Pages tagged lazy:

The Lazy Manifesto: Do Less. Then, Do Even Less. | Zen Habits

It pays to play....
12 Excellent Examples of “Lazy Registration”
Lazy registration systems allow site visitors to build a profile and register without filling out a signup form right away (or some at all).
Invest simple with Lazy Portfolios -
Lazy Portfolios are helping investors intelligently build simple, successful winning portfolios by themselves and you watch your nest egg grow
Lazy Load Enabled With FadeIn Effect
Lazy Load Image lazy loader plugin for jQuery.
Delays Loading of Images with Lazy Loader jQuery Plugin
Enterprise Java Community: Remote Lazy Loading in Hibernate
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript. Works great in the browser, and also with CommonJS (including node and Narwhal). The largest part of wu is dedicated to iterators. Iterators are lazy sequences with a number of methods that encourage functional programming.
map reduce, iterator, range and more functional language feature
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript. Works great in the browser, and also with CommonJS (including node and Narwhal). The largest part of wu is dedicated to iterators. Iterators are lazy sequences with a number of methods that encourage functional programming. What does it mean to be lazy? Many people might expect the following code to log "1 squared is 1", "2 squared is 4", and "3 squared is 9" immediately.
Interesting lazy functional library for javascript.
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript. Works great in the browser, and also with CommonJS (including node and Narwhal).
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript.