Pages tagged node_js:


Node's goal is to provide an easy way to build scalable network programs. In the above example,
Evented I/O for V8 javascript
Node.js is genuinely exciting
this recursively is probably a bad idea since it will eventually blow the browser’s JavaScript stack, but it works OK for the demo. The more interesting part is the server-side /wait URL which is being polled. Here’s the relevant Node
Going evented with Node.js - Naked JavaScript
(fab) - a pure javascript DSL for building async web apps
a pure javascript DSL for building async web apps Introduction (fab) is a lightweight (~2KB minified and gzipped) toolkit that makes it easy to build asynchronous web apps. It takes advantage of the flexibility of javascript to create a concise DSL without pre-compilation or magic scope hackery. Node.js currently the only supported platform.
(fab) is a lightweight (~2KB minified and gzipped) toolkit that makes it easy to build asynchronous web apps. It takes advantage of the flexibility of javascript to create a concise DSL without pre-compilation or magic scope hackery.
Real time online activity monitor example with node.js and WebSocket @ Bamboo Blog
Express - Node.js Web Development Framework
High performance, high class web development for Node.js
Fast (and small) server-side JavaScript web development framework built on node.js and the V8 JavaScript engine.
Index - How To Node is a community supported blog created by Tim Caswell. The purpose of the blog is to teach how to do various tasks in node.js as well as teach fundamental concepts that are needed to write effective code.
Tim Caswell’s open blog for how to learn Node.js.
A Blog dedicated to node.js programming
What is "this"? - How To Node
Most people that learn JavaScript are coming from a background in another language. This brings with it a view of how the world works that may be different from how it really works in JavaScript. For this and other reasons, JavaScript is often misunderstood. It's not entirely our fault, the language was designed to work like one thing (scheme-like), but look like another (c-like). This article will describe lexical scope and the "this" variable and how to control them rather than be controlled by them when in coding JavaScript.
Everything you ever wanted to know about scopes in Javascript. Closures are key.
A HTTP Proxy Server in 20 Lines of node.js Code - good coders code, great reuse
muy bueno
"This is just amazing. In 20 lines of node.js code and 10 minutes of time I was able to write a HTTP proxy. And it scales well, too. It's not a blocking HTTP proxy, it's event driven and asynchronous, meaning hundreds of people can use simultaneously and it will work well."
This is just amazing. In 20 lines of node.js code and 10 minutes of time I was able to write a HTTP proxy. And it scales well, too. It's not a blocking HTTP proxy, it's event driven and asynchronous, meaning hundreds of people can use simultaneously and it will work well.
Faye: Simple pub/sub messaging for the web
Faye: publish-subscribe messaging system based on the Bayeux protocol - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Faye is an easy-to-use publish-subscribe messaging system based on the Bayeux protocol. It provides message servers for Node.js and Rack, and clients for use in Node and Ruby programs and in the browser.
pdf.js - create basic pdf files in the browser and node.js
pdf.js - create basic pdf files in the browser and node.js -
Para crear pdf usando el navegador
cloudhead's http-console at master - GitHub
"Speak HTTP like a local"—a simple, intuitive HTTP REPL
interact with a website via a console http verbs
""Speak HTTP like a local"—a simple, intuitive HTTP REPL". Hint: you don't need to install npm to use this, just git clone the repo and run bin/http-console directly
http-console is a simple and intuitive interface for speaking the HTTP protocol.
"HTTP-console est un outil en ligne de commande qui vous permet de faire des requêtes HTTP et d'examiner la réponse. C'est donc une sorte de Curl, mais son mode interactif en fait un outil très pratique si vous avez à débugger une API Rest. Pour ceux qui préfèrent les interfaces web à la ligne de commande, vous pouvez regarder ("
Vows « Asynchronous BDD for Node
Node.js testing. Inspirational site!
Vows is a behavior driven development framework for Node.js. Vows was built from the ground up to test asynchronous code. It executes your tests in parallel when it makes sense, and sequentially when there are dependencies. Emphasis was put on speed of execution, clarity and user experience.
Parsing file uploads at 500 mb/s with node.js » Debuggable Ltd
A few weeks ago I set out to create a new multipart/form-data parser for node.js. We need this parser for the new version of transloadit that we have been working on since our setback last month. The result is a new library called formidable, which, on a high level, makes receiving file uploads with node.js as easy as:
Parsing file uploads at 500 mb/s with node.js » Debuggable Ltd
LakTEK – Real-time Collaborative Editing with Web Sockets, Node.js & Redis - (Lakshan Perera)
Experimenting with Node.js - Jeff Kreeftmeijer
If you’re using a browser that supports web sockets, you might see some extra mouse cursors moving around. These are actually other people also looking at this page right now, live, as we speak. If you don’t see anything, try to open up this page in another browser window next to this one and move your mouse in it. This is an experiment I did to play around with Node.js and web sockets. I’ve put everything in a Gist in case you want to try it out yourself. I’ll explain how it works in this article.
If you’re using a browser that supports web sockets, you might see some extra mouse cursors moving around. These are actually other people also looking at this page right now, live, as we speak.