Pages tagged notes:

17 Noteworthy Alternatives To Google Notebook

Google’s decision to discontinue development of Google Notebook had some users petitioning to save it, while Evernote is offering Google Notebook imports.
note-taking web sites
2009-01-27 by Guamenyo. Says Google.Com removing support for its Notebook. Author gives kudos to "Evernote", plus reviews several other analogues.
CintaNotes - A Free Personal Notes Manager
Reminds me of Tornado (Dos version) or Infoselect
Tynt - Tracer
SXSW Interactive 2009 - a set on Flickr
Sketchnotes captured on-site and live in a Moleskine pocket sketchbook while attending SXSW Interactive, March 13-17, 2009 at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas.
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Quotepad - free notepad that can save the text selected on the screen.
Most information entered into your computer notepad is copied and pasted from somewhere. With QuotePad, you can do it with maximum efficiency: just select some text in any application, press Ctrl+Shift+Q and the selected text will be saved to QuotePad together with the URL of the webpage it was copied from. And if you may need to enter something else, you will be amazed by the usability of QuotePad and by how it can store your notes in a compact and comfortable way. You can download and use it absolutely free of charge.
Most information entered into your computer notepad is copied and pasted from somewhere. With QuotePad, you can do it with maximum efficiency: just select some text in any application, press Ctrl+Shift+Q and the selected text will be saved to QuotePad together with the URL of the webpage it was copied from. And if you may need to enter something else, you will be amazed by the usability of QuotePad and by how it can store your notes in a compact and comfortable way. You can download and use it absolutely free of charge.
QuotePad runs under Windows 2000/XP/Vista and has a multilingual interface.
Nice app
directory spreadsheet
test bookmark
The ultimate replacement for spreadsheets, mind mappers, outliners, PIMs, text editors and small databases. Suitable for any kind of data organization, such as Todo lists, calendars, project management, brainstorming, organizing ideas, planning, requirements gathering, presentation of information, etc.
"Free Form Data Organization"
The ultimate replacement for spreadsheets, mind mappers, outliners, PIMs, text editors and small databases. Suitable for any kind of data organization, such as Todo lists, calendars, project management, brainstorming, organizing ideas, planning, requirements gathering, presentation of information, etc.
J.ot Down - simple internet notepad
simple internet notepad
J.ot Down lässt sich in ungefähr 10 Sekunden erlernen: Man öffnet die Seite unter der Adresse und schreibt seine Notiz. Sie wird automatisch gespeichert und erhält einen kryptischen Permalink. Diesen speichert man als Lesezeichen und schreibt weiter. Das war’s.
MIT Database Systems (6.830) TA Course Notes - marcua's blog
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Navigate * Website * Twitter * Subscribe * Archives * Random Subscribe by Email MIT Database Systems (6.830) TA Course Notes In Fall 2008, I had the pleasure of TAing Database Systems with Sam Madden, Mike Stonebraker, and Evan Jones. I figured that I could take notes to help students follow the lectures while clarifying any confusing points that were raised during discussion. It would also help me avoid the embarrassment of forgetting something mentioned during a lecture and having students explain it to me during office hours:). I decided to take notes in plain text, mostly out of laziness. This turned out to be a challenge for drawing things like query plans, but forced me to distill explanations into a conversational tone that provided an alternative to traditional diagrams. Some students in the class told me that they benefited from and enjoyed the notes, and so I decided to open them up for reuse
Operating Systems Lecture Notes
# Lecture 1: Overview and History # Lecture 2: Processes and Threads # Lecture 3: Thread Creation, Manipulation and Synchronization # Lecture 4: Deadlock # Lecture 5: Implementing Synchronization Operations # Lecture 6: CPU Scheduling # Lecture 7: OS Potpourri # Lecture 8: Introduction to Memory Management # Lecture 9: Introduction to Paging # Lecture 10: Issues in Paging and Virtual Memory # Lecture 11: MIPS TLB Structure # Lecture 11: Introduction to File Systems # Lecture 13: File System Implementation # Lecture 14: Monitors # Lecture 15: Segments # Lecture 16: Disk Scheduling # Lecture 17: Networking # Lecture 18: UDP and TCP
Operating Systems Lecture Notes
Penzu : Free Private Journal and Diary
Private journal entries for classroom use
SPU-Dorr class
Can take notes or do free writing on this
includes various notes for myself!
Free journal
Great for students to write private journals entries. Can see multiple students using this!
Online collabrative journal
50 Tools and Tricks to Revolutionize Your Notetaking | Distance Learning Net
Prise de notes sur Internet
Whether you’re a high school or college student, a small business owner looking to set up a new business plan, or someone who wants to be better organized with your errands, goals and regular to-do lists, there are a variety of tools to keep your notes and tasks safe and filed away online. These 50 tools and tricks will revolutionize your note-taking by introducing you to techniques and websites that let you share ideas, store your thoughts directly on a web page and more.
KeepNote: Note taking and organization
Note taking and organization
programma per prendere appunti
Simplenote - Easy-to-use, syncable, searchable notes for iPhone
iphone app to replace notes (includes sync)
Ver clean note app with web app alternate interface
Five Classic Ways to Boost Your Note-Taking - Note-taking - Lifehacker
"If your note-taking skills are suffering from summertime rigor mortis, now's as good a time as any to throw a new technique into the mix. Let's take a look at some new and old tools for improving your ballpoint repertoire." via Lifehacker
If your note-taking skills are suffering from summertime rigor mortis, now's as good a time as any to throw a new technique into the mix. Let's take a look at some new and old tools for improving your ballpoint repertoire.
SchoolNotes 2.0
14 Practical Ways to Use Evernote : The World : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
I use a service called Evernote to fulfill my pack-rat and archiving needs. Evernote is a service “in the cloud” that you can dump notes
14 Practical Ways to Use Evernote
neat but not sure why i'd use this over evernote.
Listhings is an eco-friendly web app for storing sticky notes, lists, ToDo's, you-name-it. It's super fast, free and easy to use. No sign-up needed.
3banana Online Notebook -- Take Notes, Sync, and Share on Android, iPhone, Online
Notetaking app for Web and phones.
Note syncing for Android. Like Android/Blackberry Simplenote.
The easiest way to take notes - online and on the go — Your writing synced online
Your writing, notes, and to-do lists online. stores your text and keeps it synced between your work, home, and devices like the iPhone. Unlike manual syncing, merges your changes so you'll never lose data.
Koofers - Exams, Rate/Pick Professors, Ratings/Evaluations, Notes
Notebooks: Where to Go When Google Notebook Goes Down
Google's Notebook webapp was tightly integrated with other Google apps, had a killer Firefox extension, and was great at getting things done. "Was," though, because Google is ending support. Here's where heartsick users should turn.
Algorithm Library Design: Lecture Notes
Library design is language design. [Stroustrup] Course Goal To learn how to implement software libraries, such as STL, CGAL, LEDA, ..., that have a focus on algorithms and data structures. To learn advanced programming techniques in C++, such as templates, generic programming, object-oriented design, design patterns, and large-scale C++ software design.
Organise your stuff - however you want to! Remember important things, keep to-do lists, organise projects, track work and everything else that you need to do that we've never thought of
A nice todo tool that is based on the web
Squareleaf is a simple and intuitive virtual whiteboard, complete with all the sticky notes you'll ever need. Unlike the real thing, our notes don't fall off all of the time.
Ketchup is a new tool that will let the busy ones make sure they are never missing important information related to any past meeting ever again. It does that by letting you create a kind of catalogue of meetings. That is, the user comes up with a series of lists that detail information ranging from who was there to what was said and discussed.
Web app for meeting notes. Where is the mobile version?
AJAX-enabled Sticky Notes With PHP & jQuery – Tutorialzine
Today we are making an AJAX-enabled Sticky Note management system. It will give visitors the ability to create notes with a live preview, and move them around on the screen. Every movement is going to be sent to the back-end via AJAX and saved in the database.
This is a collaborative outliner. Create and share outlines!
Real time, fuly collaborative outliner
web based collaborative outliner. What the!
collaborative outliner Your ideas will grow and flow when you collaborate on outlines with Signup is easy and so is thinklinkr; you'll be making outlines before you know it. Using thinklinkr ourselves has improved (and sometimes eliminated) meetings and helps us stay on the same page on everything. It's also great for taking and sharing notes and keeping task lists.
Memonic is a relatively new tool for curating collections of information from the web. Memonic's key function is to give users the power to clip sections of websites and build them into a personal collection. Along with the clipping of information, users can add commentary to each item they place into their personal accounts. From Free Technology for Teachers
a free web-based tool that seeks to help you clip out just what you need from your web-based research and organize it in a personally meaningful and helpful way. Memonic allows you to move away from the model of bookmarking sites that contain data you want and instead of snipping that data out of the page and saving it to your Memonic account. If you're doing research on a vacation for instance, you wouldn't bookmark every page you found with interesting content about that vacation. You would use Memonic to clip out the bits that were of interest to you—a specific restaurant review from a restaurant critic page, a landmark you found on the visitor's bureau site you want to visit, some photos of local street performers you'd like to keep an eye out for, and so on. All the things you clip end up in your Memonic inbox, seen below:
a free, web based tool for collecting, organizing, storing and sharing information. Similar to Evernote. Bookmarklet will capture whole webpages.
Top 40 Ways to Take Notes Online | Marc and Angel Hack Life
Detta är ju något jag konstant experimenterar med också. Defenitivt värt att undersöka!
Regular note-taking is one of the most productive habits a person can practice.  The ability to take notes online and access them anytime, from any ...
Functioning Form - Interface Design Blog (Weblog)
How to Write a Thank You Note | The Art of Manliness
Create a printable summary of your video with Vidinotes!
Vidinotes was founded to expand the use of online videos. While online videos provide entertainment and understanding, learning from videos is not very practical. Vidinotes is the bridge from video to learning, allowing users to create their own notes of a video, including images taken directly from the video, then print or save their new document.
RT @draenews: Del Create a printable summary of your video with Vidinotes!:
Capture videos
Vidinotes lets you capture video images from FLV (Flash video) files and print them complete with notes. Browse to a video on your PC or upload a video from YouTube (via the FLV converter) and then watch the video and capture up to 30 video stills. Vidinotes labels each note in chronological order and lets you edit the title and note section of each slide. The final product will include each slide (in the order in which you created them) with your notes attached. - a piece of paper in the cloud
Online note taking
Notepad, but in the cloud
a piece of paper
a piece of paper in the cloud
quick tool for writing notes and uploading attachments is a dead simple application that allows you to share text between computers and in the cloud. I really focused on ease of use with this app – there are hardly any elements on the page and the only action required by the user is to start typing. There is no need to “save” as its all done automatically.
Save files to the cloud
Share text and files easily
quick tool for writing notes and uploading attachments is a dead simple application that allows you to share text between computers and in the cloud. I really focused on ease of use with this app – there are hardly any elements on the page and the only action required by the user is to start typing. There is no need to “save” as its all done automatically.
Save files to the cloud
InputNotes jQuery Plugin
every day