Pages tagged mailmerge:

Microsoft Office Outlook Team Blog : Mail Merge: How to send a personalized e-mail to many people at once

Use Categories for mail merges
Mail Merge: How to send a personalized e-mail to many people at once
How to send a personalized e-mail to many people at once
How to Create a Mail Merge with Gmail and Google Docs - Video Tutorial
Let’s say you are organizing a party at your place and want to send personalized email invitations to all your friends. Or say your company is about a launch a new product and you want to share this with media and customers through email.
How to Set Up a Mail Merge in Gmail for Personalized Mass Emails - Mail merge - Lifehacker
b at the top, near Help. Click on "Import Gmail Contacts" and authorize Google Docs to access your Google Contacts. Go to the Mail Merge tab again, click the "Import Gmail Contacts" again and type the name of the Gmail group that you created earlier.
How to Set Up a Mail Merge in #Gmail for Personalized Mass Emails #marketing