Pages tagged evanwilliams:

Evan Williams on listening to Twitter users | Video on

In the year leading up to this talk, the web tool Twitter exploded in size (up 10x during 2008 alone). Co-founder Evan Williams reveals that many of the ideas driving that growth came from unexpected uses invented by the users themselves.
Talks Evan Williams: How Twitter's spectacular growth is being driven by unexpected uses
"Evan Williams reveals that many of the ideas driving that growth came from unexpected uses invented by the users themselves."
Evan Williams | evhead: Why Retweet works the way it does
Interesting blog from the creater of Twitter
I'm making this post because I know the design of this feature will be somewhat controversial. People understandably have expectations of how the retweet function should work. And I want to show some of the thinking that's gone into it. I've been a big proponent of this particular design internally at Twitter, because, while it won't serve every use case, I think it offers something new and powerful.
excellent communication on the introduction of the new retweet feature on twitter. i don't think i've _ever_ retweeted anything. although i couldn't have articulated the reasons, i think the problems listed in the 'background' section of the post existed in my subconscious somewhere. i might start retweeting now though.