Pages tagged endangered:

Strange, Rare, Endangered Species: Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals and More Rare Animals | WebEcoist

Mexican Walking Fish!
Strange and bizarre endangered animal species: mexican walking fish, coconut crab, giant salamander, bird eating spider, komodo, glass frog, kagu and more.
UNESCO Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention : UNESCO Interactive Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
UNESCO Interactive Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
Google Mapで、「消滅の危機にある言語」の使用地域が見られるページ (UNESCO website)
BBC - Today - The death of language?
An estimated 7,000 languages are being spoken around the world. But that number is expected to shrink rapidly in the coming decades. What is lost when a language dies? In 1992 a prominent US linguist stunned the academic world by predicting that by the year 2100, 90% of the world's languages would have ceased to exist.