Pages tagged internet:

10 Web Sites That Will Matter in 2009 - PC World

@PC World
Google & the Future of Books - The New York Review of Books
Google & the Future of Books - The New York Review of Books
Don't get me wrong. I know that businesses must be responsible to shareholders. I believe that authors are entitled to payment for their creative labor and that publishers deserve to make money from the value they add to the texts supplied by authors. I admire the wizardry of hardware, software, search engines, digitization, and algorithmic relevance ranking. I acknowledge the importance of copyright, although I think that Congress got it better in 1790 than in 1998.
Interesting article that looks at the future of the book in light of the recent settlement betewen Google and the major publishing houses.
Robert Darnton- an important figure in Book History- is concerned about the future of the information society as major players increasingly hold the greatest sway
What will happen if Google favors profitability over access? Nothing, if I read the terms of the settlement correctly. Only the registry, acting for the copyright holders, has the power to force a change in the subscription prices charged by Google, and there is no reason to expect the registry to object if the prices are too high. Google may choose to be generous in it pricing, and I have reason to hope it may do so; but it could also employ a strategy comparable to the one that proved to be so effective in pushing up the price of scholarly journals: first, entice subscribers with low initial rates, and then, once they are hooked, ratchet up the rates as high as the traffic will bear.
Kevin Kelly -- The Technium
Annotated link
Kevin Kelly's visie op de verschuiving van eigendom van content naar toegang tot content
"Better than owning" - a world of subscriptions giving instant universal access (to content, at least)
Better than Owning
Better Than Owning Ownership is not as important as it once was. I use roads that I don't own. I have immediate access to 99% of the roads and highways of the world (with a few exceptions) because they are a public commons. We are all granted this street access via our payment of local taxes. For almost any purpose I can think of, the roads of the world serve me as if I owned them. Even better than if I owned them since I am not in charge of maintaining them. The bulk of public infrastructure offers the same "better than owning" benefits.
Future. Very very cool.
The Plot to Kill Google
DOJ story on Google's failed attempt to do advertising with Yahoo.. and lawyer-ly intrique and microsoft scare tactics
An article on everyone's favorite search engine by the awesome folks over at
Google may not be evil, but it sure does have enemies.
Android Proxy App
"This is an experimental SOCKS proxy and Port Bouncer that should allow you to connect your laptop to the internet using the internet connection (EDGE, 3G or Wifi) of your T-Mobile G1 Cellphone. " Not a true "tethering" app, claims the author (Graham Stewart), because it doesn't have access to low-level packet APIs for a NAT connection.
an experimental SOCKS proxy and Port Bouncer that should allow you to connect your laptop to the internet using the internet connection (EDGE, 3G or Wifi) of your T-Mobile G1 Cellphone.
Android application for limited tethering to the phone's internet connection. The app can act as a SOCKS proxy or forward an individual port.
Top 10 Online Tools to Connect With the Obama Administration
Herramientas que pone el estado Americano para contactar con la administración Publica
Freezing cold, no internet, boring: it's a French web 2.0 conference! | Technology |
Want to know how Britain should spend that billion pounds it has earmarked for internet startups? On a vodka-fuelled conference in a sauna in London. It would sure put LeWeb into the shade. Though almost anything would.
The Guardain rips into Loic Le Meur's recent tech conference.
So, LeWeb kindof sucked then, huh?
"Everyone has something interesting to say," Coelho said at one point, clearly showing that he's never had a conversation with one of his fans.
"And even more satisfying than all of that is the fact that the idea of a huge state-sponsored piss-up is such an anathema to Americans that there's no way they can outdo us. Instead Kara, Michael and all those other smug Valley dwellers will be forced to look on enviously as Europe drinks, sweats, networks and bonds its way to a new dot com boom."
Καυστικός Guardian για το LeWeb...
"So please, take my advice, as I go into other concentrated endeavors. Fuck the Cloud. Fuck it right in the ear. Trust it like you would trust a guy pulling up in a van offering a sweet deal on electronics. Maybe you’ll make out, maybe you won’t. But he ain’t necessarily going to be there tomorrow."
Centralization is not the future.
And even
Trust it like you would trust a guy pulling up in a van offering a sweet deal on electronics.
"By the cloud, of course, I mean this idea that you have a local machine, a box running some OS, and a vital, distinct part of what you do and what you’re about or what you consider important to you is on other machines that you don’t run, don’t control, don’t buy, don’t administrate, and don’t really understand."
TakenOutOfContext.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Impact des réseaux sociaux sur les ados américains...
teens in networked social spaces. danah boyds dissertation.
"While teenagers primarily leverage social network sites to engage in common practices, the properties of these sites configured their practices and teens were forced to contend with the resultant dynamics. Often, in doing so, they reworked the technology for their purposes. As teenagers learned to navigate social network sites, they developed potent strategies for managing the complexities of and social awkwardness incurred by these sites. Their strategies reveal how new forms of social media are incorporated into everyday life, complicating some practices and reinforcing others. New technologies reshape public life, but teens’ engagement also reconfigures the technology itself."
Dr danah boyd's newly-minted PhD from UC Berkeley was awarded based on her fantastic thesis project, "Taken Out of Context: American Teen Sociality in Networked Publics." danah's ground-breaking research on how kids (especially marginal kids) use the Internet has been featured here a lot -- she was one of the contributors to Mimi Ito's gigantic Digital Youth Project, and the attorneys general's report on the relative absence of pedophiles online.
Hive Five: Five Best People-Search Engines
Cover Your Tracks & Be Anonymous On The Net With JAP |
A handful of Firefox tweaks that will double your browser speed : Boy Genius Report
Predictions 2009 - John Battelle's Searchblog
predictions about search engines and social networking sites
John Battelle's predictions for the coming year...
The Unforeseen Consequences of the Social Web - ReadWriteWeb
The social Web has given users great power: the ability to create and share content with people around the world - easily and quickly. The problem of course, ...
what you do on social media leaves traces and cannot be easily removed from the Web. Information can fairly easily be tracked back to you and what you say and do will be public for a long time. Whether you believe in monitoring yourself online or not, don't forget the point of the social Web
ComScore: Internet Population Passes One Billion; Top 15 Countries
interesting stats ... need to learn chinise soon if u wana reach majority ....
What the Web knows about you
If you're not concerned about privacy in the age of the Internet yet, you should. Don't want to take my word for it? Then read this.
What information is available about you in cyberspace? Where does it come from, and what risks does it present? Computerworld's Robert L. Mitchell set out to see just how much he could find about himself online. What he discovered is frightening.
The web is fast becoming the collective knowledge base of all of humanity, for better or for worse.
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Offline Gmail
mail koji radi bez mreze, izdano od googla, vrlo pametno i korisno off line rjesenje! jos nije u upotrebi ali kad bude, tu ce se moci skinuti!
gmail offline!
Awesome. I hope they polish this one up ASAP.
Google plans to make PCs history | Technology | The Observer
Go G Drive!
G Drive
Industry critics warn of danger in giving internet leader more control over users' private data
M-Lab | Welcome to Measurement Lab
founded by Google. Quote: is an open, distributed server platform for researchers to deploy Internet measurement tools.
YouTube - History of the Internet
Finfin animasjon som viser Internett utviklinga frå 1957 til 2009. Forenkla sjølvsagt, men fin. Litt komplisert ordbruk innimellom, men det må ein vel rekne med.
Yawn! Cool animation though.
"History of the internet" is an animated documentary explaining the inventions from time-sharing to filesharing, from Arpanet to Internet. The history is told using the PICOL icons on , which are available for download soon. On you can get news about this project.
filmpjes op internet
Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab
Welcome to Measurement Lab
by Google.
How Obama Will Use Web Technology
web 2.0 and collaborative communication
open-source democracy.
Obama nutzt die Onlinedienste von Google, Facebook etc auch als Präsident. Spannende Entwicklung, neben der bejahenden Tech-Sicht fehlt noch die kritischere Hinterfragung.
HOW TO: Survive a Social Media Revolt
Muhammad Saleem discusses the recent Hulu crisis and how to survive a social media revolt.
Easy come, easy go - that is how these 2.0 services should be perceived.
You Need To See This Video (1981 TV Report On Birth Of Internet News)
“Imagine, if you will, sitting down to your morning coffee, turning on your home computer to see the day’s newspaper. Well, it’s not as far-fetched as it may seem.”
Imagine, if you will, sitting down to your morning coffee, turning on your home computer to see the day's newspaper. Well, it's not ...
Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab
google isp test speed network neutrality
Net Neutrality: Measurement Lab Checks if Your Connection is Being Throttled
57 Internet Possibilities to Investigate |
Awesome list of what and how to use tools on the internet
Hotspot Shield for iPhone
Hotspot Shield
Glasnost: Test if your ISP is manipulating BitTorrent traffic
This test suite creates a BitTorrent-like transfer between your machine and our server, and determines whether or not your ISP is limiting such traffic. This is a first step towards making traffic manipulation by ISPs more transparent to their customers.
The Economics of Giving It Away -
In a battered economy, free goods and services online are more attractive than ever. So how can the suppliers make a business model out of nothing?
Free is not enough. It also has to be matched with Paid.
YouTube - 1981 primitive Internet report on KRON
Turns out newspapers didn't know how to make money on the Web in 1981, either.
Local TV news report of an experiment by newspapers in delivering content by modem. File under foreshadowing.
Imagine if you will waking up in the morning and turning on your home computer to read the day's newspaper. Just imagine....
Long before anyone had heard of the Internet, early home computer users could read their morning newspapers online ... sort of. Steve Newman's 1981 story was broadcast on KRON San Francisco.
the future sure looks bright.
The San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner are made available online via CompuServe.
newspapers on computers
When Talking About Business Models, Remember That Profits Equal Revenues Minus Costs
More excellent insight from Fred Wilson about Internet startups, online business models, and revenue vs. cash. Important insight for anyone in business that needs to understand how next-generation economics are not what Wall Street was doing, but what the Web is doing today.
o a business is worth the sum of all of its future profits, discounted back to a net present value (buffet thinks this is the intrinsic value). its a lot easier to decrease costs than increase revenues. forget that ROE is so high for companies like craigslist. have a 1B company on 30 employees. any need to get big and grow.
Good article on Web based business profits, costs and revenues
Europeana - Connecting Cultural Heritage
Europeana - Connecting Cultural Heritage
Projekthomepage mit Systeminfos, Metadaten, Technisches, etc.
Official Google Blog: "This site may harm your computer" on every search result?!?!
If you did a Google search between 6:30 a.m. PST and 7:25 a.m. PST this morning, you likely saw that the message "This site may harm your computer" accompanied each and every search result. This was clearly an error, and we are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to our users.
Well that explains that...
"If you did a Google search between 6:30 a.m. PST and 7:25 a.m. PST this morning, you likely saw that the message "This site may harm your computer" accompanied each and every search result. This was clearly an error, and we are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to our users. What happened? Very simply, human error" bit worrying really
dotbot |
i find it cool that 7% of the web is not there.
We are just a few Seattle based guys trying to figure out how to make internet data as open as possible. You should be able to find everything you are looking for below. If not feel free to contact us. Happy Surfing!
Whole Internet in one file :)
» The Evolution of Search ChunkIt!: TigerLogic ChunkIt!
Evolution of Search
A look at the History, Vision, Innovators, and Future of Information Accessibility
Clive Thompson on How YouTube Changes the Way We Think
Marshall McLuhan pointed out that whenever we get our hands on a new medium we tend to use it like older ones. Early TV broadcasts consisted of guys sitting around reading radio scripts because nobody had realized yet that TV could tell stories differently. It's the same with much of today's webcam video; most people still try to emulate TV and film. Only weirdos like MadV are really exploring its potential. A bigger leap will occur when we get better tools for archiving and searching video. Then we'll start using it the way we use paper or word processing: to take notes or mull over a problem, like Tom Cruise flipping through scenes at the beginning of Minority Report. We think of video as a way to communicate with others—but it's becoming a way to communicate with ourselves.
Article connecting YouTube with participatory culture.
"So here's my question: What exactly is this? What do you call MadV's project? It isn't quite a documentary; it isn't exactly a conversation or a commentary, either. It's some curious mongrel form. And it would have been inconceivable before the Internet and cheap webcams—prohibitively expensive and difficult to pull off."
The First Worlwide Site Where Nothing Happens
ahora si el url. del primer sitio donde no pasa nada via @elneco
Interesting site by Kit Kat, who wants to give you a break!
Um site onde nada acontece.
The First Worldwide Site Where Nothing Happens. KitKat.
100 Powerful Web Tools to Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas | Online College Blog and School Reviews
Whether you are a busy executive, a single parent, a freelancer working from home, a student, or a combination of these, you have probably found yourself needing help when it comes to organizing all your thoughts and ideas that occur throughout your busy day.
Domain - Your #1 Source for Available Domain Names
TED: MIT Students Turn Internet Into a Sixth Human Sense -- Video | Epicenter from
In the tactile world, we use our five senses to take in information about our environment and respond to it, Maes explained. But a lot of the information that helps us understand and respond to the world doesn't come from these senses. Instead, it comes from computers and the internet. Maes' goal is to harness computers to feed us information in an organic fashion, like our existing senses. The prototype was built from an ordinary webcam and a battery-powered 3M projector, with an attached mirror -- all connected to an internet-enabled mobile phone. The setup, which costs less than $350, allows the user to project information from the phone onto any surface -- walls, the body of another person or even your hand.
Holy crap.
dude honestly insane
Official Google Blog: Introducing Measurement Lab
glasnost, search engine
Community-based diagnostics. Early stages.
Death To The Embargo
We’ve never broken an embargo at TechCrunch. Not once. Today that ends. From now our new policy is to break every embargo. We’ll happily agree to whatever you ask of us, and then we’ll just do whatever we feel like right after that. We may break an embargo by one minute or three days. We’ll choose at random.
arrington on how they will no longer do embargos
strategy pr marketing trust
Music Industry to Abandon Mass Suits -
Music Industry to Abandon Mass Suits
The decision represents an abrupt shift of strategy for the industry, which has opened legal proceedings against about 35,000 people since 2003. Critics say the legal offensive ultimately did little to stem the tide of illegally downloaded music. And it created a public-relations disaster for the industry, whose lawsuits targeted, among others, several single mothers, a dead person and a 13-year-old girl. [us album sales] Instead, the Recording Industry Association of America said it plans to try an approach that relies on the cooperation of Internet-service providers. The trade group said it has hashed out preliminary agreements with major ISPs under which it will send an email to the provider when it finds a provider's customers making music available online for others to take.
When you retard fair use with pointless DRM and then sue anonymous children for illegally downloading music while ignoring those of the execs at the top of the music industry, you're asking for a public relations nightmare. Now, with more than 35k lawsuits to its credit, RIAA says it will finally end the legal assault against consumers that began back in '03. RIAA will instead, focus its anti-piracy efforts with ISPs. Under the new plan, the RIAA will contact ISPs when illegal uploading is detected. The ISP will then contact the customer with a notice that would ultimately be followed by a reduction or cessation of service. As you'd expect, the RIAA is not commenting on which ISPs they are in cahoots with. The RIAA also says that it won't require ISPs to reveal the identities of individuals but could, of course, go after individuals who are heavy uploaders or repeat offenders. For the moment though, it appears that single-mothers are in the clear.
Fuck the RI double A
Scene stealer: The aXXo files - Features, Films - The Independent
At 8.40am on Monday 15 December, a new post appeared on an internet forum called the Darkside Release Group.
all about axxo, I wonder if they talk about his terrible taste in movies ha ha. To read later.
Some great questions about file sharing, the hypocrisy of pirates wanting credit for their rips, and the legend of the great aXXo
"Though the mainstream media ignored it, this was a landmark moment for millions of filesharers worldwide: the 1,000th movie uploaded by aXXo, the internet's most popular and enduring pirate. If you already know his name, chances are you've been doing something illegal."
Best Firefox Extensions: 13 Money and Time Saving FireFox Add-ons! || Technology Nerd
some really useful looking ones like gmail manager for multiple gmail accounts
Image Source: Mouserunner Ten's and Hundreds of Firefox plugins are released by individual developers every day. I looked through and found ...
Technology Nerd
Google Next Victim Of Creative Destruction? (GOOG)
The web has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to evolve and leave embedded franchises struggling or in the dirt. Prodigy, AOL were early candidates. Today Yahoo and Ebay are struggling, and I think Google is tipping down the same path. This cycle of creative destruction — more recently framed as the innovators dilemma — is both fascinating and hugely dislocating for businesses. To see this immense franchises melt before your very eyes — is hard to say the least.
Are the Creators of Twitter Living in the Last Dreamworld on Earth? -- New York Magazine
Sure, the Twitter guys still have no idea how to make money off their fabulous invention. But for now they are living in a dreamworld of infinite possibilities, maybe the last one on Earth.
Trackle - Your Personal Tracker on the Web
Your personal tracker on the Web for the things you care about
They provide a simple way of tracking anything on the web, from product prices to insider trading, medical research to crime in your neighborhood, or hip-hop albums on iTunes to apartment listings on craigslist.
Sigue el tracking de las cosas que te gustan mediante mapas interactivos
RSS tracking service with alerts.
Might be an interesting follow up to our call yesterday Marsh...
Clive Thompson on How More Info Leads to Less Knowledge
What's going on? Normally, we expect society to progress, amassing deeper scientific understanding and basic facts every year. Knowledge only increases, right? Robert Proctor doesn't think so. A historian of science at Stanford, Proctor points out that when it comes to many contentious subjects, our usual relationship to information is reversed: Ignorance increases.
More accurate title: Robert Proctor on how lying asshats dilute the truth.
TED Interview: Tribes Author Says People, Not Ads, Build Social Networks | Epicenter from
"The third idea, the one that I think is really available to a large number of people now without a lot of resources, is this idea of finding and connecting like-minded people and leading them to a place they want to go"
You can't have insiders unless you have outsiders. All tribes have outsiders. That's what makes them a tribe. If everyone is a member, it's not a tribe anymore.... So I don't think there's any problem at all for Apple with people saying they're elitist.
An interesting article on social networking and viral marketing concepts.
How to Save Your Newspaper - TIME,8599,1877191,00.html
Ja miksi?
when Web advertising declined in the fourth quarter of 2008, free felt like the future of journalism only in the sense that a steep cliff is the future for a herd of lemmings
Everybody enjoys things @
try this?
Good Site.
Te avisa si entras mas de 1 vez en una web durante 1 determinado tiempo
"The system will warn you if you visit the website more than once in 60 minutes."
The 20 Wildest Webcams - PC World
Pew Internet: Twitter and status updating
As of December 2008, 11% of online American adults said they used a service like Twitter or another service that allowed them to share updates about themselves or to see the updates of others. The use of Twitter is highly intertwined with the use of other social media; both blogging and social network use increase the likelihood than an individual also uses Twitter. Twitter users and status updaters are also a mobile bunch; as a group they are much more likely to be using wireless technologies -- laptops, handhelds and cell phones -- for internet access, or cell phones for text messaging.
Look who is Twittering now...
In the past three years, developments in social networking and internet applications have begun providing internet users with more opportunities for sharing short updates about themselves, their lives, and their whereabouts online. Users may post messages about their status, their moods, their location and other tidbits on social networks and blogging sites, or on applications for sending out short messages to networks of friends like Twitter, Yammer and others.
I, Cringely
I, Cringely - Cringely on technology
Not afraid of provoking thoughts and idea !
ED Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration on the Internet -- TOC
Great site if you are looking for ideas on how to get started collaborating with another classroom
government site with ideas for online collaboration and international activities.
The Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration was developed to help teachers use the Internet to "reach out" globally. These materials were prepared as part of the Department of Education's International Education Initiative.
Lolcats, "I Can Has Cheezburger?" | Salon Life
The lolcats, the Internet's most famous felines, may be hilarious. But in their yearning, I see nothing less than the tragedy of the human condition.
5 Companies Building the "Internet of Things" - ReadWriteWeb
web to world!!
ideas innovation tech
The Death Of “Web 2.0″
The Death Of “Web 2.0″
Evolution and Facebook's "25 Random Things About Me" craze. - By Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine
an outline, with graphs, about the 25 random things that spread across facebook
It's all evolution...
25 Things, Analyzed as an Infectious Disease
Facebook's New Terms Of Service: "We Can Do Anything We Want With Your Content. Forever."
Not a big Facebook fan. Glad I haven't used it for content sharing. I've got to believe my photos have a much better home in Flickr.
FB changed it's TOS to include rights to your content even AFTER you've closed your account.
Facebook's New Terms Of Service: "We Can Do Anything We Want With Your Content. Forever."
How To: Tether the iPhone or G1 To Your Laptop For Free 3G Broadband
The other iPhoneModem is nagware ($10 to get rid of the nags), and does include a Windows config app, which we have not tested. If you're running windows, try that one, and let us know how it goes in the comments. There is also another method using an app called 3proxy that requires lots of manual configuration, but that one may also be worth a try. Update: Commenters are also recommending PDANet for Windows tethering, which is in Cydia as well.
Facebook: All Your Stuff Is Ours, Even If You Quit
Change in Facebook's Terms of Service: In short, all of the content you’ve ever uploaded on Facebook can be used, modified or even sublicensed by Facebook in every possible way - even if you quit the service.
why i don't use facebook
Top 10 Twitter Tips for Beginners - Solutions by PC Magazine,2817,2341095,00.asp
Ready to jump into Twitter, but don't know how to get started? Follow these 10 tips and you'll fit right in.
Forget Micropayments -- Here's a Far Better Idea for Monetizing Content
"The user must be given the option of whether to pay for a Web site's content (by financially supporting the site), or read it for free. I'm betting this one will be a tough pill to swallow for many industry executives with traditional media mindsets, but it's critical because it fits the culture, indeed the nature, of the Internet. Traditional micropayment schemes for online news content -- "pay up or go elsewhere" -- fight it, and thus are doomed to fail, in my view." Okei, en ehtinyt lukemaan tätä kunnolla enkä oikein ymmärtänyt, että mistä ne rahat tulevat. Mutta luen paremmalla ajalla...
Many people in the newspaper industry are already in full-fledged panic mode, and one of the recent responses has been a wave of calls to resurrect an online publishing business model that has not yet worked: micropayments.
Forget Micropayments -- Here's a Far Better Idea for Monetizing Content While Time magazine and others claim the answer lies in asking readers to pay in small increments, that model will only hasten newspapers' death spiral. Instead, consider what may prove to be the solution: a California start-up called Kachingle.
While Time magazine and others claim the answer lies in asking readers to pay in small increments, that model will only hasten newspapers' death spiral. Instead, consider what may prove to be the solution: a California start-up called Kachingle.
Russian lolcats
English Translations of Eastern Bloc Lolcats
Funny "translated" lolcats.
English translation of eastern bloc lolcats.
HOW TO: Make Firefox Your Productivity Machine
or even Google’s Chrome browser (disclaimer: I may write this post for
We won’t mention Internet Explorer here. Nor Opera or even Google’s Chrome browser (disclaimer: I may write this post for Chrome in a few months once they have extensions available). Today, we’re going to take a look at Firefox - the browser we all are should be using.
100 Free and Useful Open Courseware Classes for Web Workers - Learn-gasm
How Facebook is taking over our lives - Feb. 17, 2009
Presidend Obama used it to get elected. Dell will recruit new hires with it. Microsoft's new operating system borrows from it. No question, Facebook has friends in high places. Can CEO Mark Zuckerberg make those connections pay off?
Top 10 Moments Caught on Google Maps Street View - Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture
از گوگل ارث شکار صحنه زیاد دیده بودم. این بار تصاویر جالبی از سرویس گوگل استریت ویور
Greg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something
Just cuz...
A foot and a half: Finally, A Use for Twitter
Guy meets Shaq in a diner thanks to Twitter. "To all twitterers , if u c me n public come say hi, we r not the same we r from twitteronia, we connect"
Twitter gets you a celeb meet-up.
"To all twitterers , if u c me n public come say hi, we r not the same we r from twitteronia, we connect" (O-Ton Shaquille O'Neal)
Are Our Brains Becoming “Googlized?”
In a nutshell, the findings were that “emerging computerized technologies may have physiological effects and potential benefits for middle aged and older adults,” and that “internet searching engages complicated brain activity, which may help exercise and improve brain function.” This is a long way of saying that being online helps keep those little gray cells busy. The level of brain activity was compared to that of reading a book. With internet usage, a significantly bigger piece of neural real estate lit up on the fMRI indicating that more parts of the brain were engaged.
Are our brains being rewired by using the Internet? The evidence tends to be pointing that way.
Tech Central - Times Online - WBLG: Top 25 days in computing history
Top 25 days in computing history
How To Share A Printer Over The Internet |
The gotcha is that it prints an ad on the coversheet
How To Share A Printer Over The Internet |
DeepPeep: discover the hidden web
DeepPeep is a search engine specialized in Web forms. The current beta version currently tracks 13,000 forms across 7 domains. DeepPeep helps you discover the entry points to content in Deep Web (aka Hidden Web) sites, including online databases and Web services.
Moteur de recherche pour le web invisible
Run IE8/7/6, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera from the web
Run any browser from the web
Run IE8/7/6, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera from the web
New Search Technologies Mine the Web More Deeply -
"Now a new breed of technologies is taking shape that will extend the reach of search engines into the Web’s hidden corners. When that happens, it will do more than just improve the quality of search results — it may ultimately reshape the way many companies do business online."
Google now indexes a trillion web pages - but that's just a fraction of what's out there. So, what does it miss? is built for a static web...................
The Twenty Five Most Valuable Blogs - 247 Wall Street
gawker huffington post
Social websites harm children's brains: Chilling warning to parents from to
Social networking websites are causing alarming changes in the brains of young users, an eminent scientist has warned.
uh oh
Charlie Rose - A conversation with entrepreneur and software engineer Marc Andreessen
A conversation with Marc Andreessen, co-founder and chairman of Ning and an investor in several startups including Digg, Plazes, and Twitter. Best known as co-author of Mosaic, and founder of Netscape. He is on the Board of Directors of Facebook and eBay
Fantastic interview -- gives a great overview of entrepreneurship, how Silicon Valley works, social networking, the current state of the economy, and where innovation is likely to come from in the future. Highly recommended.
HerdictWeb : Home
Have you ever come across a web site that you could not access and wondered,"Am I the only one?" Herdict Web aggregates reports of inaccessible sites, allowing users to compare data to see if inaccessibility is a shared problem. By crowdsourcing data from around the world, we can document accessibility for any web site, anywhere.
"Have you ever come across a web site that you could not access and wondered,"Am I the only one?" Herdict Web aggregates reports of inaccessible sites, allowing users to compare data to see if inaccessibility is a shared problem. By crowdsourcing data from around the world, we can document accessibility for any web site, anywhere."
The Internet's 99 Greatest Hits - TIME,8599,1881591,00.html
internet time
Part I: Query Input - Google Guide
Como hacer la búsqueda de google más fácil y funcional.
How to Buy Domain Names Like a Pro: 10 Tips from the Founder of
great resources here. thanks tim. love the random generation and then checker
A rose is a rose is rose... but not with domain names. (Photo: nickwheeleroz) I am James Siminoff. I’m an ...
New Search Technologies Mine the Web More Deeply -
An interesting look at the daunting task of connecting/mining the interwebs.
Search engines are starting to penetrate databases that are set up to respond to typed queries.
how to search databases, semantic seb
11 Premium But Free And Useful Web Apps For Designers - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Wix, FreshBooks, Free Online Survey, Zapproved, FileDropper, JobBlogs, DimDim, W3Counter, Springloops, Filemail, Rescue Time
State of the Art - Google Geniuses at Work on Free Goodies -
Google goodies
February 25, 2009 NYT column By DAVID POGUE offers a professional tour guide to help you find the lesser-known features of various Google apps.
What Bruce Sterling Actually Said About Web 2.0 at Webstock 09 | Beyond the Beyond from
Very long transcript of Bruce Sterling's talk at Webstock but well worth the effort.
We've got a web built on top of a collapsed economy. THAT's the black hole at the center of the solar system now. There's gonna be a Transition Web. Your economic system collapses: Eastern Europe, Russia, the Transition Economy, that bracing experience is for everybody now. Except it's not Communism transitioning toward capitalism. It's the whole world into transition toward something we don't even have proper words for.
Seth's Blog: Personal branding in the age of Google
Google is a permanent record
"Google doesn't forget." Could be useful in further discussing (with kids) the implications of this...
Seth's Blog: Personal
A quick lesson on dirt laundry
Seth makes some great points about life in these modern times. Great to share with students, very concise.
"Google never forgets."/ "Everything you do now ends up in your permanent record. The best plan is to overload Google with a long tail of good stuff and to always act as if you're on Candid Camera, because you are."
people would be wise to recognize that there is no privacy in the online world - be aware that what you say and write in facebook or the like will be 'googlable' for years - operate accordingly - this is a version of big brother that george orwell didn't necessarily think of but certainly exists - in fact, there is no 'one big brother' - everyone can be big brother with google and the death of privacy due to social computing
1901EasternTelegraph.jpg (JPEG Image, 1200x971 pixels)
Global map of Eastern Telegraph Co. network in 1901
Undersea telegraph cables, 1901
Department for Culture Media and Sport - digital britain - interim report
mmmmm, what´s this?!
Government outlines plans for UK’s digital transition.
digital britain - interim report Government outlines plans for UK’s digital transition.
Presentation: Barack Obama's Internet Strategy - ReadWriteWeb
5 Twitter Applications and Tools that Made Me a Better Twitter User in 2008
5 Twitter Applications and Tools that Made Me a Better Twitter User in 2008
Wichtige Twitter-Clients für Desktop und iPhone
twitter applications
YouTube - vatican's Channel
Even the Pope is on YouTube! An example of a channel, useful for weekly, frequent videos.
Der Papst hat seinen eigenen Vatican-Channel.
This channel offers news coverage of the main activities of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI and of relevant Vatican events. It is updated daily. Video images are produced by Centro Televisivo Vaticano (CTV), texts by Vatican Radio (RV) and CTV. This video-news presents the Catholic Church's position regarding the principal issues of the world today. Links give access to the full and official texts of cited documents.
Onderdeel van YouTube met materiaal van het Vaticaan. Je vindt hier nieuwsberichten en video's over de belangrijkste activiteiten van de paus en andere feiten gerelateerd aan het Vaticaan. De site wordt dagelijks bijgewerkt. De videobeelden worden geproduced door het Centro Televisivo Vaticano (CTV), en de teksten door Radio Vaticaan (RV) and CTV. Het videonieuws presenteert de positie van de Kerk tegenover de belangrijkste hedendaagse wereldthema's. Via de links kan je doorklikken naar de volledige tekst van de geciteerde documenten. Bron: Kerk en Leven.
Getting OpenID Into the Browser - O'Reilly Radar
Getting OpenID Into the Browser - O'Reilly Radar -
PHPBB Password Analysis - Hacked Off - Dark Reading
PHPBB user's password pattern
Hilarious analysis of how people choose their (extremely naive) passwords
Dark Reading | Security | Protect The Business - Enable Access
A popular Website,, was recently hacked. The hacker published approximately 20,000 user passwords from the site. This is like candy to us security professionals because it's hard data we can use to figure out how users choose passwords. I wrote a program to analyze these passwords looking for patterns, and came up with some interesting results.
Analysis of PHBB passwords - interesting observations on some password choices
It's Data Privacy Day: Do You Know Where Your Data Is?
We've covered oodles of privacy apps and topics over the years at Lifehacker, but here are some of our personal favorites:
Encriptación, navegación anónima, gestión de passwords, borrado seguro de ficheros, encriptación de comunicaciones...
Today is Data Privacy Day, during which we're encouraged to reflect on the state of our data and bolster security where we can—so let's take a closer look at our favorite data privacy tips.
Data Privacy Day, during which we're encouraged to reflect on the state of our data and bolster security where we can—so let's take a closer look at our favorite data privacy tips
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab
Interview with Clay Shirky, Part I : CJR
PIP_Generations_2009.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Statistiques 2009 très intéressantes sur le comportement des gens sur Internet selon les groupes d'âge. Vous pourriez être surpris! À lire et conserver (PDF).
Hacking Education
I spent a lot of time on this blog in the past month exhorting everyone to give teaching tools to the neediest public schools. I did that because education is possibly the most important thing we can do for our...
10 harsh truths about corporate websites : Boagworld web design podcast
Online shopping and the Harry Potter effect - science-in-society - 22 December 2008 - New Scientist
"Of 13 million tracks available, 52,000 - just 0.4 per cent - accounted for 80 per cent of downloads."
awesome read on the sociology of shopping
The long tail
do I agree? does this matter?
nt us towards more mainstream
SimilarWeb - Help you find similar websites
estensione per Firefox per scoprire nuovi siti web in linea con i nostri interessi
firefox extension that provides similar websites, a bit like stumbleUpon
Who's Online and What Are They Doing There? - ReadWriteWeb
Para Atenas
Generation Y, aka the "Net Generation," does not dominate every aspect of online life. That revealing statistic and many others like it come from Pew Internet and American Life's recent "Generations Online" report which takes a look at how the different generations of users - from Millennials to the G.I. Generation - use the internet.
sistema operativo online, in the cloud.
Royal Pingdom » Dawn of the Twitter Effect
Blog on Twitter shutting down a site.
Yesterday a Twitter post (a tweet) by Mashable’s Pete Cashmore became so popular that traffic from Twitter crashed a blog. This sounds very similar to a common social media phenomenon originally known as the Slashdot effect (and later also the Digg effect), where a post on a popular social media site pushes more traffic than the target site can handle.
How To Kill The Music Industry | TorrentFreak
8 reasons why the music industry can't blame piracy alone for its decline in revenue.
During The Pirate Bay trial, the music industry placed the blame for the decline in their revenues squarely on the shoulders of file-sharers. Their logic is clearly flawed, but it could sway the verdict if no alternative explanation is presented. So, if piracy isn’t to blame, then what is *actually* killing the music industry?
Musikkbransjens motgang skyldes ikke bare pirater
Andreessen on Charlie Rose: “I Am Creating A Fund.” (Full Video)
Marc Andreessen discusses his new venture fund with Charlie Rose, as well as talking about why Twitter is a good thing
The Newspaper Industry and the Arrival of the Glaciers - Boing Boing
Since 1993, people have been telling news executives that their business model is doomed.
<3 clay shirky
The price of information has not only gone into free fall in the last few years, it is still in free fall now.
what struck me, re-reading my younger self, was this: a dozen years ago, a kid who'd only just had his brains blown via TCP/IP nevertheless understood that the newspaper business was screwed, not because this was a sophisticated conclusion, but because it was obvious.
Join the Internet Blackout - Protest Against Guilt Upon Accusation Laws in NZ — Creative Freedom Foundation (
(your name) is blacked out: Stand up against "Guilt Upon Accusation" for New Zealand
What an insane law. I sure hope this doesn't go into effect.
The New Zealand Internet Blackout protests against the Guilt Upon Accusation law 'Section 92A' that calls for internet disconnection based on accusations of copyright infringement without a trial and without any evidence held up to court scrutiny. This is due to come into effect on February 28th unless immediate action is taken by the National Party.
Protest Against Guilt Upon Accusation Laws in NZ — Creative Freedom Foundation (
Think it's bad in AU with our new censorship filter party? Over in NZ, any accusation of copyright infringement could lead to disconnection. "The New Zealand Internet Blackout protests against the Guilt Upon Accusation law 'Section 92A' that calls for internet disconnection based on accusations of copyright infringement without a trial and without any evidence held up to court scrutiny."
Veritocracy - The best perspectives, on the topics that interest you.
Looks an interesting way to read news, but whats with the categories. No 'science' section, but a 'Ron Paul' one?
Personalized News Source
A web 2.0 based social aggregator
Why Twitter Turned Down Facebook - Bits Blog -
Twitter will complement other forms of media, he said, the way that blogs and newspapers co-exist. “New media never kill old media,” he said. “It’s all part of an ecosystem.” Mr. Williams emphasized many times that, despite its buzz, Twitter is still a tiny, two-year-old company with just 25 employees. “It’s good that the expectations are high, but give us a minute,” he joked.
Throughout the talk, he mentioned several big projects that Twitter plans to tackle but hasn’t yet. One is moving its search function, which is hard to find, to the home page. Twitter also wants to make it easier for users to find their friends on the service, filter the people they follow and form groups so they can control which messages reach which of their followers.
potential merger of FB and twitter?
26 New And Awesome Web Apps You Probably Don’t Know About
With TinyChat you can create your own chatroom and invite people through one simple link. Chat rooms are disposable and can be created within seconds.
various free software
weblog dedicated to reviewing some of the newest and best web and mobile apps on the web. Additionally, we have insights and analysis on some of the hotest topics from around the net
100+ Sites to Download All Sorts of Things
These days you can find all sorts of things online, from audio books to flash files, from sound effects to CSS templates. Below we compiled a list with over 100 download sites that serve that purpose. We will also try to keep the list updated, so if your favorite download site is not here, let us know about it with a comment. Audio Books Librivox: One of the most popular audio libraries on the web. The LibriVox volunteers record books that are in the public domain and release them for free.
Downloads from 100's of sites
ublish, discover, discuss, and share original writings and document. With 50 million unique page views per month, Scribd is a great place to learn new things. - Shortest URLs on Earth
SHORT URL shortest urls in the WORLD. LINKS WILL NEVER BE THE FRICKEN' SAME! (isn't it silly the things we come up w/? (h/t @elCatch22)
How to Delete Accounts from Any Website - Features by PC Magazine,2817,2342599,00.asp
Features by PC Magazine
Oh sweet. Now I can finally get rid of my stupid myspace.
Deleting accounts you've created on Facebook, MySpace, AOL, and elsewhere on the Web isn't always easy. Here are the details on leaving 23 services behind.
Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable « Clay Shirky
Society doesn’t need newspapers. What we need is journalism.
A good epitaph for the newspaper, by Clay Shirky. Now if only Elsevier would go bankrupt too.
Journalism has always been subsidized. Sometimes it's been Wal-Mart and the kid with the bike. Sometimes it's been Richard Mellon Scaife. Increasingly, it's you and me, donating our time. The list of models that are obviously working today, like Consumer Reports and NPR, like ProPublica and WikiLeaks, can't be expanded to cover any general case, but then nothing is going to cover the general case.
Oh, newspapers, please stick around. The revolution of the printing press was only, what, a few decades ago?
Wolfram Alpha is Coming -- and It Could be as Important as Google | Twine
"It's not a "Google killer" -- it does something different. It's an "answer engine" rather than a search engine." -
find local free wireless by zipcode
Why TV Lost
Now would be a good time to start any company that competes with TV networks. That's what a lot of Internet startups are, though they may not have had this as an explicit goal.
How to Twitter -
When I first joined Twitter, I felt like I was in a noisy bar where everyone was shouting and nobody was listening.
The social rules and tips for gaining 'followers'; why opinionated people win
Gazaro : Create Your Own Personalized Sales Flyer
Death Switch
wow this is an interesting idea, albeit morbid.
A service that sends out messages after you're gone.
Sounds creepy, but it worth thinking about
Death Switch allows you to send out email messages, in the case of your demise. It repeatedly contacts you, and if you don't answer within a specified time window, it triggers the 'last message' to whoever you specify.
Guardian launches Open Platform service to make online content available free | Media |
Innovative method of 'regionalising' news stories
The future
Websites can now use The Guardian's huge store of articles and information to make new websites
Pattie Maes demos the Sixth Sense | Video on
TED presentation - Social media in the real world - minority report like
This demo -- from Pattie Maes' lab at MIT, spearheaded by Pranav Mistry -- was the buzz of TED. It's a wearable device with a projector that paves the way for profound interaction with our environment. Imagine "Minority Report" and then some.
TED Talks This demo -- from Pattie Maes&#39; lab at MIT, spearheaded by Pranav Mistry -- was the buzz of TED. It&#39;s a wearable device with a projector that paves the way for profound interaction with our environment. Imagine &quot;Minority Report&quot; and then some.
Wearable interface of the future
Tim Berners-Lee on the next Web | Video on
Adult Surfers Guide to the Internet | Blog
“http:*:password@www” bangbus
I wrote this initially as two entries, but I thought it would be useful to combine them into a single resource.  Enjoy! 9 Roads to Free Porn 1.
Top 100 Edu Tweeters | Online Degree World
StatCounter Global Stats
Statistiken Browser, Search Engines, Mobile, ...
Wolfram Alpha Computes Answers To Factual Questions. This Is Going To Be Big.
Where Google is a system for FINDING things that we as a civilization collectively publish, Wolfram Alpha is for ANSWERING questions about what we as a civilization collectively know. It’s the next step in the distribution of knowledge and intelligence around the world — a new leap in the intelligence of our collective “Global Brain.” And like any big next-step, Wolfram Alpha works in a new way — it computes answers instead of just looking them up. Wolfram Alpha, at its heart is quite different from a brute force statistical search engine like Google. And it is not going to replace Google — it is not a general search engine: You would probably not use Wolfram Alpha to shop for a new car, find blog posts about a topic, or to choose a resort for your honeymoon. It is not a system that will understand the nuances of what you consider to be the perfect romantic getaway, for example — there is still no substitute for manual human-guided search for that. Where it appears to excel is when
Make: Online : Getting free wireless in airports and hotels
Using tunneling over DNS or ICMP
Link to a specific part of a YouTube video
interesting tool!
Youtube Download | Descarga videos de youtube - Download video from Youtube
copiar youtube
Downloads? What downloads? Where? I ain't seen 'em.
quietube | YouTube without the distractions
"To watch YouTube videos without the comments and crap, just drag the button below to your browser's bookmarks bar. On any YouTube page, click the bookmark button to watch in peace."
It's a bookmarklet to remove the distractions from I don't really find youtube that distracting, but this could conceivably come in handy.
app to get rid of ads and comments on youTube
quietube: YouTube without the distractions To watch YouTube videos without the comments and crap, just drag the button below to your browser's bookmarks bar. On any YouTube page, click the bookmark button to watch in peace.
Why Advertising Is Failing On The Internet
… the Internet shatters all forms of advertising. “The problem is not the medium, the problem is the message, and the fact that it is not trusted, not wanted, and not needed,” …
Rands In Repose: The Art of the Tweet
In writing an article, I know I’m done when I delete. The process leading to done is chaotic; it’s days, weeks, or months of aggregating writing where I collect and organize paragraphs and sentences. Over time, content creation becomes content shaping as I organize the thoughts into a pleasing coherence.
How to write a good tweet that puts a bit of you into it.
Say More with Less
the sense of tweeting
JetBytes — free file exchange service
JetBytes is an experimental file transfer service which works without storing files during the transfer and allows to download it immediately.
send files via the web with email link
Jetbytes is an experimental file transfer service which works without storing files during the transfer and allows to download it immediately. Just choose a file:
PBX Hell: 50-Plus Hacks and Tips to Get to a Real Person at Any Corporation in 10 Seconds or Less - VoIP News
This will be helpful sometime
Pupils to study Twitter and blogs in primary shake-up | Education | The Guardian
The rise of digital new mediums comes with the death of old media and in this example, history. This is becoming a major shift in educational approaches. We see the digital age having a great effect on the new generations. We see mobiles and laptops in the school bag, rather than the textbook or the calculator. And in this article we see the average student to have '"fluency" in handwriting and keyboard skills, and learn how to use a spell check alongside how to spell...' A revolution has started, and i wonder where it'll live us!
Proposal that children learn familiarity with blogging, podcasting, Wikipedia & Twitter as sources of information and communication
Use of web2.0 in schools
En primaria habrá que saber desemvolverse con las nuevas tecnologías en UK
Primary school curriculum in UK under review. "Children to leave primary school familiar with blogging, podcasts, Wikipedia and Twitter as sources of information and forms of communication. They must gain "fluency" in handwriting and keyboard skills, and learn how to use a spellchecker alongside how to spell."
British children will no longer have to study the Victorians or the second world war under proposals to overhaul the primary school curriculum.
A handful of Firefox tweaks that will double your browser speed
Monetizing your Web App: Business Model Options | Our Blog | Box UK
Business models for web applications
monetizing web apps
simple private file sharing, free internet file sharing, by
get a private URL where you can play your individual tracks, or your whole playlist... --'s site for sharing music
Twitter’s Tweet Smell Of Success | Nielsen Wire
about grow twitter
about twitter
Twitter’s Tweet Smell Of Success
Twitter: We Can Do What Google Can't - Advertising Age - Digital
"a search of "what's happening -- right now," and in Twitter's small but growing world, it is. While being a searchable database of what is being said at a particular time is unique, it doesn't take Twitter too far afield from Google, which is a catalog of the world's recorded knowledge. Google looks back at what documents have been produced and can be surfaced, while Twitter looks back at what was said on a given topic. "
"While being a searchable database of what is being said at a particular time is unique, it doesn't take Twitter too far afield from Google, which is a catalog of the world's recorded knowledge. Google looks back at what documents have been produced and can be surfaced, while Twitter looks back at what was said on a given topic. "Certainly there's an AdWords-like business there, but, as Mr. Chaffee told us, Twitter has another "wild card." "In the future, searches won't only query what's being said at the moment, but will go out to the Twitter audience in the form of a question, like a faster and less-filtered Yahoo Answers or Wiki Answers. Users would be able to tap the collective knowledge of the 6 million or so members of the Twitterverse."
from BF
Twitter sees lucrative opportunities in search, albeit a different kind of search than what Google offers, and, as co-founder Biz Stone told Ad Age recently, "we'll certainly be exploring those."
Hacking Education (continued)
Hacking Education article part 2
Last fall I wrote a post on this blog titled Hacking Education. In it, I outlined my thoughts on why the education system (broadly speaking) is failing our society and why hacking it seems like both an important and profitable endeavor.
Big takeaways on changing education
talked about hacking education for six hours.
How education is changing. Annotated link
What will education be like in the (near) future?
PressThink: Rosen's Flying Seminar In The Future of News
생각을 열어보자구
A March 2009 snapshot of 12 pieces Jay Rosen feels capture the debate over the future of news.
Your one stop shop for recent blog think on the future of newspapers, some of which has already been linked to piecemeal here at TheBrowser
Па выніках месяцовай працы чувакі глядзяць, чыво будзе далей з ньсам
Rosen's Flying Seminar In The Future of News For March 2009. The pace quickened after Clay Shirky's Thinking the Unthinkable. Here's my best-of from a month of deep think as people came to terms with the collapse of the newspaper model, and tried looking ahead. I know these twelve links work. I tested them on Twitter. As the crisis in newspaper journalism grinds on, people watching it are trying to explain how we got here, and what we’re losing as part of the newspaper economy crashes. Some are trying to imagine a new news system. I try to follow this action, and have been sending around the best of these pieces via my Twitter feed. It’s part of my experiment in mindcasting, which you can read about here.
Jay Rosen;s month long analysis piece: "As the crisis in newspaper journalism grinds on, people watching it are trying to explain how we got here, and what we’re losing as part of the newspaper economy crashes."
Garfield: 'Chaos Scenario' Has Arrived for Media, Marketing - Advertising Age - News
Media Content for tutorial
The challenges facing Traditional and Online media
A great writeup on what's been going on with various media. Who will monetize the internet beyond advertising first?
There is no longer a need to warn of a gathering Chaos Scenario, in which the yin of media and yang of marketing fly apart, symbiotic no more. Doom has arrived.
Required reading
YouTube - Did You Know
vpn service von den pirate bay jungs
virtual private network by ThePirateBay... currently unjoinable :P
from the pirate bay makers
Grâce à la liaison VPN, les données qui transiteront ne pourront pas être identifiées par les FAI ou d'éventuelles officines privées de surveillance des réseaux, si bien qu'il sera en théorie impossible de dire pour quel type d'usage (téléchargement, communication VoIP, jeux en ligne, etc.), un internaute utilisera ce service.
our e-mail for a BETA INVITE
Making the web pay | The end of the free lunch—again | The Economist
Ultimately, though, every business needs revenues—and advertising, it transpires, is not going to provide enough. Free content and services were a beguiling idea. But the lesson of two internet bubbles is that somebody somewhere is going to have to pick up the tab for lunch.
the lack of any business model describes the Web 2.0 era
"Ultimately, though, every business needs revenues—and advertising, it transpires, is not going to provide enough. Free content and services were a beguiling idea. But the lesson of two internet bubbles is that somebody somewhere is going to have to pick up the tab for lunch."
"Now reality is reasserting itself once more, with familiar results. The number of companies that can be sustained by revenues from internet advertising turns out to be much smaller than many people thought, and Silicon Valley seems to be entering another “nuclear winter”"
as 101 coisas que
Coletânea de vídeos e sabe lá o que mais. Muito bom!
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: E-mail Addresses It Would Be Really Annoying to Give Out Over the Phone.
This is hilarious. I immediately tried to figure out the best ways to describe them to someone, because that's what I do.
These email addresses made me laugh
Steve Lambert » SelfControl
Is email a distraction? SelfControl is an OS X application which blocks access to incoming and/or outgoing mail servers and websites for a predetermined period of time. For example, you could block access to your email, facebook, and twitter for 90 minutes, but still have access to the rest of the web. Once started, it can not be undone by the application or by restarting the computer – you must wait for the timer to run out.
Google Advertising Cookie Opt-out Plugin
With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses.
Save your opt-out preference permanently With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses.
With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses. The plugin lets you keep your opt-out status for this browser even when you clear all cookies.
50 Fabulous Web Tools for Group Projects | Rated Colleges
This list of web tools is ideal for anyone working on a group project, whether you’re looking for task management support, scheduling and calendar organization, or just a place to collect all your materials and brainstorms.
a blog post with 50 tools for online collaboration. looks good.
Google uncloaks once-secret server | Business Tech - CNET News
Who'd have thought it.. Google runs of thousands of 12-volt batteries :o) Each Google server has its own 12-volt battery to supply power if there's a problem with the main source of electricity. The company also revealed for the first time that since 2005, its data centers have been composed of standard shipping containers--each with 1,160 servers and a power consumption that can reach 250 kilowatts. ... Most people buy computers one at a time, but Google thinks on a very different scale. The cores of the company's data centers are composed of standard 1AAA shipping containers packed with 1,160 servers each, with many containers in each data center.
Google uncloaks once-secret server | Business Tech - CNET News
Google's big surprise: each server has its own 12-volt battery to supply power if there's a problem with the main source of electricity. The company also revealed for the first time that since 2005, its data centers have been composed of standard shipping containers--each with 1,160 servers and a power consumption that can reach 250 kilowatts.
Google muestra por primera vez sus servidores, de diseño propio.
I love the approach and the the fact it's unconventional and better - google servers revealed
How Chris Hughes Helped Launch Facebook and the Barack Obama Campaign | Fast Company
How Chris Hughes, 25, Helped Launch Facebook and the Barack Obama Campaign [from]
Great article on building and working with online communities
Conficker Eye Chart
simple tool from the malware working group, but someone will have to rotate images.
This works because the virus tries to keep your computer from accessing various AV websites.
Easily test your computer for a Conficker infection
Hmm, is this real?
Conficker Eye Chart
Sources: Google In Talks To Acquire Twitter (Updated)
Yes, yes, we know it's not true. But what would be the implications if it were...
"Our goal is to build a profitable, independent company and we're just getting started. "
Here’s a heck of a rumor that we’ve sourced from two separate people close to the negotiations: Google is in late stage negotiations to acquire Twitter. We don’t know the price but can assume its well, well north of the $250 million valuation that they saw in their recent funding.
"Here’s a heck of a rumor that we’ve sourced from two separate people close to the negotiations: Google is in late stage negotiations to acquire Twitter"
An interesting development in the rumors that Google could be acquiring Twitter...
joshua's blog: on url shorteners
Interesting opinion piece on the hazards of link shortening services - inserts an unreliable middleman in the standard web transaction.
All good points in here.
"We need to prepare for the day when N of the URL shorteners go out of business. When that happens a large part of the web will die. It will not be a good day." - Scripting News
Why URL shorterners are bad for the Internet.
Kids.Net.Au - Search engine for kids, children, parents, educators and teachers - Searching sites designed for kids that are child safe. Includes a Thesaurus, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Toy Store.
Search engine for kids, children, parents, educators and teachers - Searching sites designed for kids that are child safe. Includes a Thesaurus, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Toy Store.
Kid sites and info good for kids and educators
Analysis: Which URL Shortening Service Should You Use?
Interesting analysis on URL shortening services. Good recommendations.
Which is the best to use, when so many are offered and new ones seem to appear each day?
The True Stories Behind 5 Famous WTF Images |
Truth is sometimes a little bit more awesome than fiction.
Most people have already seen the following images in the ‘WTF’ sections of social bookmarking sites, in threads dedicated to badass pictures or just circulated through their inboxes by the
April Fools: YouTube Flails, Amazon Cloud Computing In A Blimp, 3D Chrome Browsing, Google Masters A.I. [from]
april fool's 2009 roundup
Did you catch all of these April Fools pranks?
» The Hierarchy Of Tweets - Analysing The Psychology of Twitter
Analisis de los mensajes que circulan en Twitter.
Flickr Photo Download: Web Trend Map 4 Final Beta
I have no idea how to read it, but it looks interesting
AWESOME visualization of web trends
Web Trend map maps influential web domains and people onto a Tokyo Metro map
The Internet in the form of public transit
Whimsley: Online Monoculture and the End of the Niche
"While each customer on average experiences more unique products in Internet World, the recommender system generates a correlation among the customers. To use a geographical analogy, in Internet World the customers see further, but they are all looking out from the same tall hilltop. In Offline World individual customers are standing on different, lower, hilltops. They may not see as far individually, but more of the ground is visible to someone. In Internet World, a lot of the ground cannot be seen by anyone because they are all standing on the same big hilltop. ... Individual diversity and cultural homogeneity coexisting in what we might call monopoly populism. A "niche", remember, is a protected and hidden recess or cranny, not just another row in a big database." +
"A "niche", remember, is a protected and hidden recess or cranny, not just another row in a big database. Ecological niches need protection from the surrounding harsh environment if they are to thrive. Simply putting lots of music into a single online iTunes store is no recipe for a broad, niche-friendly culture."
<cite>Online merchants such as Amazon, iTunes and Netflix may stock more items than your local book, CD, or video store, but they are no friend to "niche culture". Internet sharing mechanisms such as YouTube and Google PageRank, which distil the clicks of millions of people into recommendations, may also be promoting an online monoculture. Even word of mouth recommendations such as blogging links may exert a homogenizing pressure and lead to an online culture that is less democratic and less equitable, than offline culture.</cite>
is online culture lest diverse
Information Architects » Blog Archive » Web Trend Map 4 - Final Beta
The newest webtrends map.. great work. (kris)
The fina beta of the web trend map, a fantastic work trying to explain how the web is distributed right now
mapas de tendências estilo metrô
Zoomorama - Tech Crunch Web Trends
Express Yourself in Pictures. Create, share, and zoom in complete freedom.
les 333 sites les plus influents....
Twitter gets you fired in 140 characters or less - Technotica-
Nine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run | The Underwire from
Nine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run
"My quest in life now is to surround myself with smart, innovative people," he says, "instead of the gangster types who have exploited artists over the years."
10 papers you need to read | Science for SEO
This is a list of my top 10 freely available papers on the topic of information retrieval. You will notice that they are rather old, but the techniques used described and the findings are not always dated. Those that dated are important nonetheless because they provide a good foundation to understanding why things are as they are in information retrieval these days.
ie6-upgrade-warning - Google Code
sage politely informin
he ie6-upgrade-warning is a little script (7.9kb) that displays a warning message politely informing the user to upgrade the browser to a newer version (links to newest IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome are provided). The webpage is still visible behind a transparent background, but access to it is prevented. The idea is to force users to upgrade from IE6 and avoid the website from a bad reputation that website is not rendering correctly in IE6. The script is completely translatable in any language, very easy to set-up (one line of code in webpage and one parametter configuration).
Implement in TYPO3
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips - Gabriel Weinberg's Blog
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips
"tagged seo"
People Who Sit In The Disability Seats When I’m Standing On My Crutches
Dot Com!
People can be such a-holes. This great site proves it.
Funny. This guy just takes pictures of people on the underground who are sitting in a seat for disabled people and are not clearly disabled.
Smart use of social media to rise awareness on the topic
A.P. Exec Doesn’t Know It Has A YouTube Channel: Threatens Affiliate For Embedding Videos
Here is another great moment in A.P. history. In its quest to become the RIAA of the newspaper industry, the A.P.’s executives and lawyers are beginning to match their counterparts in the music industry for cluelessness. A country radio station in Tennessee, WTNQ-FM, received a cease-and-desist letter warning from an A.P. vice president of affiliate relations for posting videos from the A.P.’s official Youtube channel on its Website. See update below.
You cannot make this stuff up. Forget for a moment that WTNQ is itself an A.P. affiliate and that the A.P. shouldn’t be harassing its own members. Apparently, nobody told the A.P. executive that the august news organization even has a YouTube channel which the A.P. itself controls, and that someone at the A.P. decided that it is probably a good idea to turn on the video embedding function on so that its videos can spread virally across the Web, along with the ads in the videos.
How to Sell Your Soul on Twitter and Who's Buying - ReadWriteWeb
Annotated link
"... We were disappointed when a browser script showed us a Magpie redirect behind a shortened link in a Skype testimonial today. Then we used a search on the service BackTweets to find out who else is buying fake Tweets on the service. It's so revolting and pitiful that it's kind of sad. ..." [Accessed Sunday, 12th April, 2009]
What are you doing? No what are you doing Apple, Skype, Flip, StubHub and These popular companies just couldn't resist paying off Twitter users to put advertisements into their Twitter streams using the new pay-per-tweet service Magpie. So there's the Twitter-sphere for you! Bring on "real time search," bring on a globally connected community, bring on vapid, vile, stupid shilling. It all seems pretty sad to me. And to the advertisers out there - is this cynical scheme the best you can do to engage with all the new ways people are communicating online? That's pretty bad.
Linux Manua: 10 antidotes anti-Hadopi
Antidote n°1 : Ne pas avoir peur Antidote n°2 : Contester systématiquement Antidote n°3 : Voter Antidote n°4 : Changer d'adresse IP Antidote n°5 : Le Streaming Vidéo Antidote n°6 : La Musique en ligne Antidote n°7 : Le P2P sécurisé Antidote n°8 : Les sites de stockage en ligne Antidote n°9 : Neutralisation du Logiciel Espion d'HADOPI Antidote n°10 : Propagez massivement ces antidotes.
SEOmoz | How Google's Rankings Algorithm Has Changed Over Time
highDEAS - the best ideas (while you're high)
highDEA (high idea) (pronounced: hi-de-a) An idea or insight a person has when they are high. For the duration of being high, it is a truly profound, original, and useful idea, but turns out the next day to make no sense, or be of any use whatsoever (kinda like this site).
the best ideas (while you're high)
"Bus with a pizza oven in it: Get bus and equip it with an oven. When people order a pizza, you start baking it on the way to the house. Pizza will be delivered piping hot, and faster than a regular delivery outfit."
The 100 Most Iconic Internet Videos [Full List] - Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture
Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture
tehdely: On Amazon Failure, Meta-Trolls, and Bantown
cool story about web community and instant media gone horribly wrong; see also griefers
"It's obvious Amazon has some sort of automatic mechanism that marks a book as "adult" after too many people have complained about it. It's also obvious that there aren't too many people using this feature, as indicated by the easy availability (& search ranking) of pornography & sex toys & other seemingly "objectionable" materials, otherwise almost all of those items would have been flagged by this point. So somebody is going around & very deliberately flagging only LGBT(QQI)/feminist/survivor content on Amazon until it is unranked & becomes much more difficult to find. To the outside world, this looks like deliberate censorship on the part of Amazon, since Amazon operates the web application in question. To me, this looks like one of two things: 1. Some "Family"-type organization astroturfing Amazon in an attempt to rid the world of EVIL PRO-HOMOSEXUAL FILTH!! 2. Bantown ... a tactic for inciting meta-lulz on multiple levels through the alignment of third-parties against each other"
Amazonfail theory about it being a "glitch." I call bullshit, though.
Bantown is a tactic for inciting meta-lulz on multiple levels through the alignment of third-parties against each other. Bantown is like the plot of most James Bond movies, wherein some nefarious evildoer brings the US and the Soviets close to war. Bantown is a trolling technique of the highest order, which usually pits communities against each other, or communities against companies, or organizations against companies, or companies against organizations
How Google Stole Control Over Content Distribution By Stealing Links - Publishing 2.0
Just to clarify, the use of “steal” and “stole’ is in the sense of “stole the game.” The point of this post is to explain how Google won, and not at all to suggest that they didn’t deserve to win. Google’s success is a direct reflection of how much value they create, i.e. A LOT — they solved a problem in the market that nobody else figure out how to solve or even recognized as the huge opportunity in the market. This post is also intended to help media companies understand better how Google works so that they can better compete in the web content marketplace, not to justify any feelings of “sour grapes.”
"If media companies want to compete with Google, they need to look at the source of its power — judging good content, which enables Google to be the most efficient and effective distributor of content. They also need to look at Google’s fundamental limitation — its judgment is dependent on OTHER people expressing their judgment of content in the form of links. Above all, they need to look at sources of content judgment that Google currently can’t access, because they are not yet expressed as links on the web."
Wolfram|Alpha: Searching for Truth | h+ Magazine
And now, in 2009, a new kind of browser search engine called Wolfram|Alpha is about to appear. The other day I talked to Stephen on the phone for about two hours, and he demonstrated some of Wolfram|Alpha’s powers via a web-conferencing hook-up. In the following, I’ll be paraphrasing his words, based on my notes, my memory, and an audio recording of our conversation.
Stephen Wolfram
Wolfram|Alpha can pop out an answer to pretty much any kind of factual question that you might pose to a scientist, economist, banker, or other kind of expert. The exciting part is that you’re not just looking up pages on the web, you’re getting new information that’s generated by computations working from the known data. Wolfram says the response can be so speedy because, “We’ve found that, of all the things science can compute, most take a second or less.”
"... Wolfram|Alpha can pop out an answer to pretty much any kind of factual question that you might pose to a scientist, economist, banker, or other kind of expert. The exciting part is that you’re not just looking up pages on the web, you’re getting new information that’s generated by computations working from the known data. Wolfram says the response can be so speedy because, “We’ve found that, of all the things science can compute, most take a second or less.” ..." [Accessed Tuesday, 14th April, 2009]
‘Hyperlocal’ Web Sites Deliver News Without Newspapers -
Placeblogger, a Bryght/Raincity Studios site, gets a mention at the beginning in a New York times article.
Just as some cities’ newspapers sputter, a handful of Web sites emerge to cull local content from government data, blogs and news media.
One hurdle is the need for reliable, quality content. The information on many of these sites can still appear woefully incomplete. Crime reports on EveryBlock, for example, are short on details of what happened. Links to professionally written news articles on are mixed with trivial and sometimes irrelevant blog posts. That raises the question of what these hyperlocal sites will do if newspapers, a main source of credible information, go out of business. “They rely on pulling data from other sources, so they really can’t function if news organizations disappear,” said Steve Outing, who writes about online media for Editor & Publisher Online. But many hyperlocal entrepreneurs say they are counting on a proliferation of blogs and small local journalism start-ups to keep providing content.
9 Semantic Search Engines That Will Change the World of Search
Quero explorar cada um dos 9 sites, mas preciso de tempo antes disso.
10 Cool Things We’ll Be Able To Do Once IE6 Is Dead
Some people think that IE6 is dead already. But only developers who have the luxury of a specialist audience, or who don’t have any business interest vested in their work, can think like that. For the rest of us, who have a real-world audience of ordinary, non-technical users to think about, IE6 is still very much a going concern. Now that IE8 is out we’ll see a greater number of users finally upgrading; there’s no doubt that Microsoft wil be pushing for this, and pushing hard. Quite apart from that, we’re seeing a slow but steady progression of users moving away from Internet Explorer altogether, and turning to Firefox and other browsers. Inevitably, there will come a time when IE6 has a sufficiently minor audience that we can treat it like we did Netscape 4 a few years ago — as legacy technology that it no longer behoves us to support, and its remaining users as willfully stubborn individuals whom we’re not required to pander to any longer!
When IE6 is gone, cool new web techniques will be implemented.
Or you could just do them now and avoid the rush later…
We Didn't Start the Flame War - CollegeHumor Video
It's hard not to love the CollegeHumor folks. They can make the same jokes over and over and it's still hilarious.
The Internet video that YOU helped to write.
‘Hyperlocal’ Web Sites Deliver News Without Newspapers -
If your local newspaper shuts down, what will take the place of its coverage? Perhaps a package of information about your neighborhood, or even your block, assembled by a computer. A number of Web start-up companies are creating so-called hyperlocal news sites that let people zoom in on what is happening closest to them, often without involving traditional journalists.
If your local newspaper shuts down, what will take the place of its coverage? Perhaps a package of information about your neighborhood, or even your block, assembled by a computer.
Inside the precision hack « Music Machinery
The hackers knocked Rain down the list for moot! ...But it's still a sick hack.:B
In "the 100 Poll where millions have voted on who are the world’s most influential people in government, science, technology and the arts ... we find a Message embedded in the results ... Looking at the first letters of each of the top 21 leading names in the poll we find the message “marblecake, also the game”. The poll announces (perhaps subtly) to the world, that the most influential are not the Obamas, Britneys or the Rick Warrens of the world, the most influential are an extremely advanced intelligence: the hackers. ... At the core of the hack is the work of a dozen or so, backed by an army of a thousand who downloaded and ran the autovoters and also backed by an untold number of others that unwittingly fell prey to the spam url autovoters. So why do they do it? Why do they write code, build complex applications, publish graphs - why do they organize a team that is more effective than most startup companies? Says Zombocom: “For the lulz”."
Anon hacks Time's 100 Poll so hard
There’s a scene toward the end of the book Contact by Carl Sagan, where the protagonist Ellie Arroway finds a Message embedded deep in the digits of PI. The Message is perhaps an artifact of an extremely advanced intelligence that apparently manipulated one of the fundamental constants of the universe as a testament to their power as they wove space and time. I’m reminded of this scene by the 100 Poll where millions have voted on who are the world’s most influential people in government, science, technology and the arts. Just as Ellie found a Message embedded in PI, we find a Message embedded in the results of this poll. Looking at the first letters of each of the top 21 leading names in the poll we find the message “marblecake, also the game”. The poll announces (perhaps subtly) to the world, that the most influential are not the Obamas, Britneys or the Rick Warrens of the world, the most influential are an extremely advanced intelligence: the hackers. kg9kl At 4AM this mor
Make a startpage with your favorite links and see right when they're updated.
Página de bookmarks útil para usar como startup page
Make a startpage with your favorite links and see right when they're updated
7 marketing mistakes to avoid on Twitter -
Webby Nominees
Webby Awards Cycle 13.
Peacekeeper - The Browser Benchmark by Futuremark Corporation
<draco> interesting concept, but I think their testing methodology is slightly forced/false
Teste de desmpenho de navegadores
The Browser Benchmark by Futuremark Corporation
Find out which is the fastest browser on your system with Peacekeeper, the browser benchmark from Futuremark. Peacekeeper measures browser speed with a wide range of JavaScript tests and displays the results in an easy to understand format.
The Failure of #amazonfail « Clay Shirky
we got it wrong
Metadata is worldview; sorting is a political act.
interesting analysis. I was entirely offline last weekend, so I pretty much came in at the waaaay tail end.
smart people being stupid
Open and honest account of jumping to conclusions.
We’re used to the future turning out differently than we expected; it happens all the time. When the past turns out differently, though, it can get really upsetting, and because people don’t like that kind of upset, we’re at risk of finding new reasons to believe false things, rather than revising our sense of what actually happened.
Digital Marketing: Using Social Media to Listen to Consumers - Advertising Age - Digital
"at what point does the echo chamber of social media drown out the real opinions of the people who buy your brand?"
If the social-media sphere attacks your brand, do "real people" hear the screams? Not likely, according to surveys that indicate marketers shouldn't rush to quiet every micro-outrage that sweeps across the web.
Motrin offended twittering moms-so what?
Reading: Using Social Media to Listen to Consumers
- Google Search
Google Torrent Search
おそらくはそれさえも平凡な日々: Akamaiが想像以上に鬼畜だった件 in Akamai勉強会
9 Steps To A Happy Relationship With Your Hosting Provider | How-To | Smashing Magazine
The high costs of running YouTube. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
According a recent report by analysts at the financial-services company Credit Suisse, Google will lose $470 million on the video-sharing site this year alone. To put it another way, the Boston Globe, which is on track to lose $85 million in 2009, is five times more profitable—or, rather, less unprofitable—than YouTube. All so you can watch this helium-voiced oddball whenever you want.
Interesting article telling that not only the newspapers struggle, YouTube is suffocating as well under the enourmous costs of storing its content.
User-generated content may have changed the Internet, but sites like YouTube are suffocating under the costs of storing it.
America's Newest Profession -
The best studies we can find say we are a nation of over 20 million bloggers, with 1.7 million profiting from the work, and 452,000 of those using blogging as their primary source of income. That's almost 2 million Americans getting paid by the word, the post, or the click -- whether on their site or someone else's. And that's nearly half a million of whom it can be said, as Bob Dylan did of Hurricane Carter: "It's my work he'd say, I do it for pay."
Bloggers for hire—more Americans are now making a living at blogging.
In America today, there are almost as many people making their living as bloggers as there are lawyers. Already more Americans are making their primary income from posting their opinions than Americans working as computer programmers or firefighters.
Google Labs
google labs experimentals
Twitter API Wiki / Sign in with Twitter
pattern of authentication that allows users to connect their Twitter account with third-party services in as little is one click. It utilizes OAuth and although the flow is very similar, the authorization URL and workflow differs slightly as described below.
Use your twitter account as an openID account to sign-in
Now You Can Change What Google Says About You - ReadWriteWeb
The program offers people control over their search appearance only in as much as they are willing to give Google more information about themselves. Google's Joe Kraus explained to us that up to four Google Profiles will appear at the bottom of a results page.
The Best Search Engine List On The Internet!
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Internet-Age Writing Syllabus and Course Overview.
Evaluation: Students will be graded on the RBBEAW* system, developed to assess and score students based on their own relative merit. A+ = 100–90 A = 89–80 A- = 79–70 A-- = 69–60 A--- = 59–50 A---- = 49–0
marvelous syllaubs for the post-print age.
ENG 371WR: Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era M-W-F: 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Instructor: Robert Lanham
As print takes its place alongside smoke signals, cuneiform, and hollering, there has emerged a new literary age, one in which writers no longer need to feel encumbered by the paper cuts, reading, and excessive use of words traditionally associated with the writing trade. Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era focuses on the creation of short-form prose that is not intended to be reproduced on pulp fibers. Instant messaging. Twittering. Facebook updates. These 21st-century literary genres are defining a new "Lost Generation" of minimalists who would much rather watch Lost on their iPhones than toil over long-winded articles and short stories. Students will acquire the tools needed to make their tweets glimmer with a complete lack of forethought, their Facebook updates ring with self-importance, and their blog entries shimmer with literary pithiness.
"ENG 371WR: Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era"
ENG 371WR: Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era
:: International Congress of Churches & Ministers ::
Jesus Christ
Flash intro from the future: (via feedthebird!)
A Guide to Protecting Your Online Identity
Being online is like being in public. Nearly anything that gets posted can come back to haunt you. Here is a guide to protecting your online identity.
Short URL Auto-Discovery ‎(wiki)‎
Short URL auto-discovery is a simple way to link a long URL with a short URL
Twitter clients and other consumers would load the URL that the user is embedding during posting time and check for the <link rel="shorturl" href="..." /> tag. If it exists the application should honor the href value and use it in place of the original URL.
Bruce Perens - A Cyber-Attack on an American City
good content - horrible design makes me not want to read it
by Bruce Perens - Statistical analysis and market research of Internet usage trends
"The information offered on this site provides valuable insight into Internet usage trends. We compile system data from numerous web sites and organize it into reports so you can stay current. We also put the power of market research and statistical analysis in your hands by allowing deep drill-down reporting as well as a powerful filtering system to limit data to only specific browsers, operating systems, search engines and even corporate versus residential usage!"
Statistical analysis and market research of Internet usage trends
In defense of Twitter
An interesting article justifying twittering as an activity
A great post concerning how there is nothing inherent to the banality of Twitter updates; this banality exists in "real" conversations as well. It's a good point and one that I've been trying to make recently with friends who "just don't get Twitter."
Heraclitus would have had a f***ing Twitter feed.
Williams and Stone: The Twitter Revolution -
Building 43
New community for internet geeks...
Check Out Building 43: A Place For People Fanatical About The Internet [from]
Robert Scoble's newest Internet tech website
Official Google Blog: Two new improvements to Google results pages
Today we're rolling out two new improvements to Google search. The first offers an expanded list of useful related searches and the second is the addition of longer search result descriptions -- both of which help guide users more effectively to the information they need.
3/24/2009 07:18:00 AM Today we're rolling out two new improvements to Google search. The first offers an expanded list of useful related searches and the second is the addition of longer search result descriptions -- both of which help guide users more effectively to the information they need.
Semantics in searching
Dead At Your Age – Deaths of interesting people at your age
Congratulations! You've just outlived some interesting people. Tell us your date of birth, and we'll tell you who they were.
Micro Persuasion: Twitter is Peaking
He's called it, but I'm sure many people are feeling the same. And furthermore, Twitter's so trendy right now it can't possibly last. The kids who join a niche precisely because it's a tiny, obscure little niche are going to be leaving Twitter in droves.
Author says "In the last six months, Twitter has gone nuclear. There are three reasons why and I explore them in this post. However, they also point to why Twitter is about to jump the shark and we should begin asking ourselves what's "the next big thing."...As I have written before, no community has ever had staying power. Twitter right now is poised to fall victim to the same trend. Let's take a look at three reasons why Twitter has witnessed incredible growth, all of which point to why the service is peaking right now."
Though Twitter itself may be a bubble soon to burst, I do not think microblogging is going anywhere.
As long as Twitter maintains a following I feel every business should join it and converse with their customers
Swine flu: Twitter's power to misinform | Net Effect
" I think it's only a matter of time before that the next generation of cyber-terrorists -- those who are smart about social media, are familiar with modern information flows, and are knowledgeable about human networks -- take advantage of the escalating fears over the next epidemic and pollute the networked public sphere with scares that would essentially paralyze the global economy. Often, such tactics would bring much more destruction than the much-feared cyberwar and attacks on physical -- rather than human -- networks. "
I am highly skeptical that any of the people I follow on Twitter are talking about swine flu to "fit in" or "gain popularity." This article does, however, make me want to start making stuff up.
twitter and the lack of context for what passes for conversations on it. agree up to a point but what people call noise is only that in their context. I suspect this has to do with assumption that there must be one right, correct and overriding context, which of course is not true.
Interesting post on the past 3 days of swine flu craze on Twitter and its impact.
"That aside, the “swine flu” Twitter-scare has once again proved the importance of context – and how badly most Twitter conversations are hurt by the lack of it"
Twitter and its bad efect
"...the “swine flu” Twitter-scare has once again proved the importance of context – and how badly most Twitter conversations are hurt by the lack of it."
moot wins, Time Inc. loses « Music Machinery
A team of pranksters found a way to control the Time top 100 influential people list... I guess this demonstrates that they are in-fact "influential"...
programming hacking
Project described in the Age, volunteer border watchers for USA-Mexico border
The TBSC BlueServoSM Virtual Community WatchSM is a network of cameras and sensors along the Texas-Mexico border that feeds live streaming video to Users will log in to the BlueServoSM website and directly monitor suspicious criminal activity along the border via this virtual fenceSM.
The Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition (TBSC) has joined BlueServoSM in a public-private partnership to deploy the Virtual Community Watch, an innovative real-time surveillance program designed to empower the public to proactively participate in fighting border crime. The TBSC BlueServoSM Virtual Community WatchSM is a network of cameras and sensors along the Texas-Mexico border that feeds live streaming video to Users will log in to the BlueServoSM website and directly monitor suspicious criminal activity along the border via this virtual fenceSM.
Tecnología Obsoleta » Blog Archive » Breve historia de la música clásica con Spotify
Ligeti, Glass, Schnittke, Henze > spotify
Colección de enlaces a Spotify de música clásica.
he creado una lista, una pequeña historia de la música clásica con enlaces de Spotify que he ido recogiendo. La tarea ha llevado toda la tarde, pero el fruto merece la pena. En fin, comparto con todos los lectores de TecOb, mi pequeña selección. Aviso que no he mirado mucho las versiones, porque muchas de las que buscaba no estaban disponibles. También he de advertir que se trata de una selección muy subjetiva, aunque he tratado de ser lo más abierto posible, dentro de mis gustos claro está. Lo dicho, si a alguien le interesa, no tiene más que pinchar en los enlaces de sus obras favoritas y abrirlos en Spotify. ;-) Pido discupas por los posibles errores que se hayan “colado” en la lista, no tengo tiempo de revisarla ahora.
Breve historia de la música clásica con Spotify
Gran colección de obras de música clásica por orden cronológico con enlaces de Spotify.
Official Google Enterprise Blog: What we talk about when we talk about cloud computing
According to Gartner, a typical IT department spends 80% of their budget keeping the lights on, and this hampers their ability to drive change and growth in their business.
Google's definition of the "Cloud"
URL-Wandlung in kurze URL-Adressen
this service has been created to convert long URLs into wonderful works by Charles Dickens. The fear of cryptic URLs, long or short, is now no longer a problem. Enter an ugly URL above and hit convert button. Soon you will be faced with beautiful words of Charles Dickens. Forget, now you have!
Inspired by a comment from reddit, this service has been created to convert long URLs into wonderful works by Charles Dickens. The fear of cryptic URLs, long or short, is now no longer a problem. Enter an ugly URL above and hit convert button. Soon you will be faced with beautiful words of Charles Dickens. Forget, now you have!
Twitter Quitters Just Don't Get It - Business Center - PC World
News of Twitter's low user retention rate is hardly shocking, and those of us who've stuck with it aren't likely to miss those who don't.
"But eventually, for most of us anyway, it dawns on us that Twitter is a lot more than a worldwide stream of trivial, self-promotional text bombs. And when that happens, we begin to see the beauty in Twitter's simple, terse messaging system. Used in conjunction with a good client app like TweetDeck, Twitter becomes an active massively multi-user conversation to rival any other social medium. " Depends on the kind of conversation you want, I guess; I'm still mainly in the "don't get it" camp.
The point of Twitter? Or just another twit?
Pretty much on point.
comScore: Mobile Internet Becoming A Daily Activity For Many
comScore, Inc. reports that the number of people using their mobile device to access news and information on the Internet more than doubled from January 2008 to January 2009. Among the audience of 63.2 million people who accessed news and information on their mobile devices in January 2009, 22.4 million (35 percent) did so daily; more than double the size of the audience last year.
Para entender a internet (versão beta)
Este "beta-livro" reúne textos originais de ativistas, acadêmicos e profissionais que estão ajudando a inventar/moldar a cultura da Web no Brasil. É uma experiência de produção de conteúdo educativo usando a Rede que começou na Campus Party em janeiro de 2009. É também um projeto colaborativo publicado com licença CC e aberto a interferências. E está melhorando graças a eles/as.
Este "beta-livro" reúne textos originais de ativistas, acadêmicos e profissionais que estão ajudando a inventar/moldar a cultura da Web no Brasil.
There's Twitter the company, and twitter the medium | Technology | Los Angeles Times
Interesting article. There's Twitter the company, and twitter the medium.
RT @LeoLaporte People love [..] Twitter, he said. "But what they ignore is that there’s a dark side to all of that [from]
Last year, Leo Laporte became a Twitter quitter. The host of one of Silicon Valley’s most popular podcasts was none too excited that of all the names in the world, the burgeoning message service had picked one that hit piercingly close to home. The online broadcasting network that Laporte owns and runs a short walk from his house in Petaluma is called, after his company’s flagship show, “This Week in Tech.”
About twitter as a company and as a social network
too much power in Twitter's hands?
An invention that could change the internet for ever - News, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent
Wolfram Alpha,
Start Panicking!
The Rapid Growth Of Twitter With The Stats To Prove It | Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog and Podcast - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image
There were some fascinating statistics released recently from Nielsen Online about the growth of Twitter. These stats will blow you away
There were some fascinating statistics released recently from Nielsen Online about the growth of Twitter. These stats will blow you away: 1,382% year-over-year growth in February 2009. Total unique visitors grew from 475,000 in February 2008 to seven million last month. Twitter is the fastest growing member community site for...
Office of the Privacy Commisioner - Deep Packet Inspection
Whilst technically possible for sometime now, the use and ethics of DPI needs careful consideration.
Canada has been investigating several complaints involving ISP use of deep packet inspection technology.
27 Huge Publishers Join To Replace The Banner
הגדלת גדלי הבאנרים
Tror Oliver IA skrev om idén för ett år sedan.
KIDO'Z - Safe,easy and fun internet for kids
Ditch Google For A Day: 10 Amazing Search Engines To Try out - Dumb Little Man
Search engine alternatives to Google.
search engines galore
Click through for the links to the search engines
Rest in Peace, RSS
Interesting perspective on RSS feeds and the future of information gathering.
in Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project
a collaborative music/spoken word project. Which is brilliant.
"Trata-se de um projeto de música colaborativa online ("Bb" é o si bemol, em linguagem musical). É muito simples: o site exibe uma dezena de vídeos do YouTube. Você vai lá, clica na ordem que quiser e... surpresa!" (por @oprimo)
This is a really cool collabrative project
Internet Memes
An interactive view of the all the memes that swept across the internet and burrowed in our zeitgeist. Built from Wikipedia and Memelabs, open for you to add and maintain.
Timeline of internet memes
Dancing Baby, Susan Boyle, etc.
A List Apart: Articles: The Wisdom of Community
It’s one of the most important concepts on the web today—perhaps the most important for social media—but it’s one of the least understood. When James Surowiecki wrote The Wisdom of Crowds in 2004, he explored the stock market and other classic social psychology examples, but “web 2.0” was still nascent. It’s time to connect his ideas to the social web, where they can reach their full potential. The Wisdom of Crowds (WOC) theory does not mean that people are smart in groups—they’re not. Anyone who’s seen an angry mob knows it. But crowds, presented with the right challenge and the right interface, can be wise. When it works, the crowd is wiser, in fact, than any single participant. The standard example is this: Imagine you have a jar of pennies. Ask a few hundred people how many there are inside. When you tally the results, chances are, all the guesses will be wrong. But if you average all the answers, the result will be almost perfect, almost all the time. The web, with its low barr
derek powazek
Facebook, YouTube at Work Make Better Employees: Study
The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the Internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive that those who do not.
According to the researchers, "short and unobtrusive breaks, such as a quick surf of the Internet, enables the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total net concentration for a days' work, and as a result, increased productivity." More importantly, "firms spend millions on software to block their employees from watching videos, using social networking sites or shopping online under the pretence that it costs millions in lost productivity." Someone should let them know their logic is flawed.
Henry Porter: Google is just an amoral menace | Comment is free | The Observer
Article about Google monopoly of the Web
One of the chief casualties of the web revolution is the newspaper business, which now finds itself laden with debt (not Google's fault) and having to give its content free to the search engine in order to survive. Newspapers can of course remove their content but then their own advertising revenues and profiles decline. In effect they are being held captive and tormented by their executioner, who has the gall to insist that the relationship is mutually beneficial. Were newspapers to combine to take on Google they would be almost certainly in breach of competition law.
"the destructive, anti-civic forces of the internet. " "newspapers are the only means of holding local hospitals, schools, councils and the police to account, and on a national level they are absolutely essential for the good functioning of democracy."
The ever-growing empire produces nothing but seems determined to control everything
Konami Code Sites
Konami Code Sites
Facebook's is awesome
up up, down down... you know the rest
All You Need to Know to Tweet on Twitter -
May 6, 2009
Article on how to use Twitter. - Upload and share your documents and pictures on Twitter
Share your documents and pictures on Twitter
Page to upload documents to Twitter
Upload and share your documents and pictures on Twitter
(no description)
100 Awesome Blogs By Some of the World’s Smartest People | Online
The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media.: The Social Path
Envy: Don’t be dissuaded by other people “doing it better than you.” I don't actually think it is Envy, but more of a lack of self-worth / perfectionism, at least among the Indies that I know. But I guess that wouldn't fit into a 7 Deadly Sins list.
27 Twitter Tools To Help You Find And Manage Followers | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
This is my first Twitter related article, I am using Twitter a lot lately so it is really unforgivable not even have one article related to Twitter. Now I am starting to correct this mistake and here comes list with 27 Twitter tools, which will help You find more followers, manage them, find who doesn’t follow You back, who stops following, statistics and much, much more.
World’s Fastest Broadband at $20 Per Home - Bits Blog -
"Pretty much the fastest consumer broadband in the world is the 160-megabit-per-second service offered by J:Com, the largest cable company in Japan. Here’s how much the company had to invest to upgrade its network to provide that speed: $20 per home passed."
Super High Speed Broadband @ $20 a home ... Ummm... I'm IN!! {after a yr with xplornet...i'd even pay the $80 gladly!} [from]
They pay $60 for 160 Mpbs, I pay $30 for 128 Kbps.
If you get excited about the prospect of really, really fast broadband Internet service, here’s a statistic that will make heart race. Or your blood boil. Or both. Pretty much the fastest consumer broadband in the world is the 160-megabit-per-second service offered by J:Com, the largest cable company in Japan. Here’s how much the company had to invest to upgrade its network to provide that speed: $20 per home passed.
Conexión a Internet en Japón. Al día de hoy, 20 dólares al mes por 160 mb de banda ancha
Broadband already has the highest profit margins of any product cable companies offer. Like any profit-maximizing business would do, they set prices in relation to other providers and market demand rather than based on costs.
Best sites online to watch movies for free
The Internet may have killed the music industry, but a handful of companies are stepping in to guarantee that the same fate doesn't befall the film industry. It's a simple formula: offer top quality streaming for free or low cost with minimal advertising and the experience is much more pleasurable than pirating.
How to Mine Twitter for Information
Last week, I admitted that I am an information junkie, and I wanted to follow up this week with a ...
10 Ways To Put Your Content In Front Of More People | How-To | Smashing Magazine
10 maneras de poner el contenido de un web site o Blog frente a tu audiencia
Twitter Puts a Muzzle on Your Friends: Goodbye People I Never Knew (Updated) - ReadWriteWeb
Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World : JISC
Annotated link
News Corp will charge for newspaper websites, says Rupert Murdoch | Media |
Ah, le vieux se lance...
Rupert ­Murdoch expects to start charging for access to News Corporation's newspaper websites within a year as he strives to fix a ­"malfunctioning" business model. Encouraged by booming online subscription revenues at the Wall Street Journal, the billionaire media mogul last night said that papers were going through an "epochal" debate over whether to charge. "That it is possible to charge for content on the web is obvious from the Wall Street Journal's experience," he said.
"Encouraged by booming online subscription revenues at the Wall Street Journal, the billionaire media mogul last night said that papers were going through an "epochal" debate over whether to charge. "That it is possible to charge for content on the web is obvious from the Wall Street Journal's experience," he said. Asked whether he envisaged fees at his British papers such as the Times, the Sunday Times, the Sun and the News of the World, he replied: "We're absolutely looking at that." Taking questions on a conference call with reporters and analysts, he said that moves could begin "within the next 12 months‚" adding: "The current days of the internet will soon be over." |||| What I don't get is how they plan to get people to start paying for content that they've become very, very comfortable with getting for free.
RT @davidakin: News Corp will charge for newspaper websites, says Rupert Murdoch (back to future?) [from]
"The current days of the internet will soon be over."
Current days of free internet will soon be over, says media mogul
Introduction to Wolfram|Alpha by Stephen Wolfram
Super search engine to be launched 18 May 2009
Stephen Wolfram è quello che ha inventato Mathematica. Adesso lancia una specie di "Google della conoscenza", una riga in cui puoi accedere alla conoscenza e inserirla in calcoli. Sono le cose che mi rendono orgoglioso della specie umana.
100 Geeks You Should Be Following On Twitter | GeekDad |
Understanding the New Web Era: Web 3.0, Linked Data, Semantic Web - ReadWriteWeb
I've been following a fascinating 3-part series of posts this week by Greg Boutin, founder of Growthroute Ventures. The series aimed to tie together 3 big trends, all based around structured data: 1) the still nascent "Web 3.0" concept, 2) the relatively new kid on the structured Web block, Linked Data, and 3) the long-running saga that is the Semantic Web. Greg's series is probably the best explanation I've read all year about the way these trends are converging. In this post I'll highlight some of Greg's thoughts and add some of my own.
Interesting read about the ideas of linked data and how that relates to web3.0 and the semantic web . . .interesting take on it.
17 Online Meeting Tools That Facilitate Collaboration
Online conferencing tools are used for many reasons – sales presentations, webinars and training, to name a few. Plus, if you work from home, like many freelancers and small business owners do, you face the unique challenge of needing live meeting time with clients who may be located around the world.
17 Online Meeting Tools That Facilitate Collaboration
online meeting applications
The Grid, Our Cars and the Net: One Idea to Link Them All | Autopia
To summarize: build the smart grid on top of the Internet, and put wireless mesh routers in power meters and cars.
So obvious once heard; everything can be reduced to software eventually.
The intelligent network we need for electricity can also turn cars into nodes. Interoperability is a multiplier.
Poynter Online - Romenesko
Steve Brill
For a while I have been thinking about a way to take some of the contrarian thinking that made me try The American Lawyer and Court TV way-back-when and apply it to a new business model to save the New York Times and journalism itself. There are two reasons why, beyond my love for the profession: First, about eight years ago my wife and I endowed The Yale Journalism Initiative. The program is intended to get better people to go into journalism, train them, give them a leg-up credential without establishing a "journalism" major, and then find them careers. It now features seminars, workshops, supported internships, and even a full time career counselor. I also teach one of the seminars. (Plus Floyd Abrams, Adam Liptak and I now also teach at Yale Law.) The implicit and now-traditional part of the deal is that if you do all this and become a Yale Journalism Scholar, I will also get you a job...
Steven Brill's plan to save the NYTimes. interesting, if not Brill-iant.
Brill's secret plan to save the New York Times and journalism itself
Miten lehdistö säilyy elinkelpoisena?
11 Free Websites To Send And Recieve Large Files Quickly
Who Protects The Internet? | Popular Science
how it works
"&quot;There is no time for celebration when we fix a cable,&quot; Rennie says. &quot;There is lots of pressure from cable owners to move quickly. They are losing revenue.&quot;" そんなに頻繁に切れてるのかぁ… (いや、確かにそうだけど)
"For the past five years, John Rennie has braved the towering waves of the North Atlantic Ocean to keep your e-mail coming to you. As chief submersible engineer aboard the Wave Sentinel, part of the fleet operated by U.K.-based undersea installation and maintenance firm Global Marine Systems, Rennie--a congenial, 6'4", 57-year-old Scotsman--patrols the seas, dispatching a remotely operated submarine deep below the surface to repair undersea cables."
The Beast
Como ufuncionan los cables submarinos por internet
Pull up the wrong undersea cable, and the Internet goes dark in Berlin or Dubai. See our animated infographics of how the web works!
to be read
Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab
Google - Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab. ext time you're dealing with a dreadfully slow internet connection, you can ask Google what's causing the trouble. The company announced a new open platform Wednesday called Measurement Lab, or M-Lab for short. As part of the initial launch, M-Lab includes three publicly accessible tools, including a tool called Glasnost that tests whether BitTorrent traffic is being blocked, throttled or otherwise impeded on your broadband connection. Also part of M-Lab's launch are a tool to test your connection's overall speed and a diagnostic tool that will tell you if you're suffering from speed barriers common to last-mile broadband-network infrastructures.
Pirate Bay Founder Devises DDo$ Attack | The Blog Pirate
La idea es ingresar pequeñas cantidades de dinero, ya que el coste de gestión de éstas es muy superior a la cantidad...
Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm (aka anakata) recieved a bill for the 30 million SEK that he, along with Peter Sunde (aka brokep), Fredrik Neij (aka TiAMO), and Carl Lundstrom, was fined in the verdict of the Pirate Bay trial just over three weeks ago. The bill inspired anakata to devise a plan involving sending money to Danowsky’s law firm, but not to pay the fine of course which they say will never be payed. Anakata’s clever plan is called internet-avgift, internet-fee in English. Anakata encourages all Internet users to pay extremely small sums around 1 SEK (0.13 USD) to Danowsky’s law firm, which represented the music companies at the Pirate Bay trial. The music companies will not benefit from this, instead it will cost them money to handle and process all the money.
I can give my two cents six and a half times over! [from]
Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm (aka anakata) recieved a bill for the 30 million SEK that he, along with Peter Sunde (aka brokep), Fredrik Neij (aka
Top 10 Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Stephen Wolfram and his team didn’t lack a sense of humor when they built their Mathematica-based engine. Slowly but surely, people have been finding some interesting quirks within Wolfram Alpha, triggered by specific questions or events. These interesting easter eggs will make you smile or raise an eyebrow in bewilderment.
apophenia: answers to questions from Twitter on teen practices
Incredibly insightful
danah's answers to Qs on teen uses of social media - May '09
What do teens do on Twitter (and the rest of the Internet)?
"To all who asked questions about Twitter: average teens don't use Twitter. They may in the future, but they do not now. Those who do are early adopters and not representative of any mainstream teen practice. Because of Oprah and celebs, some teens are starting to hear about it, but they don't understand it and they aren't using it."
Jump Into The Stream
Once again, the Internet is shifting before our eyes. Information is increasingly being distributed and presented in real-time streams instead of dedicated Web pages. The shift is palpable, even if it is only in its early stages. Web companies large and small are embracing this stream. It is not just Twitter. It is Facebook and Friendfeed and AOL and Digg and Tweetdeck and Seesmic Desktop and Techmeme and Tweetmeme and Ustream and Qik and Kyte and blogs and Google Reader. The stream is winding its way throughout the Web and organizing it by nowness.
Once again, the Internet is shifting before our eyes. Information is increasingly being distributed and presented in real-time streams instead of dedicated Web pages.
jump into the stream and let it carry you away
I really want to blog about my feelings about this perspective of dipping into information streams instead of reading new posts. For now, I'll just bookmark it.
Linked Data is Blooming: Why You Should Care - ReadWriteWeb
Last week we discussed how the current era of the Web is evolving. One of the concepts we noted was Linked Data, an idea whose time has come in 2009. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, gave a must-view talk at the TED Conference earlier this year, evangelizing Linked Data. He said that Linked Data was a sea change akin to the invention of the WWW itself. We've gone from a Web of documents, via the WWW, to a Web of data. Berners-Lee is now on a crusade for everyone from government departments, to individuals, to open up their data and put it on the Web - so that others can link to it and use it. In this post we give a high-level overview of Linked Data. Read on to stop and smell the roses.
Watch Internet TV - Live Streaming Video From
Watch Internet TV - Live Streaming Video From
A great rebranding of what was already a good service. Appears that they're now making a small profit as well. Good to hear.
The Benefits of Distraction and Overstimulation -- New York Magazine
Twitter, Adderall, lifehacking, mindful jogging, power browsing, Obama’s BlackBerry, and the benefits of overstimulation.
In Defense of Distraction
If I didn't write this sentence, most of my friends who started to read this article would quickly lose focus and start scanning it.
Five Things Wolfram Alpha Does Better (And Vastly Different) Than Google
Cory Doctorow: We must ensure ISPs don't stop the next Google getting out of the garage | Technology |
Technology |
If politicians want to effect economic recovery, national competitiveness, good public health and high civic engagement, they have a duty to keep the internet free and open. But politicians around the world seem willing to sacrifice their national interest to keep a few powerful phone and telcoms companies happy. this is like the phone company putting you on hold when your ring your local pizzeria, with a message inviting you to press one to be immediately connected to Domino's, its "preferred pizza partner".
Metering usage discourages experimentation. If you don't know whether your next click will cost you 10p or £2, you will become very conservative about your clicks. Just look at the old AOL, which charged by the minute for access...... Digital rights, digital wrongs index
Doctorow says the EU Telecoms reform package paves the way for ISPs and quangoes to block or slow access to websites and services on an arbitrary basis. Here's me thinking that one of the new rules is for authorities to set quality levels as as to promote net neutrality
Cory Doctorow: Allowing ISPs to have too much would drastically hinder the chances of fresh new startups developing into major businesses – as happened with Google
Is Google Rewiring Our Brains?
interesting title
Is Google Rewiring Our Brains? [from]
Is Google Rewiring Our Brains, very interesting, [from]
Gord Hotchkiss: Are Our Brains Becoming “Googlized?” / Is Google Rewiring Our Brains? searchengineland [from]
The Coming End of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook Socialism - Advertising Age - The Media Guy | Top 50 Text Acronyms Parents Should Know 052009
Top 50 Text Acronyms Parents Should Know 052009
100 Tips to Be a Smarter, Better Twitterer | Computer Colleges
"Twitter is a fun and useful tool, but there are a lot of quirks, rules, and standards that come along with it. To be effective on Twitter, you’ll need to learn the lingo, mechanics, and the ins and outs of interacting with followers. Here, we’ll take a look at 100 tips that can help you do just that."
A good categorized list that has tons of relevant links and short explanations that are enough to be helpful but not so much as to be overwhelming.
Internet generation leave parents behind | Media | The Guardian
This expensive private report is summarised in this Guardian article which monitors changes in childrens behaviour in terms of reading and the internest
Artikel uit The Guardian over de internetgeneratie en hun ouders
Internet generation leave parents behind • Change in communication creating divide, says study • Children spend six hours a day in front of screens
UK stats anmd trends presentd by the Guardian.
According to research children cram in nearly six hours of screen time per day
The report is based on an annual survey, now into its 15th year, of 1,800 children at 92 schools across the country. "This year has seen a major boost to the intensity and the independence with which children approach online activities," the report says. Annotated link
Social Media Marketing Budgets on the Rise
Mashable social media marketing budgets
sweet for a slide
this bookmark brought from the different place.
"According to a new study released by Aberdeen Group (published today by eMarketer), 63 percent of companies plan to increase their social media marketing budgets in 2009, despite the current weakness in the economy. Digging deeper into the numbers, 21 percent of those surveyed plan to increase social media spending by 25 percent or more, while a mere 3 percent plan to shrink their budgets (34 percent responded “no change”)."
Nice blog post about social media marketing budgets - ups and downs
social media marketing budgets rise
"According to a new study released by Aberdeen Group, 63 percent of companies plan to increase their social media marketing budgets in 2009,"
No such thing as "deleted" on the Internet : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech
photos stay on facebook for weeks
Stephen Wolfram Reveals Radical New Formula for Web Search | Epicenter
The home page is nearly blank. At the center, just below a colorful logo, you'll find an empty data field. Type in a phrase, hit Return, and knowledge
Consider a question like “How many Nobel Prize winners were born under a full moon?” Google would find the answer only if someone had previously gone through the whole list, matched the birthplace of each laureate with a table of lunar phases, and posted the results. Wolfram says his engine would have no problem doing this on the fly. “Alpha makes it easy for the typical person to answer anything quantitatively,” he asserts. Wolfram needs some prodding before he talks about the business model. “Plan A is to get this out,” he says. “Maybe it will be a giant piece of philanthropy.” On the other hand, he adds, “we’re happy to license this.” He thinks Alpha would be welcome inside applications, on mobile devices, and in a generalized search engine. Wolfram has already shown Alpha to former intern Brin and thinks that it could make sense to have the engine running behind the scenes in Google searches. Another possible source of revenue: licensing data­bases.
The Faces of Mechanical Turk -
The human face of "slave" labor? in any event an amazing idea. [from]
Actual users of Amazon's Mechanical Turk service revealed. Seems to contradict (though in a non-scientific way) the myth of the MT sweatshop. These are not third-world workers.
The New Socialism: Global Collectivist Society Is Coming Online
Bill Gates once derided open source advocates with the worst epithet a capitalist can muster. These folks, he said, were a "new modern-day sort of communists," a malevolent force bent on destroying the monopolistic incentive that helps support the American dream. Gates was wrong: Open source zealots are more likely to be libertarians than commie pinkos. Yet there is some truth to his allegation. The frantic global rush to connect everyone to everyone, all the time, is quietly giving rise to a revised version of socialism.
Operating without state funding or control, connecting citizens directly to citizens, this mostly free marketplace achieves social good at an efficiency that would stagger any government or traditional corporation. Sure, it undermines the business model of newspapers, but at the same time it makes an indisputable case that the sharing model is a viable alternative to both profit-seeking corporations and tax-supported civic institutions.
mmunal aspects of digital culture run deep and wide. Wikipedia is just one remarkable example of an emerging collectivism—and not just Wikipedia but wikin
The New New Economy: More Startups, Fewer Giants, Infinite Opportunity
) is Wired's editor in chief.
Get in-depth tech news coverage from Wired and read about how it is shaping culture, education, entertainment, communications and technology.
Article de Wired sur l'économie du 21ème sicèle
One Tweet Over the Line - Room for Debate Blog -
#p4smf microinformation can be both embarrassing & boring One Tweet Over the Line [from]
One Tweet Over the Line - Room for Debate Blog -
Clay Shirky, Interactive Telecommunications Program at N.Y.U Timothy B. Lee, Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy Susan Mernit, former AOL vice president and blogger David E. Meyer psychology professor, University of Michigan
Just as Bill Clinton destroyed the idea that marijuana use was a disqualifier to serious work, the increasing volume of personal life online will come to mean that, even though there’s a picture from when your head was on fire that one time, you can still get a job.
There seems no part of public, private or commercial life that hasn’t been made more accessible through social networking tools like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Hospitals are posting videos of surgeries on YouTube and doctors are sending tweets from operating rooms to educate the public and market their services. Those are just the latest examples of media-driven communication in places that used to be relatively private. Is there such a thing as overuse of social networking tools? In the online world, is the notion of a public/private divide simply not applicable? * Clay Shirky, Interactive Telecommunications Program at N.Y.U * Timothy B. Lee, Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy * Susan Mernit, former AOL vice president and blogger * David E. Meyer psychology professor, University of Michigan
Web 3.0 or Not, There's Something Different About 2009 - ReadWriteWeb
A good blog design for a beleivable and authorative information source
BBC NEWS | Technology | Stephen Fry: The internet and Me
>> And the press are already struggling enough - God knows they've already lost their grip on news to some extent. If they lose their grip on comment and gossip and being a free PR machine as well, they're really in trouble. <<
Stephen Fry speaks to BBC Radio 4's Analysis about why he believes the web is such a wondrous thing.
As is usually the case with Our Lord Stephen Fry - ne'er was a truer word spoke about that place we spend our days and nights - the internet
Stephen Fry on living with the internet, and enjoying it.
Stephen Fry - wit, writer, raconteur, actor and quiz show host - is also a self-confessed dweeb and meistergeek. As he confesses "If I added up all the hours I've sat watching a progress bar fill up, I could live another life." His feed on the social networking site Twitter is one of the most popular in the world. He spoke to BBC Radio 4's Analysis about why he believes the web is such a wondrous thing.
Self-confessed technology geek Stephen Fry tells BBC Radio 4's Analysis programme why the world wide web is a wondrous thing.
Meme Scenery -
Memes with their subjects taken out. I knew 2/3 of them, sadly.
Can you name the internet sensations just based on the background scenery?
Like Jon Haddock's porn sans people, these photos are banal out of context. Only someone familiar with the original memes would sense something's amiss, like the set of a play waiting for the actors to stumble into history.
you just get the strangest feeling of déjà vu...
The New Socialism: Global Collectivist Society Is Coming Online
The frantic global rush to connect everyone to everyone, all the time, is quietly giving rise to a revised version of socialism. Communal aspects of digital culture run deep and wide. Wikipedia is just one remarkable example of an emerging collectivism—and not just Wikipedia but wikiness at large.
The frantic global rush to connect everyone to everyone, all the time, is quietly giving rise to a revised version of socialism.
Map the Fallen
An incredible Google Earth map locating casualties of Iraq and Afghanistan War, by home of record and approx place of death. Powerful.
Comparador de hostings - Hostarting
comparador de hosting
Freedom - OS X Networking Freedom Software
Turns off your mac networking
Man if my job weren't ON the Internet, I would be *all over* this
Freedom is an application that disables networking on an Apple computer for up to eight hours at a time. Freedom will free you from the distractions of the internet, allowing you time to code, write, or create. At the end of your selected offline period, Freedom re-enables your network, restoring everything as normal.
Networking Freedom Software
TweetMyPC - Home
"TweetMyPC lets you shutdown/restart/LogOff your windows PC remotely."
nstallation and Usage: Download the setup file and Install. Go to and create a new Twitter account for your PC (This is optional as TweetMyPC only responds for updates). This account will be used by TweetMyPC to monitor for new tweets. Start TweetMyPC and then fill in the login details. Wait for some time for the application to verify your login details.
About Google Wave
Sourcetone Interactive Radio
Streamer"radio" som spiller musikk til deg basert på hvilket humør du er i.
Tous les programmes tv des chaînes télé à revoir gratuitement sur le Net - TV à revoir
Tous les programmes tv des chaînes télé à revoir gratuitement sur le Net
Un site super utile si vous avez loupé votre émission préféré, un film etc...
Un site qui se veut le premier guide de la télévision de rattrapage. Ce site répertorie en temps réel toutes les émissions TV disponibles légalement (séries, divertissements, documentaires, magazines, animations, sports et JT) et mises en ligne gratuitement par les chaînes.
See Wolfram Alpha in Action: Our Screenshots - ReadWriteWeb
one of the most popular bookmarks... new search engine
More information about Wolfram Alpha the search engine. Video of the launch presentation included.
Last weekend, we attended a web demo of Wolfram Alpha, a new
Screenshot und Video zu Wolfram Alpha.
Black socks - Buy socks in the definitely correct colour for men.
What is Web 3.0? Semantic Web & other Web 3.0 Concepts Explained in Plain English
Web 3.0 will be about semantic web, personalization (e.g. iGoogle), intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things.
What Would Micropayments Do for Journalism? A Freakonomics Quorum - Freakonomics Blog -
The notion of micropayments — a pay-per-click/download web model — is hardly a new one. But as a business model it hasn’t exactly caught fire, or even generated more than an occasional spark. Lately, however, the journalism community has become obsessed with the idea. This is what happens when an existing business model begins to collapse: alternative models are desperately invented, debated, attempted, rejected, etc.
'This is what happens when an existing business model begins to collapse: alternative models are desperately invented, debated, attempted, rejected, etc.'
On the Street and On Facebook: The Homeless Stay Wired -
Mr. Pitts's experience shows how deeply computers and the Internet have permeated society. A few years ago, some people were worrying that a "digital divide" would separate technology haves and have-nots. The poorest lack the means to buy computers and Web access. Still, in America today, even people without street addresses feel compelled to have Internet addresses.
huge huge resource here
Mr. Pitts's experience shows how deeply computers and the Internet have permeated society. A few years ago, some people were worrying that a "digital divide" would separate technology haves and have-nots. The poorest lack the means to buy computers and Web access. Still, in America today, even people without street addresses feel compelled to have Internet addresses
Mr. Pitts Lacks a Mailing Address But He's Got a Computer and a Web Forum
Add Pentium processors, external storage drives and 17" screens to the gear list of the newly homeless. The Wall Street Journal reports.
The Top 6 Game-Changing Features of Google Wave
Without a doubt, the product that has the entire web buzzing right now is Google Wave, the search giant’s newly announced communication platform.
The Top 6 Game-Changing Features of Google Wave [from]
日本のWebは「残念」 梅田望夫さんに聞く(前編) (1/3) - ITmedia News
7 Technologies Shaping the Future of Social Media
New technologies in store for us over the next 10 years that will make our social (media) lives easier
週刊誌記者の取材に心が汚れた:佐々木俊尚 ジャーナリストの視点 - CNET Japan
予定調和の世界  この記者がどういう本心で取材してきたのかは、私は彼ではないので本当のところはわからない。しかしマスメディア出身で、いまも取材活動を仕事の中心に据えている私としては、この記者が何を考えていたのかはある程度は推測できる。それはつまり、こういう記事を書きたいということなのだ。  「テレビなどのマスメディアからは相手にされなくなったホリエモンは、ブログやYouTubeのような自分のメディアを作ってそこで閉じこもって細々と情報発信」「60億円の民事訴訟に敗訴したホリエモン、必死で裁判で戦っていくとやせ我慢」
Streit um Internet-Filter: Die Generation C64 schlägt zurück - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt,1518,628017,00.html
"Die Debatte um Ursula von der Leyens Gesetzentwurf gegen Kinderpornografie im Netz macht eine gesellschaftliche Kluft sichtbar: Die Generation Online will nicht länger akzeptieren, dass über sie hinwegregiert wird. Ein Generationenkonflikt wird sichtbar, der das Land noch Jahre lang spalten könnte."
Kleine Analyse der digitalen Spaltung in der Politik: Kinderporno-Sperren, Zensur und die große Ahnungslosigkeit der Politik.
Demokratische Verfassungen werden nicht unter der Annahme gemacht, dass Menschen im Zweifel das Richtige tun werden, dass Politiker und Polizisten ja im Grunde gute Menschen sind und deshalb schon nichts schiefgehen wird. Sie sind konstruiert, um auch Fällen widerstehen zu können, in denen etwas nicht so läuft, wie man sich das als rechtschaffener Bürger wünscht. Deshalb dürfen Polizisten keine Verbrecher verurteilen, deshalb unterliegen Geheimdienste der Kontrolle des Parlaments und deshalb entscheiden Polizeibehörden in Demokratien nicht, was publiziert werden darf und was nicht.
Der Spiegel konstruiert uns "Digital Natives" wohlwollend ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl an.
Spiegel ONLINE-Artikel zur gefühlt Generationen-Kluft -- the hottest videos on the internet right now
The hottest videos on the internet right now
TOSBack | The Terms-Of-Service Tracker
privacy statement, terms of service
TOSBack keeps an eye on 44 website policies. Every time one of them changes, you'll see an update here.
Great new tool from the Electronic Frontier Foundation which allows you to see when a companies online Terms of Service/Privacy Policy is changed
OSBack keeps an eye on 44 website policies. Every time one of them changes, you'll see an update here.
The Terms-Of-Service Tracker
Six Ways that Google Wave is Going to Change Your Business, Career and Life | Think Vitamin
Extensions, Embedding APIs, Collaboration, Open Source, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Playback
I am really impressed by this new search, excuse me, decision engine. Way to go, Microsoft. I think I'll use this more than Google now.
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Good Search engine
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Secret of Googlenomics: Data-Fueled Recipe Brews Profitability
"I'm going to talk about online auctions," says Hal Varian, the session's first speaker. Varian is a lanky 62-year-old professor at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business and School of Information, but these days he's best known as Google's chief economist. This morning's crowd hasn't come for predictions about the credit market; they want to hear about Google's secret sauce
Google getta le basi per una nuova forma di organizzazione economica.
Why does Google even need a chief economist? The simplest reason is that the company is an economy unto itself. The ad auction, marinated in that special sauce, is a seething laboratory of fiduciary forensics, with customers ranging from giant multinationals to dorm-room entrepreneurs, all billed by the world's largest micropayment system. Google depends on economic principles to hone what has become the search engine of choice for more than 60 percent of all Internet surfers, and the company uses auction theory to grease the skids of its own operations. All these calculations require an army of math geeks, algorithms of Ramanujanian complexity, and a sales force more comfortable with whiteboard markers than fairway irons.
Google's Wonder Wheel Experiment, and More
New search options for Google
Búsquedas refinadas en versión beta
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Seth's Blog: Making commercials for the web
Seth does a great job reminding us that what's posted on YouTube shouldn't be the same as what goes on TV. Great list of tips, too.
TV advertisers are finally discovering that YouTube + viral imagination = free media.
Making commercials for the web /Seth's Blog/ - TV advertisers are finally discovering that YouTube viral ... [from]
Mapping the Current Web Transition - ReadWriteWeb
A year ago, I wrote a magnum opus three-part post that attempted to chronicle some of the underlying changes happening in the economy and how this would impact ...
"A year ago, I wrote a magnum opus three-part post that attempted to chronicle some of the underlying changes happening in the economy and how this would impact web technology ventures. "Useful, but too long" was a recurring comment. So, here is a one-year update, much shorter. And hopefully a bit clearer, seeing as we are further into this transition."
Closed social-network sites cannot survive in their current form, and yet they are so dominant today. So the transition to open and pervasive will be a big and messy fight... which will be great fun for journalists to cover! - is this another way of saying there will be one big network? Advertising: Advertisers will adopt a barbell approach: CPM for branding, and CPA for direct-revenue generation (as soon as publishers figure out how to make money selling CPA). CPC will still be dominated by Google but will become less dominant as CPA gains traction. Google will play in CPA and CPM but won't dominate as it does in CPC. Publishers will sideline CPA because nobody will be able to compete with the CPC price set by Google
(no description)
Why can't we concentrate? | Salon Books
A Brief History Of Social Media
Social media isn't really new. While it has only recently become part of mainstream culture and the business world, people have been using digital media for
Actually kicks some serious ass. Starts with phone phreaking.
The Future of Twitter - 10 Ways Twitter Will Change American Business - TIME,28804,1901188_1901207,00.html
While there may be commercial value for using Twitter to communicate with customers, the danger is that the Twitter community could turn against a marketer viewed as being too crass by being relentlessly self-promoting.
Social Music: 5 Essential Tools for Marketing Your Band
Twitter Twitpocalypse Status
El Y2K de Twitter, ¡muy divertido!
The Twitpocalypse is similar to the Y2K bug. Very soon the unique identifier associated to each tweet will exceed 2,147,483,6471
O fim do twitter está próximo...
ICSI Netalyzr
java applet to check for various nefarious things isps might do, like transparent proxies, dns interception, bittorrent blocking (though not throttling)
The Netalyzr tests your Internet connection for signs of trouble. Understand your connectivity through a detailed report of any performance and security issues.
How the web changed the economics of news - in all media | Online Journalism Blog
On Line Journalism
Good overview of fundamental changes in the news business
Jeff Jarvis and Clay Shirky rejoice: Article on the crumbling economic basis of commercial news distribution in the 21st century. Two extremely interesting points added here: 11. The Rise of PR, 12. Reputation as a currency.
Reduced cost of newsgathering and production
Hal Varian on how the Web challenges managers - The McKinsey Quarterly - Hal Varian web challenge managers - Strategy - Innovation
Hal Varian on how the Web challenges managers
I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians. People think I’m joking, but who would’ve guessed that computer engineers would’ve been the sexy job of the 1990s? The ability to take data—to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it—that’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades, not only at the professional level but even at the educational level for elementary school kids, for high school kids, for college kids. Because now we really do have essentially free and ubiquitous data. So the complimentary scarce factor is the ability to understand that data and extract value from it.
Twitter is Not a Conversational Platform - O'Reilly Radar
Perhaps the most common reason given for joining the microsharing site Twitter is
If microsharing tools resemble wikis more than conversational tools and social networks, this has huge implications for how people and organizations approach use of this emerging technology. Solis suggests, I think rightly, that "sometimes it's effective to...maintain a presence simply by reading, listening, and sharing relevant and timely information without having to directly respond to each and every tweet."
Web_development_timeline.png (PNG Image, 2566x2129 pixels)
"Neat Graph"
Exclusive: The Future of Facebook Usernames - Anil Dash
It's funny because it's true.
Gods, I love it when Anil gets bitchy.
Hilarious satirical prediction about what’s going to happy when Facebook releases vanity URLs this weekend.
Hey! Paste It
Lets you easily paste and share text online. Just enter some text into provided field and click “Paste online” to instantly get the URL that contains your text. No page reloading, everything is instant and happens on one page. You can access the text anytime or share it with others by forwarding the URL.
Lets you easily paste and share text online.
Cole um texto e ganhe um link para compartilhá-lo com as pessoas
Free Anonymous BitTorrent Becomes Reality With BitBlinder | TorrentFreak
Dual Perspectives Article
by forcing users to commit their thinking to the bite-size form of the public tweet, Twitter may be giving a powerfully productive new life to a hitherto underexploited quantum of thought: The random, fleeting observation.
perspectives on twitter
For those of you increasingly convinced that you're the last human alive who doesn't get the point of Twitter, I have comforting news: Nobody does. Not really.
Dual Perspectives article by Julian Dibbell: ... Sure, it's easy to dismiss Twitter because of the content — the endless stream of latte orders, flight delays, mood swings. Who cares? But that would be a mistake. Early critics of the television also wrote it off as a time waster with few redeeming social or cultural values: the boob tube. But TV became a powerful change agent regardless of, or even in spite of, the programming. The medium was the message. ...
Read in-depth coverage of current and future trends in technology, and how they are shaping business, entertainment, communications, science, politics, and culture at
Why Twitter from Wired Magazine
For those of you increasingly convinced that you're the last human alive who doesn't get the point of Twitter, I have comforting news: Nobody does. Not really. Sure, the twittering masses (17 million registered U.S. users, by latest count) have some idea what their habit is good for. For many, Twitter's steady stream of one-line updates — "microblogging," as the form is known — is a low-maintenance way to feel connected to family, friends, celebrities. For others, it's a marketing tool, a public diary, a communal news feed, or even, simply, a sort of brain game — a text-message Sudoku, where the daily challenge is to fit the maximum amount of cleverness into the minimal space of a 140-character limit. But knowing how people use Twitter isn't the same thing as knowing why they use it. And that turns out to be a puzzle even seasoned Twitter watchers have found difficult to crack.
25 Free People Search Engines to find Anyone in the World | FinderMind
From the website: "I’ve been in this people search industry for over 2 years now and while researching, I found many free, high quality free people search engines to help you reconnect with friends, family, school friends or any other person from your past. So I decided to put them in one huge list. Here they are:" - I haven't tried any of these but usually these lists are handy
How the Web and the Weblog have changed Writing
"This was preserved because the author had been Emperor. How much ancient wisdom was lost because the common Roman citizen lacked TCP/IP?"
"[by 1700 bc, the minoans were trading with spain, had big cities with flush toilets, a written language, and moderately sophisticated metalworking technology. had it not been for the eruption of thera (on santorini), it is quite possible that romans would have watched the assassination of julius caesar on television.]"
'This article, prepared to support a talk at Wordcamp 2009, discusses how writing itself has changed because of the availability of the Web and the Weblog.'
HTML 5 and Web video: freeing rich media from plugin prison - Ars Technica
HTML 5 and Web video: freeing rich media from plugin prison - Ars Technica
Deny This, - Why I got rid of my account a long time ago [from]
Deny This, (via TechCrunch) [from]
A couple of months ago Erick Schonfeld wrote a post titled “Did Just Hand Over User Listening Data To the RIAA?” based on a source that has proved to be very reliable in the past. All hell broke loose shortly thereafter
Security Fix - Microsoft Update Quietly Installs Firefox Extension
firefox; beware of security update
see comments
"I'm here to report a small side effect from installing this service pack that I was not aware of until just a few days ago: Apparently, the .NET update automatically installs its own Firefox add-on that is difficult -- if not dangerous -- to remove, once installed., which lists various aspects of Windows that are, well, annoying, says "this update adds to Firefox one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities present in all versions of Internet Explorer: the ability for Web sites to easily and quietly install software on your PC." I'm not sure I'd put things in quite such dire terms, but I'm fairly confident that a decent number of Firefox for Windows users are rabidly anti-Internet Explorer, and would take umbrage at the very notion of Redmond monkeying with the browser in any way. Big deal, you say? I can just uninstall the add-on via Firefox's handy Add-ons interface, right? Not so fast. The trouble is, Microsoft has disabled the "uninstall" button on the extension."
Microsoft Update Quietly Installs Firefox Extension [from]
Microsoft Update Quietly Installs Firefox Extension A routine security update for a Microsoft Windows component installed on tens of millions of computers has quietly installed an extra add-on for an untold number of users surfing the Web with Mozilla's Firefox Web browser.
DeeperWeb Search - The Essential Search Engine Addon and Plugin
search google
DepperWeb se base entièrement sur les résultats provenant de Google mais ajoute un certain nombre de fonctionnalités s'affichant dans la partie droite de l'écran: nuage de mots, nuage de phrases, sites référents, zones (domaines),
DeeperWeb is an innovative search engine plugin and an essential Firefox addon for Google. Start using us immediately at or download a free search plugin and Firefox addons
Un moteur de rechercher qui tente d'organiser les résultats de Google en plusieurs catégories : résultats, nuages de mots-clés, questions/réponses, informations d'affaires, et données chiffrées + "ressource search" (semble correspondre à des informations plus élaborées?) + les résultats de Wikipedia + les résultats dans les blogs
For those how make websites.
“la encuesta de la gente que hace sitios” que, con más de 30.000 encuestados
Interesting survey about developers in 2008
Internet Mapping Project
:) internet 6 mapa 4 internetmapa
Percepción de una gran cantidad de usuarios de la estructura de Internet
Sniffing Browser History with NO Javascript!
Uses HTML and CSS to determine your browsing history. Slowish but effective.
This is a method of sniffing your browsing history without using Javascript. If you haven't cleaned your browsing history recently, just click "Start Scan" and the system will get to work. If this doesn't shock you, it should: websites are not supposed to see this information. It has potential for anyone, in particular advertisers, to view your history and profile you.
IE6 Bugs, Problems, Fixes, Solutions, Tips & Tricks, Hints? NO MORE! .:.
RIPIE6 is the obituary notice of Internet Explorer 6's death.
IE6 Bugs, Problems, Fixes, Solutions, Tips & Tricks, Hints? NO MORE! - Drive More Traffic with Your Short URLs! is the only URL shortener that also helps your content get discovered! Every URL exposes your content to StumbleUpon's nearly 8 million users!
Discover your web with StumbleUpon. It's the best way to discover the things you like on the web.
U: ramenboyjoe
N.Y. Times mines its data to identify words that readers find abstruse » Nieman Journalism Lab
People don't know what "louche" means?
"As you may know, highlighting a word or passage on the Times website calls up a question mark that users can click for a definition and other reference material. (Though the feature was recently improved, it remains a mild annoyance for myself and many others who nervously click and highlight text on webpages.) Anyway, it turns out the Times tracks usage of that feature, and yesterday, deputy news editor Philip Corbett, who oversees the Times style manual, offered reporters a fascinating glimpse into the 50 most frequently looked-up words on in 2009. We obtained the memo and accompanying chart, which offer a nice lesson in how news sites can improve their journalism by studying user behavior."
the 50 most frequently looked-up words on in 2009
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
"The key force behind this is the next generation, the Millennials, who elected Obama in America and may oust Ahmadinejad in Iran. They want freedom; they are sick of lies; they enjoy life and know hope."
Is twitter the only network to survive in Iran?
The Revolution Will Be Twittered
It's increasingly clear that Ahmadinejad and the old guard mullahs were caught off-guard by this technology and how it helped galvanize the opposition movement in the last few weeks.
As the regime shut down other forms of communication, Twitter survived. With some remarkable results. Those rooftop chants that were becoming deafening in Tehran? A few hours ago, this concept of resistance was spread by a twitter message. Here's the Twitter from a Moussavi supporter: ALL internet & mobile networks are cut. We ask everyone in Tehran to go onto their rooftops and shout ALAHO AKBAR in protest #IranElection That a new information technology could be improvised for this purpose so swiftly is a sign of the times. It reveals in Iran what the Obama campaign revealed in the United States. You cannot stop people any longer. You cannot control them any longer. They can bypass your established media; they can broadcast to one another; they can organize as never before.
PageRank sculpting
People think about PageRank in lots of different ways. People have compared PageRank to a “random surfer” model in which PageRank is the probability that a random surfer clicking on links lands on a page. Other people think of the web as an link matrix in which the value at position (i,j) indicates the presence of links from page i to page j. In that case, PageRank corresponds to the principal eigenvector of that normalized link matrix.
Novel search engine that depicts search results as blocks of text and images.
enter your search term ...get a page of quotes and photos and links...visually appealing
A new visual search engine is making the rounds...
When too cool becomes useless. Results are returned in the form of a collage. The cool factor gets in the way of trying to review the results.
Sorry, There's No Way To Save The TV Business
The cable companies will become dumb pipes, and they'll get disintermediated. The phone companies will remain dumb pipes. The wireless companies will become dumber pipes. The competition between the multiple dumb pipes will eventually, we pray, result in lower prices for consumers for the only thing we will really need: Ubiquitous high-speed Internet access. - Free Fax Online
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Enable tethering on iPhone 3.0 - Too easy... (WORLDWIDE carriers) | richardlai's Xanga Site - Weblog
Geekなぺーじ : みんなが知らずに使ってるAkamai
Akamaiについて全般的な話。おもしろい。有名どころ・ユーザが多いサービス=トラフィックが多いってことでよく知られる企業が多く利用しているのね。 細かいことだけど「(インターネットは)冗長性を実現するために信頼性を犠牲にしています。」がちょっと気になった。その後に書いてある速度の話は信頼性に分類されるのかな。
Travel Web Sites: A Click-On Showdown - Frugal Traveler Blog -
This could come in handy for many trips!
Windows Internet Explorer 8: Get the facts
Jump to: Page Content, Site Navigation, Site Search, Site Map
the "IE8: Get the facts" link is damn funny. Comments and tags for this link on delicious is just as entertaining.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Web tool 'as important as Google'
A look at Wolfram Alpha.
WolframAlpha launches 15 May. natural language
A web tool that "could be as important as Google", according to some experts, has been shown off to the public.
<blockquote>A web tool that "could be as important as Google", according to some experts, has been shown off to the public. Wolfram Alpha is the brainchild of British-born physicist Stephen Wolfram. The free program aims to answer questions directly, rather than display web pages in response to a query like a search engine. The "computational knowledge engine", as the technology is known, will be available to the public from the middle of May this year. </blockquote>
xkcd - A Webcomic - Troll Slayer
Enjoy reading Comic
Twilight vs 4Chan
People who sign up for Twitter, post once, then never return. - By John Swansburg and Jeremy Singer-Vine - Slate Magazine
- By John Swansburg and Jeremy Singer-Vine - Slate Magazine
hat 10 percent of the service's users account for more than 90 percent of tweets. The study dove
At their best they resemble found art, an index of first lines of poems that have yet to be written: mundial marching backwards toward the source of the four winds 9:45 AM Jul 17, 2007 stonelove27 I am standing behind my nose... 11:59 AM Sep 5, 2007 ladydrea Marcus Aurelius! You are loved! (I'm typing now...) 10:53 AM Jun 7, 2008 newdayrising sold your soul to Jesus for a carton of yoghurt. He doesn't even like yoghurt that much. 12:48 PM Mar 31, 2008 boustanyn Getting ready for the third phase of life on this earth.... 12:51 PM Nov 17, 2008 bkennedy weeping gently 2:47 PM Mar 30, 2007 In at least one instance, two orphan tweets appear to have been in conversation. marcbresseel getting ready for cannes - printing latest briefing - I hate folding my shirts 8:36 AM Jun 14, 2008 Kolcott @Marcbresseel You fold your shirts? 9:13 AM Jul 10, 2008 A lone call followed by a lone response; a social network of two.
Which got us to thinking—there must be a legion of Twitterers out there who sign up, tweet once, and never return. In the spirit of the great blog One Post Wonder, "a collection of blogs that have one post," we set out to find these orphaned tweets. Different people obviously have different tweet metabolisms, but we decided that any account that's been dormant for at least six months is fair game. We found several thousand of them.
Open this website on your iPhone to configure the phone for alternate carriers (MMS, tethering)
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Please Enjoy - The Work of Ji Lee
from Please Enjoy - The Work of Ji Lee
what is a browser ? - street survey
50 random people in NY don't know the difference between a browser and Google.
read it
The vast majority of people have no clue what a web browser is. (Ergo, the vast majority of people are quite stupid? I'm tempted to say yes.)
iPhone OS 3.0 Tethering Settings via Mail or iPhone direct download...
iPhone Tethering
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iphone-notes sends the mobileconfig necessary for tethering via e-mail directly to your iPhone. Most carriers supported, custom settings also possible.
Tim Berners-Lee on the next Web | Video on
Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. He leads the World Wide Web Consortium, overseeing the Web's standards and development
Web 3.0
Iran's Web Spying Aided By Western Technology -
"Every digitized packet of online data is deconstructed, examined for keywords and reconstructed within milliseconds."
more on Deep packet
Deep packet inspection
How it's done.
The Iranian regime has developed, with the assistance of European telecommunications companies, one of the world's most sophisticated mechanisms for controlling and censoring the Internet, allowing it to examine the content of individual online communications on a massive scale.
Les autorités iraniennes disposent de grande capacités de surveillance sur Internet (technologies Siemens + Nokia), expliquant pourquoi elles n'ont pas "coupé" le réseau...
Why We Protest - IRAN - Powered by vBulletin
'This forum aims to be a secure and reliable way of communication for Iranians and friends. Use it to discuss what is happening in Iran. Post in the forum either anonymously as a guest, as a registered user, or login with your facebook-account.'
The fine folks at anonymous - the people who brought you those scientology protests - offer online bulletin boards and messaging services for Iranian activists. Points for solidarity, but unclear if these will remain accessible to Iranian dissidents very long.
World wide protest planing forums and current news on the Iran crisis
Home - GivesMeHope | Like FMyLife, but less depressing
opposite of FML
MediaShift . Rules of Engagement for Journalists on Twitter | PBS
media twitter
PBS MediaShift
..."Twitter is now a vital journalistic tool for both reporting events and breaking down barriers between legacy media and its audiences, there are still multiple questions around professional journalists' activities on Twitter that require thoughtful, open debate".... [really intersting post from Julie Posetti]
Top 20 Take Away Tips for Tweeting Journos
Great Wall of Facebook: The Social Network's Plan to Dominate the Internet
Facebook's long game. Written by former FB insider
How-To: Use Your iPhone as a Wireless Laptop Modem - PC World
How an Indie Musician can make $19,000 in 10 hours using Twitter | Music Business and Trend-Mongering
Dresden Dolls - "why not tell people and do this in a warehouse instead of a hotel lobby or a blank studio? so i did. it cost me almost nothing. the fans were psyched." - prior exposure note the comments
Musicians making money really cool site
100 Essential Web Tools for Any Side Business | Management Degree
Whether you’re a victim of cutbacks, outsourcing or your own personal ambitions, your side business is probably more than just a hobby. And since you’re intent on growing your company into something respectable and profitable, you’ll need the tools and connections to help you project a professional image. Check out our list of 100 essential web tools for anyone who’s starting up a side business.
Twitter search sites: The three best, and all the rest | Webware - CNET
When you want to know what's happening on the Web right now, Google won't cut it. These sites will.
Outils de recherhe sur Twitter
Instant Silvio!
Ma oeee! Diversao instantanea. O que a internet estava esperando.
Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On: Web 2.0 Summit 2009 - Co-produced by TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, October 20 - 22, 2009, San Francisco, CA
Join us for a webcast about Web Squared on Thursday, June 25 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time with John Battelle and Tim O'Reilly.
"we’ll get to the Internet of Things via a hodgepodge of sensor data contributing, bottom-up, to machine-learning applications that gradually make more and more sense of the data that is handed to them. ... As the information shadows become thicker, more substantial, the need for explicit metadata diminishes. Our cameras, our microphones, are becoming the eyes and ears of the Web, our motion sensors, proximity sensors its proprioception, GPS its sense of location. Indeed, the baby is growing up. We are meeting the Internet, and it is us"; "evidence shows that formal systems for adding a priori meaning to digital data are actually less powerful than informal systems that extract that meaning by feature recognition"; "There are many who worry about the dehumanizing effect of technology. We share that worry, but also see the counter-trend, that communication binds us together, gives us shared context, and ultimately shared identity"
Finding Utility in the Jumble of Tweeted Thoughts -
But taken collectively, the stream of messages can turn Twitter into a surprisingly useful tool for solving problems and providing insights into the digital mood.
How Twitter as a Hive Mind and information sharing technology is useful for everyone. How Twitter is more than just narcissistic microblogging.
Collectively, Twitter’s messages are a surprisingly useful tool for solving problems and revealing public opinion.
Taken collectively, the stream of messages can turn Twitter into a surprisingly useful tool for solving problems and providing insights into the digital mood. By tapping into the world’s collective brain...
The Video Bay - Extremly early test - HTML5 media tags
Extremly early test - HTML5 media tags
Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson: Books: The New Yorker
Why are the self-interested motives of powerful companies being elevated to a philosophical principle? Gladwell owns Anderson by using an example from Anderson's own book.
TwitterForBusyPeople - Friends At a Glance
In the Last Day
lets you see what a twitterer's friends are doing -- by most recent activity
Cool Search Engines That Are Not Google | Epicenter |
How do you find a new search engine if all you know is Google? Typing search engine into the usual box might lead you to Microsoft's newly launched Bing,
HOW TO: Learn and Practice Languages Using Social Media
I hop this web page will help me learn japanese, english, italian and french properly. thank, delicious
Laura I. Gómez is an online media executive and former college language instructor. You can follow her on and on Twitter @lauraigomez.
Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson: Books: The New Yorker
"The Not-So-Hidden Politics of Class Online"
Discussion of the migration of myspace users to facebook, explores the way class, race, and social lines are distributed across social networking sites
fascinating look at social networks and class structure
social networking
"...increasingly, we're seeing people with similar levels of access engage in fundamentally different ways. And we're seeing a social media landscape where participation 'choice' leads to a digital reproduction of social divisions."
Web Site Story - CollegeHumor video
Made me laugh.
Web-savvy parody of West Side Story, featuring such hits as "I want to be on eHarmony" and "Evite, Evite"
Musical! Knapp 5 min. :)
Journalism Grads: 30 Things You Should Do This Summer :: 10,000 Words :: multimedia, online journalism news and reviews
comments have more ideas
SEOmoz | A Checklist to Choose Which Internet Marketing Channel is Right for Your Business
If a client came to you with $1 million to invest in a single Internet marketing channel, which one would you choose? Obviously, the question is a bit ridiculous (given that there's no additional detail provided), but it's designed to elicit an "off-the-cuff" response to a challenging scenario. The answer, of course, is "it depends" - and therein lies the rub. On what does it depend? Well... That's what I hope to answer with this blog post. My goal is not to solve the issue for an individual campaign, but from a very strategic level - asking questions like "where is the company today and where does it want to get to?" then applying those answers to the selection of marketing opportunities. Let's start by defining the macro-level channels themselves, then examine how we'd reach the right conclusions. » Calling bullshit on social media
Critique of the hype surrounding social media
so, so true
This is so true... We keep talking about "social media" like it's something different than people just talking and connecting. It's really very human and simple, despite technology.
Internet Explorer 8: Home page
10 things you should do to a new Linux PC before exposing it to the Internet - Program - Linux - Builder AU,339028299,339274586,00.htm
When you are embarking on the Linux experience for your initial time, there's a few things you should know.
Linux Mantainance
10 things you should do to a new Linux PC before exposing it to the Internet
Die dreizehn Lügen der Zensursula :
Warum Netzsperren nicht mißbrauchten Kindern helfen und dennoch für Ursula "von der Laien" herhalten müssen Dazu auch der folgende Podcast:
Im folgenden Beitrag analysiert, kommentiert und erwidert Netzaktivist Lutz Donnerhacke die Aussagen des Familienministeriums zur Notwendigkeit von Zensurmaßnahmen gegen die Dokumentation von Kindesmißhandlungen. Dabei will Donnerhacke 13 Lügen ausgemacht haben, welche das Ministerium in den vergangenen Tagen und Wochen in Form von Textblock-Antworten und anderen Stellungnahmen verbreiten ließ.
10 humor sites sure to make you LOL -
funny sites
The math people catalog EVERYTHING.
How To Communicate Securely in Repressive Environments « iRevolution
Dopo l'Iran. Come usare Internet per comunicare.
Freemium and Freeconomics
This week we saw the release of Chris Anderson's book Free and reviews from the New Yorker (Malcolm Gladwell) and the Financial Times. I'd like to talk a bit about the firestorm that freeconomics (fed by Chris' book) has unleashed...
"Earlier this week, we spoke to several sources who each have some insight into Facebook's financials (none of them know precisely). Taking the sources' input together, we'd estimate the company's expected 2009 revenue this way: * $125 million from brand ads * $150 million from Facebook's ad deal with Microsoft * $75 million from virtual goods * $200 million from self-service ads. "
Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson: Books: The New Yorker
Gladwell perspective on 'free'.
Here's an excerpt from Malcom's New Yorker piece pointing out the flaws in Chris's argument. Malcolm was paid to write the piece, of course. Handsomely. As was Chris for writing his bestseller: There are four strands of argument here: a technological claim (digital infrastructure is effectively Free), a psychological claim (consumers love Free), a procedural claim (Free means never having to make a judgment), and a commercial claim (the market created by the technological Free and the psychological Free can make you a lot of money).
FREE (full book) by Chris Anderson
From everyone's favourite magazine editor...
Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google Chrome OS
An operating system for PCs that is tied to its Chrome Web browser. Called the Google Chrome Operating System, is initially intended for use in the tiny, low-cost portable computers known as netbooks. “Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS. “We’re designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the Web in a few seconds.” Would be released online later this year under an open-source license, which will allow outside programmers to modify it. Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and we are working with multiple OEMs to bring a number of netbooks to market next year. The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. For application developers, the web is the platform. These apps will run on any standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux. Google Chrome OS is a new project, separate from Android.
We all knew it was coming, but it's absolutely interesting to see proof from the horse's mouth
This sounds pretty interesting... Google has resources, so if they can develop a good product, it just means more competition which is great in my book!
Microsoft just shat themselves.
Interesting how this will work - an OS specialized to get you onto the web, quickly and in a secure way.
3 apps to check username availability across all sites at once – The Next Web
Accueil | Portail des métiers de l'internet
portail du gouvernement
« Informations utiles pour s'orienter dans les formations mais aussi dans les filières d’emploi nouveaux créés par l’Internet. Le Portail des Métiers de l’Internet [...] intègre un référentiel qui met en lumière les métiers des technologies de l’information et de la communication parmi lesquels des métiers émergents à forte valeur ajoutée que le public n'identifie pas toujours aisément. »
WiseStart | UK's top startpage. Reach everything with just one click.
Motor de Busca do Google muito bom
Freedom to surf: workers more productive if allowed to use the internet for leisure : News : The University of Melbourne
News: The University of Melbourne
Surfing the net at work for pleasure actually increases our concentration levels and helps make a more productive workforce, according to a new University of Melbourne study. Dr Brent Coker, from the Department of Management and Marketing, says that workers who engage in ‘Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing’ (WILB) are more productive than those who don’t. “People who do surf the Internet for fun at work - within a reasonable limit of less than 20% of their total time in the office - are more productive by about 9% than those who don’t,” he says.
Official Google Blog: Google accounts on Twitter
google on twitter all their accounts
Google accounts on Twitter - variety of updates available.
Google-related Twitter Accounts: who knew there were so many?
Las cuentas de Google en Twitter.
Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet…
A lire avant de lancer son business sur internet
RT @Altaide_JF: RT @sebmaster: Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet… [from]
How Teenagers Consume Media: the report that shook the City | Business |
student reported use of media
¡Asco de vida! aunque podría ser peor
En AscoDeVida se recogen las anécdotas enviadas por gente a la que un suceso le ha arruinado el día
Mini-historias de desgraciados, muy gracioso.
Asco de Vida, aunque podria ser peor
Five Best Content Filtering Tools - content filtering - Lifehacker
Whether you want to keep your kids eyes away from inappropriate content or your employees from wasting time online, you'll find a variety of great tools available for filtering internet access in today's Hive Five. Photo by Zach Klein. Last week we asked you to share your favorite method of filtering internet content. While we originally intended to approach the topic from a software angle, it quickly became apparent that software didn't cut it for most people and that the majority of you are using either a combination of desktop software and a proxy server/firewall or just the latter by itself. The following solutions range, in difficultly of installation, from as simple as requiring five minutes to install to as complex as setting up a physical computer as a Linux-based content filter. DansGuardian (Cross Platform, Free) One way to measure whether or not Dansguardian is the right filtering tool for you is your willingness to install and tinker with an opera
Eighteen Streaming Music Resources
According to The Leading Question's recent research report, as many as 65% of UK teens are streaming music on a monthly basis. Meanwhile, file-sharing has decreased significantly since the Digital Britain Report consultation to address illicit P2P file sharing. While music sharing sites have come and gone due to funding, legal issues and lack of users, here are some of the streaming sites that continue to thrive.
Cato Unbound » Blog Archive » Not an Upgrade — an Upheaval
Clay Shirky - a man who can tease out the issues that affect us in publishing with exquisite precision. change Journalism for Scholarly Publishing and you have the issues that face us today...
The hard truth about the future of journalism is that nobody knows for sure what will happen; the current system is so brittle, and the alternatives are so speculative, that there’s no hope for a simple and orderly transition from State A to State B. Chaos is our lot; the best we can do is identify the various forces at work shaping various possible futures. Two of the most important are the changing natures of the public, and of subsidy. As Paul Starr, the great sociologist of media, has often noted, journalism isn’t just about uncovering facts and framing stories; it’s also about assembling a public to read and react to those stories. A public is not merely an audience. For a TV show with an audience of a million, no one cares whether it’s the same million every week — head count rules. A public, by contrast, is a group of people who not only know things, but know other members of the public know those things as well. Both persistence and synchrony matter, because journalism is
This will not replace the older forms journalism, but then nothing else will either; both preservation and simple replacement are off the table. The change we’re living through isn’t an upgrade, it’s a upheaval, and it will be decades before anyone can really sort out the value of what’s been lost versus what’s been gained. In the meantime, the changes in self-assembling publics and new models of subsidy will drive journalistic experimentation in ways that surprise us all.
"This will not replace the older forms journalism, but then nothing else will either; both preservation and simple replacement are off the table. The change we’re living through isn’t an upgrade, it’s a upheaval, and it will be decades before anyone can really sort out the value of what’s been lost versus what’s been gained. In the meantime, the changes in self-assembling publics and new models of subsidy will drive journalistic experimentation in ways that surprise us all."
50 Tools and Tricks to Revolutionize Your Notetaking | Distance Learning Net
Prise de notes sur Internet
Whether you’re a high school or college student, a small business owner looking to set up a new business plan, or someone who wants to be better organized with your errands, goals and regular to-do lists, there are a variety of tools to keep your notes and tasks safe and filed away online. These 50 tools and tricks will revolutionize your note-taking by introducing you to techniques and websites that let you share ideas, store your thoughts directly on a web page and more.
How to Behave: New Rules for Highly Evolved Humans
Funny compendium by Wired
Posting from the #Seesmic new web service . After desktop (which I love) here comes seesmic web. Clever @loic. [from]
Sécurisé par oAuth
Twitter’s Internal Strategy Laid Bare: To Be “The Pulse Of The Planet”
Fascinating internal twitter docs - via Stefan
“If we had a billion users, that will be the pulse of the planet.
Twitter's strategy leaked by Arrington
Collapse in illegal sharing and boom in streaming brings music to executives' ears | Music | The Guardian
Annotated link
Teenagers switching to streaming sites – survey • Spotify and YouTube lead the way as habits change
Collapse in illegal sharing and boom in streaming brings music to executives' ears
"Music fan Dominique Wakefield, 24, said she had stopped downloading music because of concern that it would infect her computer. "I didn't even realise it was illegal for a long time, until I heard that the government were trying to stop it. That did put me off, but one of the big reasons I stopped doing it was because I would get viruses, more pop ups on my computer."
• Teenagers switching to streaming sites – survey • Spotify and YouTube lead the way as habits change
"Teenagers switching to streaming sites – survey • Spotify and YouTube lead the way as habits change" Shows that Morgan Stanley intern was a bit wrong. about filesharing Not as wrong as the dullards elsewhere at Morgan Stanley who are apparently amazed by his ability to write down common knowledge.
IE6 Must Die for the Web to Move On
Amen! Anyone who has any influence over corporate IT policies _needs_ to read this.
You Think 'Free' is About the Price? It's not.
You Think ‘Free’ is Only About the Price? It’s Not.
Time and time again I see the discussion about free content, free services, free products, and how they're going to liberate/destroy/change the current economy,
Goofram - Search Google and Wolfram Alpha at the same time!
Give it a try.
Search Google and Wolfram Alpha at the same time!
The Time Has Come To Regulate Search Engine Marketing And SEO
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
The following post was written by a well known executive at one of the largest sites on the Internet. The author has requested to remain anonymous - not for dramatic effect, but because of the backlash he would receive from the SEO industry and possibly Google itself. He also doesn’t want his company associated with the post.
Jackson dies, almost takes Internet with him -
It could go down as the biggest mobile event in history
Google News users experienced difficulty accessing search results for queries related to Michael Jackson," a Google spokesman told CNET, which also reported that Google News users complained that the service was inaccessible for a time. At its peak, Google Trends rated the Jackson story as "volcanic."
Well written article... seems Social Networking has REALLY come of age. it was TMZ and Twitter that turned to for the "scoop." Just natural evolution of how things work these days. The loss of Michael Jackson is like the loss of Princess Diana, it seems we lost 2 super gems, and got a lesson about the loss (and mauling) of innocence as well as the seductive destructive aspect of acumulating fame and riches. sad sad sad.
BackupMyTweets: Backup Your Twitter Account - Start Something!
create icons to show support for causes on Twitter is the easiest way to promote awareness of your cause on twitter. Create a twibbon in 3 easy steps and soon all your supporters will be proudly wearing their twibbons on their twitter profile images. Simply describe your cause and upload a twibbon image and we will do the rest.
rev=canonical: url shortening that doesn't hurt the internet
"RevCanonical is url shortening with a twist. Instead of creating its own super short versions of links, it checks to see if the link owner has published a shortened version of the given page using HTML link element. If not, we just return the original URL. And you should bug the link owner about providing a better alternative."
"url shortening with a twist. Instead of creating its own super short versions of links, it checks to see if the link owner has published a shortened version of the given page using HTML link element. If not, we just return the original URL. And you should bug the link owner about providing a better alternative."
A URL-shortening bookmarklet that looks for a canonical shortened URL (for example, a link for a Flickr photo, or a link for Get Satisfaction) and returns it, instead of using a third-party service.
RevCanonical is url shortening with a twist. Instead of creating its own super short versions of links, it checks to see if the link owner has published a shortened version of the given page using HTML link element. If not, we just return the original URL. And you should bug the link owner about providing a better alternative.
The Anatomy Of The Twitter Attack
Google's Wave of the future is genius, but will it work? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business,ihnatko-google-wave-060309.article
Wave is hugely ambitious. Which means that it’s bound to fail. But I’m betting that it’ll thrive. Wave is open and infinitely-extensible, and those are the two things it most needs to be.
Andy Ihnatko on Google Wave.
"A cursory viewing could leave you with the impression that Wave is a replacement for email and chat. [But ...] In truth, Wave is an ambitious, brand-new infrastructure for communication in general. [...] Wave is hugely ambitious. Which means that it’s bound to fail. But I’m betting that it’ll thrive. Wave is open and infinitely-extensible, and those are the two things it most needs to be. Google says that they’re open-sourcing 'the lion’s share' of the code that makes Wave services work, and they’re keeping no secrets about its standards. [...] Some of the real fire of the Google Wave demo video [...] comes at the end. A guy is sharing a Wave with someone and having a live text conversation. A robot is automatically translating all of the text so that the English speaker and the French-speaker are seeing their own native languages. And the translation is happening while they type."
27062201.jpg (JPEG Image, 1476x1101 pixels)
The number of Internet users in the US is nearly static compared to China and India. Wonder what this holds for the future of the Internet?
27062201.jpg (JPEG Image, 1476x1101 pixels)
Bits Of Destruction Hit the Book Publishing Business: Part 1
Author: 10% (This in fact ranges between 8% and 15%, depending on the author's clout -- e.g. Stephen King does better than most. If the author has an agent, the agent's cut comes out of this. It is indeed tough for new authors.) Publisher: 30% (This ranges between 25% and 32%, again depending on the author's clout -- e.g. their percentage is less with Stephen King because the risk is lower too. Note: this is their net revenue, after deducting author royalties and printer fees.) Printer: 10% Distributor: 10% Retailer: 40%
How to Troubleshoot a Flaky Internet Connection - Troubleshooting - Lifehacker
HOW TO Troubleshoot a Flaky internet connection
OSA - Open Source for America
The mission of OSA is to educate decision makers in the U.S. Federal government about the advantages of using free and open source software; to encourage the Federal agencies to give equal priority to procuring free and open source software in all of their procurement decisions; and generally provide an effective voice to the U.S. Federal government on behalf of the open source software community, private industry, academia, and other non-profits.
IP Hider Accesses Hulu, Other US-Only Content from Outside the US - Web proxies - Lifehacker
Possible trojan. Windows only: Previously mentioned proxy application Hotspot Shield used to be the go-to option for accessing US-only content from outside the US, but now that popular sites like Hulu are wise to Hotspot Shield, give proxy application IP Hider a try. Like Hotspot Shield, IP Hider is an easy-to-use proxy application that makes it appear as though you're browsing from inside the United States. As a result, sites like Hulu, which block access to folks surfing outside US borders, are now accessible to your foreign eyes. To make things really easy on you, DIY video web site Tinkernut has provided a simple video tutorial for using IP Hider to access Hulu, which we've embedded above. The video also covers previously mentioned Hulu Video Downloader, the application that claims to do what it sounds like but that we had trouble getting to work ourselves. IP Hider is Windows only, comes in both free and premium flavors (As far as we can tell, the premium version features dedic
Windows only: Previously mentioned proxy application Hotspot Shield used to be the go-to option for accessing US-only content from outside the US, but now that popular sites like Hulu are wise to Hotspot Shield, give proxy application IP Hider a try. Like Hotspot Shield, IP Hider is an easy-to-use proxy application that makes it appear as though you're browsing from inside the United States. As a result, sites like Hulu, which block access to folks surfing outside US borders, are now accessible to your foreign eyes. To make things really easy on you, DIY video web site Tinkernut has provided a simple video tutorial for using IP Hider to access Hulu, which we've embedded above. The video also covers previously mentioned Hulu Video Downloader, the application that claims to do what it sounds like but that we had trouble getting to work ourselves. IP Hider is Windows only, comes in both f
City Brights: Howard Rheingold : Crap Detection 101
Excellent advice on thinking critically abt media & how to teach your children to do so from @hrheingold #homeschool [from]
legitimate websites
Annotated link
"The first thing we all need to know about information online is how to detect crap, a technical term I use for information tainted by ignorance, inept communication, or deliberate deception. Learning to be a critical consumer of Webinfo is not rocket science. It's not even algebra. Becoming acquainted with the fundamentals of web credibility testing is easier than learning the multiplication tables. The hard part, as always, is the exercise of flabby think-for-yourself muscles."
CHART OF THE DAY: How People Share Content On The Web
According to AddToAny, a company that provides Web publishers tools to let their users share content, more people use Facebook to share links than any other service -- including, to our surprise, email.
via passitalong Quote: Report in the Silicon Alley Insider on why people share online. Shows how Facebook is a preferred method but twitter gaining on them quickly and with far fewer users.
Gráfico mostrando como as pessoas compartilham conteúdo na web. A fatia maior é do Facebook (24%)
Just a nice overview of what's out there and how popular they are.
The Pushbutton Web: Realtime Becomes Real - Anil Dash
Pushbutton is a name for what I believe will be an upgrade for the web, where any site or application can deliver realtime messages to a web-scale audience, using free and open technologies at low cost and without relying on any single company like Twitter or Facebook. The pieces of this platform have just come together to enable a whole set of new features and applications that would have been nearly impossible for an average web developer to build in the past. July 24 2009
Anil Dash of Six Apart weaves together several ideas, some very old, some relatively new, and spins a story of the web to come. This is a great read, rich with informative links. Web developers should read it twice and argue about for hours.
50 Useful Google Apps for Writers - Learn-gasm
Use Conversions To Generate More Conversions | How-To | Smashing Magazine
a technique that uses information collected on an individual’s web-browsing behavior, such as the pages they have visited or the searches they have made, to select which advertisements to display to that customers.
Introduction to the Real Time Web - ReadWriteWeb
Real-time information delivery is fast emerging as one of the most important elements of our online experience. No more waiting for the Pony Express to deliver a parcel cross-country, no more waiting for web services to communicate from one polling instance to another. This is information being available to you at nearly the moment it's produced, whether you're watching for it or not. Just this afternoon, Google declared real-time search to be one of the biggest unsolved challenges it faces. This morning the NYTimes put a link to a new real-time view of all its news stories on the front page of its site. Last night Facebook announced a new feature that will let users be notified instantly when their friends interact with media related to themselves on the site. This is big stuff, but what does it all mean? We offer below a collection of readings on the real-time web.
Real-time information delivery is fast emerging as one of the most important elements of our online experience. No more waiting for the Pony Express to deliver a parcel cross-country, no more waiting for web services to communicate from one polling instance to another. This is information being available to you at nearly the moment it's produced, whether you're watching for it or not.
The Nichepaper Manifesto - Umair Haque -
Umair Haque gör det igen! Sätter nyhetstidningarnas problem i ett modernt affärsperspektiv och visar tydligt hur de ska göra för att utnyttja de krafter som är starka idag på ett positivt sätt. Betalmurar gör det inte...
Profitability can't be recaptured from a commodity. Newspapers used to be yesterday's most profitable industry. Warren Buffett made his fortune by investing in newspapers, yesterday. Yet, today, business model innovation, aka "monetization," is the surest, quickest path to self-destruction. Charging once more for the same old "content" — as argued for by David Simon, in an impassioned CJR article — will inevitably lead newspapers exactly where it led banks investment "banks" and automakers: into economic implosion. To reinvent the buying and selling of news, it's necessary first to reconceive the making of news. The AP's latest attempt at business model innovation, for example, is a heavyweight "rights management" system for the same old stuff. But protecting yesterday's "product" is exactly what prevented the music industry and Hollywood from rediscovering the art of value creation.
Journalists didn't make 20th century newspapers profitable — readers did
"A new generation of innovators is already building 21st century newspapers: nichepapers. The future of journalism arrived right under the industry's nose. Nichepapers, as the name implies, own the microniche. ... Nichepapers are different because they have built a profound mastery of a tightly defined domain — finance, politics, even entertainment — and offer audiences deep, unwavering knowledge of it." Good article. The term "niche paper" has been used previously, but I'm curious if Haque coined the compound word "nichepaper".
Compare and contrast with conventional 'news writing' opinion - McKane (on avoiding narrative), and Hicks (on delivering the latest, not last word)
Kevin: Umair Haque writes an open letter to 'newspaper magnates'. It's well worth a read. Just a taster: "20th century news isn't fit for 21st century society. Yesterday's approaches to news are failing to educate, enlighten, or inform. The Fourth Estate has fallen into disrepair. It is the news industry itself that commoditized news by racing repeatedly to the bottom. It's time for a better kind of news. A new generation of innovators is already building 21st century newspapers: nichepapers. The future of journalism arrived right under the industry's nose. Nichepapers, as the name implies, own the microniche."
Template Twitter strategy for Government Departments
/.../Finally, some of the benefits I've found of having this document in my armoury are: -To get buy-in, explain Twitter's importance to non-believers and the uninitiated, and face down accusations of bandwagon-jumping -To set clear objectives and metrics to make sure there's a return on the investment of staff time (and if there isn’t, we’ll stop doing it) -To make sure the channel is used consistently and carefully, to protect corporate reputation from silly mistakes or inappropriate use -To plan varied and interesting content, and enthuse those who will provide it into actively wanting to do so. -As a briefing tool for new starters in the team who will be involved in the management of the channel
Advertising Will Change Forever - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
Find Totally Free Unlimited Internet Access Almost Anywhere
Freedom List
Find Totally Free Unlimited Internet Access Almost Anywhere
Top 15 Social Media Resources for Foodies
The News About the Internet - The New York Review of Books
Sur les relations entre les médias, le journalisme et les bloggeurs influents.
The News About the Internet By Michael Massing Books, blogs, Web sites, and essays discussed in this article: Bloggers on the Bus: How the Internet Changed Politics and the Press by Eric Boehlert Free Press, 280 pp., $26.00 And Then There's This: How Stories Live and Die in Viral Culture by Bill Wasik Viking, 202 pp., $25.95
This image of the Internet as parasite has some foundation. Without the vital news-gathering performed by established institutions, many Web sites would sputter and die. In their sweep and scorn, however, such statements seem as outdated as they are defensive. Over the past few months alone, a remarkable amount of original, exciting, and creative (if also chaotic and maddening) material has appeared on the Internet. The practice of journalism, far from being leeched by the Web, is being reinvented there, with a variety of fascinating experiments in the gathering, presentation, and delivery of news. And unless the editors and executives at our top papers begin to take note, they will hasten their own demise.
Long survey of the pressures the internet is placing on traditional media
How big is the internet? | Latest news |,28348,25857420-5018992,00.html
Nice visualization of population and percentage of those who are online
If you spent just one minute reading every website in existence, you’d be kept busy for 31,000 years. Without any sleep.
!@#$!@@@@@@@ MY ISYS PROJECT @@@@@@!%#@!@
can hate on some old shit done right
Official Google Blog: I now pronounce you monetized: a YouTube video case study
Just as in Wall-e, "try blue, it's the new red" or is it?
This traffic is also very engaged — the click-through rate (CTR) on the "JK Wedding Entrance" video is 2x the average of other Click-to-Buy overlays on the site. And this newfound interest in downloading "Forever" goes beyond the viral video itself: "JK Wedding Entrance" also appears to have influenced the official "Forever" music video, which saw its Click-to-Buy CTR increase by 2.5x in the last week.
So. When you actually try to monetize free, high quality, content, it works.
Shutdown or Lock your Computer via Internet, Email or SMS on Mobile Phone
Three Steps to Building an Online Brand - ReadWriteStart
When you succeed with Free, you are going to die by Free « blog maverick
via dst
Chris Anderson on the Economics of 'Free': 'Maybe Media Will Be a Hobby Rather than a Job' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International,1518,638172,00.html
Sorry, I don't use the word media. I don't use the word news. I don't think that those words mean anything anymore. They defined publishing in the 20th century. Today, they are a barrier. They are standing in our way, like 'horseless carriage'.
'Maybe Media Will Be a Hobby Rather than a Job'
Chris Anderson sur l'avenir du journalisme. Des changements en vue et des idées provocatrices du rédacteur en chef de Wired
"In a SPIEGEL interview, Chris Anderson, the editor in chief of US technology and culture magazine Wired discusses the Internet's challenge to the traditional press, new business models on the Web and why he would rather read Twitter than a daily newspaper." via Roy Greenslade:
100 Free Open Courseware Classes on Journalism, Blogging and New Media | Online Degree World
here was a time when writers and artists were at the mercy of a few decision-makers who said what was published and what was cast aside. The ease of getting your work online has made those days a distant memory. Blogging about your world, reporting what goes on around you, and even publishing your own art is as easy as setting up a blog or purchasing a domain name and creating your own website. The following free open courseware classes will help you learn about new media, writing, reporting, or even just understanding the culture or your rights as an online publisher.
9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out! | Maximum PC
d of an objective opinion on what kind of case mod you should attempt next, or you need a bit of advice on how to do something completely out of your sphere of knowledge, Google Moderator offers an open forum for users to pose questions, offer suggestions, and concoct ideas, as well as receive feedback from other anonymous Google users, disguised only by an optional alias. You can scour topics and vote on other people’s opinions, or contribute your own. is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out!.
how to use google docs, found on delicious
City Tour and Tip Jar Look Cool.
What If: The New New York Times
"I don’t really read the NYTImes beyond the technology section. But I’m guessing that the top performers in the news room, say the best 5%-10% of the writers and editors, produce 50% or more of the real value of the newspaper. The hungriest reporters. The best writers. The most competitive and aggressive editors."
Like everyone else I've watched the print media world fall apart over the last few years. The poster child for that industry is ...
Like everyone else I’ve watched the print media world fall apart over the last few years. The poster child for that industry is the New York Times, of course, and their many missteps in recent memory have been well chronicled. In early 2008 Marc Andreessen started a New York Times Deathwatch, and the company’s financial performance has degraded since then.
The Top 100 Web Sites of 2009 - Reviews by PC Magazine
Our picks for the hottest Web sites and Web trends of the year, plus some old favorites to enjoy.
The Top 100 Web Sites of 2009 - Reviews by PC Magazine,2817,2350553,00.asp
Best sites of 2009!
IE6 No More! Popular Web Companies Start Project to Kill IE6
Twitter users and the Digg community both rallied behind our battle cry. But now a high-profile group of startups, most funded by the well-known early stage venture firm Y Combinator, have started their own initiative, IE6 No More.
We've made no attempt to hide our belief that Internet Explorer 6 must die. IE6 is an ancient browser that does not support many of the major innovations of
We’ve made no attempt to hide our belief that Internet Explorer 6 must die. IE6 is an ancient browser that does not support many of the major innovations of the last 8 years. Yet it is still used by 15-25% of Internet users – and that fact alone is holding us back from a new area of web applications.
Code Samples - IE6 No More
Devo aggiungere una para di questi banner
canal deciencia y tecnologia
It's SO over: cool cyberkids abandon social networking sites | Media | The Guardian
5% drop in 18-24 using social networking sites like facebook
Twitter, Facebook attack targeted one user | InSecurity Complex - CNET News
Scary news story on SN outage all being about targetting one user
Why were Twitter and Facebook down for much of August 7, 2009? It looks like it was a denial of service attack... aimed at just a single person. Probably not a good strategy - taking out the network to silence an individual - because it mobilizes so many resources to fix the problem (people wouldn't care so much if just a single account was hacked). But still interesting.
InSecurity Complex - CNET News
Cody Brown - MySpace is to Facebook as Twitter is to ______
pretty brilliant prognosis on the future of social networking
The past few weeks have come with two major reveals for the weirdos who follow online social networks. The first was big news. Twitter’s internal documents leaked and the identity-crisis of earth’s most popular start-up is now public. The second was more under the radar but just as important. In a memo that went out to staff, the CEO of MySpace admitted that their users are caught between three competing notions of what MySpace is or should be.
Facebook was one of the first social networks to emphasize genuine identity insofar as they required full names, university email addresses, and deleted accounts that used aliases. The second was pragmatic. Facebook launched in a single target market. In this case, of course, it was Harvard. What this enabled was a less abstract more manageable mission. Instead of having to define what an ‘online social networking space’ was supposed to be for everyone, Zuckerburg just had to answer for Harvard.
Learning to Text: Don’t LOL at Death, and Other Tips -
Quick! Tell Us What KUTGW Means
In many offices, a working knowledge of text-speak is becoming de rigueur. And at home, parents need to know the lingo in order to keep up with—and sometimes police—their children.
How to Eliminate Compulsive Internet Fiddling
Not often, but it happens. Sometimes I get so intimidated by work that I end up procrastinating online. I started my workday at 6 a.m. last Monday hoping to get the week off to a good start, but I found myself reading a Wikipedia entry on the many versions of “Blade Runner” three hours later.
Man, I need to follow this plan
WWD rolls out a five-point plan, one they claim is needed to eliminate the gap between what you think are your biggest time wasters from your actual time wasters. The distinction is an important one because, without accurate data, any other efforts to cut down on your web wandering will probably be unsuccessful. The plan starts with a simple pen-and-paper audit to identify where your attention goes (aside from, you know, this site). They also suggest setting up visible reminders, like a sticky note with an arrow that points to the screen and the words, "Is this really what you want to be doing right now?" Once you've got the first step down, the full five-point plan helps you figure out why you engage in such behavior and offers ways to kick the compulsive surfing habit.
Facebook Is Now the Fourth Largest Site In The World
The global rise of Facebook is nothing less than astounding. In the month of June alone it gained 24 million unique visitors worldwide, compared to the month before, for a total of 340 million unique visitors worldwide. It is now the fourth largest site in the world, trailing only Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo sites, according to comScore (see table below). Facebook itself only officially acknowledges 250 million active registered users (but you don’t have to be a registered user to visit some Facebook pages).
16 Apps That Make Sharing Large Files A Snap
MediaFile » Blog Archive » Why I believe in the link economy | Blogs |
I believe in the link economy. Please feel free to link to our stories — it adds value to all producers of content. I believe you should play fair and encourage your readers to read-around to what others are producing if you use it and find it interesting. I don’t believe you could or should charge others for simply linking to your content. Appropriate excerpting and referencing are not only acceptable, but encouraged. If someone wants to create a business on the back of others’ original content, the parties should have a business relationship that benefits both.
Our news ecosystem is evolving and learning how it can be open, diverse, inclusive and effective. With all the new tools and capabilities we should be entering a new golden age of journalism – call it journalism 3.0. Let’s identify how we can birth it and agree what is “fair use” or “fair compensation” and have a conversation about how we can work together to fuel a vibrant, productive and trusted digital news industry. Let’s identify business models that are inclusive and that create a win-win relationship for all parties.
Chris Ahearn, who's President, Media at Thomson Reuters, provides an interesting counterpoint to Associated Press' aggressive anti-linking views.
Blaming the new leaders or aggregators for disrupting the business of the old leaders, or saber-rattling and threatening to sue are not business strategies – they are personal therapy sessions. Go ask a music executive how well it works.
Chris Ahearn, President, Media at Thomson Reuters: "I don’t believe you could or should charge others for simply linking to your content. Appropriate excerpting and referencing are not only acceptable, but encouraged. If someone wants to create a business on the back of others’ original content, the parties should have a business relationship that benefits both."
Number of Social Networking Users Has Doubled Since 2007
With Facebook, Twitter (Twitter), LinkedIn (LinkedIn), and other social networking sites growing rapidly, it’s not too surprising that on the whole, the number of social networking users has doubled since 2007. Specifically, 55.6 million adults – or just less than 1/3rd of the population – in the US now visit social networks at least monthly, according to a new report from Forrester Research. That’s up from just 15 percent of adults in 2007, and around 18 percent last year.
With Facebook, TwitterTwitter, LinkedInLinkedIn, and other social networking sites growing rapidly, it’s not too surprising that on the whole, the number of social networking users has doubled since 2007.
55.6 million adults – or just less than 1/3rd of the population – in the US now visit social networks at least monthly, according to a new report from Forrester Research. That’s up from just 15 percent of adults in 2007, and around 18 percent last year.
Facebook Acquires FriendFeed (Updated)
buying the little guy ... more annoyence from FB?
Facebook Acquires FriendFeed (Updated) by Jason Kincaid on August 10, 2009. Includes interview.
Presumably FriendFeed will end up being incorporated into FB interface? At this point details on the acquisition are still very sparse, but it’s clearly a good match. Over the last year or so, Facebook has “borrowed” quite a few features that FriendFeed popularized, including the ‘Like’ feature and an emphasis on real-time news updates
"Facebook has acquired FriendFeed, we’ve learned. We’re gathering details now. At this point details on the acquisition are still very sparse, but it’s clearly a good match. Over the last year or so, Facebook has “borrowed” quite a few features that FriendFeed popularized, including the ‘Like’ feature and an emphasis on real-time news updates."
Techcrunch: Facebook has acquired FriendFeed, we’ve learned. We’re gathering details now.
You Deleted Your Cookies? Think Again | Epicenter |
More than half of the internet’s top websites use a little known capability of Adobe’s Flash plugin to track users and store information about them, but only four of them mention the so-called Flash Cookies in their privacy policies, UC Berkeley researchers reported Monday.
internet privacy
私はこうやってマーケティングデータを集めています。 - livedoor ディレクターブログ
WOW: Google to Launch a New Version of Google Search
Currently reading: WOW: Google to Launch a New Version of Google Search [from]
Google (Google) has a giant target on its back. Microsoft has been on a spending and deal-making spree to grow Bing (Bing), recently signing a huge search deal with Yahoo. And with Bing starting to steal some market share from Google, it’s proving to be a formidable opponent. Oh, and now you can’t count out Facebook (Facebook) either, which just launched a new realtime search engine. Google’s not taking any of this lying down. Secretly, they’ve been working on a new project: the next generation of Google Search. This isn’t just some minor upgrade, but an entire new infrastructure for the world’s largest search engine. In other words: it’s a new version of Google.
GoogleGoogle has a giant target on its back. Microsoft has been on a spending and deal-making spree to grow BingBing, recently signing a huge search deal with...
xkcd - A Webcomic - TED Talk
A dilemma I have at least once a week: [from]
Victor Keegan: Virtual worlds are getting a second life with 39% growth | Technology | The Guardian
If you think virtual worlds are a passing fad, look at the figures. Almost all of the 39% growth came from children. Girls used to grow up with their dolls; now they are growing up with their avatars. This goes largely unreported because the users don't read newspapers, but as Kzero reports, – aimed at five- to 10-year-olds – has 76 million registered users. If you move up to 10- to 15-year-olds, users rival the populations of countries – led by Habbo (135 million), Neopets (54 million), Star Dolls (34 million) and Club Penguin (28 million). It starts tailing off among 15- to 25-year-olds – apart from Poptropica (35 million) – but it underlines the likelihood that as youngsters get older they will be looking for more sophisticated outlets and for ways to link existing social networks such as Facebook or MySpace to more immersive virtual worlds.
If you think virtual worlds are a passing fad, look at the figures. Almost all of the 39% growth came from children. Girls used to grow up with their dolls; now they are growing up with their avatars.
growing up with avatars instead of dolls
australian web projects visualized
Art Fag City » IMG MGMT: The Nine Eyes of Google Street View
Two years ago, Google sent out an army of hybrid electric automobiles, each one bearing nine cameras on a single pole. Armed with a GPS and three laser range scanners, this fleet of cars began an endless quest to photograph every highway and byway in the free world.
The Evolution of Blogging
Dave Winer’s ability to peer into the future is uncanny. He was talking about a river of news long before the current activity streams became popular. He was evangelizing RSS long before there were blogs. I could go on and on about his prescient observations, but it’s his warnings that are especially prophetic. For as long as I can remember, he’s been warning that users of new social web technologies need to be in control of their own destiny. He sounded the alarm about Feedburner and how it was hijacking an open standard, RSS, and inserting itself between content creators and consumers. And he’s long cited the need for open social communication platforms, often voicing his displeasure with newer services such as Twitter. People have ignored Winer at their own peril, as two events over the last week have made clear. First was the shutdown drama around a little-known URL-shortening service called While it’s since been resurrected, the incident showed me [...]
Wikipedia enters a new chapter | Technology | The Guardian
The online encyclopedia is about to hit 3m articles in English – but growth is stalling as 'inclusionists' and 'deletionists' fight for control
more on Wikipedia
The online encyclopedia is about to hit 3m articles in English ... Even when compressed, the files stretched to an enormous 8 terabytes ... when the group fed the data into their 60-machine computing cluster, they got some surprising results ... Chi's team discovered that the way the site operated had changed significantly from the early days, when it ran an open-door policy that allowed in anyone ... Today a stable group of high-level editors has become increasingly responsible for controlling the encyclopedia, while casual contributors and editors are falling away
Flickr Photo Download: Facebook vs Twitter
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Interesting graphic from April 2009 with user data
via @kylecameron
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Emoticons :) - Neatorama
10 ting du ikke visste om emoticons: [from]
RT @florinpuscas: RT: @problogger: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Emoticons :) [from]
History of emoticons
Surely you've used emoticons before, or at least encountered them while surfing the Intertubes, but did you know that they've been around since the 1800s? Or that a computer scientist came up with the smiley emoticon? Here are 10 Things You Didn't Know About Emoticons:
Flickr Photo Download: IE6 denial message for
Flickr ist die wahrscheinlich beste Online-Fotoplattform der Welt. Präsentieren Sie der ganzen Welt Ihre Lieblingsfotos, zeigen Sie sicher und privat Ihren Freunden und Familienmitgliedern Fotos, oder bloggen Sie die Fotos und Videos, die Sie mit dem Handy aufgenommen haben.
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
RT @paulnorthup @UltraNurd Heres a little something to help your IE code rage A-W-E-S-O-M-E! [from]
Zinc: Unlimited Internet Video on Demand |
Zinc™ software delivers Internet and downloaded video in an easy to navigate graphical interface. Zinc is designed to be driven with a remote control and displayed on a TV so it is a pleasure to use from the couch. With Zinc you can: * Watch video from the virtually unlimited sources of Internet video content. * Keep track of your favorites and easily see what's new. * Watch video content stored locally on your computer. * Navigate easily with a remote control from the comfort of your couch.
Zinc™ organizes and delivers the best of internet video- we call it an Internet Video Browser. It’s easy to use, and offers fast access to prime time TV episodes, movies from streaming services like Netflix, and web-only content. Connect your computer to your HDTV, and unleash the full power of Zinc. * Top internet video sites are available on a single screen- find something to watch in moments. * There are tens of thousands of programs and movies, all just a click or two away. * Specially styled for display on the Big Screen; bring online video to the living room.
Unlimited Internet Video on Demand
The powerful and mysterious brain circuitry that makes us love Google, Twitter, and texting. - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine
How the brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting. And why that's dangerous.
brain research and new social media
by Emily Yoffe. Summary of research by Jaak Panskeep and Kent Berridge into our desire for additional information. Speculates this desire is akin to addiction systems. "How the brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting. And why that's dangerous."
"The dopamine system does not have satiety built into it," Berridge explains. "And under certain conditions it can lead us to irrational wants, excessive wants we'd be better off without." So we find ourselves letting one Google search lead to another, while often feeling the information is not vital and knowing we should stop. "As long as you sit there, the consumption renews the appetite," he explains. Actually all our electronic communication devices—e-mail, Facebook feeds, texts, Twitter—are feeding the same drive as our searches. Since we're restless, easily bored creatures, our gadgets give us in abundance qualities the seeking/wanting system finds particularly exciting. Novelty is one. Panksepp says the dopamine system is activated by finding something unexpected or by the anticipation of something new. If the rewards come unpredictably—as e-mail, texts, updates do—we get even more carried away. No wonder we call it a "CrackBerry."
XtreemFS - file systems for the masses - a replicated and distributed file system for the internet and cloud storage
電通とGoogleの間で交わされた、ジョークのような本当のような交渉 - Feel Like A Fallinstar
何億あるかしらないキーワードごとのリスティング広告の1位に全部広告を出すつもりだったんでしょうか、電通さん。 でも、これこそがネットと総合の食い違いの象徴なのかも
The powerful and mysterious brain circuitry that makes us love Google, Twitter, and texting. - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine
Well worth the read [from]
If humans are seeking machines, we've now created the perfect machines to allow us to seek endlessly. This perhaps should make us cautious.
Seeking. You can't stop doing it. Sometimes it feels as if the basic drives for food, sex, and sleep have been overridden by a new need for endless nuggets of electronic information. We are so insatiably curious that we gather data even if it gets us in tr
Answers to Social Media Questions You Should Know - Online Marketing Blog
Discussion of Costs and Benefits of Companies Having a Social Networking Presence
A few ways to discover where your customers are on the social web include: * Participation * Social Media Monitoring * Logging existing traffic and behaviors to your web site from social media web sites. * Surveys of your existing customers * Referencing demographic information supplied by social media sites that offer advertising. * Third party data sources
In the course of providing consulting services and conducting training programs for companies on social media marketing & PR or a combination of SEO and
Personas | Metropath(ologies) | An installation by Aaron Zinman
Enter your name, and Personas scours the web for information and attempts to characterize the person - to fit them to a predetermined set of categories that an algorithmic process created from a massive corpus of data. The computational process is visualized with each stage of the analysis, finally resulting in the presentation of a seemingly authoritative personal profile.
The Definitive Guide to Finding Free Wi-Fi - Free Wi-Fi - Lifehacker
You're out and about with your laptop and you're in need of some fast internet connectivity. Here are some tried and true ways to find and get free Wi-Fi.
Quando sei alla ricerca disperata di una connessione veloce
Startseite -
Immer wieder befassen sich Politiker mit dem Internet, ohne wirklich etwas davon zu verstehen. Heraus kommen Gesetze, bei denen Netzbürger nicht wissen, ob sie lachen oder weinen sollen. Die aktuelle Zensuraktion von Ministerin von der Leyen ist ein Beispiel.
Immer wieder befassen sich Politiker mit dem Internet, ohne wirklich etwas davon zu verstehen. Heraus kommen Gesetze, bei denen Netzbürger nicht wissen, ob sie lachen oder weinen sollen. Die aktuelle Zensuraktion von Ministerin von der Leyen ist ein Beispiel. Doch jetzt gibt es DIE LÖSUNG. Wie jeder weiß, können Politiker Computer nicht bedienen. Deswegen bekommen sie Internetseiten immer nur als Ausdruck ihrer Bediensteten zu Gesicht. Man spricht deshalb auch von den sogenannten Internet-Ausdruckern. Nun machen wir es ganz einfach. Mit einem minimalen Schnippsel CSS-Code schützen wir alle Seiten vor dem Ausdrucken. Und schwupps - kein Politiker wird jemals wieder eine Internet-Seite zu Gesicht bekommen.
So eine schöne Druckvorschau
Wie jeder weiß, können Politiker Computer nicht bedienen. Deswegen bekommen sie Internetseiten immer nur als Ausdruck ihrer Bediensteten zu Gesicht. Man spricht deshalb auch von den sogenannten Internet-Ausdruckern. Nun machen wir es ganz einfach. Mit einem minimalen Schnippsel CSS-Code schützen wir alle Seiten vor dem Ausdrucken. Und schwupps - kein Politiker wird jemals wieder eine Internet-Seite zu Gesicht bekommen.
iPods, First Sale, President Obama, and the Queen of England | Electronic Frontier Foundation
President Obama reportedly gave an iPod, loaded with 40 show tunes, to England's Queen Elizabeth II as a gift. Did he violate the law when he did so? You know your copyright laws are broken when there is no easy answer to this question.
President Obama reportedly gave an iPod, loaded with 40 show tunes, to England's Queen Elizabeth II as a gift. Did he violate the law when he did so?
iPods, First Sale, President Obama, and the Queen of England | Electronic Frontier Foundation
RT @nitot: Obama a acheté de la musique et donné un iPod à la reine d'angleterre. C'est un pirate ! [from]
Obama's "hip" gift to the Queen raises some interesting questions and points to a need for more discussion on the topic of what's really copyright infringement.
President Obama reportedly gave an iPod, loaded with 40 show tunes, to England's Queen Elizabeth II as a gift. Did he violate the law when he did so? You know your copyright laws are broken when there is no easy answer to this question.
Information Architects » Blog Archive » Web Trend Map 4
iA is a strategic design agency in Tokyo, Japan. We analyze business goals and user needs, and develop interfaces that match.
How to verify a tweet | Twitter Journalism
Twitter is the great equalizer. It doesn't matter if you have 100 followers or 10,000, you can break news. That's because all tweets are recorded and indexed at If someone types the right keyword(s),
RT @eni_kao [Midia] Twitter comme source pour les journalistes : comment accorder du crédit à un twitt ? (via @palpitt) [from]
HOW TO: Survive the New, New Facebook
Earlier this week, Facebook promised a number of changes to appease user concerns about the latest homepage re-design. Users have been noticing these improvements being pushed live to their homepage over the last day or so, and this morning, I finally got them enabled on my account. After doing a bit of tweaking, I’m definitely enjoying my Facebook homepage more than I was the past couple weeks with version 1 of the redesign. I thought I’d share with you a few of these tweaks - designed primarily to reduce information overload - so you can try them on your own account, unless of course you’re happy with the new, new Facebook as-is.
Using Facebook effectively.
How To: Kick Your Torrent Addiction With Usenet - Usenet how to - Gizmodo
Usenet: Everyone's heard of it, nobody uses it. This is ridiculous. Not only is it a fantastic way to download&mdash;it's not that hard to use. Here's how to drop your torrent habit once and for all, with Usenet.
The 65 Most Annoying things about the Web Today |
We’ve come a long way on the web today. Or have we? While we’ve innovated in many areas, we’ve also continued to disregard pre-existing issues. And in some cases, we have also created new ones. Here is my list of the top 65 most annoying things about the web today. They’re in no particular order, but I have organized them into what I consider core groups.
Your Guide To Music On The Web - Part #1
excellent note on internet music applications like pandora
xkcd - A Webcomic - Tech Support Cheat Sheet
The next step after, "have you tried turning it off and on again?"
It's funny because it's true... :-)
It's true, this really is how I do tech support for friends and family...
12 add-ons every Firefox user must have | News | TechRadar UK
Listing of good FireFox add-ons
Five Best Video-Sharing Sites - video sharing - Lifehacker
With everything from our cellphones to laptops to keychain trinkets coming sporting video cameras these days, more and more people are capturing and sharing digital video. The following video sites make sharing your video missives easy.
Content Type: text/html; charset=utf-8;
Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite video sharing web site and tell us what made it your favorite. We've read over your comments, tallied the votes, and now we're back to share the most popular video sharing sites.
Full List - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME,29569,1918031,00.html
good list
Make Firefox Faster by Vacuuming Your Database - Firefox - Lifehacker
CTwittLike is a new and interesting Twitter application that lets you view Twitter as someone else, with all the Tweets from the people he/she follows.
watch your Twitter Stream as someone else sees it
See twitter like somebody else (i.e. see all the public tweets they would see)
see twitter like someone else
Justin (shitmydadsays) on Twitter
(via @edburton)
Why Craigslist Is Such a Mess
We don’t have Craigslist around here, and looking at it makes me wonder that it works at all. But sometimes the sheer density of information can make the battle worth it. As does a lack of marketing blindness: How many times did marketing or ‚developing a business‘ actually improve products or the companies making them? From the POV of the user/customer, that is.
I Thought this was a very interesting read - the tragedy of craigslist
The Internet's great promise is to make the world's information universally accessible and useful.
The axioms of this worldview are easy to state. "People are good and trustworthy and generally just concerned with getting through the day," Newmark says. If most people are good and their needs are simple, all you have to do to serve them well is build a minimal infrastructure allowing them to get together and work things out for themselves. Any additional features are almost certainly superfluous and could even be damaging.
Craig Newmark says that craigslist works because people are good, and he has stuck to this point of view without wavering. Whether you accept it as true will depend on your standard of goodness.
despite the initial focus on the irrelevant topic of CL's design, and the typical annoying writing, the article becomes quite good later: "These are technically sophisticated people who take pride in their work, and when we knock them down they don't just decide to go find something else to do. You could say we are breeding the perfect spammer."
"Craig Newmark seems to have discovered a new way to run a business. He suspects that it may be the right way to run the world."
The Internet is about to change « blog maverick
WebHooks or PubSubHubBub are designed to simplify and optimize the web.
The Best in the Online World - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME,28757,1918031,00.html
The Longest Poem in the World
"The Longest Poem in the World" is composed by aggregating real-time public twitter updates and selecting those that rhyme.
I love simple creativity. This has it in spades.
legjobb, legjobb
Why Craigslist Is Such a Mess
Great article on the problems with Craigslist as well as a good profile on the founder
The Internet's great promise is to make the world's information universally accessible and useful. So how come when you arrive at the most popular dating site in the US you find a stream of anonymous come-ons intermixed with insults, ads for prostitutes, naked pictures, and obvious scams?
Newmark's claim of almost total disinterest in wealth dovetails with the way craigslist does business. Besides offering nearly all of its features for free, it scorns advertising, refuses investment, ignores design, and does not innovate. Ordinarily, a company that showed such complete disdain for the normal rules of business would be vulnerable to competition, but craigslist has no serious rivals. The glory of the site is its size and its price. But seen from another angle, craigslist is one of the strangest monopolies in history, where customers are locked in by fees set at zero and where the ambiance of neglect is not a way to extract more profit but the expression of a worldview.
"If most people are good and their needs are simple, all you have to do to serve them well is build a minimal infrastructure allowing them to get together and work things out for themselves. Any additional features are almost certainly superfluous and could even be damaging." "During the company's first years, Newmark approved nearly every message on the list, and in the decade since he has spent much of his time eliminating offensive ones. Even by the most conservative accounting, he has passed judgment on tens of thousands of classified ads. Very few people could do this and thrive." "These all signal Newmark and Buckmaster's wariness about what humans, including themselves, might do if given the chance. There may be a peace sign on every page, but the implicit political philosophy of craigslist has a deeply conservative, even a tragic cast. Every day the choristers of the social web chirp their advice about openness and trust; craigslist follows none of it"
this is the anti-business
Augmented Reality: 5 Barriers to a Web That's Everywhere
Augmented Reality is in some ways just another version of the web; a web applied, through novel interfaces, in reference to the physical world, instead of floating documents tied only to each other as the web is today.
John Resig - Eulogy to _why
Unfortunately I'm short on time at the moment (trying to launch a project this week) but I have to say, at least, a few words about the hacker and artist _why. At this moment, _why's online presence appears to be no more. All of his sites and code are gone. This includes, and is not limited to: * * * * * * * * Two conjectures are common at the moment: His account(s) were hacked and sites taken down or he simply decided to delete his online presence. I personally believe that he did this deliberately and with some amount of forethought.
One of the things that's made _why unique amongst programmers is that he has worked in virtual anonymity. Some people knew his name but it was never a focus of his online persona (and, at least, never actively associated with him as a person - I've seen sites that purport to identify him, but they're generally incorrect, and fringe, at best). Even live, giving talks or performing music, he still went by his pseudonym.
One of the things that's made _why unique amongst programmers is that he has worked in virtual anonymity. Some people knew his name but it was never a focus of his online persona (and, at least, never actively associated with him as a person - I've seen sites that purport to identify him, but they're generally incorrect, and fringe, at best). Even live, giving talks or performing music, he still went by his pseudonym. Reading through the original discovery thread you can see a full range of emotion regarding his disappearance; Anger, confusion, and sadness. Personally, I feel a mixture of joy and amazement. _why, the code he's written, the persona he projected, and the art he produced has been a long-time admiration of mine. Some only see _why's code or writing (Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby, for example - which can still be purchased on Lulu). I tend to see _why more as an artist. He used a wide variety of mediums for his exploration: Written word, drawings, code, and even music.
_why, el famoso programador de Ruby y creador de libros maravillosos, borró su presencia online y desapareció. [from]
Why the Lucky Stiff has disappeared. I share John Resig's admiration for his whimsical approach and his pseudonymity, but find it hard to identify with deleting all your work.
"I've seen a few people ask why he opted to remove his code - why didn't he take his work seriously? (Especially since others have grown to depend upon it.) Looking at the cumulative work and art of _why it should become painfully obvious: The online presence of _why, and all the code, writing, music, and drawings that've been produced are a mere transitory portion of one person's life. He was constantly moving from project to project, blog to blog. Now he's truly moved on and we should feel joy in having gotten to know him, and his art, over the past couple years."
At this moment, _why's online presence appears to be no more. All of his sites and code are gone. This includes, and is not limited to: ...
14 Alternative Browsers That Are Not Internet Explorer 6
Here are 14 fantastic alternative web browsers that are not Internet Explorer 6.
Känner du till alla på den här listan?
Bill would give president emergency control of Internet | Politics and Law - CNET News
Sounds like whoever drafted the bill had just finished watching Die Hard 4.
Critics question revised proposal from Sen. Jay Rockefeller to let the White House do what it deems necessary to respond to a 'cybersecurity emergency.' Read this blog post by Declan McCullagh on Politics and Law.
The new version would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for "cybersecurity professionals," and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.
When Rockefeller (D-W. Virginia), the chairman of the Senate Commerce committee, and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) introduced the original bill in April, they claimed it was vital to protect national cybersecurity. "We must protect our critical infrastructure at all costs--from our water to our electricity, to banking, traffic lights and electronic health records," Rockefeller said. The Rockefeller proposal plays out against a broader concern in Washington, D.C., about the government's role in cybersecurity. In May, President Obama acknowledged that the government is "not as prepared" as it should be to respond to disruptions and announced that a new cybersecurity coordinator position would be created inside the White House staff. Three months later, that post remains empty, one top cybersecurity aide has quit, and some wags have begun to wonder why a government that receives failing marks on cybersecurity should be trusted to instruct the private sector what to do.
Twitter to roll out commercial accounts this year | VentureBeat
Yes, Twitter will start earning some income this year.
RT @PRNewswire: Twitter to roll out commercial accounts this year | VentureBeat [from]
10 Tools For Finding, Registering And Managing Domain Names | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
A domain name is the starting point for our online brands and identities, be it for a company, online application or a personal website. Some of us may own only one domain for a portfolio site or blog, whilst others have to manage domain names for clients or all kinds of projects. But even if you do not yet have a personal domain, as the Web becomes more pervasive in our lives, finding yourself a real home on the web becomes more of a neccessity.
Freezly - What's free on the Internet?
Find out what you can get for free from companies posting promotions on Twitter
Web Work 101: Search Engine Optimization Basics
Search Engine
Welcome - هو عبارة عن قرص إقلاع يسمح لك بالجمع مابين العديد من توزيعات لينكس والحصول عليها من الإنترنت ومن مكان واحد is a service that allows you to boot nearly any operating system or utility on any computer with a wired internet connection - without having to know ahead of time what you'll want to boot. Once you can, you never need to update your boot disk again!
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Help test some next-generation infrastructure Google se booste à la Caféine. Plus de résultats ? Une solution face aux orientations de recherches (à la Bing) ? [from]
To build a great web search engine, you need to: 1. Crawl a large chunk of the web. 2. Index the resulting pages and compute how reputable those pages are. 3. Rank and return the most relevant pages for users' queries as quickly as possible. For the last several months, a large team of Googlers has been working on a secret project: a next-generation architecture for Google's web search. It's the first step in a process that will let us push the envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions. The new infrastructure sits "under the hood" of Google's search engine, which means that most users won't notice a difference in search results. But web developers and power searchers might notice a few differences, so we're opening up a web developer preview to collect feedback.
Help test some next-generation infrastructure Monday, August 10, 2009 at 4:14 PM
Project Code Rush | Movement
documentary about Netscape developers and the release of Mozilla
Code Rush, produced in 2000 and broadcast on PBS, is an inside look at living and working in Silicon Valley at the height of the dot-com era.
Documentary about Netscape's release of browser into open source dev community.
doku über netscape. "Code Rush by David Winton is licensed under a CC 3.0 US License. "
Oh man. I remember watching Code Rush on PBS while in college, shortly after it originally aired. As odd as it sounds, it was then that I knew that I really wanted to be a programmer. (Working on real apps, with real users.)
100 Fabulous Social Networks and Communities for Lifelong Learners | Rated Colleges
4 Sites That Give You A Free Updated Proxy List
10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About
Youtube - You know that site with videos and all. Yeah! It turns out that its quite popular and you happen to visit and use it quite often. Instead of just
More Truth About Twitter | Information Is Beautiful
Twitter statistics in graphical format, incl. "If the Twitter community were 100 people", "The Average 100 Tweets", and "Peak Days/Hours".
peaks in twitter acivity
Sweet charts that highlight Twitter users and uysage.
Use Firefox to Fix the Web's Biggest Annoyances - Annoyances - Lifehacker
ext page inline without having to reload. Each of the extensions works a little differently, and
Use Firefox to Fix the Web's Biggest Annoyances
Wikipedia to Color Code Untrustworthy Text | Wired Science |
Instead of just a "Citation Needed", we'll now have various shades to give us hints as to the reliability of information.
Starting this fall, you’ll have a new reason to trust the information you find on Wikipedia: An optional feature called “WikiTrust” will color code every word of the encyclopedia based on the reliability of its author and the length of time it has persisted on the page. More than 60 million people visit the free, open-access encyclopedia each month, searching for knowledge on 12 million pages in 260 languages. But despite its popularity, Wikipedia has long suffered criticism from those who say it’s not reliable. Because anyone with an internet connection can contribute, the site is subject to vandalism, bias and misinformation. And edits are anonymous, so there’s no easy way to separate credible information from fake content created by vandals.
This idea (and the tool for its implementation) has been around for a while. Now it seems that wikipedia is going to implement it. Interesting debate here about the nature of truth: truth by consensus, or, the loudest voices win. Has it ever been any other way? Annotated link
Proxy Lists
Below is a list of some third-party sites where you can find free proxy server lists.
a list of some third-party sites where you can find free proxy server lists.
good list of proxies
VapURL - Disposable URLs (beta) - The disposable URL
Creates a shortened URL with a user defined shelf life.
"Necessidade de criar uma URL que desaparece no ar? VapURL cria uma URL encurtada com uma vida de prateleira. \r\n\r\n Seja qual for a sua motivação para fazê-lo, se você precisa criar uma URL que tem um tempo fixo poderá fazê-lo com VapURL. Você conecta uma URL no site VapURL ou utilizar o bookmarklet VapURL e especificar os parâmetros de validade. Você pode ter um VapURL expiram após um determinado número de visitas, um determinado período de tempo, ou uma combinação de ambas as variáveis."
temporary URL creating site
15 Great Free Online File Sharing Alternatives | Tools
15 Great Free Online File Sharing Alternatives
Today's technology and machines (whether it's PC or Mac) are certainly capable of processing large original files like .PSD (Photoshop) and .AI's Top Trending Links - Web Trend Map
The Web Trend Map community curates meaningful link trends by choosing sources they trust.
Flickr - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME,28804,1918031_1918016,00.html
the best websites of 2008
Best Websites 2009 - TIME
How 20 popular websites looked when they launched - Telegraph
How websites looked at the launch.
What the Internet knows about you
Not every cloud has a silver lining: Cory Doctorow | Technology | The Guardian
There's something you won't see mentioned by too many advocates of cloud computing – the main attraction is making money from you
_"...the main attraction of the cloud to investors and entrepreneurs is the idea of making money from you, on a recurring, perpetual basis, for something you currently get for a flat rate or for free without having to give up the money or privacy..."_ - no kidding, "Sherlock":people/Cory_Doctorow? Took you long enough to figure out...
"There's something you won't see mentioned by too many advocates of cloud computing – the main attraction is making money from you"
Cory Doctorow: There's something you won't see mentioned by too many advocates of cloud computing – the main attraction is making money from you
50 things that are being killed by the internet - Telegraph
The internet has wrought huge changes on our lives – both positive and negative – in the fifteen years since its use became widespread.
u.a.: 13) memory 14) dead time
12 useful sites to Store Your Files Online
12 useful sites to Store Your Files Online
Chris and Malcolm are both wrong | Union Square Ventures: A New York Venture Capital Fund Focused on Early Stage & Startup Investing
Chris Anderson
Since Craigslist collapsed a multibillion dollar classified advertising business into a fabulously profitable $100,000,000 business, perhaps we should be talking about the potential deflationary impact of more "zero billion dollar" businesses.
. As the radical efficiencies of the web seep into more sectors of the economy, and participants in social networks exchange attention instead of dollars, will governments at all levels need to make do with less tax revenue? That's a scary thought in an era of high deficits unless traditional governments can learn from the efficent governance systems of social networks and provide more for less.
In a world where facts are readily available, from multiple sources, basic information will be commoditized. But the explosion of sources will create a real burden for the consumers of information. Raw information will become not just a commodity, it will be a nuisance. In that world, consumers will value scarce, relevant insight over abundant facts.
In a world where facts are readily available, from multiple sources, basic information will be commoditized. But the explosion of sources will create a real burden for the consumers of information. Raw information will become not just a commodity, it will be a nuisance. In that world, consumers will value scarce, relevant insight over abundant facts. Computer scientists have been working for years on algorithmic ways of mining text for insight with only modest success. It turns out that people still out perform computers at this task. Web services like Google, LastFM, and Facebook, succeed because they do a good job of harnessing the explicit or implicit input of users to sift through an overwhelming supply of information to deliver relevant insight. Google uses in-bound links to filter search results. LastFM uses other people with similar tastes to recommend music. Facebook filters information by the strength of relationships.
Freemium, Geschäftsmodelle
Massacre Gmail Ads with These Two Sentences (and Some Tragic Words) - Gmail - Lifehacker
I enjoy the massacre of ads. This sentence will slaughter ads without a messy bloodbath.
Why I’m Done Making Desktop Applications: MicroISV on a Shoestring
Why this developer switched his bingo calculator from a desktop app to a web app and increased conversion; Why I’m Done Making Desktop Applications
The Most Creative 10 Websites and Apps Built on Top of Twitter | Inspired Magazine
Twitting all day about design stuff is one of my favorite things lately, but Twitter is more – much more than that. A lot of creative folks have build whole new and amazing websites and services around Twitter and we’re showcasing the best 10. Please leave your thoughts suggestions in the comments area.
heute nur so nebenbei überflogen, noch keine Zeit gehabt es genau zu lesen aber man sollte es sich auf jeden Fall mal anschauen.
Nichts Neues, aber mal alles an einer Stelle, kein Internet-Manifest, sondern ein Journalismus-im-Zeitalter-des-Internets-Manifest, vielleicht aber auch nicht so richtig ein Manifest und leider nur von den üblichen Verdächtigen erstunterzeichnet, was der Wirkung nicht zuträglich sein dürfte; trotz allem sinnvoll.
Wie Journalismus heute funktioniert. 17 Behauptungen.
views of one teenager on how he uses media. not statistically valid, but useful
Morgan Stanley Europe Resaerch on how teenagers consume media. There are several issues that immediately jump out from the piece. Teenagers are consuming more media, but in entirely different ways and are almost certainly not prepared to pay for it. They resent intrusive advertising on billboards, TV and the Internet. They are happy to chase content and music across platforms and devices (iPods, mobiles, streaming sites). Print media (newspapers, directories) are viewed as irrelevant but events (cinema, concerts etc.) remain popular and one of the few beneficiaries of payment. The convergence of gaming, TV, mobile and Internet is accelerating with huge implications for pay-TV.
5 Rules for Better Web Writing
Writing rules
"Many people assume that the same words that work for print campaigns or materials can just be copied and pasted for the web, but that’s just not true. "
keep it short, scanable & know you objectives and target group
Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Structured Data
OpenCalais는 첨보는데, 벤치마킹해봐야징~
The Hierarchy Of Digital Distractions | Information Is Beautiful
Infographic: Hierarchy of Digital Distractions
Visualisation of distraction in the digital age. All far too true!
Excellent carto :-)
herrlich - kann ich voll bestätigen (via
20 of the Worst Designed Websites In the World | Manolith
We all come across some seriously bad websites in our day-to-day lives on the Internet. It's just an unavoidable fact of life, like coming across monsters on
20 of the Worst Designed Websites In the World
"Anonymized" data really isn't—and here's why not - Ars Technica
Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: The Real-Time Web
Lists several apps that offer real time web experiences and explains how they cam to be.
Looks at how recent developments at FriendFeed, Twitter, Google's PubSubHubbub, Facebook, RSScloud, and Delicious exemplify a move toward the real-time web.
Helvetwitter - josef richter
Snygg Twittertillämpning
A challenge to journalism
Google - Internet Stats
This Google resource brings together the latest industry facts and insights together in one place. These have been collected from a number of third party vendors covering a range of topics from macroscopic economic and media trends to how consumer behaviour and technology are changing over time.
50+ Really Cool Twitter Mashups
Ever since Twitter released its API to the public, developers around the world rack their brains creating applications or tools that are benefitial for the users.
link com varios add ons para twitter.
A compilation of 50 Twitter Mashups
Mr. Penumbra’s Twenty-Four-Hour Book Store (
The powerful and mysterious brain circuitry that makes us love Google, Twitter, and texting. - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine
Another pellet, please
Ever find yourself sitting down at the computer just for a second to find out what other movie you saw that actress in, only to look up and realize the search has led to an hour of Googling? Thank dopamine. Our internal sense of time is believed to be controlled by the dopamine system.
p. 2 is the fun bit.
How the internet impacts our thinking
Amazon Acquisitions and Investments | Zappos
This graphic is pretty awesome - added by harper reed's google reader
Amazon is bigger that one imagines.
There's a reason that Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world, it realises that if a rival firm is too much of a threat, instead of competing with them, just buy them!
"There's a reason that Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world, it realises that if a rival firm is too much of a threat, instead of competing with them, just buy them!"
The Medium - Facebook Exodus -
Why some Facebook members are moving on.
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold. Facebook, the online social grid, could not command loyalty forever. If you ask around, as I did, you’ll find quitters. One person shut down her account because she disliked how nosy it made her. Another thought the scene had turned desperate. A third feared stalkers. A fourth believed his privacy was compromised. A fifth disappeared without a word. - Pour un internet libre
La génération Y va tout changer | ReadWriteWeb France
10 People You Won’t See on Twitter Anymore
new twitter rules
Finally Twitter is cracking down - what you won't get away with anymore... [from]
Twitter new Terms of Service will ban these types - spammers etc
A nice round up of the annoying users on twitter that (if new rules are to be believed) we won't see anymore.
If You Printed The Internet … | CreativeCloud
A bunch of stats about how big the internet is in other terms. circa sept 2009
Feels compelled to share "If You Printed The Internet … | CreativeCloud" ( ) [from]
Have your ever wondered how much ink and paper would be used if you printed the internet? Find out all you need to know in our infographic! - Rette deine Freiheit
"RetteDeineFreiheit" ist eine Antwort auf die nicht nachvollziehbare Politik der Bundesregierung in Bezug auf die Internetsperren.
O Melhor do Twitter
O Melhor do Twitter.
Popular Search Engines in the 90’s: Then and Now
Awesome post - I love looking back at old sites like this
In the heydays of the internet - when Google wasn’t the only search engine people used to seek information on the web - web surfers (I bet you haven’t heard that term in a while) had several options for finding what they needed on the net. This article harks back to the days of AltaVista, HotBot, and when Ask was still Ask Jeeves. You’ll see how the web designs of ubiquitous search engines of the past have evolved through time. Put your nostalgia hats on as we travel back to the ancient times of the internet!
In the heydays of the internet - when Google wasn’t the only search engine people used to seek information on the web - web surfers (I bet you haven’t heard that term in a while) had several options for finding what they needed on the net. This article harks back to the days of AltaVista, HotBot, and when Ask was still Ask Jeeves. You’ll see how the web designs of ubiquitous search engines of the past have evolved through time. Put your nostalgia hats on as we travel back to the ancient times of the internet!
This article harks back to the days of AltaVista, HotBot, and when Ask was still Ask Jeeves. You'll see how the web designs of ubiquitous search engines of the past have evolved through time.
"4 Awkward Moments in Facebook "Likes"" by Brian Murphy on CollegeHumor
Yeah Ok, So Facebook Punk’d Us
"When they didn’t respond, he posted at 5:29: 'Facebook Now Lets You Fax Your Photos. I Have No Idea Why Anyone Would Want To Do This.' Things went downhill from there."
Corporate culture is critical to success. Glad Facebook still knows how to have fun. Love that they punked @techcrunch [from]
Facebook makes a 'Fax This Photo' button but only lets TechCrunch employee's see it... Also, enjoyed the 'Oh my god this guys arm!' AD reference.
Added a fax button to photos that appeared when sniffing for tech crunch IP headers.
LOL! RT @tjompa @TechCrunch: Yeah Ok, So Facebook Punk'd Us [from]
ReadWriteWeb's Top 5 Web Trends of 2009
Last week we ran a series of posts outlining the 5 biggest Internet trends of this year: Structured Data, Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality, Internet of Things. Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009. We've now compiled the main points into a single presentation.
The 5 biggest Internet trends of this year: Structured Data, Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality, Internet of Things. Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009.
ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web in 2009. <a href="">Structured Data</a>, <a href="">Real-Time Web</a>, <a href="">Personalization</a>, <a href="">Mobile Web / Augmented Reality</a>, <a href="">Internet of Things</a>
Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009.
The Three Spheres of Web Strategy –Updated for 2009 « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
The core structure of the goals and challenges of a Web Strategist
Who’s a Web Strategist? In a company, they often are responsible for the long term vision of corporate web properties. At a web company where their product is on the web, they’re often the product manager or CTO. Regardless of role, the responsibilities are the same, they need to balance all three of these spheres, and make sure their efforts are in the middle of all three.
I hope this is one of those resources you print out pin to your desk, and share with others. This is the core theme of this blog, the balance needed for successful web endeavors in organizations. I originally posted this diagram in 2006, the
BBC NEWS | Africa | SA pigeon 'faster than broadband'
"A Durban IT company pitted an 11-month-old bird armed with a 4GB memory stick against the ADSL service from the country's biggest web firm, Telkom." Winston the pigeon took two hours to carry the data 60 miles - in the same time the ADSL had sent 4% of the data.
Broadband promised to unite the world with super-fast data delivery - but in South Africa it seems the web is still no faster than a humble pigeon.
Reality of Internet accessibility in Africa. Maybe this is what we should use to disseminate our publications in ACP countries....
scenic news
Quando il piccione viaggiatore è meglio di una connessione dati veloce
The Web At A New Crossroads
"And for the time, it fit the write-print/publish model many people had become familiar with thanks to Microsoft Word and other text editors — and which was in turn rewarded by Google’s link-based approach to search."
This real-time web is not mature yet, since the platforms that sequester all of our activities today are proprietary ones like Facebook and Twitter. These are convenient, to be sure, but of limited utility to users with cross-site ambitions, who require interoperability. While “brand-mediated” profiles and relationships may not seem completely odious on the surface, there are four major drawbacks to keep in mind:
10 Revealing Infographics about the Web
Some great graphics to use when demonstrating the different topics
Coding Horror: How Not to Advertise on the Internet
Evony, thanks for showing us what it means to take advertising on the internet to the absolute rock bottom ... then dig a sub-basement under that, and keep on digging until you reach the white-hot molten core of the Earth. I've always wondered what that would be like. I guess now I know.
Advertising how bad can it go? How not to do advertising
Coding Horror progression of breast presence in Evony's internet ads boobs.
Gods, I remember seeing these a while back. Protip: If you ads make me feel like I need a shower after viewing them, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
Apparently that ad didn't perform up to expectations at Evony world HQ, because the ads got progressively ... well, take a look for yourself. These are presented in chronological order of appearance on the internet.
The (d)evolution of's godawful, ridiculously sexist ad campaign.
Smokescreen § Homepage
Awesome online game
A new, Serious ARG (SARG?), from the people who brought you Perplex City. This time, commissioned by Channel 4 and aimed at teens. '...its goal is to illustrate the threats, dangers and opportunities of life online'. It doesn't have any offline activity, as far as I can tell, which makes sense with this demographic, the fact that Channel 4 is involved and the subject matter. It's a little to leading in the interactivity though, and not at really transmedia, so not strictly within the realms of what has come to be known as ARG. Still, interesting to see a current, non-commercial example of a participation drama.
Game supposedly teaching how to behave "responsibly" on social networking websites (and alike).
Nuorisolle suunnattu peli nettiturvallisuudesta
77 Tips For Starting An Online Business
Focus on your immediate resources to make something plausible working as fast as you can rather than waiting for something allegedly genial to grow by itself. It never happened and it will never happen.
Google Wave: You need to pay attention to this. - Jason Kolb re: the Future of the Internet
The Smart List: 12 Shocking Ideas That Could Change the World
For this year's list, we walked right past the usual suspects and went looking for trouble. We wanted radicals, heretics, agitators—big thinkers with controversial, game-changing propositions. We found a prison reformer who wants to empty jails, an economist who thinks foreign aid hurts more than it helps, and a military theorist who believes the US should launch preemptive cyberattacks, right now.
Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Internet of Things
The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real world objects (such as fridges, lights and toasters) get connected to the Internet. In 2009, this trend has ramped up and is adding a significant amount of new data to the Web.
This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the 5 biggest Web trends of 2009. So far we've explored these trends: Structured Data, The Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality. The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real world objects (such as fridges, lights and toasters) get connected to the Internet. In 2009, this trend has ramped up and is adding a significant amount of new data to the Web
2009년 인터넷 트렌드 - 사물의 인터넷
Google Has A Solution For Internet Explorer: Turn It Into Chrome
"Yes, it’s both hilarious and awesome (or hilariously awesome, if you will) that Google seems to dislike IE so much that it has spent its own time improving it."
Woah! IE6 Hacks be gone? RT @mike9r: New IE plugin from Google plugin puts Chrome's rendering engine INTO IE [from]
ll difference is pretty small since Chrome is designed to give resources back to y
People hate IE6; they've made that abundantly clear on the web. Unfortunately, plenty of people are still stuck using it for reasons such ...
Rethinking the Long Tail Theory: How to Define 'Hits' and 'Niches' - Knowledge@Wharton
Using data on movie-rating patterns, new Wharton research challenges current thinking on the Long Tail effect
Using data on movie-rating patterns, new Wharton research challenges current thinking on the Long Tail effect ...
Controversy about the long tail theory
One side effect of $1mil Netflix prize was the treasure of data that was made public. Researches at Wharton use it to find out how valid is the Long Tail theory.
Clay Shirky: Let a thousand flowers bloom to replace newspapers; don’t build a paywall around a public good » Nieman Journalism Lab
Nieman Journalism Lab
Movies 101: Where can I legally see movies for free online?
14 tips and tricks to buff up your Gmail skills | News | TechRadar UK
14 tips and tricks to buff up your Gmail skills
USTREAM.TV: LIVE VIDEO Streaming, Free Video Chat Rooms. Watch Shows ...
produce a live video stream
2 r's..
Great streaming video - watch the content carefully!
webshow host
live broadcast - virtual fieldtrips
It Made My Day - Little Moments of WIN
Social Networking’s New Global Footprint | Nielsen Wire
The Nielsen report into Social Media growth between 2007 and 2008. Good stats about SM growth
Two-thirds of the world’s Internet population visit social networking or blogging sites, accounting for almost 10% of all internet time, according to a new Nielsen report “Global Faces and Networked Places.”
Typography on the Web is basic and dull. A startup called Typekit will fix it. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
slate article on typekit
"Typeface designers and font fanciers have new reason for optimism though. The past year has seen a surge of Web-browser innovation. Now, most major browsers—including the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera—recognize a CSS rule known as @font-face. What that means, in brief, is that Web developers can now easily embed downloadable fonts in their pages."
The Best Guides to Watching TV Online
This brand-new site wants to be “the ultimate programming guide for Internet television.” (It also
Twitter, Twitter, Twitter… | ReadWriteWeb France
Beaucoup de gens pensent que Twitter est un flux de pensées futiles, symptomatiques d’une culture qui se perd, irresponsable et egocentrée, à la recherche d’un
Analyse de twitter: barrière, fonctionnement, usage, etc.
Let’s Kill The CPM
Una gran idea
Online advertising pros-and-cons and blog debate
Yes. Yes. Yes. Been talking about this idea with my friends for a couple years now. Traditional online ads are dead. Eye tracking shows they are largely invisible. Online ad people object, saying "they still work," "just depends on the creative." No. They're a distraction, an ask for attention that pays back very little to the consumer. Banners are the equivalent to flashing LED billboards on the side of the freeway: they're all about the advertiser, not the consumer. Next.
Just differentiate b/w the content writer & the content publisher. The publisher is stuck in the CPM/CPA world as it is now, trying to cover costs & make a return in an ever increasing universe of sites & pages. The writer is spreading his content/meme, in this case a reformer meme.
OK, Advertising Week just ended… does anyone else feel like the online advertising industry is the orchestra, playing on while the Titanic is sinking?
Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Personalization
Top 50 Real-Time Web Companies
As part of our lead-up to The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit, which is just over two weeks away, in this post we're listing 50 leading companies of the Real-Time Web. Like any list, it is bound to be missing some worthy companies - so we invite you to list more in the comments. Our aim is to unveil the top 100 Real-Time Web companies at our event.
As part of our lead-up to The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit, which is just over two weeks away, in this post we're listing 50 leading companies of the ...
News, Current Events, Latest News and Worl
5 Cool Websites to Play Chess Online !
Chess is one of ancient game that is played since ages by intellectuals and common people alike. Playing chess requires skills and acquit concentration. It also helps in improving once strategies and decision making power. Chess is played between two players so if you do not have an opponent to play with you can always find one on Internet. Internet is one large community with millions of users online at any time. There are some dedicated sites for playing chess online where you can find players to play with. If there are no players then you can always play the game against computer.
Internet overtakes television to become biggest advertising sector in the UK | Media | The Guardian
Hat tip Michael. "Record £1.75bn online spend makes UK first major economy to spend more on web ads than TV, says IAB"
Record £1.75bn online spend makes UK first major economy to spend more on web ads than TV
Record £1.75bn online spend makes UK first major economy to spend more on web ads than TV, says IAB
The Top 100 Web Sites of 2009 - Slideshow from PC Magazine,1206,l=242492&a=242570,00.asp
Slideshow from PC Magazine
6 Websites to Track A Website’s Traffic
Quarkbase est dedans ??
99 Awesome Firefox Add-ons for Educators - Online Courses
They say today’s educators are overworked and underpaid. Luckily, the web offers tools to make your professional life more manageable and less stressful. These add-ons might not change your salary, but we’re sure they’ll ease your workload.
shortcuts, calendars and timers, research, writing, lesson planners, calculators, video and images, dictionaries and translators, games and miscellaneous
They say today’s educators are overworked and underpaid. Luckily, the web offers tools to make your professional life more manageable and less stressful. These add-ons might not change your salary, but we’re sure they’ll ease your workload. (like that opening Paragraph :-))
HOW TO: Get Started with Google Wave
Google Wave has arrived. The real-time communication platform has been one of the hottest and most anticipated products in the tech and social media space for
Mashable proves yet again that they are a great source of information on all things to do with Social Networking, including Google Wave.
Online Measurement: 16% of the Web Clicking Display Ads - Advertising Age - Digital
Comscore (US): 50% minder banner clickers in 2 jaar. 8% van de online populatie zorgt voor 85% van banner clicks, vooral arme lager opgeleiden. Banners zijn echter wel succesvol, want zien van banners leidt tot site bezoek en search. Dus nieuwe metrics nodig om succes te meten.
But ComScore, Starcom Study Shows Banners Are Still Effective -- Especially When Paired With Paid Search
The percentage of people who click on a Display ad are down, but that doesn't mean that banner ads are effective means of advertising. AdAge discusses that we need to use different metrics to measure engagement and branding.
50% of clicks come from low-income young adults...but the good news is that digital banners are still a branding tool
Look at display view-through rates.
The number of people online who click display ads has dropped 50% in less than two years, and only 8% of internet users account for 85% of all clicks, according to the most recent "Natural Born Clickers" study from ComScore and media agency Starcom. As the pool of people who click on banner ads rapidly decreases, it begs the question: Is the long-used click-through rate now officially useless?
BBC to relaunch websites with focus on social media | Media |
Enlace encontrado en la cuenta twitter para el término de búsqueda <b> La web 2</b>
Radical redesign of news and other sites planned for March, according to sources. By Mercedes Bunz
First glimpse on the BBC's planned relaunch which is to include huge improvements concerning personalisation and online communication.
He explained that the BBC is not only working on a new homepage and the underlying hosting platform, but his team is currently researching "what the next generation in social media will be".
Maybe Digital Culture needs to become compulsory component of any E-learning Programme
95 websites you should totally bookmark today | News | TechRadar UK
95 websites you should totally bookmark today Best sites for fun, learning, creating and much more : TechRadar UK
G2 meets Thomas Gensemer, the man who masterminded Obama's online presidential campaign | Politics | The Guardian
Interview from Guardian G2, Feb 2009. "People have been bamboozled with the technology for too long," he says. "The real questions are, 'What are your goals, and how can you use technology to achieve them?' "Organisations can build very quickly, if they do the messaging right. They need to be able to answer the question, 'What can someone do for me today?'
"People have been bamboozled with the technology for too long," he says. "The real questions are, 'What are your goals, and how can you use technology to achieve them?' Our biggest sales pitch is that we couple the services along with the technology. A lot of our competition just sells technology, and the types of organisation and causes that we like to work with, if I go in and sell them really powerful technology, it doesn't do them any good, because they don't have the wherewithal to make sense of it."
Newest addition to my fantasy dinner party guestlist: Thomas Gensemer. [from]
Thomas Gensemer Mastermind of the Democratic campaign
The Hidden Risks of Cloud Computing - Security - Lifehacker
Every day more users move their computing lives from the desktop to the cloud and rely on hosted web applications to store and access email, photos, and documents. But this new frontier involves serious risks that aren't obvious to most.
In an era of ubiquitous broadband, smartphones, and users who manage multiple computers and devices, it just makes sense to move your email, photos, documents, calendar, notes, finances, and contacts to awesome web applications like Gmail, Evernote, Flickr, Google Docs, Mint, etc. But transferring your personal data to hosted web applications has its potential pitfalls, risks that get lost in all the hype around cloud-centric new products like Google's new Chrome OS or the iPhone.
On The Internet, Nobody Knows You’re Not In The USA
Ich finde ja man sollte sich gegen so einen Müll wie länderbezogene Angebote wehren. Sorry, aber das is doch Schwachsinn.
The History of Web Browsers
From the first web browser in 1991 to the present day - one for the geeks!
What Browser? - Home
short video on what a web browser is and is not
A simple explanation of 'browsers' for the uninitiated.
What Browser?
Top 5 Vista Tweaks To Increase Internet Speed
Top 5 Vista Tweaks to Increase Internet Speed
Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Mobile Web & Augmented Reality
Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Mobile Web & Augmented Reality
Apple's share of smartphone traffic in the U.S. had surged to 64%. Perhaps more significantly though, Apple's share of worldwide smartphone traffic had increased to 47%. This is important, because internationally other smartphones were utilized much more than in the U.S. before the iPhone arrived.
The 'Web Squared' Era -
Notes on Information Society
Five years in, collective intelligence applications are increasingly driven by cascades of sensor data being thrown off by devices, often without explicit human intervention. Today’s smartphones contain microphones and cameras, as well as motion, proximity, location, and direction sensors. They have their own eyes, ears, and sense of touch. Revolutionary new applications connect those senses to cloud databases and programs running on massive server farms.
La web al cuadrado (Web squared), el nuevo invento de marketing de Tim O´Reilly.
ALA | marsbestfree2009
2009 Eleventh Annual List RUSA Machine-Assisted Reference Section (MARS)
Google Wave 101 - Wave - Lifehacker
Prosumidor. Los usuarios se apropian de la Red | Rizomática
Es un blog en el que puedes leer articulos sobre el uso de la propiedad por los consumidores
Rizomática. Espacio de información y reflexión sobre algunos acontecimientos en la Red y en el mundo
Espacio de información y reflexión sobre algunos acontecimientos en la Red y en el mundo
diferenciados los roles de productor y consumidor de contenidos
Blog donde se puede encontrar un artículo sobre los usuarios de internet. los cuales se han apropiado de la red
Espacio de informacion y reflexion sobre algunos acontecimientos en la red
teoria del prosumidor
Prosumidor. Los usuarios se apropian de la Red
Pagina Rizomatica, articulo sobre los usuarios de la red
Internality es el nombre de la empresa fundada por Álvaro Ibáñez y Nacho Palou en 2004, dedicada al desarrollo de proyectos web, que siempre ha tenido especial interés en todo lo relacionado con la Web 2.0. Ambos llevan casi una década trabjando en proyectos de la Internet hispana.
Escrito de la fundacion orange web 2.0
La intención primordial de este trabajo es intentar arrojar un poco de luz sobre la definición de lo que se ha convertido en el meme1 de moda en Internet
claves de publicaciones de libros
comunicacion orange
Official Gmail Blog: Choosing a smart password
T. Kendall
Google’s Abandoned Library of 700 Million Titles | Epicenter |
“The search results are extremely poor,” [...]. “Like nobody cares.” [...] “Google does get a lot of credit for putting it together and making it available,” [...] “But search capabilities are important for such a large collection of data. The archive’s value to the community is considerably reduced if it’s not conveniently searchable.” A year after Slashdot called attention to the bugs, the problems with the archive not only haven’t been fixed, but they aren’t reflected in the Google Groups “known issues” page. Asked if the bugs are documented anywhere, or if Google planned on repairing its library, a company spokesman was noncommittal. “We’re aware of some problems with the way search is working in Google Groups,” said Jason Freidenfelds, in an e-mail. “We’re always working to improve our products.” Templeton, who helped Google compile an index of historically significant Usenet articles when it first launched its archive, thinks Google’s neglect is a simple matter of economics.
"the rusting shell of Google Groups" ABANDONED FOR A REASON?
Televidente 2.0
Presente y futuro de la oferta de television a traves de y el telefono movil
Presente y futuro de la oferta de televisión a través de Internet y el teléfono móvil
La televisión e internet con el paso de los años. Origen y contenido de ambos y su relación con el tiempo.
Analisis sobre las diferentes ventajas y avances en el mundo de las tecnologias multimedia, movil y television
indices de tv y telefonia movil 2006
The cocktail analysiss, informe de diciembre del 2006 sobre la TV através de Internet y el teléfono móvil
Presente y futuro de la oferta de televisión a través de Internet y el teléfono móvil.Diciembre 2006
Presente y futuro de la oferta de televisión a través de Internet y el teléfono móvil
Food Web, Meet Interweb: The Networked Future of Farms | Wired Science |
Silicon Valley thinks the internet can transform anything from car sales to anonymous sex, but the way Americans grow and buy food is rooted in ancient,
'FarmsReach wants to make ordering from local, small farms as easy and reliable as ordering from Sysco. Farmers with smartphones would snap quick photos of their produce, then upload their products into their “virtual stalls.” Restaurants could cruise through the vegetables online and pick what they wanted. It’s a classic farmer’s market with a high-tech twist. And by bringing producers and customers closer together, the internet could cause purchasers to change who they buy their food from. Already, increasing numbers of restaurants and produce buyers demand to know more about the food they are purchasing.'
"With a suite of mobile apps for use in restaurants and on farms, FarmsReach wants to create an online food marketplace that would directly connect farms with restaurants. “The food supply industry is ripe for ‘disintermediation’ because of the internet,” said Alistair Croll, a startup consultant working with FarmsReach. In other words, middlemen beware: Food could undergo a transition like the one that swept through classified ads, air travel and dozens of other industries. If that happens, it could begin to transform the food system, and that would be welcome news for food activists. The problems of the food system have been well-chronicled over the last few years: environmental degradation, occasional food-borne disease outbreaks and millions of overweight Americans."
6 Apps To Help You Focus & Be Productive [Mac]
I’m a multi-tasker. I’m not very good at it but I try very hard. If you’d suddenly spring up on me and took a look at my screen, it would often be very clustered with several applications running, work half done; not to mention having loads of screenshots and bookmarks on my desktop to remind myself of the tasks I have yet to complete. I try to organize myself by using to-do lists but planning only brings me one step closer to finishing my work. Persistence and determination are the key to getting things done. Unfortunately, I have very little of those. I was born that way, I’m afraid. While writing the first two paragraphs, I checked my mail several times, fired up Safari, updated my Twitter and browsed Facebook. See, I told you I was a multi-tasker. But deadlines are deadlines. If you have a project due Tuesday — then there’s no choice but to complete it by Tuesday. Sure, you can try to push the deadline but there’s still one! To help with the situation and motivate me to clear t
The 50 Funniest Internet Infographics : COED Magazine
The Wearable Internet Will Blow Mobile Phones Away
Earlier this year at the TED conference, Pattie Maes from the MIT Media Lab's Fluid Interfaces Group showcased a wearable computing system that allows users to display and interact with the Web on any surface - including the human body. The video shows the system's main developer, Pranav Mistry, taking photographs with his hand, summoning up Amazon review data onto the cover of a physical book, displaying information about a person he's just met on their tee-shirt, and calling someone by inputting a phone number onto the palm of his hand.
10 years off... Look out mobile phones, because in a decade's time wearable systems may be the primary means of accessing the Web "The current system, albeit relatively clunky, could be purchased for as little as $350. Essentially it is made up of a webcam, a battery-powered 3M projector, mirror, phone and colored finger caps. But in 10 years - according to Maes, the period of time when this type of system might be fully developed - it could be one device and as small as a watch. Or indeed maybe even a brain implant."
Michael Wolff on Rupert Murdoch |
Rupert Murdoch is going to battle against the Internet, bent on making readers actually pay for online newspaper journalism–beginning with his London Sunday Times. History suggests he won’t back down; the experts suggest he’s crazy. Is he also ignoring his industry’s biggest problem?
Wolff wrote a biography of Murdoch, and presumably knows the man. My take on this fascinating article is that the old guy simply doesn't understand what's happening online, perhaps because you can only truly understand the online world if you participate in it.
"[Rupert Murdoch] can almost single-handedly take apart and re-assemble a complex printing press, but his digital-technology acumen and interest is practically zero. Murdoch's abiding love of newspapers has turned into a personal antipathy to the Internet [...] In the Murdoch view, media only really works as a good business if it achieves significant control of the market—through pricing, through exclusive sports arrangements, through controlling distribution (he has spent 20 years trying to monopolize satellite distribution around the world). [...] Murdoch has a larger problem still. It is, after all, not the Internet that has made news free. News in penny-newspaper or broadcast (or bundled cable) form has always been either free or negligibly priced. In almost every commercial iteration, news has been supported by advertising. This is, more than the Internet, Murdoch's (and every publisher's) problem: the dramatic downturn in advertising."
"In one of my favorite Murdoch stories, his wife, Wendi, who had befriended the founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, told me about how the “boys” had visited the Murdochs at their ranch in Carmel, California. When I marveled at this relative social mismatch and asked what they might have talked about, Wendi assured me that they had all gotten along very well. “You know, Rupert,” Wendi said, “he’s always asking questions.” “But what,” I prodded, “did he exactly ask?” “He asked,” she said, hesitating only a beat before cracking herself up, “‘Why don’t you read newspapers?’”
War is Rupert Murdoch’s natural state. When he launched the Fox Broadcasting Company, in October 1986, he went to war against the hegemony of CBS, ABC, and NBC. With Fox News he crossed swords with CNN’s Ted Turner. At Sky, his satellite-TV system in the U.K., he went up against the BBC. He’s battled China, the F.C.C., the print unions in Great Britain, and, recently, most of the journalism community in his takeover of The Wall Street Journal. He relishes conflict and doesn’t back down—one reason why he’s won so many of his fights and so profoundly changed the nature of his industry. Now he’s going to war with the Internet.
Excellent article about the Rupert Murdoch's apparent allergic reaction to the internet and the reality of the newspaper industry. If the internet is responsible for the downfall of FOX News, I will be so fucking giddy.....
Rupert Murdoch is going to battle against the Internet, bent on making readers actually pay for online newspaper journalism–beginning with his London Sunday Times. History suggests he won’t back down
A Complete Guide Google WAVE
Una guida di google wave - Potrà google Wave sostituire la mail?
Google Wave crashes on beach of overhype
"DO NOT ASSUME THIS IS A TWITTER KILLER. It is not. It’s not even a good sharing engine, far worse than FriendFeed is. I’d recommend using a private room over on FriendFeed first."
Google Waveはノイズに満ちていて、カオスの世界。
DO TRY THE API if you are a developer. From what I’m seeing that’s where the real value in Google Wave will come, but we haven’t seen enough apps yet so end users won’t find much here to play with yet.
Google Wave crashes on beach of overhype
Derek Powazek - Spammers, Evildoers, and Opportunists
The criticism that Ralph Lauren doesn't want you to see! - Boing Boing
a model's proportions appear to have been altered to give her an impossibly skinny body ("Dude, her head's bigger than her pelvis"). Naturally, Xeni reproduced the ad in question. This is classic fair use: a reproduction "for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting," etc.
Fuck Ralph Lauren - I'm drinking, no more insight
high priority
Free Online OCR service - convert PDF documents to Word, JPG to Word
Nice! This is pretty cool.
10 things you need to stop tweeting about - The Oatmeal
Service for basically creating shared databases: sounds quite interesting!
Factual is a platform where anyone can share and mash open data on any subject. For example, you might find a directory of California restaurants, a database of endocrinologists, or a list of American Idol finalists. We provide smart tools to help the community build and maintain a trusted source of structured data. And this data can be used through widgets and APIs to help application developers and content publishers be more innovative and productive.
open data edit
On line data collections
85 wordpress plugins for blogging journalists | Online Journalism Blog
Having reached a potential plateau in my addiction to Wordpress plugins* I thought I should blog about the plugins I use, those I've installed in preparation
The Journalist's Guide to YouTube
When you think of YouTubeYouTubeYouTube, you probably think of viral videos such as choreographed wedding procession dances and sneezing pandas. But YouTube’s content load is massive — 20 hours of video are uploaded every minute — and it has a lot more to offer than just silly, viral videos. One area of YouTube that is currently growing like a weed is news.
The Journalist’s Guide to YouTube
News videos fall into three categories: rebroadcasts of current material; original videos and distribution of news; and archive of older video footage. Media companies, indie news organizations, and even citizen journalists are putting YouTube’s voluminous video database to work in all three ways, and the lines between these three uses tend to blur and overlap.
STATS: Facebook and Twitter’s Growth Flattens
Throughout the entire 2008 and the better part of 2009, we’ve reported on Facebook and Twitter’s explosive growth. Month after month, we’ve seen tremendous numbers from both these services, while some giants of old, such as MySpace, dropped lower and lower. Somewhere in June, however, Twitter stopped growing, at least according to Compete. The same thing happened to Facebook (Facebook) at the exact same time; at first we’ve attributed the traffic numbers to the summer slumber, but now that Compete’s numbers for September are out, there’s no doubt that both Facebook and Twitter are no longer growing, at least in the eyes of the (admittedly US-centric) Compete.
Interesting stats from Mashable, including growth of Linked In
100 Best Professors Who Blog | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
100 Blogging Professors
Prof's that Blog
Wheel of Lunch
Site to help you decide where to pick lunch.
Random restaurant picker.
Where to eat today.
Welcome to
US government launch the OpenInternet. Gov site It includes videos, statements and discussion on all Federal Communication Commission activities on the issue, including coverage of broadband. is a place to join the discussion about the important issues facing the future of the Internet. Through this site you can stay connected to all FCC activities on the issue, and share your thoughts and ideas on open Internet. is a place to join the discussion about the important issues facing the future of the Internet.
Performance Comparison of Major Web Browsers
The latest versions of the five major most web browsers (Firefox 3.5, Chrome 3.0, IE8, Opera 10, and Safari 4) went head to head under six performance indicators: JavaScript speed, average CPU usage under stress, DOM selection, CSS rendering speed, page load time, and browser cache performance.
The latest versions of the five major most web browsers (Mozilla Firefox 3.5, Google Chrome 3.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, Opera 10.0, and Apple Safari 4.0) went head to head under six performance indicators: JavaScript speed, average CPU usage under stress, DOM selection, CSS rendering speed, page load time, and browser cache performance. Each web browser was tested three times under an unprimed cache (except for the browser cache performance), and their average value reported in the results.
Know Privacy
A comparison of users' expectations of privacy online and the data collection practices of website operators.
Approach: A comparison of users' expectations of privacy online and the data collection practices of website operators. Goal: To identify specific practices that may be harmful or deceptive and attract the attention of government regulators. Result: Recommendations for policymakers to protect consumers and for website operators to avoid stricter regulation.
research site for ghostery
The Current State of Web Privacy, Data Collection, and Information Sharing
Know Privacy: research by Joshua Gomez, Travis Pinnick, and Ashkan Soltani, UC Berkeley School of Information, class of 2009
YouTube’s Bandwidth Bill Is Zero. Welcome to the New Net | Epicenter |
YouTube may pay less to be online than you do, a new report on internet connectivity suggests, calling into question a recent analysis arguing Google’s popular video service is bleeding money and demonstrating how the internet has continued to morph to fit user’s behavior.
Youtube's bandwidth bill may be almost zero because it connects directly with the ISPs through it's Dark Fiber.
"YouTube’s low or nonexistent bandwidth bill points to a very important shift in the structure of the 30 websites serving up 30 percent of net traffic, either from their own sets of pipes or from data centers around the world that connect much closer to your computer — and for much cheaper — than ever before."
YouTube may pay less to be online than you do, a new report on internet connectivity suggests, calling into question a recent analysis arguing Google’s popular video service is bleeding money and demonstrating how the internet has continued to morph to fit user’s behavior. In fact, with YouTube’s help, Google is now responsible for at least 6 percent of the internet’s traffic, and likely more — and may not be paying an ISP at all to serve up all that content and attached ads. Credit Suisse made headlines this summer when it estimated that YouTube was binging on bandwidth, losing Google a half a billion dollars in 2009 as it streams 75 billion videos. But a new report from Arbor Networks suggests that Google’s traffic is approaching 10 percent of the net’s traffic, and that it’s got so much fiber optic cable, it is simply trading traffic, with no payment involved, with the net’s largest ISPs.
"But a new report from Arbor Networks suggests that Google’s traffic is approaching 10 percent of the net’s traffic, and that it’s got so much fiber optic cable, it is simply trading traffic, with no payment involved, with the net’s largest ISPs"
Downloads: Last.FM Downloader Lets You Download Last.FM Streams and Cover Art
Lets You Download Last.FM Streams
Not sure I would ever use this, can get music plenty of other places or better off using Spotify if listening at computer.
Si eres un fan incondicional de te encantará saber que existe una manera de descargar las canciones que escuchas gracias a Downloader. Para ello simplemente deberás conocer la URL de las canciones que quieres conocer. Si por ejemplo quieres descargar Superguay de La Casa Azul buscando un poco por la web de encontramos que la url de la canción es la siguiente: Esta URL es la que debemos pegar en Downloader para que acto seguido se ponga a descargarla. Podremos pegar tantas URLs como canciones queramos descargar ya que Downloader hace las veces de gestor de descargas. Además nos permite descargar canciones de artistas similares si pegamos la URL de los artistas similares del que queramos. Por ejemplo para La Casa Azul la URL de artistas similares sería: La aplicación no requiere instalación y solo funciona con Windows. Además
Lessons by Grade Level
Social Networking Online Behavior Safety
Top 5 Twitter Trends to Watch Right Now
Alright. Agree on the most of the trends.
SEOmoz | How to Start an Internet Company That Will Be Noticed: The Proposal and Outline
This post is a little different than what you might be used to. Instead of talking at you, I would like to talk with you. I would like to propose a blogging outline, not actually blog on the given subject (yet!). First, allow me to explain myself. I have been under-utilizing my blogging privileges the last three months and I would like to try to make this up to you. I have made the ...
Know Thyself: Tracking Every Facet of Life, from Sleep to Mood to Pain, 24/7/365
quantifying and optimizing all facets of life
neat but not sure why i'd use this over evernote.
Listhings is an eco-friendly web app for storing sticky notes, lists, ToDo's, you-name-it. It's super fast, free and easy to use. No sign-up needed.
10 ways to use social media to get a new job | News | TechRadar UK
jobsearch social media
Internet Archive: A Future for Books -- BookServer
Referenced in Chronicle Wired
The widespread success of digital reading devices has proven that the world is ready to read books on screens. As the audience for digital books grows, we can evolve from an environment of single devices connected to single sources into a distributed system where readers can find books from sources across the Web to read on whatever device they have. Publishers are creating digital versions of their popular books, and the library community is creating digital archives of their printed collections. BookServer is an open system to find, buy, or borrow these books, just like we use an open system to find Web sites.
The BookServer is a growing open architecture for vending and lending digital books over the Internet. Built on open catalog and open book formats, the BookServer model allows a wide network of publishers, booksellers, libraries, and even authors to make their catalogs of books available directly to readers through their laptops, phones, netbooks, or dedicated reading devices. BookServer facilitates pay transactions, borrowing books from libraries, and downloading free, publicly accessible books.
This would be awesome to install on all of the school servers as part of plan ceibal.
Mobile Web Is Taking Over the World (and Other Internet Trends)
مطابق آمارهای جهانی، میزان استفاده از تلفنهای همراه برای اتصال به اینترنت در سال جاری رشدی چشمگیر داشته و پیش بینی میشود این روند سیر صعودی شدیدتری داشته باشد. بازار اصلی هم از آن آیفون خواهد بود
Mobile Internet usage is on the rise. Apple’s share of the mobile smartphone market is only going to increase. AT&T’s mobile data traffic has increased by 4,932% over the last three years. There will be over 1 billion “heavy mobile data users” by 2013. These are just some of the stats that were shared with the audience at the Web 2.0 Summit today in San Francisco. Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker led a speedy and high-charged presentation over Internet trends. The data and stats packed in her 68 page presentation is nothing short of mind-boggling. The focus of her presentation this year (she gives this rapid-fire speech every year at Web 2.0) was on Mobile Internet and 8 key trends that Morgan Stanley has identified, including that social networking + mobile are driving big changes in communication and commerce.
Mobile Internet usage is on the rise. Apple’s share of the mobile smartphone market is only going to increase. AT&T’s mobile data traffic has increased by 4,932% over the last three years. There will be over 1 billion “heavy mobile data users” by 2013. These are just some of the stats that were shared with the audience at the Web 2.0 Summit today in San Francisco. Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker led a speedy and high-charged presentation over Internet trends. The data and stats packed in her 68 page presentation is nothing short of mind-boggling. The focus of her presentation this year (she gives this rapid-fire speech every year at Web 2.0) was on Mobile Internet and 8 key trends that Morgan Stanley has identified, including that social networking + mobile are driving big changes in communication and commerce.
50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About.
50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About
12 brilliant 404 pages | Blog | Econsultancy
my favourite: A ninja stole this page
A huge part of user experience is ensuring site navigation is as easy as possible, in order to retain anyone who happens to be browsing your site. But what happens if there’s a broken link or a page doesn’t load?
404 pages good practice
Cloud computing: Clash of the clouds | The Economist
Windows 7 release -- Google vs. Apple vs. Microsoft in the future of OSes.
The launch of Windows 7 marks the end of an era in computing&#226;&#128;&#148;and the beginning of an epic battle between Microsoft, Google, Apple and others
Briefing from The Economist (17 October 2009)
Applause For Finland: First Country To Make Broadband Access A Legal Right
Applause For Finland: First Country To Make Broadband Access A Legal Right (via @synopsi, @janrosa, @ScienceIreland) [from]
Starting July 2010, every person in Finland will have the right to a one-megabit broadband connection as an intermediate step, says the Ministry of Transport and Communications. By the end of 2015, the legal right will be extended to an impressive 100 Mb broadband connection for everyone.
Kudos to the Finnish government, which has just introduced laws guaranteeing broadband access to every person living in Finland (5.5 million people, give or take). This is reportedly a first worldwide. Starting July 2010, every person in Finland will have the right to a one-megabit broadband connection as an intermediate step, says the Ministry of Transport and Communications. By the end of 2015, the legal right will be extended to an impressive 100 Mb broadband connection for everyone.
for presentation
Go Finland: First Country To Make Broadband Access A Legal Right [from]
Broadband Access a Legal Right in Finland... [from]
The World of Tomorrow (If The Internet Disappeared Today) |
E se a internet desaparecesse hoje?
Love #19
Loved it... Really funny!
e se internet non ci fosse...
14 Simple Tips for Super Fast Web Browsing
Brilliant pointers from Zen Habits on speeding up your web browsing ...
Twitterを全社導入して気づいたこと - EC studio 社長ブログ
■この1ヶ月間で得られたTwitterの想定外の効果について 「飲み会で飲み過ぎて行方不明になったスタッフの捜索状況」
A people's history of the internet: from Arpanet in 1969 to today | Technology |
500 Internal Server Error
How to Create a Highly Viral Blog
How to Create a Highly Viral Blog
Viral is one of the biggest buzzwords these days in blogging world. Everyone wants to create something viral, so their blog or product will “market itself.” Despite all the buzz about creating “viral content” and a “viral blog,” not many people really understand how this is done. I’ll be honest, I’m not quite sure I’ve got it all figured out. There aren’t really any secrets. But, there are a lot of little tactics that can add up to creating something contagious.
some good advice here, if you're into that sort of thing....
Analysis of the Green Dam Censorware System
Green Dam
We examined the Green Dam software and found that it contains serious security vulnerabilities due to programming errors. Once Green Dam is installed, any web site the user visits can exploit these problems to take control of the computer. This could allow malicious sites to steal private data, send spam, or enlist the computer in a botnet. In addition, we found vulnerabilities in the way Green Dam processes blacklist updates that could allow the software makers or others to install malicious code during the update process.
Real-Time Search - 5 Reasons Why "We" Will Change the Web | Ben ...
Internet rules and laws: the top 10, from Godwin to Poe - Telegraph
Proposed by Rob Pommer on in 2007, this states: “A person's mind can be changed by reading information on the internet. The nature of this change will be from having no opinion to having a wrong opinion.”
The internet has matured into a world of its own, and like the real world, it obeys certain immutable laws. Here are 10 of the most important.
How Popular Website Designs Looked Like In Late 90’s @ SmashingApps
RT @juliasmola: How Popular Website Designs Looked Like In Late 90's. [from]
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
How Popular Website Designs Looked Like In Late 90’s
apophenia: Some thoughts on Twitter vs. Facebook Status Updates
danah boyd discusses the differences in Twitter and Facebook status updates in relation to the social graph.
Owned? Legal terms of video hosting services compared « Advancing Usability
Ein guter Überblick von Nutzungsbedingungen der großen Videoplattformen.
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Social Search: I finally found my friend's New York blog!
Your friends and contacts are a key part of your life online. Most people on the web today make social connections and publish web content in many different ways, including blogs, status updates and tweets. This translates to a public social web of content that has special relevance to each person. Unfortunately, that information isn't always very easy to find in one simple place. That's why today we're rolling out a new experiment on Google Labs called Google Social Search that helps you find more relevant public content from your broader social circle. It should be available for everyone to try by the end of the day, so be sure to check back.
Web providers must limit internet's carbon footprint, say experts | Technology |
Soaring online demand stretching companies' ability to deliver content as net uses more power and raises costs
RT @ecologee Web providers must limit internets carbon footprint, say experts [from]
"Soaring online demand stretching companies' ability to deliver content as net uses more power and raises costs"
Web providers must limit internet's carbon footprint, say experts Soaring online demand stretching companies' ability to deliver content as net uses more power and raises costs
Google's Eric Schmidt on What the Web Will Look Like in 5 Years
# Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese-language content. # Today's teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years - they jump from app to app to app seamlessly. # Five years is a factor of ten in Moore's Law, meaning that computers will be capable of far more by that time than they are today. # Within five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in performance - and distribution distinctions between TV, radio and the web will go away. # "We're starting to make signifigant money off of Youtube", content will move towards more video. # "Real time information is just as valuable as all the other information, we want it included in our search results."
Previsões sobre o futuro próximo da Internet.
* Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese-language content. * Today's teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years - they jump from app to app to app seamlessly. * Five years is a factor of ten in Moore's Law, meaning that computers will be capable of far more by that time than they are today. * Within five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in performance - and distribution distinctions between TV, radio and the web will go away. * "We can index real-time info now - but how do we rank it?"
Why People Go Online - eMarketer
Learning and fun top the list.
Discover Music
search for artists, albums or artists and a song
Google's music search engine
Funny T Shirts | YouTube™ Inspired T Shirts | Shirts Taste Good
Hits do YouTube viram camisetas nos EUA - ^RADIOLA [from]
Windows 7 Guides: The Best Of - Windows 7 guide - Gizmodo
There is no one definitive Windows 7 guide—it's a sprawling OS with a decades-long legacy, so nobody can cover it all. But with our powers combined, you're in good hands.
10 situaciones que quieres evitar en Facebook y cómo hacerlo
Cómo mejorar tu privacidad en Facebook en 10 sencillos pasos y así evitar situaciones embarazosas.
Turn your Windows 7 laptop into a WiFi hotspot to share the Internet with friends, co-workers, and mobile devices.
Turn your Windows 7 Laptop into a Wifi Hotspot
10 Even Better Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Best question is the last one: Are you self-aware?
giggling even more about RT @mashable 10 Even Better Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs (via @tweetmeme) [from]
Das Schöne an der Suchmaschine sind jedoch einige Antworten, die man sich als Besonderheit hat einfallen lassen. Sogenannte Easter Eggs gibt es bei Wolfram Alpha massenweise. Siehe auch:
15 sites incontournables sur l'écriture pour le web et les blogs | Presse-Citron
Sur ce sujet riche et varié, il existe de nombreux blogs et sites, qui, de l’ergonomie éditoriale à l’approche sémantique en passant par les conseils en rédaction web, constituent de solides ressources dont vous pouvez vous inspirer pour améliorer la qualité rédactionnelle de votre blog. J’ai sélectionné pour vous les meilleurs parmi ceux que je connais (mais je ne les connais peut-être pas tous)
Sur ce sujet riche et varié, il existe de nombreux blogs et sites, qui, de l’ergonomie éditoriale à l’approche sémantique en passant par les conseils en rédaction web, constituent de solides ressources dont vous pouvez vous inspirer pour améliorer la qualité rédactionnelle de votre blog. J’ai sélectionné pour vous les meilleurs parmi ceux que je connais (mais je ne les connais peut-être pas tous) :
15 sites incontournables sur l’écriture pour le web et les blogs
Web Ecology Project
Code Release: Language Detection and Translation
The Web Ecology Project is an interdisciplinary research group based in Boston, Massachusetts focusing on using large scale data mining to analyze the system-wide flows of culture and community online. In addition to the task of understanding culture on the web through quantitative research and rigorous experimentation, we are attempting to build a science around community management and social media. To that end, we are building tools and conducting research that enable planners to launch data-driven campaigns backed by network science. twitter archive.
Researching Quantized Social Interaction 15 Tools for Your Twitter Toolbox
via AngelaMaiers RT @louisgray- 15 Twitter Tools for your Toolbox-
Free VPN by WSC
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Scamville: The Social Gaming Ecosystem Of Hell
Wie sich Farmville
via cpalow, alok
Major media can’t stop applauding the companies long enough to understand what’s really going on with these games. The real story isn’t the business success of these startups. It’s the completely unethical way that they are going about achieving that success.
facebook economy
How to Really Browse Without Leaving a Trace - Windows - Lifehacker
15+ great Google Chrome extensions
15+ great Google Chrome extensions
On The Internet, Nobody Knows You're Not In The USA -
How to access geographically targeted services.
hide your IP address - free tools are plenty available
using proxies to bypass geospecific IP restrictions
Web Design Trends for 2010 | Web Design Ledger
Dive Deeper into Wave - The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
Découvrir la nouvelle application offerte par Google, un espace de travail collaboratif rempli d'applications très variées
Guide to Google Wave
Why do we have an IMG element? [dive into mark]
"Mark Pilgrim traces the origin of the <img> element. A window into standards (and the web) history."
« On February 25, 1993, Marc Andreessen wrote : I’d like to propose a new, optional HTML tag: IMG.»
Why an img element? Quite simply, because Marc Andreessen shipped one, and shipping code wins.
dive into mark ‣ November 2, 2009 ‣ Why do we have an IMG element? (history, html, mu)
BBS discussions on IMG tag implementation.
"HTML has always been a conversation between browser makers, authors, standards wonks, and other people who just showed up and liked to talk about angle brackets. Most of the successful versions of HTML have been “retro-specs,” catching up to the world while simultaneously trying to nudge it in the right direction. Anyone who tells you that HTML should be kept “pure” (presumably by ignoring browser makers, or ignoring authors, or both) is simply misinformed. HTML has never been pure, and all attempts to purify it have been spectacular failures, matched only by the attempts to replace it."
The Future Of The Web: Where Will We Be In Five Years? - Noupe
speculation, but interesting
Illegal downloaders 'spend the most on music', says poll - Crime, UK - The Independent
People who illegally download music from the internet also spend more money on music than anyone else, according to a new study. The survey, published today, found that those who admit illegally downloading music spent an average of £77 a year on music – £33 more than those who claim that they never download music dishonestly. The findings suggest that plans by the Secretary of State for Business, Peter Mandelson, to crack down on illegal downloaders by threatening to cut their internet connections with a "three strikes and you're out" rule could harm the music industry by punishing its core customers.
Social networks and kids: How young is too young? -
How young is too young for kids to be on facebook - the minimum age is 13 - but they have no way to verify how old kids who sign up actually are
Important article to read about children of all ages creating profiles. I believe this supports our driving need to incorporate instruction and discussion on this topic in schools. Annotated link
Researchers say a growing number of children are flouting age requirements on sites such as Facebook and MySpace, or using social-networking sites designed just for them. Facebook and MySpace require users to be at least 13. But they have no practical way to verify ages, and many young users pretend to be older when signing up. Some scientists worry that pre-adolescent use of the sites, which some therapists have linked to Internet addiction among adults, could be damaging to children's relationships and brains.
7 Surprising Kick-Ass Things You Can Do with Google Sketchup | Maximum PC
SketchUp is surprisingly cool .. here's some tips to give you an idea of it's power
Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad. - Boing Boing
RT @featureBlend: Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad. [from]
The internet chapter of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a secret copyright treaty whose text Obama's administration refused to disclose due to "national security" concerns, has leaked. It's bad. It says: * * That ISPs have to proactively police copyright on user-contributed material. This means that it will be impossible to run a service like Flickr or YouTube or Blogger, since hiring enough lawyers to ensure that the mountain of material uploaded every second isn't infringing will exceed any hope of profitability. * * That ISPs have to cut off the Internet access of accused copyright infringers or face liability. This means that your entire family could be denied to the internet -- and hence to civic participation, health information, education, communications, and their means of earning a living -- if one member is accused of copyright infringement, without access to a trial or counsel. * * That the whole world must adopt US-style "notice-and-takedown" rules t
The internet chapter of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a secret copyright treaty whose text Obama's administration refused to disclose due to "national security" concerns, has leaked. It's bad
The internet chapter of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a secret copyright treaty whose text Obama's administration refused to disclose due to "national security" concerns, has leaked. It's bad. It says: * * That ISPs have to proactively police copyright on user-contributed material. This means that it will be impossible to run a service like Flickr or YouTube or Blogger, since hiring enough lawyers to ensure that the mountain of material uploaded every second isn't infringing will exceed any hope of profitability. * * That ISPs have to cut off the Internet access of accused copyright infringers or face liability. This means that your entire family could be denied to the internet -- and hence to civic participation, health information, education, communications, and their means of earning a living -- if one member is accused of copyright infringement, without access to a trial or counsel.
Tutorial: How to Tether on an iPhone 3G or 3GS running OS 3.1.2
iphone tethering
Google Gives You A Privacy Dashboard To Show Just How Much It Knows About you
the answer is??
The Top Internet Memes of 2009
Good list -
internet-memes-2009The instantaneous and shareable nature of the Internet is one of the things that separates it from other mediums. Viral videos and Internet memes can take hold and spread quickly. Thanks to social networking, the speed in which the latest phenomena can spread is lightning fast. More and more frequently, Internet memes are making appearances in other more traditional media like TV and film.
popular youtube videos this year
The Top Internet Memes of 2009 [from]
RT @MarvinHimel I can see why these videos became viral in 2009 [from]
Nio memer du inte får ha missat i år. Och du har väl inte missat
The Top Internet Memes of 2009 (mostly videos)
How to Wire Your House With Cat-5 (or 6) For Ethernet Networking
Although wireless is simpler for a lot of people, due to multimedia sharing, bandwidth on my home network and my slight ...
Social Isolation and New Technology | Pew Internet & American Life Project
This Pew Internet Personal Networks and Community survey finds that Americans are not as isolated as has been previously reported. People’s use of the mobile phone and the internet is associated with larger and more diverse discussion networks. And, when we examine people’s full personal network – their strong and weak ties – internet use in general and use of social networking services such as Facebook in particular are associated with more diverse social networks.
his report adds new insights to an ongoing debate about the extent of social isolation in America. A widely-reported 2006 study argued that since 1985 Americans have become more socially isolated, the size of their discussion networks has declined, and the diversity of those people with whom they discuss important matters has decreased. In particular, the study found that Americans have fewer close ties to those from their neighborhoods and from voluntary associations. Sociologists Miller McPherson, Lynn Smith-Lovin and Matthew Brashears suggest that new technologies, such as the internet and mobile phone, may play a role in advancing this trend. Specifically, they argue that the type of social ties supported by these technologies are relatively weak and geographically dispersed, not the strong, often
An interesting report on the changing landscape of social connections.
Can we get on Pew's press release list so we don't have to read about their studies in NY times?
MediaPost Publications 8% of Internet Users Account for 85% of all Clicks 10/13/2009
I've long given up on page-views as a major metric. Now I have back-up for cutting clicks down to size. Upshot: Be careful what you measure.
What Facebook Quizzes Know About You
A: Almost everything you've put on there.
Takedown Hall Of Shame | Electronic Frontier Foundation
7 of the Most Inspiring Videos on the Web
Watch later...
Below is a list of 7 of the most of the inspiring videos on the web, embedded so you can watch them here. Each video, which range in length from 3 to 20 minutes, has an inspirational message to impart. If you know of any other inspiring videos, please share them in the comments.
3banana Online Notebook -- Take Notes, Sync, and Share on Android, iPhone, Online
Notetaking app for Web and phones.
Note syncing for Android. Like Android/Blackberry Simplenote.
The easiest way to take notes - online and on the go
20 Essential Tweaks and Tips Every Firefox User Should Know | Maximum PC
デザイナーのためのHTML5リソースまとめ | DesignWalker
Stereo8 - Music to the people
Comodo Easy VPN for Strong Encryption Software Security
Comodo EasyVPN allows businesses and home users to quickly group multiple computers into a secure, peer to peer, network over the Internet.
Windows only: Free application Creates a virtual private network between your computers for a hassle-free, secure private network. Simple to set up. Just install the application, register for an account, and then log in. Once you've got the app running on a couple of computers, you can easily (and securely) access one computer from the other as though you're on the same local network. As we mentioned in our guide to Hamachi, a VPN comes in handy when: * You're on the road with your laptop and want secure access to your PC's files. * Your office or dorm room computer is behind a restrictive firewall that doesn't let you reach it from the internet. * You want to add encryption to insecure network protocols like VNC. * You want to set up a shared folder of files for friends and family to access. Apart from the basics, EasyVPN also comes with a built-in, secure chat tool.
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Why the mainstream media is dying
Bam! Hits the nail on the head comparing TechCrunch to the NYT. Journalism is being done by those not the MSM.
Faced with their own demise, fearful of losing even more advertising, newspapers have made the huge mistake of becoming ever more timid, more cautious, more in bed with the companies they cover.
Every once in a while you get to see a mainstream outlet cover a story right alongside a blog, so you can put them up against each other and see why one was so much better than the other. This week TechCrunch and the New York Times (photo) provided just such a lesson. The issue was a company called Zynga, which makes online games, like FarmVille, that have become incredibly popular on Facebook among people who are missing parts of their brains.
Dude, I invented the friggin iPhone. Have you heard of it?
Interesting (somewhat provocative) analysis on the differences between the Techcrunch reporting on Zynga and scammy Facebook apps, and how the New York Times covered the same topic.
Um, New York Times? If you guys are still wondering why people are dropping their subscriptions and getting their news from blogs instead of you — this is why. And to all those people who go around wringing their hands and saying what are we going to do when the “real newspapers” all die and we have to get our news from Gawker and HuffPo and TechCrunch? Friends, I think we’re going to be just fine. Because time after time, blogs are simply beating the shit out of the newspapers. They’re the ones who still dare to go for the throat, while their counterparts at big newspapers just keep reaching for the shrimp cocktail.
GO: Google Launches Its Own Programming Language
There is a growing rebellion against cumbersome type systems like those
News Innovation |  New Business Models
business models for journalists, courtesy of CUNY and Jeff Jarvis
CUNY: "We have developed four business models for a new news ecosystem. The question we attempt to answer: What happens to journalism in a top-25 metro market if a newspaper fades away. Can journalism be sustained? And how?"
We have developed four business models for a new news ecosystem. The question we attempt to answer: What happens to journalism in a top-25 metro market if a newspaper fades away. Can journalism be sustained? And how?
Edge In Frankfurt: THE AGE OF THE INFORMAVORE— A Talk with Frank Schirrmacher
Annotated link
He is interested in George Dyson's comment "What if the price of machines that think is people who don't?" He is looking at how the modification of our cognitive structures is a process that eventually blends machines and humans in a deeper way, more than any human-computer interface could possibly achieve. He's also fascinated in an idea presented a decade ago by Danny Hillis: "In the long run, the Internet will arrive at a much richer infrastructure, in which ideas can potentially evolve outside of human minds."
Cloud Computing in Plain English - Common Craft - Our Product is Explanation
A 3 minute introduction to the basics of cloud computing
Commoncraft video on cloud computing
Mini manual para entender las calidades de las películas descargadas y no morir en el intento TeknoPlof!
Turning the tide: a hands-on look at Google's Wave - Ars Technica
29sep09 ... Ryan Paul ... Ars takes you inside of Google's bold vision for the future of Internet messaging with this hands-on look at Wave. Learn more about the experimental service, its underlying technology, and the opportunities that it will provide for third-party developers. [good technical writeup, ref Google Wave as Email replacement]
Checklist de Competencias, habilidades digitales básicas | El caparazon
Acostumbramos a ver propuestas de competencias digitales, diversas clasificaciones basadas en subcompetencias. Menos frecuente es el ejercicio "de campo" que os presento, que su autor denomina La enseñanza y el aprendizaje en la Era digital, sobr
Acostumbramos a ver propuestas de competencias digitales, diversas clasificaciones basadas en subcompetencias. Menos frecuente es el ejercicio de campo que
The 'Internet Manifesto' bucks a trend and gets mainstream media attention | Media |
Internet Manifesto
Mercedes Bunz: Its 17 declarations on the future of journalism in the age of the internet have been discussed worldwide
l exchange superior to that of 20th century mass media: when in doubt, the "generation Wikipedia" is capable of appraising the credibility of a source, tracking news back to its original source, researching it, checking it and assessing it — alone or as part of a group effort. Journalists who snub this and are unwilling to respect these skills are not taken seriously by internet users.
Pew Internet & American Life Project
Statistical findings from a Pew survey, showing the percentage of internet users that used online sources to get information on the 2008 election. The survey shows how many users shared information through blogs, watched political videos online, shared political content online through e-mail, and used social networking sites to get involved.
This research summary from the Pew Internet & American Life Project provides some interesting insights into who used the Internet during the 2008 presidential campaign and how they used it. In short, the researchers note a significant jump in the number of people seeking information about candidates online rather than from radio or print, not to mention the level of engagement (two-sided interaction with the information) these users demanded. The most intriguing part of the research is perhaps unwritten: The shift in methods of civic engagement highlighted by this report points to the importance of studying--and more importantly teaching--new media/literacies.
This article is an overview of internet usage patterns in relation to the 2008 US Election campaign. It statistically analyses who went online to get involved in the political process.
Tutkimustuloksia Internetin roolista USA:n vaalikampanjassa. Mistä kansalaiset hakivat tietoa jne.’s Playground
These tracks were most frequently deleted by the community from their scrobbles in October 2009 - Lady GaGa, Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Black Eyed Peas, Rihanna...
The world’s largest online music catalogue, with free music streaming, videos, photos, lyrics, charts, artist biographies, concerts and internet radio.
scrobbles mais apagados
If I had lady gaga in my collection I wouldnt be ashamed of it. It's just music idiots.
If Homer's Odyssey Was Written On Twitter |
If Homer's Odyssey Was Written On Twitter
Some profanity
Guía para ser un buen 'community manager' (*) |
Guía para ser un buen 'community manager
The History of the Internet in a Nutshell
Die Internetgeschichte BEBILDERT.
gesamtentwicklung, sehr gute zahlen, erste social media erwähnung, blogs, webseiten etc.
Wirklich guter Überblick über die Geschichte des Internet
Free Movies | MoviesJOJO - Movies Online
Cinema releases and everything
Free Movies and TV Shows Online without megavideo waitings, no registration needed
The disturbing inaccuracy behind Google Analytics -
The predicable problem with bounces vs. visits. NB! Check the comments.
It is critical to know how any web metrics package calculates its numbers, even Google. You cannot assume, no matter how big the company, that the numbers will be correct.
Article about a flaw in how Google Analytics is counting its visits - The Global Broadband Quality Test
The War For the Web - O'Reilly Radar
g system that works like the Internet itself, like the web, and like open source operating systems like Linux: a world that is admittedly less polished, less controlled, but one that is profoundly generative of new innovations because anyone can bring new ideas to the market without having to ask permission of anyone. I've outlined a few of the ways that big players like Facebook, Apple, and News Corp are potentially breaking the "small pieces loosely joined" model of the Internet. But perhaps most threatening of all are the natural monopolies created by Web 2.0 network effects.
But I'm betting that things are going to get ugly. We're heading into a war for control of the web. And in the end, it's more than that, it's a war against the web as an interoperable platform. Instead, we're facing the prospect of Facebook as the platform, Apple as the platform, Google as the platform, Amazon as the platform, where big companies slug it out until one is king of the hill.
On Friday, my latest tweet was automatically posted to my Facebook news feed, as always. But this time, Tom Scoville noticed a difference: the link in the posting was no longer active. It turns out that a lot of other people had noticed this too. Mashable wrote about the problem on Saturday morning: Facebook Unlinks Your Twitter Links.
On Friday, my latest tweet was automatically posted to my Facebook news feed, as always. But this time, Tom Scoville noticed a difference: the link in the posting was no longer active.
The Fakeproject Corporation of America Presents: A Cheap, Easy, and Scandinavian WiFi Antenna.
I just moved to Moscow, to a nice flat in the center. There's supposed to be DSL here, but, well, there isn't. "Maybe in a few days..." In Russia, that might mean next year, or possibly in six months if I can find someone to bribe. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Following cues from a page I'd seen a year or two ago, I bought the Ikea "Soare" napkin rings, a USB WiFi adapter, and some electrical tape.
The Fakeproject Corporation of America Presents: A Cheap, Easy, and Scandinavian WiFi Antenna.
How Search Engines Work - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
How search engines work, including the difference between crawler-based search engines and human-powered directories. Explanation of what a spider is and how it crawls web pages.
"Streams of Content, Limited Attention: The Flow of Information through Social Media"
Some in the room might immediately think, "Ah, but it's a meritocracy. People will give their attention to what is best!" This too is mistaken logic. What people give their attention to depends on a whole set of factors that have nothing to do with what's best. At the most simplistic level, consider the role of language. People will pay attention to content that is in their language, even if they can get access to content in any language. This means Chinese language content will soon get more attention than English content, let alone Dutch content or Hebrew content.
In his seminal pop-book, Csikszentmihalyi argued that people are happiest when they can reach a state of "flow." He talks about performers and athletes who are in the height of their profession, the experience they feel as time passes by and everything just clicks. People reach a state where attention appears focused and, simultaneously, not in need of focus at the same time. The world is aligned and it just feels right.
As we continue to move from a broadcast model of information to a networked one, we will continue to see reworkings of the information landscape. Some of what is unfolding is exciting, some is terrifying. The key is not be all utopian or dystopian about it, but to recognize what changes and what stays the same. The future of Web2.0 is about information flow and if you want to help people, help them reach that state. Y'all are setting the tone of the future of information.
Via Jon Stahl - very interesting stuff
IEBlog : An Early Look At IE9 for Developers
Speed & rendering look to be vastly improved in IE9. Fingers crossed, we'll get some other goodies.
Because I care enough to.
Community testing efforts like this one can be helpful. Ultimately, we want to work with the community and W3C and other members of the working groups to define true validation test suites, like the one that we’re all working on together for CSS 2.1, for the standards that matter to developers. For example, this link tests one of the HTML5 storage APIs; some browsers (including IE8) support it today, while others don’t.
Microsoft İE) üzerinde çalışıyor, Windows 7 ye yetiştirilemeyen sürümün bir çok bakımdan iyi olacağı söyleniyor. ama ilk testlerde Acid 3 standart testinden 32 alması bizi üzüyor.
We’re just about a month after the Windows 7 launch, and wanted to show an early look at some of the work underway on Internet Explorer 9. At the PDC today, in addition to demonstrating some of the progress on performance and interoperable standards,
Official Google Blog: Making ads more interesting
Sur le ciblage comportemental chez Google.
Today we are launching "interest-based" advertising as a beta test on our partner sites and on YouTube. These ads will associate categories of interest — say sports, gardening, cars, pets — with your browser, based on the types of sites you visit and the pages you view.
That's why Google has worked hard to create technology that makes the advertising on our own sites, and those of our partners, as relevant as possible. To date, we have shown ads based mainly on what your interests are at a specific moment. So if you search for [digital camera] on Google, you'll get ads related to digital cameras. If you are visiting the website of one of our AdSense partners, you would see ads based on the content of the page. For example, if you're reading a sports page on a newspaper website, we might show ads for running shoes. Or we can show ads for home maintenance services alongside a YouTube video instructing you on how to perform a simple repair. There are some situations, however, where a keyword or the content of a web page simply doesn't give us enough information to serve highly relevant ads.
Home (The Chromium Projects)
Chrome OS Project Page
Henry Jenkins: In a Social Networking World, What's the Future of TV?
"As the news media focused on Jay Leno's relocation into a regular five night a week prime time spot, the veteran Tonight Show host expressed growing confusion about the state of his medium. He told The Los Angeles Times, "I don't know what TV is anymore." "
Great Henry Jenkins piece on post-TV
Some call this a "post-network" era and are suggesting that it constitutes a change as dramatic as the shift from broadcasting to cable. Yet, actually, television may be in the hands of a different kind of network -- Facebook or Twitter rather than ABC or Fox.
Is television the stuff we watch on our TVs? My local cable company allows me to watch grainy YouTube videos on my big screen television and allows me to download movies directly from Netflix or Amazon to watch on demand. And of course, I can play Wii games through my television set. But is any of that television?
Toekomst van televisie, interessante voorbeelden
Internet Vices - Patrick Moberg
de twitter
Twitter is crack cocaine Fucking ANYONE is your friend. Yuppies do it on their iPhone. Cheap. Short. Fruitless.
The death of the URL | FactoryCity
"We all know that the internet has won as the transport medium for all data — but the universal interface for interacting with the web? — well, that battle is just now getting underway."
SPDY (Chromium Developer Documentation)
Home of the Chromium Open Source Project
A new protocol designed to provide better performance than http
A new experimental protocol to improve HTTP.
Apps Status Dashboard
The lord speaks [from]
Gmail Status Page
Google Apps Status Dashboard enables users and businesses to monitor the status of individual Google Apps services. Users of Google Apps can now view the status of individual services such as Gmail/Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Talk, Google Docs, Google Sites and Google Video for businesses. Administrators of Google Apps Premier Edition, Standard Edition, Partner and Education Edition can also view status of the Admin Control Panel.
To check GMail
Die Ideen der anderen;art772,2835794
Sehr guter Artikel, der die Interessen, Motivationen und Ziele der Copyright-Befürworter und der Verfechter von freier Kultur erklärt. Auch die Perspektive der Künstler bleibt nicht unbeachtet. Bestes Zitat aus dem Artikel: "Was ist das Raubkopieren eines Musikstücks gegen die Gründung eines Musikkonzerns?"
Heute, neun Jahre später, ist der Copyright-Krieg in vollem Gange. Zwei Fronten stehen sich gegenüber. Auf der einen Seite: Musikkonzerne, Filmstudios, Verlage und andere Unternehmen, die ihr Geld wie Mark Getty mit den Ideen anderer Menschen verdienen. Auf der anderen Seite: Millionen von Internetnutzern, die dieses Geschäftsmodell systematisch untergraben. Es ist ein asymmetrischer, unübersichtlicher Krieg. Ausgelöst hat ihn ein technologischer Entwicklungssprung, der den Unterhaltungskonzernen zunächst als Königsweg der Profitmaximierung erscheinen musste: die Digitalisierung. Sie hat es ermöglicht, Kulturerzeugnisse mit minimalem Kostenaufwand in verkaufsfähige Einheiten zu stückeln, sie unbegrenzt zu vervielfältigen und ohne herkömmliche Logistik rund um den Erdball zu verteilen. Die Unterhaltungsindustrie hat die Entwicklung dieser Technologie vorangetrieben – und sich damit ihr eigenes Grab geschaufelt.
„Wer intellektuelles Eigentum zum Rohstoff erklärt, den es auszubeuten gilt – missbraucht der die Interessen von Künstlern nicht viel grundsätzlicher als jeder Internetpirat? Anders gefragt, frei nach Brecht: Was ist das Raubkopieren eines Musikstücks gegen die Gründung eines Musikkonzerns?“
Turn gold into cats? lol I'd do this. X3
Writer Evan Ratliff Tried to Vanish: Here’s What Happened | Vanish |
How to disappear completely...
Is it possible to disappear when the entire internet is looking for you? One guy finds out.
Ratliff goes off the radar to see if he can live without being found in the modern age. After 28 days, someone did. See how it happened and what can be learned from it.
Lesson Plans and Student Activity Sheets
"CyberSmart! original, nonsequential standards-based lesson plans and student activity sheets actively engage students in making good search decisions and in evaluating the resources they encounter online. "
Original, nonsequential standards-based lesson plans and student activity sheets that actively engage students in making good search decisions and in evaluating the resources they encounter online.
Lesson plans and activites for grade k-12.
Cybersmart lessons...a number of high school lessons are "in development" but look very useful once completed.
11 Outstanding Sites That Will Improve Your Photography | The Photo Argus - A Photographer's Resource
great site
Really cool sites that help the amateur photographer - from editing and composition to fun add-ons.
An Engineer's Guide to DNS (Yahoo! Developer Network Blog)
(part 2)
In this article we'll take a look at the behavior of the DNS and walk through some experiments you can run to gather valuable data about your users' network performance.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is part of the "dark matter" of the internet. It's hard to observe the DNS directly yet it exerts an obscure, pervasive influence without which everything would fly apart. Because it's so difficult to probe people tend to take it for granted, which I think is a mistake. DNS problems can hurt the speed and reliability of your applications without you even noticing. In this article we'll take a look at the behavior of the DNS and walk through some experiments you can run to gather valuable data about your users' network performance.
s an obscure, pervasive influence without which everything would fly apart. Because it's so difficult to probe people tend to take it for granted, which I think is a mistake. DNS problems can hurt the speed and reliability of your applications without you even noticing. In this article we'll take a look at the behavior of the DNS and walk through some experiments you can run to gather valuable data about your users' network performance.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is part of the "dark matter" of the internet. It's hard to observe the DNS directly yet it exerts an obscure, pervasive influence without which everything would fly apart.
This is a unique YDN blog post.
After social networks, what next? | Media |
Chromium Blog: A 2x Faster Web
SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", is an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster. SPDY is at its core an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web. It is designed specifically for minimizing latency through features such as multiplexed streams, request prioritization and HTTP header compression.
A Google a HTTP lecserélésén ügyködik
SPDY, [...] an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster.
Today we'd like to share with the web community information about SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster. SPDY is at its core an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web. It is designed specifically for minimizing latency through features such as multiplexed streams, request prioritization and HTTP header compression.
Now Google wants to replace HTTP for the common good?
Velocity of Media Consumption: TV vs. the Web (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Dimensions of Media Difference All media move faster these days. Compare an old TV show with a current one, and you'll see that the cuts come quicker. And, between TV and the Web, there are many differences that result in a substantially faster online media velocity:
The dark side of the internet | Technology | The Guardian
26 Nov 09: new article which gives idea of the scale of the Deep Web and how much of it is actually searched...!
ut Rajaraman knows different. "I think it's a very small fraction of the deep web which search engines are bringing to the surface. I don't know, to be honest, what fraction. No one has a really good estimate of how big the deep web is. Five hundred times as big as the surface web is the only estimate I know."
om hippy bible the Wh
InfoQ: Tim Bray on the Future of the Web
Nice Translator - The fast, easy to use online translator
NiceTranslator es un traductor en línea rápido y fácil de utilizar, diseñado pensando en simplicidad y funcionalidad.
NiceTranslator is a fast, easy to use online translator that allows a user to translate into multiple languages as they type. Nice Translator was designed with simplicity and functionality in mind.
State of the Art - Twitter Is What You Make It -
Twitter, in other words, is precisely what you want it to be. It can be a business tool, a teenage time-killer, a research assistant, a news source — whatever. There are no rules, or at least none that apply equally well to everyone. In fact, Mr. Williams said that a huge chunk of Twitter lore, etiquette and even terminology has sprouted up from Twitter users without any input from the company. For example, the people came up with the term “tweets” (what everyone calls the messages). The crowd began referring to fellow Twitterers by name like this: @pogue. Soon, that notation became a standard shorthand that the Twitter software now recognizes. The masses also came up with conventions like “RT,” meaning re-tweet — you’re passing along what someone else said on Twitter.
Notes on how to find people and things on twitter
Want 50Mbps Internet in your town? Threaten to roll out your own - Ars Technica
ISPs may not act for years on local complaints about slow Internet—but when a town rolls out its own solution, it's amazing how fast the incumbents can deploy fiber, cut prices, and run to the legislature.
"ISPs may not act for years on local complaints about slow Internet—but when a town rolls out its own solution, it's amazing how fast the incumbents can deploy fiber, cut prices, and run to the legislature."
Leet, leet, leet. Would have been awesome if they could prevail against TDS.
Minnesota town wants fast fiber broadband to the curb. Cable internet monopoly refuses. Town passes a referendum funding construction of a municipally owned network. Cable company sues town frivolously in order to delay construction of said network, and installs its own first. What a crock of monopolistic bull. This kind of crap is why we don't have fiber to the door.
Regional telco TDS Telecommunications last week issued a press release announcing a major milestone for the company: 50Mbps service over fiber optic cable to residents of Monticello, Minnesota. The Minneapolis suburb became one of the few non-FiOS communities in the country to experience full fiber-to-the-home deployment, and subscribers will all receive a free upgrade from 25Mbps service to the new 50Mbps tier
Google Wave 完全手册(中文版)| 译言网
20+ more mind-blowing social media statistics | Blog | Econsultancy
August 2009 stats for social media
The Boom of Social Sites | Other |
The explosion of social networking sites over the past decade has facilitated a transformation in the way we communicate with each other. Here we look at some of these communities with over 1 million users, both active and defunct.
gráfico con número de usuarios de las redes sociales desde el comienzo
Infographic of various social sites, dates est and members
SHODAN - Computer Search Engine
Computer Search Engine
SHODAN lets you find servers/ routers/ etc. The data in the index covers web servers, FTP, Telnet and SSH services.
SHODAN lets you find servers/ routers/ etc. by using the simple search bar up above. Most of the data in the index covers web servers at the moment, but there is some data on FTP, Telnet and SSH services as well. Let me know which services interest you the most and I'll prioritize them in my scanning.
The anatomy of cloud computing
The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia « Copybot
50 most interesting wikipedia articles
100 Google Wave Robots | EDESIGNERZ.NET | Email, Being, Javascript, Address, Enabled
100 Google Wave Robots Google Wave Robots are the best way to explore Wave. Here is the huge list of Google Wave Robots that you can add in your contacts and enjoy waving . . Before getting into the list – You should know How to add Google Wave bots and Google Wave Gadgets. Huge List of 100 Google Wave Robots - 1. [. . . ] Google Wave Robots are the best way to explore Wave. Here is the huge list of Google Wave Robots that you can add in your contacts and enjoy waving . . Before getting int...
Un-Google Yourself - Wired How-To Wiki
Ten Alternatives to Mininova - File Sharing - Lifehacker
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Study: Males vs. females in social networks | Royal Pingdom
Have you ever wondered how many of Twitter’s users are women? Or men? What about Facebook, MySpace, Digg, LinkedIn, and other sites in the social media sphere? We have tracked down this information for a number of social network sites (19 of them). All the major ones have been included, like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter and also some of the most popular social news sites; Digg, Reddit and Slashdot.
Kevin: The male-female ration on 19 social network sites including Facebook, MySpace and Twitter and social news sites like Digg, Reddit and Slashdot.
Full list of sites in this mini study: Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, Slashdot, Reddit, Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, FriendFeed,, Friendster, LiveJournal, Hi5, Imeem, Ning, Xanga,, Bebo.
Facebook | An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg
Our little neighborhood is growing up. Kudos for the improved and simplified security.
An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg
keep this for reference
It has been a great year for making the world more open and connected. Thanks to your help, more than 350 million people around the world are using Facebook to share their lives online.
Google Japan Blog: 思いどおりの日本語入力 - Google 日本語入力
(Win)ホワイトの伊豆 → (GooG)ホワイトノイズ
Using Google Public DNS 这种 ip 完全没有记的必要,加到书签里仅仅是为了纪念这个 dns 诞生的日子
Google Public DNS
"a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service"
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Public DNS
When you type into your browser's address bar, you expect nothing less than to be taken to Wikipedia. Chances are you're not giving much thought to the work being done in the background by the Domain Name System, or DNS.
Today, as part of our ongoing effort to make the web faster, we're launching our own public DNS resolver called Google Public DNS, and we invite you to try it out.
10 Web trends to watch in 2010 -
10 web trends to watch in 2010
Soon, our whereabouts may optionally be appended to every Tweet, blog comment, photo or video we post.
So many of these were in my list....
Internetkolumne von Kathrin Passig
Standardsituationen der Technologiekritik
Google Code Blog: Introducing Google Public DNS: A new DNS resolver from Google
Today, as part of our efforts to make the web faster, we are announcing Google Public DNS, a new experimental public DNS resolver.
I'm in two minds about whether to use them or not. But it's good that there's a DNS provider I can fall back on if my ISP's DNS goes tits up that isn't sodding OpenDNS.
Google何でもやるなー. すごい.
Eric Schmidt: How Google Can Help Newspapers -
journalism's importance to democracy... irony that eric schmidt wrote in wsj, when murdoch want to take wsj off of google
An interesting take on how Google can help save newspapers instead of killing them.
The claim that we're making big profits on the back of newspapers also misrepresents the reality. In search, we make our money primarily from advertisements for products. Someone types in digital camera and gets ads for digital cameras. A typical news search—for Afghanistan, say—may generate few if any ads. The revenue generated from the ads shown alongside news search queries is a tiny fraction of our search revenue.
WSJ 12/03/09 opinion piece by Google's Eric Schmidt on "How Google can help newspapers
In The Wall Street Journal, Google CEO Eric Schmidt says that the Internet will not destroy news organizations. He says that Google working in cooperation with publishers of newspapers and magazines can help bring about a business model to share ad revenue from searches.
10 Web trends to watch in 2010 -
From Pete Cashmore, founder of Mashable
Betting on the Real-Time Web - BusinessWeek
No one knows how the microblogging site and similar online social networks will make money, but investors see a new Web revolution
The uncertainty is keeping some investors on the sidelines. Jeffrey M. Crowe, general partner at Norwest Venture Partners, says his firm has looked at several real-time companies but hasn't pulled the trigger on funding. "The jury is still out on how much value gets delivered beyond Twitter itself," he says.
But there's a method behind the mania. In just the past couple of years, several developments have come together to make the Web more of a real-time experience: ubiquitous high-speed Internet connections; a growing number of mobile devices such as the iPhone with full Web browsers; and new Web technologies that enable instant transmission of messages and data. That mix has made always-on, real-time communications easy and addictive. The iconic example, Twitter, attracted 44.5 million people to its Web site in June, plus perhaps an equivalent number who gain access to its services via other sites and software. Facebook's 250 million active users, whose instant status updates are a key part of its appeal, share more than 1 billion videos, photos, and other content each week. "Real-time" is actually a bit of a misnomer. Most of this activity doesn't truly occur in real time,
But there's a method behind the mania. In just the past couple of years, several developments have come together to make the Web more of a real-time experience: ubiquitous high-speed Internet connections; a growing number of mobile devices such as the iPhone with full Web browsers; and new Web technologies that enable instant transmission of messages and data. That mix has made always-on, real-time communications easy and addictive. The iconic example, Twitter, attracted 44.5 million people to its Web site in June, plus perhaps an equivalent number who gain access to its services via other sites and software. Facebook's 250 million active users, whose instant status updates are a key part of its appeal, share more than 1 billion videos, photos, and other content each week. "Real-time" is actually a bit of a misnomer. Most of this activity doesn't truly occur in real time,
20 Libros gratis sobre Social Media y Marketing en Internet | Nativo Digital
Compilación de ebooks gratuitos sobre social media y marketing
Google week: 101 tips, tricks and hacks | TechRadar UK
To help you with effective searching strategies, you can use this wonderful guide for searching in Google. It includes 100 tips for searching; tips 1 - 14 are important to understand
Tips on how to have successful google searches
namebench - Project Hosting on Google Code
Namebench hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation.
Are you a power-user with 5 minutes to spare? Do you want a faster internet experience? Try out namebench. It hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation. namebench is completely free and does not modify your system in any way. This project began as a 20% project at Google. namebench runs on Mac OS X, Windows, and UNIX, and is available with a graphical user interface as well as a command-line interface.
11 Chrome Extensions, For Starters
Google promised that Chrome would be fast to launch and fast to load web pages, but people predicted it would fail with the arrival of its extensions. Well, the extensions are here (at least for some of us) and surprisingly they do not affect the browser’s performance. And not only that, but playing with Google Chrome Extensions is like child’s play, whether you’ve added a new extension, or deleted one, you won’t need to restart your browser. / Reportage - The rise and fall of MySpace
interesting article, all too believable.
In summer 2005, having spent the best part of four decades building a newspaper, film and television empire, Rupert Murdoch decided that the time had come to get serious about the internet. As founder and chairman of News Corporation, one of the world’s biggest and most powerful media conglomerates, Murdoch controls an eclectic portfolio of businesses ranging from The Sun newspaper to the movie studio 20th Century Fox. Yet with young people “watching less television and reading fewer newspapers”, as he observed that summer, News Corp desperately needed a bigger presence online.
ひろゆき&夏野コンビが語る「日本のITよ、自信を持て」 (1/6) - ITmedia News
Eduardo Arcos » Mi método personal para ser más productivo con el email
The History of Hacking | IT Security |
Datenschutz im Web: Wie Sie sich vor Google verstecken - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt,1518,665613,00.html
Wie Sie sich vor Google verstecken
Interessanter Artikel bei SpOnline
The 100 essential websites | Technology | The Guardian
100 เว็บที่ควรเข้า
amanda fucking palmer » blog
"listen. artists need to make money to eat and to continue to make art. artists used to rely on middlemen to collect their money on their behalf, thereby rendering themselves innocent of cash-handling in the public eye. artists will now be coming straight to you (yes YOU, you who want their music, their films, their books) for their paychecks. please welcome them. please help them. please do not make them feel badly about asking you directly for money. dead serious: this is the way shit is going to work from now on and it will work best if we all embrace it and don’t fight it. unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve surely noticed that artists ALL over the place are reaching out directly to their fans for money. how you do it is a different matter. maybe i should be more tasteful. maybe i should not stop my concerts and auction off art. i do not claim to have figured out the perfect system, not by a long shot."
if you think i’m going to pass up a chance to put my hat back down in front of the collected audience on my virtual sidewalk and ask them to give their hard-earned money directly to me instead of to roadrunner records, warner music group, ticketmaster, and everyone else out there who’s been shamelessly raping both fan and artist for years, you’re crazy.
"artists will now be coming straight to you (yes YOU, you who want their music, their films, their books) for their paychecks. please welcome them. please help them. please do not make them feel badly about asking you directly for money. dead serious: this is the way shit is going to work from now on and it will work best if we all embrace it and don’t fight it."
8 Must-Have Traits of Tomorrow's Journalist
The multi-faceted role of the online journalist is rapidly evolving. These 8 skills will be essential for landing the journalism jobs of tomorrow.
8 Must-Have Traits of Tomorrow's Journalist
Kevin: "The multi-faceted role of the online journalist is rapidly evolving. These 8 skills will be essential for landing the journalism jobs of tomorrow." Jay Rosen suggests a ninth skill: 'flexible ideas of what "journalism" is.'
Trogdor: Burninatingly fast search using Yahoo! BOSS
busca mais rápida do mundo
Buscador mais rápido do mundo!
O buscador mais rápido do planeta.
a nice browser market share time-line visualization!
Digital Youth Project: If you care about kids and want to understand how they use technology and why, this is a must-read - Boing Boing
The conclusions are sane, compassionate, and compelling: in a nutshell, the "serious" stuff we all hope kids will do online (researching papers and so on) are only possible within a framework of "hanging out, messing around and geeking out." That is to say, all the "time-wasting" social stuff kids do online are key to their explorations and education online.
"hanging out, messing around and geeking out."
Comment from Cory Doctorow on the Digital Youth Project, publishing results of the ethnographic study of kids use on Internet.
A Day in the Internet
Some of us never realize how huge the internet really is.
Take a look at these numbers and you may be shocked at how enormous the Internet is on an average day.
How To: Totally Overhaul Your Phones With Google Voice - Google Voice - Gizmodo
Google Voice, which lets users consolidate all their phones under one number, archive your texts and voicemails, and much, much more, is two things to most people: vaguely promising, and totally confusing. Here's how to make the switch, in plain English.
Awesome tutorial on using Google Voice
30 Web Design Blogs With Consistently Good Content
This collection of 30 design blogs all have a primary focus on Web Design, and each one consistently pumps out great content
Welcome to Seppukoo / Assisting your virtual suicide
You are more than your virtual identity. Pass away and leave your virtual ID behind.
Facebook Suicide
via psflannery
8 Companies That Are Reinventing TV Online
Mashable takes its pick of companies that are going to take TV in to the online future
mySociety » Blog Archive » What the government doesn’t understand about the Internet, and what to do about it
Link referenced in #4change chat, 23 July 2009. Interesting blog post on 'why the Internet isn’t like electrification or shipping containers'.
Written in the run-in to the release of the Digital Britain report from a website with a mission to expand the UK's democracy.
Article about how the Government should improve its application of the Internet.
These services are reducing traditional institutions ability to charge for information, seize big consumer surpluses, limit speech or fix marriages. It has, in other words, become harder to be a big business, newspaper, repressive institution or religion. Nor is this traditional ‘creative destruction’ going on in a normal capitalist economy: this isn’t about one widget manufacturer replacing another, this is about a newspaper business dying and being replaced by no one single thing, and certainly nothing recognisable as a newspaper business. This common pattern of more powerful tools for citizens making life harder for traditional institutions is, for me, a cause for celebration. However, I am not celebrating as a libertarian (which I am not) I celebrate it because it marks a historic increase in the freedom of people and groups of people, and a step-change in their ability to determine the direction of their own lives.
Annoyances: TrapCall Reveals Who's Behind Blocked Calls
Free service TrapCall reveals caller ID information from blocked calls, unmasking numbers of blocked calls from telemarketers and prank callers with virtually no extra effort on your part.
知らなかったらNGなWEBアプリケーション脆弱性一覧 : はぐれプログラマ清純派
Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2009
"The 10 products we've picked out for this end-of-year review are ones that have done interesting things with data. Connecting to other data, building new applications with data, sharing data, and more. These 10 products may not be the type of Semantic Web apps that the W3C envisaged in the 90s, but that no longer seems to matter. What's important is that the Web is becoming more meaningful - more semantic."
Too cool for school
Seb raised his hand during maths class and asked "If Kate (a large girl in his class) did not eat for five weeks, would she get skinny or die?"
"If I am standing on carpet and I get electrocuted, does everybody in the room die apart from me?"
Need to read all these little stories. Too funny.
Explaining the Playstation game Grand Theft Auto 4 to his grandmother "I don't shoot everybody, just the drug dealers and hookers."
Interact: Watch 24 Brilliant Hours of U.S. Flights
Very cool xray like looking map of flight lines
Flight patterns information visualization for the US in a 24 hour period. Where the flights are going and what their altitude is (altitude is mapped with color, darker is higher, lighter is lower)
Map showing bright spots at airports 8/12/08
Google Maps parnership
Looks like connecting neurons in the brain..
Morgan Stanley - Institutional Services
More detail on Mobile than the Oct 09 Internet Report.
Our global technology and telecom analysts set out to do a deep dive into the rapidly changing mobile Internet market. We wanted to create a data-rich, theme-based framework for thinking about how the market may develop. We intend to expand and edit the framework as the market evolves. A lot has changed since we published “The Internet Report” in 1995 on the web. We decided to create The Mobile Internet Report largely in PowerPoint and publish it on the web, expecting that bits and pieces of it will be cut / pasted / redistributed and debated / dismissed / lauded. Our goal is to get our thoughts and data into the conversation about what may be the biggest technology trend ever, one that may help make us all more informed in ways that are unique to the web circa 2009, and beyond.
The Mobile Internet Report December 2009
Gmail and Google Apps Account Got Hacked
recuperação gmail
t of all your Gmail / Google Accounts and initiate the password recovery process
El momento crucial · ELPAÍ
Era el mejor de los tiempos, era el peor de los tiempos, la edad de la sabiduría, y también de la locura; la época de las creencias y de la incredulidad; la era de la luz y de las tinieblas; la primavera de la esperanza y el invierno de la desesperación". Así arranca la novela <i>Historia de dos ciudades,</i> de Charles Dickens, el periodista más famoso de todos los tiempos. La trama del libro, escrito en 1859, se desarrolla durante la Revolución Francesa. Dickens, que trabajó en media docena de periódicos, podría haber escrito las mismas palabras hoy sobre la revolución de Internet. La irrupción de la <i>world wide web</i> en el antiguo imperio del periodismo ha provocado incertidumbre y confusión, sin que nadie tenga muy claro si la toma de esta Bastilla debe de ser motivo de esperanza o de desesperación. El consenso sólo existe alrededor de una gran contradicción: que vivimos en el mejor de los tiempos para el periodismo, y también en el peor.
La crisis económica y la revolución de Internet ponen duramente a prueba la industria periodística. Nadie sabe qué va a ocurrir, pero cada vez hay más lectores y los expertos creen en el futuro del periodismo
Tiempos a ser vividos apasionada y creativamente.
Descrita pelo Träsel como "a melhor reportagem até o momento sobre o mercado de jornalismo atual e futuro. De Clay Shirky a Rupert Murdoch, a opinião de todos os grandes pensadores e empresários foi incluída." Ler!
Especial sobre o futuro do jornalismo
para entender cual es la dinamica de la prensa en el mundo
Browser Pong
During play, the negative space between windows is transformed into a playing field—the abstracted tennis court of Pong.
drplokta: Imminent Death of the Net Predicted
"Some more Googling eventually found RFC3484, which relates to DNS resolution in IPV6, but part of which is back-ported to IPV4. Vista is apparently the first major client OS to implement it, specifically section 6 rule 9. That specifies that the selection of an address from multiple A records is no longer random, but instead the destination address which shares the most prefix bits with the source address is selected, presumably on the basis that it's in some sense "closer" in the network. / Now, this may well make sense in IPV6 (I don't know enough about it to comment), but it's an insane algorithm to use in IPV4. First, the Internet is not laid out that way. As any comic artist can tell you, Europe does have a nice block from to, but it also has chunks from 193-195 and 212-213, plus there's lots of geographically random stuff between 128 and 172. / But second, and more important, very few Windows client PCs actually have public IP addresses"
Braindamage in Vista DNS resolver. Microsoft breaks the internet again, by implementing RFC of its own creation.
No More Perks: Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptop Users -
Winds of change: Amid the economic downturn, there are fewer places in New York to plug in computers. As idle workers fill coffee-shop tables -- nursing a single cup, if that, and surfing the Web for hours -- and as shop owners struggle to stay in business, a decade-old love affair between coffee shops and laptop-wielding customers is fading.
Amid the economic downturn, there are fewer places in New York to plug in computers. As idle workers fill coffee-shop tables -- nursing a single cup, if that, and surfing the Web for hours -- and as shop owners struggle to stay in business, a decade-old love affair between coffee shops and laptop-wielding customers is fading.
Average Twitter user has 126 followers, and only 20% of users go via website | Technology |
RT @mikecane: Average Twitter user has 126 followers, and only 20% of users go via website [from]
RT @suryasnair: RT @JesseNewhart: Average Twitter user has 126 followers, and only 20% of users go via website [from]
Sono decisamente sopra la media (165)
Telephone Terrorist - August 4, 2009
At 4:15 AM on a recent Tuesday, on a quiet, darkened street in Windsor, Ontario, a man was wrapping up another long day tormenting and terrorizing strangers on the telephone. Working from a sparsely furnished two-bedroom apartment in a ramshackle building a block from the Detroit River, the man, nicknamed "Dex", heads a network of so-called pranksters who have spent more than a year engaged in an orgy of criminal activity--vandalism, threats, harassment, impersonation, hacking, and other assorted felonies and misdemeanors--targeting U.S. businesses and residents.
The Smoking Gun: Telephone Terrorist
A TSG investigation unmasks the leader of Pranknet and the miscreants behind a year-long wave of phone call criminality
Outing An Online Outlaw A TSG investigation unmasks the leader of Pranknet and the miscreants behind a year-long wave of phone call criminality
Search Engines
For Tech.
facts about search engines
GRC's | DNS Nameserver Performance Benchmark
A unique, comprehensive, accurate & free Windows (and Linux/Wine) utility to determine the exact performance of local and remote DNS nameservers . . .
A unique, comprehensive, accurate & free Windows (and Linux/Wine) utility to determine the exact performance of local and remote DNS nameservers
Creating a rogue CA certificate
We have identified a vulnerability in the Internet Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) used to issue digital certificates for secure websites. As a proof of concept we executed a practical attack scenario and successfully created a rogue Certification Authority (CA) certificate trusted by all common web browsers. This certificate allows us to impersonate any website on the Internet, including banking and e-commerce sites secured using the HTTPS protocol.
Official Google Blog: The meaning of open
As Google product managers, you are building something that will outlast all of us, and none of us can imagine all the ways Google will grow and touch people's lives. In that way, we are like our colleague Vint Cerf, who didn't know exactly how many networks would want to be part of this "Internet" so he set the default to open. Vint certainly got it right. I believe we will too.
Google Manifesto
Google’s Personalized Results: The “New Normal” That Deserves Extraordinary Attention
What are the results you get back for a search on the US health care debate? Fox News might be all set to lambaste Google for giving a liberal site top billing, only to find that CNN reports that it’s a conservative site that’s number one — and both stations might be wrong. That’s because the results each reports on will be only what their particular reporters at each station saw. Their viewers may see different results. In fact, each one of their viewers may see results different from one another.
On Friday afternoon, Google made the biggest change that has ever happened in search engines, and the world largely yawned. Maybe Google timed its
Financial Times editor says most news websites will charge within a year | Media |
The Financial Times editor, Lionel Barber, has predicted that "almost all" news organisations will be charging for online content within a year. Barber said building online platforms that could charge readers on an article-by-article or subscription basis was one of the key challenges facing news organisations. "How these online payment models work and how much revenue they can generate is still up in the air," Barber said in a speech at at a Media Standards Trust event at the British Academy last night. "But I confidently predict that within the next 12 months, almost all news organisations will be charging for content."
Point de vue du Financial Times sur l'évolution de l'actualité payante
Building payment platforms is one of key challenges facing news organisations, says Financial Times editor Lionel Barber
The Financial Times editor, Lionel Barber, has predicted that “almost all” news organisations will be charging for online content within a year. Barber said building online platforms that could charge readers on an article-by-article or subscription basis was one of the key challenges facing news organisations.
8 Awesome Cases of Internet Vigilantism |
8 Awesome Cases of Internet Vigilantism. Wait, the Internet can be useful?
若い女性が多く見ているサイトは?--ビデオリサーチ調査:ニュース - CNET Japan,2000056023,20394257,00.htm
Department for Culture Media and Sport - final report
final report Digital Britain: The Final Report - 16 June 2009
The Digital Britain Report is the Government's strategic vision for ensuring that the UK is at the leading edge of the global digital economy. It is an example of industrial activism in a crucial growth sector. The report contains actions and recommendations to ensure first rate digital and communications infrastructure to promote and protect talent and innovation in our creative industries, to modernize TV and radio frameworks, and support local news, and it introduces policies to maximize the social and economic benefits from digital technologies.
Department for Culture Media and Sport - final report
SEOmoz | 8 Predictions for SEO in 2010
First off, apologies for my absence from the blog these past few days. It's been an incredibly busy time, trying to wrap things up before I leave for San Diego over the holidays. So much for a December lull... In this post, I'm going to try tackling a lot of the recent trends we've been observing from the engines and talk about my personal perception of what's to come over the next 12 months.
"In this post, I'm going to try tackling a lot of the recent trends we've been observing from the engines and talk about my personal perception of what's to come over the next 12 months."
Hits da Internet
Site variado, com os hits da internet e outros
S/FJ: who is on twitter
You always wondered and now you know.
Sasha Frere-Jones (via Kottke): people who are just back from a really awesome run, people who are involved with “computers,” DJs, DJs at the airport, DJs who are drunk, people who don’t have anyone’s email address, people who are mad at television
Berkman Publication Series - Media Re:public - Home
The transformation of the media world is well underway, facilitated by the spread of digital tools. A myriad of innovative new media organizations have sprung up to take advantage of the opportunities that stem from low-cost distribution networks. Meanwhile the economic base of many of the large media companies continues to erode.
a series of papers exploring the potential and the challenges of the emerging networked digital media environment
Transformation of the media into the digital world.
The transformation of the media world is well underway, facilitated by the spread of digital tools. A myriad of innovative new media organizations have sprung up to take advantage of the opportunities that stem from low-cost distribution networks. Meanwhile the economic base of many of the large media companies continues to erode. Despite the demonstrated success of many new media enterprises, the euphoria over the rise of participatory media has been tempered by concerns over the quality and credibility of online media, the possible fragmentation of audiences, a decline in editorial standards and the persistent challenge of effectively reporting the news. Over the past year, researchers at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society have reached out to a broad range of media experts to help in this assessment of the changes in new media over the past several years and to take a sober look at the successes and ongoing challenges.
Top 10 Internet Startup Scalability Killers – GigaOM
Compare the recent sale of Friendster for a reported $26.4 million with Facebook’s projected 2010 revenues, of $1 billion, and we have a stark reminder of how the inability to scale can kill a startup. “All they had to do was keep the damned servers up and running,” Matt Cohler, a former Facebook executive and general partner at Benchmark Capital, says in Adam L. Peneberg’s book “Viral Loop,” but Friendster failed to scale and the cost was enormous.
Top 10 Internet Startup Scalability Killers – GigaOM
6 Buzzworthy Laws All Web Marketers Should Understand
Metcalfs Law, Streisand Effect, Long Tailの基礎の基礎を理解していますか?|TCP/IPまるわかり
Official Google Blog: The 2008 Founders' Letter
from the Official Google Blog – a history lesson for us all
Today, almost a third of all Google searches in Japan are coming from mobile devices — a leading indicator of where the rest of the world will soon be.
Compare "State of Google" addresses since 2004.
5/07/2009 12:11:00 PM Posted by Sergey Brin, Co-founder
Kunagi tulevikus on seda kirja ilmselt päris huvitav lugeda :)
e tells us some things to expect in the next. Computers will be 100 times faster still and storage will be 100 times cheaper. Many of the problems that we call artificial intelligence today will become accepted as standard computational capabilities, including image processing, spe
Apple - Safari - 150 Features - Learn about the features available in the world’s fastest and most innovative web browser.
Web Insp
Como usar o safari...da Apple
Pirate Bay Witness’ Wife Overwhelmed With Flowers | TorrentFreak
Pirate Bay Witness’ Wife Overwhelmed With Flowers
When Professor and media researcher Roger Wallis left the stand yesterday, the court asked whether he wanted to be reimbursed for his appearance. “You are welcome to send some flowers to my wife,” he responded. In the hours that followed, many Pirate Bay supporters took this suggestion to hand.
Thus far, in an amazing show of generosity from a section of society labeled by the music industry as ‘thieves’, more than 4100 Euros worth of flowers, chocolate and gifts have been sent to the couple.
Annotated link
Them people from the internet, they're not that bad actually.
The top 100 tech media companies | Tech Media Invest 100 | The Guardian
The 100 companies below have been picked for their innovation and creativity over the past year in areas as diverse as mobile applications, racing games and music recognition. We list the top 10 and then&
fladdict » 日本のwebが「残念」というか、そもそもはてなが「残念」だ
How to Find Anything Online: Become an Internet Research Expert | Webdesigner Depot
How To Add 20 Best Features Of Other Browsers to Firefox
Firefox is a great browser and we all love it but you might have at some point however tried different browsers. I bet you had a feature or two that you really Can We Please Kill This Meme Now
"You miss the time-consuming but enriching act of looking through shelves, of pulling down a book because the title interests you, or the binding... Looking for something and being surprised by what you find - even if it's not what you set out looking for - is one of life's great pleasures, and so far no software exists that can duplicate that experience." I find these arguments completely infuriating. Do these people actually use the web? I find vastly more weird, unplanned stuff online than I ever did browsing the stacks as a grad student. Browsing the stacks is one of the most overrated and abused examples in the canon of things-we-used-to-do-that-were-so-much-better. (I love the whole idea of pulling down a book because you like the "binding.") Thanks to the connective nature of hypertext, and the blogosphere's exploratory hunger for finding new stuff, the web is the greatest serendipity engine in the history of culture.
I'm with ya Steven. People (myself included) usually want to find *more* meaning in their lives, not less. To suggest I need more distractions, more tangental, accidental experiences, and a further lack of focus, meaning, and clarity, is insane.
Serendipity isn't dead online.
Serendipity is not randomness, not noise. It's stumbling across something accidentally that is nonetheless of interest to you. The web is much better at capturing that mix of surprise and relevance than book stacks or print encyclopedias. Does everyone use the web this way? Of course not. But it's much more of a mainstream pursuit than randomly exploring encyclopedias or library stacks ever was. That's the irony of the debate: the thing that is being mourned has actually gone from a fringe experience to a much more commonplace one in the culture. Boingboing has a million readers, for crissakes! Right now, on their front door, we have a study of monkey drinking habits, a roadsite alert sign hacking project, a "news of the weird" story about a German would-be suicide, a re-writing of Robinson Crusoe, a collection of vintage cartoons, a digital mapmaking tool, and so on and so on. And this eclecticism is what you get every day there -- which is precisely why it is the most linked-to blog
Serendipity is not randomness, not noise. It's stumbling across something accidentally that is nonetheless of interest to you. The web is much better at capturing that mix of surprise and relevance than book stacks or print encyclopedias.
Thanks to the connective nature of hypertext, and the blogosphere's exploratory hunger for finding new stuff, the web is the greatest serendipity engine in the history of culture. It is far, far easier to sit down in front of your browser and stumble across something completely brilliant but surprising than it is walking through a library looking at the spines of books.
I find these arguments completely infuriating. Do these people actually use the web? I find vastly more weird, unplanned stuff online than I ever did browsing the stacks as a grad student. Browsing the stacks is one of the most overrated and abused examples in the canon of things-we-used-to-do-that-were-so-much-better. (I love the whole idea of pulling down a book because you like the "binding.") Thanks to the connective nature of hypertext, and the blogosphere's exploratory hunger for finding new stuff, the web is the greatest serendipity engine in the history of culture. It is far, far easier to sit down in front of your browser and stumble across something completely brilliant but surprising than it is walking through a library looking at the spines of books.
New Google Music Service Launch Imminent
Articolo su TechCrunch. Sembra che Google sia in procinto di lanciare un servizio di streaming gratuito(?) on demand per la musica, un jukebox musicale integrato nel motore di ricerca.
TechCrunch: New Google Music Service Launch Imminent |Well, since it's imminent;Hope there's a Wave for that [from]
Google will soon launch a music service, we’ve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio. We’re still gathering details, but our understanding is the service will be very different to the Google China music download service that they launched in 2008. That service, which is only available in China, allows users to search for music and download it for free. This new service will be available for at least U.S. users, our sources confirm, although it isn’t clear if it’s a download or streaming service, or both. Google already has a decent (if little used) music search engine that can be accessed by simply typing “music:” before a query. But songs are not available for streaming or download from those searches.
Google will soon launch a music service, weve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio.
Google will soon launch a music service, we’ve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio.
Google plans to launch a music service - first few reports surface circa Oct 2009
google audio!! [from]
Free Online Resources for the Digital Enterprise - WebMama
Barbara Coll, founder of recommends these tools, blogs, and sites for your SEO, SEM, Internet and pay per click marketing strategies. Keep up to date on the dynamic SEM world.
TV - AT&T Entertainment
watch shows
Hulu, a Victim of Its Own Success? | Epicenter |
Hulu, the online TV service launched two years ago by Fox and NBC, has enjoyed incredible success with viewers — too much, it may turn out. Two weeks
this explains the "dumb logic" by old farts at hulu ... a little. this will go on for a while until they realize this is not 1999 any more. until then - i'm not into sunny myself, but ... i became so spoiled by on-line TV ... i'd simply stop watching lost if it wasn't available on-line. real life IS more fun pipl!
Interesting read about the adversarial relationship between cable and the internet. Hulu is forced to cut down programming, since it conflicts with the cable companies´ interests.
Frank Rose nails it. A lot of people who are torrent users (who, of course, I, ahem, ahem, ahem, know none of these, ahem, people, ahem, forgive me, gotta frog in my throat) would give up torrent use if they could steadily rely on an instant (non-skipping damn it!) all-access commercial-laden on-demand access to any television show or movie they ever wanted to see. It's where the future lies, but the studios do not want to go there ...
5 Sickening Habits of Mainstream Websites
So true! Especially #5.. I hate that! :O
Oh man I TOTALLY agree with #1 - I hate being forced to click for multiple page articles like that - what a waste of my time. I live in a rural area and don't have the fastest internet - waiting for each new page to load makes me more and more frustrated and less and less likely to finish the article. At the very least, offer a "view on one page" option like some sites do. On some sites, I've used the print version to view articles on one page and not interrupt my reading, but not all sites work that way, either. Please - just stop with the gratuitous multiple pages people!
I understand the marketing incentives for all of these tactics, but I have to admit that they are something that must drive non-marketers crazy.
Websites have some impractical, clunky designs. Let's aim for streamlining designs to facilitate easier web browsing and better information layout. I hate seeing poor website design. It tastes like farts. Farts, farts, farts, farts, farts!
HostMonk - Compare Linux dedicated server hosting plans
Compare Linux dedicated server hosting plans
Compare Linux dedicated servers from leading hosting providers hosting plans and find the best plan for you
2010: My Fifth Annual List Of The Tech Products I Love And Use Every Day
read this
Identité numérique : 10 règles simples pour contrôler son image sur internet | Presse-Citron
"L’identité numérique reste un concept assez flou pour la plupart des internautes, or il est seulement question de contrôle de l’image et de la réputation, selon les mêmes règles que celles que nous appliquons dans notre vie courante, celle que l’on appelle la vraie vie. / Pas besoin d’être un expert, donc, pour observer ces 10 règles simples qui devraient normalement vous aider à mieux maîtriser votre image sur internet : [...]"
Identité numérique : 10 règles simples pour contrôler son image sur internet
Are You a 'Digital Native?' | Newsweek Tech and Business |
Are you a digital native?
article about iBrain book - changes in brain due to technology
leading neuroscientist says processing digital information can rewire your circuits. But is it evolution?
Technology Use and Our Brains
How to tether your iPhone running OS 3.0 without jailbreaking, for free
ere always carrier/country specific and required a bit more command line tampering than the common man could stomach. Now an automated solution has come to our attention that just works, is global, and doesn't require a jailbreak. Essentially, you use your iPhone to browse to a site that you've never heard of (, download a file that promises to reconfigure your local carrier profile, and then switch on tethering as you would had you tithed a monthly tethering fee to your carrier. We've confirmed that it works on T-Mobile NL and on O2 UK. There
habitforge - Getting you to the finish line!
Do that one thing you've committed to doing. Skip a day before succeeding for 21 days straight, and we'll start you back at day one. Succeed for 21 days in a row, and you can enter monitoring mode. But by that point the action should seem second nature.
Yahoo committed seppuku today « The Jason Calacanis Weblog
Aggression and innovation wins. Period.
Why Yahoo gave up the ship and how Microsoft values different product lines
"The lesson for all startups–and BDC’s (big dumb companies)–is that innovation is all you have. Once you stop innovating you lose your talent and you lose the race. Never. Stop. Innovating. Never. Never. Never."
30 Best Blogs of 2009 -
How Harvard Law threw down the gauntlet to the RIAA - Ars Technica
(edit this later)
Law professor Charles Nesson and John Palfrey, director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society (which Nesson co-founded), made their position clear. "Recently, the president of the Recording Industry Association of America, Cary Sherman, wrote to Harvard to challenge the university administration to stop acting as a 'passive conduit' for students downloading music," they wrote in 2007. "We agree. Harvard and the 22 universities to which the RIAA has sent 'pre-litigation notices' ought to take strong, direct action... and tell the RIAA to take a hike."
Nesson & Co.
"Recently, the president of the Recording Industry Association of America, Cary Sherman, wrote to Harvard to challenge the university administration to stop acting as a 'passive conduit' for students downloading music," they wrote in 2007. "We agree. Harvard and the 22 universities to which the RIAA has sent 'pre-litigation notices' ought to take strong, direct action... and tell the RIAA to take a hike."
In retrospect, Harvard's eventual involvement was obvious. As far back as 2007, we noted that RIAA prelitigation letters had yet to be sent to Harvard, and one reason for that may have been the quite public opposition of Harvard Law School to the entire RIAA legal campaign.
Online Marketing Effectiveness - eMarketer
What is the best way to generate sales online? While the answer may vary slightly depending on the size of the ad budget, a Forbes study says marketers of all sizes should start with search. Forty-e
Forty-eight percent of marketers said that search engine optimization (SEO) was the best method for generating conversions online. More than one-half of marketers with budgets over $1 million agreed.
Cut This Story! - The Atlantic (January/February 2010)
One reason seekers of news are abandoning print newspapers for the Internet has nothing directly to do with technology. It’s that newspaper articles are too long. On the Internet, news articles get to the point. Newspaper writing, by contrast, is encrusted with conventions that don’t add to your understanding of the news. Newspaper writers are not to blame. These conventions are traditional, even mandatory. Take, for example, the lead story in The New York Times on Sunday, November 8, 2009, headlined “Sweeping Health Care Plan Passes House.” There is nothing special about this article. November 8 is just the day I happened to need an example for this column. And there it was. The 1,456-word report begins: Handing President Obama a hard-fought victory, the House narrowly approved a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s health care system on Saturday night, advancing legislation that Democrats said could stand as their defining social policy achievement. Fewer than half the words in
Michael Kinsley
A proposition that perhaps the length of newspaper articles is what's driving readers to the Internet.
Intros story length
There’s an old joke about the provincial newspaper that reports a nuclear attack on the nation’s largest city under the headline “Local Man Dies in NY Nuclear Holocaust.” Something similar happens at the national level, where everything is filtered through politics. (“In what was widely seen as a setback for Democrats just a year before the midterm elections, nuclear bombs yesterday obliterated seven states, five of which voted for President Obama in the last election …”)
Newspaper articles are too long January 2010
Promises to basically be the Next Generation's web browser for social networking.. In particular, Facebook is getting a fair share of mention in the early hypes right now.. Backed by Netscape founder Marc Andreessen, will be fun to watch this something new as it evolves.. :)
xkcd - A Webcomic - Alternate Currency
save pictures in your hard drive
Alternate Currency
@Niki7a @iamnowmai I thought xkcd established the new currency as funny pictures saved to your hard drive: [from]
Google Analytics vs XiTi: cómo miden el origen de las visitas « Blog de François Derbaix
ero NO afecta exclusivamente al tráfico que llega desde Google sino a cualquier sistema taggeado. Es decir, afecta a SEO, SEM pero también a cualquier click en un link externo, en yahoo search, en tu newsletter (si la taggeas), etc. Lo que hace es que el tráfico directo no lo cuenta como directo si en los últimos 30 días has accedido a la misma web por algún otro medio no directo y asigna las visitas directas (y conversiones) al último canal NO directo por el que llegaste. Esa duración de 30 días de la cookie de GA es
8 Things Every Geek Needs to Do Before 2010
Facebook's Zuckerberg Says The Age of Privacy is Over
And yet another reason why I HATE Facebook
Facebook and Privacy
Prediction: 2010 will be the year Facebook is largely abandoned
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told a live audience yesterday that if he were to create Facebook again today, user information would by default be public, not private as ...
This is a radical change from the way that Zuckerberg pounded on the importance of user privacy for years. That your information would only be visible to the people you accept as friends was fundamental to the DNA of the social network that hundreds of millions of people have joined over these past few years. Privacy control, he told me less than 2 years ago, is "the vector around which Facebook operates." I don't buy Zuckerberg's argument that Facebook is now only reflecting the changes that society is undergoing. I think Facebook itself is a major agent of social change and by acting otherwise Zuckerberg is being arrogant and condescending.
Is Your PC Part of a Botnet? - ReadWriteWeb
Being part of a botnet is no fun. Your computer becomes your worst enemy, watching everything you do, collecting all of your secrets, and then delivering all that data to the bot-herder; the person who originated the network. But what does it really mean to be part of a botnet, and is there anything that can you do about it?
good information about determining if your pc is infected with malware
10 Web Browsers You Probably Haven’t Heard Of
Article on alternate web browsers.
Six Revisions is a blog that shares useful information about web development and design, dedicated to people who build websites."
Jag kände igen alla utom två, vad om dig?
There are more than a dozen excellent alternative browsers out there if you're looking for something distinctive. Here are ten such web browsers, along with why you might want to consider using them.
Alternative browsers - may be handy for testing!
5 Reasons Why Educators Need To Embrace Internet Technologies
Are we really still at a point in time where we need to be convinced of this? I hope not!
In April I wrote a post about 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about. This quickly became my most read posting. I included some references in this article to why educators should be aware of and informed about these tools, but most of those comments were really about why each specific technology was included in the list, as opposed to why, in a more general sense, it is important for educators to make an effort to embrace these technologies. So that is the topic for this week - why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What's in it for you as an instructor, and what's in it for your students?
In April I wrote a post about 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about. This quickly became my most read posting. I included some references in this article to why educators should be aware of and informed about these tools, but most of those comments were really about why each specific technology was included in the list, as opposed to why, in a more general sense, it is important for educators to make an effort to embrace these technologies. So that is the topic for this week - why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What’s in it for you as an instructor, and what’s in it for your students?
why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What’s in it for you as an instructor, and what’s in it for your students?
Annotated link
Twitter no Brasil
O departamento de Presença Digital da Bullet fez uma pesquisa com 3.268 brasileiro usuários do Twitter, para traçar o cenário do Brasil no Twitter. Ele dá um “overview geral” sobre o serviço de microblogging também.
social online research revealling brazilian presence on twitter
Conversations About The Internet #5: Anonymous Facebook Employee - The
Hochinteressante Einblicke in Facebook.
Interview, mostly about privacy, with an anonymous Facebook employee: Worth reading. (via @johnbattelle on FB) – Tim O'Reilly (timoreilly)
Cyfweliad dienw gyda boi yn gweithio i Facebook. Son am HyperPHP
Official Google Blog: A new approach to China
It appears China can't play nice with the other kids.
Very big news you should read this!
wow, good
Congrats to Google for raging against censorship, but WTF? A blog post accusing a foreign government of attacking them? Maybe they're getting a little too big? Ya think?
Whoa. China attacks Google (to steal business information and human rights activist email). Google withdraws from China.
The World Question Center 2010
How does the Internet change the way we think?
each year this site asks major thinkers to answer a question, here, "How is the Internet changing your way of thinking?" A great question with lots of respondents' short essays--enough to keep me reading for a week.
47 Mandamentos
Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009: Social Media, SEO, PPC, Small Business, Web Design, and More » Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
Without further ado, I now present to you the best internet marketing posts of 2009
Find incredibly valuable articles on the subject of Internet Marketing in social media, search engine optimization, PPC, web design, small business, and more.
Social Media, SEO, PPC, Small Business, Web Design, and More.
Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009
Casual Encounters--22 Flash Games Worth Getting Addicted To | Maximum PC
Say goodbye to any productivity
When you don't have the time or resources to commit to a full-fledged FPS, strategy game, or RPG adventure, a fun, fast, browser-based game is sure to satisfy. We reveal our favorites—both current and classic
The End!!!!
This is probably a really bad idea - Convert and save pdf from any webpage for free
Convert and save pdf from any webpage for free is a free tool to easily create a pdf from any webpage or url
A Decade Of Web Design In Pictures - 1997 to 2009 | Design Reviver
Here is an overview of product design evolution over years:&#10;&#10; &#10;&#10;;&#10; &#10;&#10;Most of them have moved towards and clean clutter-free user experience. stands out well (perfectly minimalist!)&#10;&#10; &#10;&#10; &#10;&#10;Thanks & Regards,&#10;&#10;Pravin
Evolución de conocidos sitios web
BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Carbon cost' of Google revealed
US physicist Alex Wissner-Gross claims that a typical Google search on a desktop computer produces about 7g CO2. However, these figures were disputed by Google, who say a typical search produced only 0.2g of carbon dioxide.
intereante BBC y Google
A typical Google search produces between 0.2g and 7g of carbon dioxide.
Dr Wissner-Gross's study claims that two Google searches on a desktop computer produces 14g of CO2, which is the roughly the equivalent of boiling an electric kettle.
Research by a Harvard University physicist has sparked debate about the environmental cost of Google searches.
Physicist Alex Wissner-Gross claims that a typical Google search on a desktop computer produces about 7g CO2.
think about it next time you search on google!
Two searches on a desktop computer produce 14g of CO2, equivalent to boiling an electric kettle.
Liste der Zensurprovider
Internet Survival Guide for Traveling Where Privacy Isn't Respected - Google - Lifehacker
great security tips for travlers
Ed. note: On Tuesday, Google responded to cyber attacks aimed at Chinese human-rights activists by ending search-result censorship in China. An anonymous reader with experience living where privacy isn't respected writes in with tips for keeping your data safe in these situations.
Falscher Planet, falsches Jahrtausend - Die wunderbare Welt von Isotopp,-falsches-Jahrtausend.html
Ich lebe online. Alle Texte, die ich seit 1983 geschrieben habe, sind auf dem Computer geschrieben worden. Sie liegen auf einem halben Dutzend Rechnern im Netz verstreut. Seit 1986 achte ich darauf, portable Formate zu verwenden, um auch bei einer Migration auf neue Systeme keine Daten zu verlieren. Seit 20 Jahren lese ich laufend meine Mail, ich bin jeden Tag in fünf verschiedenen IM-Systemen zu erreichen.
Die wunderbare Welt von Isotopp
Überlegungen von Kristian Köhntopp zum "Leben online" und Politikern
Your Bookmarklets, On Steroids – Quix
Quix é um bookmarklet extensível, o que lhe permite aceder facilmente a todos os seus favoritos e bookmarklets, em todos os seus navegadores
Joost De Valk's extension of Shaun Inman's Shortwave extensible bookmarklet. Especially useful on the iPhone.
Quix is an extensible bookmarklet, that allows you to easily access all your bookmarks and bookmarklets, across all your browsers, while maintaining them in only one spot. All you have to do is remember the shortcut for the bookmarklet, so, basically, it’s like a command line for your browser
Quix is an extensible bookmarklet, that allows you to easily access all your bookmarks and bookmarklets, across all your browsers, while maintaining them in only one spot.
3outube - most easy way to download Youtube video
most easy way to download Youtube video
Easy! -> just replace the Y to 3 !
Produces FLVs and MP4s from Youtube. Crying out for a bookmarklette.
HOW TO: Add Captions To Your YouTube Videos
ZillionTV | Homepage
With the Z-bar, stream shows easily to your TV set directly from Internet: [from]
Internet Evolution - The Big Report - Media-Morphosis: How the Internet Will Devour, Transform, or Destroy Your Favorite Medium
Let me start by saying that I like newspapers. And let me say further that, no matter how much I like them, they just might not have a future.The Internet chews up media and spits them out again. Sometimes they get more robust. Sometimes they get more profitable. Sometimes they die.
Media-Morphosis: How the Internet Will Devour, Transform, or Destroy Your Favorite Medium
the future of media, opera, poetry, cory doctorow of boing-boing
New York Times Ready to Charge Online Readers -- Daily Intel
NYT’s Tom Friedman says it best: “At some point we gotta charge for our product.”
New York Magazine Annotated link
El NYT, a punto de implantar un modelo de pago en la web.
New York Times Chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr. appears close to announcing that the paper will begin charging for access to its website, according to people familiar with internal deliberations. After a year of sometimes fraught debate inside the paper, the choice for some time has been between a Wall Street Journal-type pay wall and the metered system adopted by the Financial Times, in which readers can sample a certain number of free articles before being asked to subscribe. The Times seems to have settled on the metered system.
Welcome to Boxee!
watch the internet from your tv
12 really useful CSS tools
Open Letter From OK Go - OK Go
To the people of the world, from OK Go: This week we released a new album, and it’s our best yet. We also released a new video – the second for this record – for a song called This Too Shall Pass, and you can watch it here. We hope you'll like it and comment on it and pass the link along to your friends and do that wonderful thing that that you do when you’re fond of something, share it. We want you to stick it on your web page, post it on your wall, and embed it everywhere you can think of.
Awesome post by the guys whose treadmill jumping video has been viewed 40 million times on the current state of the music industry on the internet.
Their record label has made their YouTube videos unembeddable. A thoughtful look at all sides of the issue - man, I kind of love these guys.
s*ebano stanje muzičke industrije...
apophenia: Facebook's move ain't about changes in privacy norms
"If we're building a public stage, we need to give people the ability to protect themselves, the ability to face the consequences honestly. We cannot hide behind rhetoric of how everyone is public just because everyone we know in our privileged circles is walking confidently into the public sphere and assuming no risk. And we can't justify our decisions as being simply about changing norms when the economic incentives are all around. I'm with Marshall on this one: Facebook's decision is an economic one, not a social norms one. And that scares the bejesus out of me. People care deeply about privacy, especially those who are most at risk of the consequences of losing it. Let us not forget about them. It kills me when the bottom line justifies social oppression. Is that really what the social media industry is about?"
When the default is private, you have to think about making something public. When the default is public, you become very aware of privacy. And thus, I would suspect, people are more conscious of privacy now than ever. Because not everyone wants to share everything to everyone else all the time.
Danah Boyd : “Privacy isn’t a technological binary that you turn off and on. Privacy is about having control of a situation. It’s about controlling what information flows where and adjusting measures of trust when things flow in unexpected ways. It’s about creating certainty so that we can act appropriately. People still care about privacy because they care about control."
There isn't some radical shift in norms taking place. What's changing is the opportunity to be public and the potential gain from doing so. Reality TV anyone? People are willing to put themselves out there when they can gain from it. But this doesn't mean that everyone suddenly wants to be always in public. And it doesn't mean that folks who live their lives in public don't value privacy. The best way to maintain privacy as a public figure is to give folks the impression that everything about you is in public.
First-Person Tetris
The good old tetris realized as flash online game.
Monetize The Audience, Not The Content
Freemium model.
The 3 Facebook Settings Every User Should Check Now -
In December, Facebook made a series of bold and controversial changes regarding the nature of its users' privacy on the social networking site. The company once known for protecting privacy to the point of exclusivity (it began its days as a network for college kids only - no one else even had access), now seemingly wants to compete with more open social networks like the microblogging media darling Twitter.
Distracted? Self Control Now Available as an OS X App | Epicenter from © 2009 Condé Nast Digital. All rights reserved. The material o © 2009 Condé Nast Digital. All rights reserved.
SelfControl, a simple open source program for Mac OS X that prevents you from resorting to well-worn procrastination techniques by blocking access to websites and e-mail servers.
A colleague once defined work as that which you accomplish while not distracted by the internet, and he was onto something. Anyone who works on a computer understands how easily
A colleague once defined "work" as "that which you accomplish while not distracted by the internet," and he was onto something. Anyone who works on a computer  understands how easily personal communication (e-mail, instant messaging, social networks) can distract from the task at hand.
blokkerer enkelte sider
Why Do You Tweet?
eMarketer reports that, according to the "Consumer Internet Barometer," the majority of Twitter users (42%) use the service to communicate with their friends. About 29% use Twitter to update their status, 26% to find news, and 21% for work-related reasons.
eMarketer reports that, according to the "Consumer Internet Barometer," the majority of Twitter users (42%) use the service to communicate with their friends. About 29% use Twitter to update their status, 26% to find news, and 21% for work-related reasons. Oddly, only 0.3% said that they use Twitter for fun
11% use the service to interact with brands eMarketer reports that, according to the "Consumer Internet Barometer," the majority of Twitter users (42%) use the service to communicate with their friends. About 29% use Twitter to update their status, 26% to find news, and 21% for work-related reasons. Oddly, only 0.3% said that they use Twitter for fun Almost 30% of all respondents also use the service to interact with celebrities - which is clearly a driving force in the mainstream adoption of the service
Internet 2009 in numbers | Royal Pingdom
What happened with the Internet in 2009?
What happened with the Internet in 2009? How many websites were added? How many emails were sent? How many Internet users were there? This post will answer all of those questions and many more. Prepare for information overload, but in a good way. We have used a wide variety of sources from around the Web. A full list of source references is available at the bottom of the post for those interested. We here at Pingdom also did some additional calculations to get even more numbers to show you.
What happened with the Internet in 2009? How many websites were added? How many emails were sent? How many Internet users were there? This post will answer all of those questions and many more. Prepare for information overload, but in a good way. ;)
Fascinating stats
How-To: Speed Up, Customize, and Secure Firefox, Chrome, IE8, and Opera | Maximum PC
With this guide, we will show you the essential initial tweaks everyone should make to “awesomize” their browser. Whether it’s accelerating browser page-load performance, boosting security, or just improving the look of the interface, we teach you the tweaks that we think should be implemented the first time you start up a browser after installation.
My Twittonary – Every Twitter Term and Tool I Can Find
Extensive list, color coded list of terms, shorthands and tools.
fun, insightful info
Top Tools For Tracking Topics on the Web
Tracking topics on the Web can be a painful process, due to the amount of noise and difficulty of filtering it. So to help you out, we've selected and categorized the leading topic-tracking tools. This is based on the discussion that arose from our earlier post about topic feeds, which are RSS feeds for keywords or phrases. During the process of analyzing these topic tracking tools, we discovered - to our surprise - that not many of these services output results as RSS. Some of the leading apps in this field require users to visit their service. With that in mind, here is our full list and analysis.
Tracking topics on the Web can be a painful process, due to the amount of noise and difficulty of filtering it. So to help you out, we've selected and categorized the leading topic-tracking tools. This is based on the discussion that arose from our earlier post about topic feeds, which are RSS feeds for keywords or phrases. During the process of analyzing these topic tracking tools, we discovered - to our surprise - that not many of these services output results as RSS. Some of the leading apps in this field require users to visit their service. With that in mind, here is our full list and analysis.
Top Tools For Tracking Topics on the Web
Who needs newspapers when you have Twitter? | Salon News
Sorry, I don't use the word "media." I don't use the word "news." I don't think that those words mean anything anymore. They defined publishing in the 20th century. Today, they are a barrier. They are standing in our way, like a horseless carriage.
[english] Explication par Chris Anderson ( des conséquences d'internet pour les médias. Très pertinent.
The Root Of The Matter: Emily Bell on The Future of Journalism
Lecture regarding the future of journalism and how it will change with digital networks
Last night I was lucky enough to attend a free lecture given by Emily Bell, head of digital content at Guardian News and Media, at University College Falmouth, where Emily has just been appointed visiting lecturer professor to the college's increasingly highly-regarded media degree courses.
Emily Bell/The Root of the Matter, May 6, 2009.
1. News has never been profitable. Sky News isn't profitable; it's subsidised by other Murdoch enterprises. The Guardian isn't profitable; it's funded by a trust. BBC News isn't profitable; it's funded by the licence fee. It's very difficult to make a profit from journalism, although some new models are showing small profits, such as VillageSoup, a hyperlocal news community organisation in the US.
over journalistiek en hoe die er over tien jaar uit ziet
What the Web of Tomorrow Will Look Like: 4 Big Trends to Watch
If Your Kids Are Awake, They’re Probably Online -
Teens and media use.
Lindsay Robertson
The Do's and Don'ts of Online Publicity, For Some Reason; Bio&nbsp; Twitter posts
"...all eyeballs are not equal" - online PRs take note:
"There’s a question that has been bugging me for years: why are 99% of publicists and promotion/marketing people complete useless failures when it comes to blogs and online outlets?"
great notes on online publicity
Unlocking innovation |
"Advised by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt and others, government are opening up data for reuse. This site seeks to give a way into the wealth of government data and is under constant development. We want to work with you to make it better. We’re very aware that there are more people like you outside of government who have the skills and abilities to make wonderful things out of public data. These are our first steps in building a collaborative relationship with you.[...]"
ça y est ! le site open data UK est public !
Advised by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt and others, government are opening up data for reuse. This site seeks to give a way into the wealth of government data and is under constant development. We want to work with you to make it better. We’re very aware that there are more people like you outside of government who have the skills and abilities to make wonderful things out of public data. These are our first steps in building a collaborative relationship with you.
HINT.FM: Web Seer
Web Seer Compare Google Suggest results. Try the beginnings of questions: "are men" vs. "are women" or "will he" vs. "will she."
Let's you compare difference in Google Suggest
"Panopticlick tests your browser to see how unique it is based on the information it will share with sites it visits."
is it possible to uniquely identify your browser w/o any cookies involved? apparently, that's quite feasible. 10 Top New Web Services of 2008 and Their 2009 Forecast
2008 has been both an exciting year and a very trying year for the world of Web innovation. When the year kicked off, we were still in the middle of Web 2.0 fever. We were just two months removed from Microsoft having invested $240 million in Facebook at a stratospheric $15 billion. In the first week of January, Yahoo! CEO Jerry Yang made his first appearance at CES and promised the company was "ready and excited". By mid-month, Pownce launched to the public to offer an alternative to Twitter. And by the end of January, Twitter crashed hard - for the first time.
You'll note two major themes regarding hot services in 2008: RSS and friends. Finding out what your friends were reading and sharing were key facets of most of the new products that gained my attention this year. Toluu, developed by Caleb Elston, offers a site where you can upload the OPML file of feeds you read, mark your favorites, and see how compatible you are with other users of the site, helping find new feeds, and new people. Over time, the service enabled me to see new blogs my friends were subscribing to, and you could even notify Twitter if you had added a new blog to your reading list.
Teleportation Milestone Achieved | LiveScience
Real World Science News
"if you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understands quantum mechanics." Or sometimes he is cited thusly: "I think I can safely say that nobody understand quantum mechanics."
Scientists have come a bit closer to achieving the
BBC NEWS | Technology | Apps 'to be as big as internet'
Mobile Apps 'to be as big as internet' - BBC [from]
No foolin, huh? ("peaking at 10 million apps in 2020")
Documento sin título
tv en Internet, el canal de la ciencia y la innovación
El canal de la ciencia y la innovación
Tele online que empieza ahora con contenidos de ciencia y tecnología
The Web Way to Learn a Language -
This is the title of a typical incendiary blog post - Coyote Crossing
'This sentence contains a provocative statement that attracts the readers’ attention, but really only has very little to do with the topic of the blog post. This sentence claims to follow logically from the first sentence, though the connection is actually rather tenuous. This sentence claims that very few people are willing to admit the obvious inference of the last two sentences, with an implication that the reader is not one of those very few people. This sentence expresses the unwillingness of the writer to be silenced despite going against the popular wisdom. This sentence is a sort of drum roll, preparing the reader for the shocking truth to be contained in the next sentence. This sentence contains the thesis of the blog post, a trite and obvious statement cast as a dazzling and controversial insight.'
Writing and photography from the Mojave Desert and elsewhere by Chris Clarke
"This sentence contains the thesis of the blog post, a trite and obvious statement cast as a dazzling and controversial insight."
Hilarious meta-parody!
Great sendup of the typical blog post via @andrewsullivan
12-words-you-can-never-say-in-the-office.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
It's not an intranet, it's a VPN. It's not an extranet, it's a VPN. Hahahaha, I remember PointCast! (But push is back, at least on certain mobile devices that don't let you run background processes ...)
This list is useful for 20-somethings, too. Now when the senior person in the office uses one of these terms, you'll know what he's talking about.
i'm gonna use these as much as possible from now on.
State of the Internet Explained In One Giant Infographic [PIC]
The State of the Internet
Focus, Feb. 2, 2010.
The State of the Internet
visualization of stats rec by Kathy Schrock
Using data from the Pew Research Center, Technorati, and other organizations, Focus has produced an infographic about Internet use and Internet access in 2009.
Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds - Kaiser Family Foundation
This national survey of children about their media use was released at an event in Washington, D.C. featuring the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. A webcast is available.
The report about childrens and youngsters use of media
Gmail: Tips - Listing your local free wifi and power ready laptop spots
This site lists coffee shops that offer free wifi and plenty of power plugins. It looks like it's just getting going and is London based, but since users are allowed to submit sites, it could grow rapidly. Now I just need to find a place in Pretoria that I can recommend.
U.S. enables Chinese hacking of Google -
Official misuses are bad enough, but it's the unofficial uses that worry me more. Any surveillance and control system must itself be secured. An infrastructure conducive to surveillance and control invites surveillance and control, both by the people you expect and by the people you don't. The problem is that such control makes us all less safe. Whether the eavesdroppers are the good guys or the bad guys, these systems put us all at greater risk. Communications systems that have no inherent eavesdropping capabilities are more secure than systems with those capabilities built in. And it's bad civic hygiene to build technologies that could someday be used to facilitate a police state.
Bajo el título amarillista "USA habilita hackeo de China a Google" hay un buen artículo, lleno de info importante. [from]
"In order to comply with government search warrants on user data, Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts. This feature is what the Chinese hackers exploited to gain access. Google's system isn't unique. Democratic governments around the world -- in Sweden, Canada and the UK, for example -- are rushing to pass laws giving their police new powers of Internet surveillance, in many cases requiring communications system providers to redesign products and services they sell."
Schneier on how the mandated backdoor access system allowed for the China incident
articulo de Bruce Scheneier sobre el ataque de china a google. video hillary clinton sobre la libertad de internet
RT @dangoldin: RT @mikkohypponen: Bruce Schneier writes to CNN on Google & China [from]
In order to comply with government search warrants on user data, Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts. This feature is what the Chinese hackers exploited to gain access.
Welcome to the New Media Campaign Tools of 2012 | Mother Jones
Interesting read about the use of technology in the Obama campaign. The link between and actual physical volunteering and organizing is particularly interesting.
"Everything I thought we knew about the campaign's use of technology and the Internet faded as I spent more time with the campaign. The game-changer in the Obama campaign, as I found in talking to key staff—and through volunteering in southern Ohio myself—was that technology was not an add-on: It represented a carefully considered element of almost every critical campaign function. Most remarkably, technology played a critical role in the one area least understood by the "digerati" and most online campaigners: moving online supporters toward real-world action. "
A smart post from Michael Silberman of echoditto
CSS3 Techniques You Should Know
Many of you have probably heard all the buzz around CSS3, but exactly which techniques can we use today? In this article I’ll show you some different CSS3 techniques that work great in some of the leading browsers (i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera ), and how they will degrade well in the non-supported browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer). Using browser specific extensions, many of the proposed CSS3 styles can be used today!
Childnet International
Welcome to Childnet International, a non-profit organisation working with others to “help make the Internet a great and safe place for children”.
Internet safety website
Internet Safety
Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the Internet a great and safe place for children.
wow2.JPG (image)
LOL RT @Retweetist: wow2.JPG (image) [from]
via someone on twitter I think. Very amusing.
داستان را همه شما مي دانيد. يك ميليونر آفريقايي هست كه مي خواهد ثروت خود را ....
There's a lot of scammers out there so you gotta appreciate the nice ones.
I Can’t Believe Some People Are Still Saying Twitter Isn’t A News Source
If I didn’t hear about something important happening by watching my Twitter stream, it’s the first place I go to get an idea of what’s going on. Years ago I would have turned to the cable news channels, now it’s Twitter. It’s not just the speed of early reports either. Twitter also serves up a constant stream of updates as situations progress. The facts seem to be irrefutable. But some people disagree, as they wrote in comments to my Mumbai post. You should also read TomsTechBlog, who argues that it’s irresponsible to think of Twitter as a news source. The reason? The facts are often wrong. This is the same argument that mainstream journalists used against blogs when they rose to fill a void in the news over the last few years. Yet even the NY Times admitted years ago that blogs were an important news source when disaster struck: “For vivid reporting from the enormous zone of tsunami disaster, it was hard to beat the blogs.” But blogs are nothing compared to Twitter, which lets any
Tech Crunch post about use of Twitter in Mumbai
Interesting view. I'm still on the fence.
Twitter is emerging as a major force in breaking news.
Microblogging and news reporting...
people (who need it) point to this as major validation
BBC - The Virtual Revolution - Home
Discover more about The Virtual Revolution with our exclusive 3D Documentary Explorer. Mixing video from the series, with the web pages that tell the story of The Virtual Revolution, this is a radical new way to experience a documentary.
An open and collaborative documentary on the way the web is changing the world
volgt geweldige serie over de maatsch. rol van internet - iedere zat bbc2
News Deck: The Latest News Headlines, Faster –
News USA
Get the top news stories and headlines from USA TODAY, all from one easy, fast location.
Really cool Javascript scrolling divs. Online Manners Matter | Edutopia
on e-mail netiquette and much more
From email to social networking to classroom blogs, today's students are online, both in and out of school -- a lot. Edutopia
Social Media and Young Adults | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
Two Pew Internet Project surveys of teens and adults reveal a decline in blogging among teens and young adults and a modest rise among adults 30 and older. Even as blogging declines among those under 30, wireless connectivity continues to rise in this age group, as does social network use. Teens ages 12-17 do not use Twitter in large numbers, though high school-aged girls show the greatest enthusiasm for the application.
Social media and mobile internet use among teens and young adults.
Parent Hacks: KidZui is a Kid Friendly Web Interface
KidZui is a child-safe internet front end that calls upon an enormous whitelist of websites, pictures, videos, and games that have all been reviewed by a group of volunteers composed of parents and educators.
Vaughan Memorial Library : Tutorials : Searching with Success!
Top 10 Tools for Finding Cool Stuff Nearby - Local - Lifehacker
Official Google Docs Blog: Drawing on your creativity in Docs
RT @courosa: RT @mslinch: Just when you thought Google Docs couldn't get any cooler: [from]
Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas or just for fun
I'm excited to tell you about Insert Drawing, a new feature we've added to Google Docs. Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas or just for fun. It's easy to create drawings using lines, free hand scribbles, text labels and a large choice of shapes that you can move, resize, rotate and adjust. Group, order, align and distribute and other features are available when you select objects you've drawn. You can also customize a range of shape properties, from line widths to fill color, and from arrowheads to font size, and much more. If you change your mind, there is undo and redo. You can collaborate with a friend or colleague on a drawing, or work alone, just as you can in Google Docs today.
Insert Drawing, a new feature we've added to Google Docs. Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas
Google-dokumenttien piirtotyökalu.
Oglądaj filmy. Jakie chcesz, kiedy chcesz. Za darmo
Giz Explains: Why HTML5 Isn't Going to Save the Internet - HTML5 - Gizmodo
5 great ways to waste money in Google Adwords « Successful Software
if you take the time to learn the ropes and experiment. Below is a graph of my return on investment from Adwords for my table planning software over 5 yea
What happened in my birth year?
somewhat unusual site that pulls together facts and info to meditate on what happened in the year you were born
What happened in the year you were born? The Internet offers a spooky yet thorough answer to this standard question with The no-frills design evokes the clunky graphical interfaces of the '80s, but the site is in fact the 2010 creation of German writer and programmer Philipp Lenssen, who has marshaled the resources of Wikipedia and an omniscient narrative voice into a nifty way to learn about the state of the world right around the time you arrived in it. Gain insight into what people were watching, reading, doing, and fretting about, with fun facts that include the poster from the entered year's highest-grossing film and the cover of the top-selling book.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
"YouTube speed-tester that tells you how your ISP stacks up against other ISPs in your town and country, to give you the ability to compare your speed numbers with other users in your region."
Benchmarks ISP speed using you tube videos
ネットビジネスに必要な要素をまとめた一枚の図が良い感じ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
What are the most useful websites on the web? : AskReddit
100 Free and Useful Portable Apps for College Students
free tips on how to get free and useful apps
Did Google just sneakily launch a Facebook killer? - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
You are so vain and you've just handed (possibly) another rich lode for Google to mine. And you didn't know it.
Farhad Manjoo takes a look at Google's new profile option, which lets you control your brand in Google (to some extent). It could be a Facebook killer - or at leats be a new place you need to keep an eye on your brand.
Google Profile—a page that Google is encouraging everyone to create.
Impressum Generator | specials | intern Portal zum Internetrecht von Rechtsanwalt Soeren Siebert
Impressum, Rechtssicherheit,
Erstellen Sie anhand Ihrer Vorgaben kostenlos ein individuelles Impressum und minimieren Sie so das Risiko, abgemahnt zu werden!
Websites 'must be saved for history' | Technology | The Observer
25 January 2009 The British Library's head says that deleting websites will make job of historians harder. Historians face a "black hole" of lost material unless urgent action is taken to preserve websites and other digital records, the head of the British Library has warned.
web sites are vanishing at faster rate and efforts must be made to prevent this phenomenon in order to keep today's digital web resources for future generation.
The article examines the notion of archiving exisiting websites on the internet for the fear of loosing not only content, but part of our history. With so many online sites, especially in the age of user generated websites, blogs, forums, the question is which sites should be archived, and how do we decide?
Lynn Brindley
Il responsabile della British Library afferma che la cancellazione dei siti renderà il lavoro degli storici più duro
Seems like we're becoming alert to the fact that the web contains stuff that needs to be saved. Good!
Historians face a "black hole" of lost material unless urgent action is taken to preserve websites and other digital records, the head of the British Library has warned. Just as families store digital photos on computers which might never be passed on to their descendants, so Britain's cultural heritage is at risk as the internet evolves and technologies become obsolete, says Lynne Brindley, the library's chief executive.
Translating "The Economist" Behind China's Great Firewall -
How the folks work
A description of a group of volunteers translating every article in the weekly Economist into Chinese.
"a group of dedicated fans of The Economist newsmagazine are translating each weekly issue cover-to-cover, splitting up the work among a team of volunteers, and redistributing the finished translations as complete PDFs for a Chinese audience. "
They call themselves The Eco Team, a group of about 240 passionate Economist fans led by a 39-year-old insurance broker named Shi Yi.
The list of sensitive subjects includes China-Taiwan's political relationship, Tibet, Falun Gong, the Tiananmen Square protests, the Cultural Revolution, discussions of freedom of the press or freedom of religion, and any discussion of the establishment of a new Chinese political party.
The New Adventures of Mr Stephen Fry
great post on why business should stay the hell off twitter
Fry's top twitter tips
A month or so old now, I just came to re-read this rather nice piece on the subject and usage of Twitter by @stephenfry.
Most of all. Welcome to my twitterworld, I am delighted to have you as a follower. Let’s enjoy ourselves and to hell with those who don’t get it.
Mr Fry's ruminations on twitter. Or rather suggested guidelines for how to use it.
"I love how Twitter confirms my all too often assaulted belief that most humans are kind, curious, knowledgeable, tolerant and funny. The absurd constraints of the 140 character tweet seem oddly to bring out the best in wit, insight and observation." Stephen Fry (he has now 80.000+ followers !!!!!!11!!11one!!!!eleven)
Stephen Fry's Blog.
mySociety » Blog Archive » Top 5 Internet Priorities for the Next Government (any next Government)
Top 5 priorities - a year ago and still valid
The most scary thing about the Internet for your government is not pedophiles, terrorists or viruses, whatever you may have read in the papers. It is the danger of your administration being silently obsoleted by the lightening pace at which the Internet changes expectations.
RT @timoreilly: MySociety's top 5 Internet priorities for government is, as expected, right on. [from]
Is ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past? -- New York Magazine
The first time I entered ChatRoulette—a new website that brings you face-to-face, via webcam, with an endless stream of random strangers all over the world—I was primed for a full-on Walt Whitman experience: an ecstatic surrender to the miraculous variety and abundance of humankind. The site was only a few months old, but its population was beginning to explode in a way that suggested serious viral potential: 300 users in December had grown to 10,000 by the beginning of February. Although big media outlets had yet to cover it, smallish blogs were full of huzzahs. The blog Asylum called ChatRoulette its favorite site since YouTube; another, The Frisky, called it “the Holy Grail of all Internet fun.” Everyone seemed to agree that it was intensely addictive—one of those gloriously simple ideas that manages to harness the crazy power of the Internet in a potentially revolutionary way.
I found myself fantasizing about a curated version of ChatRoulette—powered maybe by Google’s massive server farms—that would allow users to set all kinds of filters: age, interest, language, location. One afternoon I might choose to be thrown randomly into a pool of English-speaking thirtysomething non-masturbators who like to read poetry. Another night I might want to talk to Jets fans. Another night I might want to just strip away all the filters and see what happens. The site could even keep stats, like YouTube, so you could see the most popular chatters in any given demographic. I could get very happily addicted to a site like that. Read more: Is ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past? -- New York Magazine
"Eventually, I realized that clicking “next” was not so much a rejection as it was pure curiosity, like riding a train past an apartment building at night, looking briefly into as many lit windows as possible."
100 Best Free Photography Tools on the Web - Photography Colleges
100 Best Free Photography Tools on the Web
BBC tells news staff to embrace social media | Media |
if its important enough forJournalists to use....perhaps communications folks should follow along :-)
BBC news journalists have been told to use social media as a primary source of information by Peter Horrocks, the new director of BBC Global News who took over last week. He said it was important for editorial staff to make better use of social media and become more collaborative in producing stories.
BBC news journalists have been told to use social media as a primary source of information by Peter Horrocks, the new director of BBC Global News who took over last week BBC tells news staff to embrace social media |&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;Media |&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;
BBC news journalists have been told to use social media as a primary source of information by Peter Horrocks, the new director of BBC Global News who took over last week
"BBC news journalists have been told to use social media as a primary source of information by Peter Horrocks, the new director of BBC Global News who took over last week. He said it was important for editorial staff to make better use of social media and become more collaborative in producing stories."
BBC tells news staff to embrace social media
justin / webmachine / wiki / BigHTTPGraph —
http diagram v3
updated version of Alan Dean's diagram
http flowchart
Facebook Sending More Traffic Than Google to Some Sites - Advertising Age - Digital
Om vad som driver trafik.
Marketers spend billions to attract search traffic from Google, but late last year Facebook started becoming a bigger source of traffic for some large websites, according to analytics firm Hitwise.
人の流れがsearchからじゃなく、social mediaからに変わる傾向か。
10 really cool Google Chrome hacks | News | TechRadar UK
hen you enter a search te
BBC - BBC Internet Blog: A new global visual language for the BBC's digital services
Global Visual Language 2.0
« Previous | Main | Next » A new global visual language for the BBC's digital services Post categories: GVL, uxd Bronwyn van der Merwe | 18:10 UK time, Tuesday, 16 February 2010 The BBC website began its official life back in December 1997 with this very simple design. It was a basic offering with two sections to the site. Over time it has grown to encompass a great deal more. However due to the organic way in which the website evolved and the old structure of the business, with dozens of small design teams working independently of each other, the site had a fairly schizophrenic nature once you delved into its depths. About 2 years ago, after printing out the site onto what has now become jokingly known as the 'Wall of Shame' we decided to embark on an ambitious project, called Global Visual Language 2.0, with the aim of unifying the visual and interaction design of and the mobile website.
ゼロから学ぶOAuth:第1回 OAuthとは?―OAuthの概念とOAuthでできること| … 技術評論社
How The Times' Home Page Gets Made | The New York Observer
Times deputy managing editor Jonathan Landman still considers the front page of the printed newspaper a sacred space, a place where editors and reporters display their best work and uphold the tradition of The Times’ quality reporting.
By most counts, New York Times deputy managing editor Jonathan Landman still considers the front page of the printed newspaper a sacred space, a place where editors and reporters display their best work and uphold the tradition of The Times’ quality reporting. “The front page is still a front page; there’s still six stories there, and they are what they are,” Mr. Landman told The Observer. “They occupy the same positions that they always have. If they are influential or not influential, it’s for the same reasons, right?”
ShadyURL - Don't just shorten your URL, make it suspicious and frightening.
Official Google Blog: The intelligent cloud
"Thus, computer systems will have greater opportunity to learn from the collective behavior of billions of humans. They will get smarter, gleaning relationships between objects, nuances, intentions, meanings, and other deep conceptual information. Today's Google search uses an early form of this approach, but in the future many more systems will be able to benefit from it."
Computer systems will have greater opportunity to learn from the collective behavior of billions of humans. They will get smarter, gleaning relationships between objects, nuances, intentions, meanings, and other deep conceptual information. Today's Google search uses an early form of this approach, but in the future many more systems will be able to benefit from it.
Mobile Browser Battlemodo: Which Phones Deliver The Real Web
Excellent overview of Mobile Browsers and comparison - c. late 2008. Safari, Android, IE, Opera Mini, etc
smartphone browsers review
We tested every browser only using the full—not mobile—versions of selected sites
What really happens when you navigate to a URL
As a software developer, you certainly have a high-level picture of how web apps work and what kinds of technologies are involved: the browser, HTTP, HTML, web server, request handlers, and so on. In this article, we will take a deeper look at the sequence of events that take place when you visit a URL.
IPRED Watchlist
Granska ipred-lagen
watch the watchdogs
In the World of Facebook - The New York Review of Books
Great article on facebook past, present and future.
Great overview of Facebook and MySpace. Interesting how the US military bans MySpace (where enlisted men hang out) but is OK with Facebook (officer country online)
Dispostable - Disposable email!
Create a disposable, throwaway email address. If they force you to provide one for some service you may or may not want, give them one of these
Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web | Magazine
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter.
Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web
Excellent in-depth look at how Google's constantly-improving algorithms make it superior.
Announcement | IE6 Funeral
"Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight."
Site humoristique qui annonce la mort de IE6.
Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight. Venue Change: Apparently even more people want to see IE6's cold dead body than we imagined. To better accommodate the overwhelming response, we're changing the venue. On Thursday, March 4, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., we'll gather with fellow IE6 friends and loved ones at Forest Room 5, 2532 15th Street, Denver, CO 80211-3902 to pay our respects. Those unable to attend the funeral are asked to send flowers.
Funny and very smart from the organizers. --- "Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight. Funeral services for Internet Explorer Six will be held at 7pm on March 4 at Aten Design Group, 1629 Downing Street, Denver, CO 80218. Those unable to attend the funeral are asked to send flowers."
Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight.
Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc
How Can I Ditch Cable and Watch My TV Shows and Movies Online? - Streaming Television - Lifehacker
(Gawker.TV is the all-video site of our bl
Dear Lifehacker, I'd love to get rid of cable and stream all my favorite TV shows right from the internet. What do I need to know before I take the plunge? Signed, Ready to Cut the Coaxial Photo by sociotard. Join the club! Some of us at Lifehacker HQ have already left or are ready to leave the cable company for 24/7 live TV streaming, too. We get this question all the time, and we've examined ditching the monthly bill in favor of watching programs online occasionally in the past, and we've also looked at ways to get your TV fix with apps like Boxee and Hulu, plus there are cool set-top devices like Roku and TiVo, but this is a good opportunity to get exhaustive. There are so many great options for catching a show here or there, but can you rely on them to replicate the cable TV experience? Well, yes and no. If you're going to unplug from the cable company, prepare to exercise some patience when it comes to watching your favorite shows as soon as they air—it can take anywhere from
Google facts and figures (massive infographic) | Royal Pingdom
Google has perhaps more than any other company become The Internet Company. It's grown hand in hand with the internet and its entire business model has from the start been totally focused on the internet as a delivery platform. => A ton of facts and figures about Google.
The Future of the Internet IV | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
A survey of nearly 900 Internet stakeholders reveals fascinating new perspectives on the way the Internet is affecting human intelligence and the ways that information is being shared and rendered.
Experts and stakeholders discuss predictions about the future of the internet. Update: <a href="">Correction</a>.
In this report, PEW researchers cover experts' thoughts on the following issues: Will Google make us stupid? Will the internet enhance or detract from reading, writing, and rendering of knowledge? Is the next wave of innovation in technology, gadgets, and applications pretty clear now, or will the most interesting developments between now and 2020 come “out of the blue”? Will the end-to-end principle of the internet still prevail in 10 years, or will there be more control of access to information? Will it be possible to be anonymous online or not by the end of the decade?
Volume 14, Number 5 - 4 May 2009; Contents: Introduction; What is the cloud? Who uses the cloud? Where is the cloud? What rules govern the cloud? Conclusion: Clouds without borders?
FirstMonday - Peer Reviewed Journal
Article from First Monday 14 (5) (4 May 2009)
Geography, Economics, Environment, and Jurisdiction in Cloud Computing.
read this! Cloud computing
Why Sweden rules the web - Features, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent
Phone calls, movies, music, TV – Stockholm has emerged as the epicentre of an online revolution, giving us all what we want, instantly, for free. Tim Walker reports from the world's new digital capital
Ek acknowledges that, without the far-reaching effects of The Pirate Bay and its ilk, Spotify could never have come to fruition. "There is a big file-sharing community here in Sweden," he says. "It's how people want to consume content. They don't want to be illegal, but they want to have everything at their fingertips instantly, which is what The Pirate Bay facilitated. The best way to compete with that is to come up with a better product. Spotify exists because of piracy."
Phone calls, movies, music, TV – Stockholm has emerged as the epicentre of an online revolution, giving us all what we want, instantly, for free
The Extreme Searcher's Web Page
I will be using the book and this website for my college course.
Text for 5540
TO. -- Get Shorty URL
Korteste URL-shortener?...
Technology is Heroin - What To Fix
The Semantic Web: A Treasure Trove for Marketers - ReadWriteWeb
"What is the semantic web, you wonder? Don't worry, you're not alone. The term "semantic web," or "Web 3.0" as some folks have started calling it, means different things to different people. In this post, we'll clarify what it is and why we think it will play an important role in the world of marketing. Two technologies in particular (natural-language search and content enhancement) promise to bring companies much closer to their customers and deliver to consumers more relevant content than ever before."
Die Bedeutung vom semantischen Web für modernes Marketing: Natural Language Search und Content Enhancement
Government 2.0 Meets Catch 22 - Bits Blog -
“We have a Facebook page,” said one official of the Department of Homeland Security. “But we don’t allow people to look at Facebook in the office. So we have to go home to use it. I find this bizarre.”
best stuff is in the comments
Hoe ga je om met web 2.0 en bestaande richtlijnen? Die kunnen elkaar gelukkig heerlijk in de weg zitten ... Annotated link
JESS3 / The State of The Internet on Vimeo
Estatistica sobre internet
JESS3 designed and animated this for the JESS3 lecture at AIGA Baltimore in Feb 2010.
JESS3 designed and animated this for the JESS3 lecture at AIGA Baltimore in Feb 2010
Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web | Magazine
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter. This year, Google will introduce 550 or so improvements to its fabled algorithm, and each will be determined at a gathering just like this one. The decisions made at the weekly Search Quality Launch Meeting will wind up affecting the results you get when you use Google’s search engine to look for anything — “Samsung SF-755p printer,” “Ed Hardy MySpace layouts,” or maybe even “capital Burkina Faso,” which just happens to share its name with this conference room. Udi Manber, Google’s head of search since 2006, leads the proceedings. One by one, potential modifications are introduced, along with the results of months of testing in vari
Filosofisk (?) artikel om googles algoritmer
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter. This year, Google will introduce 550 or so improvements to its fabled algorithm, and each will be determined at a gathering just like this one. The decisions made at the weekly Search Quality Launch Meeting will wind up affecting the results you get when you use Google’s search engine to look for anything
Kid Safe Search Sites
A history of media technology scares, from the printing press to Facebook. - By Vaughan Bell - Slate Magazine
"In 1936, the music magazine the Gramophone reported that children had "developed the habit of dividing attention between the humdrum preparation of their school assignments and the compelling excitement of the loudspeaker" and described how the radio programs were disturbing the balance of their excitable minds."
Slate Magazine
A useful historical look at the anxiety of technology and information overload.
This article from the Slate looks at a "history of media technology scares, from the printing press to Facebook." It gives a fine perspective on how whilst the technology evolves, the essence of prophets of doom railing against the technology remain basically the same.
Good mood from Sasha :-)
The theme song for Buffalo
RT: @comunicadores: Desafio da tarde: veja se vc consegue assistir esse vídeo até o final
Roadmap: Make Your Corporate Websites Relevant by Integrating Facebook, Google, MySpace, LinkedIn, or Twitter « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Companies must integrate customers behavior on social networks to their corporate website to increase relevancy, word of mouth, and trust. Social networks, which have your customers and prospects, have taken note, and have launched a variety of products that allows their thriving communities of buyers and prospects to connect with static corporate sites. The challenge? There are so many features available, it’s confusing to figure out what to do. Use this data as a roadmap and guide.
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again Over the past few weeks, I’ve been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a piece on how corporate websites are becoming irrelevant, due to trusted decisions between prospects and customers taking place off the corporate site. This piece, which still gets traffic has been translated into over a dozen languages –the market recognizes that corporate sites can no longer operate as silos when customers have left.
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again - Over the past few weeks, I've been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a piece...
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again Over the past few weeks, I've been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a piece
10 Fun and Free Browser-Based Games | Web.AppStorm
Why the internet will fail (from 1995) « Three Word Chant!
Hahahahaha... now THIS made my day! Read it. You'll laugh.
Gmail Preferred By Students, But Nothing Beats Texting - ReadWriteWeb
nu stiu
«Today's high-school and college students got their first email account at an average age of 13. Most students have had one of their email addresses for 8 years and have an average of about 2.4 addresses each. But if you really want to reach these students, you should forget email. Send a text message instead.»
article about how students communicate with different technologies. For quest. 4 of hzau09.
chat roulette on Vimeo
Dude. We did this EXACT experiment last night!
a movie about chat roulette.
a movie about chat roulette. i don't know what really know what else could be said. a movie by casey neistat NaSA Entertainment 2010
100 Useful Research Tools for Amateur Economists | Rated Colleges
important research document
Rated Colleges Top Rated Online Colleges and Universities 100 Useful Research Tools for Amateur Economists Posted By Site Administrator You don’t have to be a professional economist to do some really great research on the web. Whether you’re looking into historical trends, modern buying patterns or the latest stats on the global financial market you won’t find any shortage of information to keep you interested. Here are 100 great resources to utilize that can help you find, organize and understand your economic research. General Tools These tools offer some great general research material, help getting it all organized and some essential search capabilities. Internet Resources for Economists: This extensive list will direct you towards journals, economic research institutions, software and more that can be helpful in your search for information. American Economic Association: Here you’ll find a wealth of resources including journals, papers and links to members who may be able to he
Researchers hijack botnet, score 56,000 passwords in an hour - Ars Technica
410 financial institutions
Researchers hijack botnet, score 56,000 passwords in an hour - Ars Technica [from]
“The Torpig botnet was hijacked by the good guys for ten days earlier this year before its controllers issued an update and took the botnet back. During that time, however, researchers were able to gain a glimpse into the kind of information the botnet gathers as well as the behavior of Internet users who are prone to malware infections. ” – via nelson
Top 10 Android Apps - Android - Lifehacker
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal.
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal. Photo by lwallenstein. We're going to skip right over the apps that are just so common, universal, and well replicated on the iPhone or other mobile platforms that a user with a need will probably hunt them down—Facebook, Yelp, Evernote, Remember the Milk, and endless Twitter clients, widgets, and apps. We've also skipped over Google's own neat apps, like Google Voice, Navigation, and Goggles, that are (or will be) included standard on new Android phones. Instead, we're aiming to shine a little light on apps that quietly offer excellent functionality for those who download them. Update: I moved TasKiller Free up to a lower ranking, and modified its entry description a bit, after some further research, spurred by some Andro-savvy comments and emails.
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal. Photo by lwallenstein. We're going to skip right over the apps that are just so common, universal, and well replicated on the iPhone or other mobile platforms that a user with a need will probably hunt them down—Facebook, Yelp, Evernote, Remember the Milk, and endless Twitter clients, widgets, and apps. We've also skipped over Google's own neat apps, like Google Voice, Navigation, and Goggles, that are (or will be) included standard on new Android phones. Instead, we're aiming to shine a little light on apps that quietly offer excellent functionality for those who download them. Update: I moved TasKiller Free up to a lower ranking, and modified its entry description a bit, after some further research, spurred by some Andro-savvy comments and emails.
Top 25 (Non-Obvious) Ways RSS Can Make Your Life Easier
f you’re looking for ways to more fully incorporate RSS into your technology repertoire, here are 25 applications, sites and ideas that can help you make the most of RSS. There are tons of little ways you can use RSS feeds to help you make your daily tasks, errands and life in general a little easier.
Study: Social Media Transforming Our Influences on What to Buy - Mashable
The most recent report interviewed 17,000 people in 29 countries and is called “When did we start trusting strangers.” It conclusively proves that as we thought, social media is now directly impacting the way we buy products and services. The publishing of billions of thoughts, opinions and experiences online in the form of blog posts, videos, ratings, reviews and photos is fundamentally changing the way everybody online sources opinions on products, brands and services when they buy something.
Tom Smith, Head of Consumer Futures at Universal McCann, discusses how social media is transforming our influences on what to buy.
Mashable article on Universal McCann study tracking social media use among 17,000 Internet users, September 2008.
Norwegian Websites Declare War on IE 6 | Epicenter from
Die IE6, die! Browsercide evangelism FTW!
Several large websites in Norway have launched an advocacy campaign urging Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 users to upgrade their outdated web browsers.
BBC News - Mapping the growth of the internet
Visualising the Internet and animation on how the Internet works
The Internationalization of Social Media | Brian Solis
UK: Social Network Profiles: Access = 42.6% | Users = 15.9m Photos: Access = 38.2% | Users = 15.7m Videos: Access = 11.5% | Users = 2.4m Blogging: Access = 8.4% | Users = 5.5m Micro Blogging: Access = 5.3% | Users = 4.6m
The State of Social Media Around the World 2010
best of craigslist : Manly Bike for Sale
What kind of bike? I don't know, I'm not a bike scientist. What I am though is a manly guy looking to sell his bike. This bike is made out of metal and kick ass spokes. The back reflector was taken off, but if you think that deters me from riding at night, you're way wrong. I practiced ninja training in Japan's mount Fuji for 5 years and the first rule they teach about ninja biking is that back reflectors let the enemy know where you are. Not having a rear reflector is like saying "FUCK YOU CAR, JUST TRY AND FIND ME".
Best bike ad ever. i just want to meet this dude.
metal and kick ass spokes
The Rise Of The Social Nervous System -
...communication is the foundation of society, business and government. When you scale up communications, you change the world....As ever more people get connected, we see an acceleration in the way the Internet is used to coordinate action and render services from human input. We are witnessing the rise of a social nervous system.
"the Internet is, at bottom, a communications network, and communication is the foundation of society, business and government. When you scale up communications, you change the world."
Another outcome of the social nervous system is that we see the shift away from privacy as an inalienable right to an individual responsibility. In a social nervous system there will be increasing pressure to be connected 24/7 to the hive mind that is Facebook, Twitter and so on. Those who do not connect, share and collaborate will have a hard time in business and in social life. Older generations expect that digital natives will one day wish to erase all their indiscreet photos online. But I don't believe this nonstop exposure will go away as the digital natives mature. Our lives are increasingly being logged on the Internet. It is part of the trade. Given the complexity and precarious position of the modern world, getting people to genuinely reach out and touch their neighbors is a good thing but it will come at the price of reshaping our identities as part of a larger, interconnected whole.
Older generations expect that digital natives will one day wish to erase all their indiscreet photos online. But I don't believe this nonstop exposure will go away as the digital natives mature. Our lives are increasingly being logged on the Internet. It is part of the trade. Given the complexity and precarious position of the modern world, getting people to genuinely reach out and touch their neighbors is a good thing but it will come at the price of reshaping our identities as part of a larger, interconnected whole.
Print is still king: Only 3 percent of newspaper reading happens online » Nieman Journalism Lab
Nieman Lab article on how the online only has a tiny share of newspaper readership
Could this be true?
Some heavy math on how most newspaper reading is still done in print. And why online revenue is only 10 per cent of print. Interesting...
So, U. S. daily newspapers deliver a total of 90.3 billion page impressions per month, print and online. The online share of these page is only 3.5 percent — 96.5 percent of page impressions delivered by newspapers are in print.
I want to emphasize that this analysis was limited to newspapers and newspaper sites as input to that industry’s ongoing search for business models that work. Any individual newspaper or newspaper group has at their command internal data to repeat this analysis more accurately for themselves, and I’d encourage them to do so. There has been a tendency in the industry to inflate the significance of unique visitors. As noted by Josh Benton in the comments, 100,000 monthly unique visitors on the site is not nearly the same as 100,000 print subscribers, but you can find such statistics conflated into equivalence on everything from ad sales materials to 10-K reports. What the industry really needs to do is to develop a valid, independently-audited measure of audience attention. Who knows, it might even help them sell some print advertising.
BBC News - The top 100 sites on the internet
RT @estima7: BBC가 선정한 인터넷TOP 100 미국중심이지만 분류를 잘해놨네요. 세력분포를 이해할 수 있어 좋음!
The Top 100 Classic Web Sites - Apps and Services - Reviews by PC Magazine,2817,2328651,00.asp
These online tools can simplify your life and your workflow.
PC Magazine's definitive list of the best and most trustworthy Web sites of 2008.
Schneier on Security: The Future of Ephemeral Conversation
We type on, engrossed in conversation, forgetting we're being recorded and those recordings might come back to haunt us later. Oliver North learned this, way back in 1987, when messages he thought he had deleted were saved by the White House PROFS system, and then subpoenaed in the Iran-Contra affair. Bill Gates learned this in 1998 when his conversational e-mails were provided to opposing counsel as part of the antitrust litigation discovery process. Mark Foley learned this in 2006 when his instant messages were saved and made public by the underage men he talked to. Paris Hilton learned this in 2005 when her cell phone account was hacked, and Sarah Palin learned it earlier this year when her Yahoo e-mail account was hacked. ... Ephemeral conversation is dying. Cardinal Richelieu:If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged."
"Conversation used to be ephemeral. Whether face-to-face or by phone, we could be reasonably sure that what we said disappeared as soon as we said it. Organized crime bosses worried about phone taps and room bugs, but that was the exception. Privacy was just assumed. This has changed. We chat in e-mail, over SMS and IM, and on social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace, and LiveJournal. We blog and we Twitter. These conversations -- with friends, lovers, colleagues, members of our cabinet -- are not ephemeral; they leave their own electronic trails. We know this intellectually, but we haven't truly internalized it. We type on, engrossed in conversation, forgetting we're being recorded and those recordings might come back to haunt us later."
When he becomes president, Barack Obama will have to give up his BlackBerry. Aides are concerned that his unofficial conversations would become part of the presidential record, subject to subpoena and eventually made public as part of the country's historical record.
"When he becomes president, Barack Obama will have to give up his BlackBerry. Aides are concerned that his unofficial conversations would become part of the presidential record, subject to subpoena and eventually made public as part of the country's historical record."
But as technology makes our conversations less ephemeral, we need laws to step in and safeguard ephemeral conversation.
"The younger generation chats digitally, and the older generation treats those chats as written correspondence. ... until we have a Presidential election where both candidates have a complete history on social networking sites from before they were teenagers -- we aren't fully an information age society." (via Oblinks)
BBC NEWS | Technology | Serious security flaw found in IE
"Users of Microsoft's Internet Explorer are being urged by experts to switch to a rival until a serious security flaw has been fixed."
The State of the Web - Winter 2009
Funny Illustration
Death of newspapers | Salon
If reporting vanishes, the world will get darker and uglier. Subsidizing newspapers may be the only answer.
The real problem isn't that newspapers may be doomed. I would be severely disheartened if I was forced to abandon my morning ritual of sitting on my deck with a coffee and the papers, but I would no doubt get used to burning out my retinas over the screen an hour earlier than usual. As Nation columnist Eric Alterman recently argued, the real problem isn't the impending death of newspapers, but the impending death of news -- at least news as we know it.
The death of the news If reporting vanishes, the world will get darker and uglier. Subsidizing newspapers may be the only answer. By Gary Kamiya in
If reporting vanishes, the world will get darker and uglier. Subsidizing newspapers may be the only answer. by Gary Kamiya
Tim Berners-Lee on the next Web | Video on
TED Talks 20 years ago, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. For his next project, he&#39;s building a web for open, linked data that could do for numbers what the Web did for words, pictures, video: unlock our data and reframe the way we use it together.
Over het nieuwe web waaronder linked en open data op het web.
Information Overload: Information Overload is Filter Failure, Says Shirky
Gina Trapani/Lifehacker, Sept. 22, 2008.
This Machine Eats Tweets: The System Behind @Comcast and Others - ReadWriteWeb
notes on how brands are using twitter analytics and CRM to manage cust service. Mentions Radian6 and WebTrends. Dell VP of Community has a 45 person team
use.. or misuse of social marketing
It turns out though, that far more than that was happening behind the scenes. An extensive machinery of tracking, delegation and analysis stood between Bill and my little Twe
Radian6 system and others - how social media monitoring works at large companies (with one screenshot of radian6)
Kutiman, Big Media, and the Future of Creative Entrepreneurship | 43 Folders
recombined brilliance
What else can you say to this but "It cannot be helped, it is as it should be, that the law is behind the times."
Oooh @merlinMann muchly likes ThruYou as well. Happy, happy. [from]
So amazing, so illegal. What are we going to do with you, future? That&#8217;s my pal, Jonathan Coulton, remarking on the disruptively talented Kutiman, who has made an astounding series of YouTube video remixes that&#8217;s lighting up the web
Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet - BusinessWeek
Quittner, Jeremy. Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet. BusinessWeek (April 3, 2009).
RT @c_blazquez: RT @tewfiq Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet - BusinessWeek [from]
Entrepreneurs are finding the fast-rising microblogging site to be a useful tool for reaching out to customers.
fr. Business Week - Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet - [from]
While this exchange may seem a bit cryptic, Savage is one of a growing number of business owners to whom it makes an awful lot of sense. Savage frequently trolls Twitter looking for sales leads for his five-person, $1 million company, which makes software that facilitates video sharing through a private network.
Social Media Leads the Future of Technology — HBS Working Knowledge
Without a doubt we are in the middle of a game change....finding simplicity in the massive complex, finding personal utility in the aggregation of information.
A dashboard concept is very important as the key to innovation, said Decker. "Increasingly, companies will find ways to leverage whatever social networks you're in, find ways to service those in ways easy for you to access, and try to go for more simplicity," she said. "Simplicity is the single thing people really want. It's going to get faster in terms of technology. There's going to be more opportunities and interconnections. "But fundamentally, removing the complexity and adding simplicity so you can easily access in an open way everything you want, and leverage a lot of social connections rather than going to multiple ones, is how the user experience will evolve.
Internet-connected televisions, social media, and the power of simplicity were all cited as launch pads for future innovation in technology
"Increasingly, companies will find ways to leverage whatever social networks you're in, find ways to service those in ways easy for you to access, and try to go for more simplicity," she said. "Simplicity is the single thing people really want. It's going to get faster in terms of technology. There's going to be more opportunities and interconnections. But fundamentally, removing the complexity and adding simplicity so you can easily access in an open way everything you want, and leverage a lot of social connections rather than going to multiple ones, is how the user experience will evolve."
Common Sense Internet Safety Survival Guide
The Internet runs right through the middle of our kids' lives. It opens a world of entertainment and communication, but it also allows direct access to people and Web sites that can expose kids to age-inappropriate content and risky social contacts. At Common Sense Media, we believe in media sanity, not censorship. And since we can't always cover our kids' eyes, we have to teach them how to see. The information here will help your kids stay Internet safe and smart. Click on the links below to find out what every parent should know about how our kids use the Internet.
he Internet runs right through the middle
guide on what to check on facebook along with other stuff good resource for parents moveis books too
Episcopal High School of Jacksonville
To help me find what I need!
Help w/ search engines
web search hints
Scientific Journal to Authors: Publish in Wikipedia or Perish - ReadWriteWeb
Every day, hundreds of articles appear in academic journals and very little of this information is available to the public. Now, RNA Biology has decided to ask every author who submits an article to a newly created section of the journal about families of RNA molecules to also submit a Wikipedia page that summarizes the work. As Nature reports, this is the first time an academic journal has forced its authors to disseminate information this way. The initiative is a collaboration between the journal and the RNA family database (Rfam) consortium led by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
Scientific Journal to Authors: Publish in Wikipedia or Perish
Every day, hundreds of articles appear in academic journals and very little of this information is available to the public. Now, RNA Biology has decided to ask every author who submits an article to a newly created section of the journal about families of RNA molecules to also submit a Wikipedia page that summarizes the work. As Nature reports, this is the first time an academic journal has forced its authors to disseminate information this way. The initiative is a collaboration between the journal and the RNA family database (Rfam) consortium led by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
Welcome to
Official Homepage of the FCC National Broadband Plan
Cidadania na Internet
IP SImulcast Radio
Big-Ass Message | by Bjernie's Fast Food [HOW USEFUL]
RT @wwwhatsnew: - Envía mensajes por internet con formato de hace 15 años
Not sure what you'll use it for, but fun all the same :
Internet Explorer 9: Platform Demos
RT @joelmoss: Why is IE 9 advertising that it fails the Acid 3 test? (via @rbates)
Why Ad Blocking is devastating to the sites you love
Did you know that blocking ads truly hurts the websites you visit? We recently learned that many of our readers did not know this, so I'm going to explain why. There is an oft-stated misconception that if a user never...
Did you know that blocking adverts really hurts your websites a person go to? Many of us recently realized of which many of our readers did not know this particular, so I'm going in order to describe the reason why.
Ars Technica angenehm nüchtern über das Problem Adblocking und das Experiment, für kurze Zeit für Adblocker-Nutzer auch den Content auszublenden.
Did you know that keeping advertisements genuinely hurts your internet sites an individual go to? All of us lately figured out which many of our readers would never know that, so I'm about in order to make clear why.
Right now keeping advertisings truly affects the particular internet sites anyone check out? We all lately discovered in which quite a few audience would never know that, so I am going in order to make clear the reason why.
BBC News - The top 100 sites on the internet
Which are the biggest sites on the internet? Explore this interactive graphic to find out.
Publishing: The Revolutionary Future - The New York Review of Books
Kirjojen ja julkaisemisen tulevaisuus
Espresso Book Machine
"The transition within the book publishing industry from physical inventory stored in a warehouse and trucked to retailers to digital files stored in cyberspace and delivered almost anywhere on earth as quickly and cheaply as e-mail is now underway and irreversible. This historic shift will radically transform worldwide book publishing, the cultures it affects and on which it depends."
Without the contents of our libraries—our collective backlist, our cultural memory—our civilization would collapse.
About the future of books
New technologies, however, do not await permission. They are, to use Schumpeter's overused term, disruptive, as nonnegotiable as earthquakes.
Minimovies - I Love Alaska - Lernert Engelberts and Sander Plug
August 4, 2006, the personal search queries of 650,000 AOL (America Online) users accidentally ended up on the Internet, for all to see. These search queries were entered in AOL's search engine over a three-month period. After three days AOL realized their blunder and removed the data from their site, but the sensitive private data had already leaked to several other sites. I love Alaska tells the story of one of those AOL users. We get to know a religious middle-aged woman from Houston, Texas, who spends her days at home behind her TV and computer. Her unique style of phrasing combined with her putting her ideas, convictions and obsessions into AOL's search engine, turn her personal story into a disconcerting novel of sorts.
documentary about the search terms from one AOL user in Alaska
AOL accidentally leaked search queries of a cheating wife who is dumped by het cyberlover
Google shows Microsoft how to connect the dots « counternotions
Google shows Microsoft how to connect the dots « counternotions
Some business advice for Ballmer.
Quoting Marissa Mayer, Google's VP of Search Products & User Experience: "You may have heard about our [directory assistance] 1-800-GOOG-411 service. Whether or not free-411 is a profitable business unto itself is yet to be seen. I myself am somewhat skeptical. The reason we really did it is because we need to build a great speech-to-text model … that we can use for all kinds of different things, including video search."
Interesting article about how Google is just playing a different game than the rest of us.
Andy Beckett: The forgotten story of Chile's 'socialist internet' | Technology | The Guardian
"When Pinochet's military overthrew the Chilean government 30 years ago, they discovered a revolutionary communication system, a 'socialist internet' connecting the whole country. Its creator? An eccentric scientist from Surrey. Andy Beckett on the forgotten story of Stafford Beer"
When Pinochet's military overthrew the Chilean government 30 years ago, they discovered a revolutionary communication system, a 'socialist internet' connecting the whole country. Its creator? An eccentric scientist from Surrey. Andy Beckett on the forgotten story of Stafford Beer. (See also: )
How I Became (Mostly) Google-free in About a Day | Zen Habits
Post written by Leo Babauta. Are we too reliant on Google’s services? As long-time readers know, I love Google’s products and use them daily, as they’re absolutely the best I’ve tried in their categories: Google search, Gmail, Google Chrome browser, Google Reader, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Picasa, mostly. However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives?It took me one day. Here’s how I did it, and how it’s turned out so far.
Case you missed it: Darth Google and De-Googling #diversify #empire #google
However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives? It took me one day. Here’s how I did it, and how it’s turned out so far.
"However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives? It took me one day."
Alternativas para as ferramentas do Google. - Making the Internet Safer for Children and Families
Help students prevent from online predators, cyberbullying, and sexual abuse
This website has information and links from internet dangers to how to report a web crime. This site also gives tips for parents and has link to other cafety sites. The State of the News Media 2010
The State of the News Media 2010, An Annual Report on American Journalism - Presented by
Get Into the Rhythm: 50 Open Courseware Collections for Musicians |
Cursos de música de graça
Finding a place to take free classes can be a bonus for musicians struggling to pay the rent. The following open courseware collections include classes, entire courses, and lessons that are sure to please the musician in you. Select from college courses from some of the top-ranked universities, educational open courseware collections, music schools, and even podcasts and webcasts.
Dossiê Alex Primo - Ferramentas para tirar o máximo do Twitter
Ferramentas que oferecem outras possiblidade de interação com o twitter
Ferramentas para tirar o máximo do Twitter no Dossie Alex Primo (Interney blogs)
The Current State of Twitter [INFOGRAPHIC]
RT @Chegoyo: RT @pciudadano: El estado actual de Twitter RT @BBCCollege: [INFOGRAPHIC]
The following graphic takes a look at Twitter’s path to 10 billion tweets, what we have learned about its users and what they’ve been talking about along the way.
Mainland China service availability
A list of Google services availability in Mainland China.
Regularly updated page showing which Google services are still available in mainland China.
list of google services available in mainland china
Availability of Google Services in mainland China
xkcd: Devotion to Duty
When it comes to devotion to duty, no matter what the obstacles are, duty is a duty ^_^
Breaking: Internet Explorer 8.1 Eagle Eyes Leaked | How-To | Smashing Magazine
server-side decompiler on IE8.1? Hu? [from]
Reading: Breaking: Internet Explorer 8.1 Eagle Eyes Leaked [from]
Breaking News: Smashing Magazine April Fools leaked in March - [from]
Smashing Magazine tries to be at the forefront of new and exciting developments in the wide world of the web. You might have heard that we met with the IE 8 Chief Strategist in the past, so it should come as no surprise that we like to keep up with the latest events in the web browser industry.
Your Gmail Account is Now An OpenID
RT @tweetlicius: Your Gmail Account is Now An OpenID -
You may not know it, but you probably have an OpenID. If you have a Yahoo account, you have an OpenID. If you have a Windows Live account, you will soon have an OpenID. And today, if you have a Google e-mail account, you can also start using your Gmail address as an OpenID. By joining the OpenID movement, Google completes the trifecta and adds all of its Gmail users to the hundreds of millions of Yahoo and Windows Live accounts that can also be used as a single login for any Website that accepts OpenID. While Google is more than happy to become an issuer of OpenIDs, what is not so clear is whether it will accept other OpenIDs for people who want to sign up for Google services.
Google appears to be an OpenID “provider,” not a “relying party.” In other words, you cannot sign into Google with your Yahoo account. But this still helps the OpenID movement as a whole because it gives smaller sites more incentive to join as “relying parties.” Among the first sites to accept Gmail accounts for sign in are Zoho and Plaxo.
Repeating Calendar
Research Tools
Teaching information access skills cannot be done in a vacuum. It must relate to the learning environment by actively engaging students to gather and process information in a meaningful way. The Big6 and WebQuest are two frameworks you can use in research. In addition, students need to know whether or not the information is reliable, how to cite resources, and understand copyright. The following guides and activities are designed to help teachers and students examine Websites and their content.
The Social Media Bubble - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review
What are the wages of relationship inflation? Three cancers eating away at the vitality of today's web. First, attention isn't allocated efficiently; people discover less what they value than what everyone else likes, right this second. Second, people invest in low-quality content. Farmville ain't exactly Casablanca. Third, and most damaging, is the ongoing weakening of the Internet as a force for good. Not only is Farmville not Casablanca, it's not Kiva either. One of the seminal examples of the promise of social media, Kiva allocates micro-credit more meaningfully. By contrast, Farmville is largely socially useless. It doesn't make kids tangibly better off; it just makes advertisers better off.
The Social Media Bubble
Reid Hoffman Tells Charlie Rose: “Every Individual Is Now An Entrepreneur.”
interview with linked founding ceo
Full text transcript plus link to video.
RT @jonathanfields: LinkedIn founder says, "every individual is now an entrepreneur, whether they recognize it or not" [from]
Reid Hoffman is an entrepreneur’s entrepreneur. He worked at Paypal, founded LinkedIn, and invested in dozens more. Last night, he appeared on Charlie Rose (full interview embedded above, full transcript below), where he talks about the rise of social networking in general, and LinkedIn’s success in particular (it is adding one million professionals every 17 days and is emerging as a “low cost provider of really good hiring services”).
livedoor プロバイダ - 上級者向け格安プロバイダ
Internet: a mídia que mais cresce porque vende | UOL
Guess what? Automated news doesn't quite work. - Techmeme News
Any competent developer who tries to automate the selection of news headlines will inevitably discover that this approach always comes up a bit short. Automation does indeed bring a lot to the table -- humans can't possibly discover and organize news as fast as computers can. But too often the lack of real intelligence leads to really unintelligent results. Only an algorithm would feature news about Anna Nicole Smith's hospitalization after she's already been declared dead, as our automated celeb news site WeSmirch did last year: Instantly obsolete news isn't the only hazard. A fundamental component to any news organization program is the determination of whether two stories are related. Deciding is often rather easy: if two stories hyperlink each other or both use the words Apple, Psystar, and DMCA repeatedly, they're probably related. Unfortunately, the clues are sometimes far too subtle for the most advanced algorithms to notice. This leads to bad "related" grouping, and even the f
Any competent developer who tries to automate the selection of news headlines will inevitably discover that this approach always comes up a bit short. Automation does indeed bring a lot to the table -- humans can't possibly discover and organize news as fast as computers can. But too often the lack of real intelligence leads to really unintelligent results. Only an algorithm would feature news about Anna Nicole Smith's hospitalization after she's already been declared dead, as our automated celeb news site WeSmirch did last year.
Any competent developer who tries to automate the selection of news headlines will inevitably discover that this approach always comes up a bit short. Automation does indeed bring a lot to the table -- humans can't possibly discover and organize news as fast as computers can. But too often the lack of real intelligence leads to really unintelligent results. Only an algorithm would feature news about Anna Nicole Smith's hospitalization after she's already been declared dead, as our automated celeb news site WeSmirch did last year:
Gabe Rivera explains why developers who try to "automate the selection of news headlines will inevitably discover that this approach always comes up a bit short... Interacting directly with an automated news engine makes it clear that the human+algorithm combo can curate news far more effectively that the individual human or algorithmic parts."
"Any competent developer who tries to automate the selection of news headlines will inevitably discover that this approach always comes up a bit short. Automation does indeed bring a lot to the table -- humans can't possibly discover and organize news as fast as computers can. But too often the lack of real intelligence leads to really unintelligent results. "
Any competent developer who tries to automate the selection of news headlines will inevitably discover that this approach always comes up a bit short. Automation does indeed bring a lot to the table -- humans can't possibly discover and organize news as fast as computers can. But too often the lack of real intelligence leads to really unintelligent results.
"The news will just get faster and more interesting. Obsolete stories will be eliminated sooner while breaking stories will be expedited. Related grouping will improve. Most of this will happen only on Techmeme, though other sites (like memeorandum and WeSmirch) will increasingly benefit from the direct human touch as well."
Metacrawlers and Metasearch Engines - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
Metacrawlers and Metasearch Engines
Metacrawlers and Metasearch Engines By Chris Sherman, Search Engine Watch, Mar 23, 2005 Unlike search engines, metacrawlers don't crawl the web themselves to build listings. Instead, they allow searches to be sent to several search engines all at once. The results are then blended together onto one page. Below are some of the major metacrawlers.
A list of major metacrawlers. Unlike search engines, metacrawlers don't crawl the web themselves to build listings. Instead, they allow searches to be sent to several search engines all at once.
this site is a mother lode!
Great site to research various award winning search engines.Also some of the top searc engines that are used.
Just What is Social Media, Exactly?
Mashable site used for uni: Social media are platforms for interaction and relationships, not content and ads
maybe I should know this, but I wanted a touch up- and even though it's bias because it's not "formally" written, I think it's helpful.
"What is social media, and is social media actually media in the traditional sense of the word?"
Complete list of 2009 Webware 100 winners | Webware100 - CNET
Complete list of 2009 Webware 100 winners - [from]
All the Webware 100 winners in one place. Read this blog post by Rafe Needleman on Webware100.
Beyond the 10 blue links: how search engines are getting smarter | News | TechRadar UK
How search engines are getting smarter Google and Microsoft reveal how search is evolving : TechRadar UK
Google and Microsoft reveal how search is evolving
40 blogs a seguir en 2009 » blogpocket
40 blogs a seguir en 2009
este post trata de 40 blogs a seguir en 2009
The State of the Internet Operating System - O'Reilly Radar
good read
Great article on the present and future trends of computing technologies and horizons.
Internet Explorer UA Style Sheets
A Makeover for Your Google Results -
m. Google rates Web sites, in part, by how many lin
For years, I winced at what popped up when I Googled my name. The top result of a search on "Julia Angwin" was an article I wrote for The Wall Street Journal in 2005 after I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was indicted for making false statements, perjuring himself and obstructing justice by lying about how and when he learned the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame. I hated seeing the story at the top of the list for a number of reasons: It was not a topic I normally wrote about; it had an underwhelming headline, "Novak's Role is Still Largely Unknown"; and -- most horrifyingly -- the story contained an error and had a correction appended to it. Mysteriously, this article had become my hallmark online, showing up in my top-five search results for years.
The Future of Reading - In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update - Series -
Titled "The Future of Reading" this article is not pertinent to our future, but to our now. Many of the ideas that this librarian incorporates into her multimedia lessons are only a start in terms of what we owe our students.
The changing role of the school librarian as educator in how to access, process and analyse information.
The Future of Reading In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update By MOTOKO RICH Published: February 16, 2009 School librarians are increasingly teaching digital skills, but they often become the first casualties of budget crunches.
NY Times article on School Librarians featuring NYC SLMS Stephanie Rosalia.
Stephanie Rice on "the future ofreading: in web age, library job gets update" Stephanie Rosaila
This is the third in a series of articles looking at how the Internet and other technologies are changing the way people read. Previous articles examined the debate over the value of reading on the Internet versus reading in print and how educators are using video games as bait to lure children to read.
In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update
How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords - Passwords - Lifehacker
f you invited me to try and crack your password, you know the one that you use over and over for like every web page you visit, how many guesses would it take before I got it?
The web designers' guide to cloud hosting | News | TechRadar UK
The web designers' guide to cloud hosting All you need to know about developing and hosting in the cloud
Cloud computing is quietly taking over the world and changing the way we use our computers forever. Whether you're storing your photo collection on Flickr or logging on to Gmail, everyone's now using the cloud, even if they don't realise it. But how does it work and how can we as web designers and developers make it work for us?
Cloud computing is quietly taking over the world and changing the way we use our computers forever. Whether you're storing your photo collection on Flickr or logging on to Gmail, everyone's now using the cloud, even if they don't realise it. But how does it work and how can we as web designers and developers make it work for us? Cloud computing runs on virtual servers. Rather than being a single physical box, a virtual server runs as part of a physical box. This type of virtualisation is nothing new and has long been a cost-effective entry-level solution. Virtual machines on the cloud run on clusters of servers. Again, this is nothing new: most medium-to-large server set-ups involve clustering.
Micro Persuasion: The End of the Destination Web Era
l'infomartion va vers l'utilisateurs
@steverubel - "Micro Persuasion: The End of the Destination Web Era" [from]
IAB Reports Internet Advertising Grew 10 Percent Last Year; Outpacing TV
Very important document
Statistik der Werbeausgaben
IAB Reports Internet Advertising Grew 10 Percent Last Year; Outpacing TV
American Mensa | Top 50
American Mensa's “Top 50” Web Sites 2010
Topsy Search Launches: ReTweets Are The New Currency Of The Web
Twitter has around 30m users
Topsy is a search engine that has a fundamentally new way of finding good results: Twitter users.
New search engine Topsy, which has been in stealth development for three years, launches, well, now. Before Google, search engines like AltaVista determined ...
Topsy Search Launches: ReTweets Are The New Currency Of The Web [from]
" Before Google, search engines like AltaVista determined relevance based on how well a web page matched the query. Then came Google, which views the web as a network of documents. Today, all search engines analyze linking behavior around the web. When a web page is linked to a lot, it’s given more influence than other pages competing for attention around the same topics/keywords. Jeff Jarvis summed it all up nicely in 2005 “In this new world, links are currency. Links grant authority. Links build branding. Links equal value.” There’s lots more to it, but the notion that links create value is what drives Internet search. "
Resources for Teachers Search Tools
possible hoax sites
List of fake websites to use to teach Internet research.
Why I won't buy an iPad (and think you shouldn't, either) - Boing Boing
i think the cory doctorow argument against the iPad is perhaps the dumbest thing I've read in years. – chris dixon (cdixon)
Point. As pretty and shiny as it is, I'll probably end up with a Kohjinsha
Annotated link
RT @cdixon: i think the cory doctorow argument against the iPad is perhaps the dumbest thing I've read in years.
Eight Tips for Super Searching - Solutions by PC Magazine,2817,2346373,00.asp
80% of all online sessions start w/ search
Google-Bashing: Zur politischen Ökonomie einer Suchmaschine — CARTA
Einer der wenigen sachlichen und differenzierten Beiträge zum Thema. "Google gilt vielen derzeit als Inbegriff des Bedrohlichen. Angebracht wäre es dagegen, Google als rational handelndes Wirtschaftsunternehmen zu begreifen. Erst dann ließen sich unbegründete Ängste von tatsächlichen Gefahren unterscheiden."
Do We Need a New Internet? -
There is a growing belief among engineers and security experts that Internet security and privacy have become so maddeningly elusive that the only way to fix the problem is to start over. What a new Internet might look like is still widely debated, but one alternative would, in effect, create a “gated community” where users would give up their anonymity and certain freedoms in return for safety.
Problems with privacy are making experts to think about a new inertenet. Question to the class: Is it possible?
"there is a growing belief among engineers and security experts that Internet security and privacy have become so maddeningly elusive that the only way to fix the problem is to start over.""A more secure network is one that would almost certainly offer less anonymity and privacy."
"What a new Internet might look like is still widely debated, but one alternative would, in effect, create a “gated community” where users would give up their anonymity and certain freedoms in return for safety. Today that is already the case for many corporate and government Internet users. As a new and more secure network becomes widely adopted, the current Internet might end up as the bad neighborhood of cyberspace. You would enter at your own risk and keep an eye over your shoulder while you were there"
The Online Experiments That Could Help Newspapers - BusinessWeek
The Web site has caught on to the point where Bakersfield Californian now publishes 20,000 copies of a free magazine with content from Bakotopia twice a month. The articles range from reviews of the local theater scene to goings-on at various hot spots. Because the magazine's audience is young, hip, and hard to reach, "advertisers do pay full rates," says Dan Pacheco, senior manager of digital products at the company. The magazine even turns a profit.
# Another list of examples.
Άρθρο στο BusinessWeek (Μάρτιος 2009). Χρησιμοποιώντας ως παράδειγμα την The Bakersfield Californian, αναφέρει τρόπους με τους οποίους οι εφημερίδες μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν νέες πηγές εσόδων.
The independent, family-owned Californian is preparing to take the idea of Web-created niche magazines national. Using an $837,000 grant from the Knight News Challenge and about $200,000 of its own money, it's launching a site called later in March. The site will allow individuals, schools, homeowners' associations, wine clubs, and the like to create their own digital magazines.
A venture by <cite>The Bakersfield Californian</cite> is one of many ways newspapers are trying to generate new revenue
Do We Need a New Internet? -
Do We Need a New Internet?
Do We Need a New Internet? via NYT [from]
Google Chrome
Give information on my computer research paper
Video demo of multifunciton type-search bar
Interview With Andrew Keen At The Next Web 2009: “Web 2.0 Is F*Cked”
The funny irony here is that Keen keeps pushing to see technology as fragmentation and individualism against notions such as McLuhan's "global village." He does suggest that twitter represents an age of radical inegalitarianism, and this is interesting, but tends to ignore the social collaborative projects dynamic technologies make possible.
bat shit crazy but interesting pov
Interview With Andrew Keen At The Next Web 2009: “Web 2.0 Is F*Cked” 157 Comments by Robin Wauters on April 16, 2009 TechCrunch Europe’s Mike Butcher and I just finished conducting a short video interview with entrepreneur and author Andrew Keen about the end of Web 2.0 and the dawn of a new age of individualism, driven primarily by Twitter.
TechCrunch Europe's Mike Butcher and I just finished conducting a short video interview with entrepreneur and author Andrew Keen about the end of ...
Next Web in Amsterdam
food for thought
10 Simple Google Search Tricks
How to: Track a conversation in Twitter | Editors' Blog
how to track a conversation in twitter
Reputation Is Dead: It’s Time To Overlook Our Indiscretions
Attempting to command, as well as deal with, the on the internet status has become increasingly hard.
But the nonsense we’re all worried about today? I just don’t think it will carry the same weight in a few years. Because if there are pictures of the person hiring you smoking pot in college online, and there are pictures of every other candidate smoking pot in college online, it just won’t be a big deal any more. And the kind of accusations that can kill a career today will likely be seen as a badge of honor, and a sign of an ambitious individual who has pissed off a few people along the way. At least that’s what I hope will happen. Because there are a few pictures of me in high school and college that I’m tired of trying to keep off the Internet. Let’s just get it all out there sooner rather than later, and move on.
by Michael Arrington, TechCrucnh - March 28, 2010
Trying to manage, or even control, the on the web status has become progressively difficult.
Trying to handle, or maybe deal with, ones on-line popularity has become significantly hard.
Attempting to command, and even manage, the on-line popularity is now increasingly tough.
Trying to command, or even manage, the online standing is now more and more challenging.
How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords - Passwords - Lifehacker
How Your Password Could Be Hacked: #it
Internet standards expert, CEO of web company iFusion Labs, and blogger John Pozadzides knows a thing or two about password security&mdash;and he knows exactly how he&#039;d hack the weak passwords you use all over the internet.
The rise and rise of Twitter | Technology |
The Guardian has a huge number of Twitter review articles - most of which are excellent.
Could Twitter really become 'the consciousness of the planet', or is it merely 'this year's Facebook'?
Twitter Blog: Down Time Rescheduled
Astounding. Twitter gets a network upgrade rescheduled because a country's fate is, you know, in balance. [from]
A critical network upgrade must be performed to ensure continued operation of Twitter. In coordination with Twitter, our network host had planned this upgrade for tonight. However, our network partners at NTT America recognize the role Twitter is currently playing as an important communication tool in Iran.
jm: from twitter's mouth Annotated link
RT @biz NTT America proves again why they are such an awesome partner and reschedules urgent network maintenance [from]
Our partners are taking a huge risk not just for Twitter but also the other services they support worldwide—we commend them for being flexible in what is essentially an inflexible situation. We chose NTT America Enterprise Hosting Services early last year specifically because of their impeccable history of reliability and global perspective. Today's decision and actions continue to prove why NTT America is such a powerful partner for Twitter. - via Gaultier
RT @znmeb: Twitter Blog: Down Time Rescheduled [from]
A critical network upgrade must be performed to ensure continued operation of Twitter. In coordination with Twitter, our network host had planned this upgrade for tonight. However, our network partners at NTT America recognize the role Twitter is currently playing as an important communication tool in Iran. Tonight's planned maintenance has been rescheduled to tomorrow between 2-3p PST (1:30a in Iran).
How Internet Content Distribution & Discovery Are Changing
BBC NEWS | Technology | Google unveils 'smarter search'
Google unveils new search tools [from]
Google unveils 'smarter search'
BBC News, (13 May 2009)
The Dawning of Internet Censorship in Germany :
ermany is on the verge of censoring its Internet: The government – a grand coalition between the German social democrats and conservative party – seems united in its decision: On Thursday the parliament is to vote on the erection of an internet censorship architecture.
#zensursula #hadopi #loppsi version allemande [from]
German politicians already seem to be lining up with their wish-list of content to be censored in future – the suggestions ranging form gambling sites, islamist web pages, first person shooters, and the music industry cheering up with the thought of finally banning pirate bay and p2p.
Shhhh. Newspaper Publishers Are Quietly Holding a Very, Very Important Conclave Today. Will You Soon Be Paying for Online Content? - James Warren
Mostly saving this for myself, but Warren had a great post talking about online pay models - and why even a universally adopted pay wall is a bad idea.
Isn't this collusion? A bunch of different newspaper to gather together and discuss monetization? [from]
"Executive recruiters likely do not swarm the industry for talent; certainly not in the same way they've gone after leaders at companies such as General Electric, Wells Fargo Bank or Microsoft over the years. Indeed, the June issue of Fast Company, a very sharp tech and business publication, features a cover story on "The 100 Most Creative People in Business." Perhaps I missed it but I don't think I saw a single newspaper executive mentioned. Why not? Now, more than ever, is a time for creativity and nerve, not just hunkering down and crossing fingers that safe harbor will appear on the horizon. It's a wonderful and important product, vital to American communities. Unlike a lot of jobs, you can look yourself in the mirror and know you're doing some good. Many newsrooms remain filled with a sense of mission even amid the looming dread.
"Models to Monetize Content" is the subject of a gathering at a hotel which is actually located in drab and sterile suburban Rosemont, Illinois; slabs of concrete, exhibition halls and mostly chain restaurants, whose prime reason for being is O'Hare International Airport. It's perfect for quickie, in-and-out conclaves. /.../ There's no mention on its website but the Newspaper Association of America, the industry trade group, has assembled top executives of the New York Times, Gannett, E. W. Scripps, Advance Publications, McClatchy, Hearst Newspapers, MediaNews Group, the Associated Press, Philadelphia Media Holdings, Lee Enterprises and Freedom Communication Inc., among more than two dozen in all. Ultimately, many in attendance will start charging for some online content because they don't know what else to do.
"Models to Monetize Content" is the subject of a gathering at a hotel which is actually located in drab and sterile suburban Rosemont, Illinois; slabs of concrete, exhibition halls and mostly chain restaurants, whose prime reason for being is O'Hare International Airport. It's perfect for quickie, in-and-out conclaves. There's no mention on its website but the Newspaper Association of America, the industry trade group, has assembled top executives of the New York Times, Gannett, E. W. Scripps, Advance Publications, McClatchy, Hearst Newspapers, MediaNews Group, the Associated Press, Philadelphia Media Holdings, Lee Enterprises and Freedom Communication Inc., among more than two dozen in all. A longtime industry chum, consultant Barbara Cohen, "will facilitate the meeting."
Here's a story the newspaper industry's upper echelon apparently kept from its anxious newsrooms: A discreet Thursday meeting in Chicago about their future. "Models to Monetize Content" is the subject of a gathering at a hotel which is actually located in drab and sterile suburban Rosemont, Illinois; slabs of concrete, exhibition halls and mostly chain restaurants, whose prime reason for being is O'Hare International Airport. It's perfect for quickie, in-and-out conclaves.
10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
10 Simple Google Search Tricks /via @DesignerDepot
The FWA - 50 Millionth Site Visit Celebration
facebook connect, thefwa, social media facebook connects to the fwa
10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
These pages are saved from the Delicious website.
Essential syntax.
I'm always amazed that more people don't know the little tricks you can use to get more out of a simple Google search. Here are
Geeks Guide to Travel Planning - Wired How-To Wiki
East Bay Express | News | Yelp and the Business of Extortion 2.0
Yelp - is it extortion?
I guess this was the first in the series of articles detailing Yelp's shiesty biddness practices...
part 1 of 2, this is the one that got picked up by the WSJ et al. The phone calls came almost daily. It started to get creepy. "Hi, this is Mike from Yelp," the voice would say. "You've had three hundred visitors to your site this month. You've had a really good response. But you have a few bad ones at the top. I could do something about those."
Local business owners say Yelp offers to hide negative customer reviews
Twitter Bible: All You Need To Know About Twitter
Excellent resource on all about Twitter - for businesses and individuals
What Went Wrong With Joost?
Joost, a much-vaunted online video startup, today announced that it will offer a white-label video hosting platform, thus entering a crowded market littered with the carcasses of other failed video hosts. The company is also losing its famous chief executive, Mike Volpi, whom it’s replacing with Matt Zelesko, the current vice president of engineering. And it plans to cut a portion of its workforce — between about 70 of its remaining 90 employees, according to Advertising Age. It also shut down its office in the Netherlands.
Joost had an early mover advantage and then stumbled, in the end, it mostlyl boiled down to a lack of content.
Why did not Joost deliver?
European Public Policy Blog: Working with News Publishers
Webmasters who do not wish their sites to be indexed can and do use the following two lines to deny permission. If a webmaster wants to stop us from indexing a specific page, he or she can do so by adding '<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex">' to the page. In short, if you don't want to show up in Google search results, it doesn't require more than one or two lines of code.
Webmasters who do not wish their sites to be indexed can and do use the following two lines to deny permission: User-agent: * Disallow: /
Why Newspapers Can’t Be Saved, but the News Can - The Opinionator Blog -
RT @hemartin: RT @zweinullweb: Why Newspapers Can’t Be Saved, but the News Can no need to save News, they keep coming
RT @zweinullweb: Why Newspapers Can’t Be Saved, but the News Can Haha, no need to save News, they keep coming ...
Now that newspapers are staring to drop dead, the survivors are rapidly shuffling through these ideas again, desperate to stop the bleeding, "demanding to know 'If the old model is broken, what will work in its place?'"
Minthink - A fresh link eeeverytime
Refresh your ideas with fresh links. Discover new web sites. The only site that is always fresh and smells like mint.
Tool for brainstorming
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
★ ★ » Antenna
Toutes les radios sur internet
10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
I’m always amazed that more people don’t know the little tricks you can use to get more out of a simple Google search. Here are 10 of my favorites.
10 Simple Google Search Tricks
Kylo Browser
Official Google Blog: Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really)
RT @RiptideF: Reading: "Official Google Blog: Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really)" ( ) [from]
Good heavens, GMail and Google Docs are out of beta! *falls over* (via @MikeG1 @bartzon) [from]
les GoogleApps ne sont plus en béta, il était peut être temps effectivement :) [from]
Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really) [from]
RT @webmonkey: Gmail is finally out of beta (but you can still display the "beta" label by turning it on in Labs) [from]
I didn't even notice this until q10 pointed it out.
I grew attached to the Beta logo... I guess I'll have to reenable it. :-)
RT @google: Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Google Talk are out of beta - yes, really BUMP! [from]
Jennifer Aniston ended relationship with John Mayer because of his Twitter 'obsession' - Telegraph
Jennifer Aniston has reportedly ended her relationship with musician boyfriend John Mayer because he is obsessed with Twitter, it has been alleged.
What're the odds that this story was planted by Twitter itself? Is it a coin-flip? Is it a two-headed coin flip? [from] :: Speed up your Internet access using Squid's refresh patterns
Cómo jugar con los refrescos de caché para diferentes tipos de archivos en un proxy squid.
Will look into implementing this at the office some time...
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern -i \.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|ico)$ 10080 90% 43200 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private refresh_pattern -i \.(iso|avi|wav|mp3|mp4|mpeg|swf|flv|x-flv)$ 43200 90% 432000 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private refresh_pattern -i \.(deb|rpm|exe|zip|tar|tgz|ram|rar|bin|ppt|doc|tiff)$ 10080 90% 43200 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private refresh_pattern -i \.index.(html|htm)$ 0 40% 10080 refresh_pattern -i \.(html|htm|css|js)$ 1440 40% 40320 refresh_pattern . 0 40% 40320
天才が作った新検索エンジン『Wolfram|Alpha』と、Googleへの影響 | WIRED VISION
This script and opinion is interesting.
スティーブン・ウルフラム >> shorten your bacon links
RT @redesocialesweb: #delicious_hoslist >> shorten your bacon links
shorten your bacon links
“ is a bacon-related link shortener that can be used on popular social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and MySpace to integrate links to things you're trying to show your friends. If you sign up for a account and create your own links we'll even tell you how many times people are clicking on those links.”
Even links are better with bacon!
Battle Plans for Newspapers - Room for Debate Blog -
6 Lessons We Can Learn From Barack Obama’s Online Marketing Strategy : : Online Marketing Articles by Web Profits
online marketing sty. by B.Obama
Top 10 Ways to Access Blocked Stuff on The Web - Proxy - Lifehacker
The Semantic Web in Action: Scientific American
Skeptics said the Semantic Web would be too difficult for people to understand or exploit. Not so. The enabling technologies have come of age. A vibrant community of early adopters has agreed on standards that have steadily made the Semantic Web practical to use.
L. Feigenbaum et all. : The Semantic Web in Action - in: Scientific American [from]
This article (originally published in December 2007 and re-featured in January 2009) reviews progress towards the idea of a "Semantic Web: a highly interconnected network of data that could be easily accessed and understood by any desktop or handheld machine." Accompanied by a glossary and related articles and links. From Scientific American.
New staff find White House in tech Dark Ages - Washington Post-
'It's kind of like going from an Xbox to an Atari,' an Obama aide says
If the Obama campaign represented a sleek, new iPhone kind of future, the first day of the Obama administration looked more like the rotary-dial past.
"If the Obama campaign represented a sleek, new iPhone kind of future, the first day of the Obama administration looked more like the rotary-dial past."
"Two years after launching the most technologically savvy presidential campaign in history, Obama officials ran smack into the constraints of the federal bureaucracy yesterday, encountering a jumble of disconnected phone lines, old computer software, and security regulations forbidding outside e-mail accounts." I guess at least they didn't remove all the Ws from the keyboards.
If the Obama campaign represented a sleek, new iPhone kind of future, the first day of the Obama administration looked more like the rotary-dial past. Two years after launching the most technologically savvy presidential campaign in history, Obama officials ran smack into the constraints of the federal bureaucracy yesterday, encountering a jumble of disconnected phone lines, old computer software, and security regulations forbidding outside e-mail accounts. What does that mean in 21st-century terms? No Facebook to communicate with supporters. No outside e-mail log-ins. No instant messaging. Hard adjustments for a staff that helped sweep Obama to power through, among other things, relentless online social networking. "It is kind of like going from an Xbox to an Atari," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said of his new digs.
Nice to see the White House is just like any other bloody office I've worked in then!
5 Ways to Reduce Social Media Distractions and Be More Productive
RT @mashable 5 Ways to Reduce Social Media Distractions and Be More Prod..
5 Ways to Reduce Social Media Distractions and Be More Productive
Some good points about how to keep focused
Cool: The Complete Animated History of the Internet
The complete, comprehensive history of the Internet from 1957 to 2009, in just 8 minutes.
Holistic Web Browsing: Trends Of The Future - Smashing Magazine
The future of the Web is everywhere. The future of the Web is not at your desk. It’s not necessarily in your pocket, either. It’s everywhere. With each new technological innovation, we continue to become more and more immersed in the Web, connecting the ever-growing layer of information in the virtual world to the real one around us. But rather than get starry-eyed with utopian wonder about this bright future ahead, we should soberly anticipate the massive amount of planning and design work it will require of designers, developers and others.
Top Websites For Laughing At Others « YepYep - Your Daily Waste Of Time
collection of FML-esque websites
The Andrew Warner Story: How a 21 Year-Old Created a 38.5 Million Dollar Business by Returning His J.Crew Clothes
I hate the pansies who whine that “it takes money to make money.” No it doesn’t! It takes a sense of mission. If you’re on a mission, you’ll find a way. When I didn’t have money to start my company, I called up J.Crew and asked if they’d take back the clothes I bought from them over the years and give me a refund. Believe it or not, they said, “sure.” That J.Crew refund check helped put me in business.
The chances are, you probably haven't heard of the name Andrew Warner. And if you have, all you will see ...
Bobbie Johnson: Why I'm finished with 'social media' | Technology |
RT @TwURLedNewsSM Bobbie Johnson: Why I'm finished with 'social media' | Technology | - [from]
Mark Robinson Mark Robinson Postet: 24.02.2009 Fast the Guardian har tröttnat... eller i alla fall Bobbie Johnson "Nobody talks about people down the pub laughing about Bale's expletive-laden bullying as a 'social drinking sensation'. They don't call people giggling about it on the phone as a 'social telecommunications sensation'. They call it joking, or they call it gossip, because that's what people do. Whether they do it online or offline, down the pub or on Facebook doesn't matter. 'Social media' is mainstream - we don't need to claim any more victories for it. [...] Social media is people. People talk about stuff. The end."
Social media is people. People talk about stuff. Good point :)
"Social media" is mainstream - we don't need to claim any more victories for it. So, that's it. I'm sick of "social media experts". (If I know you and you are one, then obviously I'm not talking about you). I'm sick of "social media sensations". And I'm sick of social media. Social media is people. People talk about stuff. The end.
Social media is people. People talk about stuff. The end.
Nobody talks about people down the pub laughing about Bale's expletive-laden bullying as a "social drinking sensation". They don't call people giggling about it on the phone as a "social telecommunications sensation". They call it joking, or they call it gossip, because that's what people do. Whether they do it online or offline, down the pub or on Facebook doesn't matter. "Social media" is mainstream - we don't need to claim any more victories for it.
Via, perhaps (but probably not) ironically,
Bobbie Johnson has a righteous rant concluding with "Social media is people. People talk about stuff. The end." I agree wholeheartedly. But I also think there's plenty of work to be done in this area. The issue, I think, is that most studies of "social media" miss the point and do so annoyingly loudly. This is also why I'm currently looking for a term to describe what I do that isn't "social media"...
It's time to realise that we don't need to measure every event in terms of what people are doing on Facebook, YouTube or Twitter
個人の狂気を見い出すフィルタリングシステム:佐々木俊尚 ジャーナリストの視点 - CNET Japan
Tout savoir sur Twitter et le Microblogging |
All about Twitter
Article riche sur le microblogging
Usages, services, applications... Une revue complété du phénomène de microblogging et de son outil phare Twitter
Tout savoir sur Twitter et le Microblogging
Tout savoir sur twitter [WRITTEN IN FRENCH]
I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Data Debasement | PBS
The second time through the Appistry team tossed the database, at least for its duties as a processing platform, instead keeping the transaction -- in fact ALL transactions -- in memory at the same time. This made the work flow into read-process-write (eventually). The database became more of an archive and suddenly a dozen commodity PCs could do the work of one Z-Series mainframe, saving a lot of power and money along the way.
Google Gears Down for Tougher Times -
everyone seems to be viewing this as horrific, i don't see it. adjusting your economic approach to a given economy is inevitable, and prudent. am i missing something?
"Among the projects whose future is uncertain are Google Notebook, a site for storing and taking notes on Web pages, and Google Audio Indexing, which allows users to search for phrases within online video footage of politicians, say people familiar with the matter."
Video: History of the Internet - ReadWriteWeb
"If you've ever wondered how the Internet was born, but can't be bothered reading a whole book on the subject, check out this short animated documentary from Milah Bilgil. Entitled History of the internet, it does a great job explaining time-sharing, file-sharing, arpanet and internet. "
Government requests directed to Google and YouTube
Like other technology and communications companies, we regularly receive requests from government agencies around the world to remove content from our services, or provide information about users of our services and products. The map shows the number of requests that we received between July 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009, with certain limitations.
Google vient de publier une carte des requêtes gouvernementales adressées à ses services (de Google donc). Google dévoile, sur un planisphère, le nombre de demandes d'accès aux données privées et le nombre de demandes de suppression de contenus qu'il a reçues de la part de chaque gouvernement - ou presque.
Brazil, Germany, India the top3 in removal requests from Google + Many EU countries. Interesting.
This is What a Tweet Looks Like
140 chars you say?... This is What a Tweet Looks Like
This is What a Tweet Looks Like
twitter schema representation.
a breakdown of all the information in a tweet
Get a look at all the metadata behind the humble tweet: This is what the semantic web looks like. via @paoloman – Negar Mottahedeh (negaratduke)
Think a tweet is just 140 characters of text? Think again. To developers building tools on top of the Twitter platform, they know tweets contain far more information than just whatever brief, passing thought you felt the urge to share with your friends via the microblogging network. A tweet is filled with metadata - information about when it was sent, by who, using what Twitter application and so on. Now, thanks to Raffi Krikorian, a developer on Twitter's API/Platform team, you can see what a tweet looks like, in all its data-rich detail.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Study shows how spammers cash in
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send, finds a study. ... "After 26 days, and almost 350 million e-mail messages, only 28 sales resulted," wrote the researchers. -- And still they found it would have been worth it.
Spammers see a 1 in 12,500,000 response rate and still profit. How the hell do you fight that? [from]
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send, finds a study.
negocio spam
"Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send [...] the researchers estimate that the controllers of the vast system are netting about $7,000 (£4,430) a day or more than $2m (£1.28m) per year. While this was a good return, said the researchers, it did suggest that spammers were not making the vast sums of money that some people have predicted in the past."
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send
New Study Shows the Mobile Web Will Rule by 2015 [STATS]
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet. In addition to forecasting more online shopping and showing the geographical distribution of Internet users, the study also shows a dramatic shift toward mobile web use. Including devices such as the Kindle, the iPhone (iPhone) and other smartphones, web-enabled tablets, GPS systems, video games and wireless home appliances, the growth of the mobile web has been exponential — and we’re still just at the beginning of this cycle. Morgan Stanley’s analysts believe that, based on the current rate of change and adoption, the mobile web will be bigger than desktop Internet use by 2015.
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet.
The World's Most Influential Person Is... - TIME,8599,1894028,00.html
ie, 4chan's founder. time got trolled, and this is an excellent example how the mainstream has no idea what is going on, and is deathly afraid of it.
This 2008 TIME poll names 21-year-old Christopher Poole, alias moot, as the world's most influential person. moot is renowned for creating the 'dark heart' of the Internet, 4chan- a website that all but dictates the ebb and flow of Internet memes and culture, and has been repeatedly branded as a terrorist organization.
moot announced winner of TIME, after 4chan prank
Podcasting Goes Mainstream - eMarketer
Great stats on podcasting and purchasing behaviour.
Podcasting was born of the collision between social media and the iPod. Or, as Wired described it in a March 2005 article, “the bastard offspring of the blog and the Apple MP3 player.” Back then podc
Good stats
Podcasting was born of the collision between social media and the iPod. Or, as Wired described it in a March 2005 article, “the bastard offspring of the blog and the Apple MP3 player.” Back then podcasting was the domain of a few tech aficionados who saw it as a cheap and easy outlet to broadcast their views. All they needed was a microphone, some off-the-shelf software, and an installed base of iPod owners and Web surfers. But things have changed.
Arianna Huffington: The Internet and the Death of Rovian Politics
""We are witnessing the end of Rovian politics," Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google told me. And YouTube, which Google bought in 2006 for $1.65 billion, is one of the causes of its demise."
Great article on how the Internet has changed the elections, and probably the face of politics. Age has finally become an issue for John McCain. But the problem isn't the candidate's 72 years; it's the antediluvian approach of his campaign. McCain is running a textbook Rovian race: fear-based, smear-based, anything goes. But it isn't working. The glitch in the well-oiled machine? The Internet.
Arianna Huffington: "Back in the Dark Ages of 2004, when YouTube (and HuffPost, for that matter) didn't exist, a campaign could tell a brazen lie, and the media might call them on it. But if they kept repeating the lie again and again and again, the media would eventually let it go (see the Swiftboating of John Kerry). Traditional media like moving on to the next shiny thing. But bloggers love revisiting a story. So when Palin kept repeating her bridge to nowhere lie, bloggers kept calling her on it. Andrew Sullivan, for one, has made a cottage industry of calling Palin on her lies. And eventually, the truth filtered up and cost McCain credibility with his true base: journalists. "
" So when Palin kept repeating her bridge to nowhere lie, bloggers kept calling her on it. Andrew Sullivan, for one, has made a cottage industry of calling Palin on her lies. And eventually, the truth filtered up and cost McCain credibility with his true base: journalists. The Internet may make it easier to disseminate character smears, but it also makes it much less likely that these smears will stick."
Watch TV Online - Ultimate Guide To Watching Free TV Shows, Live Events & Full Episodes Online
Ditch cable. Ditch satellite. Watch what you want, when you want. Watch TV online. With our economy in freefall, everyone is looking for ways to cut
How to Follow Everyone Back on Twitter Without Ruining Your Experience
How often have you heard the argument that not following back everyone who follows you is ’snobby’ and ‘arrogant’? (It’s not, and you shouldn’t listen to anyone who tells you so. You have a right to choose who you follow and don’t follow.) Following everyone back...
How to Follow Everyone Back on Twitter Without Ruining Your Experience [from]
short answer: tweetdeck
@DEE522 Yeah ( and ( is interesting too, got me thinking. [from]
Any information you see below is visible to anyone on the Internet through normal use of the Facebook Graph API.
a tool that will help you see what is public about a given facebook profile.
What does Facebook publish about you and your friends?
One click: See all the information Facebook shares about you to anyone: – Tips, Tools, Status (Twitter_Tips)
ublish about you and your friends?
facebook activity graph
Your Mom’s Guide to Those Facebook Changes, and How to Block Them
Changes to Facebook and privacy
Facebook launched some fairly impressive new features and services at its recent f8 conference, but some of them were also more than just a little scary. Since a lot of what the company talked about was introduced in either “developer speak” — involving terms like API [...]
Not all information wants to be free. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
Jack Shafer/Slate, Feb. 18, 2009.
Inventing and refining the rich content that wants to be sold
News organizations should think outside the browser similarly to how iTunes, the Times Reader, and the Kindle do in order to create a stand-alone boutique environment for information consumption that users would more naturally pay for.
photo business model web site website payments payment charging for slate
Facebook's Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Since its incorporation just over five years ago, Facebook has undergone a remarkable transformation. When it started, it was a private space for communication with a group of your choice. Soon, it transformed into a platform where much of your information is public by default.
Article showing comparison of Facebook's privacy policy over the years
History of Facebook privacy erosion.
Facebook's Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline
Since its incorporation just over five years ago, Facebook has undergone a remarkable transformation. When it started, it was a private space for communication with a group of your choice. Soon, it transformed into a platform where much of your information is public by default. Today, it has become a platform where you have no choice but to make certain information public, and this public information may be shared by Facebook with its partner websites and used to target ads.
50 Fun, Free Web Games to Make Your Brain Smarter, Faster, Sharper | Online College Blog and School Reviews
New York Times Considers Two Plans to Charge for Content on the Web | The New York Observer
We'll see how long that lasts.
New York Times is thinking about two plans to charge of their online content: a "meter system" or a "membership" system. Decision probably will made end of June 2009.
Reports are The New York Times is considering two different ways to charge for online content
Time to Leave the Laptop Behind -
Annotated link
For years, mobile workers have been ditching their desktop computers for laptops that they can take wherever they go. Now road warriors are starting to realize that they can get even more portability -- and lots of computing punch -- from smart phones.
Article from the Wall Street journal
The Long Decline of Reading | Mssv
Reading is declining, what's lost, and what we might do about it.
"There’s a real difference between watching a talk and reading a transcript. A transcript doesn’t convey the tone of voice, the pauses and gestures that punctuate an argument.""And yet people still read articles and essays, and they still demand transcripts. Why?" "The informational density of writing is only half the story. The other half is in the unique ability of the written word to construct and convey complex intellectual ideas.""Reading is not simply a faster form of listening; it is a qualitatively different process that involves completely different pathways in the brain. The field of language acquisition is a messy and contentious one, but few would disagree with the statement that it is much easier - for whatever reason - for children to learn how to talk than to read."
The unrecognizable Internet of 1996. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
It's 1996, and you're bored. What do you do? If you're one of the lucky people with an AOL account, you probably do the same thing you'd do in 2009: Go online. Crank up your modem, wait 20 seconds as you log in, and there you are—"Welcome." You check your mail, then spend a few minutes chatting with your AOL buddies about which of you has the funniest screen name (you win, pimpodayear94).
Google Local Lures Small Businesses With Their Own Web Dashboard
Google wants more small businesses to claim their listing profiles on Google Local (which is basically listings that pop up in Google Maps and local search results). To entice them, starting tomorrow it will give local businesses in the real world with physical addresses a free dashboard akin to what Websites get for free with Google Analytics (see screenshot above). Except that it will show stats such as how many times their business comes up as a search result, how often people click through, as well as how many times people generate driving directions to their business son Google Maps and where those people come from.
Google veut inciter les entreprises à prendre en charge leurs listings de recherche dans Google Maps et les autres services géolocalisés, via le lancement d'un nouveau produit, Google Local Business center. Pas encore d'intégration avec Google Adwords mais c'est surement la prochaine étape : "The other benefit to Google is that the more that small businesses can measure the impact of search, the more likely they will be to buy search ads. The dashboard shows the top search queries that result in a business’ listing showing up. The next obvious step is to start buying those keywords or optimize a business’ site to make sure they are on the page. "
Green markers that show how many clicks for Driving Directs happened in this area. Free analytic program from Google
use for each biz idea. helps with search google
GReader share: Google Local Lures Small Businesses With Their Own Web Dashboard [from]
Seth's Blog: Lesson learned from my biggest business mistake
My approach now is simple: take a look at the rules of the new ecosystem. Do they make sense? Is it possible they'll come to pass? If they do, what happens to you?
And that's where we get stuck. We get stuck because we believe that the rules of our ecosystem are permanent and transferable. In fact, they are almost always temporary and rarely transferable. My approach now is simple: take a look at the rules of the new ecosystem. Do they make sense? Is it possible they'll come to pass? If they do, what happens to you?
Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook - Facebook - Gizmodo
インターネットの歴史--50の主要な出来事(第1章):特集 - CNET Japan,3800092771,20388783,00.htm
Facebook's Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Facebook is a dangerous place to have a profile on - not because of maurading online predators, but because you don't know where you stand with it as a company. This research from the EFF proves that they are happy to re-jig their privacy rules in order make money from their users.
Six Things You Need to Know About Facebook Connections | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Facebook is moving people to their new 'Connections'. And it appears that your privacy settings have been dumped in the process.
This #Facebook lack of #privacy stuff is REALLY concerning me
Facebook's creepy new privacy settings
Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative | Epicenter |
Your privacy and Facebook RT @flashlight: Good read on Wired about the need for an open Facebook alternative.
Facebook is redefining what "privacy" means.
it's one thing to try to ignore big brother, but we're just giving him our keys and credit cards
RT @ryanwynia: RT @ScottMonty: RT @Dfrom82: Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative
RT @fmeichel: #diaspora RT @rosselin "Zuckerberg rêve de dominer le monde, il est temps de trouver une alternative" @daveWiner http://bi ...
Wired Magazine: Facebook's gone rogue.
facebook =/= privacy.
Thinking about quiting ole Facebook soon. Just getting tired of it. But can I do it? Is the question. Started thinking – Jabiz Raisdana (intrepidteacher)
Map of all Google data center locations | Royal Pingdom
how many data centers does Google use, and where are they
Lifehacker - SkipScreen Lets You Pass Go and Collect Your Download - Firefox Extensions
Sometimes, great stuff has to be hosted on public download services, because the file—or the attention it's getting—is just too much for our meek little personal sites. And the download sites often make it as painful as possible to grab those files. SkipScreen acts as an automated intermediary, jumping through the necessary hoops and entering the key presses required.
What Happens When Twitter Gets Mainstream Attention « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Reading: What Happens When Twitter Gets Mainstream Attention [from]
Twitter is getting a tremendous amount of buzz from brands, celebrities, media, politicians, and athletes. Despite the hype, it’s still a very small social networking site (likely under 10mm), compared to the social giants like Google, Microsoft, Facebook and MySpace (150-300mm), see my stats page to learn more. I assert that mainstream attention is different than mainstream usage.
What Happens When Twitter Gets Mainstream Attention - the Twitterscape will undergo some significant changes. [from]
I like his approach here, and I agree with a lot of what he says--particularly about the "A-Listers" becoming "B-listers" once again and now needing to seek out new environments (possibly back to blogs, friend feeds, etc)
In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits | Magazine
The door of a dry-cleaner-size storefront in an industrial park in Wareham, Massachusetts, an hour south of Boston, might not look like a portal to the
The door of a dry-cleaner-size storefront in an industrial park in Wareham, Massachusetts, an hour south of Boston, might not look like a portal to the future of American manufacturing, but it is. This is the headquarters of Local Motors, the first open source car company to reach production. Step inside and the office reveals itself as a mind-blowing example of the power of micro-factories.
open source
10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
Mary Meeker: Mobile Internet Will Soon Overtake Fixed Internet
via @lmalita
How Tech Start-ups Like Foursquare and Meetup Are Trying to Overthrow Old Media and Build a Better New York -- New York Magazine
Tweet Tweet Boom Boom A new generation of tech entrepreneurs in the city is trying to overthrow old media and build a better New York—with the help of their iPhones. Are they dreaming? Definitely. But in a good way
Dina Kaplan '93 mentioned in later part of the article
Mentions Dina Kaplan '93
looks like it's worth a skim
Go to a party for an “old” media company, and there can often seem to be a cloud of doom hanging over the proceedings. It can seem like half the guests have been laid off and the other half fear they still could be. The talk is of cutbacks and making do with less and paradigm shifts whose conclusions are, inevitably, the death of the industry.
Web 3.0 on Vimeo
Great web 3.0 documental movie.
Short movie about web 3.0 from techCrunch. The Semantic Web
The Big Game, Zuckerberg and Overplaying your Hand « The Jason Calacanis Weblog
"Zuckerberg was an amoral, Asperger’s-like entrepreneur... Zuckerberg represents the best and worst aspects of entrepreneurship. His drive, skill and fearlessness are only matched by his long record–recorded in lawsuit after lawsuit–of backstabbing, stealing and cheating."
Calcanis destroys Zuckerberg
Jason Calacanis' analysis of Zuckerberg as a throat-slitting sleazeball
Last year, when I realized that Zuckerberg was an amoral, Asperger’s-like entrepreneur, I told Zynga CEO Mark Pincus that Zuckerberg would try and slit his throat. I knew this because I watched Zuckerberg screw over his users again and again in terms of privacy, and I heard about the stories of him screwing over his former employers at ConnectU and his early partners at Facebook. The money quote from Business Insider’s scoop comes from Zuckerberg himself: “they made a mistake haha. They asked me to make it for them. So I’m like delaying it so it won’t be ready until after the facebook thing comes out.” He stalled and sandbagged ConnectU–then Zuckerpunched them! Of course, the person he said this to was his partner–Eduardo Saverin–who he reportedly screwed as well.
Establish and Maintain Your Online Identity - identity management - Lifehacker
Building an online identity in clear steps
What message? The message that you're old news, you don't keep up on what's going on, and there has to be someone out there more interesting and relevant than you. If the only thing online that points to you are old blog posts from 2005 and a stale social networking profile, you might as well be walking around with a cassette player and some floodwaters on, exclaiming "We put a probe on Mars? Who's this Obama guy?"
Peering into 2009: 10 Predictions for Online Video朝日新聞社):坂本龍一さんに聞く ネット時代の音楽表現とは - 音楽 - 映画・音楽・芸能
2008の発言だった。「ネットのおかげで、ぼくはたくさんの人に聞いてもらうことが音楽を作る動機にならないことが逆に分かった。アマチュア時代に戻ったような新鮮な感覚だ。顔の見えない、何をおもしろがるのか分からない大量のユーザーのために音楽を作る必要性を感じない。作りたい音楽があるからやっている。テクノロジーも100%は信用していない。結局はぼく自身の体にしかよりどころはない。自分の耳がどんなメロディーを聴きたいか。それを突き詰めていく」ROCKIN'ON JAPAN 特別号 忌野清志郎 1951-2009 や最近のR25での発言もあって、彼に好感を持った、今さら。今さらでも。
Why Stallman is wrong when he calls cloud computing stupid
ust as bad as using a proprietary program. Do your own computing on your own computer with your copy of a freedom-respecting program. If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenseless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software." The negative characteristics of cloud computing that Stallman id
"The negative characteristics of cloud computing that Stallman identifies are very real, but the solution that he prescribes seems grossly myopic and counterintuitive. ... Stallman correctly recognizes those problems, but his belief that the problems are intractable is simply wrong. The open source software movement has found productive ways to address the same kind of problems on the desktop, and I'm confident that reasonable solutions can be found to bring the same level of freedom to the cloud. The challenges posed by new computing paradigms will require the open source software community to evolve and adapt, not collectively stick its head in the sand. "
Great article on the benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing.
50 Viral Images Part Two
Viral images are the most powerful content to spread on the web due to their portability, instant gratification, and impact. Marketing and Public Relations.. Blog: The Ultimate Porn Surfers Cheat Sheet
how to be Google.
"http:*:password@www" bangbus
Report: Social Media Marketing Up During Recession
Lifehacker - GO Contact Sync Keeps Google and Outlook Contacts Matched - Outlook
Interesting Tool for sync outlook with Google Contacts
GO Contact Sync Keeps Google and Outlook Contacts Matched By Kevin Purdy, 5:30 AM on Wed Apr 1 2009, 29,963 views (Edit, to draft, Slurp) Copy this whole post to another siteSlurp cancel select site advertising consumerist deadspin defamer fleshbot gay fleshbot gawker gizmodo idolator io9 jalopnik jezebel kotaku lifehacker valleywag artists gawkershop sploid Windows only: GO Contact Sync is a handy little synchronizer that keeps your Google (G) and Outlook (O) contacts in line. You run it once or schedule it, and customize how it handles your data. If all you want is a little tray app that does two-way syncing every time you run it, or auto-starts and syncs every X minutes, GO Contact Sync has you covered. But the tiny tray app also allows you to create different "sync profiles," where you can customize whether the sync goes just Google to Outlook, only Outlook to Google, and how it handles possible merges between your names and addresses. There's also a toggle box to recognize
Sync Outlook & Google Contacts
Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won't Help Facebook's Privacy Problems
"I feel Mark doesn't believe in privacy that much, or at least believes in privacy as a stepping stone. Maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong." Again in Kirkpatrick's book, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg puts it this way: "Mark really does believe very much in transparency and the vision of an open society and open world, and so he wants to push people that way. I think he also understands that the way to get there is to give people granular control and comfort. He hopes you'll get more open, and he's kind of happy to help you get there. So for him, it's more of a means to an end. For me, I'm not as sure." Facebook declined to comment about Mark's attitude toward privacy. Read more:
"They trust me. Dumb fucks." ~Mark Zuckerberg /via @alleyinsider
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his company are suddenly facing a big new round of scrutiny and criticism about their cavalier attitude toward user privacy.
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名刺にメールアドレスではなくWaveアドレスを書く時代がすぐそこに? - アンカテ
Google Waveはいろいろな顔を持っていて、これが何であるかについていろいろな意見が出ると思うが、私は、まずは「更地から再構築したWiki」であると見るべきだと思う。
なるほどなー と思う。メッセージのやり取りがまずあるんでなくて、そもそもの目的はメッセージ交換によって何かしらを作る・決めることだものな。 >最初に空の対話ログがあって、そこに二人の人が交互に文章を追記していく。その過程を共有することで、おまけとしてメッセージのやり取りが行なわれる。そういうツールがあれば、メールの代わりになるというのが、「もし今の技術でメールを再構築したら」という言葉の意味なのだろう
「各人は、メールアドレスと同じように、個人名@ドメインの形式で wave アドレスを持ち、これを交換することで、誰とでも Waveドキュメントの共同編集(=メッセージの交換)を行なうことができる。 共同編集は、一つのサーバに全員が直接接続するのではなく、各人が自分のサーバに接続し、サーバ同士が連携することで行なわれる。(上記の文書はそのサーバ同士の連携に使うプロトコルを説明しているものだ) 当然、グーグルのことだから、複数のwaveサーバがそれぞれのユーザの要求にしたがって、あちこちのwaveサーバと接続する時のスケーラビリティを考慮している。 この waveサーバ、 waveアドレス、連携プロトコルのあり方は、EMailと全く同じである。つまり、誰もが自分のメールアドレスとメールサーバを持ち、メールサーバ同士が連携してメッセージが配信されるように、誰もが自分のwaveアドレスとwaveサーバを持ち、waveサーバ同士が連携してwaveドキュメントの共同編集が行なわれることになる。」
Should Obama Control the Internet? | Mother Jones
The Cybersecurity Act gives the president the ability to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" and shut down or limit Internet traffic in any "critical" information network "in the interest of national security." does not define a critical information network or a cybersecurity emergency-- left to the president. grants the Secretary of Commerce "access to all relevant data concerning [critical] networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access." This means... can monitor or access any data on private or public networks without regard to privacy laws. The bill could undermine the Electronic Communications Privacy Act enacted in the mid '80s, requires law enforcement seek a warrant before tapping in to data transmissions between computers. might violate the Constitutional protection against searches without cause. Once information is accessed, it can be used for whatever purpose, no matter the original reason for accessing something
from the page: "The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (PDF) gives the president the ability to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" and shut down or limit Internet traffic in any "critical" information network "in the interest of national security." The bill does not define a critical information network or a cybersecurity emergency. That definition would be left to the president... It also grants the Secretary of Commerce "access to all relevant data concerning [critical] networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access." ... When one person can access all information on a network, "it makes it more vulnerable to intruders," Granick says... "Once information is accessed, it can be used for whatever purpose, no matter the original reason for accessing something... Who's interested in this [bill]? Law enforcement and people in the security industry who want to ensure more government dollars go to them...""
Will Obama Shut the Internet Down. [from]
Schneier on Security: Here Comes Everybody Review
brilliant review (and comments) on Shirky's "Here comes Everybody
"Coase, who won the 1991 Nobel Prize in Economics, answered the question by noting a market's transaction costs: buyers and sellers need to find one another, then reach agreement, and so on. The Coase theorem implies that if these transaction costs are low enough, direct markets of individuals make a whole lot of sense. But if they are too high, it makes more sense to get the job done by an organization that hires people. What's new is something consultant and social technologist Clay Shirky calls "Coase's Floor," below which we find projects and activities that aren't worth their organizational costs -- things so esoteric, so frivolous, so nonsensical, or just so thoroughly unimportant that no organization, large or small, would ever bother with them. Things that you shake your head at when you see them and think, "That's ridiculous." Sounds a lot like the Internet, doesn't it?"
Review of Clay Shirky's book, with useful new insights in the first couple of paragraphs.
In 1937, Ronald Coase answered one of the most perplexing questions in economics: if markets are so great, why do organizations exist? Why don't people just buy and sell their own services in a market instead? Coase, who won the 1991 Nobel Prize in Economics, answered the question by noting a market's transaction costs: buyers and sellers need to find one another, then reach agreement, and so on. The Coase theorem implies that if these transaction costs are low enough, direct markets of individuals make a whole lot of sense. But if they are too high, it makes more sense to get the job done by an organization that hires people.
"[Clay Shirky's] new book, Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations, explores a world where organizational costs are close to zero and where ad hoc, loosely connected groups of unpaid amateurs can create an encyclopedia larger than the Britannica and a computer operating system to challenge Microsoft's."
Lifehacker - Choose a Legal, Pronouncable, Catchy Business Name - Domain Names
Compared to finding the perfect business name, a business plan can almost seem easy. How do you pin down a name that sticks in minds, doesn't tread in copycat realms, and yet sounds respectable? ReadWriteWeb has a few suggestions.
You’re Leaving a Digital Trail. What About Privacy? -
An emerging field called collective intelligence could create an Orwellian future on a level Big Brother could only dream of.
The success of Google, along with the rapid spread of the wireless Internet and sensors — like location trackers in cellphones and GPS units in cars — has touched off a race to cash in on collective intelligence technologies.
collective intelligence
“The new information tools symbolized by the Internet are radically changing the possibility of how we can organize large-scale human efforts,” said Thomas W. Malone, director of the M.I.T. Center for Collective Intelligence. “For most of human history, people have lived in small tribes where everything they did was known by everyone they knew,” Dr. Malone said. “In some sense we’re becoming a global village. Privacy may turn out to have become an anomaly.”
New British search engine 'could be as important as Google ...
A British physicist has revealed his plan to launch a new internet search engine so powerful that one expert has suggested it "could be as important as Google". London-born scientist Stephen Wolfram says that his company, Wolfram Research, is preparing to unveil the system in two months' time. Known as Wolfram Alpha, the site is an attempt to address some of the deficiencies of current web search by understanding people's questions and answering them directly. According to its creator, the system understands questions that users input and then calculates the answers based on its extensive mathematical and scientific engine.
cool new search engine
A semantic search (Web 3.0) tool being pioneered in Britain. Good background information on personalities in this industry.
A British physicist has revealed his plan to launch a new internet search engine so powerful that one expert has suggested it
How to launch a new product « The Jason Calacanis Weblog
Description des étapes du lancement de Mahalo Answers
Terrific post by Jason Calacanis on launching product
ウェブ開発者にとって欠かせない技術をまとめた1枚の画像です。 約20年前から現在までの流れが一望できます。 クライアント・サーバに分けて図で表しています。
Lifehacker - Google Profiles Give You Control Over What Google Says About You - Google Profiles
How-to: set up dual-band WiFi (and juice your downloads)
Let's come right out with it -- you should be running a dual-band 2.4 and 5GHz WiFi network. Why? Because the 2.4GHz spectrum is cluttered with everything from other networks to Bluetooth to cordless phones and microwaves, and all that RF interference slows everything down, making file transfers interminable and HD streaming nearly impossible. On the other hand, 5GHz 802.11n is clean and incredibly fast -- we're talking almost hardwire fast. But you can't just move up to 5GHz without leaving your phones and other legacy devices behind, so you've got to keep 2.4 around as well -- which is really easy if you've got a simultaneous dual-band router like Apple's new Airport Extreme or something like the D-Link DIR-825, and only slightly harder if you don't. And, as luck would have it, Apple just sent us a new AEBS to play with, so we thought we'd show you how to configure both kinds of setups. We promise you'll thank us.
Let's come right out with it -- you should be running a dual-band 2.4 and 5GHz WiFi network.
Palin E-Mail Hacker Says It Was Easy | Threat Level from
Palin E-Mail Hacker Says It Was Easy
Email hacking is taken too far.
Palins e-mail was hacked into not with expert knowledge of computer systems, but rather a well thought out trick to recover her account password. This just goes to show information is power. People can find personal information on many other people in the world. If this information gets into the wrong hands, there are ways to it may be used against you.
"hacker" said it was easy. Haha.
Las 10 verdades del P2P que dice Cultura que son mentira · ELPAÍ
El Ministerio de Cultura, dentro de su campaña Si eres legal, eres legal contra la "piratería" en Internet ha colgado en su página web un decálogo con "Las 10 mentiras más difundidas sobre propiedad intelectual". Bajo la consigna "Los ilegales intentan engañarte...
Desmintiendo las mentiras que nos cuenta el Ministerio de Cultura. A propósito, el derecho a que nos digan la verdad también es un derecho constitucional..., ¡si es que no damos a bastos! Las 10 mentiras sobre la copia privada frente la idea de piratería.
No obstante, el decálogo ha sido refutado punto por punto por las asociaciones de internautas, blogs y otros colectivos ciudadanos relacionados con la Red.
Decálogo del ministerio de cultura de España, refutado por otras organizaciones
Tira, ez dakit zuei niri bezala gertatzen zaizuen baina nahiko nahastuta nabil internetetik gauza jaistea legala edo ilegala den kontu horrekin. Euskal-Herrian hain nabarmena ez bada ere, Espainiako Kultura Ministeritza etengabe ari da zabaltzen, intenertetik gauzak deskargatzea ilegala dela. Zine aretoetan seguru ikusi dituzuela etengabe botatzen duten iragarki famosoa. Irudipena daukat gaztetxoei transmititzen zaien informazioa ez dela guztiz egia eta honen inguruan DBHko eta Batxiko irakasleok badugula zer landua eurekin etikako klaseetan, adibidez. Hementxe dauzkazue Espainiako Ministeritzak honi buruz dioena eta Espainiako Internauten Elkarteak gai berari buruz dituen iritziak.
Seth's Blog: Warning: The internet is almost full
Warning: The internet is almost full Due to the extraordinary explosion in video, blogs, news feeds and social network postings, the internet is dangerously close to running out of room. Nothing can grow forever, and exponent
Seth Godin's point about information overload seems well made: Ten years ago, you had a shot of at least being aware of everything that mattered. Five years ago, you had to be really selective about what you took in, but at least it was possible to know what you didn't know. Today, it's impossible. Today, you can't even read every article on a thin slice of a thin topic. You can't keep up with the status of your friends on the social networks. No way. You can't read every important blog... you can't even read all the blogs that tell you what the important blogs are saying. Used to be, you could finish reading your email, hit "check email" and nothing new would show up. Now, of course, the new mail is probably a longer list than the mail you just finished processing. The internet isn't full, but we are.
Of course, the decentralized nature of the net means that it will never be physically full. As long as we can keep making hard drives, we won't run out of space to store those inane videos of your Aunt Sally. What is full is our attention.
Great insight on the digital/internet age
BBC NEWS | Technology | Online time 'is good for teens'
News article Nov 2008. Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed.
Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed.
Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed. The report counters the stereotypical view held by many parents and teachers that such activity is a waste of time.
How to Test for Bandwidth Limiting by Your ISP - wikiHow
Biblioteca de botoes
Muitos mp3s para colocar no celular =)
Internet Evolution - Cory Doctorow - Don't Judge New Media by Old Rules
hat tip to Delaney Cunningham. Great article touching on medium influences message--new media means new type of stories. Worthwhile--not just rant. But there's another reason that these new media tell stories in different ways from their old media predecessors: They're telling different stories. TV sitcoms, novels, feature films, and other traditional forms are cages as well as frames. The reason that every sitcom lasts 22 minutes is that no one tries to make sitcoms about stories that take five minutes to tell. The reason movies last 90 minutes is that no one tries to make feature films about subjects that take 30 seconds to elucidate -- or 30 days.
Guten Abend, meine Damen und Herren, Sie sehen die Abendnachrichten. | Hanno’s Blog | Hanno Zulla, Hamburg, Germany
Leider nicht wirklich eine Satire.
Satirische Artikel über den Medienwahn nach dem Amoklauf in Winnenden
“Oh, es war schrecklich. Hier ein paar weinende Mitschüler, die ich vor die Kamera gezerrt habe. Und hier spreche ich mit geschockten Eltern. Und jetzt ein Straßeninterview mit verschiedenen Anwohnern, die nichts zum Fall sagen können, aber alle sehr betroffen sind.”
YouTube - Mascarita Dorada: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?
If you click one link on twitter today to watch a 30 second video, it should be this one: #mexicanwrestling [from]
Google Analytics for Flash: Welcome to the Engagement Era
The explosion of Flash content like widgets has created several complex problems, like how to index it in search engines, how to make it work on mobile, and how to track it. The latter is being addressed today at Adobe Max, where Google (Google) is announcing Analytics Tracking for Flash, which will let publishers track metrics for their flash applications from within Google’s popular stats package.
Décryptage : Sarkozy et son oeuvre de contrôle du net - Numerama
(no description)
Artigo sobre o programa de controle da Internet no governo do Sarkozy
"Le président de la République actuel a un plan". C'est la première phrase du livre de François Bayrou, Abus de Pouvoir, et l'on peut la vérifier au moins en ce qui concerne le contrôle du net. Depuis la loi DADVSI où il était président de l'UMP et ministre de l'intérieur, Nicolas Sarkozy a déployé son plan pour contrôler le net. Il a commencé à l'appliquer avant-même la loi Hadopi, et prévoit de le parachever avec la Loppsi.
Le meilleur papier sur Hadopi
RT @t_de_baillon: RT @fmeichel: French [digital] dictature is on the way (in French) [from]
Top 10 Privacy Tweaks You Should Know About
With all the talk lately about Facebook's flawed privacy systems, it's a good time to consider what you're making available elsewhere on the web and on your system. These 10 settings tweaks and setups make your web life a little less public.
Being smart about Web mail | Defensive Computing - CNET News
There was an interesting article recently in The New York Times about getting locked out of a Gmail account. In August, blogger Alan Shimel of StillSecure wrote about his problems regaining access to a Yahoo e-mail account. Suffice it to say that if someone learns your Web mail password, it's a very difficult situation--one that may not end well. For one thing, the Web mail provider may not know enough about you to determine the true account owner. Worse still, anyone using a free Web mail account from Google (Gmail), Yahoo, or Microsoft (Hotmail) can't expect to talk to a human being to resolve a problem with their account. Talking to person at Google requires a subscription to Google Apps Premier Edition for $50 a year. Microsoft and Yahoo similarly offer telephone support only to "premium" customers. If you care about a Web mail account, then some homework may be in order. Alternate e-mail address One thing Web mail users should have associated with their account is an alternat
Opera study: only 4.13% of the web is standards-compliant
Opera study: only 4.13% of the web is standards-compliant
"Flash is most popular in China" - um, duh; "only 50 percent of sites that display a badge touting validation are actually valid"
10 Twitter Clients For Linux |
This post is not about persuading you to use twitter (maybe a little bit), but if you already do use twitter and only use it via web you should be glad to know that there are a number of desktop clients available for us Linux users which makes using twitter a lot easier.
ongoing · The Web vs. the Fallacies
Here at Sun, the Fallacies of Distributed Computing have long been a much-revered lesson. Furthermore, I personally think they’re pretty much spot-on. But these days, you don’t often find them coming up in conversations about building big networked systems. The reason is, I think, that we build almost everything on Web technologies, which lets get away with believing some of them.
via rtomayko
If you’re building Web technology, you have to worry about these things. But if you’re building applications on it, mostly you don’t. ¶ Well, except for security; please don’t stop worrying about security
url shortener
Awesome new URL shortener, allows you to set a password question to gain access to the long URL, perfect for fact tests
How to make URLs short and password protected
Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs
The ultimate cheatsheet on how to fix 25 plus Internet Explorer 6 bugs
RT @draenews: Del Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs:
This is the IE6 resource you've been hoping for. Learn pre-emptive best practices and find fixes for over 25 Internet Explorer 6 bugs.
Contents | Top
5 Great Ways to Find Music That Suits Your Mood
5 Great Ways to Find Music That Suits Your Mood | Mashable
Let's Be Serious: Online Display Ads Will Fall Sharply In 2009
from Blodget. How will 2009 fare for online ads?
"Online display-ad spending will fall in 2009, probably sharply. It will probably fall again in 2010. Hundreds of startups counting on advertising as a business model will be flattened. Yahoo, CNET, AOL, and other big display-ad properties will get hammered."
5 Incredibly Simple, Yet Useful Web Sites
it really doesn’t get any simpler than this.
5 sites simples e úteis
Opera Software
Opera Software: Freedom
The Web is your browser. Discover how fast and fun the Web can be.
On June 16th at 9:00 a.m (CEDT), Opera will {supposedly] reinvent the Web. [from]
On June 16th at 9:00 a.m (CEDT), we will reinvent the Web.
Reinventing the web Opera se met au buzz, rdv demain pour voir... [from]
You've got to know what you stand for to survive in journalism online
You don't have to believe in my values. But if you want to attract an audience in the competitive online information market, I think you need to choose some values to believe in, and to express them, defend them, and practice them before your audience. Readers, now that they have more choices, want to know whose side you are on.
Established journalists and newsrooms making the transition to online publishing should not do so with the assumption that editorial content provides their strength in a competitive online information market. Often, the editorial content established journalists provide is not what online readers want, or even what they need.
steven johnson, valores do jornalismo
Established journalists and newsrooms making the transition to online publishing should not do so with the assumption that editorial content provides their strength in a competitive online information market. Often, the editorial content established journalists provide is not what online readers want, or even what they need. That's a harsh realization for many journalists, who have worked intensely to cover their communities for years. But effort and will don't deliver readers. Information that engages and rewards them does. Journalists, and their managers, need to take a hard look at how they are producing information, so that they don't repeat the same editorial mistakes that have driven so many readers to online competition.
Good argument: with journalists as experts, why do we need editors?
Something to chew on
20 Places Where Bookworms Go to Read and Socialize Online --
Alexa - Hot Urls
Alexa - The Web Information Company. Services: Alexa Web Information Service - information about the Web available via Web Services; Alexa Toolbar - get information about each site you visit; Alexa Search Engine - built on the Alexa crawl; Alexa Site Info Pages - detailed information about Web sites, like traffic details, contact info, related links and more.
What's Hot On The Web
Twittersexuality / Violet Blue: A Twitter Sex Guide
I am so glad to exist in a time where someone thought that the world needed a Twitter Sex Guide. And then wrote it. ...
Some links NSFW
sacar ideas para articulos
Evaluating Internet-based Information: A Goals-based Approach
using of the Internet as a reliable resource for academic information
Evaluating Internet-based Information: A Goals-based Approach David Warlick is a former history teacher and is currently an Instructional Technology Consultant
A high school junior is asked to write a report about the Holocaust, a topic that her class has not yet discussed. At home our student uses her computer with access to the Internet to research the topic and word processing software to construct the report. She spends an hour searching the Internet and examining a variety of web pages about the subject and selects three web sites that are particularly compelling because of the graphics and layout of the pages, indicating authority.
Warlick,David. (n.d.). In Evaluating Internet- based Information:A Goals Based Approach. Retrieved March 30,2010, from Information from the Internet is used by many students for research purposes but information located may not be accurate or appropraite.Students need goals for projects which would provide authentic context and enable students to assemble information located on the Internet in a more informative way. Using smaller chunks of info and interweaving them as opposed to using large chunks or paragraphs.
Article on how to go about evaluating internet-based information
Evaluating Internet-based Information: A Goals-based Approach David Warlick is a former history teacher and is currently an Instructional Technology Consultant.
Peng, du bist tot!;art692,2793975
"der staat betritt mit gewalt eine welt, in der er nichts zu suchen hat... damit aber löst der staat kein problem. er wird selber zu einem." (lorenz maroldt)
Sehr gute Einordnung des politischen Wahnsinns in das Grundkonzept unserer Gesellschaft
Und wann verbieten sie die Schießvereine? Idiotentum? Ja!
Es ist lächerlich, als Konsequenz aus Winnenden ein nur für Erwachsene erlaubtes Spiel wie Paintball zu verbieten - aber auch bedrohlich. Der Staat betritt mit Gewalt eine Welt, in der er nichts zu suchen hat.
"Es ist lächerlich, als Konsequenz aus Winnenden ein nur für Erwachsene erlaubtes Spiel zu verbieten – aber auch bedrohlich. Der Staat betritt mit Gewalt eine Welt, in der er nichts zu suchen hat. Paintball wird auf privatem Gelände gespielt. Man mag es blöd oder abstoßend finden, aber wer nicht will, wird davon nicht belästigt. "
Twitter Passes NYT, WSJ in Unique Visitors - ReadWriteWeb
Twitter Passes NYT, WSJ in Unique Visitors - ReadWriteWeb [from]
RWW: Twitter Passes NYT, WSJ in Unique Visitors [from]
Social Media in Africa, Part 1 - ReadWriteWeb
Africa is undergoing a connectivity revolution unlike anything it has ever seen. Mobile phones in particular are propagating at an incredible rate, with penetration ranging from 30% to 100%. The average is 30.4% and there are 280 million subscribers in total, making Africa the fastest growing mobile market in the world. This series is to highlight African contributions to social media and, in turn, reveal how social media is changing Africa.
Drei Teile. Sehr gute Artikel. 1. Web 2.0 in Africa. Mit Links zu Afrigator, Zoopy, Ushahidi. 2. Handytechnolgie. Bezahldienste wie MPESA, Wizzit. Oder mpedigree, questionbox. 3. Einfluss auf Demokratie/Cencorship
2008/10 ReadWriteWeb - The point of this series is to highlight African contributions to social media and, in turn, reveal how social media is changing Africa.
25 Most Shocking Crimes in Social Media History | Masters in Criminal Justice
The popularity and near necessity of social media sites has grown tremendously in the last few years, helping small businesses make connections, giving freelancers and students the chance to network with people they’d never be able to meet otherwise, and allow a place for all kinds of interest groups to chat and make friends online–from gardeners to book lovers to sports junkies. There is a dangerous and corrupt side to social media creators and users; however, and the ability to create fake profiles and violate privacy and copyright rules is still more than possible. Read below for 25 of the most shocking crimes in social media history.
los mas famosos ccrimenes de la historia
Twitter highjacking
From fake profiles to privacy violation and copyright rules
Think Firefox 3 is fast? Try Firefox Minefield | The Open Road - The Business and Politics of Open Source by Matt Asay - CNET News
Firefox is outdoing itself with Minefield, which sets new speed records. Read this blog post by Matt Asay on The Open Road.
How fast? Some claim that it has the fastest javascript engine on the planet, which means it leaves Google's Chrome browser in the dust. In my own unscientific tests, I'd say that this assertion is correct. Ars Technica pegs Minefield as 10 percent faster than Chrome.
2528 diggs
100 Tips, Tools, and Resources to Protect Your Online Reputation | Masters in Criminal Justice
With the advent of online tools that make it easy to share information, meet new people and keep in touch faster than ever, reputation has taken on a twofold dimension. Individuals and businesses no longer have to worry about their reputation in real life but in the virtual world as well, making it twice as hard to keep up with what’s being said. There are some ways that you can work to manage your online reputation, however, whether you’re doing it for yourself or for your business. These resources provide tips and tools to make it easier to track, control and manage your online reputation so you stay on top and in control of your personal and professional image.
Some tips to get you thinking about your online reputation
Great article with lots of important resources to help monitor and control your own or your company's online reputation.
Doomed: why Wikipedia will fail - Ars Technica
Löschen statt verstecken: Es funktioniert! - Arbeitskreis gegen Internet-Sperren und Zensur
Alvar Freude vom Arbeitskreis Zensur hat einfach mal per Mail die Provider angeschrieben, die Seiten hosten, welche sich auf europäischen Sperrlisten befinden. - Die Mehrheit der Seiten enthielt kein Kinderpornografisches, teils überhaupt kein illegales Material. (In Finnland waren dagegen Seiten gesperrt, die sich kritisch mit Netzzensur auseinandersetzten.) - Die Provider waren bisher nicht informiert das die von ihnen gehosteten Seiten sich auf Sperrlisten befanden - Wenn man die Provider darauf hinwies waren die Provider zur Kooperation bereits
Die Abschaltung von Webauftritten mit kinderpornographischen Inhalten dauert nicht länger als die Übermittlung einer Sperrliste. Dies führt die Argumentation der Befürworter des bloßen Sperrens ad absurdum - es gibt keinen sachlichen Grund, strafbare Inhalte im Netz zu belassen und sie für alle einschlägig Interessierten mit minimalem Aufwand weiterhin zugänglich zu halte
RT @torschtl: Löschen statt verstecken: Innerhalb von 12 Stunden 60 kinderpornographische Seiten gelöscht #zensursula [from]
alvar freude vom ak zensur macht die probe aufs exempel: innerhalb von 12h werden 60 kipo-sites vom netz genommen
RT @insideX AK-Zensur, wie zuvor CareChild zeigen, dass wir KiPo Seiten einfach vom Netz nehmen können [from]
Cory Doctorow: Search is too important to leave to one company – even Google | Technology |
Search technologies are too important for a single company to dominate
"Search is volatile and we'd be nuts to think that Google owned the last word in organising all human knowledge."
Enter search. Who needs categories, if you can just pile up all the world's knowledge every which way and use software to find the right document at just the right time?
good quotes about dewey and the internet
It may seem as unlikely as a publicly edited encyclopedia, but the internet needs publicly controlled search
Google Chrome - Download a new browser
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Search from the address bar, Thumbnails of your top sites (Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab), Private browsing (Incognito window when you don't want to save your browsing history)...
Get a fast, free web browser Google Chrome runs web pages and applications with lightning speed.
Neue Studie: Communitys krempeln Netz-Nutzung um - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt,1518,612124,00.html
Nielsen-Zahlen zur Internet-Nutzung.
Social Networks wie Facebook, MySpace oder Wer-kennt-wen? gehören zu den populärsten Anwendungen des Web. Jetzt aber explodiert ihre Nutzung geradezu, sagen die Marktforscher von Nielsen. Zugleich wird ihre Nutzerschaft älter - was den Medien- und Werbemarkt erschüttern könnte.
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【重宝】音源交換に!! これはすごく便利。 ログイン不要なのはともかく、ファイルをアップして、そのままブックマークしておけばいつでもダウンロードできてしまうお手軽無料オンラインストレージ。 とにかく大きめのファイルをちょっと他の場所でも使いたいとか、ちょっと共有したいファイルがあるといったときにも使えそうな便利ツールです。
100+ Sites to Download All Sorts of Things | I Can Has Happy
100+ Sites to Download All Sorts of Things
イランとメディア - Vox
・イランでは情報統制が従来から非常に厳しかった。それをかいくぐってきた人たちだからこそ  今回のように情報統制が行われてもネットで情報を出せているのではないか。 ・メディアでは「イランから起きたTwitter Revolution」的な取り上げられ方も多い中、  実際はTwitterユーザはイラン国内には少なく、メディアリテラシーが高い人ばかりではない。  イラン国内でデモを組織する等の情報交換は、あくまでSMSや電話、口コミといった従来型のツールが使われているらしい。 ・Twitterは情報を世界中に伝播するツールとしては極めてパワフル。  イランからの少数の情報の元、アメリカでTwitterを使って情報がどんどん増幅されているというのが実態であるもよう。 ・ただし、Twitterにはデマや誤情報も多く、伝播してしまう場合もあるので要注意。 ・現在、既存メディアも多くの情報をTwitterから得ている。 ・イランではTwitterよりFriendfeedの方が使われていたのだが、真っ先にアクセスブロックされてしまった。  現在proxyを経由して使えている人たちは、Friendfeedをプライベートモードで使っており、  我々には不可視なコミュニケーションが粛々と行われているらしい。 ・Facebookはお知らせをするには最適で、Mousavi氏もFacebookを使っている。 ・現在なぜか情報統制がゆるんでいるのでこんなに情報が出されているのではないだろうかという専門家も。  政府は現在の抗議活動の情報を記録して、落ち着いた後に逮捕していくのではないかとの懸念が囁かれている。
本当に良記事です。この記事を見ていたら身震いしてきた。ReTweet や各種 twitter 関連サービスによるネットワーク外部性により,もはや完全な検閲は不可能というところか。twitter などのミニブログからジャーナリズム革命を感じる。「本当の大変化はこれから始まる」 by umedamochio "しかし、Twitterの情報の広がるスピードはあまりに速く、間違いもそのまま広がっていってしまう可能性が高い。スピードと会話をとるか、事実確認をとるか。" "Twitterはツールであり、twitter.comのサイトが全てでない点においてFacebook等のSNSと比べて検閲しにくい"
Not all information wants to be free. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
Inventing and refining the rich content that wants to be sold.
RT @draenews: Del Not all information wants to be free. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine:
Review of the kind of online content users want to pay for.
Examples of paid content on the web
The idea that people won't pay for content online has become such a part of the Web orthodoxy that New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller risked getting lynched earlier this month for merely musing about paid models for the online editions of his paper. Not helping Keller's cogitation was a contemporaneous "secret memo" from Steve Brill and a Time article by Walter Isaacson, both which advocated variations on the micropayment model. Neither advances the topic much beyond what most Web entrepreneurs understood long ago.
What content will people pay for? Beautifully designed, irreplaceable and authoritative.
GeoCities will close later this year. - Yahoo! GeoCities Help
Will something happen to my GeoCities Free or Plus account? Later this year we will be closing all GeoCities accounts and web sites. We'll send you more details this summer. Can I prepare for GeoCities closing now? All of our GeoCities customers can continue to enjoy their sites and GeoCities services until later this year. You don't need to change your service today, but we encourage anyone interested in a full-featured web hosting plan to consider upgrading to our award-winning Yahoo! Web Hosting service.
GeoCities will close later this year. Why is GeoCities not accepting new customers? We have decided to discontinue the process of allowing new customers to sign up for GeoCities accounts as we focus on helping our customers explore and build new relationships online in other ways. We will be closing GeoCities later this year. I'm a GeoCities customer. What's happening to my site? Existing GeoCities accounts have not changed. You can continue to enjoy your web site and GeoCities services until later this year. You don't need to change a thing right now — we just wanted you to let you know about the closure as soon as possible. We'll provide more details about closing GeoCities and how to save your site data this summer, and we will update the help center with more details at that time. Will something happen to my GeoCities Free or Plus account? Later this year we will be closing all GeoCities accounts and web sites. We'll send you more details this summer.
RT @davewiner: Yahoo: GeoCities will close later this year. [from]
Later this year we will be closing all GeoCities accounts and web sites. We'll send you more details this summer. -- I can't be the only one who's been paging through her delicious account and getting twitchy at the thought of missed geocities links going dead. ARGH. Note to self: make note of fics hosted on geocities and tag appropriately. Note to others: please to be backing your stuff up, guys, and providing links to new pages is even better.
Geocities is shutting down sometime later this year. Back-up your pages if you have anything left there, like I do. [from]
check sites closing
via Cory_Arcangel
17 Amazing/Beautiful Examples Of Origami Art
YouTube - 1964 Antique MODEM Live Demo
This is one of t he oldest modems I've ever seen. Approximately 45 years old! and this actually works. And "we're on the net with a 1964 300 baud accoustic modem!"
1964 Livermore Labs Model A acoustic modem. Still works. 300 baud.
1964 antique modem (live demo)
Circa 1964 Livermore Data Systems "Model A" Acoustic Coupler Modem, live demonstration.
In one word: AWESOME!
Academic Earth's online video lectures let you go to Harvard for free. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
Over the last few months, I've been trying to educate myself on our financial crisis. To that end, I dropped in on a class at Yale that examined real estate finance and the roots of the federal government's involvement in the mortgage industry. "A lot of people have the impression that home prices only go up," my professor, economist Robert Shiller, told us. But this was clearly wrong: Shiller put up a graph showing American home prices during the last 100 years. Over much of the century, the line fluctuates wildly; then, around 2000, it begins an unprecedented, inexplicable spike, even larger than the run-up in prices after World War II.* This was an eye-opener. Anyone who'd seen this graph three or four years ago should have known we were headed for trouble. Who knew school could be this useful? Perhaps Alan Greenspan should have taken this class.
Academic Earth's online video lectures - - By Farhad Manjoo -
It's like Hulu, but for nerds. Many of the professors are great teachers, and, unlike in college, I can go to class on my own time—which ensures that I'm not too sleepy to understand what's going on. Academic Earth achieves something like what Google was trying to pull off with Knol, the messy encyclopedialike project that the search engine launched last year. Both sites let you learn from recognized experts rather than from the anonymous crowds who populate Wikipedia. But Academic Earth bests Knol, because the experts here aren't just throwing up their opinions whenever the mood strikes them. Instead, they're doing their jobs—teaching in actual classrooms, at recognized universities, to real, live, students.
404 Blog Not Found:Tips - Macをルーターに
404 Blog Not Found:
Netzsperren: Von der Leyens unseriöse Argumentation | Digital | Nachrichten auf ZEIT ONLINE
Lutz Donnerhacke
die zeit widerlegt die behauptungen von zensursula und co
und das stand heute in der Zeit: #internetsperren #zensursula [from]
Die Bundesregierung begründet das Gesetz für Internetsperren mit Fantasiezahlen und unsauberen Interpretationen. Eine Analyse
Chris Anderson’s Counterintuitive Rules For Charging For Media Online
The best model is a mix of free and paid You can’t charge for an exclusive that will be repeated elsewhere, Don’t charge for the most popular content on your site, Content behind a pay wall should appeal to niches, the narrower the niche the better
Wofür kann man Geld nehmen und wofür nicht?
# The best model is a mix of free and paid # You can’t charge for an exclusive that will be repeated elsewhere, # Don’t charge for the most popular content on your site, # Content behind a pay wall should appeal to niches, the narrower the niche the better
Let the popular content be paid for by advertising, and the niche, exclusive content can be sold to fewer people at a higher price.
He articulated something that is now increasingly becoming obvious: As products go digital, their marginal cost goes to zero. - misc - Macroanonymous Is The New Microfamous
Interview with 4chan's creator
An Interview With The Founder of 4chan
moot of 4chan
I like to think that I've grown as a person, but at the same time I think a little piece of me continues to die every year.
interesting interview with moot of 4chan
Moot interview
Rex Sorgatz' website, feeding on internet culture.
BBC NEWS | UK | Online networking 'harms health'
Give me strength the BBC, just keep on getting worse - why report such nonsense? [from]
Danger danger!! Facebook will damage your health. Too much screen time means much less physical connection with other people. i agree, we all need balance in our lives, but saying that Faceboo keeps people apart is a bit strange. "People's health could be harmed by social networking sites because they reduce levels of face-to-face contact, an expert claims. Dr Aric Sigman says websites such as Facebook set out to enrich social lives, but end up keeping people apart."
People's health could be harmed by social networking sites because they reduce levels of face-to-face contact, an expert claims. Dr Aric Sigman says websites such as Facebook set out to enrich social lives, but end up keeping people apart. Dr Sigman makes his warning in Biologist, the journal of the Institute of Biology. A lack of "real" social networking, involving personal interaction, may have biological effects, he suggests. He also says that evidence suggests that a lack of face-to-face networking could alter the way genes work, upset immune responses, hormone levels, the function of arteries, and influence mental performance. This, he claims, could increase the risk of health problems as serious as cancer, strokes, heart disease, and dementia. 'Evolutionary mechanism' Dr Sigman maintains that social networking sites have played a significant role in making people become more isolated. "Social networking is the internet's biggest growth area, particular among young childre
This article focuses on health concerns that may arise due to lack of actual or "real" social networking that involves personal interaction. Author Dr Aric Sigman says that evidence suggests that a lack of face-to-face networking could alter the way genes work, upset immune responses, hormone levels, the function of arteries, and influence mental performance. This, he claims, could increase the risk of health problems as serious as cancer, strokes, heart disease, and dementia. I wondered if this evidence was substantiated by any research. There are many mixed comments from readers suggesting the positive and negative effects of social networking sites for them. My opinion is that this article is valuable as it highlights health concerns, however, it must be recognised that most people to not solely rely upon online forms of communication and still participate in 'actual' socialing with people.
This one's an article from the BBC News, about the disadvantages of social-networking websites on health. It discusses how these sites could be altering the way our genes work, increasing problems like cancer, heart disease, dementia, and it also mentions the issue of decreasing 'face to face' contact. The article demontrates the other side of the story regarding social media and its convergences, and is of particular interest as it relates it all to the health of individuals involved. The article seems pretty legitimate as it is from a reputable news source, and also (conveniently) provides other readers comments and opinions to the topic beneath, whether they be for or against.
How to Stream Internet TV to your HDTV - Stream Cable TV from the Web - Popular Mechanics
I, Cringely » Blog Archive » The Future of Internet TV (in America) - Cringely on technology
As I’ve written over and over, Apple is moving slowly and steadily toward becoming primarily a content provider. Microsoft is trying to do the same but without Apple’s discipline. Apple is putting in place all the pieces it needs to make a run at dominating the future of TV, but they know it takes time to get all those bits where they need to be. What’s needed are devices and services and bandwidth at a given price point where it all works smoothly not just from a technical but also from a commercial standpoint. Apple is there right now when it comes to downloading and selling or renting, but not for streaming or commercials — the numbers aren’t right yet, nor is the mix of devices. But the time is coming soon when it will be right, certainly in no more than two years and maybe less.
This column has a global audience so sometimes I have to defend my tendency to see things from an American perspective. But I’m not sure there even IS a defense for this particular item so I’ll just jump into it, because I think even readers from Kazahkstan and Kuwait (my two big K’s) may ultimately find it interesting. It’s about Apple and Hulu and the direction Internet TV is going in the United States.
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: All hail the information triumvirate!
Carr om Googles och Wikipedias symbios och informationssamhällets misslyckande
Three things have happened, in a blink of history's eye: (1) a single medium, the Web, has come to dominate the storage and supply of information, (2) a single search engine, Google, has come to dominate the navigation of that medium, and (3) a single information source, Wikipedia, has come to dominate the results served up by that search engine.
Wikipedia has come to dominate Google web search results. It often ranks #1 for searches on common topics like Internet and Evolution. Is it true that Wikipedia articles are the very best source of information for all of these topics? Or are we witnessing the effects of a popularity feedback loop, fueled by the principles of least effort, and our tendency to stick with the first and obvious answers? The web link graph is fundamentally a product of socialization, and Google is fundamentally a social search engine. A popularity bias in inherent in all social information systems, leading us all down the same well-trod path. Could it be that, counter to our expectations, the natural dynamic of the web will lead to less diversity in information sources rather than more?
Nicholas Carr questions the internet power of wikipedia & google.
(1) a single medium, the Web, has come to dominate the storage and supply of information (2) a single search engine, Google, has come to dominate the navigation of that medium (3) a single information source, Wikipedia, has come to dominate the results served up by that search engine.
the new work ethic: just paying attention at intellectual properties
get things done
"Distractions mask the toll they take on productivity. Everyone finishes up their work days exhausted, but how much of that exhaustion is from real work, how much from the mental effort of fighting off distractions and how much from the indulgence of distractions? "
Only just able to finish reading this.
Is Real-time the Future of the Web?
Minutes are not fast enough for our information-hungry society anymore. If it takes you several minutes to break a story, you may be out of luck – Twitter probably has already broken the story and thousands of people are already discussing its ramifications. But there are some major disadvantages to the real-time evolution. With faster information, we have less filters and checks to be sure it’s correct. Rumors about swine flu or any other noteworthy story, can be spread and retweeted without a proper fact check. And some deeper stories require research and dedication that only journalists and other professionals can provide. Social media is even moving toward’s real-time information. Facebook’s redesign is meant to bring the information stream into focus. Friendfeed now updates in real-time. And there are several Twitterapplications that auto-update as well.
post date 05/09/09 by Ben Parr on RRW.
Globe Information ImageIt’s clear that the Web has altered how we as a society consume information. Not only has Internet communication made information more accessible, but social media has made it easier to organize, filter, and most of all, create. Yet with innovations like TwitterTwitterTwitter and microblogging, we’re reaching a point where the flow of information has become so heavy that the only way to really keep track of it is via real-time web tools. With FriendFeedFriendFeedFriendFeed recently switching over to a real-time interface and demand for faster information, is real-time the future of the web? Can we as a society keep up with an ever-increasing amount of information? Or will we have to find better alternatives to filter out the information so only the most important stuff reaches us first?
It's clear that the Web has altered how we as a society consume information. Not only has Internet communication made information more accessible, but social
It’s clear that the Web has altered how we as a society consume information. Not only has Internet communication made information more accessible, but social media has made it easier to organize, filter, and most of all, create. Yet with innovations like Twitter (Twitter reviews) and microblogging, we’re reaching a point where the flow of information has become so heavy that the only way to really keep track of it is via real-time web tools.
New FriendFeed: Simpler, Faster, Better (Maybe Too Fast)
ble to see a demo
Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style - Smashing Magazine
Top 1000 sites - DoubleClick Ad Planner
The 1000 most-visited sites on the web
You can see a list of the largest 1000 sites worldwide, based on Unique Visitors (users), as measured by Ad Planner. This list is updated monthly as new Ad Planner datasets are released. The list defines sites as top-level domains.
danh sach 500 website duoc truy cap nhieu nhat(google)
Stats: Interesting assortment: Top 1000 most-visited sites on the web /Via @dkasrel
Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine
Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains
The book excerpt: the Shallows
Your Brain on Computers - Attached to Technology and Paying a Price -
Scientists say juggling e-mail, phone calls and other incoming information can change how people think and behave. They say our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information. These play to a primitive impulse to respond to immediate opportunities and threats. The stimulation provokes excitement — a dopamine squirt — that researchers say can be addictive. In its absence, people feel bored. The resulting distractions can have deadly consequences, as when cellphone-wielding drivers and train engineers cause wrecks. And for millions of people like Mr. Campbell, these urges can inflict nicks and cuts on creativity and deep thought, interrupting work and family life.
Scientists say our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information from e-mail and other interruptions.
Does the Internet Make You Smarter? -
We are now witnessing the rapid stress of older institutions accompanied by the slow and fitful development of cultural alternatives. Just as required education was a response to print, using the Internet well will require new cultural institutions as well, not just new technologies. It is tempting to want PatientsLikeMe without the dumb videos, just as we might want scientific journals without the erotic novels, but that's not how media works. Increased freedom to create means increased freedom to create throwaway material, as well as freedom to indulge in the experimentation that eventually makes the good new stuff possible. There is no easy way to get through a media revolution of this magnitude; the task before us now is to experiment with new ways of using a medium that is social, ubiquitous and cheap, a medium that changes the landscape by distributing freedom of the press and freedom of assembly as widely as freedom of speech.
So... does the internet make us smarter?
What your email address says about your computer skills - The Oatmeal
and not just because I was a gmail early adopter
Five Best Personal Web Hosts
"The following web hosts all have plans designed and suited for small site owners with reasonable pricing to match."
The web's full of services happy to host your photos, blog posts, and other online data, but if you're control- or privacy-minded, you can do better. If you're thinking about hosting your own site, check out these five popular personal web hosts.
Op-Ed Contributor - Mind Over Mass Media -
Mind Over Mass Media
Steven Pinker - Accomplished people don’t bulk up their brains with intellectual calisthenics; they immerse themselves in their fields. Novelists read lots of novels, scientists read lots of science.
Mind Over Mass Media | Twitter, e-mail and PowerPoint are far from making us stupid — they are keeping us smart.
The effects of consuming electronic media are also likely to be far more limited than the panic implies. Media critics write as if the brain takes on the qualities of whatever it consumes, the informational equivalent of “you are what you eat.”
RT @kenanmalik: The Internet does not make you stupid any more than an encyclopaedia makes you smart:
Mark Zuckerberg - From Facebook, answering privacy concerns with new settings
Six years ago, we built Facebook around a few simple ideas. People want to share and stay connected with their friends and the people around them. If we give people control over what they share, they will want to share more.
Mark Zuckerberg/The Washington Post, May 24, 2010.
"There needs to be a simpler way to control your information. In the coming weeks, we will add privacy controls that are much simpler to use. We will also give you an easy way to turn off all third-party services."
Facebook Further Reduces Your Control Over Personal Information | Electronic Frontier Foundation
The issue with Facebook's latest change is not that they force you to link your interests without permission, but rather that they remove an option to express yourself on the profile without links. As we noted, Facebook users now face a Hobson's choice between the new Connections and no listed interests at all. As Facebook explains, "If you didn't connect to any of the suggestions, the sections of your profile to which those suggestions corresponded will now be empty." (The transition tool also allows you to delay the choice by saying 'Ask Me Later'). Previously, you could list interests in your profile without linking; after the transition, you cannot. You do have options to adjust visibility on the profile page, for which we commend Facebook, but nevertheless, this is not a true opt-out because the all the "Facebook Pages you connect to are public."
An ordinary human is not going to look through the list of Facebook's millions of cooking fans. It's far too large. Only data miners and targeted advertisers have the time and inclination to delve that deeply.
"Once upon a time, Facebook could be used simply to share your interests and information with a select small community of your own choosing. As Facebook's privacy policy once promised, "No personal information that you submit to Facebook will be available to any user of the Web Site who does not belong to at least one of the groups specified by you in your privacy settings.""
Protect Your Privacy Opt Out of Facebook’s New Instant Personalization – Yes You Have to Opt Out | Librarian by Day
OK right @librarianbyday link: RT @mikebutcher: Outside sites "Instant personalisation" via Facebook is opt out, not in – Nicola Osborne (suchprettyeyes)
Filevo - Filesharing Evolved
Filevo - une manière simple de partager vos fichiers -
1GB uploads
100 Mb per arxiu sense registre, 1 Gb amb registre
Online web file storage and sharing service. Share files up to 1Gb for free.
Filevo - Filesharing Evolved - Anonymous users are limited to 100Mb uploads and 1.5Mbit/s download speeds...
Technology Review: Blogs: Guest Blog: Why Twitter Is the Future of News
From MIT. Information on Emerging Technologies & impact on business & society
On Kwak et al 2010
"...No matter how many followers a user has, the tweet is likely to reach [an audience of a certain size] once the user's tweet starts spreading via retweets," says Kwak et al. "That is, the mechanism of retweet has given every user the power to spread information broadly [...] Individual users have the power to dictate which information is important and should spread by the form of retweet [...] In a way we are witnessing the emergence of collective intelligence." [...] "Half of retweeting occurs within an hour, and 75% under a day." And it's those initial re-tweets that make all the difference: "What is interesting is from the second hop and on is that the retweets two hops or more away from the source are much more responsive and basically occur back to back up to 5 hops away." 67.6% of users are not followed by any of their followings in Twitter," they report. "We conjecture that for these users Twitter is rather a source of information than a social networking site."
Christopher Mims/Technology Review, April 30, 2010.
Reputation Management and Social Media | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
"More than half (57%) of adult internet users say they have used a search engine to look up their name and see what information was available about them online, up from 47% who did so in 2006. Young adults, far from being indifferent about their digital footprints, are the most active online reputation managers in several dimensions. For example, more than two-thirds (71%) of social networking users ages 18-29 have changed the privacy settings on their profile to limit what they share with others online. Reputation management has now become a defining feature of online life for many internet users, especially the young. … When compared with older users, young adults are more likely to restrict what they share and whom they share it with. “Contrary to the popular perception that younger users embrace a laissez-faire attitude about their online reputations, young adults are often more vigilant than older adults when it comes to managing their online identities,” said Madden."
"Young adults, far from being indifferent about their digital footprints, are the most active online reputation managers in several dimensions. For example, more than two-thirds (71%) of social networking users ages 18-29 have changed the privacy settings on their profile to limit what they share with others online."
More than half (57%) of adult internet users say they have used a search engine to look up their name and see what information was available about them online, up from 47% who did so in 2006. Young adults, far from being indifferent about their digital footprints, are the most active online reputation managers in several dimensions. For example, more than two-thirds (71%) of social networking users ages 18-29 have changed the privacy settings on their profile to limit what they share with others online.
Internet Trends 2010 by Morgan Stanley Research
Check the Online advertising section starting at slide 25
Internet Trends 2010 by Morgan Stanley Research
How The World Spends Its Time Online
Millions of people across the world are constantly connected by the internet. Here’s a look at what everybody’s doing when they’re in front of their computer screen.
Which country leads the pack for social networking? How do people spend their time online? It's all here.
How The World Spends Its Time Online (infographics) via @Larryferlazzo
How the World Is Spending Its Time Online [STATS]
Cómo se gasta el tiempo online.....
RT @mashable: Now trending on Mashable: "How the World Is Spending Its Time Online [STATS]" -
Everything you need to know about the internet | Technology | The Observer
In spite of all the answers the internet has given us, its full potential to transform our lives remains the great unknown. Here are the nine key steps to understanding the most powerful tool of our age – and where it's taking us
350+ Ways To Make Money Online @ Gauher Chaudhry’s Blog
Below I have compiled a list of over 350 web sites, tools and resources that I believe can help you make more money online in one way or another.
About New York - Creating a Network Like Facebook, Only Private -
A few months back, four geeky college students, living on pizza in a computer lab downtown on Mercer Street, decided to build a social *opensource* network that wouldn’t force people to surrender their privacy to a big business.
10 Awesome Webcam Feeds From Around the World
a list of ten fascinating webcam feeds from around the world that offer a scintillating glimpse into other people’s lives, and fascinating looks at famous landmarks.
Check out these great webcam feeds that offer a scintillating glimpse into other people's lives, and fascinating looks at famous landmarks.
Social Networks/Blogs Now Account for One in Every Four and a Half Minutes Online | Nielsen Wire
New statistics about social media consumption rates, broken down by individual medium.
Latest global survey from research house Nielsen shows Australia and Brazil are the top Social Media users in the world
36 Awesome Social Media Blogs Everyone Should Read
Unboxed - Yes, People Still Read, but Now It’s Social -
the speed with which we can follow the trail of an idea, or discover new perspectives on a problem, has increased by several orders of magnitude. We are marginally less focused, and exponentially more connected.
“THE point of books is to combat loneliness,” David Foster Wallace observes near the beginning of “Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself,” David Lipsky’s recently published, book-length interview with him.
is it good or bad?
It’s no accident that most of the great scientific and technological innovation over the last millennium has taken place in crowded, distracting urban centers. The printed page itself encouraged those manifold connections, by allowing ideas to be stored and shared and circulated more efficiently. One can make the case that the Enlightenment depended more on the exchange of ideas than it did on solitary, deep-focus reading. Quiet contemplation has led to its fair share of important thoughts. But it cannot be denied that good ideas also emerge in networks.
many great ideas that have advanced culture over the past centuries have emerged from a more connective space, in the collision of different worldviews and sensibilities, different metaphors and fields of expertise. (Gutenberg himself borrowed his printing press from the screw presses of Rhineland vintners, as Mr. Carr notes.)
If you happen to be reading the book on the Kindle from Amazon, Mr. Wallace’s observation has an extra emphasis: a dotted underline running below the phrase. Not because Mr. Wallace or Mr. Lipsky felt that the point was worth stressing, but because a dozen or so other readers have highlighted the passage on their Kindles, making it one of the more “popular” passages in the book.
YouTube - playbiennial's Channel #YouTube, #HP, #Intel y la Fundación #Guggenheim unidos para mostrarnos los mejores videos del mundo
i mean play button in stone
A collaboration between YouTube and Guggenheim Museum. To recognise and showcase the most remarkable online videos from around the world. The work will be judged by experts that will decide which 200 leading videos that will be shown at the Guggenheim museum in New York. The firs biannual Event.
Help me help my friend in DC. | Ask MetaFilter
A Russian friend of mine may be in a dangerous situation in Washington, DC. My friend and former student K arrived in DC yesterday, along with a friend. She came over on some kind of travel exchange program put together by a Russian travel agency called 'XXXXX'. They paid about 3K for this program. The program promised a job offer in advance, but didn't deliver. They said they would send one via email, but failed there, too. Her contact in the USA barely speaks English, doesn't answer her calls but does answer mine. He has asked her and her friend to meet in NYC tonight around midnight, with promises of hostess work in a lounge. Yes, I know how horrific that sounds- that's why I am working all possible angles here. She is not going to NYC but I need some help handling and understanding how to handle this- I have a friend helping them with a cheap hotel for the night, but that's all at the moment. I am presently driving to LA and could fly her and her friend to meet me there on Satu
This is so amazing - shows that the Internet is really wonderful sometimes.
The most amazing Ask Metafilter thread ever?
Una fiaba dei tempi di internet. Vera. Molto meglio della storia del cellulare perso raccontata da Shirky in "Here Comes Everybody" (ma del resto è accaduta dopo l'uscita del libro).
The most awesome thing I've ever seen.
this is why i'm in love with the internet.. [from]
Use of Metafilter to prevent likely human trafficking. Like Kottke said, this is what the internet is for.
10 of the best free games you should play today | News | TechRadar UK
10 of the best free games you should play today Releases new and old from every genre : TechRadar UK
Web Services as Governments - Union Square Ventures: A New York Venture Capital Fund Focused on Early Stage & Startup Investing
Web Services as Governments via @VenessaMiemis | Related: War [from]
As I thought about it, it became clear that web platforms really don't make much. Instead, they create the conditions that encourage others to invest their time and energy to create useful services. The value of Twitter is not in the software that runs on their servers; it is in the content that 180 million people contribute to their network - same with Facebook. Many would argue that Apple makes things, but even there, the full experience of the iPhone has a lot to do with the 200,000 applications that others created to run on the device. A lot of people have begun using the term ecosystem to describe these big platforms. That captures their decentralized, emergent character, but ecosystems do not have a central point of control. Apple decided to eliminate third party analytics between one release and the next. That doesn't happen in an ecosystem. The right analogy is a government.
Apple, Facebook, Craigslist, et all as governments (totalitarian, state economies, libertarians?)
Social networks act as governments with their APIs.
"Privacy and Publicity in the Context of Big Data"
presentation script by danah boyd
Big data, the currency that users pay Facebook and other social media companies for the right to use 'free' services
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Experiments in delinkification
The gist: Links are distracting, so what if we tried putting them off till the end of each post?
read this too, this is the man who said the thing I was interested in the other week . LInk from Scripting News
4 Best Sites To Get 10GB Free Online Backup & Storage
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RT @DrJeffersnBoggs: 4 Sites To Get 10GB Free Online Storage RT @flemcy @Techzader @arkarthick @meerantj @pramitjnathan
The Tell-All Generation Learns When Not To, at Least Online -
RT @eni_kao: [Sochol] La génération sans pudeur apprend à se préserver en ligne et à s'auto-censurer. (via @palpitt)
Min Liu, a 21-year-old liberal arts student at the New School in New York City, got a Facebook account at 17 and chronicled her college life in detail, from rooftop drinks with friends to dancing at a downtown club. Recently, though, she has had second thoughts.
The Semantic Web: What It Is and Why It Matters [VIDEO]
RT @draenews: Del The Semantic Web: What It Is and Why It Matters [VIDEO]:
not bad
Ray’s film is a brief but high-level discussion of semantic technologies, the tech that’s going to affect how we use the Internet() and all its information for years to come. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about the semantic web, what it is and why it matters to all kinds of Internet users, we highly recommend checking out this documentary below.
Ray’s film is a brief but high-level discussion of semantic technologies, the tech that’s going to affect how we use the Internet (Internet) and all its information for years to come.
Video sobre la Web Semántica
Andrey Ternovskiy’s Web site, Chatroulette : The New Yorker
LETTER FROM MOSCOW about Chatroulette. Andrey Ternovskiy, an eighteen-year-old high-school dropout from Moscow, has a variety of explanations for why he created the Web site Chatroulette. The most reliable version, however, centers on a shop called Russian Souvenirs, where Ternovskiy started working in 2008, selling Soviet paraphernalia…
ndrey Ternovskiy, an eighteen-year-old high-school dropout from Moscow, has a variety of explanations for why he cr
perfil do criador do chat roulette
10 Fun Facts You Didn't Know About Google
#10. Google Has a Company Dinosaur.
Zehn nette Fakten über Google. Manche werden sich vielleicht noch erinnern, wie das war, damals... ;-)
N paar Google Fakten wie der erste Google Rechner... aus LEGO! :D
Google is not your average company and it's fitting that they have a history chock full of quirk. Here are 10 facts you may not have known about Google.
How to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi Networks
New Media, Old Media - Pew Research Center
A study of top news stories finds that not only do social media (blogs, Twitter and YouTube) differ sustainably from mainstream media, but they also differ greatly from each other. Among 49 weeks studied, in only 13 did blogs share the same lead story with the traditional media; Twitter (four weeks of 29) and YouTube (eight weeks of 49) were even less likely to match up with the mainstream press. The least overlap, however, occurred within social media. In just one week of 29 studied did blogs, Twitter and YouTube share the same top story. That week was June 15-29, 2009, when all three social media platforms were led by the political protests in Iran. The study of top stories found that different social media regularly focus on different topics. Bloggers gravitate toward stories (often political) that elicit emotion. Twitter is squarely focused on technology. YouTube, while its top story was often seemingly random, has social media's most international mix of stories.
Technology makes it increasingly possible for the actions of citizens to influence a story’s total impact.What types of news stories do consumers share and discuss the most? What issues do they have less interest in? What is the interplay of the various new media platforms? And how do their agendas compare with that of the mainstream press? A review of a year's worth of data sheds light on these questions.
why new media is important
"the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism has gathered a year of data on the top news stories discussed and linked to on blogs and social media pages and seven months' worth on Twitter. We also have analyzed a year of the most viewed news-related videos on YouTube. Several clear trends emerge."
News today is increasingly a shared, social experience. Half of Americans say they rely on the people around them to find out at least some of the news they need to know. Some 44% of online news users get news at least a few times a week through emails, automatic updates or posts from social networking sites. In 2009, Twitter's monthly audience increased by 200%.
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danah boyd | apophenia » “for the lolz”: 4chan is hacking the attention economy
They are showing that Top 100 lists can be gamed and that entertaining content can reach mass popularity without having any commercial intentions (regardless of whether or not someone decided to commercialize it on the other side). Their antics force people to think about status and power and they encourage folks to laugh at anything that takes itself too seriously. The mindset is deeply familiar to me and it doesn’t surprise me when I learn that old hacker types get a warm fuzzy feeling thinking about 4chan even if trolls and griefers annoy the hell out of them. In a mediated environment where marketers are taking over, there’s something subversively entertaining about betting on the anarchist subculture. Cuz, really, at the end of the day, many old skool hackers weren’t entirely thrilled to realize that mainstreamification of net culture meant that mainstream culture would dominate net culture.
apophenia » Blog Archive » Facebook is a utility; utilities get regulated
From day one, Mark Zuckerberg wanted Facebook to become a social utility. He succeeded. Facebook is now a utility for many. The problem with utilities is that they get regulated
Brilliant insight. RT @jangles: More on Facebook: reading @zephoria 's thought-provoking "Facebook is a utility" [from]
"Facebook speaks of itself as a utility while also telling people they have a choice. But there’s a conflict here. We know this conflict deeply in the United States. When it comes to utilities like water, power, sewage, Internet, etc., I am constantly told that I have a choice. But like hell I’d choose Comcast if I had a choice. Still, I subscribe to Comcast. Begrudgingly. Because the “choice” I have is Internet or no Internet. I hate all of the utilities in my life. Venomous hatred. And because they’re monopolies, they feel no need to make me appreciate them. Cuz they know that I’m not going to give up water, power, sewage, or the Internet out of spite. Nor will most people give up Facebook, regardless of how much they grow to hate them."
"I hate all of the utilities in my life. Venomous hatred. And because they’re monopolies, they feel no need to make me appreciate them. Cuz they know that I’m not going to give up water, power, sewage, or the Internet out of spite. Nor will most people give up Facebook, regardless of how much they grow to hate them."
Facebook & Radical Transparency, a rant by @zephoria, with a follow-up [from]
How Secure Is My Password?
Como verificar si tu contraseña es segura
It would take About 700 million years for a desktop PC to crack your password
Official Google Blog: Announcing Google TV: TV meets web. Web meets TV.
Google TV is a new experience for television that combines the TV that you already know with the freedom and power of the Internet. With Google Chrome built in, you can access all of your favorite websites and easily move between television and the web. This opens up your TV from a few hundred channels to millions of channels of entertainment across TV and the web. Your television is also no longer confined to showing just video. With the entire Internet in your living room, your TV becomes more than a TV — it can be a photo slideshow viewer, a gaming console, a music player and much more.
If there’s one entertainment device that people know and love, it’s the television. In fact, 4 billion people across the world watch TV and the average American spends five hours per day in front of one*. *Nielsen, Three Screen Report, Fourth Quarter 2009
Simulate Slow Internet Connection while Testing your Apps
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How to Return Facebook's Privacy Settings to What You Signed Up For
Good reminder RT @MR21c How to Return Facebook Privacy Settings to What You Signed Up For via @lifehacker
"Online privacy expectations are evolving, but whether Facebook likes it or not, a lot of us want the privacy settings we signed up for when we joined the service. Here's how to use Facebook's new privacy controls to regain your original privacy."
Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world | Video on
Clay Shirky looks at "cognitive surplus" -- the shared, online work we do with our spare brain cycles. While we're busy editing Wikipedia, posting to Ushahidi (and yes, making LOLcats), we're building a better, more cooperative world.
TED Talks Clay Shirky looks at "cognitive surplus" -- the shared, online work we do with our spare brain cycles. While we're busy editing Wikipedia, posting to Ushahidi (and yes, making LOLcats), we're building a better, more cooperative world.
Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world - Clay Shirky /cc @feedly
"Clay Shirky looks at "cognitive surplus" -- the shared, online work we do with our spare brain cycles. While we're busy editing Wikipedia, posting to Ushahidi (and yes, making LOLcats), we're building a better, more cooperative world."
Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world | Video on
How to Access the Internet (A Guide from 2025)
Before signing on, please ensure you have received your RealIdentity card from local authorities. Signing on to the internet without identifying yourself has been ruled illegal in the Stop Anonymity Act of 2012, and you need to be sure to associate your comments, emails, posts and more with your real name. Setting up your RealIdentity is easy, as your computer (MacOS 15 or ChromeOS7 and higher) will automatically connect to your near-by card, verifying it with your biometric data. Do not put on shades, veils, contact lenses, and please shave before the biometric scan starts; it is advised to not perform biometric authentication after a long night of drinking.
Clay Shirky: 'Paywall will underperform – the numbers don't add up' | Technology | The Guardian
Does the Internet Make You Dumber? -
picture emerging from the research is deeply troubling, at least to anyone who values the depth, rather than just the velocity, of human thought. People who read text studded with links, the studies show, comprehend less than those who read traditional linear text. People who watch busy multimedia presentations remember less than those who take in information in a more sedate and focused manner.
Monitor: Stay on target | The Economist
Computing: Software that disables bits of your computer to make you more productive sounds daft, but may help keep distractions at bay
Stay on target: Software that disables bits of your computer to make you more productive.
Column - block web access to increase productivity
OpenDNS > FamilyShield
The single easiest way to keep your kids safe online — and away from adult websites — on your home Internet for free. No software to install.
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Filtro Familiar
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www: theoriginofthetag
would be a pretty harmless easter egg
Where did the <blink> tag come from? This article explains how and why the tag originated.
OpenDNS > FamilyShield
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The single easiest way to keep your kids safe online — and away from adult websites — on your home Internet for free. No software to install.
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The 10 Founding Fathers of the Web
FutureWave Software
While the phrase “founding fathers” is often used in conjunction with men like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, we wanted the think about the phrase on the global level. And what is more global than the world wide web? Thus, this holiday, we’re taking a look at 10 individuals who have been instrumental in helping to shape the world wide web and the culture of the Internet as we know it today.
5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management
How to Set Up OpenID on Your Own Domain | Smarterware
Thanking @ginatrapani
using Google.
For some reason I was under the mistaken impression that setting up an OpenID on my own domain,, would be a big hassle: that I'd have to host my own OpenID server software and that it would take all sorts of installation and maintenance BS to do so. I feel strongly about owning my identity online, mapping it to my nameplate domain, and actively choosing an authorizing party instead of just accepting the sign-in service du jour like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or Google. Still, I never got set up with OpenID on because my perceived hassle factor was daunting. Instead, I used for my OpenID and put the domain setup on my "someday I have to do that" list. It meant that my OpenID was instead of my own domain. Idproxy is a great service and I thank them for getting me started with OpenID; but still, I want my OpenID URL to be a domain name I own and control.
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Because big sites (Facebook) pass along my clickstreams.
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management
How to Set Up OpenID on Your Own Domain | Smarterware
Profiles as an OpenID provider and to Chris for a great discussion of OpenID, OAuth, and verifying identity on the web.
Thanking @ginatrapani
using Google.
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Because big sites (Facebook) pass along my clickstreams.
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management
Facebook Privacy Settings: How To Fix Your Profile In 2 Minutes (VIDEO)
I thought I had done enough to reasonably privatize my Facebook settings... this video showed me a couple things I had missed.
Here's everything you need to know to go back to the old days when you could control your privacy on Facebook with just a few clicks.
The Price of Facebook Privacy? Start Clicking -
how nytimes surfaces complex graphics in articles
Which is longer: Facebook privacy policy or the US Constitution?
If you guessed the latter, you’re right. Facebook’s Privacy Policy is 5,830 words long; the United States Constitution, without any of its amendments, is a concise 4,543 words.
Which Identities Are We Using to Sign in Around the Web?
What online IDs are people using the most to sign in around the web?
RT @smashingmag What online IDs are people using the most to sign in around the Web? (Infographic) - (via @creattica)
The Price of Facebook Privacy? Start Clicking -
how nytimes surfaces complex graphics in articles
Which is longer: Facebook privacy policy or the US Constitution?
If you guessed the latter, you’re right. Facebook’s Privacy Policy is 5,830 words long; the United States Constitution, without any of its amendments, is a concise 4,543 words.
GodBlock - Protect your children
GodBlock is a web filter that blocks religious content. It is targeted at parents and schools who wish to protect their kids from the often violent, sexual, and psychologically harmful material in many holy texts, and from being indoctrinated into any religion before they are of the age to make such decisions. When installed properly, GodBlock will test each page that your child visits before it is loaded, looking for passages from holy texts, names of religious figures, and other signs of religious propaganda. If none are found, then your child is allowed to browse freely.
Sad that its come to this.
NameChecklist - Find your name the easy way!
Use namechecklist to check if your brandname, username, domain and vanity url are still available on the worldwide web.
namechecklist: check if your branding, username, domain or URL are still available - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Find your name the easy way! Use namechecklist to check if your brandname, username, domain and vanity url are still available on the worldwide web.
Maureen Johnson Books » Blog Archive » MANIFESTO
"She was certainly not the first person I’d heard this from. I hear this almost everywhere I go where there are people talking about social media, and I feel that it is time that I rise up against it. In fact, I did, right there and then. I grabbed the microphone from her grasp and said, 'I am not a brand' ... Some people don’t get it. They don’t get that the internet is a conversation."
Some people don’t get it. They don’t get that the internet is a conversation. They think the message only goes one way—out. Things must be shouted. Things must be thrust in your face. Things must be sold.
The Internet is about conversation, not about branding or selling.
RT @peteashton The most important thing you will read about Social Media this week: – Andrew Dubber (dubber)
Author on social media.
The internet is made of people. People matter. This includes you. Stop trying to sell everything about yourself to everyone.
anti-branding manifesto
// I am not saying that it is a bad or dishonest thing to try to sell your work. It is not. What I am saying is that I am tired of the rush to *commodify* everything, to turn everything into products, including people. I don’t want a brand, because a brand limits me. A brand says I will churn out the same thing over and over. Which I won’t, because I am weird. // i cry with laughter and i love her ♥♥♥
Google's Long History of Social Media Attempts [INFOGRAPHIC]
Mashable hat eine wunderbare Infografik ausgegraben, die die Anfänge von Social Media im Februar 2003 bis heute nachzeichnen:
Red social para compartir citas, ordenadas por categorías
Recommended by Lifehacker
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10 Reasons to Stop Apologizing for Your Online Life - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
Via Ida: "everything_is_in_real_life" :P
"IRL: In Real Life. It's used as shorthand all over the Internet, to distinguish what happens online from what happens offline. And it's a lie. If we still refer to the offline world as 'real life,' it's only a sign of deep denial — or unwarranted shame — about what reality looks like in the 21st century."
Why are we ashamed of our online lives? It is part of our lives. – baldy7 (baldy7)
Why are we ashamed of our online lives? It is part of our lives.
"It's time to start living in 21st century reality: a reality that is both on- and offline. Acknowledge online life as real, and the Internet's transformative potential opens up..."
There's no denying the differences between life online and off. In our online lives we shake off the limitations of our physical selves, perhaps even our names and consciences, too. What remains are the fundamentals: human beings, human conversations, human communities. To say that "reality" includes only offline beings, offline conversations and offline communities is to say that face-to-face matters more than human-to-human.
What if we stopped all the hand wringing and really honored our online lives? #wrbm #life_online
RT @MichaelSurtees: RT @Malbonnington: 2 sides to a story: The bliss found in switching off:; & the joys of being onl ...
10 Reasons to Stop Apologizing for Your Online Life - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
via jared / ida
Business bloggers at Harvard Business Review discuss a variety of business topics including managing people, innovation, leadership, and more.
Via Ida: "everything_is_in_real_life" :P
"IRL: In Real Life. It's used as shorthand all over the Internet, to distinguish what happens online from what happens offline. And it's a lie. If we still refer to the offline world as 'real life,' it's only a sign of deep denial — or unwarranted shame — about what reality looks like in the 21st century."
7 Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internet
interesting - id not thought about tracking video downloads before
Useful: 7 Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internet
Top 5 Ways to Earn Immediate Cash Online
Top 5 Ways to Earn Immediate Cash Online: Saved from instachrome extension
7 Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internet
Encrypt the Web with the HTTPS Everywhere Firefox Extension | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Technical Analysis by Peter Eckersley Today EFF and the Tor Project are launching a public beta of a new Firefox extension called HTTPS Everywhere.
Encrypt the Web with the HTTPS Everywhere Firefox Extension | Electronic Frontier Foundation
This Firefox extension was inspired by the launch of Google's encrypted search option. We wanted a way to ensure that every search our browsers sent was encrypted. At the same time, we were also able to encrypt most or all of the browser's communications with some other sites: * Google Search * Wikipedia * Twitter and * Facebook * EFF and Tor * Ixquick, DuckDuckGo, Scroogle and other small search engines * and lots more!
The future of social relations | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
The future of social relations | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project #gwws
Pew research
Overview The social benefits of internet use will far outweigh the negatives over the next decade, according to experts who responded to a survey about the future of the internet. They say this is because email, social networks, and other online tools offer ‘low-friction’ opportunities to create, enhance, and rediscover social ties that make a difference in people’s lives. The internet lowers traditional communications constraints of cost, geography, and time; and it supports the type of open information sharing that brings people together.
"Report: Future of the Internet, Social Networking, Communities The future of social relations " -- Pew
2010 research report on the ways in which social media are expected to enhance relationships. Positives outweigh negatives.
How to Deal with Distractions in a Web Worker's World
How to Deal with Distractions in a Web Worker's World, at Lifehacker – Jack Schofield (jackschofield)
Nice article on trying to stay focused when the internet is around
good ideas for those with internet-attention-span disorder.
Many jobs in the contemporary workplace actually require that you&#039;re online all the time, constantly connected to your coworkers&mdash;and to a mind-boggling ocean of distractions. Here&#039;s how to stay focused.
Mobile Access 2010 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
Current (July 2010) stats on mobile use and how we are communicating, sharing pictures, email, vids and more... good stats for presentations and/or instruction.
Stats on mobile access and use in 2010
The Web Means the End of Forgetting -
This article needs a great big "citation needed" slapped on it. Yes, people need to think about what they post on the web, but no, that stuff will not stay around "forever." If anything, the web suffers from the opposite problem: memory loss.
"We’ve known for years that the Web allows for unprecedented voyeurism, exhibitionism and inadvertent indiscretion, but we are only beginning to understand the costs of an age in which so much of what we say, and of what others say about us, goes into our permanent — and public — digital files. The fact that the Internet never seems to forget is threatening, at an almost existential level, our ability to control our identities; to preserve the option of reinventing ourselves and starting anew; to overcome our checkered pasts....It’s often said that we live in a permissive era, one with infinite second chances. But the truth is that for a great many people, the permanent memory bank of the Web increasingly means there are no second chances — no opportunities to escape a scarlet letter in your digital past. Now the worst thing you’ve done is often the first thing everyone knows about you."
Use a lot of thought and caution before posting to the never forgets and is a critical part of what others may see about your one-time identity...even if it was 40 years ago!
La Red significa "el fin del olvido". Súper interesante artículo en el NYTimes. (para los que gustan de la tecno y...
By Jeffrey Rosen
Interesting article about how the Internet remembers everything we put in it and how it would be better both for us and our society if it forgot with time (like humans).
When historians of the future look back on the perils of the early digital age, Stacy Snyder may well be an icon. The problem she faced is only one example of a challenge that, in big and small ways, is confronting millions of people around the globe: how best to live our lives in a world where the Internet records everything and forgets nothing — where every online photo, status update, Twitter post and blog entry by and about us can be stored forever. With Web sites like LOL Facebook Moments, which collects and shares embarrassing personal revelations from Facebook users, ill-advised photos and online chatter are coming back to haunt people months or years after the fact. Examples are proliferating daily: there was the 16-year-old British girl who was fired from her office job for complaining on Facebook, “I’m so totally bored!!”; there was the 66-year-old Canadian psychotherapist who tried to enter the United States but was turned away at the border — and barred permanently from vi
How best to live our lives in a world where the Internet records everything and forgets nothing—where every online photo, status update, Twitter post and blog entry by and about us can be stored forever.
thx, lg :) RT @AmirKassaei: Great Read! NYTimes: The Web Means the End of Forgetting
NYTimes: The Web Means the End of Forgetting
The digital age is facing its first existential crisis: the impossibility of erasing your posted past and moving on.
The Acceleration of Addictiveness
People commonly use the word "procrastination" to describe what they do on the Internet. It seems to me too mild to describe what's happening as merely not-doing-work. We don't call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of working.
Paul Graham.
"Most people I know have problems with Internet addiction. We're all trying to figure out our own customs for getting free of it. That's why I don't have an iPhone, for example; the last thing I want is for the Internet to follow me out into the world. [5] My latest trick is taking long hikes. I used to think running was a better form of exercise than hiking because it took less time. Now the slowness of hiking seems an advantage, because the longer I spend on the trail, the longer I have to think without interruption."
"The world is more addictive than it was 40 years ago." "Already someone trying to live well would seem eccentrically abstemious in most of the US... You can probably take it as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly." "We'll increasingly be defined by what we say no to."
as the world becomes more addictive, the two senses in which one can live a normal life will be driven ever further apart. One sense of "normal" is statistically normal: what everyone else does. The other is the sense we mean when we talk about the normal operating range of a piece of machinery: what works best. These two senses are already quite far apart. Already someone trying to live well would seem eccentrically abstemious in most of the US. That phenomenon is only going to become more pronounced. You can probably take it as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly.
You can probably take it as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly.