Pages tagged freezing:

As Freezing Persons Recollect the Snow--First Chill--Then Stupor--Then the Letting Go | Outside Online

You've now crossed the boundary into profound hypothermia. By the time your core temperature has fallen to 88 degrees, your body has abandoned the urge to warm itself by shivering. Your blood is thickening like crankcase oil in a cold engine. Your oxygen consumption, a measure of your metabolic rate, has fallen by more than a quarter...
How To Freeze Fruit :
food fruit freezing howto cooking recipes health tips recipe canning
The Five-Day Freeze: Batch Cooking for the Rest of Us | Wise Bread
tips for frugal living... cooking
Lifehacker - How to Freeze Apples, Peaches, Plums, and 16 Other Fruits - Food Week
The Minimalist - Freezer Helps Make Cooking Cheaper and Easier -
great freezing tips
How to organize and use your freezer better.