Pages tagged newton:

Pen v keyboard v Newton v Graffiti v Treo v iPhone (Phil Gyford’s website)

For some time I’ve been meaning to test my small collection of PDA/smartphone gadgets to see which of their methods of input was quickest. The iPhone’s software keyboard? The Newton’s handwriting recognition? Palm’s Graffiti? With the possible imminent arrival of a tablet from Apple that will save the world, it seemed a good time to get round to the test.
Phil Gyford tested a small collection of PDA and smartphone gadgets to see which of their methods of input was quickest. He tested six input method: Apple Newton handwriting recognition (1997); Palm Vx Graffiti (1999); Palm Treo 650’s hardware QWERTY keyboard (2004); Apple iPhone 3G’s software QWERTY keyboard (2009); old-fashioned Pen & Paper; a full-size QWERTY keyboard. He copied out 200 plus words. And he did it twice for each input. The results were surprising. Palm Graffiti was surprisingly slow. Handwriting was surprisingly slow. The iPhone soft keyboard was surprisingly fast.
Productividad escribiendo en diferentes dispositivos. For some time I’ve been meaning to test my small collection of PDA/smartphone gadgets to see which of their methods of input was quickest. The iPhone’s software keyboard? The Newton’s handwriting recognition? Palm’s Graffiti? With the possible imminent arrival of a tablet from Apple that will save the world, it seemed a good time to get round to the test.
Sehr schöne kleine Statistik. Das iPhone gewinnt nach der QWERTZ Tastatur und vor der Handschrift.
Turning the Pages - History of Science - The Royal Society
3D virtual browsing. Interface it a bit clunky, but I heart me some virtual books.
Welcome to our gallery of Turning the Pages™ presentations - high-quality digital facsimiles of manuscripts which replicate the physical experience of reading the original works as closely as possible. We hope that these will give you a flavour of the fascinating and diverse range of material held within our collections. We will be adding more items soon. Launch Turning the Pages™ 2.0 * Full 3D version - high end, full functionality. (Need help?) * Silverlight version - if you cannot use the 3D version, try this one. (Need help?) * Accessible version - if you're still having difficulty, try this version. (Need help?) The Turning the Pages™ Library currently includes these manuscripts. William Stukeley's Life of Newton Thomas Paine's iron bridge design Woolsthorpe Paine letter The Constitutions of Carolina Anatomical drawings of the human lymphatic system The fundamental constitutions of Carolina Foot Richard Waller's watercolours of English flowers and grasses
Welcome to our gallery of Turning the Pages™ presentations - high-quality digital facsimiles of manuscripts which replicate the physical experience of reading the original works as closely as possible.
Welcome to our gallery of Turning the Pages™ presentations - high-quality digital facsimiles of manuscripts which replicate the physical experience of reading the original works as closely as possible. We hope that these will give you a flavour of the fascinating and diverse range of material held within our collections. We will be adding more items soon.