Pages tagged educators:


"Copyright for Educators," is designed to help educators learn about Fair Use and what they can and can't do within the category of, "Teaching" in the Copyright Act.
A site with streaming videos and downloadable checklists for copyright and Fair Use
Under the Copyright Act, there is nothing more intriguing and exciting for educators than Fair Use. Fair Use is the concept that if you are doing something for the greater good of society, like teaching, then your needs supersede the ownership rights of the copyright holder under the Copyright Act. Teachers, and by association, students, can legally use music, websites, video, print, images, and the whole realm of copyrighted materials for the purposes of teaching.
Google For Educators - Web Search
Searching for educators. From LD.
Some ideas which can be a guide or include
Web search can be a remarkable research tool for students - and we've heard from educators that they could use some help to teach better search skills in their classroom. The following Search Education lessons were developed by Google Certified Teachers to help you do just that. The lessons are short, modular and not specific to any discipline so you can mix and match to what best fits the needs of your classroom. Additionally, all lessons come with a companion set of slides (and some with additional resources) to help you guide your in-class discussions.
Google Search tips - lesson plans for teachers
googlewaveeducators - home
Google Wave for Educators--Put your name on the list
iThinkMedia - Exploring the worlds of new media, social networking, learning and open source.
Top educators to follow on Twitter
100 Educators to Follow on Twitter!
# 65. Milton Ramirez - @tonnet
One of those lists, this time of educators who are on Twitter. Quite a pot pourri the list is heavily US centric. To assist in making a decision to follow there is a brief bio attached to each name though according to the author of the list there are only five K-12 teachers on the list. The list also features some education related organisations. Worth a quick look at least.
Web 2.0 Tools for Educators Home - Web 2.0 Tools for Educators
wiki for web 2.0 educators
Copyright for Educators
Great Slideshare presentation (about 50min) by Wes Fryer outlining copyright issues that educators need to know
5 Reasons Why Educators Need To Embrace Internet Technologies
Are we really still at a point in time where we need to be convinced of this? I hope not!
In April I wrote a post about 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about. This quickly became my most read posting. I included some references in this article to why educators should be aware of and informed about these tools, but most of those comments were really about why each specific technology was included in the list, as opposed to why, in a more general sense, it is important for educators to make an effort to embrace these technologies. So that is the topic for this week - why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What's in it for you as an instructor, and what's in it for your students?
In April I wrote a post about 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about. This quickly became my most read posting. I included some references in this article to why educators should be aware of and informed about these tools, but most of those comments were really about why each specific technology was included in the list, as opposed to why, in a more general sense, it is important for educators to make an effort to embrace these technologies. So that is the topic for this week - why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What’s in it for you as an instructor, and what’s in it for your students?
why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What’s in it for you as an instructor, and what’s in it for your students?
Annotated link
Google Earth for Educators: 50 Exciting Ideas for the Classroom | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
Lesson Plans for K-12
100 Great Tech Talks for Educators | Best Colleges Online
"If you’re an educator, surely you know that technology has and will continue to have an incredible impact on learning. Whether it’s the Internet, innovative learning tools, or teaching technology itself, these two subjects are intertwined. In these talks, you will find essential information for educators concerned with technology."
POST - 100 Great Tech Talks for #Educators - - Learn about making #technology work in #education and more in these talks
Some educators question if whiteboards, other high-tech tools raise achievement
Under enormous pressure to reform, the nation's public schools are spending millions of dollars each year on gadgets from text-messaging devices to interactive whiteboards that technology companies promise can raise student performance.
Article about whiteboards and effectiveness in student achievement.
Some educators question if whiteboards, other high-tech tools raise achievement
Under enormous pressure to reform, the nation's public schools are spending millions of dollars each year on gadgets from text-messaging devices to interactive whiteboards that technology companies promise can raise student performance.
Article about whiteboards and effectiveness in student achievement.