Pages tagged linux:

Terminal Tip: Backup Delicious Bookmarks from the Shell

You can alternatively create a manual backup at any time by simply navigating your web browser to, entering your Delicious credentials when prompted, and then saving the resulting xml to a file.
linux system call
Documents the journey from C code to assembly to machine code very nicely.
Top 50 Linux Alternatives to Popular Apps -
good list of rarely mentioned apps.
Jolicloud, the connected OS for netbooks. Coming to your netbook in 2009.
Jolicloud, the connected OS for netbooks. Coming to your netbook in 2009.
coming in 2009
jolicloud, coming in 2009
The Linux Alternative Project -
Linux Good Stuff
list of linux software
Expect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia » Blog Archive » On File Systems
An overview of the state of Linux filesystems as of late 2008.
Article about Linux filesystems
Talking to a Wiimote in Ubuntu 8.10
Main page - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference
Very good free e-book introducing Ubuntu.
"A wonderful and clear introduction to Ubuntu, to Linux, and to many concepts and details that may otherwise be difficult for newcomers to grasp ... Useful for anyone, whether you are learning for the first time or you just need a reference to refresh your memory." —Matthew Helmke, Administrator,
Download - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference
interessante Infos, Ubuntu ist die beste OS
The PDF Edition of Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference is available entirely free of charge. It is practically identical to the Print Edition.
Anatomy of a Program in Memory : Gustavo Duarte
the concepts are generic, examples are mostly from Linux and Windows on 32-bit x86.
Excelente artículo de Gustavo Duarte sobre la administración de memoria.
Article intéressant et illustré sur la manière dont les systèmes d'exploitation gèrent la mémoire des processus.
各種チートシートまとめ - goinger的日記 :: Clone your Ubuntu installation onto a new hard disk
Clone your Ubuntu installation onto a new hard disk
use gddrescue to clone disk: ddrescue -v /dev/olddisk /dev/newdisk
SpeedCrunch - fast and usable calculator
SpeedCrunch is a fast, high precision and powerful desktop calculator. Available for LinuxLinux, WindowsMicrosoft Windows, and Apple Mac OS XApple Mac OS X.
Un editor de presentaciones bastante cool
Killer open source monitoring tools | InfoWorld | Analysis | 2008-11-24 | By Paul Venezia
info world network management
Fortunately, there are a plethora of good tools, both commercial and open source that can shine much-needed light into your environment. Because good and free always beats good and costly, I've compiled a list of my favorite open source tools that prove their worth day in and day out in networks of any size. From network and server monitoring to trending, graphing, and even switch and router configuration backups, these utilities will see you through.
Complete Backup and Restore Using “tar” Command |
We've all made mistakes during our configuration and at some point wish we could go back in time before the mistake. Now that you have the ultimate setup that
How to create a back up in linux using .tar command.
Re: [RFC] Convert builin-mailinfo.c to use The Better String Library. []
s written in C++, go play with Monotone. Really. They use a "real database". They use "nice object-oriented libraries". They use "nice C++ abstractions". And quite frankly, as a result of all these design decisions that sound so appealing to some CS people, the end result is a horrible an
c++ なくなってくれると,おれ楽なんだけどな...
10 Tips for Writing Efficient Bash Scripts | HACKTUX
Ten great tips for being efficient in bash.
A Unix Utility You Should Know About: Pipe Viewer - good coders code, great reuse
create progress bars for common unix commands.
via hackernews
Pipe Viewer als Fortschrittsanzeige für CLI.
GNOME Do - Release
How The Kernel Manages Your Memory : Gustavo Duarte
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again.
Top 10 Free Video Editors for Ubuntu Linux | TechCityInc
Top 10 Free Video Editors for Ubuntu Linux
2008’s Best GIMP Tutorial Picks « Ang Pilipino GIMP
Stupendi tutorial dedicati al fantastico Gimp
vmware-view-open-client - Google Code
The idea's a clever one. Take your Windows desktops, virtualize them in your data center with VMware, and then access them with Linux thin client machines. VMware View Open Client lets you connect from a Linux desktop to remote Windows desktops managed by VMware View. It is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL v 2.1). En klient med öppen källkod lanseras till VMware View. Det ska ge företagets parners möjlighet ta fram individuellt anpassade lösningar. VMware View låter ett företags anställda arbeta med sitt personliga skrivbord, oavsett vilken klient i nätverket de använder. Bolagets IT-avdelning administrerar och lagrar användarnas personliga inställningar direkt i datacentret. Genom att dela med sig av källkoden i klientmjukvaran hoppas WMware ge sina parners möjlighet att vidareutveckla och anpassa åtkomsten till View. View Open Client släpps under GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1. Bland specifikationerna hittar vi bland annat f
Index of /
10 Websites to Help You Master GIMP
Emacs ビギナーに贈る、これからバリバリ使い隊!!人のための設定講座 その1。 - 日々、とんは語る。 - SSH Programming with Paramiko | Completely Different
"Having spent a lot of time scripting around the binaries and trying to manage timeouts, standard out/in/error pipes, authentication, arguments and options all through ‘’subprocess”, ”popen2”, etc., I’m here to tell you wrapping command line binaries is prone to error, difficult to test, and painful to maintain." Tell me about it. I just about pulled my hair out trying to do sftp from a web-based script.
OpenSSH is the ubiquitous method of remote access for secure remote-machine login and file transfers. Many people — systems administrators, test automation engineers, web developers and others have to use and interact with it daily. Scripting SSH access and file transfers with Python can be frustrating — but the Paramiko module solves that in a powerful way.
7 Cool Things to Do With Linux |
You want to know what you can do with Linux outside of the surfing, emailing, chatting and media consumption you normally do? Well, here are a few things to keep you busy.
Cool Things to Do With Linux
So you’ve taken the plunge and installed Linux. You’ve followed all the HOWTOs all over the net. You’ve got your wireless card working flawlessly. You’ve got your video card working (and you’ve begun to loathe that spinning cube). You’ve installed all the “restricted” software like Adobe Flash, Sun Java and Google Earth. You’ve got all the patent restricted codecs and even DVD playback working just like you want. Now what? You want to know what you can do with Linux outside of the surfing, emailing, chatting and media consumption you normally do? Well, here are a few things to keep you busy.
10 obscure Linux applications you need to try | 10 Things |
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
A repository for the most elegant and useful UNIX commands. Great commands can be shared, discussed and voted on to provide a comprehensive resource for working from the command-line
Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again
linux commands
Countdown (actually up) to the UNIX Epoch time being 1234567890!
Clock counting up to 1234567890 in Unix time.
Come join us to watch the countdown (actually up) to the UNIX Epoch time being 1234567890 live on the internets!
Only..................until the Epoch Time is 1234567890! (Friday, February 13th 2009, 23:31:30 UTC)
23 Useful System Applications for Linux | TechCityInc
It’s always great to have Linux Alternatives to popular applications so I’ve decided to write about some of the most useful System applications for Linux including Cd burners, Aniti Virus, FTP solutions and instant messengers that you can download today.
I’ve decided to write about some of the most useful System applications for Linux including Cd burners, Aniti Virus, FTP solutions and instant messengers that you can download today.
Over 30 Must-Have Open Source Resources
Read about trends, technologies and best practices covered by experienced Giga Omni Media editors and writers. Participate in daily blog discusions and post your thoughts and opinions.
25 Awesome and Amazing Ubuntu Themes | Listfied
DeviceGuru » The BoxeeBox Cookbook
Inspired by Roku’s awesome Netflix video download box and impressed with Boxee’s free A/V media center platform, it was merely a matter of time before I’d create the BoxeeBox, an Ubuntu-powered HTPC that I call my “one box to rule them all.” Here’s how it’s done.
Configuring GIMP 2.6 to Replace Adobe Photoshop -
How to Install Brushes, Filters, and and Plugins in GIMP To add brushes, filters, and plugins to GIMP, simply open the program folder and put the files into their appropriate folders--brushes into Brushes, filters into Filters, etc. In Mac, right click and open the app folder. In Linux, navigate to your Home Folder and press Ctrl+H. In Windows, it's in C:/Program Files/Gimp. Arrange the Layout GIMP has compromised and changed t
If you’re used to the Photoshop interface, the open source alternative GIMP can be somewhat confusing. You can, however, configure it to look and behave the same way.
Wie bastel ich mir gimp optisch wie photoshop?
The Django and Ubuntu Intrepid Almanac @ Irrational Exuberance
setup a healthy environment to deploy Django
Including nginx
Great guide to setting up django on ubuntu with nginx, apache, postgres, memcached, and git. :: Nix fixes dependency hell on all Linux distributions
NIx is a new way of managing dependencies of packages. It even goes beyond the gentoo portage idea. It's a clean approach to avoid dependency hell.
How To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User - Page 1 | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC How-Tos. Visit Maximum PC and read about How To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User.
How To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User
50 Tutorials To Get You Started With Gimp |
Editing PS4 Ad with Gimp Gimp has been famously known as the poor man's Photoshop, and perhaps rightfully so. That's a complement Gimp won't mind taking.
Featured Desktop: To-Dos, Weather, and Twitter on a Linux Desktop
Conky looks pretty nice
How To: Sync Files and Folders Outside Your My Dropbox Folder
The popular cross-platform file-syncing application Dropbox is a hit among Lifehacker readers, but it has one major drawback: It only syncs files placed inside the My Dropbox folder. Here's how to get around that limitation.
A Unix Utility You Should Know About: Netcat - good coders code, great reuse
Home - j - GitHub
j keeps track of where you’ve been, and how much time you spend there. Source it into your .bashrc, and then you can say j foo to jump to the most used directory that has the substring (actually regex) foo in i
j is a "learning cd", a shell/awk script that captures your directory changes and remembers the most frequently visited directories, allowing you to hop to them with a simple 'j dirname', no matter where you are in the filesystem.
Tool to jump around directories
j is replacement for cd that learns the directories you use most often
25 Tutorials To Get You Started With Blender |
Blender UI If you are an aspiring Graphic designer you should be already familiar with blender by now, but if you are thinking about being a game developer
How to undelete any open, deleted file on linux. | final cog
There are many situations where a file has been deleted (typically by an overnight log-cleaning process), yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem. When a file is deleted in linux, it is simply 'unlinked'. The inode, which contains the file's data, is not deleted until all processes have finished with it. This is why processes can carry on writing to deleted files. (Incidentally, this is why linux can be upgraded without requiring a reboot. Programmes, which have shared libraries open, carry on using the old versions of shared libraries until they finish.)
There are many situations where a file has been deleted (typically by an overnight log-cleaning process), yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem.
"There are many situations where a file has been deleted, yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem."
Si un fichier est effacé mais toujours ouvert par une application, il est très facile de le récupérer.
How To: Turn Your Linux Rig into a Streaming Media Center | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC How-Tos. Visit Maximum PC and read about How To: Turn Your Linux Rig into a Streaming Media Center. » 10 Most Awesome Linux Applications
Whoo, more GNU/Linux articles!
I love this blog, it really encapsulates some pretty great software!
13 Plugins to Make Gedit a More Useful Text Editor [Linux] |
13 Plugins to Make Gedit a More Useful Text Editor [Linux] | ubuntu editor plugins text plugin tools linux Tips Software
Hive Five: Five Best Live CDs
The following tools are unique compared to many of our software Hive Fives in that they are entirely independent of the main operating system installed on the computer. Live CDs load into the memory and allow you to use operating systems and accompanying tools without having to perform a permanent installation on the machine
How To Share A Printer Over The Internet |
The gotcha is that it prints an ad on the coversheet
How To Share A Printer Over The Internet |
Dream(sheep++): A developer's introduction to Google Android - Ars Technica
Ars takes a close look at the technology underlying Google's Linux-based Android platform. From the platform fundamentals to the development experience, details inside.
A great overview and introduction into Android developments and the various pros/cons and gotchas.
$100 Linux wall-wart launches
"Marvell Semiconductor is shipping a hardware/software development kit suitable for always-on home automation devices and service gateways. Resembling a "wall-wart" power adapter, the SheevaPlug draws 5 Watts, comes with Linux, and boasts completely open hardware and software designs, Marvell says."
power found in the servers of only a decade ago.
Inside memory management
Marvell: SheevaPlug Development Kit
The SheevaPlug is a development platform, targeted for use as a plug computer, and designed to run network-based software services. It features a Kirkwood Series SoC with an embedded Marvell Sheeva™ CPU core running at 1.2 GHz. This device connects to the network using GbE, offers desktop class performance, and can be used to replace a PC-based home server for many applications. Peripherals connect using the included USB 2.0 port. The development kit is enclosed in a plastic case that also contains a universal power supply. For developers a USB-based debug connection is included to enable simple debugging and reprogramming. Development kit cost (QTY 1) is $99.
The SheevaPlug is a development platform, targeted for use as a plug computer, and designed to run network-based software services. It features a Kirkwood Series SoC with an embedded Marvell Sheeva™ CPU core running at 1.2 GHz. This device connects to the network using GbE, offers desktop class performance, and can be used to replace a PC-based home server for many applications. Peripherals connect using the included USB 2.0 port.
SheevaPlug Development Kit
Awk and Sed One-Liners Explained
Marvell: Plug Computing
A Better Way to Deliver Value Added Services With the rise in broadband users, people continue to consume and share increasing amounts of digital content each year. The time and money invested in personal photos, home movies and in content purchased digitally is significant and continues to grow. Network connected consumer electronics devices, smart phones and social websites have emerged to help consumers share and access their personal content in the home and over the Internet. With the growth in digital content, there is a need for services to secure, manage and share content simply and reliably. Today digital home services such as media servers, file sharing and backup software all need to be installed on a PC. A plug computer is a small, powerful computer that connects to an existing network using Gigabit Ethernet. This type of device eliminates the need for an always-on PC in the digital home to access these services.
Un PC en un enchufe
A plug computer is a small, powerful computer that connects to an existing network using Gigabit Ethernet.
Designed from the ground up to simplify the management of digital media assets, the Marvell plug computer is designed to be left plugged into a wall socket at all times. The plug uses low power to conserve energy and draws on average, less than five watts under normal operation compared to 25-100 watts for a PC being used as a home server.
despotify - the open source Spotify client
Playing restricted music works only with Premium accounts.
While Spotify is totally awesome, it currently only runs on Windows and Mac OS X (and Linux, if you can live with WINE). We wanted to be able to use Spotify in more operating systems and in more products. Let's just agree on the fact that it would be awesome if your random open source media center solution could do Spotify too!
Works with premium accounts.
Ohjelma ohittaa maakohtaiset rajoitteet, mutta puhtaasti kohteliaisuudesta palvelua kohtaan toimii vain maksullisilla Premium-tunnuksilla. Enigma ported to Linux
Enigma ported to Linux Inspired by the wonderful Enigma desktop by Kaelri, featured at Lifehacker, I decided to port at least some of the beautiful design to my Linux desktop.
Linux tips every geek should know | TuxRadar
Very useful bash and commands tips.
Linux tips every geek should know
Hive Five: Best Home Server Software
Things You Need To Know To Become An Apt Guru - Make Tech Easier
This site helps you with things you need to know to become an Apt Guru.
Quite possibly the most distinguishing feature of Debian-based Linux distributions (such as Ubuntu, Mepis, Knoppix, etc) is their package system - APT. Also
How To Install A Ruby 1.8 Stack on Ubuntu 8.10 From Scratch
Install RubyGems (from source)
manu's pages - Sysenter Based System Call Mechanism in Linux 2.6
A low-level article
Replacement for the old INT 0x80, for Pentium II and newer
"Starting with version 2.5, linux kernel introduced a new system call entry mechanism on Pentium II+ processors. Due to performance issues on Pentium IV processors with existing software interrupt method, an alternative system call entry mechanism was implemented using SYSENTER/SYSEXIT instructions available on Pentium II+ processors. This article explores this new mechanism. Discussion is limited to x86 architecture and all source code listings are based on linux kernel"
Screenshot Tour: GNOME Do's Smart Dock Takes App Launching to Another Level
quick-firing Linux keyboard launcher GNOME Do
Enhancing Your Ubuntu Server - NETTUTS
A few weeks ago, I showed you how to setup your very own linux server. Now, I'm going to show you how to add even more functionality.
Ubuntu: Ubuntu Pocket Guide Available as a Free Download
In the midst of the current financial crunch, the popular, free Linux distribution Ubuntu has never looked more attractive. If you've considered switching, a free copy of the Ubuntu Pocket Guide is the perfect place to start. Written by Keir Thomas, author of Ubuntu Kung Fu, Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference covers all the beginner-to-expert knowledge you'll need to make the move to Ubuntu. We've featured excerpts from Thomas' Ubuntu Kung Fu two times at Lifehacker, and the Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference offers the same level of Ubuntu expertise to anyone interested in or already living the Ubuntu life.
» Top 50 Linux Alternatives To Popular M$ Apps JJMacey Dot Net / Blog: Run Lixux, Run Open Source - Run Free!
Best Of 2008: The Most Popular Linux Posts of 2008
Convert Your Old PC To Network Attached Storage With FreeNas |
One of the biggest problems still plaguing the environment today are the mass amounts of electronics being tossed out on a daily basis
Useful Uses Of netcat | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
This short article shows some useful netcat commands. netcat is known as the TCP/IP swiss army knife. From the netcat man page: netcat is a simple unix utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using TCP or UDP protocol. It is designed to be a reliable "back-end" tool that can be used directly or easily driven by other programs and scripts. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network debugging and exploration tool, since it can create almost any kind of connection you would need and has several interesting built-in capabilities.
Two Days Without Mac OS X Leopard: Ubuntu 8.10 Review | the Tux Geek
How to get ubuntu more like Mac OS
I love open-source and I really admire Linux for what it is and what it stands for. But I'm a Mac user. Can I last two days only with Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex?
leopard maxosx
Comparing OSX Leopard to Ubuntu 8.10
%D リクエストを処理するのにかかった時間、マイクロ秒単位
Blueman Project - News
Blueman is a GTK+ Bluetooth manager
Administrador de dispositivos Bluetooth basado en GTK
GTK+ Bluetooth Manager
iPhoneでC#アプリが審査に通るワケ - @IT
Running Windows Programs On Ubuntu 8.10 With CrossOver Linux Pro 7.1.0 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
Running Windows Programs On Ubuntu 8.10 With CrossOver Linux Pro 7.1.0
Lifehacker Code: Todo.txt CLI Manages Your Tasks from the Command Line
as an indication of where I'm headed with my own project
Operating System Interface Design Between 1981-2009 | Webdesigner Depot is actually great. This is a sick article. Bravo.
Rassegna di tutte le interfacce utente da l 1973 al 2009. In pratica, la storia dell'informatica!
A Graphical User Interface (GUI for short) allows users to interact with the computer hardware in a user friendly way. Over the years a range of GUI's have
I' Been to Ubuntu: Extra Repositories for Ubuntu 8.10 You Might Want
useful apps and repositories for ubuntu
March 2009 15-16
lots of fun stuff...
How to fix the most common Linux problems | TuxRadar
How the Linux kernel works | TuxRadar
eso, explicado con ejemplos de codigo (skel)
How the Linux kernel works | TuxRadar
How the Linux kernel works In depth: My trusty Oxford Dictionary defines a kernel as "a softer, usually edible part of a nut" but offers as a second meaning: "The central or most important part of something." (Incidentally, it's this first definition that gives rise to the contrasting name 'shell', meaning, in Linux-speak, a command interpreter.)
Take the Linux Filesystem Tour | TuxRadar
Take the Linux Filesystem Tour
How to Run Microsoft Office 2007 in Ubuntu Linux 8.10 | ProgrammerFish - Everything that's programmed!
Wouldn’t it be lovely to have a nice, clean installation of Microsoft’s Office 2007 Suite to run on your Ubuntu Linux Distribution? For some people, this is the only thing that truly holds them back from an all-Linux environment… But not anymore! We have compiled a nice, concise set of instructions to help guide you along.
Always Innovating: Introducing the Touch Book
"Until now, all netbooks were engineered the same way: Power-hungry Intel Atom, ugly case, and outdated 90's OS. Our goal: To achieve a breakthrough in both architecture and design. The result: a revolutionary device that works as both a netbook and a standalone tablet thanks to a detachable keyboard and a 3D touchscreen user interface."
29 Music-making Apps for Linux - In the Jungle
50 ways to impress your geeky linux friends -
Dicas LINUX interessante, como desmontar drive em uso
Our own Geek Queen Blair Mathis is back with 50 ways to increase your Linux knowledge and help you along the way to true geekdom.
50 ways to increase your Linux knowledge and help you along the way to true geekdom. 1. watch terminal star wars To start this article off right, no Linux user can claim the status of geekhood unless they've seen Star Wars ASCII-style. To watch a fascinating version of Star Wars via the Terminal, type: telnet
Gitを使いこなすための20のコマンド - SourceForge.JP Magazine
Interactive map of Linux kernel
Why Wait - Get Presto
Boot a simple OS in 15 seconds
Start up your computer in seconds — like magic. You will be able to instantly start to email, chat, Skype™, listen to music, surf the internet or download apps — before Windows XP or Vista even boots — and you will automatically be connected to the best available network.
Self installing Linux distro that dual boots with Windows and cold starts in 15 secs. Free now $20 for the 1.0
How-To Setup a Linux Server for Ruby on Rails - with Phusion Passenger and GitHub - Hack'd
ssh_options[:compression] = false
ServerName slicename
10 Linux and open source developer tools you should not overlook | 10 Things |
Get the key facts on a wide range of technologies, techniques, strategies, and skills with the help of these concise, need-to-know lists.
Learning Vim The Pragmatic Way
Joe Martinez Learning Vim The Pragmatic Way
Feature: Give an Old Laptop New Life with Cheap (or Free) Projects
Like a famed race horse or a classic book you don't just throw away a laptop because it's banged up
Like a famed race horse or a classic book, you don't just throw away a laptop because it's banged up a little. Even if it seems outdated and underpowered, most any laptop is still small, quiet, and relatively low on power consumption, making it a seriously valuable spare to keep handy—even without a working screen. With some free software, a little know-how, and some creative thinking about your home network, nearly any old laptop can find its second wind, and today I'll run through some of the best ways to get it there
Screenshot Tour: BackTrack is a Security-Focused Live CD Packed With System Tools
Linux C编程一站式学习
bert’s blog » Blog Archive » USB sniffing on linux
synergy-plus - Google Code
Synergy+ lets you share a mouse and keyboard between several computers.
Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own display.
Multi touch for any,all synaptics touchpad | ubuntu snippets
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
Huge searchable archive of unix commands for the command line. This is on the distant to do list.
Always Innovating: Introducing the Touch Book
TOUCH BOOK | GALLERY | BUZZ | PRE-ORDER Touch Book Netbook reloaded. The world's first netbook with a detachable keyboard. 10 to 15 hours of battery life*. Touchscreen with 3D user interface. Internal USB slots. The innovation is under way at Demo 09. Watch the video Detach, revert, flip, hold, carry. On your lap, on the fridge, on your sofa, in a plane, on the wall. What will you do with yours? Starting at $299. First batch will be limited. Reserve now! OPEN SOURCE | PRESS | CONTACT | ABOUT US
Das sieht nach einem ziemlich genialen Device aus und auch noch Open Source!
great netbook + tablet with 10-15 hr battery life
KitcheNET -
kitchen pc
Portable Ubuntu for Windows
Lifehacker - Portable Ubuntu Runs Ubuntu Inside Windows - Portable Ubuntu
Kevin Purdy at Lifehacker, April 3, 2009.
Shutter - Featureful Screenshot Tool
Shutter Ubuntu / Linux app that allows you to take screenshots, edit them, apply various effects, upload them online and more.
Tectonic » 10 open source books worth downloading
Puppet « reductive
Puppet, the configuration management solution. The Puppet framework provides a means to describe IT infrastructure as policy, execute that policy to build services then audit and enforce ongoing changes to the policy.
Zentrales Konfigurations Management
Puppet, the configuration management solution. The Puppet framework provides a means to describe IT infrastructure as policy, execute that policy to build services then audit and enforce ongoing changes to the policy. Puppet helps accomplish the goal of a hands-off, automated infrastructure.  The benefits of automated infrastructure go beyond policy-enforced consistency and auditing.  The impact of hardware failure and other disaster scenarios can be mitigated, as services can be quickly restored by Puppet. In conjunction with virtualizaton, the ability to reliably create new systems running consistent services can be leveraged to create autoscaling applications as well as test systems identical to production environments.
note to self: must try out puppet tomorrow to see if it means no more custom ami's on ec2
Portable Ubuntu for Windows
Ubuntu Portable para Windows!!
mintty - Google Code
MinTTY is a terminal emulator for Cygwin. It is based on code from PuTTY 0.60 by Simon Tatham and team.
An Xterm-compatible terminal emulator for Cygwin based on code from PuTTY
ソースコードを快適に読むための GNU GLOBAL 入門 (前編) - まちゅダイアリー(2009-03-07)
Alternatives to Windows, Mac, Linux and online applications |
Web de jEsuSdA 8) | Libros electrónicos gratis para descargar
Tutoriales gratuitos sobre GNU/Linux y software libre
春なのでemacsからvimに乗り換えてみました - ふぃふmemo
All the Best Linux Cheat Sheets
Good list of cheat sheets
10 Special Purpose Linux Distributions |
algunas distros especializadas de linux
無料で読めるLinux本ベスト20 - YAMDAS現更新履歴
Lifehacker - AcidRip for Linux Rips DVDs with Two-Click Ease - dvd ripping
Linux only: Just over a year ago, we offered a semi-easy way to rip DVDs in Linux to video files. Had we been up on AcidRip, we could've saved ourselves about 900 words.
Linux only: Just over a year ago, we offered a semi-easy way to rip DVDs in Linux to video files. Had we been up on AcidRip, we could've saved ourselves about 900 words. Okay, that's a bit of overstatement, especially if you like to have a lot of fine-grain control over how your video files turn out. But AcidRip works as a two-click ripper if you want it to. Load a DVD in your drive, start AcidRip, hit the "Load" button in the upper-right corner, then hit "Start" at the bottom. After a good wait, the kind you're used to if you've done this before, an .AVI file of the longest track on your DVD arrives in your home directory, looking like the standard-quality, 700MB-ish video we hear is all over the file sharing networks these days.
Lifehacker - The Beginner's Guide to Creating Virtual Machines with VirtualBox - Virtual Machine
The Beginner's Guide to Creating Virtual Machines with VirtualBox
More Linux tips every geek should know | TuxRadar
If you've already read and memorised our "Linux tips every geek should know" and "20 all-new tips for KDE 4.2" features, we've picked out 50 more Linux desktop tips for you to enjoy.
InfoQ: Facebook: Science and the Social Graph
facebook structure
Qimo 4 Kids | Software For Kids
Linux Manua: 10 antidotes anti-Hadopi
Antidote n°1 : Ne pas avoir peur Antidote n°2 : Contester systématiquement Antidote n°3 : Voter Antidote n°4 : Changer d'adresse IP Antidote n°5 : Le Streaming Vidéo Antidote n°6 : La Musique en ligne Antidote n°7 : Le P2P sécurisé Antidote n°8 : Les sites de stockage en ligne Antidote n°9 : Neutralisation du Logiciel Espion d'HADOPI Antidote n°10 : Propagez massivement ces antidotes.
Build Your Own Openfire Chat Server on Debian Linux (Page 1) |
Setting up an Openfire chat server on Debian Linux 5 (page 1).
Lifehacker - Six Best Portable Operating Systems - Portable Operating System
Why restrict yourself to merely carrying around your data on a thumb drive? Take your entire operating system on your flash drive with the excellent portable operating systems you'll find inside this week's Hive Five.
Portable linux OSs
interesting portable os systems
The highly advanced id Tech 3 engine and free indie game project
XreaL The highly advanced id Tech 3 engine and free indie game project XreaL will be a non-commercial multiplayer only first person shooter based on a heavily modified Quake 3 Arena engine (id Tech 3). The aim is to push the rendering technology until it can be compared with current commercial titles and then to produce a playable Total Conversion.
Lifehacker - Set Up a Computer for Kids with Qimo - Live CD
Light-weight linux
5 Things You Don’t Know About User IDs That Will Destroy You at time to bleed by Joe Damato
Tutorial: Build Your Own Linux Distro | PC Plus
Find out about the latest issue
10 Expert Ubuntu Tricks - Business Center - PC World
Back In Time
TimeMachine for linux mofucka!
Back In Time is a simple backup system for Linux inspired from “flyback project” and “TimeVault”. The backup is done by taking snapshots of a specified set of directories. Currently there are two GUI available: Gnome and KDE 4 (>= 4.1).
Back In Time is a simple backup system for Linux
Simple Linux backup software.
OSX's "Time Machine" for Linux
o3 magazine | Open Source SSL Acceleration
A look at utilizing Open Source projects to build an SSL Accelerator for Web Servers that rivals even the most expensive commercial solutions. Advanced SSL Acceleration, Layer 7 URL Processing and Web Acceleration through gzip off-loading.
Portable Ubuntu for Windows is an Ubuntu system running as a Windows application.
Top 10 Must-Have Firefox Extensions, 2009 Edition
Top 10 Must-Have Firefox Extensions
extensiones 2009
ソーシャル化するOSS開発者たち - @IT
Lifehacker - Back In Time Does Full Linux Backups in One Click - Backup
Linux only: Back In Time, a Linux backup app inspired by Macs' Time Machine and offering the same kind of no-worry, space-saving snapshot protection, is worth adding to your must-install list.
Hive Five: Five Best Linux Distributions
There are many, many Linux distributions, and a lot of unique reasons to like them. Read on to see which open-source operating systems inspired our readers to provide our biggest Hive Five response to date. :: Vim regexes are awesome
Some good regex tips for vim. Via @sam_stokes
derwiki - What I Wish I Had Known About Developing C/C++ From Linux Before I Started
Nifty utility to become root on a box.
NGINX + PHP-FPM + APC = Awesome
Nginx + php.
Thanks for the memory
This article explains what native memory is, how the Java runtime uses it, what running out of it looks like, and how to debug a native OutOfMemoryError on Windows® and Linux® | Open Source World Map
A nice idea for the map section
60 Beautiful Ubuntu Desktop Wallpapers | Wallpapers
Wallpapers para Ubuntu
Lifehacker - Top 10 Ubuntu Downloads - Ubuntu
Ubuntuをインストールした後すぐにインストールするソフト(9.04 Jaunty Jackalope編)
自由に使えるオープンソースの日本語フォント - SourceForge.JP Magazine
Ubuntu brings advanced Screen features to the masses - Ars Technica
Transparent generering av konfigurationsfiler är rätt metod att överbygga svårigheter, inte att skriva dum-GUI:n som abstraherar bort allt under dem! Trappor, inte teleportrar!
Great intro to screen for those who have never really mastered its use.
Code Project: Build an Ncurses UI with Python | TuxRadar
Picture the scene: you're logged into a remote server via SSH, or you've installed a new graphics card and you're left staring at the command line. You need to enter a command, but you can't remember the zillion options that go along with it. You're stuck - all you can do is consult the manual pages and pore through pages of waffl
Development virtual machines on OS X using VMWare and Ubuntu —
Particularly useful for the step-by-step on getting vmware tools and file sharing up and running
How to setup a virtual machine (linux) on Mac OS X using the mac folders.
Great instructions for setting up a minimal Ubuntu VM on a Mac
Setup a development environment using VMWare Fusion on OSX
Patrick F. Spear » Projects » gcalcron
iostat -x « domas mituzas: vaporware, inc.
Securing a Web server
from ibm developerworks
Prey: Y rastrea tu computador robado | bootlog
"Prey es una pequeña y muy, muy simple aplicación que recolecta un lote información de tu computador, y la envía a una casilla de correo que hayas definido previamente. La idea es que la instales en tu laptop para que cuando llegue el día — ojalá nunca — en que desaparezca el tarro, cuentes con más información para rastrearlo, ya sea usando el IP, el nombre de la red WiFi a la que esté conectado, o bien la foto del impostor."
Prey, un programa que te ayuda a rastrear un compu cuando te lo roban
Si me preguntan ahora, hubiera preferido que mi ex-ex-notebook muriera a causa de una gran, gran explosión. Mil veces éso a que desapareciera un dí…
Linux and NetBSD Xen VPS hosting. Xen VPS hosting: Low cost virtual dedicated servers since 2005. Hosting for the technically adept. Linux and NetBSD supported
$8/month for 256mb; $20/month for 1024mb.
Very cheap VS hosting (Xen)
Build an inexpensive Ikea NAS
NAS: Network Attached Storage Ikea: Purveyors of neat, inexpensive things. Ikea NAS: Way-Cool, Low-Power, High-Capacity...
How to Setup a Dedicated Web Server for Free - NETTUTS
All great websites have a great server behind them. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to set up a dedicated web server (with Apache, MySQL, and PHP) using that old computer you have lying around the house and some free software.
60 Best Ubuntu / Gnome Themes | Sneer Well
우분투 테마 모음
Command line made easy: five simple recipes for grep - Ars Technica
Ars Technica: The Art of Technology * All * Apple * Business * Gadgets * Gaming * Hardware * Microsoft * Open Source * Science * Tech Policy * More o Media o Software o Security o Staff o Telecom o Web * News * Guides * Reviews * Customize o Choose site theme: White Black o Choose body font: Arial Helvetica * OpenForum * Login/Join Open Ended : Ars covers the world of open source
FOSSwire: Restoring an Overwritten GRUB Boot Loader
8 Beautiful Conky Desktop Monitor Setup |
installed by default in standard crunchbang linux :)
Conky Designs
45 Free Useful Thumb Drive Applications | Tools
I wish I knew about some of these several months ago :|
Mommy, I found it! — 15 Practical Linux Find Command Examples
find / -name passwd
Usi del comando find
using FIND
10 Free Linux Ebooks For Beginners |
This time we tried to make a list of free books by categories. “Beginners”, “Advanced” and “Administrators”. This is the first part of the series, in the near future we will have a list for “Intermediate and Advanced Linux Users” and “Linux System Administrators”
findを極める! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
find . -empty
Downloads: gCalCron Automates Your Linux System with Google Calendar
gcalcron allows you to issue terminal commands to a computer through Google Calendar.
run terminal commands in ubuntu using cron and scheduled by google calendar
Nice is a tad insecure (well as secure as your google account!)
Boston College Campus Police: "Using Prompt Commands" May Be a Sign of Criminal Activity | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Well, damn. I use THREE operating systems, I must be a criminal mastermind. :P
"Aside from the remarkable overreach by campus and state police in trying to paint a student as suspicious in part because he can navigate a non-Windows computer environment, nothing cited in the warrant application could possibly constitute the cited criminal offenses."
"remarkable overreach by campus and state police in trying to paint a student as suspicious in part because he can navigate a non-Windows computer environment"
Reminds me of DC.
HowTo Achieve "Ubuntu-Desktop-Minimal" - Ubuntu Forums
I've noticed on that there are a few people who would like to have an ubuntu-desktop-minimal edition instead of the default ubuntu-desktop which bundles software that not all of us use. I'm one of those users who likes to build his system from the ground up, so I wrote this simple post-install script which will give you a complete minimal desktop. After running this script your system will look the same as a fresh install of ubuntu just without all the added software. The first step to accomplish this is install a base system either using the Ubuntu Minimal CD (I use this along with my personal repository to create quick installs) or you can use the Ubuntu Server edition. Once the base installation completes, login and run the following script, then reboot.
ubuntuミニマルインストール法 サーバーエディションなどをインストールしたあとxとgnomeの基本的なパッケージを追加
あなたのLinuxマシンをセキュアにするために知っておくべきiptablesのルール10選 - IT業界を - ZDNet Japan,3800082984,20389167,00.htm
- IT業界を - ZDNet Japan
The ofono project provides an infrastructure for building GSM/UMTS telephony applications. It includes a high-level D-Bus API for use by telephony applications of any license.
Vim Recipes - Free cookbook for the Vim text editor
"Vim Recipes is a free cookbook for Vim, the popular text editor. "
How To Convert Any Video File Format Under Linux |
Login Graphically to A Computer in a Remote Location « bigbrovar
Desktop Linux For The Windows Power User : Introduction - Review Tom's Hardware,2293.html
Great walkthrough on getting Ubuntu running on a PC.
Introduction Desktop Linux For The Windows Power User : Well, it's that time of year again, when the latest version of Ubuntu is released. Version 9.04 of arguably the world's most popular Linux distribution is now available for free download. I've...
FOSSwire: How-To Install Ubuntu 8.10 on a White MacBook
How-To Install Ubuntu 8.10 on a White MacBook
blog dds: 2009.03.04 - Parallelizing Jobs with xargs
With multi-core processors sitting idle most of the time and workloads always increasing, it's important to have easy ways to make the CPUs earn their money's worth. My colleague Georgios Gousios told me today how the Unix xargs command can help in this regard. The GNU xargs command that comes with Linux and the one distributed with FreeBSD support a -P option through which one can specify the number of jobs to run in parallel. Using this flag (perhaps in conjunction with -n to limit the number of arguments passed to the executing program), makes it easy to fire commands in parallel in a controlled fashion.
The xargs -P flag can also be useful for parellelizing commands that depend on a large number of high-latency systems. Only a week ago I spent hours to write a script that would resolve IP addresses into host names in parallel. (Yes, I know the that comes with the Apache web server distribution, and the speedup it provides leaves a lot to be desired.) Had I known the -P xargs option, I would have finished my task in minutes.
Multicore-Systeme mit xargs sauber auslasten.
96MBのメモリで、Ubuntuで原稿書いてます!彼氏がWMを着替えたら・・・ - Viva! Ubuntu!!
100 open source gems - part 1 | TuxRadar
50 on this page-- 50 on 2. wide variety of software from games to internet daemons.
Modify xorg.conf for better performance | TuxRadar
"tagged xorg configuration"
Blogging Ottinger (tim) :: Use VIM Like a Pro
Good tutorial for Vim
Uzbl - the uzbl browser.
…a keyboard controlled (modal vim-like bindings, or with modifier keys) browser based on Webkit. very minimal interface. No unnecessary interface elements controllable through a FIFO and with external scripts.
…a keyboard controlled (modal vim-like bindings, or with modifier keys) browser based on Webkit. very minimal interface. No unnecessary interface elements controllable through a FIFO and with external scripts. what is not browsing, is not in uzbl. Things like url changing, loading/saving of bookmarks, saving history,.. are handled through external scripts that you write Uzbl keeps it simple, and puts you in charge.
PlugComputer Community
Marvell Linux wall wart using ARM
PlugComputer - Plug Computing Community
The largest security tools list
Python Package Index : python-daemon 1.4.5
A library implementing PEP 3143 for creating well-behaved Unix daemon processes
This library implements the well-behaved daemon specification of PEP 3143, "Standard daemon process library". A well-behaved Unix daemon process is tricky to get right, but the required steps are much the same for every daemon program. A DaemonContext instance holds the behaviour and configured process environment for the program; use the instance as a context manager to enter a daemon state.
Nice framework for building daemons in python
TuxArena: 3 Ways to Record Your Linux Desktop
GlobalScale Technlogies - SheevaPlug Dev Kit
Server as a wallwart
16 great .htaccess Tricks and Hacks ~ SoftwareRoxer
A short Apache config cookbook
Johannes Eva - Viola, Alto, Bratsche - ♫♬♪♫♬♫♬♪
Ubuntu Guide
Homepage von Johannes Eva
Good guide on how to install and configure Ubuntu Jaunty. It contains information for 64 bits systems, i.e. how to install and run 32 bit applications.
A complete guide to install and configure Ubuntu 9.04.
nice setup guide for jaunty
emson… » 18 Useful bash scripts for web developers
a few scripts, that I find really useful for speeding up my web development time. I’ve been building up this list as I needed to use them - so they maybe a little raw.
Using bash scripts to become a more efficient web developer
Here are a few scripts, that I find really useful for speeding up my web development time. I’ve been building up this list as I needed to use them - so they maybe a little raw. For example often clients send me images with filenames that don’t match my naming standard, so running the appropriate script really helps keep me focussed on the job in hand and not waste too much time reformatting filenames etc.
Ubuntu Themes: 61 Awesome Themes for Linux | TechNama
10 must-have Linux web-based tools - Program - Linux - Builder AU,339028299,339296024,00.htm
There's no shortage of web-centric Linux tools -- the trick is figuring out which ones are best for your needs. This article offers a list of those that Jack Wallen thinks are the cream of the crop.
Moovida, the free media player - play all your files - AVI, mp3, MKV, DivX, MOV, MP4
Moovida is a free and open source media center that allows you to enjoy all of your music, video and pictures in an awsome interface. Moovida is an all-in-one media player that plays: AVI, mp3, MKV, DivX, MOV, MP4. It runs under windows and linux. Download for free!
Introduction - NasBackup
is an open source backup solution. It is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up MS Windows desktop PCs, laptops and servers to network disks. NasBackup is a highly configurable solution and easy to install and maintain.
Flashrom - coreboot
this bookmark brought from the home.
flashrom is a utility for identifying, reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images.
flabrom via linux
flashrom is a utility for reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash ROM chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images.
Does just what the title says- it can flash numerous BIOS ROMs- tons of manufacturers and supposedly some graphics cards as well.
New cool list of Linux must-have programs
Lungo elenco di programmi utili per GNU/Linux
รวมซอฟท์แวร์ linux
A thorough list of highly recommended, must-have programs, free tools and utilities for Linux desktops, across a wide range of categories
16 great .htaccess Tricks and Hacks « PHP Twitter
htaccess tips
Address for the
The .htaccess files (Hypertext Access file) is a very powerful configuration tool on Apache web server. The Apache web server has a number of configuration options that are available to the server administrator. The .htaccess is a simple ASCII text file placed in your website root directory. You can create and edit an .htaccess file using a text editor like notepad. Here in this post I have come up with useful 16 tips and hacks to configure your web server. As a configuration file .htaccess if a very powerful and a slight syntax error can result in a severe malfunction of your server. So to avoid that always try to keep a backup copies of all your files from the server before working with the .htaccess file.
Bash&シェルスクリプトを極めるテクニックまとめ - SourceForge.JP Magazine
(1)Bashをカスタマイズして使いこなす, (2)シェルスクリプトを使いこなすテクニック, (3)Bash以外の高機能シェルもある
Useful Tutorials on Linux and UNIX for Beginners and Experts Alike |
Useful Tutorials on Linux and UNIX for Beginners and Experts Alike
Unixmen - Linux howto and Tutorials - Great themes for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty jackalope
Unixmen - Linux howto and Tutorials - Great themes for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty jackalope -
The TTY demystified
user types at a terminal (a physical teletype). This terminal is connected through a pair of wires to a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter) on the computer. The operating system contains a UART driver which manages the physical transmission of bytes, including parity checks and flow control. In a naïve syste
The TTY subsystem is central to the design of Linux, and UNIX in general. Unfortunately, its importance is often overlooked, and it is difficult to find good introductory articles about it. I believe that a basic understanding of TTYs in Linux is essential for the developer and the advanced user.
Phoenix: Mac4Lin ver.1.0 Released!
Make your linux look like Mac
I am happy to release Mac4Lin ver.1.0. I know it was long due. Was held up with my graduate school and work. Version 1.0 finally sees light! :) Help > Digital Products Help > Amazon Kindle Wireless Reading Device > Amazon Kindle Terms, Warranties, & Notices > Source Code Notice
10 Things to do After Installing Ubuntu Linux | Ubuntu Linux Help
Some simple customization tips for a fresh ubuntu installation to make it a productive, useful, desktop os that helps meet the needs of most.
My primary reason for using Ubuntu Linux, is that I find it a far more productive, cost effective and customizable system. Everyone has their own reasons and
Git Cheat Sheets JP
erikfrey's bashreduce at master - GitHub
whoah, wtf.
Map/Reduce in a bash script... hahahahahahaha
MapReduce done in BASH! Awesome!
Some mad bash magic for distributing stuff.
interesting hack -- apply Map-Reduce idioms to UNIX command lines across multiple machines or cores (via jzawodny, who's obviously looking at a lot of command line stuff recently ;)
hawkscope - Google Code
Hawkscope ist eine kostenlose Software (Open Source) die unter den Betriebssystemen Windows, Linux und Mac OS X läuft. Nach der Installation könnt ihr mittels Hawkscope schneller auf eure Ordner / Dateien zugreifen: [caschy]
Hawkscope is a productivity tool that allows you to access your hard drive contents quickly via system tray / menubar icon with dynamic pop-up menu.
Free Books from Other Publishers - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
25 awesome Cross-platform games you can download for free
The title says it all
25 awesome Cross-platform games you can download for free
『Linuxサーバー構築標準教科書』開発プロジェクト - LPI-Japan - エルピーアイジャパン
した。 この「Linuxサーバー構築標準教科書(Ver1.0.1)」は、多くの教育機関から、Linuxによるサーバーの構築を「基礎」から学習するための教材や学習環境の整備に対するご要望があり、開発したものです。 本教科書の目的は、LPICレベル2の201試験と202試験の学習範囲
CrashPlan – Automatic Online Backup
Automatic Online Backup
It's free to back up personal files to your own local and offsite destinations
The Big Ol' Ubuntu Security Resource | IT Security |
IT Security has prepared a guide to help you close your system's backdoors and protect you from some of the common Ubuntu exploits.
sudo chown root:admin /bin/su sudo
Not everything is useful on this list
Securing Ubuntu right out of the box. Note: there is some conjecture about whether these are necessary. See feedback in article comments.
Ubuntu is billed as ultra-secure, but its default install has flaws -- here's how to modify your install for the ultimat
Writing buffer overflow exploits - a tutorial for beginners
A Visual Expedition Inside the Linux File Systems
opensource file sharing application, works without copying files to a central server, is cross platform and handle any file type
Collaboration software built on top of XMPP.
The Collaborative File Sharing Client JakeApp Keeping your files in sync - even with large groups - has never been easier.
Sugar Labs—learning software for children
One Laptop Per Child OS
Sugar on a Stick - Sugar Labs
Sugar Labs offers ubiquitous access to Sugar in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash memory drive (stick). The Sugar on a Stick project gives children access to their Sugar on any computer in their environment with just a USB memory stick. Taking advantage of the Fedora LiveUSB, it's possible to store everything you need to run Sugar on a single USB memory stick (minimum size 1GB). This small USB device can boot into the Sugar learning platform on different computers at home, at school, or at an after-school program, bypassing the software on the those computers. In fact, Sugar on a Stick will work even if the computer does not have a hard-drive. With Sugar on a Stick, the learning experience is the same on any computer: at school, at home, at the library, or an after-school center.
Hivelogic - Using /usr/local
Information on configuring your *nix system to contain information in /usr/local and the benefits thereof.
Insane Coding: State of sound in Linux not so sorry after all
skip to main | skip to sidebar Insane Coding 'coz good thinking requires going outside the box This Blog Linked From Here The Web This Blog Linked From Here The Web Thursday, June 18, 2009
20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know
20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know
Installing Ubuntu 9.04: A Designers/Development Environment | Maverick Conceptions
10 Great Apps to Convert Audio & Video Files in Linux
With the different audio and video formats available, there is often the need to inter convert amongst them - sometimes for quality and sometimes for compatibility. Here are some of the better software, that you can use to achieve the inter conversions on your Linux box.
» セキュアなサーバを作るために最低限やっておくこと: エスキュービズム ラボ Blog
Lifehacker - How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack - wep
You already know that if you want to lock down your Wi-Fi network, you should opt for WPA encryption because WEP is easy to crack. But did you know how easy? Take a look.
Best 35+ GIMP Tutorials | Qbrushes Blog
photography linux
The Gimp is a free open source image editing application that can do many things to suit your needs, whether they be making a gig poster for a local concert, or touching up a few family photos, the Gimp can do it. Here is a top 30 list of Gimp tutorials hand selected by Gimper and SGlider12 that will help you to add many new Gimp design techniques to your arsenal.
実行中のアプリケーションを外から観察するコマンド。 - こせきの技術日記
10 things you should do to a new Linux PC before exposing it to the Internet - Program - Linux - Builder AU,339028299,339274586,00.htm
When you are embarking on the Linux experience for your initial time, there's a few things you should know.
Linux Mantainance
10 things you should do to a new Linux PC before exposing it to the Internet
Nice Ubuntu themes for Jaunty and Intrepid Users | Ubuntu Geek
the themes using the following
This tutorial will explain how to install zgegblog-themes in ubuntu jaunty and intrepid Thanks to Zgegblog for this fantastic themes
JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator Use JPC to boot virtual computers right here in your browser....
JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator Use JPC to boot virtual computers right here in your browser....
"JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator"
live-android - Google Code
LiveAndroid, a LiveCD for Android running on x86 platforms Goal: To provide a LiveCD(and LiveUSB) for common X86 platform
Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google Chrome OS
An operating system for PCs that is tied to its Chrome Web browser. Called the Google Chrome Operating System, is initially intended for use in the tiny, low-cost portable computers known as netbooks. “Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS. “We’re designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the Web in a few seconds.” Would be released online later this year under an open-source license, which will allow outside programmers to modify it. Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and we are working with multiple OEMs to bring a number of netbooks to market next year. The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. For application developers, the web is the platform. These apps will run on any standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux. Google Chrome OS is a new project, separate from Android.
We all knew it was coming, but it's absolutely interesting to see proof from the horse's mouth
This sounds pretty interesting... Google has resources, so if they can develop a good product, it just means more competition which is great in my book!
Microsoft just shat themselves.
Interesting how this will work - an OS specialized to get you onto the web, quickly and in a secure way.
時代はGNU screenからtmuxへ - それ、Gentooだとどうなる?
GNU screenはもう古いので皆さんtmuxへ移行しましょう、という話。Gentooならemerge tmux。
Ksplice - Ksplice Uptrack
Ksplice Uptrack is a new service that lets you effortlessly keep your systems up to date and secure, without rebooting. Once you’ve completed the easy installation process, your system will be set up to receive rebootless updates instead of traditional, disruptive updates. Learn more.
Ksplice Uptrack is a new service that lets you effortlessly keep your systems up to date and secure, without rebooting. Once you’ve completed the easy installation process, your system will be set up to receive rebootless updates instead of traditional, disruptive updates.
This software lets you update your linux system without the need for a reboot. Looks pretty promising, available for ubuntu now.
neatx - Google Code
Neatx is an Open Source NX server, similar to the commercial NX server from NoMachine.
Wow, Google just launched an opensource alternative to the proprietary NX server and the FreeNX opensource server that has been bitrotting for a while now. NX is awesome by the way.
bashreduce: A Bare-Bones MapReduce | Linux Magazine
heh. maybe useful for learning the mapreduce paradigm?
0 A.D. Open Source Release
Looks interesting - how can I hack it ?
open source game
KeepNote: Note taking and organization
Note taking and organization
programma per prendere appunti
click2try. A community site where it's easy to try Open Source software for free.
Sajt där du kan göra en egen en-klicks-installation av olika open source-lösningar för att testa live.
A community site where it's easy to try Open Source software for free.
teste logiciel opensource sans installation
Testing with IE6, IE7 and IE8 on VirtualBox | Shape Shed
testing websites with VirtualBox
Usbuntu Live Creator Makes Bootable Linux USB Drives - Thumb drive - Lifehacker
Windows only: Free application uSbuntu Live Creator installs a Live CD from an ISO image onto your USB flash drive—much more useful, portable, and easy to deal with than carrying around a CD.
The 10 most useful Linux commands - Program - Linux - Builder AU,339028299,339297366,00.htm
The 10 most useful Linux commands
Maybe the command line isn’t your favorite place to hang out, but to be an effective Linux admin, you need to be able to wield a few essential commands. These 10 commands are guaranteed to simplify your Linux admin life.
Get the key facts on a wide range of technologies, techniques, strategies, and skills with the help of these concise, need-to-know lists.
10 Linux backup utilities
A dependable backup tool is not a luxury - everyone needs to have one. But that doesn’t mean you need to spend a fortune to get the feature set that meets your needs. Jack Wallen introduces some great Linux backup solutions, including a few that are cross platform.
Top 20 OpenSSH Server Best Security Practices
AllowUsers root vivek jerry
A short history of btrfs []
In this article, we'll take a behind-the-scenes look at the design and development of btrfs on many levels - technical, political, personal - and trace it from its origins at a workshop to its current position as Linus's root file system. Knowing the background and motivation for each step will help you understand why btrfs was started, how it works, and where it's going in the future. By the end, you should be able to hand-wave your way through a description of btrfs's on-disk format.
btrfs is a b-tree based fs that is cow friendly (i.e. by removing sibling links you don't have to copy whole tree on block update). Support snapshots, checksums etc. Implementation comes out of Oracle, has some commonalities with zfs.
MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs/libraries. Here are very useful tips for all mysql DBA’s, Developers these tips are noted from MySQL Camp 2006 suggested by mysql community experts.
# # Don’t use DISTINCT when you have or could use GROUP BY
Don’t use deprecated features
5 Excellent Downloadable eBooks To Teach Yourself Linux
So you have heard of all the advantages and geeky babble about how Linux is better and you have finally decided to try it? Just one thing, you don’t know an awful lot about Linux to get you started. How about some free downloadable ebooks to teach yourself Linux, that you can download today? Would that help? Free – you ask? Yes, free. Welcome to the world of Linux where things are free both as in free speech and also as in free beer (mostly)! If you are starting out on your journey towards Linux awesomeness, here are a few free downloadable ebooks to teach yourself Linux that should help you along nicely:
see also:
A Django deployment guide for Ubuntu | Ventanazul
Create Digital Music » Linux Music Workflow: Switching from Mac OS X to Ubuntu with Kim Cascone
the combination of ALSA [a high-performance, kernel-level audio and MIDI system] and JACK [a system for creating low-latency audio, MIDI, and sync connections between applications and computers]. The battle-scarred among us have learned to ignore all the other audio cruft bolted on to Ubuntu and just use ALSA and JACK.
Set Up Your Server Right, Part 1 « Envy Labs
how to setup ubuntu server "right" really good guide on basics of setting up server
I am going to go through a series of blog posts explaining a lot of tips, tricks, and best practices for setting up a single server and the general small infrastructures. Today we are going to hit the basics — what I consider to be the bare minimum necessary to get an Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server ready to go and serving your rails application
Top 24 Linux Apps -
If you are a new or intermediate Linux user, you are probably still looking for some app replacements. Here are 24 of the best Linux apps.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
These apps are high-quality, versatile, professional, reliable, and often available in many different packages (deb, rpm, etc). If you're new to the Linux game, or simply want a list of programs that have been re-verified as excellent by many hundreds of users, this article is for you. To download and install the apps, just go to your built-in package manager.
Benchmarked: Ubuntu vs Vista vs Windows 7 | TuxRadar
Siinä testiä
15 Great Tips For Ubuntu Power Users
15 Great Tips For Ubuntu Power Users
A few days back I wrote about books that beginners can download and read to teach themselves Linux. Today in the Linux section we have something for the power users. Here are a few tips you should try out if you are an avid Ubuntu user:
A few days back I wrote about books that beginners can download and read to teach themselves Linux. Today in the Linux section we have something for the power – the Blog · Mapreduce Bash Script
One night at the pub we discussed whether one could replace Hadoop (a massive and comprehensive implementation of Mapreduce) with a single bash script, an awk command, sort, and a sprinkling of netcat. This turned into a weekend project dubbed bashreduce.
Hardcoded version of push
Map-Reduce implemented as a bash script!
MapReduce in a Bash Script
One night at the pub we discussed whether one could replace Hadoop (a massive and comprehensive implementation of Mapreduce) with a single bash script, an awk command, sort, and a sprinkling of netcat. This turned into a weekend project dubbed bashreduce
Map Reduce implemented in bash using sort, awk, grep, join.
4 Websites to Learn Cool Linux Command Line Tricks |
Currently Browsing: [from]
Apolitically Incorrect » Time Drive
Glendix - Bringing the beauty of Plan 9 to Linux
This is the website of the Glendix project, an attempt at porting ideas from the Plan 9 operating system to Linux. Our ultimate goal is to create a minimalist Linux distribution that contains a Plan 9 userspace, instead of the GNU software that is usually provided by most distributions. We are currently restricting our work to the x86 platform only.
"Bringing the beauty of Plan 9 to Linux -- This is the website of the Glendix project, an attempt at porting ideas from the Plan 9 operating system to Linux. Our ultimate goal is to create a minimalist Linux distribution that contains a Plan 9 userspace, instead of the GNU software that is usually provided by most distributions. We are currently restricting our work to the x86 platform only."
An attempt at porting ideas from the Plan 9 operating system to Linux.
I switched back to Linux because I'm so addicted to some ALSA-apps. This might become the best of both worlds.
XtreemFS - file systems for the masses - a replicated and distributed file system for the internet and cloud storage
Useful examples of awk usage
Plugging In $40 Computers - Bits Blog - | study | A Tcpdump Tutorial / Primer
Tcpdump is the premier network analysis tool for information security professionals. Having a solid grasp of this über-powerful application is mandatory for anyone desiring a thorough understanding of TCP/IP. Many prefer to use higher level analysis tools such as Wireshark, but I believe this to usually be a mistake. In a discipline so dependent on a true understanding of concepts vs. rote learning, it's important to stay fluent in the underlying mechanics of the TCP/IP suite. A thorough grasp of these protocols allows one to troubleshoot at a level far beyond the average analyst, but mastery of the protocols is only possible through continued exposure to them. ... for this reason I strongly advocate using tcpdump instead of other tools whenever possible.
MP3 Diags
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Folder filter
End-user documentation for MP3 Diags, an MP3 analysis tool that also includes correction and tag editing functionality
OpenShot Video Editor
OpenShot is just a Python program, so we just need 1 installer for that. Check. x264, Frie0r, FFmpeg, and MLT. That's 4 more. Check. Now, since these "dependency" packages are not Python, we need to be sure and build these 4 packages against the following versions of Ubuntu: * 32 Bit - Ubuntu 8.04
Easy to use, open-source, non-linear video editor for Linux
How to Debug Bash Scripts | Ayman Hourieh's Blog
On how to trace Bash script execution.
How To Develop Websites On Linux | How-To | Smashing Magazine First look at Nokia RX-51 aka Nokia N900
Nokia N900
Please note - This article is nothing but our first impressions of the device and some musings about what's going to happen. The N900 itself has reached the stage when most of its elements are operable, so we decided we could publish this lowdown. 550! half it guys... or better quarter it.
I was ready to give up on Nokia (and their Symbian-based phones) and go for an Android phone next time.. but now I see that the HTC Hero won't have a keyboard, and now I get a look at this amazing Linux based Nokia, and well, maybe I might be able to salvage my relationship with Nokia after all.
Welcome - هو عبارة عن قرص إقلاع يسمح لك بالجمع مابين العديد من توزيعات لينكس والحصول عليها من الإنترنت ومن مكان واحد is a service that allows you to boot nearly any operating system or utility on any computer with a wired internet connection - without having to know ahead of time what you'll want to boot. Once you can, you never need to update your boot disk again!
Petabytes on a budget: How to build cheap cloud storage | Backblaze Blog
Build your own custom Backblaze Storage Pods: 67 terabyte 4U servers for $7,867.
Ten Things You Didn’t Know Apache (2.2) Could Do | Linux Magazine
Maemo software | Nokia › The software behind your mobile computer
Linux-based operating system on the N900
Maemo is an advanced mobile platform designed with the internet at its core. Linux-based Maemo software takes us into a new era of mobile computing.
Coole video
8 Useful and Interesting Bash Prompts – Make Tech Easier
1. Show Happy face upon successful execution
Build Your Own Server |
Illustrated instructions for setting up a LAMP server using ubuntu.
Cheat Sheets -
Reference Sheets for multiple purposes - wiki markup, Firewall ports, ...
Ten Things You Didn’t Know Apache (2.2) Could Do | Linux Magazine
Aligning filesystems to an SSD’s erase block size | Thoughts by Ted
) doesn’t know how to use raw flash. So if you want a few 80 gigabytes of flash in a laptop, today the only way to get it is with it attached to a SATA interface in a 2.5″ laptop disk form
Formatowanie SSD
OpenSolaris vs Linux | TuxRadar
he exciting features of this operating system outweigh the trouble of learning another Unix environment with other tools?
14 Great Cheat Sheets & Posters to Make You a Software Wizard
Five Best Virtual-Desktop Managers - Virtual Desktops - Lifehacker
Five Best Virtual-Desktop Managers - Virtual Desktops - Lifehacker -
check features for telling apps to start or pop-up child windows on certain desktops
Long before multiple monitors were popular (or financially feasible), there were virtual desktops—applications that allow you to swap your entire workspace with another for easy compartmentalization of your work. Here's a look at five of the most popular virtual-desktop managers.
"Five Best Virtual-Desktop Managers - Virtual Desktops - Lifehacker"
LiLi USB Creator's Official Website ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.......................
LinuxLive USB Creator is a free and open source software for Windows that allows you to create a portable and bootable USB stick running Linux. It also offers an exclusive option of automatic virtualization to launch directly this Linux in Windows without any configuration nor installation.
It also offers an exclusive option of automatic virtualization to launch directly this Linux in Windows without any configuration nor installation.
I'm a free and open source software for Windows that allows you to create a portable and bootable USB stick running Linux. I also offers an exclusive option of automatic virtualization to launch directly this Linux in Windows without any configuration nor installation.
Web de jEsuSdA 8) | Tutoriales de Diseño Gráfico con Gimp
Colección de Tutoriales de Diseño Gráfico con Gimp de jEsuSdA
How-To: Install Ubuntu On Your PS3 For Vintage Gaming Emulation
It's easy to forget that the PS3 is a fully-equipped PC in your living room attached to your house's best monitor. Installing Ubuntu can help you remember, and play SNES games in the process.
Curso Basico de Blender
tutorial blender3d gratis
Curso gratuito de blender
Titanium Desktop | Appcelerator
Use Web technologies to create rich applications for Windows, Mac and Linux from a single code base.
Our objective is to let users boot their machines with bare minimal requirements on their side, and we will handle most of the problem that you may face in booting. All that user needs is Internet connectivity and a small program (gpxe) to boot the machine. This gpxe program provides network booting facility. You can download these program from our site (available at Downloads section). Also, you can find a list of distributions and tools that can be booted with BKO here. Your small 56KB gpxe program can boot any of these options!
Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's handbook
Speaking UNIX: Stayin' alive with Screen
good explanation of how one might use the unix screen command
Service Wrapper,可以用于包装bat成为一个Windows Service
YAJSW is a java centric implementation of the java service wrapper by tanuki (JSW). It aims at being mostly configuration compliant with the original. It should therefore be easy to switch from JSW to YAJSW. JSW is a wonderful software I have been using for some time in production. So why yet another framework ? The main reason is that I need a better integration within my java job scheduling framework (rzomx) As of the next version the license of JSW will change making it impossible for me to use it in rzomx I may need win64 support, which is currently not available or not free for JSW.
Yet Another Java Service Wrapper YAJSW allows one to install any application as windows service or posix daemon and to monitor it.
Use SUSE Studio to Build a Linux OS From Scratch - SUSE Studio - Lifehacker
git ready » tig, the ncurses front-end to Git
brose git repos mutt style
How to Run Android Applications on Ubuntu - Step-by-step tutorial with screenshots - Softpedia
How to Run Android Applications on Ubuntu - Step-by-step tutorial with screenshots
How to turn a spare Linux machine into a media server | News | TechRadar UK
Linux is brilliant at serving files. It's this ability that keeps the enterprise world turning to Linux for its heavy lifting jobs and that keeps the world Googling 24/7. But it's just as good at serving files from a computer tucked away under the stairs or stuck in the loft, and a server in your house is now becoming an essential accessory.
7 cool VLC features worth knowing | GHABUNTU
For most people, VLC is the favorite media player because it plays everything they throw at it without hiccups. No hunting for codec. But VLC can do a lot of other things as well. Find out how many of these listed below you knew, and how many you did not.
I like Unicorn because it's Unix
Eric Wong’s mostly pure-Ruby HTTP backend, Unicorn, is an inspiration. I've studied this file for a couple of days now and it’s undoubtedly one of the best, most densely packed examples of Unix programming in Ruby I've come across.
"Eric Wong’s mostly pure-Ruby HTTP backend, Unicorn, is an inspiration. I've studied this file for a couple of days now and it’s undoubtedly one of the best, most densely packed examples of Unix programming in Ruby I've come across."
ruby + unix, know your history
Unicorn is basically Mongrel (including the fast Ragel/C HTTP parser), minus the threads, and with teh Unix turned up to 11. That means processes. And all the tricks and idioms required to use them reliably.
Maemo software | Nokia › Nokia N900 mobile computer
@mr_trick: "Definitely curious about this Nokia Maemo: Good lookin' out @deanwhitbread !" (from
Experience the speed and raw power of the high-performance Nokia N900 mobile computer. Nothing else even comes close.
Linux-based operating system
Python is Unix
Simple preforking echo server in Python. Python port of
BashPitfalls - Greg's Wiki
Galileo Computing :: Linux – Das umfassende Handbuch - openbook
Dieses umfassende Handbuch bietet Ihnen nahezu vollständiges Linux-Wissen. Von der Administration des Systems über die Shell bis hin zu Netzwerkkonfiguration, Sicherheitsthemen und einem ausführlichen BSD-Teil werden Sie nichts missen. Das Buch ist geeignet für Nutzer aller gängigen Linux-Distributionen.
Make Linux faster, lighter and more powerful | News | TechRadar UK
How to Be Faster at the Linux Command Line | HACKTUX
SSH advanced techniques, part II
Customizing the Terminal: The Prompt | LinDesk
Customizing the Terminal: The Prompt
Most Linux ‘gurus’ spend a lot of time working in the terminal. If you belong to that group, this post is for you. This is a tutorial to configure the terminal prompt to the best possible value for your use. Note: This tutorial is for bash users – these instructions will not work in other shells.You must have seen the prompt if you have use the terminal – it is the first few characters in each line. Usually, it will be…Editing the prompt is very simple – you just have to edit a shell variable. To see the current prompt’s value, open a shell and type the command…
good prompt ideas
18 Wonderful IDEs for Windows, Mac, and Linux - Nettuts+
Tarsnap public beta
"Tarsnap is an implementation of my idea of a perfect online backup service. After many months in private beta testing, tarsnap is now publicly available for BSD, Linux, and other UNIX-like operating systems."
Tarsnap is an implementation of my idea of a perfect online backup service.
Encrypted snapshotted remote backup. Good to see that competition is thriving in this/these space(s)
System Administrator Interview Cheat Sheet
How To: Virtualize Any OS For Free - Virtualization how to - Gizmodo
"Intimidating erminology aside, here's what desktop virtualization means today: You can run just about any OS, Mac OS X excluded, inside any other OS. Ubuntu in Mac OS? Sure. Windows 7 within Windows XP? Why not? Windows ME within Snow Leopard? Nobody's going to stop you, I guess! And these aren't patchy, half-assed experiments we're talking about here—these are fully-functioning installations that'll connect to USB peripherals, access the internet, share files with your host OS, and run almost any software, short of 3D games. You can set up as many of these things as you want, and delete them in a matter of seconds. It's pretty great, is what I'm trying to say. Best of all, virtualization is now something you can try—and stick with—for free, thanks to software like Sun's VirtualBox. It's a free download on any platform, and it does its job spectacularly. Here's how to get started."
Famous Perl One-Liners Explained, Part I - good coders code, great reuse
also links to sed and awk oneliners
Facebookが大規模スケーラビリティへの挑戦で学んだこと(前編)~800億枚の写真データとPHPのスケーラビリティ問題 - Publickey
The Invisible Things Lab's blog: Evil Maid goes after TrueCrypt!
Using a password sniffer to get around full disk encryption.
25+ Useful Linux and Unix Cheat sheets @ Techie Blogger
List of PDF Editing tools for Ubuntu  | Ubuntu Geek
pdf editors,
HOWTO build your own open source Dropbox clone | fak3r
drop box
Build Your Own Dev Server with VirtualBox
Sun’s VirtualBox is ideal for testing different desktop environments (for example, browser testing), but I’ve discovered it’s also great for running a test server environment. Instead of setting up Apache, PHP, and MySQL right on your desktop machine, you can place them in a virtual Linux server. That way there’s no interference with your desktop, and you can ensure that your development environment is as close as possible to your eventual deployment environment.
Open database life: MyISAMとInnoDBのどちらを使うべきか
自分は、特別な事情が無い限り、5.1最新版に含まれるInnoDB Pluginを勧めています。
Welcome to Tiny Core Linux
Compile Software from Source Code - Wired How-To Wiki
Most of the time, especially in the Windows and Mac OS X world, end users don't have to compile software. The programmers of the software write the code and then compile it into a "binary executable" for you.
Easy Version Control with Git - Nettuts+
Git is pretty easy to get: on a Mac, it’s probably easiest to use the git-osx-installer. If you have MacPorts installed, you may want to get Git through it; you can find instructions on the GitHub help site. (And yes, we’ll talk about GitHub). On Windows, the simplest way to start rolling is to use the msysgit installer. However, if you’ve got Cygwin, you can git Git through there as w
Have you ever worked on a project that was so unwieldy, you were scared to update a file or add a feature? Maybe the problem was that you weren't using a
OMG! UBUNTU!: 10 Useful Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala
The Silent Number: Top things to do after installing Ubuntu Linux 9.10 Karmic Koala
This list of the top things to do immediately after installing your newly acquired copy of Ubuntu doubles as a general list of great software to try out and use, complete with links to any special instructions on how to set them up... Repositories can be added easily ... Feel free to pick and choose; enjoy! You generally don't need antivirus with Linux, but if you'd like to play it safe, you can install the ClamTK Virus Scanner, a graphical front-end to ClamAV. If you feel the need to have a firewall, Firewall configuration is a graphical front-end for Uncomplicated firewall (ufw). If you'd like to make sure all of your internet traffic is encrypted and anonymous, you can pass it through a proxy by using a Virtual Private Network service like IPREDator. We can't kill the music and movie industries if they can make money just by suing all of us! Mozilla Firefox 3.5 brings some major improvements like..., but we all hate how bloated it is. If you want something faster and more...
20 Linux Server Hardening Security Tips
Turbo Charge Your New XBMC Installation - Xbmc - Lifehacker
We give a lot of attention to XBMC here, and with just cause. It's an open-source, cross-platform, highly-customizable media center solution that outperforms just about every commercial option out there. Here's how you can make it even better.
Triple Boot Mac OS, XP, and Linux on a Mac - Wired How-To Wiki,_XP,_and_Linux_on_a_Mac
Can't decide which operating system you want to run on your MacBook? The newest Macs allow you to boot up from Windows or Mac OS X using the included Boot Camp disk-partitioning software. However, with some steps and a little elbow grease, you can add Linux to the mix and get the best of all worlds.
Allmyapps - Application Store for Windows XP, Vista and Seven to find and install the best applications
Allmyapps makes software installation a breeze. No matter how many applications you need, 1 click is all you need to have all your favorite applications installed on your PC.
Make Linux faster and lighter | TuxRadar
ldd arbitrary code execution - good coders code, great reuse
use ldd to hack system
A 'revisited' guide to GNU Screen LG #168
e. Screen allows you to manage several interactive shell instances within the same "window". By using different keyb
Handy features like screenrc configuration for status line and auto-start settings, as well as terminal sharing using screen.
hardstatus alwayslastline 2 hardstatus string '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{=kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B}%Y-%m-%d %{W}%c %{g}]' 3 4 # Default screens 5 screen -t shell1 0 6 screen -t shell2 1 7 screen -t server 2 ssh me@myserver
Elite Log File Scrolling with Color Syntax
Script lets you scroll logfiles automatically colorized making them a TON easier to read at a glance!
KS2009: How Google uses Linux []
Interesting to see the problems that are present at Google regarding staying in sync with the latest kernel code.
Bash shortcuts « Tales From a Cold Network Admin
"The $(</path/to/a/file) #Thanks Croooow This isn’t exactly a variable, more a method of reading files, but it is optimized beyond the cat command to work with bash scripts "
How to turn an old PC into a media centre | News | TechRadar UK
How to turn an old PC into a media centre Play media on your TV with an old PC and XBMC : TechRadar UK
(特にMyISAMを使っていた)ウェブ屋さんがInnoDBを使う場合の設定項目 - kazuhoのメモ置き場
sudo hdparm -W 0 /dev/sda
Dual-Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu in Perfect Harmony - windows 7 - Lifehacker
Remus provides transparent, comprehensive high availability to ordinary virtual machines running on the Xen virtual machine monitor. It does this by maintaining a completely up-to-date copy of a running VM on a backup server, which automatically activates if the primary server fails.
HA solution for Xen
Pro GIMP — сайт рассказывающий о бесплатном растровом графическом редакторе Гимп
GIMP — мощный и совершенно бесплатный аналог Фотошопа. Работа с ним доставляет истинное удовольствие.
Уроки использования Гимп
Linux: Should You Use Twice the Amount of Ram as Swap Space?
<DigitalKiwi> caseyd:
Linux: Should You Use Twice the Amount of Ram as Swap Space?
20 Essential Tips Every Ubuntu User Should Know | Maximum PC
check out some of these
Build a Cheap But Powerful Boxee Media Center - Boxee - Lifehacker
Chromium OS (The Chromium Projects)
Chromium OS
L'OS de Google !
Speaking UNIX: 10 great tools for any UNIX system
The universe of UNIX tools changes constantly. Here are 10 tools -- some you may have overlooked and some new -- to tinker with.
Linux makina batean interesgarri izan daitezkeen komandoak V2 Beta - GetDeb - Welcome
GetDeb is an unofficial project with the mission to provide the latest open source and freeware applications for the current Ubuntu Linux release, in an easy to install manner.
Software you want
Software for Ubuntu Linux
Download Google Chrome OS for free - gdgt
Download and try out Google Chrome OS for free at gdgt!
Home (The Chromium Projects)
Chrome OS Project Page
About | Scan Tailor
ges read
ch as page splitting, deskewing, adding/removing borders, and others. You give it raw scans, and you get pages re
Scan Tailor is an interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages. It performs operations such as page splitting, deskewing, adding/removing borders, and others. You give it raw scans, and you get pages ready to be printed or assembled into a PDF or DJVU file. Scanning, optical character recognition, and assembling multi-page documents are out of scope of this project. [09wk47]
Windows/Linux: Tired of fiddling with scanned pages to remove borders, correct alignment, and otherwise prettify them before storing or emailing them? Then Scan Tailor could be right up your alley. This free app splits two-page scans into single documents, converts text to black and white without disturbing images, and cleans stray specks off pages. Scan Tailor even gets rid of that pesky shadow down the center of a two-page scan that occurs when you lay an open book face down on a scanner.
Post-processing of scans
Over 50 Free, Must-Have Open Source Resources
Read about trends, technologies and best practices covered by experienced Giga Omni Media editors and writers. Participate in daily blog discusions and post your thoughts and opinions.
Update Twitter and FriendFeed from the Linux command line
Summary: Learn how to use GNU Wget and cURL to send status updates to Twitter and FriendFeed without the use of a Twitter desktop application, and follow feeds from both Twitter and FriendFeed right from the Linux® command line. This article was updated on 31 Oct 2008 to correct a coding error in the wget command under "Adding a tweet using GNU Wget and cURL." --Ed.
FreeSource : Статьи / Кратко Обо Всём / VIM
тановить максимальную ширину окна;
1 Опции командной строки 2 VIM-файлы 3 Структура команд 4 Команды 4.1 Перемещение по тексту 4.2 Прокрутка экрана 4.3 Смена режимов 4.4 Работа с файлами 4.5 Редактирование 4.6 Поиск 4.7 Манипуляции с окнами 4.8 Метки 4.9 Регистры 4.10 Настройки 4.11 Опции 4.12 Команды интеграции 4.13 Группировка текста 4.14 Компиляция/отладка программ 4.15 Другое 4.16 Часто используемые команды (желательно запомнить)
Download Google Chrome OS and Run it from a USB Drive
구글 크롬 사용하는법 !
Command line tricks for smart geeks | TuxRadar Linux simon/woof.html
Ubunchu! The Ubuntu Manga is now in English « DoctorMO’s Blag
Ubunchu! The Ubuntu Manga is now in English « DoctorMO's Blog
Chromium OS Builds by Hexxeh
FFmpeg made easy | TuxRadar
Various example ffmpeg commands
自作サーバカンファレンス「はてなの自作サーバの実際」+他セッション講演メモ - RX-7乗りの適当な日々
Amazon EC2と比べても、1年でもとが取れて、SSDも付いてくる
ASCIIpOrtal | Cymons Games
See high res text graphics. Master physics bending puzzles. Escape the test chambers. Play ASCIIpOrtal ! This game is awesome and runs on all OSes.
LinuxLive USB Creator | Get LinuxLive USB Creator at
LiLi USB Creator is a free software for Windows that allows you to create a bootable USB key with a linux on it, with integrated virtualization.
Cheap and NASty - How to Build an Open Source FreeNAS Server | Maximum PC
Motherboard: Asus M4A78 Pro $110, Processor: AMD Athlon X2 240 $55, RAM: 2GB Corsair DDR2 $40, Storage: (2) 2TB Western Digital Caviar Green $280, Power Supply: Rosewill RP550-2 $55, We used the same hardware as for our Windows Home Server build. Briefly, that’s an Asus M4A78 Pro motherboard, AMD Athlon X2 240 CPU, 2GB Corsair DDR2 RAM, two 2TB Western Digital Caviar Green drives, and a Rosewill 550W PSU. We installed the OS with a USB CD-ROM drive we had lying around, since we’re not going to need an optical drive on the server once it’s built. To ensure compatibility with FreeNAS, you should check your hardware against the FreeBSD hardware compatibility list.
media server home theater pc HTPC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about Cheap and NASty - How to Build an Open Source FreeNAS Server.
DeviceGuru » The BoxeeBox Cookbook
Linux用の優れたバックアップツール10選 - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20397391,00.htm
Pon a punto Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope 9.04 (I)
¿Ya has probado el último lanzamiento de Ubuntu? Cierto, Jaunty Jackalope no tiene novedades muy vistosas, pero gracias a sus mejoras internas es m�...
The 10 most useful Linux commands | 10 Things |
Ten Powerful Linux Commands -
Top 10 Ubuntu Downloads - Ubuntu - Lifehacker
Anatomy of Linux process management
Chromium OS Builds by Hexxeh
Mike Taylor - Why Debian Is Not My Favourite Operating System
1.1. How can I add a package? That's easy! Just use: apt-get install package 1.2. How can I upgrade my installation to the latest version? That's easy! Just use: apt-get dist-upgrade 1.3. How can I search for a package? That's easy! Just use: apt-cache search keyword Why not apt-get search keyword? Shut up, be happy. That's just how it is.
The annoyances of the Debian's package management..I've come across some of these before, but I still prefer Debian over alternatives..
Using Linux - Linux Administration Basics - Linode Library
This document presents a collection of common issues and useful tips for Linux system administration. Whether you're new to system administration or have been maintaining systems for some time, we hope these tips are helpful regardless of your background or choice in Linux distributions.
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: サーバのネットワーク速度の調査/測定方法
ethtool しらなかった.
Compile source code - and solve problems | TuxRadar
Building software from source - that's a bit old-school, isn't it? Who wants to wrestle with the command line, hunting down dependencies and coaxing the GCC compiler into running properly? Well, it does sound like a strange thing to do in this world of binary packages and online repositories.
compile source but also explains how to deal with issues that come up
Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04 hands-on | TuxRadar
How to make your ubuntu desktop mimic the UNR interface
Adobe Flash full screen acceleration concertedrxn (not verified) - May 1, 2009 @ 7:40am @ Alex RE: Adobe Flash The problem is that Adobe doesn't know how to properly check for direct rendering without crashing their code, so they check for "SGI" in the output of glxinfo instead. Essentially this means that full screen acceleration is disabled for all but nVidia cards, even when other cards are more than capable of GPU acceleration. See <>. The good news is you can override the blacklist by adding "OverrideGPUValidation=true" (without the quotes) to /etc/adobe/mms.cfg. See <>.
[ Zsh ]
Une page avec plein d'astuces pour zsh
Handy Tweaks To Make GIMP Replace Photoshop
A Unix Utility You Should Know About: lsof - good coders code, great reuse
This is the third post in the article series about Unix and Linux utilities that you should know about. In ...
Armed and Dangerous » Blog Archive » Why GPSes suck, and what to do about it
Why the NMEA standard is so much trouble
Away back in the dark and backward abysm of time when GPS technology was first being made generally available (e.g., 1993), only military-grade receivers were sensitive enough to use it where there were things like buildings and trees partly blocking the sky view. The first civilian customers to actually find a use for it were people messing about in boats. Thus it came to pass that the manufacturers of marine navigation systems were the first civilians to grapple with the question of how a GPS receiver should report TPV information over a wire to a navigational computer.
VideoLAN Movie Creator - Overview - VideoLAN Movie Creator
SIGUSR2 > The Power That is GNU Emacs
If you've never been convinced before that Emacs is the text editor in which dreams are made from, or that inside Emacs there are unicorns manipulating your text, don't expect me to convince you.
Lifehacker - Mac4Lin Gives Linux Desktops the Complete Mac Look - Linux
linux mac theme
10 Greatest Open Source Software Of 2009
10 Greatest Open Source Software Of 2009
How To Easily Change Your Usplash Screen In Ubuntu |
I remember when I first booted up Ubuntu on my computer three years ago that I wasn't very impressed with the dull black usplash screen. It gave me a feeling
Return Boolean True: Eye Fi Standalone Server
Apacheの安全を確保するための10の対策 - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20386932,00.htm
Minitube is a native YouTube client. With it you can watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video stream. Minitube does not require the Flash Player.
A youtube category search utility that plays videos in that category continuously. Not yet for Windows. Bookmarked to check back occasionally to see if it is Windows ready.
Youtube video watching client.
Performous - Announcements
opensource guitarhero-style game
Juego musical para PC que junta Singstar, Guitar Hero y DDR
Performous is a free cross-platform band game game.
Open Source Watershed
OpenSourceWatershed is a project aimed at understanding the relationship between distributions (downstream) and the individual software components (upstream). It is the basis for a larger study of distributions and their evolution. It is distrology
OpenSourceWatershed is a project aimed at understanding the relationship between distributions (downstream) and the individual software components (upstream). It is the basis for a larger study of distributions and their evolution. It is distrology. In the future, more distro oriented statistics will be available. More details are below. For now search in the top right for your favorite package to see how up to date the different distributions. Or look at the right to see what new releases happened in the last 24 hours.
Open Source Watershed
Compare freshness of Linux distros - Gentoo stable is 90% obsolete (!) with a 16 week average lag, compared to 23 weeks for Ubuntu, 17 weeks for Slackware and 1 week for Arch. Gentoo unstable has 5 week lag.
OpenSourceWatershed is a project aimed at understanding the relationship between distributions (downstream) and the individual software components (upstream). It is the basis for a larger study of distributions and their evolution. It is distrology. In the future, more distro oriented statistics will be available. More details are below. For now search in the top right for your favorite package to see how up to date the different distributions. Or look at the right to see what new releases happened in the last 24 hours. The aggregate analysis is done over twenty packages including firefox, gcc and openssh. The full package list is in the OSCON slides. In the future, users will be able to set custom groups. The three forms of analysis are percent obsolete, the average number of newer releases per package and the time since the oldest new release. In other words the lag is the amount of time a distro had to move to a newer package.
Command Center | Linuxコマンドがすばやく探せる、そのまま使える。 - banq
How To Create A Custom Splashimage For GRUB |
Almost all the popular Linux distributions use the GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) as the bootloader of choice these days. If you have been experimenting
HostMonk - Compare Linux dedicated server hosting plans
Compare Linux dedicated server hosting plans
Compare Linux dedicated servers from leading hosting providers hosting plans and find the best plan for you
> 重要なことは,自分たちに必要な機能の優先順位を付けて何をあきらめるかを判断し,実績のなさから心配されるリスクにどう備えるかを考えることだろう。例えば大館市では,IP電話に障害があれば一部残したアナログ電話を使えばいい,いよいよとなれば職員の携帯電話も使える,とリスクとリターンを比較して判断した。 ... 可用性,見栄え,担当者の手間,何を“捨てる”ことができるのか。代替手段や運用でカバーすることが可能なのか。それを判断することは当事者であるユーザーにしかできない。そして,代替手段を探し当て,自分の手を動かしてそれを検証できるスキルはかけがえのない武器になる。それが大館市の挑戦と成功から学べることではないか,と記者は考えている。
Arduino hardware hacking: Part 1 | TuxRadar
卜部昌平のあまりreblogしないtumblr - 俺の .screenrc が火を吹くぜ
■ これは凄い!!
is a Media Center application. Featuring a simple user interface, Enna is based on the powerful Enlightenment Foundations Libraries (EFL) as for its graphical user interface and GeeXboX libraries as for multimedia playback and information retrieval.
Tux Training » Blog Archive » How to have a lightweight, beautiful, functional terminal
uptime | awk '{print $2,$3, $4}'
Configuration for rxvt in X to have better colors and fonts
Lazy Linux: 10 важных практических приёмов для администраторов
Освойте эти 10 практических приемов и станьте самым лучшим администратором Linux-систем во Вселенной. Узнайте о туннелях SSH, VNC, восстановлении паролей и консольном шпионаже и воспроизводите затем эти приёмы на своих машинах.
Can You Top This? 15 Practical Linux Top Command Examples
teractive top c
Terminal Tip: Make Any Linux Directory into an ISO File
Linux newbies might appreciate knowing that you need no software app to create burn-able CD images of a particular directory on your system. One terminal command--mkisofs -V LABEL -r DIRECTORY | gzip > cdrom.iso.gz&mdash;creates a compressed ISO for easy backup (replace the italicized sections with your CD label and directory, of course). [via]
Linux newbies might appreciate knowing that you need no software app to create burn-able CD images of a particular directory on your system. One terminal command--mkisofs -V LABEL -r DIRECTORY | gzip > cdrom.iso.gz—creates a compressed ISO for easy backup (replace the italicized sections with your CD label and directory, of course)
I’ve lately been trying to compile Arduino projects from command line. Primarily because the Arduino IDE wasn’t working out of the box on 64-bit Ubuntu (9.04). That problem was eventually solved, but I’ve been meaning to move away from that IDE anyway. If you happen to be replacing the Arduino IDE with Vim, I just uploaded an Arduino syntax file.
Includes python script to use the DTR autoreset feature.
Measuring & Optimizing I/O Performance -
Typically excellent post from Ilya Grigorik.
An indepth look at disk i/o throughut, measurement and performance monitoring within Linux
I’m A » Flash Cookies: The Silent Privacy Killer
The Adobe Flash Player maintains proprietary cookies called Local Shared Objects or LSO’s. LSO’s are capable of storing 100 kb’s of information for an indefinite amount of time by default. When you clear your browser history in Internet Explorer, Firefox or Opera on Windows, Linux, or OS X LSO’s are not cleared from Adobe’s local repository.
Os X
There are hundreds of applications out there from spyware cleaners to built-in browser features that eliminate cookies on the spot, and even let you set cookie policies on your computer regarding what can be stored in your machine, and for how long. I’m assuming that if you’re here reading this post, you already know all of the dangers of cookies on your computer. In all honesty, I don’t seriously believe that they’re the most dangerous form of movement or web tracking, but they can definitely be used to monitor more movements than a person should feel comfortable with.
Explains how to adjust your Flash player settings
Shame on you, Adobe!
Never new this! Amazing amount of stuff stored on your computer using flash 'cookies' which never gets cleaned from the browser.
INX Is Not X : A command line and console Linux "Live CD" based on a minimal Ubuntu, without the X window system graphical interface. INX has some surprising capabilities...
Apprendre la console bash
Linux à vocation pédagogique, uniquement en ligne de commande.
A PC from the community for the community -
A PC from the Linux community for the Linux community
The Open-PC is a PC for everyday use built by the Linux community for the Linux community. We use only free software. Your help will be welcomed, to make our project even better.
Free Gimp tutorial PDFs | TuxRadar Linux
90MB de tutoriais Gimp free!
Tutorials de GIMP TuxRadar
TuxRadar Linux
Jonathan Ellis's Programming Blog - Spyced: Linux performance basics
Good, quick introduction to vmstat, iostat, and top for checking Linux performance stats.
what ought to be common knowledge about vmstat, iostat, and top
Featured content |
redhat community service
We want to shine a light on the places where the open source way is multiplying ideas and effort, even beyond technology. We believe that will be a gathering place for many of the open source stories we'd like to share--through articles, audio, web presentations, video, or open discussion.
8 Great Alternative Desktop Managers For Linux |
Most of the Linux users should be familiar with Gnome and KDE since both of them are the most commonly used desktop managers in the various Linux distros. Now,
Lifehacker - Use a Different Color for the Root Shell Prompt - Terminal
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ ' » Writing a Vim plugin
Good summary of pros and cons of vimscript vs ruby/python/whatever.
Some things to consider when writing a plugin for vim. Comments describe how to implement some OOP in vimscript. whodathunkit?
Chromium Blog: Danger: Mac and Linux builds available
@phonescooper Link to the blog post here [from]
In order to get more feedback from developers, we have early developer channel versions of Google Chrome for Mac OS X and Linux, but whatever you do, please DON'T DOWNLOAD THEM!
F O R A T » Cuatro libros electronicos de lujo en formato PDF »
para montar el servidor de datos
My Extravagant Zsh Prompt / Steve Losh
I gotta try zsh. Via /drewr
Tuning MySQL Performance with MySQLTuner | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
Perl script for reporting back on your MySQL config.
Debugging and Tuning MySQL performance
Handy script to gather suggestions on mysql tuning
vim tips and tricks: home
dicas e truques de VIM
How to find per-process I/O statistics on Linux at Xaprb
Stay curious!
SIGUSR2 > The Hacker's Utility Belt: SSH
Sync and Share Virtual Machine with DropBox |
LinuxParty | - Programar y depurar en un IDE para PHP, plugin phpeclipse, xdebug y Remote debug
Sitio Web de linux_party
Programar y depurar en un IDE para PHP, plugin phpeclipse, xdebug y Remote debug
UNIX tips: Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits
Avoid piping a grep to wc -l in order to count the number of lines of output. The -c option to grep gives a count of lines that match the specified pattern and is generally faster than a pipe to wc, as in the following example:
Pinta - Simple Painting for Gtk
Pinta is a drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET. It's goal is to provide a simplified alternative to GIMP for casual users. It is currently early in development.
Simple Painting for Gtk
Pinta is a drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET. It's goal is to provide a simplified alternative to GIMP for casual users.
Techniques for Mastering cURL | Nettuts+
cURL is a tool for transferring files and data with URL syntax, supporting many protocols including HTTP, FTP, TELNET and more
50 Design Tutorials for Mastering Gimp | Creative Nerds
BBC NEWS | Technology | 40 years of Unix
Ubuntu: A User's Look at Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex
New to Ubuntu 8.10 is a nifty seamless encryption feature. It's always been possible to encrypt individual files/folders in Ubuntu but it involved creating a key pair and then individually encrypting files. To view or edit the file, it was necessary to decrypt it and then re-encrypt it again if changes were made. Messy. The new feature creates an encrypted filestore, mounted in the Private folder in your /home directory. This is automatically locked and unlocked as you log in and out, so accessing it is seamless and transparent. Other users won't be able to access it, and it isn't possible to see its contents by booting into rescue mode. To activate the feature, just type the following two commands: sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils ecryptfs-setup-private Follow the prompts shown and then log out and back in again. Once the desktop reappears, you'll see a new Private directory in your /home folder, where you can save data, as with any other directory.
A review, with interesting tips
The new feature creates an encrypted filestore, mounted in the Private folder in your /home directory. This is automatically locked and unlocked as you log in and out, so accessing it is seamless and transparent. Other users won't be able to access it, and it isn't possible to see its contents by booting into rescue mode. To activate the feature, just type the following two commands: sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils ecryptfs-setup-private
About Beremiz — Beremiz Open Source Automation Framework Home Page
Environnement de programmation d'automates industriels open source.
Ubuntu Tips and Tricks - TechCombo
Downloads: Elisa is a Simple, Streamlined Media Center
100 Free Open Courseware Classes About Open Source Everything
DreamPie: The Python shell you've always dreamed about!
DreamPie is a Python shell which is designed to be reliable and fun.
Lifehacker - Install a Minimal Ubuntu Desktop - Ubuntu
If you like the looks and features of Ubuntu 9.04, but want a lighter, swifter version of it, try this minimalist installation that can knock memory usage down by up to 75 percent. Ubuntu Forums user TheShiv likes to build his system from the ground up, and doesn't like a lot of software and services he'll never use. So he installs a core, bare-bones system from either the Ubuntu Server Edition CD or a Minimal CD, then, when he gets access to a command prompt and he's wired to the internet (presumably through a LAN cable, though perhaps wireless works as well), he uses two or three commands to install enough features to get a working desktop, but very little that won't be used day to day. TheShiv frames his installation as a script you can copy, save, and run, but users could also just copy the sudo apt-get -y install commands he has listed at the link below. It's been linked to by a few approving Ubuntu heads, and seems like a pretty good way to get a lower-memory, but still GNOME-b
簡単にVPNを構築できるツール、tinc - SourceForge.JP Magazine
<blockquote> <cite><img src="" alt="" /> <a href="">VPNtinc - SourceForge.JP Magazine</a></cite> <p>tinc Virtual Private NetworkVPNVPN2tincPCWi-FiLANWPA2...</p> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt=" - VPNtinc - SourceForge.JP Magazine" title=" - VPNtinc - SourceForge.JP Magazine" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="" title="" /></a></p> </blockquote>
Nmap 5.00 Release Notes
Documentacion Nmap 5.0
Nmap has finally gotten a major update after many years. Every network administrator should be familiar with this tool.
Insecure.Org is pleased to announce the immediate, free availability of the Nmap Security Scanner version 5.00 from
Screen? A must for SSH ~ Mattias Geniar
If you've ever used SSH to connect to a server, you 'll know its limitations: if you want to open a new window, you'll need to create a second SSH connection to the server. And if the connection breaks during the SSH tunnel, you've lost your progress. This is where Screen comes in.
Anomalous Anomaly » Blog Archive » Triple Booting Your Mac
Schritt für Schritt Anleitung um Windows, Linux und MacOS X also "Tripple Boot" auf einem Mac (Book Pro) zu installieren.
Nice walkthrough...
Top 20 Nginx WebServer Best Security Practices
Core Dump: Autoconf and Automake Tutorial
I wrote a charming little utility for linux called getkey, that captures the keystrokes and displays them on the screen using OSD. Its called gekey and t has a couple of .c files and a hand crafted Makefile to go along with it. But I wanted to use the auto-tools (autoconf and automake) to create a configure script and a Makefile so that my utility could by installed like any other GNU tool using the famous:
Lifehacker - Tweak GIMP to be More Like Photoshop - GIMP
We've shown you how to make GIMP's interface look like Photoshop's, but these tips will actually add many of the functions and capabilities of Adobe's flagship photo editor to its open-source counterpart.
Tweak GIMP to be More Like Photoshop
Best Of 2008: Most Popular Linux Downloads of 2008
Along with Windows and Mac downloads, this year was chock-full of free software for Linux users. Read on to see what our readers were eager to grab and install on their free desktops.
Five Best VPN Tools - Vpn - Lifehacker
Sugar on a Stick - Sugar Labs
OLPC OS for your USB drive.
Sugar Labs offers ubiquitous access to Sugar in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash memory drive (stick). The Sugar on a Stick project (still in Beta) gives children access to their Sugar on any computer in their environment with just a USB memory stick. Taking advantage of the Fedora LiveUSB, it's possible to store everything you need to run Sugar on a single USB memory stick (minimum size 1GB). This small USB device can boot into the Sugar learning platform on different computers at home, at school, or at an after-school program, bypassing the software on the those computers. In fact, Sugar on a Stick will work even if the computer does not have a hard-drive. With Sugar on a Stick, the learning experience is the same on any computer: at school, at home, at the library, or an after-school center.
HP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu - Download Squad
HP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu
Does HP step on Microsoft's toes? "HP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu" [from]
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: シェルの仕組み(前編)
Interop: Authenticate Linux Clients with Active Directory
AT A GLANCE: How authentication works in Windows and Linux Using Samba and Winbind Implementation strategies Walking through the Linux-to-Active Directory integrationItem
Article from technet.
Ksplice » Hello from a libc-free world! (Part 1) - System administration and software
As an exercise, I want to write a Hello World program in C simple enough that I can disassemble it and be able to explain all of the assembly to myself. This should be easy, right? [...]
Nice article about compiling "Hello World" without libc under linux. Suprisingly deep digging necessary to get it to run properly.
"Hello, world" without libc
As an exercise, I want to write a Hello World program in C simple enough that I can disassemble it and be able to explain all of the assembly to myself.
Top Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained - good coders code, great reuse
Useful Bash shell one liners with explanations
Security e-Book
Da un'idea di Giuseppe "Gippa" Paternò, un libro on-line sulle architetture di sicurezza e relative implementazioni.
How To Quickly Set Up Ubuntu 8.04 loaded with Erlang, Mochiweb and Nginx | BeeBuzz
"This post is the starting point of a series of posts in which I’m going to provide you with all the commands you’ll need to set up an Ubuntu 8.04 server loaded with Erlang, Mochiweb proxied by Nginx. In the same series, I’ll also cover: The basic configuration of Postfix (mail) The use of Imagemagick to create dynamically a captcha for your application The configuration of Bind9 in order to play with the url CNAME"
snakebite: the open network
this guy gave a very funny presentation at the TiP BoF
A build farm for cross-platform open source development; not yet open for business?
python build farm
Snakebite is a network that strives to provide developers of open source projects complete and unrestricted access to as many different platforms, operating systems, architectures, compilers, devices, databases, tools and applications that they may need in order to optimally develop their software.
使わなくなったPCをマイホームサーバにできるソフト『Amahi』 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
: ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
『Amahi』は、 Fedora Linux systemにインストールすると、データ保管庫にもなるのですが、自分だけのホームデータサーバのような使い方もできるのです。自分のネットワークからアクセスできるWEBインターフェースを使えば、映画や音楽を聞いたり(iTunes や他のプレイヤーでストリーミング再生も可能)、写真を見たり、カレンダーやOutlookにもアクセスできます 自分のネットワークのVPN設定をすることもできるので、VPNの設定なんてしたこと無い、という人でも、サーバのデータにリモートアクセスすることもできます。 『Amahi』は、『Fedora 10』が入っていて、CPUが1.0 GHz以上、RAMが256MB以上のパソコンであれば、十分動作
How To Install Microsoft Text Fonts In Ubuntu Linux |
Luckily, installing the Microsoft core fonts package (and any other new fonts) in Ubuntu is easy.
Downloads: Calibre Manages Your E-Book Collection
Calibre is a feature rich e-book manager, complete with Cover Flow-like looks and network sharing.
Firefoxからsshのダイナミック転送を使って非公開サーバへアクセスする - 射撃しつつ前転
Firefoxからsshのダイナミック転送を使って非公開サーバへアクセスする - 射撃しつつ前転 sshにはダイナミック転送という機能がある。この機能を使うと、sshはアプリケーション側にはSOCKSプロクシとして振る舞うが、そこからsshの接続先までは暗号化された状態で通信が行われる。 これだけだと通常のトンネリングとどう違うのかよくわからないかもしれないが、ダイナミック転送の場合は転送ポートを指定する必要がない。ここがダイナミックと表現される所以だろう。 例えば、オフィスAにある開発サーバ... はてなブックマーク - Firefoxからsshのダイナミック転送を使って非公開サーバへアクセスする - 射撃しつつ前転 はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann ssh, firefox
Portable home recording with Ubuntu on a netbook | ouistiti
While an Asus EEE PC is perhaps not best suited for full-on intensive music production, it does have values which make it an ideal solution for portable recording. eeepc_mic_linux EEEPC and Shure SM57 This tutorial will show you how to install and setup a linux recording environment on your EEE PC or other netbook, for the purpose of mobile audio recording and audio sampling. I am using an Asus EEE PC 901 with 4GB and 16GB SSD’s (that comes with Xandros Linux pre-installed) but this method will work for other models of EEE PC’s and netbooks, even those with Windows pre-installed. This is not meant to be an advanced guide for those already involved in Linux audio recording but should hopefully be a handy introduction for beginners who want to turn their EEE PC into a mobile recording machine at no cost. Installing There are some excellent Linux distributions for full desktop (and laptop) audio production, (64 Studio, Ubuntu Studio e.t.c.) however we are going to use and slightly mo
Turning your netbook into a portable recording studio
While an Asus EEE PC is perhaps not best suited for full-on intensive music production, it does have values which make it an ideal solution for portable recording. This tutorial will show you how to install and setup a linux recording enviro
これからemacsを使い始めたい人へ送るチュートリアル 第1回 - Unix的なアレ
pwnat - NAT to NAT client-server communication
pwnat, pronounced "poe-nat", is a tool that allows any number of clients behind NATs to communicate with a server behind a separate NAT with *no* port forwarding and *no* DMZ setup on any routers in order to directly communicate with each other.
pwnat, pronounced "poe-nat", is a tool that allows any number of clients behind NATs to communicate with a server behind a separate NAT with *no* port forwarding and *no* DMZ setup on any routers in order to directly communicate with each other. The server does not need to know anything about the clients trying to connect. Simply put, this is a proxy server that works behind a NAT, even when the client is behind a NAT, without any 3rd party. There is no middle man, no proxy, no 3rd party, no UPnP/STUN/ICE required, no spoofing, and no DNS tricks. More importantly, the client can then connect to any host or port on any remote host or to a fixed host and port decided by the server.
pwnat - Serverless NAT to NAT (UDP hole punching for everybody, yay)
Featured Desktop: Get HP's Dark-Themed Mini Look on Your Ubuntu Desktop
The Complete Guide to Saving Your Windows System with a Thumb Drive - Windows - Lifehacker
When Windows goes wrong, it can go really wrong. Worse: Often it's extremely difficult to save your system from Windows itself. Here's how to use a simple USB drive to free space, remove viruses, rescue passwords, and more from crunked Windows setups.
TG Daily - Marvell's Plug Computer: A tiny, discrete, fully functional 5 watt Linux server
Set Operations in the Unix Shell Simplified - good coders code, great reuse
Very useful bash examples of operations with sets
Lifehacker - Tonido Keeps Cloud Computing Local - Home server
Windows/Mac/Linux: If you're interested in the idea of cloud computing and remote access to your files but a bit paranoid about putting your data on some third party server, Tonido is a great compromise. Tonido brings cloud computing home by using your computer as the storage server and host for the applications. Once you've installed Tonido, the only function the Tonido servers themselves perform is keeping track of your IP to make remote logins easier for you. Tonido has a juke box for remote media streaming, a photo organizer, a blog-like personal journal that has support for web clippings and Twitter integration, easy file sharing with Webshare folder management, and a workspace with calendar, notes, and task lists.
What is your most productive shortcut with Vim? - Stack Overflow
amazing guide to Vim commands
awesome answer
Advanced technique in VIM, don't just JKHL!
lsコマンドをハックしてみよう (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
lsコマンドのソースをいじくっていろいろ。 初歩的だけど確かに普段使ってるコマンドをいじくらせるのは面白いなぁ。
Thanks for the memory
Useful, in-depth discussion of how memory is handled on Windows and Linux with respect to Java Virtual Machines. How to diagnose memory problems; dealing with Java heap as well as native memory exhaustion issues. Source code / demo
Processors are described as being a certain number of bits. This normally refers to the size of the registers, although there are exceptions — such as 390 31-bit — where it refers to the physical address size. For desktop and server platforms, this number is 31, 32, or 64; for embedded devices and microprocessors, it can be as low as 4. The physical address size can be the same as the register width but could be larger or smaller. Most 64-bit processors can run 32-bit programs when running a suitable OS.
10 cool things to do with your old laptop | News | TechRadar UK
10 cool things to do with your old laptop Turn it into a home server, a wireless bridge and more : TechRadar UK
. It can bring improved usability to games consoles in your living room, or even be used to enhance other PCs that you or your family use. Whatever the case, there's no need to get rid of your old laptop just yet.
Vim is still sexy! | Floating Sun
Введение в nginx, часть 1 | GreenMice
так же, Почему Apache — плохо?
Linux Assembly and Disassembly an Introduction
15 Linux Music Players - Download your Favorite
The 14 best Linux distros | News | TechRadar UK
The 14 best Linux distros Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu and more - which is your choice? : TechRadar UK
Midnight Research Labs - Depant your network
The tool is called depant ((DE)fault (PA)ssword (N)etwork (T)ool). Depant works by downloading a default password list, and then mapping out the local network to see what open services are available. Once it has a list of services, it will test each service for default passwords. Once it’s gone through each of the services, depant will determine the fastest service (as recorded in phase one) and use it to perform an optional second phase of tests with a larger (user-supplied) set of default users/passwords.
DeviceGuru » 16 interviews with Linux Kernel hackers
The Linux Foundation has published a series of video interviews from the annual Linux Kernel Summit held Sept. 15-16 in Portland, Oregon. In the videos, 16 developers -- including Linux creator Linus Torvalds (shown at left) -- discuss their developm
A Linux Foundation publicou uma série de videos com entrevistas do "Linux Kernel Summit". Nesses videos, 16 desenvolvedores, incluindo Linus Torvalds dicutem sobre o desenvolvimento do kernel do Linux
Downloads: Presto Loads a Streamlined Desktop in 15 Seconds
Linux boot fast together with Windows
Une mini-distribution Linux commerciale qui boot en 15 secondes.
Top 10 Useful .htaccess rewrites, Mod_Rewrite Tricks and Tips - Techwawwe's posterous
"Top 10 Useful .htaccess rewrites, Mod_Rewrite Tricks and Tips" via @cti97 #htaccess #webdeveloper
Ksplice » Much ado about NULL: Exploiting a kernel NULL dereference - System administration and software blog
WEEK 12 -- 04/14/2010
Much ado about NULL: Exploiting a kernel NULL dereference
QSynergy --
QSynergy is a comprehensive and easy to use graphical front end for Synergy. Synergy lets a user control more than one computer with a single mouse and keyboard (and has lots and lots of extra features on top of that). Synergy itself only comes with a GUI for MS Windows. QSynergy was written to fill the gap for users on Mac and Unix platforms. Of course, it runs on MS Windows as well.
GUI for managing a synergy share.
Boston Review — Richard M. Stallman: Not Free at Any Price
Why Stallman started, and then stopped, using the OLPC
Teaching children to use Windows is like teaching them to smoke tobacco—in a world where only one company sells tobacco. Like any addictive drug, it inculcates a harmful dependency. (Bill Gates made this comparison in a 1998 issue of Fortune Magazine.) No wonder Microsoft offers the first dose to children at a low price. Microsoft aims to teach poor children this dependency so they can smoke Windows for their whole lives. I don’t think governments or schools should support that aim.
noviembre/diciembre 2008 puteada de stallman sobre la OLPC que soportará windows
Teaching children to use Windows is like teaching them to smoke tobacco—in a world where only one company sells tobacco.
The Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu Studio 9.04 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
The Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu Studio 9.04
This tutorial shows how you can set up an Ubuntu Studio 9.04 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge. :: Speed up your Internet access using Squid's refresh patterns
Cómo jugar con los refrescos de caché para diferentes tipos de archivos en un proxy squid.
Will look into implementing this at the office some time...
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern -i \.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|ico)$ 10080 90% 43200 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private refresh_pattern -i \.(iso|avi|wav|mp3|mp4|mpeg|swf|flv|x-flv)$ 43200 90% 432000 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private refresh_pattern -i \.(deb|rpm|exe|zip|tar|tgz|ram|rar|bin|ppt|doc|tiff)$ 10080 90% 43200 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private refresh_pattern -i \.index.(html|htm)$ 0 40% 10080 refresh_pattern -i \.(html|htm|css|js)$ 1440 40% 40320 refresh_pattern . 0 40% 40320
VMware: Team Fusion: Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope" on VMware Fusion 2
linked via
vmware fusionにubuntu9を入れた際のtips。sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse
Manual steps req'd to get jaunty working with VMware tools on Ubuntu 9.04. The code change to vmhgfs does not seem to be necessary with VMware Fusion 2.0.5.
Ubuntu 9.04, otherwise known as "Jaunty Jackalope", was released last week, and the geek in me was eager to try it out. So I grabbed the Ubuntu 9.04 ISO image and created a new virtual machine with it in VMware Fusion 2.0.4. And I am happy to report that with a couple of tweaks, things work pretty well today.
Interesting Linux Blogs To Follow |
There are a lot of interesting blogs out there focusing on FOSS and Linux development, even though most of them are news aggregators, some of them publishes
10 Expert Ubuntu Tricks
Installing ubuntu-system-panel (USP) On Ubuntu 8.10 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
Installing ubuntu-system-panel (USP) On Ubuntu 8.10 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
ubuntu-system-panel is a simple launcher for the GNOME desktop, providing easy access to Places, Applications and common configuration items for your computer. This guide shows how to install and configure it on an Ubuntu 8.10 desktop. [included in eeebuntu 2.0
svn checkout ubuntu-system-panel
system menu
HOWTO Reinstall all of your current packages if you do a fresh Ubuntu install - Ubuntu Forums
Save Synaptic markings, packages and sources when reinstalling Ubuntu.
HOWTO Reinstall all of your current packages if you do a fresh Ubuntu install Tutorials & Tips
dpkg --get-selections "*" > myselections
HOWTO Reinstall all of your current packages if you do a fresh Ubuntu install
# dpkg --get-selections "*" >myselections # or use \* # debconf-get-selections > debconfsel.tx
The Beginner's Guide to Linux, Part 1: Finding the Right Distribution | Maximum PC
Anatomy of real-time Linux architectures
This article explores some of the Linux architectures that support real-time characteristics and discusses what it really means to be a real-time architecture. Several solutions endow Linux with real-time capabilities, and in this article I examine the thin-kernel (or micro-kernel) approach, the nano-kernel approach, and the resource-kernel approach. Finally, I describe the real-time capabilities in the standard 2.6 kernel and show you how to enable and use them.
very good summary about linux and rt :: iPhone applications for the Linux user
Aplicativos para o iPhone ou iPod Touch , pra quem usa Linux
10 Tools To Add Some Spice To Your UNIX Shell Scripts
Linux on the iPhone: Android running on iPhone!
Dual-booting the iPhone: RT @geekami: Android running on iPhone! #geek
10 tips for sensible systems administration
Benjamin Franklin: scientist, scholar, statesman, and . . . systems administrator? Yes, 200 years or so before the birth of UNIX®, Franklin scribed sage advice to keep systems humming. Here are 10 of Franklin's more notable tips.
Divertido y didáctico artículo donde una serie de reflexiones de Benjamin Franklin son aplicadas a la administración de sistemas.
Benjamin Franklin: scientist, scholar, statesman, and . . . systems administrator? Yes, 200 years or so before the birth of UNIX, Franklin scribed sage advice to keep systems humming. Here are 10 of Franklin's more notable tips.
Powerhouse Programs of Linux
Not only is dd a court recognized bit for bit hard drive forensic imaging utility, it is also a great tool for making your own backups. Dd has proven itself time and time again. You can use it to copy CDs and other media. You can also use it to move data to another hard drive or cat out strings stored in RAM. Common Uses
Linux comes packed with some pretty powerful tools. Here is a list of what I consider to be the powerhouse programs of Linux and some common usage for each.
"Here is a list of what I consider to be the powerhouse programs of Linux."
Recover Data Like a Forensics Expert Using an Ubuntu Live CD - Hard Drives - Lifehacker
mysqlでいちいちshow databasesとか打つのがめんどい→readlineのマクロで解決 - (ひ)メモ
Handbrake 0.9.3 - DVD Ripping on Ubuntu « Spare Clock Cycles
10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid | OMG! Ubuntu!
Great list of Ubuntu tweaks
Portable Ubuntu Runs Ubuntu Inside Windows
Free application Portable Ubuntu for Windows runs an entire Linux operating system as a Windows application. As if that weren't cool enough, it's portable, so you can carry it on your thumb drive :: Python 3.0 makes a big break
"Developers hate it when a new version of a language doesn't work with the code written for older versions of that language, but for van Rossum, the radical upgrade was necessary. The language was becoming ever more weighed down by multiple ways of doing the same task, and ways of doing tasks no one ever actually did."
Typically, each new version of the Python programming language has been gentle on users, more or less maintaining backward compatibility with previous versions. But in 2000, when Python creator Guido van Rossum announced that he was embarking on a new version of Python, he did not sugar coat his plan: Version 3.0 would not be backward-compatible. Now that the first release candidate of Python 3.0 is out, with final release planned for later this month, developers must grapple with the issue of whether to maintain older code or modify it to use the new interpreter.
Lifehacker - First Look at Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope - Ubuntu 9.04
Review of the April 2009 Ubuntu release.
open source operating system
The Silent Number: Ubuntu 10.04 Post-Install Guide: What to do and try after installing Lucid Lynx!
Sorry to tease, but Solang is not packaged for Ubuntu anywhere yet! Will update when available. In the meantime, try gThumb and Shotwell.
LDAP basics :: Manage your music with ID3 tag editors
Never Installed a Firewall on Ubuntu? Try Firestarter - The Community's Center for Security
Firestarter is a friendly graphical interface that allows you to configure a software firewall in Linux using the built-in IPtables/IPchains utilities. It is an open source GUI firewall program. The software aims to combine ease of use with powerful features, therefore serving both Linux desktop users and system administrators.
The Humble Indie Bundle (pay what you want for five awesome indie games)
Content Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Bonne initiative que ce Humble Indie Bundle : un pack de 5 jeux originaux dont VOUS fixez le prix
all Mac/linux compatible games; contributions to EFF
Ubuntu Manual - Home
Getting Started with Ubuntu is a free 165 page ebook produced by a team of writers and editors. The manual covers everything an end-user would need to know about how to use Ubuntu. You can download the ebook for free or order it as a bound book from Lulu.
El nuevo proyecto del Manual de Ubuntu (todavía está incompleto y no traducido al castellano). Inglés.
VI Editor / Linux Terminal Cheat Sheet (PDF) - Smashing Magazine
Hoja de comandos del editor de Linux VIM.
Setting up Sun VirtualBox 6 under Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid « Reformed Musings
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=46,devmode=664 0 0
How to install Virtual Box on Ubuntu Intrepid
Featured Download: Synkron Syncs Files and Folders Across Platforms
Windows/Mac/Linux: Free, open-source application Synkron is a powerful file-syncing utility that syncs files across platforms. The apps's marquee features include support for syncing multiple folders, automatic scheduled syncs, and restore capabilities for files that may have been accidentally overwritten during a sync. Apps like previously mentioned Dropbox boasting instantaneous sync between your PCs and the web are all the rage right now, but Synkron has its own appeal—namely that it's a local sync tool, so your files never pass through any third-party server. It also supports filtering by extension and file and folder blacklists. So while Synkron may not be up to the instant syncing standards you can expect from the likes of Dropbox, it does support complex backup schemes and is a great alternative. Synkron is free, works on all platforms.
DroneBL Blog: Network Bluepill - stealth router-based botnet has been DDoSing dronebl for the last couple of weeks
@AlohaArleen Could it be the current worm? [from]
You are only vulnerable if: * Your device is a mipsel (MIPS running in little-endian mode, this is what the worm is compiled for) device. * Your device also has telnet, SSH or web-based interfaces available to the WAN, and * Your username and password combinations are weak, OR the daemons that your firmware uses are exploitable. As such, 90% of the routers and modems participating in this botnet are participating due to user-error (the user themselves or otherwise). Unfortunately, it seems that some of the people covering this botnet do not understand this point, and it is making us look like a bunch of idiots.
QDB: Quote #152037
I discovered that you'd never get an answer to a problem from Linux Gurus by asking. You have to troll in order for someone to help you with a Linux problem. <dm> For example, I didn't know how to find files by contents and the man pages were way too confusing. What did I do? I knew from experience that if I just asked, I'd be told to read the man pages even though it was too hard for me. <dm> Instead, I did what works. Trolling. By stating that Linux sucked because it was so hard to find a file compared to Windows, I got every self-described Linux Guru around the world coming to my aid. They gave me examples after examples of different ways to do it. All this in order to prove to everyone that Linux was better.
How to get the Linux gurus to help you.
10 ways to reduce removable media headaches in Linux | 10 Things |
For many new Linux users, removable media can be a deal-breaker. Anyone coming over from Windows knows you simply insert the CD, use it, and eject it. With Linux, it isn’t always that simple. In fact, with Linux, removable media has always held a completely different philosophy.
For many new Linux users, removable media can be a deal-breaker. Anyone coming over from Windows knows you simply insert the CD, use it, and eject it. With Linux, it isn’t always that simple. In fact, with Linux, removable media has always held a completely different philosophy...
"Linux has caught up to the needs of today’s user and, in many cases, the media mounting/unmounting is automatic. But not every situation is the same. Here are some tips that should make your Linux life with removable media better." :: Automatically process new files with fsniper
fsniper lets you monitor specified directories and execute scripts on any new files that are created in them. Because fsniper uses inotify to monitor its directories, the actions you define are executed as soon as filesystem changes happen. This makes fsniper both more immediate than an hourly cron job and more efficient.
fsniper lets you monitor specified directories and execute scripts on any new files that are created in them. Because fsniper uses inotify to monitor its directories, the actions you define are executed as soon as filesystem changes happen.
Introduction to GNU Screen
session is shared
35 Free High-Quality Games for Linux -
Gaming on Linux has always been a relatively non-existent activity. For the longest time, it was nearly impossible to find any games that would run on Linux, let alone popular 3D games. As the operating system has grown and morphed, however, this is slowly changing, with more companies releasing their online games with Linux support (Americas Army) and 3D games being created specifically for it (Urban Terror). Here is a list of 35 high-quality, well-working games that will run smoothly on Linux:
Five Things I Do With Every Ubuntu Installation ~ Linux Fanatics
Linux Fanatics
Everybody uses their desktop a little differently. For me, using Ubuntu means freedom of hassle, believe it or not. Why? Because of some simple things I do with each new Ubuntu installation.
that dedicated home directory is not safe in the event of a fire, backup that home directory
Qubes is an open source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing. Qubes is based on Xen, X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications and utilize most of the Linux drivers. In the future it might also run Windows apps.
crazy, run each app on the desktop in it's own VM, isolate the networking stack in a VM, etc.
An entirely different approach to security: isolate. A lot. Not sure if this will completely work against common exploits
Die technische Basis dafür liefern bestehende Open-Source-Projekte wie Xen, Linux und das X Window System, die Joanna Rutkowska und ihr Kollege Rafal Wojtczuk unter anderem mit einer sicheren, grafischen Oberfläche versehen haben. Sie soll auch Copy und Paste zwischen den VMs ermöglichen.
Subsonic » Free Music Streamer
* Listen to your music wherever you are. Share your collection with family and friends. * Browse and manage your music collection with the user-friendly web interface, or use the AIR desktop app. * Stream music to iPhone or Android. * Convert and stream lossless music on the fly. * Manage 100,000+ files in your music collection without hassle. * Download and listen to Podcasts. * Get cover art, lyrics, reviews and other album info from Discogs, Chartlyrics, allmusic, Wikipedia and Google Music. * Plus much more...
à comparer à squeeze server
online stream streaming music server android
How-To: Install Ubuntu and Linux Apps on Your PlayStation 3 | Maximum PC
If you're only using your $500 PlayStation 3 for console gaming, you're missing out on half of its hidden versatility: the ability to upgrade into a fully functional PC! Inside that shiny plastic shell resides some decent computing silicon, just waiting to be released from its undeserved console shackles. And while Windows Vista and OSX are no-goes due to legal issues, there's no reason at all not to dual boot into a perfectly serviceable Linux platform when the need arises.
If you're only using your $500 PlayStation 3 for console gaming, you're missing out on half of its hidden versatility: the ability to upgrade into a fully functional PC! Inside that shiny plastic shell resides some decent computing silicon, just waiting to be released from its undeserved console shackles. And while Windows Vista and OSX are no-goes due to legal issues, there's no reason at all not to dual boot into a perfectly serviceable Linux platform when the need arises. The installation process is fairly straightforward, and the hard drive is easily upgradeable if you don't mind spending a little extra cash on the side. And while Ubuntu for PlayStation has a few functional limitations, you can find myriad excellent applications for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own living room, including VLC for encoded video playback, Amarok to blast your
Erwin Waterlander, WCD Wherever Change Directory
changes directory from a large tree, allowing instant jumps ( pretty handy, all shells shoudl have this, especially if you take the time to make a meaningful directory structure : just enough for some things like: program/bc audio/ipt au*/w*edit
Wcd is a program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the keyboard. One needs to type only a part of a directory name and wcd will jump to it. By default wcd searches for a directory with a name that begins with what has been typed, but the use of wildcards is also fully supported.
ネットワークプログラムのI/O戦略 - sdyuki-devel
Lifehacker - DirSync Pro Keeps Your Files Synchronized - synchronization
Windows/Mac/Linux: Java-based DirSync Pro provides cross-platform file synchronization with an easy to use interface, incremental backup, and a profile system.
kmb-tips: Советы по Linux
Recover Data Like a Forensics Expert Using an Ubuntu Live CD - How-To Geek
Recover Data Like a Forensics Expert Using an Ubuntu Live CD
NILFS: A File System to Make SSDs Scream | Linux Magazine
<p>The 2.6.30 kernel is chock full of next-gen file systems. One such example is NILFS, a new log-structured file system that dramatically improves write performance. </p>
10 iptables rules to help secure your Linux box | 10 Things |
allow you to actually work normally on your desktop. All network traffic going out of your machine will be allowed out, but all TCP/IP traffic coming into your m
Mastering iptables could take a while, but if you have a few rules to cover the basic security needs, you’ll be well on your way to protecting your Linux system. Jack Wallen explains some key rules to get you started.
Viewing sfbashrc
Some awesome aliases to add to bashrc
The X Window innovation: welcome to the new Xorg
Android but not Paranoid: Dynamically generating and executing x86 code
<GeDaMo> Use mmap rather than malloc if you want memory with nx disabled:
Computer programs can generate machine code in memory and then execute it. This is the case with Sun's Java Hotspot VM, which dynamically compiles Java bytecode to native code to increase the VM's performance. Several exploits are based on buffer overflows to remotely inject machine code into memory and then jumping into it. Google released it's Chrome web browser featuring the V8 Javascript Engine, which greatly improved Javascript's performance by compiling Javascript to native code.
10 Twitter Clients For Linux |
This post is not about persuading you to use twitter (maybe a little bit), but if you already do use twitter and only use it via web you should be glad to know that there are a number of desktop clients available for us Linux users which makes using twitter a lot easier.
Datenrettung mit Knoppix, Themen-Special im heise Software-Verzeichnis
Erste Hilfe bei verlorenen Daten oder zerstörten Dateisystemen
Themen-Special: Datenrettung mit Knoppix: Die Gründe für Datenverluste sind vielseitig: Festplatten-Crashs, Abstürze, unbedarfte Anwender oder einfach nur Tippfehler des Administrators zerstören binnen Sekunden ganze Dateisysteme oder lassen wertvolle Daten verschwinden. Bootet das Betriebssystem nicht mehr, kann das als Live-DVD ohne Installation lauffähige Knoppix bei der Reparatur und Datenrettung helfen. Systemsoftware > Dateimanagement > Datenrettung
datenrettung knoppix
Monitor Your Linux System Stats & Information With Conky |
Linux has a wealth of utilities to help you monitor what your system is up to. You can run commands, use the proc file system and get the exact state of your
Linux has a wealth of utilities to help you monitor what your system is up to. You can run commands, use the proc file system and get the exact state of your system. All this information is of little use if you cannot display it efficiently. You would need a system monitor right? Well let’s take a look at one of my favorite Linux system monitor apps on my system, a system monitor unmatched and unsurpassed by any other when it comes to customization and features. It’s called Conky. Conky can display the stats and information on your desktop or within another window, but trust me, you would want to display it on your desktop! Here are some screenshots of Conky displaying information to give you an idea of what can be achieved with this app.
Monitor Your Linux System Stats with Conky
Add Compression to Your Web Server - Webmonkey
The Web Developer's Resource
Your web server should be compressing your files before serving them to your users. Why? There is no reason not to, 99% of browsers know how to decompress them and if you're serious about hosting a professional web site, you should know every second it takes to get your content from your web server to your user counts.
Berkeley Linux Users Group » Blog Archive » Where to Buy a Preinstalled Linux Desktop/Laptop
Where to Buy a Preinstalled Linux Desktop / Laptop
Good listing of where to buy pre-built linux systems
Downloads: Blueman 1.0 Brings Better Bluetooth to Linux
Tutorial: Creating an industrial-style wallpaper -
This tutorial shows how to create a good-looking high-contrast industrial wallpaper. You can reproduce the tutorial with other images to bring your own style into it.
Interesting wallpaper
CPANモジュールをスクリプト一発で依存解決しつつrpm化する - とあるはてな社員の日記
How to choose the best Linux distro for you | TuxRadar
enty three distributions being tracked on There's one called Ehad. And another is called Estrella Roja. Ma
Choice is the best thing about Linux. Without choice, we may as well use an operating system where the developers make those choices for us. As we've covered in the past, anyone can create a Linux distribution. If it is different enough, it will survive, but most disappear without a trace. There is a flip side to all this choice however, and that's finding the time to find the perfect distribution for you. You really need to try several before setting on the one you prefer, and downloading, installing and testing a Linux distribution takes a lot of time
Touch Book: Tablet netbook with ARM CPU, 10+ hour battery, detachable screen
perhaps the cool features, tiny weight, and super long battery life will be enough to win people over. If the company could eventually lop $100 off each model, though, this thing might h
I think I might be in love... [from]
Larry Augustin's Weblog: Commercial Open Source in Europe Verses the US
Commercial Open Source in Europe Versus the US
We just finished the first Europe Open Source Think Tank (OSTT). Andrew Aitken of Olliance and Alexandre Zapolsky of Linagora hosted a fantastic event. I highly recommend it to anyone who can attend. During the course of the two days...
10分で作る、Subversionレポジトリ - Unix的なアレ :: Benchmarking network performance with Network Pipemeter, LMbench, and nuttcp
Network latency and bandwidth are the two metrics most likely to be of interest when you benchmark a network. Even though most service and product advertising focuses on bandwidth, at times the latency can be a more important metric. Here's a look at three projects that include tools to test your network performance: nepim "network pipemeter," LMbench, and nuttcp.
Using DTrace to observe the SQL statements on a live running MySQL database : Angelo's Soapbox
Watch live mysql sql statements with dtrace
staple / unstaple
A tool that forces people to commit a crime if they want to prove an archive contains stolen content. Turning the DMCA against those who try to use it. Cute in a contrarian activist sort of way.
staple is a program that inseparably binds together the data in a file using a cryptographic mechanism known as an All-or-nothing transform. In its most basic form (when executed as staple 0), the transformation is keyless; that is, no key is required to reverse it, however all the data is required. Thus, running unstaple on the output .staple file yields the original file, but running it on any subset of the .staple file yields nothing.
[...]It has been suggested that this scenario occurs if Alice is a content producer/owner, Bob is a content piracy group, and Charlie is a user unconcerned about copyright infringement. Taking their last example: Alice could pretend to have brute-forced the key k rather than recovered from B and r, no? And is all-or-nothing so hard to do? what about making c=k xor H(Ek(m)) | Ek(m) ? You need the full data to compute the hash on the encrypted message to recover the key and decrypt the message. And you can throw away part of the key also in this scheme UPDATE: hum actually it appears that it's precisely what he's doing :-)
all or nothing cryptographic transform
"staple is a program that inseparably binds together the data in a file using a cryptographic mechanism known as an All-or-nothing transform. In its most basic form (when executed as staple 0), the transformation is keyless; that is, no key is required to reverse it, however all the data is required. Thus, running unstaple on the output .staple file yields the original file, but running it on any subset of the .staple file yields nothing. staple can also be asked to do something slightly strange: in the process of executing the All-or-nothing transform, a random key is used for encryption of the data - staple can be instructed to throw away part of that key. (The only argument staple takes is the number of key bytes to throw away; only 0, 2, and 4 are accepted currently.)"
SSH tip: Automatic Reverse Tunnels for Workflow Simplification |
Welcome to wikiUNIXan educational platform, online and free with philosophy wiki for learning and assimilation of concepts related to Unix operating systems.
Unix complete wiki Wiki completo sobre unix
BBC News - In graphics: Supercomputing superpowers
buen gráfico con supercomputadoras y su distribución por país
The biannual Top 500 supercomputer list has been released. Use this graphic to explore the world's fastest number crunchers or find out more about alternative supercomputer powers . Annotated link
RT @dreig: interesante infografía: Supercomputadoras en el mundo:
In graphics: Supercomputing superpowers
7 Simple and Useful Command-Line Tips | Nettuts+
One of the most useful, but under-used, tools a web developer has is the command-line. The terminal often scares people away; so here's where we demonstrate
How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required - Triple Boot - Lifehacker
Here's how to triple-boot your Mac with OS X, Windows 7, and the shiny new Ubuntu 10.04. / Technology - Google ditches Windows on security concerns
"Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees."
The problem is two-fold. technology and person. switching to a more secure operating system doesn't fully shield you from some idiot clicking on a url from an IM chat
Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees. The directive to move to other operating systems began in earnest in January, after Google’s Chinese operations were hacked, and could effectively end the use of Windows at Google, which employs more than 10,000 workers internationally.
Internal directive follows China hacking
quote:Employees said it was also an effort to run the company on Google’s own products, including its forthcoming Chrome OS, which will compete with Windows. “A lot of it is an effort to run things on Google product,” the employee said. “They want to run things on Chrome.” The hacking in China hastened the move.
Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees.
Clean Up the New Ubuntu Grub2 Boot Menu - How-To Geek
Grub2. Configuración del gestor de arranque Grub2.
Introducing the Google Command Line Tool - Google Open Source Blog
Introducing the Google Command Line Tool - Google Open Source Blog
Ever wanted to upload a folder full of photos to Picasa from a command prompt? We did, a lot, last summer. It made us want to say: $ google picasa create --title "My album" ~/Photos/vacation/*.jpg So we wrote a program to do that, and a whole lot more. GoogleCL is a command-line utility that provides access to various Google services. It streamlines tasks such as posting to a Blogger blog, adding events to Calendar, or editing documents on Google Docs.
Five Really Handy Google Command Line Tricks
Lifehacker shows some uses for Google's command line interface.
With the right commands, you can turn your favorite command-line text editor into a distraction-free Google Docs app, add new events to Google Calendar, upload images to Picasa or video to YouTube, backup your Google data, and more. Here's how it works. On Friday, Google released GoogleCL, a saucy command line program that interacts with Google services from any *nix-friendly command-line prompt (on Windows, Mac, or Linux). We spent the weekend playing around with it, and now we're sharing a few of the coolest ways we've been putting it to use. What You'll Need Before you can execute any of the cool commands below, you'll need to have installed a few things to get GoogleCL up and running on your system. * Windows users, you'll want to install Cygwin. (If you're not familiar with Cygwin and how it works, check out Gina's introduction to Cygwin.) If you'd really prefer to stick with Windows' Command Prompt, you can set up GoogleCL with these instructions instead. * python-vers
Mailinator(tm) Blog: How I sped up my server by a factor of 6
Interesting post about java and concurrency problems, with some nice comments too: – Sergio Bossa (sbtourist)
Ksplice » The top 10 tricks of Perl one-liners - System administration and software blog
things I did not know ... like the '..' operator. Neato.
Granola - Guilt free computing
Download Granola and help save the world. Granola is free software that can reduce the energy consumption of your PC or laptop up to 35%. With one click, make your computer environmentally friendly.
Granola is software that improves the energy efficiency of your PC or laptop.
Awesome power management that makes your computer run more efficient and eco friendly
Qué hacer después de instalar Ubuntu 10.04 LTS paso a paso « Slice of Linux
molt interessant per fer realment operatiu Ubuntu
Que Hacer despues de intalar ubuntu 10.04
Artículo instalación Ubuntu 10.4
Universal USB Installer – Easy as 1 2 3 | USB Pen Drive Linux
5 Free and Open-Source Software Alternatives for Small Businesses
What many business owners and managers don't realize is that they can get all the software they need to run a business, 100% free of charge.
Backup and Restore to Bare Metal with Easy Open Source GPL Redo Backup Solution
Un BootCD pour faire ses backup. OpenSource !
Free bootable CD with easy menus to backup and restore an entire computer, including all programs, documents and settings. Simple disaster recovery from bare metal with point and click GUI. GPL open source.
GPLv3 license. full system backup/restore. (not storage)
How To: Try Android Froyo On Your Computer
How to set up an Android 2.2 emulator. Kinda geeky, but could be useful.
Ksplice » Attack of the Cosmic Rays! - System administration and software blog
a really nice article on debugging
Amazing forensic methods to compare system cache in memory with image on disk.
Install Ubuntu Netbook Edition with Wubi Installer - How-To Geek
Awk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).
Awk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).
Awk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).
ExampleScripts - googlecl - Example commands and tasks GoogleCL can do. - Project Hosting on Google Code
This will be useful once they get GReader
Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
Google CL is a Python (Python) application that makes Google Data API calls through the command line.
Awk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).
How to Install Android on Your iPhone - PCWorld
Putting the old 3G to use
REMnux: A Linux Distribution for Reverse-Engineering Malware
A Ubuntu-based GNU/Linux distribution targeted on analyzing malware.
REMnux is designed for running services that are useful to emulate within an isolated laboratory environment when performing behavioral malware analysis. As part of this process, the analyst typically infects another laboratory system with the malware sample and directs potentially-malicious connections to the REMnux system that's listening on the appropriate ports.
REMnux is a lightweight Linux distribution for assisting malware analysts in reverse-engineering malicious software. The distribution is based on Ubuntu and is maintained by Lenny Zeltser.
REMnux: A Linux Distribution for Reverse-Engineering Malware
A Ubuntu-based GNU/Linux distribution targeted on analyzing malware.
REMnux is designed for running services that are useful to emulate within an isolated laboratory environment when performing behavioral malware analysis. As part of this process, the analyst typically infects another laboratory system with the malware sample and directs potentially-malicious connections to the REMnux system that's listening on the appropriate ports.
なぜ,/var や /etc が /etc や /cfg というディレクトリ名ではないのか? - NO!と言えるようになりたい
こういうの好き // なぜ,/var や /etc が /etc や /cfg というディレクトリ名ではないのか? – えふしん (fshin2000)
「Unixを使っていると,/usr が全然ユーザー用じゃなくどう見てもシステムのための物だったり,/etc が事実上設定ファイル置き場となっていたり,/var がログファイル置き場となっていたりと,名が体を現していなくて奇妙な感覚を覚える.もっと分かりやすい名前の付け方があったんじゃないかと,Unixユーザーならば誰もが思うはずだが,これに対する解答がredditに投稿されており,その内容が非常に面白かったので,軽く翻訳してみた.」
. Based on Knoppix, WatchOCR uses
WatchOCR is an open source OCR server that creates searchable pdfs from images in a watched folder.
Free OCR server for PDFs
9 Things You Should Be Doing With Your Server, But Probably Aren't - RoundHouse Managed Server Support
9 Things You Should Be Doing With Your Server, But Probably Aren't - RoundHouse Managed Server Support
9 Things You Should Be Doing With Your Server, But Probably Aren't - RoundHouse Managed Server Support
21 Infographics Every Computer Nerd Must See
@yuifu my wallet cried when i bought this, but i'm happy :) – nick abel (516eltonXB7Z6Q)
Universal USB Installer Makes a Persistent Thumb Drive Version of Any Linux OS
Universal USB Installer Makes a Persistent Thumb Drive Version of Any Linux OS
Windows: Having a full Linux operating system on a USB thumb drive is pretty neat. Having that OS customized, with your own favorite apps and all your settings intact, is far more helpful. This Windows tool makes that possible. Universal USB Installer is a stand-alone application that automates the process of downloading, formatting, and installing a Linux OS to a USB drive, as well as implementing a variable amount of "persistence." "Persistence" means that when you swap out Firefox for Chrome, change keyboard shortcuts, store files in your home directory, or make other changes to your portable Linux, they stick from boot-up to boot-up—which isn't the case with most portable Linux distributions. If you've already downloaded a Linux installation ISO and run Universal USB Installer from the same directory the ISO is in, the app will find it and use it for the installation, rather than download another copy. Most useful of all, your USB drive can still be read by Windows when you're do