Pages tagged jesus:

40 Awesome Versions of Jesus |

  As you probably already know, Jesus is a pretty popular guy. He's so popular, in fact, that he's inspired people from all walks of life to create their very own versions of the Son of God that somehow take him to another level. Here are 40 of
Seriously awesome.
6-story Jesus statue in Ohio struck by lightning - Yahoo! News
A six-story statue of Jesus Christ was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, leaving only a blackened steel skeleton and pieces of foam that were scooped up by curious onlookers Tuesday.
Big Butter Jesus, no! I pass this thing all the time on my way home. Bummer.
check out the flame war (no pun intended) 6-story Jesus statue struck by lightning 14k comments
A six-story-tall statue of Jesus Christ with his arms raised along a highway was struck by lightning in a thunderstorm Monday night and burned to the ground, police said.
A six-story statue of Jesus Christ was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, leaving only a blackened steel skeleton and pieces of foam that were scooped up by curious onlookers Tuesday.