Pages tagged flipbook:

Photojojo ยป Make Your Own Fancy Photo Flip Book!

criar um FLIPBOOK
MegaZine 3 - A Free and Opensource Pageflip Engine
MegaZine 3 - A Free and Opensource Pageflip Engine
ReadWriteThink: Student Materials: Flip Book
Create a flipbook
A flip book maker! Possibly for primary school usage?
Read Write Think provides teachers, particularly reading and writing teachers, with a wealth of information and teaching resources. One neat resource of theirs that I recently learned about through Doug Peterson is their flip book maker. Read Write Think's flip book maker provides a template for students to use to create and print a ten page flip book. Students can use the flip book maker to design pages that contain various combinations of text and images. The flip book maker provides drawing tools that students can use to create original drawings to illustrate their stories.