Pages tagged netflix: - Movies and TV to Watch Instantly on Netflix

netflix for impatient people
understudy - Google Code
Front Row plugin for streaming video
Understudy allows access to streaming video through the Front Row interface of Mac OS X. The user can subscribe to multiple feeds, and select a video to watch from them. Understudy currently supports Hulu and Netflix.
Description Understudy allows access to streaming video through the Front Row interface of Mac OS X. The user can subscribe to multiple feeds, and select a video to watch from them. Understudy currently supports Hulu and Netflix.
Talks about employee retention, handling increasing complexity in the company, etc
Slide deck from Netflix outlines their employee strategy, how they do compensation, why they only aim for top performers, how their "vision statement" is different than Enron's, etc
Other Companies Should Have To Read This Internal Netflix Presentation
Interesting presentation on setting company culture...
Internal Netflix document detailing culture and practice that is *very* different to almost everyone else. Some amazing and inspiring stuff. I hope they walk the talk.
How Netflix gets your movies to your mailbox so fast --,0,6424990.story
Out of sight in Carol Stream, 42 people move 60,000 discs daily with quiet efficiency. But don't drop off your flicks there.
Netflix prize tribute: Recommendation algorithm in Python | This Number Crunching Life
Quick implementation of the Netflix recommendation algorithm (probablistic matrix factorization) in Python.
probabalistic matrix factorisation
I test my code using synthetic data, where I first make up latent vectors for users and items, then I generate some training set ratings by multiplying some latent user vectors by latent item vectors then adding some noise. I then discard the latent vectors and just give the model the synthetic ratings.
Netflix API - Welcome to the Netflix Developer Network
Queued - SitePen, Inc.
Queued is first and foremost a technology demo created to show how you can use Adobe AIR and the Dojo Toolkit to create rich hybrid applications that connect to outside data while allowing users to work and modify the data offline.
the netflix app
Reference Guide on ourFreedom &amp; Responsibility Culture <br />These slides are meant for reading,<br />rather than pr
What we find particularly intriguing is the section on hiring and firing. They want every manager to ask themselves: “Which of my people, if they told me they were leaving in two months for a similar job at a peer company, would I fight hard to keep at Netflix?” Anybody who doesn’t make that list should be offered a severance package right now so we can open a slot to find a star performer for that role. Another highlight: Netflix has no vacation policy! They don’t have a “rule” about 9 – 5 work - their rule is simpler: get your job done, and do it well. They realized if they didn’t track the hours employees worked, why would they track the hours they DON’T work? There is also no policy on clothing, but as of yet, no one has come to work naked (Patty McCord, 2004). The lesson: You don’t need detailed policies for everything. Here’s the part where they devalue training (you should probably stop reading here. . .)
This makes me want to work for Netfilx. No, wait. It makes me want to built the same values into meta4 so I never have to leave.
The Official Netflix Blog: Encoding for streaming
Behind the scenes at Netflix -
Fascinating photo slideshow of one the Netflix distribution centers, where the snazzy online service meets labor intensive bricks-and-mortar.
A Peek Into Netflix Queues -
visualisation of rentals of films from netflix. be nice to correlate this to income levels and general demographic data
Examine maps of Netflix rental patterns, neighborhood by neighborhood, in a dozen cities across the nation.
A Peek Into Netflix Queues -
Examine maps of Netflix rental patterns, neighborhood by neighborhood, in a dozen cities across the nation.
Visual depiction of datamining Netflix queues by New York City districts.
#infografico Os filmes mais alugados na Netflix de acordo com o CEP em 12 cidades dos EUA /by
Netflix queues by location. Interesting, although only for certain areas (I find it cool cause I can look around Seattle).
IEEE Spectrum: The Million Dollar Programming Prize
year-old Netflix Prize competition, offers a grand prize of US $1 million for an algorithm that’s 10 percent more accurate than the one Netflix uses to predict customers’ movie preferences.
Netflix's bounty for improving its movie-recommendation software is almost in the bag. Here is one team's account
Bell Labs explains their strategy for solving Netflix's collaborative filtering problem.
How to Stream Internet TV to your HDTV - Stream Cable TV from the Web - Popular Mechanics