Pages tagged mikey_ray:

Heaven Help Us by Bexless

Last part of the Unholy-verse trilogy, has links to the first two.
Where the group travel to the Vatican when they find out that Gerard's body has gone missing.
Sequel to "Staring Through the Demons". It's all gonna come to a head.
third part of I Have Been ALl Things Unholy
god i love unholyverse. i would be in a fandom about amoebas if ppl wrote stories like this.
"It would seem," the Cardinal finished, "that Father Way's body has disappeared." There was a silence. Eventually Bob said, "What the fuck?" "Yes," said the Cardinal. "Quite." (Sequel to Staring Through the Demons)
AU. The final installment of the Unholyverse.
Sequel to "I Have Been All Things Unholy" and "Staring Through the Demons". Finally! :)
third in unholyverse.
"It would seem," the Cardinal finished, "that Father Way's body has disappeared."