Pages tagged meals:

5-Minute Meals That Melt Off Pounds on Yahoo! Health

Luckily, we have some menus that will keep you slim, satisfied and genuinely surprised that healthy food can taste that good.
The Price of my Dreams - $60 a Week —
Interesting use of outsourcing from 4 Hour Workweek to free up more time
hiring someone to cook for you. craiglist. includes his original ad.
2008.08.04 Sid Savara Food
The Results So Far I’ve been doing this experiment for 3 weeks now, and I can’t believe I didn’t do it sooner. I literally never have to go out shopping anymore, and I hardly even need to use dishes as she prepares everything so I can eat it directly out of Tupperware (which I can place in the dishwasher). Best of all - I now have over 10 hours a week that I didn’t have before. I bet it doesn’t take her more than an extra hour or two a week worth of effort, since she’s cooking meals for her family anyway - and I don’t care if it takes her only 10 minutes a week. The extra time I have is worth it. She asks for my input, but I for the most part ask her to make any healthy food she wants (high in fiber and protein, lots of fresh vegetables/fruits, lean meats etc etc). It is the first time in years I’ve had fruits and vegetables fresh from the farmers market. I’m eating better than ever, and cheaper than if I was going out to restaurants.