Pages tagged opera_unite:

Opera Unite developer's primer - Opera Developer Community

Opera Unite developer's primer
Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues. This article gets you started on the road to Opera Unite Service development — it describes how the Opera Unite Web Server in Opera works and how it can be used. Below I will briefly recap some of the basic concepts related to Opera Unite, show how you can enable the Web server in your browser, and give an example of how to write a simple Opera Unite blog service.
Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues.
Documentation and examples of unite services
Introduction Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues. This article gets you started on the road to Opera Unite Service development — it describes how the Opera Unite Web Server in Opera works and how it can be used. Below I will briefly recap some of the basic concepts related to Opera Unite, show how you can enable the Web server in your browser, and give an example of how to write a simple Opera Unite blog service.