Pages tagged frugal:

10 Homemade Laundry Soap Detergent Recipes :

10 Homemade Laundry Soap Detergent Recipes
Craigslist: The Definitive Craigslist Guide for the Recession
To paraphrase one shopping expert, nearly everyone wants better deals on everything these days. Craigslist is a great place to get those deals, and you don't have to be a jerk to get them.
To paraphrase one shopping expert, nearly everyone wants better deals on everything these days. Craigslist is a great place to get those deals, and you don't have to be a jerk to get them.
The Simple Dollar » The Frugal Magic of the “Five Ingredient Crock Pot Meal”
YouTube - DepressionCooking's Channel
Watch this video at home on depression cooking --
Have a video site with clips to compliment your cook book recipies. Perhaps interviews/cooking instructions from the variety of people who contribute recipes?
Cooking we can use - poorman's feast
Great Depression Cooking with Clara
Nearly two years ago I filmed the first episode of what was to become “Great Depression Cooking with Clara”. At the time the episode was intended to help me remember how Clara created the meals I had enjoyed eating over the years. I wasn’t sure if I could capture the magic of her storytelling and the details of the cooking at the same time (there are no second takes with Clara, if she did it once she doesn’t feel the need to do it again).
Staying in Touch Internationally, on the Cheap - Frugal Traveler Blog -
need is an unlocked mobile phone — that is, a phone that’s not tied to one particular carrier. (In the United States, some carriers will unlock your phone if you ask; abroad, most phones come already unlocked.) whenever you arrive in new country, you can buy a local SIM card (sold at mobile phone stores and kiosks for $2 to $25, depending on the country) and make phone calls and send text messages without paying exorbitant international roaming fees. Simple enough. But for folks back home to reach you, you’ll need Skype. • Unfortunately, Skype does not exist for the iPhone. Instead, I use a free third-party application called Fring, which functions as a kind of Skype-to-cellphone phone gateway, letting me access my Skype account wherever I have a Wi-Fi signal. • Two weeks ago, Google announced a new service called Google Voice that operates much like Skype — only cheaper!
Best free services online | Ask Metafilter
Research: The Traveler’s Best Friend - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Saving $ on travels
online and print sources - how to use them well when jetting
Saving Money: 112 Ways To Save Money
The Curious Cook - Yogurt Begins With an Outbreak of Good Bacteria in Your Kitchen -
how to make yogurt
Need to change from Fahrenheit to Celsius and likewise for volumes...
The Curious Cook - Yogurt Begins With an Outbreak of Good Bacteria in Your Kitchen -
How cost-effective is it to make pantry staples from scratch? - By Jennifer Reese - Slate Magazine
Author compares prices of store-bought to homade bagles, cream cheese, yogurt, granola, crackers, and jam. (ignoring time spent)
Five Minutes a Day for Fresh-Baked Bread
Baking bread at home saves hundreds of dollars on groceries every year. With this easy method, each deliciously crusty-on-the-outside, moist-and-chewy-on-the-inside loaf will only cost you about 50 cents and 5 minutes a day. We’re not kidding!
Travel Web Sites: A Click-On Showdown - Frugal Traveler Blog -
This could come in handy for many trips!
Restaurant Recipes at Home-Cooked Prices | Wise Bread
Research: The Traveler’s Best Friend - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Frugal Pleasures of Paris in Summer -
How To Live (Comfortably) on $36 A Month For Food | Andrew Hyde - Startups. Start Here.
JANE4girls $800 Annual Budget For A Family of 4
50 Ways to Never Waste Food Again : Planet Green
you have to dice part of an onion
Budget Bytes
Recipes and how much they cost. The blogger adds recipes and breaks down the cost of food down to individual portions.
Never Pay Retail Again
daily updates on sales
Reviews of Cheap Products | Cheapism
Can we afford to eat ethically? | Salon Life
interesting article to read
14 Best Times to Make Major Purchases
When it comes to major purchases - like cars, computers, airline tickets - simply buying them whenever rarely get you the best deal.
Going Deep for the Cheap in New York - Frugal Traveler Blog -
what, a nyt article names itself on delicious? anyways, good stuff
"For visitors, however, these can be seriously intimidating numbers. Even if you’re not aiming for high-end Manhattan indulgence, the basic costs of lodging, transportation, food, shopping and entertainment are the most expensive in the nation."
Going Deep for the Cheap in New York - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Referred to from Shirley Chong's Twitter post.
Interesting stuff here if we end up going to NYC for New Years.
Free Shipping Day - Thursday December 18, 2008
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Travel Hacking: Smart Ways to See the World * Get Rich Slowly
Until recently, I hadn’t traveled much. I grew up in and and around Portland, and that’s where I tended to spend my vacations. But after my wife’s parents took us on a few trips (to Alaska, to San Francisco, to London, Dublin, and New York), the travel bug bit me. I’d like to see more of the world, and I’d like to do it without spending a lot of cash. Travel full-time for less than $14,000 per year
The Simple Dollar » 12 Clever Substitutions That Save Money (Nearly) Effortlessly
One of my favorite ways to trim money from my spending is to find simple little substitutes for my regular expenses. If I can trim a few bucks from the cost of household supplies, routine purchases, and other things like that, over the long run, that can add up to a lot of money with virtually no change in my life. Here are twelve of my favorites (not including my “infamous” homemade laundry detergent).
Travel full-time for less than $14,000 per year « I Will Teach You To Be Rich
Very helpful article for travel-lovers!!!
Ooh lala -- I like these sites and would gladly move to France for a year to take care of a cat
I am not rich. I am not a trust child, nor do I have rich parents, a sugar daddy, or a stream of income that allows me to live the high life on the road. Full time travel doesn’t have to be expensive, and after two years on the road, I’ve learned plenty of tricks to travel the world without breaking the bank, and without an end in sight.
52 ways to make extra money - Smart Spending Blog - MSN Money
Frugal Portland -
The New York Times took on Portland on a budget and discovered all sort of local favorites and that the city is very affordable.
1 Chicken, 17 Healthy Meals, $26 Bucks, No Mayo
The stretchability of a whole chicken is a frequently discussed topic among food and frugality bloggers. It’s commonly accepted that a single fowl will feed a family of 11 for weeks, years - even millennia. Even after 20 months of keeping CHG, I’m constantly gobsmacked by how moms and dads can create dinner after dinner from the same bird. Here’s the thing: sometimes, those dinners aren’t the healthiest meals in the world. There tend to be a lot of quesadillas and casseroles whenever these type of posts pop up, not to mention chicken salads drenched with full-fat mayo. Now, there’s nothing wrong with this whatsoever (except the mayo - blech), but I wanted to see if I could put a healthier spin on it.
Research: The Traveler’s Best Friend - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Tips by the frugal traveler on
Best practices for researching a vacation.
essential travel websites
Good set of links for flights, etc
Hidden Millionaires: Lessons From Unconventional Money Management - Quicken® Personal Finance
The last generation of frugal millionaires saw the careful preservation of cash and conservative personal finance as essential to survival. These rich individuals gained their wealth slowly through careful planning and extreme saving. By living below their means, these individuals created freedom in their lives, and a buffer from the economic problems over the last decades. Precursors to the newest generation of frugal, yet generous millionaires, the following individuals broke many myths regarding the way that wealth can be generated and spent.
The Curious Cook - Yogurt Begins With an Outbreak of Good Bacteria in Your Kitchen -
Eating Well On $1 A Day - Grocery Coupon Guide
The "problem" with these posts is that they make it seem as if the poor have no excuse for not eating well...
Fascinating blog about coupons and urban foraging.
21 Things You Should Never Buy New - Yahoo! Finance
21 Things You Should Never Buy New - Yahoo! Finance -