Pages tagged feed:

RSS Suggestions Based on Similarity - SuggestRSS

RSS suggests vous propose des flux RSS à lire en fonction de ceux qui sont déjà dans votre fichier OPML.
(bigtime) Beta
feedscrub :: keep your feeds squeaky clean!
RSS filter.
Feedscrub filters your feeds based on your preferences. Subscribe to all your favorite feeds, then tell Feedscrub which posts you do and don't like. Feedscrub will learn your preferences and begin filtering out posts that don't interest you.
"Feedscrub acts as a spam filter for your RSS feeds..."
Keep your feeds squeaky clean
RSSフィードを全文配信で読むなら まるごとRSS
將 摘要feed --> 全文feed
RSS feed 摘要输出轻松全文
Feedweaver - Create your own personalized RSS feeds
Interesting way to condense feeds, use keywords, etc. Helpful tool.
What is Feedweaver? Feedweaver allows you to create your own personalized RSS feeds. You can create your own feeds by combining source feeds from your favorite websites, and use filters to choose what you want in it! Combine mutiple feeds You can combine multiple RSS feeds into one. For instance, you can combine the RSS feed from, and into one RSS feed, which later on can be customized by yourself. Customize your feed Customize your combined feeds by using keyword filters. For example, you can extract all the news about "iPod" from your feeds with just one click. Share your feeds You can easily share your feeds with friends by giving them the feed's URL, and they don't need to login to view the actual feed, as all the feeds are available to everyone who knows the address.
Create your own RSS feed by combining RSS feeds from your favorite websites, and use filters to choose what you want in it!
yes. Me like new Friendfeed. might entice me back. RT @Zee: New Friendfeed is up! [from] - a "long tail" feed search engine
topic focused search engine for blog feeds, news feeds, social media feeds, microblog feeds, podcasts, photocasts, and videocasts
Ultimate RSS Feed Icon Collection Over 1500+ | Creative Nerds
Times Wire - The New York Times
stream of news events from nytimes
Times Wire是纽约时报第一个使用自己的NewsWire APi制作的产品。
Live news without refreshing
A continuously updated stream of the latest stories and blog posts published by The New York Times.
Pulls together all the recent content from
Times Wire
snackfeed - feeding you good web video
feeding you good web video
the best popular videos from around customized to your preferences
best videos and web shows from around the web updated daily
Fever° Red hot. Well read.
Shaun's new RSS reader looks sweet (and smart).
"Fever takes the temperature of your slice of the web and shows you what's hot."
Your current feed reader is full of unread items. You’re hesitant to subscribe to any more feeds because you can't keep up with your existing subs. Maybe you've even abandoned feeds altogether. Fever takes the temperature of your slice of the web and shows you what's hot.
shaun inman. dear god, shaun inman. i want to cry. that said, i've become very used to not having to install things that look like web applications. still. crying.
rss reader
MyAlltop lets you easily create and share your own page of feeds from the best websites and blogs.
MyAlltop let's you easily create and share your own page of feeds from the best websites and blogs.
RT @mayhemstudios: RT @GuyKawasaki: Conversion to Rackspace complete. Can handle MyAlltop traffic. Try out. [from]
great links to some creative folks alltop custom pages
interesting page...
podcast acelerator
create feeds for speeded up podcasts
make podcasts faster - Latest news about stuff you care
RSS Aggregator
Alex Payne — Fever and the Future of Feed Readers
Fine writing from al3x on the role of feed readers, inexplicably intermixed with a review of Fever.
Feed readers need more intelligence, for certain. The "editorial" aspect, whether it be professional editors or your friends, still carries more weight than computers.
Is this ever exactly the post I needed to read right now as I survey my intimidatingly overstuffed Google Reader page. (I currently subscribe to around a hundred feeds, but some of them are very high volume.)
Today, at least in the web-tech echo chamber, feed reading is quickly falling out of fashion. Too many sites producing too many feeds of dubious quality means information overload, and a creeping sense of obligation to keep up with a torrent of questionably relevant content. Some have gone back to checking a handful of bookmarked sites, as we did in the early days of the web. Others rely on social aggregation sites like Reddit, Digg, and Hacker News to show them what’s worth reading. Both strategies are highly manual and, to me, distressingly unoptimized.
Today, at least in the web-tech echo chamber, feed reading is quickly falling out of fashion. Too many sites producing too many feeds of dubious quality means information overload, and a creeping sense of obligation to keep up with a torrent of questionably relevant content.
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: PubSubHubbubとは
Gruml | Google Reader for Mac OS
This Mac-based front end to your Google Reader account integrates with Twitter and other Google services. In beta, but looks promising.
Gruml allows you to view and manage your feed subscriptions of your Google Reader account on Mac OS X. Read your newsfeeds, manage them in folders, tag them, and much more – all in sync with your Google Reader account.
Fever° Red hot. Well read.
Server based RSS feed engine.
Pubwich — Open-source online data aggregation PHP application
Good way to do the homepage mashup
Archive Binge
At Archive Binge you can create a custom RSS news feed for a webcomic, which will take you through the archive, at a rate faster than the new comics update.
Brilliant. The kind of thing where one wonders why no one thought of it before. Subscribe to webcomic RSS feeds from the beginning, but at a faster rate than they're published. Eventually, you catch up.
Awesome idea! You can create a feed so that back issues of your favorite comic are delivered at a rate faster than the comic updates so you can catch up.
At Archive Binge you can create a custom RSS news feed for a webcomic, which will take you through the archive, at a rate faster than the new comics update. This lets you get up to date on comics with large archives, without spending hours or days trawling the archive in one go. Rather than spend a whole day or more bingeing on a comic archive, set up an Archive Binge feed. You can start from the beginning, or wherever you're up to. You can set your custom feed to deliver a strip every day, 4 strips every weekday, or whatever you want, up to 10 strips a day. Anyone can read 10 strips a day! If you get a spare hour and read the next 50 strips, you can update your position in your feed. You can even pause your feed if you go on vacation, and turn it on again when you get back.
catch up on webcomics a bit at a time
Doles out a few comics, in order, from an archive, to catch you up slowly
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200+ Free Exclusive RSS Icons: “Supra” | Webdesigner Depot
feed ícones icons
Feeds 101 - Nettuts+
by @Nettuts
como crear un feed con php
Really good description of RSS
Feeds. RSS. Atom. Syndication. Subscribers. These are some of the keywords floating around the web and have gained notorious prominence over the years. In this guide, we'll take a look at a number of things including what feeds are, why you need to have a feed for your site, how to set up one and then publish it.
Razorfish's new report on Digital Brand Experience
Razorfish research - via Paul RO
Atomisator – Trac
Atomisator is a data aggregator framework. Its purpose is to provide an engine to build any kind of data by merging several sources of data.
Atomisator – Trac; homepage for book and Atomisator project; September 2008 ISBN 184719494X; This book is an authoritative exploration of Python best practices and applications of agile methodologies to Python, illustrated with practical, real-world examples.
PubSubHubbubでRSSもTwitter並にリアルタイムに - @IT
「PubSubHubbub」(パブサブハブバブ)という奇妙な名前のプロトコルが注目だ。2009年8月5日にグーグルはRSSリーダーサービスのGoogle ReaderでPubSubHubbub対応を明らかにしたほか、国内ではライブドアが、同じくRSSリーダー「livedoor Reader」とブログサービスの「livedoor Blog」でPubSubHubbubに初対応したことを8月18日に発表している。まだ対応サービスは少なく、その“効能”も「ブログの更新がRSSリーダーに反映されるのが、ほぼリアルタイムになりました」というだけで小さく見えるかもしれない。しかしPubSubHubbubは、ネット全体のリアルタイムコミュニケーションプラットフォーム化を促す重要なキーとなるかもしれない。
How To Make A Custom Twitter Feed For Your Website
Official Google Reader Blog: Follow changes to any website
Click "create a feed", and Reader will periodically visit the page and publish any significant changes it finds as items in a custom feed created just for that page.
【速報】 Google Readerであらゆるページを購読可能に ~ 自動RSSフィード生成機能が追加:in the looop:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ
「仕組みとしては,Googleがクローリングしているサイト情報を元に,そのページに変更があった場合に差分からフィードを自動生成していると推測されます。」 : deliver your content to the social web.
sync rss to publish twitter, facebook and more.
Use for blog to social network aggregation
Outil de (re)publication automatique de flux RSS sur Twitter, Facebook et LinkedIn
Service that takes an RSS feed URL and delivers updates to social media aggregators such as FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
scroll through your Twitter messages and star your favorites for reference as if you were using Google Reader
TwitteReader lets you see latest tweets as feed items a la Google Reader, clicking expands full text.
Mark Twitter messages as read and unread Keep track of what you have already read from who you follow
Paul Dix Explains Nothing: Feedzirra - A Ruby feed library built for speed
another ruby feed library. might not suck.
"A service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will."
RT @LaFermeDuWeb: Jsonduit - Transformez tout site web en un flux JSON Consommable:
Any data, anywhere. JSonduit is a service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will. Feeds are created from one or more source URLs and a custom transform, written in JavaScript, that can manipulate the data before the feed is served. JSonduit also provides a hosting service for web widgets so that any site can easily display JSonduit feeds. In fact, the recent/popular lists you see below are widgets served by the JSonduit service; all done in a couple of lines of JavaScript (go ahead, view the page source!).
JSonduit is a service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will.
Good Noows
the best alternative to Google Reader. The sleek online RSS reader offers a lot of the features you can find in Google Reader, and adds a few extra interesting gems that we haven’t seen elsewhere. Good Noows is a Google Reader alternative that gives you more control over the layout, with enough choices that everyone is bound to find something that appeals to them. It enables the sharing of links and stories easily on major social media sites, and it’s all presented in a sleek and streamlined manner. With the overwhelming amount of information that is thrown at us online everyday, from every possible source, Good Noows give its users a pleasant way to keep up with the latest stories from their favourite websites.
Change the way you read the news.
Good Noows Is a Newspaper-Styled and Socially-Oriented Feed ReaderIf you'd like your feed reader to have a little more style and flash to it than you've found elsewhere, Good Noows is a polished feed reader with an emphasis on presentation and social networking.