Pages tagged install:

How To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User - Page 1 | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC How-Tos. Visit Maximum PC and read about How To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User.
How To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User
How To Automatically Install Required Software After A Reinstall |
Anyone who has been using Windows for any length of time knows reinstalling it is unavoidable. Some people call technical help and some do it themselves. If you reinstall on your own, you know it takes a little time but the most annoying part of reinstalling Windows is that you have to reinstall all your software one by one all over again. Software like Firefox, Winamp, VLC and other indispensable programs that don’t ship with Windows.
rt by adding the applications you need to be installed, post-Windows installation. You must download the applications and save the setup inside the “WPI\Install” folder which can be found under the location where you extracted the contents of the
Windows Post-Install Wizard allows you to take care of such situations and automatically install all the software that you would like to install on a fresh install with a minimum of input.
How To Install A Ruby 1.8 Stack on Ubuntu 8.10 From Scratch
Install RubyGems (from source)
OSの再インストールをしたいけど、必要なドライバを探して入れるのが大変そう……。 :教えて君.net
Double Driver
How to Run Microsoft Office 2007 in Ubuntu Linux 8.10 | ProgrammerFish - Everything that's programmed!
Wouldn’t it be lovely to have a nice, clean installation of Microsoft’s Office 2007 Suite to run on your Ubuntu Linux Distribution? For some people, this is the only thing that truly holds them back from an all-Linux environment… But not anymore! We have compiled a nice, concise set of instructions to help guide you along.
Ubuntuをインストールした後すぐにインストールするソフト(9.04 Jaunty Jackalope編)
Lifehacker - Smart Installer Pack Automatically Installs Your Favorite Software to a New PC - Installers
Hunting down application after application to fill a new computer with your favorite software can be a pain. Free application Smart Installer Pack makes it easy.
amily' PC is connected to the internet (in my home), all updates must be done manually.
HowTo Achieve "Ubuntu-Desktop-Minimal" - Ubuntu Forums
I've noticed on that there are a few people who would like to have an ubuntu-desktop-minimal edition instead of the default ubuntu-desktop which bundles software that not all of us use. I'm one of those users who likes to build his system from the ground up, so I wrote this simple post-install script which will give you a complete minimal desktop. After running this script your system will look the same as a fresh install of ubuntu just without all the added software. The first step to accomplish this is install a base system either using the Ubuntu Minimal CD (I use this along with my personal repository to create quick installs) or you can use the Ubuntu Server edition. Once the base installation completes, login and run the following script, then reboot.
ubuntuミニマルインストール法 サーバーエディションなどをインストールしたあとxとgnomeの基本的なパッケージを追加
EasyWP Install (Beta)
Traditionally to install WordPress you would have to download the archive, extract it to your computer, upload over 600 files to your website, and then set up your databases, etc.
How to install the Windows 7 Release Candidate
Detailed installation instructions for the Windows 7 Release Candidate.
instalační instrukce
Getting Started with Ruby on Rails: Installation
This article will guide you through the process of installing Ruby on Rails, and any other software that is required to begin using it.
Gizmodo - How To Install Windows 7 On Almost Any Netbook - Windows 7 netbook installation
Windows 7 is free for now, and works extremely well on netbooks. That said, installing the OS on these tiny laptops—especially low-end models—can be daunting. Here's how to do it, the easy way: If the Release Candidate is any indication (and it should be), then Windows 7 will be a nice upgrade for any Windows user. The new OS, however, is a huge step up for netbook users. Vista is notoriously poorly suited to netbooks; a buggy resource hog that subjects its users to incessant dialog boxes and requires far too many clicks to perform basic tasks, it's kind of a nightmare to use on a 9-inch laptop with a 1.5-inch trackpad. Windows XP has been given a boost by netbooks, as its system requirements—more-or-less decided in 2001—are more in line with the specs hardware like the Eee PC and Mini 9. But let's face it: XP is nearly a decade old. Its user experience is trumped by free alternatives like Ubuntu Netbook Remix and Linpus, and it's not at all optimized for solid-state drives—especiall
Desktop Linux For The Windows Power User : Introduction - Review Tom's Hardware,2293.html
Great walkthrough on getting Ubuntu running on a PC.
Introduction Desktop Linux For The Windows Power User : Well, it's that time of year again, when the latest version of Ubuntu is released. Version 9.04 of arguably the world's most popular Linux distribution is now available for free download. I've...
FOSSwire: How-To Install Ubuntu 8.10 on a White MacBook
How-To Install Ubuntu 8.10 on a White MacBook
The Ultimate Guide to Setting up WordPress after an Install | Pro Blog Design
The Ultimate Guide to Setting up WordPress after an Install | Pro Blog Design -
Mac OS X Leopardをクリーンインストールして環境構築して使えるようになるまで(2009年6月版) - Hatena::Diary::Ubuntu
フォルダ名を英語化する 「ダウンロード」「ライブラリ」を「Downloads」「Library」にする。それぞれのディレクトリの下にある.localizedファイルを削除する。
セキュリティ周りが充実 - So you want to use python on the mac?
virtualenvwrapper virtualenv
In a complete tangent from my numerous other projects, I’ve had a few people ask me recently about python on the mac, how to get started/etc.
10 Things to do After Installing Ubuntu Linux | Ubuntu Linux Help
Some simple customization tips for a fresh ubuntu installation to make it a productive, useful, desktop os that helps meet the needs of most.
My primary reason for using Ubuntu Linux, is that I find it a far more productive, cost effective and customizable system. Everyone has their own reasons and
Hivelogic - Using /usr/local
Information on configuring your *nix system to contain information in /usr/local and the benefits thereof.
How to Upgrade the Windows 7 RC to RTM (Final Release) :: the How-To Geek
The Windows 7 beta or RC releases were Ultimate edition, so you’ll only be able to upgrade to the RTM (final) if you are installing Ultimate Edition.
Hack Your Wii for Homebrew without Twilight Princess - Wii - Lifehacker
Bummed because you've got a new Wii and the Twilight Princess hack won't work on it? Have an older Wii but you don't want to buy Twilight Princess just to install Homebrew? Try the free and easy bannerbomb exploit.
Make a bootable USB installer for Windows XP, Vista, 7 with WinToFlash
How-To: Upgrade To Snow Leopard — The Right Way | Cult of Mac
WinToFlash - Install Windows from usb - Home page
(no description)
WinToFlash is a software for transfer your Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7 setup from CD or DVD to flash in some mouse clicks. This is about you can install your Windows from flash card, USB stick, HDD, etc to your computer or netbook. And this is not all it can do. WinToFlash can transfer your live CD/DVD to flash card, for example, BartPE. After all you can erase your Flash card and format it with you Windows for every day use.
Freeware - Download
Freeware Download Page.
find program product keys and passwords so you can re-install The Ultimate OS X Snow Leopard Stack For Rails Development - x86_64, MacPorts, Ruby 1.8/1.9, SQL Server, SQLite3, MySQL & More
Install Snow Leopard on Your Hackintosh PC, No Hacking Required - Hackintosh - Lifehacker
Macbook (with Snow Leopard) 買った後にやったことまとめ - IT戦記
How to Install WordPress on your Local Computer in 5 Minutes - WordPress on Windows
This tutorial describes how you can install WordPress on your local computer in 5 minutes using the free Web Installer from Microsoft. You don't have to be a geek and the process of installing WordPress is as simple as installing another Windows application.
ek t
Ninite Easy PC Setup and Multiple App Installer - Great For Win7 Upgrades
configurable Apps downloader and installer
Windowserako multi-aplikazio instalatzailea
Ninite is the easiest way to install software. Pick the apps you want and Ninite takes care of downloading and running installers automatically--it's 100% hands-free.
Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows: Clean Install Windows 7 with Upgrade Media
clean installing Windows 7 with Upgrade media
Clean install of widows 7 from upgrade media
買ったばかりのパソコンに最初から入っている余計なソフトをまとめてアンインストールできるフリーソフト「PC Decrapifier」 - GIGAZINE
そこで使えるのがこのフリーソフト「PC Decrapifier」、最初からインストールされていることが多い各種ソフトウェアを一発でアンインストールして削除でき、Windows XPとVistaに対応しています。このソフト自体はインストールしなくてもすぐに動く方式なので、余計な各種ソフトを削除後はこのソフトもそのままゴミ箱へポイすれば完了です。
新しいパソコンを買うと初心者向けに山のようにソフトがインストールされていることがありますが、特にやりたいことが決まっている場合、そのうちの大部分は必要ない場合が多く、はっきり言って邪魔です。 そこで使えるのがこのフリーソフト「PC Decrapifier」、最初からインストールされていることが多い各種ソフトウェアを一発でアンインストールして削除でき、Windows XPとVistaに対応しています。このソフト自体はインストールしなくてもすぐに動く方式なので、余計な各種ソフトを削除後はこのソフトもそのままゴミ箱へポイすれば完了です。
How-To: Install Windows 7 and live to tell about it
So you're thinking about going to Windows 7, eh? Chances are your head is swimming in a sea of TLAs and confusing charts -- enough to have the most adamant Microsoft defender reaching for a something with an Option key. Fear not, noble purchaser of legal software. Though XP users have been punished for skipping Vista by not being able to directly upgrade now, the process of backing up your data, formatting and installing Windows, and then restoring your goods again has never been easier -- even if you're on a netbook with less storage than your smartphone. Vista users have even less to worry about. We'll have our full impressions of the finally finalized OS later this week, but for now let's journey hand in hand down the gently sloped path of the upgrade process.
Will need to look this up in October
OMG! UBUNTU!: 10 Useful Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala
Clean Install Windows 7 with Upgrade Media: The Answer - SuperSite Blog
Allmyapps - Application Store for Windows XP, Vista and Seven to find and install the best applications
Allmyapps makes software installation a breeze. No matter how many applications you need, 1 click is all you need to have all your favorite applications installed on your PC.
7 Things To Do After Installing Windows 7
Installing Windows 7
How to Secure Your New WordPress Installation | Digging into WordPress
One of the best ways to ensure strong security for your WordPress-powered site is to secure its foundations during the installation process. Of course these techniques can be implemented at any point during the life of your site, but stetting them before the game starts prevents headaches and saves time. We’ll start with the WordPress database.
One of the best ways to ensure strong security for your WordPress-powered site is to secure its foundations during the installation process. Of course these techniques can be implemented at any point during the life of your site, but stetting them before the game starts prevents headaches and saves time. We’ll start with the WordPress database
ne of the best ways to ensure strong security for your WordPress-powered site is to secure its foundations during the installation process. Of course these techniques can be implemented at any point during the life of your site, but stetting them before the game starts prevents headaches and saves time. We’ll start with the WordPress database..
Dual-Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu in Perfect Harmony - windows 7 - Lifehacker
Want To Try Out Google Chrome OS For Yourself? Here’s How.
instalar chrome os en virtualbox
Google Chrome OS For
The public debut of Google Chrome OS today has the press abuzz over the potential of the new web-based operating system. And now ...
very complicated ;(
Allmyapps - Application Store for Windows XP, Vista and Seven to find and install the best applications
Allmyapps - Application Store for Windows XP, Vista and Seven to find and install the best applications
Chrome OS like lightning from a USB key: we could get used to this -- Engadget
Pon a punto Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope 9.04 (I)
¿Ya has probado el último lanzamiento de Ubuntu? Cierto, Jaunty Jackalope no tiene novedades muy vistosas, pero gracias a sus mejoras internas es m�...
How to obtain and install an SSL/TLS certificate, for free
Windows Vista 搭載パソコンを買ってきてやったことまとめ - IT戦記
13 Things You Must Do First with Your New PC | Maximum PC
A new computer is like a blank state--there's a lot of potential there, but without some work on your part, it's useless. It's not hard to get started, but there are some essential first steps that everyone should follow when breaking in their new PC. In this guide, we've compiled a step-by-step list of essential tips, tricks and advice from many of our other features, to provide you with just the information you need to get off to a great start with any new PC. So if you got a new rig under the PC under the tree this year, or even if you're just thinking about getting one in the future, read on to find out more
Installing Etherpad | Pauleira!
"As I found out, scratch­ing that itch was actu­ally fast: it took me ~3 or so hours, and that includes trou­bleshoot­ing and gath­er­ing bits of info from all around. With a step-by-step how-to it’ll prob­a­bly take you a lot less than that! "
You Don't Need to Regularly Reinstall Windows; Here's Why - Crapware - Lifehacker
Summary (my version): Don't install crap programs, keep your system clean, defrag it once in a while, and know what you're downloading from where/whom. Pretty simple. Got it? Good
The reality is that Windows doesn't slow down if you just take care of your PC a little more. Follow these procedures, and you won't have to wonder if spending hours backing up data, installing from disc, and re-installing your essential applications is really necessary.
Try Android 2.1 on Windows
phone os
Android is the most talked and popular platform these days. A lot of phones and netbooks featuring Andriod are coming...
The Human's Guide to Running Google Chrome OS - Google - Lifehacker
And how to install it
Lifehacker - Install a Minimal Ubuntu Desktop - Ubuntu
If you like the looks and features of Ubuntu 9.04, but want a lighter, swifter version of it, try this minimalist installation that can knock memory usage down by up to 75 percent. Ubuntu Forums user TheShiv likes to build his system from the ground up, and doesn't like a lot of software and services he'll never use. So he installs a core, bare-bones system from either the Ubuntu Server Edition CD or a Minimal CD, then, when he gets access to a command prompt and he's wired to the internet (presumably through a LAN cable, though perhaps wireless works as well), he uses two or three commands to install enough features to get a working desktop, but very little that won't be used day to day. TheShiv frames his installation as a script you can copy, save, and run, but users could also just copy the sudo apt-get -y install commands he has listed at the link below. It's been linked to by a few approving Ubuntu heads, and seems like a pretty good way to get a lower-memory, but still GNOME-b
How To Install Microsoft Text Fonts In Ubuntu Linux |
Luckily, installing the Microsoft core fonts package (and any other new fonts) in Ubuntu is easy.
The Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu Studio 9.04 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
The Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu Studio 9.04
This tutorial shows how you can set up an Ubuntu Studio 9.04 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge.
Lifehacker - PatchMateXP Creates a Windows Update CD - Windows
Windows only: Updating your Windows install over a slow connection, or as part of multiple installations, can be a time-consuming pain. PatchMateXP bundles all current updates onto an easy to use deployment disk.
HOWTO Reinstall all of your current packages if you do a fresh Ubuntu install - Ubuntu Forums
Save Synaptic markings, packages and sources when reinstalling Ubuntu.
HOWTO Reinstall all of your current packages if you do a fresh Ubuntu install Tutorials & Tips
dpkg --get-selections "*" > myselections
HOWTO Reinstall all of your current packages if you do a fresh Ubuntu install
# dpkg --get-selections "*" >myselections # or use \* # debconf-get-selections > debconfsel.tx
The Silent Number: Ubuntu 10.04 Post-Install Guide: What to do and try after installing Lucid Lynx!
Sorry to tease, but Solang is not packaged for Ubuntu anywhere yet! Will update when available. In the meantime, try gThumb and Shotwell.
Passenger-Stack: Quickly Install a full Ruby and Passenger Stack
installing a full Ruby, Apache and Passenger-based stack almost a one-line task. It'll take almost any UN
Setting up Sun VirtualBox 6 under Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid « Reformed Musings
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=46,devmode=664 0 0
How to install Virtual Box on Ubuntu Intrepid
Five Things I Do With Every Ubuntu Installation ~ Linux Fanatics
Linux Fanatics
Everybody uses their desktop a little differently. For me, using Ubuntu means freedom of hassle, believe it or not. Why? Because of some simple things I do with each new Ubuntu installation.
that dedicated home directory is not safe in the event of a fire, backup that home directory
How-To: Install Ubuntu and Linux Apps on Your PlayStation 3 | Maximum PC
If you're only using your $500 PlayStation 3 for console gaming, you're missing out on half of its hidden versatility: the ability to upgrade into a fully functional PC! Inside that shiny plastic shell resides some decent computing silicon, just waiting to be released from its undeserved console shackles. And while Windows Vista and OSX are no-goes due to legal issues, there's no reason at all not to dual boot into a perfectly serviceable Linux platform when the need arises.
If you're only using your $500 PlayStation 3 for console gaming, you're missing out on half of its hidden versatility: the ability to upgrade into a fully functional PC! Inside that shiny plastic shell resides some decent computing silicon, just waiting to be released from its undeserved console shackles. And while Windows Vista and OSX are no-goes due to legal issues, there's no reason at all not to dual boot into a perfectly serviceable Linux platform when the need arises. The installation process is fairly straightforward, and the hard drive is easily upgradeable if you don't mind spending a little extra cash on the side. And while Ubuntu for PlayStation has a few functional limitations, you can find myriad excellent applications for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own living room, including VLC for encoded video playback, Amarok to blast your
Gizmodo - Windows 7 RC1: 10 Things You Need to Know - Windows 7 RC1
Q:Holy Crap, Microsoft Is Tripping on Acid! A:Yes
Windows 7 has been sounding very promising.
GMail Compactor for Greasemonkey
This maximized the vertical real estate in GMail by colapsing the links on the left to an image box, and moving the search to left side
Singer's Creations » Install-It
Eine kleine Software, die es erlaubt mehrere Programme automatisch von einer CD installieren zu lassen.
cd auto start program
When burned to the root of a CD, Install-It will automatically launch when the CD is inserted and display a list of program setup files which have been burned onto the CD.
crea liste di installazione
Free app Install-It puts a small auto-starting application on any removable drive that makes installing applications a double-click affair.
crea una lista di applicazioni da installare tramite CD
How to Install Mac OS X on a PC (Without Using a Mac)
Is a Hackintosh in your furture? If you're comfortable with building your own PC, installing Mac OS X on it may be much easier than you'd think.
There are many great tutorials on the web for using a Mac to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard on a PC. Unfortunately, you may be unable to follow such tutorials if
Qué hacer después de instalar Ubuntu 10.04 LTS paso a paso « Slice of Linux
molt interessant per fer realment operatiu Ubuntu
Que Hacer despues de intalar ubuntu 10.04
Artículo instalación Ubuntu 10.4
Install Ubuntu Netbook Edition with Wubi Installer - How-To Geek
How to Install Android on Your iPhone - PCWorld
Putting the old 3G to use
How-to: Install Flash on your jailbroken iPad (for real) -- Engadget
We just saw Flash 10.1 ported to the iPad demonstrated in video form by Comex, and now you can get in on the action too, as long as your iPad is jailbroken. It's called Frash, and while the plugin is still pretty early and doesn't do video playback yet, you can definitely play games and other animations right now, and we're told video support is forthcoming.