Pages tagged https:

Moserware: The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection

Convinced from spending hours reading rave reviews, Bob eagerly clicked "Proceed to Checkout" for his gallon of Tuscan Whole Milk and... Whoa! What just happened?
InfoQ: The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection
InfoQ: The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection
Rail Spikes: Testing SSL in Rails
def test_get_new_with_http_should_redirect_to_ssl @request.env['HTTPS'] = nil get :new assert_redirected_to "https://" + + @request.request_uri end
@request.env['HTTPS'] = 'on'
Here’s a quick tip for how to test that your application is using SSL correctly.
ImperialViolet - Overclocking SSL
SSL is not expensive
Encrypt the Web with the HTTPS Everywhere Firefox Extension | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Technical Analysis by Peter Eckersley Today EFF and the Tor Project are launching a public beta of a new Firefox extension called HTTPS Everywhere.
Encrypt the Web with the HTTPS Everywhere Firefox Extension | Electronic Frontier Foundation
This Firefox extension was inspired by the launch of Google's encrypted search option. We wanted a way to ensure that every search our browsers sent was encrypted. At the same time, we were also able to encrypt most or all of the browser's communications with some other sites: * Google Search * Wikipedia * Twitter and * Facebook * EFF and Tor * Ixquick, DuckDuckGo, Scroogle and other small search engines * and lots more!