Pages tagged j2ee:

InfoQ: Writing JEE applications with Grails and Flex

Grails and Flex both have significant advantages in different parts of the software stack. In this new article you will learn how they can be combined to take advantage of each's strengths. Topics covered include component communication, data transfer, and JMS integration.
This article will go into detail about how to write JEE applications with Grails, a spin-off of traditional JEE application development, and Flex, a different technique that can be used with Java. Both frameworks can be highly productive. Combining the two frameworks holds the promise of building rich internet frontends to J2EE applications while retaining the high productivity.
Enterprise Java Community: Java EE 6 Overview
Enterprise Java Community: Modularizing Existing Web Applications With OSGi: A Migration Path to OSGi
This article takes you through 12 easy steps to understand how OSGi bundles can be used within an existing classic WAR application. Prior experience with Eclipse Web Tools (Tomcat runtime and launcher) is recommended. The code referred to in this article is available for download here [1].
Mastering Spring MVC - JavaWorld
Model-View-Controller Web frameworks for Java are plentiful, and most of them integrate with Spring, but the tightest integration can be found in Spring's own MVC module. Get started with Spring MVC in this introductory article by Steven Haines, who begins with a history of the Model-View-Controller paradigm in Java Web development. He then introduces the Spring Framework and explains how it leverages the concepts of Spring, including dependency injection. Finally, Steven guides you through a programming tutorial that demonstrates the core features of Spring MVC in an easy-to-follow, hands-on format.
A technical resource that provides easy-to-understand tutorials for Struts, Struts 2, Spring, Hibernate, Ant and Log4j.