Pages tagged improveverywhere:

High Five Escalator at Improv Everywhere

Agent Lathan gave out 2,000 high fives by standing next to a subway escalator during the morning rush. Five additional agents spread out along the adjacent stairs, holding signs that prepared commuters for the upcoming high five fun. […] The subway station at 53rd Street and Lexington Avenue can be a nightmare in the morning. Thousands of commuters make a daily transfer from the E or V train to the 6 train. The first part of the transfer involves taking one of two giant escalators, which both run up in the morning to accommodate the huge crowd. […] Everyone is generally in a pretty crappy mood when they’re making this transfer with a herd of other people at the crack of dawn. It was definitely a location in need of a bit of fun.
Improv Everywhere causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places.
For our latest mission, Agent Lathan gave out 2,000 high fives by standing next to a subway escalator during the morning rush. Five additional agents spread out along the adjacent stairs, holding signs that prepared commuters for the upcoming high five fun
Oh very cute yes. Made me smile, anyway.
Subway Art Gallery Opening at Improv Everywhere
Courtesy of Ting, I bring you really fun improv. (make sure to read the comment about the pay phone girl XD)
This work is at once a heroic call to solidarity and a hopeful ode to the future. The diverse collection of pipes, flocking together chaotically from all across the platform, can only burst through the wall once they’ve banded together.
Surprise Wedding Reception at Improv Everywhere
repare to greet them on the front steps of the building. To capture the moment, I wore a wireless microphone and had Agent Schackman film me from about
We Cause Scenes
For our latest mission, we picked a random couple getting married at the City Clerk’s Office in Manhattan and threw them a surprise wedding reception. The couple was treated to dancing, toasts, cake, and gifts, all with complete strangers.