Pages tagged minimalism:

25 Beautifully Minimalist Websites - Part 5 | Vandelay Design Blog

Over the past year and a half, I have published four collections of inspirational websites with a minimalist approach to the design. Since more great websites of this style keep appearing, and since readers continue to show an interest in this style, here is the fifth edition. You can see the first four parts here: 25 Beautifully Minimalistic Website Designs 25 Beautifully Minimalistic Website Designs - Part 2 25 Beautifully Minimalistic Website Designs - Part 3 25 Beautifully Minimalistic Website Designs - Part 4 Netlings
25 Beautifully Minimalist Websites
50 Minimal Sites
Galería de sitios con diseño claro limpio
50 Great Minimal Sites (via @adellecharles)
Since Web Designer Wall launched, I’ve been featuring a lot of graphic intense websites such as the artistic, large background, vintage, and illustrative styles. Now it is time to feature the minimalist design. Here is a massive list of 50 minimal sites. See how designers use minimal elements to create high visual impact — less is more.
Minimalism Around the Web: Design Inspiration & WordPress Themes - Tutorial9
Minimalism Around the Web: Design Inspiration & WordPress Themes - Tutorial9 -
This post showcases minimalist design from around the web, and briefly explains the ideology of minimalism. It is to be used as inspiration for anyone, and as a resource for web designers.
quietube | YouTube without the distractions
"To watch YouTube videos without the comments and crap, just drag the button below to your browser's bookmarks bar. On any YouTube page, click the bookmark button to watch in peace."
It's a bookmarklet to remove the distractions from I don't really find youtube that distracting, but this could conceivably come in handy.
app to get rid of ads and comments on youTube
quietube: YouTube without the distractions To watch YouTube videos without the comments and crap, just drag the button below to your browser's bookmarks bar. On any YouTube page, click the bookmark button to watch in peace.
40 Beautiful Examples of Minimalism in Web Design
15 Coolest Minimalist WebDesigns Using Photograph as Background | 2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
This collection aims to showcase just fifteen beautifully designed minimalist website designs using photograph as background
15 Coolest Minimalist WebDesigns Using Photograph as Background
Minimal Exhibit - Gallery of Minimalist Web Design
Minimal Exhibit is a Showcase of Minimalism in Web Design
Gallery of Minimalist Web Design
50 Inspiring Examples of Minimalism in Web Design
The sophisticated image of minimalism has always been a popular style of design. In webdesign a minimalist site is stripped naked of eye candy and fancy colours or effects, leaving the underlying structure exposed. The key to a beautiful minimalist site is a solid and structured layout, as well as focus on stylish and well designed typography. These 50 examples showcase some of the best minimal site designs out there on the web.
Minimalism in Web Design
56 Light & Clean Website Designs Using A Minimalist Color Scheme | Spyre Studios
35 Beautiful Minimal Websites - Part 6 | Vandelay Design Blog
35 Beautiful Minimal Websites - Part 6 | Vandelay Design Blog
Collections of well-designed websites with a minimal approach have always drawn a great response from our readers, so we'll continue the series with the 6th showcase post of this kind. Due to the large percentage of our readers that are interested in minimal designs, last month we launched a gallery site, Minimal Exhibit, that focuses on these types of sites. Many of the sites featured in this post have also been featured at Minimal Exhibit, so if you like what you see here, be sure to follow Minimal Exhibit where many new sites are added each week. (mt) Ventures
35 Beautiful Minimal Websites
Collections of well-designed websites with a minimal approach have always drawn a great response from our readers, so we’ll continue the series with the 6th showcase post of this kind.
30 Examples of Extreme Minimalism in Web Design | SingleFunction
I thought this week would be the time to share with everyone examples of extreme minimalism in web design, and how with minimal elements, when properly used, so much can be achieved.
30 Examples of Extreme Minimalism in Web Design
70 Typographic, Clean And Minimalist Color Scheme Web Designs | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
great, simple ideas
Minimal Mac
Minimalism on the Mac-front
Web Design: Minimalistic Sites | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Para elaborar site da, referências...
The Minimalist Principle: Omit Needless Things
Minimalist designs in WordPress and good themes to get started | Wordpress Themes Collection
I could have used this a couple of weeks ago.
Less is often better and that’s something we designers seem to forget to satisfy our lust for intricate designs. Detail is what makes a good design, and minimal is all about that. Minimal is fresh, often very usable and doesn’t blow your mind up with things to concentrate on.
Minimalist Gmail: How to Get Rid of the Non-Essentials
<img src=
I’ve used Greasemonkey for Firefox and some great user scripts, listed below, to achieve this. I thought of rewriting Gmail’s CSS, but user scripts are much easier. It didn’t take long — just Googled every little thing I wanted to do, and found others had already solved the problems, one at a time. Here’s how I’ve made Gmail into a minimalist inbox:
Get down to a bare minimum Gmail. Who really needs all those bells and whistles when you can unlease the power of Google search on your inbox.
Tiny Code: New additions: Movitz Lisp, Ocaml Mindstorm
小さい処理系のまとめ, lisp, scheme, forthなどなど
Minimizing Complexity In User Interfaces « Smashing Magazine
"Clean. Easy to use. User-friendly. Intuitive. This mantra is proclaimed by many but often gets lost in translation. The culprit: complexity. How one deals with complexity can make or break an application. A complex interface can disorient the user in a mild case and completely alienate them in an extreme case. But if you take measures first to reduce actual complexity and then to minimize perceived complexity, the user will be rewarded with a gratifying experience."
Clean. Easy to use. User-friendly. Intuitive. This mantra is proclaimed by many but often gets lost in translation. The culprit: complexity. How one deals with complexity can make or break an application. A complex interface can disorient the user in a mild case and completely alienate them in an extreme case. But if you take measures first to reduce actual complexity and then to minimize perceived complexity, the user will be rewarded with a gratifying experience.
Super-Clean and Minimal Web Designs: 70+ Stunning Examples and Resources | Inspiration | instantShift
Super-Clean and Minimal Web Designs: 70+ Stunning Examples and Resources | Inspiration | instantShift -
Simple Desktops
Fonds d'écran minimalistes.
Simple Desktops
Outlaw Design Blog » 50 Clean, Sleek, and Modern Website Designs
It has been a while since I did one of these sort of posts and I think its long over due. Being that I am in a real simple design state of mind lately, I thought I would do a showcase of websites that feature very organized and clean designs. While many designs that fall into this category tend to be “minimal” themes, that’s not always the case. Some of the examples below are proof of that.
50 Inspirational and Fresh Minimally Designed Web Sites : Speckyboy Design Magazine
A Showcase of Effective Minimalism in Web Design | Web Design Ledger
A Showcase of Effective Minimalism in Web Design Minimalism in web design is all about stripping things down to only the necessities – so there is nothing in the way of the content. You’ll find that minimal designs have a focus on typography, simple layouts, and a lack of fancy design elements. So what makes an effective minimal web design?
10 Expert Tips for Designing a One Page Portfolio | Design Shack
10 เว็บ Portfolio สวยๆ
Minimalist Web Design: When Less is More | Webdesigner Depot
Some very nice examples here
Top 25 Clean and Minimal Web Designs
Clean and minimal designs are my favorite type of design style - they have a very classy, professional, and timeless look to them that really appeals! With more and more designers adopting this type of style there are now lots of great clean and mini
Top 25 Clean and Minimal Web Designs -
40 Beautiful Minimalist Websites – Part 7 | Vandelay Design Blog
Web Design and Development Blog
A Showcase of Clean White Web Designs | Web Design Ledger
Create a Slick and Minimalist Web Layout in Photoshop
In this Photoshop web design tutorial, we’re going to learn how to create a slick and minimal-looking website layout. We will use the 960 Grid System as a template to make it easy to align the design elements on the layout.
The Best Icon Sets for Minimal Style Web Design | Web Design Ledger
Iconos gratis
With so many free icon sets available now, sometimes it makes more sense to not spend countless hours designing and creating your own. However, it's important
A Showcase of Minimalist Workstations | Webdesigner Depot
No matter what your personal work style, an uncluttered and attractive workspace will improve the quality and efficiency of your work. Getting rid of paper, digitizing your business cards, minimizing your office supplies are just some of the measures you can take to declutter your workspace and redesign your work life. Working in an aesthetically pleasing and minimalist workspace enhances your creativity and focus. Eliminate anything you don’t need, and you’ll have less of a visual distraction. We have enough online distractions; shouldn’t we be limiting the physical ones as well? The minimalist zen like work spaces that we’ve collected below can inspire you to create a clean design for your environment that meshes with the beautiful work that you do online.
Clever stylesheet that blanks out comments on many popular websites.
"… a custom user stylesheet that can be applied to your browser to hide comments on many popular web sites without user intervention."
shutup.css is a custom user stylesheet that can be applied to your browser to hide comments on many popular web sites without user intervention.
30 Minimal Logo Designs that Say More with Less | Inspiration
awesome logo ideas
Minimalist Design Magazine | Design Inspiration Showcase
21 Resources Especially for Lovers of Minimalism | Vandelay Design Blog
30 Examples of Clean and Minimal Website Navigation | Inspiration
Design inspiration twitter clone
40 Excellent Minimalist Web-Designs From Which To Draw Inspiration | Spyre Studios
Minimalism is beautiful. It truly is. The best part about minimalism in web design is that it comes in many styles, colors and sizes, but they always have the same goal in mind - saying the most while saying the least.
Everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler.
20 Beautiful Minimalist WordPress Themes
Minimalism in web design seems to be the new trend lately, and WordPress is the perfect candidate to put simplicity to good use. You'll find 20 minimal WordPress themes here.
The Minimalist Guide To Making Minimalist Websites | Colorfreak
39 Examples of Minimalist Web Designs
60 Beautiful Clean and Light Web Designs for Inspiration
We bring you this collection of light and clean websites, separated into different categories.
10 Best Free Minimal WordPress Themes | Freebies
wordprees freebies
55 Minimal Black and White Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration
We’ve already shown you Yellow Web Designs and Blue Web Designs, but sometimes less color is the best color choice for a web site. In this post, we’re showcasing 55 minimal black and white web designs to inspire you. The B&W combination is great, from photography to interior design. It’s simplistic, elegant, and gets out of the way to let the content shine.
55 Minimal Black and White Web Designs to Inspire You
Principles Of Minimalist Web Design, With Examples - Smashing Magazine
60 Minimal and Super Clean Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration
60 Minimal and Super Clean Web Designs to Inspire You
Kyle Meyer / Portfolio
Interactive designer with a passion for simplicity
Really nice one-page portfolio website.
30 Minimalist Web Designs for Your Inspiration - Web Design Blog –
30 Minimalist Web Designs for Your Inspiration - Web Design Blog – -
30 Minimalist Web Designs for Your Inspiration - Web Design Blog –
Top 10 Beautiful Minimalist Icon Sets
Modern Element Trends In Minimal Webdesign of 2010
Since you may noticed, There are recently been working on web site redesign for some time already and today I am deeply researching modern day factors inside small webdesign - I made a decision to share with you my investigation using all of you.
ส่วนประกอบโมเดิร์นๆ ที่พบเห็นในเว็บสไตล์ Minimal ในปี 2010
As you may seen, There are recently been focusing on website redesign for a long period previously and after this I will be seriously exploring modern-day elements inside minimal webdesign * Choice to share my personal study with almost everyone.
The Best White Minimal WordPress Themes | Devlounge
The best themes are the minimal white ones
90+ Clean and Minimal Web Designs for Design Inspiration | Inspiration | instantShift
90 Sites Clean
RT @carolHoffmann: Esse é para guardar nos favoritos :-) Clean and Minimal Web Designs for Design Inspiration
40 Beautiful Examples of Minimal Design for Inspiration | Graphic and Web Design Blog
40 Beautiful Examples of Minimal Design for Inspiration -
This concept of creating a web page tends to emphasize the idea that “less is sometimes more”. Nowadays all the websites are using big headers, enormous footers all full of colors and amazing pictures; much more an important page should have at least a Flash application.
White space helps content breathe.
10 Free Clean and Minimal WordPress Themes | Freebies
some interesting minimalist themes here
The end of busy | Zen Habits
RT @arkarthick: The End of Busy (Zen Habits) #work #job #tips RT @nonkanya
Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing Stop being busy and your job is half done
The end of busy | Zen Habits
RT @arkarthick: The End of Busy (Zen Habits) #work #job #tips RT @nonkanya
Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing Stop being busy and your job is half done