Pages tagged interviewing:

The Interview Question You Should Always Ask - Conversation Starter -

Those of us who run businesses, departments, or teams are faced with this question all the time. How can we distinguish the stars from the merely competent? Of all the candidates whose resumés we receive, how do we place our bet on the one who will stand out from the rest?
10 Answers You Should Know Before Your Job Interview - Dumb Little Man
Hacking a Google Interview
» How to Answer the 10 Most Common Interview Questions
28 Questions You Wish You Asked the Manager During the Job Interview | JavaWorld's Daily Brew
# What will I be expected to accomplish the first three months? # What projects will I work on? How will I be transitioned to new projects after existing projects are over? # How much overtime has this team been doing in the last three months? What's typical? What's acceptable? How does the company respond after a time-crunch is over? (If you ask directly, "Do you encourage work/life balance?" naturally they'll respond "Sure!" Instead, ask a specific question to find out if that "Sure
Preguntas que hacer en una entrevista y cosas que no hacer en una entrevista de trabajo
see[Mike]code - Conduct a short coding interview, remotely
Website to set up your own brief coding interviews, to augment telephone interviews with a practical aspect.
12 Indirect Job Interview Questions & What They Really Reveal
most firms ask slightly different questions and have their own method of interviewing. Today, we explore twelve common indirect questions that employers often ask and the motivation behind them.
Interview Questions Every Developer should ask an Employer
Focused on C#, ASP but still a good read
Jay Fields' Thoughts: Questions To Ask an Interviewer
Jay Fields' Thoughts: Questions To Ask an Interviewer
How Prepare for and Rock a Behavioral Job Interview | The Art of Manliness
Before I flew out to my interview, a friend of mine who knew this person tipped me off on the executive’s interview style. The executive liked to use behavioral interviewing to weed out candidates for positions. I had never heard of this interview style before, so I set out to research as much as I could about it, aiming to be as prepared as possible. Here’s what I learned on the way to landing the job.