Pages tagged firsttime:

seperis: merlinfic: privileges of rank

It's odd, he thinks, trying to navigate the winter-cold halls toward Gaius room, how the people he sees standing in expressionless attention behind their masters can be so different in the privacy of their rooms. Perhaps something to do with growing up in service, or the years of practice he's never had serving in the court. He knows they resent him sometimes, for taking a position that should have gone to one of them; apparently, serving a prince is something to be envied. He hadn't known that.
Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.
Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously nArthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.ot-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.
Merlin gets a lesson in downstair politics.
Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat. [Great banter.]
"Well done, though I prefer a bit more sharpness at the end, but not everyone is born to command." Arthur's attention shifts lower, breath hot against Merlin's skin. "Shall I teach you that, as well?"
The key isn't in his room, and it's not in Gaius' workroom. Merlin tracks every stair he could have walked and every piece of clothing he has, but the key remains missing and even Arthur finally comments, in something very like wonder, "It's like magic, how it disappeared, isn't it?"
Summary: Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.
of course there's a reason Merlin is so crap as a servant! "And Merlin?" Arthur reaches for Merlin's shirt, "laundresses do laundry. That is why we call them laundresses."
Crys in Space - Fic: "Last Resort" 1/2
How cute is this? I love oblivious!Rodney. Oh, and this is so what I think is really happening in the SGA world. Ten hot alien babes.
"It's actually kind of surprising that this hasn't happened to us before. I mean, not the part where you didn't get the girl, obviously, just, you know, we've stayed in a lot of strange places together and a lot of them didn't have private rooms. And I'm not saying I don't have any self control, but I certainly have a healthy libido, and—"
Oh, so hilariously earnest and selectively oblivious Rodney gets jealous of John's "flirting" and is jerking off and John walks in on him and well, things happen. Which Rodney wants to happen *again,* but he's totally missing any signals from John, and then there are wacky misunderstandings and hijinks and they finally get their act together and it's hot and happy and SO HAPPY. HAPPY. That.
A semi-drunken fumbling leads Rodney to asking John if they could make it a semi-regular thing. For some reason, this upsets John, but Rodney will be damned if he isn't going to be having sex.
In which Rodney wants a sex contingency plan, and John just can't help himself (also featuring super-oblivious fantasizing)
And leave it to John to invent the chaos theory of sex, where no single action made sense, but the aggregate moved inevitably toward its predetermined conclusion.
casspeach: FIC: Spoils of War, Arthur/Merlin NC-17
Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot.
"Sorry if I'm not very good at being pillaged," Merlin spits back. "I'm sure I'll get better with practice."
Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot... sort of.
The village of Ealdor is embarrassingly easy to conquer. Just a handful of peasants, no protection from Cenred at all. It leaves Arthur still keyed up for a fight that didn't happen. He has the villagers assembled before him and looks them over with a critical eye from the vantage point of his mount. They're a motley crew, dirty rags for clothes and all bent heads and fake submission.
Written for kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin. Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot. Cute/blushing!Merlin.
Prompt: Arthur/Merlin. Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot.
Written for kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin. Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot.
Athur conquers Ealdor and meets Merlin. Takes Merlin. And in the end, all is well.
Waiting For My Real Life To Begin « toomuchplor’s fanfiction
the one where they find the zpms but hide them...
It had changed so gradually with Jennifer, was the thing. Rodney couldn’t pick a moment when he’d felt the balance shift from “this is fucking awesome” to “wow, I’m really middle-aged”.
toomuchplor : Waiting For My Real Life To Begin Rodney’s fortieth birthday had come and gone without much fanfare, either from his colleagues or, thankfully, from his own psyche.
Rodney’s fortieth birthday had come and gone without much fanfare, either from his colleagues or, thankfully, from his own psyche.
By toomuchplor. Rodney/Jennifer and then Rodney/John. In which Jennifer is adorably insatiable, and John is in the closet, and eventually there are ZPMs and awesomeness and Rodney exercises his veto power. :-)
McKay and Keller are dating, he starts feeling middle-aged, there are some mid-life crises around and McKay ends up with Sheppard
clarify: Title: Dream a Little Dream of MeRating:
Merlin dreams, Arthur finds out about that whole magic thing and is blackmailed, and a boar terrorizes Camelot.
Merlin dreams, Arthur finds out about that whole magic thing and is blackmailed, and a boar terrorizes Camelot. Arthur's dissapointed that merlin didn't confide in him, and their relationship suffers. (Merlin can transport himself or Arthur when he dreams)
Arthur finds out and is blackmailed
Summary: Merlin dreams, Arthur finds out about that whole magic thing and is blackmailed, and a boar terrorizes Camelot.
Merlin dreams, Arthur finds out about that whole magic thing and is blackmailed, and a boar terrorizes Camelot. "What," Arthur said, and Merlin’s eyes snapped open. Arthur was staring down at him, hair messed and sleepwear rumpled. The look in Arthur’s eyes was much more effective than any cold bath, "are you doing in my bed?" "I can explain." Except he really, really couldn’t. "Um. Sleepwalking?"
And Hope - Sihaya Black - Stargate Atlantis [Archive of Our Own]
While on a mission, John Sheppard discovers a device, but he doesn't expect what's inside.
The one where Rodney is a genie of sorts and Ford is back in Atlantis.
While on a mission, John Sheppard discovers a device, but he doesn't expect what's inside
"Shit!" He jumps up, dropping the shaking oval onto the bed. "What the--" His voice stops when the lines encircling the oval glow blue, and then, in a shimmer of light, like sunlit reflections on the ocean surface when viewed from below, a figure appears in front of him. "Oh, God, not again," it -- he -- mutters. Dressed in grey tunic and trousers, he's almost as tall as John but broader, with brown hair and a hairline that's heading north. His generous mouth slants down at one corner and he blinks rapidly, glancing around the room. "Where the hell . . . ." he begins, then his gaze locks on John and his mouth snaps shut. He closes his eyes, lashes brushing his cheeks, and sighs. His eyes open again, as brilliant a blue as the glow from the oval. "My name is Rodney, Master. How may I serve you?"
The one where Rodney's a genie.
Rodney's a slave trapped in an ancient device, and John wants to free him.
Sihaya Black : While on a mission, John Sheppard discovers a device, but he doesn't expect what's inside.
Somehow, everyone got the idea that Cook was in charge of Archie at the American Idol 2011 New York Christmas Eve Non-Denominational Holiday Extravaganza, proceeds to benefit St. Jude's.
"Bye!" Archie said, then waited for her to leave before making a face. "You know, at least Seventeen doesn't ask about my sex life. I think it's just rude." // "Since when do you have anything to hide," David said, dryly. // "Well," Archie said, suddenly looking uncomfortable, and David almost choked again. // "Seriously, you're having sex -" David said, and Archie almost tipped the chair over. // "Oh my go - um, no," he said, then grinned. "But I totally got to second base a couple weeks ago at a party."
ARCHIE/COOK Cook gets a crush on Archie and its really that awesome.
(4300) Written for [info]astolat for Yuletide; Archie grows up a little.
David Archuleta and David Cook celebrate New Year's Eve together.
Archie grows up a little.
we have to stop meeting like this - SGA fic: "You Might", Part 1/2
"Let's see what else you've named in the Pegasus galaxy," John said and fired up the engines.
Wherein the team encountered an alternative universe where Sheppard never joined SGC/SGA and as a result, operates on a different time schedule. During their brief interaction, Rodney advises AU!Rodney to find Sheppard and once AU!Atlantis saves the galaxy, AU!Rodney gates back to Earth and starts on a quest to find this John Sheppard and recruit him for the Atlantis Expedition. | Excerpt: "Find John Sheppard. Convince him to join. You need him. You really, really need him."
"Yes. We had some trouble with the Ancient gene." "Or the lack thereof," the alternate Rodney added. "They wouldn't let us embark without a gene carrier with a certain level of control over the Ancient technology." Rodney frowned. They'd had a carrier served to them on a silver platter in their universe. "So you haven't met John Sheppard, ATA wonderboy, then?" "Don't you listen? We've never heard of him." Sheppard had gone disturbingly quiet. Rodney could relate. He had difficulty imagining an Atlantis without Sheppard, too. The tablet in Rodney's hand beeped.
Rodney pored over the files he'd printed out. With every page he turned, this trip felt less and less like a sensible idea. Rodney had no trouble imagining the response he would get when he walked up to Sheppard, a millionaire, and suggested, 'Hey, how about you drop everything, leave your business and your huge mansion, and come with us to another galaxy, where you're probably going to die within a month or two? Are you in?"
Daedalus Variations
Tag to Daedalus Variations. When canon!Rodney sees another puddlejumper, he tells his alternate self to find John Sheppard and make sure he is involved in the Stargate program at all costs. What Rodney discovers is a millionaire Sheppard - how is he to convince this man to join a ragtag group in outer space? ;)
Find John Sheppard. Convince him to join. You need him. You really, really need him."
A Rodney from the Daedalus Variations goes looking for a Sheppard, who turns out to be a businessman.
When Rodney, in his endless ingenuity, figured out a way to get the Daedalus back to their own reality, it didn't seem enough to just announce this to the team over the radio. He made his way to the bridge, tablet in hand.
r_becca: FIC: Sooner or Later (Kirk/McCoy)
"Jim Kirk can wait for a good thing, if he has to." Lovely.
Jim Kirk can wait for a good thing, if he has to.
Summary: Jim Kirk can wait for a good thing, if he has to.
For the first time, Jim was exactly where he wanted to be. Every reason to wait and forget was gone, every barrier pushed away. He forged ahead, thrusters on full.
rating: FRM summary: Jim Kirk can wait for a good thing, if he has to. why: Sometimes, waiting is a very good thing.
Jim Kirk can wait for a good thing, if he has to
In which they're worth the wait. D'awwwwwww.
Brainstormed - Kass,Sihaya Black - Stargate Atlantis [Archive of Our Own]
John's mind was already made up, but he couldn't resist yanking Rodney's chain a little bit. "Hmm," he said. "A room full of physicists; a long-winded presentation I probably won't understand. Yeah, it doesn't really sound like fun."
Rodney takes John to a conference for a first date. Bad science, petty colleagues, and potentially the end of the world follow.
nc-17 mcshep brainstorm au with john in place of keller. :)
AU of Brain Storm. john goes with Rodney.
Brainstorm- McShep style.
episodeAU Rodney and John go earthside to a science conference- chaos ensues
That was more like it. "You don't have to make such a big deal out of it," John pointed out. "You could just ask me out on a date." / Rodney's deer-in-the-headlights look was pretty funny. "Hey, I didn't want to. . . I mean. . . I know. . . you. . ." / "I'll probably say yes," John said, breezily. Rodney stared.
The episode Brainstorm, except with John instead of Keller. The way it's supposed to be.
John's mind was already made up, but he couldn't resist yanking Rodney's chain a little bit. "Hmm," he said. "A room full of physicists; a long-winded presentation I probably won't understand. Yeah, it doesn't really sound like fun." - Brainstorm AU where John, not Jennifer, goes to the conference with Rodney
the way the episode SHOULD have gone.