Pages tagged formatting:

In the Woods - Examples and Tips for Great HTML/CSS Formatting

Examples and Tips
RT @IsaacVanName: Examples and #Tips for Great #HTML/#CSS #Formatting (via @rilwis) [from]
An overlooked aspect of websites is the formatting of HTML and CSS documents. This affects validation, SEO, and visual ease of use. Visual ease of use is the last thing most authors tend to keep in mind, but it’s still very important.
Different Ways To Format CSS | CSS-Tricks
This post will focus on the different ways to format CSS, which differs from the different ways to organize CSS. Definitely related concepts, but I think
PrettyTime - Timestamp format for Java | OcpSoft
"PrettyTime is an OpenSource time formatting library. Completely customizable, PrettyTime creates human readable, relative timestamps like those seen on Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. "
PrettyTime is an OpenSource time formatting library. Completely customizable, PrettyTime creates human readable, relative timestamps like those seen on Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. It’s simple, get started “right now!”
Relative time output like "3 minutes ago"
Download - Keep it Clean!
The goal here is to take text formatted like this:And render it like this instead:That way, when it's rendered with a nice variable-width font, it ought to look more or less like this: In the above, take particular note of a few points: * "Doublequotes" were correctly translated to “smart” quotes in the order in which they appeared in the source text; * The second opening doublequote in the first paragraph did not cause the opening doublequote in the second paragraph to mis-render out of order; * The "--" em dash on the second was correctly turned into an em dash (—); * Straight apostrophes are not (yet) turned into nice ’s; Beware! Pasting large blocks of text into a textarea in Firefox is liable to take several seconds to complete; Internet Explorer 8 seems to be about the same speed as FF 3.5; and Google Chrome is quite a bit slower. Execution time is mostly dominated by the running time of string.replace() and the overhead of the function call executed for each m
Cleans up plain text for nice formatting and the like