Pages tagged hp:

passe_simple: Brendon Urie and the Muggle Who Wasn't 1/2

Spencer was bored in math class, which was why he was looking up and noticed the weird kid sitting ahead of him.
Brendon was still staring at his pen. He put it down on the desk and smiled sort of secretly at it, and then – and then it started to float. Brendon Urie is a wizard who's family is being threatened by Voldemort's followers after his older sister Kara kills someone important.
Brendon's the new weird kid in school. But he's weird for a very good reason.
This makes me happy in so many ways; it's my very favourite kind of crossover.
Brendon's the new weird kid in school. But he's weird for a very good reason. It's panic in the hp world sorta.
Harry Potterr au
18000. Brendon the wizard has to hide out at a muggle school when death eaters are after his family.
oxoniensis: Star Trek fic: a fucking space opera (or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise)
oxoniensis's Star Trek crossover story.
(or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise)
Crazy random crossover fic ftw! Featuring Star Trek: Reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter (but that last one is kind of a stretch)
Fandoms: Star Trek: reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter Characters: James T. Kirk, ensemble, Arthur Pendragon, Rodney McKay, Cameron Phillips, Sam and Dean Winchester, and Vanessa.
Jim's been taking fencing lessons from Sulu for over a month when Arthur Pendragon comes on board.
self-explanatory! (guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter)
or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise
Title: a fucking space opera (or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise) Fandoms: Star Trek: reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter Characters: James T. Kirk, ensemble, Arthur Pendragon, Rodney McKay, Cameron Phillips, Sam and Dean Winchester, and Vanessa. Rating: PG-13 Word count: 3,169 words Beta: Thanks to the wonderful [info]littledrop for encouraging and being my Trek expert. Notes: For [info]such_heights and [info]undeny, even though I abused their prompts horribly.
HP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu - Download Squad
HP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu
Does HP step on Microsoft's toes? "HP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu" [from]
Exposing Flash Application Vulnerabilities with SWFScan - The HP Security Laboratory
HP SWFScan is a free Windows-based security tool to help developers find and fix security vulnerabilities in applications developed with the Adobe Flash Platform. The tool is the first of its kind to decompile applications developed with the Flash platform and perform static analysis to understand their behaviors. This helps developers without security backgrounds identify vulnerabilities hidden within the application which cannot be detected with dynamic analysis methods.
Décompilateur gratuit d'applications Flash / Flex (SWF) et recherche de vulnérabilités et trous de sécurité, divulgation d'informations...
Featured Desktop: Get HP's Dark-Themed Mini Look on Your Ubuntu Desktop
The real reason why Steve Jobs hates Flash - Charlie's Diary
There is a lot to take note of in here, though the timescale is probably more alarmist than realistic.
I'm not convinced there's anywhere near enough bandwidth just for everyone to have wireless internet now, let alone using it for all your data. No chance.
This is why there's a stench of panic hanging over silicon valley. this is why Apple have turned into paranoid security Nazis, why HP have just ditched Microsoft from a forthcoming major platform and splurged a billion-plus on buying up a near-failure; it's why everyone is terrified of Google: The PC revolution is almost coming to an end, and everyone's trying to work out a strategy for surviving the aftermath.
“Let's peer five years into the future... LTE will be here. WiMax will be here.” Pretty sure I heard that six years ago.