Pages tagged librarianship:

Library Related Conferences

Library Related Conferences compiled by Marian Dworaczek University of Saskatchewan Library Last updated: March 24, 2009 Created: October 17, 2006 HOME PAGE See also Past Conferences Changes and additions are greatly appreciated.: Date Place Conference Name » The Darien Statements on the Library and Librarians
"The purpose of the Library is to preserve the integrity of civilization. The Library has a moral obligation to adhere to its purpose despite social, economic, environmental, or political influences. The purpose of the Library will never change. The Library is infinite in its capacity to contain, connect and disseminate knowledge; librarians are human and ephemeral, therefore we must work together to ensure the Library’s permanence. Individual libraries serve the mission of their parent institution or governing body, but the purpose of the Library overrides that mission when the two come into conflict. Why we do things will not change, but how we do them will. A clear understanding of the Library’s purpose, its role, and the role of librarians is essential to the preservation of the Library."
LIS Publications Wiki - LIS Publications
This wiki gathers information about publications that LIS professionals might want to write for -- whether they want to reach their colleagues or their communities. All editors, publishers, and LIS professionals are welcome to contribute to the publication profiles. T
This wiki gathers information about publications that LIS professionals might want to write for -- whether they want to reach their colleagues or their communities. All editors, publishers, and LIS professionals are welcome to contribute to the publication profiles.
SLIS developed featrues in ALA Direct
Welcome To ALA’s Getting a Job in a Tough Economy toolkit - ALA | Get A Job!
100 Best Blogs for Librarians of the Future - Learn-gasm
LOTS of tools are collected into one list . . .
100 Best Blogs for Library Science Students – Online Degree Top Online Degrees
If you're studying library science online, you're in luck. There is a world of information available to you online, much of it in blogs. Follow this list, and
100 Best Twitter Feeds for Librarians of the Future - Online Courses
review for Tarlton 2.0 committee
Library twitter feeds - divided by librarian, library jobs, etc. Also links to online education resources, etc.
If you’re studying to become a librarian, Twitter is a great place to find information. Whether you’re learning from other library professionals, staying on top of news, or checking out resources, you can find what you need on Twitter. Read on, and you’ll find 100 of the best Twitter feeds for future librarians.
The future of libraries, with or without books -
exciting times!
Authors, publishing houses, librarians and Web sites continue to fight Google's efforts to digitize the world's books and create the world's largest library online. Meanwhile, many real-world libraries are moving forward with the assumption that physical books will play a much-diminished or potentially nonexistent role in their efforts to educate the public. Some books will still be around, they say, although many of those will be digital. But the goal of the library remains the same: To be a free place where people can access and share information.
I think this article poses a good question: what will libraries, the long held havens of literacy, look like in the coming age? This has a profound impact on new literacies in that libraries now have to adapt more quickly to up and coming technologies. So, very soon all a person will ever have to do is log onto their computer and they might very well have access to every book ever written.
The future of libraries, with or without books
By some accounts, the library system is undergoing a complete transformation that goes far beyond image changes.
Library 101
Internet librarian conference?
Community for læring og vidensdeling mellem biblioteksfolk. Består bla. af video og 2 sider: 101 Resources & Things to Know (RTK)og Essays on Library 101.
10 ways library schools should be teaching social media • Blog Archive • socialibrarian
A few days ago I came across a wonderful article on Mashable entitled "10 Ways Journalism Schools are teaching social media." The thought struck me about 30 seconds in: all these concepts should apply to library school, but why aren't they being pushed and taught in the same way? I thought since I wasn't being explicitly instructed on how social media can increase the quality and relevance of the library school curriculum, that I would break them down for us and attempt to explain the urgency with which librarians (and our schools' faculty) need to be catching up in this area.
Daniel Hooker appropriates the traits of a networked journalist to a social librarian. According to Hooker, the key to offseting the signal-to-noise ratio is leveraging social media for quality information retrieval. Just as in proprietary database research, an online community of valuable information sharers can improve findability. Opportunities for additional research include privacy issues.
Discusses the Web 2.0 tools that library schools need to teach to prepare 21st century librarians
ways education schools should be teaching social media