Pages tagged git:

Re: [RFC] Convert builin-mailinfo.c to use The Better String Library. []

s written in C++, go play with Monotone. Really. They use a "real database". They use "nice object-oriented libraries". They use "nice C++ abstractions". And quite frankly, as a result of all these design decisions that sound so appealing to some CS people, the end result is a horrible an
c++ なくなってくれると,おれ楽なんだけどな...
分散バージョン管理システムGit入門 - SourceForge.JP Magazine
git-cheat-sheet-large.png (PNG Image, 3300x2550 pixels)
Craft the perfect gem with Jeweler @ Technical Pickles
flashbake « Bit Bucket Labs
a seamless source control tool for ordinary people.
cory doctorow's hyper texty tool
"a seamless source control tool for ordinary people"
Using Git to track and version your writing.
GitHub Pages — GitHub
nice. static pages only, but nice.
cf "access control and version control: an overconstrained problem?"
Advogato: GitTorrent, The Movie
More about the decentralisation of IT
"GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors whatsoever. PGP signing and other web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g. ssh) as the access control "clearing house". The implications of a truly distributed revision control system are truly staggering: unrestricted software freedom
That's exactly what I am looking for - yeah!
Imagine that an entire project - its web site, documentation, wiki, bug-tracker, source code and binaries are all managed and stored in a peer-to-peer distributed git repository.
"GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors whatsoever. PGP signing and other web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g. ssh) as the access control "clearing house". "
From a simple, simple project that is suffering from an inexplicable near complete lack of attention from the free software community comes a revolutionary change in the way that free software is developed and distributed. [[Reminds me of Kragen’s “[What’s wrong with HTTP?](” article. —Ed.]]
GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors whatsoever. PGP signing and other web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g. ssh) as the access control "clearing house".
Gitを使いこなすための20のコマンド - SourceForge.JP Magazine
Intro to Git for Web Designers | Webdesigner Depot
Unless you’re a one person web shop with no team to collaborate with, you’ve experienced the frustration that goes along with file sharing. No matter how hard you try, when multiple people are working on a single project without a version control system in place things get chaotic.
2009 Rubyist's guide to a Mac OS X development environment — GIANT ROBOTS SMASHING INTO OTHER GIANT ROBOTS
A command line-ish dev environment...
Create a Rails Template and Build an App in Seconds
Create a Rails Template and Build an App in Seconds
instant rails
templates for rails applications
MOONGIFT: » 開発者必見!WindowsでGitを便利に「Git Extensions」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
ソーシャル化するOSS開発者たち - @IT
Git/Github survival guide | Ivan Porto Carrero
Lately I’ve been helping a few people to get started on Github. I use git at the command line and my survival guide is also based on that way of interacting with Git. So I thought I’d write the procedure up so that I can just point people to this page.
When GitHub goes down... — ones zeros majors and minors
How to recover your project if git hub goes down.
Thanks! I am going to cancel my github account so this will be useful
git instaweb --httpd=webrick FTW.
DVCSAnalysis - support - Analysis of Git and Mercurial - Google Code
Git'n Your Shared Host On // RailsTips by John Nunemaker
GitHub is awesome, really awesome for open source projects and for projects with multiple people. In fact, if you use your own git setup for an open source project, you are most likely hindering your project’s progress and wasting your time. On the other side of the coin, if you are a lone shark and you don’t need GitHub’s awesome social features, I have news for you: you can host your own git repositories really easily and on the cheap side. Remote Setup If you are like me, you probably have a DreamHost, TextDrive or some other cheap shared hosting account with ssh access. What you might not know is that is all you need to host your own private git repositories. ssh mkdir -p ~/git/yourproject.git cd ~/git/yourproject.git git --bare init That is it. Your git repository is now setup. Not too hard eh? You could put that anywhere but a folder named git makes sense to me. Local Setup So your remote server is now setup, but how do you use it? Glad you asked.
that was easy
ReinH — A Git Workflow for Agile Teams
At Hashrocket we use git both internally and in our Agile mentoring and training. Git gives us the flexibility to design a version control workflow that meets the needs of either a fully Agile team or a team that is transitioning towards an Agile process.
git config alias.datetag '!git tag `date "+%Y%m%d%H%M"`'
Backup your Database in Git | Viget Extend
When you think about it, a database dump is just SQL code, so why not manage it the same way you manage the rest of your code — in a source code manager? Setting such a scheme up is dead simple. On your production server, with git installed:
gist: 67060 - GitHub
We “finished” and the launch came and went. We were not making as much money as we thought we would. We weren’t even getting as many signups as we anticipated. People demanded grandiose features we didn’t have the time to implement. Our cash reserves were running low and we soon needed to return to consulting. Which was always part of the plan, but I had hoped we’d be optimistic about FamSpam’s future when that time came. We were not.
keynote from Startup Riot 2009, about how to become successful - do what you want!
Text of Chris Wanstrath's from Github's keynote at Startup Riot 2009
the most amazing features imaginable would make us money. We had no data available on whether building features specifically to make money would work.
It's Magit!
a really really great way to use git from emacs
It's Magit! A Emacs mode for Git.
Git mode for emacs
これからGitを始める人が読むべき記事のまとめ :
git のまとめ
WEB DB PRESS Vol.50号に、Gitの特集記事 / Gitの開発者である Junio C Hamano氏(日本人)が執筆しているため、内容が新しくて正確 / Gitは便利なサブコマンドの進化が早いので、ソースからコンパイルしてインストールすることをおすすめ
The Git Parable
Uma história para descrever o funcionamento interno do Git
simple, but extremely powerful system. Most people try to teach Git by demonstrating a few dozen commands and then yelling “tadaaaaa.” I believe this method is flawed. Such a treatment may leave you with the ability to use Git to perform simple tasks, but the Git commands will still feel like magical incantations. Doing anything out of the ordinary will be terrifying. Until you understand the concepts upon which Git is built, you’ll feel like a stranger in a foreign land.
"The following parable will take you on a journey through the creation of a Git-like system from the ground up. Understanding the concepts presented here will be the most valuable thing you can do to prepare yourself to harness the full power of Git. The concepts themselves are quite simple, but allow for an amazing wealth of functionality to spring into existence. Read this parable all the way through and you should have very little trouble mastering the various Git commands and wielding the awesome power that Git makes available to you."
'The following parable will take you on a journey through the creation of a Git-like system from the ground up.'
Hg-Git Mercurial Plugin
ability to push to and pull from a Git server repository from Hg
[extensions] hgext.bookmarks = hgext.hg-git = [path-to]/hg-git
QuirkeyBlog » Blog Archive » Github Pages for Fun and Win
Stop what you’re doing and make your project a github page. For the love of god, your project has no documentation. RDoc is cool, READMEs are decent, but descriptive websites with examples? Oh, they RULE.
Github blog engine for OpenSource documentation
Lifehacker - Flashbake Automates Version Control for (Nerdy) Writers - Downloads
how to use git as version control for writers
nice intro to Flashbake
Save snapshots of frequently-updated files over time with programmer-strength version control—but without the learning curve. Free software Flashbake captures working files and adds details like the weather and your Twitter status to each version automatically.
GitHub Firewall Install
"GitHub Firewall Install is a version of the GitHub web application that you install within your own corporate firewall. With your own internal GitHub you can combine the best aspects of social code management with the security of your private network."
Fraser Speirs – Understanding Git Submodules
"Git submodules are implemented using two moving parts: the .gitmodules file and a special kind of tree object. These together triangulate a specific revision of a specific repository which is checked out into a specific location in your project."
Fraser Speirs explains the difference between good old svn:externals and git submodules.
Git Cheat Sheets JP
Visual git tutorial I
overview of git features
Extremely well written!
実用レベルに達したWindows向けGitクライアント「TortoiseGit」でGitを始めよう - SourceForge.JP Magazine
Hello Rip.
"Rip is an attempt to create a next generation packaging system for Ruby." Simpler/better/next-gen RubyGems for packaging.
Package management system for Ruby to complement gems, and provide sane virtual environments for better managing gems
Hivelogic - Deploying ExpressionEngine from GitHub with Capistrano
Very clear, step-by-step guide to managing and ExpressionEngine site with git and Capistrano. I might try this some time, as it would make messing about with templates and so on much easier and - more importantly - undoable.
git ls-remote master
About Rip
Rip is an attempt to create a next generation packaging system for Ruby.
Pro Git - Table of Contents
Scott Chacon's CC licensed book on Git.
Pro Git - Pro Git Book
st on the Pro Git book website, which contains the full content of the book published by Apress and a blog for me to share Git tips and book news with everybody.
Fabric, Django, Git, Apache, mod_wsgi, virtualenv and pip deployment | Morethanseven
the stack I _should_ be using.
Resources on using the official GitHub API. This site contains documentation on the major API sections and libraries you can use to make use of GitHub with your programs and scripts.
Deployment Script Spring Cleaning - GitHub
information on speeding up Capistrano deployment scripts
A great article with chunks of details regarding how github reduced their deploy time from 15 minutes to 14 seconds. w00t!
Git based capistrano deployment
Ric Roberts: Ruby on Rails developer, Manchester, UK | Getting to grips with git (Part 1)
git ready » intro to rebase
to rebase or to merge, that is the question.
intro to rebase
Rebase helps to cut up commits and slice them into any way that you want them served up, and placed exactly where you want them. You can actually rewrite history with this command, be it reordering commits, squashing them into bigger ones, or completely ignoring them if you so desire.
Re: [git pull] drm-next
Making Sense of Revision-control Systems - ACM Queue
Git: Your New Best Friend [Server Side Essentials]
This article introduces version control and Git without assuming you have any prior knowledge or programming experience. Because of its introductory nature, certain details are simplified or omitted and the use of the Git Graphical User Interface (Git GUI) is emphasized. Version control is the process of recording the history of changes to files as they are modified. Users can go back in time and get old versions and identify where changes were introduced (people sometimes refer to version control tools as time machines). This means that it’s easier to: * protect against changes—accidental or otherwise—and be able to access a known good version of a file * track down problems and make fixes to previous versions of files * allow more than one person to modify project files simultaneously (programmers refer to this as parallel development) * retrieve an older set of files (if requested by a customer or manager, for example)
Good advice on branches for web development (production, release, maintenance, etc).
How to set upand use GIT
introduction intro to git
This article introduces version control and Git without assuming you have any prior knowledge or programming experience. Because of its introductory nature, certain details are simplified or omitted and the use of the Git Graphical User Interface (Git GUI) is emphasized. Afterwards the reader should be able to use Git for basic version control and know where to locate further information.
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
Host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub. Thanks to GitHub post-receive hooks your App Engine site can be updated automatically when you push new content.
Host static web sites on Google App Engine managed by Git
Monk is a glue framework for web development in Ruby. It’s truly modular by relying on the best tool for each job. It’s also pretty fast thanks to Rack and Sinatra.
Sinatra is a tiny and flexible tool. It can be used to write super simple web applications like an API or a fully-fledged, highly interactive website. As you develop more applications using Sinatra, you will start to find some patterns: You apply a similar structure to all of your projects (where to put your routes, whether to use classic or modular style, etc.) You also find some other common bits you need to set up a logger, configure reloading on development mode, and more. You need to hook up your persistence layer of choice. Wiring in your desired testing suite. It’s easy to see how time-consuming this can be when you want to start a new project with the minimum amount of work. That’s why we wrote a tool that could enable us to get started on a new project in no time. The result is a command line tool that lets you create a new project out of an existing skeleton. The default skeleton we ship does all the work for you, and you can just dive into your code.
Glue for Rack + Sinatra
A probarlo, via maxwell
MF Bliki: FeatureBranch
a result if Professor Plum is changing some code » Blog Archive » git merge vs git rebase: avoiding rebase hell
Don’t rebase branches you have shared with another developer - they will hate you and you will hate yourself.
Carsonified » Why You Should Switch from Subversion to Git
I want to share with you the concept that you can think about version control not as a neccesary inconvenience that you need to put up with in order to collaborate, but rather as a powerful framework for managing your work seperately in contexts, for being able to switch and merge between those contexts quickly and easily, for being able to make decisions late and craft your work without having to pre-plan everything all the time. Git makes all of these things easy and prioritizes them and should change the way you think about how to approach a problem in any of your projects and version control itself.
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
A Guide to Branching in Mercurial / Steve Losh
Quick, clear, simple guide to the way Mercurial handles branching.
gource - Project Hosting on Google Code
Nifty program that visualizes changes made in a Git repository over time.
Gource is a software version control visualization for Git and CVS.
git ready » tig, the ncurses front-end to Git
brose git repos mutt style
How We Made GitHub Fast - GitHub
Easy Version Control with Git - Nettuts+
Git is pretty easy to get: on a Mac, it’s probably easiest to use the git-osx-installer. If you have MacPorts installed, you may want to get Git through it; you can find instructions on the GitHub help site. (And yes, we’ll talk about GitHub). On Windows, the simplest way to start rolling is to use the msysgit installer. However, if you’ve got Cygwin, you can git Git through there as w
Have you ever worked on a project that was so unwieldy, you were scared to update a file or add a feature? Maybe the problem was that you weren't using a
GitSharp - eqqon
Inspiration for API for versioning XBRL instance document
pimping out git log - Bart's Blog
Très joli git log --graph à consommer sans modération
You can run the following to add it to your ~/.gitconfig: git config --global alias.lg "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset
I love this custom log view for git
Pro Git - Table of Contents
KS2009: How Google uses Linux []
Interesting to see the problems that are present at Google regarding staying in sync with the latest kernel code.
Git初心者が絶対に覚えておくべきコマンド - idesaku blog
25 Tips for Intermediate Git Users : Andy Jeffries : Ruby on Rails, MySQL and jQuery Developer
Amp | Version Control Revolution
Version control (compatible with Mercurial) written in Ruby.
Mercurial ported to Ruby with very easy customization.
Amp is unlike any other VCS software to date. Amp's novel command system gives you the flexibility to customize and personalize the way you develop software. Create in your own workspace with full Mercurial compatibility, and no external dependencies.
How's My Code
"How's My Code is a simple, lightweight code review tool meant for git users and distributed teams.
How's My Code is a simple, lightweight code review tool meant for git users and distributed teams
Scotland on Rails | Union Station
Assistir esses videos
Git Client - SmartGit
SmartGit is a graphical front-end for the distributed version control system Git and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Though it is unfortunately a (free as in free beer) proprietary software, SmartGit is the best GUI client I found for GIT (so far)
Mac Endeavor | Gity
Weiteres UI für Git. Siehe GitX
Git Work Flow For Rails Developers | Vinsol
Cross posted from darthsid This is my very first blog post and so I though it should be about a tool that is indispensable for me - Git. I started using git
GitHub Issue Tracker! - GitHub
It gives us great pleasure to announce our integrated issue tracking system! On repository pages you’ll now see an “Issues” tab in the top menu. Here’s a quick rundown of the features: * Deal with your issues just like you deal with email (fast, JavaScript interface) * Create and apply labels to issues to assign to users or categorize * Drag and drop issues to prioritize them * Vote on issues that you want to see tackled * Search, sort, and filter * Close issues from commit messages * Keyboard shortcuts Watch this short video introduction to GitHub Issues and get started now!
github now seems to have a nice and simple issue tracker
"... announce our integrated issue tracking system! On repository pages you’ll now see an “Issues” tab in the top menu." Deal with your issues just like you deal with email (fast, JavaScript interface) Create and apply labels to issues to assign to users or categorize Drag and drop issues to prioritize them Vote on issues that you want to see tackled Search, sort, and filter Close issues from commit messages Keyboard shortcuts
It gives us great pleasure to announce our integrated issue tracking system.
gittorrent - Google Code
The GitTorrent Protocol (GTP) is a protocol for collaborative git repository distribution across the Internet.
It might currently come across as a solution looking for a problem - and as one smart-ass with admin rights to the Google Code project reminds you on the source tab, "more alpha than the greek letter". The initial motivation was performance of downloads and in particular reducing load on
This could be interesting.
Using Git to Maintain Your Website |
Using Git to Maintain Your Website |
Dr Nic » My RubyGems development tools and workflow
Personal weblog for Dr Nic Williams
git ready » converting from svn
Instead of contributing to the mass of tutorials already written about the subject, I figured I would take the easy useful way out and compose a list of great tutorials on how to accomplish a migration to Git for those who are familiar with SVN. If you have more links, please comment away and I’ll add them in.
Some tutorials and other resources related to migrating from SVN to Git
links on how to use git and svn together
デブサミ2009 はてなの開発戦略 - 川o・-・)<2nd life
capistrano経由svn upでデプロイしていた。はてブ(21.6万UU、790万pv/日、サーバ50台)、4人/9ヶ月でリファクタリング(保守性・拡張性、テスタビリティ、他サービスとの密結合を解消)。
Who-T: On commit messages
About composing commits and writing commit log messages.
An opinion piece on what comprises a good commit message.
Any software project is a collaborative project. It has at least two developers, the original developer and the original developer a few weeks or months later when the train of thought has long left the station. This later self needs to reestablish the context of a particular piece of code each time a new bug occurs or a new feature needs to be implemented.
"In the last few weeks, I've had a surprising number of discussions about commit messages. Many of them were with developers new to a project, trying to get them started. So here's a list of things you should do when committing, and why you should do it."
An excellent list of best-practices for commit messages when using your favourite version control system.
good reasoning on howto, and hwo not to write commit messages » Blog Archive » A successful Git branching model
moving master with --no-ff
A well described branching model for git
Easy Git External Dependency Management with Giternal
In praise of git’s index //
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I still run into people lambasting git for the concept of the index from time to time. It seems strange and superfluous to users of other VCSs – like a speed bump that serves no purpose. Why not just commit the changes in the working copy? This perception is understandable; when I first heard of git, back as a Subversion user, I was one of these people. How times and minds change. Today, I use it and rely on it so much that I can’t imagine moving to any other VCS that doesn’t have this concept. (And none of the contemporary contenders do.) Because of this, I keep responding to such criticism, repeating myself. I figured I should put my explanation down somewhere where I can point people to.
My Extravagant Zsh Prompt / Steve Losh
I gotta try zsh. Via /drewr
Google Code Blog: Mercurial support for Project Hosting on Google Code
Good news everyone!
the tiniest blogging engine in Oz!
minimalist ruby blogging framework powered by git
A Visual Git Reference
some day I need to read these things
MF Bliki: VersionControlTools
by @martinfowler
This Week in Django | Django From the Ground Up: Episodes 1 and 2
This Week in Django is your ongoing source for all things Django. We have interviews, tips, special topics, screencasts, callcasts and a ton of fun.
Aha! Moments When Learning Git | BetterExplained
git staging and branching
Git is a fast, flexible but challenging distributed version control system. Before jumping in: Understand regular version control Understand | Agile git Workflow
Distributed Version Control is here to stay, baby - Joel on Software
Joel @Spolsky likes Mercurial so much he wrote a tutorial: and – Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum)
"If you come at Mercurial with a Subversion mindset, things will almost work, but when they don’t, you’ll be confused, unhappy, and unsuccessful, and you’ll hate Mercurial. Whereas if you free your mind and reimagine version control, and grok the zen of the difference between thinking about managing the versions vs. thinking about managing the changes, you’ll become enlightened and happy and realize that this is the way version control was meant to work."
on how to think distributed....
git ready » what git is not
There are obviously many reasons why Git is awesome (and why it sucks too), and there comes a point where it helps to dispel some of the rumors and issues surrounding Git. The following list attempts to show what Git is not.
git resource
Flashbake: Free version-control for writers using git - Boing Boing
Leonard uses Tiddlywiki for worldcreation; I'd be curious whether any authors are now using Flashbake
Even Cory Doctorow's using Git .)
Using Git with a central repository
Beginners guide. Very good introduction.
starter for using a central git repo
Looks like the model we should use to start our migration away from svn.
Mercurial や Git が使える無料のリポジトリサービスを集めてみた - kwatchの日記
無料で使える Git のリポジトリサービス。 install したところで止まってて、まだ実用レベルに入れてないけど。
github.comでphp-users.jpを管理するまでの作業ログ | IDEA*IDEA
デブサミ2009「株式会社はてなの開発戦略」講演メモ - RX-7乗りの適当な日々
新はてなブックマーク * ユーザ数:21.6万 * PV数:790万PV/日 * サーバ台数:50台 * 2008年11月にリニューアル * 開発期間約9か月 o 最初の4ヶ月くらいは、id:naoyaさんが1人で 旧システムの問題点 * 保守性・拡張性 * テスタビリティ * 他サービスとの密結合
My Common Git Workflow « Katz Got Your Tongue?
good article on git workflow
:jasonrudolph => :blog » Blog Archive » Git Up! 10 Reasons to Upgrade Your Old Git Installation
git diff --staged git log --oneline --graph
If you're not yet sportin' the 1.6.3 hotness, here are ten reasons to Git up!
Dead Simple Rails Deployment | blogt✪sk1
with passenger and git
Deploying a Rails app used to suck. Reverse proxies, Mongrel clusters, Monit, etc. Capistrano helped out a lot (once you set it up the first time), but all in
Git Reference
This is the Git reference site. This is meant to be a quick reference for learning and remembering the most important and commonly used Git commands. The commands are organized into sections of the type of operation you may be trying to do, and will preset the common options and commands needed to accomplish these common tasks.
Gitbox — Git GUI for Mac OS X
Gitbox is a Mac OS X graphical interface for Git version control system. In a single window you see branches, history and working directory status. Everyday operations are easy: stage and unstage changes with a checkbox. Commit, pull, merge and push with a single click. Double-click a change to show a diff with
SparkleShare - Sharing work made easy
Dropbox open source alternative
Open Source Dropbox clone. Allows you to set up your own server. has version control.
Sharing work made easy
LakTEK – Handy Git commands that saves my day