Pages tagged ia:

User Experience Deliverables
Complete Beginner’s Guide to Information Architecture | UX Booth

Information architecture is an often misunderstood job title. Are they Designers? Developers? Managers? All of the above? In this article we’ll discuss what information architecture is, why it’s related to usability, and what are the common tools/programs used in information architecture. Along the way we’ll share some of the tweeters, books, and resources we found useful for budding information architects. Even if you’re familiar with the discipline already, you can probably pick up something you’ve missed.
toolkit audit IA
Information architecture is an often misunderstood job title. Are they Designers? Developers? Managers? All of the above? In this article we’ll discuss what information architecture is, why it’s related to usability, and what are the common tools/programs used in information architecture.
A List Apart: Articles: The Elements of Social Architecture
In an information space, a human’s needs are simple and his behavior straightforward. Find. Read. Save. But once you get a bunch of humans together, communicating and collaborating, you can observe both the madness and the wisdom of crowds.
site with thousands or millions of people, how do you make sure you can keep track of the people you care about? Resolution: Create ways for people to identify, connect, and organize the people they care about, as well as the information those people produce. The complexity of relationship classification depends on how your customers will use your website.
Artículo de ALA exponiendo algunos patrones de interacción social de redes
Get Wireframing: The All-In-One Guide | Hi, I'm Grace Smith
Wireframing is a great tool to incorporate into your projects as it allows for rapid prototyping and helps to pinpoint any potential problems. I personally find it invaluable on projects to have a visual representation of content, hierarchy and layout. Overall it’s an excellent step to incorporate into your project before the design process begins for both you and your clients.
The Importance of Wireframing — 45royale Inc. — A web design studio in Atlanta, Georgia
an gi
adaptive path » blog » Dan Harrelson » Rapid Prototyping Tools
See list of Prototyping Tools. Most are paid. Real tools are: 1. Axure RP Pro 2. The rest are BS i.e. Flex, Flash, Visio, Dreamweaver etc etc
Wall of Deliverables
(projeto EAD - px)
Sites Without Menus: Do You Really Need a Main Nav? | Devlounge
"I always thought that the main navigation would be one of the most important elements of a website. I couldn’t believe it, so I set off to look for minimalist websites that didn’t use navigation. Sure enough, I found plenty." -- Dustin Boston
» What Is User Experience Design » Articles » Intelligent Experience Design
I ♥ wireframes
Presentations, videos, photos
優れたユーザインタフェースを設計する際に考慮する8つのポイント | コリス
EightShapes Unify
Templates for deliverables such as document starting points, element libraries and page libraries.
Journal of Information Architecture
The Journal of Information Architecture is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Its aim is to facilitate the systematic development of the scientific body of knowledge in the field of information architecture.
Sitio con artículos sobre la arquitectura de informacion
to facilitate the systematic development of the scientific body of knowledge in the field of information architecture.
Is Information Visualization the Next Frontier for Design? | Cannell | Fast Company
Visualization is the antithesis of Powerpoint
design work shifts to infrastructure and problem solving, sexy infographics are part of the new skill set. You've seen them. Those tag clouds in the right-hand column of Web sites with jumbled type of varying weigh
As design work shifts to infrastructure and problem solving, sexy infographics are part of the new skill set.
Top-10 Information Architecture (IA) Mistakes (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Structure and navigation must support each other and integrate with search and across subsites. Complexity, inconsistency, hidden options, and clumsy UI mechanics prevent users from finding what they need.
Pattern Languages for Interaction Design - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Interview with 3 thought leaders in "pattern library" design tools, exploring what they are and how they're useful.
Pattern Languages for Interaction Design An Interview with Erin Malone, Christian Crumlish, and Lucas Pettinati
Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Designing for Faceted Search
Faceted search, or guided navigation, has become the de facto standard for e-commerce and product-related websites, from big box stores to product review sites. But e-commerce sites aren’t the only ones joining the facets club. Other content-heavy sites such as media publishers (e.g. Financial Times:, libraries (e.g. NCSU Libraries:, and even non-profits (e.g. Urban Land Institute: are tapping into faceted search to make their often broad-range of content more findable. Essentially, faceted search has become so ubiquitous that users are not only getting used to it, they are coming to expect it.
zef[a]media » Free UX Templates
The templates are derived from the User Experience toolkit I designed for the DUX team at Provoke. So we’ve given you the basic tools - it’s now up to you to do the magic with the actual user experience.
By Zef Fugaz. [November 21st, 2008]
Directory of Usability, Information Architecture, and User Experience Design Software continues to grow, with visits increasing 51%! Check-out our constantly expanding wireframing, prototyping, usability testing, and screen capture sections and leave a review of your favourite app!
So you wanna be a user experience designer — Step 1: Resources - Pleasure and Pain by Whitney Hess
ux links
User Experience Resources: Books, blogs, publications, etc.
SlickMap CSS — A Visual Sitemapping Tool for Web Developers
SlickMap CSS is a simple stylesheet for displaying finished sitemaps directly from HTML unordered list navigation.
SlickMap CSS is a simple stylesheet for displaying visual sitemaps directly from HTML unordered list navigation.
Recommended Books for your User Experience and Usability Library | UX Booth
Information Architects » Blog Archive » The Spectrum of User Experience (1)
iA is a strategic design agency in Tokyo, Japan. We analyze business goals and user needs, and develop interfaces that match.
number 1
Building Respect for Usability Expertise (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Enemies of usability claim that because "the experts disagree," they can safely ignore user advocates' expertise and run with whatever design they personally prefer.
Using Wikis to Document UI Specifications - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Using Wikis in Project Planning
20 User Experience Books you should own |
For people who make things for people who use things...
30 Information Packed UX and IA Resources | Hi, I'm Grace Smith
Bulletin August/September 2009
social media antipatterns and fuckups
The Information Architecture of Social Experience Design: Five Principles, Five Anti-Patterns and 96 Patterns (in Three Buckets)
Designing and building a successful social website or application is no mean feat. Adding a social dimension to an existing experience is trickier still. Nevertheless, the skills to do so are well worth cultivating, as the ubiquitous, pervasive, massively interconnected world of the Internet and allied digital networks, such as mobile SMS (short message service) connections, have unlocked a growing panoply of opportunities for social relationships, remote presence, real-time interactions and the capacity for self-organized groups of people to coordinate their behavior and collaborate on changing the world.
Five Principles Of the myriad principles we've unearthed so far, five cut across the entire experience: Pave the Cowpaths Talk Like a Person Play Well with Others Learn from Games Respect the Ethical Dimension
••• hello | Hot Gloo •••
Hot Gloo is designed by IA's for IA's. With the help of the elements you can create a whole world out of wireframes. Just drag and drop, scale, link, name and rename them - it's super easy and intuitional.
Sitio para hacer wireframes
Para hacer wireframes de sitios web
Volkside | Naview - Navigation preview tool for rapid IA prototyping
Naview is a navigation preview tool for rapid information architecture prototyping from Volkside. It helps information architects design and visualise a new navigational structure and aims to bridge the gap between card sorting and IA user testing.
Another example of a validation prototype tool
Volkside | Naview - Navigation preview tool for rapid IA prototyping
Navigation preview tool for rapid IA prototyping
quick prototypes of hierarchical menus. via katja.
The Content Conundrum - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Article by Christopher Detzi. As web designers and information architects, we often dismiss deep consideration of content when we design interactive experiences.
Finally, a conversation about content...
"It’s impossible to fully evaluate the effectiveness of a web experience without having the content represented and under the same microscope as the design"
Persona Format - Fluid Project Wiki
Хороший шаблон для составления персонажей.
About personas
The Art of User-Centric Web Design - Webitect
Muy importante, leer detenidamente
User-centric web design is a method of web design where the content, design, and usability factors are all placed in accordance to the target audience’s needs and goals — a design that is centered around the user. This article will cover the basics of what user-centric web design is, and how to achieve it.
Information Architects » Blog Archive » Web Trend Map 4
iA is a strategic design agency in Tokyo, Japan. We analyze business goals and user needs, and develop interfaces that match.
Extreme Makeover: Craigslist Edition
'make it personal' is like your idea!
The craigslist team isn't interested in updating the site, so Wired asked leading designers to give it a user-interface lift.
Khoi, Anh & Paul contributed one design.
Craigslist Today's Top Trending Links - Web Trend Map
The Web Trend Map community curates meaningful link trends by choosing sources they trust.
Information Architects » Blog Archive » The Value of Information
iA is a strategic design agency in Tokyo, Japan. We analyze business goals and user needs, and develop interfaces that match.
When confronted with the necessity of offering news for free, editors are quick at pointing at the cost involved in news production. Which of course is beside the point. Information on the Internet is as common as snow in the arctic. You can’t expect Eskimos to buy a snowman. But, hey, wait; this is not just another rant with the usual talking points. After producing news site after news site for a wide range of customers, we actually have something to contribute:
the value of information
Principles of Effective Web Navigation | Build Internet!
Good navigation gets you places. More importantly, good navigation gets you places without a headache. Even though there are certain exceptions, most websites would be dead in the water without sensible navigation between pages.
navigation usability inspiration
Card Sorting: Pushing Users Beyond Terminology Matches (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
It's easy to bias study participants, whether in user testing or in card sorting, if they focus on matching stimulus words instead of working on the underlying problem.
"I usually say user testing is easy: basically, you get some real customers and watch them use your site or app. But this article touches on one of the difficulties of running great studies: minimizing bias. To achieve this, you have to see how people behave on their own rather than impose your own thinking on them. In the latter case, they simply echo it back, and you don't learn how to improve your design for real-life use...."
how to (and how not to) pose the problem in useability testing
Best Practices for Designing Faceted Search Filters :: UXmatters
In this column, I’ve presented five best practices for designing filters for faceted search results. Of these, I think the first—choosing either drill-down or parallel selection—is the most important. If you choose your filter value-selection paradigm correctly, you are already half way there.
Five best practices for designing filters for faceted search results. Of these, I think the first—choosing either drill-down or parallel selection—is the most important.
Recently, Office Depot redesigned their search user interface, adding attribute-based filtering and creating a more dynamic, interactive user experience. Unfortunately, Office Depot’s interaction design misses some key points, making their new search user interface less usable and, therefore, less effective. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the Office Depot site presents us with an excellent case study for demonstrating some of the important best practices for designing filters for faceted search results, as follows:
Recently, Office Depot redesigned their search user interface, adding attribute-based filtering and creating a more dynamic, interactive user experience. Unfortunately, Office Depot’s interaction design misses some key points, making their new search user interface less usable and, therefore, less effective. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the Office Depot site presents us with an excellent case study for demonstrating some of the important best practices for designing filters for faceted search results, as follows: 1. Decide on your filter value-selection paradigm—either drill-down or parallel selection. 2. Provide an obvious and consistent way to undo filter selection. 3. Always make all filters easily available. 4. At every step in the search workflow, display only filter values that correspond to the available items, or inventory. 5. Provide filter values that encompass all items, or the complete inventory. By following the attribute-based filtering desi
adaptive path » blog » Dan Harrelson » Rapid Prototyping Tools Revisited
Experience Themes - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Experience Themes How a storytelling method can help unify teams and create better products by Cindy Chastain on 2009/10/06
Como usar historias para elegir el tema general de un sitio y mantenerlo enfocado.
The more beautifully you shape your work around one clear idea, the more meanings audiences will discover in your film as they take your idea and follow its implication into every aspect of their lives.
There’s an old adage among screenwriters that when a writer can sum up a story in a sentence or less, he has discovered what’s important about the story. He’ll know what the story is about and therefore have a strong sense of theme. And in knowing the theme, he’ll have a compass to use in the process of “designing” the damn thing (i.e. what to keep, what to lose, what actually happens at the end). The story will be all the better for it because it all hangs together with a central idea that will give it greater impact and meaning.
UX Exchange - Q&A site for user experience professionals
blog on uxftw
A List Apart: Articles: You Can Get There From Here: Websites for Learners
You Can Get There From Here: Websites for Learners
The Steve Irwin approach to discovery on the web—“I’m going to click this here link…just to see what happens!”
From A List Apart: "Content-rich" is not enough. Most websites are not learner-friendly. As an industry, we haven’t done our best to make our content-rich websites suitable for learning and exploration. Learners require more from us than keywords and killer headlines. They need an environment that is narrative, interactive, and discoverable. Amber Simmons tells how to begin creating rich content sites that invite and repay exploration and discovery.
What we find changes who we become
"But just as important as the narrative consciously built into a website is the narrative readers create for themselves. Readers build their own narrative as they work their way through a website, moving from one content object to another. This narrative emerges from interrelationships between content items and helps readers turn fragmentary pieces of information into knowledge. The more clearly a reader can discern these relationships, the clearer and more meaningful the narrative he’ll be able to construct."
Demystifying Interaction Design - Bokardo
I ask [clients]: “What do people have to do in order for you to be successful?”. Simple question. Now, the answer might be that people need to click on ads or install software or create/save social objects or buy a product. Each one of these answers is fine, but it often takes a little bit of digging to find out the real actions that people need to take. For example, if the initial answer is “click on ads” then I have to dig deeper to find out why someone might be on the site/app in the first place…people just don’t randomly visit to click on ads. But the resulting behavior is what I design for. That’s it…once I know what needs to happen for my client to be successful my only focus is on eliciting that behavior. It really is as simple as that.
If interaction design isn’t about supporting & influencing behavior…then what exactly are you doing?
Demystifying Interaction Design - Bokardo
We design to change, guide, support, elicit, constrict, and control behavior. The products and screens we create are about getting others to do something, using or buying or donating or otherwise taking some real-world action. Good design elicits the right behavior, poor design does not.
Nick’s Top User Experience Books | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
Liste wertvoller Usability-Werke
Design View / Andy Rutledge - Where Wireframes Are Concerned
While there remain certain specific contexts where it is advisable to craft and present wireframe layouts for client evaluation and approval, this practice is often a really bad move and one made at the wrong moment in the design process, and for the wrong reasons. Wireframes can be useful, valuable artifacts for informing the designer’s process. But they often fail miserably as a first-step deliverable for clients.
Design View | Articles and opinion on design professionalism, technique and culture by Andy Rutledge
before you create a wireframe for client evaluation and approval, ask yourself: how will this help my client in the project process? Again, evaluate your answer carefully before you decide to craft a wireframe for your client’s evaluation …and before you commit to do so as a part of the project deliverables. Context matters.
Some good points here. Sometimes wireframes are necessary, but other times they get in the way.
Sketchy Wireframes - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Omnigraffle has some empty circles here
explanation of pros & cons of sketching wireframes vs. computer, plus computer apps that look sketchy. p: Sketchy wireframes allow practitioners to guide creativity and problem solving in the early stages of projects, rather than getting lost in a sea of documentation. Hopefully, this trend will continue as software manufacturers focus on enhancing their tools for creating computer-based sketchy wireframes.
"...there is a growing trend toward hand-drawn [wireframe] styles, as evidenced by an expanding amount of literature and workshops on the subject. This is a positive step in the evolution of our field. Sketchy wireframes allow practitioners to guide creativity and problem solving in the early stages of projects, rather than getting lost in a sea of documentation."
Describes a alternative for user interface wireframes between computer-generated boxes and handdrawn versions. "Computer-based sketchy wireframes. These allow computer wireframes to look more like quick, hand-drawn sketches while retaining the reusability and polish that we expect from digital artifacts." Lists popular tools and how well they support sketchy wireframes. Author: Aaron Travis, Boxes and Arrows website, Dec. 5, 2009.
Fantastic Information Architecture and Data Visualization Resources - Noupe
Below are a collection of resources to get you going down the information architecture and data visualization path. Whether you just want to become more familiar with infographics and data visualizations for occasional use or are thinking of making it a career, the resources below will surely come in handy. There are also some beautiful examples and more roundups to see even more fantastic graphics.
By Cameron Chapman Information architecture can be a daunting subject for designers who've never tried it before. Also, creating successful infographics and...
How to create personas your design team will believe in
Some more good information on how to create good quality persona documents
Search Patterns: Design for Discovery
Search is among the most disruptive innovations of our time. It influences what we buy and where we go. It shapes how we learn and what we believe. This provocative and inspiring book explores design patterns that apply across the categories of web, e-commerce, enterprise, desktop, mobile, social, and real time search and discovery. Using colorful illustrations and examples, the authors bring modern information retrieval to life, covering such diverse topics as relevance ranking, faceted navigation, multi-touch, and mixed reality. Search Patterns challenges us to invent the future of discovery while serving as a practical guide to help us make search applications better today.
A sandbox of search design illustrations, including a pattern library for search and discovery.
Using colorful illustrations and examples, the authors bring modern information retrieval to life, covering such diverse topics as relevance ranking, faceted navigation, multi-touch, and mixed reality. Search Patterns challenges us to invent the future of discovery while serving as a practical guide to help us make search applications better today.
Rich Internet Application Screen Design | UX Magazine
This article will outline the process we use to create rich applications, focusing primarily on screen design. All of the content is geared specifically toward productivity applications like Software as a Service (SaaS) products and Rich Enterprise Applications (REAs)
The Life Cycle of a Wireframe | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
For those who are looking for my slides from the Puget Sound SIGCHI lecture and for those who missed it but are curious, here is my presentation. It focuses specifically on my personal process for creating wireframes. There are 4 parts to my process, each has a series of deliverables that feed into it and principals I try to keep in mind, the outcome is either a single or a series of IA deliverables. My overall strategy for IA is 3 step process; understanding the problem (note: not merely identifying the problem but really understanding it), find a solution (there may be more than one solution, but there is often only one right solution), and present the solution (a large part of your job as a IA is presenting your work so the client can understand the results).
iA » iPad Stencil for Omnigraffle
This is the first version of an OmniGraffle template for folks designing iPad apps.
Activity-Centered Design - Bokardo
iA » Designing for iPad: Reality Check
With its high pitched light contrast, iPad is a miracle picture book or photo frame—but it (still) doesn’t replace printed matters. If, executed carefully, text on an iPad comes quite close, but it needs a lot of care and specific screen typographic know-how. Web body text sizes (14-16px) feel kind of small on iPad while bigger sizes clash with the canvas dimensions. This leads to all sorts of basic grid restrictions. iPad’s resolution is higher than a regular LCD but still lower than an iPhone which gives the pixel type an unusual “in between” feel.
when you write a text it doesn’t count words but the right column tells you: how much time someone spend to read your text until the cursor position (top number) the total reading time (bottom number)
Experiences designing apps and websites for the iPad
iA » iA’s 2006 Facebook Designs, Redesigned
The Facebook that could have been: mockups from a proposed 2006 redesign. (via @ztf) – GOOD (GOOD)
Our basic idea: To create an mail-application like interface with an elastic three-column layout that clearly separates filter, information-stream, and reaction: Filter: The left side column works as a sorting instrument Information-Stream: The center column shows the filtered results Reaction: The right side column is used for discussing the individual feed items.
@mahrko nein, nein: von - ist verlinkt, hier nochmal aber schön wärs....
The future of wireframes? « Made by Many
I have a love hate relationship with wireframes. In the last 10 years they’ve been a part of every web project I’ve worked on. There have been times when I can’t imagine how we would have solved a particular problem without them. Yet there are also times when I’ve been completely exasperated at the amount of time and energy they’ve consumed, seemingly to very little reward...
It’s time designers stepped up to the plate and claimed wireframes as their own.
IA Task Failures Remain Costly (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Bad IA is now the greatest cause of task failures because it's the stumbling block for getting anywhere on a site. Users try to find their way around a site, and if they're particularly motivated, they might even try again if they fail. But if users are repeatedly led in circles or dumped into no-man's land by weak search, they give up and leave for another site. That's why deficiencies in your IA are costing you a lot of money, right now.
Opening article reference for project
10 New UX Books To Look Out for in 2010 | UX Booth
Livros de UX para ler em 2010
Information Architecture: Enhancing the User Experience | Webdesigner Depot
RT @draenews: Del Information Architecture: Enhancing the User Experience | Webdesigner Depot:
LukeW | 10 Things I Learned In Web School
RT @draenews: Del LukeW | 10 Things I Learned In Web School: