Pages tagged leads:

Free Sales Leads - Crowdsource Your Lead Generation and Referrals

LeadVine finds you new qualified sales leads and new customers to increase your sales and revenue. We crowdsource lead generation by having the community find you sales leads.
LeadVine is where you post sales leads you are searching for, list a referral fee, and have the community act as your sales force. * Increase sales * Outsource your sales process * Lower marketing, advertising, and recruiting costs * Did we mention all of this is free? Make money by giving referrals Do you come across information that is not valuable to you but valuable to someone else? Get paid for information that is at your finger tips. * Earn easy money * Leverage your existing network to help companies increase sales * Make money for information you have at your fingertips * Spend a minimal amount of time earning extra cash
PipeJump - Sales and Opportunity Management Software for Small Businesses
Sales and Opportunity Management Software for Small Businesses: Win more deals. Track your opportunities and deals in an effective and intuitive way so you can focus on winning more deals!
Is Social a Source for B2B Leads? - eMarketer
While many business-to-business (B2B) companies have gotten turned on to the value of social media marketing and find it helpful for tasks like prospecting and lead generation, inbound social marketin
Annotated link
LinkedIn and Wikipedia users were more likely to browse around company Websites before leaving. LinkedIn users, however, tended to be interested in “careers” pages, suggesting the business-oriented social network refers many job seekers. It was visitors from Wikipedia who were most likely to be carrying out product research.