Pages tagged genx:

Forget Gen Y: Gen X is Making Real Change - ReadWriteEnterprise

Forget Gen Y: Gen X is Making Real Change: (via @RWW) [from]
Qui amène les technologies 2.0 en entreprise Gen X ou Gen Y? Annotated link
Read: Forget Gen Y: Gen X is Making Real Change [from]
Sometimes even the best researchers forget that the answer you get depends entirely on who you ask. A new Forrester survey of 2,000 information workers has revealed that ...
@Literatenmelu Seit bk09 komm ich mir vor, wie #Vader #Abraham. Aber irgendwer muß die Kaputzen ja führen .... [from]
A Gen X response to Barack Obama | Salon Life
Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition.
Heather Havrilesky, fantastic article and reader responses. God, I love Heather.
Nov. 7, 2008 | Dear boomers: We're sorry for rolling our eyes at you all these years. We apologize for scoffing at your earnestness, your lack of self-deprecation, your tendency to take yourselves a little too seriously.
"Your earnest, self-important prattle has gotten on Gen X nerves for decades. But now we finally get it... When we watched Barack Obama's victory speech on Tuesday night, we looked into the eyes of a real leader, and decades of cynicism about politics and grass-roots movements and community melted away in a single moment. We heard the voice of a man who can inspire with his words, who's unashamed of his own intelligence, who's willing to treat the citizens of this country like smart, capable people, worthy of respect. For the first time in some of our lifetimes, we believed."