Pages tagged moot:

The World's Most Influential Person Is... - TIME,8599,1894028,00.html

ie, 4chan's founder. time got trolled, and this is an excellent example how the mainstream has no idea what is going on, and is deathly afraid of it.
This 2008 TIME poll names 21-year-old Christopher Poole, alias moot, as the world's most influential person. moot is renowned for creating the 'dark heart' of the Internet, 4chan- a website that all but dictates the ebb and flow of Internet memes and culture, and has been repeatedly branded as a terrorist organization.
moot announced winner of TIME, after 4chan prank
hahahahaha - misc - Macroanonymous Is The New Microfamous
Interview with 4chan's creator
An Interview With The Founder of 4chan
moot of 4chan
I like to think that I've grown as a person, but at the same time I think a little piece of me continues to die every year.
interesting interview with moot of 4chan
Moot interview
Rex Sorgatz' website, feeding on internet culture.