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nekare: Prophesy [Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, PG-13]

Summary: In which Merlin dreams, and sometimes, his dreams come true.
[The first few lines are clunkers, but read on. The story is very grand, shot through with what's to come. And the last bit is killer.] HThere’s silence, and then they’re alone with a corpse between them, breathing hard. They’re still both holding their swords. Arthur is not king yet, and Merlin is but a servant, but the moment feels worn, threadbare, already lived-in, and Merlin wants to sink into it, and wants to escape it at the same time. Past and present and future melt together, for a moment.
In which Merlin dreams, and sometimes, his dreams come true.
There is a kingdom, its name stuff of legend, never to be forgotten. There is a sword, its name almost as famous, but that has only just begun. There is a king, and there is a magician, but sometimes they’re just boys, just a prince and a servant.
“You think I could see the future?” Merlin asks out of the sudden, and Gaius raises his eyebrows at him. “Probably. We can never tell for sure, with your powers.” He indicates he should stir harder, and points at the next herb he should use. “The real issue here, Merlin, is whether you would want to.” Merlin frowns, stirs too hard and has to start all over again. The answer is no, he doesn’t really want to, but that doesn’t seem to be an option.
merlin dreams prophesy.
Merlin dreams.
用一個又一個梅林的夢來寫出Authurian legend的未來,預知夢的形式很適合這種英國古老傳說。 最後一句又是甜到後來給你補個一刀。
In which Merlin dreams, and sometimes, his dreams come true. A fic which leaps from vision to vision, so you're not quite sure what's happening, but there's a common thread of plot running through that's keeping you there.