon Walker has been kind of gay with. // Fun and warm to the touch. Jon-centric, which makes my day. Left a smile on my face - the best kind of fic.
Subtitled: "Five Dudes Jon Walker Has Been Kind Of Gay With."
Jon loves his guys. In Chicago, that's what you do.
(a cautionary tale) Or: Five Dudes Jon Walker Has Been Kind Of Gay With.
Oh, oblivious Jon, so adorable. Sweet and silly.
Five Dudes Jon Walker Has Been Kind Of Gay With
2009-03, casual mentions of drug use | Author's summary: Jon gets into the Chicago scene pretty early | Or, "Jon hasn't been pining for Ryan at all and doesn't realize they're dating. I WOULD READ SO MANY STORIES WITH THAT BASIC PLOT."
Jon knows where he belongs and it's in a bus or even a van with a bunch of other guys going backwards and forwards across the country and getting far too well acquainted with each other's sweaty armpits. Jon loves his guys. In Chicago, that's what you do.
(alternate version c: Jon hasn't been pining for Ryan at all and doesn't realize they're dating. I WOULD READ SO MANY STORIES WITH THAT BASIC PLOT.)
cest_what: Fic: Hazard's Child, Jon/Brendon
In which Jon wins Brendon in a dice game. Based on Georgette Heyer's short story 'Hazard'.
Summary: In which Jon wins Brendon in a dice game. Based on Georgette Heyer's short story 'Hazard'. Notes: this was pretty adorable. i really wish it was longer.
Jon wins Brendon in a card game and they elope to Gretna Green ... of course things aren't actually that simple. A cute little fic with a happy ending!
Summary: In which Jon wins Brendon in a dice game. Based on Georgette Heyer's short story 'Hazard'.
In which Jon wins Brendon in a dice game.
He looked up, giving Brendon a warm, sweet smile. "Sir, I have won your hand honourably. Will you go with me?"
In which Jon wins Brendon in a dice game. Regency AU.
Jon wins Brendon in a game of chance. || Utterly charming harlequin short, based off a Georgette Heyer short story.
foxxcub: Fic: Look For the Stars as the Sun Goes Down (the kitten AU)
Ryan starts to tuck up close to Brendon, muzzle pressed up against Jon's back, then he sits up suddenly and says, "Hey. Where's Spencer?"
panic! kitten au
Ryan starts to tuck up close to Brendon, muzzle pressed up against Jon's back, then he sits up suddenly and says, "Hey. Where's Spencer?" (the kitten AU)
Ryan starts to tuck up close to Brendon, muzzle pressed up against Jon's back, then he sits up suddenly and says, "Hey. Where's Spencer?" Kitten AU.
When I'm in need of cheering up, kittens! at the disco
Panic!kittens!!! OMG~!!! so cute!!!!!
disarm_d: Moments Like These | Brendon/Shane | NC-17 | ~ 4800 words | PWP
They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
Omg so hot. Shane helps Brendon unwind. Mild d/s stuff. "Shane stretches out on the bed beside Brendon. He's still wearing his pants, so he lifts his hips and pulls them off, tugging his boxers down as well, then wiggles up close beside Brendon. Brendon's sweating and Shane watches him try to force himself to relax. "Do you think you'll still be open for me by tomorrow morning?" Shane asks, his voice rough. He's probably just about as hard as Brendon is right now. Brendon shivers, reaching for Shane with both hands and pulling gently. He tilts his head up and waits for Shane to kiss him, then sucks eagerly on Shane's tongue. Shane bites hard into Brendon's lower lip, just to hear the low noise Brendon makes, then pulls away. "Go to sleep and I'll fuck you in the morning." Shane looks Brendon in the eye and asks, "'Kay?" Brendon nods quickly. Shane says, "Tell me." "I'll wait 'til morning," Brendon says. "You'll fuck me in the morning.""
Standalone. They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
SUMMARY: They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
Brendon says, "It's a hotel night," in a low voice, then grins at Shane, all crinkly eyes and pink cheeks. Shane smiles back, gently knocks his elbow against Brendon's, then starts zipping up his camera case. "You saving your shower for the hotel?" Shane asks. Brendon's got a towel slung around his neck, but he's still in his stage clothes.
4800 words | They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
dsudis: PatD Fic: The Completely True Saga of the Time Jon Walker Almost Died Alone at a Truck Stop
It was Zack's fault, really. 1,303 words.
The one where the stoners! at the disco are at a truckstop full of shiny distractions and lose Jon. Everything about this story is wonderful, seriously.
It was Zack's fault, really.
So the thing that winter, when Brendon hugged that cop a little bit inappropriately, that was really actually Zack's fault, too.
They had split up--there was a Starbucks and a newsstand and a gift shop and bathrooms and vending machines and one of those claw games, there was a lot to do and see
In which Jon Walker is lost.