Pages tagged just_katarin:

just_katarin: God only knows | Bandom: Panic at the Disco (Panic GSF, NC17) MASTER POST

Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU
Every fandom needs a FLDS AU. This happens to be it, for bandom.
master post for God only knows. boywives!au.
Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU.
Jon Walker and his boywives - Big Love AU.
[NC-17] Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU
3 primary stories, master posting for them. AU based on Big Love show.
Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU - Brendon and Jon exchange rings and Spencer then Ryan both hug him to welcome Brendon into their family Then Elder Walker is finished and Jon is leaning forward, stiffly, while he presses his mouth fleetingly against Brendon's.
Brendon and Jon exchange rings and Spencer then Ryan both hug him to welcome Brendon into their family Then Elder Walker is finished and Jon is leaning forward, stiffly, while he presses his mouth fleetingly against Brendon's.
Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU. All three installments under this link.