Pages tagged lifehacker:

Terminal Tip: Backup Delicious Bookmarks from the Shell

You can alternatively create a manual backup at any time by simply navigating your web browser to, entering your Delicious credentials when prompted, and then saving the resulting xml to a file.
Winter: Honey Lemon Ginger Infusion Soothes Throats, Improves Water
Honey Lemon Ginger Infusion Soothes Throats, Improves Water
It's sore throat season, to be sure. Here's a suggestion to liven things up.
Resume: Six Words You Should Drop from Your Resume
Featured Windows Download: Enigma Desktop Customization Update Now Available
Events: Lifehacker's Guide to Catching the Inauguration from Anywhere
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
วิธีดู งานสาบานตนของ Obama
Hive Five: Five Best People-Search Engines
Craigslist: The Definitive Craigslist Guide for the Recession
To paraphrase one shopping expert, nearly everyone wants better deals on everything these days. Craigslist is a great place to get those deals, and you don't have to be a jerk to get them.
To paraphrase one shopping expert, nearly everyone wants better deals on everything these days. Craigslist is a great place to get those deals, and you don't have to be a jerk to get them.
Professional Development: How to Get the Right People on Your Team
Most of us are better at keeping appointments with other people than we are at keeping time scheduled for ourselves. That’s why it's easier to show up at the gym when you're meeting a friend. Be careful which friend you choose to work out with though, or you may end up at the bakery enjoying muffins and a latte....
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions
I will employ these to make my goals happen - especially the one about making goals SMART
Media Center: Cut the Cable For Good with Boxee and Apple TV
Net Neutrality: Measurement Lab Checks if Your Connection is Being Throttled
What You Said: How Lifehacker Readers Are Getting in Shape in '09
Google School: Find Images by Exact Dimensions, Make Wallpaper Search a Breeze
Permet de trouver les images exactement de la taille souhaitée
Wii: Play Burned Game Backups on Your Wii Without a Modchip
Ever since video game consoles moved to optical discs manufacturers and users have battled over backups Manufacturers fear that if
Happy Birthday, Lifehacker: Our Best Posts from 2005 to 2009
Hive Five: Five Best System Tray Applications
Coffee: Brew the Best Possible Coffee Without Breaking the Bank
DIY: YourFonts Turns Your Handwriting Into a Personlized Font
YourFonts is a web-based service that turns your handwriting into a TrueType font for free. If you have a printer and scanner, nothing can stand between you and the awesomeness of your own script.
YourFonts is a web-based service that turns your handwriting into a TrueType font for free. If you have a printer and scanner, nothing can stand between you and the awesomeness of your own script. We've covered a
Hack Attack: Burn almost any video file to a playable DVD
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Driving and Travel Tips
10. De-ice your windshield with home-made solutions Dollar Stretcher blog's recipe for DIY de-icer—simply 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water in a spray bottle, applied before a cold and wet night. 9. Get better sound from your iPod 8. Put together a quality emergency car kit 7. Keep a level head, re-think your commuting strategy 6. Don't get pressured into 3,000-mile oil changes 5. Stay awake on long drives 4. Use your fuel efficiently 3. Learn the secrets of parallel parking 2. Get an honest mechanic (or at least avoid rip-offs) 1. Handle a traffic stop, possibly skip a ticket
Television: Build Your Own DTV Antenna
useful home-made DTV antenna
Ubiquity: Make Ubiquity Your Ultimate Firefox Commander
Downloads: bitRipper is a Dead Simple Solution for DVD Ripping
easy ripper. i haven;t tried it yet
Cellphones: Save Money by Making Your Own Ringtones
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Gmail Labs: Ten Gmail Labs Features You Should Enable
gmail的操作技巧 蛮有用的
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Cheap or Free Home Theater Upgrades
maybe useful
Heal your wallet with ten upgrades, fixes, and setup tips that take your system to 11 on the cheap.
Friday Fun: DesktopGaming has Killer Retro Gaming Wallpapers
Downloads: Fences is a Seriously Awesome Desktop Icon Organizer
Windows: Desktop icon organizer Fences arranges your cluttered desktop icons into containers so you can clean up the mess into useful groups of shortcuts—or optionally hides them altogether.
Workspace: Three Plants that Give You Better Indoor Air
Smarterware: Use your head (and great software)
blogs software
Gina Trapani's Blog
Gina Trapani's blog after lifehacker
DIY: The First-Timer's Guide to Building a Computer from Scratch
build a computer for linux
building a computer
How to build a computer for the first time from scratch.
Downloads: Pod to PC Transfers Music from Any iPod, iPhone Onto Your PC
Downloads: DVDSmith Movie Backup Copies Everything or Just Video Easily
para copiar DVD's en la compu!
Windows 7: The Complete Guide
Friday Fun: Absolutely Amazing Video Game Remake Wallpapers
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Outlook Boosters
Includes Troy's Outlook Attachment Reminder, a VBScript that checks messages for the word "attach" and its variations and then looks for a certain number of attachments. No attachments present? A little pop-up asks if you're sure you didn't forget something. Small, helpful, and great at keeping your e-name in good standing.
Flowchart: Lovely Charts Creates Polished Diagrams
Comme gliffy
Security: Properly Erase Your Physical Media
For class
erase files forever, nuke HD hard drive
Design: Create a Color Palette from a Single Image
cool webservice. Upload pictures instantly (without registration hassle) and get results back immediately, including Hex color values
Featured Desktop: To-Dos, Weather, and Twitter on a Linux Desktop
Conky looks pretty nice
How To: Sync Files and Folders Outside Your My Dropbox Folder
The popular cross-platform file-syncing application Dropbox is a hit among Lifehacker readers, but it has one major drawback: It only syncs files placed inside the My Dropbox folder. Here's how to get around that limitation.
How To: Jump to a New Career with a Killer Resume and Plan
A bad reason to switch careers: You want to meet new people. (Try going to a bar, or Club Med. What you really want is to get a life. Pick up a hobby.) Lol ^^
Hive Five: Five Best Movie Cataloging Tools
Lifehacker list of five tools for cataloging a personal collection of movies.
Downloads: Computer Repair Kit Packs Dozens of Tools in One Portable Package
load into Thumb Drive
Downloads: Free Audio Editor Does Powerful Music Editing With Ease
an Audaciaty alternarive?
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Landing a Better Job
ingle resume and CV into a giant, OCR-scanned database; others merely search out candidates on job sites using specific word criteria. Either way, having the right words on your resume prevents being cut in the first round like some warbly-voiced would-be Idol contestant. On the other hand, the humans who actually read through your cover letter, resume, and ap
How To: Save Bundles of Cash by Buying Eyeglasses Online
Hive Five: Five Best Live CDs
The following tools are unique compared to many of our software Hive Fives in that they are entirely independent of the main operating system installed on the computer. Live CDs load into the memory and allow you to use operating systems and accompanying tools without having to perform a permanent installation on the machine
Downloads: Enigma Desktop 2.0 Released, Adds Installer, Widget Manager, and Templates
Article explaining how to install the Enigma desktop
Reader Kaelri, well-known for his killer Enigma desktop, has released a new version complete with an installer—making this amazing desktop customization easy enough for anybody to install. The latest update includes features geared at beginners—the new welcome dialog in the middle of the screenshot adds widgets to your desktop which can be easily dragged around the screen—making customizations easier than ever. The full list of new features includes:
Food: Make Breakfast Burritos in Bulk for Cheap, Tasty Mornings
Conversion: PDF-to-Word Converter Pulls Readable Text from Scanned Images
eb-based converter PDF-to-Word turns static PDF files into edit-friendly Word documents with surprising, reliable accuracy. It's in closed beta right now, but Lifehacker readers can get in early.
BitTorrent: Tweak uTorrent's Settings for Faster Downloads
Downloads: iPodME Converts Your Video to iPod Friendly Format
List of video converters. The suggested other applications from the posts are useful.
Firefox Tip: Prevent Firefox from Hogging Memory When Minimized
In our latest browser speed tests, I half-heartedly complained that Firefox eats up memory over long periods of use. Our lovely, helpful commenters pointed out that there is, indeed, a tweak to help with that. It's important to note that this about:config tweak doesn't actually change how Firefox uses (and hoards) memory over actual use. For the purposes of user speed, then, it's not much change. But while Windows can normally grab memory back from applications that are minimized, Firefox prevents that and keeps all the memory it acquired during your multi-tab wanderings—unless you enable this tweak, which some have claimed also makes Firefox scale down the big memory pile it had going upon re-focusing.
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Your Blog or Web Site
Ten favorite tools to help anyone launch and maintain their internet presence
Email: Simple Guidelines for Workday Quality Over Quantity
Hive Five: Best Home Server Software
Downloads: Ant Renamer is a Lightweight but Powerful Renaming Utility
a Lightweight but Powerful Renaming Utility
Screenshot Tour: GNOME Do's Smart Dock Takes App Launching to Another Level
quick-firing Linux keyboard launcher GNOME Do
It's Data Privacy Day: Do You Know Where Your Data Is?
We've covered oodles of privacy apps and topics over the years at Lifehacker, but here are some of our personal favorites:
Encriptación, navegación anónima, gestión de passwords, borrado seguro de ficheros, encriptación de comunicaciones...
Today is Data Privacy Day, during which we're encouraged to reflect on the state of our data and bolster security where we can—so let's take a closer look at our favorite data privacy tips.
Data Privacy Day, during which we're encouraged to reflect on the state of our data and bolster security where we can—so let's take a closer look at our favorite data privacy tips
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Ubuntu: Ubuntu Pocket Guide Available as a Free Download
In the midst of the current financial crunch, the popular, free Linux distribution Ubuntu has never looked more attractive. If you've considered switching, a free copy of the Ubuntu Pocket Guide is the perfect place to start. Written by Keir Thomas, author of Ubuntu Kung Fu, Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference covers all the beginner-to-expert knowledge you'll need to make the move to Ubuntu. We've featured excerpts from Thomas' Ubuntu Kung Fu two times at Lifehacker, and the Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference offers the same level of Ubuntu expertise to anyone interested in or already living the Ubuntu life.
Organization: Autofocus is a Single, Paper-Based List Organization System
Autofocus, an organization system designed by personal organization author Mark Forster, is available for all. If you're looking for a linear, list-based system to help you get things done, Autofocus stresses simplicity and speed.
The system consists of one long list of everything that you have to do, written in a ruled notebook (25-35 lines to a page ideal). As you think of new items, add them to the end of the list. You work through the list one page at a time: 1. Read quickly through all the items on the page. 2. Go through the page more slowly until one stands out for you. 3. Work on that item for as long as you feel like doing so 4. Cross the item off, re-enter it at the end of the list if you haven't finished it 5. Continue the same page in the same way. Don't move to the next page until you complete the page without any item standing out 6. Move onto the next page and repeat the process 7. If you go to a page and no item stands out for you on your first pass through it, then all the outstanding items on that page are dismissed without re-entering them. Use a highlighter to mark dismissed items. 8. Once you've finished with the final page, re-start at the first page that is still active.
Best Of 2008: The Most Popular Linux Posts of 2008
Book Excerpt: David Allen's Making It All Work a New Look at GTD
All Work a New Look
Author David Allen's follow-up to his best-selling productivity bible Getting Things Done is called Making It All Work. In a series of excerpts published by tech site BNET, Allen discusses the two axes of self-management—control and perspective—and asks you to place yourself in the matrix. (Of course any personal productivity book is nothing without at least one matrix.) Are you a visionary/crazy-maker? Victim/responder? Micromanager/implementer? If things are going well, you've got the right mix of control and perspective, which puts you in the Captain and Commander seat.
Delicious: Facette Adds Real Organization to Delicious Bookmarks
Windows only so far....
Hulu: Get Hulu Content on Your TV without Hulu's Help
Downloads: Shape Collage is a Seriously Fun Photo Collage Application
Before and After: Barren Attic to Programmer's Paradise
Barren Attic to Programmer's Paradise
Cool Desktop setup
Lifehacker Code: Todo.txt CLI Manages Your Tasks from the Command Line
as an indication of where I'm headed with my own project
Saving Money: Reduce Your Rent with This Simple Letter
Property values are down, times are tough, and the Wall Street Journal details how to use the current economic situation to significantly reduce your rent with this simple fill-in-the-blank letter to your landlord. Photo by Editor B. WSJ's Mary Pilon and her roommates were none too pleased to discover that their new neighbors had secured a lease for $300 less than their lease, while they received a $100/month hike in their rent. After sending the letter below to her landlord, Pilon shaved $300 off her rent.
Property values are down, times are tough, and the Wall Street Journal details how to use the current economic situation to significantly reduce your rent with this simple fill-in-the-blank letter to your landlord.
Downloads: ManicTime Tracks Your Work Day
Windows only: ManicTime is a detailed time-tracking application for keeping tabs on where your workday goes. Get a handle on how you spend your time with tags, graphs, and reports. If you were intrigued by previously reviewed RescueTime but were turned off by the idea of uploading all your data to the RescueTime servers, ManicTime offers a very similar set of tools but stores your data locally.
Monitorowanie ile czasu spędzamy nad czym przy komputerze
ManicTime is a detailed time-tracking application for keeping tabs on where your workday goes. Get a handle on how you spend your time with tags, graphs, and reports.
Exclusive Download: Ten Must-Have Gmail Filters Available for Download
Fitness: The Five-Minute Prison Workout Keeps You Fit in Any Space
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tips for Talking Your Way into a Better Deal
Some people were born to haggle, negotiate, cajole, whatever you call it. The rest of us need some guidance. Here are 10 great negotiating tactics to use next time you want to get more for less.
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tiny & Awesome Windows Utilities
Feature: Give an Old Laptop New Life with Cheap (or Free) Projects
Like a famed race horse or a classic book you don't just throw away a laptop because it's banged up
Like a famed race horse or a classic book, you don't just throw away a laptop because it's banged up a little. Even if it seems outdated and underpowered, most any laptop is still small, quiet, and relatively low on power consumption, making it a seriously valuable spare to keep handy—even without a working screen. With some free software, a little know-how, and some creative thinking about your home network, nearly any old laptop can find its second wind, and today I'll run through some of the best ways to get it there
Fonts: Killer Typography Tools and Free Font Downloads
Whether you're putting together a resume, flyer, or web page, everyone needs to find and compare fonts some time. Here are some tools that can help you find the perfect font.
Downloads: IKEA Planner Visualizes Your Dream Rooms in 3D
IKEA has released its own 3D room design tool to help you plan the modernist, clean-lined kitchen, bedroom, or workspace of your dreams.
Screenshot Tour: BackTrack is a Security-Focused Live CD Packed With System Tools
Education: Academic Earth Aggregates Lectures from MIT, Harvard, Yale, and Others
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for a Free Online Education
Hive Five: Five Best Mind Mapping Applications
Lifehacker - Beyond Life Hacks: Reusable Solutions to Common Productivity Problems - Habits
Let's face it: when you've run into serious productivity roadblocks like procrastination, distraction, and overwhelmed paralysis, keyboard shortcuts and index cards aren't going to save you—only better patterns of behavior will.
Lifehacker - Exercises That Protect Against Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Ergonomics
World percussionist David Kuckhermann has fought problems with tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome in his career. He demonstrates a few hand and wrist stretches and motions that helped him ward off the desk worker's curse.
GMinder - Desktop Reminder for Google Calendar - Reflective Code
Lifehacker - A Master List of Free Online Language Lessons - Language
Open Culture has a comprehensive list of totally free resources for anyone looking to learn a language though audio files. Whether you're brushing up your Yiddish or delving into Dutch, you'll find a free feed here.
DIY Pizza: Cheaper, Tastier, More Fun | Food & Drink | Lifestyle | Mainstreet
In the food business, there’s a saying, "If you want to make money, make pizza." The ingredients cost next to nothing, and you’ve always got a market hungry for your product. Turn that logic around, and you’ve got an economic case for homemade pizza. Flour and packaged yeast are cheap, water is free (or close to it), and you probably already have the toppings in your fridge. A homemade pizza party can cost less than $2 per person. You can’t even get a slice for that these days.
Stock Art: Exhaustive Roundup of Free Image Sites
Bilder images fotos photos
Cooking: Bake Pizza From Scratch Without Special Equipment
Getting a good pizza from a decent pizzeria is pricey, and the El Cheapo Express frozen discs are often indistinguishable from their cardboard backing. Learn how to make your own without inheriting a wood-fired oven. Photo by Foodie. Writing for business blog Mainstreet, Allison hit the streets to find someone to teach her how to make a cheap and easy homemade pizza. Andrew, a food studies graduate student, was happy to oblige. In addition to sharing a recipe for the dough, he talks technique. While pizza places and ultra high-end home kitchens might have ovens built for pizza cooking, Andrew insists that the basic tools available in most kitchens are more than adequate to whip up a delicious pizza. The key to good pizza is heat, and lots of it. He has a cast iron griddle heating on the stovetop, and has turned the broiler on high with a rack four inches below the heating element. He cuts off a racquet-ball sized portion of the dough, and uses his fingers to stretch it, careful
Nothing quotable, but contains links to offsite pizza-making resources.
KitcheNET -
kitchen pc
Lifehacker - Portable Ubuntu Runs Ubuntu Inside Windows - Portable Ubuntu
Kevin Purdy at Lifehacker, April 3, 2009.
Lifehacker - Top 10 Home Office Hacks - Home office
Great suggestions for productive home office!
Whatever kind of work you do at home, your office is one place you want to spend the time to make comfortable and convenient. Take 10 of our tips on organizing, fixing, and streamlining that space.
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Happy Hour Hacks
10. Find great beer to drink
Lifehacker - Exhibit Transforms Your Spreadsheet into an Interactive Web Page - Exhibit
Érdekes mashup. Interaktív, szűrhető, csoportosítható táblázatot készít Excel -ből, amibe képeket, térkép pontokat, stb. szerelhetünk
Turn a boring old spreadsheet into an interactive web-based map, timeline, or table with some simple HTML using the free, open source Exhibit project.
Very cool!
Turn a boring old spreadsheet into an interactive web-based map, timeline, or table with some simple HTML using the free, open source Exhibit project. Exhibit takes data sets up to about 500 rows, plots locations on a Google Map, dates on an interactive timeline, and displays images and links in a tabular or thumbnail view. The viewer can sort, search, and filter data in any Exhibit view without reloading the page. You can make Exhibit do all this with a single HTML file and a spreadsheet–no hardcore programming required
Lifehacker - Turn Storage Containers into Self Watering Tomato Planters - Garden
If you'd like to have delicious home-grown tomatoes but lack a garden to grow them in, you'll definitely want to check out this ingenious and inexpensive self-watering system.
Lifehacker - Roll Your Own Streaming Media Server with Subsonic - Streaming Media
Media Server - OpenSource
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Windows/Mac/Linux: Is having your entire media collection on tap, ready to stream wherever you may be, too much to ask? Not if you're using Subsonic. Subsonic can be installed on everything from a...
Lifehacker - Customize XBMC with These Five Awesome Skins - XBox Media Center
Windows/Mac/Linux/Xbox: What could make the already awesome Xbox Media Center even better? An infusion of eye candy, of course. Read on to see some awesome XBMC skins and learn how to install them.
Customize XBMC with These Five Awesome Skins
Lifehacker - AutoBrake Automates DVD Ripping - dvd ripping
Windows only: Rip your media hassle free with AutoBrake, a handy tool for automating HandBrake the free DVD ripping tool Lifehacker readers love. Once you take a few minutes to set up AutoBrake by selecting where you want your video files to be saved and what quality you'd like the files to be ripped at, from there out it's fire and forget. You pop a DVD into the DVD drive and AutoBrake starts the ripping process. From start to finish it requires no input from you. Neither AutoBrake nor HandBrake have any built in tools for breaking DVD encryption to allow you to back up your DVDs, for that you'll need an application like previously reviewed DVD43 to act as a mediator. For another great tool to make your media ripping effortless check out our own homegrown DVD Rip, which automates DVD Shrink in a similar manner. AutoBrake is freeware and requires HandBrake. AutoBrake is Windows only.
Lifehacker - AcidRip for Linux Rips DVDs with Two-Click Ease - dvd ripping
Linux only: Just over a year ago, we offered a semi-easy way to rip DVDs in Linux to video files. Had we been up on AcidRip, we could've saved ourselves about 900 words.
Linux only: Just over a year ago, we offered a semi-easy way to rip DVDs in Linux to video files. Had we been up on AcidRip, we could've saved ourselves about 900 words. Okay, that's a bit of overstatement, especially if you like to have a lot of fine-grain control over how your video files turn out. But AcidRip works as a two-click ripper if you want it to. Load a DVD in your drive, start AcidRip, hit the "Load" button in the upper-right corner, then hit "Start" at the bottom. After a good wait, the kind you're used to if you've done this before, an .AVI file of the longest track on your DVD arrives in your home directory, looking like the standard-quality, 700MB-ish video we hear is all over the file sharing networks these days.
Lifehacker - The Beginner's Guide to Creating Virtual Machines with VirtualBox - Virtual Machine
The Beginner's Guide to Creating Virtual Machines with VirtualBox
Lifehacker - Top 10 Must-Have Firefox Extensions, 2009 Edition - Firefox Extensions
Lifehacker - Grow 100 lbs. of Potatoes in 4 Square Feet - Household
Potatoes seem like the kind of plant you'd need a substantial garden for—the kind your grandparents had, right? Actually, tubers aren't all that picky, and you can harvest a whole lot from almost any yard.
Lifehacker - Free Music Archive Puts Thousands of Royalty-Free Songs Up for Grabs - Music
Need a worry-free background track for a multimedia project, or just some new tunes to work into your daily mix? The Free Music Archive, a project of indie freeform station WFMU, has downloads and streams galore.
Need a worry-free background track for a multimedia project, or just some new tunes to work into your daily mix? The Free Music Archive, a project of indie freeform station WFMU, has downloads and streams galore. Inspired by the ideas and ethos behind Creative Commons licensing, the tracks on the FMA are offered for whatever use you want. Use them to soundtrack your latest YouTube epic, remix them and release them, or download and share them with friends. The site also boasts a kind of quality control to the database of songs both live and recoded, selected by WFMU's audio archivists and curators. The search functionality works pretty well, and can be re-sorted by genre, album, or other criteria. If you really dig the tunes you're finding, there are links to the artists' albums and a tip jar for each. Otherwise, stream, grab, and go at your leisure. Free to use, sign-up required for the social aspects of the site, like mix publishing and sharing. Free Music Archive [via ReadWriteWeb]
Lifehacker - Install iTunes Without the Extra Bloat - iTunes
Instalar iTunes sem QuickTime
Lifehacker - Six Best Portable Operating Systems - Portable Operating System
Why restrict yourself to merely carrying around your data on a thumb drive? Take your entire operating system on your flash drive with the excellent portable operating systems you'll find inside this week's Hive Five.
Portable linux OSs
interesting portable os systems
Lifehacker - ScreenCastle Records Your Screencast without Software - Screencasts
If you need to create a simple screencast but don't want the hassle of installing and configuring software, ScreenCastle gets the job done from any Java-enabled web browser.
Lifehacker - Set Up a Computer for Kids with Qimo - Live CD
Light-weight linux
Lifehacker - Michael Ruhlman on Freeing Yourself from Recipes - Michael Ruhlman
Lifehacker - Back In Time Does Full Linux Backups in One Click - Backup
Linux only: Back In Time, a Linux backup app inspired by Macs' Time Machine and offering the same kind of no-worry, space-saving snapshot protection, is worth adding to your must-install list.
Lifehacker - Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates the Perfect Scrambled Egg Breakfast - Recipes
Don't salt or whisk the eggs before they get into your pan. Give them a break from the heat once they get going, so they can combine and avoid drying out.
Lifehacker - Top 10 Money-Saving Guides for Common Purchases - Buying Guide
Hive Five: Five Best Linux Distributions
There are many, many Linux distributions, and a lot of unique reasons to like them. Read on to see which open-source operating systems inspired our readers to provide our biggest Hive Five response to date.
Lifehacker - Five Best Screen Capture Tools - Screen Captures
Screen Capture tools
Lifehacker - Five Best Screen Capture Tools - Screen Captures -
Five Best Screen Capture Tools
Lifehacker - Six Ways You Should Be Using Twitter (that Don't Involve Breakfast) - Feature
Twitter has become a nationwide phenomenon, and like any phenom, all the Twitter talk grows quickly tiresome. But despite what you may think, Twitter isn't just for narcissists; it's actually insanely useful.
Lifehacker - Essential Tools for Starting Up Your Side Business - Entrepreneurial
Lifehacker - Top 10 Ubuntu Downloads - Ubuntu
Lifehacker - Skype Call Recorder Creates MP3s of Your Skype Conversations - Skype
Windows only: Free application Skype Call Recorder creates MP3s of any Skype conversation with a couple of simple clicks. We've covered a few different tools and methods in the past for recording conversations using the popular VoIP service, but Skype Call Recorder is probably the most simple option we've seen. Install the app, run it, and hit record whenever you want to capture a conversation.
Free application Skype Call Recorder creates MP3s of any Skype conversation with a couple of simple clicks.
Lifehacker - Five Best Malware Removal Tools - Malware Removal
Lifehacker - Five Best Malware Removal Tools - Malware Removal
Five Best Malware Removal Tools - Malware Removal
The internet—unfortunately—isn't a never-ending buffet of secure open-source software and Bollywood-style musicals starring LOLCats. There are people and organizations that delight in stealing your personal data, hijacking your computer, and making a general nuisance of themselves through malicious software. This week we're highlighting the top five tools for removing software with ill-intentions from you PC.
Lifehacker - Gantter Does Project Management in Your Browser - Project; free; no sign-up; imports & exports Microsoft Project files.
Web-based project management tool Gantter has an interface that looks remarkably similar to Microsoft Project—and even lets you import and export your Project files.
Web-based project management tool Gantter has an interface that looks remarkably similar to Microsoft Project—and even lets you import and export your Project files.
Lifehacker - Smart Installer Pack Automatically Installs Your Favorite Software to a New PC - Installers
Hunting down application after application to fill a new computer with your favorite software can be a pain. Free application Smart Installer Pack makes it easy.
amily' PC is connected to the internet (in my home), all updates must be done manually.
Lifehacker - One Dozen Super-Useful (and Free!) Android Apps - Android
Lifehacker - Beat Your MP3 Tags Into Shape with These MediaMonkey Scripts - ID3
Scripts for repairing mp3 tags
עוד דרך לארגן ספריות מוזיקה באמצעות מדיהמאנקי
Inconsistently tagged MP3s can be a real pain. Avoid hours spent digging through your music aligning bands and album tags with these hard-working MediaMonkey scripts.
How-to: set up dual-band WiFi (and juice your downloads)
How-to: set up dual-band WiFi (and juice your downloads)
Lifehacker - How to Filter and Manage Your Online Social Life - Social Networks
You love your friends and enjoy your acquaintances, but their Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/MySpace activity is killing your productivity.
How to Filter and Manage Your Online Social Life
Ask Lifehacker: How Do I Setup a One-Way File Sync Backup?
Mostly windows based
Lifehacker - Motion Detection Is an Effective, Dead Simple Security Camera App - Featured Windows Download
Motion Detection is a free application that turns your webcam into a motion-sensing security camera in just a few clicks.
Windows only: Motion Detection is a free application that turns your webcam into a motion-sensing security camera in just a few clicks.
Lifehacker - Five Best Free Data Recovery Tools - Data Recovery
Lifehacker - Top 10 Battery Hacks, Tips, And Tricks - Batteries
Lifehacker - Top 10 Battery Hacks, Tips, And Tricks - Batteries
The gadgets you love don't always love you back—at least when it comes to battery life. But you can get more from your laptop, your iPod, your phone, and other devices with these 10 techniques. Photo by conskeptical. 10. Turn C batteries into Ds with quarters Only a few things ever need D batteries, but who has them handy when you need those things? If you've got some slightly more handy C batteries around, you only need a few quarters to turn them into makeshift Ds. You won't get the same longevity, and you'll have to part with up to $1.50 for a bit, but it works, and it might just turn you into the family hero when you rescue that seemingly useless big-lens flashlight. 9. Keep your iPod "held" and updated If you haven't hit the "Update" button since you got your iPod, old or new, fire up iTunes and do so—the newest firmware, in many cases, can boost your battery life. Once you've done that, run through Playlist Magazine's battery saving tips, which include keeping backlighting, th
Lifehacker - Six Easy Ways to Graph Your Life - Charts
Your habits, behaviors, and the things you consume every day create patterns over time that say a whole lot about you as a person. It's time to graph your life.
Lifehacker - Kill Frozen Windows Apps Easily - How-to
taskkill.exe /f /fi "status eq not responding". That's all you need to do
taskkill.exe /f /fi "status eq not responding"
Lifehacker - Kill Frozen Windows Apps Easily - How-to
Lifehacker - Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, January through March 2009 - Best of
Our Hive Five asks readers to identify five of the best tools for any job, then vote for the absolute best. Here's a look back at the winners—the best of the best—from each week. Includes DVR applications, movie cataloging tool using barcode scanning, linux and mindmapping software.
Our Hive Five asks readers to identify five of the best tools for any job, then vote for the absolute best. Here's a look back at the winners—the best of the best—from each week. Every week we pose a question to you, the computer saavy readers of Lifehacker. Tirelessly we search for the next "Which is best?" question and through the hive mind we distill down your thousands of nominations into a list of the top five candidates. You vote on the best of the best and we return the next week to declare a champion. The following list showcases the winners in each of the categories we covered in the first quarter of 2009. If a particular category catches your eye and you'd like to see the other contenders, click on the name of the category to to jump to the original Hive Five post, clicking on the name of the winner will take you directly to the web site for the software. Best DVR Application: Windows Media Center For many, Windows Media Center is the product Microsoft got just right. It's
5-minute Ice Cream
frozen fruit, sugar, heavy cream, vanilla
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tiny & Awesome Windows Utilities
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tiny & Awesome Windows Utilities
Lifehacker - Top 10 Greasemonkey User Scripts, 2009 Edition - Greasemonkey
Two years ago, we compiled our 10 favorite Greasemonkey scripts, the site-fixing wonders you can load into Firefox's Greasemonkey extension for a better browsing experience. We've updated our picks, and there's a lot that's new.
DIY Cardboard Laptop Stand | greenUPGRADER
Get your laptop off the table and stop hunching over to see the screen with this DIY cardboard laptop stand. It’s small, light, free & green and it will help you cut down on the trips to the chiropractor. Did I mention it’s super easy to make? I originally found this idea at, where Erik Skiff whipped up a pretty cool acrylic stand. I didn’t have any acrylic and more importantly I didn’t have a lazer cutter make the cuts, so I did it on cardboard. I modified the design a little so the pattern would fit on a regular letter sized sheet of paper.
Downloads: gCalCron Automates Your Linux System with Google Calendar
gcalcron allows you to issue terminal commands to a computer through Google Calendar.
run terminal commands in ubuntu using cron and scheduled by google calendar
Nice is a tad insecure (well as secure as your google account!)
Photoshop: Learn a New Photoshop Trick with VunkySearch
Lifehacker - Web-Based Tracks Keeps Your GTD System in Order - Getting Things Done
Something to look into, maybe
Windows/Mac/Linux: Tracks is a flexible, web-based Getting Things Done server app that installs easily on your system and keeps your work flow accessible anywhere. We've featured BitNami before, as they have a slew of handy installers for a variety of server applications. Now they've taken the fantastic Getting Things Done tool Tracks and rolled their own installation package, making it a breeze to install. If you've come across Tracks before and been put off by all the things you'd need to install and configure, the BitNami installer removes the hassle. Although the installation is entirely automated, it does take a chunk of time—on our test machine it took a good 20 minutes to fully unpack and install. Not a big deal if, but worth noting. Once installed, there is a brief setup where you create a user name and login and then you're on your way. The interface is easy to use and very polished. A significant amount of thought has been put into making entering and managing your tasks as
Tracks is a flexible, web-based Getting Things Done server app that installs easily on your system and keeps your work flow accessible anywhere.
Lifehacker - Model Your Home, Plan Improvements in 3D with Google Sketchup - Google Sketchup
My wife and I just moved to an apartment with a great backyard, but neither of us think spatially. Using Google Sketchup, it's been easier than I'd imagined to plan our Ultimate Patio 4000.
Lifehacker - Clean Up and Revive Your Bloated, Sluggish Mac - Mac OS X
A good list of Mac performance tips
I think you should do this.
Stylish and easy to make bookshelf
I'm quite happy with that fact that the first piece of furniture I built is a bookshelf. I wanted to make something large enough to keep all my books, and stylish at the same time. The design I like is somewhat futuristic, with plenty curved lines and you can see that in this shelf. Generally it looks as if it was a part of the wall, or came out of the wall.
If you're looking for some budget-friendly shelving, this DIY solution will definitely look more elegant in your living space than some shop shelves from the hardware store. This particular mortise style shelving unit requires less wedging but a finer use of a saw blade—assuming, of course, you want the really cool wave in your vertical braces. The entire project requires nothing more than a few boards, long screws, a drill, and a jigsaw. Paint or varnish is optional, depending on the cut and quality of wood you use a simple clear coat might suffice. The entire affair is held against the wall with only three screws, the bottom of the braces rest on the floor to distribute the load, and the screws are hidden within the mortise joints. In regard to the stability and strength, the author of the Instructable SimonF notes that since he wrote the tutorial and took the photo you see here he has loaded even more stuff on the shelves without any issues.
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for a Free Online Education
Recapture the web's brain-expanding potential with these free resources for educating yourself online.
Top 10 Tools for a Free Online Education
Lifehacker - $8 DIY Aluminum Laptop Stand - laptop stands
We've always been keen on DIY laptop stands, but reader Aaron Kravitz—inspired by an attractive $50 stand—went above and beyond, creating one of the most attractive DIY laptop stands we've featured to date.
Lifehacker - Six Best Exercise Planning and Tracking Tools - Exercise
Technology and exercise make an excellent pair; you can now track, plan, and graph your workouts more easily than ever. We're here to take a look at six of the most popular tools for the job. Photo by andronicusmax. Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite exercise tracking or planning tool. You responded and we rounded up the top six—six on account of a three-way tie. The following contenders represent the most popular tools among Lifehacker readers for tracking, measuring, and quantifying their exercise endeavors. When the item in question is a physical item, such as the Nike+ running system, the operating system listed corresponds to the supported operating system for the accompanying tracking software. Gyminee (Web Based, Basic Account: Free/Pro Account: $45 per year) Gyminee is web-based fitness tool with an enormous amount of features. Not only can you track your fitness goals like pounds lost, changes in resting heart rate, and all other manner of common fitness
Lifehacker - Device Remover is an Absurdly Powerful Device Manager - Featured Windows Download
Lifehacker - Move Your iTunes Library to an External Hard Drive - iTunes Tip
Move Your iTunes Library to an External Hard Drive
Lifehacker - Set Up and Use XP Mode in Windows 7 - Windows 7 XP Mode
Life Hacker article on how to set up Windows 7's XP Mode
Windows 7's new XP Mode lets you seamlessly run virtualized applications alongside your regular Windows 7 applications—so your outdated software will continue to work
We've shown you how to upgrade to the Windows 7 release candidate and walked you through what's new when you get there; now let's take a look at how to enable Windows 7 XP Mode. Windows 7's new XP Mode lets you seamlessly run virtualized applications alongside your regular Windows 7 applications—so your outdated software will continue to work. Before we begin, you'll want to make sure your system meets the requirements: * Processor: Processor capable of hardware virtualization, with AMD-V™ or Intel® VT turned on in the BIOS. * Memory: 2GB of memory recommended. * Hard disk requirement: 20MB hard disk space for installing Windows Virtual PC. Additional 15GB of hard disk space per virtual Windows environment recommended. Make sure that your processor supports hardware virtualization, and double-check that the hardware virtualization setting is enabled in your BIOS (the setting is often not enabled although your processor may be supported). You can use the official Intel Pr
How to negotiate a salary without tipping your hand - Manage Your Life on Shine
You’ve gotten pretty far in a job discussion. You like them. They like you. And it's getting down to the nitty gritty. Then your prospective employer pops the question you’ve been dreading: “So what are you making now?” (or some variation like, “What were you making in your last position?”) You freeze. You know that answering the question can only hurt you. It might peg you at a salary you feel you’ve outgrown or that you improperly negotiated. And you know that you’re always supposed to let the other person name a price first in any negotiation. So what do you do?
Lifehacker - Top 10 Skills to Master Your Grill - Grilling
For Myers :)
There's something about grilling food outdoors that's both exhilarating and terrifying. It's great to commune with your food in such a straight-up way, but what if it goes wrong? We're here to help overcome your fear of the flame, or step up your grilling game, with these 10 techniques.
Lifehacker - Six Best MP3 Tagging Tools - ID3 Tag Editors
A well tagged MP3 collection makes everything from organization to playback easier.
Lifehacker - Back Up and Play Your Wii Games From an External Hard Drive - Wii
A disc that never leaves the case can never be scratched. Save your Wii games to an external hard drive with this handy tutorial for speedier and scratch-free playback.
Lifehacker - Turn Your Spare Thumb Drives Into Feature-Packed Giveaway Drives - Portable Applications
Lifehacker - 10 Killer DIY Projects for Your Extra Day Off - DIY
Check out projects,especially hard drive cleanout and bottle lights
Lifehacker - Flashbake Automates Version Control for (Nerdy) Writers - Downloads
how to use git as version control for writers
nice intro to Flashbake
Save snapshots of frequently-updated files over time with programmer-strength version control—but without the learning curve. Free software Flashbake captures working files and adds details like the weather and your Twitter status to each version automatically.
Lifehacker - Five Best Netbooks - NetBooks
Lifehacker's top 5 Netbooks.
Lifehacker - Lifehacker Pack 2009: Our List of Essential Free Windows Downloads - Lifehacker Pack 2009
I can validate, it is a nice collection
Lifehacker Pack 2009: Our List of Essential Free Windows Downloads
We feature downloads of all kinds every day at Lifehacker. Today, however, we're bundling all the best free downloads for new computer owners, re-installers, would-be geeks, or anyone who wants to save time installing the best stuff out there. This is our 2009 Lifehacker Pack for Windows computers.
Lifehacker - Separate Your Data from Windows on a Standalone Partition - Windows
With Windows 7's release just around the corner, now's a great time to get your PC ready for the new operating system. First step: separate your data onto a dedicated partition.
Healthy Food Combinations: Men's
Healthy Food Combinations
Project Potpourri: Infocard: Useful Knots
I often need knots. I have often learned the knots I need. But these two things never happen close enough together to result in long term knowledge storage. This Make blog post gave me the idea of collecting a few useful ones and putting them on wallet card.
knots diy reference howto lifehacks
Lifehacker - Lifehacker Pack 2009: Our List of Essential Free Windows Downloads - Lifehacker Pack 2009
Lifehacker - Negotiate Your Salary with the Help of the White Lie - Salary
salary negotiations
Lifehacker - Know the Answers to These Questions Before Your Job Interview - Interview Skills
If you've gone on more than one job interview, you know you can count on hearing many of the same questions at each. Make sure you've got these 10 answers down pat before you head out the door to your next interview.
Lifehacker - Five Must-Have Tools for Any Kitchen - Kitchen
It's all too easy to get seriously excited about expanding your kitchen repertoire—and seriously in debt buying for that kitchen. Here are five kitchen-related things you really need and how to use them efficiently.
Lifehacker - Make Your Brown Bag Lunch More Appealing - brown bag
Lunch ideas.
Lifehacker - The Google Wave Highlight Reel - Google Wave
These eight 30-60 second clips highlight the best parts of Google Wave.
"Don't have 80 minutes? These eight 30-60 second clips highlight the best parts of Google Wave."
Lifehacker - Make Fresh-Baked Bread in Five Minutes - Recipes
Can you spare five minutes each day? That's all you'll need to make fresh-baked bread with this recipe and method.
Lifehacker - From the Comments: How to Get a Great Suit -
Tailoring, tailoring-tailoring. Take the best suit money can buy, and leave off good tailoring and it'll hang on your body like a cheap suit. Buy a suit at Target and have it finely tailored ... ... and it'll look fantastic. It won't wear or dryclean great, but it'll fit you like a champ. I'm from the old school of suit wearing, allow me to impart my sage advice. ;) 1. Find a good local tailor, have 'em measure you. 2. Try on a few suit coats with said measurement, make sure they hang about right. Same with slacks. 3. Cuffs are good - contrary to belief they're never "out", and they have a functional advantage, they make slacks hang just right. They keep the pant legs from hanging getting caught in your shoes as well. 4. Dryclean the suit coat *and* the slacks at the same time. If you wear the suit on Saturday, get some gunk on the slacks, do NOT have just the slacks only cleaned. Even the best suit can fade a teeny tad with a cleaning, so keep the wear/fading even - clean both at th
buying suits
"Take Heed"
Lifehacker - The Lifehacker Cookbook - Lifehacker cookbook
Lifehacker - LiberKey Installs 200+ Portable Applications - Portable Applications
If you read over our guide on turning spare thumb drives into feature packed giveaway drives and you wished there was a huge pack of portable software you could just download, this is it.
Lifehacker - Nine Affordable Steaks and How to Grill Them Anywhere - Grilling
The Washington Post offers a mouth-watering interactive guide on how to grill nine cuts of beef that are cheaper than what's usually promoted, along with a guide to using portable grills when space is tight.
Lifehacker - CometDocs Converts Between More than 50 File Types - PDF
Lifehacker - Top 10 How-to Cooking Videos - Food
this bookmark brought from the home.
Lifehacker - Meta-iPod Cleans and Repairs Your iTunes Library - Featured Windows Download
Windows only: The bigger your iTunes library, the more difficult it is to locate and fix problems that arise, whether you're faced with ratings gone awry, missing or duplicate tracks, or missing album art. That's where diagnostic tool meta-iPod comes in
Lifehacker - Lifehacker's Firefox Add-On Packs - Lifehacker add-on packs
It used to be a pain to hunt down your favorite extensions every time you reinstall Firefox. Mozilla's recently launched Collections make it easy, so we've assembled a few easy-to-install collections of our favorite Firefox helpers.
A must have list of Firefox Add-On Packs - wow Lifehacker great post!
Lifehacker - How to Filet a Fish Like a Pro - How To
Lifehacker - Windows 7's Best Underhyped Features - windows 7
Screenshot Tour: A First Look at Google Voice
Lifehacker - How to Slice and Dice an Onion Like a Pro - How To
Lifehacker - Build Your Own Pizza Oven - Cooking
Lifehacker - The Starlight Desktop - Desktops
Lifehacker - Tweak Your Way to a Better Finder - Leopard
Leopard tweaks ... useful
"From Finder's View menu, check off "Show Path Bar" to turn on a clickable "breadcrumb" file path bar at the bottom of your Finder window, as shown. There you can click on any of the parent folders up the path of your current folder to navigate to it." Giant size 'oh!'.
Lifehacker - Five Ways to Get More from Boxee - Boxee
With Boxee now available for Windows, nearly any computer can push streaming and downloaded content onto a TV. Here are five tips and tricks that add content and convenience to the social media center, for newcomers and veteran users alike.
Lifehacker - Optimize Your New HDTV - Tweaks
Whether you purchased your HDTV yesterday or last year, there's a big chance you just plugged it in and fired it up. Tweak your HDTV for better viewing quality.
Whether you purchased your HDTV yesterday or last year, there's a big chance you just plugged it in and fired it up. Tweak your HDTV for better viewing quality.
A few pointers to other valuable links.
Lifehacker - Top 10 Productivity Basics Explained - Productivity
Lifehacker - A Beginner's Guide to Image Sharpening - Unsharp Mask
Fixing blur
Featured Windows Download: Gizmo Drive Mounts ISO, BIN, and VHD Disk Images
links to several iso mounting tools
mounts images nicely in Windows 7, since daemon tools doesn't work (yet)
Lifehacker - Five Best Free System Restore Tools - Disk image
Free software to clone/image your hard drive
Lifehacker - Dress Up Your Ties with the "Merovingian Knot" - Fashion Hacks
The realm of dress tie knots is dominated by a handful of traditional tie knots. Check out this rather unique tie knot and be the first on your block to sport it. If you're a very sharp-eyed fan of Matrix movie trilogy, you'll recognize the knot captured below as a rare specimen sported by "The Merovingian." The knot itself didn't originate with the movie, and isn't rightfully named "The Merovingian Knot," but the Ediety Knot. Still, it's nearly impossible to find any reference to it independent of the movie, so let's just keep the Wachowski-an etymology for now. As Henry notes during his demonstration in the video below, it'll get big raves from Matrix obsessives, but everyone else will at least admire your fancy "French knot."
Lifehacker - How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack - wep
You already know that if you want to lock down your Wi-Fi network, you should opt for WPA encryption because WEP is easy to crack. But did you know how easy? Take a look.
Natural Homemade ‘drain-o’, or How To Unclog Without Harmful Chemicals | Bonzai Aphrodite
And this recipe is easy enough, but I swear it works like a charm. You don’t need complex, carcinogenic compounds lurking around your cabinets! Baking soda, baby, and a liberal splash of vinegar.
Next time I'll have to try covering the hole...that probably makes it work better than when I've done it in the past. Great little site. Drupal or Wordpress (Drupal). (One of these days I'll figure out how to tell the dif.)
Como usar a soda caustica para limpar
Lifehacker - The Minimalist OS X Desktop - Desktops
I'm going to have to do this. Lifehacker Reader нawk's desktop is a blend of a simple wallpaper and nicely placed system stats-yielding a clean, minimalist look that gives you the information you want without a lot of clutter.
Lifehacker - Google Voice Is Cool, But Do You Need It? - Google Voice
Google's robotic queen lol
how to use google voice
Lifehacker - Learn a New Knot and Expand Your Dress Tie Repertoire - Fashion Hacks
comments are the best part - these guys take their ties seriously
more cool tie knots (dress up)
Expand your dress tie repertoire here.
Lifehacker - Learn to Fold a Dress Shirt Effectively - Packing
Lifehacker - Free OCR Converts Your Scanned Documents to Text - Scanner
Lifehacker - WEP Cracking Redux: Beyond the Command Line - Security
Lifehacker - Set Up "Push" Gmail on Your iPhone - Prowl
iphone gmail
Lifehacker - Anticipate Your Interviewer's Next Question to Ace Your Job Interview - Interview
Lifehacker - Turn a Bookshelf into a Secret Passage - Home office
"Lifehacker reader agmk and his girlfriend hated the look of their cluttered home office and computer den. It seemed like even when the rest of their place was clean, their home office was always a little bit too messy. In an effort to make it easier to hide the nook that served as their home office they turned some Ikea bookshelves they scored off Craigslist into a pretty awesome office-concealing secret doorway."
Dude makes a batman-style hiding passageway on the cheap
How to Ease Your Transition to Google Voice - Google Voice - Lifehacker
Google's upped its pace handing out invites to Google Voice, the service that controls all your phones with one number. For those just arriving, we're offering up a beginner's guide to setting up, transitioning to, bug-fixing, and actually enjoying Google Voice. If you still haven't received an invite or want a clearer picture of what Google Voice actually does, peek first at our screenshot-packed first look and tips on whether you actually need it. Once you accept an invite, register your number, and make your first text or phone call, you might be wondering how to go about actually using Google Voice—after all, nobody's calling you on that number just yet, and your number doesn't have any rules set up to begin with. That's where this guide starts off. There are lots of resources that explain how Google Voice's features work, but we're hoping to help you learn how to get people calling that number, work past the flaws in its system, and manage the callers for a better overall
Top 10 Tips and Tricks for Better Coffee - Coffee - Lifehacker
Coffee doesn't always make work better, but you can definitely work to get better coffee. From four-cup hotel machines to French presses, from home-roasted beans to decorative foam—we've got a wealth of tips for enjoying a better cup.
Coffee doesn't always make work better, but you can definitely work to get better coffee. From four-cup hotel machines to French presses, from home-roasted beans to decorative foam—we've got a wealth of tips for enjoying a better cup.
Lifehacker - Make Cold-Brewed Iced Coffee - Coffee
Brewing coffee and icing it isn't all that hard, but cold-brewed coffee is a different, more flavorful kind of drink. It takes some night-before planning, but it's easy and makes for great warm-weather mornings.
Brewing coffee and icing it isn't all that hard, but cold-brewed coffee is a different, more flavorful kind of drink. It takes some night-before planning, but it's easy and makes for great warm-weather mornings.
Five Best Content Filtering Tools - content filtering - Lifehacker
Whether you want to keep your kids eyes away from inappropriate content or your employees from wasting time online, you'll find a variety of great tools available for filtering internet access in today's Hive Five. Photo by Zach Klein. Last week we asked you to share your favorite method of filtering internet content. While we originally intended to approach the topic from a software angle, it quickly became apparent that software didn't cut it for most people and that the majority of you are using either a combination of desktop software and a proxy server/firewall or just the latter by itself. The following solutions range, in difficultly of installation, from as simple as requiring five minutes to install to as complex as setting up a physical computer as a Linux-based content filter. DansGuardian (Cross Platform, Free) One way to measure whether or not Dansguardian is the right filtering tool for you is your willingness to install and tinker with an opera
The Simple Dollar » The First Steps Away from Paycheck-to-Paycheck Living
Out of all of the blessings that have come into my life over the last two and a half years or so (a new home, my daughter, financial recovery, a new career, a lot of wonderful readers), the one that has truly helped me to sleep better at night is the move away from living paycheck to paycheck.
facts about the current economy.
Create Your Own Sun Jar: Lifehacker Edition
Build your own sunjar!
Wow! My next home DIY project.
Lifehacker - Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, March through June 2009 - Best of
Hive Five Winners, March through June 2009
最速で辞書が引けるアドオン「FireDictionary」が便利すぎる : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Mouseover Dictionary とどっちがいかな
Create Your Own Sun Jar: Lifehacker Edition - DIY Creations - Lifehacker
VLC 1.0 Records Video from DVDs - DVD - Lifehacker
Top 10 DIY Projects that Harness the Power of the Sun - Solar Power - Lifehacker
How to Troubleshoot a Flaky Internet Connection - Troubleshooting - Lifehacker
HOW TO Troubleshoot a Flaky internet connection
Usbuntu Live Creator Makes Bootable Linux USB Drives - Thumb drive - Lifehacker
Windows only: Free application uSbuntu Live Creator installs a Live CD from an ISO image onto your USB flash drive—much more useful, portable, and easy to deal with than carrying around a CD.
Turn Gmail Into Your Ultimate GTD Inbox - Gmail - Lifehacker
How to Recharge the Air Conditioner in a Car - wikiHow
Do-it-yourself auto air conditioning recharging requires eye protection, a charging kit, refrigerant, and some practical knowledge.
The Bookworm's Guide to the Lifehacker Galaxy - Book - Lifehacker
Foto-Mosaik-Edda Creates Stunning Photo Mosaics - Pictures - Lifehacker
Foto-Mosaik-Edda Creates Stunning Photo Mosaics
Top 10 Tips to Streamline Your Vacation Planning - Vacation Tip - Lifehacker
U.S. citizens may be notoriously bad at using up our vacation days, but even if you're just taking off a few days this summer, make the most of it with these 10 vacation tips.
Not that I'm taking a vacation anytime soon but always good to keep handy.
great notes on packing lightly, how to pack, good preparations
Take 18 Minutes to Keep Your Days on Track - Time management - Lifehacker
Practice daily.
According to the Harvard Business blog, you can organize an eight-hour work day and keep it on track by creating a ritual that'll only take a total of 18 minutes each day.
Lifehacker - Fast Duplicate File Finder Finds Your File Dupes - File Management
Avoid These Phrases to Keep Your Resume Relevant - Job search - Lifehacker
Lifehacker - Create Seamless Textures in Photoshop - Photoshop
The Computer Hardware Chart Identifies Your PC's Parts - Computer Hardware - Lifehacker
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference.
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference. Chances are you don't know the ins and outs of every single connector or piece of computer hardware you'll come across (even if you do have experience), and while we're sure the poster could cover even more territory (if we're being picky), it's a pretty great visual reference.
Lifehacker - Getting Started With Canning, aka Home Food Preservation - canning
GFI Backup Home Edition Features
Check out the features of GFI Backup Home Edition
Backup and Synchronization utility GFI Backup is an easy to use, full-featured package for keeping your collections of files safe and secure. Using the software is easy, with a wizard-based setup for new backup tasks and lots of options to choose from. GFI Backup can do AES encryption, incremental or differential backups, notifications, or file synchronization—and it can backup your data to local folders, FTP, network, or even removable flash drives, making it worth a look for anybody seeking a free but powerful backup solution.
Top 10 Computer Hardware Fixes and Upgrades - Hardware - Lifehacker
Top 10 Computer Hardware Fixes and Upgrades
Wallpaper Roundup: Ocean Views and Abstract Blues
The temperature is rising across the country, and while you may not be able to get yourself to a cool and breezy locale, you can at least plaster your monitor with soothing reminders of one.
The Complete Guide to Going Paperless - Paper - Lifehacker
You already pay your bills online and get electronic statements, but there are even more ways you can stop killing innocent trees and wasting time and money dealing with paper. It's time we went paperless.
SmillaEnlarger Enlarges Your Images without Artifacts - Image Editing - Lifehacker
SmillaEnlarger is an open-source and portable application designed to help you intensively massage an image enlargement to keep it from looking jagged and filled with artifacts. You can select the level of zoom using the zoom slider and the location of the zoom via the selection box.
Spotify Is the Best Desktop Music Player We've Ever Used - spotify - Lifehacker
Lifehacker - Repel Flies with a Bag of Water - Annoyances
Evidently, houseflies, being highly edible and defenseless, are nervous types, and don't like to sit still when they see something moving nearby, because it could be a predator. The water bag acts a bit like a lens—try it some time—in which the movements of people in the area are reflected. Even if the fly is too far from the action to see it directly, it can see a shifting of light and dark in the water bag, which it interprets as nearby movement, and it will fly away from the bag.
Rainmeter 1.0 Brings the Enigma Desktop to Everyone - Desktop - Lifehacker
Video: Take a Tour of David Allen's Office
Boost Your Memory Power with a 30-Second Eye Exercise - Memory - Lifehacker
Top 10 Tricks for Making Your Playlists Rock - playlists - Lifehacker
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Lifehacker - TubeMaster++ Update Makes Grabbing Videos and Music Easier - Streaming Video
can save files, play them back right in TubeMaster++ and convert them. What formats can you convert into? A better question would be what form
Learn How to Work a Crowd - Social Networking - Lifehacker
When you think of "working a crowd," you might think of entertainers at best, and shifty multi-level marketing salesman at worst. There are, however, non-jerky ways to meet people and benefit from casual networking.
Getting Things Done Explained for Students - Getting Things Done - Lifehacker
Five Best Video Players - Media Player - Lifehacker
Von Lifehacker
Hulu Video Downloader Saves Your Favorite Shows for Offline Enjoyment - Hulu - Lifehacker
Hulu Video Downloader Saves Your Favorite Shows for Offline Enjoyment [from]
Free Tools to Back Up Your Online Accounts - Backup utilities - Lifehacker
Cloud computing means you can store your data in web applications and access it from any browser, anywhere—but that doesn't mean you don't need a backup plan. Safeguard your data when a storm's a-brewing in the cloud with these tools. Next time your favorite web site is down or you're locked out of an account, make sure you've got the crucial info you need where you can get to it: on your computer.
Free Tools to Back Up Your Online Accounts
Repeat "A-E-I-O-U" to Read Faster - Reading - Lifehacker
Five Classic Ways to Boost Your Note-Taking - Note-taking - Lifehacker
"If your note-taking skills are suffering from summertime rigor mortis, now's as good a time as any to throw a new technique into the mix. Let's take a look at some new and old tools for improving your ballpoint repertoire." via Lifehacker
If your note-taking skills are suffering from summertime rigor mortis, now's as good a time as any to throw a new technique into the mix. Let's take a look at some new and old tools for improving your ballpoint repertoire.
How to Build a Web Site from Scratch with No Experience - Education - Lifehacker
I took one (bad) computer science class in college, and I'm not a web developer. So in early 2008, when I decided I was finally going to build a web site I'd been fantasizing about for years, I was starting from scratch.
Learn to Play the Guitar Online - Music - Lifehacker
Downloads: Pod to Mac Transfers iPhone, iPod Music to Your Mac
iPod Transfer
pod to Mac Transfers iPhone, iPod Music to Your Mac
DIY Steadicam Provides Scorcese-Like Smoothness for $10 - Camcorder - Lifehacker
Stock Your Bar for $100 - Saving Money - Lifehacker
Make Your Own URL Shortening Service - url shorteners - Lifehacker
That's about it for Yourls—it's one of those apps that, once you get it working, just works. There are, however, two added tools worth noting: a WordPress plugin that can automate the creation of Yourl-generated short links for each and every post, and a bookmarklet generator for those who don't want to head back to their own site to create new short links.
Five Best Apartment Search Tools - Apartments - Lifehacker
10 Must-Dos for the First Week of College - College - Lifehacker
With the start of the academic year, it's time to switch out of vacation mode—pronto. What you do the first week of classes can majorly impact your grades four months from now, so don't skip these first week must-dos.
Use a 3:2 Inhale-Exhale Ratio for Improved Runs - Exercise - Lifehacker
The right equipment, training, and running route isn't always enough to ensure a good run, especially if your breathing is all over the map. To help stabilize yours, try incorporating a set inhale-exhale ratio. Photo by aarmono. The aptly named Complete Running Network details how to breathe properly when running. Included in their list of seven tips is the importance of establishing the right inhale/exhale ratio. Specifically, they suggest that runners should take three footsteps for every inhale and two footsteps for every exhale, which puts them at a 3:2 ratio. This means you INHALE on the LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT foot strikes and EXHALE fully on the RIGHT, LEFT foot strikes. This pattern is not that hard to turn into a habit, but it may require you to slow your pace down for a few runs to master the technique. You will notice a lower heart rate as you are able to get more oxygen in and more importantly push all the carbon dioxide out of your body. You may notice that you naturally
Lifehacker - Top 10 Magnet Hacks - Magnets
Supercharge Google Reader with Send To Links - Google Reader - Lifehacker
Google Reader recently added custom "Send To" controls to its feature list, and we've been looking for the most useful links to feed it. Here are 11 excellent send-to tools you can add to Reader, with more on the way. "More on the way" because, despite trying to keep our eyes and feed readers in as many places as possible, we're guessing there are a lot of other great URL-friendly webapps that can be hooked into Reader, as these crowd-sourced examples have already proven.
How To Make Butter In Under 5 Minutes! | Over The Hill And On A Roll
The Definitive Guide to Finding Free Wi-Fi - Free Wi-Fi - Lifehacker
You're out and about with your laptop and you're in need of some fast internet connectivity. Here are some tried and true ways to find and get free Wi-Fi.
Quando sei alla ricerca disperata di una connessione veloce
Hack Your Wii for Homebrew without Twilight Princess - Wii - Lifehacker
Bummed because you've got a new Wii and the Twilight Princess hack won't work on it? Have an older Wii but you don't want to buy Twilight Princess just to install Homebrew? Try the free and easy bannerbomb exploit.
Leo on the Loose: DIY: FREE printable Mini File Folder & Labels
See other templates at end of content
Lifehacker - Implement Advanced "Siestas" for Improved Sleep - Nap
Hah thats a good one very interesting.
How to Fix Annoying YouTube Jumpiness in Firefox - Firefox - Lifehacker
Apparently, this fix for jumpy video in #firefox works with any general Flash-related jumpiness too...
Set Up Space-Saving, Permanent Gmail and Reader Tabs in Firefox - Firefox - Lifehacker
So here's the deal. I like having my Gmail always open. (Who doesn't, right?) It's literally the first thing I go to in Firefox. But I don't want it to be my homepage, and frankly, I don't like the fact I have to always leave a full sized tab open just to keep an eye on my inbox. I am a fan of minimal, yet functional and attractive interfaces.
So here's the deal. I like having my Gmail always open. (Who doesn't, right?) It's literally the first thing I go to in Firefox. But I don't want it to be my homepage, and frankly, I don't like the fact I have to always leave a full sized tab open just to keep an eye on my inbox. I am a fan of minimal, yet functional and attractive interfaces.
melon agua fresca | smitten kitchen
Might have to try cucumber or cucumber-mint. The tamale stand at the Farmer's Market always has a different kind of agua fresca every week, and the cucumber has been my favorite so far.
Top 10 Tricks MacGyver Would Be Proud Of - MacGyver - Lifehacker
Out in the countryside, MacGyver and the son of an esteemed diplomat are tired, exhausted, and hungry after dismantling a tank and escaping a military prison with corrugated cardboard, vanilla extract, and a magnet-tipped screwdriver. They have no matches or fuel to start a fire, but they did ransack a few items from the galley kitchen on the way out. With a 9-volt battery or cellphone sparked against some steel wool, or a pop-top can and chocolate, they're well on their way to getting a little flame built. (Original posts: chocolate and Coke, cellphone battery, steel wool and 9-volt).
When they draw up the Complete History of Lifehacking, Angus MacGyver will certainly merit a chapter. We pay tribute to the creative can-do secret agent this week with 10 tricks that make extraordinary use of truly common objects.
Five Best Video-Sharing Sites - video sharing - Lifehacker
With everything from our cellphones to laptops to keychain trinkets coming sporting video cameras these days, more and more people are capturing and sharing digital video. The following video sites make sharing your video missives easy.
Content Type: text/html; charset=utf-8;
Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite video sharing web site and tell us what made it your favorite. We've read over your comments, tallied the votes, and now we're back to share the most popular video sharing sites.
Make Firefox Faster by Vacuuming Your Database - Firefox - Lifehacker
Complete Guide to Making Outlook Faster (Than Molasses) - Outlook - Lifehacker
Wallpaper Roundup: Getting Things Done with Workflows and Quadrants
Whether you're gearing up for the start of the school year or you're plugging along at your 9 to 5 like usual, we've got a roundup of productivity-centric wallpaper to help you keep focused. Note: The "Full Size" link directly under the picture only shows you the full size of the sample image we uploaded for this gallery. You need to click on the name of the particular wallpaper in the right hand column to access the full range of sizes at the source site or click on "Direct Link to Largest Available Image" to jump right to the biggest size available. Not keen on the gallery layout? See all the larger images on one page here.
The Definitive Guide to Backing Up and Ditching Your Discs - CDs - Lifehacker
Whether you're moving, short on cash, or running out of storage space, you've got plenty of reasons to ditch your physical media. Hard drives are cheap; here are our recommended methods of saving, selling, and trading your CDs, DVDs, and video games.
Been thinking about backing up my DVDs for a long time. Would like to just stream them from my NAS drive to my tv, perhaps via PS3. Maybe this guide will actually get me going...
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Whether you're moving, short on cash, or running out of storage space, you've got plenty of reasons to ditch your physical media.
Prep Your Mac for Snow Leopard - Snow leopard - Lifehacker
more than the title implies
Lifehacker - FreeProxy Helps You Circumvent Restrictive Firewalls - Proxy
Recommended by Lifehacker
Windows only: Corporate firewall got you down? No Facebook behind your school's filter? FreeProxy is a simple proxy tool for routing your browsing through your home computer.
Lifehacker - NasBackup Makes Incremental Backups Easy - Backup utilities
NasBackup is an easy to use interface for the powerful rsync backup utility. You can use NasBackup right out of the box and easily schedule backups from your machine to another machine on your network. Underneath the GUI is still all the power of rsync, if you're familiar with rsync commands you can edit the main.phase file in the NasBackup directory to including any rsync tweaks you like. Even if you never get under the hood and mess around however, NasBackup is quite capable. Once you select the data you want backed up, the destination on the remote computer, and tell NasBackup how frequently to back the data up, from there out it works in the background incrementally backing up your data to the remote disk. If you're interested in shopping around for a backup solution, make sure to check out our previous Hive Five on best backup tools. NasBackup is open source,
LicenseCrawler Retrieves License Keys for Backup - Software - Lifehacker
icenseCrawler is a portable and free tool for retrieving serial numbers and product keys from your computer. A simple scan with LicenseCrawler ensures you'll never be left trying to reinstall software without the proper key.
Top 10 Tactics for Productive Travel - Travel - Lifehacker
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Being able to work just about anywhere is a mixed blessing. If you're tired of dying batteries, lost receipts, absent files, and l
WinToFlash Turns Your Windows Installation DVD into a USB-Based Installer - Installation - Lifehacker
to do list
Five Best Disk Defragmenters - Defragment - Lifehacker
Some good tools.
Make Free VoIP Calls from Google Voice - Google Voice - Lifehacker
Google Voice is great, but it isn't an entirely free voice-over-internet service if you have to pay a phone bill to use it. With a few tweaks, though, you can talk to anyone on-the-cheap through Skype, or entirely for free with Gizmo.
Use Firefox to Fix the Web's Biggest Annoyances - Annoyances - Lifehacker
ext page inline without having to reload. Each of the extensions works a little differently, and
Use Firefox to Fix the Web's Biggest Annoyances
FontCapture Turns Your Handwriting into a Font - Fonts - Lifehacker
If you've got a few minutes, stylish script, and a scanner, FontCapture can turn your handwriting into a font. That keeps all your mad-scientist notes on the computer, yet still gives them that..
How to Recover Your Firefox Master Password - Firefox - Lifehacker
If you're using Firefox's built-in password management, you should also be using its master password feature to protect your saved passwords from prying eyes. But what happens if you lose your master password?
If you're using Firefox's built-in password management, you should also be using its master password feature to protect your saved passwords from prying eyes. But what happens if you lose your master password?
How to Build a Hackintosh with Snow Leopard, Start to Finish - Feature - Lifehacker
Two years ago, I detailed how to build a Hackintosh for under $800—then covered how to do the same with less hacking. Now that Snow Leopard's out, we're revisiting the Hackintosh, building a Hack Pro from scratch for roughly $900.
Off to the Apple store...
Finding The Actual Hotel Name On Before Purchase » My Money Blog
A great explanation of finding out what hotels are deals at Hotwire
mental_floss Blog » The Quick 10: 10 Secret Menu Items
Secret menu items from popular restaurants. My favorite, from Fatburger: The Hypocrite, a veggie burger topped with crispy strips of bacon.
Five Great Reasons to Root Your Android Phone - Android rooting - Lifehacker
Massacre Gmail Ads with These Two Sentences (and Some Tragic Words) - Gmail - Lifehacker
I enjoy the massacre of ads. This sentence will slaughter ads without a messy bloodbath.
The Five-Day Freeze: Batch Cooking for the Rest of Us | Wise Bread
tips for frugal living... cooking
Top 10 DIY Projects for an Extra Day Off - Weekend project - Lifehacker
It's the last day of an unusually long weekend, and there's absolutely nothing on the schedule. Break out the tools and pull up one of these nifty DIY projects to improve your living space and boost your can-do cred.
Seriously Sick: Food For When You're Under the Weather | Serious Eats : Recipes
huh, I make those green peas even when I'm not sick because they're just good.
Fold a World-Record-Setting Paper Airplane - Weekend project - Lifehacker
Seven Easy Ways to Integrate Your Google Apps - Google Apps - Lifehacker
How to Access Gmail When It’s Down - Gmail - Lifehacker
Last week's Gmail outage is just the latest in a long series of outages in our favorite webmail application, but you don't have to let that stop you from accessing your email and getting things done.
Helvetical Turns Google Calendar Into a Thing of Beauty - google calender - Lifehacker
good mod for google calendar
Top 10 Tricks for Creatively Hiding Your Stuff - Security - Lifehacker
Every kid has a creative stash for secret stuff, but that useful enthusiasm doesn't have to die off just because we've traded treehouses for desks. See how you can hide money, files, workspaces, and more in today's Top 10.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
How To: Back Up All Your Stuff, For Free - Backup - Gizmodo
People don't neglect backing up their computers because it's hard—it isn't, at all. No, people file into the inevitable death march of data loss for one reason: Backing up usually costs money. But it doesn't have to.
How To: Back Up All Your Stuff, For Free - Backup - Gizmodo
Five Hard-to-Kill Houseplants for Your Home or Workspace - Plants - Lifehacker
Top 10 Tactics for Protecting Your Stuff - Theft - Lifehacker
10 Consejos para proteger sus pertenencias :-P
Use Dropbox for More Than Just File Syncing - dropbox - Lifehacker
Ever since Lifehacker turned me on to Dropbox, it's become one of the most essential pieces in my daily workflow. Sure it syncs files extremely well, but Dropbox is an excellent tool for so much more. Dropbox, at its core, is a simple file synchronization utility that stores your data in the cloud and makes it accessible across Windows, Mac, and Linux machines—or via the web interface from any browser. What sets Dropbox apart from other file syncing tools is that changes are nearly instantaneous, uploads are blazing fast, and it just works. Dropbox doesn't have to be limited to simply syncing your documents, photos, and music, however—with the proper setup you can completely synchronize your digital life across any PC.
Install Snow Leopard on Your Hackintosh PC, No Hacking Required - Hackintosh - Lifehacker
Maximize Firefox 3.5's Viewing Area for Your Netbook - Firefox - Lifehacker
Maximize Firefox 3.5's Viewing Area for Your Netbook
Your netbook's screen is tiny and processor less than mighty, so you want to maximize the web page viewing area without any performance-killing Firefox extensions. Here's how to consolidate Firefox 3.5's chrome for your Windows or Linux-based netbook.
Myna Is an Awesome Multi-Track Audio Editor for Anyone - Myna - Lifehacker
Top 10 Underhyped Webapps, 2009 Edition - Webapps - Lifehacker
As with rock music, video games, and other awesome pursuits, great web applications often don't get enough credit for what they do well. We're revisiting and updating our favorite underhyped webapps to give a new crop of contenders their due.
hat specializes in fully-featured Flash apps, and they're seemingly engaged in a dare to see how much users can ge
DIY Print-and-Fold iPhone and iPod touch Dock Looks Great - iPhone - Lifehacker
Link to an iPod dock you can make yourself and save a few pennies.
Use Vinegar and Baking Soda to Recharge Your Towels - Household - Lifehacker
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Towels would seem to be such a utilitarian object that they could never need any sort of optimization. As your towels age however,
softening towels
Five Best Time-Tracking Applications - Time management - Lifehacker
On-line organizer
Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite time-tracking tool, and now we're back with the five most popular time-tracking applications to help you track the time you spend on projects and tasks of every size.
Rejuvenate Your Workspace with These Office Supply Favorites - Supercharged Workspace - Lifehacker
Add some of these to my christmas wish list.
Master the "Why Hire Me" Story to Land a Job - Job search - Lifehacker
From LifeHacker dated 22 Sep 2009
So you've finally landed that job interview. Now it's time to seal the deal with a killer interview. How? For one, try mastering your "Why hire me" story.
The Best Sounds for Getting Work Done - Music - Lifehacker
Music for relax or better productivity.
The Beginner's Guide to Tricking Out Your WordPress Blog - Blogs - Lifehacker
Men's Health Nutrition Awards - Foods + Features - The Great Chef Playbook
Nine Workspaces Where Famous Folks Get Stuff Done - Workspace - Lifehacker
Whether you prefer the clean minimalism of Steve Jobs and 37 Signals or the creative chaos of Tina Fey and Pixar, there's a lot to learn from the workspaces of the well-known. We present nine such spaces here for inspiration.
Lifehacker lists pictures of some peoples work places
How to Make New Towels More Absorbent - wikiHow
Beat Your Filing Cabinet into Shape with a Filing System Workflow - files - Lifehacker
Whether your filing system has gotten away from you or it was never really under control to begin with, you can use our handy guide to beat it back into shape. Photo by juan23for. Many people have a..
Advice: After Years With an Employer, Jumping Back Into the Interview Process - Laid Off And Looking - WSJ
This is good to have a look before we go to an actual interview.
Five Best Twitter Clients - twitter - Lifehacker
Five Best Twitter Clients
Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, April through September 2009 - Best of - Lifehacker
Our Hive Five asks readers to identify five of the best tools for any job, then vote for the absolute best. Here's a look back at the winners—the best of the best—from each week. Every week we pose a question to you, the computer savvy readers of Lifehacker. Tirelessly we search for the next "Which is best?" question and through the hive mind we distill down your thousands of nominations into a list of the top five candidates. You vote on the best of the best and we return the next week to declare a champion. The following list showcases the winners in each of the categories we covered in the third quarter of 2009. If a particular category catches your eye and you'd like to see the other contenders, click on the name of the category to jump to the original Hive Five post, clicking on the name of the winner will take you directly to the winner's web site.
Turn Your Windows 7 PC Into a Wireless Hotspot - windows 7 - Lifehacker
Everybody's got a wireless network at home, but if you've ever wanted to get your iPod touch, iPhone, or other wireless device connected, but all you've got is a wired network at work, school, or elsewhere, Windows 7 makes this process trivial.
Top 10 Ways to Get More From a Cameraphone - Cameraphone - Lifehacker
The best camera, the saying goes, is the one you have with you. Whether that's an impressive iPhone 3GS or a $20-with-2-year-plan flip model, you can pull off great shots and make life easier with these cameraphone tactics.
Google Wave First Look - Google Wave - Lifehacker
Google Wave
If you're not one of the 100,000 lucky users who gets an invitation to Google Wave today, don't fret. You can check out Google Wave right here.
Google Wave First Look
Use SUSE Studio to Build a Linux OS From Scratch - SUSE Studio - Lifehacker
Top 10 Web Collaboration Tools (That Aren't Google Wave) - Collaboration - Lifehacker
tools for discussion of business
Useful list of collaboration tools online (assuming you aren't on Google Wave yet!)
You've probably heard about a hard-to-get, hugely new service called Google Wave. Lest ye forget, there are plenty of web-based collaboration tools that don't require learning a new way of speaking. Here are a few of our (mostly free) favorites.
The Hidden Risks of Cloud Computing - Security - Lifehacker
Every day more users move their computing lives from the desktop to the cloud and rely on hosted web applications to store and access email, photos, and documents. But this new frontier involves serious risks that aren't obvious to most.
In an era of ubiquitous broadband, smartphones, and users who manage multiple computers and devices, it just makes sense to move your email, photos, documents, calendar, notes, finances, and contacts to awesome web applications like Gmail, Evernote, Flickr, Google Docs, Mint, etc. But transferring your personal data to hosted web applications has its potential pitfalls, risks that get lost in all the hype around cloud-centric new products like Google's new Chrome OS or the iPhone.
Five Best Weight-Management Tools - Weight loss - Lifehacker
Weight loss can be a challenging undertaking (even maintaining your weight can be tough when the holidays roll around). Make the most of your efforts with help from one of these five weight-management tools most valued by Lifehacker readers.
Two-Minute Video Makes a Lot of Sense of Google Wave - Google Wave - Lifehacker
If you're still struggling to understand how you might use Google Wave despite our in-depth first look, this quick video offers an excellent explanation of just one use case for how Wave can outshine email as a collaboration tool.
Use Google Voice Voicemail Without Changing Numbers - Google Voice - Lifehacker
forwards unanswered cell calls to googlevoice
Use Google Voice Voicemail Without Changing Numbers - Google Voice - Lifehacker [from]
Build a Better Grilled Cheese - Slashfood
* Cordon Bleu Grilled Cheese: Two slices of whole wheat bread, one slice of Swiss cheese, ham, 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard * Italian Grilled Chees: Two slices of whole wheat ciabatta, 2 tablespoons of pasta sauce, mozzarella, four large fresh basil leaves * BLT Grilled Cheese: Two slices of marble rye, two slices of cooked turkey bacon, tomato and 1/4 cup torn arugula leaves
An Exhaustive Guide to Saving Your Smartphone's Battery - Battery - Lifehacker
Battery improvements are one of nokia's focus points, going from 100-110 on my old e71 netted me about 3hrs of battery life. I was a HEAVY user. HSDPA push running all day. Had to recharge at 11pm every night until that update.
Modern phones come loaded with bright screens, fun games and apps, and connections for 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS. Not coincidentally, they're constantly out of juice. Here's some of the best collected wisdom about saving your web-connected phone's battery life.
Google Wave 101 - Wave - Lifehacker
Crack a Master Combination Padlock Redux - Illustration - Lifehacker
Walk or Bus? - Visualmotive
Minutes until the next bus
NirLauncher is the Ultimate Flash Drive Toolkit - Portable - Lifehacker
Disk2vhd Turns Your PC Into a Virtual Machine - Featured Windows Download - Lifehacker
Free Sysinternals application Disk2vhd takes a snapshot of your PC, and turns it into a Microsoft Virtual PC virtual hard drive—while your system is up and running. [I haven't tested this yet.]
Five Best Windows Task Manager Alternatives - Task manager - Lifehacker
o its name by not only allowing you to explore system processes, but which applications autorun on startup, system add-ons, drivers, services, and more. It doesn't have the most elegant interface we've seen so far, but it does pack in an enormous amount of information and fun
Top 10 Reminder Tools for Forgetful Minds - Reminders - Lifehacker
Tweak your workflow and inboxes all you want, but your mental memory might always be the weakest link in your day-to-day life. These 10 tools take some of the workload off your brain, and prevent a few forehead slaps.
mnemonic devices.
OnlineOCR Converts Your Scanned Documents to Editable Text - Conversion - Lifehacker
Optical character recognition "Whether it's a page of printed notes from an instructor, an old proposal you want to edit, or a letter your boss wants turned into a template, OnlineOCR can help take an image of text and turn it into an editable copy."
Google Wave's Best Use Cases - Wave - Lifehacker
"My fellow students and I are always struggling to keep up with taking notes. After each class we all email each other the notes that we took, and it's always up to us to compile all of the important info, and figure out the validity, etc. With Google Wave, we could have one master notebook, where we could verify all the info, highlight what will probably be the most important for the international exam, and just improve the process of studying completely."
Make Unlimited Free Calls on Your Cellphone with Google Voice - Google Voice - Lifehacker
Geek to Live: Have a say in what Google says about you - Geek to Live - Lifehacker
Someone out there's trying to find information about you right now, whether it's a potential employer, date or a long lost friend. What happens when they Google you? A recent poll here on Lifehacker shows that for about half of you, information about someone else with the same name or a web site you don't control gets returned in search results for your name. Today we'll go over the ins and outs of setting up a nameplate web site that makes you Googleable with a web page whose content YOU control.
Lifehacker - The Innovative Office - Workspaces
Architect's home office!
Top 10 Time-Saving, MacGyver-Style Cleaning Tricks - Cleaning - Lifehacker
Very few people truly enjoy spending time cleaning, and fewer still love buying expensive cleaners for every little task. Here's a handful of clever, time-saving DIY substitutes for common household cleaning jobs.
Downloads: Last.FM Downloader Lets You Download Last.FM Streams and Cover Art
Lets You Download Last.FM Streams
Not sure I would ever use this, can get music plenty of other places or better off using Spotify if listening at computer.
Si eres un fan incondicional de te encantará saber que existe una manera de descargar las canciones que escuchas gracias a Downloader. Para ello simplemente deberás conocer la URL de las canciones que quieres conocer. Si por ejemplo quieres descargar Superguay de La Casa Azul buscando un poco por la web de encontramos que la url de la canción es la siguiente: Esta URL es la que debemos pegar en Downloader para que acto seguido se ponga a descargarla. Podremos pegar tantas URLs como canciones queramos descargar ya que Downloader hace las veces de gestor de descargas. Además nos permite descargar canciones de artistas similares si pegamos la URL de los artistas similares del que queramos. Por ejemplo para La Casa Azul la URL de artistas similares sería: La aplicación no requiere instalación y solo funciona con Windows. Además
The Best Windows Tweaks that Still Work in Windows 7 - windows 7 - Lifehacker
Five Best Software Update Tools - software updates - Lifehacker
Prep Your PC for Windows 7 - windows 7 - Lifehacker
10 Simple Freezer Tricks to Save You Time and Money - Winter - Lifehacker
The Power User's Guide to Google Chrome, 2009 Edition - Chrome - Lifehacker
Lifehacker's Complete Guide to Windows 7 - Windows - Lifehacker
Windows 7 officially launches today, but we've been testing, tweaking, customizing, fixing, and writing about this OS for a year now. We present here a guide to everything we've learned about the OS, from first install to final settings change.
Top 10 Windows 7 Booster Apps - windows 7 - Lifehacker
Five Best Portable Apps Suites - Portable Apps - Lifehacker
The Master List of New Windows 7 Shortcuts - Windows - Lifehacker
Ninite Bulk-Installs Great Free Windows Apps - Installer - Lifehacker
Windows: If you're upgrading to Windows 7 from XP, you'll spend a lot of time grabbing installers and Next-Next-Next-clicking through setup wizards. Unless you use Ninite to check off the best free software and install it all at once.
Trick Out Google Apps for Your Domain - Gmail - Lifehacker
Let's get organized! - Hello Kitchen Design
Build a Silent, Standalone XBMC Media Center On the Cheap - Feature - Lifehacker
Acer AspireRevo
You won't find a better media center than the open-source XBMC, but most people don't have the space or desire to plug a noisy PC into their TV. Instead, I converted a cheap nettop into a standalone XBMC set-top box. Here's how.
ers in pretty close detail one method for putting together a dedicated, quiet XBMC media center without breaking the bank, but it's certainly not your only option. If you've gone down this road before, offer your tips and suggestions in the comments. For my part: I'm com
Lifehacker Cookbook: Homemade Coffee Shop Addictions - Lifehacker cookbook - Lifehacker
Cell Phones: Google Sync Keeps Contacts and Calendars in Sync on Your Mobile Phone
Google has just release a new tool called Google Sync, a service that syncs your Google Contacts and Calendar wirelessly to your iPhone, BlackBerry, Symbian, or Windows Mobile phone.
Speed Up and Back Up Your Rooted Android Phone - Android rooting - Lifehacker
If you've rooted your Android phone with a custom ROM, you've already got a snappier OS. With a few free apps, you can free up memory for even better performance and keep your ROM up to the bleeding edge.
Moving your applications to your phone's SD card, referred to as "apps2sd" in geekier circles, is said to "free up memory,"
Estimate Distances with Your Arm and This Rule of Thumb - measurements - Lifehacker
Quick anatomy lesson: the distance between your eyes is one-tenth the length of your arm. This is important, because it helps you estimate the distance between yourself and any object of reasonably known size to a rather accurate degree. Let's begin this with a confession: I can't estimate distances worth a darn. 100 ft, 300 ft, 20 m, I can't really do it. Thankfully with this trick, we can get pretty accurate distance estimates with only the tiniest bit of math, a general idea of the size of the object you're estimating distance from, and an arm. Basically, all you need to do to estimate a distance using this classic method is hold your arm out and stare at your thumb with an eye closed. Silly, yes, but it makes sense, because you'll switch which eye you look through and sort out how far the object appears to have "jumped" to the side:
Turbo Charge Your New XBMC Installation - Xbmc - Lifehacker
We give a lot of attention to XBMC here, and with just cause. It's an open-source, cross-platform, highly-customizable media center solution that outperforms just about every commercial option out there. Here's how you can make it even better.
Top 10 Apps that Boost Your Media Center - Media Center - Lifehacker
Media center tools
good hacks
Turn Your PC into a Home Surveillance System - Security - Lifehacker
How to Really Browse Without Leaving a Trace - Windows - Lifehacker
Set Up Windows Home Server to Automate Your Backups and Corral Your Media - windows home server - Lifehacker
Bra backup lösning.
Customize MediaWiki into Your Ultimate Collaborative Web Site - Wikipedia - Lifehacker
working the mediawiki
Video Demonstration: The Best New Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts
Windows 7 boasts a lot of great new shortcuts
Master Your DSLR Camera, Part 1: Program Mode
Lifehacker - Absolutely Amazing Video Game Remake Wallpapers, Take Two - Video Game Wallpapers
Five Best Antivirus Applications - antivirus - Lifehacker
Computer viruses are increasingly sophisticated and pervasive. If you can't afford to run your computer without some sort of antivirus software installed, check out these five popular options to protect your PC.
Window Farmers — Blog — How To: Reservoir System Window Farm
Download the howto in a pdf. Window farm built from 1.5 liter bottles and pvc.
Stop Paying for Windows Security; Microsoft's Security Tools Are Good Enough - Security - Lifehacker
e most irritating feature introduced in Windows Vista was those annoying UAC prompts, asking you for permission to do nearly anything on your computer—and the fact is, even if it makes you feel more secure, it's a false sense of security. Malware researchers at SophosLabs found that 8 of 10 malware samples can actually bypass UAC on a system with the defa
Programmer 101: Teach Yourself How to Code - Teach Yourself - Lifehacker
Get off to a running start using tons of great free web-based tutorials and resources.
Dual-Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu in Perfect Harmony - windows 7 - Lifehacker
Reset Your Sleep Cycle with a 16-Hour Fast - Sleep - Lifehacker
By fasting for 16 hours before your breakfast in a new time zone or on a new sleep/wake schedule, or perhaps after some really rough sleep nights, one can "override" the body's other sleep clocks that have a really aggravating way of demanding obedience.
16h? Too long.
How Do You Keep Your Email Address Private? - Email - Lifehacker
Tijdelijk email adressen maken
keeping your email address private
useful list of privacy features of several email services.
Reader Jonathan sent us this snazzy graph he made comparing different disposable email services, which got us wondering: What do you use to keep your primary email address out of the public (and spammer's) eye?
Security: Lessons Learned from a Hacked Gmail Account
Learn the Basics of Regular Expression Searches - Search Operators - Lifehacker
Lifehacker - LoopApps is a Multipurpose PDF Tool - PDF
Five Best Online Backup Tools - online backup - Lifehacker
The Best online backup tools
You're Backing Up Your Data the Wrong Way - Windows - Lifehacker
Time and time again, people tell me that they've bought an external hard drive to back up their pictures, music, and documents. Great, right? Sadly, that's not always the case. There's one simple rule about backups that everybody needs to fully understand: Your files should exist in at least Two places, or it's no longer a backup—and your data is at risk. Too often people delete the files from their primary PC, assuming they are backed up. It's time to educate people on proper backup strategy, so we'll run through your options and talk about the pros and cons. These days, you've got plenty of choices on the Windows side of things, Mac users have Time Machine, and there's online backup for anybody.
Time and time again, people tell me that they've bought an external hard drive to back up their pictures, music, and documents. Great, right? Sadly, that's not always the case. There's one simple rule about backups that everybody needs to fully understand: Your files should exist in at least Two places, or it's no longer a backup—and your data is at risk. Too often people delete the files from their primary PC, assuming they are backed up. It's time to educate people on proper backup strategy, so we'll run through your options and talk about the pros and cons. These days, you've got plenty of choices on the Windows side of things, Mac users have Time Machine, and there's online backup for anybody. Backing Up to a Local Source When it comes to local backup applications, it's really a matter of preference, since most of them do the job adequately without a lot of fuss. The Backup and Restore application built into Windows 7 or Vista is a perfectly acceptable choice, and will handle mo
How to Manage a Group Project in Google Wave - Google Wave - Lifehacker
another new gadget to investigate
Programmer 101: Teach Yourself How to Code - Teach Yourself - Lifehacker
Programmer 101
Top 10 Ergonomic Upgrades for Your Workspace - Ergonomics - Lifehacker
It's easy to forget about your body's needs when you're deep into your work or the net—until your body offers a painful reminder. Save your physical shell some strain with these cheap, customizable ergonomic workspace upgrades.
How to Fake a Clean House
Lifehacker - Use a Chain Sinnet to Tidy Cables - Cord Management
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Vasilios Freeware-Commands in Demand
Commands In Demand is een geweldige tool voor al wie overbodig klikken haat. Het programma verzamelt een heleboel snelkoppelingen naar nuttige acties in Windows. (
Commands in Demand provides non-technical users with easy access to more than 70 Windows commands and features that can be hard to find or time consuming to get to.
A collection of commands that may be needed instantly for a purpose. • Commands in Demand provides non-technical users with easy access to more than 70 Windows commands and features that can be hard to find or time consuming to get to. The program includes shortcuts to terminate non-responsive applications, restart Windows Explorer, view/clear the clipboard, open a command prompt in a selected folder, access system folders, view TCP/IP configuration settings, etc. • It has a selections menu (sections) according to were its commands are related. If a command is related with more than one section and in order to be less confused, you may find the same command buttons more than one times.
A collection of commands that may be needed instantly for a purpose.
61 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For - Thanksgiving - Lifehacker
As we prepare to stuff our faces with a bountiful Thanksgiving feast, we turn our Thanksgiving spirit to the gobs of free software we love to say thank you to the developers, and to give our computers a feast of their own.
Lifehacker - Remember the Milk for Launchy Adds Tasks in a Flash - Ubergeek
This appears to be the best way to integrate Remember the Milk and Launchy. Works even better with new Smart Add features.
How to Fix Your Relatives' Terrible Computer - Repair - Lifehacker
61 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For - Thanksgiving - Lifehacker
As we prepare to stuff our faces with a bountiful Thanksgiving feast, we turn our Thanksgiving spirit to the gobs of free software we love to say thank you to the developers, and to give our computers a feast of their own.
As we prepare to stuff our faces with a bountiful Thanksgiving feast, we turn our Thanksgiving spirit to the gobs of free software we love to say thank you to the developers, and to give our computers a feast of their own. Earlier this week we asked you to share the free apps you're most thankful for, and after rounding up thousands of your suggestions, considering our own favorites, and performing a little spreadsheet magic, we've cooked up our own cornucopia of excellent free software and webapps we're extremely thankful for. So whether you're an American celebrating the season or not, the selection of apps below is like gravy-drenched turkey and mashed potatoes for your computer. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
Featured Download: Darik's Boot and Nuke is the Nuclear Option of Secure Data Shredding
The Complete Guide to Google Wave Is a Comprehensive Book on Wave - Google Wave - Lifehacker
Got an interest in Google Wave but have absolutely no idea where to get started? Try out The Complete Guide to Google Wave, a new (free) book written and edited by my pal and Lifehacker cohort Gina Trapani and yours truly.
Comodo EasyVPN Creates a Virtual Private Network in a Few Clicks - Vpn - Lifehacker
Windows only: Free application Comodo EasyVPN creates a virtual private network between your computers for a hassle-free, secure private network. That means you can access, for example, anything on your home computer from work as though you're on the same local network.
"Once you've got the app running on a couple of computers, you can easily (and securely) access one computer from the other as though you're on the same local network."
61 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For - Thanksgiving - Lifehacker
As we prepare to stuff our faces with a bountiful Thanksgiving feast, we turn our Thanksgiving spirit to the gobs of free software we love to say thank you to the developers, and to give our computers a feast of their own.
Five Best Screencasting Tools - Screencast - Lifehacker
Thanks to broadband and some excellent screencasting applications, you don't need to limit yourself to mere static images when you're trying to show someone how to do something on your computer. Record video, audio, and do even more with these screencasting tools.
Ten Alternatives to Mininova - File Sharing - Lifehacker
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
How HTML5 Will Change the Way You Use the Web - HTML5 - Lifehacker
Artículo que explica algunas de las características de HTML5.
Firefox and Safari partially support it, Google's Wave and Chrome projects are banking on it, and most web developers are ecstatic about what it means. It's HTML5, and if you're not exactly sure what it is, here's an explainer.
What is HTML5? Some kind of really fancy link tag? HTML5 is a specification for how the web's core language, HTML, should be formatted and utilized to deliver text, images, multimedia, web apps, search forms, and anything else you see in your browser. In some ways, it's mostly a core set of standards that only web developers really need to know. In other ways, it's a major revision to how the web is put together. Not every web site will use it, but those that do will have better support across modern desktop and mobile browsers (that is, everything except Internet Explorer).
File Transfer: JetBytes Transfers Files Directly via the Web
JetBytes is a web based file-transfer service that skips the whole remote storage model and shares files directly between users.
Top 10 Downloads for a Road Warrior Laptop - Laptop - Lifehacker
If you take your laptop to destinations beyond your couch, you expose it to intermittent connectivity, greater risk of theft, always-depleting batteries, and many other variables. Prepare your laptop for productivity on the go with these apps and utilities.
ItsHidden Offers Free and Anonymous Torrenting - Torrents - Lifehacker
If you're of the mindset that what you do with your BitTorrent client is your business and not that of people snooping, sniffing, and prying at your packets along the way, ItsHidden offers a free VPN server to anonymize your activity.
Offers Free and Anonymous Torrenting
VPN service for BitTorrent clients.
Featured Rainmeter Config: Configure Your Own Rainmeter 10-Foot HUD
Most Popular How-To Features of 2009 - How To - Lifehacker
Most Popular Top 10s of 2009 - Lifehacker Top 10 - Lifehacker
Every weekend, we comb our memories and archives to compile 10 useful items addressing a specific topic you may have forgotten about, or just happen to be excellent. Here are the 20 list(icle) posts that proved the most popular in 2009.
Top 10 Ubuntu Downloads - Ubuntu - Lifehacker
Featured Windows Download: VisiPics Ferrets Out Your Duplicate Photos
MP3 renamer and organizer
VisiPics uses an algorithm to examine each picture and compare it to the rest, seeking out similarities based on the actual image not just the parameters of the file.
Cool apps that find duplicate photos on your computer
Top 10 Underhyped Webapps, 2009 Edition - Webapps - Lifehacker
As with rock music, video games, and other awesome pursuits, great web applications often don't get enough credit for what they do well. We're revisiting and updating our favorite underhyped webapps to give a new crop of contenders their due.
Most Popular Photography Hacks of 2009 - Photography - Lifehacker
Whether making your own lens hood to create custom bokeh, breathing like a sniper to get a blur-free photo, or angling your body to look the best in pictures, we shared some great photography hacks this year.
Whether making your own lens hood to create custom bokeh, breathing like a sniper to get a blur-free photo, or angling your body to look the best in pictures, we shared some great photography hacks this year. Software and Photoshop tricks are great, but they're a poor substitution for doing things in-camera. Over the last year we shared a variety of hacks for taking better photos, looking better in photos, and ways to get professional results without spending your rent money on camera accessories.
Most Popular DIY Projects of 2009 - DIY - Lifehacker
Ask Lifehacker: How Can I Sync My Firefox Installations?
Dear Lifehacker I have Firefox installed on three separate computers and I find it difficult to keep the same Add
How To: DIY Speaker Wall Mounts. » Curbly | DIY Design Community « Keywords: speaker, Stereo, wiring, Music
DIY Speaker Wall Mounts.
Cooking: Rouxbe Has Seriously Impressive Cooking Videos
Take Better Pictures by Studying Studio Layouts - Photography Tip - Lifehacker
Good explanation of traditional studio lighting layouts
Most Popular Photography Hacks of 2009 - Photography - Lifehacker
Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
We've featured hundreds of free Windows applications over the course of 2009 that we hoped might bolster your productivity, workflow, or your PC usefulness in one form or another. Here's a look back at the most popular Windows downloads of the year.
As with 2008's most popular free Windows downloads, keep in mind that the apps featured here are chosen by the popularity of the associated post we published in 2009. Many were new, some were improvements to already loved apps, and others were simply new-to-us. Here's a quick look back at the 19 or so most popular Windows downloads of 2009
Annoyances: TrapCall Reveals Who's Behind Blocked Calls
Free service TrapCall reveals caller ID information from blocked calls, unmasking numbers of blocked calls from telemarketers and prank callers with virtually no extra effort on your part.
Most Popular Free Mac Downloads of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
Nothing beats finding just the right application to fill a common need, fix a problem, or boost your productivity. Give yourself an early present this holiday season with 15 of the most popular Mac downloads of 2009.
Android Versus iPhone 3.0: The Showdown
Vergelijking tussen Android en iPhone 3.0. Op het einde is er ook nog een kleine poll om de populariteit van Android en iPhone 3.0 te testen en iPhone 3.0 haalt hier een duidelijke meerderheid.
As a former iPhone user who switched to Android, I can say: iPhone 3.0 hasn't made me regret my decision. Yet. Right now, Android's killer Gmail client, proper MMS support (available now), background processes (even though they kill the battery), window shade, and general Google product integration makes me a happy camper. In fact, on the chart above, the top five items are the features most important to me, and Android—right now, not this summer—hits on almost all of them.
Good breakdown of the various features of iPhone 3.0 and Android
Downloads: Process Blocker is a Brick Wall for Unwanted Windows Processes
As noted in the instructions, Process Blocker runs as a system service, watching for certain processes and killing them off if it finds them running. The app won't provide you a list of background services or apps for selection, though—this is a text affair. If you look in your Task Manager (Control-Shift-Escape), or your super-charged Process Explorer
Lifehacker - Build an Under-the-Cabinet Kitchen PC from an Old Laptop - Laptops
IPhone: Roll Your Own Nike+ iPhone for Free
As an iPhone owner who runs for exercise, my biggest disappointment at Apple's recent iPod event was the lack of Nike+ support for the GPS-sporting 3G iPhone. Instead, the second generation iPod touch has Nike+ built-in, and the iPhone still has nothing. I would be disappointed, but the power of the iPhone App Store pulls out a big win on this front, as several free Nike+ alternatives are already leveraging your 3G iPhone's GPS capabilities to provide you with much of the same functionality as you can already get from Nike+ and then some. Keep reading for a look at some of the best free Nike+ alternatives.
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Things to Look Forward to in Windows 7
Top 10 Things to Look Forward to in Windows 7
The small calendar 2010 (en) « Grafish Design's Blog
The small calendar 2010 (en) « Grafish Design's Blog
Learning: YouTube EDU Brings Free Education to the Masses
Lifehacker - Half-Open Patcher Speeds up BitTorrent Downloads - Featured Windows Download
Windows only: Did you realize Windows only allows 10 outbound connection attempts at a time? A simple patching utility can fix the problem and speed up your BitTorrent downloads.
Увеличиваем к-во исходящих соединений в винде.
Did you realize Windows only allows 10 outbound connection attempts at a time? A simple patching utility can fix the problem and speed up your BitTorrent downloads.
MetatOGGer Automatically Identifies, Tags Your MP3s and More - MP3 Tagging - Lifehacker
Back To Work: Making Time for the MITs (Most Important Things)
Here’s an exercise I use to place the appropriate (and timely!) attention on what I consider to be the MIT's—the Most Important Things.Start off by thinking of 3 things to focus on for the next 12 hours.Write those—as objectives and/or goals—on a sticky-note or index card.Put that note somewhere you'll see it throughout the day.Review it occasionally.At the end of the day, ask yourself, "Did I do what I said I would do? Did I focus on what I said I would focus on?"Finally, throw away/recycle the index card.
* Start off by thinking of 3 things to focus on for the next 12 hours. * Write those—as objectives and/or goals—on a sticky-note or index card. * Put that note somewhere you'll see it throughout the day. * Review it occasionally. * At the end of the day, ask yourself, "Did I do what I said I would do? Did I focus on what I said I would focus on?" * Finally, throw away/recycle the index card.
Lifehacker - Panda Cloud Antivirus is a Lightweight, Always-Updated Virus Killer - Featured Windows Download
Panda Cloud Antivirus is a free download for 32-bit Windows only
Panda Cloud Antivirus uses the power of cloud computing to scan and eliminate viruses from your PC that can identify new malware in almost real time. A free download for 32-bit Windows only, and according to CNET will stay free for personal use even after it is released from beta. Read comments for details.
Lifehacker - How Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Gets Things Done - Steve Wozniak
Steve Wozniak uses Eudora!
Featured Windows Download: DriverBackup2 Copies Your System Drivers
Most Popular Free iPhone Apps (and Posts) of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
The iPhone is the most popular cellphone in the country, and with good reason. Despite occasionally awful choices by Apple, it still has the most—and best—applications around. Here are the most popular free iPhone apps (and posts) of 2009. As with our most popular Windows downloads and Mac downloads of 2009, this collection of applications is based solely on the popularity of the associated post here on Lifehacker. We always prefer free applications that offer a little productivity boosting, so this is by no means a complete look at the most popular apps of the 80 billion in the App Store.
Notebooks: Where to Go When Google Notebook Goes Down
Google's Notebook webapp was tightly integrated with other Google apps, had a killer Firefox extension, and was great at getting things done. "Was," though, because Google is ending support. Here's where heartsick users should turn.
Lifehacker - Mac4Lin Gives Linux Desktops the Complete Mac Look - Linux
linux mac theme
Printable Coupons - 90,000 free printable coupons at
We can promote our coupons through this channel.
Move From Blogger to WordPress Without Losing Google Rank - Blogger - Lifehacker
Lifehacker article
Five Best Wallpaper Sites - Wallpapers - Lifehacker
moderncat :: cat products, cat toys, cat furniture, and more…all with modern style » IKEA Hack from Stockholm
Featured Windows Download: WinWget Makes Automated Downloads a Breeze
Charts: Flowchart Decides Which Chart Style is Best for Your Data
How to Start Freelancing (Without Quitting Your Job) - Freelance - Lifehacker
Lifehacker - Nine Great Uses for Binder Clips - binder clips
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Make an iPhone dock out of paperclips. Sweet. [from]
You've tamed the mess underneath and behind your desk with one of our tips, but how do you deal with that pesky cable that slips out of reach as soon as you unplug it from a device? Simple: grab a binder clip, undo one of the metal handles, slip that pesky cord inside, put the metal handle back into its place, and clip the entire gadget to the edge of your desk. Problem solved.
Lifehacker - Negotiate Your Salary More Effectively - Career
give you time to think about it while also putting a little pressure on the employer.
Lifehacker - BPM Analyzer Calculates the BPM of Your Music, Adds Tags - BPM Analyzer
Windows/Mac OS X: Free application BPM Analyzer determines the beats per minute (BPM) of any MP3 on your computer, then automatically updates the ID3 tags with the BPM info—perfect for finding workout music to hit the 120-140 BPM sweet spot. Just drag and drop tracks into the BPM Analyzer's interface and let it automatically calculate the BPM and update the ID3 tags—meaning all the work you have to do is the dragging and dropping. You can drag whole folders (say, for example, your iTunes library folder) into the app, so it's a breeze to get those BPMs added without much effort. The app did hiccup on me a couple of times with a few tracks, but for the most part it worked exactly as advertised. The MixMeister BPM Analyzer is a free download, works on Windows and Mac OS X. For an alternative BPM app and playlist builder for Windows, check out previously mentioned BeatScanner. Thanks Eric!
Windows/Mac OS X: Free application BPM Analyzer determines the beats per minute (BPM) of any MP3 on your computer, then automatically updates the ID3 tags with the BPM info—perfect for finding workout music to hit the 120-140 BPM sweet spot.
Lifehacker - Use the Day Grid Balancer to Recalibrate Your Work-Life Balance - Workplace
Graphics: Get Free Logos at LogoInstant
Most Popular Hive Five Topics of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
tools, software, utilities, tips, useful
Every week we pose a simple, focused question to the Lifehacker readership about a specific topic: Which is best? From netbooks and malware removal to home servers and wallpaper, here's a look back at the most popular Hive Five topics of 2009.
Lifehacker - Best Free System Restore Tool: Clonezilla - Hive Five
When it comes to creating a perfect copy of a system disk for future restoration, Lifehacker readers love the open source and versatile Clonezilla. It can't do real-time mirroring like the second and third-place winners DriveImageXML and Macrium Reflect Free, but it's powerful, versatile, and can easily grow with you as your disk imaging and backup needs expand.
Best Free System Restore Tool: Clonezilla - Hive Five
Lifehacker - Prey Phones Home to Help You Recover Your Stolen Laptop - Security
check on this around October 09 to see if any progress has been made
Your laptop is missing. You're completely out of luck, right? Not if your laptop can phone home. Prey is a cross-platform security application that sends home pictures and location data when your laptop goes missing. When your laptop goes missing Prey scans for open WiFi connections. When it can connect, either via WiFi or a hard line it will send you a report including the status of the computer, which programs are running, the active connections, a run down of the network location, a screenshot of the desktop, and if your laptop has an integrated webcam you'll even get a picture of the
Most Popular Featured Workspaces of 2009 - Featured Workspace - Lifehacker
IKEA Vika Gruvan
Every week we bring you fresh workspaces from the Lifehacker Workspace Show and Tell pool, all supplied by you—the awesome Lifehacker readership. Today we're highlighting the 25 most popular workspaces of 2009.
Most Popular Firefox Extensions and Themes of 2009 - Firefox Extensions - Lifehacker
This year's release of Firefox 3.5 gave us a lot of reasons to like it, but its extensibility remains everyone's favorite feature. These add-ons and theme tools were the most popular in the year gone by.
The Best Times to Buy Anything, All Year Round - Buying - Lifehacker
You're always hearing about off-season, post-peak times to save money on purchases and food, but it always arrives too late. We've compiled a timeline and lots of best-time-to-buy suggestions into one post to help you plan a more frugal 2010.
shopping, purchasing, discounts, sales, year
Top 10 Mind Hacks for Making Your Resolutions Stick - Mind Hacks - Lifehacker
Web Apps: HTML to PDF Converter Turns Web Sites into PDF Files
If you'd like to save a web site for posterity without the mess of saving the page and all its files, the web-based HTML to PDF Converter can crank out a PDF.
Online service
You Don't Need to Regularly Reinstall Windows; Here's Why - Crapware - Lifehacker
Summary (my version): Don't install crap programs, keep your system clean, defrag it once in a while, and know what you're downloading from where/whom. Pretty simple. Got it? Good
The reality is that Windows doesn't slow down if you just take care of your PC a little more. Follow these procedures, and you won't have to wonder if spending hours backing up data, installing from disc, and re-installing your essential applications is really necessary.
Use Better Tools to Be a Better Student in 2010 - Note Taking - Lifehacker
Interesting article
using tech for school
Wallet made from Tyvek mailing envelope
Do-it-yourself wallet. I need a new wallet.
how to make an ultra-thin wallet from a Tyvek mailing envelope
I have made a very lightweight but functional wallet / art piece, from a Tyvek postal envelope. Inspired by the duck tap...
DIY instructions for cheap wallet.
Money: Track Your Spending with Gmail and Google Docs
Show And Tell: Engima-Inspired Desktop Roundup
Five Best DVD-Ripping Tools - dvd ripping - Lifehacker
You pay good money for your DVDs, but they're hardly the only format you need these days. These five ripping tools ensure you can back them up, keep them on your media server, and load them on your favorite portable player.
BitTorrent: Start BitTorrent Downloads at Home from Any Computer with Dropbox
Blogger Guillermo Esteves loves his BitTorrent, so when he's away from his home computer, he still wants to start up any download at a moment's notice. His solution: Use file-syncing application Dropbox to sync torrents between computers.
Your Passwords Aren't As Secure As You Think; Here's How to Fix That - Passwords - Lifehacker
If you allow applications to save your passwords, anyone with physical access to your PC can decode them unless you're properly encrypting them—and chances are pretty good you're not. Let's walk through the right and wrong ways to store your passwords.
If you allow applications to save your passwords, anyone with physical access to your PC can decode them unless you're properly encrypting them—and chances are pretty good you're not. Let's walk through the right and wrong ways to store your passwords.
Featured Desktop: The Windows 2019 Desktop
Life easier
Reader Painkilla05's stylish desktop was inspired from a Microsoft research video showing what computer interfaces might look like in the year 2019.
Terminal Tip: Make Any Linux Directory into an ISO File
Linux newbies might appreciate knowing that you need no software app to create burn-able CD images of a particular directory on your system. One terminal command--mkisofs -V LABEL -r DIRECTORY | gzip > cdrom.iso.gz—creates a compressed ISO for easy backup (replace the italicized sections with your CD label and directory, of course). [via]
Linux newbies might appreciate knowing that you need no software app to create burn-able CD images of a particular directory on your system. One terminal command--mkisofs -V LABEL -r DIRECTORY | gzip > cdrom.iso.gz—creates a compressed ISO for easy backup (replace the italicized sections with your CD label and directory, of course)
BitTorrent: FeedMyTorrents Offers TV Torrent Feeds without Duplicates
Web site FeedMyTorrents publishes RSS feeds of torrents for popular TV shows. Just subscribe to your favorite show and let your BitTorrent client automatically download new episodes as soon as they're available.
Internet Survival Guide for Traveling Where Privacy Isn't Respected - Google - Lifehacker
great security tips for travlers
Ed. note: On Tuesday, Google responded to cyber attacks aimed at Chinese human-rights activists by ending search-result censorship in China. An anonymous reader with experience living where privacy isn't respected writes in with tips for keeping your data safe in these situations.
Featured Windows Download: Batchrun Creates Automated Scripts Easily
batch .bat
Batchrun is a graphical script creation tool that eliminates the need for knowledge of arcane scripting languages to execute batches of commands.
Make the Most of Chrome with These 13 Excellent Extensions - Chrome Extensions - Lifehacker
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we rounded up 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've dug up more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has been around for a bit, we have found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you really should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found eighteen worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, awesome feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
The Human's Guide to Running Google Chrome OS - Google - Lifehacker
And how to install it
Lifehacker - Integrate Everything Search Tool and Launchy - Search Techniques
Windows only: Make Everything, the already lightning-fast NTFS search tool, even faster by integrating it with support for search parameters into Launchy, the equally as snappy application launcher.
Build a DIY Portable Air Conditioner - Summer - Lifehacker
cosas que me gustaria hacer
Instructables user CameronSS has a guide to building a portable air conditioner out of materials that you may already have in your garage (if you don't, he lists the average cost for each part and where it can be purchased), including a portable cooler, 12V battery, fans, and a generous helping of ice. Plenty of pictures and sage advice from his father guide you through the building process, and CameronSS ends the instructions with a list of potential modifications to improve the already great gadget.
The Black Mac Desktop - Desktops - Lifehacker
sweet desktop
Top 10 Tools for Better Reading, Online and Off - Reading - Lifehacker
Top 10 ferramentas para uma melhor leitura, Online and Off
10 formas de mejorara la lectura
Enjoy Homemade Butter in Less Than Five Minutes - Food Hacks - Lifehacker
Super easy butter with just cream and salt. Takes 5 mins - for real!
Photography: Avoid Mediocre Portraits with These Tricks
Brush Up on Getting Things Done with an Updated Flow Chart - Getting Things Done - Lifehacker
תרשים זרימת עבודה מהספר החדש של GTD [from]
Clutter: Declutter Your Home with a Detailed Inventory
cool website, and cool downloads.
quality duct tape wallet
Lifehacker Code: Better Gmail for Google Chrome
Windows only: Better Gmail for Google Chrome is a compilation of user scripts designed to enhance your Gmail experience—and to make it easy, we've tested and bundled them together in one easy download. Better Gmail for Chrome is inspired by the well-known and grown-up Better Gmail extension for Firefox. Like the original, we've packaged up a bunch of scripts that we've either tested successfully or modified to make them work correctly—since Chrome doesn't have full Greasemonkey support we had to make a few modifications to some of them.
Use Excel as an Architectural Design Tool - Solutions by PC Magazine,2817,2349758,00.asp?kc=PCRSS03129TX1K0000625 July 10(Fri), 2009 ところ変われば品変わる - Excel 方眼紙CommentsAdd Star 21:04 Lifehacker 経由で知った PC Magazine の記事。Excel の列幅を 1、行の高さを 9 にすることによって方眼紙を作成するという Tips。 方眼紙といっても日本の「Excel 方眼紙」の目的で使うわけじゃない。この記事で取り上げられているのは、「この方眼紙を使ってフロアの模様替えの構想を練ったりするのはどうよ」というお話。「橋やショッピングモール」を造ったりするのでなければ…つまり、犬小屋の設計をする程度なら、この方眼紙で十分らしい。 「Excel grid paper」でググってみると、この手の「本当に方眼紙的に利用する」話はそこそこヒットする。意外と需要があるんだね。
Top 10 Tips and Tools for Freelancers - Freelancing - Lifehacker
elancers and contractors, and many of them have created bett
Lifehacker - Lifehacker Pack 2009: Our List of Essential Free Windows Downloads - Lifehacker Pack 2009
We feature downloads of all kinds every day at Lifehacker. Today, however, we're bundling all the best free downloads for new computer owners, re-installers, would-be geeks, or anyone who wants to save time installing the best stuff out there. This is our 2009 Lifehacker Pack for Windows computers.
Outlook: How Microsoft Adapts Getting Things Done for Outlook
Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack, the Fancy Video Version - Security - Lifehacker
Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack, the Fancy Video Version - Security - Lifehacker
Last summer we detailed how to crack a Wi-Fi network's WEP password using BackTrack. Now video blog Tinkernut revisits the subject with a great video step-by-step of the process.
Seeing Red: Tweak Your Brain With Colors | Wired Science from
Older news, but I finally got around to reading it. Interesting piece on the importance of color.
In the latest and most authoritative study on color's cognitive effects, test subjects given attention-demanding tasks did best when primed with the color red. Asked to be creative, they responded best to blue.
Five Best Public BitTorrent Trackers - BitTorrent - Lifehacker
A great BitTorrent client is all well and good, but you need a great tracker to get the actual torrent files and stoke the bandwidth burning fire in your client of choice. Here's a rundown of five of the most popular options.
Five Best Public BitTorrent Trackers
How To Defrag Your Mind In 5 Easy Steps
Featured Windows Download: PortableTor Protects Your Privacy from Your Thumb Drive
PortableTor is a thumb drive friendly version of the popular anonymous browsing software, Tor.
Five Star Meals in Just Four Cans | Serious Eats
Corn Chowder; Crab Cakes; Pear Crisp
Make a gourmet meal with just four cans of food. And some other stuff, of course -- cheaters.
date with erin
Become a Gmail Master Redux - Gmail - Lifehacker
Lifehacker - TypingWeb Offers Free Typing Lessons - Typing
Identify Your Foot Type Before Choosing Running Shoes - Running - Lifehacker
Knowing your foot type is useful for purchasing the proper running shoes, among other things. Using the "wet test" can help clue you in on whether you have normal, flat, or high-arched feet.
Study Tips: Cramberry Does Clean and Simple Online Flash Cards
Online flash card web application Cramberry creates simple flash cards in an easy to use, clean interface—great for memorizing boring study terms.
Something to use with the kids?
How to Clip, Sort, and Cite the Entire Web with Zotero - Information - Lifehacker
Zotero is, at its heart, a citation manager. It was designed to facilitate research and to make organizing and including that research in essays and publications pain free. As such, it's an excellent tool for any scholar, researcher, or student to have in their toolbox. Its utility extends well beyond preparing to write a paper, however, as it allows you to grab nearly anything off the web and insert it into the Zotero system.
If you're looking for a way to organize all the information you find and research you do online, and you've had enough with bookmarking, copying and pasting, and cobbled-together techniques not cutting it, Zotero is a comprehensive information manager for Firefox.
Lifehacker - Make Your Own Ginger Ale - Recipes
PDF: MergePDF Combines PDF Documents for Free
Top 10 Tools for Finding Cool Stuff Nearby - Local - Lifehacker
Lifehacker - Five Best Clipboard Managers - Clipboard
Five Best Clipboard Managers - Clipboard
I have been a proud user of CLCL for 4 years now... Maybe I should check the concurrence...
Downloads: Free Disk Analyzer Finds the Largest Space-Wasting Files
FollowUpThen: Free, Fast and Simple Email Reminder
On your next email just include and we will follow up after the time interval you specify. Free! No Account Required
Free, Fast and Simple Email Reminder. Try this out.
email tracker reminder
Top 10 Google Settings You Should Know About - Google settings - Lifehacker
Ubuntu: A User's Look at Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex
New to Ubuntu 8.10 is a nifty seamless encryption feature. It's always been possible to encrypt individual files/folders in Ubuntu but it involved creating a key pair and then individually encrypting files. To view or edit the file, it was necessary to decrypt it and then re-encrypt it again if changes were made. Messy. The new feature creates an encrypted filestore, mounted in the Private folder in your /home directory. This is automatically locked and unlocked as you log in and out, so accessing it is seamless and transparent. Other users won't be able to access it, and it isn't possible to see its contents by booting into rescue mode. To activate the feature, just type the following two commands: sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils ecryptfs-setup-private Follow the prompts shown and then log out and back in again. Once the desktop reappears, you'll see a new Private directory in your /home folder, where you can save data, as with any other directory.
A review, with interesting tips
The new feature creates an encrypted filestore, mounted in the Private folder in your /home directory. This is automatically locked and unlocked as you log in and out, so accessing it is seamless and transparent. Other users won't be able to access it, and it isn't possible to see its contents by booting into rescue mode. To activate the feature, just type the following two commands: sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils ecryptfs-setup-private
Downloads: Screen2Exe Saves Screencasts to Executable Files
What's the Easiest Way to Share Large Files and Media with Friends? - File Sharing - Lifehacker
LookInMyPC Is a Must-Have Tool for Computer Troubleshooting - Troubleshooting - Lifehacker
Downloads: Elisa is a Simple, Streamlined Media Center
Featured Firefox Customization: Minimalist Firefox Goes Black
FotoSketcher Turns Your Photos into Paintings - Featured Windows Download - Lifehacker
Freeware Windows program to change photos into pencil or paint art.
Set Up a Fully Automated Media Center - Media Centers - Lifehacker
How To: Sync an iPhone with Multiple Computers
Lifehacker - XBMC Installer Deluxe Makes the Most of Your Modded Xbox - Media Center
Downloads: JPEG & PNG Stripper Removes the Metadata from Your Images
JPEG & PNG Stripper an extremely small portable application that strips the metadata out of JPEG and PNG image files.
Windows only: JPEG & PNG Stripper an extremely small portable application that strips the metadata out of JPEG and PNG image files.
Lifehacker - Install a Minimal Ubuntu Desktop - Ubuntu
If you like the looks and features of Ubuntu 9.04, but want a lighter, swifter version of it, try this minimalist installation that can knock memory usage down by up to 75 percent. Ubuntu Forums user TheShiv likes to build his system from the ground up, and doesn't like a lot of software and services he'll never use. So he installs a core, bare-bones system from either the Ubuntu Server Edition CD or a Minimal CD, then, when he gets access to a command prompt and he's wired to the internet (presumably through a LAN cable, though perhaps wireless works as well), he uses two or three commands to install enough features to get a working desktop, but very little that won't be used day to day. TheShiv frames his installation as a script you can copy, save, and run, but users could also just copy the sudo apt-get -y install commands he has listed at the link below. It's been linked to by a few approving Ubuntu heads, and seems like a pretty good way to get a lower-memory, but still GNOME-b
Lifehacker Faceoff: Battle of the Hardware-Boosting Hacks
How Can I Ditch Cable and Watch My TV Shows and Movies Online? - Streaming Television - Lifehacker
(Gawker.TV is the all-video site of our bl
Dear Lifehacker, I'd love to get rid of cable and stream all my favorite TV shows right from the internet. What do I need to know before I take the plunge? Signed, Ready to Cut the Coaxial Photo by sociotard. Join the club! Some of us at Lifehacker HQ have already left or are ready to leave the cable company for 24/7 live TV streaming, too. We get this question all the time, and we've examined ditching the monthly bill in favor of watching programs online occasionally in the past, and we've also looked at ways to get your TV fix with apps like Boxee and Hulu, plus there are cool set-top devices like Roku and TiVo, but this is a good opportunity to get exhaustive. There are so many great options for catching a show here or there, but can you rely on them to replicate the cable TV experience? Well, yes and no. If you're going to unplug from the cable company, prepare to exercise some patience when it comes to watching your favorite shows as soon as they air—it can take anywhere from
Google Wave Versus the Rest, Feature by Feature - Google Wave - Lifehacker
Featured Windows Download: Calibrize Gets Your Monitor Calibrated in Three Steps
Calibrize holds your hand through a simple three-step monitor calibration to ensure on-screen colors look the same from computer to computer. Once you've run the application and adjusted the color profile to its specifications, Calibrize saves the profile and automatically installs it on your system so the right color profile always loads up. It's quick and simple
24 Secret Restaurant Menus Revealed - Secret Menus and Hidden Menus for Restaurants
"Remember, not all may participate in the hidden menu. However, if you try to order something and the server looks at you with a blank look, don't give up. Describe the dish and usually they'll make it for you anyway."
If you're looking to impress a date or just like that feeling of
Lifehacker - Tweak GIMP to be More Like Photoshop - GIMP
We've shown you how to make GIMP's interface look like Photoshop's, but these tips will actually add many of the functions and capabilities of Adobe's flagship photo editor to its open-source counterpart.
Tweak GIMP to be More Like Photoshop
Top 10 Android Apps - Android - Lifehacker
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal.
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal. Photo by lwallenstein. We're going to skip right over the apps that are just so common, universal, and well replicated on the iPhone or other mobile platforms that a user with a need will probably hunt them down—Facebook, Yelp, Evernote, Remember the Milk, and endless Twitter clients, widgets, and apps. We've also skipped over Google's own neat apps, like Google Voice, Navigation, and Goggles, that are (or will be) included standard on new Android phones. Instead, we're aiming to shine a little light on apps that quietly offer excellent functionality for those who download them. Update: I moved TasKiller Free up to a lower ranking, and modified its entry description a bit, after some further research, spurred by some Andro-savvy comments and emails.
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal. Photo by lwallenstein. We're going to skip right over the apps that are just so common, universal, and well replicated on the iPhone or other mobile platforms that a user with a need will probably hunt them down—Facebook, Yelp, Evernote, Remember the Milk, and endless Twitter clients, widgets, and apps. We've also skipped over Google's own neat apps, like Google Voice, Navigation, and Goggles, that are (or will be) included standard on new Android phones. Instead, we're aiming to shine a little light on apps that quietly offer excellent functionality for those who download them. Update: I moved TasKiller Free up to a lower ranking, and modified its entry description a bit, after some further research, spurred by some Andro-savvy comments and emails.
Best Of 2008: Most Popular Linux Downloads of 2008
Along with Windows and Mac downloads, this year was chock-full of free software for Linux users. Read on to see what our readers were eager to grab and install on their free desktops.
Five Best VPN Tools - Vpn - Lifehacker
Get the Most from Your Point-and-Shoot Camera - Photography - Lifehacker
Just because you've got a relatively inexpensive point-and-shoot camera and not a $1500+ DSLR rig doesn't mean you can't take awesome photos. Here's a look at how you can elevate your regular old point-and-shoot shots to greatness.
Reference: Periodic Table of Typefaces Schools You on Fonts
Lifehacker - How to Freeze Apples, Peaches, Plums, and 16 Other Fruits - Food Week
Kitchen Hack: One-Minute Bread - Stepcase Lifehack
"Oven-fresh bread is one of life’s simple joys. Ciabatta, a crisp-crusted Italian bread with hints of sourdough and loads of crannies longing for butter, is one of the easiest breads to make at home."
Information Overload: Information Overload is Filter Failure, Says Shirky
Gina Trapani/Lifehacker, Sept. 22, 2008.
How to create your own Firefox theme | News | TechRadar UK
How to create your own Firefox theme Simple ways to personalise your browser : TechRadar UK
Food Hacks: Microwave an Instant Chocolate Cake in a Coffee Mug
Step By Step: The Complete Guide to Speeding Up Your PC's Startup
You just hit the power button your PC and now you've got enough time to brew a fresh pot of
Business Cards: Distinguish Yourself With A Social Calling Card
Lifehacker - Learn the Basic Chemistry of Marinades - Recipes
Food science
Featured Windows Download: LastSharp Downloads Music from
to the download squad article. Something does not add up here som
Windows only: LastSharp is .NET based application that helps you download music from The Download Squad blog reports:
Review of software for ripping mp3s from
I love service
Lifehacker - GFI Backup is an Easy to Use, Free Backup Solution - Featured Windows Download
Lifehacker - Create a Hotkey to Paste Plain Text in Microsoft Word - Microsoft Word
Sub PasteSpecial() Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteText End Sub
The official method for pasting plain text into Word is the Paste Special option, assigned to the Ctrl+Shift+V hotkey combination, but it opens a dialog and forces you to choose to paste plain text—a tedious irritation after using it repeatedly. Wille's method is to create a simple macro that pastes using unformatted text, and assign the same hotkey—a simple way to save time pasting text.
Photography Tip: Create Stunning High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photos
Gizmodo's John Mahoney explains how to take high dynamic range (HDR) photos so that the results of your photograph more accurately recreate what you were seeing when you snapped the shutter.
Top 10 Google Apps Marketplace Apps - google apps marketplace - Lifehacker
A list of 10 apps from Google by Lifehacker
Google's Apps suite for domain owners and businesses has finally received some star treatment with the launch of the Apps Marketplace. Which Google-friendly apps are free, worth the cost, and entirely useful? These 10 are definitely worth a look.
Get Mac-Like Scrolling and Gestures on a Windows Laptop - multitouch - Lifehacker
Lifehacker - Find All the Acronyms in Word Documents - Microsoft Word
Lifehacker - Find All the Acronyms in Word Documents - Microsoft Word [from]
Step By Step: Customize Your Own Portable Firefox Six Pack
Personalisierte Version von Firefox erstellen
Bookmarks: Add Gmail Tasks to Your Firefox Sidebar
Distraction: Avoid Distraction, Get More Done with a Tangents Log
Nice productivity hint
Top 10 Remote Control and Streaming Tools - Remote Control - Lifehacker
Top 10 Remote Control and Streaming Tools - Remote Control - Lifehacker
Lifehacker - Use Yahoo Pipes to Grab TV Show Feeds - TV
FeedMyTorrents is defunct, is in a coma of indefinite length—where does one go to get custom download feeds for favorite shows? You can use this handy Yahoo Pipes feed to scrub David, a fellow Lifehacker reader, was as dismayed by the vanishing of those feed sites as the next person who relies on magic of peer-to-peer to fill their television-on-demand queue. Not content to hunt and peck through the large offerings at EZTV, he wrote a Pipe to scrub the EZTV site and return all the shows. If this is your first time hearing about Yahoo Pipes, definitely take a moment to check out our guide to using and creating your own pipes. Once you're up to speed, you'll need a free Yahoo account to continue.
The Complete Guide to Ripping and Converting Flash Videos - Ripping - Lifehacker
Download YouTube Video
A good amount of video files online are flash or FLV format. They need to be converted whether for playing on Windows Media Player WMA/WMV/ASF or burning to a DVD to play in a DVD player.
Whether you want to save and watch a Flash video offline, convert a Flash music video for your MP3 player, or do something else entirely, learning how to rip and convert Flash videos is a useful skill. Here's how it works.
The Complete Guide to Fixing Google Contacts - Google Contacts - Lifehacker
Google Contacts needs to get better. Google and Gmail devotees regularly deal with duplicate contacts, sync abnormalities, over-stuffed contact groups, and other problems. Here are our best methods for fixing those annoyances yourself until Google does for real.
Lifehacker - EncodeHD Offers One Click Conversion for Popular Portable Devices - Digital Video
Repeating Calendar
Photography: Take Better Self-Portraits
Lifehacker - BeatScanner Analyzes Your Music's BPM to Build Perfect Workout Playlists - Exercise
beat scanner
Lifehacker - Synchronize Nearly Any Storage Device with iTunes - iTunes
Lifehacker - MagCloud Makes it Easy to Run Your Own Magazine - Printing
Publishing a short run magazine used to be a rather pricey and labor-intensive process. MagCloud is an inexpensive way to bring your specialty magazine to press without hefty upfront fees.
Downloads: Calibre Manages Your E-Book Collection
Calibre is a feature rich e-book manager, complete with Cover Flow-like looks and network sharing.
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Your Blog or Web Site
Tools to optimize your blog
Having your own hosted web domain has never been cheaper, or easier, with the vast array of free resources out there. Here are our ten favorite tools to help anyone launch and maintain their internet presence.
WebWorkerDaily » Archive More Efficient RSS Reading «
There will always be more interesting content than I can ever read in a lifetime. Good Point!
From Web Worker Daily: The harsh reality is that there are only so many hours in the day one can spend reading and learning. Here are some tips for using your RSS reader more productively.
Featured Download: AlwaysVPN Takes U.S.-Only Sites International
Featured Download: AlwaysVPN Takes U.S.-Only Sites International for HULU, etc from US
Five Best Online File Sharing Services - Online File storage - Lifehacker
Weekend Project: Build a Custom-Made BoxeeBox
Household: How to Extend the Life of Fresh Cut Flowers
Ask Lifehacker: How Can I Download Every Attachment From Gmail?
Featured Desktop: Get HP's Dark-Themed Mini Look on Your Ubuntu Desktop
How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords - Passwords - Lifehacker
f you invited me to try and crack your password, you know the one that you use over and over for like every web page you visit, how many guesses would it take before I got it?
Lifehacker - ColorRotate Creates Design Color Palettes - Web Design
Lifehacker - Tonido Keeps Cloud Computing Local - Home server
Windows/Mac/Linux: If you're interested in the idea of cloud computing and remote access to your files but a bit paranoid about putting your data on some third party server, Tonido is a great compromise. Tonido brings cloud computing home by using your computer as the storage server and host for the applications. Once you've installed Tonido, the only function the Tonido servers themselves perform is keeping track of your IP to make remote logins easier for you. Tonido has a juke box for remote media streaming, a photo organizer, a blog-like personal journal that has support for web clippings and Twitter integration, easy file sharing with Webshare folder management, and a workspace with calendar, notes, and task lists.
Privacy: Whspr Lets Anyone Send You an Email Without Revealing Your Email Address
Web application whspr! creates a private feedback form that you can share on services like Twitter without revealing your real email address. Simply enter your real email address, a description of what the form is for, and the number of days you want the form to be active. Once completed, you'll be given a URL to the form to share with others. This application could be useful for job postings, blog contests or giveaways—pretty much anything where you'd like email responses but don't want to give out an email address. If you want to send private messages instead of receiving them, check out previously mentioned Whisper Bot, or you can send your awkward messages anonymously with NiceCritic.
ply enter your real
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Lifehacker - Gutter Gardens Grow Produce Without Taking Up Space - Food
Featured Windows Download: Toucan Syncs and Backs Up Your Files
Sincronizzazione dati fra due device
Finding the perfect part-time work - Manage Your Life on Shine
Getty Images Part-time work is on the rise, and it's no surprise. People are taking on extra jobs to make up for hours or income lost, an out-of-work partner, or even a business facing hard times. But part-time jobs can me more than a stop-gap…
How I Mastered the Power Nap - naps - Lifehacker
Daniel Tenner has spent a lot of time thinking about (and taking) naps. What follows is his experience learning to master 20 minute power naps even though he normally takes 30 minutes to fall asleep.
Lifehacker - Hive Five Winner for Best Free Data Recovery Tool: Recuva - hive
TestDisk seems more interesting
How To: Protect Your Windows PC from the Conficker Worm
People on windows PCs without updated virus software should probably take a look at this [from]
Shopping: FrameFinder Sizes Up the Right Frames for Your Face
Upload a photo of your face and try out different eyeglass frames online so you can find just the right ones for your face.
Lifehacker - Clean Your Laptop to Keep It Running Smooth and Cool - Laptops
Recommended by Lifehacker
Lifehacker - The Alexander Technique Provides Short-Term Relief From Back Pain - back pain
Online Storage: SkyDrive Upgrade Goes Live with 25GB of Space
Stain Removal Solutions - University of Illinois Extension
"We've already done the dirty work to find all of the right stain solutions, and we've left the rest up to you. "
Best Of 2008: Best New and Improved Software of 2008
"Which new or improved app impressed you the most in 2008? Firefox 3 Google Chrome iPhone 2.0 iPhone 2.0 Jailbreak Google Android Digsby XBMC and forks Ubuntu Linux (Intrepid Ibex and Hardy Heron) Gmail Labs, Gadgets, and Themes Rockbox / iPod Linux"
Five Best Windows 7 Tweaking Applications - Tweaks - Lifehacker
Check out these five applications that tweak Windows 7 and customize it to your heart's content.
How to Set Up a Mail Merge in Gmail for Personalized Mass Emails - Mail merge - Lifehacker
b at the top, near Help. Click on "Import Gmail Contacts" and authorize Google Docs to access your Google Contacts. Go to the Mail Merge tab again, click the "Import Gmail Contacts" again and type the name of the Gmail group that you created earlier.
How to Set Up a Mail Merge in #Gmail for Personalized Mass Emails #marketing
Lifehacker - Searches Pretty Much Every Recipe Site at Once - Recipes
각종 음식 레시피를 모아둔 사이트
Amazing recipe aggregator and search engine
How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords - Passwords - Lifehacker
How Your Password Could Be Hacked: #it
Internet standards expert, CEO of web company iFusion Labs, and blogger John Pozadzides knows a thing or two about password security&mdash;and he knows exactly how he&#039;d hack the weak passwords you use all over the internet.
Start to Finish Guide to Whipping Your Music's Metadata into Shape - Music - Lifehacker
Lifehacker - Knot Reference Wallet Card Keeps Your Knot Knowledge Fresh - Knots
Lifehacker - WakeupOnStandBy Pulls Your Computer Out of Standby on Schedule - Scheduled Tasks
Having your computer wake up with you or wake up in the middle of the night to do routine tasks is a handy trick. WakeupOnStandby makes it easy to schedule that wake up call.
Lifehacker - PackageFactory Converts any Windows Program to Run on a U3 Drive - Portable Applications
Converts any Windows Program to Run on a U3 Drive - Lifehacker
run any windows program from a flash drive
להפוך כל תוכנת חלונות לתוכנה ניידת - נראה מגניב
Lifehacker - Create a Log to Keep Track of Your Job Search - Downloads
If you've submitted more resumes to more places than you can possibly remember, it's time to start keeping a log of where and when you've applied to each job.
Featured Desktop: The Compartmentalized Desktop
Reader Kseve has put together a workspace-oriented desktop with just a few of our favorite add-ons.
Top 10 Ways to Declutter Your Digital Life, 2010 Edition - Clutter - Lifehacker processpriority » home
Get at Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory. provides free hosting for Open Source software development projects. This is the project used to support the site and services. Source code formerly found here may now be found in the alexandria-dev project.
Free task managing application Process Manager for Windows adds options to the global context menu for all applications—adding quick access to control running tasks. We've mentioned this application before, but it has since updated with more features including minimizing applications to the system tray, setting windows always on top, and assigning per-window transparency. Readers using Windows XP will also get extra features—the ability to completely hide a single window, or hide all windows except the current one behind the PMW tray icon—making this low-resource, portable application worth a look for anybody interested in better control over running processes. Process Manager for Windows is free and open source, available for Windows only.
Windowsのみ : Windows用フリータスク管理アプリ『Process Manager』のオプションにすべてのアプリケーション向けのグローバルコンテキストメニューが追加され、起動しているタスクを制御するクイックアクセスが追加されました。 前にも米lifehackerで紹介しているのですが、それ以降にも更新されており、アプリを最小化しシステムトレイに格納する機能、常にウィンドウを表示させる機能、ウィンドウごとの透明度の割り当てなどが追加されてます。 特にWindow XPを使っている読者の方なら、ウィンドウをひとつだけ隠す設定、現在使用しているPMWトレイアイコンの裏にあるウィンドウ意外をすべて隠す機能、などが使え、低リソースで使えるポータブルアプリながらも、現在起動しているプロセスを制御することに関心のあるユーザ必見の便利ツールとなっていますよ。 『Process Manager』はWindows向けのオープンソースフリーソフト。
9 Strong Reasons To Eat Slowly
Not a GTD Disciple? Don’t Worry About It
This UI/NUI/UNI/NUNI system (which is also lots of fun to say) is incredibly useful, and I can’t believe I never heard of it. But then, not being much of a self-help book consumer, I didn’t read “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Covey, which is where it came from. And I was way too footloose and fancy-free to be thinking about that kind of thing back in 1989, when the book was published. One other bit of wisdom that I stumbled across while investigating Covey’s quadrants: It appears that people tend to expend most of their energy on the Urgent/Important and Urgent/Not Important tasks, get burned out, and go straight to the NUNIs to relax. Prevailing wisdom says that you shouldn’t neglect the NUIs. They’re good for your soul
Prioritize Your Tasks by Urgency and Importance
Stephen Covey’s four quadrants of activity management
DIY: Pop-Up Paper CD Case
팝업카드를 응용한 cd케이스 만들기
Downloads: Presto Loads a Streamlined Desktop in 15 Seconds
Linux boot fast together with Windows
Une mini-distribution Linux commerciale qui boot en 15 secondes.
Set Up a Geeky Media Center that Non-Geeks Can Actually Use - Media Center - Lifehacker
I love messing with settings and geeky file-sharing programs. My spouse doesn't, but digs Hulu and appreciates free. So I set up a media center that satisfies my geek cravings but is actually easy-to-use for non-nerds. Here's what I pieced together.
Set Up a Geeky Media Center that Non-Geeks Can Actually Use - Media Center - Lifehacker
The Frequent Flier's Guide to Finding Cheap Airfare - Saving Money - Lifehacker
How to Analyze, Clean Out, and Free Space on Your Hard Drive - Disk Space - Lifehacker
Exercise: Replace Your Exercise DVDs with Workout Video Podcasts
Well, I have been planning to start a workout plan for years. What better movtivation than to have podcasts of exercise activities I can do anywhere I go.
Lifehacker - 30-Second DVR Tweak Speeds Up Commercial Skipping - TiVo
30-second commercial skipping on his Comcast DVR:
interesting comment thread on other dvr's including replay history
DVRs have revolutionized the way people watch TV, but if you've always wished your DVR were a little better at skipping commercials, this classic 30-second skip hack is a must. For what it's worth, we realize that these tricks aren't new by any means. Still, we've never featured them here, and the aim of this post is to collect as many of them as possible. Right now, we're aware of two hacks of this kind: one for the TiVo, the other for Comcast DVR.
How To: Create a Live-Booting XP CD or DVD
The creators of the previously mentioned, versatile CD/DVD burning tool CDBurnerXP have posted a guide in their forums to using the program to create a live-booting Windows XP (or 2000/2003) disc.
Like BartPE bootable windows CD
and slipstream
boot slip stream slipstream
Lifehacker - GDocBackup Makes an Offline Backup of Google Docs - Featured Windows Download
Google Docs backup application
Lifehacker - PatchMateXP Creates a Windows Update CD - Windows
Windows only: Updating your Windows install over a slow connection, or as part of multiple installations, can be a time-consuming pain. PatchMateXP bundles all current updates onto an easy to use deployment disk.
Top 10 Ways to Access Blocked Stuff on The Web - Proxy - Lifehacker
Watch World Famous Chefs Teach Basic Techniques (in Video) - Cooking - Lifehacker
Job Search: Write a Resume that Lands an Interview
Featured Windows Download: Virtual CloneDrive Mounts ISOs and Other Disk Images Without Burning a Disc
Featured Windows Download: Pazera Free Audio Extractor Rips Audio from Any Video
Windows only: Pazera Free Audio Extractor extracts audio from virtually any video file and outputs it to MP3, AAC, AC3, WMA, or WAV formats. Just plug in your video file (it supports AVI, FLV, MP4, MPG, and more) into the program, choose your output type, and let it rip. Pazera takes care of the conversion using previously mentioned command-line tool ffmpeg, and you can set several preference adjustments to get the exact output you want. As an added bonus, Pazera also works as a basic audio-to-audio converter. Pazero Free Audio Extractor is a free download, Windows only. If you're looking to rip DVD straight to an MP3, check out peviously mentioned Free DVD MP3 Ripper.
Free Audio Extractor Rips Audio from Any Video
Lifehacker - StandaloneStack is an Awesome File Browsing Widget - Featured Windows Download
Windows only: We've already shown you how you can browse through files from the Stacks widget in the upcoming Snow Leopard release&mdash;but you can get that feature right now on your Windows PC.
Lifehacker - PocketSmith Forecasts Your Financial Future - Personal Finance
Downloads: Computer Repair Utility Kit Packs Dozens of Tools in One Portable Package
Featured Windows Download: Clone2Go Bulk Converts Video Formats
Top 10 Hard Drive Upgrades and Fixes - Hard Drives - Lifehacker
MediaFox: A Firefox Build with Media on the Mind
Windows only: If you're considering ditching your cable television altogether and partaking of the buffet of free media available online, you definitely want to check out MediaFox, a custom version of Firefox Portable.
Annotated link
Windows Live: Hotmail Finally Enables POP3 Worldwide
Settings for pop3 on
The Windows Live team announces that POP3 access to Hotmail has been enabled worldwide, finally ending years of your email being trapped behind Microsoft apps. They've been rolling out these changes for a while now, with the US finally getting access last month, but POP3 access is finally available to everybody. Setting it up is fairly simple in most email applications—just create a new account using the following details from the Windows Live team:
The Cleverest Ways to Use Dropbox That You're Not Using - Clever Uses - Lifehacker
drop box
A New Employer: 8 Steps to Put Your Best Foot Forward - Stepcase Lifehack
Featured Windows Download: Axence NetTools Is Advanced Network Monitoring Tool
Axence NetTools Is Advanced Network Monitoring Tool - Windows - Lifehacker
Windows only: Free application Axence NetTools is a comprehensive suite of networking tools for your PC, including a network scanner, inbound/outbound connection monitor (NetStat), port scanner, and other network and bandwidth measuring tools. NetTools is very similar in ways to previously mentioned network monitors like Look@Lan, but if you want to get elbow deep in your network, it's another great option to add to your toolbox. Axence NetTools is a free download, Windows only.
Ubergeek: Add a Gmail-Like Archive Button to Microsoft Outlook
Gmail has popularized archive as an easy way to keep your inbox clean without trashing email, but if you're using Outlook, archive isn't really an option&mdash;by default, at least. Here's how to add archive to Outlook.
DIY: Make Your Own Etched Glass Storage Jars
Featured Windows Download: Small Basic Teaches Programming Fundamentals
Small Basic Teaches Programming Fundamentals
Lifehacker - Build a $14 Video Camera Stabilizer - Video camera
How does the DIY model provide smooth video? Instead of the complex arrangement of balancing mechanisms, resistance bands, and springs, the DIY stabilizer relies on a simpler system. Your arms and a counter weight at the bottom of the stabilizer work together to minimize the movement. Camera shake is radically reduced when the weight of the camera is offset by a equal or slightly heavier weight at the bottom. Sound about right for your needs? You'll need some pipe, a disc weight, some hand tools and a power drill to put this one together. For photos and a step by step build guide, check out the PDF below. If you need to stabilize video in a car, check out how to make a dashboard stabilizer out of a sponge.
Subtitles: Add Subtitles to Any Movie or Television Show
More people need to use this! :)
Top 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do - Google Maps - Lifehacker
There's more to Google Maps than a place you double-check your directions. Google's data-stuffed site offers a lot of helpful tools for vacationers, spreadsheet nerds, bikers, and others. Today we're digging into Google's data-rich geo-tool and pulling out some helpful lesser-known features.
RT @jackiegerstein: 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do
Geo RT @jackiegerstein: 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do
Downloads: CraigsList Reader Searches the Depths of Craigslist
Lifehacker - First Look at Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope - Ubuntu 9.04
Review of the April 2009 Ubuntu release.
open source operating system
Windows 7: How to Get Your Windows 7 Beta Product Key
windows 7 beta product key
Reading: Windows 7: How to Get Your Windows 7 Beta Product Key [from]
5 Warning Signs of a Project In Danger
Lifehacker - Match Your Learning Style with the Proper Productivity Tools - Organization
Not everyone processes and understands information the same way. You can boost productivity by learning and matching your learning style to the proper tools and techniques, while also making it (gasp) more enjoyable.
Not everyone processes and understands information the same way. You can boost productivity by learning and matching your learning style to the proper tools and techniques, while also making it (gasp) more enjoyable. Photo by Jacob Botter. Organization blog Unclutterer digs into identifying one's own learning style, something we've discussed here before, as well as the related activities and daily habits that can increase organization and productivity. To pin your style down, you'll run through several categories and questions. Here are some sample statements from the visual category:
Gmail Labs: Gmail Labs Adds Multiple Inboxes
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Easy Ways to Look Sharp
How to look sharp
In a perfect world it wouldn't matter what a genius JavaScript programmer or top-flight professional looked like In this world
How to Fold Wrinkle Free Clothes How to tie different tie styles
How To: Embed YouTube Clips in PowerPoint
Writing: 30 Cliches You Should Basically Avoid (Going Forward)
Foreign Service Institute's Extensive Language Courses Are Available Free Online - Language - Lifehacker
RT @lifehacker Foreign Service Institute's Extensive Language Courses Are Available Free Online - ..
The Power User's Guide to the Windows 7 Taskbar - Taskbar - Lifehacker
Lifehacker - SkipScreen Lets You Pass Go and Collect Your Download - Firefox Extensions
Sometimes, great stuff has to be hosted on public download services, because the file—or the attention it's getting—is just too much for our meek little personal sites. And the download sites often make it as painful as possible to grab those files. SkipScreen acts as an automated intermediary, jumping through the necessary hoops and entering the key presses required.
Lifehacker - Backup Maker Offers Dead Simple Backup Creation - Backup
Backup for online or disc. Freeware. Lifehacker.
Real Estate: PropertyShark Dishes the Dirt on Your Future Home
PropertyShark is an astoundingly detailed real estate search engine. By aggregating public records, it provides an in-depth look at individual homes, and the real deal on your potential new neighborhood.
Featured Desktop: Windows Vista with a Live Thumbnail Sidebar
Reader MERSC tricked out a Windows desktop with ObjectDock's full-sized taskbar thumbnails, which previews open documents (including live video) on the dock. Above the left-docked taskbar, MERSC has an embedded to-do list pinned to the desktop, always in view, along with system monitoring tools and the current time using Samurize. When MERSC maximizes a window, the Emerge Shell Replacement keeps the dock and to-do list visible at all times. Here's the rundown of what's on this desktop, and a look at it with a maximized window.
Reader MERSC tricked out a Windows desktop with ObjectDock's full-sized taskbar thumbnails which previews open documents including live video on
10 Days In a Carry-On - Slide Show -
RT @clembastow: How to pack for a 10-day trip using only a carry-on suitcase:
Heather Poole, a flight attendant from Los Angeles, demonstrates how to pack enough for a 10-day trip into a single standard carry-on.
STEP ONE Folded clothing takes up too much space. Instead, Ms. Poole tightly rolls everything, which also minimizes wrinkling. This suitcase will hold three pairs of shorts, three pairs of dress pants, one skirt, three pairs of casual pants or jeans, three nightgowns, three bathing suits, one sarong, three lightweight sweaters, four dresses, 10 casual shirts, six dress shirts, a clutch, toiletries and two pairs of shoes. She’ll wear the third pair of shoes, as well as jeans and a longer sweater.
Downloads: DisplayFusion 3.0 Manages Everything Across Multi-Monitor Setups
Top 10 Motivation Boosters and Procrastination Killers - Procrastination - Lifehacker
Useful list of ideas on how to overcome procrastination
mental tricks
Lifehacker - Simulate Office Presence with Skype and VNC - remote working
I set up a webcam there along with speakers. I have second cam at home, and I simply Skype in to my own cube at work. Skype can be configured to auto-answer, if desired, so my ‘cube' Skype simply picks up when I dial in. I also pipe my home desktop onto my cube's monitor (using VNC).
Former cubicle jockey Jonathon Wilson now works from home, but it's almost exactly as if he's at his desk at the office. In the comments of my recent article on working remotely, Jonathon explains his unconventional setup:
Lifehacker - Fling Automates Remote Backup and Network Transfers - File Transfer
local and remote backups, sync folders, or update remote files or websites
Windows only: If you need to automate local and remote backups, sync folders, or update remote files or websites automatically, Fling is a free and effective solution for those tasks and more. Fling is an FTP designed to make remote backup and folder synchronization painless. Not only can you use Fling to monitor a local directory and sync it to a remote FTP site or remote folder on your network you can also manage and sync local files on hard drives and removable media. Fling integrates with Windows, you can easily send files to remote and local locations using the right click menu. You can set up Fling automatically update and sync files or restrict it to certain times or only when the transfer is manually started. Fling supports secure FTP via SSL and can be run as a service to ensure it's running even when you're not logged in.
GeekTool: Put Current Weather Conditions on Your Desktop with GeekTool
Clean Up Your Photo Collection with Free Tools - Organizing - Lifehacker
Photo collection tools
Gizmodo - Discovering Music in 2009: The New Tools - New Music Discovery
How to Whip Your Movie and TV Show Art into Shape for XBMC and Boxee - Xbmc - Lifehacker
Media centers like XBMC and Boxee are excellent tools for playing local media on your big screen, but many new (and even experienced) users run into one big stumbling block: How do you get them to correctly identify your media? Here's how.
The Ultimate Start to Finish Guide to Your XBMC Media Center - Xbmc - Lifehacker
to get around to doing but find time for. Ever since I switched from using the classic Xbox to using a PC running XBMC, I missed the games. My old Xbox was set up with emulators and I had
Make the Most of Your Multiple Monitors in Windows 7 - Dual Monitors - Lifehacker
Establish and Maintain Your Online Identity - identity management - Lifehacker
Building an online identity in clear steps
What message? The message that you're old news, you don't keep up on what's going on, and there has to be someone out there more interesting and relevant than you. If the only thing online that points to you are old blog posts from 2005 and a stale social networking profile, you might as well be walking around with a cassette player and some floodwaters on, exclaiming "We put a probe on Mars? Who's this Obama guy?"
How to Access the BBC iPlayer (and TV Like Doctor Who) from Outside the U.K. - BBC iPlayer - Lifehacker
The Easy, Any-Browser, Any-OS Password Solution - Security - Lifehacker
LastPass info from Lifehacker
How to Quit Facebook Without Actually Quitting Facebook - Facebook - Lifehacker
With all the privacy issues surrounding Facebook, many people are considering quitting the site altogether. If you're not ready to take it that far, here's how to avoid the privacy breaches without completely deleting your account and losing touch with your friends.
Lifehacker - Improve Your Sleep Posture - remedies
We tend to apply ergonomics as it relates to our waking activities. But utilizing the right sleep posture is just as important as having the right PC posture, especially if you want to enjoy a pain-free morning and day.
Lifehacker - GO Contact Sync Keeps Google and Outlook Contacts Matched - Outlook
Interesting Tool for sync outlook with Google Contacts
GO Contact Sync Keeps Google and Outlook Contacts Matched By Kevin Purdy, 5:30 AM on Wed Apr 1 2009, 29,963 views (Edit, to draft, Slurp) Copy this whole post to another siteSlurp cancel select site advertising consumerist deadspin defamer fleshbot gay fleshbot gawker gizmodo idolator io9 jalopnik jezebel kotaku lifehacker valleywag artists gawkershop sploid Windows only: GO Contact Sync is a handy little synchronizer that keeps your Google (G) and Outlook (O) contacts in line. You run it once or schedule it, and customize how it handles your data. If all you want is a little tray app that does two-way syncing every time you run it, or auto-starts and syncs every X minutes, GO Contact Sync has you covered. But the tiny tray app also allows you to create different "sync profiles," where you can customize whether the sync goes just Google to Outlook, only Outlook to Google, and how it handles possible merges between your names and addresses. There's also a toggle box to recognize
Sync Outlook & Google Contacts
Lifehacker - DirSync Pro Keeps Your Files Synchronized - synchronization
Windows/Mac/Linux: Java-based DirSync Pro provides cross-platform file synchronization with an easy to use interface, incremental backup, and a profile system.
How to Get the Best of Both Google Docs and Microsoft Office - Microsoft Office - Lifehacker
Microsoft Office 2010 is about to be released, and you aren't sure if you should upgrade or switch to Google Docs. But have you considered using the best features of both, together? Today we'll run down how to do just that. Below we'll detail when Google Docs is a better tool for a task than Office (and vice versa), highlight methods for keeping your Office documents in sync with Google Docs online so you can enjoy both offline desktop access and anywhere online access, and more.
Lifehacker - Hive Five Winner for Best MP3 Tagging Tool: Mp3Tag - Hive Five
investigate when you get home.
Lifehacker - Choose a Legal, Pronouncable, Catchy Business Name - Domain Names
Compared to finding the perfect business name, a business plan can almost seem easy. How do you pin down a name that sticks in minds, doesn't tread in copycat realms, and yet sounds respectable? ReadWriteWeb has a few suggestions.
Downloads: KidsMenu is a Kid-Friendly Interface for Windows
Lifehacker - Google Profiles Give You Control Over What Google Says About You - Google Profiles
How-to: set up dual-band WiFi (and juice your downloads)
Let's come right out with it -- you should be running a dual-band 2.4 and 5GHz WiFi network. Why? Because the 2.4GHz spectrum is cluttered with everything from other networks to Bluetooth to cordless phones and microwaves, and all that RF interference slows everything down, making file transfers interminable and HD streaming nearly impossible. On the other hand, 5GHz 802.11n is clean and incredibly fast -- we're talking almost hardwire fast. But you can't just move up to 5GHz without leaving your phones and other legacy devices behind, so you've got to keep 2.4 around as well -- which is really easy if you've got a simultaneous dual-band router like Apple's new Airport Extreme or something like the D-Link DIR-825, and only slightly harder if you don't. And, as luck would have it, Apple just sent us a new AEBS to play with, so we thought we'd show you how to configure both kinds of setups. We promise you'll thank us.
Let's come right out with it -- you should be running a dual-band 2.4 and 5GHz WiFi network.
Lifehacker - Recipe Puppy Chooses Meals Based on the Ingredients You Have - Search engines
Food: Have Crockpot Chicken Tacos Waiting When You Come Home
The boyfriend wanted this.
Downloads: Synergy-Plus Controls Multiple Systems from a Single Keyboard & Mouse
Windows only: We took a strong liking to controlling multiple computers with a single keyboard and mouse nearly two years ago, and the concept's still cool, but the software hasn't updated. Synergy-Plus keeps the multi-control party going.
Synergy plus (windows)
software fernsteuerung remote keyboard 02/09
The Cleverest Geeky Windows Tricks Everyone Should Know
You might recognize a few of these tips (we've covered most of them here before), but chances are good there's something new in the list for just about everybody. And if you know all of them already? Pat yourself on the back for your masterful geek skills.
Lifehacker - Abstract Aurora and Color Spectrum Wallpapers - Wallpaper
Desktop Edition
Featured Windows Download: Transfer Files Lightning Fast With FastCopy
Windows only: Free application FastCopy is a portable replacement for the standard Windows Explorer file copying mechanism. FastCopy's interface is rather cluttered but the file transfer speeds are fantastic. Copying ISO files, thousands of pictures, and other test files was extremely fast. You can opt to not overwrite, overwrite by newest or biggest file, and sync when transferring files with FastCopy. We've covered another popular file copier replacement here before, TeraCopy, and you might be wondering how FastCopy stacks up against it.
Lifehacker. File copying
Outlook 2007: Use Google Reader from Within Outlook
Helpful hints from Lifehacker...
Use Google Reader from Within Outlook: #rss #reader #google #outlook [from]
Reader David writes in with a useful tip for consolidating windows&mdash;he embeds Google Reader into Outlook as a replacement for the built-in RSS support.
Top 10 Privacy Tweaks You Should Know About
With all the talk lately about Facebook's flawed privacy systems, it's a good time to consider what you're making available elsewhere on the web and on your system. These 10 settings tweaks and setups make your web life a little less public.
Being smart about Web mail | Defensive Computing - CNET News
There was an interesting article recently in The New York Times about getting locked out of a Gmail account. In August, blogger Alan Shimel of StillSecure wrote about his problems regaining access to a Yahoo e-mail account. Suffice it to say that if someone learns your Web mail password, it's a very difficult situation--one that may not end well. For one thing, the Web mail provider may not know enough about you to determine the true account owner. Worse still, anyone using a free Web mail account from Google (Gmail), Yahoo, or Microsoft (Hotmail) can't expect to talk to a human being to resolve a problem with their account. Talking to person at Google requires a subscription to Google Apps Premier Edition for $50 a year. Microsoft and Yahoo similarly offer telephone support only to "premium" customers. If you care about a Web mail account, then some homework may be in order. Alternate e-mail address One thing Web mail users should have associated with their account is an alternat
Featured Download: GTD Free Puts Getting Things Done on the Desktop
Windows/Mac/Linux (all platforms with Java): GTD Free, a Java-based desktop app, is one of the most straight-forward implementations of the Getting Things Done organizational system you'll see, but it also serves as a great introduction for the GTD-curious. Five tabs put your tasks in a sequential flow, and using them helps reinforce GTD's basic tenets in your brain. Bang out action blurbs in Collect, detail them in Process, file them in already-labeled folders like Actions, Someday/Maybe, and Projects, and mark them off in Execute. It's definitely not a lightweight, paper-like system, but it's a fairly clean implementation if you want to try Getting Things Done as it was really intended. GTD Free is a free download, works wherever the Java platform does.GTD-Free [via]
ThisFeatured Download: GTD Free Puts Getting Things Done on the Desktop
Lifehacker - The LCARS for Mac Desktop - Desktops
check at home
turn your desktop into a star trek computer monitor
Reader momoses' desktop is the answer to an often-requested customization—turning his Mac desktop into a lookalike for the computer display in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
A Savvy Traveler's Guide to Vacationing Abroad - Travel - Lifehacker
Annotated link
Lifehacker - The Gear and Tactics from Lifehacker's Laptop Bags - laptop bags
Android: A Hands-on First Look at Google Android
google android
Downloads: Blueman 1.0 Brings Better Bluetooth to Linux
Lifehacker - Hide Your Mac Menu Bar and Dock for a Cleaner Desktop - How To
Application UI Presentation Mode
A very useful hint if you want to run a graphics application "in a window" instead of fullscreen, but at the full size of the desktop.
Unlike the Windows system tray, the Mac menu bar provides few options for customizing it to your liking. Here's how to hide your menu bar to free up an extra 20 pixels of precious space and create a cleaner desktop.
Application UI Presentation Mode desktop hak
How to hide the menu bar and Dock
Lifehacker - HeatMapper Helps You Create a Detailed Signal Strength Map - Network utilities
Lifehacker * Display o All o Top o Windows o Mac OS X o Linux o Downloads o DIY * Condensed o Condensed o Expanded * Most recent o Most recent o Most popular o Most discussed * Hybrid * * Profile * Logout * Login Click Here Username: Password: logging in Login Please enter a username. Please enter your password. new user? | forgot password? Connect Lifehacker * Downloads HeatMapper Helps You Create a Detailed Signal Strength Map
Flickr: "Flickr Bikes" Photo-Map Locales Across the Globe
For their new Purple Pedals campaign Yahoo has dispatched a handful of GPS-enabled bicycles equipped with cameraphones that automatically shoot
I want one of these!
omg yahoo's flickr team is awesome
By attaching a camera phone to a bike, Yahoo has made it possible for riders to snap photos along their routes. The camera automatically takes a picture every 60 seconds, and the photos are uploaded to Flickr instantaneously.
Lifehacker - AlternativeTo Suggests Software Alternatives - Search engines
AlternativeTo Suggests Software Alternatives
Featured Desktop: The Giant Flip Clock Desktop
desktop customize
Follow the links in this post to cusomize your own desktop.
Lifehacker - Business Card Star Makes At-Home Card Printing a Snap - Business Cards
Business Card Star Makes At-Home Card Printing a Snap -
Think about the per-card cost of most commercial business card printers, and you'll likely feel a bit taken. Business Card Star makes designing and printing a professional, eye-catching card at home a viable alternative.
Business Card Star Makes At-Home Card Printing a Snap
Downloads: Kill Tools Terminates Windows Processes With Ease
Kill Tools Terminates Windows Processes With Ease
Exclusive Lifehacker download for Windows only: Kill Tools terminates running processes from the keyboard with a set of hotkey-triggered kill functions that can kill windows by name, title, or more.
Exclusive Lifehacker download for Windows only: Kill Tools terminates running processes from the keyboard with a set of hotkey-triggered kill functions that can kill windows by name, title, or more. Once launched, Kill Tools can be triggered by using one of the built-in shortcut keys—you can kill the current window, everything but the current window, close other windows similar to the current window (useful for closing everything but the active Explorer window), or invoke a pop up dialog that will let you kill windows by name or title—plenty of control for controlling running processes. Right now, you can kill windows with your little finger combined with these keys: Included: Win+K: Immediately kill the current process. Win+Ctrl+K: Show kill process by Name dialog. Win+Alt+K: Show kill process by process by Window Title dialog. Ctrl+Alt+F4: Closes all windows but the active one. Ctrl+Alt+F3: Closes all other windows of the same type as the active window.
תוכנה לחיסול תהליכים תקועים
Featured Windows Download: WinPT Portable Encrypts and Unlocks Your USB Drive Data
Hive Five Winner for Best Mind Mapping Software: FreeMind
Lifehacker - The LiteStep at Night Desktop - Desktops
Reader YBoris's desktop completely replaces the Windows interface with LiteStep&mdash;a minimalist, functional, and infinitely hackable shell replacement.
Downloads: PhotoPerfect Tweaks Your Pictures with Presets
PhotoPerfect Express is a free, powerful image optimization tool that covers a wide range of photo enhancement scenarios, and can provide casual photographers with great results.
Paper: Paper Case Bookmarklet Makes Auto-Filled CD/DVD Cases
The Liquid Mongoose site has a neat bookmarklet tool that creates fold-able cases for audio CDs or movie DVDs from
Featured Download: FilePhile Transfers Any Size File Between Any Two Systems
After registering at FilePhile's site with an email address and password, you grab and install a copy of the Java-based app, launch it, and add email addresses to your buddy list. Sending a file is a simple right-click on someone's name, but you can limit the bandwidth eaten up by FilePhile in its preferences. The transfers themselves are encrypted, and, as the site boasts, can be any size. That's about it, but that's probably all you need.
FilePhile is a peer-to-peer, multi-platform app for getting files of unlimited size between yourself and anyone else willing to give it a try.
Apartments: MyApartmentMap Finds Affordable Places in Your Desired Neighborhood
Site to help locate an apartment.
The rental statistics map from MyApartmentMap displays the average rental prices for any neighborhood, then lists apartment availabilities within that neighborhood color-coded by price. Finding a cheap place in a great neighborhood has never been easier. Just enter in your desired zip code, drag and drop the pin to the middle of the neighborhood you'd like to check out, and MyApartmentMap's rental data key displays the low-to-high spectrum of rentals within your defined search radius.
Featured Download: Google Calendar Desktop Gadget Released
Windows/Mac/Linux (All platforms): Google Desktop's gadgets are looking more helpful these days, with the addition of an official Google Calendar gadget that puts your appointments at your fingertips.
the new work ethic: just paying attention at intellectual properties
get things done
"Distractions mask the toll they take on productivity. Everyone finishes up their work days exhausted, but how much of that exhaustion is from real work, how much from the mental effort of fighting off distractions and how much from the indulgence of distractions? "
Only just able to finish reading this.
Downloads: JPEGSnoop Sniffs Out Signs of Editing
JPEGSnoop is a small and portable application that sleuths through images determine if the image has been altered or edited.
Is that jpeg the original photo, or has it been edited/retouched? This tool answers the question and provides lots of other details, too.
Top 10 Photo Fixing and Image Editing Tricks
Photo correcting tips
Lifehacker Pack 2010: Our List of Essential Windows Downloads
We feature hundreds of different downloads every year at Lifehacker. If all you want is the best of the best, look no further than our annual Lifehacker Pack: One download that installs only our favorite, must-have Windows applications in a few clicks.
All in one superior!!
How to Reboot Your Sleep Cycle and Get the Rest You Deserve
Get back to the normal sleep cycle and rest.
The Step-by-Step Guide to Digitizing Your Life
Your increasingly digital lifestyle has left your analog media collecting dust. Save it from obsolescence and digitize your life. This guide covers many different kinds of media, so feel free to skip to the section(s) that interest you the most: | 1. Paper | 2. Images | 3. Audio | 4. Video | 5. Storage and Organization |
The Complete Guide to Creating a Consolidated, Master Contact List
What Settings Should I Change on My Wi-Fi Router?
Good general guidelines for wireless router setup.
Dear Lifehacker,I just moved into my first apartment, and bought my first Wi-Fi router. It's a standard Linksys "blue box," and seems to work fine, but I'm wondering&mdash;are there any settings I should be looking to change?
Five Best Computer Diagnostic Tools
Computers are easier to use and more dependable with each new generation of hardware and operating system update, but that doesn't mean they're problem-free. Here's a look at the five most popular tools for troubleshooting your computer problems. Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite diagnostic tool. Below, we've rounded up the top five answers, and now we're back to highlight the most popular computer diagnostic tools among Lifehacker readers.
from Lifehacker
Five Best Personal Web Hosts
"The following web hosts all have plans designed and suited for small site owners with reasonable pricing to match."
The web's full of services happy to host your photos, blog posts, and other online data, but if you're control- or privacy-minded, you can do better. If you're thinking about hosting your own site, check out these five popular personal web hosts.
How to Make Gmail Play Nicely With Your Desktop Email Client
Take a People-Free Photo in a Crowded Place
"When you return home, open all the images from the series in Photoshop CS3 Extended. From the top menu, select File >Scripts > Statistics. In "Choose Stacks Mode" dialogue, select "Median." That's all there is to it! After crunching some data, Photoshop will spit out a new image without anybody in it. You may need to use some of your individual files to clean up a few artifacts generated by the process. In this example, I took 25 exposures during approximately 15 minutes (the place was incredibly busy as you can tell from the first picture). The clouds had shifted, so I "borrowed" the sky from one of the shots."
Remove people from a crowded scene.
How to Track Down Anyone Online
Lifehacker Pack for Mac: Our List of the Best Free Mac Downloads
Soluto Is an Awesome Tool to Speed Up Your System Boot, Fix System Slowdowns
Soluto Is an Awesome Tool to Speed Up Your System Boot & Fix System Slowdowns
Looks interesting, but comments reveal many problems.
Windows only: Soluto bills itself as an "Anti-Frustration Software", and it's not hard to see why&mdash;it tracks all the applications in your system boot process, and tells you exactly which ones are slowing you down.
How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required - Triple Boot - Lifehacker
Here's how to triple-boot your Mac with OS X, Windows 7, and the shiny new Ubuntu 10.04.
Turn Your Old Router into a Range-Boosting Wi-Fi Repeater
probably what I've done
Top 10 Creative Ways to Store Your Stuff
Turn Your XBMC Media Center into a Video Game Console - Xbmc - Lifehacker
Of course, the whole point of this is to turn your media center into a game console—you don't want to sit and play games on your TV with a keyboard (or maybe you do, in which case you can skip this section). If you have a gamepad already, you can configure that—if not, though, I highly recommend an Xbox 360 controller, which is USB and has drivers available for Windows direct from Microsoft. For Mac and Linux users, I know this third party driver worked well on my Mac in the past, and the xpad kernel driver or this third party Linux driver should work in Linux (though I have not tested either myself).
A guide on playing roms through xmbc
We love XBMC media centers for watching movies and TV, but if you like video games, they can do so much more. With a simple plug-in, some configuration, and a USB gamepad, you can play video games straight from your set-top box.
How to Troubleshoot Your Friends’ Computers From Far Away - Tech Support - Lifehacker
Five Best Places to Set Up Shop Online
ecommerce online shopping
read comments, too
How to Seamlessly Run That One Windows App You Need on a Mac - WIndows on a Mac - Lifehacker
One Good-to-Know Knot for All Occasions (and a Few Others for Good Measure)
I suck at tying knots.
Top 10 Strategies for Surviving Airports and Airplanes
RT @draenews: Del Top 10 Strategies for Surviving Airports and Airplanes:
RT @lifehacker Top 10 Strategies for Surviving Airports and Airplanes
Set Up a Foolproof and Fireproof Automatic Backup Plan
The Start to Finish Guide to Rooting Your Android Phone
Guide to root the Motorola Droid
The End-All Guide to Getting Out From Under Your Office Crap
So you've got a messy office you'd like to tame. We've all been there, and many of us still are there. You may think that the people behind your favorite productivity and organization blogs are immune to such things like clutter and disorganization, but more often than not we're brimming with organization tips, tricks, and solutions because of our own struggles with disorganization. Check out
Get rid of office clutter.
What’s the Difference Between Viruses, Trojans, Worms, and Other Malware?
Kennt ihr den Unterschied zwischen Malware, Viren, Trojanern, Würmer? Die Aufklärung: – Sergej Müller (wpSEO)
How to Set Up OpenID on Your Own Domain
2 lines of HTML code make your domain map to an openid provider... meaning you can type $DOMAIN_NAME into an openid space and not (gmail|yahoo|etc)
OpenID is an open standard for logging onto various web services with a single digital identity. The tool puts your online identity back in your hands&mdash;and as it turns out, OpenID on your own domain is surprisingly easy. Setting up OpenID thru your own domain
Five Really Handy Google Command Line Tricks
Lifehacker shows some uses for Google's command line interface.
With the right commands, you can turn your favorite command-line text editor into a distraction-free Google Docs app, add new events to Google Calendar, upload images to Picasa or video to YouTube, backup your Google data, and more. Here's how it works. On Friday, Google released GoogleCL, a saucy command line program that interacts with Google services from any *nix-friendly command-line prompt (on Windows, Mac, or Linux). We spent the weekend playing around with it, and now we're sharing a few of the coolest ways we've been putting it to use. What You'll Need Before you can execute any of the cool commands below, you'll need to have installed a few things to get GoogleCL up and running on your system. * Windows users, you'll want to install Cygwin. (If you're not familiar with Cygwin and how it works, check out Gina's introduction to Cygwin.) If you'd really prefer to stick with Windows' Command Prompt, you can set up GoogleCL with these instructions instead. * python-vers
Top 10 Secrets of Effective Liars | Psychology Today
How to Maintain a Project List that Doesn't Crush Your Soul
How to Maintain a Project List that Doesn't Crush Your Soul
Whether you're an adherent of David Allen's Getting Things Done or any other system that encourages you to capture all the ideas floating around in your head and commit them to paper (or a digital medium), it's likely you've gotten pretty good at the capture side of things. It's on the other end of the conveyor belt, where the ideas get sorted, categorized, and made useful, that things tend to get murky. In my productivity workflow, the capture side of things has always been the most enjoyable and easiest—all it really takes is a stack of index cards, a pen, and a wandering mind! Even though ubiquitous capture is an awesome habit to have, it has an often overlooked downside. The more ideas or to-dos you increase, the more things you have floating around in your potential workflow. If you don't effectively deal with those things, you end up with a stagnant pool of ideas and the feeling that you'll never do anything with all these ideas/tasks/to-dos you've captured.
How To Get the Most Out Of Your NAS - Nas - Gizmodo
"Getting a NAS set up as a simple file share is mostly a plug-and-play process. (More on that here.) And in raw form, it's a dead-simple concept: Here's a bunch of storage space that you can share among your home computers, over the network. But with a little work, you can do so much more than that, converting your NAS from a begrudging purchase in the name of caution to a vital piece of your very computing existence. Here are some of the best tips:"
Top 10 Clever Google Voice Tricks
Earlier this week, Google Voice opened to everyone in the U.S.. The phone management app is great, but even cooler hacks exist just under the hood. Here are our favorite tricks every Google Voice user should know about.
Five Best Web-Based Conferencing Tools
Cinco melhores ferramentas baseadas na Web Conferencing
How to Start Using Procedure Checklists for Flawless Task Execution - Routines - Lifehacker
Seven Myths About Grilling a Steak
Cooking instructor and author of Planet Barbecue Steven Raichlen knows a thing or two about grilling a steak, and today he's debunking a few grilling myths that'll help make your weekend barbecue that much better.
How to Silence Vuvuzela Horns in World Cup Broadcasts
How to Silence Vuvuzela Horns in World Cup Broadcasts
RT @peteashton: If you want to remove Vuvuzelas from your telly just duck your EQ at 465Hz and 235Hz. Simple. No, really. ...
How To Rip and Clean Your Analog Audio Collection - Tested
Tips that work for vinyl and other sources.
How to Maximize the Battery Life of Your Windows Laptop
these tips can help you keep your battery working at peak efficiency.
How to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi Networks
The Minimalist - 101 Fast Recipes for Grilling -
Grilling recipes.
THERE, in all of their Fourth of July glory, are 101 grilling ideas begging to be tried. A vast majority take less time to prepare and grill than it takes to watch your coals turn white. (If you use gas, they’re still almost as fast as heating up the grill.) Some of them feature ingredients like corn, eggplant and tomatoes, which will be better a month from now, at least in the Northeast. But there are also suggestions for foods in season right now that not everybody thinks of putting on the grill. Please note that salt and pepper are (usually) understood.
Apró grill ötletek
Some terrific ideas for the weekend here...
Lifehacker Pack for Mac: Our List of the Best Free Mac Downloads
Our List of the Best Free Mac Downloads
How to Return Facebook's Privacy Settings to What You Signed Up For
Good reminder RT @MR21c How to Return Facebook Privacy Settings to What You Signed Up For via @lifehacker
"Online privacy expectations are evolving, but whether Facebook likes it or not, a lot of us want the privacy settings we signed up for when we joined the service. Here's how to use Facebook's new privacy controls to regain your original privacy."
How to Record Great Video with Your HD DSLR Camera
HD DSLRs are incredible—they give you a video camera with interchangeable lenses, depth of field control and stellar low-light performance—but they're not without drawbacks. Here's how to work around them.
Annotated link
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3G[S] from iOS 4 to iOS 3.1.3
lot of iPhone 3G owners—myself included—have discovered that upgrading to iOS 4 has slowed their devices to a crawl. If you decide the new features and shortcuts just aren't worth the glacial performance, here's how to downgrade your iDevice.
How to Run Mac OS X in VirtualBox on Windows
If you're on Windows, need to use OS X, but don't want to buy or build a new computer, reader Bobby Patton shows us how to run Snow Leopard in a virtual machine on Windows with just a few tweaks.
Top 10 USB Thumb Drive Tricks
What can you do with a few gigabytes and a USB port? Quite a lot, with the right software. Learn how to encrypt your work, run whole systems, rescue Windows, and customize your thumb drive with these USB-geared tricks.
Top 10 USB Thumb Drive Tricks
How to Kick Ass and Take Names in the Spice Aisle - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
I love this idea and I want to do it.
How to Kick Ass and Take Names in the Spice Aisle - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
I love this idea and I want to do it.
Learn to Prepare Tasty Five-Ingredient Meals in Under Ten Minutes
Learn to Prepare Tasty Five-Ingredient Meals in Under Ten Minutes
Jumping Ship from iPhone to Android: A Switcher's Guide
How to Test Drive Android on Your PC Without Buying a Phone
Interested in test driving the latest version of Google's Android OS without buying a new mobile device?  Here's how to run Android on your PC for free with the Android SDK Emulator.
RT @deliciouspb: How to Test Drive Android on Your PC Without Buying a Phone
How to Take Full Advantage of Your Solid-State Drive
Solid-state drives (SSDs) have grown popular in recent years for the impressive speed increases your system gains using them. To get the most from your SSD, however, you can (and should) do a few things differently.
The Geek's Vacation Checklist
Nörtin pakkausvinkit lomalle
Planning a vacation can be stressful enough without adding technology to the mix. Take the stress out of your summer travel plans with a geek-oriented vacation checklist.
Top 10 Hulu Hacks and Power User Tips
RT @deliciouspb: Top 10 Hulu Hacks and Power User Tips
Top 10 Hulu Hacks and Power User Tips
Hulu has made your computer into a viable TV viewing alternative, and Hulu Plus might make it a real replacement. In celebration of all-things streaming and (mostly) free, here are our best Hulu hacks—downloading, watching anywhere, and advanced searching included.
RT @deliciouspb: Top 10 Hulu Hacks and Power User Tips
Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life
Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life
Interesting read
Tips we can all use sometimes - esp. on a Monday! Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life
A Guide to Meditation for the Rest of Us
A Guide to Meditation for the Rest of Us
Five Really Handy Google Command Line Tricks
With the right commands, you can turn your favorite command-line text editor into a distraction-free Google Docs app, add new events to Google Calendar, upload images to Picasa or video to YouTube, backup your Google data, and more. Here's how it works.
The Start-to-Finish Guide for Moving to a New Place
Really good tips and apps for helping with moving.
How to Hack Your Nintendo DS for Easy Backups and Single-Cartridge Playback
The Start-to-Finish Guide for Moving to a New Place
How to Deal with Distractions in a Web Worker's World
How to Deal with Distractions in a Web Worker's World, at Lifehacker – Jack Schofield (jackschofield)
Nice article on trying to stay focused when the internet is around
good ideas for those with internet-attention-span disorder.
Many jobs in the contemporary workplace actually require that you&#039;re online all the time, constantly connected to your coworkers&mdash;and to a mind-boggling ocean of distractions. Here&#039;s how to stay focused.
Top 10 DIY Food Geek Projects
The best-tasting food is the kind that comes from your own efforts, because victory tastes oh-so-sweet. Conquer KFC-style fried chicken, smoky barbecue, wood-fired pizza, five-minute bread, and other DIY delicacies with these great food-focused projects.
Set Up a Fully Automated, Torrent-Seeding Media Center
We've featured a fully automated media center set-up before, but Lifehacker reader Andre has improved on these methods, allowing you to download torrents to your media center while still seeding them to others. The basis for this guide was this fantastic guide written by Alex Ward. Kudos for alerting me to the existence of The Episode Downloader and The Renamer which integral to this setup. Following the instructions in the guide above, however, does not allow you to continue seeding a new torrent. The Renamer moves the file into a new location. By following this guide it will be possible to continue seeding your torrents for as long as you like while still getting your files added to the media centre as soon as they become available. This guide is written with Windows users in mind. It should be relatively simple to adapt for other operating systems. Also, the XBMC installation described here is a stand-alone Linux version.
We've featured a fully automated media center set-up before, but Lifehacker reader Andre has improved on these methods, allowing you to download torrents to your media center while still seeding them to others.
Five Best Book Recommendation Services
Universal USB Installer Makes a Persistent Thumb Drive Version of Any Linux OS
Squeeze Hidden Functionality Out of Every Corner of Your Mac with the Option Key
Five Best Book Recommendation Services
Of use if I ever teach or do any readers advisory again.
Universal USB Installer Makes a Persistent Thumb Drive Version of Any Linux OS
Windows: Having a full Linux operating system on a USB thumb drive is pretty neat. Having that OS customized, with your own favorite apps and all your settings intact, is far more helpful. This Windows tool makes that possible. Universal USB Installer is a stand-alone application that automates the process of downloading, formatting, and installing a Linux OS to a USB drive, as well as implementing a variable amount of "persistence." "Persistence" means that when you swap out Firefox for Chrome, change keyboard shortcuts, store files in your home directory, or make other changes to your portable Linux, they stick from boot-up to boot-up—which isn't the case with most portable Linux distributions. If you've already downloaded a Linux installation ISO and run Universal USB Installer from the same directory the ISO is in, the app will find it and use it for the installation, rather than download another copy. Most useful of all, your USB drive can still be read by Windows when you're do
How to Choose the Right Android ROM For You
he only three categories of custom ROMs, nor are they hard and fast rules
How to Find Time to Learn Something New or Tackle a Passion Project
You've got a career, friends, family, and a mountain of other responsibilities that have a monopoly on your time. So how, amidst all those time-consuming responsibilities, do you find time to learn something new or tackle a passion project?
How to Hire a Contractor Without Getting Hosed