Pages tagged google:

The Future Of Social Search (Or Why Google Should Buy Facebook)

Will Google buy....
AJAX APIs Playground
Guia completo das APIs do Google Code.
Google & the Future of Books - The New York Review of Books
Google & the Future of Books - The New York Review of Books
Don't get me wrong. I know that businesses must be responsible to shareholders. I believe that authors are entitled to payment for their creative labor and that publishers deserve to make money from the value they add to the texts supplied by authors. I admire the wizardry of hardware, software, search engines, digitization, and algorithmic relevance ranking. I acknowledge the importance of copyright, although I think that Congress got it better in 1790 than in 1998.
Interesting article that looks at the future of the book in light of the recent settlement betewen Google and the major publishing houses.
Robert Darnton- an important figure in Book History- is concerned about the future of the information society as major players increasingly hold the greatest sway
What will happen if Google favors profitability over access? Nothing, if I read the terms of the settlement correctly. Only the registry, acting for the copyright holders, has the power to force a change in the subscription prices charged by Google, and there is no reason to expect the registry to object if the prices are too high. Google may choose to be generous in it pricing, and I have reason to hope it may do so; but it could also employ a strategy comparable to the one that proved to be so effective in pushing up the price of scholarly journals: first, entice subscribers with low initial rates, and then, once they are hooked, ratchet up the rates as high as the traffic will bear.
The Plot to Kill Google
DOJ story on Google's failed attempt to do advertising with Yahoo.. and lawyer-ly intrique and microsoft scare tactics
An article on everyone's favorite search engine by the awesome folks over at
Google may not be evil, but it sure does have enemies.
Gmailの知られざる便利な機能10選 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Paul Buchheit: Communicating with code
"Or maybe it's because it's too easy to overlook the messy details, or to get caught up in details that seem very important, but aren't. I also get very bored by endless debate." Code (and demo) is better than some slides... I agree.
"Consider spending less time talking, and more time prototyping, especially if you're not very good at talking or powerpoint. Your code can be a very persuasive argument. The other point is that it's important to make prototyping new ideas, especially bad ideas, as fast and easy as possible. ... Fortunately for Gmail, they've recently found a rather clever solution that enables the thousands of Google engineers to add new ui features: Gmail Labs. This is also where Google's "20% time" comes in -- if you want innovation, it's critical that people are able to work on ideas that are unapproved and generally thought to be stupid. The real value of "20%" is not the time, but rather the "license" it gives to work on things that "aren't important""
On the importance of prototyping as quickly as possible, especially if you're idea is a bad one: it can be taken to the backyard and shot ASAP <i>' Some people can sell their ideas with a brilliant speech or a slick powerpoint presentation. I can't '</i> via <a href="">The Fishbowl - Charles Miller</a>
quick and dirty ってのは真の実力だよな・・・。
from haruki_zaemon (Simon Harris)
This is just an awesome post about the value of prototyping and has some great code
This is also where Google's "20% time" comes in -- if you want innovation, it's critical that people are able to work on ideas that are unapproved and generally thought to be stupid. The real value of "20%" is not the time, but rather the "license" it gives to work on things that "aren't important". (perhaps I should do a post on "20% time" at some point...)
Official Google Reader Blog: Google Reader for Beginners
Have you ever had a friend or family member who you know would love using Google Reader? Have you ever had trouble explaining to that same friend or family member just how using Reader could make their lives easier (and more fun)? We sure have, so if you're anything like us then we have some useful tools in store for you.
Learn how to use Google Reader for keeping track of and reading articles from your favorite websites.
Have you ever had a friend or family member who you know would love using Google Reader? Have you ever had trouble explaining to that same friend or family member just how using Reader could make their lives easier (and more fun)? We sure have, so if you're anything like us then we have some useful tools in store for you.
Google’s New Search-Based Keyword Tool Tells You What Keywords You’re Missing
Google released a new keyword tool tonight, named the Search-Based Keyword Tool. This tool goes beyond what the other Google tools provide and tells you what keywords you are currently missing out on based on search query data from your site’s content.
Google released a new keyword tool tonight, named the Search-Based Keyword Tool. This tool goes beyond what the other Google tools provide and tells you what keywords you are currently missing out on based on search query data from your site’s content.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: A new Google Sitemap Generator for your website
Our new open-source Google Sitemap Generator finds new and modified URLs based on your webserver's traffic, its log files, or the files found on the server. By combining these methods, Google Sitemap Generator can be very fast in finding these URLs and calculating relevant metadata, thereby making your Sitemap files as effective as possible. Once Google Sitemap Generator has collected the URLs, it can create the following Sitemap files for you.
Google の面接を受けてみた - 科学と非科学の迷宮
Predictions 2009 - John Battelle's Searchblog
predictions about search engines and social networking sites
John Battelle's predictions for the coming year...
ResearchBuzz » Cookin’ With Google
17 Noteworthy Alternatives To Google Notebook
Google’s decision to discontinue development of Google Notebook had some users petitioning to save it, while Evernote is offering Google Notebook imports.
note-taking web sites
2009-01-27 by Guamenyo. Says Google.Com removing support for its Notebook. Author gives kudos to "Evernote", plus reviews several other analogues.
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Offline Gmail
mail koji radi bez mreze, izdano od googla, vrlo pametno i korisno off line rjesenje! jos nije u upotrebi ali kad bude, tu ce se moci skinuti!
gmail offline!
Awesome. I hope they polish this one up ASAP.
Use Gmail and Google Docs to ...
google docs trick for creating personal finance in gmail.
Google plans to make PCs history | Technology | The Observer
Go G Drive!
G Drive
Industry critics warn of danger in giving internet leader more control over users' private data
Current default: Google (g); others available: Multimap (mm), Yahoo! (y), Open Street Map (osm), Tiny Geocoder/Tiny Multimap Route (t). provides a really simple way to get a map or a route without first visiting Google Maps, Multimap, Open Street Map, whatever your favourite mapping website is. Excelente!!!!!
shortening for the google maps
M-Lab | Welcome to Measurement Lab
founded by Google. Quote: is an open, distributed server platform for researchers to deploy Internet measurement tools.
Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab
Welcome to Measurement Lab
by Google.
携帯とGoogle Docsで、超簡単に支出管理 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab
google isp test speed network neutrality
Glasnost: Test if your ISP is manipulating BitTorrent traffic
This test suite creates a BitTorrent-like transfer between your machine and our server, and determines whether or not your ISP is limiting such traffic. This is a first step towards making traffic manipulation by ISPs more transparent to their customers.
Google School: Find Images by Exact Dimensions, Make Wallpaper Search a Breeze
Permet de trouver les images exactement de la taille souhaitée
7 Super Secret Google Search Engines You Never Knew About |
When Talking About Business Models, Remember That Profits Equal Revenues Minus Costs
More excellent insight from Fred Wilson about Internet startups, online business models, and revenue vs. cash. Important insight for anyone in business that needs to understand how next-generation economics are not what Wall Street was doing, but what the Web is doing today.
o a business is worth the sum of all of its future profits, discounted back to a net present value (buffet thinks this is the intrinsic value). its a lot easier to decrease costs than increase revenues. forget that ROE is so high for companies like craigslist. have a 1B company on 30 employees. any need to get big and grow.
Good article on Web based business profits, costs and revenues
Official Google Blog: "This site may harm your computer" on every search result?!?!
If you did a Google search between 6:30 a.m. PST and 7:25 a.m. PST this morning, you likely saw that the message "This site may harm your computer" accompanied each and every search result. This was clearly an error, and we are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to our users.
Well that explains that...
"If you did a Google search between 6:30 a.m. PST and 7:25 a.m. PST this morning, you likely saw that the message "This site may harm your computer" accompanied each and every search result. This was clearly an error, and we are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to our users. What happened? Very simply, human error" bit worrying really
HOW TO: Take Your Data Back From Google's Claws
Good list of ways to back up all Google services
Easy instructions on how to back up google data
Some easy solutions for extracting and backing up your data on popular Google apps and services.
KidRex - Kid Safe Search
filtered for kids. Used google on backend
KidRex is a fun and safe search for kids, by kids! KidRex searches emphasize kid-related webpages and are powered by Google Custom Search and use Google SafeSearch technology. Google's SafeSearch screens for sites that contain explicit sexual content and deletes them from your child’s search results. Google's filter uses advanced technology to check keywords, phrases, and URLs. No filter is 100 percent accurate, but SafeSearch should eliminate most inappropriate material. In addition to Google SafeSearch, KidRex maintains its own database of inappropriate websites and keywords. KidRex researchers test KidRex daily, to insure that you and your child have the best web experience possible. We do our best to keep KidRex as up-to-date and comprehensive as possible, but inappropriate sites will sometimes slip through the cracks. If you find websites containing offensive content in your results, please visit our webpage removal request tool to tell us about the site you found.
Official Site. Fun and Safe Search for Kids, by Kids!
interested in this
Safe search for kids, by kids!
googlemock - Google Code
Google C++ Mocking Framework (or Google Mock for short) is a library for writing and using C++ mock classes.
Google C++ Mocking Framework
Google Latitude
See your friends' locations and status messages and share yours with them.
* * * * Fred wants to hang out with his friends, and checks to see where they are. My wife is on her way back from work. I'd better start preparing dinner now. Change your status message or photo. Check what your friends are up to from their status. Maintain complete control of your privacy. Learn more about Google Latitude Watch a video See where your friends are in real time! Enjoy Google Latitude on your phone, computer, or both. Start using it on your phone See your friends' locations and status messages and share yours with them.
Geeking with Greg: Marissa Mayer at Web 2.0
The lesson, Marissa said, is that speed matters. People do not like to wait. Do not make them.
On the web, speed matters. I see it with campaigns all the time.
This conclusion may be surprising -- people notice a half second delay? -- but we had a similar experience at In A/B tests, we tried delaying the page in increments of 100 milliseconds and found that even very small delays would result in substantial and costly drops in revenue.
» The Evolution of Search ChunkIt!: TigerLogic ChunkIt!
Evolution of Search
A look at the History, Vision, Innovators, and Future of Information Accessibility
Singularity University
Preparing Humanity for Accelerating Technological Changes
La Universidad de la Singularidad:Silicon Valley, la cuna mundial de la alta tecnología, abrirá este verano la Universidad de la Singularidad, un centro académico único que, financiado entre otros por Google y la NASA, formará a los futuros líderes "para que identifiquen los grandes retos de la humanidad"
Preparing Humanity for accelerating technological change - Nasa & Google
"Singularity University, based on the NASA Ames campus in Silicon Valley, is an interdisciplinary university whose mission is to assemble, educate and inspire a cadre of leaders who strive to understand and facilitate the development of exponentially advancing technologies (bio, nano, info, AI, etc.), and apply, focus and guide these tools to address humanity’s grand challenges."
Recreating the button | stopdesign
Gmails new buttons
PV アルバム
Book Search
Google mobile books
Startup Game » Practical Tips for Google SEO
Official Google Blog: Eye-tracking studies: more than meets the eye
An eye tracking study from Google. However, please note that none of the searches are overly commercial in nature (no top position ads). In almost all G heatmap studies, they only show mostly information searches. Interesting data, but don't assume your ad will not get nice visibility for more commercial based searches.
Gmail Labs: Ten Gmail Labs Features You Should Enable
gmail的操作技巧 蛮有用的
Official Google Blog: Introducing Measurement Lab
glasnost, search engine
Community-based diagnostics. Early stages.
Custom Buttons 3.0 (demo)
Ładne buttony z zaokrąglonymi obrazkami, także kilka obok siebie w obrębie jednego wizualnie paska buttona.
"This doc attempts to show how custom buttoms with a 1px radius could be created without corner images. The gradient requires an image, but is optional. Ideally, the <button> element should be used if possible (instead of <a>) for semantic and accessibility reasons. Note that the hover state will not work on button elements for IE6 and lower without using JavaScript to detect a mouseOver event."
This doc attempts to show how custom buttoms with a 1px radius could be created without corner images. The gradient requires an image, but is optional. Ideally, the <button> element should be used if possible (instead of <a>) for semantic and accessibility reasons. Note that the hover state will not work on button elements for IE6 and lower without using JavaScript to detect a mouseOver event.
Idea : Docs for Teachers - Google Docs Help Center
Google doc ideas for teachers.
Ideas for integrating Google Docs in the classroom
Science Introduce students to the scientific method Students are introduced to the scientific method through a hands-on activity, using a sp
Is Google Chrome The New IE 6 For Web Designers? | Webdesigner Depot
přehled chyb google chrome
Just when you thought you were done with IE 6 and its hacks and exceptions, now you've got a new browser to consider: Google's Chrome. The good news is that
Here are some tips to get your web pages working in Chrome and hopefully looking the way they were designed to look.
No, but it does have problems all of its own!
Getting around some of the weirdness that Chrome brings to the table. Like Opera, Chrome is unusually unforgiving when it comes to HTML, CSS, and javascript
Google Next Victim Of Creative Destruction? (GOOG)
The web has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to evolve and leave embedded franchises struggling or in the dirt. Prodigy, AOL were early candidates. Today Yahoo and Ebay are struggling, and I think Google is tipping down the same path. This cycle of creative destruction — more recently framed as the innovators dilemma — is both fascinating and hugely dislocating for businesses. To see this immense franchises melt before your very eyes — is hard to say the least.
Google Mobile - Sync
OMG! Is it for real?
Google Mobile - Sync
Synchronize the contacts and calendar on your phone with your Google account
Synchronize the contacts and calendar on your phone with your Google account. Cloud syncing
Nokia S60
Gmail: 90 Tools And Tips To Make You A Gmail Pro
gmail tools
Energy Information
Our lack of knowledge about our own energy usage is a huge problem, but also a huge opportunity for us all to save money and fight global warming by reducing our power usage. Google PowerMeter is free web-based platform that works with smart meters to provide visualization of real-time energy use data.
A device that records data in your house and tells you how you consume.
New Google project: a widget that shows your electricity usage over time.
Google PowerMeter which will show consumers their electricity consumption in near real-time in a secure iGoogle Gadget.
Set Up Your iPhone or iPod Touch - Mobile Help
first need to update firmware
watch out MS
To set up Google Sync on your iPhone or iPod Touch device
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Multiple Inboxes
Funktion zu Googlemail...
Energy Information
Google energy information - popular site in Delicious
Monitor your houseapplicances' energy consumption via Google!
Google PowerMeter, now in prototype, will receive information from utility smart meters and energy management devices and provide anyone who signs up access to her home electricity consumption right on her iGoogle homepage. The graph below shows how someone could use this information to figure out how much energy is used by different household activites.
GeoEye › Gallery
Buenisismo llink de fotos aereas
Social Web Blog
While it's easy to add social features to your site with Google Friend Connect, you may have been wondering where to put all of the great gadgets. You need your users to sign in, to interact with your site, and to find those like-minded strangers... but pixels are precious, and you're not sure how to make more space alongside the wonderful content that brought people to your site in the first place.
Artists, Bands and Musicians on Twitter - Google Docs
Thanks to all for contributing to this list & sharing it with others. You can either add/modify directly on this spreadsheet or you can add using the quick form. If you see any artists on this list that is a fake or questionable, please make a note of it. There are no guarantees that each and every account is authentic, but we can work at identifying and noting (in red text) those that are fake.
Artists, Bands and Musicians on Twitter
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Specify your canonical
Google's way of allowing sites to specify a normalized URL form for their pages. This allows google to treat various forms of the same URL as one URL for search purposes.
Carpe diem on any duplicate content worries: we now support a format that allows you to publicly specify your preferred version of a URL. If your site has identical or vastly similar content that's accessible through multiple URLs, this format provides you with more control over the URL returned in search results. It also helps to make sure that properties such as link popularity are consolidated to your preferred version.
webmaster central
Singularity University
share provides you with a quick and easy way to include a reset stylesheet. Theres no need to download it everytime you want to use it, or hotlink it off someone's website. We are hosted on Google's App Engine which provides outstanding speeds and stability.
css reset
Google's First Real Threat? Twitter. - beyond 140 for @lewmoorman
Google used to get 100% of my queries. Today, I bet Twitter is getting at least 10% of them. There are some things Twitter is just flat out better at for getting information than Google.
Annotated link
Author noted he does almost all searching in firefox search bar. Recently noticed that am changing the settings there frequently. Google used to get 100% of my queries. Today, bet Twitter is getting at least 10% of them.
Clever. "Twitter is building a human powered search indexing engine. It is an engine that will build better results than any rules based index and has gotten millions of people super motivated to contribute for free every day (even though they don’t know it)."
The article's overall argument is a huge exaggeration, but the notion that searching across Twitter is better than searching across the entire Web for certain types of information has some truth to it. Especially for product reviews, the search space on Twitter is much less clogged with manufacturers and third-party distributors trying to sell shit -- basically, because of the social culture of Twitter, mentions of any product you might search for will be described and discussed from a personal and social point of view. However, this only works insofar as people treat Twitter as a personal messaging and status update service. I'm sure the Internet was great for product reviews too before companies started making their own websites. So if Twitter monetizes by building platforms for corporations, then it will become far less useful for product information. I don't buy the other advantage (evaluating readership through links) at all, because Google does the same thing with PageRank.
検索エンジン3社、正しいサイトURLを認識させるcanonical属性を導入(URLの正規化) :: SEM R
HTML に、<link rel="canonical" href=""/> を加える、と。
The Death Of “Web 2.0″
The Death Of “Web 2.0″
Mining The Thought Stream
The Missing Google Analytics Manual | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog
"Get the most out of your Google Analytics with this collection of links to implement, configure and get insights from Google Analytics."
the-golden-grid - Google Code
The Golden Grid is a web grid system. It 's a product of the search for the perfect modern grid system. It 's meant to be a CSS tool for grid based web sites.
CSS grid-based layout library c.f. Blueprint.
TPB Tracker Geo Statistics
pirate bay connecions mashup
"Realtime" updates of number of the Pirate Bay users per country.
Geographic traffic statistics for The Pirate Bay
Google, Yahoo & Microsoft Unite On “Canonical Tag” To Reduce Duplicate Content Clutter
If tags conflict (such as pages point to each other as canonical, the URL specified as canonical redirects to a non-canonical version, or the page specified as canonical doesn’t exist), search engines will sort things out just as they do now, and will determine which URL they think is the best canonical version.
Specify the canonical version using a tag in the head section of the page as follows: <link rel="canonical" href=""/> That’s it!
Canonical explanation.
SEO Primer: Improve Your Business Website's Ranking - ReadWriteWeb
List Your Business on Google Maps, Yahoo Local & More |
Yahoo Local & More |
See how your business is listed at Google, Yahoo, and other top local search engines
Official Google Blog: Stop bouncing: tips for website success
This is the first post in a series on The Power of Measurement. In this economic climate, these posts are designed to cover ways to make your website as successful as possible. Over the course of the next few weeks, our in-house Analytics guru, Avinash Kaushik, and others will demystify the world of website analytics and offer tips for getting the most out of your metrics. -Ed.
Google Book Downloader - Home
"small utility which allows you to save book as PDF from google to your local filesystem"
google book taki kitapları indirme programı.
Google Book Downloader is small utility which allows you to save book as PDF from google to your local filesystem.
How Google and Facebook are using R : Data Evolution
This looks like a fun language to play with.
google tools
Last night, I moderated our Bay Area R Users Group kick-off event with a panel discussion entitled “The R and Science of Predictive Analytics”, co-located with the Predictive Analytics World conference here in SF. The panel comprised of four recognized R users from industry: * Bo Cowgill, Google * Itamar Rosenn, Facebook * David Smith, Revolution Computing * Jim Porzak, The Generations Network (and Co-Chair of our R Users Group)
looks like a promising read
Top 10 Moments Caught on Google Maps Street View - Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture
از گوگل ارث شکار صحنه زیاد دیده بودم. این بار تصاویر جالبی از سرویس گوگل استریت ویور
Association of Research Libraries :: Google Book Search Library Project
Google Book Search Library Project
This is an article on Google Book Search by the Association of Research Libraries
Are Our Brains Becoming “Googlized?”
In a nutshell, the findings were that “emerging computerized technologies may have physiological effects and potential benefits for middle aged and older adults,” and that “internet searching engages complicated brain activity, which may help exercise and improve brain function.” This is a long way of saying that being online helps keep those little gray cells busy. The level of brain activity was compared to that of reading a book. With internet usage, a significantly bigger piece of neural real estate lit up on the fMRI indicating that more parts of the brain were engaged.
Are our brains being rewired by using the Internet? The evidence tends to be pointing that way.
french street artist
Zevs is an anonymous French street artist. early and influential graffiti artist and active as a tagger in Paris in the 1990s. “Chanel Liquidated” -
francês que faz intervenções em logos, marcas, cartazes
a mutant version of google
DeepPeep: discover the hidden web
DeepPeep is a search engine specialized in Web forms. The current beta version currently tracks 13,000 forms across 7 domains. DeepPeep helps you discover the entry points to content in Deep Web (aka Hidden Web) sites, including online databases and Web services.
Moteur de recherche pour le web invisible
Goon City
Goon City
Eboy meets Google maps meets awesome
New Search Technologies Mine the Web More Deeply -
"Now a new breed of technologies is taking shape that will extend the reach of search engines into the Web’s hidden corners. When that happens, it will do more than just improve the quality of search results — it may ultimately reshape the way many companies do business online."
Google now indexes a trillion web pages - but that's just a fraction of what's out there. So, what does it miss? is built for a static web...................
Google Data on Rails - Google Data APIs - Google Code
This article is intended for developers interested in accessing the Google Data APIs using Ruby, specifically Ruby on Rails. It assumes the reader has some familiarity with the Ruby programming language and the Rails web-development framework. I focus on the Documents List API for most of the samples, but the same concepts can be applied to any of the Data APIs.
Dream(sheep++): A developer's introduction to Google Android - Ars Technica
Ars takes a close look at the technology underlying Google's Linux-based Android platform. From the platform fundamentals to the development experience, details inside.
A great overview and introduction into Android developments and the various pros/cons and gotchas.
Learn about the Canonical Link Element in 5 minutes
Last week Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft announced support for a new link element to clean up duplicate urls on sites. The syntax is pretty simple: An ugly url such as can specify in the HEAD part of the document the following: <link rel="canonical" href=""/>
Apps Status Dashboard
Pour suivre en temps réel l'état des services Google
Performance information for Google Apps services, including Gmail.
This page offers performance information for Google Apps services. Unless otherwise noted, this status information applies to consumer services as well as services for organizations using Google Apps. Check back here any time to view the current status of the services listed below. For all other information or to report a problem, please visit the Google Apps Help Centers.
Common Sense SEO Checklist
Great collection of tips for optimizing a site. No snake oil
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
HOW TO: Take Control of Your Google Search Results
Google is the dominant search engine, with over 63% market share. Aside from it being a place to discover product reviews and corporate information, it is the personal brand destination of choice.
some great links to social networks for major newspaper sites
John Resig - Talk: Performance Improvements in Browsers
Video and slides from Feb 2009 presentation at Google on trends in Javascript performance, web applications, making use of higher performance, stateful browser clients.
reads like The not so far Future of the Web. Great.
Part I: Query Input - Google Guide
Como hacer la búsqueda de google más fácil y funcional.
New Search Technologies Mine the Web More Deeply -
An interesting look at the daunting task of connecting/mining the interwebs.
Search engines are starting to penetrate databases that are set up to respond to typed queries.
how to search databases, semantic seb
State of the Art - Google Geniuses at Work on Free Goodies -
Google goodies
February 25, 2009 NYT column By DAVID POGUE offers a professional tour guide to help you find the lesser-known features of various Google apps.
Twitter = YouTube. - John Battelle's Searchblog
That means Google most likely really, really wants to buy Twitter. (So does Facebook, but we'll get to that in a second). The great twist: Evan and Biz, two of the key co founders of Twitter, have already sold a company to Google (Blogger) and most likely are not keen to do it again. Nor do they have to, given their recent funding and the money they made from pre-IPO Google options.
Battele funderar kring kombinationer av sociala media.
Seth's Blog: Personal branding in the age of Google
Google is a permanent record
"Google doesn't forget." Could be useful in further discussing (with kids) the implications of this...
Seth's Blog: Personal
A quick lesson on dirt laundry
Seth makes some great points about life in these modern times. Great to share with students, very concise.
"Google never forgets."/ "Everything you do now ends up in your permanent record. The best plan is to overload Google with a long tail of good stuff and to always act as if you're on Candid Camera, because you are."
people would be wise to recognize that there is no privacy in the online world - be aware that what you say and write in facebook or the like will be 'googlable' for years - operate accordingly - this is a version of big brother that george orwell didn't necessarily think of but certainly exists - in fact, there is no 'one big brother' - everyone can be big brother with google and the death of privacy due to social computing
Google Analytics within Flex/Flash Applications - InsideRIA
Tutorial para interligar o flash com o Google Analytics
Tuturial para interligar o flash com o Google Analytics
Google Analytics within Flex/Flash Applications
PadMapper - Free Craigslist Apartment Search
Free Craigslist Apartment Search
Google Apps Reseller Program
Google Quizes | Screencast-O-Matic
Två kul saker - dels hur man skapar quiz med hjälp av GoogleDocs, dels Screencast-o-matic!
Nice intro on how to create a quiz in Google Forms.
Video tutorial for creating self grading quizzes
Android: Best Android Apps to Boost Your Mobile Productivity (So Far)
I'm new to delicious and my new Android G1 so, this is the first thing I've bookmarked and haven't visited the site yet. I just wanted to try the bookmarking first.
ブラウザで X86 のマシン語を動かす! Google 謹製 Native Client をさっそく試してみる - IT戦記
Google: Google Maps Car Hits a Deer, Records Entire Ordeal on Google Maps
Hal Varian on how the Web challenges managers - The McKinsey Quarterly - Hal Varian web challenge managers - Strategy - Innovation
Google首席经济学家:I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians. ... The ability to take data—to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it—that’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades, not only at the professional level but even at the educational level for elementary school kids, for high school kids, for college kids. I think statisticians are part of it, but it’s just a part. You also want to be able to visualize the data, communicate the data, and utilize it effectively.
The McKinsey Quarterly - Hal Varian web challenge managers - Strategy - Innovation
Hal Varian, professor of information sciences, business, and economics at the University of California at Berkeley, says it’s imperative for managers to gain a keener understanding of the potential for technology to reconfigure their industries. Varian, currently serving as Google's chief economist, compares the current period to previous times of industrialization when new technologies combined to create ever more complex and valuable systems—and thus reshaped the economy.
Official Google Reader Blog: Square is the new round.
تغییرات در ظاهر گوگل ریدر
from mace conference
On the Reader team, we know that the old adage "change is good" isn't always true. Sometimes, change is just change. In this case, we hope that these decisions both improve your Reader experience today,
Google Reader intro
THis is for the MACE session
Google's New Search Engine Rankings Place Heavy Emphasis on Branding : SEO
5 Startup Tips From the Father of Gmail and FriendFeed
great article here! Google, twitter, social networking, and of course my favorite topic- entrepreneurship
1. Launch a scaled-back version 2. Notice sluggish competitors 3. You don’t need virality if your product is good 4. Follow your passion 5. Sometimes you have to go off on your own
Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab
Laser Printing: Web Advertising - Google Business Card |
An Offset Printing Company using old methods to advertise new. A business card that quickly explains that the company can be found on the web.
Complete List of Google Earth Activities
HelpNarrow the View Biology 2 matches Environmental Science 11 matches Geography 9 matches Geoscience 22 matches 13 matches General/OtherProblem Set 5 matches Classroom Activity 8 matches Lab Activity 14 ...
Social Web Q&A with Google’s Kevin Marks
I call this the “social cloud,” meaning that “social” will be integrated with the web so that you don’t think about it anymore. Charlene Li calls this same idea “social networks become like air.” The web itself is like this — following links seems like second nature to us because we know a URL can take us anywhere. -- (on OpenSocial and other things)
In this Q&A-style post, Kevin delves into the standards that make up the emerging open social stack (OpenID, OAuth, Portable Contacts, and OpenSocial), looking at the infrastructure problems they address, and exploring some of the live implementations, including Plaxo and Google Friend Connect.
GoogleのAjax APIをその場で試せる『AJAX APIs Playground』がとてつもなく便利 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
これはエンジニアにはたまらない。GoogleのAjax API群をブラウザ上で試すことができます。 サンプルコードが最初から用意されているのでお手軽です。ちょこちょこっと変更して結果を見ながら組み上げていくことができます。
gpeerreview - Google Code
Peer Review für "Jedermann"
We intend for the peer-review web to do for scientific publishing what the world wide web has done for media publishing. As it becomes increasingly practical to evaluate researchers based on the reviews of their peers, the need for centralized big-name journals begins to diminish. The power is returned to those most qualified to give meaningful reviews: the peers.
GPeerReview attempts to makes it easy for authors to seek post-publication endorsements of their works. We provide the following tools: * A command-line tool to digitally sign endorsements (done and available). * A web-based version of the signing tool (about 70% done). * Client tools for analyzing endorsement graphs to establish credibility (in planning stages). * Additional tools to facilitate the running of endorsement organizations (in the brain-storming stages). * Tools for analyzing citation graphs (in the brain-storming stages).
Learning AJAX APIs Made Easier: Google Releases API Playground - ReadWriteWeb
Google Power Searching Tips for Students and Universities
How to research more efficiently in Google
has links to several tutorials on google search, how to use it more effectively as wells as scholarly searches
Google Agency Toolkit
The analytics issue with Twitter - Yoast - Tweaking Websites
So you can actually track what those specific people do on your site? wow, that's pretty powerful... hat's off Joost
Andreessen on Charlie Rose: “I Am Creating A Fund.” (Full Video)
Marc Andreessen discusses his new venture fund with Charlie Rose, as well as talking about why Twitter is a good thing
GeeMail | Adobe AIR Rich Internet Desktop Application for Gmail
Internet Desktop
100 Interesting Ways | ICT in my Classroom
In November 2007 I began the first of a series of Google presentations gathering together some ideas about the uses of different tools for the classroom. I thought that the easy manner of sharing Google Docs was ideal to collate thoughts, tips and suggestions from teachers and educators all over the world. I began with interesting ways to use the interactive whiteboard and the family has since grown to include, tips for Google Earth, Google Docs and the most recent Pocket Video Cameras. It has been great to watch them evolve as people get in touch and I add them to the document and they make their own edits.
Senghor on the Rocks - Coupe Du Monde
Interaktiver Google Mahshup Roman
Conversion University Help
Google Analytics IQ Lessons
Take a Tip. Share a Tip. - Google Moderator
Exclusive Download: Ten Must-Have Gmail Filters Available for Download
Wolfram Alpha is Coming -- and It Could be as Important as Google | Twine
"It's not a "Google killer" -- it does something different. It's an "answer engine" rather than a search engine."
How I make 15K a month at AdSense - Black Hat Forum
Recently I made a post on BHW with this adsense screenshot and lots of people wanted to know how it's done. here's how it's done: I start with keyword lists from adsenseheaven dot com which guesstimates the most expensive keywords to bid on in the PPC AdWords side of the Google ad world. I generally ignore the top 1000, as they are very competitive and saturated. I am not concerned with the top payouts. I store this data every month in a mySQL database with the previous months data, and over time I am able to see which phrases are consistently in the lists and unlikely to disappear. I call them long term performers. I cross check each phrase with the number of pages currently indexed in google, to see how much competition there is for a each key phrase. It's usually easier to land a top 10 first page SERP position if there is less competition for the phrase. I also cross check each phrase with google trends data which has an RSS feed which is also collected and stored in a
jQuery and Google Maps Tutorial: #1 Basics: jQuery, Google Maps
jQuery and Google Maps Tutorial: #1 Basics: jQuery, Google Maps -
Collaborative Map-Reduce in the Browser -
After several iterations, false starts, and great conversations with Michael Nielsen, a flash of the obvious came: HTTP + Javascript! What if you could contribute to a computational (Map-Reduce) job by simply pointing your browser to a URL? Surely your social network wouldn't mind opening a background tab to help you crunch a dataset or two!
jaikuengine - Google Code
JaikuEngine is a social microblogging platform that runs on AppEngine. JaikuEngine powers
Run Jaiku locally or on GAE
The source for the Django app jaiku, which runs on the google appengine.
JaikuEngine is a social microblogging platform that runs on AppEngine.
Realtime Twitter Search Results on Google (MT Hacks)
Article on the Twitter vs. Google debate.
It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page:
During the past few weeks, there has been a lot of discussion about whether Twitter's "real time search" could pose a threat to Google. While I am not sure if Twitter poses a threat to Google, I think it is clear that real-time search is increasingly important. And you can be sure that Google knows it. Will Google try to acquire Twitter, or take some other approach? Time will tell, but rather that wait, I decided to get realtime twitter search results on Google today. I created a Greasemonkey user script that does exactly this. It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page:
MyApartmentMap - Apartment Rental Data & Statistics
Rental Data & Statistics
We process thousands of apartments every day to determine the average rental prices of rental all over the United States. Find the exact rental price of apartments anywhere.
Sunday Morning : jQuery + Google Translation
SundayMorning is a jQuery plugin which allow site-owners to offer their visitors a easy and fancy way to translate their contents.
It’s Time To Start Thinking Of Twitter As A Search Engine
At a dinner tonight with a friend the conversation turned to Twitter. He just didn’t get it, and he’s certainly not the first person to tell me that. Specifically, my friend didn’t understand the massive valuation ($250 million or more) that Twitter won in its recent funding. I told him why I thought it was more than justified: Twitter is, more than anything, a search engine. I told him what I thought of Twitter as a micro-blogging service: it’s a collection of emotional grunts. But it’s wonderful nonetheless. And enough people are hooked on it that Twitter has reached critical mass. If something big is going on in the world, you can get information about it from Twitter.
I don't want to think of it that way, but this is one of the best explanations I've read.
Chrome Experiments - Home
We think JavaScript is awesome. We also think browsers are awesome. Indeed, when we talk about them, we say they are the cat's meow – which is an American expression meaning AWESOME. In light of these deeply held beliefs, we created this site to showcase cool experiments for both JavaScript and web browsers. These experiments were created by designers and programmers from around the world. Their work is making the web faster, more fun, and more open – the same spirit in which we built Google Chrome. Naturally, if you've made something fun and fast with JavaScript, please send it in. We can't post everything, but we'd love to see it. Thanks for visiting, and happy experimenting.
Google/Google Chrome推奨、canvas、ショーケース/ゲーム/投稿/デモ、物理演算/3D
Google Code Labs Overview - Google Code Labs - Google Code
30+ Google Analytics Tools, Goals, Segments, Filters, Hacks & Resources | SEOptimise
Google Analytics is used by most of us search marketers with the exception of the paranoid and even a growing number of top 500 websites. This free web analytics suite is just too tempting not be used.
100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Official Google Blog: Make sense of your site: tips for webpage design
Goodbye Google | stopdesign
Aaron Greenspan: Why I Sued Google (and Won)
Effectively, Google's position was that it was above the law, and if not any law in particular, then at least the spirit of the law. Irked, I decided to find out if such a position was tenable.
"But it's not fair!" Google's paralegal protested. "What if everyone whose account was canceled sued Google?" It's a valid question. Yet until Google changes its policies to become more transparent, which might also reassure skeptics that AdWords and AdSense, which have oddly limited reporting capabilities, aren't just two sides of the same ponzi scheme (for why else would one want to terminate legitimate accounts with high monthly liabilities when they're supposed to be making money for Google on each click?)--I will give this answer: Maybe everyone whose account was canceled, should.
"But it's not fair!" Google's paralegal protested. "What if everyone whose account was canceled sued Google?"
Ms. Milani reiterated her previous arguments, but the judge didn't buy them. "I don't think I have the power here in Palo Alto small claims court to make you reinstate his account, but I think you owe this young man $721," he said finally. "I think there might be money in Google's treasury for that."
This is awesome.
Wolfram Alpha Computes Answers To Factual Questions. This Is Going To Be Big.
Where Google is a system for FINDING things that we as a civilization collectively publish, Wolfram Alpha is for ANSWERING questions about what we as a civilization collectively know. It’s the next step in the distribution of knowledge and intelligence around the world — a new leap in the intelligence of our collective “Global Brain.” And like any big next-step, Wolfram Alpha works in a new way — it computes answers instead of just looking them up. Wolfram Alpha, at its heart is quite different from a brute force statistical search engine like Google. And it is not going to replace Google — it is not a general search engine: You would probably not use Wolfram Alpha to shop for a new car, find blog posts about a topic, or to choose a resort for your honeymoon. It is not a system that will understand the nuances of what you consider to be the perfect romantic getaway, for example — there is still no substitute for manual human-guided search for that. Where it appears to excel is when
Link to a specific part of a YouTube video
interesting tool!
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Undo Send
GrandCentral To (Finally) Launch As Google Voice. It’s Very, Very Good.
Other than a few good natured jabs at their marketing gimmicks and coverage of outages, that is.
6 Reasons Why Twitter is the Future of Search - Google Beware
6 Reasons Why Twitter is the Future of Search
SitePoint » How Google Really Wants You to Optimize Your Site
by Mihaela Lica "Please note that the “Googlers are delighted” when sites are optimized for search. The moral: know your SEO!"
Optimize Your Site
Does Google care for SEO? Yes, it does: from Google’s SEO Starter Guide (pdf) to help provided in the Google Webmaster Help Forum, the search engine is pretty transparent when it comes to how it prefers you to optimize your site for inclusion. We’ll be discussing URL structure, TrustRank and duplicate content issues. - » How Google Really Wants You to Optimize Your Site
appscale - Google Code
"AppScale is an open-source implementation of the Google AppEngine (GAE) cloud computing interface. AppScale enables execution of GAE applications on virtualized cluster systems. In particular, AppScale enables users to execute GAE applications using their own clusters with greater scalability and reliability than the GAE SDK provides. Moreover, AppScale executes automatically and transparently over cloud infrastructures such as the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Eucalyptus, the open-source implementation of the AWS interfaces."
Open source google app engine implementation, supports Xen, extending to GAE, EC2
A BSD-licensed implementation of Google App Engine. Roll your own cloud computing platform.
Twitter Search Results on Google for Greasemonkey
Nice feature to get recent Twitter results along with usual search results in Google.
Google hack
"It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page (...) It matches the language of the Google search results (based on the 'hl' url parameter). So if you are searching Google France, it will list only french tweets, etc."
Official Google Blog: Here comes Google Voice
how to videos
[Official Google Blog]
Open For Questions
The President is holding a new kind of online town hall where he will answer the questions you submitted and voted on for him. The event begins here at 11:30am ET. You can read the most popular questions submitted on the economy below. is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House news and policies, White House history, and the federal government.
Twitter: We Can Do What Google Can't - Advertising Age - Digital
"a search of "what's happening -- right now," and in Twitter's small but growing world, it is. While being a searchable database of what is being said at a particular time is unique, it doesn't take Twitter too far afield from Google, which is a catalog of the world's recorded knowledge. Google looks back at what documents have been produced and can be surfaced, while Twitter looks back at what was said on a given topic. "
"While being a searchable database of what is being said at a particular time is unique, it doesn't take Twitter too far afield from Google, which is a catalog of the world's recorded knowledge. Google looks back at what documents have been produced and can be surfaced, while Twitter looks back at what was said on a given topic. "Certainly there's an AdWords-like business there, but, as Mr. Chaffee told us, Twitter has another "wild card." "In the future, searches won't only query what's being said at the moment, but will go out to the Twitter audience in the form of a question, like a faster and less-filtered Yahoo Answers or Wiki Answers. Users would be able to tap the collective knowledge of the 6 million or so members of the Twitterverse."
from BF
Twitter sees lucrative opportunities in search, albeit a different kind of search than what Google offers, and, as co-founder Biz Stone told Ad Age recently, "we'll certainly be exploring those."
WebWorkerDaily » Archive Getting Things Done with Gmail Tasks « / Weekend / Reportage - The genius behind Google’s web browser
The genius behind Google's web browser
Chrome attracted more than 10 million users in its first 100 days. Although that’s an impressive number, it still only translates into about 1 per cent of browser usage online. It will be a while before it can compete with Firefox, Internet Explorer and others. In December last year, Google announced that Chrome was now out of its development, or Beta, phase and is ready to be shipped as a pre-installed browser on some PCs. This could rapidly increase the number of users. Moreover, the European Commission’s antitrust battle with Microsoft over, among other things, how its own browser, Internet Explorer, is integrated into its Windows operating system may give competitors a chance Legislation and market share aside, the technical challenge has been laid down. “Microsoft will have to build something better than V8,” Bak says. Most tech watchers doubt that they will manage to any time soon: in tests, V8 processes JavaScript 56 times faster than the most used version of Internet Explorer.
Follow the Mobile User
Focus on the mobile user, and all else will follow Simpler data, better browsers, and a smoother experience
This guest post is written by Vic Gundotra, Vice President of Engineering for Google's mobile and developer products. (Prior to Google, he spent ...
in 2009, for the first time 50% of all new internet connections will come from a PHONE!
Google searches for holy grail of Python performance - Ars Technica
Google's Python engineers have launched a new project called Unladen Swallow that seeks to improve the performance of the Python programming language. One of the project's goals is to replace the Python virtual machine with an LLVM-based JIT.
Google's Python engineers have launched a new project called Unladen Swallow, which aims to bring a major performance boost to the Python programming language by making runtime speed five times faster. The project is being implemented as a branch of the conventional CPython runtime and will be fully source-compatible with regular Python applications and native extensions. This will make it possible to eventually merge the improvements into Python trunk. The goal of the Unladen Swallow project is to use LLVM, the Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure, to build a just-in-time (JIT) compilation engine that can replace Python's own specialized virtual machine. This approach offers a number of significant advantages. As the developers describe in the project plan, the project will make it possible to transition Python to a register-based virtual machine and will pave the way for future optimizations. Adopting LLVM could also potentially open the door for more seamlessly integr
Google's Python engineers have launched a new project called Unladen Swallow, which aims to bring a major performance boost to the Python programming language by making runtime speed five times faster.
Google Ventures - Welcome
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Google Ventures seeks to discover and grow great companies - we believe in the power of entrepreneurs to do amazing things. We're studying a broad range of industries, including consumer Internet, software, hardware, clean-tech, bio-tech and health care. We invest anywhere from seed to mezzanine stage and embrace the challenge of helping young companies grow from the garage to global relevance.
Venture Capital - by Google. We seek to discover and grow great companies - we fundamentally believe in the power of entrepreneurs to do amazing things.
Google Advertising Cookie Opt-out Plugin
With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses.
Save your opt-out preference permanently With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses.
With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses. The plugin lets you keep your opt-out status for this browser even when you clear all cookies.
Gmail: Google's approach to email
Googles aprilfools joke
Googles April Fools Day Joke
Happy April 1st!
Even more from Google, and even sillier
Posted 2009-04-01.
Gmail AutopilotTM by CADIE The easiest email could possibly be. As more and more everyday communication takes place over email, lots of people have complained about how hard it is to read and respond to every message. This is because they actually read and respond to all their messages. Sample Autopilot responses Respond to business proposals Manage relationships Match your personal style
CADIE's personal World Wide Website
April Fool's joke 2009
Google uncloaks once-secret server | Business Tech - CNET News
Who'd have thought it.. Google runs of thousands of 12-volt batteries :o) Each Google server has its own 12-volt battery to supply power if there's a problem with the main source of electricity. The company also revealed for the first time that since 2005, its data centers have been composed of standard shipping containers--each with 1,160 servers and a power consumption that can reach 250 kilowatts. ... Most people buy computers one at a time, but Google thinks on a very different scale. The cores of the company's data centers are composed of standard 1AAA shipping containers packed with 1,160 servers each, with many containers in each data center.
Google Contacts
Google Contacts
Google uncloaks once-secret server | Business Tech - CNET News
Google's big surprise: each server has its own 12-volt battery to supply power if there's a problem with the main source of electricity. The company also revealed for the first time that since 2005, its data centers have been composed of standard shipping containers--each with 1,160 servers and a power consumption that can reach 250 kilowatts.
Google muestra por primera vez sus servidores, de diseño propio.
I love the approach and the the fact it's unconventional and better - google servers revealed
GMinder - Desktop Reminder for Google Calendar - Reflective Code
Sources: Google In Talks To Acquire Twitter (Updated)
Yes, yes, we know it's not true. But what would be the implications if it were...
"Our goal is to build a profitable, independent company and we're just getting started. "
Here’s a heck of a rumor that we’ve sourced from two separate people close to the negotiations: Google is in late stage negotiations to acquire Twitter. We don’t know the price but can assume its well, well north of the $250 million valuation that they saw in their recent funding.
"Here’s a heck of a rumor that we’ve sourced from two separate people close to the negotiations: Google is in late stage negotiations to acquire Twitter"
An interesting development in the rumors that Google could be acquiring Twitter...
首页 - 谷歌音乐搜索
Test Center: Slacker databases break all the old rules | InfoWorld | Test Center | March 24, 2009 | By Peter Wayner
non-relation db comparision
AdSweep - An ad blocker for Opera and Chrome (like Adblock)
An ad blocker for your favorite web browser, including Chrome
Just like it says this is an add blocking program like adblock. This one can be made to work with Google Chrome and IE too though.
An ad blocker for your favorite web browser (like Adblock)
Google Code Blog: Steve Souders: Life's Too Short, Write Fast Code (part 2)
Performance Video
Micro Persuasion: Bring Twitter Right Into Gmail with the Amazing TwitterGadget
I have tried TweetDeck a number of times but I keep uninstalling it because it puts a drain on my system and I find it distracting. Still, I want fast access to my Twitter account and to be able to...
CADIE: Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity
April fool's joke, or Google's Next Big Thing? You decide.
(from Zac Malmquist) If any of you used Google on April 1, then you may have stumbled across this announcement from Google - Happy April Fools Day.
Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity
Google introduces first distributed intelligence entity. First thing it does, posts a wicked annoying blog. [from]
Google's April Fool's joke for 2009 - they launched an AI, which behaves exactly like a 12-year-old girl. Her homepage looks like a geocities page, and she's "enhanced" every google app with some hilarious features, including 3-D glasses for Chrome, and an autoreply feature for Gmail.
TWEEFIND - Twitter Search By User Rank
Amazon Elastic MapReduceを使ってみた - moratorium
Google's Love For Newspapers & How Little They Appreciate It
It was a hostile audience. It was June 2007, at a conference center in London, where newspaper and magazine publishers were hearing how a new industry-backed search engine rights standard called ACAP was coming along. The day ended with an "issues" oriented panel. The audience didn't seem that pleased with me telling them they were full of shit about how important they thought they were and how awful they thought they had it from Google in particular. I didn't phrase it like that, but that was the essence of my attitude. I'd rarely encountered so many people in one place with such a sense of entitlement. Worse, these were supposedly my own people. Newspaper folks, where I got my start in journalism. What an embarrassment. I'm not talking the rank-and-file of newspapers, however -- the reporters and editors doing the grunt work. This crowd was full of publishers or editors of a different type, not wordsmithing and story assignment but looking out for the business issues.
I also explained that unlike virtually all other publishers on the internet, newspapers were given extraordinary special status with Google. They were among the very select few to be admitted into Google News and receive the huge amounts of traffic it could send their ways. That many small blogs with excellent content struggle for admittance that these other publishers just got handed to them on a silver platter.
/via Perttu) Search Engine Land -verkkojulkaisun päätoimittaja sanomalehdille: Stop looking to blame Google for your failings. Figure out a better business model rather than blowing hot air about the privileged positions you occupy.
Dave, you might find this one interesting
» Twitter, the Most Important Website Since Google?
Most Important Website
Discusses how the author uses Twitter to get information on buying a car, etc.
week 2 discussion
twitter resource
JRuby on Rails on Google App Engine | Ola Bini: Programming Language Synchronicity
In this post I thought I’d go through the steps you need to take to get a JRuby on Rails application working on GAE/J, and also what kind of characteristics you should expect from your application.
JRuby on RailsをApp Engine上で動かす方法
Google App Engine Blog: Seriously this time, the new language on App Engine: Java™
Java on Google App Engine
Today, we're very excited to announce the availability of a new programming language for Google App Engine. Please welcome the Java runtime!
Five Fabulous Gmail Gadgets You Won't Find in Labs - ReadWriteWeb
gadgets for gmail
Additional Gmail plugins
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips - Gabriel Weinberg's Blog
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips
"tagged seo"
SpringSource Team Blog » Write your Google App Engine applications in Groovy
Write your Google App Engine applications in Groovy
Google just announced that their Google App Engine cloud hosting platform now supports other languages than Python: namely Java and Groovy!
App Engine Java Overview - Google App Engine - Google Code
ngine for Java makes it
exciting news!
How to Grow Your Google Authority @
If you look over the above list you will see the main things your site needs to convey is: Natural, organic growth based on sound promotion behavior Valuable and unique content tailored towards people rather than search A solid foundation and human-centered design
What matters to Google.
Good for google info
Bigcurl: Running Sinatra apps on Google AppEngine (Java)
YouTube Is Doomed (GOOG)
"According to a report by Credit Suisse, YouTube is on track to lose roughly $470 million in 2009....YouTube will manage to rake in about $240 million in ad revenue in 2009, against operating costs of roughly $711 million."
One thing is clear: YouTube cannot maintain its current course and remain a going concern. Google can continue to fund the experiment for a period of time, but at some juncture, shareholders will ask hard questions about why Google is sacrificing half a billion dollars to support a project whose chances of providing a return, at any point, is dubious at best. Advertising cannot solve the problem, at least not in its current form, and not in the near term. With a diminishing field of options, a massive, growing, cost center, and an economy in recession, Google will need to make some hard decisions about the future viability and business model of its prodigal child.
YouTube on track to lose $470 million in 2009.
The economics are hard to overcome. Assuming YouTube delivers the 75 billion streams that Credit Suisse projects for 2009, and assuming YouTube manages to slot an ad for every stream (which is practically speaking, impossible, given the nature of much of their content), YouTube would have to achieve a $9.48 CPM for every video impression shown. Presumably, the videos YouTube is already monetizing represent the best content available, with diminishing returns as they reach deeper and deeper into a repository rife with copyright violation, the indecent, the uninteresting, and the unwatchable. Hulu claims to be charging a $30 CPM, of which roughly 70% goes to the copyright holder. Averages for other proprietary content hover around the $10 CPM mark. CPMs for user-generated content, assuming you can attract the advertisers, tend to be measured in fractions of a dollar.
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Google in the middle
A classic in the making of how Nicholas Carr got it completely wrong.
"What Google doesn't mention is that the billions of clicks and the millions of ad dollars are so fragmented among so many thousands of sites that no one site earns enough to have a decent online business. Where the real money ends up is at the one point in the system where traffic is concentrated: the Google search engine." One side of the Google, media deabate.
"Once the news business reduces supply, it can begin to consolidate traffic, which in turn consolidates ad revenues and, not least, opens opportunities to charge subscription fees of one sort or another - opportunities that today, given the structure of the industry, seem impossible. With less supply, the supplier gains market power at the expense of the middleman. The fundamental problem facing the news business today does not lie in Google's search engine. It lies in the structure of the news business itself."
Google as Wal-Mart. (via @cshirky and @timoreilly)
SEOmoz | How Google's Rankings Algorithm Has Changed Over Time
Micro Persuasion: How to Become a Super Tweeter in Just 15 Minutes a Day with iGoogle
How to Become a Super Tweeter in Just 15 Minutes a Day with iGoogle
Google's Search-based Keyword Tool: Monetize The Long Tail of Search | Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik
22 Firefox Extensions to Turn Gmail into a Powerhouse of Productivity and Manageability : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Gmail is perhaps the greatest web app ever developed, it is very popular (over 100 million users), has a generous 2GB of free storage (a small percentage of users will ever use more than this), and very, very user friendly. It is certainly powerful, but is it powerful enough? With Firefox Addons you can take your inbox even further…
Seth's Blog: How to make money with SEO
How Google Stole Control Over Content Distribution By Stealing Links - Publishing 2.0
Just to clarify, the use of “steal” and “stole’ is in the sense of “stole the game.” The point of this post is to explain how Google won, and not at all to suggest that they didn’t deserve to win. Google’s success is a direct reflection of how much value they create, i.e. A LOT — they solved a problem in the market that nobody else figure out how to solve or even recognized as the huge opportunity in the market. This post is also intended to help media companies understand better how Google works so that they can better compete in the web content marketplace, not to justify any feelings of “sour grapes.”
"If media companies want to compete with Google, they need to look at the source of its power — judging good content, which enables Google to be the most efficient and effective distributor of content. They also need to look at Google’s fundamental limitation — its judgment is dependent on OTHER people expressing their judgment of content in the form of links. Above all, they need to look at sources of content judgment that Google currently can’t access, because they are not yet expressed as links on the web."
Wolfram|Alpha: Searching for Truth | h+ Magazine
And now, in 2009, a new kind of browser search engine called Wolfram|Alpha is about to appear. The other day I talked to Stephen on the phone for about two hours, and he demonstrated some of Wolfram|Alpha’s powers via a web-conferencing hook-up. In the following, I’ll be paraphrasing his words, based on my notes, my memory, and an audio recording of our conversation.
Stephen Wolfram
Wolfram|Alpha can pop out an answer to pretty much any kind of factual question that you might pose to a scientist, economist, banker, or other kind of expert. The exciting part is that you’re not just looking up pages on the web, you’re getting new information that’s generated by computations working from the known data. Wolfram says the response can be so speedy because, “We’ve found that, of all the things science can compute, most take a second or less.”
"... Wolfram|Alpha can pop out an answer to pretty much any kind of factual question that you might pose to a scientist, economist, banker, or other kind of expert. The exciting part is that you’re not just looking up pages on the web, you’re getting new information that’s generated by computations working from the known data. Wolfram says the response can be so speedy because, “We’ve found that, of all the things science can compute, most take a second or less.” ..." [Accessed Tuesday, 14th April, 2009]
9 Semantic Search Engines That Will Change the World of Search
Quero explorar cada um dos 9 sites, mas preciso de tempo antes disso.
blaubo design
google maps hack
blaubo design 伊野亘輝 GoogleMapsでportfolio
Google Japan Blog: C++ のプログラムのデバッグを楽にする方法
Google 流 C++ プログラムのデバック方法
Google Services for Websites
Custom Search, Webmaster tools, etc.
Serviços do Google para websites
CaptionTube: Home
Herramienta para ponerle subtítulos a un vídeo de Youtube.
Make captions for youtube videos
Para subtitular videos de Youtube
Add captions to Youtube
Using Caption Tube you can create captions for your own videos or for any other video that you find on YouTube. The editing tools for Caption Tube includes a timeline to help you match your video's images to the captions that you create. You can choose the duration of time for which each caption is displayed. | GO Contact Sync - synchronize your contacts between Microsoft Outlook and Google Mail
synchronize your contacts between Microsoft Outlook and Google Mail
ProjectPlan - unladen-swallow - Plans for optimizing Python - Google Code
Où l'on voit apparaître le verbe "to desugar"
- Google Search
Google Torrent Search
Identify - Firefox entension | Madgex Lab
Identify - Firefox entension | Madgex Lab -
dentify is a Firefox extension that combines identities across various social network/media sites and provides you with a profile about an individual. Simply navigate to the profile page or a blog of an individual you are interested in and on Windows press Alt i or on the Mac press Ctrl i.
iPhone を買ったらやること まとめ - WebOS Goodies
Google Similar Images
Comme son nom l'indique, Google Similar Images permet de rechercher des images similaires. L'interface est calquée sur celle de Google Images. Effectuez une recherche puis cliquez sur un lien "images semblables" sous l'une des vignettes affichées. Vous trouverez alors une multitude d'images relative à celle que vous avez sélectionnée. le système rassemble sur une même page de résultat les images ayant le même contexte de mots clés. Ceci permet par exemple d'avoir un événement photographié sous plusieurs angles. Les images proches sont également affichées dans le cadre supérieur qui apparaît lorsque l'on clique sur un résultat.
回転画像マッチング captcha で使ったやつと同じエンジンなんだろか?金にならなそうだけどスゲー。
Google no para de lanzar nuevos servicios. Google Images que acaba de salir de Google Labs nos permite encontrar imagenes similares a la que hayamos encontrado en una primera búsqueda
» Run PHP on the Google App Engine - PHP, Web and IT stuff
Twitter Gadget for Gmail(v2)
Twitter gadgets for Gmail
Kako ubaciti twitter u gmail.
Twitter Gadget for Gmail is a Twitter client specially designed for Gmail. Features * OAuth authentication, your Twitter account password is not required. * Supports multiple Twitter accounts * Mark all as read(like Google Reader) * Automatically refresh * Reply, Re-tweet inline * View reply to inline * Gmail look and feel * SSL support * (new)Share tweets with your friends(your Gmail friends group' contacts) * (new)Twitter Search
Twitter Gadget for Gmail is a Twitter client specially designed for Gmail.
The high costs of running YouTube. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
According a recent report by analysts at the financial-services company Credit Suisse, Google will lose $470 million on the video-sharing site this year alone. To put it another way, the Boston Globe, which is on track to lose $85 million in 2009, is five times more profitable—or, rather, less unprofitable—than YouTube. All so you can watch this helium-voiced oddball whenever you want.
Interesting article telling that not only the newspapers struggle, YouTube is suffocating as well under the enourmous costs of storing its content.
User-generated content may have changed the Internet, but sites like YouTube are suffocating under the costs of storing it.
Facebook in 2010: no longer a walled garden - O'Reilly Radar
A lot of what I've been working on the past two years has been built on the assumption that the model that social networks use today will fundamentally change. Social networks have largely been built on the premise of being walled gardens in such a way that users can't communicate or share content or friends across networks; put simply this is what keeps a Facebook user from being able to send a message to a MySpace user.
Google Labs
google labs experimentals
O3D API - Google Code
by google. Quote: an open-source web API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser
3D web API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser
Google Code
Google Analytics Blog: Web Analytics Tips & Tricks: Attention Developers: Google Analytics API Launched!
these forums so let us know what you think about the API there, and share your ideas and your applications with us. We look forward to seeing your creativity!
Attention Developers: Google Analytics API Launched!
9 Twitter Search Apps : Better Than Twitter & Google
Twitter Search was a red hot topic last week, and will probably continue to heat up as Twitter usage grows ...
Twitter Search is kind of a boring example as the best way to tap into the Twitter Search API. Various 3rd party applications do a much better job of using Twitter Search to the best of its abilities and here are some of my favorites.
Better ways to search for real time information
Now You Can Change What Google Says About You - ReadWriteWeb
The program offers people control over their search appearance only in as much as they are willing to give Google more information about themselves. Google's Joe Kraus explained to us that up to four Google Profiles will appear at the bottom of a results page.
Triptrop NYC: extraordinarily pretty subway maps from anywhere to everywhere in new york city
oh my goodness whoever made this must certainly be good at making things wink nudge
tomc: "Pre computed isochrones for 128k start points. Brute force wins."
Torrent File Search Using Google Custom Search - Scour the Entire Web for Bit Torrent Files
Please Note: This site is not affiliated with Google, it simply makes use of Google Custom Search to restrict your searches to Torrent files. You can do this with any regular Google search by appending your query with filetype:torrent. This technique can be used for any type of file supported by Google.
Desktop Reporting for Google Analytics
Rhett Dashwood
"Over the course of several months beginning October 2008 to April 2009 I've spent some of my spare time between commercial projects searching Google Maps hoping to discover land formations or buildings resembling letter forms. These are the results of my findings limited within the state of Victoria, Australia." Via Subtraction
Google Maps Typography
Rhett Dashwood
Google typography
googlemap typography
natural formations of letters
Now, I know my ABCs, and have a rudimentary awareness of various Victorian landmarks.
グーグル、自社設計のサーバを初公開--データセンターに見る効率化へのこだわり:スペシャルレポート - CNET Japan,2000056049,20390984,00.htm
How to calculate distance with javascript and Google Maps API / Brian Cray's Blog
api gmaps
Cálculo de distâncias entre cidades
DVCSAnalysis - support - Analysis of Git and Mercurial - Google Code
Google Translate
Google's free online language translation service instantly translates text and web pages. This translator supports: English, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
Official Google Blog: Two new improvements to Google results pages
Today we're rolling out two new improvements to Google search. The first offers an expanded list of useful related searches and the second is the addition of longer search result descriptions -- both of which help guide users more effectively to the information they need.
3/24/2009 07:18:00 AM Today we're rolling out two new improvements to Google search. The first offers an expanded list of useful related searches and the second is the addition of longer search result descriptions -- both of which help guide users more effectively to the information they need.
Semantics in searching
collective screen of various news feeds
H1N1 Swine Flu - Google Maps,-110.390625&spn=15.738151,25.488281&z=5
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
pubsubhubbub - Google Code
pubsub appengine atom http webhooks
A simple, open, server-to-server web-hook-based pubsub (publish/subscribe) protocol as a simple extension to Atom.
A simple but clever way of using web hooks (HTTP callbacks) to inform subscribers that an Atom feed has updated in almost real-time.
A simple, open, web-hook-based pubsub protocol & open source reference implementation.
Une architecture distribuée de Pub/Sub avec HTTP
H1N1 Swine Flu - Google Maps,-110.390625&spn=15.738151,25.488281&source=embed
H1N1 Swine flu in 2009 Pink markers are suspect Purple markers are confirmed or probable Deaths lack a dot in marker Yellow markers are negative * comes with RSS feed of updates - real time information mapping
Evolución del Virus H1N1
豚インフルの感染マップ on google map. こわすぎる!
Wolfram|Alpha: Our First Impressions - ReadWriteWeb
Another query with a very sophisticated result was "uncle's uncle's brother's son." Now if you type that into Google, the result will be a useless list of sites that don't even answer this specific question, but Alpha actually returns an interactive genealogic tree with additional information, including data about the 'blood relationship fraction,' for example (3.125% in this case).
The hype around Wolfram|Alpha, the next "Google killer" from the makers of Mathematica, has been building over the last few weeks. Today, we were lucky enough to attend a one-hour web demo with Stephen Wolfram, and from what we've seen, it definitely looks like it can live up to the hype - though, because it is so different from traditional search engines, it will definitely not be a "Google killer."
More impressions on Wolfram Alpha question answering engine
Official Google Blog: Adding search power to public data
All the data we've used in this first launch are produced and published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau's Population Division. They did the hard work! We just made the data a bit easier to find and use. Since Google's acquisition of Trendalyzer two years ago, we have been working on creating a new service that make lots of data instantly available for intuitive, visual exploration.
Google launched a new search feature that makes it easy to find and compare public data. So for example, when comparing Santa Clara county data to the national unemployment rate, it becomes clear not only that Santa Clara's peak during 2002-2003 was really dramatic, but also that the recent increase is a bit more drastic than the national rate. If you go to and type in [unemployment rate] or [population] followed by a U.S. state or county, you will see the most recent estimates. Once you click the link, you'll go to an interactive chart that lets you add and remove data for different geographical areas.
Adding search power to public data 4/28/2009 12:17:00 PM Earthquakes are not the only thing that can shake Silicon Valley. After the dot-com bubble burst back in 2000 the unemployment rate of Santa Clara county went up to 9.1%. During the last couple of months, it has gone up again:
Google has launched a cool, if somewhat limited, new feature that makes it easier to search for and visualize statistics gleaned from public data. You can search for "unemployment rate" or "population" for any area in the United States and Google will provide you with information from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau.
"We just launched a new search feature that makes it easy to find and compare public data... If you go to and type in [unemployment rate] or [population] followed by a U.S. state or county, you will see the most recent estimates... Once you click the link, you'll go to an interactive chart that lets you add and remove data for different geographical areas."
Lifehacker - One Dozen Super-Useful (and Free!) Android Apps - Android
Do more with less
With the right approach and resources, a downturn can actually provide real opportunities for a savvy marketer. We've compiled a list of recommended strategies and Google tools that can help you reveal opportunity and achieve your marketing goals. Even better? Many of these tools are free, so they can also help you do more with less.
H1N1 Swine Flu - Google Maps,-110.390625&spn=15.738151,25.488281&z=5);
H1N1 Swine Flu Video on improved map and H1N1 swine flu current and future evolution Purple marker is confirmed or probable Pink marker is suspect Yellow marker is negative Fatal cases have no dot
Official Google Enterprise Blog: What we talk about when we talk about cloud computing
According to Gartner, a typical IT department spends 80% of their budget keeping the lights on, and this hampers their ability to drive change and growth in their business.
Google's definition of the "Cloud"
Patrick F. Spear » Projects » gcalcron
Skype May Be The Biggest Winner From The Web 2.0 Era - ReadWriteWeb
Skype does not get the respect it deserves, because eBay not only publicly admitted to overpaying for it but is making a mess of its core business. Another reason may be that Skype flies in the face of conventional Valley wisdom that says it has to be all about social media. Or maybe the fact that Skype came from Europe, and we all know that Europeans are just lunch-eating dilettantes. Whatever the reason, a company that has $500 million in revenue, is profitable and growing, and has a shot at becoming the largest player in what is now a $2 trillion (yes, "t" for trillion) market, should get more respect.
10 Resons why Skype is here to stay.
Whatever the reason, a company that has $500 million in revenue, is profitable and growing, and has a shot at becoming the largest player in what is now a $2 trillion, should get more respect.
Chrome Experiments - Browse - Most Recent
How to Send and Receive Hotmail from Your Gmail Account :: Mysticgeek’s Realm
Have you ever wanted to read your Hotmail from inside your Gmail account? Today we'll show you how to both send and receive using your, or email addresses… but from within Gmail instead.
Let's see if I can use gmail to push my hotmail e-mail directly to my phone for free during the day when I am away from the computer AND make it be in a readable format for the phone!
Computer Help from your Friendly How-To Geek
Make Google Real-Time With Twitter Search Add-on - ReadWriteWeb
費用をかけずにウェブページを最適化 Googleウェブサイトオプティマイザー活用術:MarkeZine(マーケジン)
An invention that could change the internet for ever - News, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent
Wolfram Alpha,
Google Chrome with 3D
Google Chrome with 3D
april fools joke
SEOmoz | 12 Easy Mistakes that Plague Newcomers to the SEO Field
I've been working with a lot of newcomers to SEO lately thanks to our PRO membership Q+A (BTW - sorry for the delays, the volume's tripled in the last 3 weeks, so we're a bit overwhelmed). It's been a great learning experience and I've gotten to see many of the struggles and misconceptions that affect entrants to the subject.
Eric Schmidt Tells Charlie Rose Google Is “Unlikely” To Buy Twitter And Wants To Turn Phones Into TVs
Charlie Rose interviews Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google.
There are roughly a billion more mobile phones coming online in the next three to three and a half years, that extra billion voices are voices we have never heard in languages we don’t speak. We have no idea what they’re going to tell us, but they’re going to be heard.
Via Michal's blog
Lifehacker - Display the Date a Web Page Was Published in Search Results - Search Techniques
This is invaluable! (Especially helpful for things like writing Silverlight 2 code, where the documentation is largely in blog posts, and the way to make CustomControls changed significantly between Beta 2 and RTW.)
Display the Date a Web Page Was Published in Search Results
Ditch Google For A Day: 10 Amazing Search Engines To Try out - Dumb Little Man
Search engine alternatives to Google.
search engines galore
Click through for the links to the search engines
Five Technologies Tim O'Reilly Says Point Past Web 2.0 - ReadWriteWeb
at ReadWriteWeb — all I can say is <i>thank frickin' goodness "Twitter" was not on the list</i>
It's time for the Web to get smarter, O'Reilly said. Having just become a grandfather, he drew a parallel between the evolution of the web and human development. The early days of search engines were like a child just putting things in its mouth, wondering what they are. Now the web is starting to use all of its senses together to do do something with the information it has access too. Here's where he's seeing that happen.
Google検索の「&as_qdr=y15」オプションが便利だぞ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Google検索の「&amp;as_qdr=y15」オプションが便利だぞ * 2009-05-05 (Tue) 9:03 * Google関連 * hatena button * hatena count * save this page Googleで検索するときに「&amp;as_qdr=y15」をつけると検索結果に「そのサイトがいつ公開されたか」を表示してくれます。 クリックしてみたけどえらい昔のサイトだったよ・・・という事態を防ぐことができて便利なのでは。 gs ↑ こんな感じ。便利。 なお、この日付は最初にクロールされた日ではなくて、最初に公開された日らしいです。サイトマップやらなにやらから計算しているらしいですが、100%正確ではないのでご注意を。そこらへん詳しく知りたい人は原文をあたってくださいな。 » Lifehacker - Display the Date a Web Page Was Published in Search Results - Search Techniques
IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Henry Porter: Google is just an amoral menace | Comment is free | The Observer
Article about Google monopoly of the Web
One of the chief casualties of the web revolution is the newspaper business, which now finds itself laden with debt (not Google's fault) and having to give its content free to the search engine in order to survive. Newspapers can of course remove their content but then their own advertising revenues and profiles decline. In effect they are being held captive and tormented by their executioner, who has the gall to insist that the relationship is mutually beneficial. Were newspapers to combine to take on Google they would be almost certainly in breach of competition law.
"the destructive, anti-civic forces of the internet. " "newspapers are the only means of holding local hospitals, schools, councils and the police to account, and on a national level they are absolutely essential for the good functioning of democracy."
The ever-growing empire produces nothing but seems determined to control everything
How to Make Gmail Your Ultimate Productivity Center | Zen Habits
How to use Gmail as productivity hub
Google Open Source Blog: Introducing WebDriver
Google offers a new tool which helps out with testing web apps using Firefox and IE extensions rather than pure JS.
Works as an extension in Firefox, uses Automation controls in IE etc.
"Selenium 2.0 will offer WebDriver's API alongside the traditional Selenium API, and we shall be merging the two implementations to offer a capable, flexible testing framework"
WebDriver is a clean, fast framework for automated testing of webapps.
Suggestions for - 'Must Watch Google Tech Talks' : programming
Identify: Google People With Two Keystrokes - ReadWriteWeb
Article discussing the Google Social Graph API, a search engine for all the webpages that we identify as profiles online and it tracks the connections between pages linked together for a single person.
Google Uses Twitter to Sell Ads - Advertising Age - Digital
The search giant has started offering marketers ad units that stream their five most recent "tweets" across the Google AdSense network. The first marketer to use the ad units is Intuit, whose TurboTax brand is trying to boost its Twitter followers. Intuit used several of the measures available for any AdSense campaign to target the ads, which are running on sites such as Bebo, Facebook, Hi5, MySpace and Alltop.
NEW YORK ( -- Twitter may still be tweaking its own business model, but Google has found a way to use the popular microblogging service to sell ads. When a user clicks on an ad from Google, it takes them to TurboTax's Twitter page. When a user clicks on an ad from Google, it takes them to TurboTax's Twitter page. The search giant has started offering marketers ad units that stream their five most recent "tweets" across the Google AdSense network. The first marketer to use the ad units is Intuit, whose TurboTax brand is trying to boost its Twitter followers. Intuit used several of the measures available for any AdSense campaign to target the ads, which are running on sites such as Bebo, Facebook, Hi5, MySpace and Alltop.
Google has started offering marketers ad units that stream their five most recent Twitter "tweets" across the Google AdSense network.
"After all, while Twitter is growing and had about 7 million unique visitors in February, Nielsen NetView pegs the active digital media universe as 167 million people."
Downloads: gCalCron Automates Your Linux System with Google Calendar
gcalcron allows you to issue terminal commands to a computer through Google Calendar.
run terminal commands in ubuntu using cron and scheduled by google calendar
Nice is a tad insecure (well as secure as your google account!)
Marissa Mayer On Charlie Rose: The Future Of Google, Future Of Search
Charlie Rose, who's been focusing lately on Silicon Valley personalities, interviewed Google Vice President Marissa Mayer last night. In a long and broad ...
Great interview of Marissa from Google on Charlie Rose (via @jowyang) [from]
Charlie Rose, who’s been focusing lately on Silicon Valley personalities, interviewed Google Vice President Marissa Mayer last night. In a long and broad ranging discussion, Marissa talks about the product development cycle at Google as well as the future of search and other key areas of technology.
iMapWeather™ | Local, National and Global Weather Conditions, Forecasts, Animated Radar and Watches and Warnings
What is iMapWeather? Among other things, iMapWeather is the easiest, most user-friendly way to get weather forecasts and current conditions, view radar and satellite images, see real-time lightning strikes and get nautical information. Simply click 'Get iMapWeather,' above and add it to your blog, your website or your company's website. Sign Up to enjoy the atmosphere Share iMap the news about iMapWeather
iMapWeather provides local, national and global current conditions, weather forecasts, watches and warnings, animated radar and real-time lightning strikes within an interactive weather map.
damn, should have pulled this together
Lifehacker - Model Your Home, Plan Improvements in 3D with Google Sketchup - Google Sketchup
My wife and I just moved to an apartment with a great backyard, but neither of us think spatially. Using Google Sketchup, it's been easier than I'd imagined to plan our Ultimate Patio 4000.
Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFa - O'Reilly Radar
Good news for microformats, support of google can make a large difference
Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFa - O'Reilly Radar Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFaby Timothy M. O'Brien| comments: 8On Tuesday, Google introduced a feature called Rich Snippets which provides users with a convenient summary of a ... はてなブックマーク - Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFa - O'Reilly Radar はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann rdf
Breakdown on Google Microformats
An explanation of RDFa and the impending Google support for the markup.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Introducing Rich Snippets
Now, time for some Q&A with the team: If I mark up my pages, does that guarantee I'll get Rich Snippets? No. We will be rolling this out gradually, and as always we will use our own algorithms and policies to determine relevant snippets for users' queries. We will use structured data when we are able to determine that it helps users find answers sooner. And because you're providing the data on your pages, you should anticipate that other websites and other tools (browsers, phones) might use this data as well. You can let us know that you're interested in participating by filling out this form. What about other existing microformats? Will you support other types of information besides reviews and people? Not every microformat corresponds to data that's useful to show in a search result, but we do plan to support more of the existing microformats and define RDFa equivalents. What's next?
Official Google Blog: More Search Options and other updates from our Searchology event
Search Options, rich snippets, Google Squared
Very cool new features, presented in a video for enhanced google searching
Another challenging problem we have worked on is better understanding the information you get back from a search. When you see your results from a Google search, how do you decide which one has the best information for you? Or, how can we help you make the best decision about where to click?
Explicaciones de google sobre como ver mas opciones de busqueda
Index of /buildbot/snapshots/sub-rel-mac
chromium mac builds
How to Write a Chrome Extension in Three Easy Steps
How to write Google Chrome extensions.
Tutorial on creating and launching a Chrome Extension
Twoogle: Search Twitter vs. Google Recent results at the same time
Search Twitter and Google at the same time and get quick results side by side in one single window.
Nokia N-Series or E-Series (Symbian S60 3rd Edition) - Mobile Help
To set up Google Sync on a Nokia N-Series or E-Series phone (Symbian S60 3rd Edition), please follow these steps:
To set up Google Sync on a Nokia N-Series or E-Series phone (Symbian S60 3rd Edition), please follow these steps: Note: The images below may vary slightly from the images on your particular phone.
Device Set Up Instructions: Nokia N-Series or E-Series (Symbian S60 3rd Edition)
絵文字が開いてしまった「パンドラの箱」第1回--日本の携帯電話キャリアが選んだ道:コラム - CNET Japan,2000058034,20389042,00.htm
Set Up Your iPhone or iPod Touch - Mobile Help
google sync
Live Piracy Map
This map shows all the piracy and armed robbery incidents reported to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre during 2008. If exact coordinates are not provided, estimated positions are shown based on information provided. Zoom-in and click on the pointers to view more information of an individual attack. Pointers may be superimposed on each other.
Un mapa de todos los robos a mano armada y piratería incidentes (ambos con éxito y tentativa) informó el año pasado
Mappa con i punti di attacco delle navi pirata verso imbarcazioni commerciali.
What Is Google Squared? It Is How Google Will Crush Wolfram Alpha (Exclusive Video)
This should get a tag that I don't know what it is yet. Structured search? Structured search results? "Semantic Web"?
"One of the next frontiers of search is taking all of the unstructured data spread helter-skelter across the Web and treat it like it is sitting in a nice, structured database. "
Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab
Google - Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab. ext time you're dealing with a dreadfully slow internet connection, you can ask Google what's causing the trouble. The company announced a new open platform Wednesday called Measurement Lab, or M-Lab for short. As part of the initial launch, M-Lab includes three publicly accessible tools, including a tool called Glasnost that tests whether BitTorrent traffic is being blocked, throttled or otherwise impeded on your broadband connection. Also part of M-Lab's launch are a tool to test your connection's overall speed and a diagnostic tool that will tell you if you're suffering from speed barriers common to last-mile broadband-network infrastructures.
Ten Twitter Mythconceptions | Technologizer
Poor Twitter! It may be the hottest service on the Web, but it’s also profoundly misunderstood. Lots of people cheerfully admit they don’t get it. Others emphatically believe things about it that aren’t true.
RT @CRStengel: RT @technologizer: Ten Twitter Mythconceptions [from]
I don’t claim to understand everything there is to understand about Twitter. (If you don’t understand that it’s impossible to fully understand Twitter…well, then you don’t understand Twitter.) I have, however, formed some strong opinions about what I call Twitter mythperceptions. After the jump, my stab at addressing ten of ‘em.
"Like novels, magazines, and movies, Twitter is a judgment-neutral container. Some people fill it with garbage, others with wonderful stuff."
"I encounter confusion over Twitter every day, especially in the real world as I chat with folks who have either never used it, or have tried it and then walked away."
New search engines aspire to supplement Google -
Interesting - we'll see how this all pans out.
Carron Media - Extend Google Analytics with jQuery
new event tracking function is still in beta on the Google Analytics site and not all accounts have access to view them by default. However, this is not a problem as you can add it in manually. When you are logged into your Analytics, type the following url into your browser: This will take you to events page. Once there, click on the “Add to Dashboard” button above the report and this will add the Events Tracking Overview section to your dashboard.
Script om externe links en downloads te tracken in Google Analytics met jQuery
Extend the current functionality of Google Analytics. Track things like file downloads and external links.
working with site hits ocunt
Google's Rich Snippets and the Semantic Web - O'Reilly Radar
Machine Learning VS Semantic Web - Google's Rich Snippets
Google's Rich Snippets and the Semantic Web
Five Things Wolfram Alpha Does Better (And Vastly Different) Than Google
Matasano Chargen » Blog Archive » The Security Implications Of Google Native Client
great technical read
Excellent article on the security implications not only of NaCl, but of Java and ActiveX and native X86 code.
What would it look like if Google tried to unseat Flash and obsolete all desktop applications?
Is Google Rewiring Our Brains?
interesting title
Is Google Rewiring Our Brains? [from]
Is Google Rewiring Our Brains, very interesting, [from]
Gord Hotchkiss: Are Our Brains Becoming “Googlized?” / Is Google Rewiring Our Brains? searchengineland [from]
本当はすごい、知られざるGoogle Maps APIたち!!(1/3)-@IT
50+ Google and Yahoo Search Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
This post is intended as a comprehensive guide to Google and Yahoo search shortcuts providing a cheat sheet of over 50 shortcuts and comparing the two search engines.
Awesome Google and Yahoo Cheat sheets!
How To Trace a Mobile Phone Location with Google Latitude |
How To Trace a Mobile Phone Location with Google Latitude黒船Google汐留沖に出現でWeb広告業界に激震!
Google Ad Planner
Stephen Wolfram Reveals Radical New Formula for Web Search | Epicenter
The home page is nearly blank. At the center, just below a colorful logo, you'll find an empty data field. Type in a phrase, hit Return, and knowledge
Consider a question like “How many Nobel Prize winners were born under a full moon?” Google would find the answer only if someone had previously gone through the whole list, matched the birthplace of each laureate with a table of lunar phases, and posted the results. Wolfram says his engine would have no problem doing this on the fly. “Alpha makes it easy for the typical person to answer anything quantitatively,” he asserts. Wolfram needs some prodding before he talks about the business model. “Plan A is to get this out,” he says. “Maybe it will be a giant piece of philanthropy.” On the other hand, he adds, “we’re happy to license this.” He thinks Alpha would be welcome inside applications, on mobile devices, and in a generalized search engine. Wolfram has already shown Alpha to former intern Brin and thinks that it could make sense to have the engine running behind the scenes in Google searches. Another possible source of revenue: licensing data­bases.
Secret of Googlenomics: Data-Fueled Recipe Brews Profitability
Kuinka Googlen AdWords oikeasti toimii. Steven Levyn erinomainen juttu Wiredissa.
The economics behind the ads you see, and what they cost.
Article by Steven Levy (not: Steven Levitt ;-) ) on Hal Varian, Google chief economist and the application of auctions to all kinds of logistical, organisational or economic problems.
The extreme Google brain ¶ Personal Weblog of Joe Clark, Toronto
The problem with Google, from a design perspective
"The male brain, extreme or not, is compatible with visual design. It allows you to learn every font in the Letraset catalogue and work from a grid. In fact, the male-brain capacity for years-long single-mindedness explains why the heads of large ad agencies and design houses are overwhelmingly male. (It isn’t a sexist conspiracy.)"
Work at Google? (Via Daring Fireball: ).
twootles! search Google & Twitter
Map the Fallen
An incredible Google Earth map locating casualties of Iraq and Afghanistan War, by home of record and approx place of death. Powerful.
Google Web Elements
Standalone embeddable widgets from Google that you can drop into any web page. The maps widget finally frees the maps API from the tyranny of coupling a domain with an API key.
Google web elements is a new service that provides Google widgets for your own blog.
Google Web Elements allow you to easily add your favorite Google products onto your own website.
The Man Who Made Gmail Says Real-Time Conversation is What's Next - ReadWriteWeb
"The open, realtime discussions that occur on FriendFeed," he says, "are going to become a major new communication medium on the same level as email, IM and blogging." ... even more the *distributed* discussions via Twitter, me thinks.
"Paul Buchheit built the first version of Gmail in one day. Then, he built the first prototype of Google's contextual advertising service, Adsense, in one day as well."
The Man Who Made Gmail Says Real-Time Conversation is What's Next (The Future of FriendFeed) [from]
Google Bets Big on HTML 5: News from Google I/O - O'Reilly Radar
How google sees the future in HTML5, some seldom known facts about the new version of this versatile markup language...
Definitely need to look into this more -- we've done one site with HTML 5 and it looks like more is already out there in the wild than we'd think.
Google doesn't want to repeat that mistake, and as a result, he said, "we're betting big on HTML 5."
"We knew then that the web had won. What was once thought impossible is now commonplace."
Google Wave Preview
Google Wave is a new online communication and collaboration tool.
Learn Google Wave can make you more productive even when you're having fun.
this looks like a giant step, but I don't know in which direction... ah, winer compares it to opendoc
Introduction ‎(Google Wave Federation Protocol)‎
Google Wave: What Might Email Look Like If It Were Invented Today? - O'Reilly Radar
What if you used this for reports and you could comment on them in the wave?
Google's Wave may be the future of email, but looks like it will stump Grandpa and Grandma, who are barely grasping webmail. I wonder how well it can be miniaturized to fit on smartphones.
Official Google Blog: Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.
Finally, we're moving beyond the confines of the format of the channel, and the point of it: communication: 'A "wave" is equal parts conversation and document, where people can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.'
Google Wave Official Blog
long but the vid
'You create a wave and add people to it. Everyone on your wave can use richly formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds from other sources on the web. They can insert a reply or edit the wave directly. It's concurrent rich-text editing, where you see on your screen nearly instantly what your fellow collaborators are typing in your wave.'
Ruby on Rails on Google App Engine: Welcome aboard
Now RoR is supported by Google App Engine. What are you waiting for!?
About Google Wave
10 Ways to Turn Google Calendar into an Effective Time Management & Productivity Tool
formation for the bot to put your event on it (I didn’t do that but that’s up to y
See Wolfram Alpha in Action: Our Screenshots - ReadWriteWeb
one of the most popular bookmarks... new search engine
More information about Wolfram Alpha the search engine. Video of the launch presentation included.
Last weekend, we attended a web demo of Wolfram Alpha, a new
Screenshot und Video zu Wolfram Alpha.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Web tool 'as important as Google'
Articolo in inglese della BBC, paragone con Google
Researchers claim that a new web tool - Wolfram Alpha - could be as important as Google.
This free program aims to answer questions directly, rather than display web pages in response to a query like a search engine. Like interacting with an expert, it will understand what you're talking about, do the computation, and then present you with the results. This technique has long been the holy grail of computer scientists who aim to allow people to interact with computers in an instinctive way.
The Fight over the Google of All Libraries: A FAQ | Epicenter
There are more orphans than in a Dickens novel. Google won’t say how many there are. But UC Berkeley Professor Pamela Samuelson estimates that 70 percent of books that are still in copyright have rights holders that can’t be found. Copyright infringement can be expensive – up to $150,000 per violation. So if you scan an old book and start selling copies of it, or displaying chunks of it on the web, and the orphan’s father shows up one day waving a paternity test in your direction, you could face a mean copyright infringement suit. Unless you are Google: Since all U.S. book copyright holders are now plaintiffs in the lawsuit, Google gets liability protection from authors who abandoned their books by not registering in its books database. If they show up later, all they can do is collect a little cash, change their book price or ask Google to stop selling the book.
So in partnership with major university libraries, Google began scanning and digitizing millions of books in 2002, from ones like Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales that are no longer copyrighted to the Harry Potter series to books whose authors and publishers cannot be located. The idea is simple, and audacious. Make the library of all libraries by converting every book ever published into an e-book that can be indexed, searched, read — and sold — online.
"The Google Book Search Settlement has been much in the news recently, with the Internet Archive, Philip K. Dick’s heirs, consumer groups and Microsoft registering their objections to the search giant’s agreement with authors and publishers. And now Justice Department anti-trust lawyers are meeting with Google about the settlement, raising the possibility of a full-blown anti-trust court showdown between the government and the world’s biggest search and advertising company."
Wired article about Google archiving books.
How Twitter is Dethroning the Old Guard
With Oprah showcasing Twitter recently to her millions of soccer moms, and other traditional media taking notice, I’m guessing that people who are not big users of technology, either your mom or relatives, have recently asked you like they have asked me, “What is the big deal about Twitter? Is it just a fad or is it really impacting how we interact and use the web? And if the latter, in what ways?” Below are the three areas where Twitter, in its rise as the next great social media site, is I think beginning to dethrone (or at least impact) several of the major players and technologies in the game.
twitter-dethroning-old-guard twitter 1
Don't you just love disruption? How Twitter is Dethroning the Old Guard: [from]
mentions of google, myspace and email
Onzalige twitter wijziging artikel rww [from]
The Top 6 Game-Changing Features of Google Wave
Without a doubt, the product that has the entire web buzzing right now is Google Wave, the search giant’s newly announced communication platform.
The Top 6 Game-Changing Features of Google Wave [from]
Google Waves Goodbye to E - Webmonkey
The Web Developer's Resource
Google has set out to rewire the e-mail inbox with a new product called Wave. Wave is a web-based application that marries multiple forms of communication and collaboration, including chat, mail and wikis, into a unified interface. Everything inside Wave happens in real time: You can even see a comment being made as the person is typing it, character-by-character. There are few effective ways to communicate within small groups, whether co-workers, friends, or family. Most of us use e-mail, just addressing a new message to a bunch of people. This starts a thread, which eventually gets twisted and fragmented into side conversations and becomes more and more confusing. The more-organized among us use tools like IM or IRC chat rooms, wikis, group blogs or web apps built for threaded communications, such as FriendFeed.
Google has set out to rewire the e-mail inbox with a new product called Wave. Wave is a web-based application that marries multiple forms of communication and collaboration, including chat, mail and wikis, into a unified interface. Everything inside Wave happens in real time: You can even see a comment being made as the person is typing it, character-by-character.
開発チームが明かす、Google Waveの実装概要 - @IT
Waveはリアルタイム/同期通信だけか?  まず、「リアルタイム」という点。ミリ秒単位の遅延しか感じられないチャットやゲームをHTMLページで行うというデモンストレーションに驚かされたために、レポート記事ではこの点を強調しすぎたようだ。Waveが「リアルタイム通信、同期通信だけのもの」という印象を受けた人もいた。それは誤解 Waveではメール同様の非同期通信も可能だ。つまり、あなたが新規にWaveを作り、誰かに宛てたWave(メッセージ)を書けば、それはまずサーバに送られる。受信側(Wave参加者)は、その時点でオンラインでもオフラインでも構わない。オンラインであれば、すぐにそのWaveを開いて読むことができるが、オフラインであれば、メールのインボックスのように(おそらく最終更新時刻の時間順で)、自分が関与しているWave一覧が表示
レポート記事(【詳報】Google Waveとは何なのか?)への反響を見ると、さまざまな疑問を感じている人がいる。そこでここでは、直接Waveのプロジェクトリーダーに話を聞いたり、別セッションで開発チームが行った説明、およびオンラインドキュメントから読み取れたことなど、いくつか追加情報をまとめたい。
YouTube - Learning from
Google Tech Talk April 24, 2009 ABSTRACT Presented by Joel Spolsky Until recently, searching for help on highly technical programming problems has been a mess. A lot of what the search engines found was old discussions in forums, where you have a lot of wrong answers and out-of-date answers that you have to sift through yourself. You also found a lot of answers at sites that were hidden behind a pay wall, which uncloaked themselves for Google and then demanded membership fees to see the answers. is a programmer's Q&A site that launched last September to address these problems. It incorporates more modern ideas about community such as voting and public editing, and even a few ideas from game design, to create a much more successful way to get help with programming problems. In a few short months, it has grown to 14 million page views a month and reaches 3 million unique programmers every month.
Choose Your Own HTML 5 Adventure
Choose Your Own HTML 5 Adventure
Google / Bing Comparison for
Google Squared
Google Squared takes a category and creates a starter 'square' of information, automatically fetching and organizing facts from across the web.
Straight from Google: What You Need to Know
Matt Cutts blog
I just gave a talk at WordCamp San Francisco 2009. Thanks to Matt Mullenweg and the Automattic folks for a great time! I think there will be a video up soon, but if you want to browse the slides in the mean time, here they are: You can also download the talk in PowerPoint format.
Google Plugin for Eclipse - Google Code
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is the fastest way to start developing Google Web Toolkit and App Engine applications, allowing you to go from installing the plugin to deploying an Ajax "Hello World" in a matter of minutes.
Google Plugin for Eclipse - Google Code
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is the fastest way to start developing Google Web Toolkit and App Engine applications, allowing you to go from installing the plugin to deploying an Ajax "Hello World" in a matter of minutes. Simply install the plugin and get started. If you don't have the GWT and App Engine SDKs installed, the plugin can take care of that for you.
Google plugin
Page Speed Home
Page speed is a google tool for evaluating website performance
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
Google Code Blog: Introducing Page Speed
Page Speed is a tool we've been using internally to improve the performance of our web pages -- it's a Firefox Add-on integrated with Firebug.
Website optimization plugin for Firefox/Firebug by Google
Six Ways that Google Wave is Going to Change Your Business, Career and Life | Think Vitamin
Extensions, Embedding APIs, Collaboration, Open Source, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Playback
YouTube - homeproject's Channel
Looks like a great film about the earth and its beginning.
We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate. . .
Secret of Googlenomics: Data-Fueled Recipe Brews Profitability
"I'm going to talk about online auctions," says Hal Varian, the session's first speaker. Varian is a lanky 62-year-old professor at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business and School of Information, but these days he's best known as Google's chief economist. This morning's crowd hasn't come for predictions about the credit market; they want to hear about Google's secret sauce
Google getta le basi per una nuova forma di organizzazione economica.
Why does Google even need a chief economist? The simplest reason is that the company is an economy unto itself. The ad auction, marinated in that special sauce, is a seething laboratory of fiduciary forensics, with customers ranging from giant multinationals to dorm-room entrepreneurs, all billed by the world's largest micropayment system. Google depends on economic principles to hone what has become the search engine of choice for more than 60 percent of all Internet surfers, and the company uses auction theory to grease the skids of its own operations. All these calculations require an army of math geeks, algorithms of Ramanujanian complexity, and a sales force more comfortable with whiteboard markers than fairway irons.
Web Performance Best Practices
Web Development Speed Optimization.
Google tips on speeding up the load and render time of a web page. can use either Google Maps or the Google Earth browser plugin to preview the KML files that you create. To switch between the two modes press the 2D Map and 3D Map buttons to the right in the screen. allows you to create Google Earth KML visualizations from your own global data-sets.
Demographic 3D mapping
Great facts for many subjects
A site that combines statistical data with a Google Map.
Introduction to Google Forms | Matt Silverman
A brief tutorial on creating a Google form.. As recommended by Will Richardson, this is an excellent resource for anyone desiring to organize, collect, and analyze data -- turning the data into information
Great for PD on Google Forms
Google's Wonder Wheel Experiment, and More
New search options for Google
Búsquedas refinadas en versión beta
Web Performance Best Practices
"..Page Speed evaluates performance from the client point of view, typically measured as the page load time.."
YouTube HTML5 Demo
Html5 demo by youtube
"YouTube HTML5 Demo" - Google (April 17, 2009) [from]
Google Wave Obliterates Everything
Google Ad Planner(アドプランナー)で“あのサイトのPVやUU”を調べてみよう! | Web担当者Forum
Google Ad Plannerは、広告主が出稿先を検討するツール。URLを指定すると、そのサイトのページビュー(PV)、ユニークユーザー(UU)などの数や、そのサイトを見ているユーザーの性別・年代・学歴・年収などの属性が表示されるもの。
Google Ad Planner(アドプランナー)で“あのサイトのPVやUU”を調べてみよう! | Web担当者Forum
Google Wave: Our First Hands-On Impressions
have a play with it when possible?
Patrick Collison » blog » Hacking for fun and profit with Mathematica and the Google Analytics API Hackingforfunandprofit
Testing Google Wave: This Thing is Tidal
Mashable's review of Google Wave.
Mashable got their hands on an account for the demo version of Google Wave, and this in-depth review gives it an early thumbs up: "It’s already got certain aspects, like navigation, absolutely right. With some great 3rd party apps and greater customization, Google Wave could actually match its hype."
Dual Perspectives Article
The future of social business: It's all about dis(x2)intermediation. [from]
talks about the social networking phenomenon mentions an interesting new google program coming about soon
walls come tumbling down - how to take social networking to the next level
Google wave- how it will let you build the next facebook, twitter, whatever...
Google Open Source Blog: Introducing Android Scripting Environment
These scripts demonstrates several of the available APIs available for both Lua and Python. It is intended to be run as a service and silences the ringer when the phone is placed face down. For some scripting languages, like BeanShell, it's possible to access Android's Java API directly. To simplify things, ASE provides the AndroidFacade class. For other languages, like Python and Lua, the API is made available via JSON RPC calls to a proxy. Naturally this means that only the part of the API which has been wrapped by the AndroidFacade and AndroidProxy are available to cross-compiled interpreters like Python and Lua. Thankfully, both AndroidFacade and AndroidProxy are simple to extend.
Programming Android with scripting languages like Lua or Python.
Android apps for the rest of us? Now script Android apps in Python!
How Google produces relevant search results | News | TechRadar UK
A link to the paper about the google pagerank 20 page thesis from Stanford by Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page
How Google produces relevant search results: Indexing and PageRank explained [from]
Online Word Processor - Zoho Writer
word processor, file converter
Online NotePad, Writing Pad. It can be used as online doc. Conversion into html docs, pdfs, notepad etc.
The Complete Google Analytics Power User Guide - VKI Studios Blog
google analytics power user guide
Excellent how-to for Google Analytics. Suggest this along with Google's Conversion University YouTube videos.
The Complete Google Analytics Power User Guide.
android-scripting - Google Code
python for android
Google Translator Toolkit
Let's you view original and translated text side-by-side and easily edit the machine translation.
Translatation service from Google
SEOmoz | Learn SEO in 30 Minutes a Day
Hal Varian on how the Web challenges managers - The McKinsey Quarterly - Hal Varian web challenge managers - Strategy - Innovation
Hal Varian on how the Web challenges managers
I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians. People think I’m joking, but who would’ve guessed that computer engineers would’ve been the sexy job of the 1990s? The ability to take data—to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it—that’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades, not only at the professional level but even at the educational level for elementary school kids, for high school kids, for college kids. Because now we really do have essentially free and ubiquitous data. So the complimentary scarce factor is the ability to understand that data and extract value from it.
Bing is a search engine that finds and organizes the answers you need so you can make faster, more informed decisions.
Search. Explore. Decide.
social networking search
Fourteen Interesting Ways* to use Voicethread in the Classroom - Google Docs
Another collaborative Google presentation on uses for an online tool. This time: voicethread.
Some simple ways of creating activities for VT.
Lifehacker - The Google Wave Highlight Reel - Google Wave
These eight 30-60 second clips highlight the best parts of Google Wave.
"Don't have 80 minutes? These eight 30-60 second clips highlight the best parts of Google Wave."
Maptrot - Map Your Community
Create and share maps.
create a map
How To Optimize For Conversion In Organic Search Results
Great read on conversation
Integrate and improve SEO and website usability (using web analytics) and create a synergy that will improve the conversion rates of websites.
Study Tips for Students
HTML 5 and Web video: freeing rich media from plugin prison - Ars Technica
HTML 5 and Web video: freeing rich media from plugin prison - Ars Technica
Google News Timeline
Here is an early intro to a cool tool that will show you what is in the news on a timeline basis
can put in specific dates; timeline search for swineflu ..visual search
Google Fusion Tables (Pre-Alpha)
Fusion Tables é uma plataforma online com nova tecnologia que uniformiza diversos tipos de dados e promete economia às empresas.
DeeperWeb Search - The Essential Search Engine Addon and Plugin
search google
DepperWeb se base entièrement sur les résultats provenant de Google mais ajoute un certain nombre de fonctionnalités s'affichant dans la partie droite de l'écran: nuage de mots, nuage de phrases, sites référents, zones (domaines),
DeeperWeb is an innovative search engine plugin and an essential Firefox addon for Google. Start using us immediately at or download a free search plugin and Firefox addons
Un moteur de rechercher qui tente d'organiser les résultats de Google en plusieurs catégories : résultats, nuages de mots-clés, questions/réponses, informations d'affaires, et données chiffrées + "ressource search" (semble correspondre à des informations plus élaborées?) + les résultats de Wikipedia + les résultats dans les blogs
An Unofficial User's Guide to Gmail - Features by PC Magazine,2817,2346121,00.asp
Think you know everything there is to know about the popular Web-based e-mail application from Google? Think again.
Here's an article about GMail that was in PC Magazine
Five years in beta mode hasn't prevented Google's Web-based Gmail from flourishing. In fact, it's one of the few e-mail products continuing to innovate in any way these days. Desktop clients like Outlook and Thunderbird haven't changed much in years; Hotmail gets a new name every few months, but that's about it. Gmail, via experiments from the Gmail Labs team, is constantly adding new features. Plus, Gmail is simple to use. At least on the surface. However, much of Gmail's power goes untapped. So we've put together this guide to highlight the features you may have missed—ones that separate Gmail from the pack.
Much of Gmail's power goes untapped. This guide highlights the features you may have missed: conversations, offline access, themes, filters, search operators, address aliases, executable attachments, storage space, notifications, multiple accounts, keyboard shortcuts, interface, safety features, undo send, Greasemonkey scripts, extensions, mobility, desktop access, importing data, exporting and backup, apps.
Official Google Research Blog: Google Fusion Tables
Database systems are notorious for being hard to use. It is even more difficult to integrate data from multiple sources and collaborate on large data sets with people outside your organization. Without an easy way to offer all the collaborators access to the same server, data sets get copied, emailed and ftp'd--resulting in multiple versions that get out of sync very quickly. Today we're introducing Google Fusion Tables on Labs, an experimental system for data management in the cloud. It draws on the expertise of folks within Google Research who have been studying collaboration, data integration, and user requirements from a variety of domains. Fusion Tables is not a traditional database system focusing on complicated SQL queries and transaction processing. Instead, the focus is on fusing data management and collaboration: merging multiple data sources, discussion of the data, querying, visualization, and Web publishing. We plan to iteratively add new features to the systems as we
All For Good
All for Good helps you to find and share volunteer activities with friends, family and colleagues. The site brings together listings from organizations and local groups to help you find volunteer activities that fit your time and talent - from your own backyard to across the country.
PageRank sculpting
People think about PageRank in lots of different ways. People have compared PageRank to a “random surfer” model in which PageRank is the probability that a random surfer clicking on links lands on a page. Other people think of the web as an link matrix in which the value at position (i,j) indicates the presence of links from page i to page j. In that case, PageRank corresponds to the principal eigenvector of that normalized link matrix.
Profiling Ruby With Google’s Perftools -
mobile ar browser for android
The World’s First Augmented Reality Browser. Layar is a free application on your mobile phone which shows what is around you by displaying real time digital information on top of reality though the camera of your mobile phone.
augmented reality app for android
Excellent Analytics
Excellent Analytics is a simple Excel plug in that lets you import web analytics data from Google Analytics in to an Excel spreadsheet. Build queries with all dimensions and metrics available in Google Analytics Apply filters to create advanced queries All queries are stored in the spreadsheet
Google Analyitcsをもっと便利に | DesignWalker
みなさんGoogle Analyitcsでアクセス解析をされている方が多いのではないでしょうか? 無料で使えて、高機能なGoogle Analyticsは、先日APIも正式に公開され、今後様々なツールが公開されていく事だと思います。 そのままでも、十分いろいろな解析ができて便利なツールなのですが、今回はGoogle Analyticsをさらに便利に使えるツールや設定方法、コードなどをご紹介します。
BBC NEWS | Technology | Web tool 'as important as Google'
A look at Wolfram Alpha.
WolframAlpha launches 15 May. natural language
A web tool that "could be as important as Google", according to some experts, has been shown off to the public.
<blockquote>A web tool that "could be as important as Google", according to some experts, has been shown off to the public. Wolfram Alpha is the brainchild of British-born physicist Stephen Wolfram. The free program aims to answer questions directly, rather than display web pages in response to a query like a search engine. The "computational knowledge engine", as the technology is known, will be available to the public from the middle of May this year. </blockquote>
Legally Speaking: The Dead Souls of the Google Booksearch Settlement - O'Reilly Radar
An intersting artical about "orphan" book. Those book out-of-print but still under copyright. Most of which it is impossible to find the appropraite rights holder.
Summary of the legal and commercial implications of Google book search by Pamela Samuelson.
"The Book Search agreement is not really a settlement of a dispute over whether scanning books to index them is fair use. It is a major restructuring of the book industry’s future without meaningful government oversight. The market for digitized orphan books could be competitive, but will not be if this settlement is approved as is."
Google and the Book Rights Registery
"Conclusion In the short run, the Google Book Search settlement will unquestionably bring about greater access to books collected by major research libraries over the years. But it is very worrisome that this agreement, which was negotiated in secret by Google and a few lawyers working for the Authors Guild and AAP (who will, by the way, get up to $45.5 million in fees for their work on the settlement--more than all of the authors combined!), will create two complementary monopolies with exclusive rights over a research corpus of this magnitude. Monopolies are prone to engage in many abuses. The Book Search agreement is not really a settlement of a dispute over whether scanning books to index them is fair use. It is a major restructuring of the book industry's future without meaningful government oversight. The market for digitized orphan books could be competitive, but will not be if this settlement is approved as is."
Screenshot Tour: A First Look at Google Voice
Grow Bigger Ears in 10 Minutes |
10 steps to setting up a free listening station on the web
Explore Google Search
Search is at the heart of everything we do at Google. Our engineers work every day to solve the hardest search problems, and thus improve your online experience. Here&#039;s a glimpse at what they do, the features they&#039;ve built and the remarkable user stories that inspire our work.
Explore Google Search: Movies, weather, public data, earthquake information and more. Check out these 15 second search tips from Google to help you save time and get the most of your online experience.
Search is at the heart of everything we do at Google. Our engineers work every day to solve the hardest search problems, and thus improve your online experience. Here's a glimpse at what they do, the features they've built and the remarkable user stories that inspire our work.
Show Support For #IranElection on Twitter
Show support for democracy in Iran add green overlay to your Twitter avatar with 1-click - [from]
Green overlay over twitter
Marking up structured data - Webmasters/Site owners Help
Please Enjoy - The Work of Ji Lee
from Please Enjoy - The Work of Ji Lee
what is a browser ? - street survey
50 random people in NY don't know the difference between a browser and Google.
read it
The vast majority of people have no clue what a web browser is. (Ergo, the vast majority of people are quite stupid? I'm tempted to say yes.)
Find Creative Commons Images in Google Image Search
Blog posting announcing Google's new ability to search only Creative Commons images. Not available yet in the browser, but works from this blog posting.
search for images using CC license
Google I/O - The Myth of the Genius Programmer
Page Speed Home
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them. How does Page Speed work? Page Speed performs several tests on a site's web server configuration and front-end code. These tests are based on a set of best practices known to enhance web page performance. Webmasters who run Page Speed on their pages get a set of scores for each page, as well as helpful suggestions on how to improve its performance. Why should you use Page Speed? By using Page Speed, you can: * Make your site faster. * Keep Internet users engaged with your site.
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
A plugin for Firebug similar to YSlow
What is Page Speed? Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Don't know when I'll ever get round to reading this!
Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Discover best practices that can make your apps faster. Get informed with developments in web performance.
Agilidade na web
Google resource center on performance optimization. Articles, videos and downloadable tools. Includes tips on how to optimize CSS declarations, how to optimize JavaScript code and avoid memory leaks, how to use the best image format and prefetch resources. Also released Google equivalent of YSlow, Yahoo's Firefox extension for performance tips.
Gmail: Tips
To be read
Become a Gmail Ninja Learn tips and tricks to save time, increase your productivity, and manage your email efficiently. Start with the tips that are right for you, based on how much email you get each day.
Download Page Speed
Page Speed
Google code - Page Speed
Great Wall of Facebook: The Social Network's Plan to Dominate the Internet
Facebook's long game. Written by former FB insider
Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Gmail: Tips
재미있는 블로그 구성요소 레벨제도
Google City Tours
Gmail: Tips
Gmailの機能を拡張して、もっと便利にする38のTips | コリス
超便利そう 使わない理由が見つからないw
How to find most viewed youTube videos
graph with tweets/hour. paid ads, normal twitter search
Realtime search
Real-time... Social... Search. Find out what all the twitter is about.
참고하기.. 트위터 이용한 검색서비스
HOW TO: Back Up Your Tweets
What would you do if all of the activity and data from your Twitter, Flickr, Delicious, or Wordpress accounts were to suddenly disappear? It’s not as far fetched as it sounds – social bookmarking service Ma.gnolia lost all user data permanently this year. And hackers, downtime, and errors happen all the time. The moral? Always have a backup.
Official Gmail Blog: So, you want to be a Gmail ninja?
Com essas dicas, você com certeza irá limpar sua caixa de entrada do Gmail muito mais rapidamente, estou aplicando e está dando muito certo!
Gmail ninja
I don't know, do I?
share with ccv publicity
使って分かったAndroidとiPhoneの違い - @IT
@IT 西村氏
Cool Search Engines That Are Not Google | Epicenter |
How do you find a new search engine if all you know is Google? Typing search engine into the usual box might lead you to Microsoft's newly launched Bing,
Google For Educators - Web Search
Searching for educators. From LD.
Some ideas which can be a guide or include
Web search can be a remarkable research tool for students - and we've heard from educators that they could use some help to teach better search skills in their classroom. The following Search Education lessons were developed by Google Certified Teachers to help you do just that. The lessons are short, modular and not specific to any discipline so you can mix and match to what best fits the needs of your classroom. Additionally, all lessons come with a companion set of slides (and some with additional resources) to help you guide your in-class discussions.
Google Search tips - lesson plans for teachers
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Flash indexing with external resource loading
JavaScriptの最適化について、の記事の適当訳 - それ図解で。・・・tohokuaikiのチラシの裏
Turn-By-Turn Directions with the Google Maps API - Nettuts+
In this tutorial, we will go through the process of creating a small widget that allows users to retrieve turn-by-turn directions to a specified location. We'll be using the Google Maps API, via JavaScript, to provide this rather advanced functionality.
Need this!
twoquick :: simple google + twitter search
Simple Google and Twitter Search
search google + twitter at once
Simple Google + Twitter search. Find stuff on Google and see what people are saying on Twitter.
Lifehacker - Google Voice Is Cool, But Do You Need It? - Google Voice
Google's robotic queen lol
how to use google voice
40 Free and Essential Web Design and Development Books from Google : Speckyboy Design Magazine
AndroLib, Find all applications and games available in the Android Market for your Android Phone, HTC Dream, HTC Magic etc...
Find all applications and games available in the Android Market
Find all applications and games available in the Android Market for your Android Phone, HTC Dream, HTC Magic etc...
mapspread : Create, edit, share and publish your business data as an interactive mapping application within minutes
Import your data from spreadsheets, maintain it with fun tools, share with coworkers and friends, publish to the world.
Easy to use and gratifying way to put your data on a map. Import your data from spreadsheets, maintain it with fun tools, share with coworkers and friends, publish to the world.
Google Apps
Google apps free edition, bookmarked so they don't hide it again.
live-android - Google Code
LiveAndroid, a LiveCD for Android running on x86 platforms Goal: To provide a LiveCD(and LiveUSB) for common X86 platform
Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google Chrome OS
An operating system for PCs that is tied to its Chrome Web browser. Called the Google Chrome Operating System, is initially intended for use in the tiny, low-cost portable computers known as netbooks. “Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS. “We’re designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the Web in a few seconds.” Would be released online later this year under an open-source license, which will allow outside programmers to modify it. Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and we are working with multiple OEMs to bring a number of netbooks to market next year. The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. For application developers, the web is the platform. These apps will run on any standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux. Google Chrome OS is a new project, separate from Android.
We all knew it was coming, but it's absolutely interesting to see proof from the horse's mouth
This sounds pretty interesting... Google has resources, so if they can develop a good product, it just means more competition which is great in my book!
Microsoft just shat themselves.
Interesting how this will work - an OS specialized to get you onto the web, quickly and in a secure way.
Perform Better With AdSense: The Ultimate Round-Up | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Please notice that we published the first part of the Google AdSense round-up a couple of months ago (100% Google AdSense); this post presents further useful resources that can help you maximize your ads revenue.
useful resources that can help you maximize your ads revenue
Authenticating Users With Facebook Connect and Google Friend Connect - Nettuts+
Most social networks have API tools that allow almost any website to authenticate users through their system. In today's tutorial, we will learn how to use
Authenticating Users With Facebook Connect and Google Friend Connect - Nettuts+
Lifehacker - Set Up "Push" Gmail on Your iPhone - Prowl
iphone gmail
Bing vs. Google
Compare search results between Bing and Google.
side by side comparison of searches in Google and Bing
bing vs google
On-page SEO - The Google Way
Tips on SEO and link to PDF of Google's SEO guide.
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective
For that matter, look at Linux. Correct me if I'm wrong -- and I'm sure you fucking freetards will find something to correct -- but I think Linus Tordalv started working on Linux back in 1991 when he was a high school student in his native Denmark. That's nearly twenty years ago, and the shit still doesn't run right.
Ich finde immer mehr lustige posts über Chrome OS. Hier ist der von Fake Steve Jobs. Moneyquote: "First of all, nobody seems to appreciate how goddamn hard it is to make an operating system. You don't just wake up one day and fall out of bed and make one. Not even the smarty pants kiddies at Google can do that. These things take years"
Google Drops A Nuclear Bomb On Microsoft. And It’s Made of Chrome.
RT @parislemon: Yeah. So this just happened: Google Drops A Nuclear Bomb On Microsoft. And It’s Made of Chrome. [from]
Wow. So you know all those whispers about a Google desktop operating system that never seem to go away? You thought they might ...
Mitte nächsten Jahres wird Google ein auf Chrome besierendes Betriebssystem auf dem Markt bringen. Spezialisiert auf Netbooks aber insgesamt, wie Techcrunch es formuliert, ist es der Frontalangriff auf Microsoft. Steht uns eine Revolution bevor??? Mehr bei Techcrunch.
5 Essential Google Cheat Sheets Which Surely Will Come in Handy | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Cheat sheet is a reference tool that provides simple, brief instructions for accomplishing a specific task. here is a collection of essential Google Cheat sheets which will surely come in handy.
Cheat Sheets
Cheat sheet is a reference tool that provides simple, brief instructions for accomplishing a specific task. I have collected a bunch of essential Google Cheat sheets which will surely come in handy.
How to Ease Your Transition to Google Voice - Google Voice - Lifehacker
Google's upped its pace handing out invites to Google Voice, the service that controls all your phones with one number. For those just arriving, we're offering up a beginner's guide to setting up, transitioning to, bug-fixing, and actually enjoying Google Voice. If you still haven't received an invite or want a clearer picture of what Google Voice actually does, peek first at our screenshot-packed first look and tips on whether you actually need it. Once you accept an invite, register your number, and make your first text or phone call, you might be wondering how to go about actually using Google Voice—after all, nobody's calling you on that number just yet, and your number doesn't have any rules set up to begin with. That's where this guide starts off. There are lots of resources that explain how Google Voice's features work, but we're hoping to help you learn how to get people calling that number, work past the flaws in its system, and manage the callers for a better overall
Official Google Blog: Find Creative Commons images with Image Search
From the Official Google Blog (so we know it's true?): "We're launching a feature on Image Search to help you find images that you can use for free, while respecting the wishes of artists and creators."
images, writing
Google Maps Data API - Google Code
Top 10 search engine optimization tips for online news start-ups
Before you begin tuning your specific key words and phrases, you need to discover what key words and phrases Internet readers are using in search engines to find content like yours'. Google's various keyword tools can help you do that. The AdWords tool will show you the approximate number of searches conducted on Google for words and phrases that you enter, or for phrases associated with a URL of your choosing.
Danny Sullivan, the editor of Search Engine Land and blogger at, speaks on the importance of SEO to any boot-strapped online start-up.
With few resources to draw readers to a new website, SEO provides start-ups a low-cost opportunity to get their site's links in front of an interested audience. The only cost is the time to learn these tips, and the effort required to implement them. Effective SEO not only causes your website's pages to rise in the search engine's results pages, it can help you make money, as SEO can help search engines tailor better targeted and more lucrative ads on your pages, should you participate in their advertising syndicates, such as Google AdSense.
Google Scholar
Motore di ricerca google Scholar
ricerca bibliografica
Official Google Research Blog: Large-scale graph computing at Google
I want one of these! "We have created scalable infrastructure, named Pregel, to mine a wide range of graphs. In Pregel, programs are expressed as a sequence of iterations. In each iteration, a vertex can, independently of other vertices, receive messages sent to it in the previous iteration, send messages to other vertices, modify its own and its outgoing edges' states, and mutate the graph's topology (experts in parallel processing will recognize that the Bulk Synchronous Parallel Model inspired Pregel). Currently, Pregel scales to billions of vertices and edges, but this limit will keep expanding. Pregel's applicability is harder to quantify, but so far we haven't come across a type of graph or a practical graph computing problem which is not solvable with Pregel. It computes over large graphs much faster than alternatives, and the application programming interface is easy to use. Implementing PageRank, for example, takes only about 15 lines of code. "
So many things to learn and apply in business deals.
IT系でも活用しなければ損。論文を読んで広がる知見 - @IT
読者の皆さんの中には、「論文」と聞くと身構えてしまう方も多いのではないでしょうか? 論文というと、書くのも読むのも大変で何だか小難しいことが書いてあるもののように思えるものです。それどころか、「論文とは縁がない」「プログラムがすべてだ」と思う方もいるかもしれません。しかし、ある特定分野の技術や研究を詳しく知るためには、論文は手軽で確実な情報源です。
Official Google Blog: Google accounts on Twitter
google on twitter all their accounts
Google accounts on Twitter - variety of updates available.
Google-related Twitter Accounts: who knew there were so many?
Las cuentas de Google en Twitter.
Google's Microsoft Moment - Anil Dash
Anil Dash has an excellent piece about Google, about the potential differences in how the company (or those with in the company) see themselves and how those outside see the company. This is not one of those "Google is really evil" posts, but more a thoughtful commentary about how a now huge company can avoid becoming like every other huge tech company.
RT @timoreilly RT @anildash:Google has reached its "Microsoft moment" and is the last to realize: Interesting stuff [from]
neatx - Google Code
Neatx is an Open Source NX server, similar to the commercial NX server from NoMachine.
Wow, Google just launched an opensource alternative to the proprietary NX server and the FreeNX opensource server that has been bitrotting for a while now. NX is awesome by the way.
A Guide to Google Analytics and Useful Tools | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Google Analytics is undoubtedly the most widely used web analytics application. Emerged from and based upon the analytics-package developed by Urchin Software Corporation (which was
Software Updates: Courgette ‎(Chromium Developer Documentation)‎
asm_new = disassemble(update) asm_new_adjusted = adjust(asm_new, asm_old) asm_diff = bsdiff(asm_old, asm_new_adjusted) transmit asm_diff client:
We want smaller updates because it narrows the window of vulnerability. If the update is a tenth of the size, we can push ten times as many per unit of bandwidth. We have enough users that this means more users will be protected earlier. A secondary benefit is that a smaller update will work better for users who don't have great connectivity.
Software Updates: Courgette
nice update tool for smaller patches
VERY TINY BINARY DIFFS released by Google and Open Sourced.
A new differential compression algorithm for making Google Chrome updates significantly smaller. Courgette transforms the program into the primitive assembly language and does the diffing at the assembly level
逆アセンブルの差分? server: asm_old = disassemble(original) asm_new = disassemble(update) asm_new_adjusted = adjust(asm_new, asm_old) asm_diff = bsdiff(asm_old, asm_new_adjusted) transmit asm_diff client: receive asm_diff asm_old = disassemble(original) asm_new_adjusted = bspatch(asm_old, asm_diff) update = assemble(asm_new_adjusted)
Twitter’s Internal Strategy Laid Bare: To Be “The Pulse Of The Planet”
Fascinating internal twitter docs - via Stefan
“If we had a billion users, that will be the pulse of the planet.
Twitter's strategy leaked by Arrington
グーグルの最新のデータセンターは非常識なほど進化している - Blog on Publickey
それは「月を追いかける(follow the moon)データセンター」というコンセプトです。 夜間は外気温も低く、また電気料金も安くなっています。そこで、世界中のデータセンターのうち、夜になっている地域のデータセンターだけを稼働させれば、低い外気温を活用でき、しかも夜間の安い電気料金を利用できます。これはクラウド技術者のあいだで議論されている構想ですが、グローバルにデータセンターを展開し、その負荷をダイナミックに切り替えられるグーグルであればそれを実現可能かもしれない、とこの記事「Google's Chiller-less Data Center 」では解説されています。
Google Chrome
Get Google Chrome dev preview for Mac (not just Chromium!): [from]
Goofram - Search Google and Wolfram Alpha at the same time!
Give it a try.
Search Google and Wolfram Alpha at the same time!
Find web visitor’s location automatically with javascript and Google APIs / Brian Cray's Blog
Find web visitor’s location automatically with javascript and Google APIs
The Time Has Come To Regulate Search Engine Marketing And SEO
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
The following post was written by a well known executive at one of the largest sites on the Internet. The author has requested to remain anonymous - not for dramatic effect, but because of the backlash he would receive from the SEO industry and possibly Google itself. He also doesn’t want his company associated with the post.
YouTube - Watch Trailers on YouTube
Google Book Search Settlement Agreement
Googles own view on Googlebooks
We denken dat het een geweldig voordeel voor de uitgeversbranche zal zijn om auteurs en uitgevers in staat te stellen geld te verdienen aan boeken waarvan ze dachten dat deze nooit meer op de markt zouden verschijnen.
Three years ago, the Authors Guild, the Association of American Publishers and a handful of authors and publishers filed a class action lawsuit against Google Book Search. Today we're delighted to announce that we've settled that lawsuit and will be working closely with these industry partners to bring even more of the world's books online. Together we'll accomplish far more than any of us could have individually, to the enduring benefit of authors, publishers, researchers and readers alike.
YouTube Will Be Next To Kiss IE6 Support Goodbye
YouTube phasing out support for IE6. (via @wrumsby) Finally a motivator for corporate IT depts everywhere. [from]
This is great news. I've already started hearing more and more people feeling comfortable about not supporting ie6
@atoouefeito Calma, isto já está acontecendo! [from]
YouTube ukinja podporo za IE6! Isto je napovedal tudi Digg (tudi top 10 stran), tako da bi to znalo končno prisiliti preostale IE6 uporabnike da upgradajo.
Jackson dies, almost takes Internet with him -
It could go down as the biggest mobile event in history
Google News users experienced difficulty accessing search results for queries related to Michael Jackson," a Google spokesman told CNET, which also reported that Google News users complained that the service was inaccessible for a time. At its peak, Google Trends rated the Jackson story as "volcanic."
Well written article... seems Social Networking has REALLY come of age. it was TMZ and Twitter that turned to for the "scoop." Just natural evolution of how things work these days. The loss of Michael Jackson is like the loss of Princess Diana, it seems we lost 2 super gems, and got a lesson about the loss (and mauling) of innocence as well as the seductive destructive aspect of acumulating fame and riches. sad sad sad.
Official Google Blog: Mowing with goats
Mowing with goats
Mowing with goats [from]
Googleが空き地の雑草を200頭のヤギに食べさせて、草刈りをし、山火事を防ぐとともに環境フレンドリーをアピールという話。 このヤギだか羊たちって、僕が5年前にYahoo!のSunnyvaleに滞在していたときも裏の丘にいたんだよね。 実はこれはそういう業者に依頼するのだ。 現地の人間に聞くと、州法だか消防法みたいのがあって、ある規模の企業は定期的に敷地の下草だとか雑草を刈らないとダメみたいだとか言っていた。それを広報に利用するというのは、さすが抜け目のないGoogleだな。
Google mows their lawn with goats #green [from]
Estas cabras son explotadas como cortahierbas, pero aunque utilitarismo, no se puede decir de buenas a primeras que las maltraten, pues ellas disfrutan comiendo, a sus anchas. Pero la idea de que no son libres puede atormentar a bastantes. Se comen la hierba seca de Google durante una semana. Decidieron cambiar por cabras a los cortahierbas humanos y contaminantes con sus máquinas de tubo de escape. Son 200 y las dirige Jen, que es un perro, border collie para más señas.
A Guide to Google Analytics and Useful Tools « Tech7.Net
Google's Wave of the future is genius, but will it work? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business,ihnatko-google-wave-060309.article
Wave is hugely ambitious. Which means that it’s bound to fail. But I’m betting that it’ll thrive. Wave is open and infinitely-extensible, and those are the two things it most needs to be.
Andy Ihnatko on Google Wave.
"A cursory viewing could leave you with the impression that Wave is a replacement for email and chat. [But ...] In truth, Wave is an ambitious, brand-new infrastructure for communication in general. [...] Wave is hugely ambitious. Which means that it’s bound to fail. But I’m betting that it’ll thrive. Wave is open and infinitely-extensible, and those are the two things it most needs to be. Google says that they’re open-sourcing 'the lion’s share' of the code that makes Wave services work, and they’re keeping no secrets about its standards. [...] Some of the real fire of the Google Wave demo video [...] comes at the end. A guy is sharing a Wave with someone and having a live text conversation. A robot is automatically translating all of the text so that the English speaker and the French-speaker are seeing their own native languages. And the translation is happening while they type."
Turn Gmail Into Your Ultimate GTD Inbox - Gmail - Lifehacker
Google City Tours
From Google Labs, take tours of cities.
GeoChirp - Twitter Application | Twitter Mashup | Map Mashup | Geo Chirp Twitter Map Mash up| Google maps mashup
50 Useful Google Apps for Writers - Learn-gasm
Introduction to the Real Time Web - ReadWriteWeb
Real-time information delivery is fast emerging as one of the most important elements of our online experience. No more waiting for the Pony Express to deliver a parcel cross-country, no more waiting for web services to communicate from one polling instance to another. This is information being available to you at nearly the moment it's produced, whether you're watching for it or not. Just this afternoon, Google declared real-time search to be one of the biggest unsolved challenges it faces. This morning the NYTimes put a link to a new real-time view of all its news stories on the front page of its site. Last night Facebook announced a new feature that will let users be notified instantly when their friends interact with media related to themselves on the site. This is big stuff, but what does it all mean? We offer below a collection of readings on the real-time web.
Real-time information delivery is fast emerging as one of the most important elements of our online experience. No more waiting for the Pony Express to deliver a parcel cross-country, no more waiting for web services to communicate from one polling instance to another. This is information being available to you at nearly the moment it's produced, whether you're watching for it or not.
googletools - home
Google tools for the classroom
Wiki dedicated to Google tools
cool google stuff
Creating a Google Map with ExpressionEngine - Nettuts+
Favorite Places
google maps favorite places
Un nuevo servicio de Google. Bueno, no sabemos si es nuevo pero lo hemos descubierto esta semana. Google Favorite Places: Unos cuantos famosos nos muestran (sobre Google Maps, por supuesto) algunos de sus lugares favoritos. Siempre hemos pensado que Google (o los chinos, en este puto hay discrepancias en el estudio), dominarán el mundo.
Explore the favorite places of local experts from cities around the world. Find out where they like to go, and why, from their own perspectives.
Official Google Mobile Blog: Google Sync Beta for iPhone, WinMo and SyncML Phones
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; XXXXX like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/241 Safari/419.3
Google Analytics Tracking for Adobe Flash 関連ドキュメントの日本語訳 : Media Technology Labs (MTL) : メディアテクノロジーラボ ブログ
GoogleAnalytics を利用して Flash コンテンツ上でのユーザ操作やアクセス解析をする方法は以前からありましたが、それをもっと簡単に使えるように Googleさんと Adobe さんが協力して整備して提供してくれることになりましたね。 それが先日発表された「Google Analytics Tracking for Adobe Flash」というコンポーネントです。
use Google Analytics for flash
#ukhols Map
maps and twitter integration
Use of twitter and maps for Vodafone
Bing and Google Agree: Slow Pages Lose Users - O'Reilly Radar
Velocity Conference.
Stats on how much users choose to leave a page as load time increases
Awesome study -- everyone knows speed is "good," but this quantifies it.
pygowave-server - Google Code
@newsycombinator: "Open Source, compliant Google Wave Server" (from
googlewave independent server implementation
The Python Google Wave Server.
Official Gmail Blog: Tasks, now in Calendar too
Kolla upp mera
Tasks in Google Calendar [from]
tasks in gmail
Study Search Australia
search engine ; lessons
google filtered ; lesson plans ; resources ; age aapropriate
google serach for kids
primary schools search engine
google custom search only for educational purposes
Alex Payne — Fever and the Future of Feed Readers
Fine writing from al3x on the role of feed readers, inexplicably intermixed with a review of Fever.
Feed readers need more intelligence, for certain. The "editorial" aspect, whether it be professional editors or your friends, still carries more weight than computers.
Is this ever exactly the post I needed to read right now as I survey my intimidatingly overstuffed Google Reader page. (I currently subscribe to around a hundred feeds, but some of them are very high volume.)
Today, at least in the web-tech echo chamber, feed reading is quickly falling out of fashion. Too many sites producing too many feeds of dubious quality means information overload, and a creeping sense of obligation to keep up with a torrent of questionably relevant content. Some have gone back to checking a handful of bookmarked sites, as we did in the early days of the web. Others rely on social aggregation sites like Reddit, Digg, and Hacker News to show them what’s worth reading. Both strategies are highly manual and, to me, distressingly unoptimized.
Today, at least in the web-tech echo chamber, feed reading is quickly falling out of fashion. Too many sites producing too many feeds of dubious quality means information overload, and a creeping sense of obligation to keep up with a torrent of questionably relevant content.
Home ‎(Google Apps Education Community)‎
Welcome to the Google Apps Education Community, a site to share, connect & learn This site is brought to you by Google – especially for Google Apps educators and students. Come join and help us build it!
23 steps or less in how to become a Twitter Teacher
La grande liste des trucs et astuces Google Analytics
La grande liste des trucs et astuces Google Analytics
Grâce à sa gratuité et ses nombreuses fonctionnalités, Google Analytics est de plus en plus utilisé. En plus des articles sur GA et des discussions sur le forum, j'ai constaté avec mon centre de formation Ranking Metrics un intérêt croissant pour les web analytics. Nous expliquons comment il permet de mieux comprendre les visiteurs d'un site afin d'optimiser sa structure, ses contenus et toutes les actions marketing associées. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore pu venir, voici une liste d'astuces et d'outils qui vont vous aider à mieux exploiter le potentiel de Google Analytics…
Des outils pour google analytics
【レポート】5分で把握するHTML5 - Google Developer Dayセッションリポート (1) HTML5仕様の概要 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
うおー。WebStorage って! ウェブアプリは今後どーなっていくんだろー。
Web Storage
Official Gmail Blog: Send mail from another address without "on behalf of"
Do THIS once the unc servers are back up - argh!
Official Google Blog: I now pronounce you monetized: a YouTube video case study
Just as in Wall-e, "try blue, it's the new red" or is it?
This traffic is also very engaged — the click-through rate (CTR) on the "JK Wedding Entrance" video is 2x the average of other Click-to-Buy overlays on the site. And this newfound interest in downloading "Forever" goes beyond the viral video itself: "JK Wedding Entrance" also appears to have influenced the official "Forever" music video, which saw its Click-to-Buy CTR increase by 2.5x in the last week.
So. When you actually try to monetize free, high quality, content, it works.
Google Press Center: Press Release
Retweeting @google: Here's Larry Page's UMich commencement address (May 2): [from]
From Larry Page's U. of Michigan Commencement Address: You never loose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby. [from]
La URL original ya no esta buena ya la modifique
how to avoid ads in gmail
you need 1 catastrophic event or tragedy for every 167 words in the rest of the email. I usually toss in a couple extra for good measure. I've been told by an early adopter that the very elegant and self explanitory "These words are designed to kill advertisements" works wonderfully.
apparently, adding words about death and tragedy causes gmail to not show ads.
using keywords to invoke gmail's algorithmic sense of decorum, turn off gmail ads
The Skinny on Doctypes
Proposes we use the skinny doctype? that's a doctype?
<!doctype html>, that's it.
At Google, we have this obsession with byte size. And by byte size, any “lack-therof” the better. Therefore the doctype you will find on most Google webpages while still triggering the browser into “standards mode” is as simple as you see below:
9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out! | Maximum PC
d of an objective opinion on what kind of case mod you should attempt next, or you need a bit of advice on how to do something completely out of your sphere of knowledge, Google Moderator offers an open forum for users to pose questions, offer suggestions, and concoct ideas, as well as receive feedback from other anonymous Google users, disguised only by an optional alias. You can scour topics and vote on other people’s opinions, or contribute your own. is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out!.
how to use google docs, found on delicious
City Tour and Tip Jar Look Cool.
Google for Advertisers
Google for Advertisers
I Quit The iPhone
apple & att block google voice on iphone... assholes. 7/09
"What finally put me over the edge? It wasn't the routinely dropped calls, something you can only truly understand once you have owned an iPhone (and which drove my friend Om Malik to bail). I've lived with that for two years. It's not the lack of AT&T coverage at home. I've lived with that for two years, too. It certainly isn't the lack of a physical keyboard, that has never bothered me. No, what finally put me over the edge is the Google Voice debacle.... So I have to choose between the iPhone and Google Voice. It's not an easy decision. Except, it sort of is. Google isn't forcing the decision on me, Apple and AT&T are. So I choose to work with the company that isn't forcing me to do things their way. And in this case, that's Google."
I have loved the iPhone, but now I am quitting the iPhone. This is not an easy decision.
number portability? -- really??? : ) (DelTweet)
Knowledge Based (Semantic) Search
Google Checkout: store gadget
create online store using google docs - no coding required
"The Google Checkout store gadget allows you to quickly and easily create an online store using a Google Docs spreadsheet."
The Google Checkout store gadget allows you to quickly and easily create an online store using a Google Docs spreadsheet
SEOmoz | Top 10 Things the Microsoft/Yahoo! Deal Changes for SEO
Nice article by Rand Fishkin about how the SEO landscape may change with the new Bing/Yahoo deal.
The search landscape is changing significantly this morning, and SEOs of all stripes need to pay close attention. I'm going to do my best to summarize the impact of these changes based on what we already know and interpret what's going to change for the field of search engine optimization and what we, as representatives of our clients and our companies, need to know and do.
The prospects of Microsoft Word in the wiki-based world - Ars Technica
Interesting article on the future of MS Word and similar apps in an ever increasing cloud world
What will the future look like for office productivity behemoth Microsoft Word in a post-pring, wiki-based world? Ars writer Jeremy Reimer editorializes on whether Microsoft Word will&#8212;or will not&#8212;adapt to a drastically changed landscape.
Android Developer Challenge
Cool apps that surprise and delight mobile users—built by developers like you—are a huge part of the Android vision. To support you in your efforts, Google launched the Android Developer Challenge, which will provide awards for great mobile apps built on the Android platform.
For each of the 10 categories:
Rails Primer for Google App Engine with JRuby
把 google appengine 包的更簡化....
"rails primer for google app engine"
Signs that you're a bad programmer ‎(Software Engineering Tips)‎
Very interesting. Also gives some practice methods for improving your programming skills. Google cache:
Find Equilibrium
Start with an English phrase: this day will live in infamy let's go! this day will live in infamy into Japaneseこの日、汚名に住んでいるだろう back into English This day will live in infamy back into Japanese この日は汚名に住んでいるだろう back into English This day will live in infamy
Cool translation tool that often leads to interesting results in the end.
I'll save the explanation and let you figure it out for yourself, but everybody's doing it, and you should be doing it too.
translate a phrase to japanese and back until equilibrium is reached
Start with an English phrase: ... Find equilibrium.
jquery-week-calendar - Project Hosting on Google Code
A jquery plugin providing a weekly view of calendar events #jquery
Twitter, Facebook attack targeted one user | InSecurity Complex - CNET News
Scary news story on SN outage all being about targetting one user
Why were Twitter and Facebook down for much of August 7, 2009? It looks like it was a denial of service attack... aimed at just a single person. Probably not a good strategy - taking out the network to silence an individual - because it mobilizes so many resources to fix the problem (people wouldn't care so much if just a single account was hacked). But still interesting.
InSecurity Complex - CNET News
Develop Twitter API application in django and deploy on Google App Engine — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Useful, quick and easy walkthrough of writing a Python/Django app which interfaces with Twitter, and deploying it to Google AppEngine.
Twitter’s robust REST API enables building of good applications that leverage its increasingly large and real-time data. Google’s cloud system App Engine not only provides a scalable platform for deploying applications, but also proves to be economically viable because of its pay per resource usage model and a large free quota. Little wonder then, there are increasingly large number of twitter apps being deployed on App Engine. In this post, I am going to examine how to create a simple application based on twitter’s REST API and deploy it on Google App Engine. A deployed version can be found on Twitter-Follow. The specification is simple. It finds if a twitter user is following another twitter user, given their user names. The application is developed using django and deployed on Appengine using the app engine patch project. The code is open sourced with GPL v3 and can be checked out from Google Code. Lets get started building this application.
Comment référencer un site Internet : les techniques efficaces de 2009
Vous avez envie d'améliorer votre référencement avec les techniques qui fonctionnent bien en 2009 sur Google et les autres moteurs ? Voici un guide constitué de conseils pour référencer son site et de nombreux liens. Il pourra aider certains débutants en référencement ainsi que ceux qui ont laissé tomber le référencement un peu trop longtemps et qui cherchent un bon résumé pour 2009.
Google App Engineのtips集 - スティルハウスの書庫
これはよさげ gae
"Datastoreのtips * Bigtableの内部構造 * BigtableによるDatastoreの実装 * Datastoreによるクエリの実装 * トランザクションとエンティティグループ * Datastoreのtips * List Proprtyとmerge joinの使い方"
Over 300 Unique and Creative Google Logo Designs - Web Design - letscounthedays
Over 300 Unique and Creative Google Logo Designs - Web Design - letscounthedays
Google logos
Google Logo
구글의 로고 변천사
The Online Portfolio of Shay Howe
Sehr schöne Sammlung an allen Google Doodles von Beginn an
Speeding up Google Analytics load times with a jQuery plugin | Geekology
To keep the Google Analytics code from interfering with page rendering you can use jQuery to load and execute the ga.js file. The ‘jquery.geekga.js
Speeding up Google Analytics
Google Privacy Blunder Shares Your Docs Without Permission
In a privacy error that underscores some of the biggest problems surrounding cloud-based services, Google has sent a notice to a number of users of its Document and Spreadsheets products stating that it may have inadvertently shared some of their documents with contacts who were never granted access to them.
Google products are NOT FREE. The Worlds’ Biggest Data Hoover makes you pay with your privacy. Enjoy the ride in the “cloud”. reply Paul - March 7th, 2009 at 1:31 am PST I agree with this balanced opinion. reply Smart Babes Are Sexy Blog - March 7th, 2009 at 7:49 am PST Free or not, some things are just not acceptable. Yes, air is “free”, but that does not allow people to pollute it with without abandon. Facebook is “free”, but that does not allow it to take away all ownership rights of all the content I would post there. As one comic book character once said, “With great power comes grea
Google is Evil?
How I Learned To Quit The iPhone And Love Google Voice
A pretty compelling article from someone who gave up the iPhone. Sounds like Google Voice is a better solution: You can have all your phones ring simultaneously. Does that work with landlines too? Screw having multiple numbers!
At the end of July I declared my intention to quit the iPhone and AT&T, port my mobile phone number to Google Voice and use any mobile device that I pleased (or lots of them at once) in the future. Like others, I will no longer blindly follow all things Apple. Today I’m pleased to report a status update on those efforts: complete. I am no longer a member of the Cult of iPhone. Porting my phone number to Google Voice was a three day process, which I was pre-warned about. The mobile carriers in the U.S. have made the porting process between them fairly easy, and it occurs over a couple of hours. But they are in no hurry to help customers move their phone numbers to Google Voice, and so it took a few extra days. Also, I’m one of the first people to port their phone number to Google Voice, and there are always a few hiccups when you’re a guinea pig.
What Works: The Web Way vs. The Wave Way - Anil Dash
"And a weekend-scale implementation on a personal site usually translates roughly into a 90-day implementation cycle in a business context, which is a reasonably approachable project size."
Google Wave is an impressive set of technologies, the kind of stunningly slick application that literally makes developers stand up and cheer. I've played with the Google Wave test sandbox a bit, and while it's definitely too complex to live up to the "this will replace email!" hype that greeted its launch, it certainly has some cool features. So the big question is whether Wave will succeed as overall in becoming a popular standard for communications on the web, because Google has made an admirable investment in documenting the underlying platform and making it open enough for others to build on and extend. I think the answer is no, and the reason is because the Wave way is not compatible with the Web way.
Anil thinks Google Wave is too big a step to catch on with developers. What about with users?
The big question is whether Google Wave will succeed as overall in becoming a popular standard for communications on the web, because Google has made an admirable investment in documenting the underlying platform and making it open enough for others to build on and extend. I think the answer is no, and the reason is because the Wave way is not compatible with the Web way.
Google has made an admirable investment in documenting the underlying platform and making it open enough for others to build on and extend. I think the answer is no, and the reason is because the Wave way is not compatible with the Web way.
What Works: The Web Way vs. The Wave Way from @anildash: My first impressions: [from]
the next generation of Google Search
Run tests on google for changes and results
novo google - Crowd Powered Shopping
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Full-screen I #justbought 46" longboard from in Dallas US
Ferramenta usando Google Maps para shopping local
Google Maps Rumsey Historical Maps
Amazing geography tool that works with Google maps
The over 120 historical maps in the Google Maps and Google Earth Rumsey Historical Maps sites have been selected by David Rumsey from his collection of more than 150,000 historical maps
Official Google Docs Blog: Use Google Docs & Google Checkout to Sell Online
I suspect I'm late to the party, but this is pretty cool: GDocs Spreadsheet + GCheckout = Easy Online Store [from]
WOW: Google to Launch a New Version of Google Search
Currently reading: WOW: Google to Launch a New Version of Google Search [from]
Google (Google) has a giant target on its back. Microsoft has been on a spending and deal-making spree to grow Bing (Bing), recently signing a huge search deal with Yahoo. And with Bing starting to steal some market share from Google, it’s proving to be a formidable opponent. Oh, and now you can’t count out Facebook (Facebook) either, which just launched a new realtime search engine. Google’s not taking any of this lying down. Secretly, they’ve been working on a new project: the next generation of Google Search. This isn’t just some minor upgrade, but an entire new infrastructure for the world’s largest search engine. In other words: it’s a new version of Google.
GoogleGoogle has a giant target on its back. Microsoft has been on a spending and deal-making spree to grow BingBing, recently signing a huge search deal with...
The 60 Minute SEO Site Audit - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
Site audits are one of the most important tasks for an SEO professional, and sometimes you need to do one quickly. Here's how you can complete an SEO audit for your web site in one hour or less.
Google Website Optimizer Case Study: Daily Burn, 20%+ Improvement
Google Website Optimizer
very good article on testing web page design, etc. using google analytics and google web optimizer
GFS: Evolution on Fast-forward - ACM Queue
Google File System
ACM Queue, August 7, 2009
Google Voice and you: what it is and how you can use it - Ars Technica
Kathy forwarded it to me.
Innovative use of numbers, voice and data
Translation Party
Mobile OS shootout: iPhone OS 3.0 enters the fray
Comparison of Mobile phone operating systems (OS's). by Engadget
Art Fag City » IMG MGMT: The Nine Eyes of Google Street View
Two years ago, Google sent out an army of hybrid electric automobiles, each one bearing nine cameras on a single pole. Armed with a GPS and three laser range scanners, this fleet of cars began an endless quest to photograph every highway and byway in the free world.
Download Your Google Reader Stories as PDF & other 'Send To' Hacks
A nifty page that shows how to create some custom Google Reader 'Send To' items.
Learn how to download Google Reader stories as PDF files using the new Send To menu. You can also email web pages, share them on Twitter or Facebook via Google Reader.
Saving GR items to delicious, to my blog, to PDF.
How To: Backup And Search All Your Friends' Tweets In Google Reader
Archive the Tweets of everyone else you find of interest, and make them searchable.
How To: Backup And Search All Your Friends' Tweets In Google Reader [from]
Google Apps
Free email and collaboration tools for your school. Get Apps for your school! Imagine how valuable it would be if your entire campus community — students, faculty, and staff — could share information and ideas more easily. With Google Apps Education Edition, you can start bringing that vision to life. Google Apps Education Edition is a free suite of hosted communication
Ready to use lesson plans for Google Docs or Google Apps
Lesson plan archive for google apps products - you can even submit your own lesson plan.
The powerful and mysterious brain circuitry that makes us love Google, Twitter, and texting. - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine
How the brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting. And why that's dangerous.
brain research and new social media
by Emily Yoffe. Summary of research by Jaak Panskeep and Kent Berridge into our desire for additional information. Speculates this desire is akin to addiction systems. "How the brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting. And why that's dangerous."
"The dopamine system does not have satiety built into it," Berridge explains. "And under certain conditions it can lead us to irrational wants, excessive wants we'd be better off without." So we find ourselves letting one Google search lead to another, while often feeling the information is not vital and knowing we should stop. "As long as you sit there, the consumption renews the appetite," he explains. Actually all our electronic communication devices—e-mail, Facebook feeds, texts, Twitter—are feeding the same drive as our searches. Since we're restless, easily bored creatures, our gadgets give us in abundance qualities the seeking/wanting system finds particularly exciting. Novelty is one. Panksepp says the dopamine system is activated by finding something unexpected or by the anticipation of something new. If the rewards come unpredictably—as e-mail, texts, updates do—we get even more carried away. No wonder we call it a "CrackBerry."
電通とGoogleの間で交わされた、ジョークのような本当のような交渉 - Feel Like A Fallinstar
何億あるかしらないキーワードごとのリスティング広告の1位に全部広告を出すつもりだったんでしょうか、電通さん。 でも、これこそがネットと総合の食い違いの象徴なのかも
挑歌 - 谷歌音乐搜索
SEOmoz | Perfecting Keyword Targeting & On-Page Optimization
good general on-page optimization article.
SEO 101 at it's finest.
Supercharge Google Reader with Send To Links - Google Reader - Lifehacker
Google Reader recently added custom "Send To" controls to its feature list, and we've been looking for the most useful links to feed it. Here are 11 excellent send-to tools you can add to Reader, with more on the way. "More on the way" because, despite trying to keep our eyes and feed readers in as many places as possible, we're guessing there are a lot of other great URL-friendly webapps that can be hooked into Reader, as these crowd-sourced examples have already proven.
googlemap上にTwetter を表示
5 Ways to Spice Up Your Gmail Signature
Lifehacker - Implement Advanced "Siestas" for Improved Sleep - Nap
Hah thats a good one very interesting.
Official Gmail Blog: Import your mail and contacts from other accounts
Nice of Gmail to make it easier to import contacts (even from AOL!!)
This new feature is available in all newly-created Gmail accounts, and it is slowly being rolled out to all existing accounts. It'll take longer than the few hours or days that most Gmail features take to get out to everyone. You'll know it's on for your account when you see the Accounts and Import tab (formerly just called Accounts
Google launched this feature in Gmail 2 1/2 months ago. You can supposedly import your old mail and contacts from Yahoo and other email services automatically. The only problem is my account still doesn't have the option. What gives Google?
Creating Flash Charts From Google Spreadsheets - Nettuts+
m initiates by declaring a v
Creating Flash Charts From Google Spreadsheets
Official Google Research Blog: On the predictability of Search Trends
a must read. useful tool. includes link to paper
Since launching Google Trends and Google Insights for Search, we've been providing daily insight into what the world is searching for. An understanding of search trends can be useful for advertisers, marketers, economists, scholars, and anyone else interested in knowing more about their world and what's currently top-of-mind.
An interesting look at the predictability of google searches. Annotated link
Apple Is Growing Rotten To The Core: Official Google Voice App Blocked From App Store
Obvious Apple is Obvious: Google Voice rejected for App Store; follows Apple pulling voice-enabled Google apps. [from]
Earlier today we learned that Apple had begun to pull all Google Voice-enabled applications from the App Store, citing the fact that they “duplicate features that come with the iPhone”. Now comes even worse news: we’ve learned that Apple has blocked Google’s official Google Voice application itself from the App Store. In other words, Google Voice — one of the best things to happen to telephony services in a very long time — will have no presence at all on the App Store.
Earlier today we learned that Apple had begun to pull all Google Voice-enabled applications from the App Store, citing the fact that they ...
Make Your Web Analytics Actionable in 5 DIY Steps | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Introducing Page Speed
Looks very similar to Steve Souders' YSlow extension.
Google __Page Speed__ sounds like Yahoo's Y Slow.
Notify – An awesome new Gmail Notifier for OS X – Vibealicious
Notify provides a simple and elegant way of keeping track of what's in your Gmail inbox. With support for multiple accounts, and a beautiful tabbed user interface, you can't go wrong with Notify.
Notify provides a simple and elegant way of keeping track of what\'s in your Gmail inbox. With support for multiple accounts, and a beautiful tabbed user interface, you can\'t go wrong with Notify.
Notify – An awesome new Gmail Notifier for OS X – Vibealicious Like a menubar app, but better.Since Notify sits up in your menu bar, it stays out of the way until you need it. When you do need, it, you can easilyaccess all of your mail accounts in a manner that... はてなブックマーク - Notify – An awesome new Gmail Notifier for OS X – Vibealicious はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann mac
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: PubSubHubbubとは
Hacking a Google Interview
Google Maps Mania: Design Portfolios on Google Maps webdesign google design inspiration websites development jQuery creative hack Maps portfolio visualization googlemaps webdev data mapping api
Gruml | Google Reader for Mac OS
This Mac-based front end to your Google Reader account integrates with Twitter and other Google services. In beta, but looks promising.
Gruml allows you to view and manage your feed subscriptions of your Google Reader account on Mac OS X. Read your newsfeeds, manage them in folders, tag them, and much more – all in sync with your Google Reader account.
Hive Development Limited: Google Web Toolkit (GWT) MVP Example
I have no idea what half of this means but I think It's worth some bedtime reading
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
Host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub. Thanks to GitHub post-receive hooks your App Engine site can be updated automatically when you push new content.
Host static web sites on Google App Engine managed by Git
Inside Google Books: Download Over a Million Public Domain Books from Google Books in the Open EPUB Format
Google Books will offer downloads of these and more than one million more public domain books in an additional format, EPUB. By adding support for EPUB downloads, we're hoping to make these books more accessible by helping people around the world to find and read them in more places. More people are turning to new reading devices to access digital books, and many such phones, netbooks, and e-ink readers have smaller screens that don't readily render image-based PDF versions of the books we've scanned. EPUB is a lightweight text-based digital book format that allows the text to automatically conform (or "reflow") to these smaller screens. And because EPUB is a free, open standard supported by a growing ecosystem of digital reading devices, works you download from Google Books as EPUBs won't be tied to or locked into a particular device. We'll also continue to make available these books in the popular PDF format so you can see images of the pages just as they appear in the printed book.
Also describes process of digitisation as well as importance and value - eg affordability and accessiblity
Google Reader - Featured Reading Lists
webfinger - Project Hosting on Google Code
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Back in the day you could, given somebody's UNIX account (email address), type finger and get some information about that person, whatever they wanted to share: perhaps their office location, phone number, URL, current activities, etc. The finger protocol, sadly, died. Fast-forward to Web 2.0. We're currently bickering about how we do interop between all these social web services, and even how we represent a person's identity. The two main identity identifier camps are email addresses and URLs.
Google Code Project Page for "WebFinger" protocol
We're bringing back the finger protocol, but using HTTP this time.
from here, it should be downhill to world-wide, usable identity
WebFinger is about making email addresses more valuable, by letting people attach public metadata to them
Django-SocialAuth - Login via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google using a single app. — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Here is an app to allow logging in via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google, which should work transparently with Django authentication system.
TL;DR version: Here is an app to allow logging in via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google, which should work transparently with Django authentication system. (@login_required, User and other infrastructure work as expected.) Demo and Code.Longer version follow:
Twitter to roll out commercial accounts this year | VentureBeat
Yes, Twitter will start earning some income this year.
RT @PRNewswire: Twitter to roll out commercial accounts this year | VentureBeat [from]
11 useful Windows apps that tie in to your GMail account
Google SEO - Learn Search Engine Optimisation Basics at Hobo UK
Useful tips on Search Engine Optimisation
What Is SEO? Learn Google Search Engine Optimisation Basics at Hobo UK.
Introduction - Search engine optimisation is many things, it's an art and it's a a science. SEO is creative and it's technical. It's logical, parasitic and opportunistic. The aim of seo is to maximise targeted types of valuable traffic to a website from search engines by improving the visibility of said website in Google organic or unpaid SERPS. T
Found about from OzDomainer
Web Work 101: Search Engine Optimization Basics
Search Engine
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Help test some next-generation infrastructure Google se booste à la Caféine. Plus de résultats ? Une solution face aux orientations de recherches (à la Bing) ? [from]
To build a great web search engine, you need to: 1. Crawl a large chunk of the web. 2. Index the resulting pages and compute how reputable those pages are. 3. Rank and return the most relevant pages for users' queries as quickly as possible. For the last several months, a large team of Googlers has been working on a secret project: a next-generation architecture for Google's web search. It's the first step in a process that will let us push the envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions. The new infrastructure sits "under the hood" of Google's search engine, which means that most users won't notice a difference in search results. But web developers and power searchers might notice a few differences, so we're opening up a web developer preview to collect feedback.
Help test some next-generation infrastructure Monday, August 10, 2009 at 4:14 PM
Google Reader - Featured Reading Lists
Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.
general excellen
powerreaders Want to know what journalists, foodies, and tech bloggers read? Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.
Joe Wood Online PBWiki / Google Earth in the Classroom
Ideas for using Google earth
Educator Joe Wood's wiki on using Google Earth in the classroom.
Goollery - A collection of awesome Google-related projects from people around the world
A collection of awesome Google-related projects from people around the world
Make Free VoIP Calls from Google Voice - Google Voice - Lifehacker
Google Voice is great, but it isn't an entirely free voice-over-internet service if you have to pay a phone bill to use it. With a few tweaks, though, you can talk to anyone on-the-cheap through Skype, or entirely for free with Gizmo.
Apps Status Dashboard
Google Apps Status Dashboard enables users and businesses to monitor the status of individual Google Apps services. Users of Google Apps can now view the status of individual services such as Gmail/Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Talk, Google Docs, Google Sites and Google Video for businesses. Administrators of Google Apps Premier Edition, Standard Edition, Partner and Education Edition can also view status of the Admin Control Panel.
This page offers performance information for Google Apps services. Unless otherwise noted, this status information applies to consumer services as well as services for organizations using Google Apps. Check back here any time to view the current status of the services listed below. For all other information or to report a problem, please visit the Google Apps Help Centers
This page offers performance information for Google Apps services. Unless otherwise noted, this status information applies to consumer services as well as services for organizations using Google Apps.
when gmail goes down ...
Heavy Backpack - A Creative Catalogue » Design Folios with Google Maps
portfolios designed using google maps
Blogs Wikis Docs Chart
A comparison of which works best: blogs, wikis or doc
Docs Nature A blog is a web log, a frequently updated website. More - A wiki is a web page that visitors can quickly edit. More - Google Docs provides an online office suite that allows you to access your documents from any computer via a web browser. It also facilitates collaboration and sharing. More -
Blogs, Wikis, Docs: Which is right for your lesson? (A Comparison Table)
Which is right for you lesson
now you can determine which tool is right for your lessons. Compare Blogs, Wikis, and Google Docs in order to see what works for you.
A Comparison Table
Which is right for your lesson? A Comparison Table
Official Gmail Blog: More on today's Gmail issue for those who haven't read their blag
Who noticed this? It was no Google day!
Gmail web interface came back online.
Info on gmail issues and apps
Using PHP/MySQL with Google Maps - Google Maps API - Google Code
Google's Book Search: A Disaster for Scholars - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education
- The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Geoffrey Nunberg
also check out the link to google's mis-scannings..
August 31, 2009 article in the Chronicle of Higher Education that points out some endemic errors with the digitized book quality including grossly erroneous dates. Also points out the problem of monopoly.
Andy Kessler: Why AT&T Killed Google Voice -
In The Wall Street Journal, Andy Kessler writes that AT&T is dying and dragging down the rest of us by overcharging us for voice calls and stifling innovation in a mobile data market critical to the U.S. economy.
It wouldn't be so bad if we were just overpaying for our mobile plans. Americans are used to that—see mail, milk and medicine. But it's inexcusable that new, feature-rich and productive applications like Google Voice are being held back, just to prop up AT&T while we wait for it to transition away from its legacy of voice communications. How many productive apps beyond Google Voice are waiting in the wings? The FCC better not treat AT&T and Verizon like Citigroup, GM and the Post Office. Cellphone operators aren't too big to fail. Rather, the telecom sector is too important to be allowed to hold back the rest of us.
With Google Voice, you have one Google phone number that callers use to reach you, and you pick up whichever phone—office, home or cellular—rings. You can screen calls, listen in before answering, record calls, read transcripts of your voicemails, and do free conference calls. Domestic calls and texting are free, and international calls to Europe are two cents a minute. In other words, a unified voice system, something a real phone company should have offered years ago.
Helvetical » I am Ad Taylor
via mapu: Helvetical extends the work done by Jon Hicks on Helvetireader, turning the mayhem of the Google interface into something that doesn’t offend. It was created for use with but I’m sure you can hack the CSS to work for your needs.
all the user script here.
tema helvetica para google calendar
Google CalenderをHelveti化するGreasemonkey
A GS script for Google Calendar.
Pimping up Google Calendar – changing it's look and feel
Minimalist Gmail: How to Get Rid of the Non-Essentials
<img src=
I’ve used Greasemonkey for Firefox and some great user scripts, listed below, to achieve this. I thought of rewriting Gmail’s CSS, but user scripts are much easier. It didn’t take long — just Googled every little thing I wanted to do, and found others had already solved the problems, one at a time. Here’s how I’ve made Gmail into a minimalist inbox:
Get down to a bare minimum Gmail. Who really needs all those bells and whistles when you can unlease the power of Google search on your inbox.
HOW TO: Use Twitter’s Advanced Search Features
There’s an astonishing amount of information to be gleaned from mining the amazing real-time stream of information Twitter (Twitter) provides. Twitter search (tweetzi Twitter Search) is an extremely powerful way of turning up some of those answers. Even using only plain text queries can turn up lots of valuable information about what people are talking about right now.
There's an astonishing amount of information to be gleaned from mining the amazing real-time stream of information TwitterTwitter provides. Twitter
Turn Google Voice into a Growl-Friendly Mac App - Google Voice - Lifehacker
Google Voice's web site is handy, but keeping it open in a browser tab is a pain. Mac users, however, can get Growl notifications, complete with transcript previews, and app badge updates with the handy Fluid app.
Google Wave: 5 Ways It Could Change the Web
Google Wave arrives on September 30th. On that day, Google will start sending out 100,000 invites to non-developers to its much-anticipated real-time communication platform.
Google Analytics Blog: Analytics Data In Excel Through Our API
"... you can bypass this manual step and export Google Analytics data directly from within Excel! Once you've set it up, there's no need to visit the Analytics reports to view data in Excel."
with the Google Analytics API you can bypass this manual step and export Google Analytics data directly from within Excel! Once you've set it up, there's no need to visit the Analytics reports to view data in Excel.
Massacre Gmail Ads with These Two Sentences (and Some Tragic Words) - Gmail - Lifehacker
I enjoy the massacre of ads. This sentence will slaughter ads without a messy bloodbath.
创新工场 - 全方位的创业平台
Innovation-works company
Monopoly City Streets
a world of property empire building on an unimaginable scale will be launched! A live worldwide game of MONOPOLY using Google Maps as the game board. The goal is simple. Play to beat your friends and the world to become the richest property magnate in existence. Own any street in the world. Build humble houses, crazy castles and stupendous skyscrapers to collect rent. Use MONOPOLY Chance Cards to sabotage your mates by building Hazards on their streets.
Monopoly City Streets, you versus the world in the biggest live game of MONOPOLY in history!
Google Domestic Trends - Google Finance
Google Domestic Trends track Google search traffic across specific sectors of the economy. Changes in the search volume of a given sector on may provide unique economic insight. You can access individual trend indexes by clicking on the left-hand navigation.
Google Domestic Trends track Google search traffic across specific sectors of the economy.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Optimize your crawling & indexing
Monopoly City Streets: Google Launching Online Version of Monopoly
This could be very addictive: GoogleGoogle is teaming up with board game maker Hasbro to launch a Google MapsGoogle Maps version of Monopoly. A monopoly game to let you buy any street in the world.
Monopoly City Streets: Google Launching Online Version of Monopoly [from]
Google (Google) is teaming up with board game maker Hasbro to launch a Google Maps (Google Maps) version of Monopoly (Monopoly). Monopoly City Streets, which launches Wednesday, allows users to compete in a live, worldwide version of the popular game, creating the biggest Monopoly tournament ever played.
Google is teaming up with board game maker Hasbro to launch a Google Maps version of Monopoly. Monopoly City Streets, which launches Wednesday, allows users to compete in a live, worldwide version of the popular game, creating the biggest Monopoly tournament ever played.
Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Let's make the web faster
Search engine optimization for Flash | Adobe Developer Connection
Search engine optimization for Flash | Adobe Developer Connection
Search engine optimization for Flash
This article contains excerpts from Search Engine Optimization for Flash, which dispels the myth that SWF-based websites won't show up in a web search by demonstrating exactly what you can do to make your site fully searchable. You'll learn best practices for using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—as well as SWFObject—for building sites with SWF content that will stand tall in search rankings. HTML, video, and images are indexed by search engines and stored so you can easily find them in a web search. Last year Adobe announced that some search engines (namely Google and Yahoo!) were given a special version of Adobe Flash Player that allows them to search through and index textual information found in SWF-based content.
Google Wave - Tutorial
This article describes Google Wave and the usage of the Google Wave API to build a robot. Небольшой пример программирования под Гугл вейв This article was developed with Java 6.0 and Eclipse 3.5.
This article describes Google Wave and the usage of the Google Wave API to build a robot. This article was developed with Java 6.0 and Eclipse 3.5.
Google - Internet Stats
This Google resource brings together the latest industry facts and insights together in one place. These have been collected from a number of third party vendors covering a range of topics from macroscopic economic and media trends to how consumer behaviour and technology are changing over time.
Embeddable Google Document Viewer
"Google Docs offers an undocumented feature that lets you embed PDF files and PowerPoint presentations in a web page. The files don't have to be uploaded to Google Docs, but they need to be available online". Works for PDF or PPT files.
Seven Easy Ways to Integrate Your Google Apps - Google Apps - Lifehacker
SEOmoz | 17 Ways Search Engines Judge the Value of a Link
How search engines determine the value of a link.
Google developing a micropayment platform and pitching newspapers: “‘Open’ need not mean free” » Nieman Journalism Lab
Google's new ecommerce / micropayments platform. Must read. keep for ref.
Zach Seward at Nieman Journalism Lab looks at Google's proposal to use its Checkout system to manage micropayments for news content. Annotated link
How to Access Gmail When It’s Down - Gmail - Lifehacker
Last week's Gmail outage is just the latest in a long&nbsp;series of outages in our favorite webmail application, but you don't have to let that stop you from accessing your email and getting things done.
Helvetical Turns Google Calendar Into a Thing of Beauty - google calender - Lifehacker
good mod for google calendar
Monopoly City Streets
Mr. Penumbra’s Twenty-Four-Hour Book Store (
RSSCloud Vs. PubSubHubbub: Why The Fat Pings Win
Both PuSH and rssCloud address a fundamental flaw in the way web applications work today. Currently, getting updates on the web requires constant polling. Subscribers are forced to act like nagging children asking, “Are we there yet?” Subscribers must constantly ping the publisher to ask if there are new updates even if the answer is “no” 99% of the time. This is terribly inefficient, wastes resources, and makes it incredibly hard to find new content in as soon as it appears. Both protocols flip the current model on its head so that updates are event driven rather than request driven. By that I mean that both protocols eliminate the need for polling by essentially telling subscribers, “Don’t ask us if there’s anything new. We’ll tell you.”
Monopoly City Streets
Materials (Google Teacher Academy Resources)
This is an amazing collection of Google "cheat sheets" and resources for all Google tools!
Provided By Google Certified Teachers
Sheets to explain how to use every Google tool in the classroom from Google Teacher Academy
cribsheets for Google apps
Apple Answers the FCC’s Questions
Apple questioned Apple, AT&T, and Google about the rejection of the Google Voice iPhone App. This is Apple's response, which also discusses the approval process for inclusion in the App Store.
Apple responds to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau’s inquiry dated July 31, 2009, requesting information regarding Apple’s App Store and its application approval process. Includes response to why Google Voice was rejected.
Make Google Search Real-Time With This URL Hack
The Data Liberation Front (the Data Liberation Front)
We intend for this site to be a central location for information on how to move your data in and out of Google products. Welcome.
"We intend for this site to be a central location for information on how to move your data in and out of Google products. Welcome." :-D
We intend for this site to be a central location for information on how to move your data in and out of Google products. Welcome. The Data Liberation Front The Data Liberation Front is an engineering team at Google whose singular goal is to make it easier for users to move their data in and out of Google products. We do this because we believe that any data that you create in or import into a product is your own. We help and consult other engineering teams within Google on how to "liberate" their products. This is our mission statement
Helvetimail - josef richter
josef richter
Helvetimail - josef richter
pretty - why can't google just make it a theme?
This is awesome! RT @swissmiss: Helvetimail, a minimalist Gmail skin: [from]
"Some of you guys wanted simple minimalist Gmail skin? Here is Helvetimail..."
Use Helvetica for a simplified Gmail interface.
Google Fast Flip
really easy way of browsing popular news ... should be a nice addon for techmeme
Google Fast Flip : Latest Headlines in a Visual Way
Schön, wenns das auch auf deutsch gäbe, denn im Schnitt interessieren mich amerikanische Medien nicht so sehr....
The Data Liberation Front (the Data Liberation Front)
and out of
We intend for this site to be a central location for information on how to move your data in and out of Google products. Welcome.
How to download books from Google - Hack a Day
Descarga de los libros de Google Books
Everyone must be aware of the Google Books Library project by now. If you’re not, it’s basically a way for Google to ensure all of the world’s book content is accessible and searchable. Through the Book Project, Google works with libraries to scan and archive their older and out of print materials. Up until recently, viewers of books in the Google Library Project web space were limited to viewing books within the browser.
Using Page Speed
Using Page Speed
"Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them."
ools > Firebug > Open Firebug
Popular Search Engines in the 90’s: Then and Now
Awesome post - I love looking back at old sites like this
In the heydays of the internet - when Google wasn’t the only search engine people used to seek information on the web - web surfers (I bet you haven’t heard that term in a while) had several options for finding what they needed on the net. This article harks back to the days of AltaVista, HotBot, and when Ask was still Ask Jeeves. You’ll see how the web designs of ubiquitous search engines of the past have evolved through time. Put your nostalgia hats on as we travel back to the ancient times of the internet!
In the heydays of the internet - when Google wasn’t the only search engine people used to seek information on the web - web surfers (I bet you haven’t heard that term in a while) had several options for finding what they needed on the net. This article harks back to the days of AltaVista, HotBot, and when Ask was still Ask Jeeves. You’ll see how the web designs of ubiquitous search engines of the past have evolved through time. Put your nostalgia hats on as we travel back to the ancient times of the internet!
This article harks back to the days of AltaVista, HotBot, and when Ask was still Ask Jeeves. You'll see how the web designs of ubiquitous search engines of the past have evolved through time.
guava-libraries - Project Hosting on Google Code
primitive io conurrent
core java libraries by google
google java utility library, good stuff for working with strings, etc...
"contains several of Google's core Java libraries"
a bunch of core google libraries released together, similar to google collections, but dealing with more core stuff around java. like, uh, file copying and string utils, etc
noop - Project Hosting on Google Code
JVM-based, Java-like language with dependency injection.
Noop (pronounced noh-awp, like the machine instruction) is a new language experiment that attempts to blend the best lessons of languages old and new, while syntactically encouraging industry best-practices and discouraging the worst offenses. Noop is initially targeted to run on the Java Virtual Machine.
google search ui twitter wikipedia
Wish Google looked like this... 0:)
HOW TO: Stay Organized With Google Calendar
While picking the right calendar boils down to personal preference and comfort, Google Calendar (GCal for short) should be strongly considered. Features such as Quick Add make it very easy to update with appointments, while its reminder features, its task bar, and its calendar shareability make it unique to any other product on the market.
Knowliz: Sync ToDo's and Tasks on iPhone for FREE using Google Sync
ToDo's and Tasks on iPhone
Use Gizmo5 for free calls with Google Voice |
Learn how to use Gizmo 5 and Google Voice to easily make and receive free calls (pair with an ATA device, and be able to call using your home's land line!)
Use Gizmo5 for free calls with Google Voice
Official Google Blog: Let's make the web faster
Includes links on initiatives, techniques, and development (opening up by the FCC of the white spectrum) that can make the web faster
Very interesting possibilities with this HTML5 feature. I'm intrigued to see the capabilities it can show in future web apps - if it lives up to expectations.
5 Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed by Google in 24 Hours
love… the traffic and the money will follow suit. While that’s partially true, there is also things that you can do to: * Index your newly launched blog fast by major Search Engines * Increase traffic to your blog * Improve your SERPs (Search Engine Result Positions) Why wait right? Content can be king but waiting around for traffic to come by itself is not a good way to start blogging. So let’s start… Getting Indexed Let’s say you launched a blog today and want it on Google’s results tomorrow. Can this b
Google Launches New Ad Marketplace; Display Ads Will Never Be the Same
google acquisisce DOUBLE CLICK e mo cambia tutto
Google This: 5 Reasons to Switch to Bing
"Here we’ll break down 5 awesome Bing-specific features that are really growing on us. From insightful information to help us better plan our trips to cashback on purchases, and a visually stimulating or Twitter (Twitter)-enhanced search experience, we’re starting to think Bing has some zing."
Here's an article about Google's Microsoft competitor, It argues that bing may be better...
Bing() is now the fastest growing search engine. A Nielsen report shows that it currently holds 10.7% of the search market (to Google’s() 65%), but its month-over-month growth is 22%, which is astronomical. Here we’ll break down 5 awesome Bing-specific features that are really growing on us. From insightful information to help us better plan our trips to cashback on purchases, and a visually stimulating or Twitter()-enhanced search experience, we’re starting to think Bing has some zing.
Article from Mashable - Travel INsight, Cashback, Visual Search, Bing Tweets, Enhanced Tweets
Interesting read, although I usually end up feeling let down by Microsoft.
Visual results, travel results
Bing (Bing) is now the fastest growing search engine. A Nielsen report shows that it currently holds 10.7% of the search market (to Google’s (Google) 65%), but its month-over-month growth is 22%, which is astronomical. Microsoft has been pumping an endless supply of dollars into its marketing and advertising initiatives around Bing, and the strategy is clearly paying off. Hype aside, Bing happens to be a very viable search alternative to Google, and offers several incentives that Google can’t compete with at the moment. Here we’ll break down 5 awesome Bing-specific features that are really growing on us. From insightful information to help us better plan our trips to cashback on purchases, and a visually stimulating or Twitter (Twitter)-enhanced search experience, we’re starting to think Bing has some zing.
Google Wave: You need to pay attention to this. - Jason Kolb re: the Future of the Internet
Google Wave encompasses and extends XMPP thus it accommodates many forms desirable client-server content - text, pictures, video, streaming, and so on. It also supports different types of conversations: presence, notifications, subscriptions, back-and-forth--these are all modeled by XMPP. And it supports a wide variety of communication TYPES as well: video, audio, text, and so on.
Listen Home
Приложение для прослушивания и поиска подкастов для Android
Huh, where did this come from? Google Labs Android app for finding, downloading and listening to podcasts. Given that 90% of all my music listening is now either through Spotify or podcasts, this is a Good Thing.
Listen Home
45+ Cool Google Android Apps – The Perfect iPhone Replacement : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking
seo and meta tag's
Cubicle Muses - Wave's Web of Protocols
Seems that most still believe Google Wave primarily uses XMPP to pass data around. Turns out, XMPP is only used for server to server federation. Joe Gregorio has a good overview of the actual APIs and protocols used in Wave, but I still found it easier to create a diagram
"If Google is serious about Wave replacing [everything], the client-server protocol has to be properly worked out."
Not just XMPP = that is server to server
Google Wave: You need to pay attention to this. - Jason Kolb re: the Future of the Internet
Trendsmap - Real-time local Twitter trends is a real-time mapping of Twitter trends across the world. See what the global, collective mass of humanity are discussing right now.
Homepage | Socialwok
Socialwok adds the missing social layer to Google Apps. Create a secure private social network for your Google Apps Domain.
Google Chrome Frame - Google Code
Google Chrome Frame is an open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer
Enable open web technologies in Internet Explorer. Google Chrome Frame is an early-stage open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer. With Google Chrome Frame
Chromium Blog: Introducing Google Chrome Frame
"To start using Google Chrome Frame, all developers need to do is to add a single tag: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">"
Renders pages as Chrome inside an IE window.
Official Google Mobile Blog: Google Sync: Now with push Gmail support
Using Google Sync, you can now get your Gmail messages pushed directly to your phone. Having an over-the-air, always-on connection means that your inbox is up to date, no matter where you are or what you're doing. Sync works with your phone's native email application so there's no additional software needed. Only interested in syncing your Gmail, but not your Calendar? Google Sync allows you to sync just your Contacts, Calendar, or Gmail, or any combination of the three.
Google Has A Solution For Internet Explorer: Turn It Into Chrome
"Yes, it’s both hilarious and awesome (or hilariously awesome, if you will) that Google seems to dislike IE so much that it has spent its own time improving it."
Woah! IE6 Hacks be gone? RT @mike9r: New IE plugin from Google plugin puts Chrome's rendering engine INTO IE [from]
ll difference is pretty small since Chrome is designed to give resources back to y
People hate IE6; they've made that abundantly clear on the web. Unfortunately, plenty of people are still stuck using it for reasons such ...
How to Switch from Blogger to WordPress Without Losing Google Traffic - Step by Step Guide
header ("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: $new_url");
Tutorial on how to migrate from Blogger to Wordpress.
Meta tags - Webmasters/Site owners Help
Meta tags are a great way for webmasters to provide search engines with information about their sites. Meta tags can be used to provide information to all sorts of clients, and each system processes o
google seo tips
Meta tags - Webmasters/Site owners Help
Google meta tag use information
How to stop Google Analytics from tracking your own visits - instant fundas
If your net connection has a static IP, you can filter out that IP from being tracked. But if you are on a dynamic IP, like most of us are, you will need a different solution.
stop Google Analytics from tracking your own visits
Apps Status Dashboard
Need to check this out
Google Apps Status Dashboard enables users and businesses to monitor the status of individual Google Apps services. Users of Google Apps can now view the status of individual services such as Gmail/Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Talk, Google Docs, Google Sites and Google Video for businesses. Administrators of Google Apps Premier Edition, Standard Edition, Partner and Education Edition can also view status of the Admin Control Panel.
GoogleがWebの問題児Internet Explorer対策を発表: IEをChromeにしてしまう
った。でも、今のところターゲットはIEだけだ。 それは正当な行為だと思える。IEはGoogleの宿敵Microsoftの製品だが、ユーザ数ナンバーワンのWebブラウザであると同時に、Webの標準規格から外れたところの多い問題児だ。IE7からはやや良くなったが、まだほめられたものではない。標準性の問題だけでなくパフォーマンスも良くない。Chrome Frameは、ChromeのWebkitとJavaScriptエンジンの最
Google Sidewiki
Google Sidewiki...Easily annotate/collaborate with any web page..
cons: must have the google toolbar open to access this & side wiki window is big
"Google Sidewiki is a browser sidebar that lets you contribute and read information alongside any web page."
Google annonce Side Wiki. Un module supplémentaire à la barre d'outil maison à installer dans le navigateur, et qui permet de commenter n'importe quelle page web, sans avoir recours aux zones de discussions du site que l'on est train de visiter. Google annonce SideWiki. Un module supplémentaire à la barre d'outil maison à installer dans le navigateur, et qui permet de commenter n'importe quelle page web, sans avoir recours aux zones de discussions du site que l'on est train de visiter. Sur le papier, rien à redire, c'est du Google : simple, facile à utiliser, transparent. Et avec quelques goodies pratiques : connexion possible avec Blogger (la plate-forme de blog maison), mise en place d'une API si vous voulez utiliser ces commentaires à votre guise, partage des commentaires sur Facebook, Twitter, etc.
14 tips and tricks to buff up your Gmail skills | News | TechRadar UK
14 tips and tricks to buff up your Gmail skills
TCMalloc : Thread-Caching Malloc
Official Google Blog: Help and learn from others as you browse the web: Google Sidewiki
As you browse the web, it's easy to forget how many people visit the same pages and look for the same information. Whether you're researching advice on heart disease prevention or looking for museums to visit in New York City, many others have done the same and could have added their knowledge along the way. What if everyone, from a local expert to a renowned doctor, had an easy way of sharing their insights with you about any page on the web? What if you could add your own insights for others who are passing through? Now you can. Today, we're launching Google Sidewiki, which allows you to contribute helpful information next to any webpage. Google Sidewiki appears as a browser sidebar, where you can read and write entries along the side of the page.
What if everyone, from a local expert to a renowned doctor, had an easy way of sharing their insights with you about any page on the web? What if you could add your own insights for others who are passing through?
As you browse the web, it's easy to forget how many people visit the same sites and look for the same information. Whether you're researching advice on heart disease prevention or looking for museums to visit in New York City, many others have done the same and could have added their knowledge along the way.
Google Caffeine: A Detailed Test of the New Google
Did you hear? Google’s launching a new, upgraded version of its search engine soon. And just as important, the search giant released the developer’s preview of it today. Google (Google) promises that the new search tool (codename “Caffeine”) will improve the speed, accuracy, size, and comprehensiveness of Google search.
Google Quick Search Box
a google app kinda like quicksilver
Google Quick Search Box
search bar combines desktop and internet
Android Hacking For The Masses - Android - Gizmodo
Twenty-Three Interesting Ways and Tips to use GE in the classroom
Twenty-Four interesting ways to use google earth.
Great Google Earth ideas here.
Installing Google Chrome OS | Google Chrome Browser
First things first you will need to download Google Chrome OS Beta and Virtual Box. Once you have downloaded the .ISO file and unzipped it you can create your virtual disk.
Google Docs - Viewer
Good app.
Allows you to view documents online without leaving the browser.
Embed code for google docs - would be helpful if using that instead of ipaper...
Use Google Docs to quickly view documents online without leaving your browser.
Google Book Downloader Downloads Books to PDF - Google Books - Lifehacker
Windows: Thanks to Google's drive to add more and more books to the Google Books project, including thousands of public domain volumes, you'll find quite a nice selection to choose from. Google Book Downloader helps you download them to PDF.
Google Maps Downloader Offline Maps
Ça peut être sympa pour faire une carte à partie de Google Maps.
PostRank Combines Google Analytics With Social Media Stats
Free for 30 days, $9 a month after.
What PostRank Analytics does is take the Google Analytics data and show you the pageviews, Twitter followers and “engagement score” for the day before. You can see how your figures stand up over time, by week, month or quarter.
Top 10 Funniest Google Suggest Results
Reading: Top 10 Funniest Google Suggest Results: [from]
Python Library for Google Translate - good coders code, great reuse
frickin sweet
I have extended my xgoogle library with a Python module for Google Translate. The new module is called “xgoogle.translate” and it implements two classes - “Translator” and “LanguageDetector“. The “Translator” class can be used to translate text. It provides a function called “translate” that takes three arguments - “message“, “lang_from” and “lang_to“. It returns the translated text as a Unicode string. Don’t forget to encode it to the right encoding before outputting, otherwise you’ll get errors such as “UnicodeEncodeError: ‘latin-1′ codec can’t encode characters in position 0-3: ordinal not in range(256)”
Llyfrgell google translate i python
Google Wave First Look - Google Wave - Lifehacker
Google Wave
If you're not one of the 100,000 lucky users who gets an invitation to Google Wave today, don't fret. You can check out Google Wave right here.
Google Wave First Look
The Only SEO Tools You’ll Ever Need - Nettuts+
Search Engine Optimization is a rather complex and never ending process. You have to analyze a lot of things including what keywords people are searching for,
99 Awesome Firefox Add-ons for Educators - Online Courses
They say today’s educators are overworked and underpaid. Luckily, the web offers tools to make your professional life more manageable and less stressful. These add-ons might not change your salary, but we’re sure they’ll ease your workload.
shortcuts, calendars and timers, research, writing, lesson planners, calculators, video and images, dictionaries and translators, games and miscellaneous
They say today’s educators are overworked and underpaid. Luckily, the web offers tools to make your professional life more manageable and less stressful. These add-ons might not change your salary, but we’re sure they’ll ease your workload. (like that opening Paragraph :-))
How Google Wave could transform journalism | Technology | Los Angeles Times
"here's a list of a few wild ideas we had for using Wave."
For the last two months, while we've been testing the Google Wave developer preview, we have been talking amongst ourselves about how this thing could change (or add to) what we do. So, here's a list of a few wild ideas we had for using Wave."
Google Docs OCR
A free OCR service from google, see also
Google Docs API tests a new feature that lets you perform OCR (optical character recognition) on an image.
Perform OCR with Google Docs - Turn Scanned Images Into Editable Documents
ing example, Google Docs successfully extracted all the text from a scanned book page
Turn Scanned Images Into Editable Documents
Uses the Open Source Tesseract OCR engine ( )
Google Docs can now perform OCR on digital images. You can upload an image containing typewritten or printed text (like a fax document or a scanned newspaper clipping) to your Google Docs account and it will turn that image into editable text.
Embeddable Waves: The Google Wave WordPress Plugin
One of the more intriguing aspects of Google Wave – the much anticipated communication and collaboration platform that debuts later this month – is the fact that Waves can be embedded anywhere on the Web. Waves, in case you’re not familiar, are essentially individual threaded conversations that take place within Google Wave. So, when we’re talking about an embeddable Wave, it means a conversation that can be placed on other websites, with the same functionality as it would have within Wave itself. Since some developers already have access to Google Wave, we’re now able to show you what this functionality looks like – and how you may be seeing it in the future – via a WordPress plugin that has already been built for easily embedding Waves in blog posts.
HOW TO: Get Started with Google Wave
Google Wave has arrived. The real-time communication platform has been one of the hottest and most anticipated products in the tech and social media space for
Mashable proves yet again that they are a great source of information on all things to do with Social Networking, including Google Wave.
An Introduction to Google Wave - Google Wave: Up and Running - O'Reilly Media
This article provides a general overview of Google Wave that should serve to familiarize you with this new and exciting platform. Keep in mind that Google Wave represents a dynamic technology that has not matured yet, so the look and feel may change in the coming months (maybe even in the coming days!).
Listen Print Subscribe to Newsletters ShareThis Web Development > Excerpts > An Introduction to Google Wave - Google Wave: Up and Running by Andrés Ferraté This article provides a general overview of Google Wave that should serve to familiarize you with this new and exciting platform. Keep in mind that Google Wave represents a dynamic technology that has not matured yet, so the look and feel may change in the coming months (maybe even in the coming days!).
What Is Real Time Search? Definitions & Players
real time search explained
(3rd screen-shot down)
After Losing Users in Catalogs, Libraries Find Better Search Software - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education
About damn time, too; catalog search results have been crappy for years.
Good article about college usage of innovative catalogs and search overlays (like Aquabrowser) that make searching catalogs more effective and attractive for users.
After Losing Users in Catalogs, Libraries Find Better Search Software Chronicle of Higher Education 9/28/09
Google’s Matt Cutts Video Presentation On SEO
I have seen Matt Cutts of Google speak dozens of times, I have seen dozens of videos of SEO tips from Matt, I have read hundreds of blog posts from Matt - but
I have seen Matt Cutts of Google speak dozens of times, I have seen dozens of videos of SEO tips from Matt, I have read hundreds of blog posts from Matt - but nothing compares to his presentation given at WordCamp. Lucky, the presentation was recorded and is available for everyone to watch.
Official Google Blog: Teaching computers to read: Google acquires reCAPTCHA
Teaching computers to read: Google acquires reCAPTCHA - [from]
Found this: Teaching computers to read: Google acquires reCAPTCHA: Shared by cec Wholly geek batman ... [from]
"In this way, reCAPTCHA’s unique technology improves the process that converts scanned images into plain text, known as Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This technology also powers large scale text scanning projects like Google Books and Google News Archive Search. Having the text version of documents is important because plain text can be searched, easily rendered on mobile devices and displayed to visually impaired users. So we'll be applying the technology within Google not only to increase fraud and spam protection for Google products but also to improve our books and newspaper scanning process. That's why we're excited to welcome the reCAPTCHA team to Google, and we're committed to delivering the same high level of performance that websites using reCAPTCHA have come to expect. Improving the availability and accessibility of all the information on the Internet is really important to us, so we're looking forward to advancing this technology with the reCAPTCHA team."
I know I'm late to the game commenting on this one, but damn this kind of thing pisses me off. Can't we have just one thing that is cool on the internet without it getting acquired by Google or Yahoo? I'm not as anti-google as most, but all of a sudden reCAPTCHA feels exploitative. Brewster Kahle, where is the alternative for
Reading: Teaching computers to read: Google acquires reCAPTCHA [from]
Google acquire reCAPTCHA - teaching computers to read - [from]
Google has acquired reCAPTCHA, a company that provides CAPTCHAs to help protect more than 100,000 websites from spam and fraud.
Google Code Samples
New York City Homicides Map - The New York Times
New York City Homicides Map - The New York Times
a macabre map... murders in new york
Each day, the New York Police Department announces major crimes, including most homicides, in the five boroughs. This data is compiled from those reports, in addition to news accounts, court records and additional reporting. The map will be updated as new information becomes available.
Official Google Blog: Translate your website with Google: Expand your audience globally
A simple widget to automagically translate your webpage into a bunch of different languages.
The Hidden Risks of Cloud Computing - Security - Lifehacker
Every day more users move their computing lives from the desktop to the cloud and rely on hosted web applications to store and access email, photos, and documents. But this new frontier involves serious risks that aren't obvious to most.
In an era of ubiquitous broadband, smartphones, and users who manage multiple computers and devices, it just makes sense to move your email, photos, documents, calendar, notes, finances, and contacts to awesome web applications like Gmail, Evernote, Flickr, Google Docs, Mint, etc. But transferring your personal data to hosted web applications has its potential pitfalls, risks that get lost in all the hype around cloud-centric new products like Google's new Chrome OS or the iPhone.
How to Run Android Applications on Ubuntu - Step-by-step tutorial with screenshots - Softpedia
How to Run Android Applications on Ubuntu - Step-by-step tutorial with screenshots
DocList API OCR Demo
currently at demo stage and linked to google docs
Google Docs can now perform OCR on digital images. You can upload an image containing typewritten or printed text (like a fax document or a scanned newspaper clipping) to your Google Docs account and it will turn that image into editable text.
para probar
Two-Minute Video Makes a Lot of Sense of Google Wave - Google Wave - Lifehacker
If you're still struggling to understand how you might use Google Wave despite our in-depth first look, this quick video offers an excellent explanation of just one use case for how Wave can outshine email as a collaboration tool.
Google CEO Eric Schmidt On Newspapers & Journalism
Google Has A “Moral Responsibility” To Help The Press
Is Google a newspaper killer? Not by a long shot, says Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Nor does he want it to be. In a long interview about his company's
Is Google a newspaper killer? Not by a long shot, says Google CEO Eric Schmidt.
Google Code Blog: Video Introduction to HTML 5
Google's video introduction to #html5
an educational Introduction to HTML 5 video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard
We've put together an educational Introduction to HTML 5 video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard.
Video Introduction to HTML 5
Google Product Ideas
Interesting way to collect user feedback
Vote for new features to Google products
You decide what's important for Google products: Tell us what you think about your favorite Google products. Big ideas or small thoughts, we want to know! # Everyone's voice is heard The voting box at the top of page focuses attention on submissions recently added and on the rise, making it simple and easy to participate. # See what others are saying Look at the "What's Hot" and "Recent Ideas" at the top of each topic to see what other users are saying and voting on right now. Agree with these ideas? Vote them up. Disagree? Vote them down.
Tú decides como evolucionan los productos de Google "Google Product Ideas"
Dê sugestões de novos produtos, e vote no seu favorito.
What Browser? - Home
short video on what a web browser is and is not
A simple explanation of 'browsers' for the uninitiated.
What Browser?
私が Firefox から Chrome に乗り換えた7つの理由*二十歳街道まっしぐら
091007 こうしてレビューされるとGoogle Chromeってかなり面白そうなんだなー
Use Google Voice Voicemail Without Changing Numbers - Google Voice - Lifehacker
forwards unanswered cell calls to googlevoice
Use Google Voice Voicemail Without Changing Numbers - Google Voice - Lifehacker [from]
Google Wave 101 - Wave - Lifehacker
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable
Today we're excited to propose a new standard for making AJAX-based websites crawlable. This will benefit webmasters and users by making content from rich and interactive AJAX-based websites universally accessible through search results on any search engine that chooses to take part. We believe that making this content available for crawling and indexing could significantly improve the web.
A proposal for making AJAX crawlable Wednesday, October 07, 2009 at 10:51 AM Webmaster level: Advanced
GR: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable [from]
Google Chrome Extensions: Developer Documentation
Best place to get started for developing google chrome extension
This website contains all the information you need to build extensions for Google Chrome
How To Build The Ultimate Job Finding Dashboard with iGoogle | FreelanceFolder
This tutorial will show you how to build the ultimate, customizable, job finding dashboard using iGoogle. Integrate job boards, twitter searches, and more.
Scriptlets - Quick web scripts
to get a URL that will run this code.
A really neat Google App that lets you enter a code snippet in js, PHP or Python, and then run it if you so desire with GET and POST vars; if that's not enough, you can also fire off an HTTP POST to a third party server. So what? So if you ever have a code fragment you need to host and want to be able to call with a variable or two, this service is ideal :-) The perfect accompaniment to a Yahoo Pipe:-)
Official Gmail Blog: Choosing a smart password
T. Kendall
プレビュー公開が始まったGoogle Wave「超」入門(1/4)-@IT
Google Maps From A to Z | Jeez Tech
Great how to...
Google’s Abandoned Library of 700 Million Titles | Epicenter |
“The search results are extremely poor,” [...]. “Like nobody cares.” [...] “Google does get a lot of credit for putting it together and making it available,” [...] “But search capabilities are important for such a large collection of data. The archive’s value to the community is considerably reduced if it’s not conveniently searchable.” A year after Slashdot called attention to the bugs, the problems with the archive not only haven’t been fixed, but they aren’t reflected in the Google Groups “known issues” page. Asked if the bugs are documented anywhere, or if Google planned on repairing its library, a company spokesman was noncommittal. “We’re aware of some problems with the way search is working in Google Groups,” said Jason Freidenfelds, in an e-mail. “We’re always working to improve our products.” Templeton, who helped Google compile an index of historically significant Usenet articles when it first launched its archive, thinks Google’s neglect is a simple matter of economics.
"the rusting shell of Google Groups" ABANDONED FOR A REASON?
How Google Taught Me to Cache and Cash-In | High Scalability
A user named Apathy in this thread on how Reddit scales some of their features, shares some advice he learned while working at Google and other major companies. To be fair, I [Apathy] was working at Google at the time, and every job I held between 1995 and 2005 involved at least one of the largest websites on the planet. I didn't come up with any of these ideas, just watched other smart people I worked with who knew what they were doing and found (or wrote) tools that did the same things. But the theme is always the same: # Cache everything you can and store the rest in some sort of database (not necessarily relational and not necessarily centralized). How do you go about applying this strategy?
ing caches is a clasisc strategy for milking your servers as much as possilbe. First look for an exact match. If that's not foun
実はあまり知られていない?Google検索のトリック10 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
La vida de un Japonés
A Complete Guide Google WAVE
Una guida di google wave - Potrà google Wave sostituire la mail?
Google Wave crashes on beach of overhype
"DO NOT ASSUME THIS IS A TWITTER KILLER. It is not. It’s not even a good sharing engine, far worse than FriendFeed is. I’d recommend using a private room over on FriendFeed first."
Google Waveはノイズに満ちていて、カオスの世界。
DO TRY THE API if you are a developer. From what I’m seeing that’s where the real value in Google Wave will come, but we haven’t seen enough apps yet so end users won’t find much here to play with yet.
Google Wave crashes on beach of overhype
Derek Powazek - Spammers, Evildoers, and Opportunists
Google Wave And The Dawn Of Passive-Aggressive Communication
Whether Google Wave succeeds is really irrelevant. More important is if the idea of Wave does. Again, the idea of passive-aggressive communication.
Die Umschreibung passiv-aggressiv ist in diesem Zusammenhang schlecht gewählt, aber sonst ist der Artikel auf TechCrunch eine gute Beschreibung für die Entwicklung der Online-Kommunikation.
Adding Custom Google Maps to Your Website |
Maps are often placed on a company website to help customers find their way there. For that, Google Maps is excellent. But wouldn’t it be nice to add your company logo, parking lots, train stations, etc. to the map, to help the customer even more? It is very simple, and in this article I am going to show you how. [via Michel V.]
Maps are often placed on a company website to help customers find their way there. For that, Google Maps is excellent. But wouldn’t it be nice to add your company logo, parking lots, train stations, etc. to the map, to help the customer even more? It is very simple, and in this article I am going to show you how.
Maps are often placed on a company website to help customers find their way there. For that, Google Maps is excellent. But wouldn't it be nice to add your company logo, parking lots, train stations, etc. to the map, to help the customer even more? It
10 Cool Extensions for Google Chrome
A few posts back we saw how to download and install Google Chrome extensions in the developer version. Do go through that post again and come back here. In this post we will check out some of the coolest extensions to download and use with Google Chrome. The population may be small but the seeds of popularity are being sown with these baby steps.
Building Maker - Create 3D buildings online
Construct 3D buildings on your own.
"Building Maker is a 3D modeling tool for adding buildings to Google Earth. It's fun to use, and an easy way to get on the 3D map."
Google Wave's Best Use Cases - Wave - Lifehacker
"My fellow students and I are always struggling to keep up with taking notes. After each class we all email each other the notes that we took, and it's always up to us to compile all of the important info, and figure out the validity, etc. With Google Wave, we could have one master notebook, where we could verify all the info, highlight what will probably be the most important for the international exam, and just improve the process of studying completely."
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Building Maker
Some of us here at Google spend almost all of our time thinking about one thing: How do we create a three-dimensional model of every built structure on Earth? How do we make sure it's accurate, that it stays current and that it's useful to everyone who might want to use it?
"Some of us here at Google spend almost all of our time thinking about one thing: How do we create a three-dimensional model of every built structure on Earth?"
Create 3-D buildings from major cities worldwide. — What problems does Google Wave solve?
Quote: "... People work on documents, presentations, etc. They have lengthy discussions over email. Pieces of work bounce back and forth across one or multiple organisations for weeks before they’re finalised. People are brought on to the conversation late in the day. Attachments get lost. Inboxes fill up and emails bounce. It’s a major pain."
It's corporate, geeks.
Free Adobe Tutorials | Adobe Flash | Google Maps | API | Layers Magazine
One of the most important skills for Flash developers to learn is how to utilize the vast collections of Web APIs that are available for services such as Flickr, Twitter, Facebook, and mapping using either Google or Yahoo. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to integrate Google Maps into your Flash application using just a few lines of code. The Google API is incredibly easy to use and it’s extremely powerful.
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to integrate Google Maps into your Flash application using just a few lines of code. The Google API is incredibly easy to use and it’s extremely powerful.
Google Holiday Logos: 2009 October - December
Holiday Logos and Events - Google style! A collection of all Google logos commemorating holidays and events around the world.
Make Unlimited Free Calls on Your Cellphone with Google Voice - Google Voice - Lifehacker
Geek to Live: Have a say in what Google says about you - Geek to Live - Lifehacker
Someone out there's trying to find information about you right now, whether it's a potential employer, date or a long lost friend. What happens when they Google you? A recent poll here on Lifehacker shows that for about half of you, information about someone else with the same name or a web site you don't control gets returned in search results for your name. Today we'll go over the ins and outs of setting up a nameplate web site that makes you Googleable with a web page whose content YOU control.
Google Public Sector
Tools for Public Sector
one-stop shop of tips and tools for the public sector from Google
Most people reach government and other public sector websites by using Google and other search engines. This site is a guide to the tools and best practices that can help you reach, communicate and engage with your community. Most of these tools are free, so they can also help you do more with less.
Google: Tools for Public Sector Organizations. Make your agency website, and the information it offers, easier to find.
Official Google Blog: Managing your reputation through search results
Below are some tips for "reputation management": influencing how you're perceived online, and what information is available relating to you
The first step in reputation management is preemptive: Think twice before putting your personal information online. Remember that although something might be appropriate for the context in which you're publishing it, search engines can make it very easy to find that information later, out of context, including by people who don't normally visit the site where you originally posted it. Translation: don't assume that just because your mom doesn't read your blog, she'll never see that post about the new tattoo you're hiding from her.
浅析豆瓣的 Google Analytics 应用
Know Privacy
A comparison of users' expectations of privacy online and the data collection practices of website operators.
Approach: A comparison of users' expectations of privacy online and the data collection practices of website operators. Goal: To identify specific practices that may be harmful or deceptive and attract the attention of government regulators. Result: Recommendations for policymakers to protect consumers and for website operators to avoid stricter regulation.
research site for ghostery
The Current State of Web Privacy, Data Collection, and Information Sharing
Know Privacy: research by Joshua Gomez, Travis Pinnick, and Ashkan Soltani, UC Berkeley School of Information, class of 2009
Firefoxにさようなら!Google Chromeで快適なブラウジングをするための拡張 21選 - あまたの何かしら。
YouTube’s Bandwidth Bill Is Zero. Welcome to the New Net | Epicenter |
YouTube may pay less to be online than you do, a new report on internet connectivity suggests, calling into question a recent analysis arguing Google’s popular video service is bleeding money and demonstrating how the internet has continued to morph to fit user’s behavior.
Youtube's bandwidth bill may be almost zero because it connects directly with the ISPs through it's Dark Fiber.
"YouTube’s low or nonexistent bandwidth bill points to a very important shift in the structure of the 30 websites serving up 30 percent of net traffic, either from their own sets of pipes or from data centers around the world that connect much closer to your computer — and for much cheaper — than ever before."
YouTube may pay less to be online than you do, a new report on internet connectivity suggests, calling into question a recent analysis arguing Google’s popular video service is bleeding money and demonstrating how the internet has continued to morph to fit user’s behavior. In fact, with YouTube’s help, Google is now responsible for at least 6 percent of the internet’s traffic, and likely more — and may not be paying an ISP at all to serve up all that content and attached ads. Credit Suisse made headlines this summer when it estimated that YouTube was binging on bandwidth, losing Google a half a billion dollars in 2009 as it streams 75 billion videos. But a new report from Arbor Networks suggests that Google’s traffic is approaching 10 percent of the net’s traffic, and that it’s got so much fiber optic cable, it is simply trading traffic, with no payment involved, with the net’s largest ISPs.
"But a new report from Arbor Networks suggests that Google’s traffic is approaching 10 percent of the net’s traffic, and that it’s got so much fiber optic cable, it is simply trading traffic, with no payment involved, with the net’s largest ISPs"
googlewaveeducators - home
Google Wave for Educators--Put your name on the list
10 Most Useful Google Plugins for WordPress |
useful and useless ;)
top 10 plugins for wordpress.
Evernote Blogcast » Blog Archive » How to Send Blog Posts from Google Reader to Evernote
Google Reader now lets you send blog posts directly into Evernote. When you send a post to Evernote, we go out to the source page and clip the whole thing –that way you get everything, not just the bit that you see in Reader. Why I love this feature A lot of my web life can be broadly classified as research: recipes, drool-worthy gadgets, lifehacking ideas, articles to read, etc. Much of that stuff enter my consciousness through Google Reader. The usual workflow is something like–see an interesting post, go to the blog, clip it into Evernote for later, return to Reader. Now, I can do everything without leaving Reader. Awesome.
Totally awesome. I didn't even realize the send to function existed. Hooking it to evernote is pretty rad.
Google Reader now lets you send blog posts directly into Evernote. When you send a post to Evernote, we go out to the source page and clip the whole thing –that way you get everything, not just the bit that you see in Reader.
YouTube - Google Wave Cinema: Pulp Fiction
Google wave!
We're giving away a couple invites to wave as a thank you to everyone for your tremendous support. So make sure to follow us on twitter. http://www.twitter...
@gandalfar: "RT lowk3y Wow! Must see - Google wave "Pulp Fiction" #googlewave" (from
Google Wave Extensions: An Inside Look
While the focus of this buzz is centered around Google Wave’s() features, there’s an aspect of the new platform that hasn’t received the attention it deserves: Google Wave extensions, which allow any developer to add their own gadgets or robots to the open-source tool. Extensions offer the potential for Google Wave to end up being used in so many different ways. But what exactly is an extension? Why would someone build one? And how exactly does one go about it?
Good summary.
Android Avalanche: A Complete List Of The Android Phones So Far
For an idea of how quickly and with what breadth the Android phone parade is coming, here is a list of Android phones so far. And it is growing rapidly.
Looking to try out the Android platform? TechCrunch made a list of available devices.
Waveboard is a client software for Google Wave for both Mac OS X 10.5+ and iPhone OS 3.0+.
Présentation en français ici :
Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Google Wave Add-on for Firefox at That Smith
Google Analytics Blog: Google Analytics Now More Powerful, Flexible And Intelligent
Some very cool new features from GA
Today, we're announcing a new set of Google Analytics features which builds on last year's enterprise-class feature launch
The Power User's Guide to Google Chrome, 2009 Edition - Chrome - Lifehacker
Cloud computing: Clash of the clouds | The Economist
Windows 7 release -- Google vs. Apple vs. Microsoft in the future of OSes.
The launch of Windows 7 marks the end of an era in computing&#226;&#128;&#148;and the beginning of an epic battle between Microsoft, Google, Apple and others
Briefing from The Economist (17 October 2009)
Official Google Blog: RT @google: Tweets and updates and search, oh my!
Google & Bing adding Tweets to search results; [from]
Google to index Twitter
Google is Now an OpenID Provider - ReadWriteWeb
give Google Account users the option to sign in to websites with their Google credentials and without having to sign up for a new account at those sites
rd data formats such as Portable Contacts and OpenSocial REST APIs."
20 Free Keyword Research Tools – Comprehensive Insight | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Note, at the end of article you’ll find also several non-SEO tools, but still which can be used seriously to optimize your site, help to choose right keywords and understand niche you are optimizing your site to! I suggest you at least visit all of these sites, so you pick your favorite tool because really all tools differentiate a little bit from each other. Enjoy this article and remember there are several more series to come soon, where I will try to explain how I do my SEO as well as link you to several more useful resources and articles you really should read!
"次期GFSが実装するマルチマスター構成は、Amazon DynamoやWindows Azureのキー・バリュー型データストア「Azure Storage」が採用済み。Amazon Dynamoはコンシステントハッシングというマルチマスター構成を採用し、Azure Storageはピア・ツー・ピア技術の基盤である「分散ハッシュテーブル」というマルチマスター構成を採用する。  Amazon DynamoやAzure Storageは、データの主たる保存先をサーバーの物理メモリーとすることで、システムの応答性を向上するというアプローチを採用している。これまで、「データの永続化」とはハードディスクにデータを保存することを指していた。しかし十分な数の複製を複数のサーバーに作成すれば、保存先がメモリーでもデータの永続化が図れるというのが、Amazon DynamoやAzure Storageの発想だ。"
Tips and Tricks: Making the Most of Google Calendar
Making a Google Wave History Slider – Tutorialzine
Using PHP and jQuery we are going to create a Google Wave-like history slider. Using it, we will enable our visitors to go back and forth in time to view the changes that take place on a comment thread.
e’ve all seen the videos (and some even got access to a developer’s preview) of Google’s latest product – Wave. Although not “ground-braking” and “revolutionary” as we’ve imagined (wonder why “over-hyped” comes to mind) it still features some great UI that will surely inspire at least a few developers to implement some of it in their works. I, being one of those inspired people, am going to show you how to create a Google Wave-like history slider. Using it, we will enable our visitors to go back and forth in time to view the changes that take place on a comment thread. So take a look at the demo (maybe even keep it open in a separate tab), download the example files and keep on reading.
Google Wave like UI with history slider
google-maps-icons - Project Hosting on Google Code
ícones do google maps
Free map icons, beautiful and descriptive markers, more than 600 POI icons for your maps
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Social Search: I finally found my friend's New York blog!
Your friends and contacts are a key part of your life online. Most people on the web today make social connections and publish web content in many different ways, including blogs, status updates and tweets. This translates to a public social web of content that has special relevance to each person. Unfortunately, that information isn't always very easy to find in one simple place. That's why today we're rolling out a new experiment on Google Labs called Google Social Search that helps you find more relevant public content from your broader social circle. It should be available for everyone to try by the end of the day, so be sure to check back.
Google Geo Developers Blog: 3D Perspective in the Maps API for Flash!
2-D maps are great, but sometimes it's cool to gaze into the distance. Today we're happy to announce support for perspective in the Maps API for Flash. We've taken the regular API, added pitch and yaw, borrowed the look-around control from Google Earth, and thrown in some nifty camera trajectory support. The opportunity to see the world from a chosen point of view is now in the hands of a user! Here's a perspective map in action. Sit back and watch or dive in and drag the view. Try holding down the zoom plus (+) or minus (-) buttons to see the
3D Perspective in the Maps API for Flash! Thursday, July 30, 2009 2-D maps are great, but sometimes it's cool to gaze into the distance. Today we're happy to announce support for perspective in the Maps API for Flash. We've taken the regular API, added pitch and yaw, borrowed the look-around control from Google Earth, and thrown in some nifty camera trajectory support. The opportunity to see the world from a chosen point of view is now in the hands of a user!
100+ Google Tricks That Will Save You Time in School | Online Colleges
22 Most Popular Google Chrome Extensions - chrome adblock, chrome addons, chrome extensions, chrome extensions google, chrome extensions plugins, chrome plugins download, chrome plugins extensions, chrome themes, chromium extensions, download google ch...
chrome adblock, chrome addons, chrome extensions, chrome extensions google, chrome extensions plugins, chrome plugins download, chrome plugins extensions, chrome themes, chromium extensions, download google ch...
BEST Chrome addons !!
Web providers must limit internet's carbon footprint, say experts | Technology |
Soaring online demand stretching companies' ability to deliver content as net uses more power and raises costs
RT @ecologee Web providers must limit internets carbon footprint, say experts [from]
"Soaring online demand stretching companies' ability to deliver content as net uses more power and raises costs"
Web providers must limit internet's carbon footprint, say experts Soaring online demand stretching companies' ability to deliver content as net uses more power and raises costs
Google's Eric Schmidt on What the Web Will Look Like in 5 Years
# Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese-language content. # Today's teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years - they jump from app to app to app seamlessly. # Five years is a factor of ten in Moore's Law, meaning that computers will be capable of far more by that time than they are today. # Within five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in performance - and distribution distinctions between TV, radio and the web will go away. # "We're starting to make signifigant money off of Youtube", content will move towards more video. # "Real time information is just as valuable as all the other information, we want it included in our search results."
Previsões sobre o futuro próximo da Internet.
* Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese-language content. * Today's teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years - they jump from app to app to app seamlessly. * Five years is a factor of ten in Moore's Law, meaning that computers will be capable of far more by that time than they are today. * Within five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in performance - and distribution distinctions between TV, radio and the web will go away. * "We can index real-time info now - but how do we rank it?"
Real-Time Web Protocol PubSubHubbub Explained
Real-Time Web Protocol PubSubHubbub Explained [from]
Mer om realtidswebben och pubsubhubbub-protokollet.
Trick Out Google Apps for Your Domain - Gmail - Lifehacker
Google Analytics Mega-Post: 23 Google Analytics Tips and Tweaks | Search Engine People | Toronto
John Resig - Google Groups is Dead
This post isn't so much about the usefulness of mailing lists as a discussion medium, it's the complete failure of Google Groups as an adequate purveyor of public discussion software. For the jQuery project we're already in the process of moving the full discussion area to a forum that we control. We should have it set up, and everything moved over, within the next month or two. There is one area in which Google Groups continues to shine: Private, or restricted, mailing list discussions. However any attempts at using it for a public discussion medium are completely futile. The primary problem with Google Groups boils down to a systemic failure to contain and manage spam. Only a bottom-up overhaul of the Google Groups system would be able to fix the problems that every Google Group faces.
Google Wave Use Cases: Education
Minimalist Gmail by Matt Constantine
Create Separate Profiles in Google Chrome for Family Members and Stay Extra Safe
this page could be enhanced with %USER% tags, that are better understood by windows peopl
what you can do is create a separate user profile in Google Chrome. Thus all your browser history, bookmarks, cookies, search terms, etc. are not shared with anyone else in the family.
How to create user profiles in Chrome
Discover Music
search for artists, albums or artists and a song
Google's music search engine
4 Emerging Trends of the Real-Time Web
Real-time Web is becoming more popular.
Cell Phones: Google Sync Keeps Contacts and Calendars in Sync on Your Mobile Phone
Google has just release a new tool called Google Sync, a service that syncs your Google Contacts and Calendar wirelessly to your iPhone, BlackBerry, Symbian, or Windows Mobile phone.
Speed Up and Back Up Your Rooted Android Phone - Android rooting - Lifehacker
If you've rooted your Android phone with a custom ROM, you've already got a snappier OS. With a few free apps, you can free up memory for even better performance and keep your ROM up to the bleeding edge.
Moving your applications to your phone's SD card, referred to as "apps2sd" in geekier circles, is said to "free up memory,"
10 Even Better Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Best question is the last one: Are you self-aware?
giggling even more about RT @mashable 10 Even Better Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs (via @tweetmeme) [from]
Das Schöne an der Suchmaschine sind jedoch einige Antworten, die man sich als Besonderheit hat einfallen lassen. Sogenannte Easter Eggs gibt es bei Wolfram Alpha massenweise. Siehe auch:
5 Good Image Search Engines Apart From Google Image Search
Image search engines sift through the web searching by type of image, by license or by tags and keywords. There are of course, standalone photo reservoirs like Flickr, Stock.xchng, Photobucket, Morguefile; but your kind of image may just be tucked away in some other obscure corner of the web. Google Image Search is powerful but it always pays to have a few more options up your browser.
Google Releases API for Website Optimizer: A/B & Multivariate Testing for All
google support for a/b testing etc to optimize web site performance.
Multivariate Testing
The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
by Gina Trapani and Adam Pash
Top 10 Site Search Options
Posted using BDelicious
Google Redefines Disruption: The “Less Than Free” Business Model «
I know Leo and the TWiG gang talked about this a bit on Saturday, but this would be a great story for TWiT today. Plus there's a lot of good info in this story, it's very well written.
I then asked my friend, “so why would they ever use the Google (non open source) license version.” Here was the big punch line – because Google will give you ad splits on search if you use that version! That’s right; Google will pay you to use their mobile OS. I like to call this the “less than free” business model. This is a remarkable card to play. Because of its dominance in search, Google has ad rates that blow away the competition. To compete at an equally “less than free” price point, Symbian or windows mobile would need to subsidize. Double ouch!!
less than free is better than free... whee....
CyanogenMod Wiki
CyanogenMod is a customized, aftermarket firmware distribution for various handsets based on the HTC Dream.
Cartographer.js – thematic mapping for Google Maps
Thematic mapping for Google Maps”—which means an easy way of adding heat maps (aka chloropleths), pie charts and point clusters as a layer over a Google map.
choropleths for google maps
A library that makes it easier to overlay various kinds of information over Google Maps.
Google Wave Guide: User Manual Released for Wave
Confused about how to use Google Wave, the new Google product that combines messaging, wiki-like features and group collaboration into a single app? You’re not alone. To clear up the confusion, we recently published Google Wave: A Complete Guide, a feature-length article that explains Wave in plain English. Now Gina Trapani and Adam Pash have gone a step further, releasing The Complete Guide to Google Wave. The book, which is available for free online, details all of Wave’s features – and some use cases – in 8 chapters. It’s a super-handy reference if you’re still stuck on how to get the most out of Wave. Recommended!
Google Press Center: Twitter Directory
All the different Google accounts on Twitter
Google accounts on Twitter published October 31
Michael Nielsen » The Google Technology Stack
Interesting set of links and posts describing the technologies Google builds its software on, and how they work together.
The Google Technology Stack … or as I would put it: An Introduction to MapReduce, Data Mining and PageRank
A great in-depth treament of the engine that powers Google
Part of what makes Google such an amazing engine of innovation is their internal technology stack: a set of powerful proprietary technologies that makes it easy for Google developers to generate and process enormous quantities of data. According to a senior Microsoft developer who moved to Google, Googlers work and think at a higher level of abstraction than do developers at many other companies, including Microsoft: “Google uses Bayesian filtering the way Microsoft uses the if statement” (Credit: Joel Spolsky). This series of posts describes some of the technologies that make this high level of abstraction possible.
Free Technology for Teachers: Beyond Google - Improve Your Search Results
this short guide to 15 tools and strategies for helping your students (and your colleagues) improve their Internet search results
15+ great Google Chrome extensions
15+ great Google Chrome extensions
Smartphone Showdown: iPhone 3GS vs Motorola Droid
This is a good overview, and I agree with about 90% of the points, but I still find some aspects of the Droid to be just weird. Likely a personal thing, though.
If hype were to be believed, the Motorola DROID is the pièce de résistance of the mobile world; the conclusive creation sent down ...
Dive Deeper into Wave - The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
Découvrir la nouvelle application offerte par Google, un espace de travail collaboratif rempli d'applications très variées
Guide to Google Wave
The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
The Complete Guide to Google Wave is a comprehensive user manual by Gina Trapani with Adam Pash. Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes.
Guia de uso de Google Wave
Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes. Read more about The Complete Guide to Google Wave.
Gina Trapani is a force for good.
Google Wave Extension List
7 Surprising Kick-Ass Things You Can Do with Google Sketchup | Maximum PC
SketchUp is surprisingly cool .. here's some tips to give you an idea of it's power
Google Voice Desktop Application
140 Google Interview Questions | Seattle Interview Coach
Here's a list of 140 Google interview questions.
Here's a list of 140 Google interview questions. Many of our clients have interviewed and received Google job offers. Contact us for a free 15 minute interview analysis before your Google interview.
Closure Tools - Google Code
A JavaScript code optimizer, widget library and templating system.
Google tools for javascript: includes library, compiler and html templates. Used in gmail, google docs etc.
"The Closure Compiler compiles JavaScript into compact, high-performance code. The compiler removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left so that it downloads and runs quickly. It also also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. These checks and optimizations help you write apps that are less buggy and easier to maintain. You can use the compiler with Closure Inspector, a Firebug extension that makes debugging the obfuscated code almost as easy as debugging the human-readable source."
help you write apps that are less buggy and easier to maintain. You can use the compiler with Closure
Google Code Blog: Introducing Closure Tools
"Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizer that compiles web apps down into compact, high-performance JavaScript code. The compiler removes dead code, then rewrites and minimizes what's left so that it will run fast on browsers' JavaScript engines. The compiler also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about other common JavaScript pitfalls. These checks and optimizations help you write apps that are less buggy and easier to maintain. You can use the compiler with Closure Inspector, a Firebug extension that makes debugging the obfuscated code almost as easy as debugging the human-readable source. "
As we continue exploring our mistakes, with last week’s blog challenge about the worst mistake we’ve made in a relationship, this week I’m going to challenge your work history and experience.
Google Gives You A Privacy Dashboard To Show Just How Much It Knows About you
the answer is??
Closure Compiler - Google Code
"The Closure Compiler is a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster. It is a true compiler for JavaScript. Instead of compiling from a source language to machine code, it compiles from JavaScript to better JavaScript. It parses your JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. Efficiency. The Closure Compiler reduces the size of your JavaScript files and makes them more efficient, helping your application to load faster and reducing your bandwidth needs. Code checking. The Closure Compiler provides warnings for illegal JavaScript and warnings for potentially dangerous operations, helping you to produce JavaScript that is less buggy and and easier to maintain."
is a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster. It is a true compiler for JavaScript.
Closure Compiler Service
Compressore Javascript Google
Google JavaScript Compiler
Google Commerce Search
While Google may have its Google Checkout payment platform, it’s not really a player in the ecommerce space. Considering the billions of dollars being exchanged on thousands of retail websites every year, that’s a big market that Google isn’t monetizing. Perhaps that’s why we’re surprised that it took them this long to launch Google Commerce Search, a new search engine that online retailers can install on their websites to provide Google-style speed and efficiency for customers when they search for products.
Google Commerce Search is a powerful search solution designed specifically with online retail enterprises in mind.
New! Google Commerce Search is a powerful search solution designed specifically with online retail enterprises in mind. Improve your shopping experience with fast, intuitive Google search technology.
Free Twitter Alerts within Lists -
Get notified whenever your brand / product / company / ... or any keyword appears in Twitter Lists of your choice
Twitter + Google Alerts
servizio gratuito che permette di monitorare le liste di Twitter.
Get notified whenever your brand / product / company / ... or any keyword appears in Twitter Lists of your choice
Closure Library - Google Code
The Closure Library is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library. You can pull just what you need from a large set of reusable UI widgets and controls, and from lower-level utilities for DOM manipulation, server communication, animation, data structures, unit testing, rich-text editing, and more. The Closure Library is server-agnostic, and is intended for use with the Closure Compiler.
Javascript all purpose library
The Closure Library is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library. You can pull just what you need from a large set of reusable UI widgets and controls, and from lower-level utilities for DOM manipulation, server communication, animation, data structures, unit testing, rich-text editing, and more. The Closure Library is server-agnostic, and is intended for use with the Closure Compiler.
Javascript UI components from Google.
Google Dashboard: Now You Know What Google Knows About You
How much does Google know about you? [from]
There’s no two ways about it: if you use a lot of Google services, then Google knows a lot about you. Google has received a solid amount of criticism because of this, and they’ve decided to alleviate the issue by launching Privacy Dashboard; a one-stop-shop with all the information that Google knows about you and your online habits collected in one place. Dashboard covers more than 20 products and services, including GmailGmailGmail, Calendar, Docs, Web History, OrkutOrkutOrkut, YouTubeYouTubeYouTube, PicasaPicasaPicasa, Talk, Reader, Alerts, Latitude and others. It’s quite a scary list; personally, I’m using all of these, and I was quite interested to see what exactly I’ve told GoogleGoogleGoogle about myself without even knowing.
There's no two ways about it: if you use a lot of Google services, then Google knows a lot about you. Google has received a solid amount of criticism because of
Practical Guide to 404 Error Pages: What WordPress is Missing - Yoast - Tweaking Websites
Practical Guide to 404 Error Pages: What WordPress is Missing - Yoast - Tweaking Websites -
This post will provide you with everything you need to make your "404 - File not found" page a starting point instead of a dead end street.
I make mistakes. You make mistakes. We all do. And some of these mistakes end up providing our readers with a 404 page. Chances are that page says "Error 404: file not found". How does that help your visitor? Instead of just identifying the probl
Ten gadgets to make Google Wave more productive - and fun!
野心作Google Waveの壮大なビジョン. 新しいWebには新しいコミュニケーションプラットホームを
最初のフェーズは、Googleが作った製品としてのGoogle WaveがWebアプリケーションとして一般に公開される。第二フェーズのGoogle Waveはプラットホームだ。上で述べたように、一般のデベロッパが参加して何かを作っていく。そして第三フェーズでは、Google Waveはプロトコルだ。すなわち、Webコミュニケーションのための開発プラットホームになる(実装は自由で多様化)。
Closure Library API Documentation (Closure Library API Documentation - JavaScript)
libreria javascript google
@igrigorik: "closure is 'yet another JS library', but this one is worth investigating (from Google: GMail, etc):" (from
closure API
Android Icons
Download free Android icons for developers. The package includes 30 PNG menu icons plus the additional source files for further customization.
The package includes 30 PNG menu icons plus the additional source files for further customization.
KS2009: How Google uses Linux []
Interesting to see the problems that are present at Google regarding staying in sync with the latest kernel code.
Augmented Wikipedia Reality Has Arrived on the iPhone
A month ago, we covered Wikitude, an augmented reality app for Google Android. Augmented reality takes virtual data, places it on your phone, and allows you to interact with it using your compass, camera, and GPS. The end result is the ability to see virtual items and information in the real world. Wikitude’s AR app combines Wikipedia (Wikipedia) and geotagged information from its users and places it in your hands. But while it’s been on Android (Android) for some time, it hasn’t been on the iPhone. That’s because has Apple has only recently begun to accept AR on the iPhone, inadvertently starting with Yelp’s easter egg. But now we’ve learned from ReadWriteWeb that Wikitude has made its debut on the iPhone. The free app is now available in the iTunes store
Augmented Wikipedia Reality Has Arrived on the iPhone [from]
Augmented Wikipedia Reality Has Arrived on the iPhone: A month ago, we covered Wikitude, an augmented reality a.. [from]
How To Track Google Keyword Rankings In Google Analytics
Awesome link track Organic Hits.
$A1 (position: $B2)
Google Wave vs Twitter at conferences | FreshNetworks Blog
Google Wave is going to take digitally-enabled conference back-channel a step further through collaborative sharing activities
Twitter has quickly become the must-have channel for conference back-chat. Reading what other people tweet during a speech provides an extra dimension as you get a sense of what the audience is thinking. And just like passing notes in class, it’s also a lot more fun than simply sitting and listening. (and empowering – remember that Facebook interview from SXSW’08?) Twitter is also a great way to attend a conference without actually being there – just follow a conference hashtag (e.g. #smib09 or #figarodigital) and find out all the gossip and the key points from the comfort of your desk. But watch out Twitter. Google Wave is going to take this digitally-enabled conference back-channel a step further.
Google Wave as a backchannel at conferences
Setting a twitter back channel during conferences is a way to communicate your thoughts to the rest of the crowd during a presenation. However at a recent conference the same functionality was completed using a Google Wave, except with Wave the attendees were also able to create note sheets for each speaker using the 'knowledge of the crowd', Wave + 1.
Back-chat during conference presentations using Gogle Wave and Twitter
A good comparison of Google Wave vs Twitter as platforms for conference communication.
The Go Programming Language
Google 発の開発言語
Home of the new Google Go language.
"a systems programming language expressive, concurrent, garbage-collected" -- BSD license
expressive, concurrent, garbage-collected
7 Things You Should Know About Google Wave | EDUCAUSE
From the abstract: "The "7 Things You Should Know About..." series from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) provides concise information on emerging learning technologies. Each brief focuses on a single technology and describes what it is, where it is going, and why it matters to teaching and learning. Use these briefs for a no-jargon, quick overview of a topic and share them with time-pressed colleagues."
GO: Google Launches Its Own Programming Language
There is a growing rebellion against cumbersome type systems like those
Let's Go
TODO: find out why, and where
Go Programming Language from google
Google Closure: How not to write JavaScript
What if Google released a JavaScript library that sucked, and no one noticed? JavaScript expert Dmitry Baranovskiy has peeked under the hood of Google’s new Closure Library, and he doesn’t like what he sees. Follow along as he points out a few of the library’s many failings, and why the Web deserves better from Google.
Google Wave Info » Blog Archive » Google Wave Cheat Sheet
A great list of commands to use in Google Wave
YouTube - The Go Programming Language
Rob Pike, eden od ustvarjalcev jezika Go, predstavi glavne featurje jezika. Vredno ogleda!
Go is a new experimental systems programming language intended to make software development fast. Our goal is that a major Google binary should be buildable in a few seconds on a single machine. The language is concurrent, garbage-collected, and requires explicit declaration of dependencies. Simple syntax and a clean type system support a number of programming styles.
Introductory talk for the new programming language from Google
100 Great Google Docs Tips for Students & Educators |
But besides the basic features, there are lots of little tricks and hacks you can use to make your Google Docs experience even more productive. Here are 100 great tips for using the documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google Docs.
Google Wave Cheat Sheet
Google's New Language: Go : Good Math, Bad Math
So... At the end of the day, what do I think? I like Go, but I don't love it. If it had generics, it would definitely be my favorite of the C/C /C#/Java family. It's got a very elegant simplicity to it which I really like. The interface type system is wonderful. The overall structure of programs and modules is excellent. But it's got some ugliness. Some of the ugliness is fixable, and some of it isn't. On balance, I think it's a really good language, but it could have been a lot better. It's not going to wipe C off the face of the earth. But I think it will establish itself as a solid alternative. And hopefully, over time, they'll fix some of the worst parts of the ugliness, without sacrificing the beauty or simplicity of the language. Annotated link
"The most innovative thing about it is its type system. There are two kinds of types in Go: concrete types, and interface types. Concrete types are exactly what you're used to from most programming languages. Interface types are similar to interface types in languages like Java, with one huge exception: you don't need to declare what interface types you implement! An interface is a specification of what methods a type must provide to be used in some context. Anything which implements those methods implements the interface. Even if the interface was defined later than a type, in a different module, compiled separately, if the object implements the methods named in the interface, then it implements the interface." -- This is nice and all, but I (still) don't understand why this isn't just "abstract data types implemented in a language people might use." Didn't Barbara Liskov *just* win a Turing Award for this? Isn't this idea 30+ years old? (Yes, it is.)
Good Go, Bad Go.
SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web (Chromium Developer Documentation)
@kasthomas: "SPDY, Google's answer to HTTP" (from
Official Google Blog: Search for "me" on Google
"Stop Googling Me!" --T-shirt seen in SoHo…
making a profile on google so when people search for me, they see that first.
Turning the tide: a hands-on look at Google's Wave - Ars Technica
29sep09 ... Ryan Paul ... Ars takes you inside of Google's bold vision for the future of Internet messaging with this hands-on look at Wave. Learn more about the experimental service, its underlying technology, and the opportunities that it will provide for third-party developers. [good technical writeup, ref Google Wave as Email replacement]
Security: Lessons Learned from a Hacked Gmail Account
Ken Auletta: 10 things Google has taught us - Oct. 26, 2009
As Larry Page astutely observes: "There is a pattern in companies, even in technological companies, that the people who do the work -- the engineers, the programmers, the foot soldiers if you will -- typically get rolled over by the management ... you end up kind of demoralized. You want to have a culture where the people who are doing the work, the scientists and the engineers, are empowered. And that they are managed by people who deeply understand what they are doing."
"Don't settle"
Google 10個の教訓
5 Impressive Real-Life Google Wave Use Cases
chromedevtools - Project Hosting on Google Code
chrome用デバッグツール eclipse前提
13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader | ThinkWasabi
Molt Bo
trucos reader
Trucos muy utiles para sacar el maximo provecho a Google Reader como lector de feeds
The disturbing inaccuracy behind Google Analytics -
The predicable problem with bounces vs. visits. NB! Check the comments.
It is critical to know how any web metrics package calculates its numbers, even Google. You cannot assume, no matter how big the company, that the numbers will be correct.
Article about a flaw in how Google Analytics is counting its visits
Autocomplete Me
SPIEGEL Interview with Umberto Eco: 'We Like Lists Because We Don't Want to Die' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International,1518,659577,00.html
""in cultural history, the list has prevailed over and over again. It is by no means merely an expression of primitive cultures. A very clear image of the universe existed in the Middle Ages, and there were lists. A new worldview based on astronomy predominated in the Renaissance and the Baroque era. And there were lists. And the list is certainly prevalent in the postmodern age. It has an irresistible magic. … We have a limit, a very discouraging, humiliating limit: death. That's why we like all the things that we assume have no limits and, therefore, no end. It's a way of escaping thoughts about death. We like lists because we don't want to die. … we believe that we are able to see more in them. A person contemplating a painting feels a need to open the frame and see what things look like to the left and to the right of the painting. This sort of painting is truly like a list, a cutout of infinity.""
via damon/jeff s
"The Vertigo of Lists"
Italian polymath Umberto Eco: "I like lists for the same reason other people like football or pedophilia."
", as a human being, does one face infinity? How does one attempt to grasp the incomprehensible? Through lists, through catalogs, through collections in museums and through encyclopedias and dictionaries."
The War For the Web - O'Reilly Radar
g system that works like the Internet itself, like the web, and like open source operating systems like Linux: a world that is admittedly less polished, less controlled, but one that is profoundly generative of new innovations because anyone can bring new ideas to the market without having to ask permission of anyone. I've outlined a few of the ways that big players like Facebook, Apple, and News Corp are potentially breaking the "small pieces loosely joined" model of the Internet. But perhaps most threatening of all are the natural monopolies created by Web 2.0 network effects.
But I'm betting that things are going to get ugly. We're heading into a war for control of the web. And in the end, it's more than that, it's a war against the web as an interoperable platform. Instead, we're facing the prospect of Facebook as the platform, Apple as the platform, Google as the platform, Amazon as the platform, where big companies slug it out until one is king of the hill.
On Friday, my latest tweet was automatically posted to my Facebook news feed, as always. But this time, Tom Scoville noticed a difference: the link in the posting was no longer active. It turns out that a lot of other people had noticed this too. Mashable wrote about the problem on Saturday morning: Facebook Unlinks Your Twitter Links.
On Friday, my latest tweet was automatically posted to my Facebook news feed, as always. But this time, Tom Scoville noticed a difference: the link in the posting was no longer active.
Useful Tips Every Web Designer Should Know About SEO –
Explain SEO in just a post is impossible, so I made a list of tips, tools and suggestion for a good optimization of a web page , that every one can do although is not a SEO.
In the process of developing a web site, there are many professional profile that work on it, one of this is the SEO profile (Search Engine Optimization). If you are working in a web agency, usually there’s a professional profile that works only on search engine optimization, giving you the freedom to work with image editing, (x)html and css. But if you are a freelance, then you should spare money and do this your self.
"Useful Tips Every Web Designer Should Know About SEO"
Google Image Swirl
Not exactly sure what it's doing, but it looks like it is creating a mindmap of searched images. Looks super-cool
not as good as cool iris but interesting
How to Manage a Group Project in Google Wave - Google Wave - Lifehacker
another new gadget to investigate
Home ‎(Deploy Google Apps)‎
Official Google Blog: Making ads more interesting
Sur le ciblage comportemental chez Google.
Today we are launching "interest-based" advertising as a beta test on our partner sites and on YouTube. These ads will associate categories of interest — say sports, gardening, cars, pets — with your browser, based on the types of sites you visit and the pages you view.
That's why Google has worked hard to create technology that makes the advertising on our own sites, and those of our partners, as relevant as possible. To date, we have shown ads based mainly on what your interests are at a specific moment. So if you search for [digital camera] on Google, you'll get ads related to digital cameras. If you are visiting the website of one of our AdSense partners, you would see ads based on the content of the page. For example, if you're reading a sports page on a newspaper website, we might show ads for running shoes. Or we can show ads for home maintenance services alongside a YouTube video instructing you on how to perform a simple repair. There are some situations, however, where a keyword or the content of a web page simply doesn't give us enough information to serve highly relevant ads.
Chromium OS (The Chromium Projects)
Chromium OS
L'OS de Google !
Want To Try Out Google Chrome OS For Yourself? Here’s How.
instalar chrome os en virtualbox
Google Chrome OS For
The public debut of Google Chrome OS today has the press abuzz over the potential of the new web-based operating system. And now ...
very complicated ;(
Official Google Blog: Automatic captions in YouTube
This blog entry shows you how to create automatic captions for you YouTube videos.
"In addition to automatic captions, we’re also launching automatic caption timing, or auto-timing, to make it significantly easier to create captions manually. With auto-timing, you no longer need to have special expertise to create your own captions in YouTube. [...]"
"To help address this challenge, we've combined Google's automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology with the YouTube caption system to offer automatic captions, or auto-caps for short. Auto-caps use the same voice recognition algorithms in Google Voice to automatically generate captions for video. The captions will not always be perfect (check out the video below for an amusing example), but even when they're off, they can still be helpful—and the technology will continue to improve with time."
YouTube now does automatic captioning in some cases and automatic timing in all cases. Automatic timing lets you upload a transcript with a video and YouTube will do speech to text and figure out when the various parts of the transcript need to be displayed.
Download Google Chrome OS for free - gdgt
Download and try out Google Chrome OS for free at gdgt!
Home (The Chromium Projects)
Chrome OS Project Page
Don’t Miss These 5 Things About Google Wave! « Bit Rebels
A few nights ago as I was playing on the wave, I learned how to embed video, MP3s, websites and many other very fun things that would make any self proclaimed geek super excited.
Under the Covers of the Google App Engine Datastore ‎(2008 Google I/O Session Videos and Slides)‎
Presentation on how googleapps datastore implements filtering and sorting on top of bigtable. Basically, all queries are translated to bigtable prefix scans or range scans, without needing any in-memory postprocessing, all rows returned from the scan are relevant to, and in order, for the query. There's a built-in 'single property index' (or two actually: one asc and one desc) which can obviously be used for single-property searches, but also for queries consisting of only equals clauses, by doing multiple range scans and taking the intersection (not sure at which level this happens). More complex queries need specific pre-defined indexes. Index tables only have keys, no columns with values. Indexes are updated synchronously, so everything stays consistent (at the cost of contention problems?). Some mention of string-byte considerations when doing range queries. No fulltext queries. Ends with some talk on transactions.
Android を手に入れたらインストールするべきアプリ20(前編) | Weboo! Returns.
SPDY (Chromium Developer Documentation)
Home of the Chromium Open Source Project
A new protocol designed to provide better performance than http
A new experimental protocol to improve HTTP.
Apps Status Dashboard
The lord speaks [from]
Gmail Status Page
Google Apps Status Dashboard enables users and businesses to monitor the status of individual Google Apps services. Users of Google Apps can now view the status of individual services such as Gmail/Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Talk, Google Docs, Google Sites and Google Video for businesses. Administrators of Google Apps Premier Edition, Standard Edition, Partner and Education Edition can also view status of the Admin Control Panel.
To check GMail
Bookmaplet: Easy online street address mapping
This is an address mapping bookmarlet for your browser. It allows you to quickly view a map of any physical address you come across online without having to leave the page you are on.
Main page; A website supporting the bookmaplet, a bookmarklet that puts an overlay on a webpage with a map centered on a street address that was highlighted on the page. Powered by Google App Engine.
Highlight a street address on a webpage, click the bookmaplet, and its location will be shown on a map without having to leave the webpage
Bookmaplet is a quick and easy way to get a Google Maps snapshot of an address on a website—without having to leave the page. Simply drag “Map this address” graphic to your browser’s toolbar. Then highlight any online address, and a small window will appear that maps the location.
bookmarklet that takes an address and finds it on a map
bookmarklet for mapping addresses
Bookmaplet allows you to highlight a street address on a webpage, click the bookmaplet, and its location will be shown on a map.
Python Library for Google Search - good coders code, great reuse
Here is a quick hack that I wrote. It’s a Python library to search Google without using their API. It’s quick and dirty, just the way I love it. Why didn’t I use Google’s provided REST API? Because it says “you can only get up to 8 results in a single call and you can’t go beyond the first 32 results”. Seriously, what am I gonna do with just 32 results?
# Python Library for Searching Adwords # Python Library for Google Translate # Python Library for Google Sets
from import GoogleSearch, SearchError try: gs = GoogleSearch("quick and dirty") gs.results_per_page = 50 results = gs.get_results() for res in results: print res.title.encode('utf8') print res.desc.encode('utf8') print res.url.encode('utf8') print except SearchError, e: print "Search failed: %s" % e
How Google Wave is Changing the News
Google Tools for Schools - Home (Google Tools for Schools)
Todo sobre Google
This Google Site hosts training and implementation resources for using Google applications in schools.
Google Bootcamp for teachers
This hands-on workshop will focus on all the free applications from Google that support teaching and learning. Click on the links below to explore the applications we will learn in this workshop.
Explaining Google resources and their application in schools
Download Google Chrome OS and Run it from a USB Drive
구글 크롬 사용하는법 !
eLearning Blog // Don't Waste Your Time » Google Wave in education
Inside your search
Zombie Outbreak Simulator | Class 3 Outbreak
Chromium Blog: A 2x Faster Web
SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", is an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster. SPDY is at its core an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web. It is designed specifically for minimizing latency through features such as multiplexed streams, request prioritization and HTTP header compression.
A Google a HTTP lecserélésén ügyködik
SPDY, [...] an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster.
Today we'd like to share with the web community information about SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster. SPDY is at its core an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web. It is designed specifically for minimizing latency through features such as multiplexed streams, request prioritization and HTTP header compression.
Now Google wants to replace HTTP for the common good?
Chrome OS like lightning from a USB key: we could get used to this -- Engadget
Chromium OS Builds by Hexxeh
Free MobileMe Alternative: How to Set Up Google Sync for Mac and iPhone
MobileMe, Apple's (s aapl) online personal information management (PIM) solution, has withstood quite the controversy. While some of the more ... - Games
Planet In Action is a fun website that features three games based on Google Earth. All three games utilize Google Earth imagery and navigation. The three games are Ships, Places, and Moon Lander. In "Places" you navigate, from a helicopter view, five popular places including the Grand Canyon. In "Ships" you become the captain of a fleet of ships to navigate famous ports of call. And in "Moon Lander" you take control of the Apollo 11 moon lander and guide the "Eagle" to touch-down.
Google Earth interactive games including moon landing and ships. Require Google Earth plugin
Google Wave 完全手册(中文版)| 译言网
Why Google Wave Sucks, And Why You Will Use It Anyway
OpenID: Now more powerful and easier to use! | OpenID
This is the way the web should work. Facebook - pleas join this!
Google, Yahoo! and MySpace support for OpenID
Google Wave Cheat Sheet
A great list of commands to use in Google Wave, found via Church Tech Matters. Search Cheat Sheet This is a quick guide to the operators and restricts supported by wave search. Keywords about:[keyword] — finds waves which have [keyword] occur
Google Wave Cheat Sheet
Google Wave コンプリートガイド - The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
The Complete Guide to Google Wave Is a Comprehensive Book on Wave - Google Wave - Lifehacker
Got an interest in Google Wave but have absolutely no idea where to get started? Try out The Complete Guide to Google Wave, a new (free) book written and edited by my pal and Lifehacker cohort Gina Trapani and yours truly.
Google Wave’s Little Secret: It Already Works On The iPhone
but without the Safari wrapper which allows
Hey Rob, Not sure if this is something you or your listeners might be interested in, but here's a link on how to run Google Wave on the iPhone, although it doesn't technically support mobile safari. Keep up the good work Renzo
Google Wave, the search giant's latest experiment in post-email communications, is hardly out the gate, with some of the first 100,000 private beta ...
100 Google Wave Robots | EDESIGNERZ.NET | Email, Being, Javascript, Address, Enabled
100 Google Wave Robots Google Wave Robots are the best way to explore Wave. Here is the huge list of Google Wave Robots that you can add in your contacts and enjoy waving . . Before getting into the list – You should know How to add Google Wave bots and Google Wave Gadgets. Huge List of 100 Google Wave Robots - 1. [. . . ] Google Wave Robots are the best way to explore Wave. Here is the huge list of Google Wave Robots that you can add in your contacts and enjoy waving . . Before getting int...
Un-Google Yourself - Wired How-To Wiki
Gmailのキーボードショートカットによる生産効率向上が界王拳並みな件 - カイ士伝
The Ultimate List of Google Wave Robots
Help tips for using Wave
What are Robots in the world of Wave? They are very similar to what you might initially assume: they perform tasks and process data so that you don't have to. Robots are capable of real-time translation, or bringing news and stock tickers into a specific wave. Robots are what make Google's Wave truly powerful and extensible -- they are what allow you to send and receive Twitter tweets and feeds directly into your Wave user interface. In theory, with robots, you could experience most of the Internet from within Google Wave. News, email, games, instant messengers... everything will feed into your Wave inbox.
The Ultimate Lis
Android Developer Challenge
Google's Android Developer Challenge: providing awards for great mobile apps built on the Android platform
コンピュータ界の有名人スピーチ - What is your value?
未来に先回りして点と点を繋げて見ることはできない、君たちにできるのは過去を振り返って繋げることだけなんだ。だからこそバラバラの点であっても将来それが何らかのかたちで必ず繋がっていくと信じなくてはならない。自分の根性、運命、人生、カルマ…何でもいい、とにかく信じること。点と点が自分の歩んでいく道の途上のどこかで必ずひとつに繋がっていく、そう信じることで君たちは確信を持って己の心の赴くまま生きていくことができる。結果、人と違う道を行くことになってもそれは同じ。信じることで全てのことは、間違いなく変わるんです.... 皆さんも自分がやって好きなことを見つけなきゃいけない。それは仕事も恋愛も根本は同じで、君たちもこれから仕事が人生の大きなパートを占めていくだろうけど自分が本当に心の底から満足を得たいなら進む道はただ一つ、自分が素晴しいと信じる仕事をやる、それしかない。そして素晴らしい仕事をしたいと思うなら進むべき道はただ一つ、好きなことを仕事にすることなんですね。まだ見つかってないなら探し続ければいい。落ち着いてしまっちゃ駄目.... ほかの誰もが『そんなcrazyなことはできない』と思うアイデアであれば、競争相手はほとんどいないということ 自信を持て。頻繁に失敗しろ。不可能に対して健全な疑念を持て。君たちにはエンジニアリング、テクノロジー、ビジネスの能力を活用して世界を変える大いなるチャンスがある。重要なことをしろ。楽しめ。さもなければ成功は望めない。旅をしろ。中国・アフリカ・インドがお薦めだ。そこには驚くべきことが沢山ある
High Performance Web Sites :: Google Analytics goes async
Google Code Blog: Google Analytics Launches Asynchronous Tracking
Google 日本語入力 - ダウンロード
Google IME
Google 日本語入力はシンプルで高速な Windows と Mac OS X 用の日本語入力ソフトウェアです。インターネットに最適化された、豊富な語彙数と入力サジェストによる快適な日本語入力を提供します。
VIDEO: Google Wave Gets Explained
Google Japan Blog: 思いどおりの日本語入力 - Google 日本語入力
(Win)ホワイトの伊豆 → (GooG)ホワイトノイズ
さよならFirefox 気づいたらGoogleChromeがデフォルトブラウザだった件|MOBILE POWER ~読書とかiPhoneとか~ - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
Using Google Public DNS 这种 ip 完全没有记的必要,加到书签里仅仅是为了纪念这个 dns 诞生的日子
Google Public DNS
"a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service"
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Public DNS
When you type into your browser's address bar, you expect nothing less than to be taken to Wikipedia. Chances are you're not giving much thought to the work being done in the background by the Domain Name System, or DNS.
Today, as part of our ongoing effort to make the web faster, we're launching our own public DNS resolver called Google Public DNS, and we invite you to try it out.
Google Code Blog: Introducing Google Public DNS: A new DNS resolver from Google
Today, as part of our efforts to make the web faster, we are announcing Google Public DNS, a new experimental public DNS resolver.
I'm in two minds about whether to use them or not. But it's good that there's a DNS provider I can fall back on if my ISP's DNS goes tits up that isn't sodding OpenDNS.
Google何でもやるなー. すごい.
Eric Schmidt: How Google Can Help Newspapers -
journalism's importance to democracy... irony that eric schmidt wrote in wsj, when murdoch want to take wsj off of google
An interesting take on how Google can help save newspapers instead of killing them.
The claim that we're making big profits on the back of newspapers also misrepresents the reality. In search, we make our money primarily from advertisements for products. Someone types in digital camera and gets ads for digital cameras. A typical news search—for Afghanistan, say—may generate few if any ads. The revenue generated from the ads shown alongside news search queries is a tiny fraction of our search revenue.
WSJ 12/03/09 opinion piece by Google's Eric Schmidt on "How Google can help newspapers
In The Wall Street Journal, Google CEO Eric Schmidt says that the Internet will not destroy news organizations. He says that Google working in cooperation with publishers of newspapers and magazines can help bring about a business model to share ad revenue from searches.
Google I/O: New Advances In The Searchability of JavaScript and Flash, But Is It Enough?
This week at Google I/O, Google talked a lot about the evolution of the technological capabilities of the web. HTML 5 is ushering in new era of browser-based
Great, comprehensive article
Talking about AJAX and Flash searchability
Google is working on it The Google Webmaster Central team has been providing a wealth of education around these issues to help developers build search-friendly web sites. For instance: * Search-friendly AJAX * Canonicalization * Site moves At Maile’s Search-Friendly Development session at Google I/O, Google announced two advances in their ability to crawl and index RIAs. While both of these advances are great efforts, they were driven entirely by the search team. And unfortunately, they don’t solve the issues with the Google Code APIs. Wouldn’t it be great if the new Web Elements they just announced were search-engine friendly by default?
Google week: 101 tips, tricks and hacks | TechRadar UK
To help you with effective searching strategies, you can use this wonderful guide for searching in Google. It includes 100 tips for searching; tips 1 - 14 are important to understand
Tips on how to have successful google searches
namebench - Project Hosting on Google Code
Namebench hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation.
Are you a power-user with 5 minutes to spare? Do you want a faster internet experience? Try out namebench. It hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation. namebench is completely free and does not modify your system in any way. This project began as a 20% project at Google. namebench runs on Mac OS X, Windows, and UNIX, and is available with a graphical user interface as well as a command-line interface.
11 Chrome Extensions, For Starters
Google promised that Chrome would be fast to launch and fast to load web pages, but people predicted it would fail with the arrival of its extensions. Well, the extensions are here (at least for some of us) and surprisingly they do not affect the browser’s performance. And not only that, but playing with Google Chrome Extensions is like child’s play, whether you’ve added a new extension, or deleted one, you won’t need to restart your browser.
The Big List Of Search Engines & Their Employees On Twitters
Yesterday, Google joined Twitter with a company account. We twittered a few search engine-related addresses as part of our post about that, but we wanted to do
Twitter Search To Become Real Search
Twitter search is evolving and may put a dent in Google's seemingly impenetrable armour. - [from]
Look out Google! "Twitter search will soon start crawling the links included in tweets."-Mashable [from]
RT @PierreTran: Twitter Search To Become Real Search | Mashable une belle pierre dans l'océan Google [from]
RT @munirlodin: Twitter Search To Become Real Search [from]
The fact that Twitter (Twitter reviews)’s search is now often faster and more relevant than any other search engine out there is not a secret anymore.
Eduardo Arcos » Mi método personal para ser más productivo con el email
Google Goggles - Use pictures to search the web
A picture is worth a thousand words.No need to type your search anymore. Just take a picture. Find out what businesses are nearby.Just point your phone at a store. This is just the beginning - it's not quite perfect yet.Works well for some things, but not for all. Your pictures, your control.Turn on 'visual search history' to view or share your pictures at any time. Turn it off to discard them once the search is done.
"Use pictures to search the web."
chrome extension
Google Analytics Blog: More Enterprise-Class Features Added To Google Analytics
Google Gadgets
Today at the eMetrics Summit in Washington, D.C., after months of development and testing, Avinash Kaushik, our Analytics Evangelist, unveiled the new functionalities that represent a major upgrade to Google Analytics. With these features, gradually being released in beta in all accounts, you'll gain much richer insights into your website traffic, and it'll be even easier to discover, create, and access the metrics important to you. They are (with more details below): Advanced Segmentation, Custom Reports, a data export API (private beta), integrated reporting for AdSense publishers (private beta), multi-dimensional data visualizations called "Motion Charts," and an updated user and administrative interface.
Living Stories
interesantan projekat googlea sa NYT i WP za buduci prikaz vijesti. Mislim da su interfejsi interesantni tako da bi mogli razmisliti o slicnim stvarima za ubuduce.
"The Living Stories project is an experiment in presenting news, one designed specifically for the online environment. The project was developed by Google in collaboration with two of the country's leading newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post."
検索エンジンが順位を決定する要因ランキング2009年版が完成! | Web担当者Forum
順位決定の要因トップ5 1.外部リンクのアンカーテキスト 2.titleタグでのキーワードの使用 3.生のリンクポピュラリティ 4.リンク元ドメイン名の多様性 5.ルートドメイン名でのキーワードの使用
Datenschutz im Web: Wie Sie sich vor Google verstecken - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt,1518,665613,00.html
Wie Sie sich vor Google verstecken
Interessanter Artikel bei SpOnline
Speed Tracer - Google Web Toolkit - Google Code
music videos
Google Now Personalizes Everyone’s Search Results
Beginning today, Google will now personalize the search results of anyone who uses its search engine, regardless of whether they’ve opted-in to a previously existing personalization feature. Searchers will have the ability to opt-out completely, and there are various protections designed to safeguard privacy. However, being opt-out rather than opt-in will likely raise some concerns. The company has an announcement here. Below, a deeper look. The short story is this. By watching what you click on in search results, Google can learn that you favor particular sites. For example, if you often search and click on links from Amazon that appear in Google’s results, over time, Google learns that you really like Amazon. In reaction, it gives Amazon a ranking boost. That means you start seeing more Amazon listings, perhaps for searches where Amazon wasn’t showing up before.
In particular, we now have two “flavors” of personalized search, or “Web History” as is the official Google name for it. There’s Signed-Out Web History and Signed-In Web History.
[N] 「Google Analytics完全解説」著者から聞いた知らないと損しそうな5つのTips!
Schneier on Security: My Reaction to Eric Schmidt
This is the loss of freedom we face when our privacy is taken from us. This is life in former East Germany, or life in Saddam Hussein's Iraq. And it's our future as we allow an ever-intrusive eye into our personal, private lives. Too many wrongly characterize the debate as "security versus privacy." The real choice is liberty versus control. Tyranny, whether it arises under threat of foreign physical attack or under constant domestic authoritative scrutiny, is still tyranny. Liberty requires security without intrusion, security plus privacy. Widespread police surveillance is the very definition of a police state. And that's why we should champion privacy even when we have nothing to hide.
Privacy protects us from abuses by those in power, even if we're doing nothing wrong at the time of surveillance. We do nothing wrong when we make love or go to the bathroom. We are not deliberately hiding anything when we seek out private places for reflection or conversation. We keep private journals, sing in the privacy of the shower, and write letters to secret lovers and then burn them. Privacy is a basic human need. For if we are observed in all matters, we are constantly under threat of correction, judgment, criticism, even plagiarism of our own uniqueness. We become children, fettered under watchful eyes, constantly fearful that -- either now or in the uncertain future -- patterns we leave behind will be brought back to implicate us, by whatever authority has now become focused upon our once-private and innocent acts. We lose our individuality, because everything we do is observable and recordable.
Bruce Schneier once again gets good mileage out of his earlier essay on the value of privacy. This time quoting portions in response to a remark made by Eric Schmidt with the typical "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place" argument.
Too many wrongly characterize the debate as "security versus privacy." The real choice is liberty versus control. Tyranny, whether it arises under threat of foreign physical attack or under constant domestic authoritative scrutiny, is still tyranny. Liberty requires security without intrusion, security plus privacy. Widespread police surveillance is the very definition of a police state. And that's why we should champion privacy even when we have nothing to hide.
Introducing Garb: Access the Google Analytics Data Export API with Ruby | Web Development Blog: Web Development Insights, Best Practices, Tips & Techniques : Viget Labs
Chromium OS Builds by Hexxeh
Google Translator Toolkit
You've come to the right place! Start by searching our site below, or browse our list of popular support articles. If you can't find the answer you need, our community volunteers are ready to help you find a solution.
This is a pretty cool tool to manage translations
فایلتان را آپلود کنید و ترجمه آن را تحویل بگیرید!
Online translation memory system
Here's what you can do with Google Translator Toolkit: * Upload Word documents, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML, text, Wikipedia articles and knols. * Use previous human translations and machine translation to 'pretranslate' your uploaded documents. * Use our simple WYSIWYG editor to improve the pretranslation. * Invite others (by email) to edit or view your translations. * Edit documents online with whomever you choose. * Download documents to your desktop in their native formats --- Word, OpenOffice, RTF or HTML. * Publish your Wikipedia and knol translations back to Wikipedia or Knol.
Essential Android Apps - - Gizmodo
link rel="canonical"によるURL正規化タグ——SEOにとって非常に重要な進歩(前編) | Web担当者Forum
……(他のhead要素)…… これは、ヤフー、MSN、グーグルに対し、そのページを「」というURLのコピーとして扱うべきだということと、検索エンジンが適用するリンクとコンテンツの指標はすべてこのURLに還元すべきだということを伝えるものだ。
Ten must-have Google Chrome extensions
Official Google Mac Blog: Using Google APIs in an iPhone App
How To: Totally Overhaul Your Phones With Google Voice - Google Voice - Gizmodo
Google Voice, which lets users consolidate all their phones under one number, archive your texts and voicemails, and much, much more, is two things to most people: vaguely promising, and totally confusing. Here's how to make the switch, in plain English.
Awesome tutorial on using Google Voice
Chromium Blog: Web Sockets Now Available In Google Chrome
Web Sockets Now Available In Google Chrome
The Web Sockets API enables web applications to handle bidirectional communications with server-side process in a straightforward way.
When will this be usable?
"Starting in the Google Chrome developer channel release, Web Sockets are available and enabled by default. Web Sockets are "TCP for the Web," a next-generation bidirectional communication technology for web applications being standardized in part of Web Applications 1.0."
Chrome set to take over the world
The Web Sockets API enables web applications to handle bidirectional communications with server-side process in a straightforward way. Developers have been using XMLHttpRequest ("XHR") for such purposes, but XHR makes developing web applications that communicate back and forth to the server unnecessarily complex. XHR is basically asynchronous HTTP, and because you need to use a tricky technique like long-hanging GET for sending data from the server to the browser, simple tasks rapidly become complex. As opposed to XMLHttpRequest, Web Sockets provide a real bidirectional communication channel in your browser. Once you get a Web Socket connection, you can send data from browser to server by calling a send() method, and receive data from server to browser by an onmessage event handler.
Lesson Guide
ICT Lessons. Very useful
Google URL Shortener
Shorten URLs with Google
Google URL Shortener at is used by Google products to create short URLs that can be easily shared, tweeted, or emailed to friends.
Wave Gadgets - The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
New Wave gadgets find their way into Wave every week, and as you saw above, finding them can be difficult. This section highlights some of our favorites and describes what they do.
Google Chrome 拡張機能47個まとめ Google Chromeを壊してまで厳選 - WEBマーケティング ブログ
Chrome テーマまで綺麗にデフォルトへ戻してくれるとは、、、ともかく入れすぎは注意なので、厳選したものだけをご紹介します。
Android Versus iPhone 3.0: The Showdown
Vergelijking tussen Android en iPhone 3.0. Op het einde is er ook nog een kleine poll om de populariteit van Android en iPhone 3.0 te testen en iPhone 3.0 haalt hier een duidelijke meerderheid.
As a former iPhone user who switched to Android, I can say: iPhone 3.0 hasn't made me regret my decision. Yet. Right now, Android's killer Gmail client, proper MMS support (available now), background processes (even though they kill the battery), window shade, and general Google product integration makes me a happy camper. In fact, on the chart above, the top five items are the features most important to me, and Android—right now, not this summer—hits on almost all of them.
Good breakdown of the various features of iPhone 3.0 and Android
Browser Size
Chromium Blog: Technically speaking, what makes Google Chrome fast?
We've often been asked what makes Google Chrome so fast -- from its snappy start-up time and fast page-loading, to the ability to run complex web applications quickly. To walk through some of the thought processes and technical decisions involved in making Google Chrome a fast browser, we've put together three technical interviews on DNS pre-resolution, the V8 JavaScript engine, and DOM bindings. In a future post, we'll also cover other important areas like WebKit and UI responsiveness.
Spoiler alert: DNS pre-resolution, the V8 JavaScript engine, and DOM bindings
Chrome does indeed has a fast.
A piece with a lot of screenshots about the close tab behaviour in Google Chrome | The Invisible
Well considered, with a wonderful pay-off line
interesting accelerator for mouse users in chrome. delay in resizing when closing tabs, to make it easier to close multiple.
The idiot's guide to Google Wave | News | TechRadar UK
But Wave is a revolutionary new way to keep in contact with people and collaborate on documents and could completely replace email.
The idiot's guide to Google Wave Because, admit it - you still have no idea what it's all about : TechRadar UK
4 Surprising Google Wave Uses
Google Wave has been touted as a game-changing collaboration tool. Some have struggled to grasp it, but other have put it to some fun uses. Here are 4 examples.
So now that Google Wave has opened up to one million users and there are countless unused invites floating around twitter, just about anyone who wants to take Google’s new collaboration tool for a ride can do so. Yeah, some people are disappointed with the platform, but if you’re among them you’ll have to admit that whether it’s going to catch on or not, it’s been used for some neat stuff.
Four uses in particular have stood out for their cleverness and high fun factor, and you probably didn’t see any of them coming. Each has gotten a lot of press, so if you’ve been following Wave closely you might have heard of them.
No. 1 is the Seattle Times use of Wave during the manhunt for the Lakewood police killer.
Interact: Watch 24 Brilliant Hours of U.S. Flights
Very cool xray like looking map of flight lines
Flight patterns information visualization for the US in a 24 hour period. Where the flights are going and what their altitude is (altitude is mapped with color, darker is higher, lighter is lower)
Map showing bright spots at airports 8/12/08
Google Maps parnership
Looks like connecting neurons in the brain..
Official Google Blog: Browser Size: a tool to see how others view your website
neat tool
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | Google Maps
Fascinating site where you can overlay historic maps onto Google Earth images; compare and contrast then and now. Very cool.
How Google Determines the Relevance of a Page
Gmail and Google Apps Account Got Hacked
recuperação gmail
t of all your Gmail / Google Accounts and initiate the password recovery process
Google Code Blog: Introducing Google Browser Size
Using this visualization, Bruno confirmed that about 10% of users couldn't see the download button without scrolling, and thus never noticed it. 10% may not sound like a lot, but in this context it turns out to mean a significant number of people weren't downloading Google Earth. Using this data, the team was able to redesign the page to good effect.
show to Chad
Browser Size, hoeveel procent ziet een bepaald element van je website..
etherpad - Project Hosting on Google Code
This is the open source release of EtherPad, a web-based realtime collaborative document editor. This project exists mainly as an exhibition of the code, to help support those who want to run or modify their own etherpad servers, or for those who are curious about how etherpad's algorithms make realtime collaboration possible.
Матрица компетентности программиста - Google Docs
часть 2:
armstrong on software: Comet is dead long live websockets
"After a small amount of experimentation I was able to make Erlang talk to a web page using pure asynchronous message passing. I think this means the death of the following technologies: comet long-poll AJAX keep-alive sockets"
Erlang's creator anoints websockets (includes example server and client)
After a small amount of experimentation I was able to make Erlang talk to a web page using pure asynchronous message passing.
Is YouTube the Next Google? - ReadWriteWeb
Use YouTube to find information?
Discusses the rise of the video and the potential impact on the internet. Includes interesting section on "Generation YouTube"
Google Wave's Massive Potential for Business Users
Google Wave is an innovative new way for people to communicate and collaborate. Taking the time to understand Wave and how it works might be a worthwhile investment for business users. Here’s what Wave could mean for the future of business communication and collaboration.
Official Google Blog: Power to the people
Google states its mission for introducing the power meter and the reasoning behind it. By making information accessible and available to everyone, they try to save the environment. They also state actions taken to arouse attention for that subject and their activities to promote it. They make suggestions for policies and point out costumer tools they develop.
Feb 2009. - Google describes technology to monitor energy use
Google’s mission is to "organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful," and we believe consumers have a right to detailed information about their home electricity use.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to providing consumers with detailed energy information. And it will take the combined efforts of federal and state governments, utilities, device manufacturers, and software engineers to empower consumers to use electricity more wisely by giving them access to energy information.
Official Google Blog: The meaning of open
As Google product managers, you are building something that will outlast all of us, and none of us can imagine all the ways Google will grow and touch people's lives. In that way, we are like our colleague Vint Cerf, who didn't know exactly how many networks would want to be part of this "Internet" so he set the default to open. Vint certainly got it right. I believe we will too.
Google Manifesto
Google’s Personalized Results: The “New Normal” That Deserves Extraordinary Attention
What are the results you get back for a search on the US health care debate? Fox News might be all set to lambaste Google for giving a liberal site top billing, only to find that CNN reports that it’s a conservative site that’s number one — and both stations might be wrong. That’s because the results each reports on will be only what their particular reporters at each station saw. Their viewers may see different results. In fact, each one of their viewers may see results different from one another.
On Friday afternoon, Google made the biggest change that has ever happened in search engines, and the world largely yawned. Maybe Google timed its
4Vp9N.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x356 pixels)
If websites were people (Image): #yam [from]
characterizations of websites as cartoon
SEOmoz | 8 Predictions for SEO in 2010
First off, apologies for my absence from the blog these past few days. It's been an incredibly busy time, trying to wrap things up before I leave for San Diego over the holidays. So much for a December lull... In this post, I'm going to try tackling a lot of the recent trends we've been observing from the engines and talk about my personal perception of what's to come over the next 12 months.
"In this post, I'm going to try tackling a lot of the recent trends we've been observing from the engines and talk about my personal perception of what's to come over the next 12 months."
Home - FireFound
FireFound is an add-on for Firefox and Fennec (mobile Firefox) that helps your find your computer (or mobile phone, in the case of Fennec) if it is lost or stolen. Every time your computer's location changes, FireFound sends a secure message to a central server with its current location. You can then log into the server and see your computer's current location. All of the location data is encrypted, so no one can find out where your computer is without your password. If you lose your computer, you can tell FireFound to clear your personal data (saved passwords, browsing history, etc.) if anyone starts your browser before you can retrieve it.
FireFound is an add-on for Firefox and Fennec (mobile Firefox) that helps your find your computer (or mobile phone, in the case of Fennec) if it is lost or stolen
The tool to trace your laptop through ff's geolocation feature and nuke the computer remotely if needed. Firefox addon.
Firefox add-on that helps you find your computer
Official NORAD Santa Tracker
Santa tracker
Follow Santa as he makes his magical journey!
20 Essential Gmail Tips You Probably Don't Use (but Should!) | Maximum PC
Awesome round-up of tips. is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 20 Essential Gmail Tips You Probably Don&#039;t Use (but Should!).
# mpose a new message. Hold Shift +c to compose a message in a new window # Tab+Enter: Send a message # k: Move cursor to a more recent conversation # j: Move cursor to the next oldest conversation
Facebook Connect vs Google Friend Connect: Fight!
The differences between Facebook Connect and Google Friend Connect
Notebooks: Where to Go When Google Notebook Goes Down
Google's Notebook webapp was tightly integrated with other Google apps, had a killer Firefox extension, and was great at getting things done. "Was," though, because Google is ending support. Here's where heartsick users should turn.
Official Google Blog: The 2008 Founders' Letter
from the Official Google Blog – a history lesson for us all
Today, almost a third of all Google searches in Japan are coming from mobile devices — a leading indicator of where the rest of the world will soon be.
Compare "State of Google" addresses since 2004.
5/07/2009 12:11:00 PM Posted by Sergey Brin, Co-founder
Kunagi tulevikus on seda kirja ilmselt päris huvitav lugeda :)
e tells us some things to expect in the next. Computers will be 100 times faster still and storage will be 100 times cheaper. Many of the problems that we call artificial intelligence today will become accepted as standard computational capabilities, including image processing, spe
cmockery - Google Code
There are a variety of C unit testing frameworks available however many of them are fairly complex and require the latest compiler technology. Some development requires the use of old compilers which makes it difficult to use some unit testing frameworks. In addition many unit testing frameworks assume the code being tested is an application or module that is targeted to the same platform that will ultimately execute the test. Because of this assumption many frameworks require the inclusion of standard C library headers in the code module being tested which may collide with the custom or incomplete implementation of the C library utilized by the code under test.
A lightweight library to simplify and generalize the process of writing unit tests for C applications.
A nice unit testing framework for C.
"A lightweight library to simplify and generalize the process of writing unit tests for C applications." Seems simple and uncomplicated.
There are a variety of C unit testing frameworks available however many of them are fairly complex and require the latest compiler technology. Some development requires the use of old compilers which makes it difficult to use some unit testing frameworks. In addition many unit testing frameworks assume the code being tested is an application or module that is targeted to the same platform that will ultimately execute the test. Because of this assumption many frameworks require the inclusion of standard C library headers in the code module being tested which may collide with the custom or incomplete implementation of the C library utilized by the code under test. Cmockery only requires a test application is linked with the standard C library which minimizes conflicts with standard C library headers. Also, Cmockery tries to avoid the use of some of the newer features of C compilers.
商業利用もOK! Google Mapsについて知りたいこと -@IT
誰でもアクセスできることが、許可される条件である。より具体的にいえば、有料会員制サイトや、イントラネットでの使用、独自アプリケーションでの使用は不可である。 誰でも登録できる限り、無料会員制サイトの場合は「よい」そうである。
Annotated link
Google Mapsの商用利用とか 何がよくて何がいけないのか
Smarter Transportation: 10 Social Media Tools to Navigate Your City
This list of ten social media tools will help you hack your transportation habits to better navigate your city.
From figuring out the best route to get from point A to point B to helping people avoid speeding tickets, from simplifying public transportation to arranging carpools, social media tools are making it easier for people to get around the places they live.
Smarter Transportation: 10 Social Media Tools to Navigate Your City [from]
Move From Blogger to WordPress Without Losing Google Rank - Blogger - Lifehacker
Lifehacker article
0x1fff: 35 Google open-source projects that you probably don't know
"I for one, welcome our new overlords"
Google’s Chiller-less Data Center « Data Center Knowledge
The climate in Belgium will support free cooling almost year-round, according to Google engineers, with temperatures rising above the acceptable range for free cooling about seven days per year on average. The average temperature in Brussels during summer reaches 66 to 71 degrees, while Google maintains its data centers at temperatures above 80 degrees.
Google’s Chiller-less Data Center
"Google (GOOG) has begun operating a data center in Belgium that has no chillers to support its cooling systems, a strategy that will improve its energy efficiency while making local weather forecasting a larger factor in its data center management. [..]So what happens if the weather gets hot? On those days, Google says it will turn off equipment as needed in Belgium and shift computing load to other data centers. This approach is made possible by the scope of the company’s global network of data centers, which provide the ability to shift an entire data center’s workload to other facilities. [..]The ability to seamlessly shift workloads between data centers also creates intriguing long-term energy management possibilities, including a “follow the moon” strategy which takes advantage of lower costs for power and cooling during overnight hours. In this scenario, virtualized workloads are shifted across data centers in different time zones to capture savings from off-peak utility rates."
How To Play with Google Maps and Twitter API –
Nice one!
Official Google Blog: Faster apps for a faster web: introducing Speed Tracer
Speed Tracer is a Google Chrome extension that enables developers to identify performance problems in their web apps using a "Sluggishness Graph," in combination with many other metrics.
12/08/2009 07:14:00 PM Do you ever wonder what's going on inside the browser when a webpage doesn't load or respond as quickly as it should? Many developers do, especially when trying to build powerful web applications for their users. But up until now, it's been difficult for developers to identify problems in a slow-to-respond application. So, tonight at Google Campfire One, we're happy to announce that we're adding a new tool to Google Web Toolkit called Speed Tracer. Speed Tracer is a Google Chrome extension that enables developers to identify performance problems in their web apps using a "Sluggishness Graph," in combination with many other metrics. In the spirit of clean, simple design, developers need only look at the Y-Axis of their application's Sluggishness Graph to see how they're doing: * If the y-axis is close to zero, then the app is fast * If the y-axis registers around 100%, then the app is, well, sluggish And in either case, Speed Tracer provides lots of ad
SEOmoz | How to rank well in google products search & a big list of places to get reviews
How to Rank Well in Google Products Search & a Big List of Places to Get Reviews
Provides a list of ranking factors for Merchant Center. By far the most important is having reviews. Provides a list of 3rd party review sites, but the one with the most weight for ranking are Google Checkout reviews.
SEOmoz post that breaks down how to get the best rankings in Google Shopping (Google Base, Google Product Search).
New Google Music Service Launch Imminent
Articolo su TechCrunch. Sembra che Google sia in procinto di lanciare un servizio di streaming gratuito(?) on demand per la musica, un jukebox musicale integrato nel motore di ricerca.
TechCrunch: New Google Music Service Launch Imminent |Well, since it's imminent;Hope there's a Wave for that [from]
Google will soon launch a music service, we’ve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio. We’re still gathering details, but our understanding is the service will be very different to the Google China music download service that they launched in 2008. That service, which is only available in China, allows users to search for music and download it for free. This new service will be available for at least U.S. users, our sources confirm, although it isn’t clear if it’s a download or streaming service, or both. Google already has a decent (if little used) music search engine that can be accessed by simply typing “music:” before a query. But songs are not available for streaming or download from those searches.
Google will soon launch a music service, weve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio.
Google will soon launch a music service, we’ve heard from multiple sources, and the company has spent the last several weeks securing content for the launch of the service from the major music labels. One source has referred to the new service as Google Audio.
Google plans to launch a music service - first few reports surface circa Oct 2009
google audio!! [from]
Changer le design des résultats de Google.
Diving deep into user behavior with Google Analytics, Event Tracking, and jQuery
by @briancray
In a default Google Analytics setup, the information you have about your users’ navigation behaviors and preferences is limited to which pages they viewed and where they came from. But what does that really tell you about how your users behave inside your web pages? Not much, and that’s where all the juicy behavioral insight comes from.
Google: "We're Not Doing a Good Job with Structured Data" - ReadWriteWeb
That's something that's a bit troublesome - if better search technology for indexing the Deep Web comes into existence outside of Google, the world may not end up using it until such point Google either duplicates or acquires the invention.
Enabling a Google-like search from structured sources (databases)
Google and Yahoo approaching structued Web
Halevy, who heads the "Deep Web" search initiative at Google, described the "Shallow Web" as containing about 5 million web pages while the "Deep Web" is estimated to be 500 times the size. This hidden web is currently being indexed in part by Google's automated systems that submit queries to various databases, retrieving the content found for indexing. In addition to that aspect of the Deep Web - dubbed "vertical searching" - Halevy also referenced two other types of Deep Web Search: semantic search and product search.
Bestmodo 2008: The 10 Best Android Apps of 2008
10 Things You Can Do To Optimize for Image Search
saved by avinash
Things that can be done to optimize images for search.
ついに無制限に解放されたGoogle App Engine/Java。RoRやPHP、もちろんJavaも試そう - Blog on Publickey
せっかくなのでJavaを使ってみたい、という人には、@ITの記事をご紹介。Google App Engine/Javaの開発のためのJDKをGoogle App Engineにインストールし、手元のPCにはEclipseとプラグインのインストールから解説してくれます。後半ではBigtableデータの操作方法も。
Google Geo Developers Blog: Announcing Google Maps API v3
to jak z tym obcinaniem? drugi punkt
"No keys required. You can now copy 'n paste code easily or embed in RSS readers, for example, without getting key errors."
もう1つの、DBのかたち、分散Key-Valueストアとは (1/3) - @IT
キーバリューストアの解説 「CAP定理」では、分散システムで以下の3つを同時に保証することは不可能であることが示されています。 * データの整合性(Consistency) * データの可用性(Availability) * データの分散化(Partition-tolerance)
>RDBとは別の、クラウド時代のデータベースとして注目を浴びている「分散Key-Valueストア」。その本命ともいえる、Googleの数々のサービスの基盤技術「Bigtable」について徹底解説 どうかなあ…
Bigtable, SimpleDB, Tokyo Tyrant
Facebook Connect vs. Sign in with Twitter
Twitter has quietly given some developers access to a new feature, Sign in with Twitter, which uses Twitter's new OAuth technology to allow people to log into
which uses Twitter’s new OAuth technology to allow people to log into and ac
tter has quietly given some developers access to a new feature, Sign in with Twitter, which uses Twitter’s new OAuth technology to allow people to log into and access 3rd party websites using their Twitter accounts
Google Technology RoundTable: Map Reduce
Matt is also the author of
Google Code Blog: Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series: Using Timers Effectively
article about long vs. short javascript timers, etc
Single Google Query uses 1000 Machines in 0.2 seconds
How Google Works
'...while both [Google] search queries and processing power have gone up by a factor of 1000, latency has gone down from around 1000ms to 200ms. Crawler updates now take minutes compared to months in 1999.'
Page Speed Home
グーグルで働いてるけど何か質問ある? - ブラブラブラウジング
「>>1が凄いと思った人のエピソードとかおせーて  孫さんは300年分の事業計画をつくってるらしいです。世界各国の向こう数十年のインターネット普及率とGDP成長率をかけた数字をずっと眺めてるとか。 タイムスケールが違うなと思いましたね。 」
Education News Archive :: 100+ Google Tricks for Teachers
triky pro vyhledávání, využívání aplikací (kalendář, dokument, books atd.), speciální aplikace pro vzdělávání
From super-effective search tricks to Google tools specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time.
Google Apps für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer
"From super-effective search tricks to Google tools specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time."
Yahoo committed seppuku today « The Jason Calacanis Weblog
Aggression and innovation wins. Period.
Why Yahoo gave up the ship and how Microsoft values different product lines
"The lesson for all startups–and BDC’s (big dumb companies)–is that innovation is all you have. Once you stop innovating you lose your talent and you lose the race. Never. Stop. Innovating. Never. Never. Never."
Nexus One Phone - Web meets phone.
Web meets phone.
Google Nexsus One の動作イメージをFlashで紹介している。いい感じ。
Nexus Oneのスペック
$179 w/ 2 yr service contract, $529 w/o service agreement. (Is it wrong of me to really hate the phone's desktop background? Also very sad to see that a physical keyboard, a la the ones on a Sidekick3 or Sidekick LX, seem to be condemned to history's archives. Why the hell do such awful keyboards come through today's product development cycles?! Designers, aren't you listening to usability issues?!)
Nexus One Phone - Web meets phone.
Everything you love about the web, now on a phone. Introducing the new Mobile with Google.
google phone
Do It Yourself: How To Set Up An Auction Using Craigslist and Google Docs
Old article. This is a good way of taking the advantage of Ebay [auctions], combining it with the cost of CraigList [free], and all thanks to Google.
Craigslist auction setup with Google Docs
Shawn Mayzes - Google Maps jQuery Plugin
The Google Maps jQuery Plugin lets you simply embed Google Maps using The Google Maps JavaScript API in your web pages.
The Google Maps jQuery Plugin lets you simply embed Google Maps using The Google Maps JavaScript API in your web pages. To useThe Google Maps JavaScript API, you need to first sign up for an API key. Once you've received an API key, you can develop a map application following the instructions in this documentation.
Creating a Web Development Environment using Google Chrome Extensions : Speckyboy Design Magazine
The Top 5 Google Alternatives and Why You Should Use Them
PubSubHubbubでRSSもTwitter並にリアルタイムに - @IT
「PubSubHubbub」(パブサブハブバブ)という奇妙な名前のプロトコルが注目だ。2009年8月5日にグーグルはRSSリーダーサービスのGoogle ReaderでPubSubHubbub対応を明らかにしたほか、国内ではライブドアが、同じくRSSリーダー「livedoor Reader」とブログサービスの「livedoor Blog」でPubSubHubbubに初対応したことを8月18日に発表している。まだ対応サービスは少なく、その“効能”も「ブログの更新がRSSリーダーに反映されるのが、ほぼリアルタイムになりました」というだけで小さく見えるかもしれない。しかしPubSubHubbubは、ネット全体のリアルタイムコミュニケーションプラットフォーム化を促す重要なキーとなるかもしれない。
Google SketchUp
Children with autism express their creativity in 3D. Follow Project Spectrum by Google. [from]
Project Spectrum was created to give people with autism the opportunity to express their creativity and develop a life skill using Google SketchUp 3D modeling software.
tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog: Eight Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter
tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog: Eight Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter
@geekygirldawn came across this article, 8 Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter, thought it'd be of interest 2 u [from]
Article describing how a brand has used Twitter for business.
Back in January, we set up the official Blogger account on Twitter. We had a general idea of what we hoped to accomplish - better interaction with passionate users, quick communication of known issues, bug fixes, etc. - but this was not a long planned deliberate move by us. If anything, it was a bit of an experiment.
akes monitoring Twitter much easier. This was a particularly acute problem for Blogger, since "blogger" is a pretty generic term. Setting up a persistent query for "blogger" yielded far too many hits per minute to be worthwhile... weeding through all of them to find the few that were specifically about big-B
Google Chrome Themes Gallery
Money: Track Your Spending with Gmail and Google Docs
Google Analytics vs XiTi: cómo miden el origen de las visitas « Blog de François Derbaix
ero NO afecta exclusivamente al tráfico que llega desde Google sino a cualquier sistema taggeado. Es decir, afecta a SEO, SEM pero también a cualquier click en un link externo, en yahoo search, en tu newsletter (si la taggeas), etc. Lo que hace es que el tráfico directo no lo cuenta como directo si en los últimos 30 días has accedido a la misma web por algún otro medio no directo y asigna las visitas directas (y conversiones) al último canal NO directo por el que llegaste. Esa duración de 30 días de la cookie de GA es
重要度別におすすめするGoogle Chromeのエクステンション:945分の50選 | リアルタイムウェブ.jp
#chrome #browser #addon
Let’s Try to Find All 200 Parameters in Google Algorithm | Search Engine Journal
Muy buen articulo sobre SEO
I am sure Googlers should be enjoying this: hardly can they say a word, there follows a wealth of guessed and speculations. This time Matt Cutts is said to have
Google Searches for Staffing Answers -
People leave because they are under used!
Google began crunching data from employee reviews and promotion and pay histories in a formula Google says can identify which employees are most likely to quit.
Idea for business alliance
Current and former Googlers said the company is losing talent because some employees feel they can't make the same impact as the company matures.
Concerned a brain drain could hurt its long-term ability to compete, Google Inc. is tackling the problem with its typical tool: an algorithm. The Internet search giant recently began crunching data from employee reviews and promotion and pay histories in a mathematical formula Google says can identify which of its 20,000 employees are most likely to quit.
algorithm to calculate people who might leave the firm; "underused" employees
Growth charts for Facebook Traffic
Ross Sandler of RBC has done what every good analyst should do, which is say something interesting. What Ross has said is that, at its current growth rate, Facebook will surpass Google in size by 2011-2012.
Ross Sandler of RBC has done what every good analyst should do, which is say something interesting. What Ross has said is that, at its current growth rate, Facebook will surpass Google in size by 2011-2012.
Facebook projected to surpass Google by 2011: [from]
Ed Pilkington meets Ray Kurzweil, the man who predicts future | Technology | The Guardian
The head of Google's new university, Ray Kurzweil believes the advance of technology will solve the energy crisis, upgrade the human genome and even lead to everlasting life - no wonder he is so optimistic
In the land of Kurzweil, the possibility of reprogramming the body is not a dry academic theory, it is a blueprint for how to lead your life.
Getting Links from the Top 50 Domains
Official Google Blog: A new approach to China
It appears China can't play nice with the other kids.
Very big news you should read this!
wow, good
Congrats to Google for raging against censorship, but WTF? A blog post accusing a foreign government of attacking them? Maybe they're getting a little too big? Ya think?
Whoa. China attacks Google (to steal business information and human rights activist email). Google withdraws from China.
Try Android 2.1 on Windows
phone os
Android is the most talked and popular platform these days. A lot of phones and netbooks featuring Andriod are coming...
Gmail Plugin for Contacts and Attachments | MailBrowser
MailBrowser is a Gmail Plugin that helps you easily manage your contacts and attachments
MailBrowser is a free Gmail™ Plugin that helps you easily manage your contacts and attachments
The Little Known Secret to Getting Page 1 Google Rankings : Marketing :: American Express OPEN Forum
Tips N Tricks for creating a PR1 site. The trick in this case is SEO Video.
How to rise to the top in Google
"1. Create some great video for your site. Note: Research indicates that if you have video on your homepage, up to 80% of your visitors will click that first, so it better be good! 2. Post it prominently throughout your site. 3. SEO it and submit it. Here’s the trick, and it is two-fold. First, you must optimize the video for search engines. That means key words and phrases must be used in the file name, in the captions, etc. Second, once posted on your site, you must then submit the video itself using XML tools to Google and the other search engines."
Are You Ready To Transfer To Chrome? - 30 Irreplaceable Chrome Extensions | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
アクセス解析を使ってサイトの課題を発見する12のステップ - リアルアクセス解析
20 Real-World Uses for Google Wave | Mac|Life
How To Rank Top In Google | The Next Big Tech Thing
Webmaster Central 日本版 公式ブログ: Google のインデックスやランク付けなどに関する、10 の誤解
「PageRank は...ランク付けを行ううえで用いる 200 以上の技術のひとつに過ぎません」
サーチクオリティチームの John Mueller が紹介した、「Google のインデックスやランク付けに関する、10 の誤解 」というプレゼンテーションを元に、これらの誤解について、解説したいと思います。
BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Carbon cost' of Google revealed
US physicist Alex Wissner-Gross claims that a typical Google search on a desktop computer produces about 7g CO2. However, these figures were disputed by Google, who say a typical search produced only 0.2g of carbon dioxide.
intereante BBC y Google
A typical Google search produces between 0.2g and 7g of carbon dioxide.
Dr Wissner-Gross's study claims that two Google searches on a desktop computer produces 14g of CO2, which is the roughly the equivalent of boiling an electric kettle.
Research by a Harvard University physicist has sparked debate about the environmental cost of Google searches.
Physicist Alex Wissner-Gross claims that a typical Google search on a desktop computer produces about 7g CO2.
think about it next time you search on google!
Two searches on a desktop computer produce 14g of CO2, equivalent to boiling an electric kettle.
Marshall Kirkpatrick’s Site About How to Use the New Internet » Add One Line To Your Blog or Twitter Could Become Your Primary Identity
So the long and short of this story is that if you want to make sure that Google understands your blog to be your primary beacon on the web, then you should add the words rel=”me” to a relevant link on your blog. I’ve added that tag to the link on my sidebar that goes to my feedback page, because that’s a good page for me. It’s as simple as making the link text read a href=”” rel=”me”.
Official Google Enterprise Blog: Use Microsoft Outlook with Google Apps for email, contacts, and calendar
Project Management: Add a Gantt Chart to Your Google Spreadsheet
TXT-books searcher in China
查找并下载txt电子书不容易,为了方便大家,也方便自己,我搜集到一些提供txt下载的网站,利用Google Custom Search做了一个垂直搜索引擎,可以方便直接的搜索并下载电子书: TXT-books searcher in China
Make the Most of Chrome with These 13 Excellent Extensions - Chrome Extensions - Lifehacker
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we rounded up 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've dug up more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has been around for a bit, we have found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you really should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found eighteen worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, awesome feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
On how Google Wave surprisingly changed my life - This is so Meta
Moving non time critical emails to Google Wave resulted in a smoother line of communication and the ability to return to conversations.
Some interesting nuggets in here.
On how Google Wave surprisingly changed my life
The Ultimate Google Wave Guide for Students: 100 Tips, Tools, and Tricks – Online Degree Top Online Degrees
Annotated link
:: Jiggling the Web for Instant Search Engine Rankings
Internet marketing secrets for bloggers
Search as it works now. Michael Campbell is a true guru with longevity and offers good solid material to implement.
this is actually a very sound usefull technique for ranking well for a specific search term, well worth a read.
Pretty cool stuff!
10 interesting projects from Google Code
"10 interesting projects from Google Code"
GoogleSharing :: A Special Kind Of Proxy
GoogleSharing is a special kind of anonymizing proxy service, designed for a very specific threat.
"GoogleSharing is a special kind of anonymizing proxy service, designed for a very specific threat. It ultimately aims to provide a level of anonymity that will prevent google from tracking your searches, movements, and what websites you visit. GoogleSharing is not a full proxy service designed to anonymize all your traffic, but rather something designed exclusively for your communication with Google. Our system is totally transparent, with no special "alternative" websites to visit. Your normal work flow should be exactly the same." &
GoogleSharing is a system that mixes the requests of many different users together, such that Google is not capable of telling what is coming from whom.
The Human's Guide to Running Google Chrome OS - Google - Lifehacker
And how to install it
YouTube - Music Discovery Project
Compartilhe seus vídeos com seus amigos, com sua família e com o mundo
Googleのトップページを開くと毎秒100回JavaScriptが実行されるよ - 射撃しつつ前転
var k=t.value;k!=h&&X(0);h=k というコードが毎秒100回実行されている。
具体的には、var k=t.value;k!=h&&X(0);h=k というコードが毎秒100回実行されている
* Googleのトップページは開いているだけでCPUを使うので、用事がないときは開かないようにしよう。 * Amazon、YouTube、IEEEなども同様に、開いているだけでCPUを使うので、用事がないときは開かないようにしよう。 * YOMIURI ONLINEとBing(のトップページ)にもすこし気をつけよう。
Memeo Connect
"241543903"で画像検索したらわけのわからない写真がいっぱい出てくる件 - 頭ん中
どうやらこれ、Davidz Horvitz という人が仕掛けた壮大なネタらしい。
Movement of "A photograph of your head inside a reezer."
The Google Analytics Cheatsheet | Internet Marketing Strategy: Conversation Marketing
I'm an idiot. Last week, someone commented on a post I wrote for SEOMOZ's YouMOZ service that they'd like a Google Analytics Cheatsheet. I wrote back "OK, I'll do it." Guess what? Google Analytics has a ton of features. And even more tricks and hacks that folks have developed over the years. So this 2-page cheat sheet, which took 3 days and nights to pull together, is a tiny sliver of the whole system. But it does cover the stuff that I'd want my staff to use. You can download it for free, no strings attached: Version with links: The Google Analytics Cheatsheet Printer-friendly version: The Google Analytics Cheatsheet, Printer Friendly
データセンターが「落ちる」ことを想定したグーグルのアーキテクチャ - Blog on Publickey
jQuery imageless buttons a la Google
This jQuery plugin is an attempt to recreate Google's imageless buttons and prove that it doesn't take a whole team of engineers and an endless cycle of code revision and quality control (their own words) to pull this off. I don't know how Google did it, but my buttons automatically adapt to paddings and other styling you wish to use. They allow for a lot of stylistic customisatoin via a few lines of css while keeping all the display critical css rules hidden deep inside the plugin.
Botões em jQuery no estilo Google sem imagem
Google App Engine for Java with Rich Ruby clients
they are blending the best of proper languages and markup languages. That there is no obfuscated code/bytecode (you ship Ruby to the "browser" app that will interpret it) is a good thing, it will dis
app engine
HOW TO: Optimize a Pre-Existing Google AdWords Account
tips on how to restart an existing adwords campaign or campaigns
Shimon Sandler is a search marketing professional. He authors a blog at In this bad economy when many advertisers are slashing their online
Some SEO Advice For Bill Gates
Consigli a zio Bill
If I ever have a blog I want to be searchable
What do you get for Bill Gates, the richest person in the world? How about a little free SEO advice for his new blog? It could use some. Bill, I went looking
15 Must Have Google Chrome Extensions for Web Designers & Developers
chorme plug in
Extensiones google Chrome
15 Must Have Google Chrome Extensions for Web Designers
Official Google Reader Blog: Follow changes to any website
Click "create a feed", and Reader will periodically visit the page and publish any significant changes it finds as items in a custom feed created just for that page.
HINT.FM: Web Seer
Web Seer Compare Google Suggest results. Try the beginnings of questions: "are men" vs. "are women" or "will he" vs. "will she."
Let's you compare difference in Google Suggest
Christopher Blizzard · HTML5 video and H.264 – what history tells us and why we’re standing with the web
Nice article explaining why H.264 should not be adopted as the standard codec for HTML5 video.
【速報】 Google Readerであらゆるページを購読可能に ~ 自動RSSフィード生成機能が追加:in the looop:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ
Official Gmail Blog: Really new in Labs this time: SMS Text Messaging for chat
BBC NEWS | Technology | Google Earth revives ancient Rome
Google has added a new twist to its popular 3D map tool, Google Earth, offering millions of users the chance to visit a virtual ancient Rome. ... This is another step in creating a virtual time machine.
xkcd - A Webcomic - Going West
Google maps - sorry, we don't have any imagery at this zoom level
awesome addicting webcomics
Great Google Maps reference
Lifehacker Code: Better Gmail for Google Chrome
Windows only: Better Gmail for Google Chrome is a compilation of user scripts designed to enhance your Gmail experience—and to make it easy, we've tested and bundled them together in one easy download. Better Gmail for Chrome is inspired by the well-known and grown-up Better Gmail extension for Firefox. Like the original, we've packaged up a bunch of scripts that we've either tested successfully or modified to make them work correctly—since Chrome doesn't have full Greasemonkey support we had to make a few modifications to some of them.
Google is changing and it will affect your site « Boagworld
Some of the changes at Google are more visible than others, and some more useful than others, but it goes to show that Google aren’t quite ready to let things stagnate just yet after the launch of Microsoft’s Bing. Realtime results OK, so maybe you have to be using another search engine to miss it, but a list of recent search result changes would be incomplete without mentioning this big one. For some search terms Google are now displaying realtime results: effectively results from Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks. Undoubtedly this will have an effect on search engine optimisation, but whether that means more up to date (and more relevant) results are being returned or simply people will spam Twitter to be featured at the top of Google’s search results remains to be seen.
Unleashing the Power of Website Analytics
Uma aula sobre análise de relatórios de acesso (Bounce Rate, Conversion Rate, etc)
Med hjälp av statistik går det att bevisa vadsomhelst brukar man ju säga, men faktum är att statistik för din webbsida också kan hjälpa dig att förbättra den. Det förutsätter att du vet hur du ska tolka statistiken och hur du ska ta till dig av den. I den här artikeln får du hjälp med tips på olika statistikverktyg att använda dig av och hur du genom statistiken kan analysera vad du ska förbättra på din sajt för att
BBC NEWS | Technology | Apps 'to be as big as internet'
Mobile Apps 'to be as big as internet' - BBC [from]
No foolin, huh? ("peaking at 10 million apps in 2020")
SEOmoz | A Bad Day for Search Engines: How News of Michael Jackson's Death Traveled Across the Web
A timeline of who got the Jacko story when, from X17 to TMZ to CNN tweeting it to MSNBC officially reporting it to Google crashing.
Chromium Blog: Danger: Mac and Linux builds available
@phonescooper Link to the blog post here [from]
In order to get more feedback from developers, we have early developer channel versions of Google Chrome for Mac OS X and Linux, but whatever you do, please DON'T DOWNLOAD THEM!
youtube gfw
Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is ‘Bullshit,’ Adobe Is Lazy: Apple’s Steve Jobs (Update 2) | Epicenter |
About Adobe: They are lazy, Jobs says. They have all this potential to do interesting things but they just refuse to do it. They don’t do anything with the approaches that Apple is taking, like Carbon. Apple does not support Flash because it is so buggy, he says. Whenever a Mac crashes more often than not it’s because of Flash. No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5.
"No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5."
After a big public announcement of the sort Apple had this week for the iPad CEO Steve Jobs often takes time in the day or two afterwards to have a Town
I efterdyningarna till Apples lansering av Ipad har det blåst upp till rejält ordkrig mellan Adobe och Apple. Diskussionerna gäller flash-teknikens förträfflighet. Eller avsaknad därav.
For The Love Of Culture | The New Republic
lessig lays out various problems and plans w/ copyrighting culture, in GREAT detail. i wonder if his ideas would work...
10 jQuery Plugins for Easier Google Map Installation - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Asynchronous Tracking - Google Analytics - Google Code
50 Apps For New Droid Owners | Android Phone Fans
With Verizon’s first two Android Phone’s launching today – the Motorola Droid and the HTC Droid Eris – there will be PLENTY of Android newbs trying to soak up all the Android Application goodness they can. But with so many applications on the market now… where do they look?
Week 3 -- 2/3/2010
With Verizon's first two Android Phone's launching today - the Motorola Droid and the HTC Droid Eris - there will be PLENTY of Android newbs trying to soak up
13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader | ThinkWasabi
google reader
13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader
Interesante a ver si consigo sacarle partido a delicious
無料かつ(おそらく)最速であなたのWebアプリケーションを世界に公開する方法 - スタジオズブリ
Google App EngineでRubyのSinatraをとりあえず動かすチュートリアル。DBはどうすんのかな。
gMap - Google Maps Plugin For jQuery | About
Sieht nach einem sehr coolen Google Maps Plugin für jQuery aus. Sehr einfach zu nutzen...
Augmented Reality Software
Capture your Google Maps offline and store them as images on your hard drive and print out maps of entire cities at zoom levels that would take hours to put together with the current Google facility.
"Capture your Google Maps offline and store them as images on your hard drive Print out maps of entire cities at zoom levels that would take hours to put together with the current Google facility"
Sitio de Google Map Buddy
Become a Gmail Master Redux - Gmail - Lifehacker
Google design: The kids are alright « fox @ fury
Doug Bowman leaves Google: Comment
another ex-designer from google, a more tempered view of the politics
g heavily on the Google design process which, as he puts it, frequently puts data-driven design ahead of expert opinion.
Dear Google engineers and PMs: […] Please keep in mind that everyone has opinions on design, and that your UX professional has devoted years of their life to learning to separate their subjective opinions from their objective understanding about how the larger audience will interpret an interface.
Kevin Fox responds to Douglas Bowman's post regarding his reasons for leaving Google.
Subscriptions are the New BLACK. (+ why Facebook, Google, & Apple will own your wallet by 2015) - Master of 500 Hats
marketing internet
An utterly enthralling rant about the economics of the web, written 40,000 feet up in the air. "Newsflash folks: The Internet does NOT want to be FREE... It wants to GET PAID on Fucking Friday, just like everybody else on the damn planet."
password friction paypal login
ASSERTION #2: The default startup business model for 2010 & beyond will be subscriptions and transactions (e-commerce, digital goods). Newsflash folks: The Internet does NOT want to be FREE... It wants to GET PAID on Fucking Friday, just like everybody else on the damn planet.
(+ why Facebook, Google, & Apple will own your wallet by 2015)
Gmail: Tips
U.S. enables Chinese hacking of Google -
Official misuses are bad enough, but it's the unofficial uses that worry me more. Any surveillance and control system must itself be secured. An infrastructure conducive to surveillance and control invites surveillance and control, both by the people you expect and by the people you don't. The problem is that such control makes us all less safe. Whether the eavesdroppers are the good guys or the bad guys, these systems put us all at greater risk. Communications systems that have no inherent eavesdropping capabilities are more secure than systems with those capabilities built in. And it's bad civic hygiene to build technologies that could someday be used to facilitate a police state.
Bajo el título amarillista "USA habilita hackeo de China a Google" hay un buen artículo, lleno de info importante. [from]
"In order to comply with government search warrants on user data, Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts. This feature is what the Chinese hackers exploited to gain access. Google's system isn't unique. Democratic governments around the world -- in Sweden, Canada and the UK, for example -- are rushing to pass laws giving their police new powers of Internet surveillance, in many cases requiring communications system providers to redesign products and services they sell."
Schneier on how the mandated backdoor access system allowed for the China incident
articulo de Bruce Scheneier sobre el ataque de china a google. video hillary clinton sobre la libertad de internet
RT @dangoldin: RT @mikkohypponen: Bruce Schneier writes to CNN on Google & China [from]
In order to comply with government search warrants on user data, Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts. This feature is what the Chinese hackers exploited to gain access.
Fantastic Free Google Earth Game: Ships | Google Earth Blog
Ships plug in game for Google Earth
Fantastic Free Google Earth Game: Ships [from]
Google Earth game - Ships
RT @cogdog: Play Ships! Shipping simulator/game- barges, cargo ships, the QE2 in Google Earth API [from]
Let's make the web faster - Google Code
15 Fantastic Finds on the Google Code Repository
Google Code Repository is a section of Google that, just like SourceForge, allows developers to upload their code for others to use under license. The repository was launched in 2006 and after searching through its archives, I found a number of interesting scripts and other goodies that would be an asset in any website owner/website builder’s arsenal.
Google Mobile | Latitude for your phone
Dont want to lose your friends? Enter Google Latitude: [from]
See your friends on a map with Google Latitude To start using Google Latitude on your computer, sign in to your Google Account. * See your friends locations and status messages on a full-screen map * Control your location and who gets to see it
Keep track of your friends - really, although not ready for iPhone yet: [from]
jpolite - Google Code
jQuery Framework
JPolite (jQuery POrtal Lite) is a lightweight front-end web portal framework based on jQuery.
JPolite (jQuery POrtal Lite) is a lightweight front-end web portal framework based on jQuery. The focus is easy content integration at the front-end, through an intuitive naming system and conventions plus simple and easy configuration. Developers can make use of various server side technologies and frameworks to generate content for the portal. Features: * Flexible layout configurations * Module drag-drop (thanks to jQuery UI * Simple UI controls (Tabs, accordion, ...) * Sample RSS Reader ... Last not least, the core js file weighs only 5kB after compression! Check out the Live Demo to experience.
Official Google Notebook Blog: Stopping development on Google Notebook
16 Oct 09. Vidya suggested using Google Notebook. But it has been stopped. However, they have suggested alternatives. Try to bring them into use.
Google Notebook
How Twitter and Facebook Now Compete with Google « blog maverick
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Last year I wrote a blog post entitled "If the news is important it will find me". The point was that we all live in so many socia
Things change. We are seeing a change in our referral logs right now. That could translate into systemic change in user behavior and business opportunity
our referral behavior is changing. hearing people from twitter, and researching there, rather than google.
RT @mashable: Reading: "How Twitter and Facebook Now Compete with Google" - [from]
Google App Engineを使って無料でサイトを立ち上げる方法 - EC studio 技術ブログ
Google Code Blog: Mercurial support for Project Hosting on Google Code
Good news everyone!
Google Buzz
"Go beyond status messages. Share updates, photos, videos, and more. Start conversations about the things you find interesting."
Start conversations about the things you find interesting. Share updates, photos, videos and more with your friends.
Firefox Tips: 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sidebar
Firefox Tips: 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sidebar
Official Google Docs Blog: Drawing on your creativity in Docs
RT @courosa: RT @mslinch: Just when you thought Google Docs couldn't get any cooler: [from]
Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas or just for fun
I'm excited to tell you about Insert Drawing, a new feature we've added to Google Docs. Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas or just for fun. It's easy to create drawings using lines, free hand scribbles, text labels and a large choice of shapes that you can move, resize, rotate and adjust. Group, order, align and distribute and other features are available when you select objects you've drawn. You can also customize a range of shape properties, from line widths to fill color, and from arrowheads to font size, and much more. If you change your mind, there is undo and redo. You can collaborate with a friend or colleague on a drawing, or work alone, just as you can in Google Docs today.
Insert Drawing, a new feature we've added to Google Docs. Now you can create and insert rich, colorful drawings into documents, presentations and spreadsheets, to illustrate your ideas
Google-dokumenttien piirtotyökalu.
Conversion Room: Improve your web-forms and increase conversions
5 great ways to waste money in Google Adwords « Successful Software
if you take the time to learn the ropes and experiment. Below is a graph of my return on investment from Adwords for my table planning software over 5 yea
Why Web Developers Should Switch to Google Chrome - Nettuts+
WARNING: Google Buzz Has A Huge Privacy Flaw
"It gets to a deeper problem with Google Buzz: It's built on email, which is a very different Internet application than a social network." - I couldn't agree more; this new Google feature should NOT be based on your Gmail contacts, which are typically more private than, say, your friends on Twitter or Facebook.
gMap - Google Maps Plugin For jQuery | Examples
Now that I am getting more into jQuery I may just have to use this
How to Do Everything in Google Buzz (Including Turn It Off) | Work Smart | Fast Company
Good utility post from Gina
Here's how to customize and use Buzz--or opt out of its inbox-cluttering updates completely.
Map Envelope
Envía un mapa
Google Code Blog: Announcing Google Chart Tools
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
"YouTube speed-tester that tells you how your ISP stacks up against other ISPs in your town and country, to give you the ability to compare your speed numbers with other users in your region."
Benchmarks ISP speed using you tube videos
Fuck you, Google « Fugitivus
Google Buzz
Full Screen Weather : Weather Underground
mapas com previsões meteorológicas, também dos Açores
Did Google just sneakily launch a Facebook killer? - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
You are so vain and you've just handed (possibly) another rich lode for Google to mine. And you didn't know it.
Farhad Manjoo takes a look at Google's new profile option, which lets you control your brand in Google (to some extent). It could be a Facebook killer - or at leats be a new place you need to keep an eye on your brand.
Google Profile—a page that Google is encouraging everyone to create.
Get Local Search Results With Google Maps and Ajax APIs - Webmonkey
var resultdiv = document.getElementById('searchresults');
Top 10 Google Settings You Should Know About - Google settings - Lifehacker
How to Sync Facebook Events with Google Calendar
For those out there who use Google and Facebook to manage events and calendaring, here’s another how-to that might not only make your busy lives a little less complicated, but will relieve you of the pain of having to keep up between multiple calendars.
facebook tech tip
Page Speed Home
Congratulations, Google staff: $210k in profit per head in 2008 | Royal Pingdom
Google factura 210k$ por personal. listado de ranking de facturación por empleado
Doing this study could totally open any company's mind
Google had $209,624 in profit per employee in 2008, which beats all the other large tech companies we looked at, including big hitters like Microsoft, Apple, Intel and IBM.
In that sense Microsoft is doing a very good job considering that they are close to matching Google in spite of having 4.5 times as many employees. And of course, looking at overall profit for the company, Microsoft is way ahead of every other company on this list.
Google Buzz Has Completely Changed the Game: Here’s How
In a few months, few will remember these privacy snafus. Just as people have forgotten about the Facebook News Feed fiasco and other Facebook disasters, people will forgive and forget about Buzz’s initial privacy concerns.
Web Strategy Matrix: Google Buzz vs Facebook vs MySpace vs Twitter (Feb 2010) « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
great comparative look at the current competing technologies.
Lack Of Signal In A Sea of Noise There’s an incredible amount of media and blogger noise about social networks, yet most focus on “killer app” hype without an objective point of view. My career mission? To cut out the hype and help companies make sense of what to do. For those fraught with information overload, this definitive matrix distills what matters. Situation: New Contender Shakes Up Industry Google has entered the social networking play with “Buzz”, and by the look of it, this time it’s for real. There’s a lot of market confusion on how they could stack up, so here’s my take. Let’s cut the noise and get to the heart of it with a comparison matrix based upon my insights talking to these companies in formal briefings, observations, as a user, my former research and dealing with the brands trying to reach them. Executive Summary: Brands Must Stay Focused On Where Customers Already Are Google’s entrance causes media havoc but web strategists should stay focused. Find out
Social Media and Social Networking
Analytikern Jeremiah Owyang ställer upp Buzz, Facebook, Twitter och MySpace i en matris där styrkor och svagheter rankas.
Buzz off: Disabling Google Buzz | Webware - CNET
y, Google's n
17 Google Chrome Extensions for Web Designers and Developers –
Google Chart Tools - Google Code
Google - Moscow-Vladivostok: virtual journey on Google Maps
virtual journey on Google Maps
Facebook Sending More Traffic Than Google to Some Sites - Advertising Age - Digital
Om vad som driver trafik.
Marketers spend billions to attract search traffic from Google, but late last year Facebook started becoming a bigger source of traffic for some large websites, according to analytics firm Hitwise.
人の流れがsearchからじゃなく、social mediaからに変わる傾向か。
HOW TO: Integrate Google Buzz Into Your WordPress Blog
We’ve discussed how you can integrate Buzz with your other social networks, but what about integrating Buzz with your blog? If you use a self-hosted WordPress (WordPress) blog (sorry, users), there are already a variety of Google Buzz (Google Buzz) plugins and add-ons available. While it’s clear that people are really taking to using Buzz to share content and communicate, the service will undoubtedly reach more users as its sharing tools are integrated into other social sites. From buttons to social stream in your side bar, here’s how you can integrate Buzz with your WordPress blog. Google Buzz Buttons Mashable (Mashable) started sporting some nifty Buzz buttons a few days ago and lots of our readers have wanted to know how to add a similar feature to their own blogs. As it stands right now, how our Google Buzz buttons work (and how the buttons other sites are using also work) is that they create a share link from that post to Google Reader (Google Reader). As long as
10 really cool Google Chrome hacks | News | TechRadar UK
hen you enter a search te
Facebook directs more online users than Google
According to Web measurement firm Compete Inc., Facebook has passed search-engine giant Google to become the top source for traffic to major portals like Yahoo and MSN, and is among the leaders for other types of sites.
Is social media becoming more important than search engine ?
HOW TO: Integrate Facebook, Twitter, and Buzz into Your Gmail
101 Time-Saving Google Tricks for Work, Play and Learning | Best University
"101 Time-Saving Google Tricks for Work, Play and Learning The Internet is full of useful tools and hacks that keep you more focused and efficient, but you have to know which ones are best. This large list of 101 Google tricks can help you lead a more streamlined, stress-free existence, from your personal to your school or work life."
10 Google Interview Questions » My Tech Interviews
Interesting puzzles.
20 Instant Upgrades to Make Chrome Better than Firefox | Maximum PC
Show of hands - how many of you are still clinging to Firefox not because it's the perfect browser, but because it's the best alternative out there to Internet Explorer? Probably a good many of you, and the reason why Firefox has been so hard to supplant as the No. 2 gateway to the Web is because Mozilla had the foresight to make it extensible. Thousands of add-ons exist allowing users to custom tailor the open- source browser however they see fit, and it only takes a few mouse clicks to do so.
Official Google Blog: The intelligent cloud
"Thus, computer systems will have greater opportunity to learn from the collective behavior of billions of humans. They will get smarter, gleaning relationships between objects, nuances, intentions, meanings, and other deep conceptual information. Today's Google search uses an early form of this approach, but in the future many more systems will be able to benefit from it."
Computer systems will have greater opportunity to learn from the collective behavior of billions of humans. They will get smarter, gleaning relationships between objects, nuances, intentions, meanings, and other deep conceptual information. Today's Google search uses an early form of this approach, but in the future many more systems will be able to benefit from it.
Adding Markers to a Map Using the Google Maps API and jQuery
An interactive map can be a great way to show your site’s visitors where your physical locations are. Thanks to jQuery a…An interactive map can be a great way to show your site’s visitors where your physical locations are. Thanks to jQuery a…
Adding Markers to a Map Using the Google Maps API and jQuery
Great Google iPhone Apps Not Made by Google
Aplicaciones dirigidas para herramientas Google en el iPhone / iTouch
Google Buzz Tips
Sorry Google, You Missed the Real-Time Web! - ReadWriteWeb
This article, written by Bernard Lunn, portrays (w/example from the Hudson River Crash) the manner in which has ultimately placed itself in the position of after-the-fact-news conveyor/historical web archive`er. Lunn states that sites, such as, have much more up-to-date coverage (no matter how accurate). It is unclear whether or not this due to Google's status as a search engine or internet icon.
In case you missed it, this live streaming mashup of the plane that crashed in the Hudson River yesterday did what no media company could do. It is the future of media -- crude, simple, and missing loads of things we would want, yes, but new media always show up that way.
The era of dominance is shrinking. IBM dominated tech longer than Microsoft did, and Google's period of dominance will be even shorter. As with IBM and Microsoft, a great and wealthy company will remain (after a painful period of post-dominance restructuring).
10 Useful Google Spreadsheet Formulas You Must Know –
"10 Useful #Google #Spreadsheet Formulas You Must Know –"
Google Spreadsheet is a powerful and free tool to manage complex spreadsheets. This tutorial illustrates ten useful formulas you must know to help you simplify the way you work in Google Spreadsheet.
GoogleをハッキングしてMP3をダウンロードする方法 - GIGAZINE
-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) "<BANDNAME/SONG>"
"-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) "<BANDNAME/SONG>""
» Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages - PHP, Web and IT stuff
» Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages - PHP, Web and IT stuff
Google analytics about Facebook Fan Pages
We launched our Facebook fan page earlier this month and as with all Facebook pages only Facebook Insights program is available to page administrators.
Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web | Magazine
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter.
Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web
Excellent in-depth look at how Google's constantly-improving algorithms make it superior.
13 Useful Google Chrome Extensions for Web Developers | Tools
Information and downloads for Google Chrome extentions aimed at web developers
Google Chrome, like Firefox, has the ability to increase its functionality and capabilities through the use of extensions. If you’re a web developer, Google Chrome comes with a nice set of developer tools built in that will make your life easier. But there are also a number of extensions that will give you even more tools at your disposal. The great thing about extensions is that they allow you to perform tasks that would normally require you to switch over to another application. Being able to perform certain tasks without leaving your browser can be a big time saver. Here are 13 Google Chrome extensions that you should find very useful.
Google Chrome, like Firefox, has the ability to increase its functionality and capabilities through the use of extensions. If you're a web developer, Google
Multivariate testing, A/B split testing and landing page optimization software reviews | Which Multivariate?
Here's what to do: Discover how multivariate testing can increase your profits...then compare software tools using the comparison chart below. Be warned, though: this chart doesn't tell the whole story. Find out the reality of what the software is like, by reading the descriptions and user reviews of it. And, once you've used the software yourself, please come back to submit a review of it.
Google facts and figures (massive infographic) | Royal Pingdom
Google has perhaps more than any other company become The Internet Company. It's grown hand in hand with the internet and its entire business model has from the start been totally focused on the internet as a delivery platform. => A ton of facts and figures about Google.
The Missing Google Analytics Manual
Google has done a fabulous job putting together learning materials for their Google Analytics IQ Lessons – where you can follow the lessons in order to pass their GA IQ individual certification test. But the following will help you get the most out of your Google Analytics with this collection of links to implement, configure and get insights from Google Analytics. Initial Setup of Google Analytics Google Analytics Setup Checklist Google Analytics IQ Lessons from Google’s Conversion University with videos A Video Tutorial to Google Analytics Setup Google’s Support Installation Guide How to speed up your website when using Google Analytics 8 Stupid Things Webmasters Do To Mess Up Their Analytics Google Analytics Custom Variables Overview How to Link Google Analytics to your AdWords Account Video: How to Setup Google Analytics with Flash Google Analytics within Flex/Flash Applications Tools to Be Sure Your Website Is Tagged Properly SiteScan for Google Analytics Web Analytic
The Future of the Internet IV | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
A survey of nearly 900 Internet stakeholders reveals fascinating new perspectives on the way the Internet is affecting human intelligence and the ways that information is being shared and rendered.
Experts and stakeholders discuss predictions about the future of the internet. Update: <a href="">Correction</a>.
In this report, PEW researchers cover experts' thoughts on the following issues: Will Google make us stupid? Will the internet enhance or detract from reading, writing, and rendering of knowledge? Is the next wave of innovation in technology, gadgets, and applications pretty clear now, or will the most interesting developments between now and 2020 come “out of the blue”? Will the end-to-end principle of the internet still prevail in 10 years, or will there be more control of access to information? Will it be possible to be anonymous online or not by the end of the decade?
Google Wave Versus the Rest, Feature by Feature - Google Wave - Lifehacker
15 Awesome Google Services You Never Knew Existed | Mac|Life
Whether you're sending an email in Gmail, finding directions to that fancy restaurant using Google Maps, or pretending to be a part of the latest microblogging craze with Google Buzz, the G-word is everywhere. Well, it turns out that there is also a whole library of Google web applications and services stacked up behind the everyday services you may have come to take for granted.
10 Essential Chrome Extensions for Web Developers
Now extensions are supported in Chrome and some of the tools you’re accustomed to using in Firefox have become available, plus a few unique to Chrome. We’ve compiled a list of ten of the most useful Chrome extensions for web developers right here
The Dam Just Broke: Facebook Opens Up to OpenID - ReadWriteWeb
The Dam Just Broke: Facebook Opens Up to OpenID - [from]
RT @rww Facebook Opens Up to OpenID; (via @tweetmeme) [from]
RT: @rww: The Dam Just Broke: Facebook Opens Up to OpenID [from]
In a few minutes Facebook will become the biggest example of a social network that allows users to log-in with OpenID credentials granted to them by other companies' websites. Major networks have said for months that their ID could be used as OpenID, but becoming "relying parties" that accepted OpenID from elsewhere was the step everyone was waiting for. The dam has broken.
5/18/09 In a few minutes Facebook will become the biggest example of a social network that allows users to log-in with OpenID credentials granted to them by other companies' websites.
mootoh.log - Native Client
"Java は思想的に近いだろうけど、さらに泥臭いことができるという。あと、 Java とか Flash だと、中間に VM というレイヤがあるのですが、 Native Client ではそこをすっとばしていきなりネイティブをさわりにいく"
Native Client
GoogleのNative Client概要
Introduction to HTML 5 on Vimeo
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what's coming down the pipeline but haven't had time to read any articles yet? I've put together an educational "Introduction to HTML 5" video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard, including:
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what's coming down the pipeline but haven't had time to read any articles yet? I've put together an educational "Introduction to HTML 5" video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard, including: * Web vector graphics with the Canvas tag and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) * The Geolocation API * HTML 5 Video * The HTML 5 Database and Application Cache * Web workers The video is chock full of demos and sample source code. (Note to moderators: HTML 5 is a public open web standard. I'm helping to educate web developers and raise awareness of this open web standard).
Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web | Magazine
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter. This year, Google will introduce 550 or so improvements to its fabled algorithm, and each will be determined at a gathering just like this one. The decisions made at the weekly Search Quality Launch Meeting will wind up affecting the results you get when you use Google’s search engine to look for anything — “Samsung SF-755p printer,” “Ed Hardy MySpace layouts,” or maybe even “capital Burkina Faso,” which just happens to share its name with this conference room. Udi Manber, Google’s head of search since 2006, leads the proceedings. One by one, potential modifications are introduced, along with the results of months of testing in vari
Filosofisk (?) artikel om googles algoritmer
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter. This year, Google will introduce 550 or so improvements to its fabled algorithm, and each will be determined at a gathering just like this one. The decisions made at the weekly Search Quality Launch Meeting will wind up affecting the results you get when you use Google’s search engine to look for anything
CDN Catalog
YouTube Blog
Youtube is also testing an option that gives video owners the ability to permit downloading of their videos from YouTube. Partners could choose to offer their video downloads for free or for a small fee paid through Google Checkout. In an effort to promote the sharing of information, we are testing free downloads of YouTube videos from Stanford, Duke, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCTV (broadcasting programs from throughout the UC system). YouTube users who are traveling or teachers who want to show these videos in classrooms with limited or no connectivity should find this particularly useful.
Date YouTube adopted CC
Announcement from YouTube about the "Download Video" link now available on select videos in the public domain or with Creative Commons Licenses. First of the groups do do this was Obama's organization that posted all his transition speeches on YouTube. Announcement also includes links to several universities who are posting lectures and other videos for download.
How to Setup Your Own Web Proxy Server For Free with Google App Engine [Video Tutorial]
... use a Google account to set up a proxy server that runs off the Google Apps Engine and allows you to browse via proxy independent of your home network and without having to trust a sketchy third-party proxy...
How Facebook is Gunning for Google (And Killing SEO) | Copyblogger
How Facebook is Gunning for Google (And Killing SEO) [from]
How to handle Facebook's impact on SEO
RT @DavidAKennedy: Is Facebook killing SEO? [from]
Daring Fireball: The Android Opportunity
John Gruber on what Android should be.
一篇关于Android现状和将来的分析 好奇摩托罗拉即将退出的Android手机会不会改变局面
What do you suggest?
Using data from Google to make suggetions on where you might like to go next, What Do You Suggest is an experimental and interactive environment designed to explore how we use language and search on the internet.
Rapportive | Making Excellent Service Scale
social CRM built into gMail
Replace ads in Gmail with the sender's contact info.
simple social CRM built into gmail
an Excellent Add-on
Cambridge UK startup Rapportive has released a Firefox and Chrome extension that will replace the ads in your Gmail with photos, biographic data and social media links, including a live display of recent Tweets, for whoever you’re corresponding with by email. It’s fantastic and takes about 2 minutes to set up.
7 Insanely Useful Ways to Search Twitter for Marketing : Marketing :: American Express OPEN Forum
As a marketing tool Twitter gets much more interesting and useful when you can filter out 99% of the junk that doesn&rsquo;t apply to your objectives
Top 10 Android Apps - Android - Lifehacker
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal.
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal. Photo by lwallenstein. We're going to skip right over the apps that are just so common, universal, and well replicated on the iPhone or other mobile platforms that a user with a need will probably hunt them down—Facebook, Yelp, Evernote, Remember the Milk, and endless Twitter clients, widgets, and apps. We've also skipped over Google's own neat apps, like Google Voice, Navigation, and Goggles, that are (or will be) included standard on new Android phones. Instead, we're aiming to shine a little light on apps that quietly offer excellent functionality for those who download them. Update: I moved TasKiller Free up to a lower ranking, and modified its entry description a bit, after some further research, spurred by some Andro-savvy comments and emails.
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal. Photo by lwallenstein. We're going to skip right over the apps that are just so common, universal, and well replicated on the iPhone or other mobile platforms that a user with a need will probably hunt them down—Facebook, Yelp, Evernote, Remember the Milk, and endless Twitter clients, widgets, and apps. We've also skipped over Google's own neat apps, like Google Voice, Navigation, and Goggles, that are (or will be) included standard on new Android phones. Instead, we're aiming to shine a little light on apps that quietly offer excellent functionality for those who download them. Update: I moved TasKiller Free up to a lower ranking, and modified its entry description a bit, after some further research, spurred by some Andro-savvy comments and emails.
Projeto 10 elevado a 100
Projeto google para o recebimento de idéias em 2007
O Projeto 10100 é a convocação de ideias para mudar o mundo ajudando o maior número de pessoas possível. Vocês enviaram mais de 150.000 ideias. Escolhemos algumas finalistas. Quais delas devem se tornar realidade? Você decide.
O Projeto 10100 é a convocação de ideias para mudar o mundo ajudando o maior número de pessoas possível.
Projeto do Google em que você deve enviar uma idéia que ajude o maior número de pessoas possível.
O Projeto 10100 é a convocação de idéias para mudar o mundo ajudando o maior número de de pessoas possível.
Buzzzy - A Search Engine for Buzz.
Buzzzy is a search engine for Google Buzz. We believe Google Buzz a is great source of real-time information and with Buzzzy, you no longer need to be a gmail user to find out what's really buzzin'. We've added our own take on search relevancy with some added filters which we hope you'll find useful.
moteur de recherche Google Buzz
15 Google Chrome Extensions For Web Designers And Developers | Tools |
Google - public data
The Google Public Data Explorer makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don't have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings. Explore the data Students, journalists, policy makers and everyone else can play with the tool to create visualizations of public data, link to them, or embed them in their own webpages. Embedded charts and links can update automatically so you’re always sharing the latest available data.
Paul Buchheit: Overnight success takes a long time
title says it all
Il fondatore di Friendfeed parla delle prospettive del suo prodotto e della ricetta per un'applicazione di successo.
My expectation is that big success takes years, and there aren't many counter-examples (other than YouTube, and they didn't actually get to the point of making piles of money just yet). Facebook grew very fast, but it's almost 5 years old at this point. Larry and Sergey started working on Google in 1996 -- when I started there in 1999, few people had heard of it yet.
remail-iphone - Project Hosting on Google Code
reMail downloads all your email to your iPhone and searches it instantly. reMail was recently acquired by Google, and we've decided open source the product.
Localize into more languages: Currently, reMail is localized into German (well) and French (badly). You could help by translating into more languages. (1/5)
reMail downloads all your email to your iPhone and searches it instantly.
Google - public data
Limited data but nice and clear interface
Datasets and visualization
The Google Public Data Explorer makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don't have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings.
Graficación animada desde diferentes fuentes de info pública
FourWhere: start discovering the world around you (by sysomos)
FourSquare data + Google Maps interface
pretty slick
IE6 Must Die - Start Something! -
Support IE6 Must Die, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - [from]
Support IE6 Must Die, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - [from]
Support IE6 Must Die, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - [from]
Support IE6 Must Die and add an overlay to your avatar! is the easiest way to promote awareness of your cause on twitter. Start something today!
Support IE6 Must Die, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - [from]
開発者に聞く、Google Chromeが目指すもの - @IT
Google Code Blog: HTML5 and WebKit pave the way for mobile web applications
awesome work from the gmail guys using html5 goodness to do local caching for offline among other things, i really do like the web interface on the iphone...
Google Reader - Play
Official Google Docs Blog: For Beginners: 3 Getting Started Guides
google docs for beginners
Google has provided some online guides for getting started with Google Docs.
Google docs getting started guides
Official Google Blog: Calendar and contact syncing for iPhone and Windows Mobile devices
using google calendar with iphone
One advantage of storing information online is being able to access it from anywhere, on any device. Last year we released a tool for Blackberry devices to sync Google Calendar and Gmail contacts with the pre-installed calendar and contacts applications. Today, we're offering more people easy access to their information on the go with two-way calendar and contacts sync for iPhones and Windows Mobile devices, and two-way contacts sync for mobile devices that support SyncML. This will be a particularly handy improvement for people who regularly use Google tools, like corporate employees, university students, and busy families.
look into this?
re2 - Project Hosting on Google Code
"an efficient, principled regular expression library"
RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library.
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - The Weekly Source Code 33 - Microsoft Open Source inside Google Chrome
Higly informative read... Almost made me load up a wipe the dust off VC... almost...
Google Reader - Play
Uh, do I really need this? It's ok but...
「Google Reader」のお手軽版
FriendFeed Is In Danger Of Becoming The Coolest App No One Uses
Reading: Friendfeed is in danger of becoming the coolest app that no one uses [from] [from]
RT @TechCrunch: FriendFeed Is In Danger Of Becoming The Coolest App No One Uses [from]
FriendFeed is in danger of becoming the coolest application that no one uses.
e fact is that FriendFeed may just be too complicated for the average user to quickly understand.
FriendFeed Is In Danger Of Becoming The Coolest App No One Uses [from]
Growth at Twitter, FriendFeed’s primary competitor, continues unchecked. According to Comscore the site is growing at approximately 33% a month and attracted just under 10 million unique worldwide visitors in February. It had just 1.2 million in February 2008. More importantly, every time I turn on the news, it seems the talking heads are pushing their Twitter account as their online identity. That kind of mainstream attention is driving users by the boatload. Meanwhile, competitor FriendFeed, despite a continuous stream of innovative new features, is languishing. It has just 637,000 monthly uniques according to Comscore, or about 6.4% of Twitter’s flow.
Add Custom Search to any site in two minutes
No need to register, sign up for anything, get a user ID, or anything like that. You can see the result on the right-hand sidebar of my blog.
Proyecto 10 al 100
Ya se puede votar por las mejores ideas del Proyecto 10100 [from]
Proyecto de Google para celebrar los 10 años. 10 millones de dolares en premios.
Google presenta un proyecto para las mejores 100 ideas para cambiar el mundo. La votación empieza el 17 de marzo del 2009
Using Analytics To Measure SEO Success
I’ve previously discussed why rankings are a poor measure of success, but only touched upon how to instead use web analytics to measure SEO success. My hope is that once you have a good grasp of what to review and how to use that info, you’ll be more inclined to wean yourself (and your clients) off rankings reports once and for all!
Google Apps Marketplace
Chatroulette Map
Chatroulette map mashup
RT @zephoria: Oh boy. Now ChatRoulette users being photo'd & geo-mapped. Not so anonymous anymore. Will this curb m ...
The most fascinating part of this Chatroulette map is the large concentrations of users in Turkey and DC [from]
Cams in Maps
RT @neogeografen: pt der er 10 danskere på Chatroulette jfr. Google Maps (via @KeirClarke)
Chatroulette Map
Google Analytics in Depth: Goals and Funnels
Rapportive | Making Excellent Service Scale
Plugin per Gmail che introduce una sidebar con informazioni di chi scrive e un CRM
shows photo and social networking info in Gmail
Simple social CRM built into Gmail
Extensão que substitui anuncios do Gmail por informação do contato.
Firefox extension that replaces the ads in Gmail with profile information based on the email address of your respondent. "Where does Rapportive get its data from? We combine information from several sources; at the moment, these are Rapleaf, Gravatar and Twitter. In the future we will offer integration with many more data sources, both public (e.g. social networking sites) and private (CRM). We make a clear distinction between: * Public data, which is information that users have chosen to make public on the internet, and which anyone could find on one of the major search engines. We aggregate public data, take into account corrections and feedback, and show this information to everyone who uses Rapportive. * Private data, which is privileged information to which only you have access. In order to provide the Rapportive service, we may need to process this data behind the scenes; however, private data will never be shown or disclosed to any other Rapportive user or any third party"
"Making Sense of Privacy and Publicity"
dannah boyd keynote notes from sxsw2010 via monstro
Google Analyticsを導入したらやっておきたい簡単で便利な設定集 | ウェブ力学
Google Analytics
5 Emerging Social Media Sites to Watch in 2010 | Social Media Examiner
Sosiaalisen median uusia sovelluksia, opas sosiaalisen median viidakossa
5 Emerging Social Media Sites to Watch in 2010 | Social Media Examiner -
Just as entrepreneurs increasingly becoming a new handle upon Myspace, Twitter, along with Facebook, the latest group of social networking sites are set to generate the sprinkle really.
Google Earth for Educators: 50 Exciting Ideas for the Classroom | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
Lesson Plans for K-12
Google shows Microsoft how to connect the dots « counternotions
Google shows Microsoft how to connect the dots « counternotions
Some business advice for Ballmer.
Quoting Marissa Mayer, Google's VP of Search Products & User Experience: "You may have heard about our [directory assistance] 1-800-GOOG-411 service. Whether or not free-411 is a profitable business unto itself is yet to be seen. I myself am somewhat skeptical. The reason we really did it is because we need to build a great speech-to-text model … that we can use for all kinds of different things, including video search."
Interesting article about how Google is just playing a different game than the rest of us.
Google's Python Class - Google's Python Class - Google Code
Welcome to Google's Python Class -- this is a free class for people with a little bit of programming experience who want to learn Python
How I Became (Mostly) Google-free in About a Day | Zen Habits
Post written by Leo Babauta. Are we too reliant on Google’s services? As long-time readers know, I love Google’s products and use them daily, as they’re absolutely the best I’ve tried in their categories: Google search, Gmail, Google Chrome browser, Google Reader, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Picasa, mostly. However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives?It took me one day. Here’s how I did it, and how it’s turned out so far.
Case you missed it: Darth Google and De-Googling #diversify #empire #google
However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives? It took me one day. Here’s how I did it, and how it’s turned out so far.
"However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives? It took me one day."
Alternativas para as ferramentas do Google.
Worst. Bug. Ever. | Ed Burnette’s Dev Connection |
(This is old, just saving it for later.)
execute *every* SMS as root... so handy
"when the phone booted it started up a command shell as root and sent every keystroke you ever typed on the keyboard from then on to that shell."
Content Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
interesting gphone bug
Don't tell me they thought of that as being a feature...
skipfish - Project Hosting on Google Code
A fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool. Key features: * High speed: pure C code, highly optimized HTTP handling, minimal CPU footprint - easily achieving 2000 requests per second with responsive targets. * Ease of use: heuristics to support a variety of quirky web frameworks and mixed-technology sites, with automatic learning capabilities, on-the-fly wordlist creation, and form autocompletion. * Cutting-edge security logic: high quality, low false positive, differential security checks, capable of spotting a range of subtle flaws, including blind injection vectors.
@z0nbi What does the #security community think of this announcement: ~ A Google web app security scanner.
Top 10 Google Apps Marketplace Apps - google apps marketplace - Lifehacker
A list of 10 apps from Google by Lifehacker
Google's Apps suite for domain owners and businesses has finally received some star treatment with the launch of the Apps Marketplace. Which Google-friendly apps are free, worth the cost, and entirely useful? These 10 are definitely worth a look.
What An Antitrust Case Against Google Might Look Like
googles monopoly
Even Google itself is starting to worry about the possibility that the Department of Justice may seek regulation, possibly even the break-up of Google.
What An Antitrust Case Against Google Might Look Like
irlines initially chose to participate early, when participation in the CRSs was free. Only later, when agencies had come to depend upon CRSs, and thus when airlines had become dependent upon CRSs as well, did Sabre and Apollo institute high fees for reservations, ticketing, and other services they provided to the airlines.
Karagos is bloggin'
WHiChiCreative (Big Bang) | Submitted by: Eric E.
By using a Google Streetview-like camera, a system with six lenses, not as a photo but as a video camera, an all-encompassing picture is captured.
Official Google Blog: Translating the world's information with Google Translator Toolkit
Official Google Blog: Translating the world's information with Google Translator Toolkit
Bookmarks: Add Gmail Tasks to Your Firefox Sidebar
Programming Languages - Google Code University - Google Code
docomoからiPhoneが出ない理由 | iPhone 3G Wiki blog
Building SEO optimised Django web applications — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Using Django's built in tools for performing SEO. Including pinging Google when site content has changed.
8 Google Reader Extensions for Firefox 3 - Mashable
ctly in your reader, as well as letting you group feeds by rank. Also allows you to add your own thoughts on e
8 Google Reader Extensions for Firefox 3 -
Firefox is one of the most popular browsers out there. Google Reader, on the other hand, is the most popular subscription reader available. Tie the two together with these great extensions, compiled by Mashable.
Why does there have to be so much choice?! *sigh*
Here are 8 Google Reader extensions for Firefox 3 that notify you when you have unread items, let you comment back to the original blog, and more.
SkipfishDoc - skipfish - Project documentation - Project Hosting on Google Code
an active web application security reconnaissance tool. It prepares an interactive sitemap for the targeted site by carrying out a r
Software om webapplications te testen, ook op beveiliging
「・・・skipfish - web application security scanner・・・」
Security checks and link extraction for third-party, plugin-based content (Flash, Java, PDF, etc).
Mainland China service availability
A list of Google services availability in Mainland China.
Regularly updated page showing which Google services are still available in mainland China.
list of google services available in mainland china
Availability of Google Services in mainland China
How To Use Video SEO To Jump To The Top Of Google Search Results
As most search engine optimization (SEO) experts are aware, getting a first-page Google result is harder than ever. Not only do Google’s search and indexing algorithms continue to evolve in complexity, but Google has given over more and more of its search results real estate to “blended” search results, displaying vid
Editor’s note: In the following guest post, Fliqz CEO Benjamin Wayne reveals some of the secrets of using video to help boost the search results rankings of your website. Fliqz is an online video platform.
In fact, Forrester Research found that videos were 53 times more likely than traditional web pages to receive an organic first-page ranking.
Official Google Data APIs Blog: Bringing OpenID and OAuth Together
Every OAuth provider should encapsulate OAuth authorization inside OpenID. Better UX, lesser redirects
OAuth-enabled APIs su
Your Gmail Account is Now An OpenID
RT @tweetlicius: Your Gmail Account is Now An OpenID -
You may not know it, but you probably have an OpenID. If you have a Yahoo account, you have an OpenID. If you have a Windows Live account, you will soon have an OpenID. And today, if you have a Google e-mail account, you can also start using your Gmail address as an OpenID. By joining the OpenID movement, Google completes the trifecta and adds all of its Gmail users to the hundreds of millions of Yahoo and Windows Live accounts that can also be used as a single login for any Website that accepts OpenID. While Google is more than happy to become an issuer of OpenIDs, what is not so clear is whether it will accept other OpenIDs for people who want to sign up for Google services.
Google appears to be an OpenID “provider,” not a “relying party.” In other words, you cannot sign into Google with your Yahoo account. But this still helps the OpenID movement as a whole because it gives smaller sites more incentive to join as “relying parties.” Among the first sites to accept Gmail accounts for sign in are Zoho and Plaxo.
The Complete Guide to Fixing Google Contacts - Google Contacts - Lifehacker
Google Contacts needs to get better. Google and Gmail devotees regularly deal with duplicate contacts, sync abnormalities, over-stuffed contact groups, and other problems. Here are our best methods for fixing those annoyances yourself until Google does for real.
How to Add Google Analytics to Your Facebook Fan Page | Social Media Examiner
新iGoogleのインターフェースがスゴイ!Web OSの時代が来るかも! | Google Mania - グーグルの便利な使い方
javascript:_dlsetp('v2=1'); で新インターフェースに切り替え。v2=0で元に戻す。
Mainland China service availability
您对我很少参加院里的会议一直十分不满,我理解您的不满,但我坚持不参加,因为这些会议,大量的都只是充斥着官话套话的官僚会议,少量的学术会议中确也偶有闪光的思想,但总体而言,为这些会议花时间至少对我来讲是不值得的,我不能像买彩票一样去开会以增加学术性收益。等到哪天院里的学术活动正常化了,基本去行政化了,而不是您这个处长教授一手遮天了,我可能很愿意参加各类活动,包括会议。 大致回顾这六年来自己的工作,自省从未在学校、院里、课堂、会议上有过任何反人类言行,也从未有过违反学术伦理、教师伦理、滥用学术自由之言行,实在找不出停课的正当理由。那么,薛刚凌院长,您能否拿出正当的合乎学术规范的程序来告知我为什么停我的课?为什么侵犯我上课工作的权利?为什么侵犯部分学生听我的课的权利? 我不揣冒昧地猜想,中国政法大学可能并不需要一位以扼杀学术自由、扼杀教授自由、取缔教授自治为己任的法学院院长。 法学院教师:萧瀚 2010年3月21日
There’s No App for That « Riverturn Blog and Talk Back
Seems like developing software for iPhone is risky, if you want to earn money. Application can be just dropped out from the appstore without proper explanation.
GoogleのSEOスターターガイドの翻訳 - ソーシャルメディアマーケティング
RT @redesocialesweb: #delicious_hoslist GoogleのSEOスターターガイドの翻訳 - ソーシャルメディアマーケティング
Beyond the 10 blue links: how search engines are getting smarter | News | TechRadar UK
How search engines are getting smarter Google and Microsoft reveal how search is evolving : TechRadar UK
Google and Microsoft reveal how search is evolving
Google search results for "KH(Ax)N" for x=1 to 100 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
how many times people type khan.
How long do most people hold down the 'a' key for anyway?
How to Create a Mail Merge with Gmail and Google Docs - Video Tutorial
Let’s say you are organizing a party at your place and want to send personalized email invitations to all your friends. Or say your company is about a launch a new product and you want to share this with media and customers through email.
Mapping The IP Address to Latitude and Longitude In Google Maps |
Mapping The IP Address to Latitude and Longitude In Google Maps | Subesh Pokhrel's Blog - Magento Development Tips,PHP,Google Maps -$ip&position=true
Papers on PageRank you should read | Science for SEO
PageRank is a standard and much discussed topic in SEO and while it is relevant, the methods and techniques discussed are often not. There is a lot of
SEO optimization articles
Ask Lifehacker: How Can I Download Every Attachment From Gmail?
A Makeover for Your Google Results -
m. Google rates Web sites, in part, by how many lin
For years, I winced at what popped up when I Googled my name. The top result of a search on "Julia Angwin" was an article I wrote for The Wall Street Journal in 2005 after I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was indicted for making false statements, perjuring himself and obstructing justice by lying about how and when he learned the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame. I hated seeing the story at the top of the list for a number of reasons: It was not a topic I normally wrote about; it had an underwhelming headline, "Novak's Role is Still Largely Unknown"; and -- most horrifyingly -- the story contained an error and had a correction appended to it. Mysteriously, this article had become my hallmark online, showing up in my top-five search results for years.
SlateV | Arts and Life | How I Ran an Ad on Fox News
A real-life case of using Google as an ad broker.
RT @BBHLabs: How to run a TV ad, reaching 1.3m viewers, for only $1300, using new Google TV Ads - (via @paryshnikov) – Ben Shaw (BenShaw)
Topsy Search Launches: ReTweets Are The New Currency Of The Web
Twitter has around 30m users
Topsy is a search engine that has a fundamentally new way of finding good results: Twitter users.
New search engine Topsy, which has been in stealth development for three years, launches, well, now. Before Google, search engines like AltaVista determined ...
Topsy Search Launches: ReTweets Are The New Currency Of The Web [from]
" Before Google, search engines like AltaVista determined relevance based on how well a web page matched the query. Then came Google, which views the web as a network of documents. Today, all search engines analyze linking behavior around the web. When a web page is linked to a lot, it’s given more influence than other pages competing for attention around the same topics/keywords. Jeff Jarvis summed it all up nicely in 2005 “In this new world, links are currency. Links grant authority. Links build branding. Links equal value.” There’s lots more to it, but the notion that links create value is what drives Internet search. "
3.0で強化されたカレンダー機能を使う | iPhone 3G Wiki blog
Gmail, MobileMe, Address Book synced contacts sanity - Derek Punsalan - 5ThirtyOne
A personal site by Derek Punsalan sharing personal interests with technology, WordPress, design, and general geekery.
Annotated link
[whatwg] Codecs for
Ian Hickson's opinion of the codec debate
Post to the whatwg list declaring the final decision regarding required codevs for <video> and <audio> in HTML5.
@visik7 @allmarkedup [from]
Wie schon bei den Widgets bremst Apple auch hier.
Slash7 with Amy Hoy - Google is Evil, Worse than PayPal: Don't use Google Checkout for your business
So, to sum up our experience with Google Checkout: they did not try to contact us to resolve any issue; there’s no way to find out why they closed our account, due to “security reasons”; there was no notice (we found out by accident, when we tried to pay for something with Google Checkout); they kept over $200 of our money; there is no appeal; there is no one we can contact; we cannot open a new account; our money is gone, even though people have received their products.
Ben Nolan » Blog Archive » Creating a custom infowindow for gmaps
quake2-gwt-port - Project Hosting on Google Code
How the Tablet Will Change the World | Magazine
'타블렛이 어떻게 세상을 바꿀 것인가'(Wired) 잡지 사놓고 우물쭈물하고 있는 사이 그 기사가 온라인에 올라와버렸다. 뭐하러 책을 돈주고 샀는지 ㅠ.ㅠ; – Jungwook Lim (estima7)
iPad - Wired article on (proposed) future of computing.
Eight Tips for Super Searching - Solutions by PC Magazine,2817,2346373,00.asp
80% of all online sessions start w/ search
EclipseでJava版App Engineを始めるための基礎知識 (1/3) - @IT
Google-Bashing: Zur politischen Ökonomie einer Suchmaschine — CARTA
Einer der wenigen sachlichen und differenzierten Beiträge zum Thema. "Google gilt vielen derzeit als Inbegriff des Bedrohlichen. Angebracht wäre es dagegen, Google als rational handelndes Wirtschaftsunternehmen zu begreifen. Erst dann ließen sich unbegründete Ängste von tatsächlichen Gefahren unterscheiden."
10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity
RT @web20classroom: RT @hoprea: RT @courosa: "10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity"
Nice to see increased usability in Chrome
RT @sixrevisions 10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity
Tons of Tips for Ranking in 5 Other Google Engines | WebProNews
References to the blog by sources other than blogs
Google Chrome
Give information on my computer research paper
Video demo of multifunciton type-search bar
特集:Google ChromeをIEやFirefox並に使いこなす16のTips :教えて君.net
流星の如くあらわれたGoogle製ブラウザ「Google Chrome」。重厚路線を突き進むFirefox、IEなどのブラウザを尻目に軽快なフットワークでウェブサービスを取り込み、急速に勢力を拡大しつつある。もはやおまけのブラウザではない「Chrome」の特徴をしっかり把握して、適材適所で使いこなせるようになろう!
10 Simple Google Search Tricks
How to Set Up a Mail Merge in Gmail for Personalized Mass Emails - Mail merge - Lifehacker
b at the top, near Help. Click on "Import Gmail Contacts" and authorize Google Docs to access your Google Contacts. Go to the Mail Merge tab again, click the "Import Gmail Contacts" again and type the name of the Gmail group that you created earlier.
How to Set Up a Mail Merge in #Gmail for Personalized Mass Emails #marketing
SEOmoz | Google Says: Yes, You Can Still Sculpt PageRank. No You Can't Do It With Nofollow
My boss showed me about this by using a client example a few months back. After dealing with the page sculpting first hand, this post made a lot more sense.
Free Technology for Teachers: Free 33 Page Guide - Google for Teachers
publishing an online quiz using Google Docs. In all there are 33 pages containing 21 ideas and how to instructions for creating Google Maps placemarks, directions creating and publishing a quiz with Google Docs forms, directions for embedding books into your blog, and visual aids for accessing other Google tools. Accessible from YuDu or DocStoc.
This guide avoids some of the obvious things, like using Google Docs for collaborative writing, and instead focuses on some of the lesser-used Google tools options like publishing an online quiz using Google Docs. In all there are 33 pages containing 21 ideas and how to instructions for creating Google Maps placemarks, directions creating and publishing a quiz with Google Docs forms, directions for embedding books into your blog, and visual aids for accessing other Google tools
This guide avoids some of the obvious things, like using Google Docs for collaborative writing, and instead focuses on some of the lesser-used Google tools options like publishing an online quiz using Google Docs. In all there are 33 pages containing 21 ideas and how to instructions for creating Google Maps placemarks, directions creating and publishing a quiz with Google Docs forms, directions for embedding books into your blog, and visual aids for accessing other Google tools.
Пиратский Google
BBC NEWS | Technology | Google unveils 'smarter search'
Google unveils new search tools [from]
Google unveils 'smarter search'
BBC News, (13 May 2009)
10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
10 Simple Google Search Tricks /via @DesignerDepot
10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
These pages are saved from the Delicious website.
Essential syntax.
I'm always amazed that more people don't know the little tricks you can use to get more out of a simple Google search. Here are
Google Apps For Education
great site full of resources to help you decide if google apps is right for your school
Cloud Computing through Google Docs.
RETOOLING THE CLASSROOM: NEW APPROACHES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Bridging the Gap Connecting education with how young people use digital technology in their personal lives
Django-Based Blog on Google App Engine Tutorial, Part 1 |
"I've spent some time over the last few weeks playing around with the Google App Engine so I figured it may be helpful to share some of the things that I have learned and do a tutorial series on how I built this simple blog using the GAE and Django."
BREAKING: New Gmail Security Flaw. More Domains Get Stolen! |
As many of you already know on November 2nd,'s domain was stolen from us. It took us about 36 hours to get the domain back. As we have pointed
As many of you already know on November 2nd,’s domain was stolen from us. It took us about 36 hours to get the domain back. As we have pointed out earlier the hacker somehow managed to get access to my Gmail account and from there to our GoDaddy account, unlock the domain and move it to another registrar.
Google Japan Blog: 絵文字のユニコード符号化: 符号化提案用のオープンソースデータ
Google 购物搜索
European Public Policy Blog: Working with News Publishers
Webmasters who do not wish their sites to be indexed can and do use the following two lines to deny permission. If a webmaster wants to stop us from indexing a specific page, he or she can do so by adding '<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex">' to the page. In short, if you don't want to show up in Google search results, it doesn't require more than one or two lines of code.
Webmasters who do not wish their sites to be indexed can and do use the following two lines to deny permission: User-agent: * Disallow: /
あなたは何を作る?Google Analytics APIが遂にリリース! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Using site speed in web search ranking
You may have heard that here at Google we're obsessed with speed, in our products and on the web. As part of that effort, today we're including a new signal in our search ranking algorithms: site speed. Site speed reflects how quickly a website responds to web requests.
@dworni Danke fürs Kompliment! Dieses Merkmal gewinnt an Gewicht, wenn man Google's Ranking Algorithmus betrachtet: – cmsbox (cmsbox)
Follow Finder by Google
- this is a neat little idea
Find people to follow. By Google.
Twitter google
100 Great Google Docs Tips for Students & Educators |
For students and teachers, the Google Docs collection provides a streamlined, collaborative solution to writing papers, organizing presentations and putting together spreadsheets and reports. But besides the basic features, there are lots of little tricks and hacks you can use to make your Google Docs experience even more productive. Here are 100 great tips for using the documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google Docs.
GoogleDocs at work
10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
I’m always amazed that more people don’t know the little tricks you can use to get more out of a simple Google search. Here are 10 of my favorites.
10 Simple Google Search Tricks
Official Google Docs Blog: Featured gadget: Gantt charts in spreadsheets
Overview of free Gantt chart gadget for Google spreadsheets
Vimium - the hacker's browser
Vimium - the hacker's browser (via @Woork)
vimperator for chrome!
Vimium is a Google Chrome extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor. Watch this video to get a feel for how it works:
Vimium is a Google Chrome extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor.
Apparently, the bindings only work when the page would run javascript anyway, so e.g. you can't use them with raw images.
Official Google Blog: Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really)
RT @RiptideF: Reading: "Official Google Blog: Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really)" ( ) [from]
Good heavens, GMail and Google Docs are out of beta! *falls over* (via @MikeG1 @bartzon) [from]
les GoogleApps ne sont plus en béta, il était peut être temps effectivement :) [from]
Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really) [from]
RT @webmonkey: Gmail is finally out of beta (but you can still display the "beta" label by turning it on in Labs) [from]
I didn't even notice this until q10 pointed it out.
I grew attached to the Beta logo... I guess I'll have to reenable it. :-)
RT @google: Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Google Talk are out of beta - yes, really BUMP! [from]
Google Wants You To Become A Gmail Ninja. Or Look Like A Huge Nerd Trying.
The google ninjas mentioned at ala2009
Gmail is far and away the best online email management system out there right now. But a lot of people still use it like a regular email service, never touching some of its power-features that can really help with email overload. So Google launched a new Tips area of the site today to serve as a reference point for how to become what it calls a “Gmail Ninja.
reading Google Wants You To Become A Gmail Ninja. Or Look Like A Huge Nerd Trying. [from]
Good article about the power of Google in research.
天才が作った新検索エンジン『Wolfram|Alpha』と、Googleへの影響 | WIRED VISION
This script and opinion is interesting.
Sync Your Gmail Contacts, Calendar With iPhone & Windows Mobile
Last August, I upgraded from a simple flip phone to a HTC Touch. Immediately I began looking for a way to avoid manually entering my Gmail contacts into the phone. After several hours of fruitless searching, I stumbled on NuevaSync–a free service that sync’d both my Gmail contacts and my Google Calendar. Thankfully, they also support Google Apps accounts.
70+ comments
As a user, this free service is a dream. I only think about it when I need to change a setting–otherwise everything is seamlessly behind the scenes. And they keep improving. They just announced iPhone multiple calendar support, and expect to break 100,000 users sometime this week.
Understanding Web Operations Culture - the Graph & Data Obsession - O'Reilly Radar
One of the most interesting parts of running a large website is watching the effects of unrelated events affecting user traffic in aggregate. Web traffic is something that companies typically keep very secret, and often the only time engineers can talk about it is late at night, at a bar, and very much off the record. There are many good reasons for keeping this kind of information confidential, particularly for publicly traded companies with complicated disclosure requirements. There are also downsides, the biggest being that is difficult for peers to learn from each other and compare notes. John Allspaw recently created a WebOps Visualizations group on Flickr for sharing these kinds of graphs with the confidential information removed. Here’s an example of a traffic drop seen both by Flickr & by Last.FM that coincided with President Obama’s inauguration.
all stats and graphs are fantastic. Whatever they are for.
Comparison of traffic at Flickr, Google, Twitter, during the Obama inauguration. "One of the most interesting parts of running a large website is watching the effects of unrelated events affecting user traffic in aggregate."
dataporn webtraffic
zahlenfutter und die verbildlichung davon. rund um die amtseinführung von barack obama
Lifehacker - GDocBackup Makes an Offline Backup of Google Docs - Featured Windows Download
Google Docs backup application
The Top 15 Google Products for People Who Build Websites
A wireframe kit for Google Drawings and 5 reasons it beats Omnigraffle and Visio - Morten Just
Wireframe kit for Google Drawings & why it's better than Omnigraffle & Visio -
YouTube - SearchStories's Channel
A cool way of telling a digital story via google searches. Looks like it could be a good tool to use with students.
Creatore automatico di video basato sulle ricerche di google
gmapcatcher - Project Hosting on Google Code
GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer. It downloads tiles automatically from many providers such as: CloudMade, OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, Google Map. It displays them using a custom GUI. User can view the maps while offline. GMapCatcher doesn't depend on google-map's java scripts so it should work even if google changes them. It also provides a downloading tool. GMapCatcher is written in Python 2.6, can run on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer. It downloads tiles automatically from many providers such as: CloudMade, OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, Google Map. It displays them using a custom GUI. User can view the maps while offline. GMapCatcher doesn't depend on google-map's java scripts so it should work even if google changes them. It also provides a downloading tool. GMapCatcher is written in Python 2.6, can run on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer - Project Hosting on Google Code #DS
convert maps on line - off line
Offline Google maps viewer
Google 工藤拓さん講演「大規模ソフトウェア開発を支えるGoogleのテクノロジー」 - ninjinkunの日記
I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Data Debasement | PBS
The second time through the Appistry team tossed the database, at least for its duties as a processing platform, instead keeping the transaction -- in fact ALL transactions -- in memory at the same time. This made the work flow into read-process-write (eventually). The database became more of an archive and suddenly a dozen commodity PCs could do the work of one Z-Series mainframe, saving a lot of power and money along the way.
Google Gears Down for Tougher Times -
everyone seems to be viewing this as horrific, i don't see it. adjusting your economic approach to a given economy is inevitable, and prudent. am i missing something?
"Among the projects whose future is uncertain are Google Notebook, a site for storing and taking notes on Web pages, and Google Audio Indexing, which allows users to search for phrases within online video footage of politicians, say people familiar with the matter."
What Could Go Wrong With Google: The Slideshow
Google's worst-case scenarios.
Google Code Blog: Google OpenID API - taking the next steps
Gmailの「マルチ受信トレイ」が驚くほど便利 【Gmail Labs機能】 - WEBマーケティング ブログ
OMG! Did Google Earth find Atlantis? | The Social - CNET News
Google Earth 5.0 finds Atlantis
Government requests directed to Google and YouTube
Like other technology and communications companies, we regularly receive requests from government agencies around the world to remove content from our services, or provide information about users of our services and products. The map shows the number of requests that we received between July 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009, with certain limitations.
Google vient de publier une carte des requêtes gouvernementales adressées à ses services (de Google donc). Google dévoile, sur un planisphère, le nombre de demandes d'accès aux données privées et le nombre de demandes de suppression de contenus qu'il a reçues de la part de chaque gouvernement - ou presque.
Brazil, Germany, India the top3 in removal requests from Google + Many EU countries. Interesting.
Getting Started - Making AJAX Applications Crawlable - Google Code
15 Google Chrome Extensions for People Who Build Websites
We share with you the top ten Chrome extensions for designers and developers.
15 extensions Google pour les concepteurs de sites Web (Six Revisions) – Gilles Klein (GillesKLEIN)
RT @GillesKLEIN: 15 extensions Google pour les concepteurs de sites Web (Six Revisions)
AJAX APIs Playground
良いデザインを決定するのはデータなのか、それとも… - Keep Crazy;shi3zの日記
ときどき、「技術的に素人の方が技術者にない斬新な発想がでる」という発言を見ることがあるが、それはハッキリした間違いである。 むしろ素人の方が表面的な制約を「技術の制約」と捉えやすく、技術者の方が表面的な制約を「技術で簡単に乗り越えることが出来る」と看破しやすい。 技術的な素人が技術の発展に役立つ場面は、その素人の言った何気ない言葉を優れた技術者が咀嚼して技術的なジャンプをした場合である。
「世界で最もユーザーインターフェースデザインの研究に費用を投じている会社を知ってますか?ノキアとマイクロソフトです。もちろんその結果は、ごらんの有様ですよ」 それでも一般ユーザの反応というのは、重要だと思う。 ゲームの神と崇められる宮本茂さえもユーザビリティテストの結果に血相を変えて仕様を変更することは沢山あったらしい。
Google Ends Google Video Uploads, Shutters Notebook, Catalog Search, Dodgeball & Jaiku
Google Notebook closes, though those with existing accounts can continue to save material.
Google shutting down services, the list
Anche dalle parti di Mountain View si vede la crisi, e cosa fanno le multinazionali in tempo di crisi? Tagliano prodotti e personale
Google's announced they're closing or ceasing development of a variety of products as part of an already continuing move to keep efforts focused on other
5 Ways The Google Book Settlement Will Change The Future of Reading - Futurism - io9
If you care about the future of books, you need to understand the Google Book Settlement. It's a complicated legal document, but we've talked to some of its architects, detractors, and defenders - and break it all down for you.
Understanding Google Books Copyright Settlement
Good, long article.
5 Ways The Google Book Settlement Will Change The Future of Reading: – Evgenia Firsova (diffidence)
Google Launches Maps Data API - O'Reilly Radar
The Google Maps Data API allows client applications to view, store and update map data in the form of Google Data API feeds using a data model of features (placemarks, lines and shapes) and maps (collections of features).
RT @cshirky: Four little words with big implications for reporting: Google Maps Data API. [from]
maps API (read and investigate)
はてなブックマークのやりすぎちゃったかもしれないSEO - ぼくはまちちゃん!(Hatena)
BatchGeo - Make google maps using many addresses / coordinates
a tool that can map a bunch of addresses from a spreadsheet or online table
36 SEO Myths That Won’t Die But Need To
when has that made
A list of common SEO myths that are still around today. As featured on Search Engine Land.
8 of the Best Chrome Extensions for Web Designers
Use Google To Hack Into A Secrect World - Borntechie
intitle:Live View / AXIS
?intitle:index.of?mp3 Linkin Park
“?intitle:index.of?mp3 Linkin Park“
Shorten URL using
Google製サイト高速化Firefoxアドオン「Page Speed」を試してみました:phpspot開発日誌
JavaScript 等の速度を測定する。Firefox add-on
Official Google Blog: @Twitter: Welcome to Google Friend Connect
How to Google's friend connect works with Twitter
We're trialling Friend Connect on Dogear Nation's website, will be interesting to see what the take-up is like.
Who has the best SEO/SEM info? Post URLs here: - Robert Scoble - FriendFeed
Scoble SEO/SEM resources
Good source for SEO info
Post URLs here: - Robert Scoble - FriendFeed
Geeking with Greg: Jeff Dean keynote at WSDM 2009
Google Fellow Jeff Dean gave an excellent keynote talk at the recent WSDM 2009 conference that had tidbits on Google I had not heard before. Particularly impressive is Google's attention to detail on performance and their agility in deployment over the last decade.
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: OpenSocialを始めよう!第1回
Top 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do - Google Maps - Lifehacker
There's more to Google Maps than a place you double-check your directions. Google's data-stuffed site offers a lot of helpful tools for vacationers, spreadsheet nerds, bikers, and others. Today we're digging into Google's data-rich geo-tool and pulling out some helpful lesser-known features.
RT @jackiegerstein: 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do
Geo RT @jackiegerstein: 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do
Google Opens Up Internal Speed Tool To Developers
Gmail gains a to-do list — but it’s not made by Google » VentureBeat
The screenshot in Gmail Labs for the Google Docs gadget makes it look like Google wanted users to create to-do lists in Google Docs and access them through a link in the Google Doc widget in Gmail.
One thing that has been lacking from a productivity perspective however, is a proper to-do list. Today, thanks to the third party service Remember The Milk, you can add one.
Googles online email application Gmail is quickly turning into my main hub on the Internet. Not only does it house my email, it supports instant messaging (including Google Talk and AIMs networks) and thanks to its brilliant Gmail Labs, services such as Google Calendar and Google Docs can be placed in Gmails sidebars as well.
Coding Horror: Why Do Computers Suck at Math?
"Computers are supposed to be pretty good at this math stuff. What gives? How is it possible to produce such blatantly incorrect results from seemingly trivial calculations? Should we even be trusting our computers to do math at all?"
"Computers are awesome, yes, but they aren't infinite.. yet. So any prospects of storing any infinitely repeating number on them are dim at best. The best we can do is work with approximations at varying levels of precision that are "good enough", where "good enough" depends on what you're doing, and how you're doing it. And it's complicated to get right."
Gmail Labs: Gmail Labs Adds Multiple Inboxes
ざっくり Google Wave (1) - こたにき
Operational Transformationがすごい
Web Application Exploits and Defenses
"This codelab shows how web application vulnerabilities can be exploited and how to defend against these attacks. The best way to learn things is by doing, so you'll get a chance to do some real penetration testing, actually exploiting a real application. Specifically, you'll learn the following"
Google Local Lures Small Businesses With Their Own Web Dashboard
Google wants more small businesses to claim their listing profiles on Google Local (which is basically listings that pop up in Google Maps and local search results). To entice them, starting tomorrow it will give local businesses in the real world with physical addresses a free dashboard akin to what Websites get for free with Google Analytics (see screenshot above). Except that it will show stats such as how many times their business comes up as a search result, how often people click through, as well as how many times people generate driving directions to their business son Google Maps and where those people come from.
Google veut inciter les entreprises à prendre en charge leurs listings de recherche dans Google Maps et les autres services géolocalisés, via le lancement d'un nouveau produit, Google Local Business center. Pas encore d'intégration avec Google Adwords mais c'est surement la prochaine étape : "The other benefit to Google is that the more that small businesses can measure the impact of search, the more likely they will be to buy search ads. The dashboard shows the top search queries that result in a business’ listing showing up. The next obvious step is to start buying those keywords or optimize a business’ site to make sure they are on the page. "
Green markers that show how many clicks for Driving Directs happened in this area. Free analytic program from Google
use for each biz idea. helps with search google
GReader share: Google Local Lures Small Businesses With Their Own Web Dashboard [from]
Google SEO、10のウソ » 海外SEO情報ブログ・メルマガ
「お願いだから、コンテンツにキーワードを詰め込まないでくれ」 ワロタw
How to Write Google Android Apps
How to android apps. Writing!
Google Analytics | Application Gallery
Galería de aplicaciones para Google Analytics
Interesting: Google Analytics Gets More Moduler:-Announcing the Google Analytics App Gallery Via @beebow & @aimclear
H1N1 Swine Flu - Google Maps,-107.885742&spn=18.503807,35.332031&z=5&source=embed
La grippe porcine en temps réel.
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Users Over 55 Quitting Facebook: The Baby Boom Times Over?
For a campaign for tutoring
Note to @Mashable: Baby boomers start at age 45, not just ovr 55 set (focus of yr "Baby Boom" quitting FB article) [from]
Users Over 55 Quitting Facebook: The Baby Boom Times Over? [from]
stats on FB demographics
Google Japan Blog: Googleが目指す最高の検索UI
* 小さなページ * 複雑なアルゴリズムをシンプルに表示 * どこででも使える機能 * データに基づいた決定-実験、実験、とにかく実験
【ハウツー】Cアプリを高速化せよ! - 正式リリースされたgoogle-perftoolsを試す (1) google-perftoolsとは | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
> google-perftoolsには次に挙げる4つのツールが含まれている。* 高速メモリアロケータ TCMalloc * ヒープチェッカー * ヒーププロファイラ * CPUプロファイラ
TG Daily - Throw your hard drive away, Google's Gdrive arriving in 2009
Google Drive, or Gdrive as it is better known, has to be the most anticipated Google product so far. When it arrives, Gdrive will likely cause a major paradigm shift in how we use computers and bring Google one step closer to dethroning Windows on your desktop.
Apple has promised similar desktop, mobile and web file syncing between Macs, PCs and iPhones via a MobileMe cloud service, but the feature was delayed due to ongoing MobileMe difficulties - even though Apple built it into its desktop. Called "Back to my Mac," this OS X Leopard feature pairs with MobileMe online storage to let you search, access and edit files stored on a remote Mac. Besides such offerings from industry heavy-weighs, there are similar free or low-priced online storage services from others that let you do more or less the same.
Do we really want to store private data with a third party, even if it is Google?
Official Google Blog: See where your friends are with Google Latitude
Google's blog launch of Latitude: "Latitude is a new feature for Google Maps on your mobile device. It's also an iGoogle gadget on your computer. Once you've opted in to Latitude, you can see the approximate location of your friends and loved ones who have decided to share their location with you. So now you can do things like see if your spouse is stuck in traffic on the way home from work, notice that a buddy is in town for the weekend, or take comfort in knowing that a loved one's flight landed safely, despite bad weather."
See where your friends are with Google Latitude
Latitude is a new feature for Google Maps on your mobile device. It's also an iGoogle gadget on your computer. Once you've opted in to Latitude, you can see the approximate location of your friends and loved ones who have decided to share their location with you. So now you can do things like see if your spouse is stuck in traffic on the way home from work, notice that a buddy is in town for the weekend, or take comfort in knowing that a loved one's flight landed safely, despite bad weather.
How often do you find yourself wondering where your friends are and what they're up to? It's a pretty central question to our daily social lives, and it's precisely the question you can now answer using Google Latitude. Latitude is a new feature for Google Maps on your mobile device. It's also an iGoogle gadget on your computer. Once you've opted in to Latitude, you can see the approximate location of your friends and loved ones who have decided to share their location with you. So now you can do things like see if your spouse is stuck in traffic on the way home from work, notice that a buddy is in town for the weekend, or take comfort in knowing that a loved one's flight landed safely, despite bad weather.
Quick Tour of Chrome Add-On on Delicious
Official Google Blog: Replay it: Google search across the Twitter archive
Just bookmarking the post announcing Twitter archive search from Google last month
Following the ebb and flow of twitter over time
Google twitter search and timelines
Find the most relevant content shared on updates services like Twitter by zooming to any point in time and “replay” what people were saying publicly about a topic.
Map of all Google data center locations | Royal Pingdom
how many data centers does Google use, and where are they
Google Chrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"..The name is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. As of April 2010, Chrome was the third most widely used browser, with 6.73% of worldwide usage share of web browsers, according to Net Applications. In September 2008, Google released a large portion of Chrome's source code, including its V8 JavaScript engine, as an open source project entitled Chromium. This move enabled third-party developers to study the underlying source code and help port the browser to Mac OS X and Linux.. The Google-authored portion of Chromium is released under the permissive BSD license, which allows portions to be incorporated into both open source and closed-source software programs. Other portions of the source code are subject to a variety of open-source licenses. Chromium implements the same feature set as Chrome, but lacks built in automatic updates and Google branding, most notably it has a blue-colored logo in place of the multicolored Google logo.." :-)
Google Chrome is a web browser released by Google which uses the WebKit layout engine and application framework. It was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on 2 September 2008, and the public stable release was on 11 December 2008. The name is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. In September 2009, Chrome was the fourth most widely used browser, with 2.84% of worldwide usage share of web browsers.[1] Development versions of Chrome for Linux and Mac OS X were released in June 2009. Google released the entire source code of Chrome, including its bespoke V8 JavaScript engine as an open source project entitled Chromium, in 2008.[2][3] This move enabled third-party developers to port the browser to the Linux and Mac OS X platforms, apart from being able to study the underlying source code. A Google spokesperson also expressed hope that other browsers will adopt V8 to help web applications.[4] (...)
Top 7 Semantic Search Engines As An Alternative To Google Search
There's no denying the power and popularity of the Google search engine, and in comparison to other similar search engines such as Bing, where results are based
Robots.txt vs Rel=Nofollow vs Meta Robots Nofollow : SEO
Aug 6, 2008 - Aaron Wall's chart comparing elements
SEO hard to understand
I was just fixing up our Robots.txt tutorial today, and figured that I should blog this as well. From Eric Enge's interview of Matt Cutts I created the following chart. Please note that Matt did not say they are more likely to ban you for using rel=nofollow, but they have on multiple occasions stated that they treat issues differently if they think it was an accident done by an ignorant person or a malicious attempt to spam their search engine by a known SEO (in language that is more rosy than what I just wrote).
jQuery google api and other google hosted javascript libraries. -
托管在google 上的ajax
Get the latest version of the script tag for the Javascript library of your choice.
オススメGmailフィルタ9選 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
LaTeX Lab - Welcome
LaTeX with GoogleDocs.
RT @syzipus: 구글 docs와 latex의 결합. ipad 구매가 더욱 당긴다. 이런 서비스를 생각해 보았는데 구글에서 결국 내놓았구나. #LaTex #google
Oferece-nos uma variedade de vídeos sobre diferentes ferramentas e tem por objectivo simplificar a tecnologia, tornando-a acessível a todos.
Welcome to Tech Training Wheels, the one-stop place to train you in a variety of technology needs. We offer clear and concise tutorial videos about many different applications. Our goal is to simplify technology using step-by-step videos and screencasts to guide users of all levels. From the most advanced user to the beginner, we have trainings for everyone.
resource to support tech training
Free Online Document Translator - Preserves your document's layout
Instantly translates and preserves the layout of Office documents using the Google Translate.
Compatible con documentos de word, excel, powerpoint y archivos en txt, OnlineDocTranslator usa el motor de Google Translate para traducir en varios idiomas los documentos de forma automática, sin necesidad de hacerlo párrafo a párrafo y sin miedo de perder el formato original.
32 Google Chrome Extensions For Smart Designers | Graphic and Web Design Blog
10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
latex-lab - Project Hosting on Google Code
"LaTeX Lab is an open source implementation of a web based LaTeX editor for Google Docs."
RT @t_hayashi: というか Google によるオンライン版 LaTeX がプレヴューリリースされてた!
9lessons: Draw Charts with Google Visualization API.   Google Search Tips
tips from google
Search tips for using Google. Things everyone should know.
video clip about search engines
プレビュー付きエディタ『Google AJAX APIs Playground』を使ってみた*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
Scheduled Tasks With Cron for Python - Google App Engine - Google Code
manual for defining web services to run - schedule tells when to run which URLs and how often to do it
Use Google app engine to run server-side web scripts regularly - as per suggestion in
cron: - description: daily summary job url: /tasks/summary schedule: every 24 hours
Lifehacker - GO Contact Sync Keeps Google and Outlook Contacts Matched - Outlook
Interesting Tool for sync outlook with Google Contacts
GO Contact Sync Keeps Google and Outlook Contacts Matched By Kevin Purdy, 5:30 AM on Wed Apr 1 2009, 29,963 views (Edit, to draft, Slurp) Copy this whole post to another siteSlurp cancel select site advertising consumerist deadspin defamer fleshbot gay fleshbot gawker gizmodo idolator io9 jalopnik jezebel kotaku lifehacker valleywag artists gawkershop sploid Windows only: GO Contact Sync is a handy little synchronizer that keeps your Google (G) and Outlook (O) contacts in line. You run it once or schedule it, and customize how it handles your data. If all you want is a little tray app that does two-way syncing every time you run it, or auto-starts and syncs every X minutes, GO Contact Sync has you covered. But the tiny tray app also allows you to create different "sync profiles," where you can customize whether the sync goes just Google to Outlook, only Outlook to Google, and how it handles possible merges between your names and addresses. There's also a toggle box to recognize
Sync Outlook & Google Contacts
名刺にメールアドレスではなくWaveアドレスを書く時代がすぐそこに? - アンカテ
Google Waveはいろいろな顔を持っていて、これが何であるかについていろいろな意見が出ると思うが、私は、まずは「更地から再構築したWiki」であると見るべきだと思う。
なるほどなー と思う。メッセージのやり取りがまずあるんでなくて、そもそもの目的はメッセージ交換によって何かしらを作る・決めることだものな。 >最初に空の対話ログがあって、そこに二人の人が交互に文章を追記していく。その過程を共有することで、おまけとしてメッセージのやり取りが行なわれる。そういうツールがあれば、メールの代わりになるというのが、「もし今の技術でメールを再構築したら」という言葉の意味なのだろう
「各人は、メールアドレスと同じように、個人名@ドメインの形式で wave アドレスを持ち、これを交換することで、誰とでも Waveドキュメントの共同編集(=メッセージの交換)を行なうことができる。 共同編集は、一つのサーバに全員が直接接続するのではなく、各人が自分のサーバに接続し、サーバ同士が連携することで行なわれる。(上記の文書はそのサーバ同士の連携に使うプロトコルを説明しているものだ) 当然、グーグルのことだから、複数のwaveサーバがそれぞれのユーザの要求にしたがって、あちこちのwaveサーバと接続する時のスケーラビリティを考慮している。 この waveサーバ、 waveアドレス、連携プロトコルのあり方は、EMailと全く同じである。つまり、誰もが自分のメールアドレスとメールサーバを持ち、メールサーバ同士が連携してメッセージが配信されるように、誰もが自分のwaveアドレスとwaveサーバを持ち、waveサーバ同士が連携してwaveドキュメントの共同編集が行なわれることになる。」
How to Get the Best of Both Google Docs and Microsoft Office - Microsoft Office - Lifehacker
Microsoft Office 2010 is about to be released, and you aren't sure if you should upgrade or switch to Google Docs. But have you considered using the best features of both, together? Today we'll run down how to do just that. Below we'll detail when Google Docs is a better tool for a task than Office (and vice versa), highlight methods for keeping your Office documents in sync with Google Docs online so you can enjoy both offline desktop access and anywhere online access, and more.
Gmail Finally Gets A To-Do List
I'm using this, and already doing something other then whats on the list, posting links online! Damn it! I can't win!
"Someone at Google finally realized how helpful it would be to add a to-do list to Gmail. It is called “Tasks” and is now available in Gmail Labs (click on the beaker icon next to “Settings” on the upper right hand corner of Gmail). When you enable Tasks, it appears as a link in the left-hand column under Contacts. Click on the link and a box pops up in the lower right-hand corner like it does with Gtalk. You can add tasks, reorder them, cross out completed tasks, switch to a new list, or pop out the box to keep on your desktop. It’s a simple feature, but really useful for people who find that they keep Gmail open all the time. In general, I’m not a big user of to-do lists. Not because I don’t need them (I do), but because they require that I open a separate application or go to a dedicated Website like Remember The Milk."
Augmented Reality & The Web: Present and Future Scenarios - ReadWriteWeb
There are many potential scenarios for AR. A popular one is doing your grocery shopping and checking information on your mobile phone (or AR glasses!) about price, specials, reviews, comparisons with competing products, etc. With the rise of RFID chips and technology such as that being developed by Microsoft, this type of scenario isn't too far away.
Quelques cas d'usages de la réalité augmentée. "Another interesting consideration is that social software will have a big role to play in future AR apps. For example when walking down the street, you could use your mobile phone to point to a restaurant, and overlaid on a photo of the restaurant would be customer reviews, recommendations, and other relevant user generated data.
Augmented Reality (AR) is when virtual graphics and/or data are overlaid onto real world objects. Many of you have seen this portrayed in movies such as Minority Report and The Matrix. It still seems a bit far fetched in 2009, yet there are apps that are beginning to make it a reality.
New British search engine 'could be as important as Google ...
A British physicist has revealed his plan to launch a new internet search engine so powerful that one expert has suggested it "could be as important as Google". London-born scientist Stephen Wolfram says that his company, Wolfram Research, is preparing to unveil the system in two months' time. Known as Wolfram Alpha, the site is an attempt to address some of the deficiencies of current web search by understanding people's questions and answering them directly. According to its creator, the system understands questions that users input and then calculates the answers based on its extensive mathematical and scientific engine.
cool new search engine
A semantic search (Web 3.0) tool being pioneered in Britain. Good background information on personalities in this industry.
A British physicist has revealed his plan to launch a new internet search engine so powerful that one expert has suggested it
Google Docs - Digital Inspiration
Google Docs - Dicas e Recursos
The WebM Project : The WebM Project : Welcome to the WebM Project
The WebM Project : Google VP8
The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone.
The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone. The WebM launch is supported by Mozilla, Opera, Google and more than forty other publishers, software and hardware vendors.
Google Font Directory
Google Abandons Standards, Forks OpenID — The NeoSmart Files
Google Abandons Standards, Forks OpenID
well they're not Microsoft but well on their way
Connecting Ideas
Google Font API - Google Code
Easy-to-embed web fonts. Too easy. (I just did.)
The Google Font Directory provides high-quality web fonts that you can include in your pages using the Google Font API.
Lifehacker - Google Profiles Give You Control Over What Google Says About You - Google Profiles
Google Prediction API - Google Code
Prediction API biedt mogelijkheden om bijv recommendations te doen op basis v historische data:
Google Prediction API
Social Web Blog: A social bar for your site
Add a social bar to your web site
social web
Font Preview - Google Font Directory
Google font preview
Google Code Blog: Introducing the Google Font API & Google Font Directory
Official Google Docs Blog: Rapid wireframe sketching in Google Docs
Cool tutorial on using Google Docs for creating mock-ups.
Official Google Docs Blog
Diary Of An x264 Developer » The first in-depth technical analysis of VP8
With regard to patents, VP8 copies way too much from H.264 for anyone sane to be comfortable with it, no matter whose word is behind the claim of being patent-free.
@IanYorston Some worrying comments about VP8 here - "VP8 copies way too much from H.264" – andykemp (andykemp)
han LAME and ffmpeg’s AAC encoder is even worse.
The Google Wave Will Change Education Forever | ISTE’s NECC09 Blog
new way to collaborate on the Internet
Google Wave info: check this out later
Google TV
So does this mean I can ditch my Windows Media Center? Please tell me it means I can ditch my Windows Media Center. - gcontactsync: index
gContactSync is an extension that synchronizes contacts from a Google (Gmail) account with an Address Book in Thunderbird 2 or 3 written for my Google Summer of Code project in 2008. Version 0.1 is out, and please report any errors you find, or suggest enhancements. See the installation page for more details.
Google Maps: Quellensammlung | Dr. Web Magazin
Nachdem an dieser Stelle schon einige grundlegende Techniken in Bezug auf Google Maps vorgestellt wurden, folgt hier eine dicke Portion Links und Quellen für alle, die sich eingehender mit der Materie beschäftigen möchten.
Nachdem an dieser Stelle schon einige grundlegende Techniken in Bezug auf Google Maps vorgestellt wurden, folgt hier eine dicke Portion Links und Quellen für alle, die sich eingehender mit der Materie beschäftigen möchten. An erster Stelle stehen die direkt von Google angebotenen Schnittstellen und Anleitungen. Es folgen Beispiele und Anleitungen für zusätzliche Features. Und schließlich gibt es Links zu Communities und sonstigen Tutorials.
How to Use Google Analytics to Get a Better Picture of Your Twitter Traffic : Codswallop
This one walks you through setting up campaigns in Google Analytics to track the success of your Twitter efforts.
Method to create 'campaign' urls and post them to twitter, then use Google Analytics to track their activity
An obvious return on investment is more people reading your tweets and as a consequence checking out your website. This certainly does work, but apart from a gut feel that you are gaining visibility, how do you know exactly what you are doing is working, and in particular, the specific attempts that worked and those that fell flat?
Google Apps for Education Coming to Moodle : February 2009 : THE Journal
Google Apps Education Edition is coming to an open source learning management system near you. Moodlerooms, a Moodle partner, is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on. Google Apps Education Edition is the widely deployed hosted application suite that includes communications tools like as Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Talk; collaboration apps, such as Google Docs, Google Sites, and Google Labs (for software code review); and various administration features and APIs for integration with existing systems. Source: THE Journal
Google Apps Education Edition is coming to an open source learning management system near you. Moodlerooms, a Moodle partner, is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on.
is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on.
Google Apps Education Edition is coming to an open source learning management system near you. Moodlerooms, a Moodle partner, is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on. Google Apps Education Edition is the widely deployed hosted application suite that includes communications tools like as Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Talk; collaboration apps, such as Google Docs, Google Sites, and Google Labs (for software code review); and various administration features and APIs for integration with existing systems. Through the integration, users loaded into Moodle will be automatically loaded into Google Apps Education Edition
Google Analytics for Flash: Welcome to the Engagement Era
The explosion of Flash content like widgets has created several complex problems, like how to index it in search engines, how to make it work on mobile, and how to track it. The latter is being addressed today at Adobe Max, where Google (Google) is announcing Analytics Tracking for Flash, which will let publishers track metrics for their flash applications from within Google’s popular stats package.
Outlook 2007: Use Google Reader from Within Outlook
Helpful hints from Lifehacker...
Use Google Reader from Within Outlook: #rss #reader #google #outlook [from]
Reader David writes in with a useful tip for consolidating windows&mdash;he embeds Google Reader into Outlook as a replacement for the built-in RSS support.
Interactive Google logo celebrating the 30th anniversary of Pacman. Playable to 255 levels. Click "Insert Coin" a second time for 2-player mode (control with ASDW).
Google doodle Pac-Man – Javascript News (del_javascript)
a google doodle as a playable pacman game
Handy tips to help you out | Think Vitamin
Zajimave tipy pro webvyvoj - jquery, printstyle, geo vyhledavani...
Scribble Maps - Draw on google maps with scribblings and more!
Draw on google maps with scribbles, squares, circles, and more!
Scribble Maps lets you create custom Google Maps without an account.
Create Custom Google Maps Scribble Maps is the quick and easy way to rapidly make and share maps! With Scribble Maps you can: - Draw shapes and Scribble! - Pace Markers and text - Create a Custom Widget - Save as KML/GPX - Send maps to friends Whether it is planning a vacation, or plotting a hiking trail, Scribble Maps can help you out!
Google Latitude
See where your friends are right now. Enjoy Google Latitude on your phone, computer, or both
to track the friend by google latitude
Lets you see your friends on a map. Latitude is a feature of Google Maps for mobile.
zien waar jij en je vrienden zich begeven
Locate your friends!
team-scheduler - Google Code
How To Track Ajax And Flash Pageviews In Google Analytics?
now track ajax & flash pageviews with Google analytics! [from]
pageTracker._trackPageview("/pagefilename1" );
Blog de tecnologia. Esse link se refere a um post sobre flash e analytics.
How To Track Ajax And Flash Pageviews In Google Analytics?
Google falling behind Twitter, admits chief | Business |
Chief executive hints that Google could go into partnership with Twitter
May 19 2009
But he admitted that there is a trade-off between making information instantly available and ensuring its accuracy.
Google admits losing out to Twitter in real-time information provision [from]
Is The Guardian's Web site crashing because of the article about the partnership between Google & Twitter? [from]
RT @problogger: Reading: Google 'falling behind Twitter' - [from]
accuracy vs speed
But, is there any truth to rumours of a merger?
Could your social networks spill your secrets? - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist
The Google team's paper (Under)mining privacy in social networks (pdf) will be presented at the Web 2.0 Security and Privacy 2009 meeting in May. Tom Simonite, online technology editor
Android: A Hands-on First Look at Google Android
google android
Featured Download: GDataCopier Syncs Google Docs to Your Desktop
Sincroniza google docs com o desktop
Making Google Maps more accessible | 456 Berea Street
It has become very popular to use the Google Maps API to add maps to websites. While the maps work fine for most users, unfortunately Google Maps does not by default work without JavaScript – when there is no JavaScript support, you don’t get a map.
How to easily make google maps accessible with the fall back Google static Maps API
It is quite easy (but not very common) to provide a fallback for users who do not have JavaScript enabled in their browser by using the Google Static Maps API.
Open Websites in Google Chrome from Firefox
IE View Lite のChrome版。これが欲しかったんだよー!Chrome→Firefoxなやつも早く欲しいんだけど・・・
O3D API - Google Code
HTML5に組み込まれる予定の3Dグラフィックエンジン O3D
google code o3d
Get Twitter with a Google Reader feel. PHP Install.
google reader like twitter app
Mark Twitter messages as read and unread. Keep track of what you have already read from who you follow with this Twitter Reader
install twitter reader on localhost or any server; looks like google reader
[N] Googleスプレッドシートをアンケートや応募で便利に使う方法
RT @kmyken1: [B!] よく知っているし、繰り返し利用しているのだが、とっても便利で、是非とも多くの人にも広めたいのでブックマークしておこう。 [N] Googleスプレッドシートをアンケートや応募で便利に使う方法
Googleスプレッドシートのフォーム機能をご存知でしょうか? アンケートやプレゼント応募用のフォームを作成すると、入力内容を自動的に集計できるのです。これがとっても便利!
Google ドキュメントを利用したアンケートフォームの作り方
Views: Admissions of Another Sort - Inside Higher Ed
/ Mary W. George (April 13, 2009). It is clear from e-mail, reference encounters, research consultations in my office, and questions that arise in library instruction sessions, that most students simply do not retain the concepts and logic involved in discovering information sources — never mind the principles for evaluating the sources they do turn up.
Yes, No, Maybe? Conduct Opinion Polls Over Email using Gmail
In some situations, a poll conducted over email may be more practical than running a web based poll because readers can vote through their email clients without requiring a browser. It’s as simple as replying to any other email and can be done even from mobile phones. Turn Gmail into a Poll Software Let’s see how you can quickly setup an opinion poll over email using only your existing Gmail account.
a. Will you buy a Macbook Tablet ? (Yes | No | Maybe). b. Which is your favorite search engine? (Google | Yahoo | Ask | Cuil | Other).
nifty trick, could be used for registering people as well
Google Flu Trends | Mexico
internet searches lead researchers to predict flu outbreaks early
We've created experimental estimates of flu activity in Mexico using aggregated search data. Unlike Google Flu Trends for the U.S., this data has not been validated against confirmed cases of flu.
RT @rzeiger: Google launches Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico #swineflu [from]
Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico by Google: [from]
Flu trends analisys based on searches in Google | Tendencias de influeza basadas en búsquedas en Google
Seems that information overflow has turned into something positive with Google Flu Trends
Google Analytics API Now In Public Beta, Desktop Reporting Takes Stats Offline
[object Object]
analytics API beta
XMLサイトマップを検索エンジンに送信するとクロールがどう変わるのかテストしてみた | Web担当者Forum
SEOmozアイコン [海外特選サイト翻訳] SEOmoz 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック XMLサイトマップって本当にサイトの役に立っているんだろうか? 以前に(2007年)、SEOmozでは「XMLサイトマップは検索エンジンに送信しないほうがいい」という記事を出していた。さて、XMLサイトマップを送信するのとしないのとでは、現在はどんな違いが出るのだろうか。実証データで調べてみた。
Google CEO: Twitter A 'Poor Man's Email System' (GOOG)
Schmidt says "Speaking as a computer scientist, I view all of these as sort of poor man's email systems". Has he missed something?
Sergey Brin: "In other words, they have aspects of an email system, but they don't have a full offering. To me, the question about companies like Twitter is: Do they fundamentally evolve as sort of a note phenomenon, or do they fundamentally evolve to have storage, revocation, identity, and all the other aspects that traditional email systems have? Or do email systems themselves broaden what they do to take on some of that characteristic?
ツンデレ >Schmidt also plugged Google's new Twitter account
Chrome antics: did Google reverse-engineer Windows?: Page 1
Chrome process model
pending sect. 2 & 3
Cory Doctorow: Search is too important to leave to one company – even Google | Technology |
Search technologies are too important for a single company to dominate
"Search is volatile and we'd be nuts to think that Google owned the last word in organising all human knowledge."
Enter search. Who needs categories, if you can just pile up all the world's knowledge every which way and use software to find the right document at just the right time?
good quotes about dewey and the internet
It may seem as unlikely as a publicly edited encyclopedia, but the internet needs publicly controlled search
5 Reasons to Install Google Desktop Today
5 Reasons to Install Google Desktop Today
Are you using Google Desktop? This handy download combines the power of enhanced web and desktop search with the utility of Google Gadgets.
This download combines the power of enhanced web and desktop search with the utility of Google Gadgets
Google Chrome - Download a new browser
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Search from the address bar, Thumbnails of your top sites (Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab), Private browsing (Incognito window when you don't want to save your browsing history)...
Get a fast, free web browser Google Chrome runs web pages and applications with lightning speed.
Blurred Out: 51 Things You Aren't Allowed to See on Google Maps | Curious? Read
An interesting list of things that can not be seen on google maps
If terrorists were looking for potential targets, they now have a nice list...
Google Will Now Manage Your Website’s Ads
Marissa Mayer on the future of Google | News | TechRadar UK
Marissa Mayer on the future of Google | TechRadar UK
Maye [...] believes that personalisation – "What can we understand about the user and how can we tailor the results to them?" – will be an important part of search. Search engines will be better because they'll understand more about the user. "Maybe the search engine of the future will know where you're located," Mayer suggests. "Maybe they'll know what you know already, or what you learned earlier today. Or maybe they'll fully understand your preferences because you've chosen to share that information with us. We aren't sure which personal signals will be most valuable, but we're investing in research and experimentation on personalised search now because we think this will be very important later."
As the self-proclaimed search addict points out, there's still a lot of opportunity for innovation, change and progress in search. Although typically tight-lipped about future products, she does hint at the direction Google is going to take. "We think it's really important to move beyond just keywords and allow people to ask questions, and maybe access things more easily from their mobile phone," she says. "We're also looking at how to weave new media into it and how we can bring books, videos and news right into the search experience. And then there are various pieces of personalisation."
Pretty much every product that Google works on has to go through gatekeeper Marissa Mayer, who decides whether it's ready to be released or needs more work. She even approves every single Google Doodle that adorns the search giant's homepages around the world. From being hired as the first female engineer nine and a half years ago to becoming one of the key decision makers at Google, she's come a long way.
"I look for the insight and innovation that's baked into the idea," Mayer explains. "I also look at the overall energy and strength of the team that's presenting it. Then I develop an overall sense of confidence that it's both a good product idea and that we have a good team who are interested in moving it forward. If those two things come into alignment, it's going to be a successful product."
It's really important to move beyond just keywords"
"She's absolutely devoted to the needs of the 'end user' and often uses her mom as a reference point to check whether an idea is simple enough. But what other criteria does she take into account when she decides whether a product is a goer? "I look for the insight and innovation that's baked into the idea," Mayer explains. "I also look at the overall energy and strength of the team that's presenting it. Then I develop an overall sense of confidence that it's both a good product idea and that we have a good team who are interested in moving it forward. If those two things come into alignment, it's going to be a successful product."
Google Wave 私的まとめ - IT戦記
Google Layoffs - 10,000 Workers Affected
Note, you don’t want to hire most of those laid off. Most permanent Googlers were “managing” projects (e.g, taking 4 day weekends and showing up to work only to eat the free food and showed up barely to 1 or 2 meetings per week). The temps that were there for more than a year learned the same laziness and worthless work ethic. If you’re looking for people with no real experience and who think it’s okay to steal a tray of bottle water provided by the company for everyone to drink… then go ahead and hire a Googler. Otherwise, be really careful and interview really in-depth about what they can and cannot do (and verify it).
Google has been quietly laying off staff and up to 10,000 jobs could be on the chopping block according to sources. Since August, hundreds of employees have been laid off and there are reports that about 500 of them were recruiters for Google. By law, Google is required to report layoffs publicly and with the SEC however, Google has managed to get around the legal requirement. In fact, one of the ways Google was able to meet Wall Street’s Q3 earnings expectations was by trimming “operational” expenses. Google reports to the SEC that it has 20,123 employees but in reality it has 30,000. Why the discrepancy? Google classifies 10,000 of the employees as temporary operational expenses or “workers”. Google co-founder Sergey Brin said, “There is no question that the number (of workers) is too high”. There is no question the economic downturn is hitting Google hard and with the slowdown in online advertising, their troubles are just beginning.
Google has been quietly laying off staff and up to 10,000 jobs could be on the chopping block according to sources.
Google Begins to Make Public Data Searchable - ReadWriteWeb
Google Begins to Make Public Data Searchable &lt;-- event of historic importance [from]
Google just announced its first foray into making public data searchable and viewable in graph form. The company is starting with population and unemployment data from around the US but promises to make far more data sets searchable in the future. The potential significance of making aggregate data about our world easy to visualize, cross reference and compare can't be overstated.
django-gae2django - Google Code
gae2django is a Django helper application that provides an implementation of Google's App Engine API based on pure Django. The helper makes it easier to re-use applications originally designed for Google's App Engine environment in a Django environment. (If you want to run existing Django applications in Google's App Engine environment, then Google App Engine Helper for Django is the right choice for you...)
Some Big Sites Are Using Google Trends To Direct Editorial
Here’s how it works: Blogs and mainstream media sites are indexed by Google very frequently. Many times per day, in fact. And those sites often have great Page Rank already. Combine that regular indexing and Page Rank with Google’s recent policy of ranking news type results higher than older, evergreen stuff, and you have a system ripe for abuse. Let’s say I run a popular political or celebrity gossip site (two topics that pop up a lot on Google Trends). I look for hot queries that people are typing in right now, for whatever reason. Then I write a blog post, making sure to use the query term in the title of the post (which weights heavier for matching content to specific queries). The content of the article itself is mostly irrelevant, as long as your normal readers don’t gag on it. Within a few minutes that content is indexed by Google, and the high Page Rank of the site along with the newness of the content pushes it up towards to top of the first page of results. Possibly all th
Expert to Expert - Erik Meijer and Lars Bak: Inside V8 - A Javascript Virtual Machine | Going Deep | Channel 9
Expert to Expert - Erik Meijer and Lars Bak: Inside V8 - A Javascript Virtual Machine | Going Deep | Channel 9
Lars Bak is a virtual machine master. He and team have created a Javascript VM, V8, that takes Javascript syntax and produces optimized machine code directly. The result is very performant execution&#8230;
ars Bak is a virtual machine master. He and team have created a Javascript VM, V8, that takes Javascript syntax and produces optimized machine code directly. The result is very performant execution of Javascript. How does V8 work, exactly? What are the basic design decisions that have gone into it's construction? Why is it designed the way it is? How fast can Javascript really run, anyway? How challenging is it to take a language like Javascript and produce highly optimized machine code? Erik Meijer, language designer and fundamentalist functional high priest, discusses these questions and more with Lars. We also talk about the language to machine code translation versus having an intermediate step (like IL) that gets optimized further in runtime context by a JITer. If you want to know the thinking behind the thinking of Javascript compilation, the current state of the art and future directions, then this is for you. Big thanks to Lars Bak for spending time with Channel 9!
Nice chat about V8 concepts with Lars Bak -- interesting ideas on code-as-IR.
Google Maps,-80.007505&spn=0.008588,0.01693&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=40.457662,-80.007541&panoid=KD0g-IcPQW09qFcP2RU2kg&cbp=12,310.45443546675455,,1,10.375837805207798
Featured Download: Google Calendar Desktop Gadget Released
Windows/Mac/Linux (All platforms): Google Desktop's gadgets are looking more helpful these days, with the addition of an official Google Calendar gadget that puts your appointments at your fingertips.
Google Could Have Caught Swine Flu Early | Wired Science
incredible use of people's searches as ambient trending data...
RT @rosshill: Can Google spot health epidemics early? [from]
Last week, at the request of the Centers for Disease Control, Google took a retroactive look at its search data from Mexico. And there the team found a pre-media bump in telltale flu-related search terms (you know, “influenza + phlegm + coughing”) that was inconsistent with standard, seasonal flu trends.
Google’s search data may have been able to provide an early warning of the swine flu outbreak — if the company had been looking in the right place. Last week, at the request of the Centers for Disease Control, Google took a retroactive look at its search data from Mexico. And there the team found a pre-media bump in telltale flu-related search terms (you know, “influenza + phlegm + coughing”) that was inconsistent with standard, seasonal flu trends.
Googles search data may have been able to provide an early warning of the swine flu outbreak if the company had been looking in the right place.
Who Will Monetize Social Media?
In 2000, a company in Mountain View, California launched a program for keyword-targeted advertising with 350 clients known as AdWords. That company, Google, is
In 2000, a company in Mountain View, California launched a program for keyword-targeted advertising with 350 clients known as AdWords. That company,
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: All hail the information triumvirate!
Carr om Googles och Wikipedias symbios och informationssamhällets misslyckande
Three things have happened, in a blink of history's eye: (1) a single medium, the Web, has come to dominate the storage and supply of information, (2) a single search engine, Google, has come to dominate the navigation of that medium, and (3) a single information source, Wikipedia, has come to dominate the results served up by that search engine.
Wikipedia has come to dominate Google web search results. It often ranks #1 for searches on common topics like Internet and Evolution. Is it true that Wikipedia articles are the very best source of information for all of these topics? Or are we witnessing the effects of a popularity feedback loop, fueled by the principles of least effort, and our tendency to stick with the first and obvious answers? The web link graph is fundamentally a product of socialization, and Google is fundamentally a social search engine. A popularity bias in inherent in all social information systems, leading us all down the same well-trod path. Could it be that, counter to our expectations, the natural dynamic of the web will lead to less diversity in information sources rather than more?
Nicholas Carr questions the internet power of wikipedia & google.
(1) a single medium, the Web, has come to dominate the storage and supply of information (2) a single search engine, Google, has come to dominate the navigation of that medium (3) a single information source, Wikipedia, has come to dominate the results served up by that search engine.
GMail Compactor for Greasemonkey
This maximized the vertical real estate in GMail by colapsing the links on the left to an image box, and moving the search to left side
Googleウェブサイトオプティマイザーで効果的なデザインを提供する方法 | DesignWalker
Social Web Blog: Take your Google Contacts with you
use of Portable contacts api for google
In case you missed the announcement a while back, Google Contacts now available through Portable Contacts standard
Page Speed Home
Google code: Page Speed Home
Page Speed performs several tests on a site's web server configuration and front-end code. These tests are based on a set of best practices known to enhance web page performance. Webmasters who run Page Speed on their pages get a set of scores for each page.
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
Google Page Speed
"Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them."
Microsoft Aims Search Guns at Google With Bing - Advertising Age - Digital
Google has conducted internal tests, according to people familiar with them, in which the company put its logo and treatment on another engine's search results. Users still prefer the results with the Google logo, even if they're not Google results.
Consider that Google has conducted internal tests, according to people familiar with them, in which the company put its logo and treatment on another engine's search results. Users still prefer the results with the Google logo, even if they're not Google results. Or consider that a revamped made its debut in 2007 to a glowing review from The Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg, who said it "holds its own with Google, and even beats the champ on some searches." Two years later? Ask's share of search is down 28%.
Top 1000 sites - DoubleClick Ad Planner
The 1000 most-visited sites on the web
You can see a list of the largest 1000 sites worldwide, based on Unique Visitors (users), as measured by Ad Planner. This list is updated monthly as new Ad Planner datasets are released. The list defines sites as top-level domains.
danh sach 500 website duoc truy cap nhieu nhat(google)
Stats: Interesting assortment: Top 1000 most-visited sites on the web /Via @dkasrel - Visualizing the BP Oil Disaster
oil spill
An interesting map overlay of the BP oil spill. click on the site and it will bring up a google map with the oil spill on top of where you live.
FU BP cc: @BPGlobalPR
A Guide to Google Font API
Take a plunge into the untapped potential of Google's Font API.
cloudcourse - Project Hosting on Google Code
CloudCourse is a course scheduling system. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. It also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
Cloudcourse: • provide a course scheduling system fully integrated with Google services • demonstrate what it takes to built an application using App Engine
Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. It also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
Making Your First Google Chrome Extension – Tutorialzine
Historypin | Home
Kicking: Historypin - great mashup for social studies or history project. [from]
The Complete Guide to Creating a Consolidated, Master Contact List
App Engine JavaScript SDK
用 JavaScript 寫 GAE 程式
60+ Awesome Android Apps
ah yes, for those lucky people with an android phone.. the big list of apps to download..
How to Make Gmail Play Nicely With Your Desktop Email Client
Official Google Blog: Our new search index: Caffeine
Today, we're announcing the completion of a new web indexing system called Caffeine. Caffeine provides 50 percent fresher results for web searches than our last index, and it's the largest collection of web content we've offered. Whether it's a news story, a blog or a forum post, you can now find links to relevant content much sooner after it is published than was possible ever before.
RT @ALA_TechSource: Google's new search engine, Caffeine, provides 50% fresher results.
How To Permanently Delete Your Account on Popular Websites - Smashing Magazine
How difficult is it to deleted your social networking account? in some cases very and in others imposible
[...] we’ll take a look at the account deletion processes of popular websites and services, and how easy or difficult they make it. Then we’ll discuss why sites make things so complicated, and some things to consider when designing your own deletion policies.
Poderá ser util, um dia, quem sabe?
YouTube - Google Chrome Speed Tests
Nova Propaganda do Google
감자로 오셨을때가 좋았는데^^ RT @gatorlog: 빛과 소리로 세상에 오신 크롬님. 믿~씁니다 RT @channyun @hyunwook 구글 크롬의 놀라운 스피드를 강조한 동영상 광고.
These speed tests were filmed at actual web page rendering times. If you're interested in the technical details, read on!<br><br>Equipment used: <br><br>- Computer: MacBook ...
Opera makes an awesome reply to the Chrome Speed video: Original Chrome video: – Matt Cutts (mattcutts)
RT @mattcutts: Opera makes an awesome reply to the Chrome Speed video: Original Chrome video:
These speed tests were filmed at actual web page rendering times. If you're interested in the technical details, read on! ... Chrome Browser vs. Potato: We used a version of the web page that is accessible when logged in. About four hours into the Potato Gun shoot we decided to use a locally loaded version of the web page to enable more precise synchronization with the potato gun. We finally got the shot we were hoping for after 51 takes. Chrome Browser vs. Sound: We loaded an artist page from, a streaming internet radio service directly off the web on a 15Mbps internet connection. Chrome Browser vs. Lightning: We used a locally loaded version of that was legally approved for use in this video (and all the standard website permissions procedures that goes into making videos!) While we had a super fast 15Mbps internet connection in the studio, any live internet connection introduces quite a bit of variability.
androidappsdirectory - Gizmodo
Great Spot for all the Android Apps.
Muy groso RT @ezenastasi: @Grizzluza @damianemanuel1 For you #android users/lovers. The Android App List.
Switching to Chrome? Download these Extensions | Nettuts+
Extensiones/plugins para Google Chrome
Chrome features a vast collection of extensions at the moment. It also regularly beats its opponents in various speed and compatibility tests, while the great set of developer tools promoted the browser to a very interesting solution for web enthusiasts. But does it have enough ‘extension power’ to overcome Firefox? Check out the following twenty extensions, and make up your own min
Les extensions de développement essentielles (Chrome)
Check out the following twenty extensions, and make up your own mind!
chrome extensions / Technology - Google ditches Windows on security concerns
"Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees."
The problem is two-fold. technology and person. switching to a more secure operating system doesn't fully shield you from some idiot clicking on a url from an IM chat
Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees. The directive to move to other operating systems began in earnest in January, after Google’s Chinese operations were hacked, and could effectively end the use of Windows at Google, which employs more than 10,000 workers internationally.
Internal directive follows China hacking
quote:Employees said it was also an effort to run the company on Google’s own products, including its forthcoming Chrome OS, which will compete with Windows. “A lot of it is an effort to run things on Google product,” the employee said. “They want to run things on Chrome.” The hacking in China hastened the move.
Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees.
Quick Tip: Google Fonts API: You’re Going to Love This | Nettuts+
Google webfonts explained.
Fontes do GOOGLE
Google have made two huge announcements today. One of these concerns the Google Fonts API. Simply by linking to a particular font, stored on Google's servers
Quick Tip: Google Fonts API: You’re Going to Love This
Use Google Fonts Api to change the font simply
Google have made two huge announcements today. One of these concerns the Google Fonts API. Simply by linking to a particular font, stored on Google’s servers (save on bandwidth + caching benefits), we now have access to a wide array of custom fonts. Quite literally, you can integrate these fonts into your project in about 20 seconds. It’s as simple as that. Further, due to the operations being performed behind the scenes, these custom fonts will even be recognized back to Internet Explorer 6. I, for one, and am extremely excited about the possibilities, and the font catalog is surely to continue expanding over the coming years.
Getting Started - Google Font API - Google Code
This guide explains how to use the Google Font API to add web fonts to your pages. You don't need to do any programming; all you have to do is add a special stylesheet link to your HTML document, then refer to the font in a CSS style.
Google Chrome Extentionの説明で一番役に立つと思われる。
Speed Dial... Taberareloo...私がtumblerユーザーであり、はてぶユーザーであり、ツイッターユーザーであり、Evernoteユーザーであり、del.icio.usユーザーで、色々やってるから便利とかそんなレベルではない。どれかひとつのユーザーでもこれはかなり使い勝手の良いツール Google bookmarks.... IE Tab... AutoPager Chrome... Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(by Google)...パワーポイントが無くて困ったときのお助けエクステンション。これさえあれば閲覧は出来る
Google Maps
Docs - Docs
Discover, Create and Share Office docs with your Facebook friends.
How to Use the New Google Font API | Design Shack
googlecl - Project Hosting on Google Code
Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
GoogleCL brings Google services to the command line.
"GoogleCL brings Google services to the command line."
command line interface to google services
googlecl brings Google services to the command line "google calendar today # List events for today only"
command line tool for manipulating calendar, contacts, etc. was just arguing w/ a coworker over not wanting to use google calender for my textual, scripty, unixy personal process for managing calendar commitments. this could be the bridge
Google Font API - Google Code
Web Fonts用のAPIをGoogleが用意。
Google Font Directory provides high-quality web fonts that you can include in your pages using the Google Font API.
Why Schools are Turning to Google Apps
google apps is so good, schools are now incorporating it into the education. very similar to how first spread---- i heard about it first in school when my teacher told everyone to use "google" instead of "lycos" or "yahoo"
oregon school story
Today, the entire public school system of Oregon will embrace Google Apps. 400,000 Students, teachers, and administrators will have access to a common e-mail and chat system, cloud-based collaboration tools, and a robust multimedia streaming service. Traditionally, statewide adoptions of any kind in education are hotly contested, with the most minute details up for extended debate.
39 Android Apps that I love
How To Make The Right Keyword Analysis For Your Website
If you have ever heard about the SEO you might have also heard that one of the basics of successful SEO is the Keyword analysis and that’s exactly what I’m going to speak about today. The keywords are the words that web surfers use in the search engines to look for the product/service/information needed. This is the “WordPress beginners guide” that you type when you’re looking for the info how and where to start with WordPress and “website design studio” when you’re looking for a company to create a website for you.
11 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Popular Google Products | Freebies
Henry Jones at Web Design Ledger provides 11 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Popular Google Products. Each one of these useful graphics maps out keyboard shortcuts for Google applications including: Gmail, Google Reader, Google Calculator, Google Presentations, Google Chrome, Google Spreadsheets, Google Reader, Google Maps, Google Documents, Google Search Advanced Operators
11 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Popular Google Products 其实, 只要输入框没有获得焦点的情况下俺 shift+/ (即 "?") 就会出现 shortcuts...
The Start to Finish Guide to Rooting Your Android Phone
Guide to root the Motorola Droid
Introducing the Google Command Line Tool - Google Open Source Blog
Introducing the Google Command Line Tool - Google Open Source Blog
Ever wanted to upload a folder full of photos to Picasa from a command prompt? We did, a lot, last summer. It made us want to say: $ google picasa create --title "My album" ~/Photos/vacation/*.jpg So we wrote a program to do that, and a whole lot more. GoogleCL is a command-line utility that provides access to various Google services. It streamlines tasks such as posting to a Blogger blog, adding events to Calendar, or editing documents on Google Docs.
In the Singularity Movement, Humans Are So Yesterday -
“We will transcend all of the limitations of our biology,” says Raymond Kurzweil, the inventor and businessman who is the Singularity’s most ubiquitous spokesman and boasts that he intends to live for hundreds of years and resurrect the dead, including his own father. “That is what it means to be human — to extend who we are.” But, of course, one person’s utopia is another person’s dystopia.
NYT article about the singularity movement
ON a Tuesday evening this spring, Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, became part man and part machine. About 40 people, all gathered here at a NASA campus for a nine-day, $15,000 course at Singularity University, saw it happen. While the flesh-and-blood version of Mr. Brin sat miles away at a computer capable of remotely steering a robot, the gizmo rolling around here consisted of a printer-size base with wheels attached to a boxy, head-height screen glowing with an image of Mr. Brin’s face. The BrinBot obeyed its human commander and sputtered around from group to group, talking to attendees about Google and other topics via a videoconferencing system.
At that point, the Singularity holds, human beings and machines will so effortlessly and elegantly merge that poor health, the ravages of old age and even death itself will all be things of the past. Some of Silicon Valley’s smartest and wealthiest people have embraced the Singularity. They believe that technology may be the only way to solve the world’s ills, while also allowing people to seize control of the evolutionary process.
While the flesh-and-blood version of Mr. Brin sat miles away at a computer capable of remotely steering a robot, the gizmo rolling around here consisted of a printer-size base with wheels attached to a boxy, head-height screen glowing with an image of Mr. Brin’s face. The BrinBot obeyed its human commander and sputtered around from group to group, talking to attendees about Google and other topics via a videoconferencing system. The BrinBot was hardly something out of “Star Trek.” It had a rudimentary, no-frills design and was a hodgepodge of loosely integrated technologies. Yet it also smacked of a future that the Singularity University founders hold dear and often discuss with a techno-utopian bravado: the arrival of the Singularity — a time, possibly just a couple decades from now, when a superior intelligence will dominate and life will take on an altered form that we can’t predict or comprehend in our current, limited state.
Google I/O 2010
Applications Google
Google I/O offered 90+ sessions featuring highly technical, in-depth content covering a number of technologies and developer products. All videos and slides are available below. Session types * 101: 101 sessions don't require previous knowledge of a particular product or technology. They include overviews of a technology and introductions into new areas. * 201: 201 sessions provide a deeper dive into a technology or product. These sessions go beyond the basics and are aimed at developers already familiar with a technology. * 301: 301 sessions assume an advanced understanding of a technology or product. * Fireside Chats: Q&A is often the best part of a session, as it gives developers a chance to ask what's on their minds. Fireside chats are a chance to talk to the product engineering teams. * Tech Talks: Google has a tradition of holding informative Tech Talks on campus that offer insight into an area. In that tradition, Google I/O features Tech Talks on subjects of
Session Videos - Google I/O offered 90+ sessions featuring highly technical, in-depth content covering a number of technologies and developer products. All videos and slides are available below.
"Google I/O offered 90+ sessions featuring highly technical, in-depth content covering a number of technologies and developer products. All videos and slides are available below."
Google Forms: how to create a quiz or a test that automatically grades itself in Google Docs--Internet--Tools
Using forms in Google docs lets anyone create forms quickly and share those forms via email, embed them into a webpage or blog. If you are a teacher, you can create formulas that allow you to have these forms graded in minutes. The formula part is a bit challenging, so I wrote this article to talk about how I recently created a final for one of my classes.
Beginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices – Part 1/3 | Web 2.0
HTML5Rocks - Home
Five Really Handy Google Command Line Tricks
Lifehacker shows some uses for Google's command line interface.
With the right commands, you can turn your favorite command-line text editor into a distraction-free Google Docs app, add new events to Google Calendar, upload images to Picasa or video to YouTube, backup your Google data, and more. Here's how it works. On Friday, Google released GoogleCL, a saucy command line program that interacts with Google services from any *nix-friendly command-line prompt (on Windows, Mac, or Linux). We spent the weekend playing around with it, and now we're sharing a few of the coolest ways we've been putting it to use. What You'll Need Before you can execute any of the cool commands below, you'll need to have installed a few things to get GoogleCL up and running on your system. * Windows users, you'll want to install Cygwin. (If you're not familiar with Cygwin and how it works, check out Gina's introduction to Cygwin.) If you'd really prefer to stick with Windows' Command Prompt, you can set up GoogleCL with these instructions instead. * python-vers
CloudCourse: An Enterprise Application in the Cloud - Google Open Source Blog
To that end, we are excited to release our new internal learning platform, CloudCourse under an open source license. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. CloudCourse also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
Google taking a crack at an LMS? We developed CloudCourse to provide a course scheduling system fully integrated with Google services
new internal learning platform, CloudCourse under an open source license. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. CloudCourse also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
HTML5 presentation
RT @deliciouspb: #HTML5 presentation
Good overview of HTML5 and the possibilities.
SEOmoz | All Links are Not Created Equal: 10 Illustrations on Search Engines' Valuation of Links
In this post, I'm going to walk through ten principles of link valuation that can be observed, tested and, in some cases, have been patented.
All Links are Not Created Equal #seo #bm
How to Find the Person behind an Email Address - Reverse Email Search
Find the Person Behind an Email Address
Reverse Email Search
10 Free Android Apps to Boost Your Productivity
RT @deliciouspb: 10 Free Android Apps to Boost Your Productivity
Google TV
Designing websites for Google TV
Google Storage for Developers - Google Code
Got the Google Store invite: - Need to find time to play with it...
Google Storage for Developers is a RESTful service for storing and accessing your data on Google's infrastructure. The service combines the performance and scalability of Google's cloud with advanced security and sharing capabilities. Highlights include:
YouTube - The Google Job Experiment
Pay per click and how it is actually supposed to work sdfkjsadk
Portfolio Ideas
YouTube Blog: Edit video in the cloud with the YouTube Video Editor
POST + VIDEO (~5') Edit #video in the cloud with the #YouTube Video Editor -
Official Youtube Blog
#YouTube Blog: Edit video in the #cloud with the YouTube Video #Editor
RT @youtube Edit video in the cloud with the YouTube Video Editor
Google Pacman
Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page
Plugin para explorer, firefox y chrome. Lo que hace es que no nos cuenta nuestras propias visitas.
Modern Nerd
Steps to set up multiple "from:" addresses from a Gmail account through the iPhone/iPad Mail app.
Add multiple send from addresses w/out adding each one as a separate mail account. Just like web based gmail.
Solved: Gmail, iPad, iPhone, and multiple from addresses - Modern Nerd: Shared by bang1000 ale gmail nutz...
Top 10 Clever Google Voice Tricks
Earlier this week, Google Voice opened to everyone in the U.S.. The phone management app is great, but even cooler hacks exist just under the hood. Here are our favorite tricks every Google Voice user should know about.
滅べばいいのにと思うSEOの10の迷信(都市伝説) | Web担当者Forum
滅べばいいのにと思うSEOの10の迷信(都市伝説) | Web担当者Forum» SEOmoz - 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック のバックナンバーを見る[海外情報] SEOmoz 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック検索エンジンは網羅的なガイドラインを提示するわけではない(それどころかSEOを正しく行うのに必要な要素の十分の一すら出さない)。この記事では、SEO業界にはびこる間違った情報、それも正しいSEOの妨げとなる情報につ
18 Fresh Google Chrome Extensions for Web Developers
The 5 Most Advanced Search Engines On The Web
Google, TinEye, GazoPa, CompletePlanet, Semantic Search
SEOmoz | Overcome the Google Analytics Learning Curve in 20 Minutes
Que ver en analytics
Google Streetview Static API – Jamie Thompson
very cool way to create 360 view with street-view api
can make get requests w parameters to obtain a static jpg streetview image of the location
YouTube API Blog: Flash and the HTML5
google basically being pro flash.
YouTube complains about the inherent problems of using HTML5's <video> tag, and advocates the usage of flash, providing several technical arguments in its favor. Good read, HTML5 is a nice standard-in-the-making, but is not a panacea; also flash is not going to disappear overnight
YouTube API Blog: Flash and the HTML5
not gonna happen
We’re very happy to see such active and enthusiastic discussion about evolving web standards - YouTube is dependent on browser enhancement in order for us to improve the video experience for our users. While HTML5’s video support enables us to bring most of the content and features of YouTube to computers and other devices that don’t support Flash Player, it does not yet meet all of our needs. Today, Adobe Flash provides the best platform for YouTube’s video distribution requirements, which is why our primary video player is built with it.
It's important to understand what a site like YouTube needs from the browser in order to provide a good experience for viewers as well as content creators. We need to do more than just point the browser at a video file like the image tag does - there’s a lot more to it than just retrieving and displaying a video. The <video> tag certainly addresses the basic requirements and is making good progress on meeting others, but the <video> tag does not currently meet all the needs of a site like YouTube:
How Does Google Work?
JQuery Plugins | jquery plugins
calendar, date picker, scrolling tabs, checkbox tree
Typekit and Google Announce Open Source Collaboration « The Typekit Blog
More: and "I'm surprised that most of the stuff in the current Google font directory made the cut":
Better to work with, than against, a giant.
Typekit announces that it has teamed up with Google to build the Web Font Loader API, which more smoothly enables web designers to load custom fonts into their pages. Additionally, Typekit has added Goolgle’s new collection of free web fonts to it's own offering.
10 Fun Facts You Didn't Know About Google
#10. Google Has a Company Dinosaur.
Zehn nette Fakten über Google. Manche werden sich vielleicht noch erinnern, wie das war, damals... ;-)
N paar Google Fakten wie der erste Google Rechner... aus LEGO! :D
Google is not your average company and it's fitting that they have a history chock full of quirk. Here are 10 facts you may not have known about Google.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Welcome to the YouTube Video Editor. You can take a quick tour to get started.
editor de youtube
Sdílejte svá videa s přáteli, rodinou a celým světem
YouTube's video editor.
Edit YouTube videos
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
How To Watch Live TV In Google Chrome Browser For Free
tech tools
How To Watch Live TV In Google Chrome Browser For Free
Route Planner
The Viamente Route Planner is a web-based service that processes your list of locations and delivers optimized routes and schedules on-the-fly. It maximizes the efficiency of your transport resources while cutting down your planning time
Web Application Exploits and Defenses
RT @joacim_boive: Google Code University: Web Application Exploits and Defenses
3ヶ月で149.5勉強時間達成できたGoogleDocsによる自動見える化のやり方とその効用 | nanapi[ナナピ]
Java Code Geeks: GWT 2 Spring 3 JPA 2 Hibernate 3.5 Tutorial
Official Google Blog: Announcing Google TV: TV meets web. Web meets TV.
Google TV is a new experience for television that combines the TV that you already know with the freedom and power of the Internet. With Google Chrome built in, you can access all of your favorite websites and easily move between television and the web. This opens up your TV from a few hundred channels to millions of channels of entertainment across TV and the web. Your television is also no longer confined to showing just video. With the entire Internet in your living room, your TV becomes more than a TV — it can be a photo slideshow viewer, a gaming console, a music player and much more.
If there’s one entertainment device that people know and love, it’s the television. In fact, 4 billion people across the world watch TV and the average American spends five hours per day in front of one*. *Nielsen, Three Screen Report, Fourth Quarter 2009
Google Apps Education Training Center
Welcome to the Google Apps Education Training Center. This is an online learning environment dedicated for educators and students to learn how to effectively use Google Apps in an educational context.
"Google Apps Centro de Educación, Capacitación Bienvenido al Centro de Capacitación de Google Apps Education. Se trata de un aprendizaje en línea dedicada a los educadores y los estudiantes a aprender cómo utilizar con eficacia de Google Apps en el contexto educativo . El acceso a una cuenta de Google Apps para educación es muy recomendable para que usted pueda experimentar y aplicar lo que aprenden."
RT @infernaldepart: Taking a look at the Google Apps Edu training centre. Some good stuff for staff CPD!
an online learning environment dedicated for educators and students to learn how to effectively use Google Apps in an educational context.
Google Web Fonts Wordpress Plugin | Make Your Own Website :: Wordpress | HTML | CSS | PHP :: Tips and Tutorials
Google Web Fonts for Wordpress plugin makes it quick and easy to use the Google Web Font Library from the administration panel within Wordpress. It utilizes the Google Web Font Loader to display fonts that are not installed on the user’s computer. Google Web Fonts Plugin Instructions Download and unzip the plugin. Upload the unzipped file into your Wordpress wp-content->plugins directory. In the Wordpress admin panel, open the Appearance tab in the left menu, and click Google Web Fonts. On the Google Web Fonts Plugin Options page, browse the available fonts in the Google Font Directory, and click the ones you would like to use to copy the Font API parameter name. Paste your chosen font into the Google Font input box, and specify a web save font to be displayed if your chosen font becomes inactive. Click Change Font. Go to your website’s from page to see if your chosen font is active. If not, choose another, rinse, repeat.
無線LANが使えるカフェ・喫茶店(非メジャーチェーン店舗)β版 - Google マップ
iPhone vs. Android | Nielsen Wire
Un estudio de mercado de Nielsen sobre la penetración de los smartphones, principalmente iPhone contra Android. Datos como: % del mercado: [BlackBerry 35%], [Windows Mobile: 19%] y [iPhone 28%] (chupxla Micro$oft!!); también interesante que son muchos más los de Android que quieren pasarse a un iPhone que al revés.
iPhone vs. Android smartphone penetration graphs. (June 2010)
How To: Try Android Froyo On Your Computer
How to set up an Android 2.2 emulator. Kinda geeky, but could be useful.
Google Font API で手軽に始めるフォント遊び : could
Side-by-side results from one search: google and bing in split view; pretty cool.
Bing and Google are my favorite search engines and I execute searches on both. For other Bing and Google loving people like me, Bingle was created. As you can tell from the name, Bingle is Bing (+Goog)le. The site is a search engine tool to search bing and google at the same time. When you type in a search query on Bingle and “bingle” it, a webpage opens with Bing results in the left pane and Google results in the right pane.
Mashup search engine combining Google and Bing
Search Google and Bing at the same time and compare the results!
Bing + Google
Search Google and Bing at the same time and compare the results! GoogleとBingで同時検索し、検索結果を左右に並べられるサイト「」
Bing and Google searches together
Search Bing and Google at the same time!!!
Bing & Google search tool combined.
The Real Life Social Network v2
@jcstearns The Real Life Social Network v2 - <-in slideshare . A must read.
This is fascinating! — The Real Life Social Network v2
typhoonae - Project Hosting on Google Code
The TyphoonAE project aims at providing a full-featured and productive serving environment to run Google App Engine (Python) applications. It delivers the parts for building your own scalable App Engine while staying compatible with Google's API.
Howto run GAE without the cloud.
Is it time to reconsider Google Buzz vs Facebook or Twitter? — Scobleizer
Buzz 101 - Good vs Bad
RT @maxgrinev: Is it time to reconsider Google Buzz vs Facebook or Twitter?
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking | Social Media Examiner
From Social Media Examiner
How to use blog to increase your SEO
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - via @smexaminer – Ben Cotton (BenCotton)
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - via @smexaminer
ImperialViolet - Overclocking SSL
SSL is not expensive
WebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
WebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
WebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
How to Set Up OpenID on Your Own Domain | Smarterware
Thanking @ginatrapani
using Google.
For some reason I was under the mistaken impression that setting up an OpenID on my own domain,, would be a big hassle: that I'd have to host my own OpenID server software and that it would take all sorts of installation and maintenance BS to do so. I feel strongly about owning my identity online, mapping it to my nameplate domain, and actively choosing an authorizing party instead of just accepting the sign-in service du jour like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or Google. Still, I never got set up with OpenID on because my perceived hassle factor was daunting. Instead, I used for my OpenID and put the domain setup on my "someday I have to do that" list. It meant that my OpenID was instead of my own domain. Idproxy is a great service and I thank them for getting me started with OpenID; but still, I want my OpenID URL to be a domain name I own and control.
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Because big sites (Facebook) pass along my clickstreams.
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
WebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
ExampleScripts - googlecl - Example commands and tasks GoogleCL can do. - Project Hosting on Google Code
This will be useful once they get GReader
Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
Google CL is a Python (Python) application that makes Google Data API calls through the command line.
How to Set Up OpenID on Your Own Domain | Smarterware
Profiles as an OpenID provider and to Chris for a great discussion of OpenID, OAuth, and verifying identity on the web.
Thanking @ginatrapani
using Google.
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Because big sites (Facebook) pass along my clickstreams.
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
WebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
10 Ways to Use Google Books for Lifelong Learning and Research
10 ways to use Google Books for Lifelong learning and research from – Manchester Libraries (MancLibraries)
Good post on ways to use Google Books
Googleコマンドラインなるツールが出たようですね… - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
10 Ways to Use Google Books for Lifelong Learning and Research
The great thing about Google is that you can take any of its services and extend it to uses that are not so obvious. We have seen the uncounted ways you can use Google Search. Now, take Google Books for instance.
10 ways to use Google Books for Lifelong learning and research from – Manchester Libraries (MancLibraries)
Googleが出してきたFont APIのすごさを体感したいなら…『Font Previewer』 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Free Technology for Teachers: Google for Teachers II - Free 33 Page Guide
Google para Professores II - ver com atenção
Free Technology for Teachers: Google for Teachers II - Free 33 Page Guide
Google para Professores II - ver com atenção
How to Build a Distance Finder with Google Maps API
We'll make a distance finder. We'll add a Google map to our site, plot two points on it (the user will be able to choose the addresses for these points), compute the distance between them and show the quickest route between them.
permite determinar y trazar la distancia entre dos direcciónes, se podría utilizar para mostrar negocios por cercania. muy bueno
We’ll make a distance finder. We’ll add a Google map to our site, plot two points on it (the user will be able to choose the addresses for these points), compute the distance between them and show the quickest route between them.
How to Build a Distance Finder with Google Maps API
cool distance finder between two addresses build with javascript and google maps api - articles - Django 1.2 on Google App Engine
curl -L -o google-app-engine-django.tar.gz
Which Identities Are We Using to Sign in Around the Web?
What online IDs are people using the most to sign in around the web?
RT @smashingmag What online IDs are people using the most to sign in around the Web? (Infographic) - (via @creattica)
App Inventor for Android
To use App Inventor, you do not need to be a developer. App Inventor requires NO programming knowledge. This is because instead of writing code, you visually design the way the app looks and use blocks to specify the app's behavior.
Google releases codeless development environment for Android apps. Anyone can easily (so it claims!) develop apps for android phones.
Understanding and Applying Operational Transformation - Code Commit
@djspiewak wrote a very detailed intro to operational transformation. Very useful for building, say, a collab editor
Almost exactly a year ago, Google made one of the most remarkable press releases in the Web 2.0 era. Of course, by “press release”, I actually mean keynote at their own conference, and by “remarkable” I mean potentially-transformative and groundbreaking. I am referring of course to the announcement of Google Wave, a real-time collaboration tool which has been in open beta for the last several months.
Good article explaining how the Operational Transform from Google Wave can be implemented, and the various cases that have to be handled when server and client both have edits pending.
The algorithm behind "Wave"
Everything You Already Know About SEO
Ideally, each page on your site should compete well on a couple of keyphrases that are descriptive of the content on your site, have reasonable search volume, and on which you stand some chance of competing.
July 13, 2010 -
Great guide to SEO. Covers all the basics.
Everything You Already Know About SEO
Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, Declares War On Google
Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, Declares War On Google [from]
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook's search strategy, the company has confirmed with ...
Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, Declares War On Google
Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, Declares War On Google [from]
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook's search strategy, the company has confirmed with ...
Google's Long History of Social Media Attempts [INFOGRAPHIC]
Mashable hat eine wunderbare Infografik ausgegraben, die die Anfänge von Social Media im Februar 2003 bis heute nachzeichnen:
How to Test Drive Android on Your PC Without Buying a Phone
Interested in test driving the latest version of Google's Android OS without buying a new mobile device?  Here's how to run Android on your PC for free with the Android SDK Emulator.
RT @deliciouspb: How to Test Drive Android on Your PC Without Buying a Phone
5 Web Files That Will Improve Your Website
Dublin.rdf is worth trying
Online Degree The Ultimate Guide to Google Edu Apps: 100 Tips & Tricks for Teachers
HomeAbout UsAboutContactCareer Guides
Google Applications in all their myriad forms undoubtedly impacted the education system for the better. Students and teachers alike now enjoy the streamlined suites to bolster lessons and lectures with valuable visuals and tools that better underscore the subjects at hand. The internet juggernaut itself provides some fantastic tips, tricks, and lesson plans to inspire educators to take advantage of everything their services have to offer - however, the possibilities stretch far beyond the ones listed here and are limited only by imaginations and coding. Use them as a starting point to launch (and share!) other innovative strategies to apply Google Applications in the classroom.
Wow some of these dont  apply to primary but are still worth a look. Remember that all our students who have activated their email have access to Google docs.
Google Secretly Invested $100+ Million In Zynga, Preparing To Launch Google Games
oh sweet Jesus, Google invested in Zynga? so much for "don't be evil." – Jeff Atwood (codinghorror)
Google has quietly (secretly, one might say) invested somewhere between $100 million and $200 million in social gaming behemoth Zynga, we’ve confirmed from multiple sources. (via TechCrunch)
"Google Secretly Invested $100+ Million In Zynga, Preparing To Launch Google Games"
Google starts the gaming service, actually the social network based games. At the end, Zynga is the winner who takes all the attentions from many companies interested in social games including facebook, yahoo, google and etc. That is, there is always a niche business.
Google aism to make Zynga (creators of Farmville) the cornerstone of Goolge games; expected to go live late Dec 2010 - posted circa July 2010
Google Games Part ... Duex?
Google Font API - Google Code
Fonts online in die Website laden! Google API
Official Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes)
Official Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes)
Official Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes)
Google Analyticsの意外と知られていない便利な裏技5選 | Web担当者Forum
1. 解析の対象とする期間を簡単に指定する 2. 一目でわかる比較レポート 3. 正規表現の活用 4. 500行以上のデータを参照する 5. レポートのメール送信スケジュールを設定する
Google JavaScript Style Guide 和訳 — Google JavaScript Style Guide 和訳 v0.1 documentation
Best Chrome Addons For Power Blogging
Best Chrome Addons
Google社員が驚く Google Apps 徹底 活用法 - EC studio 社長ブログ
Five Really Handy Google Command Line Tricks
With the right commands, you can turn your favorite command-line text editor into a distraction-free Google Docs app, add new events to Google Calendar, upload images to Picasa or video to YouTube, backup your Google data, and more. Here's how it works.
Search Analysis with Google Analytics
Tracking and studying searches on your site is a valuable part of site analytics, but many site owners underestimate the benefit of it. Website search analytics can provide advantageous insights into what people are looking for on your site and also what your site looks like in search engine results.
In this guide, we'll go over the fundamentals of search analytics, using Google Analytics as our tool.
jamesyu's cohorts at master - GitHub
A simple javascript multivariate testing framework
Cohorts is a simple, purely javascript, multivariate testing framework. It allows you to easily run split tests for visitors on your site, showing them different designs, layouts, or whatever you want. Cohorts also allows you to track interesting events that occur for each of the cohorts. By default, it uses Google Analytics event tracking to store data, but you can customize it to use your own or another.
Top 10 Clever Google Voice Tricks
Jun 27, 2010 04:12 AM 165,502 178
Beginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices – Part 3/3
SEO guide series
Three part series
How To Enable the Android Market in the Google Android Emulator - How-To Geek
Would you like to try out apps from the Android Market on your PC? We recently showed you how to run Android in an emulator on your PC, so here’s how you can install apps from the Android Market in the emulator.
How To Enable the Android Market in the Google Android Emulator - How-To Geek
Would you like to try out apps from the Android Market on your PC? We recently showed you how to run Android in an emulator on your PC, so here’s how you can install apps from the Android Market in the emulator.
Exclusive: Motorola Droid X preview -- Engadget
@Urvaksh Awesome, tho other than that I don't yet see why Engadget says it makes Incredible "look like a bench warmer."
Looking at @engadget 's Motorola Droid X gallery ( The thing looks HUGE - short of the Symbol devices, it sets a record.
Google Confirms “Mayday” Update Impacts Long Tail Traffic
Google Confirms “Mayday” Update Impacts Long Tail Traffic
This change seems to have primarily impacted very large sites with “item” pages that don’t have many individual links into them, might be several clicks from the home page, and may not have substantial unique and value-added content on them. For instance, ecommerce sites often have this structure. The individual product pages are unlikely to attract external links and the majority of the content may be imported from a manufacturer database
Google Apps Education Training Center
Teacher resources for using Google Apps.
How To Be an Android Power User
BEST OF: 22 Free SEO / Search Engine Tools For Webmasters
Google Apps Education Training Center
Tutoriais sobre as aplicações da Google
Google Map Slider
Rollover and view the Googlemap plugin.
menu que mostra a localização no gmaps
.CSV » new developments in AI
While strong AI still lies safely beyond the Maes-Garreau horizon1 (a vanishing point, perpetually fifty years ahead) a host of important new developments in weak AI are poised to be commercialized in the next few years. But because these developments are a paradoxical mix of intelligence and stupidity, they defy simple forecasts, they resist hype. They are not unambiguously better, cheaper, or faster. They are something new. What are the implications of a car that adjusts its speed to avoid collisions … but occasionally mistakes the guardrail along a sharp curve as an oncoming obstacle and slams on the brakes? What will it mean when our computers know everything — every single fact, the entirety of human knowledge — but can only reason at the level of a cockroach?
New Developments in Artificial Intelligence: Man vs. Google #AI $$
What are the implications of a car that adjusts its speed to avoid collisions … but occasionally mistakes the guardrail along a sharp curve as an oncoming obstacle and slams on the brakes? What will it mean when our computers know everything — every single fact, the entirety of human knowledge — but can only reason at the level of a cockroach?
Impressive essay on artificial intelligence.
50+ Useful Google Chrome Extensions
Free WordPress Theme : A Simple Magazine
Theme Magazine อัดแน่นไปด้วย Function
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.CSV » new developments in AI
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
While strong AI still lies safely beyond the Maes-Garreau horizon1 (a vanishing point, perpetually fifty years ahead) a host of important new developments in weak AI are poised to be commercialized in the next few years. But because these developments are a paradoxical mix of intelligence and stupidity, they defy simple forecasts, they resist hype. They are not unambiguously better, cheaper, or faster. They are something new. What are the implications of a car that adjusts its speed to avoid collisions … but occasionally mistakes the guardrail along a sharp curve as an oncoming obstacle and slams on the brakes? What will it mean when our computers know everything — every single fact, the entirety of human knowledge — but can only reason at the level of a cockroach?
New Developments in Artificial Intelligence: Man vs. Google #AI $$
What are the implications of a car that adjusts its speed to avoid collisions … but occasionally mistakes the guardrail along a sharp curve as an oncoming obstacle and slams on the brakes? What will it mean when our computers know everything — every single fact, the entirety of human knowledge — but can only reason at the level of a cockroach?