Pages tagged facebook_:

How to Use Facebook: 5 Tips For Better Social Networking

Wie man aus Facebook mehr nutzen zieht und sich für andere Nutzer attraktiv macht.
5 Tips for using Facebook as a powerful social networking tool. As featured on the ReadWriteWeb blog.
Facebook Business Guide: How Companies Can Utilize Facebook Pages For Social Media Marketing - Part 1
Ideas for how businesses can capitalize on the various tabs in Facebook. Different from normal Facebook usage. With examples.
Psychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber
based on some recent neuroscience studies
memory_brainOf course, it’s not that simple; but if you believe Dr Tracy Alloway from the University of Stirling in Scotland, Twitter and Facebook are very different beasts when it comes to improve your “working memory“, which relates to “the structures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information in short-term memory.”
Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber
Psychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber [from]
Of course, it’s not that simple; but if you believe Dr Tracy Alloway from the University of Stirling in Scotland, Twitter and Facebook are very different beasts when it comes to improve your “working memory“ [...]
Psychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber: Of course, it’s not that simple; but i.. [from]
True or Not? Psychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber [from]
Your Mom’s Guide to Those Facebook Changes, and How to Block Them
Changes to Facebook and privacy
Facebook launched some fairly impressive new features and services at its recent f8 conference, but some of them were also more than just a little scary. Since a lot of what the company talked about was introduced in either “developer speak” — involving terms like API [...]
21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business
Ein Excerpt von Brian Solis' neuem Buch. Damit die 381 Social Media Berater in Deutschland endlich mal wieder eine neue Präsentation machen können und Klaus Eck und Konsorten wieder viele neue "eigene" Ideen auszubreiten haben.
RT @JamieCrager 21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business - #Engage (RT @briansolis - in case you missed it) – Javan Ng (javanng)
Facebook "Like" Increases Referral Traffic to Blogs by 50% [REPORT]
TypePad users who installed the Facebook “Like” widgets on their blog sidebars have experienced a 50% increase in referral traffic from Facebook collectively, TypePad revealed in a blog post.
For those asking about the FB Like button: Facebook “Like” Increases Referral Traffic to Blogs by 50% - #pr20chat – Mike Whaling (30lines)
RT @AmritRichmond: Report says FB like button increases referral traffic to blogs by 50%: (cc: @tolles)
n their blogs since
7 Scientific Ways to Promote Sharing on Facebook
Zarrella studied Facebook data for quite some time and observed that simplicity, among other interesting linguistic and timed attributes, is the key to triggering word of mouth.