Pages tagged json:


vie guthrie
Listable, create and share lists with JSON, SQL, and plaintext output
via guthrie
listable, list making, serving site
having so much fun with this already (via sccottt)
greasemonkey の autopagerize のトラブルシューティング
var SITEINFO_IMPORT_URLS = [ '', '', ]
Ajaxian » Designing a JavaScript client for a REST API
So you want to write a script that sites all over the web can use to access your REST API, eh? Well, that would be pretty straightforward if it weren’t for two things: 1. browser same-origin restrictions on XMLHttpRequests (XHRs) and inter-window/frame access 2. the lack of wide browser support for HTML 5-style message passing between windows. The Same-Origin Policy and its minor browser-specific variations are detailed elsewhere, so I’ll just summarize it with a few key points. I use the term window to mean window object, which can be a top-level page or reside inside a frame or iframe.
So you want to write a script that sites all over the web can use to access your REST API, eh? Well, that would be pretty straightforward...
A comprehensive article outlining an approach on how to create a RESTful JavaScript client. The article explains not only how to create a client for your own RESTful services, but also interacting with cross-domain ones. There is also code posted on Google Code which implements the concepts presented in the article.
JSONView - View JSON documents in Firefox « Blog |
Code: Flickr Developer Blog » Building Fast Client-side Searches
Interesting comparison of JSON and homebrewed control-char delimited data.
This widget downloads a list of all of your contacts, in JavaScript, in under 200ms (this is true even for members with 10,000+ contacts).
23 Ultimate Collection Of Useful Ajax Tutorials & Resources - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
23 Ultimate Collection Of Useful Ajax Tutorials & Resources
Introducing JSON Template
This could be it: declarative, no control flow, not another programming language masquerading as a template language, small, nice JSON synergy. To be checked out.
IP Address Geolocation Javascript API : JSON | The Code Dreamer IPAddressGeolocation AddressGeolocation ??? a??????
JSONの可能性がグンと拡がるぞ! JSONスキーマ - 檜山正幸のキマイラ飼育記
Make Your Own Web Site Badges with jQuery and JSON
Services like Flickr, Delicious, and Twitter all offer JavaScript badges or widgets you can add to your site. But if you already use a JavaScript framework on your site, like jQuery, why would you want to add more JavaScript? Besides, it’s more fun to make your own. All of these services also offer a JSON format feed API, and rolling your own widget is easy.
How to make your own twitter badge!! Excellent
Persevere: The JSON database and JavaScript application server
Best Practices for building JSON REST Web Services « Building Feedly
A few of our friends have been asking us what are some of the best practices we learnt over the last two years designing and implementing RESTful Web Services as the back-end of the feedly service. Here is a quick/high level brain dump: Phase 1 – Defining a simple resource/service | Take a sample resource such as Customer Information, model it as JSON. Build a simple servlet where PUT creates a new customer, GET returns the customer information based on the customer key, DELETE deletes the customer and POST updates the customer information. Make sure that PUT returns the right information regarding the URL of the newly created resource. In our case, we have a framework which maps JSON to our Java Model and use hibernate to persist that model in a MySQL database. The important things for this phase are to the JSON representation right and the base url formatting simple and clean. Phase 2 – Implementing a client | Learn how to build a simple Javascript client which interacts with the s
- added by harper reed's google reader
micha's resty at master - GitHub
rest from the command line (bash+curl)
Very, very cool. Fire up a local REST host pointing to any service, and then GET /blogs.json etc from the command line.
Little command line REST interface that you can use in pipelines. [Sublime :-) ]
resty is a RESTful HTTP friendly wrapper around curl
SitePen Blog » JavaScriptDB: Persevere’s New High-Performance Storage Engine
JavaScriptDB: Persevere’s New High-Performance Storage Engine April 20th, 2009 at 8:47 pm by Kris Zyp The latest beta of Persevere features a new native object storage engine called JavaScriptDB that provides high-end scalability and performance. Persevere now outperforms the common PHP and MySQL combination for accessing data via HTTP by about 40% and outperforms CouchDB by 249%. The new storage engine is designed and optimized specifically for persisting JavaScript and JSON data with dynamic object structures. It is also built for extreme scalability, with support for up to 9,000 petabytes of JSON/JS data in addition to any binary data.
jLinq - Javascript Query Language
jLinq is a Javascript library that lets you write queries against arrays of javascript objects. jLinq is completely extensible so you can write your add-ins and they will work with the rest of the framework without any additional programming!
jLinq is a javascript library that lets you write queries against arrays of javascript objects. It's completely extensible so you can write your add-ins and they will work with the rest of the framework without any additional programming.
How to build a personal mashup page with jQuery - The EZPZ Way
jQuery and an RSS Feed. könnte man verwenden um bei easy rec client seitig die rss feeds zu holen
How to build a personal mashup page with jQuery
After finding out about GitHub pages, I decided to put mine to good use by building a mashup for my online content. Since we don’t have any control on the server side, we’re going to use only javascript to make it dynamic. This tutorial will show you how to use jQuery and JSONP to pull data from Twitter, GitHub, and an RSS Feed (without any server side magic). The techniques here can easily be used to interact with any other API.
JSON: What It Is, How It Works, and How to Use It | Blog | Custom-Built Professional Web Development and Design | Ennui,+How+It+Works,+and+How+to+Use+It/
"tagged JSON explained"
ly more complicated example involves storing two
Create a Fun Tweet Counter With jQuery - Nettuts+
In this tutorial, we will look at using jQuery to call Twitter’s API and then use the results to create a widget for a blog or personal website that shows
InfoQ: Your First Cup of Web 2.0 - A Quick Look at jQuery, Spring MVC, and XStream/Jettison
is added to the ModelAndView using a key that is expected by JsonView. In summary, the controller responds to two URLs, “carselector.html” and “models.html”. It renders an HTML page as the response to the “carselector.html” URL, via a standard JSP view. Let's take a look at the JsonView class, which renders the JSON result for the “models.html” request:
After the user enters a name and clicks submit, the entire screen turns white while the page refreshes and then the results are displayed. This is not a good user experience. Now, let's use jQuery to improve that experience by refreshing only the part of the page that actually needs to change. The modifications made to the existing page are: 1. Split the search form and search results into 2 separate JSPs so the results can be displayed separately, without having to re-render the search form. 2. Add a placeholder <div> on the search form JSP to hold the search results. 3. Add a line of jQuery that submits the search form in the background using AJAX, placing the results in the placeholder <div>. The resulting code looks like this:
JSON: What It Is, How It Works, and How to Use It | Blog | Custom-Built Professional Web Development and Design | Ennui
JSON: What It Is, How It Works, and How to Use It | Blog | Custom-Built Professional Web Development and Design | Ennui
Create a Content Rich Tooltip with JSON and jQuery | Web Resources | WebAppers
This tutorial will demonstrate how to build tooltips that are powered by jQuery, with information pulled from a JSON array.
Create a Content Rich Tooltip with JSON and jQuery | Web Resources | WebAppers -
Content Rich tooltip with JSON and jQuery
멋지다. 툴팁을 이렇게 디자인해낼줄이야.
Create a Twitter-Like “Load More” Widget - Nettuts+
Beginners Guide to Using AJAX with jQuery
AJAX offers users a seamless way to work with your interface, no waiting for whole pages to load. jQuery has a set of tools to make it super simple to implement. We will walk you through how to use jQuery to connect to PHP so you can step up your user interface.
AJAX offers users a seamless way to work with your interface, no waiting for whole pages to load.&#160; jQuery has a set of tools to make it super simple to implement. We will walk you through how to use jQuery to connect to PHP so you can step up yo
Riak - A Decentralized Database
Riak combines a decentralized key-value store, a flexible map/reduce engine, and a friendly HTTP/JSON query interface to provide a database ideally suited for Web applications.
What in the heck is JSONP and why would you use it? | InsideRIA
<html> <head> <script src="/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script> $(function() { var req = '' $.getJSON(req,{}, function(data) { console.dir(data) }); }); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
QuirkeyBlog » Blog Archive » Sammy.js, CouchDB, and the new web architecture
Improving jQuery’s JSON performance and security | Encosia
Mejorar la velocidad de JSON
When you’re working with JSON, performance and security are often opposing, yet equally important concerns. One of these areas of contention is handling the JSON strings returned by a server. Most JavaScript libraries do a great job of abstracting away the details, but the underlying process has long been a frustrating exercise in compromise. On one hand, eval() is the fastest widely available method, but it is not safe. On the other hand, textual JSON parsers written in JavaScript may be much safer, but are dramatically slower. In client-side situations, where milliseconds count, such a large performance overhead is typically too prohibitive to accept. Recently, an exciting new alternative has emerged: browser-native JSON parsing. Integrating JSON parsing as part of the browser’s implementation of JavaScript allows for using the more secure parsing method, and even provides performance faster than eval() offers.
Recently, an exciting new alternative has emerged: browser-native JSON parsing. Integrating JSON parsing as part of the browser’s implementation of JavaScript allows for using the more secure parsing method, and even provides performance faster than eval() offers. To take advantage of that, this post will show you how to detect whether or not a browser supports native JSON parsing, and how to force jQuery to use browser-native parsing in its $.ajax calls when it is available.
SwellJS – another big fish in the sea
DragDrop de arquivos do desktop para o navegador
drag & drop from desktop
John Resig - ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode, JSON, and More
Shrub / Amazon S3 Proxy
using AWS
Easy web interface to public Amazon S3 buckets. Handy if you want to share files with people.
A client side JSON document store. Want to see this in Node.JS.
Sorta like a couch except smaller and outside, also, a client side JSON document store. Perfect for webkit mobile apps that need a lightweight, simple and elegant persistence solution.
"Sorta like a couch except smaller and outside, also, a client side JSON document store. Perfect for webkit mobile apps that need a lightweight, simple and elegant persistence solution."
JSON Hijacking
Orderly JSON
Orderly is a textual format for describing JSON. Orderly can be compiled into JSONSchema. It is designed to be easy to read and write.
Orderly is a textual format for describing JSON. Orderly can be compiled into JSONSchema. It is designed to be easy to read and write. JSONSchema attempts to provide a representation for three distinct types of information about JSON structures: * Data structure (for documentation and validation purposes) * Storage attributes (information pertinent to tools that wish to persist JSON data) * Interaction Control (providing hints on how to render a UI where data can be manipulated). JSONSchema attempts to provide a representation for three distinct types of information about JSON structures: * Data structure (for documentation and validation purposes) * Storage attributes (information pertinent to tools that wish to persist JSON data) * Interaction Control (providing hints on how to render a UI where data can be manipulated).
jLinq - LINQ for JSON
jLinq is a fully extensible Javascript library that allows you to perform LINQ style queries on arrays of object.
FleetDB is a schema-free database optimized for agile development.
terrastore - Project Hosting on Google Code
Cross-domain requests with jQuery – James Padolsey
– James Padolsey
in short, YQL allows us to make cross-domain GET requests!
Use jQuery - Blog - The jQuery Cross-Domain Ajax Guide
Elastic Search - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
A distributed, highly available RESTful Search Engine based on Lucene
ElasticSearch is an open source, distributed, RESTful search engine built on top of Lucene.
ElasticSearch is an open source, distributed, RESTful, Search Engine.
An open source search engine built on top of Lucene that can be distributed across multiple indexes on different nodes.
Try jLinq Online
jLinq is a Javascript library that makes working with complex arrays easy. jLinq was built based on adding functions to the core library so it is easily extended with your own custom code. jLinq is free and open source so you can contribute your creations and help improve the library!
Another take on content negotiation
serve content based on client accept header. whatever user is asking for i.e. json or xml.
JSON Visualization
Simple, easy method to visually inspect a JSON-encoded string.
nothingmuch's most awesome Perl blog EVAR!!1one: Why I don't use CouchDB
Keep this as a reference to common couch FUD :)
The MessagePack Project
MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small.
"MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small." -- apache license
Cross-domain communications with JSONP, Part 1: Combine JSONP and jQuery to quickly build powerful mashups
Open Data (OData)
The simplest OData service can be implemented as simply as a static file that follows the OData ATOM or JSON payload conventions. For scenarios beyond static content, frameworks are available to help in creating OData services. See the OData developer page for additional information.
New open data protocol being pushed by Microsoft
Pusher - Realtime client push powered by HTML5 websockets, beyond AJAX
We believe that the real-time web is fantastic and should be easy to implement. This is our simple solution, powered by HTML5 websockets
ferramenta para fazer carding sorting online
This is What a Tweet Looks Like
140 chars you say?... This is What a Tweet Looks Like
This is What a Tweet Looks Like
twitter schema representation.
a breakdown of all the information in a tweet
Get a look at all the metadata behind the humble tweet: This is what the semantic web looks like. via @paoloman – Negar Mottahedeh (negaratduke)
Think a tweet is just 140 characters of text? Think again. To developers building tools on top of the Twitter platform, they know tweets contain far more information than just whatever brief, passing thought you felt the urge to share with your friends via the microblogging network. A tweet is filled with metadata - information about when it was sent, by who, using what Twitter application and so on. Now, thanks to Raffi Krikorian, a developer on Twitter's API/Platform team, you can see what a tweet looks like, in all its data-rich detail.
Anatomy of a Subtle JSON Vulnerability
Resources that emit Json arrays risk data theft
Introduction to JSON and PHP
muy bien explicado
Simple Wins : Daytime Running Lights
Background on jchrisa's Toast (standalone chat app in CouchDB+JS+HTML)
The point is to show how CouchDB's "databasey" features, because they are implemented using HTTP, can be leveraged to make powerful end-user experiences, with just a minimum of code.
SQLike - a small query engine
SQLike is a small (10 kB) query engine for JavaScript and ActionScript. Its functionality and syntax is similar to that of SQL and it can be used to query arrays of objects or arrays of arrays.
"A service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will."
RT @LaFermeDuWeb: Jsonduit - Transformez tout site web en un flux JSON Consommable:
Any data, anywhere. JSonduit is a service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will. Feeds are created from one or more source URLs and a custom transform, written in JavaScript, that can manipulate the data before the feed is served. JSonduit also provides a hosting service for web widgets so that any site can easily display JSonduit feeds. In fact, the recent/popular lists you see below are widgets served by the JSonduit service; all done in a couple of lines of JavaScript (go ahead, view the page source!).
JSonduit is a service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will.
jQuery Templates and Data Linking (and Microsoft contributing to jQuery) - ScottGu's Blog
jQuery Templates and Data Linking
Code | Drew
Built on jQuery, Titan interfaces with JSON, enabling you to easily put data from JSON into your HTML elements via Javascript or CSS classes. Titan will even query the server for you using REST methods to retrieve the JSON you will be working with.
wycats's jquery-offline at master - GitHub
The jQuery offline plugin provides an easy mechanism for retrieving JSON data from a remote server, and then caching it. Subsequent requests for the same URL will retrieve the data from the cache, rather than the remote server. If the user is online, the plugin will transparently request new content from the remote server, firing the callback again if the content has changed. If the user is offline, the plugin will request the data from the remote server for the most recent request when the user comes back online.
A jQuery plugin to facilitate conveniently working with local storage
wycats's jquery-offline at master - GitHub
Shared: JQuery offline released
Web applications that wish to work robustly in flaky or offline scenarios can use client-side persistence to serve stale data while transparently trying to reconnect for more up-to-date data if possible. In a mobile scenario, the user may consider himself “connected” when in fact he has dropped out of connectivity for a moment (for instance, he may have gone under a tunnel). Because of this, and because latency on mobile devices can be quite high, a well-behaved mobile web application (or even simple website) will serve up content out of a local cache, so the user can see it quickly, before trying to make a connection to retrieve new content
The jQuery offline plugin provides an easy mechanism for retrieving JSON data from a remote server, and then caching it. Subsequent requests for the same URL will retrieve the data from the cache, rather than the remote server. If the user is online, the plugin will transparently request new content from the remote server, firing the callback again if the content has changed. If the user is offline, the plugin will request the data from the remote server for the most recent request when the user comes back online.