Pages tagged hack: Taking Advantage Of Technology - Inside Programmable Road Signs

how to hack the ADCO portable sign
How many times have you driven by an electronic road sign like one of these? This is the ADDCO portable sign. Today, you see what is on the inside, and how they are programmed to display important information.
How to hack US roadside signs.
Conditional CSS
Browser detection with XSLT.
an interesting way to handle css conditionals
Wii: Play Burned Game Backups on Your Wii Without a Modchip
Ever since video game consoles moved to optical discs manufacturers and users have battled over backups Manufacturers fear that if
リンクをクリックしたときに横に伸びる点線を消す方法(Firefox) - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Firefox Hacks
リンクとかの点線を消す CSS
overflow:hidden; outline:none;
The Agreeable Cat by Anne Loucks
Have your pets accept troublesome EULAs on your behalf.
I didn't agree to the EULA; my kitty did.
via 530s » 10 Most Awesome Linux Applications
Whoo, more GNU/Linux articles!
I love this blog, it really encapsulates some pretty great software!
Mozilla Webdev » Blog Archive » Cross-Browser Inline-Block
How to achieve the equivalent of display: inline-block in all browsers with a few hacks and techniques. Nice.
despotify - the open source Spotify client
Playing restricted music works only with Premium accounts.
While Spotify is totally awesome, it currently only runs on Windows and Mac OS X (and Linux, if you can live with WINE). We wanted to be able to use Spotify in more operating systems and in more products. Let's just agree on the fact that it would be awesome if your random open source media center solution could do Spotify too!
Works with premium accounts.
Ohjelma ohittaa maakohtaiset rajoitteet, mutta puhtaasti kohteliaisuudesta palvelua kohtaan toimii vain maksullisilla Premium-tunnuksilla.
My New Mac Pro Ultra Mini
hack a macbook to fit in a MacAly (sp?) case. Looks cool Might be something I can do with the 2 disassembled macbooks.
How to convert a "dead" MacBook into a desktop computer.
This dude took a fubar'd MacBook and converted it into a "Mac Pro Mini" by stuffing it into an Apple-esque external hard drive case.
Dead MacBook note to "mini" desktop again!
Landon Fuller
The DNS Dead Drop Storing Arbitrary Messages in Remote DNS Caches A few months ago, I read Dan Kaminsky's presentation slides, Attacking Distributed Systems: The DNS Case Study. In the presentation, Kaminsky documents a method of implementing single bit data transfer with nothing more than: * A recursive, caching name server * A wildcard zone After a particularly stressful week, I decided I needed to work on something fun -- an implementation of a DNS-based dead drop messaging system, utilizing Kaminsky's ideas.
DNS Dropzone Storing Arbitrary Messages in Remote DNS Caches A few months ago, I read Dan Kaminsky's presentation slides, Attacking Distributed Systems: The DNS Case Study. In the presentation, Kaminsky documents a method of implementing single bit data transfer with nothing more than:
DNS Dead Drop
The DNS Dead Drop
Hack Apple TV With a Thumb Drive, Set It Free | Gadget Lab from
A developer on Tuesday released a patch enabling Apple TV to play practically any DRM-free multimedia file with the insertion of a thumb drive into the box. Normally, Apple TV can only play video and music files that are compatible with iTunes or bought through the iTunes Store, but coder Scott Davilla's patch essentially "Jailbreaks" the TV set-top box from such restrictions by installing an open-source media center called Boxee. Currently in limited, invite-only alpha testing, the patch automatically installs itself onto a thumb drive and adds a Boxee button to the main menu of Apple TV. Clicking on Boxee brings you to an interface allowing you to view about 30 types of DRM-free multimedia (e.g., DIVX, AVI, MKZ and BIN) from any computer connected to your network; you can even play multimedia through internet streams (e.g. Hulu and videos).
A developer on Tuesday released a patch enabling Apple TV to play practically any DRM-free multimedia file with the insertion of a thumb drive into the box. Normally, Apple TV
How to: Install Apps on Your iPhone 3G or iPod Touch Easily and Free
How to: Install Apps on Your iPhone 3G or iPod Touch Easily and Free
IE Fix: Bicubic Scaling for Images
omg fantastic
-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
quietube | YouTube without the distractions
"To watch YouTube videos without the comments and crap, just drag the button below to your browser's bookmarks bar. On any YouTube page, click the bookmark button to watch in peace."
It's a bookmarklet to remove the distractions from I don't really find youtube that distracting, but this could conceivably come in handy.
app to get rid of ads and comments on youTube
quietube: YouTube without the distractions To watch YouTube videos without the comments and crap, just drag the button below to your browser's bookmarks bar. On any YouTube page, click the bookmark button to watch in peace.
Custom self-contained hanging Wall-PC - Charlotte NC Web Design, Development - Glowview Blog
Refurbish an old laptop into a wall mounted monitor and computer
DIY Freaks Flock to 'Hacker Spaces' Worldwide | Gadget Lab from
There are now 96 known active hacker spaces worldwide, with 29 in the United States, according to Another 27 U.S. spaces are in the planning or building stage. Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing.
Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing. "It's almost a Fight Club for nerds,"
Community spaces for diy software and hardware projects around the world.
There are now 96 known active hacker spaces worldwide, with 29 in the United States, according to Another 27 U.S. spaces are in the planning or building stage. Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing.
"In our society there's a real dearth of community," Altman says. "The internet is a way for people to key in to that need, but it's so inadequate. [At hacker spaces], people get a little taste of that community and they just want more."
At the center of this community are hacker spaces like Noisebridge, where like-minded geeks gather to work on personal projects, learn from each other and hang out in a nerd-friendly atmosphere. Like artist collectives in the '60s and '70s, hacker spaces are springing up all over. There are now 96 known active hacker spaces worldwide, with 29 in the United States, according to Another 27 U.S. spaces are in the planning or building stage. Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing. "It's almost a Fight Club for nerds," says Nick Bilton of his hacker space, NYC Resistor in Brooklyn, New York. Bilton is an editor in The New York Times R&D lab and a board member of NYC Resistor. Bilton says NYC Resistor has attracted "a pretty wide variety of people, but definitely all geeks. Not Dungeons & Dragons–type geeks,
Conficker Eye Chart
i think this is the origional
David Rusenko - How to open many keypad-access doors
How to open many keypad-access doors 03/11/2009 27 Comment(s) Here's a fun little tip: You can open most Sentex key pad-access doors by typing in the following code: ***00000099#* The first *** are to enter into the admin mode, 000000 (six zeroes) is the factory-default password, 99# opens the door, and * exits the admin mode (make sure you press this or the access box will be left in admin mode!) I'm not sure how prevalent they are, but here in San Francisco, Sentex building access systems seem to be the most popular.
Default-password fail.
More Linux tips every geek should know | TuxRadar
If you've already read and memorised our "Linux tips every geek should know" and "20 all-new tips for KDE 4.2" features, we've picked out 50 more Linux desktop tips for you to enjoy.
20 registry hacks to make your PC more awesome
Right-clicking on everything is a good way to learn about hidden Windows functionality. Exploring the lesser-known Control Panel applets is another useful technique, and browsing the command line applications in Windows' System32 folder can be interesting. But let's be realistic. There's nothing that quite compares to the Registry.
20 registry hacks to make your PC more awesome | News | TechRadar UK
Different registry tweaks to do random things. Encryption etc.
Inside the precision hack « Music Machinery
The hackers knocked Rain down the list for moot! ...But it's still a sick hack.:B
In "the 100 Poll where millions have voted on who are the world’s most influential people in government, science, technology and the arts ... we find a Message embedded in the results ... Looking at the first letters of each of the top 21 leading names in the poll we find the message “marblecake, also the game”. The poll announces (perhaps subtly) to the world, that the most influential are not the Obamas, Britneys or the Rick Warrens of the world, the most influential are an extremely advanced intelligence: the hackers. ... At the core of the hack is the work of a dozen or so, backed by an army of a thousand who downloaded and ran the autovoters and also backed by an untold number of others that unwittingly fell prey to the spam url autovoters. So why do they do it? Why do they write code, build complex applications, publish graphs - why do they organize a team that is more effective than most startup companies? Says Zombocom: “For the lulz”."
Anon hacks Time's 100 Poll so hard
There’s a scene toward the end of the book Contact by Carl Sagan, where the protagonist Ellie Arroway finds a Message embedded deep in the digits of PI. The Message is perhaps an artifact of an extremely advanced intelligence that apparently manipulated one of the fundamental constants of the universe as a testament to their power as they wove space and time. I’m reminded of this scene by the 100 Poll where millions have voted on who are the world’s most influential people in government, science, technology and the arts. Just as Ellie found a Message embedded in PI, we find a Message embedded in the results of this poll. Looking at the first letters of each of the top 21 leading names in the poll we find the message “marblecake, also the game”. The poll announces (perhaps subtly) to the world, that the most influential are not the Obamas, Britneys or the Rick Warrens of the world, the most influential are an extremely advanced intelligence: the hackers. kg9kl At 4AM this mor
IE6 Update
IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update.
Help kill Internet Explorer 6 IE6 is like an illness that just won’t go away, but we have the medicine. IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update. Click here to see a demo! - Read the blog post. IE6 Update Install IE6 Update on your website Copy and paste this code before your closing </body> tag: <!--[if IE 6]> <script type="text/javascript"> /*Load jQuery if not already loaded*/ if(typeof jQuery == 'undefined'){ document.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></"+"script>"); var __noconflict = true; } var IE6UPDATE_OPTIONS = { icons_path: "" } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <![endif]--> And you're done! OR If you’re a feeling adventurous... Download the Code Buzz on Twitter Already using IE
Install IE6 Update
Trick people into updating IE6 to something far better.
"IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update."……これはさすがにやり過ぎ感があります。
デザイン系で色々と面白いネタを提供してくれるToxel.comだが、先日掲載された記事には少々意外さを感じると共に驚かされれた。モチベーション向上や勇気をつけてくれるような偉人たちの名言と称し、24の「やる気が出てくる名言」が並べられていたのだ。中には日本語訳されてすでに知られているものもあるが、せっかく目にしたこともあり、ここに翻訳してみることにした(【24 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes】)。
10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About
64 Things Every Geek Should Know
pagina interesante sobre tecnologia
| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | 知っておくと便利なYouTubeの隠しパラメータ10個まとめ
URLに指定する変数 (ループ再生etc..)
Joe Tech » How to Crack the Account Password on Any Operating System
Nifty utility to become root on a box.
JavaScript for hackers - Opera Developer Community
Introduction I love to use JavaScript in unexpected ways, to create code that looks like it shouldn't work but does, or produces some unexpected behavior. This may sound trivial, but the results I've found lead to some very useful techniques. Each of the techniques described can be used for XSS filter evasion, which was my original intention when developing them. However, learning such JavaScript can dramatically increase your knowledge of the language, helping you become better at cleaning up input, and increase web application security. So read on and enjoy my weird and wonderful JavaScript hacks. RegExp replace can execute code When using regular expressions with replace the second argument supports a function assignment. In Opera it seems you can use this argument to execute code. For example, check out the code snippet below: 'XSS'.replace(/XSS/g,alert) This results in alert('XSS'); this works because the match from the RegExp is passed to the alert function as an argument. N
I love to use JavaScript in unexpected ways, to create code that looks like it shouldn't work but does, or produces some unexpected behavior. This may sound trivial, but the results I've found lead to some very useful techniques. Each of the techniques described can be used for XSS filter evasion, which was my original intention when developing them. However, learning such JavaScript can dramatically increase your knowledge of the language, helping you become better at cleaning up input, and increase web application security.
How to Bypass Firewalls & Get into Blocked Websites in School or at Work with FreeProxy (Windows) |
Ajaxian » CSS Browser Hacks
Paul Irish » Browser-specific CSS hacks
I wanted to document every browser-specific css selector and style attribute hack I've seen. Plus there's no way to provide stylesheets to only Safari, I believe.
"I wanted to document every browser-specific css selector and style attribute hack I've seen. Plus there's no way to provide stylesheets to only Safari, I believe."
Start Panicking!
MacOS iPhone Project
olden days mac os for the iphone, looks sweet
classic case of "stuff white people like"
Welcome to the MacOS iPhone Project! We are Dedicated to putting MacOS on the iPhone.
Dice-O-Matic hopper and elevator - GamesByEmail
Dice rolling machine. Very cool.
awesome random number generator. felt it deserved to be in my "randomness" bookmarks. via simonw
The Ultimate Lock Picker Hacks Pentagon, Beats Corporate Security for Fun and Profit
e locks and hotel room safes: These days, Tobias is attacking the lock famous for protecting places li
Get Wired's take on technology business news and the Silicon Valley scene including IT, media, mobility, broadband, video, design, security, software, networking and internet startups on
Thinking like a criminal is Tobias' idea of fun. It makes him laugh. It has also made him money and earned him a reputation as something of the Rain Man of lock-breaking. Even if you've never heard of Tobias, you may know his work: He's the guy who figured out how to steal your bike, unlock your front door, crack your gun lock, blow up your airplane, and hijack your mail. Marc Weber Tobias has a name for the headache he inflicts on his targets: the Marc Weber Tobias problem.
"Marc Weber Tobias can pick, crack, or bump any lock. Now he wants to teach the world how to break into military facilities and corporate headquarters."
An article about someone with a gift for picking locks.
Tobias is laughing. And laughing. The effect is disconcerting. It's a bwa-ha-ha kind of evil mastermind laugh—appropriate if you've just sacked Constantinople, checkmated Deep Blue, or handed Superman a Dixie cup of kryptonite Kool-Aid, but downright scary in a midtown Manhattan restaurant during the early-bird special. Our fellow diners begin to stare. Tobias doesn't notice and wouldn't care anyway. He's as rumpled and wild as a nerdy grizzly bear. His place mat is covered in diagrams and sketched floor plans and scribbled arrows. His laugh fits him like a
30 Must-Have Tweaks For Your Mac | How-To | Smashing Magazine
10 Useful WordPress Loop Hacks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
The loop is a very important aspect of WordPress blogs. In fact, the loop is what allows you to get posts from your WordPress database and print them on the screen. A set of useful and user-friendly functions, the loop is incredibly powerful. With it, you can get a single post, a list of posts ordered by date, title or category, a list of posts written by a specific author and much more.
Enable tethering on iPhone 3.0 - Too easy... (WORLDWIDE carriers) | richardlai's Xanga Site - Weblog
How to activate tethering on any iPhone without jailbreaking | iPhone Atlas - CNET Reviews
C can get dial up functionality at last
erikfrey's bashreduce at master - GitHub
whoah, wtf.
Map/Reduce in a bash script... hahahahahahaha
MapReduce done in BASH! Awesome!
Some mad bash magic for distributing stuff.
interesting hack -- apply Map-Reduce idioms to UNIX command lines across multiple machines or cores (via jzawodny, who's obviously looking at a lot of command line stuff recently ;)
覚えておいて損はない CSS の定番テクニック BEST 5 | バシャログ。
[iPhone]ソフトバンクでテザリングを有効にする - tAkatronix’s GEEEK notes
Open this website on your iPhone to configure the phone for alternate carriers (MMS, tethering)
iPhone Tool Installer
How-To: Use Your iPhone as a Wireless Laptop Modem - PC World
How To Hack Your Brain, Part 1: Sleep | Dustin Curtis - Mobileconfigs für dein iPhone |
the easiest way to enable iPhone Tethering through installing Mobileconfigs directly on your iPhone
Gmailの機能を拡張して、もっと便利にする38のTips | コリス
超便利そう 使わない理由が見つからないw
Step by Step Guide to Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3.0
Reduce your headache when developing for IE6 & IE7 with just one line « The CSS Blog, just CSS. (Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, Resources and more!)
22 More iPhone 3.0 Features You May Not Know : iSmashPhone
古いブラウザでもCSS3セレクタを使ってWebページをデザインできるようにしてみた - latest log
Ikea Hack: STRIPA Shoe Rack
Two closely positioned shelves cradle the toes of shoes and hold them elevated against the wall.
live-android - Google Code
LiveAndroid, a LiveCD for Android running on x86 platforms Goal: To provide a LiveCD(and LiveUSB) for common X86 platform
Lifehacker - WEP Cracking Redux: Beyond the Command Line - Security
Fun with a webcam
cool hack
15 Useful iPhone Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier : iSmashPhone
Growl on Macs as of now. There is a Growl client for Windows, but it doesn't work with Prowl yet. It will in the next update, so just hang on Windows users.
s push notifications, it failed to include a push version of Gmail. So, while true push Gmail for the iPhone is yet to exist, there is a very, very good work around
How To Sync Your iPhone To Multiple Computers : iSmashPhone
A 10 step guide to syncing your iPhone to multiple iTunes libraries on multiple computers.
DIY Steadicam, Glidecam
Selbstbau Steadycam
How To Activate Internet Tethering Now On iPhone OS 3.0 : iSmashPhone
Step-by-step instructions
The Anatomy Of The Twitter Attack
Forget About Photoshop: 5 CSS Hacks to Help You Stop Using Images - Cherrysave
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Forget About Photoshop: 5 CSS Hacks to Help You Stop Using Images - Cherrysave - - Blog - iPhone CSS
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can!
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can! Use this CSS:
? You can! Use this CSS:
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can with this css
IP Hider Accesses Hulu, Other US-Only Content from Outside the US - Web proxies - Lifehacker
Possible trojan. Windows only: Previously mentioned proxy application Hotspot Shield used to be the go-to option for accessing US-only content from outside the US, but now that popular sites like Hulu are wise to Hotspot Shield, give proxy application IP Hider a try. Like Hotspot Shield, IP Hider is an easy-to-use proxy application that makes it appear as though you're browsing from inside the United States. As a result, sites like Hulu, which block access to folks surfing outside US borders, are now accessible to your foreign eyes. To make things really easy on you, DIY video web site Tinkernut has provided a simple video tutorial for using IP Hider to access Hulu, which we've embedded above. The video also covers previously mentioned Hulu Video Downloader, the application that claims to do what it sounds like but that we had trouble getting to work ourselves. IP Hider is Windows only, comes in both free and premium flavors (As far as we can tell, the premium version features dedic
Windows only: Previously mentioned proxy application Hotspot Shield used to be the go-to option for accessing US-only content from outside the US, but now that popular sites like Hulu are wise to Hotspot Shield, give proxy application IP Hider a try. Like Hotspot Shield, IP Hider is an easy-to-use proxy application that makes it appear as though you're browsing from inside the United States. As a result, sites like Hulu, which block access to folks surfing outside US borders, are now accessible to your foreign eyes. To make things really easy on you, DIY video web site Tinkernut has provided a simple video tutorial for using IP Hider to access Hulu, which we've embedded above. The video also covers previously mentioned Hulu Video Downloader, the application that claims to do what it sounds like but that we had trouble getting to work ourselves. IP Hider is Windows only, comes in both f
Target IE6 and IE7 with only 1 extra character in your CSS / Brian Cray's Blog
IE7 targeting
Text Rotation with CSS
Web designers: You are now free to design.
Thankfully, many of the popular browsers of today support the ability to rotate HTML elements. Even better? We can make it work in Internet Explorer (back to version 5.5 even).
Hack Day tools for non-developers
suite of data visualisation tools, with a wiki-style collaboration platform for publishing data and creating visualisations.
For our first hack day, I put together a list of “tools for non-developers”—sites, services and software that could be used for hacking without programming knowledge as a pre-requisite.
Mind tricks: Six ways to explore your brain - life - 19 September 2007 - New Scientist
the auditory illusions are interesting!
New Scientist's guide to the simple techniques that will uncover the inner workings of your grey matter
how to avoid ads in gmail
you need 1 catastrophic event or tragedy for every 167 words in the rest of the email. I usually toss in a couple extra for good measure. I've been told by an early adopter that the very elegant and self explanitory "These words are designed to kill advertisements" works wonderfully.
apparently, adding words about death and tragedy causes gmail to not show ads.
using keywords to invoke gmail's algorithmic sense of decorum, turn off gmail ads
Send Email Message
send email anonymously. or send an email from anywhere privacy is a concern and you can't login to your own account. cool idea.
# Anonymous email sender. # Send as many emails as you like. # Free, no registration needed. # Similar websites: DeadFake.
Send Anonymous Email
たった一晩で睡眠の周期を変える方法 | コリス
事をした時に、それが新しい一日のスタートとして体内時計がリセットされ、睡眠の周期をスムーズに変えることができます。 例えば、2:00 amに起床予定
The Ultimate Lock Picker Hacks Pentagon, Beats Corporate Security for Fun and Profit
article on lockpicker Marc Weber Tobias
Marc Weber Tobias can pick, crack, or bump any lock. Now he wants to teach the world how to break into military facilities and corporate headquarters. The Ultimate Lock Picker Hacks Pentagon, Beats Corporate Security for Fun and Profit - (via @BlackHatEvents) [from]
Pretty discouraging article about the efficacy of locks beyond keeping honest people honest. – the Blog · Mapreduce Bash Script
One night at the pub we discussed whether one could replace Hadoop (a massive and comprehensive implementation of Mapreduce) with a single bash script, an awk command, sort, and a sprinkling of netcat. This turned into a weekend project dubbed bashreduce.
Hardcoded version of push
Map-Reduce implemented as a bash script!
MapReduce in a Bash Script
One night at the pub we discussed whether one could replace Hadoop (a massive and comprehensive implementation of Mapreduce) with a single bash script, an awk command, sort, and a sprinkling of netcat. This turned into a weekend project dubbed bashreduce
Map Reduce implemented in bash using sort, awk, grep, join.
ikea hacker: TV shelf with door stoppers for legs
2009-07-04 - 当面C#と.NETな記録
Download Your Google Reader Stories as PDF & other 'Send To' Hacks
A nifty page that shows how to create some custom Google Reader 'Send To' items.
Learn how to download Google Reader stories as PDF files using the new Send To menu. You can also email web pages, share them on Twitter or Facebook via Google Reader.
Saving GR items to delicious, to my blog, to PDF.
Free Heat From An Old Window And Some Soda Cans. | EcoTech Daily
In hotter places this could be used to run a (sealed) food dehydrator.
Gizmodo - Step by Step Guide to Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3.0 - jailbreak iPhone 3.0 guide
Hack Your Wii for Homebrew without Twilight Princess - Wii - Lifehacker
Bummed because you've got a new Wii and the Twilight Princess hack won't work on it? Have an older Wii but you don't want to buy Twilight Princess just to install Homebrew? Try the free and easy bannerbomb exploit.
The Boy Who Heard Too Much : Rolling Stone
Blind kid & genius phone hacker - free, online and no limits pdf restriction remover
Removes restrictions on PDFs through an upload.
superf4 - Project Hosting on Google Code
There's a certain hierarchy to how you can close Windows apps, including the polite "File->Exit" menu option and the more thorough "End Process" in Windows' task manager. SuperF4, however, is like DDT for apps you want gone right away. What's the advantage over the reliable Task Manager method? For one, SuperF4, which resides in memory as a background application, is quicker to fire off, especially if your system is herky-jerky and getting to Task Manager is slow going. Secondly, it doesn't ask you to confirm that you really want to end this program or process—hit Ctrl+Alt+F4, and the currently focused program just gets terminated, no questions asked. Hit the Windows key and F4, and you get a familiar skull and crossbones icon to click on a specific app to kill out. Finally, the developer notes that his app actually pulls the plug on most apps, whereas Task Manager "only asks the program to quit, and lets it decide for itself what to do."
インストールされているソフトのライセンスキーをぶっこ抜いてくれるフリーウェア『LicenseCrawler』 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
YouTubeのURLを細工して使える小技をざくざくまとめてみた - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
How to Recover Your Firefox Master Password - Firefox - Lifehacker
If you're using Firefox's built-in password management, you should also be using its master password feature to protect your saved passwords from prying eyes. But what happens if you lose your master password?
If you&#039;re using Firefox&#039;s built-in password management, you should also be using its master password feature to protect your saved passwords from prying eyes. But what happens if you lose your master password?
What the Internet knows about you
How to Build a Hackintosh with Snow Leopard, Start to Finish - Feature - Lifehacker
Two years ago, I detailed how to build a Hackintosh for under $800&mdash;then covered how to do the same with less hacking. Now that Snow Leopard's out, we're revisiting the Hackintosh, building a Hack Pro from scratch for roughly $900.
Off to the Apple store...
Finding The Actual Hotel Name On Before Purchase » My Money Blog
A great explanation of finding out what hotels are deals at Hotwire
Super Macro Your Cellphone Camera With A DVD Lens |
Super Macro Your Cellphone Camera With A DVD Lens
Five Great Reasons to Root Your Android Phone - Android rooting - Lifehacker
Massacre Gmail Ads with These Two Sentences (and Some Tragic Words) - Gmail - Lifehacker
I enjoy the massacre of ads. This sentence will slaughter ads without a messy bloodbath.
WordPress › Blog » How to Keep WordPress Secure
Good reminder of why it's important to keep your Wordpress blog updated and patched
RT @wordpress: How to Keep WordPress Secure: [from]
There is another serious WordPress hack making the rounds. If you run WordPress, make sure you upgrade ASAP
Make Google Search Real-Time With This URL Hack
How to download books from Google - Hack a Day
Descarga de los libros de Google Books
Everyone must be aware of the Google Books Library project by now. If you’re not, it’s basically a way for Google to ensure all of the world’s book content is accessible and searchable. Through the Book Project, Google works with libraries to scan and archive their older and out of print materials. Up until recently, viewers of books in the Google Library Project web space were limited to viewing books within the browser.
Install Snow Leopard on Your Hackintosh PC, No Hacking Required - Hackintosh - Lifehacker A guide to preventing SQL injection
Caching Apple's Signature Server - Jay Freeman (saurik)
s: we want choice. We believe that Apple has m
Thin Text in Safari with Snow Leopard // Ordered List // We Make The Web Beautifully Simple
Safari has a not-so-lovely way of bulking up text using sub-pixel rendering. On previous versions of Safari, this was fixed with a text-shadow declaration, but since Snow Leopard that method no longer works. Fortunately, I’ve found an alternative.
5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness |
Much of the brain is still mysterious to modern science, possibly because modern science itself is using brains to analyze it. There are probably secrets the brain simply doesn't want us to know. But by no means should that stop us from tinkering around in there, using somewhat questionable and possibly dangerous techniques to make our brains do what we want. We can't vouch for any of these, either their effectiveness or safety. All we can say is that they sound awesome, since apparently you can make your brain...
6 Facebook Hack Codes And Tips To Show Off Your Geeky Skills
#6 is actually good, rest shit
i guess these are neat.
Metasploit Unleashed - Mastering the Framework
Metasploit Bible (free)
9 Kick-Ass DIY Projects to Get Your Hack On | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Kick-Ass DIY Projects to Get Your Hack On.
Techies are too often tempted by the lure of new technology, leaving perfectly good hardware drifting in the wake of compulsive upgrading. And while we love getting new gadgets as much as the next geek, we also like how a new purchase gives us the opportunity to take apart and tinker with our older gear in the Lab. Whether it’s by soldering circuit boards or loading open-source firmware, we pride ourselves on being able to stretch the lifespan of older electronics by performing undocumented (and sometimes warranty-breaking) hardware hacks.
Android Hacking For The Masses - Android - Gizmodo
masterlock-01.png (PNG Image, 1872x1224 pixels)
Infiltrating a Botnet - Cisco Systems
Artikel über einen Botnet Master, Der via MSN von einem Cisco Experten Interviewt wurde. Bsonders interessant sind die Motive, warum Er keinen "normalen" Job annimmt.
GR: Infiltrating a Botnet - Cisco Systems [from]
Technical, but interesting read.
Bedazzler - DIY non-lethal weaponry
Crack a Master Combination Padlock Redux - Illustration - Lifehacker
IE 6で泣かないための、9つのCSSハック(1/3) - @IT
実はあまり知られていない?Google検索のトリック10 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
La vida de un Japonés
Top 15 Terminal Commands for Hidden Settings in Snow Leopard | Terminal, Finder, Dock/Exposé/Dashboard, iTunes + iPod | Mac OS X Tips
defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean yes
Paul Buchheit: Applied Philosophy, a.k.a. "Hacking"
To discover great hacks, we must always be searching for the true nature of our reality
An interesting perspective on hacking and systems, particularly relevant to the Saving Game
Photojojo » The Dashing DIY Hand Strap
camera diy
How to make a DVD of that student-only Windows 7 you bought for $29.99
How To: Hackintosh a Dell Mini 10v Into the Ultimate Snow Leopard Netbook - Dell mini 10v hackintosh - Gizmodo
Carry any Bottle with a JUG KNOT Handle
Speed Up and Back Up Your Rooted Android Phone - Android rooting - Lifehacker
If you've rooted your Android phone with a custom ROM, you've already got a snappier OS. With a few free apps, you can free up memory for even better performance and keep your ROM up to the bleeding edge.
Moving your applications to your phone's SD card, referred to as "apps2sd" in geekier circles, is said to "free up memory,"
pimping out git log - Bart's Blog
Très joli git log --graph à consommer sans modération
You can run the following to add it to your ~/.gitconfig: git config --global alias.lg "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset
I love this custom log view for git
Tutorial: How to Tether on an iPhone 3G or 3GS running OS 3.1.2
iphone tethering
ldd arbitrary code execution - good coders code, great reuse
use ldd to hack system
Top 10 Wordpress Security Plugins | Tools |
seguridad para wordpress
How To Prevent A USB Drive From Running Anything Automatically In Windows
USB flash drives are our personal data carriers, but the way we use it to exchange files also makes them open to viruses. The Achilles heel which viruses
The Fakeproject Corporation of America Presents: A Cheap, Easy, and Scandinavian WiFi Antenna.
I just moved to Moscow, to a nice flat in the center. There's supposed to be DSL here, but, well, there isn't. "Maybe in a few days..." In Russia, that might mean next year, or possibly in six months if I can find someone to bribe. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Following cues from a page I'd seen a year or two ago, I bought the Ikea "Soare" napkin rings, a USB WiFi adapter, and some electrical tape.
The Fakeproject Corporation of America Presents: A Cheap, Easy, and Scandinavian WiFi Antenna.
9 Most Common IE Bugs and How to Fix Them - Nettuts+
Internet Explorer - the bane of most web developers' existence. Up to 60% of your development can be wasted just trying to squash out IE specific bugs which isn't really a productive use of your time. In this tutorial, you are going to learn about the most common IE bugs and rendering disparities and how to easily squash them or deal with them. Interested? Let's get started.
css hack html howto tips ie
TippingPoint | DVLabs | Python Interfacing a USB Missile Launcher
altdrag - Google Code
AltDrag allows you to drag windows with the mouse when pressing the alt key. You can use the middle or right mouse button to resize windows. If you press the shift key while you drag or resize, the window will stick to other windows. You can double-click a window to maximize it. You can double-click with the middle mouse button to roll-up windows. Fullscreen windows, such as games, will not be dragged or resized.
The New Clearfix Method • Perishable Press
The History of Hacking | IT Security |
22 Latest Exceptional WordPress Hacks | Tutorials | instantShift
One of the greatest things about blogging is the immediate feedback a blogger can get from his or her readers. Still it’s often possible that your readers don’t give you a wink about their likes and dislikes. Unfortunately, there is no way for you to find out about visitors thinking towards your blog or its design. It’s always essential to play safe and give others what they like. Out of many solutions the inspirational one is only promising and optimistic way to achieve desired changes. This article focuses on organized collection of some of the Most Wanted WordPress Hacks which will definitely make your blogging life easier.
Role of chess in improving your character
レイヤー1枚追加するだけでPhotoshopのファイルサイズをぐっと小さくしてくれる裏技 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
イルサイズをぐっと小さくしてくれる裏技 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハッ
306 to 268ってことは、10%くらい抑えてくれるのかな?
JSON Hijacking
Source for "Megaupload auto-fill captcha" –
Auto-fills the megaupload captcha and auto-starts download
Mac Gems of the Year (2009) Review | Software | Mac Gems | Macworld
Might wind up forking out for a few of these.
How to Best a Master Lock - Master lock hack - Gizmodo
» How to reduce your PSD files size using Photoshop Idle Together
Gmail and Google Apps Account Got Hacked
recuperação gmail
t of all your Gmail / Google Accounts and initiate the password recovery process
Return Boolean True: Eye Fi Standalone Server
10 WordPress dashboard hacks
How to tether your iPhone running OS 3.0 without jailbreaking, for free
ere always carrier/country specific and required a bit more command line tampering than the common man could stomach. Now an automated solution has come to our attention that just works, is global, and doesn't require a jailbreak. Essentially, you use your iPhone to browse to a site that you've never heard of (, download a file that promises to reconfigure your local carrier profile, and then switch on tethering as you would had you tithed a monthly tethering fee to your carrier. We've confirmed that it works on T-Mobile NL and on O2 UK. There
ネットブックに『Mac OS X』を搭載する方法 | WIRED VISION
ネットブックに『Mac OS X』を搭載する方法
Understanding Windows 7's 'GodMode' | Beyond Binary - CNET News
Terminal Tips: Force Safari to open all links in new tab - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
defaults write TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true
although now bookmarking will open in a new tab. darn.
Mac OS X on the Dell Mini 9
Be still my heart: multi-touch tab switching in Firefox!
Did you know you can switch tabs in Firefox by making a twisting motion with your fingers on a multi-touch surface? I did. ...
Did you know you can switch tabs in Firefox by making a twisting motion with your fingers on a multi-touch surface? I did. Turns out I’ve been doing it for months — I thought I was late to the party and was too ashamed to mention it to anybody for fear of an epic internet ribbing (”What, you just figured that out?”). But no, apparently it was top secret and highly experimental. That was in the beta, though; it looks like the official version has reduced it to a hack. Fortunately, mastering this multi-touch-enabling technique will allow you to tweak your gestures, resulting in everlasting glory.
This is awesome. Try it if you haven't already.
Scientists Hack Cellphone to Analyze Blood, Detect Disease, Help Developing Nations
A new MacGyver-esque cellphone hack could bring cheap, on-the-spot disease detection to even the most remote villages on the planet. Using only an LED, plastic light filter and some wires, scientists at UCLA have modded a cellphone into a portable blood tester capable of detecting HIV, malaria and other illnesses.
UCLA scientists combine hacked cell phone and machine vision to do on the spot blood-disease testing - [from]
Mobile phone modified with lens and coherent light source to detect diseases e.g. HIV in blood
Scientists Hack Cellphone to Analyze Blood, Detect Disease, Help Developing Nations
頭脳と生活をクリアにする 11 の整理術 |
整理するルーチンを組む中毒にならないリスクをとる あたりが必要かな。
Pick Locks Like a Pro
Well, it could come in handy for *something*, right?
how to pick a lock!
CSS hacks & browser version detection – a new approach | Reinhold Weber
browser detection with php
A more elaborate way of dealing with css browser inconsistencies using a little PHP magic.
64 Things Every Geek Should Know «
The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject.
Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack, the Fancy Video Version - Security - Lifehacker
Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack, the Fancy Video Version - Security - Lifehacker
Last summer we detailed how to crack a Wi-Fi network's WEP password using BackTrack. Now video blog Tinkernut revisits the subject with a great video step-by-step of the process.
Clever stylesheet that blanks out comments on many popular websites.
"… a custom user stylesheet that can be applied to your browser to hide comments on many popular web sites without user intervention."
shutup.css is a custom user stylesheet that can be applied to your browser to hide comments on many popular web sites without user intervention.
The Strobist Corner - Extending Your TTL Flash Cord |
radio poppers
mixi Engineers’ Blog » オンラインコーヒーメーカー「萌香たん」とはじめるドキドキ☆コーヒーブレイク
RT @estima7 mixi의 한 엔지니어가 커피가 추출되면 Twitter로 알려주는 시스템개발.(사내용) @mixi_mocha - "Tweet when coffee's ready." Cool! [from]
僕も何かをtwitterで喋らせたいです。。植木鉢がwater me!っていうのもあったなー
Hueniverse: Explaining the OAuth Session Fixation Attack
10 really cool Google Chrome hacks | News | TechRadar UK
hen you enter a search te
[:Mana Energy Potion:] | 500RPM Chaingun
how to make nerf vulcan counter and 500rpm
lol awesome nerfgun mod
GoogleをハッキングしてMP3をダウンロードする方法 - GIGAZINE
-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) "<BANDNAME/SONG>"
"-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) "<BANDNAME/SONG>""
Lifehacker Faceoff: Battle of the Hardware-Boosting Hacks
Hacker News | How I Hacked Hacker News (with arc security advisory)
How I Hacked Hacker News (with arc security advisory)
Dev-Team Blog - trois, drei, три, három!
jailbreak iphone
RT @MuscleNerd: 3.0 JB for mac owners is now out -- youtube issues fixed too! &lt;&lt; Awesome [from]
iPhone 3G / OS 3.0で脱獄なし・iTunesも使わずテザリングを有効にする方法
CSS 100% Height | TutWow Taking Advantage Of Technology - Inside Programmable Road Signs
How many times have you driven by an electronic road sign like one of these? This is the ADDCO portable sign. Today, you see what is on the inside, and how they are programmed to display important information.
this is how they did the zombies ahead thing
road sign programming
Tip: High quality CSS thumbnails in IE7 « Devthought
IE7 supports a custom bicubic resampling mode for images.
интерполяция изображений в ИЕ
I have Tethering and MMS on my iPhone -- and Yes, I'm on AT&T - Aaron Krill
Video: Hacker war drives San Francisco cloning RFID passports - Engadget
Hacker war drives San Francisco cloning #RFID passports
Mac OS X on netbooks |
Comment convertir un netbook en mac
Mac OS X on netbooks | -
Quick Tip: How to Target IE6, IE7, and IE8 Uniquely with 4 Characters | Nettuts+
Make Firefox Remember Passwords without a Bookmarklet
How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords - Passwords - Lifehacker
f you invited me to try and crack your password, you know the one that you use over and over for like every web page you visit, how many guesses would it take before I got it?
TG Daily - Marvell's Plug Computer: A tiny, discrete, fully functional 5 watt Linux server
[CSS]スタイルシートを自動でIE6対応にするオンラインサービス -ie6fixer | コリス
John Graham-Cumming: Squaring two digit numbers in your head
lsコマンドをハックしてみよう (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
lsコマンドのソースをいじくっていろいろ。 初歩的だけど確かに普段使ってるコマンドをいじくらせるのは面白いなぁ。
Spotify vs OllyDbg
sudo dtrace -n 'syscall::write*:entry /execname == "Spotify" && arg0 == 2/ { trace(copyinstr(arg1)); ustack(); }'
"Spotify for Windows contains code so awesome that [Windows debugger] OllyDbg can't look at it without crashing."
Spotify for Windows contains code so awesome that OllyDbg can't look at it without crashing. Track Craigslist Page Views
tutorial on how to add to craigslist to view the stats of visits
Arduino Optical Mouse ADNS-2051, ADNS-2610, ADNS-2083, PAN3101
How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords - Passwords - Lifehacker
How Your Password Could Be Hacked: #it
Internet standards expert, CEO of web company iFusion Labs, and blogger John Pozadzides knows a thing or two about password security&mdash;and he knows exactly how he&#039;d hack the weak passwords you use all over the internet.
James A. Fogarty - Research - Prefab
reverse-engineering user interface to allow mashup of applications, supposedly
Imagine if every interface was open source. Any of us could modify the software we use every day. Unfortunately, we don't have the source. Prefab realizes this vision using only the pixels of everyday interfaces. This video shows using Prefab to add new functionality to Adobe Photoshop, Apple iTunes, and Microsoft Windows Media Player. Prefab represents a new approach to deploying HCI research in everyday software, and is also the first step toward a future where anybody can modify any interface.
iPhoneのテストモードや各種設定を表示する隠しコマンドのリスト - iPhone・iPod touch ラボ
BREAKING: New Gmail Security Flaw. More Domains Get Stolen! |
As many of you already know on November 2nd,'s domain was stolen from us. It took us about 36 hours to get the domain back. As we have pointed
As many of you already know on November 2nd,’s domain was stolen from us. It took us about 36 hours to get the domain back. As we have pointed out earlier the hacker somehow managed to get access to my Gmail account and from there to our GoDaddy account, unlock the domain and move it to another registrar.
Ressources pour utiliser WordPress comme CMS et sites statiques | Presse-Citron
CSS3 support in Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8
Script para forzar a Internet Explorer a soportar algunas propiedades de CSS3 /cc @chulini @cabrera @wiredlain
How to Back Up and Play Your Wii Games from an External Hard Drive - Wii - Lifehacker
Lifehacker - 30-Second DVR Tweak Speeds Up Commercial Skipping - TiVo
30-second commercial skipping on his Comcast DVR:
interesting comment thread on other dvr's including replay history
DVRs have revolutionized the way people watch TV, but if you've always wished your DVR were a little better at skipping commercials, this classic 30-second skip hack is a must. For what it's worth, we realize that these tricks aren't new by any means. Still, we've never featured them here, and the aim of this post is to collect as many of them as possible. Right now, we're aware of two hacks of this kind: one for the TiVo, the other for Comcast DVR.
virtual windows . DIY
Random Hacks Of Boredom/Genius: Wii Motion Plus + Arduino = Love
howto — warning: the wire colors are not correct!!
Light Blue Touchpaper » Blog Archive » New Facebook Photo Hacks
e session cookies for every photo request, but we’ll assume this is impractical giv
Last March, Facebook caught some flak when some hacks circulated showing how to access private photos of any user. These were enabled by egregiously lazy design: viewing somebody’s private photos simply required determining their user ID (which shows up in search results) and then manually fetching a URL of the form:[uid]&id=[uid] This hack was live for a few weeks in February, exposing some photos of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and (reportedly) Paris Hilton, before the media picked it up in March and Facebook upgraded the site. Instead of using properly formatted PHP queries as capabilities to view photos, Faceook now verifies the requesting user against the ACL for each photo request. What could possibly go wrong? Well, as I discovered this week, the photos themselves are served from a separate content-delivery domain, leading to some problems which
9000, which can be searched in about 45 minutes using one script. This is also easily parallelisable, given that we can query any of the mirrored photo servers in the
IOCCC entry from 1990 that forms a dialogue between two characters in code.
Funny argument between a man and a woman written in c [for:twitter]
C Prog in the form of a conversation
Hilarious and amazing piece of code in C, it reads like a conversation between a couple, while it compiles well.
"[...] obviously, (char)lotte and (char*)lie are incompatible types..."
Megaupload auto-fill captcha for Greasemonkey
Plugin para o Firefox que reconhece captchas, com links para código fonte.
OCR in javascript
Auto-fills the megaupload captchas and optionally auto-starts download
neural-net OCR in javascript
The Ultimate Guide to Wordpress Hacks & Customizations | Graphic and Web Design Blog
Mind Hacks: Ganzfeld hallucinations
The World's Most Influential Person Is... - TIME,8599,1894028,00.html
ie, 4chan's founder. time got trolled, and this is an excellent example how the mainstream has no idea what is going on, and is deathly afraid of it.
This 2008 TIME poll names 21-year-old Christopher Poole, alias moot, as the world's most influential person. moot is renowned for creating the 'dark heart' of the Internet, 4chan- a website that all but dictates the ebb and flow of Internet memes and culture, and has been repeatedly branded as a terrorist organization.
moot announced winner of TIME, after 4chan prank
Anatomy of a Subtle JSON Vulnerability
Resources that emit Json arrays risk data theft
Use Google To Hack Into A Secrect World - Borntechie
intitle:Live View / AXIS
?intitle:index.of?mp3 Linkin Park
“?intitle:index.of?mp3 Linkin Park“
池谷先生が指南!やる気が出る「脳」のだまし方(プレジデント) - Yahoo!ニュース
■「淡蒼球」を動かす4つのスイッチ  [B] Body カラダを動かす  [E] Experience いつもと違うことをする  [R] Reward ごほうびを与える  [I] Ideomotor なりきる
日曜日の朝、平日より遅く起きていませんか? 起床のリズムを崩すことはおすすめできません。
Annotated link
the bit twiddler
Frammenti di codice C per trucchetti
the bit twiddler
PlanetX64 - OS X on the Wind
Dell Broadcom DW 1390
PlanetX64 - hardware and software reviews for the 64 bit world.
Installing OS X on a MSI wind netbook.
Recently I've managed to install Apple's OS X Leopard operating system 10.5.4 onto a 10 inch MSI Wind Netbook, and you can too.
Simple hacks to boost your Wi-Fi coverage | News | TechRadar UK
[CG]iPhone 3.0でテザリングを可能にする方法
自由自在にMACアドレスを変更できるフリーソフト「AnalogX AnonyMAC」 - GIGAZINE
GeekTool: Put Current Weather Conditions on Your Desktop with GeekTool
How To: Jailbreak Any iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad - How to jailbreak - Gizmodo
How To: Jailbreak Any iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad - How to jailbreak - Gizmodo // in case you just woke up from a coma
Teensy USB Development Board Blog: The Ultimate Porn Surfers Cheat Sheet
how to be Google.
"http:*:password@www" bangbus
カジュアルな勉強会の進め方 | IDEA*IDEA
How to Reuse an Empty Altoids Tin (with pictures) - wikiHow
Altoids candy comes in a variety of small, sturdy metal tins that invite creative reuse. If you have one (or a giant stack) left over, try one of these projects to put it to good use.
wikiHow article about How to Reuse an Empty Altoids Tin.
痛いニュース(ノ∀`):【YouTube】 URL末尾に「&fmt=22」で動画が超高画質に!
YouTube動画をHD画質で再生させるテクが登場した。 キーワードは「&fmt=22」。HDに対応したYouTube動画を、1280×720pxという超高解像度で開くのだ。 この解像度なら、ブラウザ上での鑑賞時にフルスクリーンに十分耐えられる。
The Swinger « Music Machinery
Swinger uses the new Dirac time-stretching capabilities of Echo Nest remix.
fun software hack that takes any song and makes it swing...with examples
Stretches the first half of each beat and shrinks the latter. Via
HOLY SHIT! The Swinger is a bit of python code that takes any song and makes it swing. It does this be taking each beat and time-stretching the first half of each beat while time-shrinking the second half. It has quite a magical effect.
The Sentinel
"Originating from Wootton High School, the parent said, students duplicate the license plates by printing plate numbers on glossy photo paper, using fonts from certain websites that "mimic" those on Maryland license plates. They tape the duplicate plate over the existing plate on the back of their car and purposefully speed through a speed camera, the parent said. The victim then receives a citation in the mail days later." Interesting if true, but only source may be one 'parent,' no one else (incl MoCo police) knows about it according to story. Maybe anti speed camera hoax? Web link doesn't work on 2/19/09.
hurt the integrity of the Speed Camera Program. "It will cause potential problems for the Speed Camera Program in terms of the confidence in it," he said. He said he is glad someone caught it before it becomes more widespread and he said he hopes that the word get
As a prank, students from local high schools have been taking advantage of the county's Speed Camera Program in order to exact revenge on people who they believe have wronged them in the past, including other students and even teachers. Students from Richard Montgomery High School dubbed the prank the Speed Camera "Pimping" game, according to a parent of a student enrolled at one of the high schools. Originating from Wootton High School, the parent said, students duplicate the license plates by printing plate numbers on glossy photo paper, using fonts from certain websites that "mimic" those on Maryland license plates. They tape the duplicate plate over the existing plate on the back of their car and purposefully speed through a speed camera, the parent said. The victim then receives a citation in the mail days later.
[County Council President] Andrews said that this could hurt the integrity of the Speed Camera Program. "It will cause potential problems for the Speed Camera Program in terms of the confidence in it"
As a prank, students from local high schools have been taking advantage of the county's Speed Camera Program in order to exact revenge on people who they believe have wronged them in the past, including other students and even teachers.
Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs
The ultimate cheatsheet on how to fix 25 plus Internet Explorer 6 bugs
RT @draenews: Del Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs:
This is the IE6 resource you've been hoping for. Learn pre-emptive best practices and find fixes for over 25 Internet Explorer 6 bugs.
Contents | Top - Hackers Crack Into Texas Road Sign, Warn of Zombies Ahead - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News,2933,484326,00.html
One of my all time favourite hacks... this has become such an iconic figure
if not for our future career aspirations, this is totally something we would try.
I love dork humor.
This is funny. Now it won't happen again. Pitty. Sorry for the news source, i know they aren't the best. Hey it is still a funny article
MAKE: Blog: Embed high-res Youtube videos
Making a link to Youtube Hi Res
Back in march, it was discovered that when you view a video directly on Youtube, you could add a "&fmt=18" to the URL to enable a higher quality, higher resolution stream which is encoded with the H.264 codec. To make this work in an embedded video, however, you need a slightly different hack. After pasting the embed code into a blog post, adjust the two video URLs (one in a param tag and one as the src parameter in the embed tag) by adding "&ap=%2526fmt%3D18" to the end.
Embed high-res Youtube videos
Palm Pre - How to Guide to Enable Tethering!
4. Save the file after you make the edit, then start the PmConnectionManager process back up. start PmConnectionManager Now /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward should contain a “1″ instead of “0″. Previously, the ip_forward setting would always read/reset itself to “0″, making tethering very disruptive. With this method, that value will stay at “1″. 5. Setup a NAT rule in iptables by running /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE 6. Finally, add the command in step 5 to a start-up script in /etc/event.d. Using nano as the text editor, you would run nano -w /etc/event.d/ipforward Then copy/paste the lines below into the file start on stopped finish stop on runlevel[!2] console none pre-start script /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE end script
Awesome Geek Blog: File transfer over sound card
Ah, I thought, and wrote a program that encoded data in sound. When I did it back then I used a bad algorithm. It was very noise sensitive and tried to do too much at the same time. As of then, I've improved (and simplified) the concept to using a sort of pulse width modulation (an idea I got when I read about the ZX Spectrum Tape Loader.)
Guilherme Martins » PAPERduino’s design
Paper arduino.
This is a fully functional version of the Arduino. We eliminated the PCB and use paper and cardboard as support and the result is.. the PAPERduino :D
紙の Arduino
Atmel ATMega168
フレームワーク脳を打ち破る宮本茂のお言葉 - teruyastarはかく語りき
ひとつひとつのピースは決まった形ではない無機物と捉えて、以下のように改めて定義しなおします 各ピースをつなげる前に、 そのピースの裏の面、 良い面と悪い面、 360度回転させて見たり、 遠くから第3者、第4者になったつもりで見たり、 ときにはそのピースからさらにマインドマップを細分化派生させます。
「アイデアというのは  複数の問題を一気に解決するものである」
How To Filter Out Facebook "Friends" Without Them Knowing
Boxee is updated for Apple TV 2.3 - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
# # Download the latest version of USB Creator (available for Intel and PPC Macs and there is now an interrum solutio
How to install Boxee on Apple TV
ple TV and wait for
Top 12 Facebook Marketing Hacks
Over the past week there has been a bunch of buzz about what essentially are Facebook marketing hacks; quick “guerilla” tactics that help boost exposure to your profile or brand. Whether you are a small business or a big business, there are some quick “tricks” that can instantly gain you more exposure. These Facebook marketing hacks are not encouraged by Facebook and ultimately, I would assume that Facebook will develop filters for people gaming the system.
WordPress Hack: Bulletproof Page Menu Labels | Css Globe
I am not a WordPress expert by any standards. However, I did quite a few WP projects and got to know it well enough to try to hack things up here and there. I'd like to share my latest "hack" with you although there is a big possibility that you already know to how to handle situation mentioned in todays post or that there is a better solution out there.
「Firefox+WindowsでYouTubeの映像が固まる問題」の解決法 | IDEA*IDEA
A New Type of Phishing Attack « Aza on Design
@caryblack Makes me paranoid.
Tabnabbing: A New Type of Phishing Attack - via @dustice
How-to: DIYDTG - Hack a Day
DIY t-shirt printing.
Kick-ass CSS3 Support in IE6, 7, and 8 | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
Kick-ass CSS3 Support in IE6, 7, and 8 #css3
Compatibilidad CSS3 para Internet Explorer con un fichero htc
Turn Your Old Router into a Range-Boosting Wi-Fi Repeater
probably what I've done
The Start to Finish Guide to Rooting Your Android Phone
Guide to root the Motorola Droid
wenn ihr das spiel nachher zuhause guckt, vergesst den #vuvuzela-filter nicht:
How To Convert a SIM to a MicroSIM with a Meat Cleaver!
How to Silence Vuvuzela Horns in World Cup Broadcasts
How to Silence Vuvuzela Horns in World Cup Broadcasts
RT @peteashton: If you want to remove Vuvuzelas from your telly just duck your EQ at 465Hz and 235Hz. Simple. No, really. ...
Web Application Exploits and Defenses
RT @joacim_boive: Google Code University: Web Application Exploits and Defenses
RBox: A diy 32 bit game console for the price of a latte - rossum's posterous
ARM Cortex M0 parts from NXP
Unleash the Power of Your Router!
RT @draenews: Del Unleash the Power of Your Router!:
In this Instructable, we will be adding fans, a heatsink, and 9dB antenna to the LINKSYS WRT54G series router for use with DD-WRT firmware upgrade!
CSS Content | CSS-Tricks
:after :before
Access Hulu from Outside the U.S. Without a Proxy Server
We have featured one or two ways to watch Hulu from outside the US, but one user over at Reddit has discovered another method, no outside proxy server required. All you need is a Firefox add-on and a few blocked ports.
How to Install Android on Your iPhone - PCWorld
Putting the old 3G to use
CSS3 Support For IE 6-7-8: IE-CSS3
写真画像に「すりガラスのバー」を描くPhotoshopのチュートリアル | コリス
写真画像に「すりガラスのバー」を描くPhotoshopのチュートリアル | コリス
How to Hack Your Nintendo DS for Easy Backups and Single-Cartridge Playback
HASHCRACK.COM - Reverse Hash Lookup for MD5, SHA1, MySQL, NTLM and Lanman-Password-Hashes
HASHCRACK.COM - Reverse Hash Lookup for MD5, SHA1, MySQL, NTLM and Lanman-Password-Hashes
How-to: Install Flash on your jailbroken iPad (for real) -- Engadget
We just saw Flash 10.1 ported to the iPad demonstrated in video form by Comex, and now you can get in on the action too, as long as your iPad is jailbroken. It's called Frash, and while the plugin is still pretty early and doesn't do video playback yet, you can definitely play games and other animations right now, and we're told video support is forthcoming.
How to Choose the Right Android ROM For You
he only three categories of custom ROMs, nor are they hard and fast rules
How-To: Give Your Old iPhone New Life With Prepaid Data and Minutes
GoPhone for iPhone, 3G, 3GS
This is kool!!!