Pages tagged jon_tom:

Jae - update: a marriage of convenience

Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal.
Jon/Tom, NC-17. 40,000 words Regency AU. Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal.
Regency AU. Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal.
This was a pleasure to read, and so fabulous. This 'verse completely drew me in. The writing has a pitch-perfect style that reflects the period in which the story was set. I loved seeing Jon and Tom's romance develop, and wow, it was ridiculously hot.
NC17. SUMMARY: Regency AU. Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal.
40,000 words. Regency AU. Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal. <333
Jon/Tom Historical Epic AU of much love. In the tone of Austen.
"Regency AU. Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal"