Pages tagged nasa:

Singularity University

NASA - Do-It-Youself Podcast
All of the materials to create a podcast using NASA resources
images, audio to download and use to create student podcasts. Separated by grade levels, K-4, 5-8, 9-12.
Students can preview and download audio and video clips of astronauts performing work in space and on the ground. They can then use these clips to build their own podcast or similar audio/video project. Learning modules on the DIY Podcast page will be categorized by topic to assist students with creating projects about a subject of interest. Each subject module includes video and audio clips, images, helpful information and links to related resources.
Are you looking for a new approach to engage your students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics? NASA's Do-It-Yourself Podcast activity sets the stage for students to host a show that features astronauts training for missions, doing experiments in space or demonstrating equipment. We'll provide a set of audio and video clips along with photos and information about a space-related topic. You and your students may choose as many items as you want to include in your project and download them to your computer. Students may use the information we provide or conduct their own research to write a script for an audio or video production
Cassini's continued mission - The Big Picture -
NASA's Cassini spacecraft is now a nearly a year into its extended mission, called Cassini Equinox (after its initial 4-year mission ended in June, 2008). The spacecraft continues to operate in good health, returning amazing images of Saturn, its ring system and moons, and providing new information and science on a regular basis. The mission's name, "Equinox" comes from the upcoming Saturnian equinox in August, 2009, when its equator (and rings) will point directly toward the Sun. The Equinox mission runs through September of 2010, with the possibility of further extensions beyond that. Collected here are 24 more intriguing images from our ringed neighbor.
They Write the Right Stuff
Fast Company, Dec 2007
Writing code for the space shuttle.
Software engineering for the Space Shuttle
How NASA writes software: planned, persnickity, and perfect.
Hubble's final servicing mission - The Big Picture -
On Monday, May 11, after months of delays and preparation, NASA's Space Shuttle Atlantis launched from the Kennedy Space Center on the final servicing mission to the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope. The seven crew members left Florida for low Earth orbit at 2:01 pm, for a scheduled 11-day mission, including 5 days of Extra-vehicular activity (EVAs) to work on the Hubble. So far the repairs appear to be going very well - the final EVA is scheduled for today, and the landing planned for May 22nd. I was fortunate enough to attend the launch at Banana Creek viewing area, and wish to extend my gratitude to all the people at NASA.
Recent scenes from the ISS - The Big Picture -
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
NASA - ASTER Imagery
We Choose the Moon: Pre-launch
This is the collest thing ever !!
Intereactive web site recreating the Apollo 11 mission.
Relive in real time
Remembering Apollo 11 - The Big Picture -
Remembering Apollo 11
Fotos impresionantes...
We Choose the Moon: Command Service Module Ignites
NASA - NASA High Definition Video: Partially Restored Apollo 11 Video
NASA High Definition Video: Partially Restored Apollo 11 Video
NASA - LRO Sees Apollo Landing Sites
Just in case you don't believe we went.
image apollo
First images from LRO of Apollo landing sites
Virtual AGC Home Page
The purpose of this project is to provide a computer simulation of the onboard guidance computers used in the Apollo Program's lunar missions, and to generally allow you to learn about these guidance computers.
Virtual AGC is a computer model of the AGC. It does not try to mimic the superficial behavioral characteristics of the AGC, but rather to model the AGC's inner workings. The result is a computer model of the AGC which is itself capable of executing the original Apollo software on (for example) a desktop PC. In computer terms, Virtual AGC is an emulator.
Google Code Blog: Apollo 11 mission's 40th Anniversary: One large step for open source code...
kod źródłowy Apollo 11 :)
Some of the Apollo source code.
NASA - Hubble ERO Images
RT @brysongilbert: Seriously you guys, the Hubble Space Telescope is the most expensive desktop wallpaper generator ever. [from]
Gigagalaxy Zoom
William Safire's Finest Speech - William Safire - Gawker
Written for President Nixon, just in case the Apollo 11 astronauts were marooned on the Moon's surface
speech written for case that Aldrin and Armstrong were to stay stranded on the moon
"Columnist and presidential speechwriter Bill Safire was one of only three non-disloyal Jews President Nixon could name. Here is the speech he drafted for Nixon to read in case the Apollo 11 Astronauts became stranded on the moon!"
50-years-exploration-huge.jpg (JPEG Image, 3861x1706 pixels)
Ein weiteres Stück in der Infographics-Sammlung. Ist aber auch ziemlich nice.
huge images showing all space missions
beautiful image of where the last 50yrs of space exploration have gone. nice picture
Flickr Photo Download: 50 Years of Space Exploration
Wow, what an amazing map, I wouldn't have expected that there had been as many missions as that!
Map of the Day - National Geographic Magazine
Saturn at equinox - The Big Picture -
Saturn at equinox Checking in with NASA's Cassini spacecraft, our current emissary to Saturn, some 1.5 billion kilometers (932 million miles) distant from Earth, we find it recently gathering images of the Saturnian system at equinox. During the equinox, the sunlight casts long shadows across Saturn's rings, highlighting previously known phenomena and revealing a few never-before seen images. Cassini continues to orbit Saturn, part of its extended Equinox Mission, funded through through September 2010. A proposal for a further extension is under consideration, one that would keep Cassini in orbit until 2017, ending with a spectacular series of orbits inside the rings followed by a suicide plunge into Saturn on Sept. 15, 2017. (previously: 1, 2, 3). (23 photos total)
Incredible Beautiful. Saturn at equinox. Anybody else wanna join NASA right now?
virtualagc - Project Hosting on Google Code
The purpose of this project is to provide an emulation of the on-board Apollo guidance computers, along with some ancillary items needed to make the emulation do something interesting. "AGC" stands for Apollo Guidance Computer. The AGC was the principal on-board computer for NASA's Apollo missions, including all of the lunar landings. Both the Command Module (CM) and the Lunar Module (LM) had AGCs, so two AGCs were used on most of the Apollo missions, but with differing software. The computer and its software were developed at MIT's Instrumentation Laboratory, also known as Draper Labs.
Apollo source code
Martian landscapes - The Big Picture -
wow, one of the best ever sets
Vybrané detaily struktur povrchu - zdroj NASA. Via V. Vančura(twitter)
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
Collected here is a group of images from HiRISE over the past few years, in either false color or grayscale, showing intricate details of landscapes both familiar and alien, from the surface of our neighboring planet, Mars. I invite you to take your time looking through these, imagining the settings - very cold, dry and distant, yet real -- It's Official: Water Found on the Moon
New observations from three different spacecraft return what has been called "unambiguous evidence" of water across the surface of the moon. via @Macht_Nichts on Twitter.
NASA PlanetQuest Historic Timeline
Historic Timeline on our Quest for New Worlds (Interactive)
NASA - 2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Won't End?
Impressive movie special effects aside, Dec. 21, 2012, won't be the end of the world as we know.
Nasa verspricht: Wir werden 2013 erleben.
"PASADENA, California -- NASA and Microsoft Corp. of Redmond, Wash., have collaborated to create a Web site where Internet users can have fun while advancing their knowledge of Mars. Drawing on observations from NASA's Mars missions, the "Be a Martian" Web site will enable the public to participate as citizen scientists to improve Martian maps, take part in research tasks, and assist Mars science teams studying data about the Red Planet...." ☺☼☺ (
Welcome to the Be A Martian! website. If you use an assistive technology, we care about your experience on this site. If you have improvements to suggest, email
Age of virtual exploration and the human-robotic partnership
They Write the Right Stuff | Fast Company
How they write the software for the Space Shuttle
NASA space shuttle software development
As the 120-ton space shuttle sits surrounded by almost 4 million pounds of rocket fuel, exhaling noxious fumes, visibly impatient to defy gravity, its on-board computers take command.
Welcome to 100 Hours of Astronomy
2009 internat yr of astronomy
sterrenkunde Uit meer met media
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Most complete Earth map published
Japan & NASA
The data, comprising 1.3 million images, come from a collaboration between the US space agency Nasa and the Japanese trade ministry.
oeh what does this thingy do?
la cabina de mandos del Atlantis
The space shuttle cockpit
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
wow, i had really strong feelings for this one
If the Mars Spirit Rover could talk...
Aw, man.
アポロ11号のソースコード - Radium Software
Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch (HD) Camera E-8 on Vimeo
This clip is raw from Camera E-8 on the launch umbilical tower/mobile launch program of Apollo 11, July 16, 1969. This is an HD transfer from the 16mm original. Even more excellent footage is available on our DVDs at our website at The camera is running at 500 fps, making the total clip of over 8 minutes represent just 30 seconds of actual time. Narration is provided by Mark Gray (me), Executive Producer for Spacecraft Films.
Super slow-mo but beautiful HD video
Saturn close-up: Sensational cosmic images bring ringed planet to life | Mail Online
Saturn sure looks cool [from]
Saturn close-up: Sensational cosmic images bring ringed planet to life | Mail Online
Hubble: Hubble Finds Unidentified Object in Space, Scientists Puzzled
Hubble finds unidentified object in space. Nerds all over say "cooooool"
Hubble: Hubble Finds Unidentified Object in Space, Scientists Puzzled
The headline and story made me think of Bruce Willis in Armageddon when he says, "You're NASA, you've always got a backup plan. You've probably got a team somewhere else thinking up ideas" because it's surprising that they can't even guess as to what this is.
[I]n a paper published last week in the Astrophysical Journal, scientists detail the discovery of a new unidentified object in the middle of nowhere.
Un pixel sin explicación en una imagen enviada por el Hubble. Una fuente de luz que apareció de repente y unos días después despareció.
This is exactly why we send astronauts to risk their life to service Hubble in a paper published last week
President Obama 'has four years to save Earth' | Environment | The Observer
there is an expert here
Barack Obama has only four years to save the world. That is the stark assessment of Nasa scientist and leading climate expert Jim Hansen who last week warned only urgent action by the new president could halt the devastating climate change that now threatens Earth.
Barack Obama has only four years to save the world. That is the stark assessment of Nasa scientist and leading climate expert Jim Hansen who last week warned only urgent action by the new president could halt the devastating climate change that now threatens Earth. Crucially, that action will have to be taken within Obama's first administration, he added.
lets hope he gets on with it
Not only is he America's hope for relevance but now he has to save the world too. It would be funny if it were not true. If America doesn't take a leadership role in this too (along with the others who have already stepped forward I might add) then as the great Australian poems reads: "We'll All Be Rooned" said Hanrahan!
Checking in on Saturn - The Big Picture -
Checking in on Saturn The Big Picture
While we humans carry on with our daily lives down here on Earth, perhaps stuck in traffic or reading blogs, or just enjoying a Springtime stroll, a school-bus-sized spacecraft called Cassini continues to gather data and images for us - 1.4 billion kilometers (870 million miles) away. Over the past months, NASA's Cassini spacecraft has made several close flybys of Saturn's moons, caught the Sun's reflection glinting off a lake on Titan, and has brought us even more tantalizing images of ongoing cryovolcanism on Enceladus. Collected here are a handful of recent images from the Saturnian system. (30 photos total)
NASA Face in Space
NASA wants to put a picture of you on one of the two remaining space shuttle missions and launch it into orbit. To launch your face into space and become a part of history, just follow these steps:
RT @AGirlNamedSteve: @teachernz Are you doing this? <<<send your photo on the last space shuttle missions :-) #supercool
Nasa warns solar flares from 'huge space storm' will cause devastation - Telegraph
2013 e o Sol... Telegraph: NASA:
how will i find you again if the solar storm knocks out our internet?