Pages tagged font:

Webタイポグラフィまとめ - Archiva

文字周りのノウハウまとめ。 本当に良くまとまってます
5 Excellent Sources To Download Free Text Fonts |
sIFRvault - A Repository of sIFR fonts
Bohemian Coding
Keep your fonts together.
Fontcase is a font management application that provides an elegant and powerful workflow to help you organise the fonts you have installed on your system. Designed to be an iTunes for your fonts, Fontcase has a powerful tagging system, which is designed to let you control your fonts like you control your music.
Font management software
a font management application that provides an elegant and powerful workflow to help you organise the fonts you have installed on your system. Designed to be an iTunes for your fonts, Fontcase has a powerful tagging system, which is designed to let you control your fonts like you control your music
"Elegant font management for Mac OS X."
50 Useful Design Tools For Beautiful Web Typography | CSS, Fonts | Smashing Magazine
Excellent listing of typography tools and sites!
By Noura Yehia and Smashing Magazine Editorial Team Typography is elegant when it is attractive and communicates the designer’s ideas. When chosen wisely and used carefully, it can be very effective in supporting the overall
Definitely merits additional investigation.
21 Typography and Font Web Apps You Can’t Live Without : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
Georgia On My Mind - Inspiration Bit
Story about Georgia the font
The Ultimate Free Fonts Pack | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
The TTFTitles WordPress Plugin @ WordPress Plugins
This plugin lets you use images to replace the titles of your posts.
This plugin lets you use images to replace the titles of your posts, thus circumventing the problem of guessing what fonts your end-users might have installed.
17 designers favorite fonts | Abduzeedo - design inspiration & tutorials
The best fonts from 17 great designers Everyone has their favorite fonts. Fonts that are very versatile and work well for a variety of projects. With that in mind we asked some very well known designers and digital artists what their top 3 serif and top
Free Fonts Generator - Make Your Own Handwriting Font With Your Fonts
내 손글씨로 폰트를 만든다!
Make your own handwriting font is a FREE online font generator that allows you to create your own TrueType fonts within a couple of minutes. Go make your own handwriting as a font!
cufón - fonts for the people
YourFonts - Generate Your Own Fonts Online
Make your very own fonts!
With YourFonts it's really simple to turn your printed characters into a font.
DIY: YourFonts Turns Your Handwriting Into a Personlized Font
YourFonts is a web-based service that turns your handwriting into a TrueType font for free. If you have a printer and scanner, nothing can stand between you and the awesomeness of your own script.
YourFonts is a web-based service that turns your handwriting into a TrueType font for free. If you have a printer and scanner, nothing can stand between you and the awesomeness of your own script. We've covered a
The Coolest Text Effects on the Planet | Photoshop Tutorials
some very solid text ive seen so far in one compilation
Set Font Size Based On Word Count
Set Font Size Based On Word Count
Striking Web Sites with Font Stacks that Inspire - Inspiration Bit
The League of Moveable Type
A site and -- they hope -- movement for free, open-source fonts. "We're done with the tired old fontstacks of yesteryear. Enough with the limitations of the web, we won't have it. It's time to raise our standards. Here, you'll find only the most well-made, free & open-source, @font-face ready fonts."
collection of open source fonts
open source fonts for web use
'Here, you'll find only the most well-made, free & open-source, @font-face ready fonts.'
We're done with the tired old fontstacks of yesteryear. Enough with the limitations of the web, we won't have it. It's time to raise our standards. Here, you'll find only the most well-made, free & open-source, @font-face ready fonts.
40 Super Sleek Fonts for Clean Web Design | Web Design Ledger
Typography Toolbox
Free fonts
Typography is one of the fundamental elements of web design. A site that makes excellent use of typography will often have a subtle elegance to the design. Fortunately, there are plenty of great resources and tools, informative articles, and sources of inspiration that are available. In this post we’ll feature some of the best items that should be bookmarked for future use in your own work.
WhatTheFont! « MyFonts
aplicatie de recunoscut fonturi
know what it is? Submit an image to WhatTheFont
Font identifier tool.
WhatTheFont for iPhone: Overview « MyFonts
WhatTheFont for iPhone connects directly to MyFonts’ acclaimed font identification service, which has been helping customers pinpoint mystery fonts for 10 years. It works via Wi-Fi or the mobile phone network, so you can get your font fix right there on the spot.
App identifies fonts from a picture taken on the iphone.
25 Font-tastic Type Resources for Web Designers | Build Internet!
Great Typographic Start!
Anonymous (2001) is a TrueType version of Anonymous 9, a freeware Macintosh bitmap font developed in the mid-90s by Susan Lesch and David Lamkins. It was designed as a more legible alternative to Monaco, the mono-spaced Macintosh system font. The original was available in only 9-point. I’ve added 8-, 10-, and 11-point
a nice serif font - designed as a "more legible" alternative to Monaco
Nice programming font.
104 Free Fonts for Web Designers and Logo Artists | instantShift
104 suggesties voor gratis fonts.
Fresh Free Fonts | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
10 Beautiful and free fonts for web designers
What Fonts Are Websafe in 2009? - SitePoint Forums
The 'font ecosystem' changes so slowly that it's not hard to go years without taking those gradual changes into consideration. Each new version of MS Office, each new release OS X brings with it a new kit bag of available fonts. Although there are plenty of reasons to grumble about the way CSS handles type, it does have a few redeeming features. Font stacks is one of them.
Jan Quickels // Web-Typography-Tool zur Berechnung von CSS-Typosets in em und px
45+ Most Wanted Beautiful Free Hand Drawn Fonts | Naldz Graphics
Free hand drawn fonts
Naldz Graphics
Art of Type: Squint-Free Small Type | Layers Magazine
If you don’t want your small type to look like it’s hiding something, if you really want it to be read, it takes some extra effort, because all type programs default to settings for creating full-sized text.
A disagreeably facetious type glossary
70 Wonderful 3D Typography That Truely Inspires | Inspiration
Imagine an artwork without type - you can only make assumptions what the graphics are trying to deliver. Type enhance and ensure you get whatever message the campaign is delivering. Typography design on the other hand, is what many designers are striving to improve and excel. Getting to the next level in typography design, at most of the time, may be tricky and challenging. Font, colors, style, keywords and placements are all the crucial factors to form a great typography design.
cool : ***********
手書き風ウェブデザインまとめ - DesignWalker
最近のデザイントレンドにはまるフリーのフォント集 | コリス
最近のデザイントレンドにはまるクリーンなフォント、グランジ風のフォント、レトロ風のフォント、手書き風のフォントをSix Revisionsのエントリーから紹介します。
最近のデザイントレンドにはまるクリーンなフォント、グランジ風のフォント、レトロ風のフォント、手書き風のフォントをSix Revisionsのエントリーから紹介します
Periodic Table of Typefaces
Top 100 Best, Cool, Most Popular Professional Fonts (In English)
ranked by their objective and various other weighted measurements: FontShop sales figures, historical value/meaning, aesthetic qualities.
Fantastic Typography Blogs For Your Inspiration | Fonts | Smashing Magazine
"Some say that web design without typography is like an orange without its peel, it just isn’t complete."
By Joel Reyes Some say that web design without typography is like an orange without its peel, it just isn’t complete. Typography encompasses the reality of effective web design and achieves success in creating web
List of typography blogs.
75+ Excellent Free Fonts For Professional Design | Fonts | Design
Periodic Table of Typefaces on the Behance Network
Exploring Cufón, a sIFR alternative for font embedding ~ Authentic Boredom
Une alternative à sIFR à explorer. Plus simple à installer et à configurer mais quelques désavantages par rapport à sIFR (pas de sélection du texte, pas de style sur a:hover, etc.)
20 Useful Typography Tools
type tools
40 Excellent Logos Created with Helvetica | Webdesigner Depot
Amazing logos created with the famous Helvetica font
"It’s over fifty years old, it’s the most widely used font ever, and it has recently become the subject of its own movie. We’re talking about the world’s most recognizable font: Helvetica."
40 Excelentes losgos creados con Helvetica
Typeface Anatomy and Glossary | FontShop
Master Web Typography: 8 Detailed Typography Tips for the Web | Brian Cray's Blog
Good little article on using HTML special characters on your site.
One of the most under–rated elements of beautiful Web design is the subtle art of typography. Part of this, I know, is a lack of a solid font support for Web sites. But never fear! Today I’ll show you some quick things you can do to appear to be a type master.
The Easiest Way to Use Any Font You Wish - Nettuts+
nice alternative to sifr
Fonts: Killer Typography Tools and Free Font Downloads
Whether you're putting together a resume, flyer, or web page, everyone needs to find and compare fonts some time. Here are some tools that can help you find the perfect font.
35 Free Fonts to Enhance Your Designs | Fonts | instantShift
SXSW Typography: Quit Bitchin and get Your Glyph on
SXSW Typography: Quit Bitchin and get Your Glyph on
If there's nothing in here about Unicode symbols, I'm filing a complaint.
Designers are still complaining about the limitations of Web typography. Is their case valid, and will it be in the future? What myths are there about web typography and how do we dispel them?
web typography resources
23 amazing free modern clean sans serif fonts for designers on
Dynamic Text Replacement Solutions | Dezinerfolio
Font replacement
フォント専門サイト fontnavi(フォントナビ)
便利なフォント検索サイトがOPEN! 3,000以上の日本語フォントからすぐに探せます。
フォントに関する便利ツールを18種を一挙紹介 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs
30 high-quality free fonts for professional designs | Design daily news
30 high-quality free fonts for professional designs!!!!
Even though you’ll have to pay for the best fonts, like Helvetica or Univers, the web is full of quality fonts that are perfectly suitable for professional design work. The fonts are classified to make the page easier to scan. Sans-serif fonts 1. Miso miso 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs 2. Quicksand quicksand 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs 3. Com4t Fine Regular com4t fine regular 4. Alte Haas Grotesk alte haas grotesk 5. Comfortaa comfortaa 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs 6. Museo Sans museo sans 7. 078MKSD Medium Condensed 078mksd medium condensed 8. Mayberry Pro Semi-Bold mayberry 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs 9. SpecialK specialk 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs Semi-Serif fonts 10. Museo Semi-Serif museo semi-serif 11. Gauntlet gauntlet 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs 12. Fertigo Pro fertigo pro 13. Inconsolata inconsolata 30 high quality free font
30 fonts
Even though you'll have to pay for the best fonts, like Helvetica or Univers, the web is full of quality fonts that are perfectly suitable for professional
30 high-quality free fonts for professional designs
The first one’s the hardest | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog
i find it so amazing that people can design fonts. my brain just doesn't work to that level of precision.
I remember clearly the day I was waiting for the 6 train at 33rd Street and Park Avenue in New York. I had taken pictures of type on the street for some time, but there was something here that caught my eye. There was a plastic sign on a door with letters and numbers routed out of plastic, and I noticed a couple of characters in particular: the way the 8 curved back into itself, the charming tail of the a. And then I realized that the lowercase e’s were all different. This had been done by hand and therefore wasn’t an existing typeface. I knew then that I could actually make this into a font.
Here's a captivating, personal article on I Love Typography about the design process of Jeremy Mickel's first commercially available typeface.
great typography article, about making your first font.
Look at the bottom for a list of USEFUl links. Too lazy to bookmark them all so just bookmarking this one post ...yeah, I know
無料でダウンロードできる洗練されたフリーフォントあれこれ - GIGAZINE
有料のフォントにはデザインの美しいものが多く揃っていますが、無料でダウンロードできるフリーフォントでも洗練されたデザインのものは多くあり、中には商用で使うことが可能で、使い勝手も良いものがあったりします。 基本的にアルファベットのみとなりますが、ここぞというときのインパクトや、全体の雰囲気をまとめておきたいときなどの使える良いフォントが多くあります。
30 Brilliant Typefaces For Corporate Design | Fonts | Smashing Magazine
This showcase should serve as a great reference for professional designers looking for some fresh, beautiful typefaces for their corporate projects.
px - em - % - pt - keyword
entages are fairly obviou
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
21 More Free Fonts to Enhance Your Designs | Fonts | instantShift
We recently compiled a article on Free Fonts to Enhance Your Designs, and in response to reader requests, we'll compiling the new list here with more fresh free , is the light chronicle moments of knowledge, created as world moving forward.
We recently compiled a article on Free Fonts to Enhance Your Designs, and in response to reader requests, we’ll compiling the new list here with more fresh free typefaces. Display typography is a potent element in graphic design, where there is less concern for readability and more potential for using type in an artistic manner. Type is combined with negative space, graphic elements and pictures, forming relationships and dialog between words and images as some say that web design without typography is like an Apple pie without a Apple. This article showcases the Most Beautiful and Fresh Free Fonts to inspire and encourage good typography selection in web design. The basic purpose behind this post is to show you Popular, Artistic and most importantly Free Downloadable font types to save your time searching them online. Direct download link available for the entire fonts. You can also find some related free references at the end of the post. Just make sure to read the license agree
Even better, there are a bunch of links at the bottom for similar resources.
Typeface Inspired by Comic Books Has Become a Font of Ill Will -
"If you love [Comic Sans], you don't know much about typography," Mr. Connare says. But, he adds, "if you hate it, you really don't know much about typography, either, and you should get another hobby." Seriously.
Retour sur la font la plus haïe de tous les temps.
"If you love it, you don't know much about typography," Mr. Connare says. But, he adds, "if you hate it, you really don't know much about typography, either, and you should get another hobby."
the story behind Comic Sans...
The ubiquitous, bubbly typeface has spawned a Ban Comic Sans movement, nearly a decade old but stronger now than ever, thanks to the Web.
I've never been a fan of Comic Sans, and used to cringe when my friend James would use it for research papers in graduate school. For that kind of work, I'll go with Palatino in LaTeX.
10 Awesome Free Sans Serif Fonts | My Ink Blog
Typefaces we can all share : Open Font Library
Cufón vs. Typeface.js, which one is better? • Javascript • Kilian Valkhof
Cufón and Typeface.js are both methods to show text in custom fonts (like sIFR), are both only a couple of months old and both use canvas or VML. So what’s the difference? And which one is better?
Ultimate Typographic Logos Inspiration | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
typographic logos
Our Favorite Typefaces of 2008 | Review Feature | Typographica
always nice to keep these around for inspiration on new designs
best fonts. Doesn't hurt that the site itself is easy on the eyes
30 Sites For Fantastic, Free Fonts
30 Sites For Fantastic, Free Fonts
23 amazing free modern clean sans serif fonts for designers on
Saving this to check later. too many fonts around these days.
Type Porn - 20 websites for font, letter and symbol enthusiasts | Inspired Magazine
Periodic_Table_of_Typefaces_large.jpg (JPEG Image, 3150x2100 pixels)
商用サイトでも無料で利用できる日本語のフリーフォント集 | コリス
自由に使えるオープンソースの日本語フォント - SourceForge.JP Magazine
HVD Fonts
HVD Peace. 1 Font by Hannes von Döhren, 2008 View PDF | Free Download HVD Rowdy. By Hannes von Döhren, Benni Busse, 2007 View PDF | Free Download HVD Comic Serif. 1 Font by Hannes von Döhren, 2007 View PDF | Free Download HVD Spencils. 2 Fonts by Hannes von Döhren, 2007 View PDF | Free Download HVD Bodedo. 1 Font by Hannes von Döhren, 2007 View PDF | Free Download HVD Poster. 1 Font by Hannes von Döhren, 2006 View PDF | Free Download HVD Edding 780. 1 Font by Hannes von Döhren, 2006 View PDF | Free Download HVD Steinzeit. 1 Font by Hannes von Döhren, 2006 View PDF | Free Download HVD Age 11. 1 Font by Hannes von Döhren, 2006 View PDF | Free Download
A Comprehensive Introduction to the Type Tool - Psdtuts+
Type is the Photoshop tool to create vector outlines and mathematical shapes to define the symbols of a typeface. It's located on the standard Tool Bar as a tiny T. The keyboard shortcut of this is the letter (T), and if you hold click over that tool (or Shift + T several times) you'll see four options: Horizontal Type, Vertical Type, Horizontal Type Mask and Vertical Type Mask.
type tool tutorial
Sehr gute, aber englische Einführung in die Textwerkzeuge von Photoshop.
Who doesn't know the Type Tool? This is maybe one of the most powerful and useful tools of Photoshop. We've all used it at least once, but do you know all its potential? That's why I decided to write a comprehensive guide about Photoshop's Type tool, including do's and don'ts of the most important features of this tool.
30 Extremely Elegant Serif Fonts | Web Design Ledger
A few weeks ago, I showed you a bunch of super sleek fonts to use in your clean designs, but if your looking to establish an classic mood for a design, you may
Free Premium Fonts | Download Free Premium TrueType Fonts for Windows & Mac
15 Fresh High-Quality Free Fonts | Fonts | Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine
26 Must-Have Free Fonts | Presidia Creative
Free Fonts to Download + Premium Typefaces
very cool free fonts
フォント同士を交配させて新しいフォントを作る「genoTyp」が面白い - てっく煮ブログ
「この発想はなかった!」と驚いた。 genoTyp はフォント同士を交配させて新しいフォントを生み出す実験サイトだ。早速、試しにやってみた。
Hivelogic - Top 10 Programming Fonts
Top 10 Programming Fonts
Here’s a round-up of the top 10 readily-available monospace fonts for your coding enjoyment, with descriptions, visual examples and samples, and download links for each.
list of fonts
Dan Benjamin's top 10 list of monospace fonts for development
» 70+ High-Quality Free Fonts for Designers WebAir Blog
» 70+ High-Quality Free Fonts for Designers WebAir Blog
Ralf Herrmann’s Typography Weblog » Blog Archive » 10 Great Free Fonts for @font-face embedding
10 Great Free Fonts for @font-face embedding
News: Webanalyse: Die aktuelle Verbreitung von Schriftarten bei Web-Usern - Design - Tutorials, Tipps und Tricks für Webmaster auf
Web-Usern - Design
Webanalyse: Die aktuelle Verbreitung von Schriftarten bei Web-Usern
10 Awesome Free Handwritten Fonts | My Ink Blog
Free Handwritten Fonts
105 Free Grunge Fonts for Web Designers and Logo Artists | Fonts | instantShift
Typography is one of the most important key aspects of any web design project. It’s very essential for designers to have a good understanding of typography , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.
Pàgina on baixar-se tipografies de lletra.
Grunge Style Typography has been quite a popular for a while now, and it doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere away anytime soon. So Below, we compile a list of Over 100 Free Downloadable Grunge Fonts for Web Designers and Logo Artists by which you can save your money as well as time and focus on making great applications.
Gorgeous Examples of Floral Typography | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Floral typography is the technique that combines typography, calligraphy and lettering to create dynamic, flourishing designs. With the help of floral elements you can create
Floral typography is the technique that combines typography, calligraphy and lettering.
Floral typography is the technique that combines typography, calligraphy and lettering to create dynamic, “flourishing” designs. With the help of floral elements you can create very tempting and vivid artworks in which the typography seems to be shaped by plants and flowers. In this way you can convey your message in a very artistic way. In fact, various floral ornaments – which are the essential component of floral typography – can make the design stand out and help the artist to create inspiring, refreshing and thought-provoking pieces of art.
80+ Very inspiring uses of Typography | tripwire magazine
Typography is a key element of design and communicating a message and in some cases designers use typography in a way that makes it support the overall design or in some case becomes the design itself. In this article a large number of inspiring Typographic designs have been put together for you
FontJazz - Embed fonts on web pages
any font embed on website with javascript
Introducing Typekit « The Typekit Blog
via windfucker
all browsers will soon support a wide range of fonts. but using fonts on the web (in most cases) is a direct violation of the font's copyright, as linking to a font gives the viewer a direct way to download the font . It's like using a font to print a book and then including the font with the printed book. Enter TypeKit, a web app that designers and developers subscribe to. The service has a collection of typefaces that the dev can link to in their jscript and TypeKit handles all the background witch's brew of delivering the font to the end user's screen, without that iser being able to download the font package. Interesting idea! I wonder what the tech looks like behind the service and the susbcription fees.
As a Typekit user, you’ll have access to our library of high-quality fonts. Just add a line of JavaScript to your markup, tell us what fonts you want to use, and then craft your pages the way you always have. Except now you’ll be able to use real fonts. This really is going to change web design.
We’ve been working with foundries to develop a consistent web-only font linking license. We’ve built a technology platform that lets us to host both free and commercial fonts in a way that is incredibly fast, smoothes out differences in how browsers handle type, and offers the level of protection that type designers need without resorting to annoying and ineffective DRM.
100.000+ Free Fonts Mega Compilation | tripwire magazine
e designing a new logo, web template, poster etc., the right font can really make a difference and support a great concept. In my opinion you can never have enough fonts at your disposal and the more choices you have, the better opportunity there is to find the perfect one for your specific situation. This article provides one of the largest collections of Good Font Resources and Directories and will be your doorway to more than 100.000 Free Fonts!
10 of the Best Programming Fonts
this bookmark brought from the different place.
Ultimate List of 32 Font And Typography Tools | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
10 Awesome Free Serif Fonts | My Ink Blog
10 Awesome Free Serif Fonts
10 Awesome Free Serif Fonts | My Ink Blog
Can't have enough fonts.
Beautiful High-Quality Free Fonts For Your Designs | Fonts | Smashing Magazine
Back To The Eighties With Justice’s DVNO | The FontFeed
identifying all fonts used in justice's DVNO video
flipping typical
Comparing a number of screen fonts
searches all the fonts on your pc and displays them trough JavaScript
Tu tipografias desde un sitio web
Visa installerade typsnitt på din dator.
web-based typography tester
60+ Awesome Grunge Font That Every Designer Should Collect
60 Awesome Sites for Free Fonts | Dottony
รวม 60 เว็บแจกฟอนต์
Anonymous Pro
a font for programmers.
nice free monospaced font designed for coding. will have to try it out and see if I like it better than andale mono
programming font
Font Squirrel | Calligraphic Free Fonts
20 Creative and Unique Typefaces
awesome typefaces
fonts typography free font resources design inspiration typefaces creative typographie
We live in a world surrounded by Times New Roman, Arial and Helvetica, typefaces so functional that they have long since become boring. In this article, you will find very creative fonts that surely push the limits of uniqueness.
Omkrets arkitektur: Typografi
Nice legible rounded sans serif freebie font. Ostensibly for architectural or construction drawings.
"MISO by Mårten Nettelbladt is a heavy duty typeface for the construction industry*. Three weights: Light, Regular and Bold. TrueType and OpenType. Completed in 2006. You may use it for both private and commercial work."
MISO by Mårten Nettelbladt is a heavy duty typeface for the construction industry*. Three weights: Light, Regular and Bold. TrueType and OpenType. Completed in 2006. You may use it for both private and commercial work.
amazing blog post of handlettering images
25 Excellent Typography Tools for the Serious Designer
We’ve been working with foundries to develop a consistent web-only font linking license. We’ve built a technology platform that lets us to host both free and commercial fonts in a way that is incredibly fast, smoothes out differences in how browsers handle type, and offers the level of protection that type designers need without resorting to annoying and ineffective DRM.
»We’ve been working with foundries to develop a consistent web-only font linking license. […] As a Typekit user, you’ll have access to our library of high-quality fonts. Just add a line of JavaScript to your markup […] We’ll be launching this summer with a great collection of beautiful and hardworking typefaces.«
Basically, Typekit will offer a way for designers to license fonts for use on web pages, which is a big deal because of a CSS feature that is soon to be supported in most major browsers that will allow designers to reference fonts installed on the server and render them as fonts (rather than Flash or images) for users.
Ways and Links to improve the Typography of your Wordpress site | theWPresser
A few plugins that are supposed to make implementing different fonts on your #wordpress blog easier...
Code Style: Build better CSS font stacks
The font stack builder will help you build a better font stack from scratch, but what if you need a jump start, inspiration, or want to build on tried and trusted CSS font stacks? Start with this selection of pre-built font stacks and customise with your own preferred fonts.
Turn Any Font Into a Sketch Font in Illustrator | Vectips
Turn Any Font Into a Sketch Font in Illustrator
Symbol Signs - Free collection - DesignWorkPlan
Free collection Icon
プログラミングに適したフォント10 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
| エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
どのフォントを選べばいいか迷ってしまうところだ。そこでCraig Buckler氏がSitePointに掲載した10 of the Best Programming Fontsに注目したい。プログラミングに採用できるフォントとして10個のフォントが紹介されている。フォントの表示例が画像で掲載されており、比較もしやすい。紹介されているフォントは次のとおり。
45+ Calligraphic fonts worth using | Techie Blogger
illustratorでどんなフォントもスケッチフォントに変える方法 | CREAMU
1. テキストツールでテキストを入力 2. 塗りと線をなしにする 3. アピラランスパネルで、新規塗りを追加 黒を選択 4. 効果 > スタイライズ > 落書き で以下のように設定
1. テキストツールでテキストを入力 2. 塗りと線をなしにする 3. アピラランスパネルで、新規塗りを追加 黒を選択 4. 効果 > スタイライズ > 落書き で以下のように設定
Free Fonts Download
Another Free Font download website
10 Interesting fonts for web designers
Fuentes tipográficas
21 Best Fonts for Hand Drawn Style Web Design | Web Design Ledger
By now you have probably noticed a lot of hand drawn style web designs. It has become a very popular option for designers when a project calls for a fun and
Designer’s Favourite Fonts & Why
Designer’s Favourite Fonts & Why -
@font-face: The Potential of Web Typography
How can @font-face be used with currently implemented CSS selectors to create engaging, nuanced and more mature typography? Let's find out.
Como el SifR pero sin él... con Firefox 3.5
@font-face: The Potential of Web Typography
Firefox 3.5 is out. And the more users download it, the more designers will be able to take advantage of the @font-face CSS rule. How can @font-face be used with currently implemented CSS selectors to create engaging, nuanced and more mature typography? Let's find out.
beautiful fonts with @font-face at
Texster — подбор шрифтов и создание CSS стилей для текста
tool exploring the CSS parameters for your font
Подбор шрифтов и создание CSS стилей для текста
45 Stylish and Creative Typographical Desktop Wallpapers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
A few of these are sweet; most are not
40 Free High Quality Hand-drawn Fonts | Graphics
40 Fresh Free Fonts To Enhance Your Designs | Fonts | instantShift
ta bueno... buenas fonts for free
20+ High-Quality Free Fonts for Retro and Vintage Design | PV.M Garage
60+ Free Fonts for Big, Bold and Beautiful Headlines | tripwire magazine
Seleção de fontes escandalosas, mas, legais.
Typography is a key element of design and communicating a message. This is especially true when it comes to Headlines that must attract immediate attention and wake an interest to investigate further. This articles provides a large collection of Font
17 Remarkably Professional Looking Free Fonts | Web Design Ledger
There is definitely not a shortage of free fonts. However, it can be difficult and time consuming to find free fonts that possess a superior and professional
40 Free Calligraphy Fonts » De Web Times - Sharing Useful Resources.
Sketch Style: Ten Fonts and Ten Design Elements
Yesterday, we had a look at a few of the many fine Sketchy or Hand-drawing style sites on the web. Today, I’ve put together some resources that you might find useful if you are interested in applying that style to your own designs.
TypeSelect - Javascript-based Selectable Typefaces
jquery your fonts in there!
21 Fonts That Shouldn't Be Free...But Are! | Web Design Blog by Union Room Web Design
Using the right type in your designs, both in type and web, is vital to an attractive and successful design. With so many free fonts out there (Da Font currently has over 9000 fonts to choose from) it’s hard to wade through the varying levels of quality available. We’ve picked out some great fonts that shouldn’t be free, but are!
Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Websites | Build Internet!
Lindas fuentes
Nice Type on Vimeo
Kinetic Type Reference and Catalog
Sturdy typography, motion and kinetic type explorations, and other animated typographical niceness on Vimeo.
25 High Quality Free Fonts for Professional Designs
10 Incredible Sites to Improve Your Typography Skills | Web Design Ledger
list great typography websites that will inspire and equip
FreshBump » Blog Archive » A-Z Of Typographers
Web fonts. Where are we? Will web fonts ever be a reality? | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog
"With all the talk about web fonts, I think it’s time I tried to outline the present situation. I’ve not attempted to do so before, owing to the complexity of some of the material, and the speed at which things are moving."
25 High Quality Free Fonts for Professional Design | tripwire magazine
25 High Quality Free Fonts for Professional Design
This article will give you an overview of some high quality free fonts available for use in professional designs
16 Gorgeous Web Safe Fonts To Use With CSS | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Las 16 tipos disponibles para web css en MAC, PC y Linux
Bringing Web Fonts Closer | Kernest
35 High-Quality Free Fonts For Your Designs | Fonts | instantShift
free fonts
It’s essential for Designers to have an good understanding of typography and selection as the importance of typography in design can’t be neglected. The proper selection of typography can convert your normal design into attractive piece of art.
20 beautiful free @font-face fonts -
iQ font - When driving becomes writing / Full making of on Vimeo
Two typographers and a pro race pilot collaborated to design a font with a car. The car movements were tracked using a custom software, designed by interactive artist Zachary Lieberman.
22 Free Fonts To Achieve That Hand Drawn Effect | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Fonts that mimic hand drawn letters.
Carsonified » Getting Started with Typekit
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
fontplore // an interactive application designed for searching and exploring font databases
an interactive application designed for searching and exploring font databases
ok, ok. Of little use to us mortals. But the damn application and UI is unbelievable. Just watch the video!
font interaction and exploration through a surface device. Amazing.
Font Squirrel | Download Hundreds of Free @font-face Fonts
Free fonts with ready made css
Hundreds of fonts free for commercial use and @font-face inclusion.
use more typefaces valid css
52 Really High Quality Free Fonts For Modern And Cool Design | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Free fonts.
In this list you will find very professional and high quality fonts hand picked and carefully selected to offer you only the best resources available!
25 Classic Fonts That Will Last a Whole Design Career
25 beste lettertypes
Beautiful New Free Fonts For Your Designs | Fonts | Smashing Magazine
In this selection we’re glad to present you Calluna, Andika Basic, Mentone, Sovereign Regular, Medio, Tiresias Infopoint and many other high-quality free fonts.
Smashing Magazine
A new collection of lovely fonts.
CSS Typography Reference Sheet - Get Creative with your Headlines! : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
Reference tables of CSS properties and sample texts (web safe)
size conversion chart
10 Awesome Free Grunge Fonts | My Ink Blog
This is the final post in my awesome font series. I definitely made a conscience decision to save my favorite genre for last. I think most designers would agree that the grunge style has a unique appeal because of the freedom it allows. These 10 free fonts are perfect for distressing your designs.
Found this somewhere... Thought it might be put to some use someday...
Semi Web Safe Fonts to Spice Up Your Web Designs
NFG's Arcade Font Tool
Arcade font engine.
Beautiful Hand Drawn Typography | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Beautiful and creative typography can come in a variety of different forms. Hand drawn typography can be an excellent source of inspiration for graphic designers and typography lovers. In this post we will feature 40 creations that use hand drawn type. Some have been created completely by hand. Others have been sketched and scanned into Photoshop or Illustrator. Another option is to use fonts that create a hand drawn effect.
tipografia manual
Finding Fonts: Free and Premium Resources | Fuel Your Creativity
40 Fresh High-Quality Free Fonts For Your Designs | Fonts | instantShift
Ways and Links to improve the Typography of your Wordpress site |
15 Beautiful And Free Urban & Retro Fonts
15 ฟอนต์เก่าๆสวยๆ
6 Ways To Improve Your Web Typography - Nettuts+
Typography on the web is anything but simple, and for many, it is a troubling mystery. Today, we're going to review six ways that web designers and developers can improve the typography of the sites they create.
15 Beautiful Free Web 2.0 Fonts | Dzine Blog
from Twitter
Fonts available for @font-face embedding -
The website dedicated to webfonts & @font-face embedding
CSS Font-Sizing: a Definitive Guide
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
Font sizing in CSS sounds as though it should be easy. Until you try it. Many developers use the force; they tinker with the font-size property until it looks right only to find it’s different in another browser. A little understanding can go a long way…
65 Popular And Professional Free Fonts For Creative Typography | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
65 fuentes gratuitas... otra selección donde aparecen las de siempre + alguna nueva
19 Creative And Free Fonts In Vector Formats
Creative Vector Fonts
Free Web Resources Everyday - WebResourcesDepot
19 Creative And Free Fonts In Vector Formats // 벡터폰트 모음
19 Creative And Free Fonts In Vector Formats
Typedia: A Shared Encyclopedia of Typefaces
Typedia is a resource to classify, categorize, and connect typefaces.
If this gets the depth of the community behind it, it could be a fantastic typographical resource.
40 Free Unique Cartoon and Comic Fonts | Graphics
comicbook fonts
40 Free Unique Cartoon and Comic Fonts
Big Fonts in Web Design | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Big Fonts used in Web Design
Web design has its own limitation, and us, web designers, have been working and learning how to overcome this constraints to create a better solution. Typography is our most important asset and we've seen that designers are really apply old concepts and w
28 Free High Quality Fonts to Boost Your Typography | Web Design Ledger
25 Excellent Handwritten Fonts
The use of certain fonts is an easy way to give a design a hand-drawn effect. Fortunately, there are a number of fonts in this style that are freely available. In this post we’ll showcase 25 of the best. As always when you are dealing with freebies, be sure to check the usage restrictions from the designer.
Every Typography Lover's Toolshed of Resources
In the Woods – @font-face and 15 Free Fonts You Can Use Today
Fonts are a huge part of design (as we all know). Text on the web needs to be much more dynamic than in any other media. We have solutions like Cufón, sIFR, etc. but perhaps one of the better options is using @font-face in CSS.
What is @font-face? @font-face is a CSS rule that lets web designers link to a font that visitors may not have installed. Using this, we can get around the problem of web-safe fonts as well as prevent creating additional dependencies in other methods such as Cufón, sIFR, etc.
Create a font from your own handwriting -
At you can create a font from your very own handwriting. There's no software to download and install, all you need is a printer and a scanner. Simply fill in the font template, scan and upload it to our website, and download your completed font. The fonts you create using can be used on both Windows and Mac computers.
create your own font for free. cool!
Make a font out of your handwriting. Free.
"Create a font from your own handwriting."
Typefaces, Get Your Free Typefaces Here!!! - Creattica Daily
FontCapture Turns Your Handwriting into a Font - Fonts - Lifehacker
If you've got a few minutes, stylish script, and a scanner, FontCapture can turn your handwriting into a font. That keeps all your mad-scientist notes on the computer, yet still gives them that..
50 Essential Web Typography Tutorials, Tips, Guides and Best Practices : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Amazing Fonts
Amazing Fonts -
unique, untraditional fonts
| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY|ドケチなのに良質な無料漢字フォントを探している人向けフォント大全集
20 Dingbat Fonts That Are Actually Useful | Web Design Ledger
20 Dingbat Fonts That Are Actually Useful | Web Design Ledger
fonts is created by designers who have drawn, and after have allowed to extend the fonts free of charge. Everyone can take part in the given project. For this purpose it is enough to draw a font in any vector editor in uniform scale, then to send this file to me. If you have any questions, write.
36 High-Quality Latest Free Fonts To Enhance Your Designs | Fonts | instantShift
40 Awesome Cartoon And Comic Fonts For Designers
Fonts for web design: a primer - Opera Developer Community
Opera Developer Community article: Fonts for web design: a primer
Really interesting discussion of the standard web fonts.
30 Free Fonts Which Are Perfect For Professional Logo Designs | Creative Nerds
A Great compilation of Creative Nerds favourite Free Fonts Which Are Perfect and suitable  For creating Professional Logo Designs. A great collections of
7 Rules for Mixing Multiple Fonts in Good Web Design
a good article on combining different fonts (ie. what serif works with a sans-serif).
63 Design Tools
Design Tools : Powerful web tools to help you find the best parts and optimize your designs. Links to the best free Designer tools and  online Design Resources. 1.Web 2.0 and grudge free buttons generator! You can create a web 2.0 button in
Design Tools : Powerful web tools to help you find the best parts and optimize your designs. Links to the best free Designer tools and  online Design
Design Tools
40 Free Fonts That Everyone Should Own
25 High-Quality Calligraphy Fonts
High-Quality Calligraphy Fonts
Calligraphy Fonts
A few weeks ago we published a collection of handwritten fonts that was very well received, so today we'lll follow up with a collection of some of the best calligraphy fonts. These fonts are an excellent choice for elegant web and graphic design.
First subpixel typeface, ever | Typophile
For favicon haiku
"It has x-height of 3 pixels, it is italic, inspired by old masters and most important – made by hand." So tiny! Redukto would love it.
53 High Quality Fonts for your next Design Project | Design Reviver
High Quality fonts
Selecting that exact font for that particular design project can be difficult. So, it is a good idea to have a catalogue of your favourite high quality fonts
Cheese or Font
@mogrify made this. The idea came from @dickchiclets. follow @cheeseorfont on twitter.
Cheese or Font displays the name of either a font or cheese - all you have to do is correctly choose which! Whilst you won't get a score as you play - you can simply keep on playing ad inifitum - the game does tell you the percentage of folks who gave your answer
10 Beautiful and free must have Serif Fonts
A collection of ten beautiful, free and must have serif typefaces for the web and print. This collection includes Medio, Jura, Fontin, Sling, Calluna, Lido STF, Salernomi, Novello Pro, Steinem, TeX Gyre Schola.
10 Beautiful and free must have Serif Fonts
50 awesome free fonts for professional design | Design Reviver
21 Awesome @font-face Embeddable Typefaces | Spyre Studios
While @font-face may not work in all browsers, I think it’s still one of the best solution available today. Of course not all type foundries will let us embed their fonts on our webpages. There are solutions like Typekit which look very promising but today we’ll simply go over the @font-face CSS property and check out some typefaces you can use with @font-face :)
30 Fresh Quality Free Fonts to Spice Up Your Site Design | Fonts | instantShift
いまどきのロゴデザインに使えそうなフォント30選 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
free fonts for logo
Thin Text in Safari with Snow Leopard // Ordered List // We Make The Web Beautifully Simple
Safari has a not-so-lovely way of bulking up text using sub-pixel rendering. On previous versions of Safari, this was fixed with a text-shadow declaration, but since Snow Leopard that method no longer works. Fortunately, I’ve found an alternative.
30 Thin and Light Fonts That Should Not Be Free | AEXT.NET
Guide to CSS Font Stacks: Techniques and Resources « Smashing Magazine
With a good list of font stacks about halfway down the page.
web safe font stacks - creating your own font stacks
Guide to CSS Font Stacks: Techniques and Resources « Smashing Magazine
swissmiss | Arial versus Helvetica
Here’s a nifty little graphic showing the difference between Arial and Helvetica.
Typography - 20 Free High Quality Script Fonts | Think Design
Font pra download modelo - script
A list of 20 free, high-quality Script Fonts, compiled by
Typography on the Web is basic and dull. A startup called Typekit will fix it. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
slate article on typekit
"Typeface designers and font fanciers have new reason for optimism though. The past year has seen a surge of Web-browser innovation. Now, most major browsers—including the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera—recognize a CSS rule known as @font-face. What that means, in brief, is that Web developers can now easily embed downloadable fonts in their pages."
The Next Serif Trend
In the past, we’ve been told not to use serif fonts due to its readability on low resolution monitors and poor rendering in WindowsXP. Now, with display technology advancing and IE7+ supporting ClearType by default, I think it is about time to change that rule. Take a look at the example sites that I’ve collected, you will probably agree with me that serif typeface will be the next web font trend
serif web-safe fonts increasing
In the past, we’ve been told not to use serif fonts due to its readability on low resolution monitors and poor rendering in WindowsXP. Now, with display technology advancing and IE7+ supporting ClearType by default, I think it is about time to change that rule. Take a look at the example sites that I’ve collected, you will probably agree with me that serif typeface will be the next web font trend.
60+ Really awesome Typography Showcases | tripwire magazine
Really awesome Typography Showcases | tripwire magazine
really interesting ways to use type
14 Best Online Typography Tools for Web Designers | Web Design Ledger with Thomas Fuchs » Blog Archive » textorize: Pristine Font rendering for the Web
This is so sweet - really clean font renderings even at small sizes. Way superior to Photoshop's defaults.
Textorize - a Ruby + RubyCocoa script that uses OS X's excellent Cocoa font rendering to create sub-pixel anti-aliased PNGs of pieces of type, perfect for serving to dumb browsers that don't understand font-face, and arguably better than Cufon, sIFR, Typekit etc.
textorize: Pristine Font rendering for the Web with Thomas Fuchs
33 Epic Works of Typography Art | Web Design Ledger
33 exemples of typography as illustration.
Ironic Sans: So you think you can tell Arial from Helvetica? Quiz
this is the font quiz website
Ironic Sans
20 Awesome and Free Fonts for Web Designers (Serif Family) | TutorialFeed
20 Awesome and Free Fonts for Web Designers (Serif Family) | TutorialFeed -
the ragbag - arial & helvetica on friday, i hosted a screening...
arial & helvetica
On friday, i hosted a screening of helvetica for some buddies of mine that didn’t know that there were other typefaces besides times new roman. it turns out, there ARE other typefaces and one of them is helvetica (and another of them is papyrus.)
overlay of the minor differences between the two faces
Arial and Helvetica overlaid.
supplement illustrating the key differences in letterform
The most important chart of your font-nerd life.
The A-Z List of Free Sans Serif Fonts for Commercial Design | Circlebox Blog
18 Fresh Font Designs
@font-face in Depth
Embedding fonts into your website
Becoming a Font Embedding Master -
Great example of using @font-face.
Nice techniques for embedding user fonts on webpages. Breaks out of the limited font constraints.
Font embedding in all modern browsers using @font-face
55+ Seriously Useful Free Grunge Fonts | tripwire magazine
Download Fontes Grunge Grátis
fontes fonts ttf
Mais de 55 fontes estilo Grunge GRÁTIS
fontes grunges estilosas
The Webs Best Designers And Their Favourite Fonts | Web Design Blog by Union Room Web Design
CSS Font-Size: em vs. px vs. pt vs. percent / Kyle Schaeffer's Web Design Blog
CSS Font-Size
45 Outstanding Free Vintage Fonts « Noupe
Free Vintage Fonts
5 Must Have Sans Serif Fonts –
High Performance Web Sites :: @font-face and performance
I started doing some research to answer these questions, but during that time there have been a number of great posts about @font-face performance issues: * Paul Irish: Fighting the @font-face FOUT * Stoyan Stefanov: Gzip your @font-face files * Zoltan Hawryluk (again): More @font-face fun This blog post summarizes Paul, Stoyan, and Zoltan’s findings plus some very important discoveries of my own.
Lazy load to the resuce then…
Last week I was reading Ajaxian (my favorite blog) and saw the post about @font-face. I had been wondering for a few months about how font files impact web performance, so I followed the story back to Zoltan Hawryluk’s original post: @font-face in Depth. A great read on the aesthetics, mechanics, and compatibility issues of fonts, but not much about performance. I added a comment:
40 Creative Uses Of Cufón Font Replacement | Spyre Studios
10 wonderful fonts you can embed with Cufon and Sifr
30 Stunning Fonts To Enhance Your Designs | Fonts | instantShift
30 Stunning Fonts To Enhance Your Designs
30 Professional Free Fonts for Excellent Typography | Freebies |
30 Professional Free Fonts for Excellent Typography | -
30 kostenlose Design-Schriften
57 Creatively Designed Examples Of Typography In Logo Design @ SmashingApps
Collection of exceptional examples of most creative typography based logo designs
The A-Z List of Free Serif Fonts for Design
Articles and Resources for Web Designers
19 top fonts in 19 top combinations | BonFX - Freelance Graphic Designer
Beautiful Gradient Typography in Web Design
How to Create Remarkable 3D Text in Photoshop
In this fast and easy graphic design tutorial, you’ll discover a handy process for generating eye-grabbing three-dimensional typography with the help of Photoshop and some creative techniques.
In this quick and easy graphic design tutorial, you’ll discover a handy process for generating eye-grabbing three-dimensional typography with the help of Photoshop and some creative techniques.
Web fonts and standards – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
@font-face { font-family: "Watusi"; src: url("") format("truetype"); } h1 { font-family: "Watusi", sans-serif; }
Web fonts and standards
Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Design Blogs | Build Internet!
Web Design, Development, and Business
Awesome Design Blogs Font Revealed!
I got in touch with a good number of design blogs with one question – What font do you use in your logo? I got back a hefty amount of responses and found out the rest through some top notch detective work (a special thanks goes out to all those who replied back).
Fonts for Designers Series Issue no. 1 –
Fonts for Designers is a new series of posts that proposes every week a selection of the best free fonts for web designers.
Typeface.js - A sIFR Alternative - CSS-Tricks
Mais uma alternativa ao sIFR. Este plugin entretanto parece ainda estar em fase de desenvolvimento. A conferir.
Typography resource for all things typographic | The Design Cubicle
RT @behoff: Typography resource for all things typographic [from]
「 | フリーで使える日本語フォント」に使われている日本語フリーフォントをまとめてみた(漢字も使える):ekakou:絵描校 - 絵の描き方講座 イラスト/デザイン/CGイラスト総合情報
Die gefühlte Lesbarkeit | Design Tagebuch
Serife gegen Groteske: die Lehrbuch-Meinung unterstellt beharrlich Qualitätsunterschiede, die offenkundig nicht existieren. Eine neue Studie zeigt: Viel wichtiger als die oft beschworene “objektive” Lesbarkeit ist, was eine Schriftart ausstrahlt – ihr „Look and Feel”.
LBOI Design Blog » 25 Free Brilliant Fonts For Logo Design
בלוג פונטים טובים ללוגואים
some nice free fonts
In the Woods – How to Achieve Cross-Browser @font-face Support
How to Achieve Cross-Browser @font-face Support
At the moment, web fonts are all the buzz. Unfortunately, achieving cross browser support is not easy. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to get custom fonts working in all of the major browsers.
In the Woods – How to Achieve Cross-Browser @font-face Support
商用サイトでもフリーで利用できる高品質なフォント集 -Font Squirrel | コリス
Web Typography: Font Embedding Services « Noupe
There are a lot of options out there for using other-than-websafe fonts in your website designs. Dynamic text replacement methods or resorting to very long fontstacks (where most of your visitors won’t see the font you wanted anyway) have long been the standard for using anything other than websafe fonts. But the @font-face function changes all that. With most major, modern browsers now compatible with it, services are cropping up all over for providing the fonts you want to embed on your site without eating up your bandwidth and server space. One of the biggest hurdles these services help to overcome is the licensing issues related to embedding certain fonts on your website. While many fonts (especially open source fonts) have licenses that allow for embedding, others strictly prohibit it. Webfont services work with the type foundries to provide fonts for embedding while also providing the security that foundries insist upon. Currently, there are four such services available, thoug
The Ails Of Typographic Anti-Aliasing | Smashing Magazine
Je ne m'étais jamais rendu compte, jusqu'à ce que les yeux manquent de me sortir de la tête en regardant ma page sous Safari.
Super Artikel zu Antialiasing
Comprehensive article on font antialiasing, especially on the web
The Best Free Fonts of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
Mais fontes grátis.
Fonts Used In Popular Band Logos | Build Internet!
海外ミュージシャンのロゴがいっぱい Top 15 Fonts for Packaging Design Package Design: Top 15 Fonts for Packaging Design
15 Fontes para embalagens... (in)felizmente pagas!
Over the last several years I've been using many different fonts when designing brand identities and packaging. I like to think of fonts as having their own personality - just like people. Fonts can be brash, silly, elegant, refined, cool, delicate, straightforward, austere, lush or honest. Good use of typography goes a long way, and your choice of fonts will have a significant impact on getting the product/brand's message across appropriately. I've thought about what fonts I've used more than once and why I like them. Out of the countless fonts I've used, here are 15 of my favorites (in no particular order). Enjoy!
The Font Kingdom: Search, Explore, Create, and Download Fonts for Free
ttf → eot
Select any .ttf file (.otf coming soon)
Latest High-Quality Free Fonts for Your Designs | Fonts | instantShift
Typography is the art and techniques of arranging type, type design, and modifying type glyphs. Display typography is a potent element in graphic design, where , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.
More Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Websites | Build Internet!
This is a roundup of that identifies the fonts used in the logos of some of the top sites on the internet.
More Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Websites | Build Internet!
10 Useful Text Enhancing Plugins for WordPress | Web Design Ledger
Out of the box, WordPress is an amazing product and comes loaded with tons of features. However, one area that might be lacking is text formatting. There's not
15 Great Websites To Download Thousands of Free Fonts | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Hacking with Style: TrueType VT220 Font
Create a TTF font from a PNG image
J: Cool vt200 font. Works well in Terminal on the Mac.
jquery-fontavailable - Google Code
Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.
QUOTE: Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.
»Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.«
jQuery-Plugin, das trickreich überprüft, ob eine bestimmte Schrift auf dem Zielsystem vorhanden ist.
21 Fonts That Shouldn't Be Free...But Are! | Web Design Blog by Union Room Web Design
21 Fonts That Shouldn't Be Free...But Are!
20 New High Quality Free Fonts | Smashing Magazine
Web Font Specimen
Because web type renders differently with only subtle CSS adjustments, seeing it exercised in a variety of ways can help web designers typeset
Real web type in real web context.
"Real web type in real web context"
Because web type renders differently with only subtle CSS adjustments, seeing it exercised in a variety of ways can help web designers typeset—and also help them decide which typefaces to purchase for their projects.
I designed Web Font Specimen and have released it under a Creative Commons license for the betterment of typographic style and practice. Download it, make it your own, and make it better. If you publish a new version, just mention that it’s a derivative of Web Font Specimen.
Nice Web Type – How to use CSS @font-face
Creating Very Cool Folded Typo | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Creating Very Cool Folded Typo
Folded text tutorial
Fuentes despegadas
In this tutorial I will show how to create a very cool folding effect to apply on your typography using photoshop, in very easy and in a couple simple steps you can transform a simple text into a text full of folded letters to give a very cool look to it, check it out.
In this tutorial I will show how to create a very cool folding effect to apply on your typography, in very easy and in a couple simple steps you can transform a simple text into a text full of folded letters to give a very cool look to it, check it out.
Free Fonts: Excellent List of Resources |
Free Fonts: Excellent List of Resources
商用サイトでも無料の国内外のWeb制作に使える素材サイト総まとめ・2009 - かちびと.net
50 Free Movie Themed Fonts You Can Download - Aetuts+
50 fuentes (fonts) de peliculas para descargar gratis.
A Clever Collection of 40+ Inspiring Ambigrams - Vectortuts+
Ambigrams form a variety of sources
An ambigram as defined by Wikipedia,
300+ High Quality And Most Popular Fonts For Designers To Discover In 2009 » 2experts Design – Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
300+ High Quality And Most Popular Fonts For Designers To Discover In 2009
We are always in search of great free resources for our valued readers. Every day we work hard to find new resources and inspiration for designers. Today, we list down 300+ High Quality and Most Popular Fonts for Designers to Discover In 2009, We obviously cannot cover all the best from the web, but we have tried to cover as much as possible.
10 Amazing Free Fonts for Designers
10 Amazing Free Fonts for Designers
50 Best Free Fonts From 2009 | Creative Nerds
Every designer needs a good collection of free fonts, when working on design projects weather your designing for the web or for print its always essential to have a good collection of fonts. Fonts can be very expensive especially when working on a design project with a small budget. This is a collection of the best free fonts created in 2009.
Every designer needs a good collection of free fonts, when working on design projects weather your designing for the web or for print its always essential
Free Fonts
Designing the ultimate wayfinding typeface | Ralf Herrmann’s Typography Weblog
First type article I've read in ages that doens't leave me thinking that I'm just a font snob
50 High-Quality Free Fonts for Professional Design
Punched Out Font |
poster, 3d
フォント同士を交配させて新しいフォントの誕生を見る ( DLは不可能 )
Light Fonts Use in Web Design: Examples and Resources
Free For All: 103 Free Fonts! |
Free Fonts
Font gratuiti
100 Free fonts
FF DIN :: A FontFont Focus by FontShop
Really nice looking font.
40 Can’t-Miss Grunge Fonts From DaFont | Spyre Studios
Great set of fonts
Soma FontFriend • Soma Design
FontFriend is a bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers.
FontFriend is a bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers. It enables rapid checking of fonts and font styles directly in the browser without editing code and refreshing pages.
FontFriend is a bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers. It enables rapid checking of fonts and font styles directly in the browser without editing code and refreshing pages. 2.0’s killer feature is instant drag-and-drop font previewing right in the browser (Firefox 3.6+ only), in any document you’re currently viewing.
"A bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers. It enables rapid checking of fonts and font styles directly in the browser without editing code and refreshing pages."
Nice header.
FFF Tusj Font |
Fuente muy interesante
Tools Help Submit a font a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z # FFF Tusj Custom preview Number per page fonts show variants Size Only fonts with accents Euro Sort by More options Only as Public domain / GNU GPL Free Free for personal use Donationware Shareware Demo Unknown The licence is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the zips or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. Accents Euro FFF Tusj by Magnus Cederholm site [11 comments] in Script > Various Free Download FFF Tusj.ttf
Neat Free Font ( quite complete )
Max Design - standards based web design, development and training » CSS line-height - a simple step-by-step presentation
A simple, step-by-step presentation on CSS line-height covering how to apply various line-height values, as well as line-height and the inline box model.
This is a classy presentation. Keeps my interest....
on CSS Line-height (which is far more complex than it first appears). A simple, step-by-step presentation on CSS line-height covering how to apply various line-height values, as well as line-height and the inline box model.
remek prezentáció
窓の杜 - 【REVIEW】道路標識の“公団ゴシック”を再現したフォント「GD-高速道路ゴシックJA」
40 Brilliant Type-Only Logo Designs | Web Design Ledger
Logos do not always have to include some type of symbol or icon to be effective. When done well, using type only to create a logo can be very effective in
Sharing: 40 Brilliant Type-Only Logo Designs: Logos do not always have to include some type of symbol o.. [from]
Logos do not always have to include some type of symbol or icon to be effective. When done well, using type only to create a logo can be very effective in representing a company. These types of logos often cause particular typefaces and letter styling to become synonyms with a brand. Here we’ve rounded up 33 brilliant type-only logo designs for your inspiration. Be sure to click the images to learn more about each logo.
MyFonts: Top 10 fonts of 2009
As for typography itself: the quest for quality in font design that we reported last year has continued. Many fonts were updated and improved, while new typefaces are getting ever more sophisticated. This newsletter lists the year’s ten most successful typefaces from a variety of genres.
Veer: Products: Type: Type: UMT0000447 - Phaeton
very neat old style sign 2009 staff pick
arts and crafts looking type
15 Excellent sans serif fonts, free! « CreativityDen
Commercial Type
type collaboration, buy type
joint venture between Paul Barnes and Christian Schwartz, who have collaborated since 2004 on various typeface projects
beautiful site for a new type co-op. Lots of great faces too, and dynamic changes. Take a look when looking for the font
Free font VAL™ on the Behance Network
free fonts :-)
30 Excellent Fresh Free Fonts For Your Designs | Fonts | instantShift
free fonts font typography Typography, type typeface typefaces
We know that typography can be used as a way of mutual understanding between you and your users. To communicate effectively, typography requires appropriate typefaces as there are a lot of unsung fonts out there that have really inspired us. Color and size of type elements are much more prevalent than in text typography. Most display typography exploits type at larger sizes, where the details of letter design are magnified. Color is used for its emotional effect in conveying the tone and nature of subject matter.
Pentagram - What type are you?
What type are you?
password: character
Typeface Personality Test
Make Windows fonts look as smooth as Mac OS X fonts | digital parsimony
Simpler front-end for gdi++, improves Windows font rendering by disabling hinting
Ever wonder why everything just looks a little bit better on a Mac? That’s because Apple OS X uses a different font rendering technology than Windows. That can easily be changed though, and there’s a little program that can do it with ease.
35 Stunning Free Fonts To Enhance Your Designs | Fonts | instantShift
:) some good ones!
I like Slimbo for my reel
50 First-class & New Downloadable Fonts For Professional Designs
33 Best Typography Effect Photoshop Tutorials
20 Super Clean Fonts Perfect for Minimal Style Design | Web Design Ledger
Finding the right typeface or font for a design can be a tricky process. So it's good to have a nice selection of fonts at your disposal. With this article,
20 Super Clean Free Fonts for Minimal Style Design | Web Design Ledger
5 excellent calligraphic fonts |
実はメイリオまだ進化中! 誕生秘話を河野氏に聞いた - @IT
25 New High Quality Free Fonts - Smashing Magazine
fontes grátis
Design: The Periodic Table of Typefaces
My favourite fonts of 2009 | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog
Perhaps the most difficult part in compiling this list is not what to include, but what to leave out. There are, then, many other typefaces that should be in this list, but aren’t. Their omission says nothing of their quality, but rather to the ruthless expedient of time and space. Perhaps some of your favourites from 2009 coincide with mine; perhaps they don’t — I’d love to hear about them in the comments below. Without further ado:
Beautiful Curvy Brush Fonts for Design | Webdesigner Depot
The History of the Ampersand and Showcase | Webdesigner Depot
the ampersand
A história do "&".
História do Ampersand < & > | The ampersand is one of the most unique typographical characters out there.
IKEA says goodbye to Futura: idsgn (a design blog)
"The 2010 IKEA catalog, now arriving at doorsteps around the world, reveals the company’s choice to change all typography to Verdana, the Microsoft font that every web designer has grown to hate (you can already hear the cries). Being one of the better looking ‘Core fonts for the web’—a limited selection which also includes Arial, Comic Sans, and Times New Roman—Verdana has become one of the most widely used fonts on the web (but rarely ever used in print). The font will replace IKEA Sans (a customized version of Futura by Robin Nicholas), and IKEA Serif (based on Century Schoolbook). In an interview with the Swedish design magazine Cap & Design, IKEA’s Ivana Hrdlickova says the main reason for the switch was to allow the company to use the same typeface in all countries (current IKEA typefaces do not contain Asian characters, for example). Being that Verdana was designed for the web, it also allows the company’s image to remain consistent online and in print."
Yikes. Via Tom Waddington
Free and Commercial Script Fonts - Noupe
Cool Tools: YourFonts
show rye
Make a font out of your handwriting for free
Free tool for making fonts from your handwriting or any other handwriting. There's also a paid version that allows further control, but the free version also seems to work well.
プロユースにも耐えられるクオリティの高いフリーのフォント集 | コリス
Beverly Hsu
Helvetica Cookie Cutters!
Helvetica Cookies
Helvetica Cookie Cutters link:
» @font-face Browser Support & Tutorial :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
Goede uitleg van @font-face en met overzicht van browsersupport
フリーの細字フォントいろいろ - かちびと.net
NICE Thin fonts
Revised Font Stack | A Way Back
‘Serious efforts are being made to get more typeface choices on the web to enhance web typography. Still, most of us prefer web-safe fonts like: Verdana, Georgia, Times New Roman and Arial. Though choices are limited, yet the number can be increased by exploring other pre-installed fonts’.
Fontspring | Desktop and @font-face fonts
Fonts tagged ‘free’ « MyFonts
Find, try, buy and download fonts from the world's largest collection of fonts online.
70+ of the Best Free Fonts for Graphic Designers.- unstage
30 High Quality Grunge Fonts for Web Designers | DevSnippets
30 High Quality Grunge Fonts for Web Designers | DevSnippets
Grunge is one of my most favorite font styles. Clean and beautiful designs became boring and distortion, old and worn out feel brought something new in. You may
20 High Quality Free Fonts for Designers | Freebies
Here are 20 high quality free fonts for you to use in your designs. In this selection, you will find a variety of styles. Some are more progressive, while others are just impossible not to love, like Sketchetica – a hand drawn version of Helvetica. Whether you’re doing posters, t-shirts, or web designs, you should find these fonts very useful.
20 High Quality Free Fonts for Designers
FAQ Free Fonts | Typophile
Fontes Free
Free Fonts
5 Fresh and Extreme Useful Fonts for Logos –
Fonts for Designers is a series of posts that proposes a selection of the best free fonts for web designers. Each new issue presents five interesting fonts you can use on your web projects. Here is a collection of five fresh and extreme useful fonts particularly adapted to design logos. Take a look at the following link for the previous issues. DownloadSurface Surface DownloadMentone Mentone DownloadKnema Knema DownloadLekton Lekton DownloadMilocha Milocha
35 Latest High-Quality Free Fonts for Professional Designers | Fonts | instantShift
Haäfe & Haph | Digital Goods for the Design Community
Digital Goods for the Design Community.
Hot Diggity Dog! Haäfe & Haph presents a selection of custom ampersands at just 9.99! These 10 ampersands come packaged as .eps vector files and an opentype font!
Kyle Jones
site qui vend des
Digital Goods for the Design Community
A Compilation of Free Retro Fonts for Designers | Naldz Graphics
As designers, fonts play an important role to our designs. Choosing the correct font helps create the design more creative, artistic and unique. They may be “just letters” to some, however, they help create the correct impact that uplifts the effect on the design itself. It is often hard to look for the right font in creating logos and designs. To give you more ideas and options, we give you A Compilation of Free Retro Fonts for Designers.
As designers, fonts play an important role to our designs. Choosing the correct font helps create the design more creative, artistic and unique. They may be “just letters” to some, however, they help create the correct impact that uplifts the effect on the design itself. It is often hard to look for the right font in creating logos and designs. To give you more ideas and options, we give you A Compilation of Free Retro Fonts for Designers. The list is composed of 41 amazing fonts that you can choose from. This fonts are intended for retro designs, however, you can still use these for any type of concepts you can think of. Limits are void if you are a designer. Feel free to check out the list we have came up with and download the ones you like best… Have fun!!! You may want to take a look at the following related posts: • 45+ Most Wanted Beautiful Free Hand Drawn Fonts • Excellent Free Fonts Everyone Must Have • 50 Top Sites you can Download Free Fonts Wonderful World Retro Font W
30 free fonts ideal for business logos | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Fuentes gratuitas ideales para logos.
fancy - very nice ones
Top 20 Free Fonts for Distinctive Headlines and Titles - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Fonts for Headlines and titles
Useful for graphic
100+ Remarkable Free Fonts
Font is the key element in the process of web designing, advertising and other activities associated with typography, but professional fonts are prohibitive for freelancers. 100 exeptionally beautiful free fonts we selected will allow you to bring some variety in your designs without spending.
All-in-one design blog – daily inspiration and quality graphic resources for designers and photographers. Photoshop tutorials and useful freebies.
Type Tips—short, quick tips on all things web typography from Harry Roberts of CSS Wizardry
Short, quick tips on all things web typography.
A selection of short typography tips: Line length matters, Pay attention to your leading, Use a baseline grid, Type talks, Use a grid.
Photoshop Vip » ダウンロードしておきたい100個のフリーフォント保存版まとめ
The Future Of CSS Typography - Smashing Magazine
There has been an increasing and sincere interest in typography on the web over the last few years. Most websites rely on text to convey their messages, so it’s not a surprise that text is treated with utmost care. In this article, we’ll look at some useful techniques and clever effects that use the power of style sheets and some features of the upcoming CSS Text Level 3 specification, which should give Web designers finer control over text.
TypoFlat™ / experimental typefaces & then some
experimental typefaces and then some
22 Fresh High-Quality Fonts for Your Designs | Freebies
This week, we are bringing you more high-quality fonts that have been created in just the past few months. There are 22 in all and they’re all free. There are a few however that will require a quick registration, but they are well worth it.
10 Free Beautiful Calligraphic Fonts - Noupe
35 forcefully fresh, finely-tuned, fiercely fascinating FONTS just for you…FREE -
Typography - 46 Cool & Useful Dingbat Fonts | Think Design
20 Beautiful Fonts for Big and Effective Headlines |
20 Beautiful Fonts for Big and Effective Headlines #fonts #typography #design
Typography is one of the most important design element. Design with good typography looks better and is easier to read or scan the content. Headlines are important typography design element. It help users to find out what is most important in content. Headlines must be big, attractive and effective to attract users for more reading and browsing.
20 fontes boas para titulos
30 Free Fonts For Creative Projects
Reference: Periodic Table of Typefaces Schools You on Fonts
Unique Handwritten Free Fonts For Your Next Designs | PV.M Garage
50 of the Best Typography Posters | design something.
Posters tipograficos
40+ Awesome Typography Wallpapers, serious inspiration | tripwire magazine
I have a soft spot for good quality typography. It is just nice and inpireing to look at I think. Adding typography art to desktop wallpapers seams to be quite common and it gives us a good oppertunity to have a source of typography inspiration i
シンプル、ミニマルなサイトを作りたい時に役立ちそうなアイコンやフォント、ギャラリーなどのまとめ - かちびと.net
Top 30 Free But Very Professional Fonts For Everyday Use In 2010 - slodive
Design Resources & Inspiration
50 Free Professional Fonts For Logo and Graphic Design | Acuity Designs
Free professional online fonts to use in addition to your own designs.
Curtis CSS Typeface · David DeSandro
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ? ! . Q U I C K B R O W N F O X J U M P
Curtis is the name I’ve given for a family of geometric sans-serif fonts currently in development. Other incarnations exist as Fontstructions: Curtis Heavy and Curtis Pixel 14. This version takes form in CSS. All shapes are rendered by the browser, using a combination of background color, border width, border radius, and a heavily reliance on absolute/relative positioning. You can get a better idea of how the letters were formed with the Inspect display option.
css font
60 Best Websites To Download Free Fonts
60 Best Websites To Download Free Fonts -
Online Font Converter
Hay que revisar la funcionalidad de esto.
The Online Font Converter is a 100% free service. The Online Font Converter converts fonts to/from: .dfont .eot .otf .pfb .pfm .suit .svg & .ttf
40 Free Minimalist And High Quality Fonts | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
40 fuentes gratuitas de alta calidad minimalistas.
fontes gratis minimalistas
Great resource for free, clean fonts.
Ask H&FJ: Four Ways to Mix Fonts
font moods
best practices for combining fonts
Font List
여러가지 글자 폰트를 다운, 구매할 수 있는 사이트
pixel fonts
Mini Fonts - a nice collection of subpixel fonts
Font Squirrel | Free Font M+ 1c by M+ Fonts
How To Install Microsoft Text Fonts In Ubuntu Linux |
Luckily, installing the Microsoft core fonts package (and any other new fonts) in Ubuntu is easy.
A Guide To Typography On The Web | Fonts |
<p>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.</p><p>The web is alive and growing more active with each new day. The increasing number of sites that crop up on the daily shows no signs of slowing, and as the online ranks grow, designers [...]</p>
How to reference fonts on the server
Some tips for implementing @font-face with your CSSes
15 Excellent Free Fonts for Graphic Designer :: - Visual Arts Magazine, graphic design, illustration, photography, interviews, inspiration, tutorials
Visual Arts Magazine, graphic design, illustration, photography, interviews, inspiration, tutorials
Top 87 Fonts A Designer Should Download | Design your way
reference list of fonts should have for a designer...
30 Fonts Perfect for Vintage and Retro Style Design | Freebies
30 Beautiful Handwritten Fonts
If you guys need a beautiful font for headers or short notes, go ahead and use one of the free handwritten fonts I put together for you below. These kind of fonts are not the best choice for long text, but they are brilliant if you need to spice up your designs. These shouldn’t be missing in your font collection.
50 Extraordinary Creative Free Fonts for Designers | Smashing Buzz
42 High Quality Fonts for Professional Web Design | Tools
In today’s post, we attempt to sum up as many free and high quality fonts as possible into one post. These following fonts can be downloaded free and use for any of your projects. Although they are free, it’s always good for you to check with various creators about the licensing if you are going to use it for commercial projects.
Tipografías para el diseño web profesional
あなたの書いた文字をTrueTypeフォント化する「YourFonts」 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
30 Cool Free Futuristic Fonts To Work With | AEXT.NET
25 Inspirational 3D Typography Designs | Creative Nerds
Inspirational 3D Typography
25 Inspirational 3D Typography Designs
25 Inspirational 3D Typography Designs | Creative Nerds
3D Typography Designs
30 Free Web 2.0 Fonts You’ll Love
A Basic Look at Typography in Web Design
Think of all the different uses of typography on the web and you'll soon realize that not only is it a crucial part of a web design, but that it's a pure combination of art and science. We've come a long way since the start of the internet, but the use of typography is as important today as it was back in the day.
Gode eksempler på god brug af online fonts
The Power of Typography in Design - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
The Power of Typography in Design
the power of typography in design (freelanceswitch)
Your college professor may have placed a lot of importance on type and hierarchy. Your client may be telling you to make specific words “larger” so they’ll stand out more. No matter who it’s coming from, it’s clear that graphic design is a lot more than just colors and layout; it relies heavily on typography as well. It’s no lie that type treatments can make or break a design — have you ever seen a logo where the font does not at all match the actual service or product it stands for? Or maybe the text in a magazine is a mess and difficult to read. I’ve broken down two examples that I feel reflect the importance of quality typography in a design.
20 Beautiful Script Fonts for Your Designs | Freebies
Typography Is Important - Well-Made Magazine - Techmic Studios
Vasily Vasimov/Techmic Studios, March 11, 2010.
What the iPad is Missing (No, it’s not a Camera) | The FontFeed
background re typography, UI
RT @azaaza: What the iPad gets wrong with typography. Apple doesn't care about text?
Introducing the Web Safe Font Cheat Sheet | Devon Web Design and Development - MightyMeta
In all the TypeKit and @font-face excitement, boring old web-safe fonts are getting overlooked. This article attempts to persuade you why you should give them a second chance, and provides you with the Web Safe Fonts Cheat Sheet!
Font Face Replacement Embedding Techniques and Resources | Joren Weblog
A quick article on font replacement..
A quick review of all the different resources.
再販以外はOKの、高品質なフリーフォント -The Crud Factory | コリス
シンプルで使い勝手がよさそうな高品質なフリーのフォントをThe Crud Factoryから紹介します。
soyouneedatypeface.jpg (JPEG Image, 1983x1402 pixels)
Infografía tipográfica
RT @tobybarnes: so you need a typeface... via @coudal
Five Minute Upgrade - Variety in Title and Body Fonts | Build Internet!
窓の杜 - 【特集】クリスマスカードや年賀状に! 無料で使えるフォントカタログ
窓の杜 - 【特集】クリスマスカードや年賀状に! 無料で使えるフォントカタログ
Portfolio of grahic design student Julian Hansen
So you need a typeface? So you need a typeface is an alternative way on how to choose fonts (or just be inspired) for a specific project, not just by browsing through the pages of FontBook. The list is (very loosely) based on the top 50 of the "Die 100 besten schriften". Right click for fullsize, please
Start with "Invitation" and take the first "No" ... =]
So you need a typeface is an alternative way on how to choose fonts (or just be inspired) for a specific project, not just by browsing through the pages of FontBook.
Portfolio of grahic design student Julian Hansen
Julian Hansen, graphic design student from Copenhagen, Denmark. Hello.
infographiclarge_v2.png (PNG Image, 1983x1402 pixels)
So You Need a Typeface
Typeface Search!
asi que necesitas una tipografia?
40 Beautiful Free Fonts For Creating Attractive Typography Headlines | Creative Nerds
8 Rules for Creating Effective Typography | Design Shack
8 Rules for Creating Effective Typography
8 nguyen tac typo
26 Free Progressive and Experimental Fonts | Freebies
Design is constantly changing and moving forward. However, typography is one aspect of design that seems to resist progression. When it comes to typography, there are standards and traditions that have been around for many years. These rules are there for a reason – to make sure that letters and words are legible. But to move forward, sometimes rules have to be broken. So for this post we’ve rounded up 26 free progressive and experimental fonts. These fonts might be pushing the limits of traditional type design, but the results are stunning
26 Free Progressive and Experimental Fonts
Fonts for iPad & iPhone | Michael Critz
50 Helpful Typography Tools And Resources - Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine
Encore un article dans le genre "the XX ultimate ressources for YYY"... :) Mais Smashing magazine.
Reading '50 Helpful Typography Tools And Resources' (via @smashingmag)
Very nice set
typism / index
บ้าไปแล้ว สร้างฟอนต์เป็นเวกเตอร์ด้วยเว็บนี้ ซึ่งอินเทอร์เฟสใช้ยากมาก แถมยังไม่เสร็จดีด้วยจ้ะ
Página en beta para crearte tus propias fuentes o usar las de otros
Typism - Creación de fuentes en línea
Para crear tus propias fuentes basta con usar online Web Fonts
Web fonts
20 Fresh High Quality Free Fonts - Smashing Magazine
(via @smashingmag)
Taking Type to the Next Level with Alternate Characters « Media Militia
These are very pretty and scripty
infographiclarge_v2.png (PNG Imagen, 1983x1402 pixels)
flowchart per la scelta dei font
A series of Q&A gates that lead you to a typeface
Spice Up Your Web Typography with @Font-Face
The @font-face is commonly referred to as a new CSS3 feature, but has actually been around for some years. The only problem was there weren’t any browsers to support it (apart from IE’s obscure EOT methods), so it sat collecting dust at the back of the CSS2 specification. Recently however, browsers have started implementing support for the @font-face rule. First came Safari (3.1), then Firefox (3.5), Opera (10) and Chrome (4.0). So now, any @font-face implementation will be available for a large chunk of your visitors. What’s more, if you insist on IE support you can even get everything working with a quick fumble around with Microsoft’s WEFT tool.
14 tutoriais CSS3 para facilitar nossa vida
40 Free Fonts Ideal For Retro And Vintage Designs
Vintage and retro style designs can be a beautiful thing. By using a combination of rough textures, grungy patterns and brushes meant to add a scratched or used appearance, designers can easily pull of the antique look. To compliment this aged appearance, it is important to use the proper typography to help match the style you are trying to represent. To help you out, I've rounded up 40 attractive retro and vintage fonts to use in your designs.
12 Awesome Free Eroded and Grunge Fonts | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
It's been a longe time since we had some fonts featured here at Abduzeedo! There's no need to say that free fonts are sweet. There are many fonts sites out there, but my favorite's been for a long time. It has got many categories, full of aweso
free fonts!
30 Creative and Unique Free Fonts
Creative fonts
Everyone love free fonts. If you want to be a bit different, you can use these creative fonts to make sure that your designs will stand out. Note: Before using any fonts on your projects, it’s important to read the licensing agreement!
Especialmente chula la times news roman graffiti
Create Beautiful CSS3 Typography :: Echo Enduring Blog
Create Beautiful #CSS3 Typography
It has been suggested that beautiful and usable websites are created on a foundation of beautiful and usable typography. I’ve even read an article that suggests that the web is actually comprised of 95% typography. I’m not convinced that there is any empirical evidence for this figure, but I think that the point is a good one. And, that makes typography a pretty important element that you will want to look at very carefully.
Google Font Directory
Google Font API - Google Code
Easy-to-embed web fonts. Too easy. (I just did.)
The Google Font Directory provides high-quality web fonts that you can include in your pages using the Google Font API.
Font Preview - Google Font Directory
Google font preview
Google Code Blog: Introducing the Google Font API & Google Font Directory
The Periodic Table of Typefaces - instant fundas
The Periodic Table of Typefaces is obviously in the style of all the thousands of over-sized Periodic Table of Elements posters hanging in schools and homes around the world. This particular table lists 100 of the most popular, influential and notorious typefaces today.
テキストをかっこよく魅せるPhotoshopのチュートリアル集:Part 12 | コリス
Typeface Inspired by Comic Books Has Become a Font of Ill Will -
The guy who created Comic Sans claims it was based on the lettering in "The Dark Knight Returns" and "Watchmen". Don't really buy it.
H&FJ News | Hoefler & Frere-Jones
un artículo ilustrado con especímenes tipográficos.
The Hamilton Manufacturing Co. traces its roots back to the very first wood types made in the United States. Darius Wells produced the first American wood type in 1828; his business was reorganized into Wells & Webb, then acquired by William Page, later passing back to the Wells family, and finally sold to Hamilton sometime before 1880. The product of this consolidation was a type specimen book issued in 1900, Hamilton’s Catalogue No. 14, which offers a good survey of American display typography of the nineteenth century.
House Industries - Neutraface Slab
Neutraface Slab
Friendly slab serif
20 Elegant Fonts for Clean Design | Freebies
webdesignledger | Freebies
60 Free Handwritten & Script Fonts
a huge list of free handwritten and script fonts that work well
People mostly use either serif or sans-serif fonts and often miss out the handwritten fonts. They are as important as the main font classifications. I particularly like to use handwritten fonts to highlight significant items in screen captures. They add the personal touch in my design and also provide great typographic contrast. However, not all handwritten fonts are legible. I’ve put together a huge list of free handwritten and script fonts that work well.
60 Free Handwritten & Script Fonts -eric – MediaStorm (MediaStorm)
The Essential Guide to @font-face
A List Apart: Articles: Web Fonts at the Crossing
Good Web Fonts for Online Text
Fontdeck: Real fonts for your website
Web Fonts
A Guide to Google Font API
Take a plunge into the untapped potential of Google's Font API.
100 Fantastically Free Business Fonts
Luckily for you, we’ve taken the liberty of putting together this list of 100 free professional fonts for both Mac and PC. Herein you’ll find some great serif and sans-serif fonts that are perfect for use in situations involving small to medium sized business clients (in other words, we didn’t include any fonts that make you want to cringe or that you’d be embarrassed to work with).
The Brandeluxe blog covering all things design and freelancing.
100 Fantastically Free Business Fonts -
Typedia: Learn: Anatomy of a Typeface
partes de la letra en inglés
font dragr | A HTML5 web app for testing custom fonts | The CSS Ninja
Drag and drop your truetype (ttf), opentype (otf), scalable vector graphics (svg) or Web Open Font Format (WOFF) fonts in the left hand side module and it will be added to the list.
Quickly test those new fonts
Works only in Firefox
Maxvoltar - -webkit-font-smoothing
Schöne Schrift in Webkit-Browsern. Endlich.
Tim erklärt bei Maxvoltar wie man mit einem CSS-Befehl für Webkit Schriften schöner rendern lassen kann. Aktuell funktioniert das in Chrome und den Webkit-Nightlies.
I’m not a big fan of the default text rendering in WebKit, in my opinion, it’s too heavy. There used to be a workaround where setting text-shadow would make the text thinner, but updating to Snow Leopard rendered that useless. Then someone found another hack (using -webkit-text-stroke) that seemed to work nicely, but it wasn’t usable on text-heavy pages, causing performance issues when scrolling.
What Font is
30 of the Best Web Typography Resources Online | Webdesigner Depot
It seems there are two camps among web designers: those who embrace web typography, experiment with it, and try new things in virtually all of their designs;
25 Beautiful and Free Thin Fonts | Vandelay Design Blog
25 Beautiful and Free Thin Fonts | Vandelay Design Blog
ついにウェブでも有名書体が使える!ウェブフォントサービス Web Fonts β版が運用開始 - フォントブログ
TypekitやFontspringなどに続き、オンラインフォントショップFonts.comが、ウェブフォントサービス Web Fonts を開始しました。クラウド型フォント埋め込みサービスです。現在はβ版となっており、登録制でサービスを利用することができます。 他のサービスに比べて、とにかくすごいのが有名書体を数多く取り扱うLinotype、Monotype、ITCの3社のフォントを使うことができるという点。 Frutiger、Univers、DIN、Gill Sans、Serpentine、VAG Rounded、…あの書体、この書体何でもあります!現在は2,000書体以上が使えますが、今後もどんどん増えていく模様。これまで画像等でしか実現できなかったことが、CSS (+ Javascript)で実現できるようになりました。IEは4から対応しています。 そして何よりも注目なのが、英語以外にも中国語や韓国語、そして日本語にも対応してる点です。β版では平成明朝、平成角ゴシック、平成丸ゴシックの 3書体6ウェイトが用意されていますが、今後どのような書体が追加されていくのでしょうか。こちらも楽しみです。
Ultimate Collection of Free Brush Fonts | Naldz Graphics
Ultimate Collection of Free Brush Fonts | Naldz Graphics -
Quick Tip: Google Fonts API: You’re Going to Love This | Nettuts+
Google webfonts explained.
Fontes do GOOGLE
Google have made two huge announcements today. One of these concerns the Google Fonts API. Simply by linking to a particular font, stored on Google's servers
Quick Tip: Google Fonts API: You’re Going to Love This
Use Google Fonts Api to change the font simply
Google have made two huge announcements today. One of these concerns the Google Fonts API. Simply by linking to a particular font, stored on Google’s servers (save on bandwidth + caching benefits), we now have access to a wide array of custom fonts. Quite literally, you can integrate these fonts into your project in about 20 seconds. It’s as simple as that. Further, due to the operations being performed behind the scenes, these custom fonts will even be recognized back to Internet Explorer 6. I, for one, and am extremely excited about the possibilities, and the font catalog is surely to continue expanding over the coming years.
Download Lobster font.
Opentype with automatic ligatures and glyphs.
Proyecto-fuente, utilizada para CCH_PCH02
Getting Started - Google Font API - Google Code
This guide explains how to use the Google Font API to add web fonts to your pages. You don't need to do any programming; all you have to do is add a special stylesheet link to your HTML document, then refer to the font in a CSS style.
Timothy McSweeney's Internet Tendency: I'm Comic Sans, Asshole.
by mike lacher.
via jmb. perfectly expressed font essay
35 Examples of Using Typography in Web Design
typography on website
A collection of sites that use type on the web very well.
Turn your handwriting into a digital font and send handwritten e-mails to your friends! Transforma tu letra a mano en una digital y envía e-mails manuscritos a tus amigos!
How to Use the New Google Font API | Design Shack
Beginners Guide to OpenType -- MAGNETSTUDIO
Google Font API - Google Code
Web Fonts用のAPIをGoogleが用意。
Google Font Directory provides high-quality web fonts that you can include in your pages using the Google Font API.
35 Professional Clean Fonts For Your Designs
見出しデザインの参考にしたい CSSで作るhタグのサンプル集 | 日刊ウェブログ式
Mensch -- A coding font
The latest MacOS release (10.6, or “Snow Leopard”) comes with a new monospace font. It’s called “Menlo” and it’s a slightly modified form of the standard Linux font (with appropriately weightly Linux name) “DejaVu Sans Serif Mono”, which is itself an updated form of Bitstream Vera Sans Mono. Apple’s modifications are a definite improvement to my eyes, mostly because they thicken up some of the wispier glyphs from DejaVu, like the underline and period. There’s a great comparison over here. One thing that bothered me, though, is that they turned the zero into a 1980s-style “slashed circle”. Unhip, daddy-o! Naturally I searched for a font editor, and the best one I found was Font Forge, an old Linux app ported to the Mac but still requiring X11. So that’s two ways OS X is borrowing from Linux for font support. What’s up with that? Was there an elite cadre of fontistas working on Linux machines in a secret bunker? Linux is, um, not usually known for its great designers.
The latest MacOS release (10.6, or “Snow Leopard”) comes with a new monospace font. It’s called “Menlo” and it’s a slightly modified form of the standard Linux font (with appropriately weightly Linux name) “DejaVu Sans Serif Mono”, which is itself an updated form of Bitstream Vera Sans Mono. Apple’s modifications are a definite improvement to my eyes, mostly because they thicken up some of the wispier glyphs from DejaVu, like the underline and period. There’s a great comparison over here. One thing that bothered me, though, is that they turned the zero into a 1980s-style “slashed circle”. Unhip, daddy-o! I couldn’t limit my tweaking to the zero glyph, so in the end I made about a dozen changes. Bitstream released these fonts with a very open license that only requires that you change the name if you change anything about the font, so I'm releasing my changes with the same license, as the font “Mensch”.
The Beauty Of Typography: Writing Systems And Calligraphy, Part 2 - Smashing Magazine
The beauty of writing systems is that each has something unique from which to draw inspiration. Two weeks ago, in the first part of this article, we covered Arabic and East-Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese) and a few Indic scripts (Devanagari, Thai and Tibetan).
30 Professional And Creative Fonts For Free Download
30 Professional And Creative Fonts For Free Download -
Awesome fonts
high quality free fonts, which are almost suitable to be used for any design project
Fonts: 26.04.2010 | Blog | FontShop
Cross-browser kerning-pairs & ligatures
Improved handling of kerning pairs and ligatures in modern browsers using the text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; declaration.
Improved handling of kerning pairs and ligatures in modern browsers using the text-rendering: optimizeLegibility
It's all about a declaration. Try: text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; and you're done.
CSS statement supported by Webkit and Firefox.
Typekit and Google Announce Open Source Collaboration « The Typekit Blog
More: and "I'm surprised that most of the stuff in the current Google font directory made the cut":
Better to work with, than against, a giant.
Typekit announces that it has teamed up with Google to build the Web Font Loader API, which more smoothly enables web designers to load custom fonts into their pages. Additionally, Typekit has added Goolgle’s new collection of free web fonts to it's own offering.
Fonts Live
technik zum einbinden von fonts mittels @font-face, microsoft, kostenpflichtig
Premium quality web fonts using CSS @font-face * Use real fonts, eliminate images for your headlines * Hand-tuned by the font experts at Ascender * Cloud-hosted service for fast implementation * Support for all major web browsers
El formato Type1 en 256 caracteres se asignan a las teclas de nuestro teclado, se está convirtiendo en una cosa del pasado . Ahora el diseño y la producción de fuentes OpenType que puede constar de miles de caracteres - ligaduras adicionales , diversos conjuntos figura, valores de pequeña capitalización , estilístico suplentes, ...
The Type1 format where 256 characters are assigned to keys on our keyboard, is becoming a thing of the past. We now design and produce OpenType fonts which can consist of thousands of characters — additional ligatures, various figure sets, small caps, stylistic alternates, … — referred to as glyphs. With these many sets of glyphs integrated in a single font, we are faced with the challenge of including definitions instructing the applications we're using when to show which glyph. Simply adding a glyph with a ligature to your font doesn’t mean the program you’re using knows when or how to apply it. Whether you want your typeface to change the sequence of f|f|i into the appropriate ligature or want to use old-style figures instead of tabular, you’ll need to add features to your font — glyph substitution definitions — to make it happen. In this article we’ll give you a look behind the scenes of OpenType substitution features — a general rather than comprehensive overview as the subject is
10 Cool Free Computer Fonts That Will Make You Stand Out
Catch the ‘Font Conference’ video that’s playing at the foot of the 5 Excellent Sources To Download Free Text Fonts. Times New Roman has his hands full
10 Cool Free Computer Fonts That Will Make You Stand Out
20 New High-Quality Fonts for Your Designs | Freebies
25 Fresh High Quality Fonts For Free Download
Type Folly—Google Font API web fonts preview
Get CSS3 or HTML code for custom font/text layouts.
With TypeFolly you can create, save and export your type projects. All projects can be saved in our database or exported as compliant css / html.
Google Web Fonts Wordpress Plugin | Make Your Own Website :: Wordpress | HTML | CSS | PHP :: Tips and Tutorials
Google Web Fonts for Wordpress plugin makes it quick and easy to use the Google Web Font Library from the administration panel within Wordpress. It utilizes the Google Web Font Loader to display fonts that are not installed on the user’s computer. Google Web Fonts Plugin Instructions Download and unzip the plugin. Upload the unzipped file into your Wordpress wp-content->plugins directory. In the Wordpress admin panel, open the Appearance tab in the left menu, and click Google Web Fonts. On the Google Web Fonts Plugin Options page, browse the available fonts in the Google Font Directory, and click the ones you would like to use to copy the Font API parameter name. Paste your chosen font into the Google Font input box, and specify a web save font to be displayed if your chosen font becomes inactive. Click Change Font. Go to your website’s from page to see if your chosen font is active. If not, choose another, rinse, repeat.
商用でも無料で利用できる高級感のある細字のフォント集 | コリス
Liminal Existence: Beautiful Lines
An unobtrusive approach to presenting properly sized text for any reading device that might happen upon your carefully written text. First, if you're not already, drop everything and size all your text in ems. Your text should be 1.0 em, everything else in ems as appropriate.
Google Font API で手軽に始めるフォント遊び : could
25 Completely Free Fonts Perfect for @fontface - Speckyboy Design Magazine
free fonts are awesome (links to more free fonts @ the bottom)
In this post we have collected 25 of the best completely FREE headline fonts that could be easily used with @fontface property and all packaged with a web-font license.
25 Completely Free Fonts Perfect for @fontface - Speckyboy Design Magazine -
Code Free Font | Fontfabric™
Code free font is applicable for any type of graphic design – web, print, motion graphics etc and perfect for t-shirts and other items like posters, logos.
Franco-Provencal, Fre
Description: Code free font is applicable for any type of graphic design – web, print, motion graphics etc and perfect for t-shirts and other items like posters, logos.
-- Your PC's Font Viewer!! --
Muito Bom - Gera fonts
画像に使用されているフォントの名前が分かるオンラインサービス -What Font is | コリス
画像に使用されているフォントの名前が分かるオンラインサービス -What Font is | コリス
Six Super Helpful Typography Cheat Sheets | Resources
Some may argue that typography is the single most important aspect of web design, but yet it's often one of the most neglected and overlooked. There's a lot
Some may argue that typography is the single most important aspect of web design, but yet it’s often one of the most neglected and overlooked. There’s a lot involved in typography, and becoming a master can be difficult. A lot of it requires much experience, practice, and knowing the rules and do’s and dont’s. Nevertheless, there’s a lot to remember. So to provide a little typography aid, we’ve rounded up Six Super Helpful Typography Cheat Sheets.
25 of the Best Calligraphy Fonts for Designers | Vandelay Design Blog
25 of the Best Calligraphy Fonts for Designers
50 High Quality Funky and Groovy Fonts for Your Designs | Graphic and Web Design Blog
WebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
WebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
WebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
WebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
WebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
Googleが出してきたFont APIのすごさを体感したいなら…『Font Previewer』 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Google Font API - Google Code
Fonts online in die Website laden! Google API
65 Beautiful Free Fonts for Web and Graphic Designers | Artatm
free fonts for web and graphic design
フォントを探せるサービス ライセンスの明記も日本語でわかりやすい
Try Web FontFonts on any website.
RT @behoff: Try web #FontFonts on any website - like a web version of #Font Combos app, for web:
BBC News - Do typefaces really matter?
Selecting a font is like getting dressed, Ms Strawson says. Just as one chooses an outfit according to the occasion, one decides on a font according to the kind of message you are seeking to convey.
"Try Web FontFonts on any website." (For instance, you can see in FF Meta or in FF Tisa, or any other site.) shows you what web fontfonts will look like on your site. Great tool! – Matt McInerney (mattmc)
St Marie on the Behance Network
St Marie Thin is a preview for the upcoming release of a new typefamily, but this time i want to go further with that freefont-thing. There will be one normal Open-Type-Font and an optimzed Webfont, so you can design online and offline with a hiqh quality freefont from Stereotypes.
20 Big and Bold Free Fonts for Beautiful Typography | CreativeFan
Photoshop Vip » オシャレデザインの極太フリーフォント、31個あつめました。
インパクトがでて、デザインのアクセントにもなる太字スタイルフォントは、ウェブデザインに限らず、雑誌などのプリントデザインにおいても利用されており人気の字体スタイルのひとつです。 海外デザインブログCreativefanで、オシャレな印象を与える極太フリーフォントを20個まとめたエントリー「20 Big and Bold Free Fonts for Beautiful Typography」が公開されていたので、今回はこちらをベースによく利用する太字スタイルフォントを41個まとめました。 紹介したフォントの多くはすでに紹介していますが、個人的に太字フォントを利用することが多いのでよい機会かと思い羅列エントリーしています。 なおすべてのフォントは無料でダウンロードすることができますが、各フォントによって使用に関するライセンスは異なりますので、ご確認のうえご利用ください。
25 High-Quality And Creative Fonts For Free Download
Download high-quality free fonts for graphic designers and web designers.
Learn the Basics: 25+ Sites And Resources To Learn Typography
Typography has been practiced and used in our daily life. Range from handwriting in a pocket notebook to the big advertising billboard. It’s sometimes typed using Times New Roman in 12 points for newspaper. Others use Edwardian in 26 points for their wedding invitations. When a designer decide to use the right font for the right job, the typography itself become an art.
50 Captivating Bold Fonts For Killer Headlines | Addictive Fonts
One of the most critical and important step in web designing is the selection of right fonts especially for the main headlines and titles which are the focal point of any website and mostly delivers the major messages about your website. They play a very important role in achieving attractive look for your website. Best font choice for this purpose is big and bold fonts that’s why today we have compiled a list of 50 attractive and graceful bold fonts specially designed for big headlines and titles. Finding these kind of FREE high-quality fonts can be a major issue but we have solved your problem by collecting this huge number of fonts which can be used freely.
iFontMaker – The First & Fastest Font Editor for iPad
Create your own handwriting font in 5 minutes on the iPad with iFontMaker: – Jason Fried (jasonfried)
RT @milrayas: Gran descubrimiento del día!! iFontMaker para iPad. Crea tus propias tipografias de forma sencilla. #milrayas
Looks awesome. I've always wanted my own font -- looks like now I actually can have it!
iFontMaker™ is the first font editor exclusive for iPad™. With iPad touch interface, your 100% original hand typeface can be done in 5 minutes¹.
Create your handwriting font in 5 min with iPad