Pages tagged necc09:

Welcome - ISTEvision

ISTE vision for videos from NECC
videos from ISTE
necclibrarytoolssmackdown - home
Technology tools recommended by NECC attendees, organized by type.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Learn How your students can create and share with Scratch
k12cellphoneprojects - home
This is a resource to share K-12 projects that have integrated student cell phones into classroom learning
chart of examples for how K-12 teachers are using cell phones in class
This is a resource to share K-12 projects that have integrated student cell phones
cellphone project
TopTen for Young Learners - All the Best!
Permite grabar voces y sonidos
Blog con ejemplos muy claros de lo que es cada una de las 10 herramientas de las que hablan.
ISTE | NETS for Administrators 2009
Administrators play a pivotal role in determining how well technology is used in our schools. The NETS for Administrators enable us to define what administrators need to know and be able to do in order to discharge their responsibility as leaders in the effective use of technology in our schools.
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators -- Score
excellent resources for teachers
Support site for presentation
Didn't see this one, but looks interesting.
The Google Wave Will Change Education Forever | ISTE’s NECC09 Blog
new way to collaborate on the Internet
Google Wave info: check this out later