Pages tagged oxoniensis:

oxoniensis: Supernatural fic: if we keep living this fast, no one will have time to die

all over the USA. wincest. first time, slowly
In Nevada, he falls in love. He won't realize for months, but when he does and looks back, it is in Nevada, that evening by the roadside, hip to hip with Dean leaning against the car, an ache in his belly he doesn't understand and that food doesn't fill.
5,512 words. "First time, falling in love with a side of monster-hunting"
In Nevada, he falls in love. He won't realize for months, but when he does and looks back, it is in Nevada, that evening by the roadside, hip to hip with Dean leaning against the car, an ache in his belly he doesn't understand and that food doesn't fill. He remembers, details clear years later. When everything else is a blur. The warmth of Dean's flank and the moment he discovered Dean was beautiful.
First time, falling in love with side helping of monsters.
First time, falling in love with a side of monster-hunting
Sometimes things just happen, a natural progression of events, and even if Sam didn't see it happening this way in advance, when he looks back, he sees it was obvious. He understands now, that everything he's said and done and every look he's given Dean has been leading here.